#posting this late cuz I didn't think to post it on tumblr at first
that-regural-girl · 8 months
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Quicksilver prompt for Apoctober
Apoctober started by @magik_jack_art on instagram
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AITA for reporting my coworker for not showing up?
Apologies for the long post.
So some background first. I (26NB) work at well known fast food joint. Our store is mildly understaffed, we have enough people to cover each shift, but schedules need to get shifted around if anyone needs to take time off, and typically there is only one person working at once.
On Saturdays, I work the afternoon shift with Mike (18M) opening and Jason (17?M) closing. Until about the end of summer, I would let Mike leave almost as soon as I got there (about 2 hours before his shift was supposed to end) so he could go and spend more time with his long-distance girlfriend. After summer ended, Mike started asking me to do some shift trades where I'd come in early on Saturdays and he would take one of my other shifts so I'd only be working 4 days a week. I didn't mind 'cuz I had been wanting to get down to 4 days anyways.
For the past couple weeks, he has approached me with the trade of me taking his entire shift on Saturdays (so I would work all of his shift and go until I finish mine) and he'd still take my one shift. I agreed to the trade twice because I had recently taken some time off and needed the hours plus I wanted to be nice to help him get the time with his girlfriend.
As a point of clarity, Mike approached me with the trade every week and it was not (as far as I am aware) expected to happen.
Now jumping to the present (at the time of writing this at least). Our manager has changed the schedule and I am now only working 4 days a week. I had the day off Friday and was spending time with my family. Mike texted me asking if I could finish his shift. I said no and switched my phone to silent to focus on my family. After they left and I was heading to bed, I noticed Mike had texted again asking if I wanted to do the Saturday trade. It was pretty late so I didn't respond. Regardless, I was going to say no since Jason had called out sick for the weekend and I would be responsible for closing.
Mike never showed up to open. I got to the store around noon and he had just straight up not come in. I called and messaged my manager and rushed to open the store. I found out a couple days later that Mike had been put on a final warning and was very lucky to still have a job.
I feel bad about saying something as he might have assumed it'd be okay since I had agreed to it before and now his job is on the line. But also, I don't think he should have just assumed that. So Tumblr, AITA?
@aita-coworker throwaway so I can find this and add info if needed
What are these acronyms?
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onthewaytosomewhere · 12 days
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alrighty!! it's Wednesday like 2 am but who's counting :)
thanks bunches for the early (well it was also late for you) tag @stellarmeadow 💚💚
so more of this liam/pez not-so-much one night stand who i finally have home from the club and with a few more words back the smut i had started writing - cuz i've not had much put into this bb until tonight and it didn't write itself (even tho i hoped it would)
we join the southern philanthropy already in progress.....
Liam assumed when Percy said he had a car waiting, he meant in a local parking spot, not the vehicle with the driver waiting at the curb as they walked out of the club. He hears Percy talk to the driver but doesn’t pay attention to what is said, and the next thing he knows, he’s being ushered into the back of what he thinks might be a town car or something after Percy. He expects him to slide all the way across, so when Liam finds his leg resting against Percy’s, he’s pleasantly surprised. When the dark window between them and the driver goes up, and he feels Percy’s hand on his thigh, he’s even more surprised; he’s never made out in a moving car and has to imagine it’s rather tricky with seatbelts in the way. That’s why they always went somewhere and parked back in the days when making out in cars was something he did. Percy seems to have no other plans than to sit there against him, with a hand resting on his thigh. Liam’s lulled by the movement as the car pulls out and doesn’t realize the weight of the hand on his thigh shifts until it’s sliding along the inseam of his jeans. He feels it climb higher and is both turned on and reminded of those games of chicken they all played as dumb, barely teenagers back in the day. The girls he was paired with back then never did anything for him; even that young, he knew he preferred someone with a cock, but the way Pez’s hand slowly glides up is definitely. He glances over and sees the way Pez’s eyes are alight in something beyond mischief; they’re lust-blown but playful, and he can’t stop himself from leaning over to brush against the lips that are still kiss-swollen from making out in the club. The kissing doesn’t last long before the seatbelts get in the way, but, pulling away, he realizes that Percy’s hand inched its way further up his thigh while they were kissing. His fingers are gently moving up and down along the zipper of his jeans, and when he thinks he might come in his pants, the car comes to a stop, pulling up to the curb, outside what looks like a brownstone similar to the one Alex and Henry live in.
alright some tag-backs from sunday and friday and some other tags beneath the cut cuz besides i'm sure tumblr still being stupid it's early and i'm gonna tag my lil heart out lolz --- and an open tag for anyone who wants to play (tag me plz cuz i luv to be tagged and i wanna see ur words too)
so first thanks ever so much for the sunday sentence and fuck it friday tags (i was writing ficlets and/or at a concert (growing my ever-expanding wip folder with each lolz) this is me tagging ya back for wed! @sophie1973 @suseagull04 @blueeyedgrlwrites @tailsbeth-writes @thesleepyskipper
@jmagnabo92 @henryspearl @taste-thewaste @inell @xthelastknownsurvivorx
@heysweetheart-writes @duchessdepolignaca03
and brand new tags to the rest of y'all
@adreamareads @agame-writes (happy RBB posting!) @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @dragonflylady77
@england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @junebugclaremontdiaz
@kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites @msmarvelouswinchester
@nocoastposts @piratefalls @priincebutt @softboynick @sparklepocalypse
@thedramasummer @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite
@wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox @indestructibleheart @everwitch-magiks @cricketnationrise
@orchidscript @cha-melodius @captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie
@bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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planetkiimchi · 2 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
hi anon !! first off, thanks for this ask, i'm always up for appreciation posts! secondly, sorry for getting back to you so late 🥲 thirdly, i did mention some moots that i haven't spoken to in a while, i'd love to catch up with y'all sometime 💗 and anyone i didn't mention: feel free to drop into my inbox!
@a-gay-mushroom | let's start with aster! you probably never see me talk about him here LOL bc i'm pretty sure they don't have access to their account anymore but we still talk on discord and he sends us lil updates on his life 🥺🥺 like how cute is that
@realparkminkyun | seok is a REAL ONE cuz why is he the only one that appreciates my wayv posts :/ also among one of the first mutuals i made here when we were both kinda figuring tumblr out lol
@blue-jisungs | ofc axe is on this list LOL my first writer mutual !! she's super cheerful and nice and sends the server lots of great edits and likes my translations of wayv vids hehe
@alterenjun | don't talk to nae very much but she makes really pretty moodboards! also she's super sweet
@fylithia | moon always has smth to say and also they tagged me in a bunch of stuff and has cats.
@wheeboo | rania is so cool !!! she gives rlly good advice and is super mature and i love seeing her life updates
@jisungsdaydreamer | dreamy has rlly good writing and also never faults me for forgetting to talk to them sometimes 😰
@eternalgyu | hannie brings much-needed chaotic energy into my life lol the only thing is we don't stan the same groups 💔 except svt
@wqnwoos | hana has the prettiest writing ever ?? and she's so sweet i love interacting w her!
@kyrjnie | val has sent me multiple check ins even when i fail to interact w her regularly 🫶🏼🫶🏼
@welcometomyoasis | we live in the same country !! also kind of like an older sister bc she has more life experience HEHE
@slytherinshua | makes presentations to help us stan new groups and has writing for almost every kpop group she stans (which is. a lot) and also leaves amazing comments and replies to my rbs of her work ?4&!//
okay i think thats it!! love y'all <3
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gnirewolf · 5 months
I just wanted to say that I think you have one of the most adorable and awesome OC's I've ever seen omg How did you decide on the colors and patterns and whatnot?
thank u ^w^ first and foremost, my fursona Grove was designed by @neonbuck in late 2022 who did an amazing job, so ultimately Chris was the one who decided on the exact colors and patterns!! I did come with an idea though, I'd been getting more and more into flowers and nature stuff through 2021, so I thought about this high concept OC that would be green like summer with spots like flowers. I was really vibing with hyenas at the time too cuz I'd been playing with some OCs and that just felt like the way to go. originally, I had even conceptualized grove as a character I could get versions of for each season, but I didn't get around to that lol, too lazy! so anyway, go follow Chris
also, I prob should've put the ref on that pinned post but I didn't expect it to get so many notes OTL. I still love it though, I've been looking at it a lot this month as I've been getting into drawing!
update: I did go and put the ref on the post! didn't know Tumblr allowed more than 10 images now lol
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Rant about Hatticc/Waste-of-energy (with their toxic partner and their friends)
TW: Bullying/Su1¢1d3/Mention of NSFW Art
For who don't know who's hatticc (but I called them waste)
Waste is one of first online friend that I can talk too a lot, we both in the same fandom (baldi basic), we and them, we met in deviantart and I made them a gift and then we art rade each other and we have fun
And I did met a friend of waste (well their user name is hella weird but let's called him red since he likes the color red) so red ask me to get discord which I did download the app and I never felt so happy that I can chat with friends, we chat, we share art each and we VC (voice call) like its was the best time of my life but until things went down hill...
So on the beginning of 2019, they become a bit jerky like they talk very dry talk to me and talk about my grammar, that i wasn't text all good like it doesn't matter how i talk, but it's mostly come from their partner (nub) they both know each other since kid (which basically they live in the same country)
So their partner also talk trash about my grammar and my art , and the more days of being with them, the both of them starting to become more selfish and toxic
They bullied me for being emo and tell self harm and suicide jokes around me and the worst part that waste make a drawing of me offing myself like WTF!? JUST BECAUSE IM EMO ITS DOESN'T MEAN THAT I HARM MYSELF EVERYDAY!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH!!!
And they made fun of my drawings and i try to tell them to stop and it isn't funny but they like no and still continue it, and pretend that they don't understand me and tell me how bad my grammar is and get this, they both live in Italy like FUXKING ITALY!!! THEY BOTH BORN IN ITALY, SPEAK ITALIAN AND YET TO MAKE FUN OF MY ENGLISH GRAMMAR LIKE THEY FLEX THEIR ENGLISH SO MUCH LIKE WHAT!? PEOPLE DONT HAVE THE PERFECT GRAMMAR ALRIGHT!?
And about the NSFW art, so we were minors at the time and they draw NSFW and so do I, yep they draw NSFW
And they make alt accounts so they don't add me!! They keep saying that "oh we don't have more room sorry [dead name]" BITCH YOU MAKE ALT ACCOUNT JUST REMOVE THE ALT ACCOUNTS OF THE SERVER, DONT PRETEND THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ROOM
I was actually so pissed off about how they treated me like they are so selfish, so show offie, only care about themselves and I did make drawings for them but they keep saying "oh sorry I was so busy with something" LIKE HOW!!?? HOW YOUR BUSY WITH TALKING YOUR TOXIC BITCH !?
And I finally did it that I finally left their stupid server and deleted discord which was the worse experience ever
And in 2020, when Deviantart announced that the old Deviantart layout was gonna retired and replace with the most lamest layout that makes waste to move to tumblr and they didn't know about that I don't have Tumblr account haha
And they no longer in the baldi basic community, they are in the hat the time or whatever that game is
So I remember saw a post about that they meet a user and so here the post (since their account is deactivated, bummer...)
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Like w o w, you finally taste your own medicine huh?
And I did remember seeing a drawing of different friends that they have like it's show that waste and nub bullying their old friends and get new ones but they are bullying the new ones
Like wow how nice you are and you like everybody which a fuxking lie that they made
But I think in either late 2023 or 2024 they deactivated their deviantart account
Which I should save their art and like...i actually like their art style is nice and all but they are a bully and same with their partner
I only like their art not them
So yea...maybe I will try to get my old discord account back cuz there is a server that they use to have but they all left lol
I can't believe that people who support them and they don't know what they did and I don't know if waste changed like if I got their discord name
And I will see if they change or not
If they say their sorry then I will give them 2nd chance but their are getting one chance
So yea...I just wanna talk about this since my other discord friends are busy with stuff...
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seokmashu · 11 months
moot appreciation & 1000th post ❤️
to celebrate the end of predebut era, zb1's debut, my lovely 5ever moots, and my 1000th post! (also bc this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a few weeks now and i figured it's time!) it's been a few months since i joined zumblr and i wanted to shout out a few people who have made this experience so fun and lively and wonderful and whose friendships i really treasure ❤️ i love all of you mwah now let's goo!!
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💌 cherrie // @cherriegyu 🍒
cherrieee tietie 🫶 when i first came on tumblr you were one of the only ppl i talked to and you made me feel so welcome in the community- i loved discussing lex's hp ideas with you, our bias lists and being a zerorat (💀) imy and love you lots <3
💌 moni // @taerrrrrae 🐨
moni you're always so sincere when reading and reacting to other ppl's works, responding to asks, and letting other ppl know you're thinking of them, that i find it so inspiring~ i mean who else would compose poems for their moots?? you're such a sweet person a 7 star hallabong fr <3
💌 riri // @chxrrymxxnlight 🌛
ririii my fav riyangi fangirl!! you're so cute and i appreciate how you always keep me up to date about zb1 stuff (like within 0.1 seconds of them posting, insane) even tho we always miss each other cuz we live in opposite timezones 😭 i hope u only have happy days ahead and i'm so excited to hear more about this story you're writing and drawing!! <3
💌 tee // @haesunflower ⛳
teee! i'm so glad you sent me that message when we first became moots bc it's so much fun talking to you~ remember the gyuvin cheeto ask i sent you? 💀 and all those times you were thirsty over wrote about zb1 ahem. i love discussing fic ideas with you because you simply give the best reactions and i'm so happy you get to live out your y/n fantasy fr fr 😭 <3
💌 rose // @ohdudedhesflirting 🐝
ah yes rose one of the only other seokryus that i know on tumbles 😭 your thirsty reactions to posts are so funny and always crack me up~ i'm sooo glad you started writing more bc i love reading your fics!! still mad you didn't tag me in the first one 😤 but it's ok since it literally wrenched my heart out ;; i hope you're doing better now and that you had a wonderful bday <3
💌 lex // @bp-zb1fics 🦇
lex i know you haven't been as active lately but it doesn't feel right to not include you in this since you were literally my d-1 bestie when i first started this blog- i loved discussing fic ideas with you and joking around making silly posts and sending each other twts and telling each other about our dreams and reading all the wonderful stuff you wrote! i hope you're doing well now, i'm thinking about you <3
💌 venom // @zerobaseonefics 🕸️
you were one of the first people i talked to when i arrived at zumblr and i remember thinking wow she seems cool i wanna get to know her! little did we know that was the start of a century long feud however thankfully we can say war is over now that you've admited defeat 😇 fr tho, you're such a talented writer and i really admire how you always make time to listen to and talk to everyone~ your love for spiderman is sooo cute you act cool all the time but you're actually the cutest yk? thank you for encouraging me to post my art back then, i really don't think i would've started posting my bday series if it weren't for you and ilysm <3
💌 hazel // @hanbeanz 🔮
aka the don 😎 hazel i think you're such a talented gifmaker and the way you include your stream of consciousness always cracks me up lolol i think you're an awesome leader and it's fun discussing ideas for zb1net tg, don't feel too discouraged and i also hope you don't get too burnt out either<3 also that time you sent me an ask about your emoji tag still cracks me up hahaha <3
💌 alma // @gunwookstan 🐭
my fav fav fav mattwook fangirl almaaaaa <3 i'm so happy you messaged me bc we are literally kindred spirits when it comes to reacting to our boys LOL it was sooo funny that one time i was scrolling twt and accidentally found your account and you were like sweats uhhh that's not me ok sure 👀 talking with you always brightens my day ily sooo much mwah <3
💌 rin // @jjanguri 🐳
rininining!! my sweet, kind, open-hearted friend who can't help but cry from simply existing 🥺 from our first interaction i could tell you were gonna be lots of fun to talk to~ i love being spymasters tg, hearing ab your feud with your cubicle mate, the tattoos you plan on getting, your reactions to hao, and your love of eating bricks and concrete <3 bc of you "goobert" and "monch" are imprinted into my mind LOL and also i think it's soo impressive how you churn out 10 gifsets every day even tho you're so busy all the time~ idk what's up with the whole ss and meow agenda you've been cooking up lately but grrrr i'm keeping my eye on you 👀 thanks for being such a fun but also calming presence my lovely friend and i hope you know i'm here for you when the going gets tough <3
💌 iana // @taeraex 🦖
iana our cute adorable bb <33 it's funny that your bias is taerae bc both of you could stand still doing nothing and i would still think it's the funniest thing LOLL i love talking to you about astrological signs and your stalker behavior and being petty and your random bursting out into song and playing codenames with you (we fr are connected to the same wifi bc it's crazy how similar our instincts are) it's always such a fun time when you're around 😛 you could talk for hours and hours and i would love listening to every second of it you're just so funny and endearing and cute <3 also thank u for always supplying the cute cat pics bc there is a SEVERE drought going on 🙏 i hope u get some sleep bc i'm always worried ab you y'know <3
💌 lili // @y--eontan 🦎
o lilicat how i adore you, you're so funny and brazen and sweet and every time i see you lurking in chat i just wanna go pspspsps 😽 before we started talking i remember seeing your emoji gifset and i remember thinking this is so cool i can't wait to see the part 2!! and then you messaged me and i was like :0 your reactions to gunwookie are soo cute that i just wanna spam you with every noot noot/cheek pic i see~ it's so funny the way you complain about stuff and block people you have no patience for lmaooo i am seated for our next complaining sesh 🫡 your comments and little quips always catch me off guard bc you're so deadpan and i love your sense of humor haha also when you drew that lil orange puppy on the art i made for you? *bursts into tears* <3
💌 hope // @zeroze 🕊️
my cute hopieee i'm so sorry i called u buzz lightyear when all u wanted to be was bubbles 😭 it's so much fun theorizing ab zb1 concepts with you bc we share one mind when it comes to our music tastes and thank you for always looking out for me and asking if i'm gonna watch stuff with you and making sure i go to bed at a reasonable hour 🫶 you're so sweet and kind and funny (thinking about the time you banned iana 💀) even tho you never let me have my own cute emoji reacts :'( i hope your exhibition wraps up well and you can fiiiinally have the break you deserve! and i also hope you have the best time in japan/korea (if we don't end up meeting up!!) and i SWEARRR i'll go to bed earlier (just for u 😚) <3
💌 maria // @sunghanbinie 🌺
aka jiff, lieutenant mario, and the other half of our shared braincell -- i love how we can talk about anything and everything, from when we wake up to when we go to bed, you've simply been there for everything. even though you torment me day-to-day with monkey allegations and thirsty matt gifs, you're also always there to listen to my troubles and check up on me when i'm feeling down - i appreciate you so so much from playing 49584 games together every night and spilling tea to fangirling over zb1 and giving me gif advice. you are my constant <3 i think you're so smart and funny and such a talented gifmaker and writer. i love our little jokes and making fun of each other at every opportunity, and i truly don't think being on zumblr would've been the same without you <3 i love you sooo much mwah mwah mwah <333
finally, a shoutout to moots who i haven't spoken to as much but who i want to get to know better because i just think they're so talented and cute and cool: @jinkiseason // @zb1s // @zerobaseone // @seokmatthewz // @sung-hanbin // @yunacoeur // @keiwook // @cinnajun // @juyomiao <3
this was written from the heart at like 4am and i hope you all know just how much i love and appreciate each and every one of you <3 1000 posts and 10000 more to go! can't wait to spend the next 2.5 years with y'all 😁
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So Byron Sellers, or more commonly referred to as Mr. Sellers, is a one-time character from a netflix show called Oddballs. If you follow any cartoon review channels or something you've probably heard of Oddballs, but if not, it's a cartoon created by TheOdd1sOut. It's about a boy named James (basically james rallison's self insert), a crocodile named Max, and a girl from the future named Echo. Lot's of stuff happens in the show and I probably wouldn't be able to fit it all in here, so let's focus on our main man, Mr. Sellers.
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Mr. Sellers is a crazy salesman who invades people's homes trying to get them to buy his security gadget, the "Break-in-Buster 3000." He only appears in one episode, Almost Home Alone. If you were planning on watching the episode first, maybe don't scroll further cuz there's gonna be spoilers.
Not only does Mr. Sellers invade peoples homes, but he also preinstalls the Break-in-Buster 3000 in his victim's homes if they decline his offer or try to shoo him away. And he also somehow also has the ability to become part of it too. This is never explained in canon, but I love that it implies that he's half robot. It makes him feel like a rogue antivirus, which I'm also obsessed with.
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Now why do I love this guy so much? First of all, he just has SO MUCH tumblr sexyman potential imo, and he would probably be one if Oddballs had a bigger fandom and didn't end after two seasons. Second of all, I absolutely LOVE the smug, chaotic energy that oozes off of him. He's almost always smiling, he doesn't give two fucks if he harms a child, he constantly cheerfully taunts his victims, and he's voiced by Ryan George for pete's sake. Speaking of Ryan George, I think he did an amazing job voicing Mr. Sellers, seriously he was like perfect for this role.
So uh, thanks for listening to me ramble about a conman for like 4 paragraphs :] The only reason I even submitted him was to get more people to know about him cuz i hate being his only fan lol.
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(srry about the crappy screenshots also)
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ante--meridiem · 3 months
I really liked the idea of ship classification ask game based on that post, but honestly I don't know what fandoms you've been into lately, cuz I'm just back on tumblr after a big hiatus xD
So I'll formulate my question like this. What about the quadrant thingy for the four popular ships from the fandom you've been in the longest?
(From my tags here)
Hey!! Thanks for biting! I think the fandom I've been in longest is tma? I don't know exactly which 4 ships are most popular for it so I'll try to do it as "for each category I pick the most popular of the ships that clearly (to me) belong there".
Also some clarification on how I interpret things, based on other people's responses to the post it seems like a lot of people are taking "makes sense" as "proximity to canon" where I was seeing it as either "yeah I can see what personality compatibility these characters would have" or "I could see how the situation they're put in could be made easily shippy even if canon doesn't follow up on that". So "makes sense, doesn't compel me" doesn't mean "canon but boring" here, it means "I see the vision but am not that enticed by it". Meanwhile very many actually canon ships fail to make sense to me.
So with that said
Makes sense, compels me: jonelias (Elias' "shaping Jon for his own ends" thing could easily be developed into fascination/obsession; Jon's hunger for answers and desire to regain some control over his life could easily be developed into hunger for the person who can give him those things)
Makes sense, doesn't compel me: wtgfs aka georgie/melanie (on first impression I did think this came out of left field and didn't make sense but on further reflection I do see where it's coming from? Georgie has an established pattern of being interested in people more prone to boldness/acerbicness/need-to-dig than she is, between Jon and Alex (I think that's the name of the girl from her statement who I thought it was fairly heavily implied she had some level of crush on), and it makes sense for her to be drawn to/admire those traits because she wants to be more like that herself; meanwhile it makes sense for Melanie to go for someone capable of a more grounding/calming presence who continued to respect her when her reputation was damaged. Nothing canon does with them really compels me but hypothetically someone could do something with them that does; I think I read one fic once where I did find their dynamic interesting.)
Doesn't make sense, compels me: gertrudeagnes (they only interacted once and we didn't even get to see it directly, and there's nothing in their personalities that immediately indicates compatibility, but they both have strong personalities that could mix and clash in interesting ways and I'm pretty intrigued by the possibilities)
Doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me: jonmartin (rather than redo one of my many rants about them I'll just say that I can see that the intention with them may have been a similar kind of complementary personalities thing to what made me now concede that Georgie and Melanie do make some amount of sense, except that Georgie and Melanie admire the traits the other has that they lack and would want said traits for themselves, while Jon and Martin mostly show frustration/disdain/disinterest towards each other's complementary traits.)
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shoyostar · 2 months
hi everyone!!
sorry this is gonna be a VERY long post so if you’re not interested just scroll dw i’ll put everything under read more lol but i got this anon ask today and i wanted to address some of the points the anon was making in it.
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this anon brought some things up i'd like to address bcs this does actually matter to me the things they’ve said and i want to try and clear any misconceptions up.
i know i don't really interact w much of my mutuals (again, that's on me) but i really don't mean to make myself seem self centered or like in a clique of some sorts (i feel like that's smth that's been going around lately?) and i really only talk to a few people online, which is who i interact with the most! if you see me interacting with the same few people on here, it’s most likely bcs i am close to them and talk to them outside of tumblr, i find it hard to talk to others bcs i’m just generally shy and when i first joined tumblr in the summer it seemed everyone already had an established friendgroup so i didn't feel like i fit in anywhere. for checking up on people, i do try but i'm not the best at comforting people, but i do see your point in that and i will try to reach out more to people when i see them struggling. i don't mean to just watch my mutuals go through hardships without saying anything but i worry that what i say will not sound genuine. this isn’t an excuse for me, ofc this is just my explanation
the constant attractions of jjk writers is really just a joke 😭😭 like i swear, i have never actually been serious or angry abt how many jjk mutuals i have LOL i just think its a funny pattern considering i don't really write for the fandom ykwim (i do see your point, but it's all just jokes) though i have some strifes w the jjk fandom which might be how this joke kind of got misconstrued? jjk fandom is just unfavourable imo but i don't actually hate any of my jjk mutuals!!
i'm a very impulsive and emotionally driven person so i do ++ i say things without thought bcs i'm just so in the moment i can't think 😭 and it leads me to wanting to deactivate like atleast every other week Imao. it's smth i've tried to hold back by just shutting up before i say smth i'll regret but also bcs i know that i'll probably be fine the next day and that i'm just being dramatic but yeah i have seen that i am guilty of it! i do acknowledge that of me and want to change.
if you're talking about the "not acknowledging others in conversation" specifically about servers since you mentioned we've been in a few, i also do see your point! normally i'm very shy in servers so i tend to just stick to writing channels where i dump all my wips, and i apologize that i haven't acknowledged the people who were in the channel before me! it's usually just one dump and then i exit out of discord, and also in just normal conversations like in general chat or etc sometimes i forget to reply to some people i’m talking to or i'm just more confortable talking to certain people in a server and i do apologize if i've ever done this to you. i don't mean to purposely ignore or make you think of me as self centered bcs of this.
think that was mostly everything i wanted to address, i really don't interact w my followers on here as much as i should / want to just bcs i'm usually on discord, inactive bcs of uni or i'm just so so late replying to asks 😭 i'm sorry to not only this anon but also any of my mutuals or followers if i've ever made you have a bad experience with me, i do apologize and it's not my intent to come across as self centered or unapproachable!
since you said this is a quality that some people are noticing, it does worry me that this behaviour of mine is to the point of where multiple people see me in this light and i do want to change that which is kind of why i’ve calmed down on this account and just queued up posts
this anon ask came from a different blog of mine (a blog i haven't announced yet cuz i was just semi-quietly posting there, it’s not a huge secret that it was me but i didn’t want yall to think i was moving or deactivating again 😭) but i wanted to post it here as well just to clear anything up!
i probably won't be on this acc for some time (no i'm not deactivating lol i just priv my works for now while i'm frolicking elsewhere while uni kicks my ass) and i won't delete this post or anything, bcs i don't want to hide from this. i do see your points anon and realize my own faults and i'm glad this was brought up, and i am in no way a victim so please don't treat me like one just bcs this anon brought these up LOL
anyways sorry for all of that! that was super long but i wanted to touch on all the points they had and if you have anymore questions i'll try and answer as best as i can but i’m also not gonna be on this account too much atm again so if i’m late to replying (like usual) i’m sorry </3 i do try to log in here once a day tho to check notifs so anything sent in i’ll probably see when i have time!
sorry for any typos in this too i’m writing this all at like 1 am😭😭😭
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selstice · 2 months
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm quitting in this account.
I'm sorry, but it's my decision, and I'm probably not trying hard enough on my acc.
( more under the cut )
It's been a journey being on Tumblr, back when I posted my first post here.
I got into CQ when I saw someone made a mime oc in one of the servers I'm in, so it inspired me to make my cq mime oc, which was my first cq mime oc, Kolohe. Then I made another mime oc, Kendall ( and that's where I first met my best friend, @didinaa ! ).
She was like, my first online best friend, because I wasn't interacting much with my friends irl. And then after that, I slowly began to be interested in Colorquest during the time and made alot of cq ocs, and posting them all here. I've been doing it ever since around 2023 I think. I don't care if the views were only around 12+ or 15+, the important thing is that I get to make something. Gained like 30+ followers, but that's alr. I really enjoyed making cq ocs, since it kinda distracted me from all the stress and problems I have, and probably the thing that makes me happy the most! And I loved telling all about my ocs to my best friend during that time, since I pretty much didn't have a lot of friends in that server back in that time. And, I was really glad how my account here turned out, even if it's just a small account!
But then again, the inspos of my ocs—or the designs of my ocs— sometimes doesn't come out like I thought off in my mind, which–the design– ends up kinda shitty and a bit off, for me I guess. Everytime I see a cool design of someone's mime oc, and whenever I look back at mine, they don't look interesting or cool enough, which ended up with me doubting if I'll ever make interesting oc designs, or something. But I'm glad others think my ocs are cool-looking, even if it does kinda look off for me.
All of my oc's lore kind of sucks, since I pretty much don't put effort on it since school had been busy for me. Also, I had like, some scrapped mime oc designs cuz I thought they didn't look interesting as much.
But enough of that.
For the past few days and weeks, I'm now just getting low views, around 3-8 or so. This so happens whenever I don't post new oc posts or something, due to my busy schedule.. And that made me try hard enough to make an interesting mime design ( which I didn't knew was doing, cuz I was disappointed at that time ), only for it to fail, again.
( The last failed post I remember was one of my mime designs, Alfonso. Which was nmed after my late big bro.
I really worked hard on the design, since he was inspired by my late big brother who was supposed to be born. I made the oc so I can have something to remember my big brother by, but that post just... flopped and only got 1 view. )
Now it made me think I wasn't trying hard enough on my ocs, and on my account. And I felt like shit after that.
Me and my best friend talked about the situation I'm in, and about me deciding to quit, I told her to keep it secret between the 2 of us, but I couldn't tell her currently that I'm posting this news, because she's not online...
I'm sorry, alot of things just made it worse, this account was the only thing that made me happy, but it just ruined it for me...
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autumnslance · 9 months
Hey Aeryn, any suggestions on making playing NG+ fun? I thought about making an original story on how my character gets the Crystals of Light. She goes unconscious after escaping the Praetorium and I thought it be a good way to do the ideas I want to write without messing up the lore. Have you done anything like this?
I usually use NG+ chapters to either help out a pal who's going through that story the first time, or to re-familiarize with lore, or see changes to the game, like in the revamps to the lvl 50 MSQ instances and for the changes to the Dragonsong War part of the HW patches when they added Duty Support.
The nice part about NG+ is it breaks the story into chapters. I sometimes think those chapter breaks need revision (especially in ARR). But it may be an interesting way to approach NG+, with the idea of an alternate storyline.
The closest I've come to anything like that was actually back in WoW on one of my alts, when I took some quests and lore of the Grizzly Hills and Sholazar Basin and made a story for my late-middle-aged human hunter alt (mom of my priest main, deciding to go back out and adventure instead of retiring). That's a far more alt-friendly-and-expected game, so she was probably my 5th or 6th character through those zones and so I decided to do something different.
It mostly is apparent if one is familiar with the Northrend zones in WoW, though that OC did this during Cataclysm, a later expansion than that continent's introduction. I just used the existing lore elements to write a story that made sense for her, and didn't really worry about "messing up" lore cuz it was her story, by and for me, and I didn't really care what other folks thought of it* or how it fit into some grander interconnected RP scheme. It was a story I wanted to tell. So I did.
If interested, it's been reloaded on an alt blog under the "Northern Hunt" tag; 10 shortish entries. It's one of those I really ought to clean up and put on Ao3 one of these days, honestly.
*The server blogging website we used to post on is long gone, but I recall folks seemed to like it OK. It was posted to the alt Tumblr by request, as I recall.
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gimmethatagustd · 4 months
Hi!! Okay so this is a bit of a weird ask (??) but I just went on a ~trip~ through your blog and thought you'd like to know. Maybe. Possibly.
So, I randomly remembered about TFM Yoongi, and super super got the itch to re-read it again. I knew it was on hiatus (literally a few days after I first read it 🥲), but I had it saved on my ✨secret bts fanfiction side-blog✨and on ao3. Couldn't find it. Panicked.
Quickly skimmed through your masterlist and wips - no signs of life. Maybe yoongles took it with him to the army for some late night reading? I considered sending you an ask, but then I was like - No, poor babygirl author probably gets a bunch of these, I'd much rather go through their posts, than to be yet another "WhEre iS tHe fiC" random stranger.
So I did. Did I find any additional info on it? Why is it gone? No. We love tumblr's search function 👍 It's fine, I'm emo anyways, grief is my companion (joking - you do do. It was fire though, I miss it dearly. Jimin was so sassy "Miss Thang" omg. Also poc rep ?? Yes).
HOWEVER. I did notice the delicious amount of DPR IAN discourse (my husband actually) AND that one post about Logic's Supermarket (i have yet to read it but the album is so slay. I actually like it better than some of his "official" stuff oop-). And I just kept thinking, damn, I love the vibes here, we're practically besties at this point.
So I guess here I am??? I don't even read that much BTS ff anymore BUT 👀 I'm all up for more Adorable Representative MCs For Youth content on my dash. We ball I suppose. I hope you have a nice day/week/ whatever 💜
HI I'M SORRY I'M FINALLY RESPONDING TO THIS !! i've been such a mess the past few days from work, so i wanted to make sure i gave myself time to actually respond to this ask properly since you were kind enough to send me such a lovely message!
you are correct, TFM is gone 😭 i deleted it from tumblr and AO3 because i was unhappy with my writing and where the story was going. i was excited for it, and then everything kinda fell apart. I'm sorry!! a lot of people got mad at me for that LMFAO, but i really grew to hate that series, and i figured it would be better to just delete it. i didn't delete the actual fic tho. like i have all my writing saved. i've considered rewriting it to be yoonmin instead of a reader-insert cuz i lowkey hate writing reader-inserts but i still do it for my tumblr followers hjsdfks but that is TBD
i'm glad you enjoyed it tho!! i think i got in my head over it idk. i love the idea and the characters (and FUCK YES diamond was my favorite character. we need queer poc representation in fics~ one thing about me is i'm gonna always give it if i can in a fic 😤) but yeah ! ANYWAY
DPR IAN. i'm gonna write a drabble for him, probably in February~ so i hope you enjoy it when i do!
AND OMG ok i need to read supermarket soon. we can do a book club lmfao. i will 1000% be your bestie, i mean, we're already there atp like you said. dm me whenever you want ok ok ok
i'm happy to be a bts ff dealer for you if you're ever in the mood for it 🙏🏽 I'm honestly on tumblr for the vibes and friends atp so nice people like you are why i stay 🥹 i hope you're doing well !!! you're so nice
ALSO yes i stalked your blog and 👀 sleep token 👀 tbh idk anything about them but i know some of their songs and i am very into it
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amaiguri · 7 months
Hello, CalmWriMo 26
Today was a very good day. You know why? I rediscovered walking around but inside. I took like a 30 minute walk but in figure eights in my house and it was very good for my writing brain. What did I proceed to do? I drafted 3 whole different scenes!
See, it's almost like taking walks for my mental health is REALLY GOOD FOR ME or something!
New goal dropped for December -- daily walks inside my house 😍
Also also, I got to play Shadowrun for the first time with my friends! I'm Cat with a Q (Qat) and my pet is Cat with a Ch.
"So... Chat?"
"No, Cacht. The CH is silent."
The joke works better in audio. 💀💀💀
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Anyway, Qat is neurodivergent and a minor (except she isn't a minor lol). She's also an invisible Aspected Wizard with a pet cat, who was blessed by her spirit guide, and she lives in your walls. She's homeless. Her quest is for ramen with hot water.
ALSO ALSO -- I got sucked into Neocities today, on account of a post in my ridiculously long backlogged queue. But as I looked into it more, people are scared it might die soon cuz it's run by one guy?! Why do I always get into things when they're dying? Tiktok was the only thing I joined even VAGUELY early!? It's not fair! But sites on Neocities are SO COOL and I'm very seriously considering moving the entirity of the Yssaia site AGAIN lololol. But I had a complaint the Wix Blog and my Wix Site lowered its storage cap on me this last year so it isn't even EZ to read on or host images so... Hence why I'm very tempted to just scrap the whole thing and find somewhere else...
*ahem* Writing snippet! Right! Listen, the "journaling but on Tumblr" thing is going shockingly well. I don't censor myself -- the plan was just to cut anything I didn't want to post. But I haven't had any ultra-personal additions to add lately. So now I just ramble here lol. (Maybe I'm too open of a person?)
This snippet is between Lucienne and Nesa -- both gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss girlies dating Arlasaire, except Lucienne has generational trauma and Nesa does not. They are notably the same age, but Nesa has decided on the tactic of pretending Luce is a fantasy kindergartener
Lu: …Who are you? Ne: Nesa Kanespari — Second only to the Inquisitor General of the Ecclesia. And you are being a very bad girl, aren’t you? I don’t know how you do things in the North, but here in the South, we don’t hit people when we’re mad. Lu: “People.” She doesn’t even have a sash. Ne: Ah, so are you the type of little girl who kicks streetcats because she doesn’t have power over anything else? Lu: I’m not a child. Ne: Really? Because you’re acting like one. Apologize to Arlasaire. Ar: Nesa, it’s fine— Ne: No, it isn’t. Apologize. Lu: Why should I? Ne: “Why?” Well, for one, she could break you you over her knee, if she wanted. She won’t, because she likes you, but she could. But here’s the catch, Miss Lucienne, pay attention: She may not ever hurt you — but I have no qualms doing so.
I saw this Tiktok where a lady pretended to talk to Extended Family at Thanksgiving and told them to "Mind their bodies" and "Catch a bubble" and "Think silently, in your own head". And it was hilarious. I loved it. So Nesa is stealing this tactic -- but I did imagine an alt scene where Nesa is full-aggro, mama-bear for Arlasaire. But I think that might be too much for what is functionally a Charisma-based character lol.
Okay, thanks for the good talk! Take care of yourself in this final stretch of Nano/CalmWriMo!
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f1r3fly-j3 · 11 months
This is my first tumblr post cuz like two people on tiktok asked me to make a tumblr for my arcane analyses so I made one!!!! Anyways i’m gonna copy and paste an analysis I made on tiktok for first post w/ some images for fun!!!!:
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I have been wrestling with what Jinx sitting in the Jinx chair truly represents, or rather where Jinx truly “becomes” Jinx because I don’t think it’s the Jinx chair. There’s a hesitation when she says, “even though I’m… different.” It’s almost as if she’s still unsure (or can’t bring herself to admit it, which still works in my analysis; why can’t she admit something so small and kind of so obvious when she just sat in the jinx chair, a supposed declaration of who she is?). Why is she still unsure? Silco’s gone, her relationship with Vi is pretty much irreparable, what is there left to question? The closest answer that I could come up with is that Jinx sitting in the Jinx chair is simply the signal to Vi that their relationship is over, it barely confirms anything about Jinx’s identity. At this time, she isn’t Powder, she isn’t really Jinx, and she’s definitely not Vi’s sister.
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Going back a bit, the entire tea party scene is defined by Jinx coming to the realization that Vi and Silco are the same (can be debated whether they actually are, but to her this is true. This also echoes the idea that everything Jinx says/thinks is the opposite of the truth, which I can go into in another post).
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At this point in both relationships, Vi and Silco have made her feel manipulated, lied to, betrayed, they’ve both sided with topside, but they’ve also made her feel loved and affirmed (keep in mind affirmation), and both of them are her family. Jinx testing Vi by asking her to kill Cait is Jinx asking, "what is going to set these two people apart (Vi and Silco) who have so far hurt me in very similar ways? Who is going to finally choose me?" Jinx is desperately grasping for an answer to these questions; the answer is going to tell her who to be, what to do, who to believe, as she is completely lost at this point. When she knocks Cait out, the audience is thrust into this idea; the yearning for an answer and the equality of Vi and Silco:
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The differentiation comes from Silco’s dying words, “You’re perfect.” Of course, Jinx killing Silco was a mistake, unlike her previously calculated tests, but it also gave her the affirmation that she desperately needed. Powder isn’t perfect, “Jinx” isn’t perfect, who Jinx is presently is perfect. Despite everything, “you’re perfect.” (remember what I said about Jinx not being anyone in the Jinx chair? This is partly why, coupled with the strenuous nature of the entire tea party and how fast everything happened). Vi couldn’t give that to her even if she wanted to. By Silcos death, both him and Vi had equal marks of evil and good (according to Jinx), but this love of who she is over who she can be is what made him different, and ultimately made him worthy of her choice (although obviously too late).
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The most interesting thing about this is that Jinx gave Vi the same (figurative) end as silco, even more highlighting that affirmation. No, she didn't physically kill vi, but she forever severed their relationship and killed the view of Vi she’s had up until this point, of that sisterhood. She sits in the Jinx chair not because she knows she’s Jinx but to say, “I may have saved you (Vi) from Silco, but I won’t let you live. You are just as dead to me as he is.” She's now killed both because of an overwhelming love for both; a love that was killing her. (also nuanced bc physically Vi and Silco couldn’t be more opposite, Silco dead but his relationship with Jinx more connected than ever before, and Vi alive, but their relationship as bad as it could get). Jinx sitting in the Jinx chair is the official end of these relationships, not the official beginning of Jinx.
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So, what does solidify her as Jinx? The rocket! Jinx firing the rocket wasn’t just a final exclamation of love for Silco, it was an exclamation of hate, rebellion, and resentment towards Silco, just as it was an exclamation of love for Vi. She aims the rocket at Topside because Topside has taken these two people who she loves away from her, she’s still remembering how both of them “chose” Topside over her. She’s grieving these two family members and accepting the fact that she is alone. This isolation and the removal of the choas of Vi and Silco is what makes her Jinx. Now, this is a little confusing because Jinx *is* chaos, how is her finally becoming Jinx symbolized through the absence of chaos? (let me tell you I was so pumped when I pieced this together) In the scene, every other chaotic, loud character is caught in calmness. Vi is “gone”, Silco is dead, Sevika is lying on a couch, Ambessa (arguably the most bombastic, loud character) is calmly looking at Mel’s art, the council is quiet in agreement, Ekko and Heimerdinger are chilling, Jinx’s visions are no longer there, Cait is screaming but it’s silenced.
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You could simply attribute this to the technical aspect that the rocket is loud, and that it wouldn’t make sense to take away from this big act, but the more effective answer for this chaos question is simply: Jinx is chaos. The loudness of her screams and the rocket amongst everyone else’s silence is her absorbing the chaos of the rest of the show. She no longer needs chaos to surround her because Jinx is chaos. The feelings brought forth by the Jinx chair vs. the rocket, for me, confirm this conclusion. The Jinx chair was defined by feelings of loss, grief, pain, those that don’t align with newfound identity but rather the loss of loved ones. The rocket provides those feelings of relief and happiness that I was looking for previously, even in the face of such a horrendous act. The rocket confirms Jinx as Jinx, and the fight between her and this identity question that has pained and loomed over her for the entire show is over.
Reading this over again it feels kind of obvious but lemme know what you guys think!! There’s always more to talk about with this show which is why I love it sm. Thanks for reading!!!
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bitty-bits · 2 years
Back In Action
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DALL-E 2 Background (Prompt: Dreamy background painting with a checkered pattern grass and blue mountains in the distance), Emojis made for the SineTri Discord. Join us!
After a few months, I'm finally back doing this thing.
I'm back here probably cuz I do have a lot more to say than last time. Tumblr's embeds of posts don't seem to be very good, I've noticed. Oh well. Again you'll likely see me on that dreaded hellsite a lot more than here, but I'll still try to write here to maintain a tradition, and hopefully I won't be gone for too long again. Anyways here's what I've been doing lately.
New Computer
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Without giving away too much details as for how this happened, I indeed have a new computer (notebook, specifically, as I've been used to the form factor my whole life, probably) and probably the first time it is almost on par with the latest high end specs, and, no memes, it has an RTX graphics card. What else can I say about it... well, using it so far has been a positive experience for the most part, my only complaint would be how "not good" the trackpad is. Cuz you know, I actually got used to drawing with the trackpad (believe it or not) on my previous notebook, which is still a pretty good notebook that still works and can still do a lot (I was able to play and beat Super Mario 3D World emulated on it at almost full speed, so I think that says something) so I hope whoever uses it next makes a good use out of it. I'd say outside of being "mid" (that's the Funny Word Them Kid's These Dayz R Usein' Right) its only problem is its battery doesn't really work anymore so it'll only work while plugged in, which is probably completely my fault, so I'm hoping to avoid this issue on the new computer. (Tip: There's an useful VBScript you can get and put it on Windows' "startup programs" folder that will show a message whenever your battery is close to 100% charge. Google it!)
Trackpad issues aside, I still have a standard optical mouse to use, but even then, It's still gonna take getting used to... using one again. I'm weird.
Cut it Out, Ninjin! - Preservation Efforts (Post-Warner Bros. Discovery Fiasco Update)
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With all the clownery going down lately with the Warner Bros. + Discovery merger, the Ninjin cartoon series (my biggest "brainrot" of the year pretty much) unfortunately also fell victim to the "great cartoon purge" that happened as a result of WBD's terrible (and inefficient) cost cutting decisions. Fortunately, the timing for me to get into this series couldn't have been better, and at least the show staff got to finish a season right before the shitstorm, so finished material didn't go unreleased. That said we can only hope the series somehow makes a comeback or is revived in some form, as at least Warner doesn't own the Ninjin IP (as far as I'm aware).
With the series gone from HBO Max, YouTube and all of Cartoon Network itself (though not without a few exceptions still left here and there), it's important to remember that preservation is a must, and something to keep in mind from start to end in any project. Here's what a staff member at Birdo studio had to say on the matter (Portuguese):
for those who work on animated shows, for the love of god, don't forget to always keep a copy of the final versions of your scenes/episodes downloaded (and if you're the director, back up the entire series) cuz if we just rely on the son of a bitch companies and channels everything will be gone then we won't even be able to assemble an animation reel / portfolio afterwards
As I have shared in the first blog post, I have made an archive of pretty much all the CN Ninjin content that I could find, on a MEGA folder, which I've recently updated in light of the unfortunate news - Every episode is now available as MKV (Matroska Video) files with multiple audio channels (Original Portuguese, as well as the Spanish and English dubs!) which I plan to later still update to have English fansubs done by yours truly (So you don't have to stick to the... not very amazing English dub), you will also find the shorts (which I've already given subtitles!) and some comics too, which I still gotta translate.
I'll also make extra links for easier sharing soon.
We can't let the big corporations win again as they usually do.
You can buy Ninjin: Clash of Carrots (the game the series was based on!) on Steam here, and Pocket Trap's latest game, Dodgeball Academia, here!
Let's try to keep Ninjin alive. Please.
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Do it for her.
Calimero Subtitles Project Returns
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After staying stagnant for at least 2 years, interest in subtitling Calimero's 1992 anime by Toei Animation (easily my favorite Calimero-related media) ressurged. Likely due to me... having figured out what an MKV file even is and what it can have, as well as coming across what is now my favorite software for subtitle making in general, SubtitleEdit (Not very creative, I know), and learning about the more advanced, fancy subtitle formats a good chunk of anime (fan)subs use. Also the project expanded a little; it's gonna be more than just the subtitles over a single specific dub of the anime, actually it'll have most of the dubs ever made of the show that can be found. A lot of audio tracks in still considerably small files! I sure do love me some Matroska files. The current plan is for me to subtitle the first half of the series (26 episodes, "season 1", if you will) all by myself, while the second half is a bit tricky, as only the German, Italian and Arabic dubs have the entire series found. But I already have a German friend willing to help with those, and there are also a couple episodes from the second half in the original Japanese version found, so if you're fluent in any of these languages and are interested in helping out, feel free to tell me! Once the project is finished we will finally have one convenient place to watch this series, in a variety of language dubs, and English subs, and hopefully more people in the West will acquire interest for it.
My Channel for posting Video Game Music, CalimeroVGM on YouTube
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Not "high quality rips" in the SiivaGunner sense, but actual VGM that either can't be found on YouTube elsewhere, or if it can be, the quality kinda sucks, or it's in a video with other tracks. I may have done a lot for SiivaGunner, and continue to do "high quality ripping" over on my music channel (ples suscribe), but I also have been contributing a lot to actual ripping and video game music preservation in general, and decided to make a channel dedicated to it (here), so I don't have to pollute my channel of miscellaneous whatevers, Lu9.2, which is already kind of polluted. So whenever I have any new rips, or even a few "experiments" with VGM, I'll put it on this relatively new channel. I encourage you to subscribe to it at least so I can get to 100 and get a custom URL, because I just am the weird kinda guy who likes neat looking URLs.
What I've Been Playing / Watching
Just in case people would want to know, I'd probably talk about it on Twitter anyways, but let's go:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
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I love Klonoa. Babe, GIVE me Klonoa. Played the first game (original PS1 version) back in either 2015 or 2016, though I was already a fan for longer, but loved it. The remastered version is very charming and combines the best of both the original colorful PS1 version and the Wii remake. And with this I was finally able to experience the sequel for the first time, and again, a masterpiece. Wish they kept some of the classic UI for the first game and other minor details, but that aside, this collection needs to succeed. This franchise needs to succeed.
Lucky Star
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After giving up on watching it in 2015 (I was watching the English dub and didn't know what type of anime I was even expecting, Oops) I decide to give this another shot, this time subbed. What I can say is - I enjoy. It's fun. I guess my tastes have changed over the years too.
More Stuff
Moving (Again)
Seems like I do that a lot, but hopefully it'll actually stick now. Some unexpected problems rose in the current apartment I'm in. Nothing too serious (though it's only a matter of time) but the new place will be pretty big I think. I just hope I don't lose anything during the moving process again.
Fonts For Fun
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Sometimes I also try my hand at typography, mostly recreating stuff I see, and this year I've made a few (and posted some older ones I had) fonts just for the fun of it (though they probably are useful)
You can check them out here.
Where's Part 3 Of Closing Logos Extended By Jukebox AI?
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Not too long ago after releasing Part 2 of my intriguing Jukebox AI series, already some of the more "peculiar" logo-obsessed (presumably) children started to "predict" Part 3, some eben by just posting what will be on Part 3, conjuring up facts, classic Greeny Phatom style. Told that guy to wait until August.
...and I really wish I could keep such promises but I really just don't find the time and energy to put into those videos, not to mention the upsampling process that I still have to put some of the samples through. Though it's less time consuming now, there's still the entire editing and visuals part. I'm doing these videos completely for free, you know. Unless you're fine with something half-baked, be patient.
Also there will be more Jukebox AI videos in general, not just the logo ones, I hope you look forward to those too.
Donald Alves' Original Flash Website Is Now A Progressive Web App
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Yeah. Did this just for fun. And to see what kind of stuff I can do with PWA features in general. It's still not a full "installable" web app, but it should work as its own thing on your phone no problem. Don't know who Donald Alves is? Well, this is one of those things that you just had to be there at the time, dude.
That was a big one! Hopefully next post will come before Christmas. Maybe before Brazil's presidential elections too... oh god I'm scared
Bitty's Message of the Day
I do not like beans.
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