#posting pictures from my spontaneous trip :)
eetherealgoddess · 9 months
ꨄThe Visitꨄ
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Oneshot - Yandere Bonten Au
❦When Y/n makes an impulsive decision to take a trip to Japan, a trip to the wrong room causes her to catch the wrong attention❦
Sano Manjiro, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread!
Red phrases are Japanese
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There will be scenes that involve non con so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable.
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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The Visit
Y/n’s journey to Japan was based on an impulsive decision. Wanting to bask in the differing culture compared to America, she decided to take a small break, her plan to only stay for a couple weeks. Unfortunately, her friends, too busy with work and stable living, couldn’t join her sudden trip across the world. Y/n currently works on her own accord, a delivering app where she makes her own schedule. A lot more freeing compared to a job where she’d have to make decisions two to three weeks in advance.
Sure, she’s no doctor or business owner but she still makes enough to afford her living and to take spontaneous outings, becoming bored easily from the day to day routine of driving and delivering all day. After all, she can even work on her vacations, though she’d prefer not to. When she was younger, she had a hard time doing things on her own so as an adult, she’s gained her own sense of independence. Using the phrase, YOLO, as an excuse to go out on her own and make things happen without waiting for others to join. Her personal challenge in life. Which is why she decided to go to a popular night club, all on her own.
Flashing lights beam as the loud music bursts through the speakers, causing the building to vibrate occasionally, chattering and laughing mixing in with the frequency. A euphoric feeling for someone in search of a good time. She walks through crowds of people after she passes the security, slightly shoving her way, light “Excuse me,” and “Sorry,” as she squeezes past the dancing mass. Obviously, nobody hears her apologies as they close their eyes and grind against the nearest person. Finally, she makes her way to the bar, the bartenders tending to the customers with smiles on their faces, conversing and flirting with the newcomers.
She takes a seat on the stool, ignoring the awkwardness of feeling out of place in an unknown world. Most of the conversations surrounding her are misunderstood, as she only knows a few Japanese words. She knows she should’ve studied more, though the anticipation caused her impatience, determining that if needed, she’ll use the web’s translator, no matter how embarrassing it’ll feel. For a second, she zones out in her own world, palm on her cheek as she leans her head, elbow plastered to the table.
“What can I get for you?”
She responds with a fruity alcohol mix, dropping her hand to the table as she watches the bartender make her drink. Once finished, he slides it to her as she hands him her payment. She sips it down fast, emptying the glass within seconds, wanting to free herself from the anxiety that fills her body, calming her thoughts as the alcohol persuades her to get out of her comfort zone. Ordering another after another, she’s finally out of her shell enough to think about hitting the dance floor, after all the crowd should cover her terrible dance moves.
After her fifth drink, she feels great, on top of the world even. Without the weakness of anxious thoughts and tense posture, she takes a selfie to send to her groupchat, her friends responding with likes and support. She smiles to herself, vision slightly shifty as she hops off her seat, shoving her phone in her purse as she walks through the crowd to a good spot.
Considering how lively she is, others fall in line, dancing near or on as everyone hypes everyone up, the music and alcohol causing everyone to lose themselves in the motion of the dance floor. The girl takes a couple photos and videos of all the different people she meets as they laugh and share the moment with each other. Some take photos and videos as well, showing off their night. Time passes as the drinks keep pouring.
Finally, the liquid reaches her bladder, causing her to stumble through the group, walking towards the bar as she searches for the nearest bathroom. Unfortunately, it takes her a while to walk around in frustration, sighing as she sees a staircase towards the balcony. Using the rail as support, she stalks up the stairs, walking until she reaches the balcony. She walks past the people as she makes her way down the hall.
“Damnit, I’m about to piss myself.” She hisses as she continues to look around, no sign of any bathrooms near.
Out of curiosity, she stops near a door where talking could be heard, though nothing she could understand besides the few words she could make out. She rolls her eyes.
“Hopefully, there’s a bathroom in here, or else I’m peeing wherever.” She mutters, chuckling as she turns the knob. When she opens the door, she’s greeted with an empty space with lounge chairs and dimmed lights, pink and red being the main color scheme of the room. The voices are louder as she walks into the room.
Maybe that’s the bathroom.
She shrugs as she walks forward, closing in on the door, the voices raising. Her eyebrows furrow at the language, caught off guard by some of the words being shouted.
“Mikey, please! I just need m-more time!”
A loud thud could be heard followed by a ‘Shut up!’ Y/n continued to listen as the concerning sounds became more apparent. She attempts to make out the words, to no avail, but she could tell that someone is begging, considering the word, ‘please.’
“Please! My wife and kids, th-they need me! God, I’ll do anything!”
“What the fuck?” She whispers. The event behind the door causes her to forget about her full bladder, which feels as though all fluid has disappeared on its own. One of her hands places itself on the door as she leans closer, becoming more intrigued as she attempts to decipher more words. Coming up with a plan, she grabs her phone and searches the web for translation. She presses the button to record and sets the phone as close to the door as she can.
“Boss, do you want me to finish this rat?”
After reading the translation, her breath hitches, eyes widening as she quickly deletes the phrase and sets the phone back in place. The hairs on her body stand as the fear sobers her enough to focus. She’s in disbelief to what she is hearing, yet she can’t find the will to move as curiosity brings her closer to demise.
Silence falls for a moment besides the pitiful man’s sobbing, weighing on her heart as she feels sorrow for what could happen, still unknown to any experiences like this. After what feels like forever, she decides to press the power button of her device and stick it back in her purse.
She stops for a second, eyebrows furrowed as she stops breathing. She stares at the door in disbelief. Her hands trembling as her legs barely keep her up, causing her to lean against the wall near the door. Her heartbeat accelerates as her head begins to pound, the ringing in her ears indicating that fear is taking a toll. Before she could take another step, another three gunshots ring, echoing from the room.
“N-no fucking way.” She says to herself, turning on her heel to run out of the room.
“Shit!” She hisses as she runs into a plant, the vase shattering as she falls on the floor. Scrambling to pick herself up she quickly runs out of the room, sweat dripping from her forehead as she breathes heavily, ignoring the sound of the door behind her slamming open.
As she runs down the stairs, she pushes through anyone in the way without any apologies, too scared of getting caught snooping she rushes past the dance floor. She shrieks as shots rang through, causing everyone in the club to scatter and scream. More chaos ensues as she shoves her way to the exit. Some people could be seen falling as they’re trampled by the gathering, too many people trying to leave at the same time. The guards try to help as much as they can while the staff hides behind the bar, some in the rooms as well.
The shots continue as she's pushed against the stools, knocking them over as she stops herself from falling. She continues on, finally reaching the exit. When she makes it outside, she runs down the sidewalk, others bringing attention from the outside as well as they mimic her movements. Police sirens could be heard in the distance as she continued to run.
Breathing heavily, the pain in her stomach forms as well as the tensity in her legs, though she ignores it with the will to live another day. As she runs, she misses the black car passing by, tinted windows covering the group of men sitting in the seats.
“Another successful night of ridding ourselves of another rat, yeah?”
A tall man with short lilac hair takes a sip of his glass, leg crossed over the other as his free arm lies on the top of the seat. Lazy eyes with a side smile on his face as he eyes the men in the car.
“Successful, indeed brother. Too bad the night ended early.”
The man, sitting next to the other guy, positioned in the same way with the opposite leg, says while lighting a cigarette, the driver pressing a button to crack the windows. His hair, lilac as well, but shaped to be a mullet smirks as he pulls the smoke into his mouth, settling it before blowing out.
The two men sitting across from the brothers sit quietly as dark eyes stare out of the window, the platinum hair swaying as the wind blows through the cracks.
“I should’ve tortured him more, the disgusting scum deserved every shot for betraying my king.”
The pinkette growled, his icy blue eyes glaring into space as he imagined doing the worst to the man, violent acts playing in his head. His fingers tingle, an effect from the substances in his system, excitement causing him to smirk as he leans his head back against the seat.
The ride became silent as their boss spoke to the driver.
“Yes, boss?”
“Look into Y/n, L/n.”
The dark eyed pale man eyes the card in his hand as he analyzes the picture and information. Finding the photo id in the lounge room, he realizes that she must’ve been the one to shatter that vase, indicating she must’ve been there during their conversation. If not, it’s good to get a hold on her, just in case.
“Yes, boss.”
“Yeah, it was fucking crazy!” Y/n says as she kicks her shoes off, locking the door behind her as she walks to the bedroom, phone against her ear.
“Is everything okay now? Are you safe?” Her closest friend says on the other line.
“I think so, Leila. I got away and nobody has followed me here so I think I’m good. I just can’t believe I witnessed something like that.” She responds, breathing out a sigh as she sets the phone on speaker, setting it on the bed as she grabs a t-shirt and shorts.
“Me neither. You probably shouldn’t go clubbing for a minute.” Leila suggests, worry evident in her voice. After Y/n is dressed, she grabs her phone and walks to the bathroom.
“Maybe, but I didn’t come here to not party. I’m sure it was just that side of town or something.” She says as she grabs a makeup wipe, starting with rubbing her eyeliner and mascara off before moving to her cheeks and forehead.
“There’s other things to do, plus you don’t know how things are fully run over there. You really know little to nothing about the area you’re in so you don’t know how consistent it is and neither do I.”
She moisturizes her face after using water to wash off any residue. She grabs her phone and pulls it to her mouth.
“I understand that, which is why I’m gonna explore some more places tomorrow, but I’m probably going to go clubbing again. Just not at that one.” She says, leaning on her leg as she places a hand on her hip.
“Okay. Just be careful, especially since you’re alone up there. I have to go back to work, so I’ll text you.”
“Alright, see ya.”
Y/n ends the call, grabbing her toothbrush and brushing her teeth. After she spits, she uses mouthwash and rinses. After her process, she grabs her phone and walks to the kitchen, chugging a glass of water before walking to the bedroom.
When she gets in bed, she pulls up a reading app as she lies in a fetal position. As she pulls up a story she saved, her eyes follow the lines until they become heavy - lidded, blurry vision overcoming until the darkness finally engulfs her.
When she wakes up, she lies for a moment before grabbing her phone and checking her notifications. She yawns, stretching and hopping from the bed, completing her morning routine as well as a shower before getting dressed in simple attire. As she walks out of her door, she cautiously looks at her surroundings, eyeing the people walking on this fine morning. In need of a picker upper, she strolls down the sidewalk, heading towards the nearest cafe, hands in pockets as she walks through the breeze.
After she walks in, she orders her drink and takes a seat in a nearby booth, intrigued by the screen of her phone as she takes sips occasionally. A figure distracts her vision, sitting in front of her, causing her to shift her gaze. She eyes the mystery man who sits in a suit, furrowing her brows as she gazes over the attractive guy. He gives her a lazy smile, greeting her and introducing himself.
“You can call me Y/n. Do I know you?” She asks curiously. She knows that she has no clue who this guy is, but asked anyway, wondering why he decided to sit at her table.
“No, we don't know each other. You’re a lovely woman, and I’d like to get to know you more.” He responds, his smooth voice adding to his demeanor. She raises a brow.
He proceeds to tell her about a club he owns, inviting her to attend that night.
“I’ll think about it.” She states, giving a polite smile as she thanks him. He nods, standing up from his chair as he walks out of the cafe.
She messages her friend about the invitation from the attractive man excitedly.
Once the evening roars, she finishes the final touches of her makeup. Finally, finished with her process, she grabs her purse, making her way out of the hotel. She rides to her destination, making it to the packed nightclub she was invited to.
Security allowed her in when she said her name, as Ran told her to skip the line earlier and the guards will understand. That didn’t help the slight anxiety she felt from the angry people waiting in the long line. Shaking it off, she walks past security, to the bar that is right outside the dance floor. She looks around the crowd of people, searching for the familiar man, confused as to where he could be. She grabs her phone when she feels a buzz through her purse.
***-***-**** : come upstairs ♡︎
She chuckles at the heart, guessing it was Ran. Though, she doesn’t remember ever giving her phone number to home, nor vice versa. She shrugs, walking up the staircase until she reaches the blocked off balcony, the guards moving the rope to allow her in.
“Ooh fancy.” She states.
Before she could take another step, she was grabbed roughly from behind, pulled into a chest as a cloth covered her muffled screams. She fails at keeping her eyes open, drifting into the darkness.
She awakens, a dim light revealing her to be cuffed to a chair within a warehouse, causing her to struggle against the restraints as tears threaten to fall.
“No, no, no!” She sobs, frustrated with her circumstances. “Fuck!” She hisses.
“Nobody gave you permission to speak.”
Her head shoots up, meeting with four intimidating individuals, one familiar guy she had just met.
Damnit! I’m so stupid. This has to be those people from the other night with that man! They’re gonna kill me!
The pink haired man with a sadistic look of amusement on his face walked forward until he reached the side of her, gun in hand. Lifting it, he raises the barrel of the weapon to her temple, causing her body to tremble as she attempts to comprehend the situation, eyes widening at the man who sat in the middle of the standing twins. His dark eyes boring into hers.
She watches the man pull out a card from his pocket, turning it over to face her; she recognizes her photo id, unable to believe her unfortunate mistake.
“Y/n, I don’t like to waste time. What did you hear?”
“Nothing! I was just looking for the bathroom.”
She grimaces as the platinum haired man narrows his eyes, piercing through her. He flicks his hand.
Said man nods, pulling the gun back and back, handing her with his other hand, her face forced to face the side. She shrieks a curse from the sudden pain.
“Boss doesn’t like liars, Y/n.” The man with the purple mullet states, smirking at her reaction with his hands placed in his pockets.
“Rin, don’t make fun of the poor girl, she’s already having a hard time.” Ran mockingly states, smiling with one hand in his pocket as he takes a hit of his cigarette.
Y/n grits her teeth, embarrassment and anger filling her mood as she glares at both men. The sense of dread already taking over, she becomes reckless with her words considering she’ll die anyway.
“Fuck you, and fuck you!” She growls, breathing deeply as she tries to keep herself calm enough to prevent an anxiety attack. Everyone’s eyes widen, excitement taking over at her behavior, the pale man’s posture slightly straightening as he becomes intrigued. Another harsh smack forces her to scream as she’s roughly gripped by the chin and turned to face the man known as Sanzu.
“Know your place in the face of the king. Watch your mouth.” He glares at her, releasing her as he replaces the gun on her head. She sucks her teeth to prevent herself from speaking anymore, though the glare doesn’t leave her face as humiliation rises by the amused expressions on the brothers’ faces.
“Answer my question.” Mikey states.
“All I heard was gunshots when I was leaving. I just wanted to find the bathroom, that’s it! I’m just visiting!” She exclaimed, ignoring the throbbing sensation of her bruised cheek.
The room goes quiet besides her deep breathing. She furrows her brows at everyone’s dead stare, wondering if she said something wrong considering the silence. She looks around in concern, shifting her gaze around sporadically.
“Hm, do whatever you want.” The boss waves his hand as he leans back into his seat, still criss - crossed as the other men’s smirks grow.
“W-what do you mean? What are you going to do?” She exclaims, terror causing her to pull harshly against the restraints. She shifts in her seat as they get closer, Sanzu using a key to undo the cuffs. Before she could take the opportunity to flee, she’s grabbed by the arm and roughly pulled out of the seat by the man known as Rin, forcing her to her knees, causing bruises to form as the pain of the cold floor aches.
His hands still on her shoulders in a tight grip that causes tension, while Ran places himself standing in front of her. He unbuckles his pants as he pulls out his length from his underwear, giving his infamous smile as he lazily eyes her form.
“Alright princess, no biting, alright? I think you already know what’ll happen so open up.” He uses his thumb to force her mouth agape, her blocking by moving her head away from the veiny girth. Her eyes widen at the pulsating member in front of her face, tears falling as she tries to push herself away, only to be forced back into place by his brother who moves one of his hands off her shoulder and places it at the nape of her neck and head, pushing her forward. He crouches to get a good angle on her.
“Ah, ah, ah.” Sanzu says, placing the barrel of the gun on her head. “Don’t even try it.”
She glares through her tears at both men that she could see and barely opens her mouth. Ran pushes his throbbing erection through her lips, a slight groan escaping his mouth as he slowly forces her to reach his base, causing her to gag. Rin helps by adding force to her neck, holding her in place once more.
“Good. S’ fucking good.” He breathes as he pulls his hips back and pushes all the way in once more. A mixture of precum and saliva dripped from her mouth, falling down her jaw as well as salty tears. Humiliation is the only emotion to decipher as she closes her eyes to escape as much as she could from this reality. A pinch on her nose forces her eyes open as he accelerates.
“Keep those eyes open, Y/n.” Sanzu hisses. The other hand placed on her shoulder disappears as it reaches around her neck.
“We might be nicer if you’re good.” Rin whispers as he squeezes his hand around her neck. She struggles against her pinched nose and neck squeeze as her breathing is blocked. Ran’s thrusts become sloppier as he moans, his hand on top of her head and the other on her ear and cheek as he pulls back and forth.
“I’m so close.”
Mikey watches as the events play out. Despite the bored look on his face, he couldn’t help but be turned on by how she looks as she lacks air while being fucked from the mouth. His erection reflects against the bulge in his pants, slight sweat forming beneath his sweater as his eyes bore into the scene before him.
Y/n’s face, shifting colors as she struggles against the hold, vision weakening as black dots begin to engulf her. Noticing the limping of her body, the two men release her nose and neck, allowing her to breathe through her nose as Ran releases into her throat, ropes of cum shooting as he grunts.
She coughs and takes deep violent breaths when she’s released, makeup smeared as her outfit clings to her body from sweat.
“Let me fucking go! There’s no reason for this! I won’t tell anyone just stop.” She sobs angrily. They ignore her as she’s forced on her back. Sanzu forces her legs open as Rin climbs on top of her. Ran slips his pants on before he sits right above her head as he faces her from above, pulling her wrists up as he grips them, smirking as his brother places himself in front of her, crouching over her breasts.
When she gasps from the wet muscle licking her clit, Rin takes the opportunity to shove his dick all the way to the back of her aching throat.
“Shit!” He hissed as he bottoms out. Moaning with his head pulled back, he grips her head, thrusting in and out at a faster pace than how his brother started. She twitches and shifts as Sanzu sucks her clit thoroughly, flicking his tongue whenever deemed fit. He slightly moans as he licks up her juices, his tongue moving up and down as it makes contact with her bud. His hands grip her thighs tightly, nails leaving indents as he pulls her in more, eyes closed.
Rin’s hair sways as he thrusts in her mouth. Wet sounds filling the room as the cum and saliva mix while he uses her face as a fleshlight. Her body couldn’t help to react to the stimulation of her clit, to her disapproval. She also didn’t want to orgasm considering it would enable them whether they believe she truly wants this or not. In order to speed the process, she sucks his cock to bring more tension, causing him to become sloppier.
“Yes! Like that, good fucking girl.” He breathes as his eyes roll into the back of his head, thrusting harder as he gets closer to release. Everyone’s erections twitch when she unconsciously releases a moan, to her humiliation.
Just hurry up and cum so I can leave! Please!
“Dirty girl, you like this, huh?” Ran teases, as his brother’s moans become louder. Sanzu grips tighter as he rubs his erection through his pants. Mikey grips himself through his pants, enjoying the pain of his own arousal as he watches his men take advantage of this woman. His face keeps his same expression, slowly rubbing against himself as he applies pressure.
Her hands turned to fists as Sanzu used a finger to push inside of her, angling it to gain more twitches from her body. Her hips buck when he adds another, strategically pulling in and out of her vagina. His tongue flicks against her clit repeatedly, suckling as he thrusts his hand.
I don’t care if my body is reacting. I want them to stop! This is humiliating!
Tears fall as Rin finally releases into her mouth, cum shooting out as he fills her throat. She orgasms right after as Sanzu assaulted her core. Rin removes himself as Sanzu and Ran pull back. She breathes heavily as she tries to gain strength in her weakened body, still trembling from the violent acts. She freezes when she sees their boss stand up. Her eyes widen as she picks herself up and sits up, not long before Mikey motions for Sanzu to lie on the floor. The short man shoves her over the pink haired man, her face meeting his amused expression.
She’s forced to hold herself up as the brothers stood up and took the chairs her and mikey used, sitting themselves down as the anticipation of what was to come caused them to grip their erections.
When she realized what was happening, she attempted to push herself out of their grips, to no avail.
“No, please! I’ve never done anal before and I don’t want to, please! Don’t make me do this!” She sobs. Her breath hitches when Mikey shushes her from behind. As Mikey grabs her hips, Sanzu eases her down on his cock, gripping her back so she won’t pull back. She shrieks from the force, slight pain blocked from wetness yet her anxiety makes it hard for her to fully open, causing him to bully his way in.
She cries as he adjusts himself, gripping her head as he rubs her back, causing shivers to run down her spine. The brothers watch with smirks, groaning quietly as they begin to rub their own cocks. Mikey wets his finger before slowly shoving it into her anus, causing her to flinch in pain and legs to tremble. Sanzu pulls her down to lie fully on his chest as Mikey uses his other hand to push her back down, aiming for a better angle as he adds another finger.
Sanzu groans as her walls tighten around his cock, shoving it deeper as he holds it in place, head falling back as he breathes heavily. She whimpers in his ear as she tries to hold back a moan from the head hitting her cervix. It presses causing pressure as it’s still inside her, twitching occasionally as he waits for Mikey to enter.
Finally, Mikey adjusts his head to her hole after wetting his cock, shoving it inside as he ignores her cry of pain. He doesn’t stop until he bottoms out, both men groaning as they rub against each other through the lining causing extra pressure. She grunts in pain and stimulation as her body trembles. She breathes heavily in Sanzu’s ear unconsciously bringing him more pleasure as he feels the hot air against his ear, her lips barely touching his neck.
“Oh fuck, M-Mikey, can I please move?”
Forgetting his king’s title in the midst of intense pleasure, the Haitani brothers chuckle as they continue their motions.
“Yes.” He breathes as he pulls back, gripping her shoulders as he leans over, thrusting deeply as well as slowly. Long strokes as he repeats the process. Sanzu syncing with him as he hits her g-spot repeatedly, pressing against with his own long strokes.
Her eyes snap shut, tightly, as she grips Sanzu’s shoulders. Tears fall on his neck as she begins to cry. Both men’s jaws hang slightly ajar as they accelerate their speed, one going in as the other goes out. The sound of all their juices mixing as her holes drip with moisture.
Their hips snap as they become sloppy with their movements, syncing once more as they thrust inside of her roughly. All four men’s moans filled the room blocking her whimpers and cries as she sobbed for them to stop. The Haitani’s eyed the sight intently, faces bare of any smiles with nothing but undeniable pleasure as their hands bring them closer to release.
Thank god I’m on birth control.
Their grips become tighter as well as their thrusts until finally with one long but hard stroke, they both cum deeply inside her, pressing themselves inside her walls as they hold in place, the pressure causing her orgasm to crash violently, as well as the Haitani brother’s who rubbed themselves until ropes of cum shot out on their clothes.
After a while of everyone’s rugged breathing echoing through the air, Ran began to let out a light - hearted laugh.
“Awe princess, look at the mess you made! This is my favorite suit.” He smiles.
“Slutty girl, all worn out when you made us do all of the work.” Rin taunts.
Unable to keep her eyes open any longer, she allows the darkness to take over, closing her eyes and drifting into a deep sleep.
Waking up, she eyes the ceiling in confusion. She sits up, eyeing the unfamiliar room as the memories from before she passed out recollected. Her eyes widen as she dashes from the bed, falling back when her ankle is held by something cold against the bed’s bottom post.
She yanks the covers and eyes the cuffed ankle.
“No! No, no, no!” She cries, the feeling of being violated and stripped of her freedom all taking a toll as she reaches for her head. Finally feeling the cold breeze, she eyes her naked body, feeling shame as she uses the comforter to cover herself.
She looks up as the door clicks open, an unfamiliar male walking in with his white hair to the side.
“Hello, Y/n. I’m here to inform you that your stay in Japan has been prolonged.”
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238 notes · View notes
starbabyg · 2 years
When In Italy | Jack Hughes Instagram edit
Y/n and Jack take a little spontaneous trip to Italy together. ~<3~
all photos from pinterest and yes all the fc girls look different idc they’re supposed to be you deal with ehttt 🌚
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liked by trevorzegras, lhughes_06, and 116,281 others
yourusername: buongiorno sole 🌞
trevorzegras: He gettin that tan alreadyyy 😮
lhughes_06: 3 bottles of water?? Thirsty ass.
user1: he’s so 😍😍😍
_quinnhughes: brt gonna go snatch that chain #icy
— reply to _quinnhughes jackhughes: I’d like to see you try
❦ ❦ ❦
You woke up alone in bed, the sun shining in through the sheer white curtains, a faint breeze blowing them softly. This was unfamiliar, you always woke up before Jack. You got up to look for him, cause where the hell could that boy be? You pondered for a moment before hearing clanging in the kitchen, that clumsy boy, knocking all the pots and pans over.
“What are you doing bub?” You laughed, taking a seat at the table watching him attempt to cook. Jack definitely wasn’t the best chef, but it was cute watching him do his little thing.
“Wellll, I went to that little market shop down the street that was closed when we got here last night. Got some stuff for breakfast, wanted to make you something. It’s kinda hard cause all the cooking instructions are in Italian and I have to translate it. But I did make some toast!” Jack lifted his finger in the air, excited that at least something he made came out good. He put a plate on the table, with a few pieces of buttered toast with different jams on each one.
“This is cute bub,” you smiled, “you’re getting better in the kitchen huh.” Jack laughed at your little poke at him. He was focused on finishing what he had on the stove, which you couldn’t tell what he was doing, he refused to let you see. All you saw were some pots on the stove with him stirring.
“Yeah, yeah. Just a little. But here, I’m almost done. Just gotta do thisss and finished,” he poured a glass bottle full of white sauce into the pot. Jack made two servings, setting them at the table for the two of you to enjoy. He opened up the curtains to the kitchen windows, letting the two of you see the marvelous view of the cityscape below. “Ravioli a la Jack style, bon appetito.”
❦ ❦ ❦
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liked by elblue06, jackhughes, and 109,034 others
yourusername: amore mio @ jackhughes
jackhughes: mia bellaaaa ❤️‍🔥
trevorzegras: uglyy
—reply to trevorzegras yourusername: funkyy
elblue06: my lovies 🤍
—reply to elblue06 yourusername: love you miss el 🫶🏽
lhughes_06: okayyy stink!!
—reply to lhughes_06 yourusername: I look guud huh stinka ;)
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liked by _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and 102,662 others
yourusername: vampires in the lemon grove 🍋
_quinnhughes: tuh totally stole caption from our book club
— reply to _quinnhughes yourusername: don’t worry boobie it’s still our thing don’t be madd
lhughes_06: awe so cutee *reports post*
—reply to lhughes_06 yourusername: waah *don’t care didn’t ask* :]
��— reply to yourusername lhughes_06: touché, y/n, touché
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liked by yourusername, _quinnhughes, and 262,019 others
jackhughes: bonjour, or whatever hi is in Italian
yourusername: close bubby, so close
_quinnhughes: ur dumb
—reply to _quinnhughes jackhughes: ur dumber
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liked by lhughes_06, trevorzegras, yourusername, and 207,776 others
jackhughes: so apparently fettuccine Alfredo isn’t a real thing out here?? Anyways here’s my baby looking guud
lhughes_06: wow @ yourusername you just let him steal our lingo like thatt
—reply to lhughes_06 yourusername: it’s not like that stink I swear 😩
—— reply to yourusername lhughes_06: then what is it like huh 🤨
trevorzegras: so uncultured, hughes, so uncultured 🤌🏻
—reply to trevorzegras jackhughes: ya mama.
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liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 113,572 others
yourusername: hey mona lisa, come home you know you can’t rome without cesar
jackhughes: my favorite picture of us from the trip 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes: waitt who took the picture??!?!
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liked by yourusername and 198,442 others
jackhughes: flashing lights - kanye 💫
yourusername: omgg always stealing my captions you boob!!
—reply to yourusername jackhughes: haha snatchedd
_quinnhughes: again who tf is taking these pictures????
346 notes · View notes
attention posting as I mindlessly munch of dark chocolate covered almonds, it’s that 2pm lull where the disdain and annoyance of logging on to my laptop at 9am on a Monday to do a job I no longer feel excited about is met with the anxiety and dread of all the looming tasks I have to get done today and this week. A lot going on this week including a spontaneous weekend trip to Santa Monica (I’m leaving Thursday night) that I need to pack and prep for. Today at 4pm I have a face time call planned with my friend from college who currently lives London. I haven’t talked to her in ages so I’m going to catch her up on my plans to move. Also feeling generally discouraged by the lack of traction my listing has gotten since I’ve put my apartment up for rent. I updated the listings on both sites today with more pictures and lowered the rent so that the garage parking is listed separately as an additional cost. I hope this gets me in touch with more prospective tenants. Please little hungry flies looking for new housing, come to my sweet honey listing.. it’s also hard because I put so much love and care into my home I don’t want to sell it short and want to make sure it goes to the right, responsible person.. I broke the news that I’m planning on leaving Chicago to my parents yesterday after I took them out to dinner, they took it hard but were supportive overall. Then my ex called me and I called him back and the conversation left me hurt and disappointed but ultimately reaffirmed my decision. Change is so scary and hard but even the last two months have resulted in a lot of growth for me, like I’ve finally taken action and taken the first steps to accomplish some things I’ve been wanting to do for years. So I think it’s good, even tho it’s been hard, and I’m cautiously hopeful and optimistic that the projects that have begun and what has already been set in motion and has taken flight will result in a favorable outcome 🧿🪬 also wearing cou cou intimate undies today and I love them, wore the new woven white heals I thrifted for the first time this weekend to run errands, got a little blister but it was a good first go. Going on a run, groceries, laundry and a face mask are also on my itinerary today. Tomorrow for dinner I’m going to make buttermilk marinated roasted chicken with fennel and carrots, mashed potatoes with a huge green leaf salad and I can’t wait 
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muniimyg · 2 years
the morning after // kth
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pieces of peace; a series of therapy sessions
# 3 ! oc has broken up with taehyung and he struggles to understand the breakup
navi | m. list | ask me ! | no tag list 
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sadboy taehyung + ex girlfriend oc
post-break up au / getting back together
healing, sulking, attempting to move on
angst angst angst
note: tbh this one has been in my drafts for literally MONTHS. i dunno what is even going on but i jus need it out lololol
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There’s no point.
No point in anything these days.
No point in eating out because he was used to asking for a table for two and eating alone just looks so fucking sad.
No point in making coffee because he doesn’t even like it. Regardless of how many sweeteners he put in his cup, it always tastes too bitter. Too bland. Too anticlimactic. But he sipped every sip just to spend time with you in the morning. So no, Taehyung did not like coffee but he loved you. He learned how to make coffee for two, not for one. 
It hasn’t been long since you left.
It’s only been a month and a half but it feels like a lifetime without you by his side. You left and made his king-sized bed for one. He hasn’t slept alone in years. He doesn’t even remember what it feels like to sleep on the right side of the bed because that was your side.
It’s the same way he can’t recall what it’s like to have his heart to himself: it was yours. For so long, it had been yours to care for, to love, and to keep. 
But shit happens.
Things change. 
People change. 
You needed space and Taehyung had to give it to you. He had to empty parts of himself for you. It left him questing who he is without you.
Who is he without you? 
It’s something his friend would constantly ask one another whenever he arrived late to dinners in hoodies and a sad smile. No one could make him feel better even for a millisecond. You were by far the best thing to have ever happened to him and everyone knew that. 
Still, Taehyung’s friends tried. 
Tonight, they invited another pretty girl that looked to be Taehyung’s type. Again, they play the not-so-subtle game of “have you met Taehyung?” 
It makes him sick. 
How I Met Your Mother was your favourite show to play as background noise. Especially when you two were preparing dinners or making sleepy 8AM pancakes before heading to your parent’s home for Sunday family lunch. 
The girl looks a little too much like you. It pains Taehyung more than it attracts him. He feels stupid in front of his friends. He feels stupid for doing this to you because it wasn’t your face or your body. None of that compared to the way you held his heart and loved him the way you did. 
How you mastered comforting him on days he felt weaker than usual. 
How each kiss from you felt better than the last. 
How complete his life felt sitting next to you, watching the raspberry lemonade sky fade into a starry night.
How you completed him.
It’s only been a month and half but he still misses mornings with you. The stupid mid-day texts you’d send because a mug, a random YouTube video, or a picture of a cute dog popped up and reminded you of him. It was everything mundane that had him enchanted by you. 
He misses you. 
From slow and giggly sex, spontaneous convince store trips at 2AM, and even quiet dinners after an argument—he wants nothing more than those moments back. He wants nothing more than for you to come back and just be his again.
It aches.
Every part of his day aches as he’s all alone. Who's by your side? Is it that guy from your workplace that couldn’t get the hint? Is it your best girlfriends that never really liked him in the first place? Or are you by yourself too?
The only thing Taehyung doesn’t miss about you is the way you made him feel the morning after.
When he woke up groggy, eyes puffy from crying, and worst of all: hopeful. He has never wanted to wake up from a nightmare this bad before. It was that morning when he brewed coffee for two, ate out for dinner, and asked for a table for two, and found himself dragging his feet with his head hanging low on his walk home all alone. 
It takes so much of him to fix these habits. 
Brew coffee for one, not two. 
Table for one, not two. 
Live for himself, not you. 
It felt silly. The whole break-up and the ache wrapped around it like a bow. There was no point in feeling that kind of devastation, right? Taehyung knows he’ll get over it. Though it may be hard and nearly impossible, he will one day get over you. 
But not today. 
Not the morning after, not the week after, not months after.. He’ll continue to hurt until you come back to him and heal him or he goes numb from all this fucking bullshit. 
Taehyung has never felt more alone in his life. 
Then, his phone buzzes.
Jimin [3:29AM]: We’ll stop setting U up on dates if U want. We can come over and make sure U’re eating right if U want
Taehyung [3:32AM]: Nah
Jimin [3:37AM]: … Or idk talk to her? Talk to a therapist or smt. Idk. This isn’t U. Feels like we’ve been losing U lately. Don’t break up with us.
Taehyung [3:41AM]: Lol
Taehyung sighs, not bothering to keep this conversation going. It’s all the same. It’s the same pity and the same self-help suggestions. It all burned slowly and made him feel crazy. He wasn’t crazy because, in the darkness of his bedroom, he thinks to himself: this helps. 
Talking, acknowledging, and letting myself feel everything right now by himself.. Helps. For now, this will suffice. Being here for himself helps. This is therapeutic.  
Besides, he doesn’t have the energy to go to a therapist and force himself to open up. Maybe he should go there when he knows his feelings a little better himself.. Yeah. That’s more like it.
It’s like this: if he knows he feels alone, what was the point of trying to fill that void when it’s yours to fill? You are only his to love and that defeats him entirely. He doesn’t want to call or text you because he wants you to do that on your own. 
There was no point in begging or trying to fix himself. Why couldn’t he just be broken in peace? Be aimless and call it healing. Taehyung doesn’t want direction right now. He didn’t want there to be a point or to even think of love. The questions were endless, but the answer had been prefixed from the very beginning. 
Then, his phone buzzes. He expects it to be Jimin.
YN [4:01AM]: Hey
YN [4:01AM]: U up?
Taehyung [4:03AM]: Hi
YN [4:03AM]: Can we talk?
Taehyung [4:04AM]: Idk. About what?
YN [4:04AM]: Us? The morning after? Anything
Taehyung [4:07AM]: Come over. I’ll make us some coffee
YN [4:08AM]: But you don’t like coffee
Taehyung [4:08AM]: I still drank it every morning with U. Also, Idk how to brew coffee for one so just come over. We’ll figure it out
YN [4:09AM]: Okay. Let’s figure it out
Taehyung [4:09AM]: Good
Taehyung [4:12AM]: I miss you
YN [4:13AM]: I miss you too
Taehyung smiles at his phone. He gets up and goes to his kitchen to begin brewing coffee for two. He isn’t sure what this means or what is to come.. But he has a feeling there’s a point to all of this—that the morning after would be a new beginning. 
After all, what was the point of love if it wasn’t going to be you?
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I’m currently on a week long course in Devon focused on ecology and wildlife conservation. It’s been fantastic. There have been difficulties on the health side of things but the course staff and the other scholars have been so accommodating and accepting it’s been wonderful. The other scholars didn’t seem to bat an eyelid over the fact that I am here with my dad because of needing extra support. And despite him telling them about my issues and situation (which I was initially annoyed about) they have continued to treat me as one of them and have been really nice.
Yesterday I was in so much pain and so tired when we were on a boat trip. One of them gave up their seat for me. I was torn between the part of my brain telling me to keep standing and endure it and the part that desperately wanted to sit down. The part that wanted to sit down won. Maybe it is a good thing, it helped. I hate being in a position where people give up their seats for me but I’m grateful.
It’s so nice to spend a week away from my usual life stuck in urban areas and medical settings and also to be immersed in nature and talk to people about natural history when I am usually surrounded by people who aren’t interested or who I’d go as far as describing as nature-phobic.
I have posted more about each day of the course with pictures on other platforms as I wanted to document things and got out of the habit of journaling a long time ago (and I can’t spontaneously add photos to a journal). I didn’t think to put them on here as this tends to be the place I reserve for things I don’t feel I can share with people in real life. However if anyone is interested I can put those up here too.
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Tattoo AU pt. 4
You may be wondering why Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are currently in the grocery store at 5 flipping AM.
Yeah, Lance would like the to know the answer to that, too.
Maybe it's because Pidge has the most crapped-up sleep schedule EVER and wakes up at demonic hours. That means that they call Hunk and Lance way too early in the morning out of boredom, and Hunk takes them all on spontaneous shopping trips so that he can feel productive. It's routine by now. The only reason that Lance doesn't object is because shopping always leads to baked treats.
Anyway, Hunk is walking through the aisles with Pidge in his cart and Lance standing on the edge of it. As they go past the freezer aisle, Lance sees a familiar face.
The man is at least 6 feet tall and has a shock of white hair in the front. At a second glance, Lance realizes that one of his arms is mechanical, and his flesh arm is covered in a long tattoo sleeve.
Lance, despite being slightly intimidated, hops of his perch on the cart and waltzes up to the guy.
"Hi! How are you?"
The poor guy looks around himself to make sure Lance isn't talking to someone else.
"I... I'm okay, I guess? Is anyone ever feeling great at 5AM?"
Dang. That's a good point. Lance sighs and shakes his head. "Do I know you from anywhere?"
Mr. Buff Guy raises an eyebrow. "You know what? You do look familiar."
They squint at each other for a moment before Cyborg Cute Guy snaps his fingers aggressively and holds out his mechanical hand. "I know! Keith showed me a picture of you from your client profile! You're Lance McClain! Hi. I'm Shiro, Keith's brother."
Lance stares at the robotic appendage for a moment, trying to figure out if it could crush his hand, before accepting it. "Oh, cool. Keith said something to Allura about introducing me and my friends to you. Hopefully you're nicer than Keith first was."
Shiro snickers. "Yep. That's Keith. I swear he's only half demon."
The way Shiro says that is with such a serious tone that Lance finds himself debating if the guy is kidding or not. Before he can ask, Shiro has changed topics.
"Hey! Do you have Keith's number? Like, his not-work number. I should give it to you!"
For some reason, Lance agrees, and now he has a brand new contact. Yay?
Shiro smiles. Keith had ranted to him about Lance just yesterday. He hadn't really been listening, but he heard the words 'cute' and 'pretty' loud and clear. And now, looking at the man in front of him, he could see why. This guy was totally Keith's type.
It's a good thing Shiro likes to play matchmaker.
This was more of a filler chapter because I needed to introduce Shiro and give Lance Keith's number. But don't worry, we will be back to klancing in the next part. Also, I somehow managed to post on schedule??? What is happening??? Consider this a miracle. But don't worry, the next part will be out soon, I'm on a roll.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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umichenginabroad · 7 months
Stockholm Week 7: Travel Week 1
Hej igen! 
I had a bipolar week: the beginning of the week was full of presentations but the end of the week was full of laughter :) 
Let’s begin! 
2/28 Wed
It has been a while since I had two study trips in a day. I learned about the New Slussen Project, which is the reason for all the construction around Slussen. The planning behind the project was astoundingly complex and comprehensive, considering all social, environmental, and economic factors. 
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Model of the new Slussen project design
The next study trip was a real guided tour based on the Swedish crime fiction novel, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. We walked around Monteliusvägen to Michael Blomkist’s apartment, the cafe where the movie was filmed, and viewpoints that showed the city at a glance. 
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A picture of a gallery I peeked into before the field trip
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The view was gorgeous. It's not too far from my apartment too!
When the tours were over, I stopped at the Coffee House and yapped with my friend for a bit before going home.
2/29 Thu 
Today was the big D-day: a 10-minute presentation on the case study done in my core course. I booked a room in DIS to practice until class. I ate my packed lunch and finished up my last touches. 
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My messy hair ;-; The sun was out and I needed a break
Turns out the presentation was informal but I guess that was for the better. 
At home, I couldn’t rest as I had to prepare for my other presentation for Swedish and read half of a book for Crime Fiction class tomorrow. I made the mistake of reading in my bed and fell asleep eventually. 
3/1 Fri 
My team successfully finished the presentation and ate the pepparkakor that our teacher prepared for us. It is a thinner version of ginger cookies with a taste of Sweden. 
As a little treat after school, I ordered TooGoodToGo at an island I’ve never been to. It was such a smoggy and windy day (especially because the bridge I had to pass was near a huge lake) but I managed to arrive at the bakery in one piece. 
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The bakery had so many cute chocolate pieces < 3
I caught up on my sleep for the rest of the day. 4 hours of nap before sleeping for real at night ;) 
3/2 Sat 
Finally, travel week 1 break began! My family came to visit Stockholm while I was here. We had no specific plans in mind, so we spontaneously decided on places to go. We left Airbnb at 5:30 pm when the sun was all set (...) but we still had a good time walking around T-Centralen and Gamla Stan. 
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It was nice seeing my family again < 3
3/3 Sun 
We had a slow morning but made it out of our house by 1 pm. 
Our first stop was Gamla Stan since we could not see anything in the dark yesterday. I took them to the main photo spots first. 
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Happy happy happy '◡ '
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If you remember this place from my prior posts, you're a real one < 3
My dad then led the way to Stockholm’s narrowest street, Mårten Trotzigs gränd. It is only 90 cm (~35 in) wide. 
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I took some great snapshots for my brother 
From far away, we saw a commuter ferry departing and abruptly decided to take it. We ran and ran and ran to make it in the departure time. We found out where we were headed once the ferry steered toward the temporarily closed amusement park on Djurgården Island. I felt like I hadn’t been on impromptu journeys for ages, so this kind of random traveling brought me so much joy! The island was bigger than we thought, and it was then that my dad discovered something from the map. The island we were on was the island with the Vasa museum! On the subway to Gamla Stan earlier on, we had made a plan to go to visit the Vasa museum later today. Without a clue, the ferry took us to the right place at the right time. We were so amazed and couldn’t stop talking about it for a good hour (and now I’m writing it on my blog post). 
Since we were there already, we went to the Vasa museum. It is a popular museum with a restored ship that sank back in the 1600s and recovered after 333 years, in the 1900s. I was impressed by the grand size of the ship and the salvage operation.
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I still can't believe this magnificent yet delicate ship sunk 10 minutes after its departure
We took a thorough scan of the six floors and finally left when we were satisfied. A beautiful sunset was awaiting us outside. 
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Swan couple < 3
This time, we took a tram to go back to Gamla Stan for fika. Fika and Wine was our first destination. We ordered Swedish meatballs and shrimp salad as our main dishes, as well as delicious desserts with coffee. 
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Can’t describe the deliciousness in words < 3
For the rest of the evening, we enjoyed Gamla Stan with street lights on, going into souvenir shops one after another like real tourists. 
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I loved the owls in this store but my wallet said no to all of them :(
The past few days have been relaxing, and I can’t wait to spend more time with my family :)  They are wonderful photographers (as you can see from the pictures in this post) so I'll have tons of more photos to share in the following days. Good pictures always brighten my day <3
I will let you know all about the rest of my break next week! 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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I have been trying to hold back with the Edinburgh Fringe booking. I've of course been obsessively reading through all the programming and making my spreadsheet with a long list and a short(er) list and a wish list of people who haven't yet announced. The latter is why I haven't actually been booking yet. I will be disproportionately furious with myself if I cannot create my perfect schedule, in which all the shows I wish to see fit together like a jigsaw, because I just started booking whatever I wanted when I didn't even know what all the shows would be yet, and then someone else announces and I haven't left room for them, or I can fit them in but not perfectly because I didn't build the schedule with them in mind to begin with, and then everything gets messed up. I need to wait until it's all on the table, then make the jigsaw while taking everything into account. Because that is how you're supposed to do an arts festival. Book up every moment of your time months beforehand and leave absolutely no room for spontaneity.
Obviously the drawback to this is that some shows might sell out well I'm waiting. The other side of that is that I'm going during the first week of the festival, which I understand is the least busy time, nothing is going to sell out that week in April. It's fine. Patience is by far the best policy here.
I did book David O'Doherty the moment I saw it announced, because that was before it was even in the official Fringe programme, before most shows were in there, I just saw it, I knew DO'D was right near the top of my list of people I most want to see, I knew it wouldn't matter what else came up because nothing's going to push him off my short list, I wanted the excitement of booking a ticket for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival that I am actually going to go to for real, so I did it. I got one on the books for the sake of it, but otherwise, I'm being patient. Fully patient. That's the plan.
However, I have now spent over seven days in a row checking just one of the pages to make sure none of its shows have sold out yet, because it's the one show, of the ones that have been announced so far but that I haven't booked, that I most want to see. And he's really famous, if anything were going to sell out, it would be this one. Even though of course it hasn't. I check every day just to make sure every date is still available, and of course it is, because it's the first half of April. But what if suddenly everyone buys tickets at once because he's a TV star? What if? How many hundreds of years would it take me to forgive myself if I'm in Edinburgh during this show and don't get to see it because I was waiting for a jigsaw?
So fuck it, I just booked it so I can stop checking every day.
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I will be patient with all the rest of them, really. But I have Nish Kumar and DO'D booked now, because those are the two really big ones where I would not get over it for the rest of my life if I somehow missed the opportunity to see them. I was trying to think of where to find pictures of those two guys together, because I thought I'd put that at the end of this post and say "look it's the top of my Edinburgh must-see list", and while I'm sure there are lots of pictures with them both, two things immediately came to mind. One is this from Edinburgh a couple of years ago, in the saga of Nish knocking over Rosie Jones:
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And the other is this picture from what I'm 98% sure, based on a number of context clues, is MCIF 2003:
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The latter comes to mind because of Nish's Twitter comment on it:
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That's what I've prioritized. Let all the other chips fall where they may in terms of my trip to Edinburgh this year, but I will make damn sure well in advance that I'm going to see the eighth wonder of the world and one of his dads. And then, when Nish's other dad gets his shit together and announces his run five minutes before the festival opens, I'll end up picking my least favourite of the shows I have booked in his timeslot and skipping that show to see Daniel Kitson.
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xoioel · 1 year
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➪ ex; prompt 4 and 19 with Jisoo
1. spending every minute together to make the most of their limited time
2. sharing ice cream/a popsicle at dawn at the beach
3. nights at the pool
4. "I can't believe I've met you"
5. early love confessions
6. sleeping in a hammock together
7. running on the beach at sunrise/sunset
8. "It feels like I've known you forever"
9. spending entire nights talking and telling each other their life stories
10. spontaneous engagement/wedding
11. picturing a future together at a picnic
12. "I should just stuff you in my suitcase and take you home with me."
13. trying new things together for the first time
14. being the best version of themself when they're with the other
15. "Let me show you something! You'll love it!"
16. teaching the other a new skill
17. buying matching accessories/souvenirs
18. repressing the thought of going home again
19. denying that they have to go home again
20. hiding love letters in the other's suitcase
21. not-stopping flow of tears when they part
22. Forehead kisses, and smiling through the kiss
23. Resting their forehead on the other’s after a kiss
24. Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek
25. Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it
26. Sleepy back hugs when the other person is busy whipping up breakfast in the kitchen, catching them by surprise
27. Just doing their own things in the same space; being so comfortable around the other even in their pyjamas
28. Holding both their hands while holding their gaze gently, just before leaning in for a kiss
29. Switching positions with the other when walking down a busy sidewalk because your feel the need to keep the other safe
30. Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work
31. Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing
32. When one is overseas for a work trip and everything they see reminds them of the other person (bonus: whenever it happens, they take a picture and drop the other person a text.)
33. Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)
34. Kissing away their tears
35. Meeting them where they are, mentally and emotionally; never forcing them to do anything they aren’t comfortable with
36. Wholeheartedly supporting their dreams, and putting that into action by making concrete plans for it to happen
37. Dropping the other person an encouraging text before an important interview/event
38. Surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
39. Picking the other person up from work when it’s getting late, and walking them right to their doorstep after
40. Good morning and goodnight texts
41. Making the other person a Spotify playlist with songs that remind them of their relationship and growth
42. Remembering the littlest of things — activities they like and dislike, favourite brands of stationery, go-to ice cream flavour, choice of popcorn
43. Writing little notes on post-its and leaving them in random pages of their textbook, so that they will get a little endorphin boost when studying
44. accidental hand touching
45. eye contact across a crowded room
46. exchanging secret smiles
47. first conversations alone
48. admiring them from afar
49. asking them about their family
50. visiting them at their place of work
51. discovering common interests
52. exchanging gifts for the first time
53. a surprise encounter
54. picking a leaf/flower petal out of their hair, or brushing dirt off of their face
55. nervous embarrassment around them (blushing, fidgeting etc)
56. complimenting their appearance
57. looking at their lips as they talk
58. finding excuses to be alone with each other
59. naturally gravitating closer together
60. noticing their individual quirks
61. hello/goodbye hugs that linger
62. talking late into the night
63. clumsy attempts at flirting
64. sharing long term dreams, goals and aspirations with one another
65. playful teasing
67. being unable to keep their eyes off of them
68. attempting to find out if they are single/available
69. finding comfort in their scent
70. creating art inspired by them
71. sharing an umbrella in the rain, or a coat/blanket in the cold
72. surprising them with their favourite treat
73. visiting their home for the first time
74. "you haven't changed." "...do you mean that in a good way or bad way?"
75. "do you want to give us another chance?" "i'd like that."
76. "come back to my place."
77. "let's start over."
78. "i don't want to start over."
79. "do you realize how long i've been looking for this sweater? you've had it this whole time?!"
80. "i don't care what others say, i trust you."
81. "you better not screw this up."
82. "i thought you left..."
83. "i regret everything."
84. "....i trust you."
85. "god i missed you so much..."
86. "my mom asked about you the other day."
87. "i've been thinking about you lately."
88. "you've never left my mind."
89. "i thought i was doing the right thing. i had no idea...im sorry."
90. "i made the biggest mistake of my life and losing you was it's price."
91. "i should still hate you. why can't i hate you?"
92. "please don't make me regret this.."
93. "i can't believe we're really doing this."
94. "is this still your favorite place?" "you know it is..."
95. "we still got it." "hell yeah we do."
96. "you get one more date...one more chance."
97. "everything felt so empty without you."
98. "i still love you." "i know, you couldn't have gotten rid of me that easily."
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nanogrem · 10 months
Not a super happy post, TW? Vague mention of suicidal thoughts and self harm.
Making a little note of my mental health issues lately since I’ll be seeing someone about it the morning and I’m all kinds of nervous - I’m happy I’m having the chance to start treatment so soon though.
So for the last few years I’ve been in some kind of funk that has been steadily progressing. It started out as a weird brain fog that made it really hard to think and “hear” myself - like talking to yourself in your brain. I’d stutter, have to force words out, and sentences would run together and turn into an incoherent jumble of thoughts.
After that came physical symptoms that aligned with my anxiety getting worse; Feeling sick and nauseous all the time, chest pains, heart palpitations, and most noticeably - Vertigo and Hypoglycemia.
I don’t have POTS and I’m cleared for diabetes, my CT scans and EKG I got from my trip to the ER earlier this year we’re also clean so at least I know my brain looks physically alright.
Another thing was how much harder it’s gotten to do basic things; like laundry, cooking, simply getting out of bed and using the bathroom in the morning. I’ll just sit there fighting with myself for a few hours until my back hurts enough to get me moving.
I don’t want to talk about the worse stuff in detail but I’ve struggled with increasingly manic delusions that I struggle to get out of and can’t tell what’s reality and what isn’t, as well as more harmful thoughts towards myself and sometimes other people for many years, I used to be able to talk myself down and calm myself but it’s gotten harder and harder to do so. I’m not physically self destructive aside from mild dermatillomania, picking at existing areas of psoriasis that is on my scalp and behind my ears.
Another big thing was my emotions being all over the place, little things would stress me out so much to the point of tears like my mom having her phone on full volume while watching videos in the living room while I was there watching TV, and my friends not interacting with me directly. I’d get so upset over not being invited to spontaneous get-togethers online (meaning it wasn’t planned and just happened) as well as just people not talking to me frequently. I was aware of my feelings and I knew that clinginess was bad and that other people had their own lives and were not responsible for my happiness so in my head the only option I had was distance myself and self-isolate and remove any ability I might have that would result in me messaging people out of the blue either not thinking or by impulse. Even now I have removed all ability for myself to potentially message my friends from my phone, I still have access to group chats though and them directly from my computer - it’s harder to contact them that way so I do it only when needed.
For the most part my friends were not happy with that, I’m glad they didn’t let me try to cut them off completely because I don’t think that would end well for me at all. I’m a very lonely person and I’m very desperate for any human interaction I can get, which I hate. I wish there was an alternative that didn’t require me to have to go to my friends all the time just because I want to talk about my stupid little art projects or talk about the movie I’m watching. Hell my mom found a little anole in our house that I kept overnight so he had the sunshine to find another spot to Brumate in the morning and the very first thing I did was send them a picture of it to the group chat I have access to.
I want to try and be less annoying? If that makes sense? I made social media to share my art, projects, and even stupid things like fictional characters I like or what lizard I saw today. So I need to use that.
I don’t know how mental health treatment will go, most likely thing is either being referred to a therapist who will hopefully accept insurance or I’m going to be put on medication. Either by my GP or getting a referral to a Psychiatrist, the latter not being super likely though.
Fingers crossed I get lucky either way and that I find a good therapist/medication works well on the first try
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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— haitani rindou. texting the other at 3am, bike rides, tattoo dates, hooked pinkies at the grocery store, late night trips to 7/11, bike rides, faint blushes, purple gift wrap, fixing up bloody knuckles and busted lips, coffee runs before class, bike rides, morning love-making, princess treatment, love bites, washing each other's hair, kisses kisses kisses, quality time, cuddles in his t-shirts, video game dates, random shopping trips, carrying my bags for me, bike rides, shared earbuds, swapping playlists and music mixes, bookstore dates.
— hanemiya kazutora. morning cuddles, afternoon naps, evening cuddles, nighttime cuddles, brushing our teeth together, making tora's bento before he leaves for the pet store, caring for newborn kittens, words of affirmation, braiding hair, getting matching tattoos, stealing his sweatshirts, bike rides, eventually caving and buying a cat and a dog from fuyu's pet store.
— kokonoi hajime. lots of pictures, bleps bleps bleps, getting caught working or studying late, tucking each other into bed, acts of service, doing chores together ("it's more efficient this way"), expensive, late night takeout, soft, pure kisses, snuggles, little spooning, begging and giving in to getting a cat, salon dates, a matching piercing, silver jewelry, classy christmas tree decorations, white fairy lights, coordinated, designer outfits, doing koko's eye makeup before work, removing his eye makeup before bed, doing each other's skincare routines, spa dates, soft, romantic lovemaking after a long rough day at work, book dates, long, philosophical or theological discussions, a rare crime drama binge watch.
— shiba yuzuha. makeup shopping, gossiping about our brothers, movie nights, recommending new music, late night snack runs, study dates (she's definitely crazy smart), sending each other cute cat pictures, facetiming at odd hours, quiet cuddle times indoors, hiding out after school avoiding her fanclub, nicknames ("queen" "princess" "bug" "sweetheart" "yuzu" "yuzu-chan"), soft touches, kisses kisses kisses, spending time showing each other each other's hobbies, quality time.
— nagi seishiro. quality time, naps naps naps, video game dates, rainy days spent cuddling together indoors, lazy takeout runs, muscle and weight training (i'm the weight), snack runs, leaning against each other, piggyback rides, swapping between being the big spoon and little spoon, kisses post-win, catching me trying on his jerseys, dancing on his toes, slow dancing, random biting, cocoa with tons of marshmallows and whipped cream, competitive versus matches, snowball fights, snitching cookie and cake dough, making more of a mess with the christmas lights and decorations rather than use them to decorate the tree.
— ruggie bucchi. naps well into the evening after doing leona's chores and running errands for leona, ear scritches!!, cuddles cuddles cuddles, snack runs to sam's after school, broom rides late in the night, watching his spelldrive practices, pulling pranks on ace and deuce and grim, sitting leaned up against each other watching the laundry spin round and round, falling asleep the soft hum of the washers and dryers in the background, cooking for the entire savanaclaw dorm, splitting donuts and hot chocolate during study sessions, MASSAGES, visits back home to ruggie's grandmother, 5 second rule things with ruggie, stealing each other's oversized shirts.
— ace trappola. pasta nights/making the entire heartslabyul dorm smell like basil and garlic and tomatoes, pulling pranks with deuce and grim, skipping class, cheering the loudest at ace's basketball game, receiving wet, sloppy, sweaty kisses post-win, getting picked up and spun around in a hug, petty arguments, thumb wars, spontaneous "kidnappings" on ace's broom, hopeless study sessions, study sessions turn tickle fights, pillow fights, practicing card and magic tricks late into the night, constantly needing to touch and feel each other (non-sexual), elbow on my head, pinching each other, hand-holding, swinging each other's arms, linking arms, giggling late into the night about old pranks we pulled, shopping trips into town, adopting a dog, morning kisses, "good night" kisses, cheek kisses, neck kisses, blowing raspberries, elbowing each other.
— jamil viper. productive study sessions, assisting him with kalim's and his chores, taking care of each other when we're sick, braiding his hair, acts of service, words of affirmation, well-deserved naps, big spooning, little spooning, roasting and gossiping about other students, sharing music recommendations, cooking dinner for kalim and the scarabia dorm, cuddles cuddles cuddles, love bites, heated makeout sessions, neck kisses, nose kisses, holding pinkies, subtle ways of saying "i love you," tapping each other three times to say "i love you," reading in the school library, teaching him about any customs or traditions from my world/home, trips back home to the scalding sands, introducing me to his family, stargazing, magic carpet rides, watching the al'ab naariya (sp??) fireworks, dancing in his room, telling each other to go to bed first, kisses first thing in the morning, kisses as we pass each other in the kitchen, kisses as we wake up from naps.
— xiao. visits to jueyun karst and the adepti, naps after patrol at wangshu inn, trips into liyue harbor, meeting with zhongli at third-round knockout or xinyue kiosk, lantern rites spent just the two of us, cuddles cuddles cuddles, rock and mountain climbing, late night chats with hu tao, flower crowns made from qingxin, walks with qiqi while she picks medicinal herbs for baizhu, cooking for and failing at trying to surprise him with almond tofu, patching each other up after a particularly rough commission or long, drawn-out battle, exploring domains and new nations together, quiet "i love yous," tapping each other three times to say "i love you," holding hands and soft, gentle kisses in the privacy of our shared bedroom, heated kisses, words of affirmation, stargazing, visiting pervases' shrine and offering incense.
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and god, you know what? if i look back at the examples of this behavior i cited months ago in that other post, they still piss me off. "Being unable to cook because your attention keeps dropping off and you accidentally burn it/cut yourself vs being unable to cook because the pan will suddenly become to heavy as your shoulder spontaneously dislocates" fuck. off. fuck off! this isn't fair and you should goddamn know better.
...ok i guess i need to back up.
right so: i also experience regular, spontaneous joint dislocations. and, yeah, they can (often do) make basic tasks inconvenient, difficult, and/or too much risk and hassle to be worth it.
plus most of them hurt. sometimes just a little; sometimes a whole fucking lot. like "try not to scream/cry"-level.
but they don't resemble what a healthy person who's never (or only once or twice) dislocated anything will picture when they read that quoted sentence.
like to be fair the severity of pain and impairment they cause varies from person to person even among edsers/other people who experience them frequently? so it is entirely possible that from the perspective of the person who wrote the quoted words i'm understating the problem here, but like. at least from my perspective.
it's not oh god! a horrible thing has happened! i must be rushed to the emergency department and put in a sling for weeks. a team of doctors must give me something to calm me down and then maneuver my poor wayward joint back into its socket with a deafening, sickening crack, followed by my tortured screams!
it's oh god ow. shit fuck set that down before it... spills. damn it. whatever i'll clean that up later; right now i'm all dizzy and need to sit down. hhggghghgh ow. ... ok jerk, you ready to go back in your socket now? nnnno. alright just chill. few more minutes. ... HHRRGGHGHhhok that's better.
(and then a great deal of soreness and wobbliness, and anywhere from a day to a few weeks of increased risk that joint will pull the same stunt again. one may choose to forestall this risk by bracing the joint for a while, but that's a hassle so ymmv.)
because a. joints that come out easier will usually go back in easier too; b. they can do this with less damage to surrounding tissue since it doesn't require traumatic force; and c. fear! makes! pain! worse.
tl;dr it's a nuisance, not a disaster.
and it's not fucking fair to use the word "dislocation" as a weapon against people who lack that context.
...oh right shit, this is tumblr. uh. to be clear: i'm not saying "never tell strangers about your spontaneous joint dislocations"; that'd be unfair and absurd.
i'm saying that the word has an emotional power that, in my experience, misrepresents what it actually feels like to live with this problem, and that it's irresponsible to use that emotional power as a guilt trip. partly because i don't think the people in op's target audience deserve to feel guilty at all, but also for a more selfish reason?--viz., i struggle to talk openly about my eds, and in order to make it easier for myself i spend a lot of time trying to scrub off that mystical aura that tends to surround Injury Words. i.e., talking about it in as unhallowed and mundane a way as possible.
so it just. low-key annoys me when people reinforce the barrier of fear and awe that makes people flinch away from descriptions of my life.
(especially when they do this to lord it over other disabled people. g o d that's rude just jsldkfhg fuck off)
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rimouskis · 2 years
9, 17, 19!
Best month for you this year?
Hmm... I'm gonna go with July, even though it was full of a lot of ups and downs. The downs: had to be in my friend's wedding and hated it because I hated how I looked, felt, and how she treated me. also cried in the Detroit Airport because I thought evgeni fucking malkin was going to leave the Pittsburgh fucking Penguins.
the ups: got to an idyllic paradise where I spent a blissful four days "working" and falling in love with a wonderful magical place where I also learned that geno was staying. hit a state of utter euphoria. also went to DC with my mom and spontaneously gained the ability to parallel park.
I think it evened out. Kinda. Maybe.
Post a picture from the end of the year
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What’re you excited about for next year?
I answered travel last time... so this is a partial cheat but I'm excited to see people next year. I already have plans to visit some friends (like you!!!), and I'm working on planning a trip with my siblings, and a trip with my mom and aunt... I just want to spend the year with people.
[End of the Year asks]
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novumtimes · 4 months
Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup Marry Have Second Wedding Ceremony Hollywood Life
View gallery Image Credit: Getty Images Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup reclaimed their vows in a wedding ceremony in Mexico City. “I’m making a video ……but tomorrow I’m taking pictures. Family x friends and lotsa fun @naomiwatts x Billy in Mexico City #wedding #benwatts #scrapbooking #familyandfriends,” captioned the 55-year-old actress’ brother, Ben Watts, in an Instagram post where his sister was heard saying, “This is a reminder of what life’s about…The affirmation of love..one of the simplest things but most importance.” The King Kong star first tied the knot with the 55-year-old actor in June 2023 at a courthouse ceremony in New York City. During an interview on Live with Kelly and Mark, Naomi gave insight into her intimate wedding by saying, “Nothing was planned because we wanted to keep it lowkey. I even got my flowers from the bodega at the corner.I wrapped them in old ribbon. I keep my ribbons for a good reason. Pulled them out of the drawer, made it myself. And then yeah, we ended up finishing the whole ceremony — It’s very quick — and we just called a few friends, randomly, or just spontaneously, and whoever was in town just came and joined us. It was really celebratory and lovely.” Getty Images Kelly Ripa chimed in on the wedding bells, admitting that she and Mark Consuelos were happy that the now-married-couple found each other. “Aww thank you. It’s never too late, right? We found each other later than… yeah, late in life. And it’s really a special thing. Billy loves you guys, thank you for your kindness about that,” Naomi voiced. This time around, these lovebirds  celebrated in the tropical land of Mexico City while Ben – a photographer – captured all candid moments on the big day. “Off they go Naomi x Billy x family #benwatts #scrapbooking,” Ben wrote across another video – playing “Love And Marriage” by Frank Sinatra – showcasing the bride and groom inside an elevator waving “goodbye” alongside bridesmaids and groomsmen.  Adding to the Instagram spam, Ben shared more on his Stories, including on the way back from the trip and noted, “On our way home from a absolutely fantastic weekend in Mexico City with family and friends.” Naomi and Billy do not have any children together. However, she shares son Sasha and daughter Kai with Liev Scheiber. Billy welcomed child William Atticus Parker with ex-girlfriend Mary-Louise Parker. The newlyweds have yet to post any snap relating to their wedding in Mexico City. Source link via The Novum Times
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dravidssideblog · 11 months
"Happy birthday!" my friends shout as the time for presents finally arrives. LJ hands me a small box wrapped with a bow.
I take it and start opening it. "Thank you guy- OMG! OMG!" Inside is a cute little pink collar! I always wanted one of these, but I was way too embarrassed to wear one. But now that it's a gift, I'm expected to wear it, so it won't be awkward! I put it on and take out my phone to see how it looks on me. "I really love it," I say, admiring it around my neck. It's even got a little heart-shaped name tag! "A bit tight though, but I'm not picky about it." It's not like they could've known my size. And for that matter… "How did you know what I wan-"
The world freezes, and everything clicks into place. They got me a dog. Because I've been mentioning how I want a dog. And they got me a collar. For the dog. A dog collar for dogs. Which I just put on myself in front of all of them.
I take off the collar. "Wow, a dog!" I turn around, looking at the dog and not my friends' shocked and horrified faces. "What a nice and unexpected gift!" I walk toward the dog and kneel down to put the collar on it. "What a lovely and thoughtful gift!" … Silence. I turn to DA. "Say, where'd you get this dog?"
"… Oh, uh, she's from the shelter on 4th street. We chose this one because…"
One topic-changing conversation and a couple more small gifts later, and my friends finally leave. Getting a dog. What a lovely way to wrap up a birthday party. I go to my room.
I face-plant onto the pillow.
I wanted them to know about my pet-y interests eventually. But not like this. I think this is the worst possible way they could've found out. If they had walked in on me doing some weird petplay stuff, then it would be THEIR fault for intruding on my privacy. But it was MY fault. I took a normal gift from a normal birthday party and made it weird in front of all of them. And now I want to spontaneously combust.
It's Christmas! My friends and I had a wonderful time, going ice skating, watching movies, and exchanging gifts. Lots of fun, lots of laughs, a great day. Now it's the 27th, and I suddenly get a text message from DA: "got you another present. it was pretty last minute so sorry its late. just got the delivery notification, should be in your mailbox. wasnt sure if youd want it so i can return it if not, no worries"
I shoot a text back. "cool, thanks! I'll check it right now" And one trip to the mailbox later, I return with a cardboard box. I cut the tape, open it up-
And find a collar inside. It's green. My favorite color. Hanging from it is a simple circular name tag. With my name on it. And it looks too large for my dog.
This has got to be a prank, right? It's gotta be, like, lined with itching powder, or have a shocking mechanism, or something, right? But I recognize the brand from when I was browsing online. They're the most popular brand for human collars, and I highly doubt they sell prank collars. It's just a simple, green collar. Meant for me. Given as a gift.
Well. If it's a gift. Then I'm expected to wear it, right?
Ten minutes later (nine of those minutes used for courage-building), I post a picture of myself to the group chat, wearing the collar. "just got this gift in the mail! I think i look pretty good in it!"
One minute of screaming into my pillow later (much to my dog's concern (her name is Nibble)), with my finger hovering over the delete button, someone posts a response. It's DA: "glad you like it! hope i got the size right this time haha"
With the ice broken (or maybe it was just the 2nd notification getting their attention), the others start to add their own comments. It's mostly just generic "looks great!"-style compliments, and some of them just give a thumbs-up emoji. And that's it. After everyone has commented, someone mentions the plans we made to go play laser tag later this week, and the conversation moves on. Nothing awkward. Nothing painful. I don't want to spontaneously combust.
"How did you know what I wan-"
I hear a clanging sound, and through my phone camera, I see an empty kennel cage behind me. My friends all stare at me with teasy smiles. "Come on, climb in!~" DA says.
Oh. They KNEW knew.
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jcenvs3000f23 · 1 year
Blog 1 Post
My Evolving Relationship with Nature
Losing touch with the natural world is easy in a busy modern life. I once found myself in that situation, disconnected from nature and oblivious to its wonders. However, a recent experience has not only rekindled my bond with nature but also highlighted the evolution of this connection. Like many, my daily routine revolved around screens, schedules, and concrete jungles. I rarely ventured into the outdoors, and the concept of "nature" felt abstract and distant.
I visited my home country, India, to see my relatives this summer. During that time, I also decided to escape the city of Mumbai to stay in a remote villa nestled in the forest hills for the weekend. It was a spontaneous decision, driven by a desire for tranquillity and a break from the concrete jungle. On the way to the villa, I was greeted by a variety of nature's sounds. Birds sang, leaves rustled, and the scent of earth filled my car.
That weekend was a turning point in my relationship with nature. I started by taking short walks in the forest, gradually immersing myself in the serene environment. As I ventured deeper into the woods, I noticed the intricate details of the natural world. I marvelled at the patterns of tree bark, the petals of wildflowers, and the vibrant colours of autumn leaves.
My newfound appreciation for nature didn't stop at admiration. I started reading about the local flora and fauna, eager to identify the birds and plants I encountered. I even began practising mindfulness in the woods, finding peace in the present moment.
As my connection with nature deepened, I couldn't ignore the importance of conservation and sustainability. I began supporting local environmental initiatives by reducing plastic use and participating in community clean-up events.
What started as a spontaneous weekend getaway has transformed into a genuine passion and a commitment to preserving our environment. Nature has become a source of inspiration, solace, and motivation. It has taught me the importance of balance in a hectic world and the beauty of simplicity. Through this evolution, I've come to realize that nature is not separate from us but an integral part of our lives. In a world that often prioritizes the artificial over the authentic, my evolving relationship with nature reminds me of the natural world's profound impact on our well-being and our responsibility to protect it.
Here are some pictures of the wild life i saw on my trip
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