#posts- or makes their own- is actually kinda smallish
sanchoyo · 2 years
the problem with me wanting to write out a whole entire fic with all ocs (like, my tmm next gen fic, or my fangan ronpa series) is that ppl read fic for the established charas and getting into smth new requires SO much more attention and energy imo (which is why /i/ struggle to watch/read new stuff all the time! so I get it!) and I guess maybe not a lot of ppl want to even click oc-only or oc-heavy type of fics so they don't even give it a chance! which again i GET but. but also its like. pspsps this story is fun and good if I do say so myself u want to read abt my ocs sooo bad *enticing u with treats*
#i was talking abt this w a friend and idk what the solution is still#just talk abt the ocs more publicly??#???#even then#its very hard to get ppl interested not including friends who indulge me KJSHKDS THEY R OUTLIERS. EXCEPTIONS.#bc they hear the Details more n we already kno we got similiar tastes u know. i would like to entice STRANGERS to be interested as well#madam cherie is a fucking outlier too and does NOT COUNT dp fandom is wild for being that nice abt an oc that does NOT happen in most#other fandoms HHKJHSDKF#sanchoyorambles#i guess this is also why ive been dragging my feet abt posting or even writing tm2#i HAVE a full notebook abt it! all the lore!#and i have FUN working on it but like...#idk i feel like all creatives like attention on their stuff right TwT;;#tmm fandom is actually kinda small but when posts get popular u see ppl be like#'oh i loved this show as a kid/teen!' but the ACTIVE CURRENT FANDOM who has consistently liked it for a while and regularly interacts w pos#posts- or makes their own- is actually kinda smallish#like u see the same 10-20 ppl which is kinda cozy but also. pspsps look at my ocs#but also i always feel like. weird posting my ocs in the main tag too...brain prablem....#anyway all of this to say ocs are fun and good to make i think eberyone should make lil ocs and insert them into ur fav series#tbh tm2 is like. i had SO many unanswered qs with tmm that i wanted to try to answer them myself#with fanon stuff or whatever#so yes its oc centric BUT it dives into lore and world building in a way the og series did not which i think is good#i like a fan series that can add onto the original#actually if anyone gen wants to read abt my ocs check my pinned post i have a directory for them and a page for them on my webbed site :)#uhh only the tmm ones are on there rn tho#i plan to make sections for the other ones but have not yet#<- procrastinator#i still wanna update the ekleipsis website too uggggh but i havent done the chapter illus yet or the chara pagessss or the spellcheck#clawing my own eyes out#too
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feelingpoorly · 6 months
I disappear for a while then I come back to cry about being kink shamed, thinking I was over it and now feeling like I’m right back where I started again and haven’t written or worked on anything in months 😭
I’ve been posting this multi chapter fic in a fairly smallish niche fandom, especially for sickfic content. The thing is, I was getting pretty good engagement with kudos and some amazing comments etc. It’s been extremely obvious right from the start that it’s a blatant sickfic, the tags make it extremely clear, tagged as emeto etc etc
This is the second chapter that’s had actual emeto in, and I feel like it’s slightly more descriptive and graphic in this chapter than the last. As in, there is three lots of puking, it’s kinda centric to the chapter.
I posted this chapter, and suddenly… nothing. Barely any kudos and like two comments that were kinda weird and I didn’t know whether were good or not.
It sounds ungrateful but it’s not that at all. I’m not doing this for attention or “likes” but it’s kinda got in my head and made me really insecure, like the reason that it’s suddenly all gone really quiet is because my readers and people in this fandom are suddenly weirded out and grossed out by my writing. I know there have been a couple people who explicitly said they loved my fic as they are sick *this character* enjoyers and there’s absolutely no sickfic content in the fandom at all apart from me. But like, have I gone too far? Do people think it’s too much, too gross, have I weirded out the fandom?
I know it shouldn’t matter. If I was writing really graphic and pornographic smut, that wouldn’t matter. It doesn’t appeal to everyone, I personally don’t read it but like, writing that kinda thing really graphically is very accepted and normal. My emeto wasn’t even that graphic, just like, a standard sickfic amount. I’d like to think that the descriptions of vomiting weren’t like too explicit to be intolerable to someone who wasn’t explicitly into that. I do try and make my fics enjoyable as a whole and not just like pure emeto porn.
The insecurity of thinking that people now don’t like my fic anymore because it got too emeto and too graphic sickfic for them is just triggering a whole load of trauma and shame from the kink shaming I went through and I just can’t write anything and tbh I don’t want to update the fic anymore either even though I finished writing it months ago
Anyway this is just kinda a ramble but in case anyone is interested in reading it whether you’re in the fandom or not, I’ll link it anyway. I’m really not fishing for compliments, it just makes me sad that I’ve scared people away with too much emeto lol and they think I’m a psycho or something, but emeto is all I wanna write 😭
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
OKAY time to do more She-Ra rewatch woooooo
I mean to get started on this hours ago pffft okay at least two episodes tonight and THEN an edible (if I watch it while high I'm not going to remember a damn thing, okay)
s1 ep5!
(At this rate I am never going to finish. On weeknights I have to watch anything in the living room, where other people are, but I can't find my wired headphones, and my laptop is an old macbook that hasn't been able to find anything on bluetooth in YEARS. I need to look harder for my damn wired headphones!!)
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I keep thinking someone super-nerdy has to have made a proper map of Etheria
Oh, they did! Of course they did. There's multiple fan maps out there, actually. Nice.
[EDIT: also her dad's retired? Like, okay. I get that the reason they say it that way is literally "he's not DEAD but he's not important to the plot" but like, that implies that he also no longer gives a single fuck about his kingdom or the fate of his people. Or his own daughter. Also retired where. Is there a retirement home for former Princesses]
ALSO as I was digging through old posts of Nate's on twitter I found out that when people get his published autobio comic signed (I've read it, but on Kindle) they've often taped over or crossed out his old name on the cover, and he thought it was sweet--though it doesn't bother him to see his old name.
But Netflix should still fix it. 😤
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Every time someone pointed out something they needed, the music stopped and then started over--that was a nice touch lol
I feel bad for skipping the intro every time but I have to admit I do not enjoy the song much. There's nothing *wrong* with it, it's just not my thing at ALL.
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Blobby creature on the left looks like a Pokemon doing a sexy dance, help
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like I know that thing is its ...nose? mouth? and it drinks from the bottle with it right after this shot but THAT LOOKS LIKE A DILDO OKAY, like one of those smallish smooth silicone ones for people new to pegging
Too hard to capture without video but Glimmer's POV literally pans up on someone with a sexy hourglass figure and she makes a little noise, ahaha
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I struggle with Sea Hawk. As a character he's great. But from my POV as a viewer he is in fact kind of annoying sometimes
"Just because Sea is in your name doesn't tell us anything about your actual qualifications" this whole scene is just lampshading the dumb names She-Ra is saddled with because of the original series in the 1980's being made to sell toys.
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"It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs!"
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I know everyone knows that Bow and Glimmer are both bisexual but still
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they're both such himbos sometimes lolol
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"Last week, on She-Ra--"
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I love the way they introduced Scorpia.
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also how did she make it to Force Captain when she's so kind and goofy
(while going through my own old spop posts I kept mentioning that I knew Scorpia would eventually change sides, but it still took WAY longer than I would've expected given what she's like)
Catra's hatred of water (and the way she consistently reacts to Scorpia just picking her up for hugs) is great, I love it when they lean into Catra being a cat
"What are you some kinda furry" no I am a furry ally, there's a difference
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...no comment
Also I get that there's all the jokes about shanties but his song actually sounds like an homage to Gaston's song in Beauty and the Beast
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The way Catra's voice goes up in pitch here is hilarious.
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I know this becomes a whole Thing that Adora can read it and almost nobody else can, but just noting that Mermista's palace's walls have First Ones writing all over them
So Mermista's dad was part of the Princess Alliance? I wonder if "Princess" is just the gender-neutral word on Etheria?
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Voice-acting Mermista must've been so much fun. I feel like she was inspired by Daria.
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This reference ages me, doesn't it lol
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See, I keep forgetting stuff. But I did watch these episodes in like 2019.
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If the characters were allowed to curse, Mermista would've said something like "what the fuck??"
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I remember watching a thing where a few SU voice actors were talking about recording "efforts," which these little kinds of sounds for when the character is doing something physically difficult.
The problem of course, is that I'm rewatching this show so I can write a fic with explicit sex in it, and so my brain is like "heheheh are these also her sex noises"
(I'm going to headcanon that and you can't stop me)
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do they ever address where he's from I forget
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I...immortal? I mean obviously we know they *can* die because otherwise their world would be literally overrun by princesses (plus, y'know, the thing later) but wait how did I miss that
ALSO I can't get a good screenshot but Kyle is playing a ball-and-cup game in EVERY SCENE HE'S IN
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wait hold on
Here's a post of Daci and doing that two different times
Also it's not far off from the ASL for lesbian, which is part of why me and Daci did it
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I am reminded of this post.
Like, is she insulting Adora or attempting to flirt?
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A bunch of fics have mentioned all the scars Adora has from Catra fighting her, and this is the first time we see that during the show; but I can't help wondering if Adora didn't already have faint scars somewhere from when they played as kids? (I know she gets much worse ones later.) It's not like a childhood in the Horde is idyllic or gentle and I doubt they were discouraged from fighting/rough-housing, and I can easily imaging a child!Catra not being good at knowing how hard she was scratching someone.
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Okay, so Catra taunts her and literally injures her, and THEN Adora is able to fix the gate?
Is she motivated by spite or the adrenaline rush/complicated emotions around seeing (and being manhandled by) Catra?
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this shot is deeply hilarious
Also yayyy Mermista has joined the Alliance
Also also I had to edit this post bc it turns out you can only have thirty images per post, whoops!
One day it will take me less than two hours to make one of these posts >_<
Catra is still convinced (or pretending to be convinced) at this point that Adora's defection is temporary, huh.
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whileyoursleeping · 3 years
Hello all, I wrote a lil oneshot post-canon for the season 4 finale. Shameless fluff. You’ve been warned. This has also been posted on AO3 - link HERE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31520699
TW: Mentions of the shooting; mentions of PTSD.
Buck wears socks to bed.
It’s disturbing in a way. Eddie doesn’t know anyone above the age of ten who still wears socks to bed – except, apparently, Buck.
Buck is also still sleeping on his couch.
Eddie’s been home for a week. He’s mastered the on-off motion of his sling for the shower, he’s sleeping okay – as okay as anyone can while being literally fucking shot for no good reason, and not even in Afghanistan, at that – and he’s not in significant amounts of pain, anymore. The meds have taken care of that, and he’s taking them dutifully, because he might not like them but Chris needs him. Chris needs him more a little stoned than he does bedridden from pain.
But it’s been a week, and Buck is still sleeping on his couch.
It’s not even comfortable. Buck’s not small enough to fit on there without cramping up. And Eddie just – kind of hasn’t told him to go home, and Buck just kind of isn’t going home, he’s more or less just ferrying his things back and forth between Eddie’s coffee table and his own apartment, studiously avoiding eye contact each time, as if Eddie is going to catch his eye and say – well, say what? “Go home? Thanks for taking care of my son and carrying my lifeless body to the fire truck and risking your fucking neck again to save my life and keeping a vigil – but go home?” Not fucking likely.
So he’s sleeping on Eddie’s couch. And Eddie’s not sure how to approach it – or if he even wants to approach it. Buck was scared. He said as much, and other people said as much, and Eddie remembers Buck picking him up and putting him in the ambulance. Fire truck? He doesn’t remember the details, he just – remembers Buck picking him up.
If he’s honest with himself – and he’s trying to be after that whole “follow your own heart” crap Carla pulled on him – he doesn’t particularly want Buck to leave. Buck saved his life, and Eddie feels weirdly safer with him here. It’s nice to have him around in the mornings – even if he looks tired. Even if Eddie’s couch has not been useable as a couch in over a week now.
He wanders into the living room that morning to find that Buck is already rubbing his eyes, sleepily, looking totally worn out and like he’d like to go back to sleep, but can’t. He sits when he hears Eddie enter – a dog standing at attention.
“Okay?” he checks worriedly.
Eddie smiles drowsily. “You know the pain meds keep me pleasantly high almost all day, right?”
“Yeah.” Buck doesn’t look soothed. “But you’re okay?”
“Yeah, Buck. I’m okay.” Eddie pats his shoulder on the way past, yawning. “Breakfast?”
“I’ll make pancakes.”
Buck is exhausted.
Eddie knows this because Eddie wakes up a lot at night and goes wandering. He does this because despite the pain pills, he’s just not moving enough to be tired, and his normal army sleep schedule never really left him. He’s like a fucked-up, traumatised meerkat – awake every two to three hours, patrolling the perimeter, looking for enemies.
Just so happens that his perimeter is the length of his hallway between Chris’s room and the couch, where Buck is decidedly not resting peacefully. His enemy, at the moment? The Roomba. Chris has stuck several dozen googly eyes to it and, at one point, had armed it with a butter knife. It’s mildly terrifying. Butter-knife-less at the moment – but terrifying. Eddie squints at it as he moves towards the kitchen.
(“Because it’s funny, Dad,” he’d giggled. “Maybe it’ll make Buck laugh.”
Buck had laughed, but in a strained, I’m-so-tired-I-want-to-cry kind of way. Eddie’s dreading coming off his pain pills for the pure fact that it’ll probably be him next. PTSD is a bitch.)
He was going to get water, but that requires moving through the living room. Buck is crashed out on the couch – his duffel is spilling over on the floor, his phone facedown on the coffee table. Eddie can see him relatively well with the street lights and moon lighting up the smallish living room – he doesn’t look like he’s sleeping peacefully. In fact, even as Eddie watches, Buck twitches.
He goes ramrod still, abruptly not thinking about his heavily-armed Roomba or meerkat analogies. He is suddenly, painfully, sober – the pain pills feel burned out of him as he watches Buck twist, his fingers twitching and then curling into the duvet, face scrunched.
A nightmare. Buck is having a nightmare. Eddie’s not high anymore. The pills are no longer filling his head with cotton and fuzz – every single sense feels alight like it hasn’t in two weeks, tuned in to Buck, struggling, on the couch.
What’s he supposed to do? What can he do?
He watches, alarmed, as Buck gasps and jerks – his stupid socked feet flail and kick into the arm of the couch, and the duvet goes flying back. Buck’s upright, at least semi-upright, on one elbow, panting and scrabbling against the thin, shitty mattress – for what? Purchase? A hand to hold? A memory to cling to, something to soothe him through the remainder of the night?
The room’s quiet. Eddie’s frozen, unsure of what to do. Is this what it was like after the tsunami?
After a moment, Buck makes a sound – a whimper, or a cry, or some awful hybrid of the two – and collapses back, rolls onto his side, away from the TV, and curls up, not bothering to adjust the duvet. His feet – he’s wearing white socks tonight – flex, toes clenching.
Buck drags the corner of the duvet up over his face. The next noise he makes is very clearly a quiet sob and Eddie – oh, he cannot stand this. He’s not going to watch it any longer.
It’s not like he doesn’t know Buck hasn’t been sleeping, at least not well. He did the first night – eleven hours, actually – but every night after that has been plagued with nightmares. He’s heard Buck rustling around or pacing and watched him try to put on a brave face every morning at breakfast, and he can’t do it anymore.
His feet cross the floorboards. He sits on the edge of the couch – Buck flinches – and puts his free hand on Buck’s shoulder, rubs gently.
Buck sniffles. He doesn’t move for a long time, keeps the duvet up over his face. He doesn’t make any more noises, but his shoulders shake, and Eddie remembers – I kinda lost it when I told him you got shot. I’m sorry, I should’ve held it together.
Eddie wonders when anyone reasonably expected Buck to hold it together.
Buck moves suddenly – his fingers grip at Eddie’s, and they’re shaking. He holds on and – well, if Buck wants to hold hands, it’s not like they haven’t done it before. Eddie held his hand for an hour or more while they were getting him out from under the ladder truck two years ago. Eddie’s happy to hold his hand.
He doesn’t know how to help. Buck’s still sniffling, his face angled away from Eddie’s. He’s happy to take the comfort, but not happy to let Eddie know he’s crying, apparently.
They sit like that for a while. Eddie’s helpless and almost angry for it. It’s not like he hasn’t suffered – he has. It’s going to take therapy, physical and mental, to get past this. But Buck – Buck watched it happen. Watched him almost die. Buck’s not stoned and he wasn’t shot and there’s no buffer between him and the memories. For the first time, Eddie is angry at the team – how has no one noticed? How has no one cared?
Buck drags a hand across his eyes. “Sorry,” he whispers, his voice cracking. “Bet you’re sick of me crying.”
“What?” Eddie asks. “No, I – I am, but not for the reason you’re thinking.”
Buck nods into the pillow. His legs flex – he has to be cold; the air is definitely cool and Buck hates cold weather with a passion. He’s wearing socks and boxers and a hoodie and all of that thoroughly confuses Eddie – he wants to arrange the duvet properly but he can’t with Buck clinging to his hand. That’s fine too.
He thinks about it for a moment. Problem – Buck is sad; Buck is scared. Buck is clearly traumatised. Nobody appears to have addressed that last one.
Solution. Well, Chris seems to help a lot. But Chris is asleep, and Eddie can’t really properly address the trauma thing.
But he can maybe make Buck feel less alone.
He removes his hand from Buck’s shoulder, clumsily adjusts the duvet, and then climbs under it, adjusting until his side is pressed to Buck’s back and he can feel Buck trembling horribly against him. His legs twitch; his socks brush Eddie’s bare feet.
“Why do you wear socks to bed?” Eddie asks.
There’s a long pause. Then, “That’s what you want to know?”
“I… don’t know?”
Eddie makes a face at the ceiling. Buck hasn’t rolled over. “You don’t know?” he asks dubiously. “Are your feet cold?”
“Not particularly.”
“Do you wear socks to bed in summer?”
“I… sort of do it all year round – Eddie, what’re you doing?”
He doesn’t know, truthfully, beyond trying to cheer Buck up. Although, maybe he just – needs to cry? Sometimes when Chris is upset he just needs to cry. No solutions, just… comfort.
He pushes against Buck’s back more, and, because he can’t reach Buck’s hands like this, links their ankles together. Buck shifts – but only to stop the knobs of their bones rubbing uncomfortably. He sighs, shakily, but when breath finally leaves his lungs entirely, he almost feels steadier.
“Thanks, Eddie,” he whispers.
Buck rolls during the night, a soft breath leaving him. Eddie’s only aware of it because it ghosts across his throat – Buck’s rolled towards him.
The mattress shifts. Buck is deliciously warm against Eddie’s side – his socked feet brush against Eddie’s shins, a few times, almost deliberately. Buck sighs again, settles.
The air goes still. Eddie can smell something new and different, faintly – the couch bed smells like Buck, like the woody, fresh scent of his aftershave and a little spicy and like Buck’s own shampoo. There’s something indefinable about it – something that’s just how Buck smells.
Eddie yawns. His jaw cracks. His shoulder, at the moment, doesn’t hurt, even when he shifts and looks for Buck’s hand, clumsily – he finds it, pulls it up until he can link their fingers together and rest their joined palms on his own belly. He squeezes. Are you there?
A second passes before Buck squeezes back. His palms are rough and hot and his thumb nervous where it brushes Eddie’s knuckles.
Yes. I’m here.
Eddie yawns. He goes back to sleep.
The sunlight punching through the living room window wakes him up.
He blinks. He’s on his back still – his feet are cold. When he turns his head to the side, the first thing he sees is Buck’s face – buried somewhere in the vicinity of Eddie’s shoulder, eyes closed, mouth slightly open.
He’s drooling. It’s a little cute. Eddie raises his head – his shoulder twinges unhappily – and looks to the end of the couch.
Yep. Buck’s still wearing socks. His legs are curled up, almost like he’s trying to keep warm, and he’s more or less pressed to Eddie’s side, but not quite on top of him.
Eddie’s struck with the sudden though that if his shoulder wasn’t injured, he’d roll over – put an arm over Buck and let Buck hide as long as he needed to. He can’t do that right now, and the impulse is frightening if only because it doesn’t come from the so-called brotherly love he’s continued to tell himself is what he feels for Buck.
It’s not so frightening he can’t deal with it though. Quietly. And he might not be able to hug Buck right now – but Buck slept through till morning, the first time in more than a week in all likelihood. He even looks peaceful.
If Eddie does pursue this – whatever this is, this little, fledgling, hopeful thing in his chest – he can only hope that Buck reciprocates. It’ll take time, of course. Plenty of it. But – Buck is already Chris’s other parent in the ways that matter and he’s kept bedside vigils and they slept here, last night, holding hands for the majority of it. Is there a lot left to think about? Eddie doesn’t think so.
He raises his head again. Looks down.
Except those socks, maybe. He’s not sure he’ll ever get used to that.
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romancemoved · 3 years
💬 💯 🌼💑
✨ @leopardos. meme. still accepting!
💬 When did my muse go on their first date?
if we’re being technical about it... anthony is the first and only man he’s ever dated. and he honestly considers it a fluke, since it was just a man preying on a very mentally ill, wide-eyed, hopeful eighteen-year-old. so it doesn’t count. if we omit this then in vi’s canon he’s never been on a date. because before then he never had an interest in dating, he never developed crushes growing up, he kind of only fantasized about anime guys lollllll.
he loves loves but ya kno. hes not the type to get guys knockin. and hes not the type to knock until hes sure. so it leads to some romantic isolation.
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
answered so go here for the full ans! tl;dr is just something normal please don’t surprise him or any of that shit, dont take him somewhere super crowded, etc etc. he does well doing things where he can learn like a class or showing off doing something kinda sporty. he does well staying home. just be normal!
vi kinda dates like hes 40.................. like a really mature 40 lgkfdjkgd.
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
the only bigness of his wedding would be his family, cuz he has six aunts and uncles on both sides. and a mess of cousins. but he has no one outside of his family he’d like to invite. so without inviting friends, it’d be smallish. nothing crazy. he’d want it family only, anyway. family and family-friends.
i think the prospect of a huge wedding makes him uncomfortable.............. he’d hate it. like yes he’d be dressed and slayin the house down boots but like only for worthy eyes. this one text post comes to mind: Aren’t people who get married embarrassed at their wedding? I would be so embarrassed at everyone looking at me and listening to me talk about how much I love the other person. I’m gonna turn to them and say why don’t you all mind your own business
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
someone who will give him his space for one. sometimes vi just wants to go insane for an entire weekend by himself without you talking to him, dont even text him. he is in his room, weeping to miles davis, and trying to overcome his horrible self-image problems. when he leaves his hidey-hole on monday, then u can reach out and make sure he hasnt pulled out all of his hair.
someone who will definitely listen and can keep up in a conversation with him. which may be hard..... hes too smart and talks about some esoteric shit. i’d say this requirements actually kind of impossible so it dont even count
um being tall n sexy heehee.
relationships that are too dependent for his taste kinda freak him out so pls dont scare him with that ‘ youre my world / my life ’ shit he reaaalllyyy hates it. its not romantic to him at all.
other than that just like........ as i said in the ideal date one. just be chill.
id say have severe emotional problems but that’s just me observing what kind of guys he attracts in ships and hey hes ok w. that :) anyway just be chill lol hes not looking for a servant. too much devotion / disney / fairytale types of men are lame to him
vis kinda 2 cool 4 school 2bh...... and when silk sonic said ‘ i deserve to be with somebody as fly as me ’ .............
anyway just be tall and sexy and funny and dont cling 2 him
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wanted a place to post minecraft stuff without clogging my main blog so here we are. Here’s a quick “about me”
Hi I’m Lee! Main blog that I reply/like/follow from is @leejeann 
Back in like 2013-2015 I watched a lot of minecraft on youtube. Stopped keeping up with the game/youtubers much when I went to uni, then in 2020 I got back into it! Mcyt, at least. In March 2021 I finally bought Minecraft Bedrock as an early birthday gift to myself (lol) and now here we are!
I post a mix of general stuff about the game, my own gameplay/builds, and then various mcyt related stuff. I post a LOT about Hermitcraft, the Life Series when a season of that happens, or just other youtubers I enjoy.
There are a good amount of people from SMPs that I follow even though I don’t watch the SMP (like Smallish Beans or Fwhip!) Also channels like Wattles (a fav tbh), Couriway, Sandiction, PhoenixSC, a lot of those “I did [blank] in Minecraft Hardcore!” type videos, and so on
might be forgetting some but TL;DR i kinda just watch a variety when it comes to mcyt. Some I follow regularly and some is just like it was on my recommended page and I went down a rabbit hole so now I’m stuck lol
Aaaand just because: I make art/music sometimes! Here’s my carrd with links to that stuff if you’re interested
“lee speaks” - my original posts (and the rare reblog if I like actually like, add a good bit of text on to it that isn’t in the tags lol)
“stuff I built” - screenshots of my minecraft builds! Usually from my so-called “Survival Village” solo world (really need a better name for it...).
“turnip town” - I recently joined a little server with some friends! And they’ve nicknamed me the oracle turnip lmao, so I’m tagging posts about the server as turnip town to keep track of them.
General minecraft stuff is tagged “minecraft” or sometimes with the relevant update number (i.e.: “minecraft 1.19″) if it’s specific to that.
mcyt stuff is just tagged with the relevant tag(s) to that thing/creator (i.e.: “hermitcraft” “goodtimeswithscar” etc), and for stuff like the Life Series I use the spoiler tags as well most of the time
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alienduckpond · 5 years
Back in town - ch 8 - Eviction
Broken mailboxes and threats to leave town are serious business. So why isn't Ella more worried...?
1 - Good Day / 7 - Wasteland Rights
“Pump those legs. Come on, one two one two.”
Arlo huffed as he jogged after Paulie through the Western gate, shaking his head to try and clear it. The monthly incident report for the Council had taken him far longer than he’d planned last night, and his head was letting him know it didn’t approve of how little sleep he’d gotten. Paulie’s cheerfulness as he boomed at the front of their group wasn’t helping, and he was sorely tempted to give up when he got to Ella’s, and see if she’d let him nap on her couch for the half hour he had before he went to meet with Gale. Or maybe he'd wait till after, since he had nothing else planned all day That way he could curl up in the blanket fort she’d made a permanent addition to her home because sure, it was a little childish, but it was warm, and far more comfortable than his bed.
“Boss,” Sam puffed at his elbow, pulling him from his thoughts of soft fluffy blankets and cushions and making him look up at the path ahead of them. Ella was sitting on the fence next to the gate looking straight at them, and lifted her hand to wave when she saw they’d noticed her.
“Morning Gaby,” Paulie called as they got nearer, slowing to a stop in front of her, then starting to stretch. “Are you finally going to join us on a run? It’s a beautiful morning and the fresh air is wonderful.”
“Not today thanks, I’ll be getting plenty of fresh air when I go poop hunting later I’m sure. Emily wants me to try out this new planter box,” she explained when they all gave her strange looks. “And I need poop to put in a fertilizer tank to make the soil for them, because I am not mixing it in my blender no matter what the instructions say and urgh, it’s this whole thing. No, I was kinda hoping I could steal one of them for a minute or two. Sam or Remy preferably?”
Arlo felt himself start to frown as he watched her,  because there was something slightly, off about her. Her smile wasn’t quite as wide as usual, and her eyes were slightly dimmed. Her shoulders were hunched more than her position on the fence would cause, and her left hand was tapping a constant almost inaudible rhythm on the fence bar.
“Gaby, what happened to your mailbox?”
His eyes snapped from her to said mailbox when Remy asked, and he winced. The wooden post was broken, making the whole thing lean over at an angle, and the actual box was dented with the front flap barely hanging on by a hinge. He was kind of amazed it had taken him so long to notice now he saw it, because someone had really gone at it.
Sighing heavily as her head dropped forward for a breath, she lifted herself up again with obvious effort and reached to pull something out of her back pocket.
“And that’s why I wanted to talk to one of you. It was like that when I woke up, and I found this in it.”
Holding the paper out between her fingers, she let him take it and he quickly flipped it open while the other three crowded round to read over his shoulders.
Little pest, you might notice work is a little harder this morning without your precious mailbox. It’ll be even harder to work without your Resource Box. Quit doing stuff around town like you’re some sort of gift to Portia and leave. X
Distantly he heard the paper crumple as his fingers clenched. Someone was threatening Ella? That was, no. No, there was no need to panic. Ella was perfectly capable of looking after herself, she’d demonstrated that last week when she fought Sam. There was absolutely no reason to start panicking or get worked up about this.
“Threats and destruction of property are serious crimes,” Remy said solemnly as Arlo started to go over everyone in or around town for potential motives. “I honestly can’t think of anyone in town who would do something like this, especially after all you’ve done to help almost everyone in some way or another.”
“Maybe Higgins?” Sam offered, moving over to pull herself up onto the fence next to Ella, leaning against her side. He threw her a distracted and half hearted glare, because he’d talked to Sam about putting the moves on her, at least in front of him anyway, and was now really the time? But then he shook his head and made himself look away, because that wasn't important right now. Working out who could be after Ella was.
“Nah, Higgins hasn’t come near me since Lolo talked to him after that thing with his broken pickaxe," Ella said with a laugh, which seemed inappropriate given the circumstances. "Which reminds me. What did you even say to him that day? Antoine says he’s refusing to take any commissions until I’ve looked them over, even if I don’t go to the guild until after ten or eleven.”
“What I said wasn’t important,” he muttered, handing the letter to Remy who was waiting to copy it into his notebook, then fishing his own out to start making notes. There were scuff marks on the ground around him, but they could have been there before. The muddy shoe mark just above the break however, was definitely new. There wasn’t enough there to get a print off, and it was too smudged to even get a rough size, beyond that it was far too big to be either of the boys, thankfully. “But you’re right that it probably isn’t him. This isn’t his style, and he wouldn’t have waited so long to do something.”
“Which leaves the question of who,” Paulie cut in, leaning against her fence next to her, making both her and Sam wobble slightly until Ella grabbed his arm. “You haven’t been arguing with anyone, have you? You and Gust aren’t bickering again?”
“No, me and Gust are fine now, I think? I actually went to dinner with him the other day without Ginger. That was, weird.” She stopped to pull a face, and he blinked at her, because he’d had no idea that that had happened.
“And the only person I’ve been arguing with is Lolo about the whole bandirat thing. But I’m not actually all that bothered by it all,” Ella said with a sigh. “Whoever it is is obviously scared to face me head on, so they can’t be that much of a threat. And I can fix whatever they break easy enough. I am a builder after all. No, I’m bothered that I’m going to have to paint the mailbox again. I’d been meaning to since I moved in, but only got around to it last week.”
“Ella, this is slightly more serious than a little bit of paint,” he told her wearily, hand lifting to his temple to start rubbing. His headache was starting to come back, now he wasn’t as distracted by his initial panic over Ella’s safety. “Like Remy said, this is destruction of property and a thinly veiled threat of violence in an effort to make you leave. I’m going to need to report this to Gale.”
“Really?” she whined, slouching again. “Do you really have to? I’m really, truly not bothered.”
“It’s like Arlo said,” Sam started before he could, bumping sideways into Ella’s shoulder. “This is a serious threat against you, and we need to investigate thoroughly. We’d do this for anyone in town, so this isn’t Arlo being over protective.”
“Yeah yeah, I know that,” she huffed, blowing a puff of air up into her fringe as she shook her head. “Well, do you need anything from me? Like, do you need to take the mailbox as evidence or something, or can I fix it?”
“No, we don’t need to take it,” Remy chuckled, crouching down next to the broken post and running a careful finger around the edge of the mark before he started to measure different parts of it. “There isn’t much we can get off of it I don’t think. Normally I’d suggest you leave it as is until we catch the person responsible, especially since they mentioned your resource box in the letter, but the postman won’t deliver until it’s fixed and you might miss out on work.”
“Ah, that’s a point,” she hummed, lifting her thumb to her mouth and chewing on her nail. ”I wonder if I have any springs left that I could set something up...”
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear you say that,” Arlo said dryly, pressing the side of his head harder to try and dispel the tension there. “There are rules about what you can do to mail and resource boxes for the sake of the people who use them properly. What would you do if Emily went to leave you some milk or cheese from Sophie, and sprung whatever trap you’re cooking up, hmm? And stop chewing, you’ll make it bleed again.”
Ella’s mouth worked for a moment after she pulled her thumb free, her face scrunching up in thought, before she sighed and dropped her head in a nod.
“Yeah, you’ve got a point. Oaks has been dropping off the bits of llama wool he finds each day in it too now you’ve said. Urgh.”
He sighed fondly as he met Sam’s eye, jerking his head back towards town. She nodded at him, jumping down from the fence and going to help Remy up from where he was stuck in a crouch.
“Sorry to cut things short Paulie. Same time Wednesday?”
“Not a problem Arlo. You go ahead and take care of this, and our smallish builder here.”
“You're not going to let that go, are you? I make one completely justified comment about how huge you got--”
Paulie ruffled her hair as he laughed loudly over her, pushing off the fence and walking over to join Sam and Remy as they started back to town. He stepped closer to her, carefully searching her face. There were still little tension lines around her eyes, showing she wasn’t as unaffected as she was pretending, but he was relieved to see she was already more relaxed than when they’d arrived.
“Watch your back, ok? I’ll try to solve this as quickly as I can, but I don’t want to hear you’ve done something reckless and gotten yourself hurt.”
“Little faith Lolo, little faith.” He watched as she pulled her hair tie out and started trying to finger comb her hair back into place. “Like I said, I’m going to be out walking the fields picking up poop with Oaks most of today anyway. He said he’ll try to talk to the llamas and see if they’ll all pick one spot so it’s easier for me to find, but llamas are different to the other creatures so he said there might be a bit of a translation issue at first.”
He let that process for a moment, wondering if it was a date. But then, it involved poop, so, how romantic would it be even if it was?
“And then if we have time there’s been something we’ve been looking for, and I think we’re really close to finding it, so that will keep me out of the way for a while too,” she told him with a secretive grin, before holding up a finger to stop him and rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll make extra sure I lock up my house and machines before I leave, I promise.”
He pursed his lips as he looked at her, but she simply blinked up at him, fluttering her lashes overly innocently. She was planning something, he was sure of it, but he didn’t really have the time or brain power to try and figure out what.
“Please try to stay out of trouble. For me?” He waited until she rolled her eyes again and nodded before going on. “I’ll try and drop by later with an update.”
“Aye aye sir,” she chirped, giving him a mock salute, and he flicked the end of her nose to earn a startled yelp before walking away.
Looking down at his notes, he internally grimaced over the lack of information he had to go on. But he’d find something. Even if he had to stay up all night again, he’d find something.
Arlo lowered his large mug of coffee as he walked through the Western gate in order to drain the last gulp of his herbal juice. The sun was far too bright for his pounding head after another sleepless night, this time from going over the reports he’d taken from everyone in town. Even after the hours he’d spent trying to work out who could possibly have it in for Ella or why, he was no closer to an answer. And while he knew that coffee and herbal juice didn’t mix well, and Phyllis would throw a fit if she found out, he needed something to help get him through the day.
After roughly shoving the empty bottle in his jacket pocket he lifted his hand to push his hair back, sipping his hot drink. Yes. he’d take whatever the combination did to him if it meant he could actually function today he told himself, finally looking towards Ella’s workshop.
Only to stop in the middle of the road, and stare.
Because ok, maybe Phyllis was right to advise against the mix. He had to be hallucinating from the lack of sleep, or the chemical reaction in his stomach. Either that, or he wasn’t actually awake yet. Maybe he was still slumped over the desk with his notes stuck to his cheek, and he was going to wake up to Remy shaking his shoulder any second now?
Because that made far, far more sense than the sight of Tuss and Huss sat on the floor in front of Ella’s resource box, looking a little worse for wear with planks of wood strewn around them, and ropes tied around their ankles trailing off to Ella’s hand. Ella who was sitting on the fence next to the gate, leaning on Oaks’ shoulder as she alternated between watching a giant bandirat who was waving around an even larger fork and squeaking excitedly, and Oaks who was smiling up at Ella in a way he did not like.
So yes. This wasn’t real. He was still asleep. That was the only explanation. This was just a strange dream from the caffeine and herbs.
Because bandirat’s didn’t get that big. Not tall enough for its head to be level with Ella’s despite her sitting on the top bar of her fence. Nor did they grow what looked like blond hair, or wear crowns. And they certainly didn’t have giant forks that were taller than they were. 
Yes. Just a dream. A really vividly bizarre dream.
But just in case it wasn’t…
“Ella, why is there a giant bandirat standing next to you, and why are Huss and Tuss fixing your resource box?” he asked as he slowly walked forwards, stopping behind the brothers who shrunk in on themselves and stopped hitting nails into wood.
“Ah, morning Lolo! Huss and Tuss are fixing my resource box because they’re the ones who broke it this morning, and my mailbox yesterday,” she chirped cheerfully, her hand snapping out to catch the bandirat as it startled, spinning round and lowering the fork towards him. “They can’t pay to fix it, but they sure can keep trying until I say the repair is good enough, isn’t that right you two?”
“Yes Miss Gabriella,” they chorused meekly, Huss lining up the two planks again and Tuss carefully started tapping nails into the edge. She grinned at him happily, until he slowly pointed a finger at the bandirat she was holding.
“That’s Bob,” Oaks offered. “Gaby and I have been looking for him for the last few weeks, and we finally found him yesterday, up by the Bassiano Falls. He helped us track Huss and Tuss to the Amber Island cave, and then he helped get them back here. He’s really quite nice, and he knows some of the same animals as me and Papa do”
Arlo slowly turned to look at Oaks, who was smiling in that bland way of his, as if everything he’d said had made perfect sense. Weren’t dreams meant to make at least some sort of sense to the person dreaming them? And the fact that what Oaks said didn’t, would then mean…
“I’m actually awake, aren’t I?”
“Er,” Ella started, sharing a quick glance with Oaks. “Lolo?”
“Never mind. So, gentlemen,” he made himself ignore the bandirat issue for now. Later. He could reorder his entire world view around the things he regularly fought later. “What do you have to say for yourselves this time?”
They both stopped again to look up at him, and he quickly assessed them. Tuss had a rolled up tissue sticking out of his nose and a puffy lip, and Huss had the start of two black eyes, and they both looked rather subdued.
“We’re very sorry for the trouble we’ve caused to you and Miss Gabriella. She has explained to us the, ah, the error of our ways. And we will be making efforts to contribute properly to town now.”
“Yeah, Miss Gabriella is going to teach us how to use some of her machines, so we can help her make things,” Huss cut in, sounding actually happy about the idea. “And she’s going to pay us too for our work. And then when she’s got animals, she said I can help her with the baby duckies.”
He looked up at Ella again, silently asking why, but she simply shrugged a shoulder.
“I like ducks.”
His mouth opened and his finger lifted, but he made himself stop, settling the tip against his lips. That wasn’t what he’d meant, but ok. Later. That could also be a later thing.
“Ella, I’m going to need to take them up to the Corps to process them for the property damage case. I know,” he went on loudly when she started to protest, “that you probably don’t want to press charges against them, but I still need to take statements and close everything. I’ll need statements from the two-”
Stopping, he made himself look at Bob. Bob looked back at him warily, his tail flicking side to side behind him and Arlo could see he hadn’t loosened his grip on the fork even slightly.  He sighed, and rubbed at his head.
“Three. I’ll need statements from the three of you too. Oaks, would you be willing to translate for Bob when we do that?”
“Oh, of course! I’ll be happy to.”
“I, great. Ok. Just bring those two up to the Corps when you’re ready then. And I don’t want to see any more bruises on them when you do. I’m, I’m going to talk to Gale about all of this.”
He turned and walked away before any of them could say anything else strange, draining the last of his coffee as he did and wondering if it was safe for him to have more.
Today was going to be a long, strange day.
9 - Tied Together
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Alt Fleet Origins
idea i wrote up during my absent spell a couple months back; alluded to a few times and decided it was time to post it:
Consider this: the core group of the Fleet and thus the characters you might consider the central characters (Sierra, Terezi, Rose Quartz, Grimlock and Undyne) are the members of the generation that made the FLeet what it is, but they’re not the FIRST generation of the Fleet
They didn’t found it, but shaped it into what it is now, making them the heroes who defined the Fleet, gave it power and brought them home after ages of suffering and nomadic flight, but there is a lot that predates them
In short, it expands on the culture of the Fleet and makes it about more than just them!
This does require tossing out a lot of my original ideas for the Fleet’s origin and the foundations of the AU (Sierra discovering the Matriatrix and finding the other founding groups during the course of several adventures, building up their collective powers and creating the basics of the Fleet), but heck with it, some of the ideas I’ve had for this are SUPER fun and make a lot of sense within the AU
The actual founding generation goes back much further, perhaps an additional several hundred years prior to the birth of Sierra, who being the least difficult to map to realistic ages, makes a good barometer. The Fleet’s core ideas (it’s codes of honor, the way they handle things, and the basic social concepts) go back to the original founders, who banded together for mutual survival in a hostile multiverse where they were outcasts.
Most of the original groups are still represented here, but their ancestors are the ones who came into the fold first, so to speak.
(Greater detail and worldbuilding below)
I’m thinking there were probably no human members of the group, and came later; possibly humans are a bit of a rarity in this AU, at least in terms of population. Elves, dwarves, tieflings, they’re more common, but bog-standard humans are simply less common than you might assume.
The Homestuck contingent is represented by the troll ancestors: Neophyte Redglare as their leader, the Dolorosa, the Disciple, maybe the Executioner and the Signless. Additionally they had a large number of trolls allied to them, effectively they’re the Beforan versions of the ancestors (though giving them different relative ages for the sake of interesting divergence, like making Porrim a primordial vampire) until Beforus fell in ancient times, and the struggles of survival shaped the Beforus characters of the dancestors into the wiser but harder characters on par with the Alternian ancestors. While likely revolutionaries, these specific trolls were mainly just trying to survive without a homeworld, and being unwilling to take Condy’s ruthless measures to claim one for their own. Redglare would be the original wielder of the Matriatrix here, eventually passing it on to Sierra.
Because the troll kids (Terezi, Vriska, Feferi and the others) come later, presumably this means that you had to have access to all the troll ancestors genetics to get them. This might mean that, for a while, ALL the ancestors were part of the Fleet or had their genetics acquired somehow; this has interesting implications for Mindfang and the Condesce.
The Gems are, quite simply, the Crystal Gems. Possibly the core group (Rose, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Bismuth) with additional crystal gems rounding out the population. They were also just trying to survive, and specifically avoid restarting Homeworld, the circumstances of the Crystal Gem Rebellion are way different here, and possibly unrelated to Earth, though it’s also quite possible that Homeworld was outright destroyed prior to those tensions building up into full revolution. The human characters, at the beginning of the Fleet, wouldn’t have been born yet. Lapis is off somewhere else doing her own thing, Peridot possibly hasn’t been born yet (???) and Jasper MIGHT have a servant of Rose before leaving to join the Stingers once they’re formed to amass her own glory, or else had no idea Pink Diamond survived.
The Transformers present an interesting possibility: maybe Grimlock is actually younger here? I like him having participated in the Autobot/Decepticon wars too much to have him been born recently, but if the war was more recent, that might play into things. I’ve implied that the Cybertron Civil War took place many eons ago and shaped history across the multiverse, but it’s possible that this can be fulfilled by the children of Primus carrying out the same narrative cycle repeatedly, with the Autobot uprising dating to, at most, a thousand years ago. This would make the Autobots SIGNIFICANTLY younger than usual, and also let me mess around more and make things even more AU.
An alternative possibility is having Transformers (And other long-lived beings that don’t mature physically) grow up as a response to emotional growth; they are prompted by life experiences to mature and change, but don’t do it in a vacuum. Thus, Grimlock and the other Autobots can be millions of years old but until they go through exceptional circumstances, they don’t change much over time. Leaning towards the former option of them simply being way younger than I normally do it, simply because I VERY RARELY make the Autobots younger than series average and it might be fun to mess around with that.
In any case, the founding Autobots would be a smallish group mainly led by Elita-1, Arcee, several others of note (Ultra Magnus, Jazz, ect.) and of course, Wheeljack and Ratchet, who are Grimlock’s parents. Grimlock himself may have been alive at this time, but he remained taciturn and withdrawn after the things he suffered, and doesn’t become a major player until later. The smallest in overall number, but the largest in terms of power. Most of those would, of course, be fembots.
The Undertale roster is largely unchanged, since they seem kinda long-lived anyway. They probably provide the largest initial population for the Fleet, because of the sheer diversity and monster girl possibilities they provide! Monster Musume characters would also be included in their numbers; specifically the monster moms. Toriel, as queen of the monsters and perhaps led by portents she believes the monster goddess, Mothra, has bestowed upon them, leads her people (the Undertale characters; the human ones and Deltarune characters are born later) to find a place to survive, and eventually bond with the rest of the Fleet.
Add in additional characters and groups as needed, with some provisos: no humans at all at this point, they come later. Secondly, this version of the Fleet is a large band of nomads, perhaps numbering several hundred at most for the first generation or so, traveling from continent to continent and then world to world via teleportation gates they discover, uncovering a mystery that eventually leads into the overarching conspiracy that the Fleet will later investigate.
They are thus a convoy, staying on the move from their enemies and just trying to survive. They have kids, mind their own business, but can’t help being heroes and getting a bit of a reputation; eventually they wind up being superheroes of a sort.
Redglare, as mentioned, is the first wielder of the Matriatrix for the FLeet. I dunno where SHE got it (found it? it was passed down to her by a mentor?) but she uses it in a very different way from Sierra; the modding and power-enhancing scene requires an economic base and adventuring capability the proto-Fleet does not have, at this point, but they are able to use some of its powers to begin changing themselves to stay alive and relevant. Possibly the first signs of hyper proportion power levels begins here. But no one has any idea how to use it, and as in the current time, must experiment: Redglare ultimately does not learn the specific abilities Sierra did, but combines its alchemizing abilities with her innate Mind powers to draw abilities from those around her, combined with the zeitgeist of the area around her and, in a sense, weaponize the narrative to randomly generate abilities and spell effects. She is ultimately far better at the subtle abilities and Sierra still falls short of living up to her skills. Redglare is the first champion and leader of the Fleet, the heroine they all adored, and leaves big shoes to fill. (Her fate is… open to debate.)
Eventually, there is a second phase around the third generation of children and the signs of the Matriatrix’s gifts imbuing them with hyper fertility and devouring/pregnancy powers so that the Fleet is associated with nomming themes and producing huge amounts of children. By this point they have multiplied by several hundred members, both taking in anyone who wants to join their merry band and reproducing… a LOT. Gems and Transformers have been changed to be able to have super pregnancies, but not to the one-woman population booms in the present. This significantly alters the dynamics for their people, since the difficulties of resources for making new Gems and Transformers is a major problem for reproduction; possibly something similar applies to trolls, as I imagine the mother grub not being a natural part of the reproduction, but akin to a biological cloning machine inducing inbreeding due to over reliance on it.
Around this phase, two things happen, in no particular order, but as a result, some humans enter the Fleet. Again, humans are a relatively rare and severely underpowered species, and possibly in the process of dying out. But their greatest place of utopian ideals and success is the world-nation of Wakanda, reimagined her as a massive ringworld inhabited by humans, robots and the creations of ancient humans. It is a distillation of Marvel, with the entire human population being mutants; powers are universal, and the older generation of BNHA characters also originate from here (All Might, Inko). The Fleet seeks shelter, and for some time, calls Wakanda home. This utopian wonderland becomes the Fleet’s first true stable homeland, and eventually the beginning of their spaceflights; eventually they can no longer remain after Wakanda is devastated by Evil, and the notion of Wakanda becomes a spiritual homeland they home to one day reestablish.
By this point, the clan social system that eventually replaces biological families entirely begins to manifest, growing out of the social structures of Wakanda and the factionalism present within the newborn Fleet itself.
The other thing that can happen before or after the joining with Wakanda; the discovery of ancient cloning facilities, in which humans played a part. Great mechanisms to produce vast amounts of cloned offspring lay dormant, but fully functional, and providing the Fleet with valuable lost technology that will become the basis for later bio-tech. The facility contains information on the twenty-eight hundred trillion different bloodlines of the many species recorded, among them human bloodlines that still have a claim to the last dynasties of Earth in its pre-Cataclysm hey-day, and the offspring of those bloodlines would have tremendous cultural influence due to their descent from the last great powers of their people.
The Fleet begins what will become a solemn vow to resurrect life whenever possible; eventually they will start gestating fallen species, but they begin by simply starting the machines back up and raising the resulting children on their own. Among these are the first human members to be born into the Fleet; these include the human guardians from Homestuck (Pop Egbert, Mom Lalonde, Grandpa Harley, non-abusive Bro Strider) as well as anyone explicitly confirmed to be human and born into the Fleet; of note, the human SU characters from an older generation, most prominently Greg Universe.
Additional time passes, more generations come and go, and the Fleet’s initial powers grow more advanced; rebirth via pregnancy becomes a viable technique though not as widespread as it will become, and extends life spans considerably. Hyper huge proportions and recreational modding become more common, and with Redglare’s increased control over the Matriatrix, the beginnings of the Fleet’s superpowers status beings.
Now we come to the birth of the ‘current generation’; the characters the AU focuses on. Sierra, the other TDI characters, and the Homestuck kids and trolls are born. (Analogues to the Beforan characters as they are in the dancestor bits are also born roughly around this time.) The human characters in question (mainly the TD and Homestuck humans like Jade, Roxy, Jane and John) are a mix of being born from the cloning processes and offspring of the human mutants. The trolls, though, are explicitly the biological children of the troll ancestors, even if they are not raised by them as per Fleet custom.
Thus, everyone effectively grows up as friends and have an established society that predates them, putting less of an emphasis on them as the sole heroes; they stand on the shoulders of those who came before.
Sierra winds up becoming a protege of sorts to Redglare, and Terezi, as her descendant, suffers a great deal of pressure to become as great as her, while Redglare does her best to just let her descendants have a happy, ordinary life.
At some point, though, Redglare leaves the story. However it happens, she passes the Matriatrix onto Sierra, when all expectation was that Terezi would continue her legacy. This causes a great deal of tension between the two, even though they are very close prior to this. Eventually it is repaired, but not without damage.
In her childhood, Sierra befriends Grimlock (Effectively being his human companion friend, in TF fandom terms), bringing him out of his gloomy shell and lightning him up a little bit into the hero we all know he can be.
Sierra’s discoveries, as well as those of her friends (most predominantly Feferi, who is effectively the mother of modding) and the leadership of their particular group begins to shape the Fleet into what it is, setting the stage for its current position as it grows and changes.
(This also means that Vriska, and perhaps a good chunk of the Stingers, were originally part of the Fleet, perhaps those who opted for personal gratification or glory over the Fleet’s heroic intentions.)
Some other consequences is that the Fleet initially grew gradually, slowly absorbing people into it over time and then growing just a bit faster at a time as the Matriatrix’s powers expanded into others… and relatively recently, their expansion went from a few worlds and a single fleet to multiple ones, and a MASSIVE population explosion that continues even to this day. This rapid expansion is clearly terrifying to most people and a serious threat to people who originally saw them as hedonist outcasts and rogues challenging tyrants.
The second one is a theme of building things over the course of multiple generations, but suddenly the plan is askew. Redglare, the seemingly immortal wielder of the Matriatrix, is gone. Her plans, whatever they were, are suddenly stalled and the Fleet doesn’t have a rudder; people depended on her and revered here, and Terezi and Sierra wind up having to take the reins and inspire people. Sierra the heart-felt champion and the one they adore, and Terezi winds up the one with a plan and purpose people can root for.
Things build up and expand from simpler roots, growing more complex and better than what their forerunners initially created. They might be standing on the shoulders of giants, but they’ll grow far bigger than their parents did.
(The metaphor is somewhat muddled by the fact that the Fleet’s stronger people genuinely regard ‘growing bigger than a planet and using your finger to destroy a kaiju’ as mid-tier feats, but the point still stands.)
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Originally posted by picturesoflotoreveryday.
Moon Flower
Summary: Young Prince Lotor discovers a field of moon flowers and meets his first friend.
Pairings: Lotor x Half-GalraF!Reader
★ Disclaimer: I do not ship Lotura and I respectfully ask that this story to not be tagged as Lotura. This is a Lotor x Reader/Self-Insert OC story which is in no way related to Allura at all. Please be respectful of my chosen pairing.  ★
Warnings: Mentions of half-breeds, cliché romance trope, childhood friends to lovers, awkward teenage hormones, first kiss, ooc kinda?
Foo Fighters - Everlong
Part One___Part Two___Part Three
Extinction (Bad Ending)___ The Giving Tree___Moonlight Path
Evolution (Good Ending)___Breaking the Ice ___For My Family___Priorities
Lotor peeked from behind the tree meekly, small claws digging into the wood in slight nervousness. It was night time and little Lotor, ever the curious Galra, had slipped out the castle walls to explore what laid beyond. His parents wouldn’t know, at least, they shouldn’t. They probably thought he snuck out to the quartberry orchards to indulge his appetite, when in actuality, he ran to a different, more private, field. He discovered it, so it was HIS. It was his secret hide-out.
But, as his wide-eyed self scanned the flowers blooming in the expansive meadow, he saw that there was an intruder. Someone else was here, but he was unsure how to...chase this trespasser out. So for now, he just watched you cautiously, watched how you plucked the flower and sniffed it. Watched you flump back on the ground, arms and legs splayed out as if embracing the starry sky.
He let out a gasp when he watched you eat the flower.
His flowers!
Your ears twitched at the new sound and you turned your attention right in his direction. Lotor let out a small “eep!” then completely hid himself. If he can’t see you, then you can’t see him, right? Though, that young mind of his did not help in this situation at all. Little Lotor didn’t even hear you sneak up on him or the rush of footsteps dig into the dirt while you ran across the field.
“Hey! Who’re you?”
Lotor stumbled back when your face popped up barely an inch in front of him. He let out an indignant noise, something between a yelp and awkward stuttering, then took a large step back. Large in accordance to his smallish legs. Your eyes, big and inquisitive, blinked owlishly at this guy, this anxious, white-haired guy who couldn’t have been any older than you. Slowly, a smile grew on your lips.
A new friend!
“Lotor. I’m Prince Lotor!” he interrupted, summoning what little courage he could after the shock of having YOU surprise him wore off.
“Lotor, huh?” you poked his side and he pouted, “Wanna play hide and seek with me?”
Little Lotor was...speechless. You took his silence as a yes, grabbed his hand, then dragged him to the field of moon flowers.
“I can’t reach it!”
“Um, it’s because you are short.”
You let out an indignant huff then shoved his shoulder, but all Lotor did was giggle in mischief. Tonight, the two of you had gone to the quartberry orchards after you complained to him that you were hungry. Of course, his little tummy had rumbled too, and he figured some ripe berries were perfect for dinner. Or dessert, seeing as it was very late in the night. You attempted to jump up and snag a bushel of berries, but Lotor was right. You were...tiny.
“Well, how do YOU get them then, huh?” you crossed your arms, sticking your lower lip out in defiance.
“Like this, watch,” his little legs tap tap tap to the tree and he glanced back, “Are you watching?”
Lotor scooted closer to the base then looked down at his hands. He knew how to get those berries easy-peasy. Concentrating with his tongue sticking out, he grunted for a few seconds before...pop! His claws came out! With a triumphant grin, he dug his nails into the wood and started to climb, scaling the trunk like he has done several times before. You let out an awed “Oooh” as he finally perched himself at the lowest branch.
Then, he started eating the closest bushel he could find, figuring it was a good...self reward for his hard work.
“Hey! That’s not fair! How come I don’t got those?” you sadly looked down at your own hands, wondering when you would get some gnarly, cool claws like Lotor.
With berry juice smeared on his lips, baby cheeks in full chipmunk mode, Lotor blinked down at you. Maybe you didn’t know how to get your pointy nails out yet? Either way, that sad, puppy look on your face made him frown, too. He cut a few berry vines, making sure he had enough for the both of you, then dangled it over your head. It was your big, doe eyes and sudden happy smile that made Lotor grin back.
“Here, catch them, okay?” he dropped one, two, six, and you managed to save each of them.
“Thanks, Lotor!” you stuffed a handful of berries in your mouth while he climbed down the tree, both of you sitting on the grass together, “You’re the best!”
Lotor smiled with his little kitten fangs showing.
“Ah! When can I get those, too?”
Tick. Tck.
“Psst...Lotor...wake up, I know you’re in there…”
Lotor sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It was so, so late at night, but he knew exactly who was throwing rocks at his balcony window. It was a habit with you, now. Though, even in his drowsiness, a happy smile crept on his lips. He shuffled out of bed quickly then silently opened the large glass doors...only to be pegged in the face with a tiny pebble. He let out that same sputtering when he first met you those few years ago, before looking over the edge.
Your expression instantly lit up when your friend’s face peered down at you, “Were you sleepin’?”
“No,” he lied, but you knew he was just joking around, “But I am sure my parents are.”
“Pssh, c’mon, Lotor,” you motioned him to come down, “Let’s go to the fields again. They won’t know. Besides, didn’t you say you got tomorrow off from studies or something?”
It was true. Dayak has started teaching him all about Galra history, Galra traditions, and while he enjoyed it, Lotor often found himself thinking about spending time outside the desk. Outside with his friend, in that field, playing tag and hide and seek and wrestling and eating and napping. Kid stuff that invaded his thoughts more and more the longer he was stuck behind a book.
Plus, he liked sharing his knowledge with you under the full moon.
“Sounds logical to me,” he nodded, already climbing over the metal border, “Very well. Catch me.”
“W-wai-Lotor, no-”
It took all your willpower, and his, to not laugh too loud when his lanky body crashed on top of you in a tangle of limbs.
Lately, Lotor has been feeling a little too warm. A fever, he thought, but that wouldn’t stop him from sneaking out and continuing your night-time shenanigans. Besides, if he was late, if he didn’t arrive on time, you would have the benefit of pouncing on him in a surprise attack. And Lotor certainly couldn’t let you get the best of him, now could he? It filled him with smug satisfaction every time he managed to pin YOU down first.
He tied up his hair quickly, since last time you almost won by yanking it too hard, then stealthily crept through the woods. The field came in view and there you were, humming innocently and plucking his precious flowers, completely oblivious to your surroundings. So safe. Our private little haven. Lotor crouched lowly and when you turned your head, you only had a split second to see him out of the corner of your eyes before he lunged at you with the speed of a hungry panther.
You had a moon flower in your mouth and you couldn’t even get a word out when Lotor roughly tumbled with you. Still, that didn’t mean you gave up so easily! You wrestled back, rolling and grunting, trying to get the upper hand on the larger teen, but his damn claws were great weapons to latch onto anything he wanted. Mainly, your shoulder since his hips were strong enough on their own to hold you down.
Spitting grass out of your mouth, you let out a groan and laughed, “Okay, okay, I concede! I yield!”
You couldn’t see Lotor’s cocky grin from behind you, but you could hear it in his damn voice, “What is the score? 54 to 21? You must try harder next time, dear.”
“Hey, hey, it’s 54 to 22! Give me some credit here,” you corrected, arms starting to ache as they twisted behind you in his strong hold, “But, y’know, who’s keeping count?”
Lotor chuckled in amusement, but it slowly died down when his nose...tickled. He has been in these fields so many times, he had already gotten used to the smell of moon flowers wafting in the night. It covered you and him, but this scent, it was different, it was spicy. He hooded his eyes and leaned down towards your neck, following his nose and disregarding that this was some odd instinct going on within his body.
He dug his face into your hair and fully closed his eyes, then he sniffed you. Not discreetly at all.
“Lotor? Lotor, you weirdo, did you just sniff me?”
Your voice snapped him out of his intoxicated state, but that scent was already burned into his mind. It was you, that spice came from you. It made him feel much too warm now. That, and he was thoroughly embarrassed he was caught doing something weird, something no Prince should ever do. Lotor released his grasp on you and backed off your body, letting you sit up and face him. His face flushed a cute wine color and his eyes, stars, he couldn’t look at you after that. Shameful, what was he thinking?
Then, you laughed, that carefree laugh, and all the worries mixing in his stomach disappeared.
Lotor’s eyes widened, blush still very prominent on his cheeks, then you tackled him suddenly. Surprise attack, indeed. He let out an “oof!” as you laid on top of him and his arms hugged you in comfortable familiarity. The way you were laying on him with the glow of the moon lighting up your face had a new feeling beat in his heart. He had thought his sniffing would’ve truly weirded you out.
Though, you proved that you were just as weird as he was when you dug your face into the side of his neck and sniffed him too. He was stunned, even more shocked when he could feel you smile against his warm skin. You...liked this? Of course you did. Why would something like sniffing push you two apart? Lotor was a fool to think you would run away over something so trivial. Two half-breeds, sniffing each other.
“You smell good, like,” you paused, hummed, “Like...lavender. Lilac? Forget-me-nots?”
Lotor could get used to this welcoming feeling blooming in his chest.
“And you’re really, really warm. Let’s sleep out here tonight.”
“Damn, that’s...that’s a lot.”
Lotor blanched at you, perhaps pouting just a bit, at your bluntness. Your face was super close to his, examining each and every swollen pimple on his sharp features. Not one, not two, but four. All in the most unfortunate of places, too. His nose, his chin, forehead, and his left cheek. You hummed deep in thought and slowly raised a finger, intending to...poke them. It was fascinating.
Well, fascinating to YOU.
“Oh, shut up, I can not believe I have so many,” Lotor’s complexion was one thing he carefully maintained and to have these abominations pop up overnight greatly knocked down his ego.
To him, it was downright embarrassing, if not a little painful. The second your finger was within half an inch of his pimple, Lotor’s hand came up and clamped around your wrist. Firmly. Now, you couldn’t satisfy your curiosity. Already sensing your other hand rising up, he caught that one in his hold, too. You squirmed in your restraint, though you had no luck breaking free. It was now that Lotor took a chance to truly just...stare at you.
Did your lashes always look so long and full?
“It’s okay, Lotor! They’re like, uh...comets! Yeah, they landed on your face,” you joked, to which he only rolled his eyes, “Little fallen stars, y’know? Let’s draw them together and make a constellation!”
“Absolutely NOT!”
You laughed out loud, not one so easily to give up, even if he said no. Arms and hands wiggling, Lotor had a hard time keeping you locked by the wrists, but you finally broke free. Immediately your fingers pinched both of his cheeks playfully, then stretched them here and there. Can I call you comet face from now on? If possible, his pouty lips only grew more in the light of such a humiliating nickname.
Lotor was getting older and taller than you, much to your playful complaints. That heat didn’t completely disappear, but now it was more manageable. It didn’t impede his studies or anything like that. It didn’t wedge an awkwardness between you two, which he was eternally grateful for. Under the pressure of his father and mother, of Dayak, of his duties as a Prince, he was glad he could steal little moments of freedom with you.
Like now. Your body was curled into his side, you are so squishy, while his hand laid loosely on your hip. Lotor was comfortable, he wasn’t a Prince with you. He was just that same anxious kid those many years ago. No, actually. Lotor likes to think he has grown into someone you could proudly call his childhood friend. Or perhaps...maybe something more than friend.
“Open,” he demanded and you did, your mouth parting while he fed you the apple held in his hand.
“Lotor,” you started, staring at the sky that was puffy with heavy clouds, “I think it’s gonna rain soon. We should get you back before you get soaked. I know how much you hate it when your hair frizzes.”
No, he didn’t want this to end. The night just started! Lotor took a bite out of the fruit then chewed silently, debating on what to do with you. On one hand, yes, he did hate how the humidity puffed up his hair in a what you call an “adorable cotton-headed grape.” On the other hand, you would leave his hold, which was already the worst option in his mind.
“Come stay with me tonight,” he heard you stop chewing and he pressed his cheek against the top of your head, “You hate the rain too, do you not?”
Yes, you did. Wet, cold, soggy. Loud and the storms on Daibazaal lasted much too long for your liking. And the lightning and thunder. You cuddled more against Lotor just thinking about it. His offer was so tempting, though. And when you looked up at him, saw that smile of his, saw that firm caring side reflect his cosmic eyes, you couldn’t say no. Just tonight, just this once.
“As Prince, I have control of who stay-”
“Uh-uh. No. You don’t get to use that title with me, you nerd,” you teased and his eyes lit up at your challenging words, “You said your name was Lotor. Lo-tor. Before you said Prince.”
And that’s how you’ve been calling him since you two met.
On the way back to his balcony, it had begun raining, and it pushed the both of you to start running. His hand was tightly wound with yours as the night sky flashed lightning at your heels, but you two...you were laughing at the circumstances. See? Told ya so. Luckily, it was so loud in the storm, neither of you worried about being caught scaling up to his room or making too much noise.
Under the awning, both Lotor and yourself were soaked to the bone. After the laughter died down, you two simply stood facing each other, taking in each other’s appearance. His hair was limp now, just like your mop, and his hands were still latched onto yours. Lotor was tethering you to him and he found that, well, he didn’t want to let go. Not yet. The door could wait. He wanted to stare at you a bit more, let that warmth rise over his body pleasantly. Judging by the adoring look in your eyes, he guessed you felt it too.
His heart nearly burst from his chest when you brought his hands up to cup your face, allowing him to hold what he deemed the moon of his life. Lotor wasn’t that nervous kid anymore. Never again, not when your eyes shined up at him like those nights you would gaze upon the distant galaxies. Like those nights when the both of you spotted a shooting star whizzing through the dark sky.
Lotor leaned down, pulled you to his body, and kissed you gently with all the heat and passion he could muster.
He heard the distant chime of bells ringing in his head when his eyes slid close in pure bliss.
“Let us review your alphabet in Ta’kivy.”
Like clockwork, Lotor automatically began speaking words along with every letter Dayak announced. His mind unconsciously, yet perfectly, nuanced each of them all in proper order, not once missing a beat. She was proud of him, nodding in approval as her pupil continued to impress her. He will make a fine Emperor one day. That is, until he said your name.
Lotor knew instantly he made a mistake. He gulped as nervousness spiked in his arms, all the way up to his chest, and his eyes widened in...panic.
“What was that?” Dayak asked, narrowing her eyes at the Prince’s reaction.
He quickly scrambled his brain for the correct word, the one that would hopefully deter Dayak from any suspicions she had in him. If you were found out, his father, his mother, they would no doubt banish you. Or worse. Lotor knew for a while now that a Prince was not meant to socialize with half-breeds, even though he, himself, was one. He knew the implications it could lead to and how grave it would be for you.
And that struck fear straight into his soul.
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mysticsparklewings · 6 years
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Commission: Magician Tarot Card
Between school work and other IRL stuff, I have been chipping away at a couple of commissions I got recently; this is one of them! Here, the commissioner wanted to see my take on the "Magician" tarot card for a potential tattoo design. I actually ended up having a lot more fun with this than I thought I would! I've only looked into Tarot Cards before as they relate to the traditional card suits, and otherwise have only really seen them in passing. So going into this, I did at least a little homework to better understand what I was being asked to create. In that vein, this ended up being a sort of chance to experiment for me, as I've always felt that tattoo designs universal have a certain "look" to them, and I wanted to play with accomplishing that, on top of keeping in lime with the themes and ideas of the original card, while, of course, still making it my own. A quick Google of "Magician Tarot Card" turned up a few different variations that all seemed to have a few key similarities; the position of the arms, a red cloak and white clothing, the magician holding a wand, the infinity sign over his head, flowers, and so on. Likewise, I tried to keep most of the prevalent features right off the bat. I also investigated the Wikipedia page for a little more background on the symbolism and discovered that the arm placement did have significance, so I kept it for the most part, but I did my best to add more movement to it, as the original seems uncomfortably stiff to me. And from the very beginning, my take was that he's the magician he should look magical, you know? So I tried to bring that into the mix, too. As it turns out, normally there is a table in front of the magician holding objects that portray the four different tarot card suits. Said suits seem to have a bit of variation, depending on the deck, but I went with the ones I thought I could make work the best: Wands, Sword, Coins, and Cups. I didn't want to just set the things on a table, as that seemed boring, so I tried to incorporate them in other ways. He's already holding the wand (which I based on the design of a baton since that seems to be what it's like in the original), so check that off. I added a sword to his belt, as that seemed like almost a natural/obvious choice and makes visual sense. The coins and cups were a bit trickier, but I had the idea to incorporate the coins into the "magic" flow I had in mind for the pose, which I think worked out quite well.  The cup really got me though. After thinking on it, and deciding on the inclusion of the flowers--which are, specifically, roses and lilies as part of the original symbolism--it just kind of clicked that the cup could be holding some flowers, and from there it just kinda worked out as a way to "close" the remaining open corner. And I snuck the infinity sign in as more of a diadem rather than just floating over his head, which I thought was quite clever.   I also ended up doing the rose border as a way to give it the "card" feel without specifically tying it down to an actual rectangle or card template. I debated on adding the "The Magician" Signifier somewhere but ultimately decided against it for the same reasons. Also, I tried something different with the shading to make it more dynamic, a bit more realistic, as that was my intention with the art, to begin with. It's kind of similar to what I did on my OOTD: Witch Socks, and I think it ended up really working out. However, I also tried coloring only in Grayscale/Black and White first, then going back in with color. That's something I don't think I've ever really tried before, and it was interesting...I think it also made the process go a bit faster, but that's up for debate since I didn't time myself.   The lilies gave me a bit of trouble, as I wasn't sure how to get their shape across properly in this semi-realistic style without going to stylistic or too realistic, but I think what I ended up with turned out okay. On that note, originally all the floating flower petals were going to just be red rose petals, but a few of them really got lost and the lilies looked out of place, so I went back and made a few white to offset the balance and tie the lilies back in, and I'm very glad I did! And when I was adding color I also tried to stick to a limited color palette so I wouldn't spend too long on it or get carried away, so while there are a few pops of different colors here and there, I stuck primarily to red, white, and gold for the majority of the piece. Additionally, from the beginning, I wasn't in on the idea of adding a lot of detail to the face, and that led me to the decision to make the eyes glow, which also ended up being the light source that I based the shading off of. It also kind of ties into the halo-like impression I got from the infinity sign in the original version of the card, I think. Did I mention that I did the whole thing in Photoshop? I spent a painstaking amount of time trying to keep the lines clean/smooth. This was another experiment; one that would not have been possible without the new CC addition of the "smoothing" tool or my drawing tablet. I will say though, it did really make me miss my free trial of Lazy Nezumi, a third-party stabilizer, to the point I think I might try to save up to purchase it going forward. (Or, you know, I'll be less of a lazy potato and go back to using Paint Tool Sai when I want perfectly clean line art). Really though, I thrilled at how the finished piece came out with the shape of the cloak and the visual movement...there are things I'd spend another several hours tweaking if given the opportunity, sure, but overall I'm quite proud of this one.  And the commissioner liked it, which is the most important thing.   I have a couple of quick/smallish pieces on the back burner, but I wanted to get at least one commission done & posted and the other one started before I posted those, just so my lovely commissioners don't think I'm shirking my responsibilities.  But I should be posting at least one in a day or two to keep my art flow up in the meantime. ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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sharktoraptor · 6 years
Survivor Daemons
Here’s a whole bunch of blabber that no one asked for about my Dbd daemon AU, featuring the reasoning behind the forms of the survivor’s daemons and a little about their personalities. Why? Because I can and I felt like typing a whole bunch of stuff that no one will read
There are a lot of additional rules and complications for daemons in trials, and I’m probably going to make a separate post both for that and for the Killer’s daemons (or... current lack thereof), because this got VERY long.
And before we get started, here’s a plug for my currently abandoned fic playing with this concept. Ima get back to it at some point.
First off, I had some limits for survivor forms. Their daemons have to be small, and easy to carry around in a trial. Most of them ended up being birds, with a couple of exceptions. Also, only a couple of the names mean anything- I got almost all of them from a fantasy name generator and just picked one that sounded nice.
Dwight and Zefrita
Zefrita (Zeffie) is a mourning dove, and I chose her form for a couple of reasons. Mourning doves are entirely defenseless against their predators (except for natural camouflage) and are therefore very flighty, anxious birds. They are also known for forming close, lifelong pair-bonds, and since Dwight’s perks are all about teamwork and literal bonds between survivors, that seemed to resonate with him.
Zefrita is a very quiet daemon, and only talks to the other survivor’s daemons (and Dwight, of course). While Dwight stammers and hesitates a lot when he’s flustered or anxious, Zefrita only talks when they have enough conviction about something that she can articulate it clearly. So, it’s a pretty big deal if she says something important- it usually means that it is.
Meg and Skiflit
Skiflit (Skif) is a northern goshawk. I used this analysis to come up with his form, mostly because of the interpretations of loyalty, determination/being goal-driven, and assertiveness, which I all think fit with Meg- or at least, my version of Meg, who’s caring but a bit of a hothead.
Skif talks about as much as Meg does, which is quite a lot, especially in fireside arguments. He’s also the most likely to get physical with the other daemons, whether aggressively or for support/comfort.
Jake and Dancha
Dancha (Dawn) is a raccoon, which I just love for Jake for so many reasons and I was so happy that the form analysis worked out. It really boils down to what he said in the actual fic- they’re highly adaptable/resourceful, conflict-avoidant, and independent animals. Their also curious but in a killed-the-cat sort of way, which seems true to Jake’s character to me.
Dawn tends to let Jake do most of the talking, and really only interacts with the original four survivors daemons, sometimes including Nea and Laurie’s daes if she feels up to it. She and Jake are pretty slow to trust, and even though they feel perfectly comfortable around all the survivors (though they clash with Ace) Dawn keeps her interactions to a minimum to stay in her comfort zone. They don’t have much of any comfort left, after all.
Claudette and Laefertes
Laefertes (Laef) is a barn owl, and I actually think I named him after Laertes from Hamlet for some reason? I think I just had the name stuck in my head, no significance to it. The two traits that really stuck out to me for his form were barn owls having a surprising amount of foresight in caching their extra food and their egg care habits, and the analysis I read also listed owls as being very perceptive, for obvious reasons, which fits well with Claudette’s Empathy (perk and trait) to me.
Claudette and Laef are kind of the greeters of the group, so when someone new shows up at the campfire they do all the explaining and “welcome to a Bad Time” talk. Claudette tends to say more comforting things than hard truths, and Laef compliments her by being the opposite- almost anything out of his mouth is what needs to be said, not necessarily what people want to hear.
Nea and Bayonai
Bayonai (Bayo) is a Siamese cat and listen I have a lot of reasons for it. He’s a cat for obvious reasons- Baker literally describes Nea as catlike in the journal entry- as well as cats being generally friendly, but independent for the most part. Siamese cats in particular are known for being loud attention seekers like no other, and we know that Nea was the epitome of Rebellious Teen (tm) in her day. They also tend to be curious (again, in a killed-the-cat sort of way).
Bayo is my favorite daemon of the bunch, probably because I started writing him first. He and Nea are less counterparts of one another than they are the same person divided into two parts. Bayo has a little more of their caution, but he’s like the friend who is saying “this is a terrible idea, oh my god” while filming it. They have street smarts more than school smarts, but Bayo has a little bit of an edge on Nea when it comes to critical thinking.
Laurie and Aurelio
Aurelio (Ori, which accidentally means they’re Laurie and Ori) is a European robin. His name comes from the Latin word for golden. His form was really hard to find, mostly because the original survivors have just a few canon character traits, whereas Laurie Strode has a whole franchise worth of characterization to sort through. I ended up just using Halloween I and II for my form finding. I used this analysis for Aurelio and I don’t have much to say about it, other than I was relieved to finally find a form that fit.
Aurelio and Laurie are Survivors (tm) in the truest sense of the word, so in my ‘verse they’re kind of dry and cynical. Aurelio tends not to talk very much, and when he does he often says things that are too dark for the conversation he’s contributing to, and is reprimanded by Laurie. They had a perfectly normal human-daemon bond before Myers, but it changed after, and they were never the same.
Ace and Kesina
Kesina (Kess or occasionally Kesi) is an American bullfrog. She’s the only reptile form among the survivors. I’m honestly not even going to say anything else about her form, just link to the analysis because IMO it’s so Ace it hurts. Laid-back is the main trait that I like that I don’t see listed as a major point in the analysis, but frogs are chill as fuck.
Kesina says all the sarcastic and biting things that Ace doesn’t, but in a dismissively calm way that gets a rise out of whoever she’s said it to. Not that he wouldn’t, it’s just funnier if she calls Jake a dumbass in Argentine Spanish than if he does. She and Ace talk to each other almost exclusively in that dialect when they’re being snarky or sarcastic, even if they’re doing the “what do you want to have for dinner!?” routine, because no one can understand what they’re saying and it pisses everyone else off.
Bill and Portril
Portril (no nickname) is a summer tanager, a kind of smallish songbird. Frankly there’s not very much personality lore for Bill out there, even in what Left 4 Dead stuff I tried to dig up, so I went with my personal HC’s for him- grumpy and quiet but altruistic and perceptive old man. Here’s the analysis if anyone is actually reading this, but this is more for my own benefit let’s be real. There’s not a ton of real solid behavior for summer tanagers, but I liked what this person wrote so I went with it.
Bill is quiet and Portril is quieter. Bill contributes a few sentences to the conversation at the campfire every now and then, but the majority of the survivors have never heard Portril say a word.
Feng and Maeslin
Maeslin (Maes) is a numbat (google it), and tbh I should have picked a Chinese-sounding name for him, but I’m too attached to Feng having a daemon she calls Mace to change it. I’d never heard of a numbat before form finding for Feng, but I love how well the weird little things fit with her character. Numbats are specialized eaters and ONLY eat termites. They have to eat 20,000 of the things a day to stay alive. What I get out of that is that the are specialized/single-focus type people, like Feng and her gaming, and work really fucking hard to be good/keep at it.
I haven’t done a lot of thinking about Maes’ personality. I think he and Feng are a Chaotic Neutral disaster duo. He’s a very mobile daemon and tends to climb all over Feng, never staying in one place for too long- it’s a habit he learned very quickly to not bring into trials.
David and Ezriana
Ezriana (Ez) is a magnificent frigatebird and it’s SUCH a shame that she’s not male, because the main reason I picked that form for David is because of the absolute pompous showoffs that male frigatebirds are with that throat pouch of theirs. Frigatebirds are also known for being opportunistically aggressive and basically getting into fights with other species of coastal birds to steal their catches. There’s some more, non-fighty traits that made me decide on frigatebird for Ezriana, but those are really the two main reasons I picked it.
Ezriana is kinda the “kick his ass baby I got yo flower” of the pair, and she always tends to kind of stay out of the thick of it, circling overhead and yelling out insults and encouragement. Her actual personality is pretty laid back when not in conflict mode, and she’s pretty good for conversation around the campfire. Her way of talking is a little more... coherent.. than David, who’s excitable and can get a little carried away.
Quentin and Nynta
Nynta (Nyn, pronounced Nihn) is an earwig. Earwigs are tough little insects and are very adaptable and actually protect their eggs and then care for their young, showing a lot of duty and dedication. I think that fits with what I managed to gather of Quentin’s role in NoES 2010, which I haven’t actually watched. Additionally, fitting into the daemonverse, earwigs are very small, and Quentin keeps Nynta in a lanyard, so that Freddy and no one else has any possible access to touching her.
Nynta never talks, period. No one knows what her and Quentin’s relationship is like, taking into consideration Laurie and Aurelio’s slightly trauma-damaged bond, but everyone knows that Nynta probably doesn’t trust anyone. They’ve never seen her outside of her clear plastic lanyard, which locks from the inside with a one digit combination that only Nynta can open. I imagine she probably settled during the events of NoES 2010.
Tapp and Soliel
Soliel (Sol) is a Florida scrub jay. Scrub jays are committed birds, both to their mates and their territory, and keen and clever observers of what happens in their area and to their things (food caches and stuff). These to me seem like good traits to match a detective’s personality. These birds are also highly specialized to their environment, though, and are unadaptable- that combination of traits makes sense, because Tapp became borderline obsessed with the Saw case in his lore.
Soliel is as focused as her human is, and accepts facts and information readily. Being older than most of the others, she tends not to talk too much unless they’re having an interesting discussion, rather than a time-killing or social conversation.
Kate and Torelian
Torelian (Tori) is a fennec fox. Fennec foxes are super extroverted and sociable animals, and tough critters that are well adapted for going long periods of time without commodities, but not without other people around them. Kate traveled a lot for her music career, but she seems to me like a caring and outgoing person that really connected with her fans. He also matches her aesthetic, and is a cute/attractive form- perfect for a performer’s daemon.
Torelian is as much of a performer as Kate. He can’t play and instrument, but they can sing duets and are, of course, completely in sync at all times. It’s great for cheering up the campfire after rough trials and moments of (extra) hopelessness. He’s a good ear to talk to and offers wholesome advice.
Adam and Samia
Samia (no nickname) is a northern cardinal. I chose the form this morning and frankly I’m tired of resummarizing bird analyses at this point, so here ya go.
I’ve done no character exploration for Samia yet, might edit this when/if I come up with some more for her. Most of the daemons outside the first five or six I’ve done more developing here than otherwise, so we’ll see!
If you got this far you’re my new favorite human, and thank you for listening to my impassioned rambling about my two current hyperfixations mashed into one <3
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thecryingcryptid · 6 years
Hey ive been following you for a while and im not sure if its just my bad memory,but I haven't really seen a post about your ocs? They sound really fun from what I can tell from the tags of that last post. Id love to know more about them?Hope Im not bothering you! 🌟
not at all! yeah idk i have a couple sideblogs for them (but it’s more of a what their tumblr would look like not so much things specifically about them if you get what i mean). you precious monarch butterfly have some lil quick bios bout my top 3 girls
Reywynn Nightstar | D&D | rogue + warlock | Queer Table Universe
- Chaotic neutral/good moon elf who is an arcane trickster. She has ginger hair and one green eye, she lost the other eye to a cursed beholder eye charm thing. She is hella chaotic and loves lame jokes and pulling pranks. She is also hella pansexual and is drawn to lovers who are fun and know how to have a good time. She worked for a rogue organization in the Feywild traveling the wilderness to ruins and shit (and sometimes cities) to...reclaim items of arcane and cultural value. On one mission she tripped a plane shift trap and was sent to the Material Plane. She is not educated on inter-planar travel so she had no fuckin clue how to get back, she just kinda travelled around Faerun taking up odd thieving jobs until she teamed up with the group to work a bigger job with more pay.  She is the SMOLEST bean (next to our gnome ranger) at 5ft tall. FUN FACT: that was 100% not her original height but when the DM asked me how tall she was at like level 6 I realized I had not written it down anywhere so randomly rolled for it right then and there. Rey is a smol rage bean with the lamest sense of humor AND I LOVE HER. She has also written a romance novel based on the group’s adventures! It’s not like the penny smut novels she favors but more of a dramatic love epic. I have not actually written out the novel, and probably never will, but I DO have a basic plot outline written if anyone ever wants to see it (you won’t understand how the plot relates to in-game events but it still might be interesting).
Likes: bad jokes, smut novels, and stabby things
Amaris | D&D | wizard | (future) Empire universe
- Neutral good tiefling with moonstone skin and black antlers. 6ft tall with wavy silver hair and bright purple eyes against black scleras.  She is probably my bean with the saddest backstory. Her father travels as a fortune teller, though he was more interested in using his good looks and mystic background to seduce women (especially wealthy women). On one such occasion his affair with a local landowner’s human wife resulted in a child that was very obviously not her husband’s. For whatever reason, maybe he really did care for her, he agreed to raise Amaris and keep her away from the anger of the husband. That being said, he was NOT a good father. It was very obvious from a young age that Amaris had a talent for learning magic that he did not, and he greatly exploited that to make his life easier and help him make more money as they travelled. He was very emotionally and verbally abusive and it wasn’t until her mid 20s that she gained the courage to run away from him. She left with some fancy arcane armor she was supposed to be making for him, but now it helps keep her safe as she explores the world on her own terms. She also has the mystic background, but to her father’s annoyance, she doesn’t flatter patrons and tell them what they want to hear instead choosing to give the blunt truth. Sometime in her teens they were close to the town where her mother lived and she went to try and see her, but was discovered by the husband and was chased down and attacked with scythes/sickles. Her back now has a thick scar from the base of her skull all the way down her spine. 
She HAS made a cameo in the Queer Table universe as an npc and is married to a nice (and hot) water genasi smuggler and they have a daughter. In that universe she also has a half-brother, Rexes, who is a Monster Hunter ranger.
Likes: books on arcane theory and astronomy, cinnamon rolls, and lavender
Nalaia | D&D | druid | (current) Empire universe
- Neutral/chaotic annoyed 6ft tiefling with green and peachy skin and short-ish horns (think typical devil horns). Long ass denim/blue hair that really needs cut (it’s almost to her knees) and is grumpy AFFFFFFF. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to her so her father raised her himself in the underdark. He was also a druid and took a lot of joy in helping her develop her abilities. When she was about 17-18 he died of a fever and urged her to explore the above world and all nature had to offer there. She set out and ended up staying at a smallish town and falling in love with townmaster. Lots of backstory plot I haven’t FULLY worked out but the townmaster pressured her into focusing more on healing magic and only growing crops the town needed BUT THEN some shit was happening in the forest and despite Nalaia’s pleading the townmaster had the forest burnt down. Being fucking distraught and betrayed by people she thought cared about her she ran off to The Mist Moors and lived as a hermit in a secluded cabin in the swamp. Occasionally people would find their way there if they needed potions or something and sometimes she would help, if only to get them to leave her alone. She couldn’t stay secluded in the swamp though after ALL the dragons rose from the dead AND ATE THE SUN. So now she travels with some cool people to help restore the sun and save The World Roots which are responsible for all the growth of nature. She still generally does NOT like society as an organized concept and gets really uncomfortable and clingy to the paladin when they have to be in whatever post apocalyptic towns they come across. She is (at this point in her life/adventure) very likely to choose nature over people.
Likes: moss, walking barefoot through the mud, banjo music
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pennyfynotes · 7 years
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8.10.17 // 11:00am // guide to school supply shopping
this one was requested by @catharticstudying (thanks for the request!)
so it is upon us. every studyblr's favorite time of year. no, not going back to school (though i guess some of you enjoy this?), but getting new stationery/school supplies! here i've compiled 2 lists (one for hs, one for college) of some essentials you might consider getting for the coming school year (and some reasons and some links). read til the end if you want some tips for getting the best prices/saving money! xoxo, m
*also not sponsored or anything by any of the companies i link, they're just products i enjoy+have used for years*
high school:
1. spiral notebooks. i personally prefer notebooks to binders. they have smaller rings, which comes in handy as a lefty, and provide a layer of "padding" that you don't get if you just write on a single sheet. i think it makes for smoother writing. you can still tear out pages (unlike composition books) which i also like. accel (the staples brand) makes good, plastic cover notebooks with a nice plastic pocket for less than mead/five star, so i go for those.
2. binders. personally i use these for compiling study guides i've made + other resources. you can also take notes/keep your notes in these if you prefer being able to rearrange (which isn't an option in notebooks). i personally prefer having a few 1/2 inch or 1 inch binders because they are more portable and i don't put much stuff in binders, but some people like to keep everything in a 3 inch one, it's all up to preference!
3. folders. these are great for organizing handouts and you can get one for each class to stay organized. i was always a little too lazy to punch holes in things, so this was my binder substitute. if you get the ones with prongs, you can also make little "booklets" like you can in binders, so i also used these for study guides. some other types of folders include:
>>> multipocket folders: great if you don't want an individual folder for each class
>>> expanding file folders: these are a little bulkier, but you can still bring them to class if you choose. another great binder alternative (especially if you like all your things in one place). i also use mine to file old school work and keep it at home.
4. a planning system. i'm sure you've seen these all over studyblr, but they are really useful. keeping track of important dates+assignments will make your life a lot easier. you can use a planner or a bullet journal or whatever you like. here are some options:
>>>planners: lilly pulitzer (super pretty for someone who wants something decorative but is too lazy to do it themselves. also super expensive so you can guilt yourself into using it), erin condren (these seem pretty popular? also pricey though they look lil cheaper through staples?), happy planner (still quite cute+customizable, but a little cheaper at $20ish. you can get it at michaels so use that 40% off coupon)
>>>>>>>>for even more affordable options, try target or staples :) it doesn't have to be expensive to keep you organized! (i've linked cheaper options from each store)
>>> bullet journals: moleskine (cream paper, thread bound, hard/soft cover, dotted/gridded/lined/blank paper), leuchtturm 1917 (same as moleskine but with only hard cover and an index in front -- i've linked my current bujo), muji dot grid notebook (more affordable, spiral, white paper)
>>>>>>>>or just use whatever notebook you have laying around/want to use
5. calculator. depending on the level of math/science you're taking, you'll either want a graphing (the model i used and loved, though idt they sell them new anymore) or scientific calculator.
6. pencil case. pretty self explanatory. i prefer canvas bc of the stretch (unfortunately idt they sell the one i have anymore so i found a standard one) here's some stuff to put in it (links are to personal favs):
>>> pencils (mechanical | regular)
>>> an eraser (these are annoyingly hard to find)
>>> dark blue/black pens (i personally only use black). favs include: pentel energel, zebra f-301, bic round stic
>>> more colorful pens (tbh not totally necessary). more favs: bic atlantis, staedler triplus, pilot g-tec
>>>>>> colored pencils are a great, cheaper alternative to colored pens if you're on a tight budget. or crayola supertips!
>>> highlighters (so i don't actually use these i just color code with pen or underline, but you might want them) i linked some pastel ones from amazon (since they seem so trendy) that are a fair bit cheaper than the more popular brands
>>> white out (i prefer tape bc no dry time. also don't really use this much...)
>>> ruler (i love my little folding ruler from taiwan)
>>> post its (notes + flags/tabs)
7. a backpack. get one that will last over a super cheap, "cute" one from f21. definitely a better investment. i used my jansport for 8 years before getting a new backpack this year (but that wasn't because the bag was worn out). you'll be carrying a bunch of books, so get something with good back + shoulder padding!
8. water bottle. ok not really school supplies, but still very necessary. stay hydrated! (unlike me, the shriveled prune)
you'll probably need all (or at least most) of the above. here are a few extras:
1. laptop. pretty self explanatory, but you can do sooo much on these. look up answers, watch lectures, take notes, do hw, write essays, you know the drill. (link to the one i have -- not cheap -- which is no means necessary)
>>> and obviously bring/have a charger
2. external battery. you'll probably be out and about much longer than you were in high school and having a portable way to charge your phone is a lifesaver.
3. flash drive/hard drive. if you have a really important presentation, i wouldn't just rely on emailing it to yourself. also, if you do a lot of your work on your computer, backing files up is probably a good idea (hey m, you should implement your own advice...)
4. dry erase board+marker. the board is good for studying for exams/doing practice problems without using too much paper and the marker is good for (use with the board, obv) when the library study rooms have no markers aka always.
5. smallish stapler. i print so much stuff around campus and there isn't always a stapler. having one i can carry around is amazing. (i also don't like the super baby ones so *i think* this is the one i have)
saving money:
1. keep an eye out for sales: this is obviously a good way to save money. knowing what you want and looking for sales is the best way to go.
2. use coupons: i know a lot of major school supply stores (target, walmart, staples etc) don't do this, but if your local store does, go on the hunt for those coupons.
3. michaels. kinda tied to the above point, but michaels always has coupons. you won't be able to get a lot of stuff there but sometimes you can find planners/notebooks/sticky notes and colored pens/pencils. they have weird stuff in weird places, so be thorough.
4. marshalls/tj maxx + the like. these places are great for water bottles, backpacks, organizational items as well as cue notebooks+planners. the last 2 will always (at least usually) be more expensive than your generic notebooks, but sometimes cheaper that the regular, super cute stuff.
5. amazon. they can sometimes have cheaper prices than in store retailers and also have a huge selection of stuff.
as usual, this was a lot, but i hoped this helped! lmk if you have questions or have other things you'd like to see for the bts (not beyond the scene) season :)
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mysynthfetish · 5 years
So lemme just start by saying this is the second attempt at thumbfucking this post out on my phone in the Stumblr app. First time I was almost all the way through the post when I dipped out to grab a link to a video and when I flipped back to this app guess what, fucking post had fucked off into fuck knows where. Pissed. Me. Off. Anyway.
Exactly one month ago I was visited by opportunity in the form of a Saturday work day which I was told at the last minute (on Friday) that I didn’t actually need to attend. Mental wheels started frantically spinning. What was it that I had thought about doing or going to but in the end gave up on the idea because of travel time and difficulty finding a place to stay... oh shit yeah, Ondekoza is playing kinda sorta nearby. Righty-O then. I immediately got busy contacting the boss (this woman I live with who is the mother of our children) and asked her if she minded if I took the car and fugged off for the weekend. She was like “how soon can you be gone?” Hahaha no not really. She just said sure go ahead just be careful. Then I got in touch with Naoto, the one member of Ondekoza who I talk with regularly, and asked if it’d be ok for me to drive out and stay with them and help set up and tear down for their show and whatever. A positive reply came rather quickly so a last minute plan came together and Saturday morning off I went.
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They were doing workshops and fun things, as well as playing a full concert (outdoors, on a stage set up in the middle of a terraced rice field area) to bring a week-long artsyfartsy event to a close. What was the event called again? Something like Umi-no-Stage 2019 (Umi means ocean, sea or beach), featuring workshops and performances by mostly off the wall/weirdo/wacky artists (right up my alley) held in a wee rustic hamlet (so small it’s almost not on maps) called Tagarasu (literally means Rice Field Crow, I dig it) near Obama City (yes, they made a big deal outta that when Drumpf’s predecessor was in office), in Fukui Prefecture (not “fuckyouey” hahaha no, “fooh-kooh-wee”) on the Sea of Japan side. Enough parentheses in that last sentence for you? Hehe. So as you can see on the map, google maps said it would be a two hour drive if I took the non-toll roads. Lemme tell you, freeways are anything but free here. The routes on the left and right on that map had tolls of $40 and $50 each, one way, so I was like the hell with that. It was an easy drive anyway once I got out of the urban sprawl and traffic jam factory of Kyoto City itself. Then it was twisty mountain roads, fresh, cool air, and scenic routes through mountain forests and alongside rivers in valleys. I thought it quite ironic and a helluva coincidence that I ended up driving the westernmost length of a road which I had ran the easternmost part of a few weeks prior on an overnighter with the third graders for work. Here’s a shot of the road sign:
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ACCIIIIIIIIIIEEED!!!!!! So before I knew it I arrived in one piece, parked at a beach access parking lot that said “$10 a day, pay at the front” but I was like “I’m with Ondekoza, can I park here? Oh by the way do you know which house they’re in right now?” And the confused looking lady in charge grabbed a guy who was event staff and had him take me to where I needed to go, and in the end I found out that the fee is for people who want to go fishing out on the breakwaters there so whatever.
No sooner had I walked in the door and exchanged greetings than they tell me “we’ve got a job for you today.” Cool. I thought they’d ask me to write up something in English, or maybe do some lettering like make a sign or something, chalk art, whatever. Nope. “We want you to play shime-daiko for a five minute or so attention-getter we’re gonna play to fire people up for tomorrow’s show. It’s a mashup of Utsu Hachijo and Yatai Bayashi. Cool?” Jeeeeezus are you kidding me? Yeah ok I’m familiar with those pieces but it’s been ages, literally 27 years since I practiced them with the then-members of Ondekoza when they came to my hometown and stayed a few weeks during the latter part of their America Marathon Tour (I think maybe it was called the Odyssey tour?). Anyway. Moro-kun (the newest/youngest member?) and I sit down and start brainstorming. We talk out the arrangement of the piece and how it will progress, then do a “rehearsal” drumming out our parts on the table there. All was good. He was sweating bullets, really nervous about the whole thing. I was like “when are we supposed to do this?” And he said “in about half an hour.” HOLY SHIT FOR REAL?! Yikes. Ok ok ok, let’s run through this one more time, cool? We did. No problem. Moro-kun was still a bundle of nerves. I was like “Right. We got this. Let’s go! It’ll all work out in the end.”
Before we were on though, a small, quite out-there modern dance outfit called Monochrome Circus put on a performance at the hamlet’s shrine, so we hit that on our way. Here’s a photo of the entrance as seen from the street:
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Fantastic atmosphere. The director of the group gave a short introduction, then explained what the first performance would be. In Japan, there’s a super popular style of comic called the yon-koma-manga (four-frame comic strip). Quite like the funnies in the daily newspapers back home actually. They would set a scene somewhere within the shrine grounds, then one person at a time would enter the scene, strike a pose and freeze, until four people had entered and then the audience would be prompted to say “FINISHED!” For the first one, the group members showed what the deal was so everyone would get it. From the second one on, they asked members of the audience to join in. I ran over to the stairs you can see in the photo, whipped out my iPhone and sat down, pretending to be messing with it—an homage to the modern mindless moron that today’s society overflows with so profusely. The second person came and stood behind me looking over my shoulder. I couldn’t see where the third or fourth people ended up. FINISHED!!! This kept on for a few more rounds, then the group did a few dances, which were really nice actually, and not SO out there. Then it was time to go. Righty-O. Let’s go!
Yeah so when we got to the seawall there, I didn’t get stage fright until it was time to take off my shoes and socks and sit down in front of the drum. Biggest goof? Forgetting to take off my damn sunglasses. Duhhhhhh. At least I managed to keep in time and didn’t fuck up disastrously, though the sticks were a helluva lot thicker and longer than the sticks I’m used to (Ondekoza makes all their drumsticks by hand). But it ain’t everyday you get to play with Ondekoza, so I’m glad I had the chance.
After that we just hung out, did dinner, then walked around checking out the sunset.
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Not too shabby. In the evening, a wacko but fun group called something like the Tōhoku Six Prefecture Rock-n-rollers gave a show at the same stage Ondekoza would be using the next day so we went and saw that. Fun, crazy shit. Then off to bed.
The next morning we were up by 5:45, and then it was off on the daily 6am run. Everyone split up and went off on their own though and I was like WHAAAT?! So instead of going solo and getting completely the fuck lost, I tagged along with Naoto. What a scenic run! Through tunnels and down twisty roads that hugged the coastal sides of the smallish mountains there. The view was fantastic. We reached a turnaround point and Naoto said “I’ve got breakfast duty so I need to head back.” No problem. I followed him back, then ran an extra 1km and a bit. Still it totalled about 7km, three short of their daily 10km run (they don’t strictly adhere to this distance though, they’ve become a bit more flexible and I don’t think it’s a bad thing—when they were founded and when they ran in the US when I spent time with them they all ran together as a group but not anymore). Shower, breakfast, then a full-on day of setting up. After the setting up part was done, they had a soundcheck and mini rehearsal. I snapped this photo while that was going on.
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What a place. Beautiful. Absolute nightmare for music though, as far as acoustics are concerned. But it all worked out. Two o’clock arrived and concertgoers started mozying in. We retreated to a large tent that was set up as a dressing room. They changed into their performing outfits, and I just zoned out for a bit. Before they go on, they always do this ritual of making a circle and doing warmup exercises, then adjacent members hold hands, and they do a little pre-game cheer of sorts. I was invited to join in all this so I was pleasantly surprised. Then it was GAME ON!!! I shot video of the whole show, and here’s a photo from Instagram of them playing Ōdaiko with me at the right shooting video.
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Hahaa a cameo. Gimme a break. Anyway I’ll put a link to the video here in a sec but I just want to say they told the audience that video and photos were prohibited, so I set the video to “unlisted” and the only way to see it is if you have the link. They don’t really mind people seeing the video, it’s more a concern about people taking photos or video and then trying to sell it. Right then, here you go:
It’s about an hour twenty minutes or so. Hope you have nice speakers too. Yeah. So it was a fantastic show in an idyllic, beautiful environment. Then it was time to tear down and pack up. We had quite a bit of help this time so it was over within about an hour. Then they were gonna drive north along the Sea of Japan, heading to catch a ferry way up in Aomori, on their way to their annual Hokkaidō camp and concert, before heading off to a two week stint in China. I said a sincere thanks for being allowed to tag along, let them know that I really appreciated it, and then the director (Mr Matsuda) said “C’mon, you’re family! And besides that, you get shit done! Having you here was a huge help and it’s you who should be thanked.” I was floored. Did not expect to be told that. Wow. So it was in very high spirits thst I made the drive back home, arriving safely, but still full of adrenaline. What a weekend.
The next time I’ll get to fool around with them will be in September when they’ll be in Nagoya for a concert. I’m cooking up a plan to design and have vinyl stickers made for them to sell at shows and events while I’m back in the US this summer. 123stickers.com man, vinyl fucking stickers for reasonable prices and the damn things last forever. I’ve slapped a shitload of small ones here and there around Osaka and Kyoto over the years and they’re still there, in great shape. Graffiti background bared for all to see huh? Hahaha. Anyway. That’s all I have to say about that!
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thestickchick · 7 years
I get sent a lot of videos of people working with martial arts weapons. Some are awesome - and please do continue to tag me or send me videos that are really good, thanks. Some are really, really horrible (and yes, I like them too, just like one of those "so bad it's good" movies).  And most are somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. One thing that is kinda common, especially with knife defense videos being produced by people who are primarily in empty hand striking arts (such as taekwondo, karate, kempo), is a failure to attack and/or control the weapon hand or arm. Oh, they'll "block" it - they'll use a standard block against the weapon hand and move in to attack the body.  Fundamentally, I think that's a sound strategy.  The idea is to incapacitate the attacker with a head or torso strike (that is, he'll forget about using his arms/legs). BUT. Let's talk about that block.  Often, we're talking about blocks that look like this:
Image found HERE
Your typical empty hand block - with a fist or an open palm hand - will not stop that knife.  I know, because we practice this, and I promise you, if it worked, my teacher could easily stop me because he's big and strong and I'm smallish middle aged woman.  It'd be a piece of cake. He can't.  At least, not reliably, and not without my ability to re-attack almost immediately. So why do so many empty hand guys, when they put a knife in their hands, act like this sort of block will incapacitate the knife hand? I think that a lot of people in the empty hand striking and kicking arts having a blind spot when it comes to arms and legs. You see, when you are empty hand and striking or kicking, you don't have to control the arm or hand once you've intercepted it and gotten it out of the way.  You deflect it somehow, then you move in to attack the torso or head, or you move in for a lock or take-down, or what have you.  The risk of that arm being a problem for you is relatively small. It's not important to monitor and control an empty hand attack, or rather, it's not as important as the counter attack to the center mass and head. In sparring, especially point sparring, it's also not important to do much more than block empty hand strikes and kicks.  You earn points, typically, by attacking the head and torso.  You get no points for attacking the arm. So, you train to attack the head and the torso.  The arm and hand is more of a obstacle to get past versus a target in its own right. You develop a blind spot when it comes to the weapon hand.  There's no feedback or reward or risk in your training methodology to address it. Of course, as an Arnis player, I see the arm and weapon hand as something that I have to deal with and control.  I can try "defanging the snake" (where we attack the arm in order to destroy its ability to attack) or at very least, my block of that arm better include me grabbing onto and trying to manipulate or trap or pin the arm so it can't do me any more damage. That's because my assumption is always that there's a weapon there, and it's probably a knife, and I do not want the hand with the knife free and able to cut me.
Of course, there's problems with our strategy, too.  It's not easy to capture a weapon hand of someone seriously trying to hurt you, especially if it's a low poking stab.  Trying to smash or slash a small, fast moving target like an arm or a hand is difficult and must be trained a LOT to get good at it. All of those objections are absolutely true.  That's why you train to attack/control the weapon hand and then ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE on the other parts of the body to make the bad guy stop. Take the block in the gif above. This will work vs. a knife BUT - you can't just block and counter-strike as shown in this (very basic) technique.  That's because the weapon hand is not controlled in any way, and can easily retract and attack again.  The block deflected but did not actually stop the weapon from being re-deployed. So, what I would do, in that block, is to upper block (or strike, whatever you want to call it), then open my hand and grip the attacking arm, then parry it down and of the way for a counter attack. In fact, there is a move in our very empty hand Modern Arnis first form - Anyo Isa - where we do exactly that.
See the whole form HERE
There you go. This post isn't a knock on empty hand striking and kicking arts, I promise.  Because while I was thinking about this blind spot, I then started thinking about the blind spots in my own style, and wondering where they are and how I need to address it. We all have blind spots! The trick is to figure out where they are, right? So what blind spots are you spotting in your training or in online videos?  What assumptions do you make that you think should be challenged?  Let me know in the comments!
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Mar 6 Lost Light Stream - Transformers Prime: Predacons Rising
At last, it’s over. Prowl spent the evening on hand-holding duty. Magnus showed up; Prowl asked if he had any progress on Tyrest, and Magnus said no.
Missed the start.
Rodimus: ((lol Rodimus: ((rodimus does love star wars FakeProwl: *surveys the room, then claims his usual spot next to Slendy's other side* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to both allies and tries to make himself as comfortable as possible.* Rodimus: So---- what one you guys on? FakeProwl: ((roddy your music is very very quiet and your skype alerts are loud)) Bruin: (is the screen black ??) ItsyBitsySpyers: *And, yes, there is a small scorch mark by the left knee.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We are on the final documentary tape - the last assault.]] FakeProwl: ((thank)) Txen: *could repair that* Shockbox: *Notes to himself that he'll have to catch up on the others later.* Shockbox: *Surely he won't be missing that much context....?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Could also, BUT wouldn't say no if the offer is made later.* Txen: *Darksteel is visibly excited, though his tails length makes wagging into more of a full-hindquarters affair* Whirl: ((dinner is acquired at last)) Whirl: *crosses his legs, spreads his arms over the back of his couch, and looks between his companions* Sup, you two? Rodimus: *passes a snack up to lazerbeak before pulling out his datapad to flip video files frown a slight frown on his face* Whirl: I'd offer you the use of my footstool but he won't be able to make it tonight, I don't think. Your feet are ontheir own. Txen: DS: *hops in place in a way that shakes the ground slightly* Tonight's the night! My BIG DEBYOO... Rodimus: I need one more song until im ready then. Airachnd: [a shrug] Nothing too exciting on my side of the multiverse. FakeProwl: *notices that tiny scorch* Sorida changed their nickname to Bee. Bee changed their nickname to Bee. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy bops Darksteel on one shoulder.* \\YO. IT'S GETTIN' REAL TALL IN HERE. MIND?\\ In other words, can he sit on Darksteel for a better view. Rodimus: *seriously doubts the deck would be bounced* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak chitters happily and noms the HECK outta that snack* Txen: Darksteel: Huh? *looks left, then right, then down* Oh! Sure thing, guy. Sorida: [gonna just slide in] Txen: ((not bounced. still makes vibrations)) Sorida changed their nickname to Bumblebee. Rodimus: ((dont upset the science deck =) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Eh. Been worse.// That's all Rumble will say about that. Deflection time. //Where's Chill?// Whirl: Same. *shrugs, this is a huge lie, since Whirl has, since the last time he saw her, met some mechs to arrange a secret and very illegal operation, but shh nobody needs to know* Txen: DS: *dips one shoulder so it's easier to clamber on* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy scrambles up Darksteel with a FRAG YEAH and gets comfy. Soundwave nods to Bee.* Whirl: *he will very subtly nudge Rumble in unspoken acknowledgement; it's an imporvement, he supposes* He's ill. Something to do with those greyfaces, poor guy. Airachnd: [she has plans too,and how legal it is, well, it's quite questionable] Smokescreen: :O did I actually come on time this time?? Bruin: *Specter has decide its time to be tall as well and is going to kick Spotter off Bruin's helm with a squawk* Airachnd: Yes. Sorida: (( c'mon livestream do the thing )) Whirl: I offered to help the best way I know how--which is to say, I got him blackout drunk for a period of time. It's a tried and true cure for most ailments. Airachnd: rip)) Rodimus: It seem so Smokey Sorida changed their nickname to Bumblebee. Smokescreen: Whoa. That's pretty rare! Also Rodimus Rodimusrodimus- /He's going to go over to see if he can sit with Rodimus!/ Rodimus: get out and come back in fashionably late! *grins* Bumblebee changed their nickname to Bumblebee. Txen: DS: *is pretty spiky, but he's also broad. there's probably a comfy spot between his wings* Smokescreen: Haha- I'm a trendsetter! Coming in on time! Bumblebee: [nods back at Soundwave] Rodimus: *you can join him but rodimus has his feet on the seat and but on the back of the couch* Bumblebee: Proud of you, Smokey. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Frag greyfaces,// Rumble says while Laserbeak laughs at poor Spotter. ItsyBitsySpyers: *And Frenzy's pretty spiky himself, so he doesn't really mind. Good thing he's smallish.* Whirl: They're usually more trouble than they're worth. Being turned into a bird WAS fun, though. Smokescreen: Aww, thanks, Beepbee. Whirl: *swivels his helm around to look at DS and SL* So, this is when you two chuckleheads finally show up? Rodimus: ((who is da bee? Smokescreen: /Smokescreen's gonna try sitting like Rodimus here! It looks cool to him, at least./ ItsyBitsySpyers: ((radioactivibee, yeah?)) Bumblebee: (( radioactivibee ^-^ )) Txen: Skylynx: Unfortunatel-- Shockbox: *Ah, it is starting!* Txen: Darksteel: *interrupts* YOU KNOW IT. Smokescreen: :OO It's starting! Bumblebee: (( ALSO did not realize like, hasbro studios is in Pawtucket, RI )) Whirl: *snickers* Smokescreen: ((oh yep Rodimus: Were is their NAILs? ItsyBitsySpyers: *All right. He can do this. He doesn't have memories of this. Only recordings. Long, slow vent.* Starscream: *slides in quietly* Bumblebee: ...A NAIL? Txen: ((the budget ate them roddy)) Whirl: Probably where they belong--scattered all around the galaxy. Rodimus: Thats a patchic sized gather Optimus... Airachnd: Non affiliated indigionous lifeform. Rodimus: I meant to ask-- your Cybertron not call everyone back? Smokescreen: ... Yeah, Optimus never made that speech here. Bumblebee: We did after this. Starscream: Why do they have a statue of him? boomtank: . . . Whirl: Non affiliated pains in the aft, more like it. Bumblebee: We were kinda the first back and we were about to send out the signal when this scrap happened. Airachnd: Because he ordered it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks at Shockwave. Questions will mostly be his to answer tonight.* Whirl: Oh, THIS nimrod again... Smokescreen: That's Kaon! That was like. Megatron's house basically ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave pings Starscream a polite greeting.* Bumblebee: Yeah. And surprisingly, really well maintained compared to the other city states. Airachnd: He SIEZED Kaon. Smokescreen: ..... wait ONCE flowed through his veins? so like. if you ever have dark energon you can't... Txen: *nods at Smokescreen's explanation* The statue was erected prior to our final exodus. Bumblebee: He seized a lot of things, ok? Starscream: But shouldn't they... get rid of it or something? FakeProwl: *oh. that's unicron. prowl is probably going to be on hand-holding duty tonight.* Airachnd: It was never really his, he took it. Bruin: (i forgot unicron was so damn Irish)) Bumblebee: Oh just wait. Airachnd: [she's trying to ignore what's on screen] Starscream: hahaha serves him right Smokescreen: ...... boomtank: Oh....uh...yeahno Bumblebee: ...So that's what happened. Whirl: So... the lesson here is. Don't just destroy Unicron's BODY. Whirl: You need something that'll kill his, er, "soul," as it were, too. Bumblebee: Pay up Smokey, I didn't fragging miss his spark.. Smokescreen: ... Yeah, this isn't my universe, at least. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] Txen: ((squints at chat lag.... are my posts even showing up)) Whirl: Have we figured out how to do that yet? *swivels his helm to look between Soundwave and Shockwave* Smokescreen: Okay, okay, sorry, Bee! FakeProwl: ((that one did)) Bumblebee: [slightly salty that nobody acknowledges the rank change] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((one did earlier txen)) Bumblebee: (( nah i got lag too )) Smokescreen: oh primus I'm embarrassing in every universe Rodimus: I party----- Starscream: ((me too Airachnd: Yes, you are. FakeProwl: ((errybody laggin)) Whirl: Of COURSE he is gonna run off. Bumblebee: We can sit together in mutual embarrassment. Whirl: That's what Optimus does BEST. Bumblebee: Speeches? Bumblebee: Leadership? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Only in some timelines, Whirl.]] There are still so many he doesn't know how to stop. Whirl: No, running away from his problems. Txen: *to Whirl* Primal energies are antithetical to his essence and provide a partial solution, under the right circumstances. Bumblebee: Literally everything and anything requiring an iota of responsibility? Whirl: And then swooping back in and swanning around like he never left. Airachnd: Droning on? Smokescreen: ... Oh. Oh yeah-- I learned about this pretty recently- wait, the matrix can lead to it...? Bumblebee: ... Starscream: ugh, OP speeches, annoying in every verse Bumblebee: Apparently? No idea how it works. Smokescreen: Sounds sounds do you think these universes are the same on something like that? Rodimus: I'll navigate YOUR deep space, Optimus. Bumblebee: ... Smokescreen: ...... Starscream: hahaha Rodimus: *yawns and stretches* Bumblebee: why Smokescreen: RODIMUS NO Airachnd: No. Txen: ((so does this mean that to robots, irish accents are like. the accent of the devil)) Smokescreen: I need to make sure Megatron never dies ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hold it together. Megatron is dead. Separated. Devoured. He cannot be reanimated.* Rodimus: No what? Starscream: torture him more! Bumblebee: (( IMAGINE IF THEY WATCHED JACKSEPTICEYE )) Starscream: Go back! FakeProwl: *hey this likes the kind of thing Soundwave really wouldn't like. knuckle nudges hand?* Whirl: So, in theory, the best weapon against unicron is life. Well. Praise Heqet, I guess. Txen: ((robots only get irish accents if you're born and raised on the devil hisself)) Airachnd: Or, you know, throw his body into the nearest star and make sure his body melts completely. FakeProwl: *BULKHEAD IS A TERRIBLE FOREMAN AND PROWL IS JUDGING HIM.* Bumblebee: I like that idea, Airachnid. At least, to mine. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He was going to try to last without it but now that it's there he will take the Pit out of that hand.* FakeProwl: *HE HAS 2+ MONTHS OF EXPERIENCE, HE CAN JUDGE.* Smokescreen: shockwave more like shockbabe Bumblebee: smokey no Airachnd: Smokescreen. Txen: *Shockwave is here, Smokescreen* Airachnd: Stop. Smokescreen: ... This is kinda... Smokescreen: I'm sorry, what was that, Spidey? Maybe Babewave would work? Shockbox: *visibly reacts to 'shockbabe', but does not press on it.* Txen: *youll get used to it, alternate. just ignore them* Airachnd: Stop Rodimus: Barawave Bumblebee: Smokescreen...why? Whirl: I know that face! Txen: DS: *POUNDS ON FLOOR* FakeProwl: ((i keep forgetting their accents)) Smokescreen: Bee it's bugging Spidey! How about... Cuddlewave? Or is that a Soundwave nickname Txen: DS: ITS US!! *shakes skylynx* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does not know if the Matrix hears the call of the AllSpark. Prowl was the one who first tracked it.]] Bumblebee: Looking back...this feels really unnecessary. Smokescreen: :OOO I WANNA WRESTLE LIKE THIS but preferably with less chance of dying Rodimus: Hm? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy whoops in delight. His chair pal is a badass.* Whirl: Pfft, you think? Bumblebee: Primus, Smokey... Airachnd: [she enjoys Smokescreen getting smacked around though] Smokescreen: ... Oh. Do you think someone could use the matrix to find it without having to- you know. Whirl: *is probably enjoying watching Ultra Magnus get his butt whooped than he shold* Smokescreen: HEE still pretty awesome here though! Bumblebee: Ok, now I'm really happy you have that thing. Rodimus: Shag the matrix permenetally? Bumblebee: Weird storage pockets and all. Smokescreen: wait do what with the matrix Txen: DS: *stops to think a second* ...Yeah, it might've been unnecessary, but it was -also- pretty fun? Bumblebee: whY ARE WE FRAGGING THE MATRIX?? Rodimus: What you need found? Smokescreen: I'M NOT FRAGGING THE MATRIX- the allspark! Txen: *RUDE BEE* Bumblebee: [looks at Darksteeel] I meant mostly on our side but... Smokescreen: shockwave's parenting Smokescreen: wait wait where FakeProwl: *sees no reason why cloning something doesn't result in the product of "new life."* Whirl: Pfft. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Agrees.* Txen: Shockwave: I am not a parent. Smokescreen: Momwave! Bumblebee: Look, science isn't my area of expertise, ok? Rodimus: *head tilt* Yeah i most likely could look for it--- why you guys lost yours? Airachnd: So, that's where it was. Whirl: The only parents in the room are the preds. *pauses* I think. Bumblebee: Now you are, Shockwave. You created life from bones, you now have offspring. Airachnd: Anyone with optics could have seen that Bug. Txen: *though its true the two predacons were very young and rowdy at the time. violence was basically their idea of playing* Smokescreen: wait that means shockwave's a grandpa! Smokescreen: Well- I think it's similar here too Txen: Shockwave: Clones are not the same thing as offspring. Bumblebee: Grandpawave Smokescreen: ... really bee Bumblebee: ...l o o k Airachnd: Is...? Really? Smokescreen: Grandpa science! Whirl: Your Highness. Pfft. Really. Bumblebee: I-It worked, didn't it? I mean, that had like, a 4% chance of working, but it did. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Listening to Rodimus' offer to find an AllSpark. Good distraction.* FakeProwl: Seventeen percent. Txen: Predaking: *it was the flattery as much as it was him not knowing much about tech yet* Bumblebee: PredaKING. I wasn't gonna risk him plowing me into the ground... Txen: Predaking: *has a ...dislike for stabby sticks* Shockbox: *Listening to this 'parenting' conversation with some very slight amusement.* Bumblebee: Wait, really? 17%? That's a lot better than I thought. Rodimus: *side eyes bee* You sure you need into that kinda thing? Bumblebee: Need what? Rodimus: ((need = not Airachnd: [is glad she didn't have to deal with this on her Cybertron] FakeProwl: Seventeen's not good. But, yes, technically speaking, it IS higher than four. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble mumbles a "Heh" at that side eye and comment* Txen: Shockwave: *ugh. dont call him that, Starscream. especially not in that -voice- of yours* Starscream: When do we get to see more Megatron torture?  That was fun to watch. Smokescreen: .... starscream is kinda. awful ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Soon. Too soon.]] Smokescreen: guuhghhhhhhh why is starscream Whirl: Oh, please tell me someone kicks his sh it in. Txen: Skylynx: A g r e e d. Airachnd: He is. Bumblebee: I mean, I had a 5% chance of surviving Tyger Pax, so 17% is a blessing. FakeProwl: There's no relation between the two situations. 17% is low. Bumblebee: ...past me, why didn't we just start here? Bumblebee: Low, but not impossible! Whirl: Oh god, more of this. Whirl: Nothing gives  me more secondhand embarrassment than watching that clod try to fly. Buzzstrike: ...wish you'd had time to check the basements Rodimus: *chucklesto himself whirl will like Starscream's ending* Airachnd: Ugh. Smokescreen: ..... ive done this exactly Txen: Shockwave: Factually inaccurate. If you are 'too close to turn back' then you are too close to escape after retrieving the target. Bumblebee: [snorts] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Well. He got this far without seeking a hand himself, and without taking a second. He'll just. Search the other one out now.* Bumblebee: Still proud of you, Smokey. Smokescreen: Megatron's throne is pretty cozy! Ridiculous, but cozy. Whirl: *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* Smokescreen: ... bee how Txen: Shockwave: *lets those lil fingers slip right in there between his* Bumblebee: Really? It reminds me of the Iron Throne and THAT looks like the most uncomfortable seat ever. Airachnd: [cringes] Whirl: He looks--R-RIDICULOUS! Bumblebee: I DIDN'T MISS OK?! boomtank: ........ Rodimus: I keep forgetting this universe is one of THOSE universes. Smokescreen: his eyebrows though Whirl: He looks like a walking RUST HEAP Smokescreen: It's more comfy than you'd expect! Like, the actual seat part isn't too bad! Starscream: I don't want to hear talking, I want to see him in pain Txen: Skylynx: A downgrade, -thats- for sure. Bumblebee: Smokey, I still vote we put tennis balls on Megatron's pointy bits. Txen: Skylynx: Even for a biped. Airachnd: A downgrade, in every since of the word. Bumblebee: You could, you know, say my fragging n a m e. Starscream: torture him! Airachnd: *sense Starscream: :( Shockbox: *He would look upon this hand holding with suspicion...were it not that the others so large, rendering him unable to wittness it.* Smokescreen: Definitely! We can soften him up some- boomtank: That's...a lot of firepower Whirl: So far it's just been fancier guns and bombs than the usual. It's not exactly CREATIVE... but I think I've been spoiled. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[All that he wills.]] Starscream: He failed Unicron, they got away.  Torture him! Txen: *theyve done more suspicious things than hold a hand* Smokescreen: optimus please be safe Smokescreen: I swear he better not get hurt in this! Bumblebee: ... Bumblebee: No but um... Bumblebee: You'll know when to look away. Smokescreen: what Whirl: What a surprise, here he goes running back. And let me guess--he's gonna assume his old role like he DIDN'T abandon everyone. Smokescreen: .... who hurts him I'll fight them I swear Bumblebee: Don't worry about it - hey look, Unicron! Whirl: That's the OP we all know and love. *dryly* FakeProwl: ((I got kicked offline and lost a chunck of text)) Airachnd: You heard the Bug. Shockbox: *He has been a preoccupied mech. He might have missed a few tells.* Txen: ((what even are those)) FakeProwl: ((from "Megatron's throne is pretty cozy! Ridiculous, but cozy" to "Starscream: torture him!")) Bumblebee: (( ...scyyyythes? )) FakeProwl: ((could someone send me the missing chunk please)) Whirl: ((i got u Puff)) Txen: ((purple praying mantis arms)) Smokescreen: ((I can send! FakeProwl: ((snif did it, thanks)) Bumblebee: Also, don't call me bug. Txen: ((unicrons weed logo tho)) Whirl: Everything he does looks incredibly goofy. Whirl: ((TEX)) Smokescreen: ((aaa okay Airachnd: Quite. Txen: ((age of chaos more like age of dank)) Rodimus: OH! Smokescreen: ..... yeah I'd do this Bumblebee: (( age of DANK MEMES )) Txen: ((get him some reefer thatll bliss him right out)) Smokescreen: Also Unitron seems like the best one! Rodimus: What the all spark is what makes new sparks right? Txen: ((space crack is whack)) Airachnd: age of the good kush)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. It is.]] Shockbox: (( I am dying.)) Rodimus: *nods to Smokescreen* yeha i could find that. Smokescreen: ((its from earth how good can it be)) Txen: ((unicron IS earth)) Rodimus: I can find vector sigma-- i can find that. Magnus: *tries to slip in as discretely as a giant man can* Smokescreen: :OO So- the matrix can do all that...? Airachnd: [sage not at what Ratchet said] Rodimus: *makes grab hands at Magnus* Whirl: I don't think the allspark would help US any--unless you're getting it for them? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave looks up, slightly surprised. A greeting ping.* Txen: Skylynx: *oh hey! the guy he chewed up!* Magnus: *nods to Rodimus* Good evening. FakeProwl: *... magnus is one of the people prowl would least like to catch him sitting on a couch with a soundwave and a shockwave* Rodimus: Magnus <3 Whirl: *snickers* I like your strategy, big guy. FakeProwl: *but prowl is on hand-holding duty. he can't leave. he'll endure it.* Smokescreen: But there's gotta be a better way to find it- I did get a bunch of coordinates from this thing recently- one of them's gotta lead to it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's not oblivious. He will find a way to repay that.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *But first.* @Prowl: (txt): Warning: modified patch attack approaching. Shockbox: *Two shockwaves.* FakeProwl: *acknowledging ping* Smokescreen: oh no boomtank: -so confused- Shockbox: *He still has a place on the wave couch.* Whirl: *nice* Magnus: ((was whirl talking to magnus?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *At least Shockbox isn't being asked to perform hand duty.* Airachnd: At least Megatron has some standards. boomtank: -apparently missed enough for this to not make sense- Starscream: yes! Bumblebee: ...I oddly don't care, Megatron. Smokescreen: .... Rodimus: *he will sit properly on the couch for magnus* OuO Whirl: I can't believe Megatron said the most sensible thing I've heard all damn night. Bumblebee: ...sorry, smokey. Txen: ((god that just reminds me of the *** terrible line thats at the end)) Smokescreen: I. I need to protect Megatron- frag that sounds weird to say but ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's dorsal plating ripples. He hates the moments within Megatron's head most of all. They are the closest to reliving the memories he stole.* FakeProwl: *squeezes Soundwave's hand instead of covering neck* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Returns it as tightly as would not also be painful. A mutual thing.* Txen: Predaking: *shudders and hackles* Magnus: *perches on the edge of the couch, not quite settling in yet* How are things on the ship, Rodimus? Bumblebee: The retributive part of me is just...really, really satisfied knowing Unicron treated him like that. Airachnd: I cannot exactly protect my Megatron, considering he is molten slag. Bumblebee: But it's the worst feeling so... Whirl: I wouldn't protect Megatron, I'd jus give him the dignity of killing him. Rodimus: Busy--- you coming back to me, Magnus? :D Whirl: ...maybe a little slowly. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\Y'ALRIGHT OVER THERE, YOUR KINGLINESS?\\ Smokescreen: That's fair! But- he's kinda stuck as leader here, andI don't want Unileader. Whirl: But a... slightly slow and very painful death is pretty damn generous, under the circumstances, really. Bumblebee: ...You two are kind of adorable. Whirl: Hmm. These two remind me of some people I know. *sidelong look at Rumble* Txen: Darksteel: Us? Bumblebee: ...Wait are we really all that surprised someone ELSE came back from the dead? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Slow blink. Equally slow look over at Frenzy. Then back at Whirl.* Smokescreen: oh nooooo megatron's butt is awful now THANKS UNICRON Bumblebee: Yes, you two. ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Guess the birds are like that, yeah.// Bumblebee: ...Smokescreen, what the frag? Swoop: :V Magnus: Only with a certain someone in handcuffs. *glances up and around at the room, faceplates shifting into a frown at the scene* ... Yes, busy. I can see that. Swoop: :V Txen: ((shockwave non reaction lmao))\ boomtank: ohwow Smokescreen: ... What? Airachnd: shockwave, seeing god of chaos: eh)) Smokescreen: ... I need to learn to NOT externalize every thought, huh? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Crunch.* Shockbox: (( Isn't that at least 90% of his reactions, though.)) Whirl: *maintains his cheeky sidelong look for a moment longer before watching the action* I gotta say, I like Peadcons' style. I mean it went poorly but how can you not appreciate someone whose first-- Whirl: --reaction to encountering the avatar of a god is to try and kill him? Rodimus: *nudges Magnus* I was the first in weeks--- *shrugs* I doubt i even need to hold these. FakeProwl: *has been quietly listening in on Magnus's conversation* Txen: Shockwave: *crunched* Smokescreen: oh no Bumblebee: No Smokey, I just...Megatron's butt? Really? Txen: ((and yes... his reactions are all 'eh' and it is precious)) Rodimus: ((I = this Whirl: *snickers at Rumble* FakeProwl: @Magnus «Have you made any progress that you're at liberty to share?» Swoop: Him Shockwave dead Bumblebee: Shockwave, you were not built for speed. Smokescreen: those squeaks from those predaterrors are kinda adorable Bumblebee: ..........Dear Primus. Airachnd: [covers mouth with hand servo] FakeProwl: ((I get the feeling that Shockwave's "It defies all science" and Starscream's "We're doomed!" are the same statement in different languages.)) Whirl: Bless them, tanks are fantastic but not known for their maneuverability. Txen: That is true. I am not. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave pings Shockwave. He's so very, very grateful his ally survived. And was not turned.* Bruin: *get wreked* boomtank: Wh-what just happened there? Txen: *is clearly not dead, swoop* Magnus: *bats Rodimus's nudging hand away like someone might a child's* It is, of course, your decision, captain. You know more of crew morale than I do these days. Swoop: *no, ur dead* Txen: ((lol puff)) Swoop: *don't tell him is business, that dude dead* Txen: *glances at Soundwave and wiggles his fingers in agreement. he didnt particularly wish to die there either* Whirl: A moment of silence for our dear, departed Shockwave. I can't believe he's gone. *drapes a claw over his cockpit dramatically* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I CAN STILL HEAR HIS VOICE...\\ Txen: Shockwave: *quiet scoff* Airachnd: [chuckling] Bumblebee: Sometimes, I can still hear his voice. Smokescreen: ... Airachnd: [LAUGHS] Smokescreen: RUDE Bumblebee: Smokey please Shockbox: (( I remember /cackling/ when I first saw that.)) Whirl: *laughs* Swoop: :V Bruin: *lol* Smokescreen: ... /Going to go ahead and phase himself into a wall just for extra effect/ Beeeeee help I'm a wall decoration Rodimus: *pouts just a little but still smiles widely* Bumblebee: [snickers] Swoop: :V :V :V Airachnd: How shallow of him. Txen: Skylynx: *rolls onto his back and covers his optics with his tail plume* Txen: Skylynx: This part is....... embarassing... Smokescreen: beeeee I'm a real wallflower here :( Bumblebee: And I can't believe THAT worked. Swoop: *patpatpatpatpats Skylynx* Bumblebee: pfffffft Magnus: @Prowl: *glances sidelong at the unexpected comm* ::I am loath to admit it, but I doubt the chase will end soon. There is little positive to report.:: Swoop: What embarassing boomtank: ...are you kdding me? Whirl: Happens to the best of us, mech. *sympathetic nod to Skylynx* Smokescreen: I can! You can't spell Starscream without "Gullible." Bumblebee: Smokey, I'm so doing that again. Smokescreen: Stargulliblescream FakeProwl: *mumbles* fifty-eight percent probability. Whirl: ...won't happen to ME, though. *cheeky, sidelong look Predaking's way* boomtank: He broke it that easily? Airachnd: Oh, he's alive. Swoop: Look, him dead Bumblebee: He's alive. boomtank: Shockwave looked alive there Smokescreen: Pff- please do, Beepbee. Txen: Predaking: *amused hmph at Whirl* I do not expect -your- fealty. Merely your defeat. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage joins the couch to park himself on Soundwave's lap.* Bumblebee: Whirl, are you flirting with Predaking??? FakeProwl: @Magnus «I see. If you need any assistance...» Smokescreen: Hey Soundwave- are the predacons online where you are? Txen: Shockwave: *looks quite alive now in fact* FakeProwl: @Magnus «I'm certain you won't accept it from me. But, I offer it anyway.» Whirl: Pfft, as if anyone could earn my fealty, really. But still--we need to set up a time and place. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Yes. Many.= Airachnd: [laughs] Smokescreen: ME NO Whirl: *to Bumblebee* Hmm. No, not yet. Gotta see how he fights, first. Airachnd: The idea of smokescreen being a Prime. Rodimus: Firebreath is so awesome, its a good motif! Smokescreen: me you don't need to mention that every time it's really not necessary and- yeah. Not the right bot at all. Airachnd: It's laughable at best.
The damn stream rebooted. Lost a huge chunk of the chat.
Welcome to the 'lostlightstream' room. Smokescreen: No no no no no- I'm NOT crying on more Optimi. Bumblebee: You want to talk? I...it's...I get it. Smokescreen: ((it's completely hoeless now :( Whirl: If you say so. Airachnd: Oh well, it started when I told him to talk to my Optimus, to truly see if he was over Optimus' death. Whirl: *SMOKESCREEN, HE IS BEING SINCERE* Whirl: *Exhibit A that Whirl is Not Good At Comforting People* boomtank: No, you didn't but you're blaming yoursself for something that you were not capable of stopping ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny helm shake. All right. He's focused on the room again, and not distant thoughts. Where is everyone's conversation? He'll buzz Ravage for the data.* Whirl: ((hoeless, eh)) Rodimus: YOu remember to refuel Magnus? You forget when you are working too hard. Airachnid: ((wait dangit it did somethign weird with the chat)) Shockwave: ((wow i just DCd and it lost recent stuff and is showing me older stuff ;;) Airachnid: ((what the heck)) FakeProwl: ((... skype just randomly refreshed and deleted the whole window, can somebody send me the log-- dammit did it happen to everyone)) boomtank: ((the frick? Airachnid: WHY IS YOUR NAME  AIRACHNID ON MY SCREEN)) Smokescreen: ((Yeahhh it happened to everyone)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it happened to me too D:)) Smokescreen: ((I DONT KNOW IT JUST DID THAT??)) Whirl: ((SMOKESCREEN AAHAHA)) Whirl: ((THEYF UUUSED)) Sorida: (( omg what just happened)) FakeProwl: ((well, fvck. i lost a huge chunk of tonight's chat. :,) Rodimus: ((cause not its not lagging Smokescreen: ((smokescreen is actually airachnid)) Sorida: (( I KNEW IT )) boomtank: ((smokey no! Rodimus: ((they reset servers Airachnid: fusion is just a tactic to make weak Cybertronians stronger)) Airachnid: *grunts, pulling his attentuion away from the shouting* Sir? I'm fueled to sufficient levels. I have no intention of working tonight. *oddly enough, he's not getting up to stop the shouting* Smokescreen: But yeah- Optimus' life is way more important than- you know. Whirl: ((OH NO IT HAPPENED TO BIG M TOO)) Smokescreen: ((ULTRA MAGNUS is also airachnid livestream made everyone spider Airachnid: EVERYONE'S NAME IS AIRACHNID ON MY SCREEN WHY)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((who am i appearing as)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((awwww, i'm still myself)) Whirl: ((and in that moment... I swear we were all airachnid)) Airachnid: we are all spider)) Sorida: (( PFFFFFFFFFFF )) FakeProwl: ((are we at least multicolor airachnids)) Shockwave: ((omg magnus is airachnid too)) Bruin: ((go home livestream ur drunk)) Shockbox: ((Hm.)) Airachnid: Airachnid has taken over)) Whirl: ((our queen)) Smokescreen: ((queen!!)) Shockwave: ((i vote we end on this note. nothing can top Airachnid Rainbow)) Airachnid: -finger guns-)) boomtank: ((oh god Shockbox: (( Pffffff.)) Airachnid: true)) FakeProwl: ((everyone's name is normal to me but im delighted to know that yall have rainbow spider)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i have two airachnids and everyone else is fine)) Whirl: ((most everyone's name is normal here, with the exception of BB's and Magnus's, but BB's has changed)) Shockbox: (( Txen is showing up as 'Shockwave' for me.)) Shockbox: (( But that is not problematic at all, really.)) Shockwave: ((it booted me back to a previous nickname i guess)) Airachnid: ((Lord, I do show up as airachnid)) Airachnid: ((weird Shockbox: ((/shrug emoji)) boomtank: You didn't know what was going to happen, and blaming yourself is doing you no favors FakeProwl: ((oh wait, magnus is airachnid! i DO have a false spider.)) Airachnid: ((identity crisis)) Airachnid changed their nickname to Magnus. FakeProwl: ((well, we already knew you were everybody)) Smokescreen: I guess so... It makes me feel like I've got some control over what happened, but- it's not like I can go back and change it now. Rodimus: You remember to refuel Magnus? *he starts to stand up* You forget when you are working too hard. Sorida changed their nickname to Bumblebee. Bumblebee: [hugs Smokey] Bumblebee: You weren't expecting it, doesn't sound like anyone was. Smokescreen: /Clinging to Bee/ boomtank: You didn't. That's the point. You did what you could in a situation you had no control over Whirl: I still maintain that the Drifters did this song better. Rodimus: I like her voice. Whirl: It's not bad/ Airachnid: It is indeed nice, tolerable for human music. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is pleasing. As are the lyrics.]] Whirl: But not everyone can be Ben E King. Whirl: It's a good song. *nods* Smokescreen: But I didn't do enough- I wish I could've done more. I at least could be not here helping Megatron of all bots, but- I don't think I could lead something against him now. Whirl: *tilts his head* Hey, Rodders, got time for a request? FakeProwl: *not enough rock. isn't enjoying it.* Rodimus: I bet Magnus could sing it better * he grins teasingly at the ex-enforcer* FakeProwl: *but, it managed to rouse soundwave back into speech. ...well. "speech."* Rodimus: What's up Whirl? Whirl: Anything by AC/DC. Not enough classic rock in tonight's playlist. boomtank: You did what you could. And...sometimes that isn't enough. It's life. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Trust good music to draw something out of him even when he's tired.* Whirl: *and he happens to know a certain depressed mech sharing the couch with him might appreciate some AC/DC* Airachnid: /By the Allspark/. boomtank: But you continue to live. And looking back like you are only holds you back. Shockwave: *taps Soundwave's palm with a claw. he has... Potentially Humorous Commentary* Smokescreen: I guess so- but doesn't make it better- I wish I could've done better. Magnus: I'm quite alright, si- *pauses a little* I'm not singing anything. *frowns, not right now* Rodimus: AC/DC --- ok i play alot of that let go with something i never played before. Bumblebee: Smokes... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances over at Shockwave. Hmm? What?* boomtank: You can't do anything now, but you can move forwards Whirl: *listens; it's not immediately apparent what this is* ... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble hears good jams and starts to lift his helm.* Bumblebee: But think about what's happened now Whirl: --WAIT. WAIT NOT THIS ONE. Whirl: DIFFERENT SONG. ......*ahem* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Wait a second* Whirl: *attempts to regroup  his cool* Whirl: How about Shoot to Thrill. Rodimus: What---? Whirl: How about that one. ItsyBitsySpyers: *IS HE PLAYING--* Bumblebee: Whirl, what? Rodimus: Not alot about rosie? Whirl: NO. Smokescreen: Move forward? I don't even know what I CAN go with now Whirl: I mean, no. Whirl: Shoot to Thrill. Whirl: *HE BEEFED IT* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble's visor dims to near black. He suddenly gets very interested in looking at Airachnid instead.* Whirl: *SUPER BEEF* Airachnid: ... what? FakeProwl: *there's shouting. what's whirl doing.* Whirl: *he's doing his best to keep his cool* Magnus: *stiffens a little, promised himself he wouldn't get in the middle of it but it's getting harder the louder it gets* boomtank: Live rather than survive. Looking back like you are now? That's not living. You cannot change the past, so stop putting all your focus on it Airachnid: He cannot apparently. Airachnid: Pity. boomtank: Stay out of this spider ItsyBitsySpyers: //Nothin'. Jus' was--// He can't even lie well right now. //--Thinkin' bout the moon. 'S all.// Bumblebee: Airachnid, take your sass. Put it in your pocket. Airachnid: Make me. boomtank: I just might Smokescreen: I thought I was doing a pretty good job of living, though... Bumblebee: You are! Airachnid: :3c Bumblebee: I mean, look at how many friends you have, how many bots care about you. Whirl: *should he pretend it never happened? What do? WHAT DO* ...@Rumble: Sorry, mech. Shockwave: *passes over the thought of a rather silly mitten-looking 'Hand Reinforcement' for protection against future crushing. if, you know. they werent already done with the content that's to blame.* Shockwave: *its clear he doesn't really resent having to repair his hand twice and its just a ... very, very dry attempt at joke* Bumblebee: Don't you make that face, Airachnid. Rodimus: *looks to magnus and gives a small shrug* Airachnid: >:3cccccccc Smokescreen: buddy you're a wise man something something gonna be a big man someday Smokescreen: ... oh Bumblebee: [bobbing his head a little, he actually knows this song] Rodimus: @Magnus ::If we are in a hurry I can kick them all out so we can have our meeting.:: Whirl: ((imagining airachnid make that face tho)) Shockwave: ((shockwaves hand to soundwaves hand: we've got to stop meeting like this)) Airachnid: she does)) Bumblebee: Close, Smokey. Big difference between Queen and AC/DC Shockwave: ((soundwaves hand to shockwaves hand: ive got a crush on u)) Airachnid: when she smiles, her mouth is like :3)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: //What for?// How the FRAG did he know? WHO TOLD HIM? Whirl: ((PFFT)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((txen you're killing me lmfao)) Bumblebee: (( i'm convinced that's the only expression she knows )) boomtank: -better, lets Bee take over now- Airachnid: it's the only emoji she uses)) Smokescreen: I know Queen? That's one difference ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockwave: [[...In red.]] Whirl: *well, even if he hadn't said anything, his reaction to the song gave him away anything* @Rumble: I think you know. But, uh. ...sorry. *excellent. he has mastered wordsmithing, just look at him* Whirl: ...*anyway Whirl: *anything?? wtf me)) Bumblebee: Smokescreen, you ever hear Bohemian Rhapsody? That one's a trip. Smokescreen: Of course! Magnus: @Rodimus: ::Do not rush things on my account, but if you think it will stop the shouting... Well, it is not my place to say anymore. I relinquished my place here.:: Shockwave: @Soundwave: *considers whether the polyfibers could be dyed, then nods. the little mental image turns red* Rodimus: @Magnus ::Just go head up to my of-- no wait--- the ready room we can have our meeting there and not be interupted.:: boomtank: -back to the work on his datapad- Rodimus: *shrugs and tilts his helm to the room* Rodimus: @Magnus ::No other officers come to this anymore i can just leave it to them.:: Bumblebee: What other Earth music do you know? [oh good, a distraction until next time Optimus comes up in conversation...] Whirl: ((the closest thing to an officer in this room is Whirl. What a scary thought)) Bumblebee: (( ........that is terrifying )) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: //Yeah. All right.// A long pause. //Listen, don't - I don't wanna... y'know.// He's not ready to talk about that yet. //Jus'. Don't say nothin'.// boomtank: ((wait, what? Rodimus: ((just rodimus alone THATS FINE HE IS GETTING USED OT IT)) Smokescreen: A bunch of it! I'd play a bunch of their pop music whenever I was driving- It was one of those stations that did pop music from the '80's to today? Bumblebee: wait you did what on patrols?? Bumblebee: please tell me those weren't patrols. Smokescreen: Not on patrols! Smokescreen: Just drives for fun. Whirl: *makes a soft "pfft" sound aloud* @R: Of course I won't, mech. I haven't so far. I'm not gonna throw you under the bus. Bumblebee: Ok, because I did that my first few months and...yea. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave huffs softly. He appreciates the mitten joke. He also pictured them on the revived Megatron's hands instead, to make him less intimidating a thought. It helped.* Bumblebee: What stuff did you hear? Magnus: @Rodimus: *glances around with a grunt* ::I think that sounds like a good idea. I'll be waiting for you, sir.:: Smokescreen: I'd play other songs while on patrol to get my head in the game. Magnus: *slowly brushes off his frame and starts to get up* Shockwave: ((gosh my LS chat is doing a thing where it wont scroll unless i catch it up manually ;;)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stares at Whirl for a couple of seconds before nodding. His visor goes a tad brighter, but his night's kinda done now.* //Goin' home. Seeya.// Whirl: ((I HATE IT when it does that X|)) Whirl: *bobs his helm* G'night. Smokescreen: A lot of stuff! You ever hear about Michael Jackson? He's the King of pop! Really talented! Actually actually can we listen to him Whirl: I'm Bad's a good song. Rodimus: I like this cover Bumblebee: Yeah, I have! Smokescreen: all his songs are good songs Whirl: It... huh. Sounds like. Cyclonus, a little. *blinks* Bumblebee: ...This is a nice cover. Bumblebee: Sad, but nice. Whirl: ((his voice is lovely but the original is so much more haunting <3)) Rodimus: ((you shut it you only like orginals Whirl: *just gonna stare at the blank screen with a wide opic and a perked antenna, like a cat watching a computer cursor* Rodimus: ((I tihnk its cause i heard this one live and his voice tears your chest Rodimus: ((I am glad he made a offical cover Whirl: ((I like plenty of covers... Iron Savior's cover of The Hellion/Electric Eye is much better than Judas Priests;'s, for instance)) Shockwave: DS: *looks from screen to whirl a few times* You look like Shockwave when a test tube's around. Magnus: *nods to Rodimus as he stands* I'll be seeing you shortly, sir. *begins to slip out towards their meeting spot* Whirl: ((His voice is wonderful, but I just love Simon and Garfunkel's haunting harmony!)) FakeProwl: ((this isn't the best version I've heard him do)) Rodimus: *smiles brightly at Magnus* FakeProwl: ((p good though)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak CACKLES at Darksteel's remark* Bumblebee: [snickers] Whirl: *blinks and snaps out of it, snorting* What? Really? ...do his antenna do the thing. Airachnid: [it was somewhat cute] Rodimus: ((yeah it was killer live Whirl: ((I'll bet!)) Rodimus: Cyclonus really...? Whirl: Hmm? What about him? Shockwave: DS: They do all sorts of stuff if you pay attention long enough. *leans in conspiratorially* Shockwave: DS: You really wanna see em wiggle? Whirl: *snickers* I'll be sure to keep an eye out. Whirl: ((now HERE is a cover I love, this one is amazin)) Whirl: *doesn't even try to hide this statement from Shockwave* FakeProwl: *ugh. so apparently it's all sad melodic songs now.* Shockwave: Shockwave: *not dignifying this conversation with a response* Rodimus: Maybe that gravel part of the voice--- you know right when you -hit- his shpot /just/ right be is hella hard to get the deep---- OH HELLO MULTIVESE MECHS! :D Smokescreen: /Drooping a little with the song- sad songs are rough tonight!/ Rodimus: *lets just go stack up cubes and like talk details on how to get crewmates off* FakeProwl: *turns down his audials. if anybody wants his attention, they can shout to him. the only person here he plans on speaking with doesn't talk anyway.* Bumblebee: [pets Smokey's wings] Shockwave: DS: *IS actually talking in a hushed voice, just isnt very GOOD at it* Just put that... weirdo human movie alien he likes up on the screen. Whirl: *if that was sexua, it went right over Whirl's head* Yeah, when he sings, it's always got that edge to it. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((DARKSTEEL)) Whirl: Also, Rodders, if you'll deign to take a second request from me, can we listen to I'm Bad? Smokescreen: /Nuzzling Bee some here/ Smokescreen: YEAH YEAH BAD!!! Rodimus: *snrots and looks up at the warrior to see if he is getting tyed with* Whirl: *he';s gonna cheer SOMEONE up, dammit* Rodimus: What no more sappy songs eh? Whirl: You're gonna hafta be more specific than that, Darksteel. Whirl: Oh, no, I'm enjoying this. The harmony's lovely. But 'Bee talked about Michael Jackson, so... *shrugs* Bumblebee: ...This song is a lot sadder than I remember. Smokescreen: .... Shockbox: *He is paying attention to the conversation, but doing his best to pretend he isn't.* Smokescreen: /Going to rest his helm in Bee's lap- he's already feeling drained enoughhhh/ Bumblebee: [pets Smokey's helm] Shockbox: *This....talk of aliens and antennae wiggles.* Bumblebee: Same, buddy. Whirl: ((everyone wants to know the Secret of Shockwave's Antenna)) Rodimus: Half way? *he grins cheekily* Shockwave: Darksteel: *grimaces and tries to remember. wiggles a claw in the air* You know, the... it's all black and shiny, and it lays its eggs in people? Bumblebee: Darksteel, what?! Whirl: *momentary distant look* Whirl: Can't... say that's familiar, mech. Smokescreen: ... Wait, Darksteel, what? Where? Bumblebee: Should we be...worried about that?? Shockwave: Darksteel: *shushes Bee and Smokey urgently and looks back at Shockwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy leans on Darksteel's side and motions for Whirl's attention. He then points at Soundwave and mouths the word "Halloween"* Whirl: Send me a pic. Shockwave: Shockwave: *dun give a fuk* Rodimus: Aleins? Bumblebee: Insecticons? Whirl: *looks to Frenzy* ... *he's trying to tell him something, he can feel it* Shockwave: Darksteel: No-- I mean, I think he likes them too-- and -yeah- no slag its an alien... Rodimus: That? ItsyBitsySpyers: *PRIMUS WARN A MECH* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits back a lil* Whirl: Well, if it's in a movie, I'VE never seen the movie. *looks to the screen* Shockwave: Darksteel: *pulls a blue crayon out of his subspace and starts doodling drawing of a xenomorph on it* Here--- heyyy. Whirl: Yep. Never seen that film. Whirl: *NOW IMEMDIATELY LOOKS TO SHOCKWAVE* Rodimus: We showed it FakeProwl: *??* Smokescreen: :O Bumblebee: O.o; FakeProwl: *u ok soundwave* Whirl: I missed it, then. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes. Yes, er, he's fi--STOP THAT* Shockwave: Shockwave: .................. *antennae quiver* Whirl: *ZOOP* Whirl: *HE SAW IT* Shockbox: *Well....now /he/ is intrigued by this creature.* Shockwave: Darksteel: *a little miffed his doodle got beat to the punch* FakeProwl: *since he's already looking in soundwave's direction, catches that quiver from past him* Smokescreen: is that soundwave boomtank: -looks up- ....? Rodimus: He dressed up as one. FakeProwl: *glances back at screen. ... hmm. so /both/ of them.* Whirl: It's pretty neat. Whirl: I dig the tail. Shockbox: *He tilts his helm curiously, as his antennae, tragically, do not wiggle.* boomtank: What is that? Bumblebee: That is terrifying. Whirl: Nah, it's adorable. Bumblebee: Would not want to run into one of those. boomtank: Looks interesting Whirl: The inner mouth kinda reminds me of Killer, a little. Smokescreen: I mean, it could be kinda cute... Rodimus: It was a pretty cool movie if not---- a tad VERY 80's Shockwave: Shockwave: 8would very much like to run into one of those* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is - an efficient organic.]] Bumblebee: ...Do I want to know who or what Killer is? Whirl: ...waaait. Wait! No, I HAVE seen one of these! She shows up at Teach's movie night sometimes, yeah? *looks to Soundwave* Shockwave: ((RODDY YOU ARE THE LORD OF 80s)) Rodimus: ((its not an insult ot rodimus lol Whirl: Killer's my pet space barnacle. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] Very, very carefully keeping his mental tone flat. [[She has.]] Whirl: It dismembered someone once. *drapes his claw over his cockpit* Such a little stinker. Bruin: *Specter is practically bouncing on Bruins head because thats a neat organic, could use a few more eyes tho* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Merciful Micronus, that one's a mech.* Whirl: Nice. Shockwave: Shockwave: *ah* Shockbox: *Reserving judgement for when (if ever) he gets to see one of these creatures in action.* Rodimus: *going to keep scrolling threw pictures yes.* Whirl: That would be a killer alt-mode. Shockbox: *But still, /very/ curious.* boomtank: !!! Whirl: *luckily for Soundwave, Whirl isn't judging him, he's most interested in the creatures, and sought from him merely confirmation* Shockbox: *Well. That is a little bit of action.* boomtank: okaynotinterestinganymore Whirl: Little drooly, though. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Distraction. Distraction. Shockwave's distracted. Can't ping him.* FakeProwl: *prowl is. just. sideways glancing at his couchmates. feels like he learned something tonight.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Thoughts about documentary? ItsyBitsySpyers: *There. Yes. Good.* Whirl: *LAUGHS* Whirl: The little mouth! Shockwave: Shockwave: *going to put darksteel on -such- Throne Room Construction Duty* Whirl: Aww, look at it! It tore someone in two! Airachnid: [is going to sneak out while everyone is looking at the pictures] Shockbox: *Mesmerized* Whirl: *will swivel his helm and bob his head at Airachnid* FakeProwl: *ah? hm.* @Soundwave «The knowledge that Unicron can compact himself into the size of a regular mech is... alarming. I wouldn't have thought it possible for such a small frame to support him.» Shockwave: Darksteel: *Regret.......* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I take it you invited Starscream to warn him against the dangers of making a bargain with Unicron for power.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Thank goodness, the images are gone. Going from the tape to that was SUCH whiplash.* Shockbox: *Aw. It is over.* Whirl: ((darksteel, you did us all a great service today. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten)) Rodimus: *grins to himself and centently projecting his mirth* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Correct. Record indicated boxverse alternate attempted. This, not wanted. Rodimus: *trolllolololol* Shockwave: Shockwave: *relaxes very slightly now that he doesnt have to be so Attentive to the Perfect Organic* ItsyBitsySpyers: *RODIMUS HE TAKES BACK EVERY GIFT YOU GOT TODAY* Rodimus: *mind is off unicorn isnt it?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...You can keep the gifts* Cardinal: Hello Soundwave and company! Whirl: *streetches* Well, I feel like I learned a lot tonight. I should see that movie sometime. Cardinal: ((Aww did I miss the stream)) Bumblebee: I never want to see that movie. Whirl: *stands and points to Predaking* Comm me when you're free. We'll has out a date and time. Smokescreen: Oh! Soundwave- did you ever get a chance to listen to that playlist? Bumblebee: [thumbs-up at Whirl] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Boxverse. The one where Starscream is crowned and immediately assassinated by Megatron-turned-Galvatron?» FakeProwl: *he's guessing based on, y'know, the box shapes.* Shockbox: *He will have to ask his alternate what makes that Organic so 'Perfect', but he'll admit to it being appealing.* Shockwave: Shockwave: *hesitates* .... I possess the films on file and have shared them previously. boomtank: -and up he goes. Time to go home now- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Knock Out.]] And yes, he missed it. [[Farewell, Blaster.]] Bumblebee: Knock Out! boomtank: Thanks for the recording, g'night Whirl: There's more than ONE? Well, deamn. Yeah, shoot em to me, mech. *nods* Shockwave: Predaking: *nods to Whirl. now that the documentary has ended, it seems an opportune time for such... 'hashing'* Rodimus: *pings whirl a link to DL the triolgy later* Cardinal: Hello Bee! boomtank: -waves to Soundwave before leaving- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Smokescreen [[Part of it. He is enjoying it.]] Shockwave: Shockwave: Very well. boomtank: ((mun is gonna wander off now, thanks for the stream Shockbox: *And speaking of asking things later.....* @Shockwave: I have a proposition. Smokescreen: Really? I'm glad you're liking it! Guess I was right about the music you like. Whirl: All right, I'm out. See you losers later. *salutes the room and trots for the door* Bumblebee: Bye, Whirl! FakeProwl: *ah. the pretty doctor is here.* Shockwave: Shockwave: *looks at alternate expectantly* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Affirmative. That Starscream, also ghost. *Small pause.* Unknown if related to one encountered. FakeProwl: *he missed the show.* Cardinal: *awww* Bumblebee: Hey Predaking, um...never mind. Cardinal: *is going to look around for Buzzsaw* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Ghost. Is that a frequent occurrence with Starscreams?» Smokescreen: :O Knocktopus! Whirl: *spins on his heel to nod to Bee, spins back, and leaves* Shockwave: Predaking: *blinks* Cardinal: Trogdor! Smokescreen: /Going to wave at Knocktopus- he's not moving his helm from Bee's lapthough/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw floats over to Knock Out and perches. Saw buds.* Smokescreen: You should lie down here with me- it's pretty comfy here! Cardinal: *saw buds 4 life* Cardinal: *waves back to Smokescreen* Cardinal: In a bit, definitely! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Unclear. Three known. More examples needed. Bumblebee: ...Well, Predaking, sir. Would you, um, we're trying to organize treaties and...you know, Predacon territory. Protecting it. Yeah. So. Cardinal: Hello Buzzsaw.  How goes life in the art world? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «That's three too many for my tastes. I don't suppose you know how to... banish them? exorcize? ghostbust?» ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Successful, of course! Steve Vale awaits the completion of my newest piece with stalled ventilations.}} Cardinal: Steve Vale?  *thinks*  Is that the Eradicon settlement? FakeProwl: ((... is he making a statue of starscream for steve vale)) Cardinal: A sculpture I assume? Bumblebee: ...Steve Vale? Shockwave: Predaking: Ah, so you seek my advice regarding my bretheren from your 'universe'. Rodimus: *oh great they are all chatting now...* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Ah! You've heard of it! Yes, they look forward to having their struggles immortalized.}} Bumblebee: Yes. Please. Council's tricky and this is the one thing they're going to let me do so... Cardinal: *nods thoughtfully* Cardinal: What kind of materials do you typically used? Rodimus: *flops backwards on the now cleared off table and broods* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Bumblebee: {{A large Vehicon settlement of approximately 80. All have assigned themselves variations on the human designation "Steve".}} Bruin: *Everyone has reached the end of their collective socialization tolerance fr the night, so time to leave* Shockbox: @Shockwave: In exchange for my own CNA sample, I would like to request a small preview of your current working area. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Negative. Knowledge never needed. One reframed, one helpful. Other seen, never met. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak helpfully pats Rodimus' helm and offers him a treat with one feeler* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...She then takes it back, splits it in half, and offers him half. She'll eat the other piece.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Hm. Too bad.» *it might be useful if he ever needs to assassinate Starscream someday.* Shockwave: Predaking: *frowns thoughtfully* What is the current status of your relations? Has their territory been respected thus far? FakeProwl: *admittedly, the dead usually can't hold public office, but he wouldn't put it past Starscream to try anyway.* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Found materials, dead parts, energon... the usual, dear doctor.}} Cardinal: *chuckles*  I thought so. Shockwave: @Shockbox: *helm tilt* ...Acceptable. *his samples from the boxyverses are limited, and all evidence indicates that this alternate is not particularly destructive or disrespectful* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Will inform if discovered. Cardinal: My mate uses the same for his puzzles. I was thinking I might trade you some of his cast-offs for some of yours? Give you both more variety for your respective work. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw sticks out a feeler. Deal.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'd appreciate it.» Bumblebee: As well as it can be, bots are afraid and mostly don't want trouble. But I know there's going to be THAT idiot that goes out and tries to hunt them. So I guess...how much space is enough space... Bumblebee: And how much contact do you want from us? Cardinal: *shakes it formally* Shockbox: *His posture might have straightened a smidgen. He nods at the other's confirmation.* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{I shall transfer you one of my rare failed pieces tomorrow.}} Shockwave: Predaking: *hmms* Such an individual would soon become the hunted. Bumblebee: Yeah, and then it would just be a giant mess for everyone. Shockbox: *Going to be the first time he willingly travels to someone else's universe for something other than a large gathering.* Bumblebee: But I'll keep in mind to write that into the treaty. Shockwave: *daw........ alternate playdate* Shockbox: *Shhshhhh yes.* Cardinal: Hey Trogdor, still room over there? Shockbox: *Might need....coodinates.....and to set up a time.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... How are you?» Smokescreen: Plenty of room! Come on over! FakeProwl: *he needs to leave to get ready for work soon, but he's gotta make sure Soundwave has adequately recovered first.* Shockbox: *Do not recall if Shockbox was ever given a frequency to attempt communication with, either.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Relieved documentaries: complete. Tired. Journey home, recharge imminent. Rodimus: *bored Rdoimus. this is bad* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Which is why the minis are starting to gather toward him* Rodimus: *he sits up and peers aroudn the room servaying...* FakeProwl: *acknowledging ping. that's good enough.* @Soundwave «I should go get ready for work.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh no. Soundwave knows what that means. He's scramming.* Smokescreen: /He's going to glance at Rodimus and wink at- come make a car pile!/ Bumblebee: Smokey, this is your song. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged. Work well. ... Assistance appreciated. Shockwave: Predaking: If my 'alternate' is anything like myself, then the principle factors for consideration are power and respect. Peaceable relations -are- possible, but recall that your Autobots may still-- Cardinal: Excellent! Smokescreen: ((wait dangit the sound isnt playing what song Bumblebee: (( CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOOOOON Cardinal: *He's going to head right on over to Smokescreen and Bee* Smokescreen: ((:OOO Shockwave: Predaking: --have much to atone for. As for the size of their territory, I myself claimed a large space centered upon our burial grounds and the Manganese Mountains. I am told it is roughly-- FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Rest well.» Cardinal: Hello Bumblebug! Smokescreen: wait I'm not a wayward son Smokescreen: Once I rose above Bumblebee: Hey Knock Out! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod and carefully de-laces both hands.* Smokescreen: /He'll sing along thoguh- he knows this! Kinda!/ Cardinal: How's it going? Smokescreen: CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SUUUUUUN Bumblebee: [nods as he listens, definitely taking some mental notes] Shockwave: Predaking: --equivalent to the size of one of your pre-war city-states. FakeProwl: *a farewell ping; disappears.* Bumblebee: Ok, thank you. I...I understand. I don't know how much the Council is willing to atone, but I'll do it myself if I have to. You helped us protect Cybertron and are incredible allies to have. Shockwave: Shockwave: Good night, Soundwave. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks to Shockwave and pings him. He's going to go home, (and be sick and scrub up a bit and maybe play hax until he can) get some recharge.* Bumblebee: Not just for power, but as another perspective for how our planet should operate to accomodate everyone. Bumblebee: And Knock Out...honestly, it's not bad. Bumblebee: Been happier lately, how about you? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Gets everyone docked, sends Shockwave a similarly appreciative message for the handhold, and trudges out* Shockwave: Predaking: *looks faintly surprised, but pleasantly so.* If you approach the matter with a similar candidness and dignity, then I am certain you can one day achieve this goal. Smokescreen: I'm gonna head off- I gotta go somewhere important, buuut- /He's going to hug Bee and Knock Out really quick./ Bumblebee: Glad you approve, easier than the Council. I have their approval, but it came with a price I'm not willing to pay again. And they know that. Bumblebee: Seeya Smokes. [hugs back] Smokescreen: Thank you for all your help, Bee Bumblebee: Anytime. Bumblebee: I'm heading out too, thanks for hosting again. Bumblebee: And thanks for your help, Predaking. Cardinal: Bye Trogdor!  *hugs* Shockwave: Predaking: *brows furrow-- more puzzled than anything* Your species' politics seem unduly troublesome. Cardinal: I've been fine, Bee.  Enjoying some down time. Bumblebee: Oh yeah, they are. That's why I quit, this is really the last thing I'm ever going to do for them. Bumblebee: Awesome Knock Out, I'll um...I'll comm. you sometime? Shockwave: Predaking: *nods in acceptance of thanks* Anything to assist in the well-being of my brothers abroad. Cardinal: Please do! Shockbox: *It is time for a sleep. Or in Shockbox's case, it is time to work his aft off in order to open up a large enough timeslot for his field trip.* Shockwave: *knows that feel, alternate* Shockbox: *All of you are being bid adieu.* Shockbox: *G'night.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night!)) Shockwave: *He, too, must attend to his work. Files quietly out as soon as he's certain that DS and SL aren't going to consume the entire snack table on their way out* Rodimus: *there is nothing but a prime on the snack table* Shockwave: *all the more reason to make sure they dont eat you* Shockwave: (( ;) night folks, thanks for streaming, i'll get out of roddymuns hair lol)) Rodimus: ((I wanta go playoverwatch l3
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