just-an-enby-lemon · 11 months
I suddently remembered that the first time I ranted to my brother about Elias he said his plan to defead Elias would be to find a way to make a new drug and drug him enough time that Elias would be addicted to the drugs and since my brother never spread the formula would need my brother alive, well and happy with him to get more of the drug and we had a huge as discussion where I tried to convince him it would never work and he just got more and more insane. I was at season 3 and somehow now that I finished the podcast this is actually funnier.
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lorna-davidson · 7 months
Location: Outside of PottHeads (Lorna's pottery shop/studio)
"Hey, you ever tried pot?" Lorna's nieces had told her that it was a terrible business slogan but it always made her laugh. She at least loved the varied reactions. It had been mildly successful so far but considering the place had only opened a few weeks ago, Lorna was hopeful there'd be a trend upward. "Pottery that is," she added with a grin and held up a piece she had just made this morning. "Although the other stuff isn't so bad either. Have you heard about us? We just opened."
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nathaniel-donovan · 5 months
with: @oliviaxsinclair where: Olivia's home (12th May - Mother's Day)
The last time Mia had wanted to do something nice for her mom, Nate had practically vanished and completely foiled all the plans she had made, and so this time with him being in a better place mentally, he was more present with the fact of not wanting to let her down again. Something Mia's sassy little attitude had more or less hinted at and so Nate had made sure to be at her home early Sunday morning, shopping bags in hand from the previous day with all they had bought for breakfast, as well as the gifts they had gotten for Liv. The most important being the vase Mia had made in PottHeads - all now ready for the flowers she had picked herself.
With the vase and flowers placed inside on the table, there were chocolates beside it, a card from Mia, and a vinyl Nate knew that Liv would appreciate all ready and waiting. This had all been apart of Mia's 'operation surprise mom', somebody who was still upstairs sleeping as they began to prepare breakfast. The spread they were getting ready was clearly fit for more than just the three of them, something that Nate found funny and a little over the top and yet, that didn't overshadow how cute it was. Something that was all Mia, Nate had just enabled her vision a reality.
Coming to an end with their pancakes, they both had flour in places they probably shouldn't as they sang along to Mia's music lowly playing through the speaker. "Mom," Mia looked up towards the door as Liv appeared, a grin spread widely across her features. "Happy Mother's Day!" moving away from the counter she happily got closer towards Liv, there was a little pancake batter still spread across her cheek that Nate had previously put there - only to get back for his own, and as Mia started talking to her mom and showing her the gifts (as well as explaining in detail about her vase), Nate finished plating up the pancakes.
"As you can see we're feeding the entire neighbourhood today," he joked after a short while of listening to Mia talk.
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giovanniiricci · 3 months
WHO: @lorna-davidson LOCATION: PottHeads
Giovanni had been made aware of her presence in town many weeks ago, but with the primary for the mayoral race fast approaching, he hadn't had a time to make her aware he knew. He'd found himself downtown after meeting with a few of the business owners in the area and her storefront drew his attention. He excused himself from his entourage and made his way inside, a bell tinkling above the door. The shop was quaint enough, though wasn't exactly what he would've envisioned for Lorna's business venture, especially given the name. "Lorna," he greeted with a smile only she would be able to recognize as anything but friendly. "Consider my surprise when I heard you'd opened a store downtown. I assume this means you intend to stick around for a while, hm?"
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devilsgatewayhq · 7 months
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Name: Lorna Davidson Age: 63 Time living in Tonopah: One Month Occupation: Owner of PottHeads Gang Affiliation: None Neighborhood: Glenn Estates Face Claim: Jennifer Connelly
Biography (TW: pregnancy, mention of abortion, depression):
To achieve greatness was the only option Lorna Davidson ever had. At least according to her parents. There is no denying that she was born out of love. The youngest of two daughters and the third of four children, Lorna’s parents had instilled great expectations for how they were supposed to carry themselves in the world. Her mother’s family had always been wealthy but her father was a big proponent of hard work, his family having immigrated to America in hopes of a better life. Together, they had created a stable and lucrative life for themselves. Her father had built his own construction business from the ground up that had turned into him being one of the most sought out contractors on the west coast. Her mother, not one to just sit around and lean into her family’s wealth, was a well known corporate lawyer, bound to get anyone out of any mess. Their childhood was fun if not full of pressure. Though as the younger daughter, Lorna often was able to skate by under her sister’s failures but more often her achievements. Her older sister has always been the model child, the one who achieved the most and did it in record time. Lorna and her brothers often found themselves struggling to fit such a high bar but eventually found their way. Or at least they tried to. 
High school was a substantial time in Lorna’s discovery of herself. And despite her many late nights and dangerous boyfriends and girlfriends, she ended up graduating top of her class and eventually found her way to Stanford. Something her parents wouldn’t shut up about even though it hadn’t been her first choice. She had badly wanted to go to Berkeley instead but either way her parents were glad to know she would still be staying in her home state. But if she hadn’t gone to Stanford, she would have never met Beatrice and if she had never met Beatrice, she would have never met Giovanni. A fact that she used to find beautiful but now thinks of as a curse. If only she had fought her parents harder. 
Her friendship with Beatrice had been easy, almost instant from the moment they became roommates. They did almost everything together which meant that Lorna had been there the moment she met Gio. And had been there to witness them fall in love. Back then, she and Gio had been close, best friends even. Even with all of his ambition and the clear fire in his eyes, college Gio had been calmer, cooler. And they had spent many evenings talking about life, reflecting on their families and building a friendship that seemed built to last. But as Lorna has come to learn in her life, good things only last so long.
It had been Giovanni who had introduced her to Jeffrey Decker. A name that easily caused a chill these days, if not a total gag reflex. To this day Lorna doesn’t really know if Gio knew what he was signing her up for but she believes he did. Knowingly throwing her into the lion’s den with a man who’s appetite was insatiable and was clear from the moment they met. At least at first he had been charming, sweet even and Lorna who had a track record for fleeting relationships felt enamored by it. She knew that he was married and while she had never been into a married person before, it felt easy to ignore whenever she was with him. Something that still makes her sick to think about. How she could be so naive. But it was nice to have someone she considered established take a liking to her until it got too real. And what had meant to be just a little fling had turned into so much more.
She can still remember the day vividly. How her first call had been to Beatrice and she had sat with Lorna as she sat on the edge of the tub, waiting to see what lines would appear on the pregnancy test. But nothing could have felt worse than Jeffery's reaction. Another naive moment in thinking that he might want this baby, that he'd see it as a good thing. But she has been consistently naive when it came to him. Instead they fought, or more like he yelled and she cried. But no matter how much he yelled, she refused to give up the baby and she was fortunate enough that Jeffrey's wife agreed.
Though she had never met the woman, she had become her savior but only for a moment until they made their intentions clear. Lorna would be allowed to have the baby but she wouldn't be allowed to keep it. And despite how good of a lawyer her mother was, even she knew that fighting a family like the Deckers was like signing your own death warrant. The Davidsons also believed it was a blessing in disguise, a chance for their daughter to be free and start over.
But none of them had to carry the baby. And despite it all, it's still one of the most beautiful experiences of her life. Holed up in an apartment Jeffrey paid for in Tonopah (he made it clear that if anyone saw her and asked too many questions it would be a problem but she was still allowed to stay close) she fell in love with the life growing inside of her. She sang to him, read to him, talked to him, dreamed up a whole life with him despite knowing the reality. Her siblings had been especially supportive, especially her brothers who had become overly protective during this time and still are.
And it had been her younger brother who had made sure she had a chance to hold her baby before he was taken. It had been a home birth and to this day Lorna still thanks the gods for her midwife. Shepherd had come into the world with ease and when Jeffery and Andrea had arrived, her brother had pretended that there was a problem with the door to allow Lorna a brief moment. She held her son close to her, held his hand, kissed his face and promised him that she'd love him no matter what. That she'd be his forever even if he never knew her. She committed every little detail about him to memory until the door finally opened and just as quickly as he had come into her life, her son was taken out of it. 
After that, it was no surprise that Lorna fell into a deep depression. Her family brought her home to Los Angeles and she lived with her parents so they could keep an eye on her. Beatrice came to visit often but there was no denying that Lorna had become a shell of herself. She thought about her son every moment of every day. It wasn't until Beatrice got pregnant herself that she started to snap out of it and put so much of her energy into being the best godmother she could be to Valentina.
With an expensive therapist and some damn good medication, Lorna eventually found her way back to herself. While she never forgave Giovanni, she loved the children he had with Beatrice. She started taking the art classes she dreamed of. She started going on hikes with her youngest brother. She helped her oldest sister look after her own children, being an aunt becoming her most fulfilling role. Her older brother who had joined their father in the family business had even gotten her help on certain projects, appreciating the way she was able to visually map out their plans. Her family held her together and she's never forgotten it.
She went back to school, getting a second bachelor's in architecture and immediately going on to gain her master's. In her free time she took more art classes and eventually started selling some of her paintings along with some pieces of pottery. She put her life back together and found a deep passion that allowed her to both express herself and also have a part in her father's business. Something that has brought them much closer. 
But that didn't mean she didn't keep up with what was happening in Tonopah Valley. As Shep got older she followed along with his school successes and on rare occasions took trips to Tonopah Valley that she told no one about. Not even Beatrice. She always stayed far away but she couldn't help herself. Especially for his school graduations or when he was accepted into the academy. It made her laugh, the idea of her son being a cop considering who his father was. She wondered often if he had a good relationship with Andrea or with his sister in the way she had with her siblings. She kept clippings from the paper or printed articles from his school's website. 
She tried not to do it too often but it was hard to deny just how much it hurt to be apart from him. To know that he didn't even know she existed. 
Which was why she saw her opportunity the moment Jeffreys death had hit the news. She had to read the article over and over again to let it sink in. She cried and then laughed and then her brothers insisted on celebrating. It felt so weird to celebrate a death but even her mother had joined them and she hadn’t seen the woman smile that much in so long. Perhaps her mother was harder on herself than she knew, not having been able to save her daughter sooner. But that news was soon buried by fear when she learned that Shep had been shot. It was then that not even her family could deny that maybe it was time. And though they were all nervous, it was a group decision, one that meant she had their full support.
She couldn't do much at first. She took short trips and visited him at the hospital when no one else was around and he was unconscious and unaware of her presence. She read to him, played music for him, just as she had when he was in her stomach. And when he finally woke up, Lorna knew her decision was made. It helped that her godchildren had also relocated to Tonopah Valley and despite how long it had been since she had talked to Giovanni, keeping an eye on him didn't seem like a bad deal either.
She finally made the move a month ago and has been lying low for the most part until she feels the moment is right. She bought a house in Glenn Estates, mostly because her brothers couldn't bear the idea of her being downtown again and her youngest is currently living with her. He swears it's for the great outdoors he'll get to be near but she knows it's to look out for her. Something she appreciates more than she could vocalize. And while she still does work for her father's company, she's decided to open her own space geared towards folks interested in making and selling pottery. It's a small space and really just a way for Lorna to connect with one of her favorite passions while also selling some of her work. She hosts classes and is hoping to roll out a series of artists dinners per Valentina's suggestion. The space only opened two weeks ago so it's very new and she's been trying to get the word out despite fearing Andrea getting a whiff of it. But she's older and wiser now. And no one is going to stand in her way. Not again.
Has three dogs, Larry, Moe and Curly. They’re basically her kids considering she never had another one after Shepherd. She can usually be seen around her neighborhood walking with the three of them. Larry and Moe are both Australian shepherds and Curly is a French Bulldog. 
Thanks to her younger brother she loves the outdoors. She hikes often and goes for morning walks. She’s very proud of her garden and tries to do outdoor yoga as often as possible. Her meditation is central to her life now, not entirely sure she could be as level headed as she is without it. 
She’s also big on being green and eco friendly. She drives an electric car but only when she needs to. Most of the time she prefers to ride her bike or walk. She’s also big on farm to table, shopping locally and cooking with local products. Cooking is one of the money things she does most often with Valentina. 
She’s pretty unaware of the dynamics going on in town but is well aware of some of the work that took Giovanni away from Vegas. She’s a bit stunned to see him running for Mayor and hasn’t been looking forward to their reunion despite the fact that he had once been one of her nearest and dearest friends. Her main focus is her son so she’s keen on not getting involved in anything she doesn’t need to be.
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troger · 5 months
one for the pottheads
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2rueunicide2 · 11 months
Cool new vid where i play Harry potthead, with the mouth being replaced with the bfdi mouth.
Enjoy idk
Play the original here:
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lonley-mess · 2 years
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creepybitch · 5 years
Click for more.
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worthlesslylost · 5 years
Why is weed so god damn hard to find!?
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hiphopperiod · 5 years
@notik_1 I forgot to tell ya i play the keys better then Alicia #notik #piano #hiphop #m42 #notik #vigilantetantrum #nyc #ny #potthead #weedworld #weed share my shit and tag me 💀💀#HipHopPeriodTv #HipHopPeriod #AWayOfLife #thisisourcultureinc #est2009jamaicaqueens #mc #dj #rapper #hiphopmusic #rapmusic #instagood #songwriter #streams #instagood #hiphopmusic JOIN US TO HELP CHANGE THE WORLD, SUPPORT INDIE ARTIST AND CREATIVITY! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2O23VIlsqi/?igshid=ukhsp8fr3ru5
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reviving-art · 4 years
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Pott Head ⚡️ Personal Rolling Tray/Ashtray Set SOLD! #hp #harrypotter #potthead #pothead #personalrollingtray #personal #rollingtray #ashtray #sets #set #matchingsets #matchingset #tray #resinwork #resintray #resinashtray #epoxyresin #epoxyresinart #smokers #420 #rollup #vinyl #cameo #spraypaint #weed #marjuana https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDHZ-bnf10/?igshid=xm5cntghh74l
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darklydreamingiori · 7 years
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GET YOUR BONES FIXED! 🖤 https://www.redbubble.com/people/dolldevil/works/30836533-skelegro?c=716477-wizarding-vibes&p=sticker&ref=work_collections_grid
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mdmoffitt · 7 years
Nineteen Years Later
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So this post is a few days late, but I wanted to post something about a single book series that’s changed the world. A book series that has literally saved lives and inspired hope in billions of people. A book series that can always be found on my bookshelf and in my heart.
Harry Potter.
JK Rowling has not only written a book series that is beloved by billions of people, but she’s created a movement, an entire world that will forever live in the hearts of those who read it. I’ve heard many people complain or question why we care so much. “It’s just a book,” they tell us. “It’s not even real.”
It’s not real? Hundreds of people flooded to a train station on September 1st to tell a fictional child good luck on his first day of school. We hold our wands up high when an actor from the movies passes away too soon. We celebrate every July 31st for the birthday of The Boy Who Lived, and the woman who created him. We have erected an actual castle in various locations in honor of the series, one that makes hearts skip beats when we see it. We have the words forever inked on our skin and dream of the day we get to ride that train back home.
Kids and adults alike have wands displayed in their rooms and cloaks of green, red, blue and yellow hung up in their closets. Parents have sworn to send their children Hogwarts letters when they turn eleven. Parents have named their children after characters from these books.
The word ‘Always’ will never sound the same to us.
How is that not real?
Harry Potter is a series that speaks to millions and millions of people, brings up topics that you don’t often find in teen books. You’ve got abuse, poverty, death, war, slavery, PTSD, and so much more.
Just think about it for a moment. Harry grew up in a house where no one loved him. He got scraps from the dinner table and burnt bacon to eat, and that’s on days he actually got to eat. Harry wore glasses because he was in a dark cupboard all the time reading. He never got gifts on his birthday. He never got new clothes. And that was all before he even got to Hogwarts where he is thrust into a war and watched as so many of his friends died.
The Weasleys are a family living on only one parent’s wages and too many kids to support, but they try their best. They have to budget like crazy and hand clothes down from kid to kid just to make sure they can have enough food on the table. But they always make sure that those kids know they are loved. When Harry shows up and Momma Weasley finds out how he was treated (because we all know she was told at one point), she treats him like she would any of her other children.
Then you have what could have been Harry’s real family, one who might have taken care of him and loved him no matter what. Sirius was locked away for a crime he didn’t commit, unable to even see his Godson. Remus wasn’t given custody either, wasn’t allowed to see Harry until that one fateful day on a train ride to Hogwarts. Two men that would have been overjoyed at seeing their best friend’s son, who would have raised him to be a great man.
How is it not real when our hearts ache at the thought of Draco seeing his father stepping out of the Boggart cupboard? How is it not real when we want to cry over the thought of George seeing his own reflection in the Mirror of Erised because you know it’s not actually him. How is it not real when we remember that Teddy’s parents knew they might not make it back from the war, but that Harry would?
And how is it not real when we laugh at how much Lee Jordan loves quidditch and honestly cannot keep his mouth unbiased? Or how we grin at the fact that Fred and George are the new marauders? Or how we can’t help but sigh happily at the thought of James watching Harry play quidditch in the afterlife and screaming about how proud he is?
And then we remember what JK Rowling went through while writing Harry Potter. She was always told that you could never get anywhere with writing. She got stuck in a dead end job that she hated with a husband that abused her. Even while writing Harry Potter, she was trying to raise a daughter on a teacher’s salary while majorly depressed. She struggled and worked so hard to bring us this wonderful, inspiring creation. A creation that got me, and many others, writing and reading in the first place.
So please, tell me how that’s not real, because...
It’s real for us.
MD Moffitt
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onepleasuredesigns · 5 years
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: 🕶🚬 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make the world a little more colorful. Don't be a bourgeois! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mach die Welt ein bisschen bunter. Sei kein Spießer ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⏩www.OnePleasure.de⏪ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #onepleasure #pinkcannabis #kannabisblatt #peacezeichen #stoned #highasfuck #cannabis #marihuana #funnydesign #cannabisfunny #peacesign #mood #smokeweed #weed #potthead #ganja #hanfblatt #hashy #smokeganja #ganjasmoker #cannabisleaf #springbreak #cannabisdesign #hippieshirt #hippiestyle #cannabisgirls #cannabis_cuties #cannabislife #cannabislove #cannabisactivist https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqjNj9lFy1/?igshid=11t9o48y3t42d
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sarahenityshop · 6 years
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Meet the newest member of our family! We did some replanting for Spring and couldn't resist buying a new one! 😍🌵💚 . . #sarahenity #etsy #etsyseller #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyfinds #etsymaker #wine #winelover #succulents #potthead #cactus #spring #succulentsofinstagram #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #tgif #friday https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUzPbTB9_I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bd5c3xhdwk1a
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