#pov camelot citizens
pyjamacryptid · 2 years
memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) part 5
and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop—
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i had this idea a while ago, “hey what would it look like if Gwaine from BBC Merlin was combined with Gawain and the Green Knight?” and thus was born this beautiful monstrosity:
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mintedemrys · 8 months
You know what. I've seen the posts about getting like an outside POV of the Merlin/Arthur dynamic, yknow, like the average citizen of Camelot finds it appalling that a servant would treat a prince like that, and a Druid finds it hilarious that they just saw Emrys trip the Once and Future King into a mud puddle or whatever, and that's all great, love that, but you know what I want?
I want a POV from an outside sorcerer, who had been waiting for the prophesied times, who has lost everything to the Purge. I want to see them celebrating Uther's death and Arthur's coronation with so much hope, so much joy, because finally, finally it's time, it's happening. And then I want to see them experience the fear as Arthur continues his father's work. I want to see the impact that Arthur's reign actually had on the magical community.
And I don't even care about a happy ending because, well, no one got a happy ending in canon. There is no happy ending.
That is what I want. I want to see how Arthur's choices impacted his actual people, not just the handful that he showed favour towards. Things drastically improved for Gwen and the knights, and that's great, good for them. But what about the magic community?
I want to see someone fully lean into the antagonist angle for Arthur Pendragon and I want it to be brutal. I want a complete and total re-examination of canon through the lens of someone who has waited so fucking long to be free and had to watch that tiny speck of hope get crushed under Arthur's boot.
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legends-of-time · 2 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 49: His Father's Son
Amelia's POV
They had heard rumours that King Caerleon had seized land that rightfully belongs to Camelot and that there is a small band of his men that are stationed on the land. Arthur had amassed the Knights and their uncle and is going to go confront the men in an effort to reclaim the territory. He'd asked Amelia to come along, to help with negotiations and the battle.
Amelia winces as she watches Merlin, dressed as a Knight, trip over onto the ground then an axe land between his legs. Merlin had offered to act as bait to lure the band of men to the right spot. Amelia really hopes that Merlin doesn't get himself killed in the process or Anne will kill her.
Merlin picks up the axe and runs on straight into the dead end, just as they had planned. Everyone waits just out of sight above the ditch Merlin and his pursuers are in. Merlin turns to face his pursuers, who are now strolling in to meet him and raises the throwing axe.
"Trapped, are we?" The leader of the men remarks smugly
An arrow hits one of the men in the back. Merlin's pursuers look up to find themselves surrounded by Arthur, Amelia, Agravaine and the Knights of Camelot.
Merlin smiles. "That's the idea."
"On me!" Arthur yells.
They all follow, jumping and climbing down to engage the enemy. After the battle, they collect the prisoners and make their way back to their camp. Amelia grimaces as she wipes some blood from her face as she walks along beside Arthur.
"Your Majesty." Agravaine calls out causing them to turn to see him dragging along the leader of the prisoners. "Look what we have here."
"He comes with us. We'll deal with the prisoners when we get back to Camelot." Arthur orders.
"I fear this is no ordinary prisoner, Your Highness." Agravaine pushes the man to the ground and rips the necklace from his neck and hands it to Arthur. Amelia leans around him to have a look and her eyes widen in realisation when she sees what it is.
"Well, well." Arthur murmurs.
"What is it?" Merlin asks.
"This, Merlin, is the royal crest of Caerleon." Amelia tells him.
"Is it not... Your Highness?" Arthur remarks pointedly to their prisoner, King Caerleon.
Amelia isn't entirely sure why they're still keeping King Caerleon as a prisoner, that isn't the respect a King deserved since he is a King of a land on the brink of war with Camelot. She feels it should be obvious that they treat him with a bit more care so as not to spur him into more war. Agravaine seems to think differently and has locked him away with the other prisoners under the watch of a few Knights.
"I still think it was a foolish move," Amelia remarks as she gathers in Arthur's tent that night, Merlin standing beside her, Arthur pacing and Agravaine standing with his hand on his sword, watching. "It's not going to help relations to treat the person commanding the armies like that."
"This is not the first time he's trespassed on our lands." Arthur argues.
"No, sire." Agravaine agrees immediately, making Amelia roll her eyes, already feeling a manipulation coming. "Only last week he seized the Village of Stonedown on the western borders."
"We're not on the borders now, Agravaine." Arthur points out. "This is the heart of the Kingdom. He took a grave risk coming here."
"Perhaps he doesn't see it that way. I fear it's no coincidence that all this has happened since Uther's death." Agravaine remarks.
Amelia stiffens at that, seeing it starting, Agravaine is going to twist the situation into making it seem like a play of power.
"What do you mean?" Amelia asks, really hoping that this isn't going to play like she fears it will.
Agravaine merely ignores her and turns to Arthur. "Arthur, your father was a strong king. His enemies feared and respected that strength."
"Are you saying I'm not worthy of that respect?" Arthur demands.
"No, sire, not at all!" Agravaine insists. "There isn't a citizen of Camelot who would not lay down their life for you. But your enemies... to the enemies of Camelot, you are still untested as a King. You must send a clear message that any action against Camelot will be met without mercy."
"I think that's what you did today, Arthur." Amelia looks at him meaningfully.
"But not enough." Agravaine argues. "Not enough to deter the likes of Odin and Bayard and the countless others who covet Camelot's wealth."
"Well, what do you suggest?" Arthur looks at their uncle.
"I suggest..." Agravaine pauses, making it seem like he is struggling to make the recommendation, and Amelia knows it is not going to be a good thing at all. "I suggest that we force him to accept a treaty on our terms. He must withdraw his men from our land, return our territories us. He must surrender Everwick."
"He'd rather die than agree to such terms." Arthur scoffs.
"Then you are left with no choice."
"You can't kill a King in cold blood Arthur." Amelia argues. "That would be war no matter what!"
"Arthur, you must do what you need to do to assert your authority on this land." Agravaine argues.
"No, he doesn't." Amelia counters, glaring at this supposed lump of flesh that's apparently related to her. "And if he does, there's a different way to do it."
"There is no other way." Agravaine sighs and looks at Arthur. "Think on it. Decide by tomorrow."
Amelia glares at the man who merely steps out of the tent. She looks at Arthur and nearly groans under her breath. He has his deep face on, the deep thought face that means no matter what she says at this moment, he'll be practically deaf to her.
"Arthur?" Amelia moves to sit beside him in his tent that night. She had glanced in on her way to bed only to see him sitting in a chair, staring ahead of him, still in thought. She leans over and picks up a small blanket, turning to drape it over his shoulders, startling him out of his thoughts.
"Amelia?" He blinks at her.
Amelia smiles. "Let me guess, you're not going to sleep a wink, are you?"
Arthur sighs and rubs his face. "I've got too much to think on."
"About what Agravaine suggested?" She guesses and he nods. She looks at the entrance of the tent, she can see Agravaine speaking to a Guard on watch a few feet away, the man glancing in at them sitting there. Even while the rest of the camp settles for the night, the man is awake. "Well, I can tell you right now, I don't think you should do it."
"My father was a great King Amelia, but I don't have his wisdom or his conviction." Arthur remarks. Amelia internally pulls a face at that. "I can only follow his example and do what he would've done."
"You're not your father though." Amelia argues. "You're a better man than he is. Please tell me you mean only to request a treaty."
"I have to show my strength. Show that I'm worthy of my father's name." Arthur argues.
"And that means killing him if he refuses?" Amelia shakes her head at him.
"Caerleon will have brought it upon himself."
"Do you hear yourself?" Amelia stares at him. "Arthur, the thing your Knights, your people admire most about you is your mercy and respect in battle. You wouldn't ever do this, never. This isn't who you are. This is who Uther was." Please don't let what she did be for nothing.
"You have no idea what it is to make these decisions." Arthur argues. "Decisions that will shape the future of this land."
"Right." Amelia nods sarcastically. "It's not like I've been sitting in on Council meetings since I could speak and have been helping you run this Kingdom." She gives him a look. "This isn't you, Arthur!" She looks over to where Agravaine still stands and the words are slipping out of her mouth before she can stop them, "Perhaps someone is influencing you."
Arthur follows her gaze, and he then looks sharply back over at Amelia. "What are you implying?"
Amelia sucks in a breath. "I'm just saying that it's no secret that since Agravaine has come to stay in Camelot, you haven't exactly been... yourself."
"You are not my Queen, Amelia!" Arthur yells, then lowers his voice because other people are settling down or sleeping. "And Agravaine is my uncle. I won't have you insulting him just because of some crazy theory that your brain has cooked up."
He might as well have slapped her in the face. He just implied that Amelia isn't a part of his family. She blinks back tears, and she feels that awful lump in your throat when you're trying not to cry form. "Our uncle, but I understand." Amelia nods. "I'm just a bastard. Doesn't matter what I think, does it?" Amelia stands.
Arthur's eyes are wide with panic, now realising what he's said but it's too late. "Amelia—"
"I have only three things to say to you Arthur, and then I am leaving because if I stay a moment longer than that... I will kill you, cousin or not." Amelia declares. "First... you've left me in charge of the Kingdom before and it is still standing, it was you who had the faith that I could do this. Second, you listen to those who do not know what is happening instead of those who do. Agravaine has been in the Kingdom for how long? He doesn't know what our relations are with other Kingdoms and realms are. Yet you put more faith in what he had to say than me. And third think for a moment about how many times me and Merlin have been right."
With that, she storms off.
They all assemble and Agravaine presents King Caerleon with the treaty scroll. Amelia glares at her uncle as she watches.
"What is this?" Caerleon asks, not taking the scroll. Agravaine hands it to Sir Leon, who opens it. Caerleon scoffs. "You expect me to sign this? To humiliate myself before you?"
"You invaded our Kingdom and took what did not belong to you." Agravaine retorts.
"And if I do not sign?"
"Then you will pay, with your life!"
Caerleon scoffs. "And who makes these terms?"
"Arthur Pendragon." Arthur walks forward. "King of Camelot."
Caerleon pushes Leon's arm aside and steps forward. "Very well." Percival moves forward, trying to grab the King's arm but Caerleon shoves him off. "Then make it quick!" Caerleon kneels.
"Think what you're doing, Caerleon." Arthur warns. "This treaty could seal a truce between us. There would be peace. Like there was between your father and mine."
Amelia internally scoffs at this. How dare he act like he's in the right here!
"I am not my father, and you are not Uther! Do you really have the guts to kill me?" Caerleon questions.
"You leave me no choice."
"You do not choose anything, boy. It is I who choose to die, and I alone. Now, get on with it." Caerleon bows his head down to Arthur to give him clear aim at his neck.
"So be it."
Amelia sees Agravaine smirk and her glare hardens. As Arthur draws his sword, he makes eye contact with Amelia. In an act of clear defiance, she raises her head at him with the glare still on her face and turns around so that she won't have to witness the final act that will bring destruction upon the Kingdom and, in turn, turning her back on Arthur.
Amelia hears the sound of the sword cutting through the air, the sound of the blade hitting flesh, and then the sound of a head and a body dropping to the ground separately.
Amelia closes her eyes as she tries not to cry.
War is coming to Camelot.
Amelia completely ignores Arthur all the way back home. She ignores his attempts at talking to her and it was like Arthur Pendragon didn't exist. And he doesn't, at least, not the one that Amelia had known.
A couple of days later, a messenger arrives at Camelot. An army led by Caerleon's Queen, Queen Annis, was seen crossing Camelot's border at first light. When this is announced in the Council Chambers, Amelia simply raises an eyebrow in Arthur's direction and Arthur looks down. Both of them know she means to say, "I told you so."
The Council convenes to plan their next move.
They all listen as Arthur speaks, "At a forced march, Caerleon's men will reach Camelot by sundown tomorrow, which means we have no choice. We must intercept them before they reach the ridge of Landshire. That way, we hold the high ground. The Knights of Camelot make ready as I speak. We ride at dawn."
"Long live the King!" Agravaine starts the cry.
"Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!"
Amelia remains tight-lipped and looks on unhappily.
Amelia is in her Chambers later that day, reading through some documents when there is a knock at the door.
"Enter." She calls out, not even bothering to look up from her papers.
The door opens, and Amelia doesn't look up to see who it is until the person is standing at her desk. When she does, Amelia is surprised to see Arthur. He looks tense and uncomfortable as he stands in front of her withering glare.
Amelia drops her quill and leans back in her seat for a second before standing up. She doesn't break eye contact with him as she picks up the ends of her skirts and drops into a curtsy. "Your Majesty." Amelia says coldly, finally breaking eye contact only so that she can bow.
"That isn't necessary, Amelia." Arthur says as she stands back up.
Amelia raises an eyebrow. "Is it not?" She wonders. "I am, after all, just another member of the Court."
Arthur doesn't even attempt a response to that. Instead, he looks around at her Chambers. Amelia watches him take in the lack of packed supplies. He looks back over at her. "Are you not coming?"
"I cannot participate in a war that the King could have prevented." Amelia replies sternly.
"Amelia..." Arthur starts. "I had no choice."
"Are you completely out of your mind?!" Amelia snaps, breaking from her calm and calculated appearance.
"A show of strength was necessary."
Amelia scoffs. "More like brutality." She crosses her arms and glares at him.
"An example had to be made for the good of the Kingdom." Arthur argues.
"Oh yes, and what a fine one it sent to everyone, that their King will slaughter those who don't agree with him. How does that make you better than Uther?!" Amelia cries.
Arthur glares at her. "My father didn't slaughter those who disagreed with him."
"Oh no? What about the Druids? What about any magic user in general who believed magic should be used for good but because your father didn't agree, he slaughtered them? What about those not magical at all but Uther didn't care and condemned them anyway?" Amelia rants.
"Magic was a blight on the Kingdom, father was protecting his people." Arthur persists.
"And you've followed just perfectly in his footsteps in that." Amelia says sarcastically. "His actions led to more than 20 years of those with magic attacking to avenge their families. Now you've brought more war to this Kingdom as Queen Annis aims to avenge her husband."
Arthur's shoulders sag and he looks like he has aged one hundred years in the last few days. "I need you there, Amelia." He tries in a last ditch effort.
Amelia scoffs. "Then tell me this. Why did you side with Agravaine?" Amelia questions. "Why, when you knew that what I was saying was right and what he was saying was wrong? Agravaine, who has only ever seen you a few times in the past decade. Agravaine, who knows nothing about you. Agravaine, who is changing you." His eyes look down as Amelia continues. "Over me, who has grown up by your side. Me, who knows how you fight on the battlefield. Me, who can read your mind without you having to speak any words. Me, who knows what's in your heart better than you do."
Arthur has no answer for that and has the decency to look ashamed. Amelia nods at the heavy silence that hung in the air. She looks away from him as she sits back down and picks up her quill. "You should get some rest. You have a long day ahead of you, your Majesty." Amelia goes back to work, which is a sign of dismissal.
Arthur stands there for a few seconds, obviously debating if he should say anything else, but he finally just turns around and leaves. Once the door is shut behind him, Amelia deflates and wipes away the tear that has escaped her eye.
The doors open and in walks Percival. "Why did Arthur look like he was about to cry?" He asks as he walks over to where Amelia is sitting.
"I had a talk with the King." Amelia responds. "He didn't like what I had to say."
"You cannot be mad at Arthur forever." Percival points out.
Amelia rolls her eyes, knowing he is right but she isn't going to let go yet. "I certainly can." Amelia responds. "You didn't hear the way he spoke to me, Percival. Like... like I was just another Court member who was beneath him. Like... like what I had to say meant nothing. Like he's never left his Kingdom to me before. Like I didn't know what I was doing!" Amelia looks over at him. "He implied that I wasn't a part of his family."
"You know that's not what he meant." Percival says as he puts his hand on her shoulder and gives it a comforting squeeze.
"Well, that's what it sounded like." Amelia retorts. "Like Agravaine had more importance than I did. And Agravaine's not even helping Arthur! He's betraying him!" Amelia stands up so that she can face Percival fully.
"We know that but you saw how Arthur reacted when you simply implied that Agravaine was just changing the way he thought. If you said all that stuff to him, accusations that are serious crimes, who knows what he will do?" Percival argues logically.
Amelia sighs as she drops back into her chair. "That's true. I don't know what to do, Percival."
"Well, I know one thing you could do." Percival says as he turns the chair so that Amelia is facing him instead of the desk. "Come with us tomorrow."
Amelia gives him a look. "You know—"
"That you can't, morally." Percival finishes. "I know. But your counsel does matter to Arthur, whether you can see that or not."
When Amelia hesitates, Percival reaches out and grabs her face, cradling her head in his hands. "Think of it this way: you'll be going to protect the people of Camelot. The people of a Kingdom that you love. Plus," he leans over and presses a kiss to the crown of her head. "I need you there. So does Merlin even if it's only to keep an eye on him for Anne's sake."
Amelia huffs as she realises that he has her. "Fine. I'll come."
Amelia's mood isn't improved when she finds out the next morning that Arthur had broken up with Gwen when the maid comes to Amelia in tears. Arthur has suddenly broken it off with her because she's not 'appropriate'. Amelia had wanted to go to Arthur and smack him but Gwen had insisted to let it be though she shares Amelia's concerns he hadn't made this decision by himself. A certain someone has again influenced him.
When Amelia comes walking out of the Castle shortly afterwards, towards her horse, Arthur looks at her in surprise but Amelia doesn't look at him as she brings her horse over to where he's standing.
She doesn't look over at him, but Arthur starts, "Amelia—"
"I am not here for you, Your Majesty." Amelia tells him shortly. "I have not forgotten that the reason that we are even standing here today is because of a mistake made on your part. The only reason that I am coming is because Percival managed to remind me that while my quarrel is with you, I still love and care about the people of Camelot, and I should not be punishing them."
With that, Amelia continues forward and starts preparing her horse for riding. Once he is ready, she climbs onto the saddle and follows dutifully behind Arthur and beside Merlin. She glances back and Percival gives her an encouraging smile. She sighs and faces forward, preparing for the travelling ahead.
They reach the Ridge of Landshire just before nightfall and prepare dinner. Amelia sits next to Percival, leaning into his side, along with Merlin and the rest of the Knights as they eat. Amelia tries not to worry about tomorrow, about what'll happen to her friends but she knows she must savour every moment.
They all laugh and joke. Merlin makes a remark that leads to Leon tussling his hair causing Merlin to fake pout as if annoyed and they all chuckle.
Merlin then looks up and his smile fades slightly. This causes everyone to look over to see it's Arthur at the entrance of his tent, watching them. Amelia can see the longing look on his face before he realises he's caught.
"We should all get some sleep." Arthur tries to cover then turns back into his tent.
"Is he all right?" Gwaine questions.
Merlin shrugs. "He's our King. If anything were to happen to any of us, he'll hold himself responsible."
Amelia purses her lips at that. She wonders if that's the case anymore.
Arthur is a complete idiot, and Amelia is feeling like a complete idiot for not having realised what he was going to do. He'd snuck out in the middle of the night and into Annis's camp to try and reason with the Queen himself. He'd gotten a slap for it, which served him right, but he'd pleaded with her about how ashamed he is of what he'd done to her, how cowardly it was, how unjust and how deeply sorry he was for his actions. She'd not bent to that as words did nothing to bring her husband back to her nor return her people's King.
Arthur had proposed an alternative to battle though. He'd invoked the right of single combat, one champion selected from each side to face each other alone. All of it done with the hope to spare more lives, which had seemed to touch the Queen only slightly. If Camelot's champion won, Annis will withdraw her army, and if her champion won... half of Camelot will be hers.
"But, sire, we can win this battle. I know we can." Leon argues as they all gather.
"I don't doubt it. But at what cost? How many men will be slaughtered?" Amelia feels her frosty feelings towards Arthur begin to defrost slightly at his words. That's the Arthur she knows and loves.
"And what if we were to lose this trial? We can't give up our land." Elyan worries.
"That's the deal I've struck. I believe it to be fair, and I'll stand by it." Arthur counters.
"Well, then. All that remains, my lord, is for you to choose your champion." Agravaine declares. And so, Amelia is reminded of the reason why she's mad at Arthur right now. Their conniving uncle.
The Knights all step forward, pledging their readiness to take the fight.
"There can only be one choice. One choice which is just and honourable. This fight's mine." Arthur declares.
None look pleased by this, but they can't object to their King. Agravaine is very pleased, smirking. Amelia glares at her uncle. Now while Amelia is mad at Arthur, she doesn't want him to die and is upset and angry that he's now put himself in this situation.
It's a new day and Amelia anxiously watches as Merlin finishes putting the armour on Arthur in the King's tent. She is still very upset that he'd ignored her, that he'd treated her like a subordinate, like a subject. But right now, he is about to face an army on his own for the sake of the Kingdom
Merlin pulls particularly hard on one of the straps causing Arthur to groan, "Not too tight, Merlin, you don't want to kill me before I've even started."
"Sorry." Merlin chuckles, sounding as if he's trying to hold back tears.
"Amelia." Arthur reaches out to take her hand, which is shaking, holding it. "If this day should prove to be my last... I want you to know that I am truly, deeply sorry. You know that's not what I meant that day." Arthur insists. "I just meant that I didn't like you insulting our uncle." He drops her hand. "You've always been a sister to me, more so than my real sister. You know that. I was just..." He sighs. "Scared. I've been scared out of my mind. And seeing the distrust and hatred in your eyes for me has been like being stabbed with my own sword. I couldn't stand the fact that you were against me on something. It made me worried that—" He cuts himself off.
"That I would realise the mistake that I made in siding with you and return to Morgana." Amelia finishes, knowing he can't bring himself to say the words out loud. Arthur gives her a minute nod. "I turned my back on both of my sisters for you because blood doesn't make family, Arthur. Relationships do. Trust does. There are some family members that we cannot choose, but others that we can. And I choose you. My cousin, my irritating little brother."
Now, Arthur isn't a man to cry very often, but he looks like he is going to burst into tears as he reaches forward and pulls Amelia into a hug. She hugs him back as tightly as possible.
"I choose you too, Amelia." Arthur says as they pull apart. She gives him a watery smile. He takes off his left glove and pulls off his ring, turning to Merlin as well. "And to also, give this to Guinevere." Arthur hands Merlin the ring. Merlin looks up sharply. "Tell her I'm sorry."
Merlin nods. "Of course." Arthur puts his glove back on.
"Arthur, do you really think this is worth the risk?" Amelia questions. "You're King now. Camelot needs you. Alive."
"I don't know what will happen." Arthur admits. "But for the first time since I became King, I know in my heart I've made the right decision. I know that if anything happens to me, you'll be there to look after our people." He smiles.
"Well, whatever happens out there...erm..." Merlin struggles to say, looking away as if to control his emotions.
"You're not about to start crying on me, are you?" Arthur remarks in his usual Arthur way, breaking some of the tension.
"No. Just, er, good luck." They smile at each other. Amelia watches them with a smile.
"Thank you, old friend." Arthur replies. They shake hands and like a bad smell, Agravaine enters, interrupting the sweet moments the three of them are sharing.
"It is time, my lord."
"Very well." Arthur doesn't move.
"Is all in readiness?"
"Merlin?" Arthur stands for Merlin's inspection.
Merlin swallows and nods. "Ready."
Arthur nods and draws his sword. Amelia doesn't like the smile on Agravaine's face as Arthur inspects it.
Arthur and Agravaine exit and Amelia watches after them worriedly before following along with Merlin.
The armies of Camelot and Caerleon face each other. The former on the ridge and the latter in the valley below. Derían, Annis' champion, a big brute of a man, and Arthur walk to the centre of the gap. Derían bares his teeth when they meet in the middle and Amelia knows Arthur is likely trying not to grimace.
Amelia's eyes flicker to the opposing army and quickly locate Annis amongst them but it's her companion next to her that causes Amelia to freeze. Despite the long year and the great change that has happened, Amelia can recognise the face of her older half sister any day. Amelia knows this isn't good if Morgana is assisting Annis.
The fight begins. While Derían is large and strong, Arthur is small and swift, able to dodge his heavy blows while delivering some of his own. Eventually, Derían is able to knock Arthur to his knees and is ready to deliver another blow when Arthur rolls away and slices Derían's cheek. Derían checks for blood and howls, enraged.
After a few more blows, Arthur's sword suddenly drops like lead behind him and is unable to lift it. Amelia's eyes widen in panic, she glances over at Morgana's location again, feeling a pull of magic from her, knowing a smirk is likely gracing her sister's lips. Derían swings and misses on the down sweep then Arthur punches Derían's face and gets caught on the upsweep of Derían's sword. He cries out in pain and tries to lift his sword again. Amelia wishes he'd just leave it and get out of the way. Amelia glances at Merlin as Derían begins to strike and sees when his eyes glow causing Derían to freeze mid-swing.
Arthur finally leaves his sword and rams his shoulder into Derían, knocking him over and falling. Derían gets up first and kicks Arthur over. As Arthur lies almost helpless, Derían picks up his sword and raises it over his head.
"Ecg ætstande!" Amelia hisses and the sword drops out of Derían's hands into the ground behind him and he freezes.
Arthur rolls up behind Derían, grabs the sword and slices across Derían's back. The giant falls to his knees and Arthur kicks him down. Arthur is poised to strike but he looks up at his men on the ridge. Amelia looks on tensely. Arthur looks down at his fallen enemy and runs the sword into the ground by Derían's head. Amelia slumps in relief as the army around her bursts out cheering.
"Long live the King!" Percival cries, pulling Amelia into his arms and shaking her in excitement causing her to let out a laugh.
"Long live the King!" Leon echoes.
The rest of the army joins in on the call, "Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!"
Annis approaches Arthur not long after Amelia had reached him and given him a hug in relief.
"You are victorious, Arthur Pendragon." The Queen states, coming to stand in front of them. "And you may rest assured that I shall comply absolutely with the terms of our agreement. My army will be gone by nightfall."
"Thank you, Your Highness."
Annis holds out her hand and Arthur grasps it before they both let go. She then turns to Amelia. "And you must be the famous Lady Amelia."
Amelia smiles confusedly. "Your Highness?"
"You are different from what I expected but not disappointing. I see that you've made a choice you believe in." Annis declares.
Amelia stares back at her in surprise but realises she shouldn't be as Morgana has obviously talked about her.
Annis turns back to Arthur. "Tell me something. You spared my champion. Why?"
"Because it's not victory, I seek. It is peace." Arthur replies. "I hope that today will mark a new beginning for our Kingdoms."
Amelia smiles at him proudly.
"There is something about you, Arthur Pendragon. Something which gives me hope for us all." Annis declares. She considers him for a moment then turns to leave.
Amelia is happy with the outcome and that she and Arthur have mended her friendship. She's made even happier when Arthur pauses to pick some flowers for Gwen on their journey home.
They're greeted with bells ringing, streamers hanging, flags waving and cheering crowds as they all return to Camelot triumphant.
"You're a hero." Merlin remarks to Arthur as they enter the Main Square.
"Thank you, Merlin." Arthur replies.
Merlin and Amelia share a grin and the former adds, "Not to me. To your people."
"Right. You think different?" Arthur asks resignedly, probably now realising it isn't a compliment.
Amelia shrugs with a smile. "Maybe we know something they don't."
"Which is?"
"You know, that you're a cabbage head." Merlin remarks.
"Or a beetle brain." Amelia adds with a giggle.
Merlin laughs. "Cone head?"
Merlin and Amelia snigger as Arthur rolls his eyes at them. He dismounts, grumbling as Amelia and Merlin laugh behind him.
The Courtiers applaud as Arthur climbs the steps into the Castle.
A/N: I realised after writing this that Anne has no speaking lines 😅
Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
Chapter 50 is next!
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noxleyfin · 3 years
Merlin Imagine: Lucky Shot
Knights x Fem!Merlin PLATONIC: Lucky Shot
→ a/n: I don’t know any of the actors personally nor do I own them or their characters. What’s written below is fiction and should be thought of and treated as such. I am essentially using them as a name-claim and face-claim. I’m creating my own character and using the actors as background characters, and just using their name and features for details. I do not directly associate the actors with any ideas used in my writing. This writing is to be used for entertainment and fictional purposes only. 
→ summary: Merlin tries to protect Arthur... things go wrong. THIS MADE ME FUCKING CRY WRITING THIS SO PLEASE ENJOY AND INTERACT.
→ warnings: TW! blood, mentions of violence, major character death, more major character death, suicide, SAD LANCELOT AND LANCELOT CRYING, bad writing
→ word count: 617 
→ completion: done
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3rd Person POV
“Calm down, Merlin,” Lancelot muttered tearfully, ignoring the constant spurts of his best friend’s blood seeping through his clenched fingers, “You’re gonna be okay. Just stay awake. Please?” The loyal knight could do nothing more than encourage her to keep her eyes open, but it was not working. Salty tears glazed her shining blue eyes over with pain, her body giving small twitches every few seconds.
“Someone get Gaius!” He could hear Arthur behind him, yelling at everyone in the vicinity to get the physician.
“Guess they-they got a l-lucky shot… huh, Lance?” Merlin struggled to get the words out, but all was silent when she finally did.
Lance immediately shook his head, “No! You’re going to be just fine. Please, Merlin, you need to stay awake.”
Her body gave a violent jerk, more blood flowing out of her chest and through her blue tunic, staining the linen fabric. She spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper, “I’m so tired, Lance.”
Her eyes shut voluntarily, and just as Lancelot believed her to be gone, they fluttered open again, folding into slits at the bright sun. The other knights and Gwen were standing behind the trembling duo, the latter maid sobbing into her brother’s shoulder while the others had silent tears rushing down their cheeks, Arthur especially. 
Everyone in the courtyard was watching the knight breakdown over the near gone body of his first true best friend. They had all witnessed the attack; bandits stormed the grounds, pushing and shoving people away to get to the king on the steps. One with a crossbow loaded his weapon and aimed… and eventually fired. Before anyone could shout out, Merlin was rolling down the steps, and then on the ground. A bolt lodged in her chest.
“Please, Merlin,” Lancelot sobbed, “Please stay awake.”
“‘M sorry, Lance. Sorry,” Merlin whispered, letting her heavy eyes shut for the last time, her body going limp in Lancelot’s arms.
“No. No! Merlin! Merlin, no!” He shouted through his choking sobs at her parted mouth that gave off no breath, her chest that did not rise and fall. He struggled to drag her away when he heard footsteps, turning to see Leon and Percival walking to him.
The senior knight held Lancelot back in a tight hug, spinning him around to hold his arms at his side while Percival bent down to pick Merlin off the ground with shaking arms. He marched through the parting crowd to her and Gauis’ chambers.
Lancelot could get his arms away, but Leon would not let go of his torso. “Merlin! Merlin!” All he could do was pound on his friend’s back to get away, but he would not budge. He held the broken man in his arms and let him cry.
When they burned Merlin’s body at the lake of Albion in front of the whole of Camelot, giving her a soldier send-off, the citizens pretended not to notice the way the one knight - that was adamant on laying her body in the boat - fell, shielding her body until he eventually crawled the rest of the way. They pretended not to notice when he gave up his noble title to live as Merlin did; a laborer. They pretended not to notice when some saw him crying while writing a secretive note on the training field. 
But they did notice when there was a shrill cry from their queen when she discovered his body suspended in the air in the armory, hanging by his neck from a rope tied to a beam. They noticed the tears that the rest of the Round Table Knights let fall as they gave him a send-off where he once gave Merlin one.
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antares-8 · 3 years
TWQ Chapter XVIII: Bloodcloaks and Balinor
Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve used ‘bloodcloak’ as a derogatory term for Camelot guards. No surprise there. I’ve had, like, two Nimueh POVs, and the guards didn’t show up in either. No one else is involved enough in the magical community to have picked up the slang.
Kilgharrah, you are a master of understatement. Also, you totally could have told Merlin about dragonlords.
The Twin Genocide would have been the last major push (or close to it) of the Purge’s first super-active phase, when Uther somehow managed to destroy thousands of people with magical powers. After that, spellbinders’ collective power was pretty much broken, and the Purge shifted to killing individual spellbinders and sympathizers. The second active phase, of course, takes place in Book III and culminates in the attack on the Isle of the Blessed.
Is this the first example of Merlin doing that thing where he explains events in the most succinct but also alarming way possible? I think it might be. It’s funny every time.
By this point, I’d figured out the gist of Balinor’s family history, too. The details were still foggy, but the connection with the Cave of Balor and Cornelius Sigan was there.
I mentioned the vault full of dangerous magical artifacts and promptly forgot about it, just like what happened with Aredian. Thankfully, Merlin forgot about it too.
Tattoos are obviously an important part of druidic culture, so I can’t just tell them to stop tattooing triskels and other obvious druid symbols onto themselves, but are they not allowed to use makeup to cover them?
I have no idea how Dark Ages peasants prepared for winter, other than ‘save food.’
Screw you, random citizen who nearly got Mordred killed. Screw you with a cactus.
You see how useful pausing time can be? You see that, show writers?
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kurozu501 · 5 years
a few days before i started shimosa i found myself thinking about agartha again and how bad it was and one thing i kept coming back to was the complete lack of npc’s. the best fgo chapters tend to have some great supporting servant characters AND some great normal humans of that era. Camelot had the kid whose mom mashu failed to save and merchant guy/other refugees, Babylon had Siduri and the other uruk citizens. It adds a good dimension to the story to have normal people involved like that, reminds you what you are supposed to be fighting for.  
agartha’s complete lack of humans with names and faces stood out especially because so much of the chapter wanted to be about men being oppressed and violated by female overlords. it revels in the cruel violence, constantly using it to strawman woman with power as scary monsters who need to be torn down so men can be safe from their madness and evil. the player is forced to sit through multiple scenes where men are killed or tortured onscreen in horrific ways. 
and yet none of those men have a name. not one of them gets to have a face or a personality. Not a single one of the slaves or Rider’s resistance members get to be people in any way the player could connect with.
For a brief second during the Chinese empire section, it seems like we might actually get something like that, as we see a slave try to convince one of his fellows to run away with him, get turned in, get sentenced to a torturous death, but ultimately despite losing a hand, he gets saved by our group and taken back to our base. and then he vanishes from the narrative. despite the fact that his pov as a former slave who lived in this world and faced death for trying to escape his oppression would add a lot of depth and emotion to the conflict, nope. he’s nothing. the moment he stops being useful for torture porn, the narrative has no need of him. Thats just the kind of trash Agartha is.
Coming back to Shimosa, this is why i found the almost instant addition of Onui and Tasuke (and Otama and Princess Kiyohime somewhat later on) so refreshing. After Agartha’s complete lack of npc’s, Shimosa shows why its great to have them. Onui and her little bro are not particularly deep characters. they exist to be cute kids the player should want to protect from all the danger they are facing. But they still add a human face to the conflict. you aren’t just fighting bc the baddies are bad, you are fighting because these assholes want to murder your cute kids! you are fighting to keep them alive so they can grow up happily. You appreciate Otama because she’s been putting up with this group’s nonsense despite what a pain in the ass it must be for her. You want to keep Princess Kiyohime from being assassinated because you just watched a whole scene where she dumps you for musashi and has a sleepover with her where they talk and bond. 
Its very simple maybe, but having moments like that where you bond with the people of the world thats at stake make all the difference for how invested you can get in that world. Agartha felt like a world made of cardboard because no one there had a single speck of personality. Shimosa is a world i wouldn’t mind going back to.
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aurora077 · 4 years
Uther’s Dilemma
Uther’s POV
It all started on Arthur’s 17th name-day feast. The pride he held for his son, though rarely expressed, was shining on his face. Things were looking up for his kingdom. His son was finally a man, and was the finest knight in the land (Uther would accept nothing less after all). Magic was on its way to being completely extinguished; executions being at an all-time low that year seemed to prove his point. And he had just signed a trade treaty with Nemeth which would keep his citizens well-fed that winter.
He sat there contentedly gnawing on a rabbit’s foot and mentally congratulating himself on a job well done (if he hadn’t completely dismissed it as superstitious magical nonsense, he would have thought twice about chewing on that rabbit foot, but as it were, he didn’t and so his subsequent bad luck took him by complete surprise).
“Uther!” came the booming voice of King Rodor, who, although still disputing with Uther over Gedref, was one of Camelot’s closest allies.
Rodor dropped into the empty seat next to him and looked at him with a slight smirk, “I see some congratulations are in order.”
“Hmm,” came the slightly dazed reply, “Why, thank you King Rodor.”
Uther, in his slightly inebriated state, did not even question why Rodor was congratulating him; he thought the King was also aware of Uther’s achievements and was just as happy for him as he was for himself.
“I have to confess though,” continued King Rodor, “I am slightly disappointed.”
Uther’s eyebrows furrowed and he frowned, “Why? What’s there to be disappointed about? I was under the impression that things were going well.”
“Oh yes, definitely. Arthur and Morgana seem to be getting along splendidly. In fact, they remind me of me and my wife when we were newly betrothed,” said Rodor, laughing, “It’s just that I had so hoped that when my Mithian was of age we could forge a closer alliance. She did seem fond of Arthur the last time she visited, though granted they were only children then. I’ve watched him grow up and I would be assured that Mithian would be in good hands.”
Uther’s face froze, though Rodor didn’t seem to notice and continued, “I had intended on proposing a betrothal between our heirs, but I realise that that would be a mistake. Mithian would never be able to compete with the Lady Morgana. Arthur seems smitten, as does the Lady, and as much as we could force an alliance, it would bring me no joy to come between them. Also, I’d never want Mithian to feel second best; as a father, I do hope that the man she marries will love her and I see now that Arthur’s heart belongs elsewhere.”
Rodor’s gaze was beyond Uther now, and with a sickening sense of dread, Uther turned to look (his rabbit foot slipped out of his hand and onto the floor without him noticing).
Arthur and Morgana were on the dance floor, looking very....cozy. Uther’s heart started to race uncontrollably. This could not be happening to him!
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Uther had put it out of his mind. Maybe Morgana had taken pity on Arthur and decided to be nice for the night because it was his name-day. They were back to their usual bickering so Uther felt safe enough in letting the matter lie.
He was going back to his chambers after a particularly long council meeting (blast Lord Drumph for keeping them all back! Camelot and Essetir may not have been allies but they were not enemies and he was not about to incur Cenred’s wrath by building a wall between their two territories), when he heard something suspicious.
Immediately he was on his guard. Who could be sneaking around the castle this time of night? Especially this close to the council chambers. Could it be that someone was listening in?
He continued on, on his guard now, and the closer he got to the alcove (that was hidden, by the way, how did the spy know of it?), the more he was convinced that it wasn’t just one, but two persons....who sounded like they were having a hushed argument.
Stopping just before the entrance he listened carefully, but he could only hear snippets of their whispered conversation.
“No! I told you, I will not!” came the heated reply to a question he had not heard.
“Please Arthur, just this once?”
Arthur?? Uther paled...and that had sounded like...Morgana...but it couldn’t be! What would they be doing there?
“If father caught us...” he trailed off, “Morgana you know what would happen!”
“Yeah, we’d probably ... in the dungeons ourselves,” she scoffed, then pleaded, “But I don’t care! It’s worth it! I know you Arthur, I know you want to .... as much as I do. Please .... with me. .... will help distract... They won’t catch us.”
“And what if they ask what ... doing .... hour? We can’t ..... into trouble because we.......selfish desire to....”
Selfish desire to what? They couldn’t be...talking about that could they??? Uther’s heart started palpitating again and in his panic he accidentally leaned against a wall sconce and it shifted creakily.
“Did you hear that?” Morgana asked, a thread of fear in her voice, which sounded closer to Uther now.
And before Uther could finish hear Arthur saying he would investigate, he was speeding down the corridor, and back into the council chambers. He sagged against the desk, wheezing slightly. Uther hadn’t moved so fast since he was fighting for the throne. He didn’t realise kingship had made him so out of shape; it took him several minutes to catch his breath.
He sank down into his chair and tried to process what he had heard. It couldn’t be what he thought, could it? Arthur wouldn’t ruin Morgana’s virtue, would he? He didn’t know she was his sister but even so, she was a Lady! He had taught Arthur better than that! (He completely ignored the fact that it was Morgana who seemed to be instigating something.)
“No this won’t do,” he said to himself, “This won’t do at all! If Arthur wants female companionship he shall have to find it elsewhere or I will find it for him!”
Morgana was off-limits! And maybe it was his fault as well. Arthur was a man now, and as his father he should have taken it into account that he had a man’s needs. Since Morgana was the only Lady he was around, it made sense that he would gravitate towards her. Uther would need to rectify that immediately!
He was finally satisfied. Since he had heard their whispered conversation, Uther had taken it upon himself to invite several noble families with eligible daughters to the castle over the course of a few months. If he was lucky, Arthur would fall for one of those girls instead. As it were, whether he liked them or not, Arthur was obliged to pay attention to them as a courteous host. Morgana had been spending more time with her maidservant Guinevere, claiming that she would rather spend time with a servant than with those simpering fools pining after the prince. Uther, happy that she and Arthur were separated, had not berated her about being a better hostess (or becoming too friendly with the help).
He went down to the courtyard to see Arthur off. Lady Eleanor Budweiser was the latest young noble invited to spend time with the royal family and Arthur had promised to take her on a picnic.
“Arthur,” he said as he approached the prince, who was graciously helping her onto her horse, “I do hope that the Lady will have a good time today.” He raised a significant eyebrow at his son. “Of course she will father, who doesn’t enjoy good wine and good company?” Arthur retorted, conveniently choosing to forget the dressing down his father gave him for scaring the last Lady off by talking fighting strategies the entire time. (Morgana would have been interested, was his defence, which, for some reason, had made his father go silent. He was dismissed immediately.)
Uther nodded, accepting his answer, and made his way back to the castle, stopping by Gaius’s chambers to collect his medication. Gaius was confused when the King came to him some months ago with anxiety-like symptoms. He was unable to sleep, had become very jittery, and was having heart palpitations. And for some reason, whenever anyone mentioned the phrase ‘Arthur and Morgana’ the King’s left eye would start twitching. Gaius had received no explanation and so had simply treated the King without comment.
Arthur and Lady Eleanor had made good time, and when back at the castle he had escorted the Lady to her chambers. He went back out to take the horses to the stable (Uther would need to find a manservant for him soon, he really shouldn’t be doing that on his own) and met Morgana who was coming back from a ride together with her maidservant. Uther himself had gone out to the courtyard to get some fresh air (Gaius recommended it) and witnessed the entire exchange (from behind a post....as soon as he saw them together his instinct screamed hide! He would later wonder, why, as the King, did he need to hide in his own castle.)
“Morgana, Guinevere,” acknowledged Arthur, as he returned the horses, turning to help them off of theirs.
“Arthur,” Morgana replied, then smirked, “I trust your date with Lady Buttwiper went well?”
Arthur’s expression soured, “Yes, Lady Budweiser is an excellent conversationalist. Unlike some people I could mention.”
Morgana laughed, “Oh is that aimed at me your highness? I suggest you be careful now, you’ll be stuck with my conversation for a long time. Wouldn’t want to offend your future wife now would you?”
Arthur was confused, “Future wife?”
“What, did you forget? And here I thought you were a man of your word,” she feigned distress.
“The first time I bested you with the sword you promised me you would marry me. Now that Lady Buttwiper is here you’ve forgotten all about me haven’t you?” she looked at Gwen, “The Lady’s been boasting since she arrived about how smitten the prince is with her. I see now that it is true. Come Gwen, let us leave him. He’s sure to be heading right back to his sweetheart anyway.”
They exited the stables promptly, leaving a gobsmacked Arthur behind them.
“I...What?..No! We...what??? Morgana!” he called, running after them.
Uther felt sick. He remembered the promise a young Arthur had made when a 10 year old Morgana had soundly trounced him. He thought that she had forgotten about it. Had she been waiting and hoping this entire time?
Uther had given Morgana some time to cool off (truthfully, he’d actually been the one who’d needed time and a second dose of anti-anxiety potion). After dealing with some court matters the next day, he headed off to her chambers. He needed to discuss, first of all, the impropriety of calling your noble guests unkind names (especially in public), no matter how upset you were with them. And secondly, he would need to find out the depth of her feelings for Arthur once and for all. He’d thought that Arthur needed to meet other women and the problem would be solved. He hadn’t taken Morgana’s feelings into consideration.
Arriving at her chambers, he found her door slightly ajar. He was about to knock, when he heard it.
Morgana was crying. Nay, full on sobbing!
“There’s nothing more you can do my lady,” came the voice of her maidservant, “He’s already made up his mind. You tried to talk to him about it but we both know his feelings on the matter.”
“I...I know Gwen, I know,” she sniffed, “It’s just...why does he have to be so...so cruel?” Her voice cracked at the end.
Uther didn’t wait to hear anymore. He had his answers.
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Lady Buttwiper would have to go!
And Arthur found himself with extra patrols, much to his dismay.
Uther was now becoming sullen and withdrawn and the bags under his eyes were fairly noticeable. What should his next move be? Morgana and Arthur usually found any opportunity to fight with each other. Was that the way the kids were courting these days? He figured Arthur had rejected her otherwise she wouldn’t be so upset. But Arthur really was a man of his word, and eventually he would accept her.
Which brought him back to his dilemma. He couldn’t separate them too obviously, or people would start to question his motivations; many of his advisors would undoubtedly think it an appropriate match. Neither could he admit that Morgana was his daughter. It was far too late for that now and he had a reputation to uphold. He could betroth one of them to another noble, however King Rodor might not look favourably upon his actions and he couldn’t risk bad blood between their two kingdoms. But if he didn’t do something it was likely that they would be too far gone, and he loathed the thought of breaking their hearts if they ever came to him and he had to forbid them from marrying.
What was a father to do?
Well apparently a father could shirk his duties to his kingdom in favour of stalking his children. Yes, that was his big plan. For now, he’d watch and wait. Anytime he saw them getting too close or too friendly, he would be there! He hadn’t figured out how to break their affections yet, but he could ensure nothing untoward happened between them in the meantime.
Except this plan was terrible. He was poor at stealth, for one. And all he ever caught them doing was arguing. He was starting to get frustrated too. Following them around was exhausting. And he was no closer to figuring out how to separate their affections.
If they even had any at this point because he was getting a headache listening to them argue again. This time over who was better at skipping rocks.
Rocks! Why would royals need to know how to skip rocks like some peasant? He was so busy rambling to himself he didn’t even notice his court physician looking at him in alarm.
“Your Majesty. Your Majesty!”
“Huh, wha-?” he shook his head.
“Are you okay?” Gaius said, concern evident in his voice, “I called you several times already but you seemed to be.....” Well it was probably best he didn’t finish that sentence.
“Well now that you mention it Gaius, I seem to have a rather nasty headache,” he confessed, “I do believe I’ll need something to help me get through dinner tonight.”
“Take care of him, will you Gaius. I think I’ll need to request we dine in private tonight. Father doesn’t look very well,” said Arthur, making the King jump terribly.
“Good call Arthur,” said Morgana, “It can just be the three of us tonight.”
He had forgotten why he had a headache in the first place. He was spying on Arthur and Morgana.
Who apparently had made up in the short space of time he had been conversing with Gaius as they both seemed to be in agreement. They were like a pendulum. One minute they were arguing over rocks and the next they were amicable as if nothing ever happened.
Uther felt faint.
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 Arthur & Morgana’s POV
 Arthur’s Name-day
“Come on now my Lady,” said Gwen gently, “You are expected at the celebrations.”
“Just tell them I’m not well Gwen,” said Morgana sullenly, looking at herself in the mirror and shuddering in disgust.
“It’s not so bad, really...well it is...but you look lovely anyway!” Gwen rambled, as she caught the look.
“Please Gwen,” said Morgana with an unladylike snort, “you can’t tell me this isn’t the most hideous thing you’ve ever seen.”
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“Well...” she hesitated, it made no sense to try and hide her feelings; Morgana already knew.
“It is. But you did lose to Prince Arthur. I hate to say it my Lady, but all the years that he’s been training means he’s had a lot of practice with the sword. Unfortunately we don’t get to do it as much do we?” she said.
Morgana sighed. Gwen was right. She did lose the bet with Arthur and unfortunately she knew if she didn’t attend his name-day celebration wearing this ugly dress then he’d come up with something worse later on, so as humiliating as it might be, she would have to attend.
She knew it was foolish letting Arthur goad her into that fight. Arthur practised with his knights every day and was considered the best swordsman in the realm. She was banned from using any sort of weapon since she was 13 years old, and had to resort to sneaking out with Gwen to the forest once in a blue moon to get any sort of practice in at all.
But when Arthur accused her of being nothing but a pampered girl (as if it were a grievous insult to be a girl), she momentarily lost her senses. Now she was forced to wear Lady Melanina’s ‘gift’. Granted if the sleeves were normal the dress wouldn’t be nearly as bad but they were so poofy she looked like the court jester if the court jester was a 40 year old matron. And worse, the dress was lined in velvet. She scoffed internally. Velvet! Velvet was hot. She’d be lucky if she wasn’t smelling like one of Uther’s horses by the time the night was over. She had stuffed it to the back of her closet and never intended to wear it, so not only was it hideous....but the scent of it was musty and old. Gwen was forced to spray copious amounts of perfume on it.
How Arthur even remembered that she owned that dress she would never know, but considering it was Arthur he was probably gleefully waiting for the day he could use it against her. His 17th name-day was a big deal and all of Camelot would be feasting. They also had many foreign nobles in attendance. She certainly knew how to pick her fights.
“Well there’s nothing for it Gwen, lead the way,” she groused.
The moment Arthur realised she was in the room his eyes widened and she could tell he was struggling to contain his laughter. Luckily for her he was in conversation with King Rodor and had to hold a serious expression. Except, with a wickedly gleeful smile, he led the King straight to her.
“King Rodor I believe you know our Lady Morgana,” he said, shooting her a grin.
“Yes indeed I do. I hope you are well My Lady,” King Rodor said politely, “It has been such a long time. We should arrange for you to visit with my Mithian one of these days. I’m sure she would be delighted with your company. She had a wonderful time the last time she was here.”
Morgana forced herself to ignore Arthur and she put on a polite smile, “I would be honoured your highness. Princess Mithian was a breath of fresh air. I’d happily accept a visit. It would be nice to have someone other than Arthur around, and maybe he’d be on his best behaviour with a Princess in the castle.” She couldn’t resist a jab at him.
“Nonsense,” he said, and smiled at King Rodor, “I am always on my best behaviour. But I understand why My Lady is upset. I have been remiss. It was terribly rude of me not to notice sooner, but you look absolutely lovely this evening. Wouldn’t you agree your highness?” Morgana could see his temple popping with the effort not to burst out laughing.
But clearly the King didn’t because he very diplomatically stated that the Lady Morgana always looked lovely.
In an effort to avoid having to converse with any more important people while looking like a complete disaster, she left Arthur with the King and made for the table. Taking the most discrete seat she could find, she filled her plate and began eating, hoping that it would act as a deterrent.
Except Arthur couldn’t even let her have that, could he?
As soon as the last morsel left her plate he was there.
“Would the Lady Morgana honour me with a dance?” he said, bowing slightly so that only she could see his smirk.
She fixed him with her deadliest glare and accepted his hand begrudgingly. People were watching after all, she couldn’t refuse the prince on his name-day; it would be unseemly. And he knew it. All eyes would be on them. Which meant that everyone would see her in that dress. Which is exactly what Arthur wanted.
But that didn’t mean she would simply give in. No she would dance all right.
“Ouch!” he grunted, “That was my foot.”
“I know,” she smiled, “I seem to have two left feet today. Begging your highness’ pardon.”
After several more minutes of her stepping on his feet, he pulled her closer, so he could talk without the other couples nearby overhearing, and whispered, “What are you doing?”
“Why I’m dancing Arthur, can you not tell?” she said, laughingly, and then leaned up to whisper in his ear, “I will get you back for this. Don’t think this is over! Thanks to you, I’ll need to have Gwen lug water all the way from the well again to draw me a bath tonight since I’ll be smelling like a troll.”
It was his turn to laugh. “Oh, so, nothing new then?” he whispered, wincing as she stepped on his foot extra hard as payback.
Neither of them noticed King Uther and King Rodor looking at them, one in horror and the other with fondness. All either King saw was Arthur and Morgana dancing closely and whispering sweet nothings to make each other laugh.
 A few weeks later
“Arthur you must help me save her!” she cried, “All you have to do is get the keys. I’ll let her out myself!”
“No! I told you, I will not!” said Arthur. He didn’t want to meddle.
“Please Arthur, just this once?” she begged, tears threatening to fall.
He hesitated. He knew Morgana felt strongly about it. He himself didn’t feel it was right. He hated to admit it but actually, he knew his father was wrong. The woman was very old. She could barely hurt a fly let alone steal away with Mr. Erksom’s cow. And of course the farmer claimed it was sorcery. He knew he would never be able to prove that that little old lady stole a huge cow and hid it in her tiny hovel. His father was going to burn an innocent lady because the farmer most probably forgot to tie his cow and it wandered away.
“If father caught us...” he trailed off, “Morgana you know what would happen!”
“Yeah, we’d probably be in the dungeons ourselves,” she scoffed, then pleaded, “But I don’t care! It’s worth it! I know you Arthur, I know you want to help her as much as I do. Please come with me. Gwen will help distract the guards. They won’t catch us.”
“And what if they ask what Guinevere’s doing there at that hour? We can’t get Guinevere into trouble because we have a selfish desire to take the law into our own hands.”
She was about to argue that it wasn’t selfish at all but suddenly there was a creaking sound and she unconsciously moved closer to the entrance of the alcove.
“Did you hear that?” she turned fearful eyes on Arthur. What if they were overheard?
“I’ll be right back,” he said, “Stay here.” He peered cautiously out of the alcove, eyes trained on a slip of white going around the corner.
Why did it look like his father’s clothes?
Strangely enough, they got away with freeing the old lady. What they didn’t get away from was the King’s sudden hospitality. Uther kept inviting nobles with eligible daughters.
Arthur was getting tired of having to entertain them. Most of them were emboldened by the King’s invitation and thought it meant that a betrothal would surely be forthcoming, and so they all tried to curry favour with him. Two of them even tried to seduce him! He would rather be training with his knights or going hunting as opposed to sitting around with noble ladies and fending off their advances. Of course many of them were attractive but Arthur had no desire to be with anyone he did not love. Also he knew the moment he accepted any offer, they would go running to their parents who would demand his hand in marriage for despoiling their daughter. Arthur had no intention of marrying just yet.
So imagine his surprise when Morgana brought up his childhood promise to marry her!
“Now that Lady Buttwiper is here you’ve forgotten all about me haven’t you?” she accused.
If he wasn’t so shocked he’d find the nickname funny. Morgana always had a way with words.
“The Lady’s been boasting since she arrived about how smitten the prince is with her. I see now that it is true. Come Gwen, let us leave him. He’s sure to be heading right back to his sweetheart anyway,” they exited the stables promptly, leaving a gobsmacked Arthur behind them.
“I...What?..No! We...what??? Morgana!” he called, running after them, barely paying his poorly concealed father any notice. He had bigger things to worry about than why the King was skulking behind a post.
He thought Morgana didn’t want to get married. To anyone!
They had a head start but he ran swiftly and as he rounded the corner he was surprised to see that they had stopped. In fact, they were leaning against each other and laughing heartily, eyes watering and faces red.
“Y..you should have seen the look on your face,” Morgana howled.
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Normally, he would be angry, but all he felt at the moment was intense relief. Marriage was no joke when you were in his position. If Morgana was serious, he would actually have to follow through with his promise, which he was not keen on doing but he was a man of his word.
“Soooo.... this means you don’t want me to marry you, right?” he said, needing the clarification anyway.
“Oh heavens no! We would be a terrible match!”
Morgana stormed into her chambers, with Gwen following anxiously.
“How could he!” she raged.
“He’s the King, his word is law,” Gwen said, knowing that it wasn’t what she wanted to hear.
“Exactly! His word is law. He didn’t have to do that!” she said, pacing angrily.
“Morgana...” Gwen said softly, putting a hand on her shoulder in support. She sank down onto the bed, suddenly weary, grateful to have Gwen by her side.
“Why Gwen? Why does it have to be like that?” she said, and the tears started flowing.
“He’s only a boy. A child,” she whimpered, “A hungry child. It’s not fair!”
“I don’t know my Lady, life is rarely ever fair,” Gwen said, stroking her hair as she cried out in rage and sorrow, “In this life, fair is what the King thinks is fair.”
Gwen was well aware of what it was like to be hungry. And she knew Lady Morgana had more compassion in her little finger than King Uther did in his entire body, though she would never voice the thought out loud. She couldn’t blame the child for stealing the bread. Morality goes away in the face of hunger.  It was one loaf of bread but it would cost him 5 lashes. For a tiny, malnourished boy like him, it could well kill him. But the King’s word was law and he declared stealing was stealing, no matter the context.
“There’s nothing more you can do my lady,” Gwen said sadly, “He’s already made up his mind. You tried to talk to him about it but we both know his feelings on the matter.”
“I...I know Gwen, I know,” she sniffed, “It’s just...why does he have to be so...so cruel?” Her voice cracked at the end.
Gwen had no answer that would be able to satisfy her, so she simply said nothing. (Saying nothing couldn’t be counted as treason)
The King was looking stressed. He had dark circles under his eyes and she heard Gaius say something about anxiety. Morgana savagely hoped that on some level he was feeling guilty for what he had done. She certainly made no secret of what she thought of his actions.
Arthur was beginning to wonder if his father had lost it. Several times he caught the man ‘hiding’ and watching while he was speaking to Morgana (more like arguing with but same difference really). Why did the King feel the need to spy on them? Did he think they were plotting to release more treasonous sorcerers?
And if he had to spy on them did he need to do it so obviously? He was the King, all he had to do was assign it to some nondescript servant.
He was actually quite relieved to see Gaius passing by, and sent him over to check on the King.
The King confessed to having a headache, and really, he didn’t look so good. He shared a look with Morgana and they both decided that maybe it would be better if, for the time being, they had dinner in private with the King. They really didn’t need more people seeing him that way. Camelot might start to look weak.
Dinner that evening, was rather unusual. For the King’s sake, she and Arthur decided to be as least antagonistic towards each other as they could. Though it didn’t stop them fighting for the last chicken leg. When Arthur conceded defeat to Morgana, graciously in his opinion, the King stopped eating and just stared at them. (It was gracious in the King’s opinion too though they didn’t realise it.)
“Have you noticed father’s been acting kind of strange lately?” Arthur questioned silently, concern evident on his face.
“Now that you mention it, he has, hasn’t he?” Morgana replied, as she and Arthur both surreptitiously glanced at the King.
After a while of him staring she gave up and continued eating. Arthur bet her that he could finish his plate faster and so they started shoveling down their food.
They momentarily stopped trying to outdo each other however, as a low groan escaped the King, and he flopped straight down into his mashed potatoes, which had looked relatively untouched. Luckily for Uther, they were the only ones dining with him that night, so nobody else was there to witness the King’s moment of....whatever that was.  
“Father...” Arthur said hesitantly, “Are you okay?” After a few minutes of silence, he reached for a fork and was tentatively about to prod the King when Uther shot up, face ringed with mashed potatoes.
“I’m fine son, why wouldn’t I be?” said Uther in a high pitched voice.
Arthur refrained from mentioning the potatoes and the eye that was now twitching steadily.
“Okaaay I’m full. I think I’ll have an early night your majesty. By your leave, I bid you goodnight,” said Morgana, putting down her utensils.
Arthur followed suit and made to leave but, with every intention of discussing the King and his weird stalker-ish behaviour for the past few weeks (not to mention his apparent breakdown), Morgana held his arm and brought him to a stop.
“Arthur will you be a dear and walk me to my chambers?”
Normally he’d have had some snappy remark to that request but the King’s strange behaviour was on his mind so he acquiesced, looping his arm through hers like a proper gentleman and escorting her out of the dining hall.
Before clearing the entrance Morgana leaned closer to whisper, “We need to talk.” To which he solemnly agreed.
Neither of them noticed the King staring in horror at their relatively cordial exchange.
“No...” he whispered, clutching his hair tightly, “No...no no no nooo.”
“I can’t be my own in-law!” he cried.
Half an hour later Morgana’s maidservant Gwen came looking for her mistress and instead found the King curled up in the foetal position and whimpering.
She hastily backed out of the room. Knowing King Uther, he might chop her head off for witnessing that.
“I saw nothing,” she declared to herself, and scurried away in search of Morgana elsewhere.
So this was a plot bunny that I needed to get out, though granted it did not turn out exactly the way I wanted it to. But anyway, I am all for torturing Uther in any way. Let him be confused about if their fighting is flirting now. He deserves anything coming to him.
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SFGaNq
by Yvion
"Who dares defy me, the Last High priestess of the Old Religion and rightful queen of Camelot?!"
Somewhere in the further part of the peasant crowd a little commotion broke out as people presumably tried to move out of the way for someone. Morgana must have missed it however because she kept squeaking at no one in particular.
"Too much of a coward to come forth? Are you just going to hide behind all these peasants? That is quite alright with me. I will slaughter every single one of them until I have found you little rat. Guards!" As one all the mercenaries hefted their crossbows back onto the by now panicking crowd of civilians. Arthur could do nothing to stop it. He was utterly helpless against her magic and felt nothing but shame as he closed his eyes in front of the terror that was about to unfold. But then...
In which Merlin is done, the citizens of Camelot are done and Arthur doesn’t understand the world anymore. When Merlin reveals himself, all seems lost to him, but he gets help from somewhere unexpected, which in hindsight he really shouldn’t be so surprised about.
Words: 4762, Chapters: 4/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: BAMF Merlin (Merlin), Merlin is So Done (Merlin), So are the citizens of Camelot, Arthur has a realy bad day, Magic Revealed, a bit of fun, a bit of angst, Happy Ending, The civilians aren't just decoration, They have a life too, Arthur doesn't get his say, POV Multiple, Podfic Welcome
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SFGaNq
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ao3feed-mythology · 3 years
Camelot, Medieval Never-Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39CQTzs
by Sophia_the_Scribe
If you can walk with crowds and keep your virtue...
Words: 688, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 14 of "If" by Rudyard Kipling
Fandoms: Arthurian Mythology
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere (Arthurian), Camelot citizens
Relationships: Guinevere/Arthur Pendragon
Additional Tags: Bars and Pubs, POV Outsider, arthur is a good king, If by Rudyard Kipling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39CQTzs
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pyjamacryptid · 6 months
memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) part 8
*kicks down door holding boxes of haha funny jpegs* BET YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE
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fun fact: Bowen means Son of Owen. Also, I know there's a typo with "cup life" but I'm leaving it. It's for the realism ✨
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) part 3
*kicks open door* got some fresh memes for u all! fresh memes!! anybody order some fresh memes? fresh memes! careful, they’re hot!
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) part 4
idk how these medieval people got a hold of my phone
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part 1 | previous | next | masterpost
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) part 7
looks I’m still not done with these lol - hope u enjoy! 🤠
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(apparently wasps love nectar/fruit hehe but don’t hold me to that)
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
memes from the pov of camelot citizens part 6
hello hello I’m back on my bullshit ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
camelot memes masterpost
memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) series:
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
(ongoing and will be updated with each new post)
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
Hi! I'm Ren (she/her)! But you're welcome to call me PJ or cryptid etc if you like.
Welcome to my blog of miscellaneous nonsense! It's a mess but a fun mess. I love to draw, edit, and meme - a little bit of everything, honestly, as I have no ability to remain consistent. So, I'm finally making a pinned masterpost so everything is easily found!
my art
bbc merlin + live commentary
pov camelot citizen memes (bbc merlin)
my editing can be found:
on my youtube channel
here, shared to my tumblr
I've also edited some compilations for my friend @1kitwonder's youtube channel for Legally Bald, an Ace Attorney let's play hosted by Kit on twitch, and voiced by friends (including myself!). It's genuine chaos and the highlight of my week. I've even done some art for it, which you can find above if you're curious!
(please don't reblog, this is just general housekeeping/a checkpoint)
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