#power banks walmart
The Benefits of Using a Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery for Your Phone
So, you're in the market for a new charger for your phone, huh? Well, let me tell you about the Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery. This bad boy is a game-changer when it comes to keeping your devices juiced up and ready to go. Let's dive into the details and see why this charger is a must-have in your tech arsenal.
## Cell Type: 20000mAh 1260110*2
First things first, let's talk about the cell type of this power bank. With a whopping 20000mAh capacity, you can say goodbye to constantly searching for an outlet to charge your phone. This power bank can keep your devices powered up for days on end without needing to be recharged itself. It's like having a portable charging station right in your pocket!
## Input/Output Interface: 5V/2.1A
The input/output interface of this charger is top-notch. With a 5V/2.1A output, you can charge your devices quickly and efficiently without any lag time. Say goodbye to waiting around for your phone to charge - with this power bank, you'll be back up and running in no time.
## Applicable Models: Mobile Phone, Tablet PC, Camera, Etc.
One of the best things about the Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery is its versatility. This charger is compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablet PCs, cameras, and more. Whether you're an Apple fan or an Android enthusiast, this power bank has got you covered. Plus, with its dual-USB and type-C compatibility, you can charge multiple devices at once without any hassle.
In conclusion, the Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery is a must-have accessory for anyone who relies on their devices throughout the day. With its high capacity, fast charging speeds, durable construction, and wide compatibility, this power bank has everything you need to stay connected and powered up wherever you go. Say goodbye to low battery anxiety and hello to uninterrupted device usage with this powerhouse of a charger.
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Spent the whole day doing shit for my trip and stressing while also feeling like I did nothing
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loquaxleemons · 2 months
Played Frantic Fanfic
Machine Family Reunion (Gabriel & V1), Opposites Align (Onceler & Five Pebbles), The Nightmarish tales of a dream parasite and enot (Folly & Enot) Stories under cut done with @abs0luteanarchy and another discord friend.
TITLE: Machine Family Reunion FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: gabriel, v1 WRITERS: thejampire, pancake, chaos RATED ALL AGES V1 introduces Gabriel to the sentient house appliances.
As it turns out, all machines are capable of understanding each other. V1 has a collection of houshold appliances that they talk to like friends.
V1's favorite of these characters is the Dishwasher, Frigidaire Front Control 24-in Built-In Dishwasher (Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR, 55-dBA.
The three of them decide to engage in a thrilling round of Mario Kart on the Nintendo Wii. V1 is basic as hell and picks Mario, but Gabriel is a little spicier and picks Cat Peach. Frigidaire Front Control 24-in Built-In Dishwasher (Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR, 55-dBA, of course, is cool and picks King Boo. The first course is selected, and Gabriel takes the lead in the first race! But oh, what's this, it's NPC Toad with the red shell! Obviously you can't just let a bot win, and Frigidaire Front Control 24-in Built-In Dishwasher (Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR, 55-dBA streaks ahead with a well timed mushroom, before dropping a banana to stop Toad in his tracks, but accidentally getting Gabriel with it instead. V1 is somewhere far in the back, unseen by the other two. Unnoticed. Until, of course, Frigidaire Front Control 24-in Built-In Dishwasher (Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR, 55-dBA gets hit by a rogue blue shell, launched by V1 themselves! Gabriel is still in 4th place struggle bus hell, unfortunately, but V1 is streaking towards the front of the pack like a shooting star. Frigidaire Front Control 24-in Built-In Dishwasher (Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR, 55-dBA is knocked into by the mass of furious Mariokarters, and is frustrated. They do not throw the controller however, and steel themselves. The three are locked in, ready to give it their all to fight to the finish, when suddenly the power goes out.
The generic Walmart toaster feels neglected and has struck back against V1 and their precious Frigidaire Front Control 24-in Built-In Dishwasher (Stainless Steel) ENERGY STAR, 55-dBA.
“FUCK YOU MACHINE—S!” Gabriel roars, slamming the controller down and whipping his head around to look for the culprit of the power outage. V1 shrugs, confused and also looking around. At this point, it’s pretty clear who did it whether or not you could talk to appliances. V1 points to the toaster. “YOU WEREN’T EVEN IN ON THE GAME NIGHT???” The angel yells, his armor tinged red from fury. V1 looks also pretty annoyed, optic half shuttered and foot tapping impatiently on the ground for an answer. Violent beeps and angry chimes rang from the toaster. “It says it feels left out.” V1 signs to Gabriel, who looks back at it with slight confusion. “…A toaster. Can feel left out.” He clarifies, V1 nodding in response. The dishwasher chimes in, offering to give its remote to the toaster. After a bit of heated discussion, belated beeps rang out as the toaster could finally join in. (V1 notes later the toaster acted like an upset child being left out of the “Big Kids” group. Gabriel laughs hysterically at that comment.)
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
TITLE: opposites align FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: the onceler, five pebbles WRITERS: pancake, chaos, thejampire RATED ALL AGES Five Pebbles sat on the bank of the river, wistfully staring off into the dusky sky. The sun, slowly falling past the horizon, glinted off the river, whose waters flowed peacefully and slowly. Naught for the gentle sounds of the water, it was fully silent and tranquil. Which made it incredibly easy for him to hear the light, cautious footsteps behind him. He turned his head only to behold the Onceler himself approaching him. His gaze narrowed, and he scrutinized the tall, slender man in the striped green suit. Despite having the potential to cut a harrowing figure, it was all but ruined by the soft, rounded facial features he possessed.
"What are you doing here?" Pebbles asked, huffily.
“I could ask the same of you? I haven’t seen anyone like you around here you… pink. guy.” “Don’t be rude.” “Sorry! How bad could that have been?” Pebbles huffily turned back to the river. Man, he just wanted to get back to his can… not whatever this is. At least the view was pretty. “What’s your name pink guy?” “…Five Pebbles.” The other guy paused. “Weird name! I’m the Onceler.”
Pebbles honestly thinks at this point he might be in a weird fever dream.
"The Onceler? Your name has… No meaning- What are you supposed to represent?" Five Pebbles Crossed his arms, trying to gain a superior edge to the taller individual. "My name? Well- Do names really have to have meaning?" At that, Five Pebbles contemplates. His citizens were very protective over their titles and names and ideals. This was like a breath of fresh air. "You don't need to be, anything important?" Five Pebbles responds questioningly. "I don't think there's really any wrong way to do things in life- Its about the experiences you lead in the end-" "I mean I destroyed a whole ecosystem because of my recklessness-" The Onceler jokes. "It seems we have a lot in common then.."
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
TITLE: The Nightmarish tales of a dream parasite and enot FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: enot, folly WRITERS: chaos, thejampire, pancake RATED ALL AGES Oh! A new visitor to Eternal Limbo! Maybe it’s another guy Folly could just leech off of and dispose of like Melanie But what stands before her is a… weird cat thing. Inverted colors, weird eyes and a horrible feeling just radiating off of it. It’s Enot. (She doesn’t know that.)
Enot just got to the void, but instead of the usual, it landed here.
Instead of Folly’s occasional encounter with the elevator, it’s this… weird cat that fell out of the sky.
Enot cradles it's egg in it's arms holding it away from Folly, in suspicion. Something about this other creature makes Enot's spine crawl-
Enot asks. Clearly any egg loving creature would be good company in it's eyes. It holds its egg up to the tall shadowy figure as a symbol of peace, awaiting her response.
A moment of awkward silence settles as Enot holds it's egoo
Folly huffed. "Why WOULD I? Eggs are constructs made by filthy mortals to perpetuate themselves." She stood tall, towering over this bizarre creature that had found itself in the middle of the platform she would normally slaughter innocents from that elevator on.
Enot lowers the egg, dismayed, before pulling something else out from behind it, and hurling it at the massive being before it. It tears reality asunder, warping and bending the rules of time and space, destroying everything in its radius, before disappearing.. And there she still stood, unfazed by Enot's Singularity Bomb. "Hmmhmmmmhmmm.. Is that your idea of a threat?" The gigantuous shadow figure made a noise that sounded somewhere between an ominous chuckle and a choked-back sob. "It looks like you're just another sad victim.." She disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Folly attempted to enter Enot's mind, ready to feast on and destroy this lesser being, but she did not find a proper mind. She found a horror beyond the likes of which she'd seen, even having fed off the dreams of mortals for her entire wayward existence. Nothing could have described what was in that slugcat's brain.
In a hurry, she rematerialized. "I don't know what you are.. but get out." She waved Enot away.
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
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houseofbrat · 2 months
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Democratic party civil war, you say?
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Matt Stoller on Kamala Harris:
There's a fair critique here of Kamala Harris skeptics. What basis do we have for skepticism? I'll lay out my views, which are largely policy-centered. I realize no one cares about what kind of leader Harris will be as President, but if there's one lesson we should take away from this moment, it's that we as a party should try to think more than five minutes ahead instead of panicking ourselves into a rushed decision. I started paying attention to Harris when she became California AG in 2010, because some friends worked to get her elected. It was in the middle of the financial crisis, Bush's and Obama's handling of which eventually led to the emergence of Trump. While AG, she had her most important test as an executive presiding over a big political economy decision - what to do about foreclosure crisis in California. Her position was unusual, because California is a big state, so the AG office is, staffed with many lawyers who can do complex finance analysis. Most states don't. There are only a few places - Texas, NY, Illinois, California - who have the capacity to truly wage independent litigation against powerful institutions like big banks. Harris pledged to do so. [Harris] pledged take on the banks and get something genuinely meaningful for homeowners for a mass legal violation called foreclosure fraud that put them on the hook for trillions. The details aren't important but if you want to know them read Dave Dayen's Chain of Title. It's something I was involved in. After two years where it became obvious Obama was on the wrong side, it was exciting to see a Democrat finally stand up.
Only, she didn't. Harris signed a sham settlement with a big fake fine number, that mostly let the banks do whatever they want, and I believe even get a tax deduction for the fines they did pay. As a result, a lot of people lost their homes who shouldn't have. That was a tragedy. But then when she was running for President in 2020, she *bragged* about what she did. It was rancid, similar to the worst of Obama. https://theintercept.com/2019/03/13/kamala-harris-mortage-crisis… Later it came out that her staff had given her memos on how she should have prosecuted (later) Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's bank OneWest, but just chose not to. It's not hard to see that, had Obama (and Harris) actually put the bad guys away, a whole slew of Trump officials would have been in jail rather than in the cabinet. https://politico.com/news/2019/10/22/kamala-harris-attorney-general-california-housing-053716…
I didn't pay as much attention to her big tech work or her time in the Senate, but she's quite close to a whole slew of people in the industry, top execs at Google and Facebook like Sheryl Sandberg. While AG, which was when these companies cemented their dominance in America, Harris's office saw Facebook as "a good actor." She took no actions against big firms as AG, opposed important legislation, and even started a privacy-related "monthly working group that included representatives from Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Kleiner Perkins. In internal documents, Harris' office referred to the companies as "partners."' Again, standard operating Obamacrat stuff. https://businessinsider.com/kamala-harris-silicon-valley-big-tech-facebook-attorney-general-2021-11…… Harris's circle of friends and family are biglaw Obamacrats. Her brother-in-law Tony West was a high-level Obama official, and now GC of Uber. Her niece worked at Uber, Slack, and FB, and her husband was a biglaw partner at Venable and DLA Piper. His clients included Walmart, Merck, and an arms dealer, and there were ethics questions since DLA Piper had a long list of foreign clients. https://nytimes.com/2020/08/17/us/elections/doug-emhoff-kamala-harriss-husband-takes-a-leave-of-absence-from-his-law-firm.html…
How does this differ from Biden's track record? As a Senator, you could read him like Harris. Biden did whatever the credit card companies wanted, was in on bad trade deals, and was VP when Obama mishandled the financial crisis. But Biden always had a tinge of populism. In the 1990s, he went after Stephen Breyer in his hearing for the Supreme Court, calling him an elitist for instance. He was a foreign policy guy, and never liked the Silicon Valley and Wall Street execs, he always thought they looked down on him. As President, he delegated and ignored most domestic policy, and so some of it went to populists and union people while most of it went to neoliberals like Janet Yellen and Neera Tanden. The net result of Biden's choices is a mix - good policy in a few areas, and rank incompetence across a host of them, as well as fantastically incompetent messaging. What was Harris's role? As VP, she's largely been absent from most policy areas I follow, so I don't know how to think about her views on Biden's economic agenda. She's certainly never talked about or been involved in anything competition or regulatory minded that I can see. She does not seem to be a player in any of the big money areas. That said, Harris has proven incapable of managing important tasks like addressing or even explaining the obviously dysfunctional asylum process at the border, so it's hard to know how much she *can* actually do in terms of competence. There's also a lot of inertia here, it's not like she can change everything on a dime. She will inherit Biden's legacy and officeholders, and she hasn't done much as VP to thwart economic policy, for good or ill.
So how will she be as President? I don't want to overstate my read, it's just a guess. But since we're all just guessing, what I suspect is she'll lead to a total wipeout of Dems in 2026 and 2028 as the party turns wholly against working people, and a more complete Trump-y style realignment. And that's if she wins. So that's the optimistic scenario.
Dem Civil War commencing...
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thorkidumpster · 1 year
do you ever feel like the universe just wants to shit all over you? i got a refund from my state in the form of a check that i cannot cash. my bank won’t accept it because of “risk factors”. walmart check cashing won’t accept it. i tried contacting both places and was basically told that there was nothing to be done.
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so i have an empty bank account and a government-issued check i cannot cash for ~reasons~. i’m moving states in two weeks. i have nothing. no options, no hope, nothing.
what’s the point? i think that i’ve finally gotten a chance to turn things around and it’s just… a cruel joke from the powers that be.
the worst part is i keep thinking, maybe i should just go back to the hospital. get another psych hold for the 4849933th time this year. at least then i’ll have some fucking food. but that means my cat will be alone again. and she’s running low on food, too. i can’t pay my phone bill. i can’t do anything but be a useless waste of a human being.
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shego1142 · 2 years
So in an interest to defeat the potential influx of celebrities and or brands, along with blocking them as they crop up, I suggest we return to our tumblr roots in another way:
URL Hoarding.
For anyone who wasn’t here at the time or doesn’t remember, urls used to be as valuable as gold here on tunglr dot net
Getting the url you wanted, pristine and unhyphenated with no numbers added to it (like tumblr user pizza for example) was a battle only the stubborn dared to take on.
Because it was notoriously difficult.
Why was it difficult?
Because you can’t just message staff and say “Hey! I’m important and powerful and I want that username now!!!”
No you have to message the blog that owns the url.
And haggle.
And it wasn’t even some money making scheme half the time! A lot of the time the person wanted like art commissions!
So what url hoarding was, was making a bunch of sideblogs with every version of the url you could imagine someone wanting and then sitting on them and waiting. You can make 10 sideblogs a day and some people did this like it was their job.
Do you see where I’m going here now? Do you see how funny of an idea this is???
Imagine. Imagine a “powerful” “influential” corporation wanting to barter and trade with us tumblrinas. Only to realise we want sonic the hedgehog porn or a $100k donation to ao3 in our name.
Or to realise that we absolutely can not be haggled with whatsoever.
I don’t know about you but I think the absolute funniest option is to just refuse to haggle with them.
Use their coveted url to reblog complete nonsense.
Watch them cry and squirm when they realise their powers don’t work here.
I mean as long as you rinse them for all their worth (IE don’t settle for $10k from a multi billion dollar company) if you do go making bank off of some determined corporate jerk then like, more power to you.
I just love the idea of a celebrity or a company coming to tumblr and having to have a ridiculously unofficial looking url.
“Wal-mart-1982-official-real” because tumblr user Walmart already exists or something
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I love your blog mate. Have you ever noticed how a lot of trans acceptance, despite labeled as "counter culture", is rooted in pro government/authoritarian beliefs? All a corrupt corporation has to do nowadays is "controversially" appeal to gender ideology and the LGBT will come to their to their defense because of those "darn conservatives " who speak out against it. That's all it takes to manipulate them. They will actively see them as an "ally" even though they are a multi million dollar company. It gets on my nerves. Angry Birds, Ben and Jerry's, Targef, Walmart, etc. How can you say you are counter culture if million dollar corporations are echoing your BS beliefs? Doesn't that ever raise red flags in their head? "Hey wait a minute.. why is the government and almost all major corporations pushing this ideology, what do they have to gain?" Questions they never consider even though the answer is obvious. Trans people keep women oppressed and submissive, they make massive BANK for big pharma + they now have a way to sterilize lgb people as well as normalizing the idea kids can consent by proclaiming they know what sex is as young as 3, highlighting child rapists like Kinsley as source. It's the ultimate win-win scenario for them. They manipulated two to three extremely oppressed classes of people into supporting their genocide and advocating for pedophilia- which also does the homophobes a favor because now they just associate the lgb with gender ideology and their insanity, creating more honophobes and extremists. It's not about rights to them, its power. They killed average people in the past (a proven fact) and they were especially content with stripping the rights of minorities, now they got those same minorities on their side. True "queer rebellion" is rejecting the nonsense that is "queer theory" and being your own person without labels without the influence of consumerism. The fact these people see that controversial speaks volumes.
Thank you!
Yeah, it's really SOMETHING that people keep "we are a oppressed minority that being genocided" rhetorics while being supported by multi billion corporations and usa president's administration, and don't see (or refuse to see) that these are two mutually exclusive things.
Also what you described is exactly how capitalism works. Once the rebellious group is spotted, it's being sold consumer products to: "here is you label, pin and pride flag". Business receives money and at the same time makes this rebellion controlled, which means there is no rebellion anymore. If counter culture is sponsored by big money and is widely popular, it's not a counter culture, surprise!
Considering that trans ideology opresses women, children, and homosexuals, we can safely conclude that it is a neo-patriarchy.
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orangameelectronics · 11 days
Why You Need the 22.5W Power Bank Portable Digital Display
So, you're looking for a reliable power bank that you can take with you on your camping trips, right? Well, look no further because the 22.5W Power Bank Portable Digital Display is here to save the day! This power bank is a game-changer when it comes to keeping your devices charged while you're out in the great outdoors.
### Cell Type: 30000mAh Li-Polymer
First things first, let's talk about the cell type of this power bank. It comes equipped with a powerful 30000mAh Li-Polymer battery that is sure to keep your devices juiced up for hours on end. Whether you need to charge your phone, tablet, or camera, this power bank has got you covered.
### Material: ABS+PC
When it comes to durability, the 22.5W Power Bank Portable Digital Display doesn't disappoint. Made from high-quality ABS+PC materials, this power bank is built to last. So, no need to worry about it getting damaged while you're out exploring the wilderness.
### Support Display, No LED Light
One of the standout features of this power bank is its digital display. This display allows you to easily check the remaining battery life, so you'll never be caught off guard with a dead power bank. Plus, it's a nice touch that it doesn't have a bright LED light that can be distracting in the dark.
### Input and Output Interfaces
The 22.5W Power Bank Portable Digital Display comes with multiple input and output interfaces to ensure compatibility with a wide range of devices. With Type-C, Micro-USB, and Apple interface options, you can easily charge your phone, tablet, or any other device you may have.
### Output Power and Applicable Models
With an output power of 10W/22.5W, this power bank delivers fast charging speeds to keep your devices up and running in no time. It supports a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, cameras, and more. So, whether you're on a camping trip or just out and about, this power bank has got you covered.
So, there you have it - the 22.5W Power Bank Portable Digital Display is the ultimate power bank for camping and beyond. With its high capacity, durable build, and fast charging capabilities, it's sure to become your go-to companion on all your adventures. Say goodbye to dead devices and hello to endless power with this must-have power bank.
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TORONTO on Mar 22, then with LAURA POITRAS in NYC on Mar 24, then Anaheim, and more!
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#20yrsago Secret knocking codes for firewalls https://web.archive.org/web/20050212160334/http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6811
#20yrsago The Talking Heads decision: the judicial system’s David Byrne infatuation https://web.archive.org/web/20040630151030/http://www.legalunderground.com/2004/02/i_was_ready_to_.html
#20yrsago Bush and Kerry’s RSS, side by side https://web.archive.org/web/20040401181052/http://coollame.org/bushkerry.php
#15yrsago Derivatives exposures is worth $190K/human being on Earth https://www.siliconvalleywatcher.com/the-size-of-derivatives-bubble--190k-per-person-on-planet/
#10yrsago British spies lied about getting super-censorship powers over Youtube https://www.techdirt.com/2014/03/14/turns-out-uk-government-only-wishes-it-had-special-powers-to-censor-youtube/
#10yrsago Florida set to delete Hampton, a town with a questing, rent-seeking, corrupt wang https://www.loweringthebar.net/2014/03/hampton-fl.html
#10yrsago Peak Facebook https://medium.com/a-programmers-tale/the-facebook-experiment-has-failed-lets-go-back-f7b8c66109ea
#5yrsago Beto O’Rourke was in the Cult of the Dead Cow and his t-files are still online https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-politics-beto-orourke/
#5yrsago Security researchers reveal defects that allow wireless hijacking of giant construction cranes, scrapers and excavators https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/vulnerabilities-and-exploits/attacks-against-industrial-machines-via-vulnerable-radio-remote-controllers-security-analysis-and-recommendations
#5yrsago Letterlocking: the long-lost art of using paper-folding to foil snoops https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/what-did-people-do-before-envelopes-letterlocking
#5yrsago Self-insurer Walmart flies its sick employees to out-of-state specialists to avoid local price-gougers https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/14/walmart-sends-employees-to-top-hospitals-out-of-state-for-treatment.html
#5yrsago Big Chemical says higher pollution levels are safe in West Virginia because residents don’t drink water, and are so fat that poisons are diluted in their bodies https://washingtonmonthly.com/2019/03/14/the-real-elitists-looking-down-on-trump-voters/
#1yrago Learning from Silicon Valley Bank's apologists https://pluralistic.net/2023/03/15/mon-dieu-les-guillotines/#ceci-nes-pas-une-bailout
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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hella1975 · 1 year
I think you’re gonna understand this just based on how you’ve written tams so far so I’m saying this to you because I’ve known so many people who are just awful about this but one group of people I’m more fiercely protective over than any other are homeless people. I’ve known so many people who are so hateful towards them and blame them for being homeless or think they’re all drug addicts or crazy which is still like. At that point there should be systems to prevent people that are addicts or mentally ill from ever facing homelessness but either way no one should be homeless, it’s not their fault and it’s a huge punishment for things like “not budgeting”. On top of that I worked at a store where our most stolen product was baby formula at the height of Covid when the prices for them skyrocketed. All of my coworkers were always so infuriating saying that they’re stealing it away from moms to cut their drugs with, none ever considered that maybe they were moms doing anything they could to feed their babies. Anyone who steals food, I never reported or look down on them, they are doing anything they can to feed themselves and I’m not going to stop that. I know how bad homeless shelters are and food banks, I know how common it is for things to be stolen and to get beat up just for being there or raided by police. Sometimes they’d sit outside our store or even shop and my manager wanted me to kick them out. They were never doing anything, most never even asked for money! They needed shade, a roof and ac for a few minutes from the heat or rain! There was a tropical storm once and we were forced to keep the storm open but when homeless people came in they wanted me to kick them out then too, to go where?? They wanted me to throw them back onto the streets in dangerous weather and for what. We got stolen from all the time, genuinely it would’ve made no difference. Most people who stole looked like rich tourists stealing our alcohol or teens stealing makeup but they never said we could kick them out. Likely because they could defend themselves, if nothing less than in court. Maybe it’s because I almost ran away as a kid and I researched into being a homeless child at like 10ish and saw how horrific it was from people who’ve been there before so I stayed home out of fear but I can’t imagine having no sympathy for other people. Even if they steal, how could you blame them? They are just trying to survive. Especially if they steal from Walmarts or targets or whatever, they is about as “ethical stealing” as you can get. I can’t imagine looking at someone who has nothing and does what they can to not starve and just making it to the next day and deciding you hate them and being filled with rage over them being in public. No one would choose that life, I promise they’d love to work and make money if only anyone would hire them. Nothing makes me more filled with rage and sadness than seeing someone hate or be mean and aggressive towards homeless people. The same people have more sympathy over a stray cat than a homeless person and I genuinely don’t understand that
no i completely agree with you on ALL of this it's the basic 'you're closer to becoming homeless than you are to ever becoming a millionaire' like it literally just takes one bad financial turn and that could be you. it really baffles me that if people can't at the very least empathise with homeless people from a humane perspective of the fact they're, oh i dont know, real life actual people with feelings, then you could at least empathise from a self-preservation standpoint because that could be you. that could be you so fucking easily. homeless people have not failed morally to get there. they didn't get judged by some higher power and were found lacking. they are just people. and the same way money breeds money, poverty breeds poverty. if you're homeless, you dont have a home address, which means you can't apply to jobs, which means you can't get an income to GET a home, on and on in a hundred different cycles. it's called the poverty TRAP for a reason.
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ginandtoxique · 2 years
For unhoused folks, at risk folks, or people who are just having a real bad time:
Alright, fam. I’ve been through the ringer of life and want to share some of my survival tips. I’ve been in deep poverty and also experienced homelessness. Gone are the days of “find a food bank!!” or “ask family or friends for help!”. This is for those of us deep in the shit, when you’re on your bottom rung, against the ropes, or at rock bottom. Please reblog with more if you have any of your own.
- Corn starch is extremely cheap, easy to find, and a great resource for refreshing hair and skin when you don’t have access to hygiene products. Baby powder also works but is more expensive. Baby wipes are cheap and can be used in a pinch for full body care.
- If you don’t have access to food for long periods of time, use some change to buy gum or tic tacs. Keeping your mouth moist and consuming those tiny amounts of sugar can stave off headaches and fatigue. It also prevents the sore and sensitive gums that you get from malnourishment. Walmart sells water bottles for a dollar or less. Keep hydrated as best you can.
- To avoid being accosted or harassed by law enforcement, try to blend in as much as possible. Simply appearing to be homeless or in crisis puts a target on your back. Avoid walking by schools, as you might be mistaken as a truant student, especially with a larger bag (I say this from experience). 
- If you use drugs or alcohol, DO NOT just abandon your paraphernalia or trash. Keep your trash to yourself until it can be disposed of properly. DO NOT use in public spaces, ever. You are less likely to be hassled if you mind your business in public and keep courteous to those around you.
 - Most fast food places have power outlets close to booths and tables. They almost always have public Wi-Fi. If you need to charge something, try to buy something like a coffee or snack to avoid being asked to leave.
- A small pocket knife or multi-tool is innocuous and can be used to defend yourself if you are ever attacked in public. Make sure you know your state laws on concealed carry and self defense.
- Even if you aren’t religious, some churches can be used as a lifeline into the world. If you need help, or just want someone to have track of you, attend some services. It’s a place where you can sit and rest without much judgement. Someone is eventually going to approach you, and may offer assistance with food or keeping tabs on you. The riskiest part of homelessness is not having anyone aware of your location and movements. 
If you have any more suggestions or tips, please reblog and add them. 
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and-claudias-world · 2 years
Severe Weather Go Bag Packing List
Hi friends!! I wanted to make this post to hopefully help others prepare for severe weather events.
If you live in the United States you may know that Tornado Season is coming up soon (it technically begins in April) but as seen in recent weeks, severe storms and tornadoes can happen outside of Tornado Season. This post is going to be about packing a go bag for severe weather.
A go bag is a bag (usually a backpack) that you pack BEFORE (read that again) a storm is predicted to hit your area. It has a few necessities you made need in the event that you are displaced for a couple of days. If your shelter is in side of your home you can go ahead and put it in your shelter once it’s packed so you don’t have to worry about grabbing it. If your shelter is outside of your home (like an underground storm cellar or you have to drive to your local storm shelter) you can either put the bag out in your shelter, by your front/back door or in the car to make it easier. I will also make a separate post about what to wear during a severe weather event and will like it HERE.
So first what bag should you get?
I personally just have a waterproof backpack I got from Amazon for like $15. I do not recommend using your school bag, but if that is the only option then as soon as you can empty it to prepare for the Storm. As I said you want this to be packed before the storm hits.
What to pack:
Small flashlight (if power goes out you’ll need light, or if power lines are down and it’s night time this will help as well, you don’t want to be waiting phone battery) Walmart has a good one that’s less than $2 near the camping equipment
Any important physical documents you have that are NOT saved digitally. You don’t want a ton of paper in your go bag but if you have certain documents that you NEED and do not have saved, try having a folder for them and put that in the bag. (I personally have a small one for my dog’s papers work as he is in the process of becoming an ESA and I can’t lose these papers)
Battery pack and wall charger. Chances are power will go out but if it doesn’t and you need to charge you phone it’s nice to have the option to plug into the wall. So try to have a battery back, cord and block for charging your phone. CHARGE THE BANK BEFORE THE STORM ARRIVES!!!
I personally drop my laptop into my bag as well just so I don’t loose it. It has all my info on it so I’d like to keep it safe.
A change of clothes. You may be displaced so having a change of clothes is always nice to have, at the very least drop a pair or two of underwear in your bag so you can at least change those if you are unable to get home. And when it comes to the type of clothes you bring, BRING PANTS!! It may be middle of summer but if you’re having to walk/dig through debris you do NOT want to be in shorts.
Water bottle. Either a plastic or refillable one. Make sure it has water in it before the storm.
Food, I personally just drop a few snacks that are filling (like granola bars) in my bag.
Comfort item. I personally have Storm anxiety. It’s normal. Hell I’m going into Meteorology and have storm anxiety. It’s okay to put a comfort item in your go bag. I have my teddy bear from when I was little in mine.
A beach towel. Don’t grab the thickest one you have. Just a thin one that doesn’t take up too much room will do just fine. In the event that you have to run out in the rain to get to your shelter, it’s nice to have one to dry you (or your dog off)
Medications. Any medication that you need (or anyone in your care) may need. You don’t want to be without it if something happens to your home.
I may add to this as I will be packing my bag tomorrow for some up coming storms. I hope this helps anyone who may see it 🖤
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bewhoeveriwannabe · 1 year
Messy Bestie
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Addison and Ashley have been best friends since pre-k. They were inseparable. There was never a time Addison was seen without Ashley. They were more than best friends; in fact, they were like sisters. When you saw them together, it was as if they were only one person.  They’ve lived next door to one another since birth. Their parents went on summer vacations together. One time, Addison’s dad wrote a recommendation letter for Ashely’s dad to work in the city at the mayor’s office. He saved their family from losing their home to the bank.
Addison’s dad, Austin was the sheriff of the town. He was very well respected. No one committed any crimes in the rural area thanks to her dad. He’s solved every crime that has ever been committed. The community admired him. Her mom, Lisa was more admirable than Austin. She owned the only women’s boutique. The nearest clothing store was Walmart unless you drove about 200 miles to the mall down the highway. Every woman within the 100-mile distance visited Lisa’s store. She knows every woman from each town from the west to the east and south to the north. One year she threw a birthday party and every convenience store, gas station, restaurant, and grocery store closed in town. It was as if her birthday was a holiday.
Addison’s parents were the power couple with their beautiful daughter who was sweet as could be. Everyone in the middle school Addison attended looked up to her. All the girls and guys would stop and stare whenever she walked past. One time, Kristy was being bullied for wearing a pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers. Everyone laughed at her and called her poor. Addison went home and told her parents what Kristy was going through before asking them to buy her a pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers also. When Addison walked into the school the next day, everyone’s jaws dropped. Addison has changed the perspective of Chuck Taylor for all eighth graders. After Christmas break, every kid in the eighth grade had a pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers thanks to Addison.
Everyone loved her, she was perfect. Even more perfect than Ashley, who would be in Addison’s shoes if Austin and Lisa never meet. Ashley admired Addison more than the other eighth graders as if they weren’t best friends. When Addison was away, Ashley would melt. One year, Addison went to visit her grandma out of town and rumors say Ashley didn’t shower the entire time she was away. She just sat in her room, hiding under the covers while she cried and shook from anxiety. One year, Addison dressed as Thing 1 while Ashley dressed as Thing 2. Everyone thought it was super weird. It was funny how they thought it wasn’t weird Addison dyed her hair pink and cut bangs in it then the next day at school, Ashley had done the same thing.
I’ve been in school with Addison and Ashley since pre-k also. I stay on the same block in our neighborhood. Everyone admired their friendship, but I thought it was toxic. It was scary how they were the same. They even began to look alike after we left elementary school. In the back of my head, I always thought the day their friendship ends Ashley would end the world along with it. Although they were best friends, it was obvious Ashley admired the friendship more. Sometimes Addison would say nasty things to Ashley, but Ashley would ignore it. “Ew, your breath smells like crap!” She’d scream over the lunch table so the entire cafeteria could hear, and everyone would laugh. One day, I asked Ashley why she allows Addison to be snobby towards her and she replied, “Because I love her silly!”
The prediction I had of their toxic friendship was true. I knew that the end would be near once the inseparable duo broke ties the summer before we began high school. I never knew what the reason was, but my mind allowed me to think it was Ashley’s obsession with her bestie. Rumors are Ashley’s mom doesn’t know she and Addison aren’t friends anymore. She lies to her mom and tells made-up stories about ‘a joke Addison told today’ or Addison’s awesome cheerleading performance at the football game, although she watched from the top of the bleachers all alone. Some say she lied to her mom because she betrayed a great friendship. Others think she lies because she’s delusional and doesn’t notice her bestie isn’t exactly her bestie anymore. But I think it’s because Ashley wanted to live in Addison’s skin.
Ashley no longer stood in Addison’s shadow; she did everything alone now. Her hair was never styled, she wore a ponytail the entire school year which wasn’t her usual. As Dressing fashionably for class was no longer a priority, she wore baggy jeans and big sweatshirts. All the friends she had when we were in eighth grade, no longer spoke to her since Addison didn’t speak to her. She walked around school like a zombie. With big and slow steps, I could feel the pain of emotion in each one she took. Although Ashley and I didn’t speak much, I felt for her. I’ve seen how bright she could be since we were five years old. She has let herself go and if “give up” was a person, it would, unfortunately, be Ashley.
I sat with Ashley every day during our lunch period. I couldn’t stand to watch the stares and glances she received. I thought if maybe just one person joined her, she wouldn’t look like an outcast. Although we sat together, we never spoke. She just keeps her head down while she eats snacks from the vending machine. I only see the top of her head. She never looks me in the face. Every day I give myself a pep talk before lunch to speak to her. “Hey Ashley, how are you?” I would practice under my breath. I’d be crazy to ask her that, I can see how she’s doing. I want to ask her why Addison cut ties of their friendship, but I know that’s not my place. I know why I haven’t said anything to her, but I’m not sure why she doesn’t speak to me. Maybe she thinks I’m the weird one for not speaking. She may not say anything to me, but I know she appreciates me sitting with her.
I looked around the lunchroom and saw Addison sitting with her usual group of friends most would call ‘popular’. Addison didn’t have one bestie anymore; she had an entire clique. They followed everything she did. They were sort of her pets. They stood outside the bathroom door until she finished her business. I even heard they do all her homework and assignments in class. I watched her as she laughed and joked at the lunch table. Her dark hair fell to her waist with highlights of pink and blue extensions. Her crop top shirt showed off her awesome cheerleader abs and body. Her smile was gorgeous, especially when she showed her bright pearly white teeth. Everyone loved Addison at our old middle school the year before, but now we’re in high school she has even more power than before. There’s triple the number of guys and girls to drool over her.
After lunch is 4th period, US History class. I sat in the back of the room as I waited for class to begin. I’m usually always the first one here while others take their time getting back from lunch. I was shocked to see Ashley early also. Every class she’s late, sometimes she doesn’t come at all. If my perfect ex-best friend was in the same class as me, I probably would skip too. I watched her as she grabbed a bottle of liquid out of her bag and napkins. She took her normal big and slow steps as she walked toward Addison’s assigned seat. I felt a panic fall upon me as she held the bottle upside down it dripped onto the desk. What is she doing? I was afraid. I knew Ashley wasn’t her old self and I was scared. The old Ashley wouldn’t hurt a fly. But the new Ashley, I wouldn’t underestimate her. She then took the napkins and wiped the substance off before sitting down.
As usual, she never looked at me. But she knew I saw. What has she done? Should I let an adult know? I was terrified. Ashley has turned into an entirely different person, and it seemed I didn’t know her anymore. What if it’s poison and she wants to murder Addison? My entire body was tense. My hands began to sweat, and my legs couldn’t stop shaking. I never felt fear before as I did now.
I jumped as the school bell rang and many students joined us in the class. The room felt dizzy, and everything was in slow motion as I watched Addison walk to her seat. My heart dropped as Ashley looked back at me and we locked eyes. She turned her head back to the front as our teacher began the lesson. I clenched my fist hard; I could feel my nails breaking the skin on my hand. Ashley hasn’t looked me in my face the entire school year, what did this mean suddenly? Was it a threat? I’m not sure, but the fear in my chest wouldn’t allow me to tell anyone anyway. In a matter of minutes, I convinced myself that I wouldn’t.
About fifteen minutes into class, I was ready to explode. My insides were hot, and I could feel my skin melting. I was too anxious to know what Ashley has done. Then, it finally happened. Addison began to cough randomly cough rapidly. They sounded painful as she wheezed for breath in between coughs. It started an irruption in the class. “Addison are you okay?” her friend asked. But Addison didn’t answer. Instead, she began to hold her throat tight with both hands. ‘Ashley is evil’ I thought to myself. She is going to kill Addison! Addison’s friend rushed by her side, “Oh my gosh! Your face!” she exclaimed. Addison’s face generalized hives all over. Although her skin was brown, she was red as a cherry.  Addison was having an allergic reaction!
I’ve only seen this once when we were in elementary school. Addison had an encounter with peanuts while on a field trip to the zoo. Her entire face resembled a red balloon and she coughed uncontrollably, just as she did now. Oh now, Ashley has done something evil. That liquid substance must have contained peanuts. My stomach felt quesey and I began to gag. Some students turned quickly and glanced at me before turning their attention back to Addison. The thought of Ashley causing harm to Addison made me sick!
I watched Ashley jump from her seat and towards Addison. “What are you doing weirdo?” Addison’s friend called out. Ashley ignored her as she went into Addison’s backpack and retrieved her EpiPen. Ashley knew that Addison kept an EpiPen in her backpack, and I did too. But for some reason, I remained stuck in my seat watching the horrific scene play out like a movie. Ashley stabbed the Epipen into Addison’s thigh through her blue jeans. I felt my stomach knotting again while I gagged heavily and loudly. I quickly grabbed my backpack before vomiting into it. I’ve never felt this worse in my life.
I’ve begged my mind to erase the images of that day. Every time I think about it, I think about how I could’ve prevented it. I sat at the lunch table alone as I watched Ashley and Addison across the cafeteria. They were talking and laughing with those who used to be only Addison’s friends. Ashley’s long black hair hung to her waist as Addison’s was also. They both had matching cheer uniforms for the rival basketball game tonight. Months have passed and I never told Ashley’s secret. I convinced myself that Ashley deserved the life she was living. I’ve seen how she is when she’s not friends with Addison. Being lonely, going through high school alone. She deserves the same opportunities as us all; to have a social life, to feel pretty, and be happy. Whom would I be to take that all from her?
I haven’t spoken a word to Ashley, but whenever she sees me, I’m greeted with “Hey friend!”. Followed by a fast wave and bright smile before she goes along with her day. My heart skips a few beats, and my stomach knots every time she says it. I fear Ashley. She’s capable of the worst, hurting someone you once cared for. I knew I would never tell anyone about what Ashley had done, because if she’d hurt someone she was obsessed over, imagine what she’d do to me.
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Suffered a power outage during a snowstorm
We're having a snowstorm, and I didn't think it would get bad enough to knock our power out but it did, but I'm doing my best to stay warm, I have a USB powered lamp on using my phone's power bank, family is out at Walmart getting supplies to last us through the cold night. At least I have my big floof Brooklyn to keep me comfortable here.
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xltribe · 3 days
In Episode 7 of the XL Tribe podcast, titled "Fit, Fashion & Availability," I delve into the challenges that many big and tall men face, particularly around fashion, body image, and finding clothes that fit both in terms of size and style. Broadcasting from a casual, impromptu setting—at a restaurant, while eating—I present an authentic, relatable atmosphere. Body Image Struggles and Self-AcceptanceThe Struggles of Finding Fashionable, Well-Fitting ClothesAffordable Big and Tall Fashion OptionsThe Benefits and Limitations of DXLA Call to Action https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/xltribe/episodes/Ep-7-Fit--Fashion--Availability-e21p18 Body Image Struggles and Self-Acceptance The episode begins with a discussion about body image, one of the key struggles that many of the XL Tribesmen community members face. I address how societal pressures to look a certain way affect self-esteem and mental well-being. I encourage listeners to appreciate their bodies as they are, regardless of the extra weight society says they should lose. One of the most powerful messages from the episode is that weight loss will not automatically bring happiness, and in fact, chasing it as a sole means of happiness can often lead to greater disappointment. Instead, I advocate for self-love and acceptance, encouraging my audience to practice daily affirmations. This technique involves looking in the mirror and consciously focusing on the positive attributes of your body. Whether it’s liking your hair, your smile, or some other feature, these positive affirmations help reprogram the internal narrative from one of criticism to one of appreciation. I emphasize that while weight loss can be a personal goal, it should not be pursued out of a belief that being thinner will lead to happiness. Happiness, I assert, comes from within, through a deep understanding of who you are and your purpose in life. The Struggles of Finding Fashionable, Well-Fitting Clothes A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to addressing another major concern for big and tall men: finding fashionable clothes that fit well. I share insights from my audience, who frequently report difficulties in finding clothing in their size. I note that many big and tall men wear shoe sizes 13 and above, pants sizes 42 and up, and shirts sized 2X or larger. Unfortunately, many stores fail to cater to these sizes, making shopping frustrating for larger men. Affordable Big and Tall Fashion Options In response to this widespread issue, I highlight two major retailers that offer solutions for the big and tall community: Target and Walmart. Both of these stores carry a decent selection of larger sizes in-store. Target, for example, stocks shoes up to size 15 and clothes up to 4X. I’ve seen pants up to size 50 in stores and have personally verified that these options are available. Similarly, Walmart carries up to size 6X in some stores, offering a wide range of affordable clothing, from $8 shorts to $20 dress pants. What sets Target and Walmart apart, beyond just their availability of larger sizes, is their affordability. I emphasize that many XL Tribesmen are budget-conscious, and these two retailers offer stylish, well-fitting options that won’t break the bank. You can walk into either store and find an entire outfit for under $100, something that many higher-end stores can’t offer. The Benefits and Limitations of DXL While Target and Walmart provide affordable options, I also discuss DXL, a store dedicated exclusively to big and tall men. DXL offers more variety and specialized clothing, but there are two major drawbacks: style and price. Some XL Tribesmen feel that DXL’s offerings lack fashion-forward options, and many find the prices too high. However, I suggest that DXL is still worth considering, especially if you are looking to invest in a few high-quality pieces that fit well. I advise my listeners to treat themselves occasionally, even if it means spending a bit more.
Investing in a well-fitted wardrobe is, after all, an important aspect of feeling good about oneself. However, for those who are primarily concerned with affordability, Target and Walmart remain the go-to options. A Call to Action The episode wraps up with a challenge: I encourage listeners to visit their local Target or Walmart and search for clothing items that fit. I ask them to tag me in posts showing their finds so that I can share them with the XL Tribe community. This serves not only as motivation for listeners but also as a way to expand the dialogue around big and tall fashion. Conclusion In Episode 7 of the XL Tribe podcast, I provide valuable insights into the struggles that big and tall men face, from body image issues to the lack of clothing options in stores. With practical advice on how to cultivate self-love and a rundown of affordable retailers that cater to larger men, this episode is an essential listen for anyone navigating these challenges. My authenticity and relatable tone make this episode both engaging and empowering, leaving listeners with actionable steps to improve both their mindset and wardrobe.
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orangameelectronics · 12 days
Revolutionize Your Travels with The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank
If you're someone who's always on the go and in need of a reliable power source for your devices, then the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is a game-changer. This power bank is designed to make your travels easier and more convenient, ensuring that you never have to worry about running out of battery again.
## Cell Type: 10000~30000mAh Li-Polymer
The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is equipped with a high-capacity 10000~30000mAh Li-Polymer battery, ensuring that you have more than enough power to keep your devices charged throughout the day. Whether you're using it to charge your mobile phone, tablet, camera, or any other electronic device, this power bank has got you covered.
## Input Power: 4.5V5a 5V3a 9V2a 12V1 .5A
The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank supports input power ranging from 4.5V5a to 12V1.5A, allowing you to recharge the power bank quickly and efficiently. With multiple input power options, you can choose the best charging speed for your needs, ensuring that you can get back to full power in no time.
## Output Power: 5V3a 9V2.2A 12V1.6A
When it comes to output power, the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank delivers fast and reliable charging for your devices. With output power ranging from 5V3a to 12V1.6A, this power bank ensures that your devices are charged quickly and efficiently, so you can stay connected on the go.
## Applicable Models: Mobile Phone, Tablet PC, Camera, etc.
The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablet PCs, cameras, and more. Whether you're traveling for work or leisure, this power bank is the perfect companion to keep your devices powered up and ready to use whenever you need them.
In conclusion, the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is a must-have accessory for anyone who travels frequently or is always on the move. With its high-capacity battery, versatile input and output interfaces, and durable construction, this power bank is designed to make your life easier and more convenient. So why settle for subpar charging solutions when you can revolutionize your travels with the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank?
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