#posting and then dipping for the night
currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
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sootnuki · 9 months
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is this anything. ok
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crunchchute · 6 months
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mattodore · 3 months
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feeding like a fever, sweet blood cherry wine
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vimbry · 4 months
that was not as free or as improvisational as we like, because in our free improvisation - I! the free improvisation Band leada! - takes over. so please, ladies and gentlemen, upon this cue - SCREAM AS IF YOU'RE IN HELL!
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bammtoris · 2 years
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They teach Jake how to play Uno
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greyias · 10 months
The Continuing Adventures of my Dumbass Minstrel Paladin
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I keep forgetting to record or even get screenshots of some of the more hilarious shenanigans Aravyn and the Tadpole Gang are getting up to. So last night after spending an hour gleefully running all over the map to make Gale infinitely recast "Speak with the Dead" on all of the glowing corpses with our new shiny necklace loot we got from the chapel, I realized I hadn't gotten a trigger for a quest I remembered from early access regarding mean druid lady being suspiciously mean and after referencing some ancient texts (see: walkthroughs), I realized I needed to head back to the grove to do some poking around.
After spending like fifteen minutes poking around rooms, eventually I started throwing up dancing light cantrips at all of the dark corners. And eventually doing this I find the little dark hole that leads back to a hidden area where there's a chest marked in red.
Just imagine, you're a xenophobic druid who is ready to cut yourself off from the outside world forever, and this stupid paladin who talked your homicidal new boss lady out from letting some kid get eaten by a snake is now going around to all of the dark corners of your comfy dark underground hidey hole muttering to herself and throwing up sparkles in all of the shadows. Nothing suspicious there. She's just lighting up the world. It's what Sylvanus would want, I suppose.
Well, going into sneak mode reveals that the angry elf druid guy who keeps telling me to get lost is looking right at the chest, and so that's a problem. What's the Tadpole Gang to do? My paladin has a negative on stealth checks, and I don't know if stealing will technically break her oath, but if I'm staying true to character she probably wouldn't like it. But, clearly the group needs a distraction that will get everyone's attention in one area, so that an enterprising sneakthief can go pick the lock on that chest and take a little peekaboo.
It's time for a Mini-Heist
"Surely this won't work," I tell myself, and get the group gathered just in between all of the NPCs in the grove, toggle party mode, and position my rogueiest vampire suspiciously near where he needs to be.
Then Aravyn starts strumming away -- and lo and behold--
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Gathers a crowd. Literally everyone stops what they're doing to come gather around and in the distance I hear them all cheering her on and complimenting the tune. "That's a great song!" says Kagha who moments before was sneering at us. Apparently, she's a lover of music. THE WOLF even comes over and starts listening, I think it's a possibility the rats even stopped scurrying around to listen.
There is cheering going off in the distance as Astarion quickly and effortlessly picks the lock on Kagha's chest and loots all of the contents. Then casually saunters back to the rest of the group as the NPCs are still happily bopping along to Ari's rendition of "Bard Dance".
She finishes her song, Kagha starts throwing gold at her feet. An NPC literally just paid me to rob her 🤣 We quickly pick up our three hard earned gold (look look it's not important however much Astarion has in his pocketses okay), and the party shuffles on out where everyone is still chanting their ritual and quickly go off to the secluded area just beyond the chanting circle to look at the evidence and continue their quest, having successfully completed their tiny heist.
And now I'm imagining now imagining this scene where Astarion throws his arms around his pal(adin)'s shoulder and is like "Look at all these dour faces. Darling, why don't you perform that utterly delightful ditty you couldn't stop playing around the fire at camp last night. I'm sure it would raise everyone's spirits", and then casually strolls off as she starts plucking at strings and the crowd begins gathering, then whistling along with the tune as he walks back up and congratulates everyone on the impromptu concert and then quickly steering his party back outside. "Man, that outsider sparkle-making Paladin sure is a bitch," says Marcoryl, who keeps complaining about not killing a small tiefling child (so you know his opinion is to be trusted), "but she sure can play a lute."
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ghostly-cabbage · 2 years
Title Challenge:
Two Steps to the Left
Ooo! I really like this title! Thank you so much for sending something!!! Hmm...
Honestly the vibe I get from this right away is maybe like a summoning fic... I think that’s super fun! Also how about a college!AU?
Black magic is often referred to as the left-hand path. I think witchy Sam is delicious so I’m imagining... Sam convinces Tucker late one night to have fun and try this ritual she found in some grimoire from that bookstore she likes.
I love more realistic AU’s but keeping Amity Park weird as hell, so I think I’d keep Amity a thin spot with natural vortexes and portals and plenty of entities and things that go bump in the night. Maybe this particular spell is a protection spell of sorts. Written in latin which Sam knows the basics but isn’t fluent. (i.e. She doesn’t read the fine print.)
Tucker is reluctant of course, but Sam is like, “Come on, Tucker, It’s just for fun. Quit being such a stick in the mud. Plus, are you saying that it wouldn’t be nice to have some protection from all the crazy shit happening lately?”
Tucker begrudgingly agrees, because... yeah. Shit’s been freaky.
So, they do the ritual.
And well. It doesn’t go exactly as they planned.
( Nitty gritty of my thought process for the spell itself, feel free to skip: With left-path magic, intention is the most important, secondary is the objects and components you use to further refine it. Despite the bad rap, satanists that practice left-path magic don’t believe in sacrifice or blood offerings. Emotional energy and intention is far more powerful. That being said, I think I would make the spell be an invocation of compassion, and be something adjacent to spells from the Book of Leviathan. Leviathan, serpent of the black abyss, usually related to evil or the fight of good and evil and blah blah blah. I’m also thinking about the Feathered Serpent, or Quetzalcoatl, from Aztec religion. Quetzalcoatl is a supernatural deity that was said to be able to pass through different planes of existence, like life and death. ANYWAY. These are the places I’d draw inspiration for the spell!)
Sam and Tucker’s desire for protection is real; I think for more things in their life than just the ghosts in Amity. Regardless, the spell works.
Because I’m terribly predictable, I would change Danny’s design from canon and have him look way more creature and entity like. Maybe have him be all black/mostly shadow figure, save for his eyes. And the long tail ovb bc I love Danny being snek.
The “Two Steps” from the title, I’d want the “two” to represent Sam and Tucker. Because they performed the ritual together, Danny (or Phantom) is bound/corded to the both of them (for life or until they break the spell if they wanted to). Again, bc I’m predictable, I would make this an everlasting trio fic because I love the them.
Sam and Tucker, who were not expecting THIS, are rightfully freaked the hell out. That scene would be so fun, because Phantom would look like THAT and yet he’s there to protect them from any and all manner of ills within his power.
I don’t actually like fics where Danny is fully dead, but for this idea to work the way I’d want it to it’s unavoidable I think. To remedy this I’d have him still be able to assume a human form. People can still sense something very... off about him, but he’s able to pass as human.
HOWEVER, the other side of the coin! The fun of Danny being dead, but not knowing who he was or how he died. Leaving the story to Sam and Tucker to pick up and assemble the pieces. A good ‘ol mystery fic heh heh! 
Sam would be an enviornmental science major and Tucker would be computer science and engeneering. Danny is... Well. Dead.
Cue Sam and Tucker now trying to keep their new overbearing ghost hitchhiker a secret while still also being normal college kids. For fun I’d throw in some A-listers but make them chill now. Maybe some of them are in the same dorm hall heheh. 
This idea is also HEAVILY influenced by Loveless’ cover of MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. That song has the vibe that I would chase for the fic.
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
Please post more about giyu just dating everyone
i should...... gonna start right now cuz ive actually thought about mitsugiyu for the GiyuusFuckingSad au- when hes still moping around in the cafeteria corner she pops over because she saw shinobu, shinobu stops her excited rambling and explains that its Quiet Time and shes like 'oh! okay! i can be quiet!' and she just hangs around to doodle in her sketchbook across from them. giyuu once again baffled by another random girl deciding she wants to hang out near(with?) him when hes literally never said a word in response.
she sees him in the halls and tries to talk with him, he responds minimally but shes encouraged by any response at all and talks to him outside the cafeteria any chance she gets- giyuu's incredibly confused as to why she likes talking to him so much, but one time when he realizes he missed the turn to his class about three halls ago finally notices how much he enjoys listening to her stories (he ended up just walking her to class to hear the end of the story, he was a few minutes late when he got back to his own)
when shinobu starts inviting him to little outings with her friends mitsuri's the first to welcome him, kyojuro and suma quickly follow and hes. very overwhelmed. why did he get introduced to the loudest ones of the friend group first?? contrary to what he thought would happen though, they actually love him and despite how hype the three of them get (and how not hype he usually is) he doesn't ever feel left out or pushed to the side (physically speaking too- suma frequently hangs off him since hes the most stable one around now and mitsuri & kyojuro aren't hesitant to pull him in to make him focus on whatever they're talking about. he likes how free they are with affection towards him like that)
months later he's acquainted with and knows the whole group and they're all out at a restaurant chatting and having fun- giyuu notices how entranced everyone else is at kyojuro's retelling of a story and he can't help but think how much sabito would like them all... mitsuri stops paying attention to kyo and turns to him, "Giyuu? Are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You're crying"
the grief finally hits, the tears get heavier despite his attempts at drying them before he starts to panic and excuses himself- he practically runs out and mitsuri worriedly glances back at everyone before excusing herself and running after him. she follows him to the side of the restaurant in the little alley where hes having his breakdown and hugs him- he buries his face in her shoulder and holds back shaking like a leaf for a while before the worst of it passes. she asks what happened, "I-i just- he'd like you all.. he would've loved to meet you.." she knows who hes talking about- well.. she knows he was extremely important to giyuu, and that something happened and he's not around anymore, and that its extremely painful for giyuu to talk about so he just doesn't. she says shes honored by his thought and goes on to try to calm him down/cheer him up, his face looks a mess from the splotchy flush and eye liner- it got smudged to hell and back and hes a little embarrassed by it. only for a moment tho because mitsuri immediately offers to fix it for him. when they're finally ready to go back in they notice obanai standing at the entrance of the alleyway, blocking the view from outsiders. "aw! you're so thoughtful obanai!" "You two good to head back inside now?" "how long were you standing there?" "long enough, you worried everyone running off like that" "sorry.." "don't apologize, idiot. c'mon, lets go eat" and they followed an excited mitsuri back to the rest of the group.
after that mitsuri started inviting him to her apartment to practice makeup art on him since she knew he was okay with it. he was good at sitting still and he liked how gently she touched and moved his face however while she worked, quiet and serene with her music playing from the room over- the first thing she tried out was a simple little water-esque mark on his left cheek. when he was finally allowed to look at it he remembered the time when they were kids and sabito backhanded him there for saying he wished he had died with his sister. remembered how badly he wished he could have gone with sabito too. remembered his final words, 'promise me you'll love again'
he looks back up at mitsuri with a little smile, maybe that promise isn't as impossible for me to keep as i thought. "i like it" "oooh! i just had another idea! what if i made it look like a stream of water coming out the corners of your mouth!?"
#tomioka giyuu#kanroji mitsuri#giyumitsu#giyuu tomioka#mitsuri kanroji#mitsugiyu#loserboy giyuu posting#gfs au#most of this is actually canon to gfs au but this time with added emphasis on his relationship with mitsuri#shes so bubbly and kind its hard not to fall in love with her at least a little bit#(giyuu might also just have a thing for pink hair lmao)#((shit now im thinking of giyuu x sabito/mitsuri/akaza.. full set like.. cedes what have you done))#i imagine for this version at first obanai is kinda jealous bc giyuu's closer to her but hes too nervous to actually do anything about it#once giyuu and mitsuri actually start going out hes like 'well fuck. there goes my chance. guess i'll pine'#giyu however notices said pining and just straight up 'do you want to date mitsuri?' 'wh- no!' 'cuz i think she'd love#to have two boyfriends to dote on her- give tengen a run for his money' 'what.' 'you liked her since before we even met didnt you? thats#kinda sad. coming from *me*' 'shut up asshole. ..yes i wanna date mitsuri' 'cool. i'll talk with her abt it'#'wait youre not fucking w me rn??' 'no? why would i do that' 'idk.. rub salt in the wound..' 'im bad at cooking' 'ha ha.'#mitsuri w two loserboyfriends who love and adore her immensely<3<3#vauge other ideas for gfs au: movie night‚ pool party(turned skinny dipping)‚ mitsuri's microwaved stuffed animal#oo also giyuu helps her with outfits- if she finds something she likes or thinks would go great with an outfit but its not fitted right for#her he'll stitch it to fit her perfectly. he also buys her little things that remind him of her. lots of watermelon themed trinkets lmao#ough... i wanna draw them now...#its almost 3 tho and i cant...#...if i wasnt a pUSSY
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biracy · 6 months
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This essay's gonna rip
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ray-kitty · 15 days
ae. hi. sorry. i know i never post. anyway heres me posting some melodramatic lonely shit. might delete later but ultimately this is my personal blog so i can do what i want
idk how people make friends irl after school has ended. i used to have so many, and now i literally dont speak to any of them. i got cut off completely from everyone in my life bc of covid, and i don't use any social media really besides tiktok and kind of tumblr sometimes so i don't even super have a way of contacting people even if i WAS brave... but it's been almost 4 years now with not seeing anyone so i feel like i shouldnt even bother. im terrified to reach out to anyone despite them once being my closest friends. what if i'm a bother? what if they don't really want to see me? what if they're angry i was too afraid to put in the effort before? my mind tells me everyone i loved never cared for me as much as i did them, because surely if they did they would have thought of me, too- but that's just my mind being cruel to me. i know people just drift apart, this was just instant, is all, i guess. everyone i knew has gone on to have lives while i've practically become a hermit. i used to be so active and would go to cons and visit people and go out and have fun and now i've never been so lonely. it makes me feel so pathetic. i always thought i'd be friends forever- what do i do now that i've got no one?
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gutterspeak · 29 days
this is my other v rising oc that I pulled out of thin air to play on a server with my fwiends... their name is lune and much like aphid they are also a bit of a freak <3
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tmrsunset · 1 year
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these lyrics are so newt coded it’s insane 
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thethingything · 2 months
anyway Sicilian lemon yogurt with granola and local honey my beloved. this is fucking delicious
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mattodore · 5 months
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you belong to me and i belong to you and so on
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mer-se · 1 year
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Sunset the last two nights have been somethin’ else
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