#pov: bela eats you-
jenjennhi · 4 months
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bela dimitrescu + 🔴🔴
"mm, not bad"
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paperbackribs · 8 months
for the 'Eddie freaks out over How to Survive a Werewolf Attack' post and those who missed the upload on Ao3, this is the second part of the chapter from Steve's POV, with a little protective stobin to delight
Steve leaves the pulse of the woods behind him as he emerges from the trees that abut his backyard. He’d smelled Robin long before shifting back into his human form, the sharp mint of her shampoo mixing alongside the sweet earthiness that he now attributes to family. Never having had one, he nevertheless knows that the combination will always mean sister.
Circling the pool, its night lights cast an uncanny, rippling blue across the surface, he heads to where she sits under the warm yellow lights, propped on her elbows against the wrought-iron patio table. In her cupped hands rests a book with an overflowing tree protectively sheltering a dog and her pups, Woman and Nature carefully inscribed above them.
She stirs as he approaches, inserting a receipt between the pages to save her place and resting it beside her. Looking into her concerned eyes, Steve grimaces. “Well, that went well,” he says lightly, feeling the need to inject some humour into the memory or he may be tempted to dwell on the ache that wants to rise instead.
Robin’s face softens and he knows that she can feel his hurt even without him saying it. They’re so connected sometimes that he wonders if his wolf forged something with her when they’d sat there, bound and interrogated by Russians, only able to depend on each other. “He was a little freaked out from the unexpected is all and he just needs to get used to the idea before…”
She trails off and Steve finishes her sentence, “Before he can be in the same room as me? Robs, the guy practically had a panic attack on my mother’s Giorgetti rug. I could smell his fear: he was terrified that I was going to eat him or something.”
Robin’s lips firm as she drums her fingers over the book cover, “Yeah, well, that’s his problem. After you left, we gave him the rundown; that you’re just a normal wolf—”
Steve snorts: there’s nothing normal about his transformations at all, but Robin ignores him to continue, “—and hopefully if he’s affected by the bites then it’ll turn him into a normal bat too.”
“And how’d he take that?” Steve asks curiously.
“Oh, another meltdown,” Robin says blithely, “He’s now convinced that he’s going to turn into Bela Lugosi and will be prowling the night for his victims before we know it.” Steve laughs despite himself, already able to imagine Eddie making exaggerated gestures in the middle of the group.
“Did he hiss like a vampire?”
“Nah, but he did do that thing, you know with the cape?” She shields half her face with her forearm as if hiding menacingly behind it. Fond amusement fills Steve, as if often does when faced with Eddie’s dramatics only for it to quickly drain away at the reminder of how drastically he had taken Steve’s shift.
Robin notes his change of mood and scowls at an absent Eddie. “Scaredy-cat,” she mutters darkly, “Should have called him a scaredy-bat to his face.”
Steve chuckles and leans forward to gently tug on a lock of her blonde hair, “And then give him my nail bat…”
“So, he’d be a scaredy-bat with a nail bat that lost his bat-le shield.”
Steve waggles his hand in a so-so motion, “Could use some work.”
“Oh, screw you, buddy, I did all the work,” Robin’s eyes dance with humour even as she pokes him with a sharp finger at his ribs. Steve squirms away, “I gave you the nail bat!” He mock protests before the image of Eddie’s wide and terrified eyes crosses his mind again. He sighs, “Do you think I should avoid him for a while? Let him get used to the idea before springing myself on him again?”
Robin leans back with a too wide smile, its awkwardness immediately transparent. “What?” Steve asks suspiciously.
Her brow furrows in an apology that gives lie to the smile, “We’re meeting back here tomorrow. El thinks that she might be able to lead him through a change if he’s got it in him, and we all thought it better to get the potential of it all out of the way before Eddie devolves into one big puddle of fear.”
Rubbing the bridge of his forehead, Steve sighs, “So, not only is he freaked out by the sight of me but I’m going to see him in the next twenty-four hours.”
Robin looks at her bulky men’s watch with a grimace, “More like twelve. We figured that we should get it over sooner or later, and this way he can work out whether he wants to freak out over being a bat or a vampire.”
“Or neither,” Steve points out.
She shrugs, “It seems unlikely, right? Correlation doesn’t equal causation, and you may be the outlier, the one cool weirdo out there.”
“Thank you,” he says dryly even though he does appreciate her positive spin on his furry little situation.
It had been months after the events over Halloween, when he’d been bitten by a demo-dog, that he’d started to notice the first few small changes. At first, he’d been convinced that it was the world that had transformed: smells becoming deeper, sights becoming sharper, but after one night where he had been panicked to find that his feet were no longer so far away, and suspiciously clawed, that he’d come to the realisation that it was his senses that had evolved, not the sun or the trees or the perfume of his history teacher.
The kids, while excited, had been very little help, but their encouragement had made him feel less alone. He took Dustin’s attempt to turn him into a science experiment in stride and as an extension of the little butthead’s support. But it was when Robin had been brought into the Upside Down fold that he’d felt truly embraced.
Surprisingly, rather than turning to books and research, she’d listened to him instead. Asked Steve what he wanted to be called when he was turned and let him talk about the oddities and freedoms he’d found in this new version of himself.
Steve had already known that the wolf would be a part of him forever, but Robin’s role in his life had cemented that feeling into a bone-deep acceptance, an understanding that he wasn’t weird or wrong for his new transformation, but that it was simply another part of Steve. Or Furry Steve as Robin would gently tease him.
“Are you staying over?” He asks now, watching her smother a yawn and nod in agreement.
He stands, waiting until she walks through the door before flipping the light switch off, the flurry of moths above flutter in confusion at the sudden darkness. “We can practise some more on the way home tomorrow if you like.”
Robin had gained her license a month ago, but with no car to drive Steve was building her confidence by having her drive his. She often teased that their love was a true one since she’s the only one allowed to touch the bimmer.
Wrapping an arm around his waist, they walk through the kitchen and head to his bedroom in unspoken agreement. “That’d be great. Do you want to wolf-out or be on your side of the bed,” she counters sleepily, leaving her book on the counter as they pass.
He hums, thinking. Months ago, after they’d worked out that the Upside Down nightmares were better handled when they knew the other one was in the room, Robin had struggled with having Steve in her bed.
It’s not that he wasn’t welcome, she’d reassured him, or wanted, she’d said with a haunted expression, clearly thinking of having woken up silently screaming not moments before. But having his skin touch hers made her irritable in a way that she had no explanation for. Fur, however, was fine.
Since then, if Steve needed cuddles he was allowed to wolf-out, as they decided to call it. Once transformed, Robin had no problem with Steve’s fur covering her skin; rather, she quite liked the partial weight of his body.
He thinks that tonight he’d like the reassurance that there is one person who is not only unafraid of him but likes the differences that make him not-quite-human.
“Wolf-out,” he responds, letting go and allowing the wolf to unfold. The sweet musk of the kids sharpens, even with them having departed hours ago, as does the appealingly darker scent of Eddie, although it is bitterer than it normally is as if his fear had saturated the small space.
His tail drops sadly at the reminder, but Robin distracts him with scritches behind the ear before leading their way up the stairs to his bedroom. Steve pads behind, happy to have a friend in Robin and determinedly putting Eddie out of his mind for the rest of the night.
If you enjoyed any of this drop me a comment over at Ao3, it'd make my day! (fic now titled Swift Wings and a Brave Heart)
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mothertoall2 · 2 months
Part of Their World (RE Age regression)
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Chapter 2: New Chambers
Description: This story takes place in a world where Age Regression is normalized and accepted. As a child you were taken by Mother Miranda and experimented on with the T virus, after years of captivity you don't show responses to the experiments and are sent to be a maid at the Dimitrescu Castle. None of the other maids like you, and Lady Dimitrescu always keeps a close eye on you. This is a little gn reader story and if you don't like it you may respectfully leave, this is not a fetish book and is sfw, thank you and have a splendid day.
Warnings: None
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Y/n's POV
As I waited for the doors to open I took time to observe the castle from the outside. When the door finally opened I had caught sight of a beautiful woman staring down at me from the top of the west wing tower. "Y/n!" I looked up at mother and followed her inside. At the top of the three snow covered stairs stood the two large black oak doors, the initials A.D. carved onto both of the door knobs. Once I walked through the doors I was immediately caught by the strong odors of the castle, faint scents of blood and dust fill the air. If mother smells it to she doesn't show it, she remains stone faced and facing forward. I look around at the large entry way, I take notice to the two couches and fireplace that are on the left side and the grand staircase off to the right. The middle leads to a corridor that goes off to who knows where.
As I observe the dust covered room a swarm of flies moves past my head and circles my body. I feel little pricks against my arm as a drop of blood trickles down. I pull my arm back and swat at the flies, mother puts my arm down before speaking to the flies. "Daniela you can not eat this child. They are the new maid, not a new play thing." I didn't understand why mother called the flies by that name until they transformed into a tall beautiful woman. She had blonde hair that appears to have been stained with blood, a long sleeved back robe covers her body and blood surrounds her mouth, clearly not her own. "But mother Miranda I haven't gotten a proper feast in days, when will you bring us fresh prey to hunt?" The woman who goes by Daniela asks with a pout. "I will bring you fresh prey in two days for now I want you to go and fetch the head maid." Mother tells her, and without another word Daniela turns into a swarm of flies and disappears into the vents. Mother turns to me and speaks, "That is Daniela the youngest of the daughters, you will address her as miss as well as Cassandra and Bela if you see them." I nod and continue my study of the room.
After waiting for two extremely boring minutes I start to get a bit restless from standing still. "Mother, may I please look around?" I try to ask as politely as I can hoping she will allow me to do so. She looked at me with a slight skepticism but gave in. "As long as you keep your hands to yourself then yes, but as soon as the head maid walks out you get back in place." I nodded and walked over to the fireplace off towards the left as I get closer I notice a little chest sitting on the mantel in between books. The chest is covered in dust so I blew it off to reveal a silver metal with a red mechanical like lock on the front. I look at the chest carefully it seems alluring to me, a strong pull that is telling me to open the chest. As I examine the silver chest I notice that I'm surrounded by silence other then the small beat of what sounds like a heart. A whisper arises with the beat not loud enough to be audible but still noticeable. I start to reach out fro the box, the closer my hand gets the louder the beating and whispers get. I'm almost touching the chest when a soft cocky voice appears in my right ear. "Mother Miranda told you not to touch anything maid." 
"I-I wasn't!" I stutter out trying to defend myself as I turn to face the unfamiliar voice. This woman has golden eyes just like Daniela's, she is around the same height but still very much taller then me. She wears a tighter dress but with more lace and adds elbow length gloves. She has her hood up which causes a shadow to cover her face but I notice some dried blood on the corner of her mouth.  Due to the similarities I assume this is either Cassandra or Bela. "Don't waste your excuses on me mortal you may save them for Mother Miranda instead. I also would advice to stay away from this chest its contents aren't for mortals like you." After she finishes her sentence she walks off to mother and I follow behind. Each step away from the chest makes my head screech but I know that I must not show pain here for it is a sign of weakness. I take my spot back behind mother and face toward Daniela the other sister and a short elderly  lady with golden blonde hair. Her outfit consists of a tan dress with a white robe on top covered in stains.  
"I see you have already met Daniela and Cassandra, next to them is the head maid, she will tell you all you need to know for your job. Including a set list of rules for you to follow and you will also receive your own chambers in the east wing in case you are needed." Mother informs me without looking me in the eyes. Normally her harsh, cold tone would upset me but my mind is far to busy taking in everything that is happening. I reply with a simple 'yes mother' and without another word she ascends the stairs heading off to what appears to be the west wing. My mind jumps to the strange woman I noticed in the window earlier, she must be another maid.
I snap out of my thoughts and turn to face the three women in front of me. The silence is awkward as the two blood covered women study me carefully. The maid finally speaks up with a fake smile. "I'm Caroline, as I've been told you are Y/n?" I roll my eyes at her fake politeness in front of her bosses but I play along anyway. "Yes I am, it's a pleasure to meet you." Cassandra scoffs before speaking to no one in particular, "This is boring I'm going to hunt." All of the sudden she turns to a swarm of flies and is off, Daniela follows shortly after so it is just me and Caroline left. 
Suddenly all of the 'manners' she had disappeared as though they never existed in the first place. "Let's go maid I want to get this over with so you can be useful instead of just standing here." I follow her without speaking as it seems like the best option. As she leads me down the dark cobweb filled corridor I can't help but think about what my life will consist of now. Is this all that I am for now, cleaning up after human eating women and being bossed around by cranky old women. I think back to my childhood and how important mother used to tell me I was. She told me I would be amazing for her, she told me she loved me, all I had to do was allow her to experiment on me and she would never send me away. While sometimes her actions and words would say otherwise I always thought back to those moments, now I see they were all just lies to get what she wanted. My whole life I was so easily disposable and I never saw it, what a fool I was.
After about eight minutes we stop at an intersection there are three sets of stairs, one straight ahead, one to the left, and one to the right. Behind each staircase is another corridor and in between the one straight ahead and the right one is a staircase leading down to a basement. The woman speaks up again with an annoyed tone like I am here to inconvenience her. "These stairs lead to the north wing-" She says pointing straight ahead, "the north wing leads to the kitchen, dining room, laundry room and other maids rooms." I start taking mental note of where she says everything is, I have always been very good with directions. She continues to point to the other two staircases and explain that the one on the right leads to the east wing which is where I'll be staying and it has a ton of extra rooms, and the staircase on the left leads to the Dimitrescu's rooms she made it very clear that unless it has been asked to not go down that wing. 
"What about those stairs?" I ask pointing at the set going down. "That is the basement you are to never go down there understood?" "Understood." I am definitely going down there, just not yet. "I have yet to be given your duties by Lady Dimitrescu so for now you will be shown to your chambers and by then we should have your assignment. Follow me." She leads me up the east wing stairs and down a long wide hall. I study each door as we walk, there seems to be nothing special about them until we walk past one with slashes in the door. I hesitate while walking past it but am hurried along by Caroline. I note it in my head as another place to explore in this castle, along with the west wing and basement. after a few more doors she comes to a stop at one and opens the door. 
"This room was picked out for you by the Lady herself." She says with a suspicious smirk, I walk inside to immediately be caught by a chilly breeze.I look around the room to see the window broken and the roof broken in from the room above. The bed has a thin red quilt and no pillow, every corner in the room has at least 5 spiders with each their own cobweb, the wallpaper placed over the stone walls has part ripped off in different places. I notice a trunk and a vanity mirror placed along the wall opposite of the bed, and on another wall is the attached wash room, and next to the door is a table with a half used candle matching the one on the bedside table. Looking around the room makes me think that this really is a punishment from mother. 
Suddenly two swarms of flies appear into the room and Caroline immediately straightens up. In front of us stands Daniela and who I assume to be the last of the three sisters. "This is the mortal mother was speaking of Bela, the one Mother Miranda has dropped off." Daniela tells her sister. Bela is also a similar height with the same yellow eyes and similar lengthy robes, only she has beautiful blonde hair. Bela looks down at me and studies me for a minute while standing next to a grinning Daniela. She then looks around the room confused. "Caroline why are they in this run down room?" The head maid hesitates before speaking. "B-because this is the room that Lady Dimitrescu has chosen for them-" Daniela cuts her off with a surprised tone. "This is the room mother chose for them?" Bela seems just as surprised and looks at Daniela, but they seem to shrug it off for now.
"We have been sent to give you your assignments, mother demands that you are to be the one to clean her study as well as our chambers. You will be given time periods for the week to do so, you are responsible for the cleaning of the rest of the west wing as well. What you do in your free time is up to you however there are rules you will be required to follow." Bela states leaving no room for questions. I'm not sure why I specifically have been chosen to clean the west wing, not after I was told I was to never go in there but since they are direct orders is seems I have no choice. Looking over at Caroline she seems shocked to. 
"I thought cleaning the west wing was my duty?" Bela returns her statement with a glare and Caroline quickly went quiet. "Your rules consist of the following, you are not to leave the castle unless given permission from Lady Dimitrescu and escorted. You are not to go in the basement. You are to stay in your chambers from the hours of ten pm to six am. You are to be respectful to us and anyone in this castle. You are not to disobey any rules. Any questions?" I shake my head, having taken in all the rules as they were spoken.
"Good then tomorrow you will be given your schedule for the week at six so be ready and get rest." Bela tells me before dispersing into flies and once again disappearing and is shortly followed by Daniela. After a quick scoff Caroline also leaves my room. Now I am left to unpack my clothes and get some rest, tomorrow will be a long day.
A/n- A bit longer longer and kind of boring but I hope everyone is liking it so far. Let me know of any questions or suggestions.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 11 months
Sarah Blake/Bela Talbot. One of them's a catgirl. You're interested?? Read it!! Sarah's a really fun POV to write!
For the Suptober prompts Black Cat and Portrait. Below is the opening:
Sarah Blake looks at the paper-covered painting she'd spent the past three weeks searching for, a glass of wine half-drunk in her hand. The painting is propped against the fireplace, and it looms, as portraits tend to. B, the little black cat that had followed her home from the auction house - the same day as when she got the commission, now she comes to think of it - sits upright next to her legs on the couch, ears twitching away from her fingers whenever she tried to stroke her. 
That's unusual, for this cat. Typically, she'd sprawl out over any available surface, mewl for attention until she got head scratches, and purr contentedly any time Sarah put her hands on her. Now she was stiff, tense. 
The only time Sarah had seen her like that before was when she'd tried to put a collar on her¹, and she'd ended up scratched and bitten so badly she'd had to go to the ER. When she got back, B wouldn't look at her, but kept following her from room to room, hissing if Sarah turned her face to her. Sarah, feeling incredibly guilty, had apologised out loud and showed B that she put the collar in the garbage, only realising after she'd done it that of course a cat wouldn't know what any of that meant. 
Strangely, though, it seemed to work. B had come back purring as soon as the lid closed over the trash. She even licked the bandage over Sarah's cuts, and pushed her head into her hand. 
B's a pretty funny cat overall. She has this unimpressed stare she levels at Sarah for such uncouth behaviour as 'bouncing a toy near her' and 'putting out cat food'². She gave a token grumble whenever Sarah scooped her up like a baby, but would dig her claws in if Sarah tried to put her down again before she was ready. She hops onto the counter when Sarah brings her research home (which is more often than she probably should, but hell, what else has she got to do on a Friday night?) and stares at the papers like she's reading them. More than once, B had put her paw on just the information Sarah had been looking for just after Sarah remarked on how she needed it³. 
"My good luck girl," Sarah had praised, and kissed B's furry little head. B's hackles had gone up from the smooch, but then she seemed to calm herself deliberately, and she flopped over the papers like she'd lost all her bones in a fit of lazy decadence. 
In the present, Sarah swirls her wine and surveys the hidden painting. 
"What do you think is wrong with it, B?" 
She's supposed to burn it. That's what the note said, which she'd found in an envelope taped to the back of the Picasso she'd just purchased. The note had been written in wobbly scratches of biro, addressed directly to her. It was lucky she was adept at reading awful handwriting - in the archiving business, it's essential - because the script was only barely legible. There had been $32,000 dollars in the envelope too. 
The flat out work of the last few weeks had been for the money and the chance at more,  she wasn't going to deny that, but part of it was her overactive curiosity. 
What's wrong with it? Ava's first thought had been haunting. She'd waved her EMF machine at it half heartedly after the delivery guy left, but the needles stayed dissatisfyingly still. She'd bought the thing on Amazon when a friend mentioned cold spots, but it turned out they'd just had a fault in their double glazing⁴. She hasn't heard from them in a while, not directly, but from her Facebook feed she knows that they haven't been murdered in their bed by a malevolent spirit so far. Which is good! Just, well, a little disappointing, is all...
Read more on ao3
¹ The collar was baby pink, and had a little bell on the end.
² Sarah's never seen her eat it, but it always disappears by morning.
³ So, she talks to her cat, so what? Before B, she'd talk through her process with her toaster.
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marsthegaymer · 1 year
Mommy! Lady Dimitrescu x Little! Reader
Warning(s): Age regression, angst, yelling, fluff in the next part.
a/n: This will be in two parts. I had fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy.
What happens when Alcina runs out of promises?
Y/N’s pov
I wake up to a cold empty bed. Where’s my mommy? I pull off the covers and grab (your favorite stuffie). I hold them close to my chest as I go around looking for her. “Mommy” I call softly. I hear the padding of my feet as I walk down the long hallway. I per into one of the rooms. “Mommy? Are u in here” I ask but she’s not there. I eventually find her in her study. I walk up to her. “Mommy” I call her name. She looks up at me and smiles. “What are you doing up little one” she asks. “ I woke up an chu not dere” I say quietly. “Mommy has work I need to do” she sighs. “ I know mommy I just wan chu” I say. She sighs before getting up. “Come on little one. Back to bed” she says holding her hand out. I hold her hand and cling to her side. She walks me back to the room and lays me down. 
“Alright little one. No more getting up okay” she asks. “I jus wan chu sweeps wit me” I say. “I won’t go anywhere I’ll be here” mommy says. I cuddle into her and start drifting when she starts playing with my hair. I wake up in the morning to no mommy. I thought she was going to stay with me. I got up from the bed with my stuffie. I walk straight to her study and see her doing more work and I pout. I walk in and go straight up to her. “Hi mommy “ I say softly. “Not right now, I’m busy” she says going through papers. “But mommy, I hungy. An I wan chu” I say even softer. “Mommy’s really busy right now. Have the maids make you something. “Okay mommy. Can chu pway water” I ask her. “Yeah, whatever. Just let me work” she says.
I walk out and down the hallway. I walk into the kitchen. And she Bela messing with one of the maids. She turns her head to me and smiles. “Hey there little one” she says softly and flies over to me. “How’s my favorite little bug” she asks putting hair behind my ear. “Gud I jus hungy” I replied. “We’ll have to fix that yeah?” She says turning to the maid. “ chocolate pancakes and strawberries will do” she orders the maid. She turns to me and smiles. “ why don’t you hang out with mom” she asks. “She busy so I cant” I say a little quiet. “Oh sorry bug. I bet Dani can play” she suggests. I nod and turn around. I walk to Dani’s door. “Dani” I call softly. The door opens and Dani instantly smiles. “Hey there pup” she says sweetly. “Cans we pway “ I ask. “Of course! Come in” she exclaimed. 
After a while the maid comes in with the food. “Tank chu” I say loudly at the maid. “Of course” she says smiling. I eat all of it and continue playing before I start getting sleepy. “Hey, you sleepy little one” Dani asks. I nod as I rub my eyes. “Go tell mom, so she can put you down” she says. I walk back to the study and walk up to mommy. “ Mommy, I sweepy” I say yawning. “ okay, I’ll be there in a second” she says not looking up at me. I nod and walk into the room and plop down on the bed. I wait there for a while before I get up and go back to her. “Mommy” I ask. “Mommy pease I sweepy” I say. She sighs harshly before getting up and walking past me. I run to catch up with her. She gets me ready for a nap in a hurry. As soon as I am tucked in she heads for the door. “Mommy? I fought chu gon stay wit me” I ask. “Mommy has work to do. Mother Miranda Needs mommy to do something’s for her.” She replies. 
“Okie. Can we pway after I wakes up” I ask her and she nods before shutting the door. I lay down excited to play since she hasn’t for a while. I fall asleep pretty easily. I wake up a couple hours later and excitedly getting up. I go straight to the study. “Mommy!!! Are chu weady to pway” I say excitedly and jumping up and down.”not right now Y/N” she says. “But mommy you promised” I whine and keep asking her to play with me. “Y/N” she says firmly and I stop jumping. “I need you to stop coming in here. I said I was working do you not understand simple words” she says harshly. I feel tears pooling in my eyes. “Um…yeah” I was quietly. “Then why can you not listen to simple instructions and not bother me” she says raising her voice. “I-I’m sowwy mommy” I say almost at a whisper. “Excuse me “ she asks harshly. “I just said sowwy” I say with my lip quivering. “Do not have attitude with me “ she says grabbing my arm. She pulls me into the hallway and I fall on the floor crying. “Now leave me be” she says and slams the door. Tears are streaming down my face. Why was mommy being so mean? I knew I didn’t want to be around her. I wanted auntie Donna.
I run to the room sobbing. I grab one of my bags and put a stuffie and my favorite snack and sippy cup with water. I put my shoes and jacket on and walk out the door. I use a map I found to find Donna’s house. I get lost and Duke comes to my rescue. “Ah Y/N, what are you don’t out here all alone” he asks. “Mommy was be mean I wan see auntie Donna.  “ well she lives in that direction “ he says pointing to a gate. “Tank chu duke” I say walking the direction of the gate. “Anytime” he exclaims. I walk down a pathway through the forest. I hear something moving in the bushes. Scared, I start running and eventually get to auntie Donna’s house. I run up to the door and knock repeatedly with tears streaming down my face. The door opens and it’s Angie.
“Y/N! Have you come come to play? Where’s the tall one” she asks. “I ran away” I reply. She lets me in and I walk in the door. Donna comes down the stairs. “Y/N what are you doing here” she asks coming up to me. She notices my tears and rushes up to me. “What happened little one” she asks sweetly. “Mommy no wan pway! She keeps ignoring me and she yelled at me because I bother her” I explain sobbing. “Oh honey” she says hugging me. “Oh jeez, you’re freezing” she exclaims. “Come on little one let’s get you warm” she says softly. She wraps me in blankets on her couch and brings me hot chocolate. “There you go baby. All warm now” she says softly. “Can I has cuddles” I ask and she smiles. “Come here love” she says with her arms out. I climb into her arms and cuddle into her. After a bit I feel myself falling asleep. She strokes my hair to help me fall asleep and I eventually fall into a peaceful sleep.
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soulfullionbunny · 2 months
What do you bring to the table
its funny because i am VERY OPINIONATED about this. i already have my own opinion about this but then the issue blew up and i developed it even further. let me share it to you.
"What you bring to the table?" is not an uncommon question we heard dlm discussion about relationship. Its also part of the topic in gender wars. Recently a tiktoker, made a statement yg woman dont have to give or bring anything to the table. This infuriated a lot of people, both men and woman actually. I can understand the riot because i myself dont agree with this tiktoker although i dont have that kind of strong reaction. I do however developed my opinion about this better as i read and hear other people thought regarding this issue. Mainly on the ability of the women to bring something to the table. this i will elaborate further down this incoherent ranting.
Now my original opinion as a man regarding this question is... i am willing to bring everything. EVERYTHING. yes everything INCLUDING the table. Like i have 0 problem (with the right girl la). I think thats just a very doable thing to do. i dont think me giving 100% of my salary to my girl would be a hard thing to do, especially when im in love. of course x kan x de return. im willing to give everything, in exchanged... the girl will serve me her pussy. that's all im asking for lmao. If i had to prepare eveything, sampai the table sekali (which represents the marriage/life itself), the least the girl can do is to sit on the table and spread her legs for me to eat you know. simple, its never 100% on someone. There are reasons for marriage bcs it (speaking transnational wise only) is an exchange. Emotions, Time, and Commitment are being shared through marriage. Bare minimum of marriage in (my modified) maslow hierarchy pyramid, is definitely sex (higher level of course emotional and future stuff). NO ONE will enter a marriage AND provide everything but gets nothing. Kurang2 pun sua la cipap. simple. Of course, this is kinda sexist where i set the value of the girl to only pussy and sexual purposes, BUT if i prepared EVERYTHING, i think it is not unreasonable for me to get pussy, and/or ass even. Nak kena bela tapi 1 hape x offer baik x yah. I used to believe in unconditional love, but apparently, it doesnt exist... so yeah everything is transactional now.
Now this bring us to how the elaboration of other people make me develop this opinon more. as per quote below.
of course this is kinda sexist where i set the value of the girl only pussy
people raise a good argument where its actually insulting to the WOMEN-KIND for women to not offer anything to the table. More or less the same as my quote, Women are not incompetent or powerless sampai x boleh offer anything. They are humans, they are more than a doll yg boleh duduk diam and be pretty. They are a doll YET they are also a girlboss. Diorang tak hamak being put on pedestal without reasons. They have the decency. KENA letak atas pedestal tapi they know that pedestal is something you earn, not entitled too like the girl tiktoker implied. So how this expand my opinion? it give me new POV where girls also felt disrespected bila treated like that. Like for once i get to test my opinion and it aligned with the girls. Seee, its logical af.
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xesaxrista · 3 years
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pov: you are a dumb mosquito sat on donna's knee during their regularly scheduled program and bela's getting all territorial bc she is a feral colony of carnivorous insects and YOU are eating HER food 
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
Hey, Kiss Me? (Don't Mind If I Do)
Fandom: Resident Evil 8: Village
Pairing: Daniela Dimitrescu x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Rating: G
Summary: Daniela is used to being the flirty one, blowing kisses and making a pass at anyone who caught her attention. It just never occurred to her that the tables could turn on her.
Notes: [slams fists on the table] LET ME FLIRT WITH THE CUTE VAMPIRE GIRL. If RE8 had a dating sim spin-off in some alternate universe where Capcom REALLY wanted to capitalize on the game's success, one of my runs would definitely involve romancing the youngest Dimitrescu. For anyone else who feels me on this, this is for you too. I also tried writing this in 2nd person POV for a change. Hope it still turned out alright, it's my first time writing this way. Enjoy!
You had been working for the Duke for quite a while now. He took you in in your time of need and had been made an apprentice of sorts in the art of trading and bargaining.
You've met your fair share of oddities while settled in the village and running errands, including but not limited to: A man who can control metal and electricity on a whim, a talking doll who lives under a waterfall, and the numerous wolf-man hybrids that lurked around the vicinity. They were what most may consider crass company -- at least, that was what the Lady of the castle would say.
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu was a frequent customer and a business partner of the Duke's, helping her in the sale of her vintage "wine" to intrigued buyers. This also meant that the two of you were frequent visitors to the castle on the other side of the village proper -- a vast estate that was entirely too large for just four women to occupy (even if one of those women happened to be nine feet tall).
Miss Bela was always the more polite and civil of Dimitrescu's daughters, offering a simple greeting whenever you would come by. When it was appropriate, she was always at her mother's side and paying attention to how meetings between the older adults would proceed, like a student eager to learn from the best. You figured that, as the oldest sibling, she might take over the business someday. You weren't sure exactly how that would happen, given what you knew of the family, but you really shouldn't prod anyway. At least, not now.
Miss Cassandra was more closed off, so to speak. It always seemed like she would barely acknowledge your presence in the castle, talking only when it was necessary and immediately leaving the room once she was allowed to. However, you would feel a prickling in the back of their neck when she wasn't around, like you were being watched from the background -- prey at the mercy of their predator. But every time you turned around, there would be no one there, not even a sound to indicate escape. A part of you thought you might have been pulled into some unwitting game, wondering what would happen if you did catch the perpetrator in the act. You weren't sure you really wanted to find out.
Then, there was Miss Daniela, whose attention seemed to lie in... other prospects. Like Bela, she offered warm greetings whenever you would stop by the property. Unlike her sisters though, who never really bothered with the Duke's apprentice, she always tried to entertain herself with your company. You had a friendly enough rapport with her that you could relax in her presence as well, so it was nice. You figured it was mostly because they rarely ever got outside company, and since the sisters stay in the castle a lot of the time, she always welcomed you with enthusiasm. And a smile. And a wink. And some passing remark about how nicely you dressed that day and that you must have been trying to impress her.
"I could just eat you right up," she would say with a giggle and a playful growl.
You've never been too sure what to make of her -- she always seemed to have her head in the clouds, only coming back down at the behest of her mother or when her sisters were persistent enough. You also never knew how to respond to her flirting apart from flustered silence, which only seemed to spur her on even more. It was like she was just trying to get a reaction from you, making a game of it. It was far different from the one her older sister seemed to be keen on playing, but a game nonetheless -- how far could she push your buttons and make you implode from embarrassment?
Honestly, it seemed to be working.
You had been well-socialized thanks to your training under the Duke, and of course the man himself was charming and likeable so a part of you liked to think it may have rubbed off as he raised you. But that was when it came to formalities and negotiations -- maybe banter, if you could really push it. You've thought about responding earnestly, but flirting was another ball game all on its own, one that you don't really play on purpose, and you frequently found yourself floundering at the face of it. Especially when that face was as pretty as Daniela's.
It wasn't like you thought she liked you that way or anything -- you genuinely thought she said all those things for fun, to amuse herself with how hot you got or how you would sheepishly shrink in on yourself. But you weren't going to deny that she was cute and that you may have just a small crush on her. Just maybe. Not that you would ever admit that out loud.
One winter day, the Duke entrusted you with meeting with Lady Dimitrescu on your own. She was informed of his absence beforehand -- something about attending to Lord Heisenberg's business -- and so you were left to take care of updates. In the meantime, you kept yourself busy in the guest area, perusing the dusty books in shelves that definitely needed some cleaning. It seemed like the castle could never have enough help.
As soon as you were left alone, with only your notepad and thoughts to keep you company, you felt the hairs at the back of your neck stand. You slowly looked to the side, eyes trained on a dark corner of the room. The light from the fireplace didn't quite reach that spot, making it quite the hiding place. Was something (or someone) moving from there? Are your eyes playing paranoid tricks on you? Was it Miss Cassandra playing her one-sided game again? Perhaps... you shouldn't interfere then.
You turned your attention back to the book shelf, looking high above you, wanting to take a closer look at the selection. You dragged a stool and a few stacked cushions to the shelves and slipped your shoes off, praying to whoever was out there that Lady Dimitrescu wouldn't find you like this. Oh, the scolding I'd get from Duke about manners -- you'd never hear the end of it. Stepping carefully onto the plush surface -- a few feet from the ground -- and finding your balance, you start to pick something out that had an interesting title.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Y/N," a voice echoed in the room, catching you off guard.
You jumped in surprise and lost your footing, falling backward as the cushions slipped from under you. Oh yeah, this was gonna hurt! But before you could make contact with the hardwood floor, a hand reached out and grabbed you by the waist, catching you in a rather precarious position.
"You could've hurt that cute little ass of yours," the voice cooed. Daniela seemed to have materialized from out of nowhere, wearing a mischievous grin and holding onto you as she practically hovered over you. Oh god, she was so close, you don't know where your body heat ended and hers started.
"Miss Daniela," you greeted, finally finding your voice. "Um, thanks for the save."
She pulled you up to standing on the stool and raised an eyebrow at you, smirking amusedly, "And what exactly were you doing so high up in the shelves? Aren't you supposed to be waiting here like a good little one?"
"I was just... looking at the books," you replied softly, "And falling for you, I suppose," you added as a joke, chuckling as you shook off your nerves from earlier. You were a little surprised she didn't start off with that line honestly, given how easy--
Daniela's smirk dropped at your response, eyes widening as she stiffened. Uh oh... did you say something wrong?
She blinked at you, mouth hanging open slightly as if she was trying to find the words. It looked like she gave up though, just looking away and stepping off the stool. Were you imagining that her cheeks just turned pink?
"Mother's waiting for you at the meeting room," was all she said before quickly making her exit.
It took a while before the wheels in your head started turning again.
The next time you came to the castle with the Duke, it was a warm day in spring. On these occasions, sometimes Lady Dimitrescu would be more open to a different venue of meeting than inside the castle -- "for a change of scenery," as she would say. The two of you met her and her daughters at the main garden at the back of the property, the sun shining generously on all forms of life.
When Daniela spotted you, she seemed almost caught unaware, but she quickly regained composure, throwing a smirk and wink your way -- her usual greeting. You couldn't help but duck down shyly, but nonetheless waved and smiled back.
The older adults took their business elsewhere, leaving you alone with the daughters at the lobby; well, more like a daughter, since Cassandra had already left before you can say another word and Bela had excused herself soon after. It was normal for you to be in the company of the redhead at this point. Not that she seemed to mind.
"Been a while since you've been back here. Betcha missed me, huh?" Daniela said, a charming smile curled on her lips. She stood next to you, seeming intent on leading you on a little walk around. Hey, you'd take any excuse to spend time with her.
You laughed softly, "Quite, Miss Daniela."
"You're still sticking to those formalities, Y/N? Come on, you can drop the 'Miss'." She sidled up closer to you, nudging your side. "You can even skip 'Daniela' altogether and just call me yours."
You unconsciously covered your mouth as you glanced her way -- she was being more straightforward than usual. You don't know if you were just trying to hide the blood rushing to your cheeks or trying to stop yourself from smiling too widely, but seeing the smug look on the other's face, you knew she succeeded yet again in flustering you.
"What's wrong? Did summer come early? You're looking kinda warm," she teased, bending down slightly to your face level. "Then again, you are hot enough for the both of us." Damn, she was too good at this. "You'd give the sun a run for its money, honey."
You took a few moments to collect yourself, standing up straighter and clearing your throat. Your eyes looked up to meet hers, showing a half-smile as you spoke with as smooth of a delivery as you can muster, "I'd always thought you would be the sun's rival, given how easily you brighten up my day."
Daniela nearly tripped when she took another step, only managing to catch herself on a nearby bench.
"Are you--"
"I'm fine! I'm fine, just, uh... stubbed my toe on something. Stupid rock."
There were no rocks on the path you two were walking -- unless one counted the flat rock ground. (It didn't.)
The rest of the day carried on as it normally would -- Daniela distracting you from the uneasy feeling of being watched from a proper walk with her usual demeanor, batting her eyelashes and telling you how she simply must teach you to dance some time. "Maybe then you'll learn to loosen up around me." But in return, you would sometimes reply with your own quips -- "Well I wouldn't be opposed to being closer to you, Miss Daniela." You weren't about to question where this newfound confidence came from; you may as well own it, right?
It was only after that visit, replaying the day in your head like you wanted to remember it for as long as you could, that a realization came to you -- the way her cheeks tinged pink and averted her gaze, how she was rendered speechless whenever you replied in the same way that was usually expected of her...
She's not used to being flirted back to.
Her self-esteem allowed her to accept most straightforward compliments with grace, so flattery did not faze her in the slightest -- but when it came to using disarming words? When charm and wit were used right back at her?
She floundered almost as much as you did.
Suddenly, you weren't just a prop in the game anymore -- you knew how to play it now. You knew uttering such sweet (and occasionally cheesy) phrases could make the youngest Dimitrescu blush harder than a maiden being courted. And by god, did she look adorable when she did.
You kind of understood why she did all that now -- watching someone get flustered and knowing you were the cause of it was fun. It was weirdly thrilling seeing her react like that, but then again you might be confusing that feeling with different kind of fluttering in your chest whenever you were alone with Daniela. Who knows?
One thought lingered at the back of your mind though: How long would it take before one of you broke and asked the other on a real date?
(Cassandra materialized behind Daniela as you bade her farewell for the day. She had been observing the two of you interact for a while, monitoring the redhead's "progress". She knocked her sister out of her faraway thoughts with a smack to the head. "So are you gonna admit you like them yet?"
Daniela seemed almost offended at the insinuation, "I would nev-- I mean how dare-- I don't like-- they're just-- I--"
The brunette only raised an eyebrow.
"They're..." She thought back to you, that cute little smile you wore whenever she tried to flirt with you, and how you suddenly rose to the challenge of using her own tactics against her earlier. It was kind of hot. "Okay, I guess. They're okay. They're fine." Quite fine. "That's all I'm gonna say."
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archivistsammy · 3 years
i don’t really know what the vibe is for season 11, if folks like it or don’t, or even really what people think about amara and her relationship with dean. but we’re in season 11 right now, and having a GREAT TIME, and i had some thoughts about amara i want to get out while they’re fresh. 
i think it’s easiest to make sense of dean and amara through the pov of a romantic and/or sexual relationship. her cleavage is always out for a good time, and they do share a solid kiss. but honestly, i think it is super duper limiting to only see their relationship this way, and the more i think about it, the more i think their relationship isn’t really meant to be read this way at all, or CERTAINLY not to the extent i previously thought. 
dean does not have a chance to interact with many women in this show like he does with amara. his mess of emotions towards her are complex and contradictory. he's scared of her, he's attracted to her, he is confused by her. she can't be categorized like most of the other women he’s met. she's outside of his usual understanding of women and how to relate to them.
and i actually think it's interesting to think about what a man as constructed around traditional masculinity as dean must think and feel when faced with someone so outside of his usual gender boxes. when we think about other women on the show that dean’s met, they can usually be neatly categorized into family figures (charlie, missouri, donna, jody, ellen, sort of jo) or romantic figures (pamela, anna, lisa, cassie, bela, also sort of jo).
but where do you put god's sister? where do you put the oldest thing in existence, who is really only loosely a “woman” and who you sort of frankly imprint on—jacob and renesme style—as an infant. and that’s the main reason i think it’s a mistake to assume their connection is sexual or romantic. or strictly sexual or romantic. there’s clearly a paternal element to how dean feels about amara as well. 
dean felt an interest and investment in the welfare of amara as a baby, before he even knew what she was. and he was enthralled with her when she was younger, too. but that investment, that enthrallment, was not sexual. it wasn’t desire defined by physical intimacy, it was attraction of a more, idk, clinical sort? and i think in general, dean is attracted in a way he can't name bc amara can’t be fit into one of those categories i talked about earlier. 
and i think amara is honestly in a similar boat. she doesn’t understand humanity, she doesn’t understand the world god’s built, and she definitely doesn’t understand dean. but she knows they’re connected, that they share a mutual concern for the other, and she doesn’t really question it until mid-way through the season in the episode where the angels attempt to smite her. she goes to eat dean’s soul so he’ll live on as a part of her forever, but is surprised to find herself unable to follow through. she kisses him, imo, to reroute her initial desire to consume him. i don’t think that means the kiss has to be romantic or sexual, i think it’s just a physical expression of an unnameable affection and attraction that she doesn’t know what to do with. 
i think people really limit what makes them interesting if they assume this is just a het dynamic for dean. bc the more i think about it, the more really and truly just do not believe that it is.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I Only Swim Free: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’ve done swimming all your life. You’ve gotten to your dream college on a scholarship for your outstanding freestyle technique back in high school. Relationships never crossed your mind however, that was before you met your swim team captain: Bela Dimitrescu.
Warning: Alcohol/Drinking, Introverted-ness (At Parties), jealousy/slight-heartbreak
A/N: Rather than having this be a one chapter story, I decided to make this thing a whole series!
“This Photo assignment is due next class, make sure there is no slacking off,” Your Photo professor announces, “Now, that will be all for today, I can’t wait to see what you students will come up with.”
As you finish up your last class of the day, you grab a quick bite to eat before you headed off to the sports facility for practice.
The Assignment: You are to create a collage of photos taken on your DSLR camera. However, they need to be edited in some way. The theme and the way of editing is entirely up to students. 
You go down the list of options in your head as you get yourself changed into your new swimsuit. You feel a slight tap on your shoulder, making you lose your train of thought.
“Hey y/n,” Bela smiles, “I just want to apologize for not letting you finish yesterday. My boyfriend he’s- the worst at timing. What was it that you wanted to ask me yesterday?”
A date... I want to ask you on a date Bela...
“Oh don’t worry about it,” You lie, “It was nothing important anyway.”
“Okay,” She says, “Hey do you have any plans tomorrow night?” 
“No, don’t think so... Why?” You ask
“My boyfriend’s fraternity house is throwing some huge party and I was wondering if you would like to show up... With me,” Bela explains
“Wouldn’t that be a question for your boyfriend?” You ask out of pure curiosity
“He’s apart if the fraternity silly,” Bela giggles, “I don’t want to be showing up alone. so, how about it?”
She’s going to be the one leaving you alone for her boyfriend... Won’t she?
“Okay,” You answer unconsciously
“Great,” she smiles, “I’ll pick you up around six tomorrow.”
You watch her walk up to the coach and you follow the rest of the girls to begin practice. 
After practice that evening, you only rinsed out your hair in hopes to avoid Bela. However, once you had just gotten out of the shower, you realized you unconsciously did your “post-swim shower routine”. So you didn’t rush out of there.
“You okay y/n?” Bela asks
She was wearing her undergarments that time so you were slightly thankful.
“Yeah-yeah,” You sigh
“Are you sure?” She asks
“Yeah, practice is different from high school,” You say, changing the subject, hoping Bela wouldn’t notice how you felt about yesterday
“Oh- I just remembered,” Bela says, reaching into her bag
You look over and notice that your hoodie is in her hands. You had too many already... 
“Keep it,” You say, “You make it look good better than me anyway.”
“Even if my name isn’t on here?” She asks
“Definitely,” You smile, holding the locker room door open for her, “Besides, doing indoor percussion for almost nine years now gets you to own too many hoodies.”
“Nine years?!” Bela asks
You nod, “Fun fact, after high school swim season for the girls’ team, I’d turn to music and participate in indoor percussion.”
“Do you still do it? Indoor Percussion?” Bela asks
“Yeah,” You say, “I currently have a contract with a top tier world class percussion ensemble for this coming season.”
“That’s awesome y/n,” Bela smiles, “I’ve never been to one of those kinds of shows.”
“Well, I juts might bring you along,” You suggest, “It’s fun to watch.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” She smiles
Her boyfriend yet again pulls up to the both of you. You watch her drive off with him as your heart sinks again. 
Why are you feeling this way when you clearly know she has a boyfriend? Grow up kid...
You walk to your car once more and decide to treat yourself out for something to eat.
Once you got back to your studio apartment, you felt your phone vibrate. When you open it up you see a text message from an unsaved number.
Hey, it’s Bela. This is y/n’s number right?
Hey, yeah. That’s my number.
Despite knowing she has a boyfriend, you enjoy talking to her. Like friends. Right?
The next day you focused on school work however, putting off the photo assignment as you haven’t gotten a clue on what to do. However, you see your phone’s screen light up again and see a message from Bela.
Hey, just a reminder, just dress like you’re going to the club.
Okay, got it.
You stand up from your couch, declaring that was enough homework for the rest of the night, you go through your closet and spot an outfit; red crop tank top/lace bralette combo, ripped skinny jeans, dr. martens and a leather jacket to top it all off. 
Perfect. Wait until Bela sees you.
When you finally put on your leather jacket, you decided to put on some dark red lipstick to give more ‘oomf’ to your look. When you had finished applying it, you hear your phone ring. You look over and see Bela’s icon on the screen. You unlock your phone and hold it up to your ear.
“Hey I’m here,” Bela says from the other end of your phone
“Great, I’ll be down in a second,” You say, hanging up the phone
You exit the bathroom and grab your apartment keys and exit your apartment; locking your door. You almost rush down the stairs when you see Bela’s cark park out front. You weren’t sure how Bela reacted to you when you stepped out of the apartment door however, when you got into the passenger seat, Bela was looking at you.
“Take a damn picture if you’re going to stare,” You flirt
She takes out her phone and snaps a photo. You didn’t think she’d actually do it. But, you weren’t complaining though.
“You-oh wow,” Bela say, breathlessly, “Since-since when do you dress like that?”
“Whenever I decide to look like a hot lesbian,” You say, sitting back into the passenger seat
The both of you didn’t really say much after then as Bela was focused on driving. When the both of you arrived, You get out first, just to open the door for her.
“A lesbian and a gentleman,” Bela flirts
You follow close behind her as you enter the fraternity house Bela talked about the evening before. You didn’t expect it to be packed. By the time you had fully processed a college party, Bela was no longer in front of you. Instead, in the arms of her boyfriend. 
“You look like you could use a drink,” One of the fraternity boys tries to flirt with you
“No thanks,” You brush him off immediately
You begin walking away, hoping to find a spot in the party to just think. 
What did we tell you kid? Now you’re alone... At a college party. You should have just lied kid...
By the time you decided to step outside it was packed too. You turned your heel and began to walk right back into the house. You had decided to avoid the party entirely now that Bela had left you for her boyfriend, yet she showed up with you, took a photo of you and flirts with you, you found a closet. 
You shut the door and take a seat. Luckily you brought your own kind of music to listen to when you want to feel isolated. You weren’t sure how long you sat with your knees up to your face. But you sure as hell wanted to stand up because you could no longer feel your arse. Feeling slightly confident, you decided to go back downstairs where the main party was happening, hoping you could have some time with Bela. You didn’t see any of your swim teammates, so she was the only one you felt that you could talk to. 
You were only halfway down the stairs when you spotted Bela’s hair in the bright light. Lips locked with her boyfriends’.
Aaaaaand we are going back up the stairs.
You had never went back up a set of stairs so fast in your life. However, you didn’t want Bela to see you looking heartbroken. You were easily seeable from the part of the stairs you were standing on. You rushed back into the same closet. Once you leaned against the wall, you realize it wasn’t a wall. It was a ladder. You took the opportunity to limb onto the roof. You were sure it wasn’t allowed but it would be better to be banned rather than watching your now crush making out with her boyfriend. You open the hatch and inhale the fresh, crisp scent of the evening air. Once you found a suitable spot along the rooftop, you scroll through your phone. 
Ahhh, This is the song to listen to when all you want to do is fall apart.... Or stargaze, or both.
“All the Stars” - Kendrick Lamar/SZA
A Classic. 
Although you had a whole playlist just for moments such as this one, All the Stars gave you a mixed vibe when all you want to do is to fall apart and stargaze. You turn up your music, shutting out the rest of the world. You didn’t care, you had your thoughts, your music and the whole night sky to yourself.
Bela’s POV She didn’t realize how much time went by until she looked out the window.
Oh shit it’s getting late. I have to find y/n...
“Hey babe, I’m going to look for y/n,” She says
“I’m sure the kid’s fine,” He says, drunk, “Stay baby. Please. Your boyfriend needs your attention.”
“Your boys can take care of you for now,” She says, standing up
Before she could depart from him, he forcefully grabs her wrist. In a panicked state, she draws her hand back.
“Not. Here.” Bela growls, turning her heel and leaving her boyfriend by his lonesome
She walks into the kitchen, seeing some party-goers playing beer pong.
“Have you guys seen a girl wearing a red crop top, leather jacket?” She asks
They all shake their head ‘no’. Bela rushes into the gaming area. The same response from them as well. Panicking, she checks nearly every area there was in that house. However, when she reached the top of the stairs, she barely heard anyone there. So, she checks each room to see if you were in any of them. To her dismay, no luck. 
“Where did you go y/n?” she sighs, “I shouldn’t have left you alone...”
Genuinely feeling guilty, Bela picks up her phone and speed dials your number.
Y/n’s POV You groan in annoyance when your music suddenly stopped playing. However, when you looked at your phone, you freaked. Bela’s name and icon showed up. Not knowing what to do, you panic and let it go to voicemail. Hoping she would give up, you just go back into your vibe.
“Isn’t she persistent,” You talk to yourself, seeing her name and icon once more
You, again let it go to voicemail.
Bela’s POV Bela was pacing along the second floor, trying to get you to pick up but each time leading to voicemail. She was beginning to get to the point that she thought you had left. However, when she looks over to an open door, a faint light shining down. She walks into the closet and noticed the ladder leading up to the roof. She decides to check the roof as the last place to see if you were there. As soon as she poked her head through the open hatch she gasps as she sees you lying down.
Y/n’s POV You were too focused on the stars in the sky however was now blurred. As your eyes adjusted to the new darkness, you could hear Bela.
“There you are y/n I was looking for you,” She says, “You will not believe what- hey, are you okay?”
Still having your music on loud blast, you turn your head towards the horizon line; where the land meets the sky. You didn’t want her to see you like this, you had nothing to be jealous of... But here you are; jealous of Bela’s own boyfriend.
“Hey, y/n look at me,” Bela says calmly
You began feeling like melted butter as soon as Bela’s fingers gently caressed your jawline and cheek. You let her turn your head to look at her.
“What’s wrong?” She asks
You don’t say anything but you only take out one of your earbuds and hand it to her. You couldn’t find the words to tell her how you were feeling. A new song had popped on.
“Too Afraid” - MARINA
She puts in the earbud just as the song begins. One of her hands wraps around your neck while the other lingers on your cheek. You gently put your forehead against Bela’s as the both of you listen to the song together. Your hands hold onto Bela’s forearms as it hit the chorus line. 
The both of you were up on the roof listening to your music for god knows how long. The both of you were lying down at that point; Your leather jacket wrapped around her, her resting against your shoulder, stargazing with you, still listening to your music together. 
She’s the first one to actually listen to music with you... 
“Hey, Bela,” You finally say, breaking the silence
She perches herself on her elbow, looking down at you, “Yeah?”
“Won’t your boyfriend be suspicious?” You ask, “I’d hate to see something happen to you if he-”
She places her finger against your mouth.
“Forget about him right now,” She says, “What matters more is that I need to make it up to you for leaving you alone.”
“Bela- you don’t need to do that,” You say sitting up to meet her face
“No, I want to,” She says, “That reminds me, have you eaten at all?”
You both hear your stomach gurgling from the lack of nutrient consumption.
“Guess that answers your question,” You chuckle
“I know a great 24/7 diner, wanna go?” She asks
“I’d like that Bela,” You smile
You finally had the courage to walk back into the fraternity house. Bela’s boyfriend was nowhere in sight. However, Bela doesn’t seem phased at the fact as she drags your arse out of the party and back to her car. 
When the two of you arrive there, you sit in a booth near the window.
“Now would you want to tell me why you were basically gone almost all of the party?” Bela asks
“I don’t know,” You lie, but it was also the truth, “I’m not very much a party person... Especially with a bunch of strangers.”
“Then why didn’t you say so? We could have done something else,” Bela says
“I didn’t want you to have to leave your mans just to make time with me,” You sigh, sipping on your milkshake, “Besides, you looked like you are the life of the party. I.. I also can’t say no to you.”
You didn’t realize how upset you sounded when you told her how you ‘didn’t want to interrupt her time with her boyfriend just to make time for you’ bit.
“What’s your ideal ‘party’?” She asks out of the blue
“Oh? well, just having three to four friends over, we just drink, eat junk food, play super smash brothers, watch a movie watch youtubers or all three. Not in that particular order though,” You ramble on, “That’s pretty much it. Nothing special.”
“When was the last time you’ve had one of those?” She asks
“Too long,” You answer, “Why?” Are you going to do something like that one of these days?”
“Something like that yeah,” She says
After the two of you had diner food she drops you off back at your apartment.
“Thanks Bela,” You say, opening the car door
Before you could step out of the car, you could feel her hand coil around your wrist and you felt her other hand turn your face towards hers and your lips meet each other halfway. She pulls away for you to process the fact, however, you lean forward even further and your lips meet hers once more. 
“Goodnight Bela,” You whisper when you pull your lips away
“Goodnight y/n,” She replies
You finally step out of her car. You don’t fully process what happened until you got into your apartment. 
You just fucking kissed Bela Dimitrescu...
Chapter 3
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 27-28
Summary- While team Luck runs, everyone else travels. Trails are found and a new directions chosen.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book and up to the most recent episode under the cut. Potential spoilers for latter books.
Ch 27
Perrin POV
Still with the Tuatha’an. I still like them here
Honestly that (slow) pacing is probably best if you spend most of your life traveling.
He (Elyas) understands the traveling life even if not the pacifism
Also yes I realize when I type ‘the Tuatha’an’ I’m basically saying ‘the the People’. (I know enough Irish to know that)
Elyas- no you need to eat and rest. Even if you and I don’t like it here, we stay. Also I’m not leaving because someone has to protect you children’
Pie…. Mmm. Food!
Well the wolves can smell Trollocs really well so there’s that. I’m guessing Elyas knows that.
‘The plot says wait so we wait!’
“Nothing is hunting them” -Perrin on the Tuatha’an. My observation- Sure, probably not actively but doesn’t sound like their lives are easy. Being happy despite hardship doesn’t mean they don’t experience it.
Perrins dancing!
… unexpected horny on main. Tbh, I was wondering when that’s kick up. Not hoping just wondering
“What do I do now? What would Rand do? He knows about girls?” -Perrin thinking to himself when confronted by girls dancing slightly ‘suggestively’ -I’m sure there’s a better word but it’s not coming to me- for the first time. LMAO. Mm, sure. lol. Rand know what to do? Oh wow. No Perrin. No. That’s adorable.
It also. Wtf is this man? (I know. I know what it it. It’s… let’s just say I’ve been warned)
I said what I said. But I bet it is a fun dance to learn! So good for Egwene.
Yea Egwene is right. She’s got it, enjoy the respite.
It seeps into you by being honestly quite nice.
“There is never any excuse for violence to another *human being*. The Way of the Leaf.” -teotw.
Also. Aram, Egwene is for sure not gonna stay here. Sry not sry.
Aw yes, the supernatural inhumane dangers. But see. Maybe, the pattern does actually just like them? Hmm? No one else. Just them.
Mmm that trauma really hit you hard man.
“No Ba’alzamon. Just ordinary nightmares.” -(Perrin) on his awful Trolloc nightmares [editor me- uh oh]
Wolf powers! Improve!
Oh it’s Balzo again. Interrupting a wolf dream… leave the wolf alone. No!
“The Eye of the World will consume you…” -Ba’alzamon- Balzo to Perrin, being his usually spooky, evil, dramatic self.
He also threw a raven at him. Which is weird -and a call back to earlier raven things. But no wound when Perrin woke. So there’s that at least.
Yup. Ol’ Balzo finally found you. Sry ‘bout that.
“[Raen to Elyas] ‘I think the wagons will go east. Perhaps all the way to the Spine of the World. Perhaps we’ll find a *stedding*, and stay there a while.’ ‘Trouble never enters the *stedding*,’ Elyas agreed. ‘But the Ogier…’” -Teotw as Elyas tells Perrin they must flee. Raen notes something and makes a decision as to where he will lead his band.
Nice bit of lore there.
Really do actually enjoy that we are in the character’s perspectives and those perspectives are not always accurate. Like Egwene wasn’t going to stay with the Tuatha’an, but Perrin never really asked what she thought he just assumed. And this far for teenagers I buy that.
I feel a little sry for Aram. But only a little.
Plz. Tuatha’an men hug. I buy only that they know Perrin doesn’t.
Ah yes. Ritual goodbyes!
Was Elyas a Tuatha’an?
Sure. Wolves are like jock preps. Dogs are himbo jocks
Ha! Egwene did finally get Elyas to ride Bela
“Perrin did not want to think about his dream. He had thought that the wolves made them safe. /Not complete. Accept. Full heart. Full mind. You still struggle. Only complete when you accept./“ -teotw. (/words/ are the wolves).
Lol. And he’s like ‘that was weird. Don’t like’ these wolves- ‘dude. Really? We just told you we could help if you’d let us. And all you’ve got is this is creepy, no? Enjoy your haunting nightmares.’
I’m sry Perrin but, Fuck you. Let her enjoy her jewelry from her ex.
“Advice! Nobody tells us how to be men. We just are.” -Perrin on Egwene telling him Ila was giving her advice on being a woman.
& I live thru Egwenes answer- “That, is probably why you make such a bad job of it.” And Elyas cackling.
Ch 28
Nynaeve! Nynaeve POV
Also at Whitebridge…
Oh fuck. Nynaeve (to herself) ‘oh I’ll train to be an Aes Sedai. To wreck you Moiraine’
“Moiraine would not tell her anything!” -(Nynaeve)
Well she answered. By magic. That’s how.
As for the rest. Infuriatingly closed lipped and dismissive yea
“If only there was some way to get rid of the woman [Moiraine]. Lan would be better by himself… And yet, Lan made her even more furious than Moiraine. She could not understand how…” -(Nynaeve). Lol
Oh she just has a great deal of experience in that duel type I suspect.
Oh yea the shoe drop anxiety. (Nynaeve)- “The silence seemed like a crystal doomed to shatter, and waiting for the first crack put her teeth on edge. It weighted on Moiraine and Lan, too…” -
She is part of the Pattern!
More watching…
Everyone is worried about the White Bridge falling down.
Little comfort when the wheel seems to will a Fade to your village.
“She did not ask questions; she gave sympathy…” -(Nynaeve) seeing Moiraine help the people of Whitebridge.
Townspeople, terrified- ‘this is fine.’ (Standing in their ruined town)
This is such a good example of the rumor mill
Hey at least it sounds like the Spray is ok! And Cap Domon. If rumors are true
Hey that found that inn! Bartim’s inn
“Their meal was consumed in silence…” -teotw. Oh so no Bartim talking to them about his feet? Shame. /s (I had enough for a lifetime already)
“Lan spared him one glance and snorted, ‘Militia. Useless.’” -Lan seeing the guard that reminds Nynaeve of Cenn Buie.
Red uniforms are interesting.
Wow. She got all that from the air? Cool
Can Aes Sedai move in a way that is a lie?
Didn’t stay long huh? Understandable
Off to Caemlyn!
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highlifeboat · 3 years
Bela with A3, Beware The Quiet Ones
POV: Your name is Daniela Dimitrescu, you tried to eat the Man Flesh first even though Bela was the one who caught him.
You regret your decision.
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marsthegaymer · 1 year
Promises Prt 2 <3
Part 1
Mommy! Lady Dimitrescu x Little! Reader
Warning(s): Age regression, angst, yelling, fluff.
a/n: This is the second part. I had fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy.
Summary: Alcina comes to get Y/N and makes it up to them
Alcina’s pov
I sigh as I feel myself start to get hungry. I get up out of my chair and make my way out of the room. I walk by Y/N and i’s room. I should probably check on her. I walk into our room and she’s no where to be found. Hm, that’s odd. I walk out and look for Daniela. “Daniela have you seen Y/N” I ask. “The last time I saw her is when she left to go take a nap” Daniela explains. I ask the maids but nothing. I start to get worried. I walk into the trading room. “ duke have you seen Y/N at all” I ask. “Why yes, I have. She was walking to Lady beneviento’s house. She wanted directions. She was upset” he explains. “Why? Why did she want to walk there she could have just asked” I say. “She was upset, in tears. She was upset at something you did”he says. My eyes widen when I realize why. I feel so stupid. I walk out of the room to the chambermaid. “Get the carriage ready for  Lady beneviento’s house”I order her and she goes right away. I hope she forgives me. 
Y/N’s pov
I wake up to Donna calling my name. “Mommy” I ask rubbing my eyes. “No it’s me love” Donna says softly. I sigh softly. “Are you hungry” she asks. I nod and she holds out her hand. “Come on. I have a sandwich for you” she says. I hold her hand and she leads me to the table. “There you go honey” she says softly. I eat all my lunch happily and hand the plate to Donna when there is a knock at the door. “I’ll be right back” Donna says softly and goes to answer the door. Mommy walks in the door and I get excited for a second before remembering what happened. Mommy looks at me and smiles. “ Hey there baby. Mommy’s here to pick you up “ she says softly. I hide behind Donna and shake my head. “ baby you have to come home. You scared me little bug “ she says. “ no wan go. Mommy ma me cwy.”
I say . “I know and I’m sorry but we have to get home” I say. “But all’s chu do is work. Chu jus ignore me “ I yell at her and she sighs. She bends down to my height and puts her hand on my cheek. I hold her hand and lean into her touch. “Look, I shouldn’t have ignored you. I get caught up in work and ignore you. I’m supposed to look after you. Baby I’m so sorry for yelling at you. I understand it takes you longer to understand things. Please forgive me little one” she begs. I smile and hold her hand tighter. “ I fogives chu mommy” I says and she smiles. She leans in and kisses my cheek. “Now let’s get you home. We can cuddle when we get home” she says softly. I giggle jumping up and down. “Yayyyy” I say smiling. 
We arrive home and I get knocked over by hugs from Dani, Bela, and Cass. “Careful girls” mommy says softly. “I’m so glad you weren’t lost” Dani says. “Come along little one. I believe I promised you something” Mommy says smiling. I hold her hand and we go to the room. “Alright let’s get all comfy” she says grabbing a pair of pajamas. Mommy helps me undress and put on my pajamas. “You ready draga mea” mommy asks. I nod and plop down on the bed. She pulls me into her lap and I lay my head down on her chest. I cuddle into her as she wraps her arms around me. “I wub chu mommy” I say yawning. “You’re so cute draga mea” she says stroking my hair. I know my mommy messes up sometimes but I will always still love her.
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Dean's POV:
"Where are we going?" she asked as she leans her head on my shoulder and I moved my arm and put it around her, "to Indiana is where we will meet Bobby," I said and she nodded. I really didn't know how I was going to do it and say that the next few hours are the last ones that I will spend with her.
Y/n exchange seats with Sam and now she was in the back while Sam was in front with me. We have been on the road for hours and I glance back at her and I see her sleeping, then I took a deep breath, "you haven't told her?" Sam said making my head snap towards him, "what do you think, huh?  She wouldn't have been happy with what I did" I said and Sam nodded, "but you have to tell her, you know that right?" he said, and even when I hate to admit he was right, "how Sam? You saw her when Scott almost die and she couldn't do anything, you saw how she broke down, I cannot.. I just... I... I... I just can't" I said thinking of a way but nothing seems to work, "so what Dean, you just expect her to just see you die in front of her eyes and not know a thing!" he said raising his voice, then he looked back at her. Everything fell into silence for a few moments.
"Hey Dean?" he said, "yeah," I said keeping my eyes on the road, "you if this doesn't... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know..." I had to cut him off cause I knew where this was going, "no, no, no, no, no, no" I said  shaking my head, "no what?" he said looking at me and I glance at him for a moment, " You're not gonna bust out  for me this goodbye speech for me and if this is my last day on Earth don't want it to be socially awkward"  I said when I turn on the radio, "you know what I do want?" I said as I stopped on a song.
"Bon Jovi?" Sam said looking at me, suddenly I felt someone putting their hands on my chest and kissing my cheek from behind, "Bon Jovi rocks... on occasion" I said smiling as Y/n kissed me once again, "he's right" she said and Sam chuckle. Then I started to sing the song while Y/n smile just like Sam, "C' Mon Sammy sing!" I said he slowly started to sing along with me, "C' Mon Sweetheart I know you know this song!" I said and she shakes her head but started to sing with us and all of us were smiling. I just wanted to keep this on my mind as a beautiful memory that I will always cherish with my brother and my girlfriend. Then it hit me how I was going to tell her that I am going to Hell.
Sam's POV:
Soon we arrived at the cabin where we were going to meet Bobby and there he will tell us the exact location of Lilith.
We get out of the car and Bobby is waiting for us at the door and he smiles once he see Y/n with a wider smile on her lips as she kind of runs to his arms to hug him, "Uncle Bobby!" she said embracing him tightly, "I missed you too kid" he said and she looked at him, "I never said I missed you, but I cannot lie to you Bobby I did" she said and caused all of us to chuckle. then Bobby went to hug me and Dean. He kept looking at both of us but more Dean.
We were all around the map that Bobby had set. He started the ritual while all of us watched him, suddenly the pendulum stops and we know the exact place where she is.
"Alright. Let's go." I said while I push the things towards Bobby, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex" Dean said and I looked at him, "What's the problem?" I said approaching him, "What's the problem? Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's Intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked. Okay. Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to yank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue?" Dean said after he makes sure that Y/n wasn't there to hear about his deal, "Ain't you just bringing down the room" Bobby said as he placed his hands on the table looking at Dean, "Yeah, well, it's a gift" Dean said chuckling while me and Bobby just looked at him, "I'm sorry, so then what are we supposed to do, Dean?" I said looking at him, "Just 'cause I gotta die doesn't mean you have to, okay. Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all" he said lower to make sure Y/n didn't hear him and Bobby was studying him, " Okay, fine. If that's the case I have the answer" I said not believing how he was acting, " You do?" he said looking straight to my eyes, "Yeah. A sure-fire way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona fide demon-killing Ginsu", "Damn it, Sam, no" he said and before I could answer another voice was heard and made all of us turn to see Y/n standing on the door, "hey I think its time to get something to eat. I will be right back" she said smiling while all of us nodded, "I will go with you. I need time to think" I said looking at Dean then at her giving her a fake smile, "okay, so we will be right back," she said and she walked up to Dean and gave him a kiss on the lips and a kiss on the cheek to Bobby, then we walked out leaving them there.
Dean's POV:
I sight in relief as Y/n was out of the cabin.
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"she has no idea right?" Bobby said making me turn and I sight as I looked at him before I looked away, "Bobby what do you expect me to tell her. 'oh yeah by the way maybe I will only be with you for a year or less because I made a deal to save my brother sweetheart, so enjoy the time we have" I said and he just shook his head, "look, boy, she needs to know sooner or later, better soon and if you are not going to tell her I will cause that girl means a lot to me, just as much you do, but I can't see her go through something like that again" Bobby said, "no Bobby I just need time to figure out a way to break it down to her" I said pausing, "then can you please take her away when is time for all this to happen. You should not come back either. This isn't your fight." I said and he moved his head again, "family don't end with blood, boy! Do you think I will be able to keep her from coming and trying to save you huh? You are really an idjit if you think she would stay with her arms crossed" he said moving forward, "I know but I just want to protect her" I said looking down.
Minutes later I heard the purr of Baby, the door of the cabin and when I turn I am met with a slap on my face, "I deserve that" I said and then she continues to push me and slap my chest as I try to hold her, "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU MUST THINK I AM FUCKING STUPID!" she said with tears on her eyes as she looked at me, I could feel mine and her pain it was a strange feeling, "look, sweetheart I h-" I said but soon I was cut off, "Don't you dare to say that you had to Dean there are other freaking ways!" she said more calmly, but still crying, "look I'm sorry I had no other option at the time," I said and she just closed her eyes and tears started to run down her cheeks and how hard she swallows, "how- how-how long do you have?" she asked and I saw how hard it was for her to speak.
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"30 hours," I said then I looked her as my own tears started to run down my own face, her lips started to tremble as she looked at me. I slowly started to approach her and she started to cry harder, I was afraid that if I try to pull her to my arms she was going to reject me again, but I did it anyway. I put my arms around her and she just hugs me tighter as if she didn't she was going to lose me, but in reality, she was at the end of the day. She started to break down and I felt how her world was crashing down 'cause of me, " I'm sorry Dean I-I shouldn't have reacted that way. but I can't lose you......Dean just hold me please" she said with her voice breaking down and I did just hold her close to me, "I- I-I- I can't go on without you Dean, I need you" she whispered as I had my arm around her and the other held her head and kissing it, "I love you, baby, so much," I said holding her closer to me, as soon as I said that I felt her hold me tighter. I never imagined that the first time I will say 'I love you' will be like this, "I love you too Dean," she said as she looked up and kissed my lips, but the kiss felt different it had a deeper meaning.
Y/n's POV:
As all of us arrived at the house where Lilith was and  I stopped Dean, "I love you okay, never forget about it, Dean. You are a great man that doesn't deserve this or anything bad that had to happen to you, you deserve all the happiness on the entire world, do you hear me, I love you Dean Winchester" I said as I try to hold my tears, but as he pulled me to kiss I felt how the saltiness of them on the kiss that we shared, "I love you damn much sweetheart and I wish we could have more time so I can show you all that you mean to me" he said and I just hugged him tightly, "I know Dean, I know" I said and before we walked in we shared another kiss.
Sam's POV:
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We were in a room Y/n, Dean, Meg, and I try to stop the Hellhound from entering. Then Meg pins me and Y/n to the wall and Dean to the table. It wasn't Meg it was Lilith when the last bell went off, she let the Hellhound enter and I looked at Y/n and she and Dean locked eyes for a final time, "I love you" both of them mouthed to each other before the Hellhound started to rip my brother. I couldn't contain my tears as I watched what was going on and not being able to do something killed me more than anything. As he was being ripped he started to scream but it wasn't only his,  Y/n was screaming like if she was going through the same thing, that causes Lilith to get distracted like if she realized something, "it can't be?" she said as she kept her eyes locked on Y/n and then moved to Dean and I used my powers and she stopped holding us and as soon as she let us go Y/n moved to hold Dean's limp body and I did the same as Lilith left the body of the girl.
Dean's POV:
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I was suspended and with hooks piercing my skin, I am bloody and sweaty and completely terrified, " HELP! NO! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I scream but no one can hear me, "SAM! Y/N!" was all I could think and scream about.
Then everything goes to black as I continue to scream.
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aliandrasrhoyne · 4 years
The Women Who Walked The Desert
Whenever we think about GoT the first thing that comes to mind is dragons, ice zombies and the disaster that was the final season. But only readers know that it has been inaccurate since they decided to write a storyline without its main pov. And yes, I’m talking about Dorne and Arianne Martell.
But despite its many failures, there was only one thing pretty accurate, the location. They chose the Real Alcázar in Seville, one of the many monuments erected during the 800-year period in which arabs dominated the peninsula and multiculturalism was appreciated in the bib-ramblas as 3 different cultures coexisted in the same caliphate.
Today we’re going to take a look at The Queenmaker and analyze her caricature as that of her family relationship and love affairs with that of other relevant figure in the culture of Al-Andalus for being the most important poetess.
Wallada bint al-Mustakfi
Her father rose from his chair to kiss her on both cheeks. "The fate of Dorne goes with you, daughter," he said. [...] She did not shed a tear. Arianne Martell was a princess of Dorne, and Dornishmen did not waste water lightly.
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Like Arianne, Wallada was a princess and the daughter of Muhammad III of Córdoba, one of the last Umayyad Cordoban caliphs.
"You know me, captain," Arianne had said, as the leagues rolled past. "You have known me since I was little. You always kept me safe, as you kept my lady mother safe when you came with her from Great Norvos to be her shield in a strange land.”
Wallada’s mother, Amin'am, was brought from the distant lands of Hungary. But if we look closely, Norvos has a lot of similarities with Budapest;
Situated among the hills of Norvos, on a tributary of the Rhoyne, a major river on the continent of Essos. / Budapest sits on the eastern edge of Transdanubia (a hilly region extending from the Danube to the Alps).
Gateway for caravans travelling on the ancient Valyrian roads. / Budapest being situated at the crossroads of international trade routes from Eurasia.
Norvos is a city is split in two, the High City which is on a hill and the Low City on the river. / Budapest is split in two. Buda sits on the hills on the western size of the river while Pest sits on the plain to the east of the river.
Norvos is surrounded by small walled villages supporting the main city. /  King Bela IV ordered the construction of stone walls around villages after the Mongol invasion.
Home of the bearded priests. / Order of the Dragon & Order of Saint George
There were Myrish carpets on the floor, red wine to drink, books to read. In one corner stood an ornate cyvasse table with pieces carved of ivory and onyx, though she had no one to play with even if she had been so inclined. She had a featherbed to sleep in, and a privy with a marble seat, sweetened by a basketful of herbs. [...]  She found a cedar chest full of her clothes at the foot of her bed, so she stripped out of the travel-stained garb she had slept in and donned the most revealing garments she could find, wisps of silk.
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Dorne's economy was able to keep them independent from House Targaryen for so long, but how is that possible when they don't have gold mines like the Lannisters or agriculture like the Tyrells? Very simple, the use of water to plant unique fruits that need a warm climate like citrus or olives and the trade relations they have with Essos. Being descendants of the Rhoynar, they have a closer contact with the Archon of Tyrosh or the merchants of Qarth. That’s how Doran met Mellario in the first place.
In Al-Andalus, an irrigation system was also created that went through the subsoil of the Caliphate and thanks to arranged marriages, they won ivory and silk brought from distant China. This is the case of Wallada's mother, being the daughter of a merchant who offered his services in exchange for his daughter rising to a better social position by marrying the caliph.
The decline of the caliphate would begin with the Ottoman-Hungarian wars (1366) that blocked many trade routes and the caliphate soon began to weaken as it was surrounded by enemies (Christian kingdoms in the north and Berbers in the south), which would later generate a disintegration until they were reduced in the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada (1230-1492).
However, Prince Doran did not mean for her to wed a Dornishman. [...]  When Arianne reached the age of marriage, Doran presented her with several suitors, all of whom were elderly lords (including Ben Beesbury, Walder Frey, Gyles Rosby, Eldon Estermont, and Hugh Grandison), while rejecting an offer from Lord Hoster Tully, who had invited Arianne to travel to Riverrun and meet his heir Edmure. Arianne refused all of the elderly suitors.
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Wallada’s father, Muhámmad III, came to power on January 11, 1024 by assassinating the previous caliph Abderramán V. This generated a turbulent reign, since many didn’t agree that he governed without having been elected before. 
That is why, just having a daughter as an heir, he thought, like Doran, to betroth her to eldery Christian dukes and counts of the north to preserve his lineage and annex certain lands, but this only generated more tension and ended up being murdered with poison in Uclés.
Days came and went, one after the other, so many that Arianne lost count of how long she had been imprisoned. She found herself spending more and more time abed, until she reached the point where she did not rise at all except to use her privy. The meals the servants brought grew cold, untouched. Arianne slept and woke and slept again, and still felt too weary to rise. Fresh meals replaced the old ones, but she did not eat them either. Once, when she felt especially strong, she carried all the food to the window and flung it out into the yard, so it would not tempt her. The effort exhausted her, so afterward she crawled back into bed and slept for half a day.
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After her father’s death, Wallada was taken away from the capital to a summer residence used by the royal family called "Medina Azahara" and left isolated for a month. During that time they were debating what to do with her as she was the last of the Umayyad dynasty, one of the 4 lineages that dated back to the time of Muhammad.
Unlike Arianne who was confined in a tower, Wallada could go out to the gardens as long as she did not go outside the permitted perimeter. During that time she wrote poetry that resemble Arianne's charisma and way of being;
I am fit for high positions by Allah and am going my way with pride. I allow my lover to touch my cheek and bestow my kiss on him who craves it.
Wallada was lucky that her father's death coincided with the splendor of the political career of Abu ‘l Hazm of the Banu Jawahr. He established a republic with a council of ministers (called wazirs) to advise him. It was for this reason that after being confined, they gave Wallada her father's fortune in exchange for distancing herself from royalty.
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Abu al-Waleed Ahmad Ibn Zaydun was, like Wallada, a member of the noble classes. Like Gerold Dayne being famously known as “The Sword of The Night”, he was called “The Scribe of The Night” for being the stage of the day where he had more inspiration to write his poems.
The two wrote poems back and forth, and the entire court was soon buzzing with gossip about the affair between the dashing young wazir and the beautiful princess. And then, it all began to go sour. Wallada caught him with another man and betrayed her trust, like Gerold did with Arianne after trying to kill Myrcella.
You were for me nothing but a sweetmeat that I took a bite of and then tossed away the crust, leaving it to be gnawed on by a rat.
Poison, thought Arianne. Yes. Pretty poison, though. That was how he'd fooled her. [...] Pretty boys had ever been her weakness, particularly the ones who were dark and dangerous as well.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun looking into this and pulling some comparisons out. Arab culture is so underrated so I hope curiosity has awakened them some of the people that crossed with this post. Keep calm waiting for twow and Unbow, Unbent, Unbroken!
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zdbztumble · 5 years
“Jewel of the Seven Pokemon!” Chapter III
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As a huge fan of both Tim Burton and Sir Christopher Lee, writing from the POV of characters who weren’t impressed with their Pokeverse equivalents was quite the challenge.
Chapter I Chapter II
The drawing room set was perfect. Everything Misty had ever imagined while reading Jewel of the Seven Pokémon was here. The dark aquamarine walls with white molding and filigree, the silver-plated gaslights, the deep crimson velvet of the chairs and sofa, a fireplace so big it could fit a Blastoise; even the prop for the professor’s custom phonograph had the Aerodactyl teeth lining two sides. And with all the light and sound equipment gone, there was hardly anything that gave away this was a set; except for one camera in the corner, it seemed so real.
It all would have looked even more beautiful under the proper lighting, of course, instead of the harsh florescent work lights, but Misty loved it all the same. The one costume left on set – the heroine’s dressing gown, with colors and patterns inspired by Milotic – was so wonderful that the only way Misty could keep herself from trying it on was to link arms with Ash and make him look at everything too.
“We’re here to help save this movie, y’know,” he muttered; apparently, the fineness and shimmer of the gown’s silk didn’t mean anything to him. “And Cilan’s doing his interviews right now.”
“I’m listening!” Misty hissed. Was it so hard to believe a girl could multi-task? “Besides, that director’s not gonna have anything useful to say anyway.”
Will Hampton wasn’t what Misty expected of a film director. He was a short, spindly man, with black curly hair, black scraggly beard, black baggy suit, black-rimmed blue shades, and a sickly pallor. A real weirdo – that’s what he was. He also didn’t same capable of forming a complete sentence.
“But you really have no idea where the Cofagrigus were brought from?” Cilan asked him.
“Nah,” said Hampton. His hands never stopped moving when he talked. “The producers…from what their…I think they…wasn’t important.”
Cilan looked stumped by that answer, and Misty couldn’t make any sense of it either. But Hampton apparently knew what he was doing with movies; Sir Bela called him his favorite director. “Knows exactly what he wants,” he’d said, and he could somehow make out what exactly that was; he was the only one nodding along.
“Hmm…” Cilan started to pace, his magnifying glass held to his chin. “And you had no signs of trouble from them until the jewel appeared on set? They weren’t hostile to direction, in other words?”
Hampton shook his head. “Nah. They were…did the thing…yeah.”
“And what about Bisharp?” Cilan asked Sir Bela. “Was there any sign he might be under a definite influence – Hypnosis, perhaps, or Psychic? Or even an indication he might have had a problem with the production?”
“No, but it’s funny you should say that,” said Sir Bela. “Because Bisharp is quite attentive to my feelings on our films. And he has heard me, many times, say about the Blasko series – well, they made far too many of them, of course. And they did not use Hunter’s lines, they did not portray Hunter’s character, and –”
“Who’s Hunter?” asked Ash.
“Saul Hunter, Ash,” Misty groaned. “The author of Blasko – The Un-dead and Jewel of the Seven Pokémon.” Honestly, why did she have to go and like such an uncultured boy? It was exasperating.
Sir Bela went on without any mind to the interruption. “I do seem to recall saying to Bisharp on the plane that having a prince’s jewel instead of a princess’s worried me, that it was a sign of another poor script from Hunter’s work. All in jest, of course. Naturally, I’d already read the script – it’s superb. Superb. And given over to one of the great directors of our age.” He swept a hand to indicate Hampton, who giggled nervously and tugged at his hair. Misty shared a skeptical look with Ash.
“And you said that to Bisharp too?” asked Cilan.
“Of course.”
“Do you remember your exact words?”
“…I do, and now that you mention it – I never did say explicitly that I was joking on the plane. And between takes on the first day of filming, I may have said ‘I’ve never seen a director like this.’ Meant as a compliment, of course, but…”
“Are we getting somewhere with this?” Iris moaned. She was hanging upside-down from an empty line set by her legs, rocking impatiently. What a kid, Misty thought. Of course, from what Ash had said about Iris, Misty guessed she was thinking the same thing. What was it that made some people their age act so much more mature than they really were? And they never realize it, either…
“I think I know where you’re going with this, Cilan,” Misty said, drawing herself up tall. “Bisharp got the wrong idea from what Sir Bela said, and thought he wasn’t happy with this movie. And that’s why he’s disappeared – he didn’t want to be in a film he thought his Trainer didn’t like!”
“You think so?” said Ash, sounding impressed.
“Pika?” concurred Pikachu, still on Misty’s shoulder.
“Osha!” Oshawott, still in Misty’s right arm, clapped approvingly and nuzzled her shoulder with his cheeks.
Cilan, however, shook his head. “That doesn’t explain what’s happened here.”
“Huh? Why not?” Misty frowned. What else could he have been driving at, with those questions?
“Elementary, my dear Misty.” It was a standard line of the Mycroft Abode character; Misty suspected Cilan had been itching for an excuse to say it. “The unusual behavior started with the Cofagrigus, not Bisharp. And any misgivings Bisharp may have had about the production shouldn’t have mattered to the other Pokémon in the cast and crew. They may have made him more susceptible to whatever’s causing this mystery, but they don’t explain it.”
“Hmm…he’s right,” said Ash. Misty tightened her grip on his arm until he winced. “Whose side are you on anyway?” she hissed.
“That wouldn’t account for the missing equipment either,” said Cilan.
“Or the missing producers,” added Sir Bela. “They left for the front office after informing us about the suspension. I expected them back by now.”
“Well, that’s…I bet they…executives…lunch meeting…all day.” Hampton shrugged.
“…Yes. Er – are there any Pokémon left at all?” Cilan asked. “If so, they could have some insight. Ash’s Pikachu could question them and report – Ash is quite gifted at divining what Pikachu means.”
“Hey – yeah!” Ash said, with a snap of his fingers. It did seem like a good idea – not that Misty was about to admit it, after hers was shot down like that.
“There are no Pokémon left that were directly involved in the production, I’m afraid,” said Sir Bela. “None that I’m aware of, anyway. But I do have two more on me – they never took to filmmaking, but they travel with Bisharp and I and know him well. They haven’t been out since we’ve arrived here, but they may know something about his state of mind.” He reached into his jacket and drew out a Dusk Ball and a Luxury Ball. The Dusk Ball went out first, flashing as it opened to reveal –
“SHEDINJA!” Pikachu and Oshawott went flying. Iris and Cilan winced at the scream. Misty sprang onto Ash’s back, wrapped her arms and legs around him, and pulled and twisted until he was a complete shield between her and that horrible buggy ghost.
“Is there something wrong?” Sir Bela asked.
“Misty’s got – ack! – problems with Bug-types,” Ash wheezed. Pikachu moaned in agreement; he and Oshawott had landed in a pile on one of the chairs. Misty was about to apologize when the Shedinja floated closer. She tightened her grip and buried her head into Ash’s shoulder instead.
“Really now,” Cilan said crossly. “There’s no time for this. We have a mystery to solve, and there’s no need to be upset by a friendly Pokémon that means us no harm and –”
POP! Misty dared a look up to see what came out of the Luxury Ball. It wasn’t another bug, thankfully; it was actually kind of cute. A feline Pokémon, with a violet and cream coat and sleepy green eyes –
“PURRLOIN!” she heard Cilan shriek, and saw the green blur of his mad dash for cover behind the sofa.
This movie can’t be worth it, Iris thought. She ran her hands down her face and bit back a groan as the clock made one tick closer to a full hour since they’d come into this set. The time would be easier to take if anything were actually happening, but…
The first hang-up was that this Bela Christopher guy’s Purrloin was really offended by Cilan freaking out around it, and it took forever to convince it to help out. Then Purrloin and Shedinja had to go in the corner with Ash and Pikachu, a “safe” distance from Cilan and Misty. Cilan would shout his questions across the set, Pikachu would give them to the Pokémon, they would answer, and Ash would try and figure out from Pikachu what the answers were before shouting them back to Cilan. A process that had told them nothing so far, because Shedinja and Purrloin didn’t seem to know anything about why Bisharp would disappear. Not that we need it anyway, Iris thought. My sixth sense is going off like crazy in this place, but of course the Detective Connoisseur wouldn’t trust that…
Meanwhile, Iris was stuck with creepy Christopher and his fan club. The director just sat in his chair doodling, but Misty and Cilan were gathered around Mr. Christopher as he told story after story after story. Apparently, he remembered every second of his long film career, and had no problem talking about all of it.
“…I had no idea what it was going to look like. Had no idea! And of course, the effects were very primitive in those days. We had Scorbunnies casting Flamethrower at odd angles to create the animation of the shadows…”
They just went on and on, and he never let any interruptions get in the way. And Cilan and Misty were eating it all up! Sure, Cilan gave Ash a new question every few minutes, and Misty gushed over Oshawott now and then, but for the most part, they were completely under the guy’s spell.
“…nearly severed my finger clean off. It’s still bent out – you see, here. But that was the first sword fight I had in a film. There were many, many more. I think the most difficult one was…”
It was a weird combination of boring stories and creepy storyteller. Iris liked scary movies, but a guy who was in them all the time sent out bad vibes. And those eyes…Cilan told her once that red eyes were “fetching,” but to Iris, they were nothing but bad news.
“…and he finally said to me, ‘you’re too tall to ever be an actor.’ A ridiculous thing to say to somebody. Of course, this was near the end of the war, when I was stationed in Azure Bay. I’d been seconded to the Dragon Squad as a liaison, and –”
“‘Dragon Squad?’” Iris inched closer to Mr. Christopher’s chair. “What ‘Dragon Squad?’”
It was Cilan who answered. “It’s a famous unit of the Galar Air Force, Iris. They ride Dragon-types instead of planes and serve as a special attack squadron.”
“And you…you were in that?” Iris asked Mr. Christopher. And these two were asking you about movies!?
“Well, I was an officer in the GAF. I was attached to the Dragon Squad from time to time –”
“Axew! Axew!”
“Huh? What is it, Axew?” Iris asked. Axew’s head and arms were poking out of her hair. He pointed up towards the catwalks above them. With the work lights on, it was hard to make much out, but Iris saw it too – a big, boxy shadow in an open doorway.
“What is it?” Misty asked, but Iris didn’t answer. Instead, she ran over to the fly system, shimmied up one of the ropes, jumped onto a high line rail, and swung herself up onto the catwalk. Axew gave a little cheer, and Iris gave him a little pat on the head. Now about that shadow…
Shadows seemed to be all that was up here. The work lights were all hung below the catwalks, so only a little of their light came up from below. Everything was painted or plated black. But the doorway Iris and Axew saw was filled with a dim blue glow. Inside the room, a small square closet, was light after light after light – all turned off, along with microphones and boom poles and cables.
“Hey, guys!” Iris called over her shoulder. “I found the missing film equipment! It’s all – um, Axew? Do you hear that too?” Axew nodded and slunk down into Iris’s hair. It was a faint, muffled whirring sound, hard to place. There was something mechanical to it, and it seemed to be coming from more than one spot. It’s like it’s in the walls or something. I wonder if –
The boxy shadow reappeared on the wall; a few seconds later, its source materialized. Its four arms spread wide, its red eyes lit up below the mask on its forehead, and its gold and jade body took on a horrible shine in the blue light.
“AUGH! I found a Cofagrigus too!” Iris yelled. “And I don’t think it’s friendly!” As if to confirm that, the Cofagrigus reached out with two of its hands, blue and violet flames surrounding the long fingers. From the set below, Iris heard a crash, a shout, and a menacing cry of “Cofa!”
And there’s supposed to be seven of these things…great. Battling them would be much easier with help, if only she could get away. “Axew, Dragon Rage!” Her Pokémon popped out of her hair just long enough to fire the blast, which struck the Cofagrigus right between the eyes. As soon as it reeled back, Iris dashed for the exit. She jumped over the catwalk railing, grabbed at the closest rope, and slid all the way down to the set, just in time to see Purrloin, Shedinja, and Pikachu chasing another Cofagrigus out the open side door to the stage. Ash was sprawled out on the ground with his head and shoulders on Misty’s knees, inches away from the ruins of the sofa; it looked as though it had been flung at the ground, and Misty had pulled Ash out of the way. Mr. Christopher was leaning heavily on his cane, with Cilan at his elbow for support. And the director was still doodling, as if nothing had happened at all.
“Iris, what’s going on up there?” asked Cilan.
“It’s a Cofagrigus!” Iris pointed up toward the catwalk. “There! It – it just passed through the walls! I don’t know where it’s going, but it was guarding a closet with all the film equipment that’s gone missing.”
“The one down here just jumped us,” said Ash, with a slight tremor to his voice. “There was this sound – whhhrrrr – all over, and then – boo! – and – crash!”
“So you heard that noise too.” At least it had gone; the only sound left in the room was the director’s pen scratching on paper. Strange noises before ghost attacks…strange behavior and disappearances with no explanation…yep, my sixth sense doesn’t lie about things like this. Iris put a hand to her chin. “Well, you know what I think?”
Cilan scowled. “Iris, please. This is no time for superstitious –”
“I think there’s a curse going on here!” cried Misty. She stood up so fast that she knocked Ash off to the side.
“You what!?” Cilan and Iris gasped together – Cilan in horror, Iris in delight.
“Think about it,” said Misty. “This only started when those Cofagrigus saw that authentic jewel. Jewel of the Seven Pokémon was based on real legends; maybe jewels from that ancient civilization really can hold lost souls, and the one in the jewel Sir Bela brought is possessing the Cofagrigus and the other Pokémon on the set!”
“Exactly what I was thinking!” Iris hopped over to stand side by side with Misty. “I’ve had a premonition of something like this ever since we came in here! You know –” she leaned in closer to Misty – “you might just be alright, kid.”
“Well, I’m surprised at you, Misty,” Cilan tutted. “Any supernatural occurrence has a scientific explanation, and this is no exception. Surely you recall The Houndoom of Harkershire, where the haunted moor turns out to be just a thief and his Pokémon?” He nudged Mr. Christopher with his elbow and winked at him; it must have been another of his movies.
Misty scowled and put her hands on her hips. “Well, what about The Night Train to Snowpoint, when all the clues turned out to be wrong, and it really was a ghost channeling the Froslass?” She advanced on Cilan; Iris stayed back and slapped a hand over her face. Not another one of these…
“But you recall Mark of the Golbat, where the supernatural events were a tool of the investigation to wrest a confession from the murderer?” said Cilan, not backing down.
“And Kiss of the Golbat has the vampires use a ‘rational’ explanation to fool the heroes until it’s too late! I wish you could have played the head vampire in that film, Sir Bela…”
“Bah! You’re forgetting Galar after Midnight, where –”
“ENOUGH!” Iris shouted. “No more movie talk! We have two Cofagrigus to worry about, and one of them might still be in here!”
Pikachu and Mr. Christopher’s Pokémon came back over from the door. Pikachu hopped onto Ash’s knee and gave a few chirps and gestures. “The other one went to the stage next door,” Ash reported.
“The cave sets are in that stage,” said Mr. Christopher.
“Then it looks like we need to split up,” Iris declared. It was about time someone took charge. “Half of us will stay in here to try and find that Cofagrigus, and the other half will go next door. And I’m going with Ash and Mr. Christopher.”
“What?” Cilan and Misty looked like they’d both been slapped, but they were just going to have to deal with it.
“I told you,” Iris said, “I’m done with the movie talk! And I’m sure you’re driving Ash and this poor old guy nuts.”
“Now, really!” Mr. Christopher snapped.
“I don’t care, Iris…” Ash started; Iris silenced him with a wave. She linked arms with him, then with Mr. Christopher, and marched toward the side door.
“We’ll take the cave,” she said over Cilan and Misty’s sputtering. “You two and the director check out the rest of this place.” Of course, Iris was the one who had seen the Cofagrigus in this set, but she just wanted to get out for a while. It was hard to do, though, when her companions were resisting.
“I really must protest –”
“Iris, our Pokémon!” Ash dragged his feet so that Pikachu could catch up and jump onto his shoulder, and Mr. Christopher recalled his two Pokémon. But when Ash drew out Oshawott’s ball, the Water-type shook his head frantically and waddled over to Misty, latching onto her leg as hearts lit up his eyes again.
“…Fine,” Ash sighed. “But if she needs you to battle, you’d better do it.”
“Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?” said Misty.
“You’ll find out,” Iris snapped. “Now meet us outside in an hour!” She pushed her two partners ahead and started shoving them from the back to get them to the door faster.
“Young lady,” grumbled Mr. Christopher. “I do not need shielding from fan inquiries.”
“You don’t need to be nice about it, sir,” said Iris. “It’s got to be annoying, all those silly movie questions. Now – about that Dragon Squad…”
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