#ppg glow up
jikothemartian-z · 1 year
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I made a glow up
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Fools,absolute bafoons:Buttercup is gonna become more feminine when she gets older and Butch's gonna get more masculine and they're gonna date and be an #it couple😍💚💚💚
Me,trans and a super genius:It's gonna be the reverse,dingus.But hey,points for getting the them being in love part right
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acrobattack · 2 months
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bliss redesign based off one I made in my teens
thought process + various other bits and bobs under the cut
I was 15 and annoyed by everything that moved when this character first came out, so in my own head I was very much making a Point with this redesign. Hence, I made very minimal changes. I wanted to work with what was already there and basically just make the existing design more thought-through. Little breakdown ahead (keeping in mind i myself am very much An Amateur who doesn’t know shit and am just ranting about my opinions and i also haven’t seen a single second of the 2016 reboot so i don’t know much about Bliss to begin with)
1. one of my Biggest pet peeves with Bliss is that the powerpuff girls each have bangs that are simple, memorable, and iconic while also being unique from each other and being reminiscent of irl little girls hairstyles. It’s very neat and clever and I like it a lot
and then Bliss has this confusing jumble of shapes that looks like it changes in style halfway across her forehead
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i have absolutely no idea what the intent is here. My only guess is maybe it’s meant to look weird on purpose like she was trying to cut it herself or something (I suspect it’s something like that since she seems to have normal looking bangs as a little kid from what I can see) but it doesn’t really come off that way if that’s the case. It just looks like baby’s first PPG OC where you Understand that it’s meant to be hair and that it is made out of shapes but have 0 understanding of hairstyle or character design in general. Heck I might have put this exact hairline on a character in the past at the age of like 8
So in my redesign she’s got 5 even notches across her bangs, not thee most exciting change but it does the job I think. It is pretty reminiscent of Blossom but they look different enough from each other that I wasn’t too worried about it
2. low-hanging fruit time, Bliss’s hair color is horrible on the eyes. I’m bewildered at the decision to do this, especially since there is just so much of it, I struggle to think of how she could exist in any scene without hogging all the viewer’s attention constantly. That said, I understand they wanted her to have an unnatural hair color to really signal that she is a Fresh new Teen character from the late 2010’s, which is. Whatever, that’s fine, so she gets purple hair now. I kept the streak for the same reason, especially since she’s got a lot of hair, so no harm in a little extra interest in there.
I also learned recently that her hair glows sometimes? which i did Not know when first drawing her but well i think the darker color helps anyway. It adds some contrast for when she’s normal vs when she’s glowing and makes the latter appear more,, idk threatening or powerful or whatever the mood generally is when she’s doing that.
I did re-add that toothpaste blue to her eyelids though. I like to think it’s also the color of her lasers. It’s a cute color, just not as like 70% of this character’s palette
3. real talk I was drawing this from memory and didn’t mean to change the way her hair flares out from her head. realistically I think the original is fine, maybe just a little boring but fine, so that part of the redesign was an accident. Only thing is, it’s in the exact same position in every screenshot I’ve seen? It doesn’t seem to whip around when she’s flying or anything which looks weird and probably looks weirder in motion, especially since it takes up so much space onscreen. Idk it’s a strange decision, esp since the original show liked to use the ppg’s hair to emphasize their movement, so I’d just bring more movement into her hair. I mean if nothing else it’d make her look cooler.
very very rough little visual of what I mean
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I also ended up making it shorter in my redesign—again, not really intentional, but I think it’s better that it eats up a little less of her silhouette
4. Her headband is largely the same, I didn’t hate the idea of her having an accessory, so I just toned down the colors. I’m not personally a fan of the powder blue and that pink heart is very bright and just doesn’t go with the rest of her (once again the color of her hair is doing it no favors). I also moved the heart over. Not necessarily needed I think, but I feel like it reads quicker as a headband and not a weird crown that way+introduces some asymmetry into her design that I think is nice.
5. my biggest gripe other than her bangs are her hips. I’m not against adding anatomy to this character design to make her read visually as older than the girls, but it’s so awkwardly done and distracting. I feel like it even interferes with her line of action more often than not (which is not helped by her unmoving hair).
Part of the issue is she still has the teeny tiny torso, just… with those square-ish hips slapped on, which makes her legs look all gangly and stretched out. I tried to balance out the proportions more in my redesign, as well as change the hips to a flared skirt. I think it helps differentiate her from the girls and still implies hips underneath, it just also functions as a less clunky transition from her torso to her legs.
Lengthening her torso also allows the stripe to look more like a belt above the skirt, which I think helps to sell her as “similar, but not the same” from the ppg
6. Her leggings(? Idk Im not a fashion person) aren’t a bad idea I think. like a more mature version of the girls’ stockings, but I think the white makes them look really distracting. It would help to make them a darker color I think, but since I wanted to keep them reminiscent of the girls’ socks I kept them white and just shortened them.
7. Not really sure what Bliss is wearing on her feet. I think they’re Mary Janes, but they’re drawn a bit different from the girls’ and I honestly think it’s too babyish a shoe for her to wear. I’m not sure what she’s actually wearing in my redesign either honestly, but the goal was just to make them look like the girls’ Mary Janes while clearly being something different.
8. Uh her signature color is something I’ve contemplated changing a lot but to be real I think it’s fine. I feel it was a very bad idea from a marketing standpoint because people were hype about Bunny and would obviously be mad they didn’t get her once the character actually dropped (and in the long-run she would just end up being overshadowed by the character everyone has already assigned that color to) but I’m personally not bugged by her being purple beyond that. If I were to draw them together though I think Bunny would have a more pinky shade of purple and Bliss leans more blue.
Loosely on the same topic, because of Bliss I’ve had a running headcanon that “only child” types of powerpuffs tend to come out purple. Kind of like how trios tend to have a red, blue, and green. It’s a fun little piece of fake lore to rotate around in my brain
Anyway with all that out of the way, here’s some redesigns I decided to have some fun with. Wasn’t being too precious about recognizability or simplicity or anything like that, but I did run out of steam partway through. There’s also one based off Whoopass Bell bc idk, why not
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Finally, here’s some OCs I only ever drew once before out of a desire to give Bliss her own teen girl archetypes to form a team with. This is Bee and Beetle, who I’ll probably definitely forget about again immediately after posting this
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faeerrie · 8 months
Okay, I promise to return to my ghostsoap projection/escapism, but real quick summation of my Rowdyruff Boys (PPG) headcanons/AUs:
Brick is a fucking dragon. Yah, he's the "leader" and "brains" of the RRB, but he's also actually holding back in 99.9998% of fights. When he really loses it (such as in the case of him erroneously believing Blossom just got killed by a cheap shot, or an instance of excess cruelty by Him's hands that ended with Boomer in a coma), his eyes glow, his teeth and nails elongate, and his fire becomes so hot that it melts asphalt and even his healing factor isn't fast enough to stop his own fire from burning himself.
Boomer is the medic! He's actually trained at the hands of some really kind volunteer EMTs. It's one of the only times his anxiety shuts up and his hands are sturdy and strong, when they're needed. If needed, he can quickly electro-cauterize wounds closed (much safer and more precise than using Brick's flames), and only he can reach a voltage high enough that can restart a super's heart. He can also assist civilians in a pinch, and has kept people, including other supers, alive until either EMTs arrive, or they get them to the Professor to perform any needed surgery.
Butch has a berserk mode. He stays aware of his surroundings and of allies, and it basically overwrites his body's limits of strength, stamina, and endurance. Seems pretty handy, right, especially since he keeps his head, which is a stark contrast to Brick's dragon rage? Welp, no. It's literally considered a last resort and he understands it as such. His body suffers greatly from it. While it (most likely) won't kill him, it has roughly an hour time limit, and at the end, he'll be unconscious, vulnerable, and out of commission for weeks due to broken bones, torn muscles and ligaments, and more. It's also EXTREMELY painful.
Have fun with these!!
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wild-blue-sonder · 1 year
Although most of my fics have been put on hiatus due to me getting a job and becoming more involved with my free company in FFXIV, that doesn't mean I've neglected my writing entirely! One of my WIPs is a three-part PPG story featuring color-coded ships, beginning with Blossick. The premise was inspired by The Promised Neverland and the 2005 movie The Island (starring Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor). Click the read more for a snippet of this story!
Also! I'm no longer posting new stories or updating existing stories on FFN because it sucks. All of my works are now AO3 exclusive, and you must be a user to read them. If you would like an invitation to join AO3, I'd be happy to give you one, so don't hesitate to ask!
She lived in a twelve-by-twelve room during the formative years of her life. Her first memory was looking up at round, brightly colored things she later learned were flowers, which she was named after. They spun in a slow circle while emitting music, and she always fell asleep watching them. She recalled looking to either side of herself, finding white bars that were too close to crawl through and too high to climb. As time passed she grew taller and stronger, and one day she hoisted herself over those bars. Suddenly her cage became a lot larger, but it was still a cage with no windows and only one door she couldn’t open no matter how hard she pushed or pulled.
She read a great many books from the ages of four to six such as The Very Busy Spider, The Rainbow Fish, Stellaluna, Little Monsters, and her favorite, Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones where she learned the words oviparous and ovoviviparous from Latin ovum. She learned that as a human female, she too carried eggs, but they didn’t have hard shells. They were very small like the size of a pinhead and would exit her body on a monthly basis in a process called menstruation. Once her ovaries released all their eggs, she would experience menopause. Both words came from Greek mene, and as she had never seen the moon, her caretakers rewarded her on her seventh birthday with a light that allegedly glowed like it.
She experienced several other major events after turning seven years old. The greatest one was moving out of her small room into a new habitat. It seemed to stretch on forever but was still encompassed by four walls; however, these ones buzzed with electrical currents that made her hand go numb after a while. She had an entire dwelling to herself with a big bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining alcove, and a den with sofas and pillows for lounging or reading on. She preferred the latter, having developed a disdain for idleness. The more she read, the more her caretakers indulged her requests, such as cooking. She needed fruits, herbs, and vegetables, so they gave her tools and seeds to cultivate a garden. Once her plants had matured, an unexpected specimen was introduced to her habitat.
A boy.
He wasn’t a permanent addition, he was just visiting from elsewhere in the facility. Having only interacted with adults in positions of authority until now, she wasn’t sure how to engage someone her own age. The boy explored her habitat as she followed him in silence, observing, forming opinions. He was more impulsive than her, promptly climbing a tree when they reached the woods. “Why are you doing that?” she finally spoke.
“So I can see farther,” he answered.
“What are you looking for?”
“I just wanna see everything.” He glanced down at her with reddish-brown eyes. “There’s nothing like this in my habitat.”
Until today, she had been under the assumption that she was the sole child in the facility since the caretakers never mentioned otherwise. She must have surpassed some milestone allowing her to interact with them, which filled her with excitement. “What’s yours like?” she wondered.
The boy gazed at the lush fields, the quaint cottage, the meandering brook, and the peaceful grove. “I don’t have grass, trees, or a little house like yours. I just live in a room.”
“That sounds boring.”
They spent the whole day together. He taught her to climb trees and she showed him how to blow on a blade of grass to make silly noises. They splashed in the brook, picked more berries, and laid in the field as the sun started to sink beneath the glass dome overhead. A caretaker finally arrived to collect the boy. The girl walked with them toward the only exit from her habitat, stopping at a cement pad lined with red and yellow paint. If she stepped over that line, she got a warning buzz. If she touched the door, she got a nasty shock. “Hey, wait!” she called as the boy crossed the threshold, “What’s your name?”
“I’m Brick,” he replied with a grin.
“Brick.” She also smiled. “I’m Blossom.”
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 2 years
I honestly forget what Bliss's cannon design is so when I see it I'm like "what the fu-"
I keep thinking your design is the cannon one
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I'm very flattered to hear that! I put a lot of thought and heart behind making Bliss a well-rounded Powerpuff Girl character.
Some copy/pasted design notes as to why I did certain things below
Bliss' Initial Re-design
So when redesigning Bliss I went with her name first. Bliss means “great joy” and you don’t really get a feel for that with her old design. Each girl has a meaning to her name when you think about it. Even Bunny. So Bliss’ name should reflect her personality and design. So this is why her color was changed to Yellow and her hair Purple to reflect the concept of joy.
Instead of a heart clip on her headband, I made that odd Cowlick she has heart-shaped instead! A way to add something to the space above her head without conflicting with the rest of the design. 
Her powers being connected to her emotions continues on the “Bliss” theming. Since Bliss is an extreme emotion, I decided that aside from the other standard PPG powers that her emotions are a large part in her stability. Giving her something to overcome with time, but something that can be related to. After all, a lot of people go through times in their life, especially as an adolescent or a teen, where they feel out of control with their emotions, deal with mental illness, or are discovering themselves. It feels like a way to wrap all those ideas together in a nice little bow with how Bliss is supposed to a long lost, troubled older sister who still means well.
Unstable Bliss
I like to feel like her character arc is trying to become comfortable in her own skin and loving herself. During a time where there's a big push to socialize, while you're struggling with something you feel no one else understands. When every little thing seems monumental. Support, finding yourself, finding ways to cope, embracing who you are are important steps to growing up.
I kept the hair glowing because I thought it was cool, like some kind of Powerpuff Super Sayian lol. I thought the hair gaining the golden outline and the hair stripe aids in showing that she’s harnessing the powers that usually overwhelm her.
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bugeyedfreaks · 2 years
Do you think HIM's fashion taste progressed through the years
So… I don’t know if this was meant to be a PPG Q&A (since I got this around the time I reblogged that post, so I’m sorry if it was meant to actually be answered by the master of darkness and evil himself!) but… I mean, his sense of fashion improved DRASTICALLY after his first ever appearance…
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Like… the mustache is… I mean, it was definitely a bold fashion choice but he certainly had quite the glow up later.
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snobgoblin · 10 months
please show us more of your collection omg
x YEAHHH why don't I just show you the whole thing here (I don't have proper curtains so I've just been using Billie Eilish posters I found in the trash whoops) (don't worry they were bagged when I found them)
putting a readmore bc this will be a long one
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ANYWAY I'm gonna do a tiny little tour bc I've actually been wanting to make a video where I talk about them but very briefly showing you around- so I already showed you the strawberry shortcake dolls and you can see the g3 monster high dolls in the top picture!
(Draculaura, Ghoulia, Cleo, Deuce, Frankie, Lagoona, Clawdeen, Twyla, and Toralei)
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BUT this is also a gen 1(?) monster high doll innnnn Fawntine Fallowheart!! she's a hippie deer centaur with some green hair and for that she's perfect. I really don't like the tank top molded onto her though sobs... I want to make her a new outfit sometime. also she's very top heavy and has trouble standing up
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ALSO the mlps I have are g3 Strawberry Swirl and Fluttershy, g1 Snuzzle, Tropical Sea Breeze, Minty, Glow, Creamsicle, Spunky, Yo-Yo, Baby Cotton Candy, and Milkweed!
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and here's a little calico critters bunny family, these are the Sweetpeas. also that pink deer was my favorite as a kid though I lost the one I had back then so I had to get a new one... sobs... she did come with a second deer lps though which is cool! except they gave the other one the antlers instead of the pink one for some reason... I fixed it though yippee
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anddd I think this Discord is an old Funko figurine and the little Fluttershy is a blind bag thing- and of course Lime Chiffon, baby Strawberry Shortcake, and Peach Blush
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and last but not least some ppg mini figures I got at a con, and Beavis and Butthead :D
🫡🫡🫡 I hope you enjoyed my hyperfixation shelf tour I absolutely love this thing 🗣‼️
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theotherseapancakes · 11 months
Pinned Info
I really need to make a pinned post, so I’m going to do that now!
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Hi, I’m Salem, he/him, 30s. Pagan witch, hobbyist artist, etc. This is my main blog.
Inuringly (my main art blog; multifandom, OC stuff, etc.) Thanatophagency (my FE sideblog. I post my brainrot there, reblog FE fanart I like, and dump my FE art so I don’t super-spam my main blogs.) OTHER sites (not tumblrs): My Pixiv Twitter Plurk AO3 (fanfic) (it’s mostly Fire Emblem rn im sorry)
I don’t have a DNI list or anything but AI, crypto, terf-y shit, homophobia, ableism etc. is a free block on sight. My main is mostly a thought vomit/reblogging place though so keep that in mind. I am American and I can sadly only speak English (and a small amount of other stuff) because of Brain Damage Reasons, so if I misunderstand plz be patient ty!!! So here is a list of all the things I can recall I care about. If it’s bolded it causes me massive brainrot and I love it to death, probably. Non-comprehensive Games List:
Fire Emblem, Persona, DrakeNieR, Stella Glow, Monark (please GOD ask me about Monark), Yugioh, Pokemon (up to USUM), Digimon, Splatoon, SMT (this is broad so I’ll just say DeSu DS DDS and mainlines), Legacy of Kain, Zelda, Cookie Run, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, KH, FF3 and FF14, DMC, Halo, Dragon Quest, a lot of VNs such as Hate Story/Hate+, Hatoful Boyfriend, Ib, Funamusea games/manga, Mad Father, Ace Attorney, Case Book of Arne, Touchstarved, Cave Story, Paranormasight, TWEWY+NTWEWY, DDLC, Psychonauts, Undertale/Deltarune, Obey Me!, Hello Charlotte, Sonic, Ghost Trick, Fear and Hunger, Portal, Mass Effect, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, Jet Set Radio, just so many goddamn platformers but especially MISCHIEF MAKERS and Hat in Time, OFF, Eternal Darkness, Sly Cooper, Catherine Full Body, Hades
Everything Not Games:
Sailor Moon, When They Cry, Dragon Ball, Code Geass, Pandora Hearts, Star Driver, Lupin the Third, Detective Conan, Angel Beats, some older Pokemon, Digimon (esp Tamers, Frontier, and 02), OG Yugioh (manga too), Madoka, Little Witch Academia, Kamen Rider (W/Futo PI mostly), Paranoia Agent, Mahou Sentai Magiranger, MLP (mostly Equestria Girls tbh), She-ra PoP, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Cats (the musical), Phantom of the Opera, Beetlegeuse (musical too), some Disney, Gundam (Mobile Fighter G / Wing), GitS, RWBY, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, Wander Over Yonder, PPG, Sonic Prime, March Story, Homestuck, some Vtubers (Garbage Barstool), Alice in __ (Country of Hearts/Clover/etc.), Vocaloid/SynthV (Evillious, Deadline Circus, basically anything Gakupo or Kaito), Ghost & Pals, Clover song series, Vampair, Voltaire’s music in general tbh, Blood+, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, YYH, Spiderverse, Gwenpool, Venomverse, Red Hood, Teen Titans, Howl’s Moving Castle (the books and movie), and other various Ghibli films (HMC and Princess Mononoke are my favorites that aren’t Spirited Away or Porco Rosso), Tithe series (novels), Yozakura Quartet, Are You Alice, FMA (original), Fruits Basket, Adventure Time, horror stuff in general rly (I fucking love Junji Ito’s anthologies.)
... If you read all this, hey thanks, and go play Case Book of Arne. Or Paranormasight. Or NTWEWY. They all need more love--
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My Thoughts On Princess Twilight & Her Friends Making The Unity Crystals (But Ending Up Bucking Up Equestria)
 even if the story behind the Unity Crystals is interesting, but that doesn’t mean what Princess Twilight and her friends did, was the right choice.
same thing with Star Butterfly placing the whole blame on magic instead of herself, her Mom and the rest of the Queens that came before them, that misused those gifts.
destroying magic and the realm it came from, does not erase the truth that she and her family had misused it, and that being mostly from Solaria Butterfly’s side of the family, because it is possible that Star is a descendant of Jushtin Butterfly through Fesitiva Butterfly.   
even if we can hope the good guys win, but is the point of them wining if they end up crossing a line or ignoring the emotional pain of tragic villains...?
I think that Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp might do way better than their predecessors that are Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash that made up the Friendship Council.
plus I think it is possible that Midnight Sparkle from Equestria Girls Movie that had to do with the Friendship Games, might of been foreshadowing Equestria’s future, that Princess Twilight would take all the Magic away.
The Unity Crystals making Sunny a type of Alicorn, might be because the Crystals had evolved over time and saw her as worthy to become a New Alicorn Princess.
if Twilight was mad a Alicorn another way, she could of had Ethereal Wings instead.
for a Pegasus like Fluttershy, if she became a Alicorn Princess, she would get a Ethereal Horn.
I still don’t agree with the whole turning Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow to stone....and it isn’t right how Celestia ran things by throwing creatures that were the natural native creatures of Equestria before ponies came, into a prison for being too dangerous to be around ponies.
she even crossed a line by throwing Cozy Glow in there as well, there is a thing called Juvenile Hall, I mean yes Princess from PPG and even Gideon from Gravity Falls ended up thrown in Adult Prison too.
plus it was lucky that Gideon formed some kind of Family bond with the prisoners in that prison in Gravity Falls.
I guess at first you don’t really think about it, but then you start to notice that it doesn’t seem morally right, even if it would make more sense to put Cozy, Gideon and Princess in some kind of Junior Juvenile Hall.
but yeah even if Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow were put in stone, it’s nice to know the stone isn’t lasting long and it appears to be breaking, those three should just go to EQG, at least it would be better for them.
I still like MLPFIM, I just can’t agree with some stuff that happens in it, as it is true that Twilight and her friends aren’t flawless, no one truly is.
but she did cross a line when during her reign, she technically stole all of the magic and placed it in the Unity Crystals or however it is, I don’t know...
I only know a little about it, and know that she and her friends made the Unity Crystals, and it end up causing a mess and disharmony.
even if that was not the purpose of the Unity Crystals, but by making it so that the Ponies Magic and Other Magics are connected to them, and if anypony isn’t vibing it causes the Magic to Glitch and cause the Magic not to work right.
this in turn, is a type of hostage and force ponies to get along, that isn’t how the magic of love and friendship works.                            
even if half of the ponies end up like phobic jerks, and it ended up causing it to keep up for generations until Sunny Starscout and her friends current timeline.
but you don’t just fix that kind of thing, by making it so no one can use their magic unless they “Get Along”....
but some good did come out of it, because Earth Ponies can use Earth Magic with their hooves and make flowers appear like magic and even help trees.
also maybe if Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy did escape their prison, they could of went to the EQG World, and since time works differently there, it is possible not much time has past there when the Fall Of Equestria happen.
so if Cozy decided to return there, she could be surprised by how many years and centuries has past and if she ends up truly befriending Sunny and the others and hears about what happen.
it wouldn’t be surprising if Cozy calls it karma for Twilight Sparkle and her friends...
I would have to agree, I believe what happen was karma.
if Sunset and her friends came through to that new age of Equestria,
things for them might be slightly different.
like Rainbow not having Pegasus Wings anymore, at least not all the time...
but her being a Earth Pony instead and her Pegasus Wings only appearing in Ethereal form...
Pinkie Pie becoming a Pegasus, and Fluttershy becoming a Unicorn.
and Sci-Twi becoming a Earth Pony, and she only gets her horn that can do magic, when it appears in ethereal form.
and if Sunset was worthy to become a Alicorn Princess as well, her becoming one could be slightly like Sunny.
but since Sunset wasn’t born a Earth Pony, she would just get the Ethereal Wings.
it be cool if that became canon, the Mane 7 Meets the Mane 5.
and EQG-Fluttershy becoming a Unicorn and EQG-Rainbow Dash becoming a Earth Pony, and can only get her Ethereal Wings to appear sometimes.
it’s possible that only a Year has past in EQG World, while in The World where Equestria is where Princess Twilight Sparkle took over for Celestia and Luna, many moons has past and most of the counterparts of the humans of EQG World, have long moved on to the afterlife.
and it might be possible that Hitch could either be Fluttershy’s descendant or reincarnation, the signs are there, he loves music, animals love him (and at some point he does end up being able to talk to them) and well it is just a possibility that he is the reincarnation of the Pony Fluttershy.
plus if EQG-Fluttershy still can talk to animals and became a Unicorn, she and Hitch might get along and they can talk about their thoughts and feelings about being able to understand critters.
anyway I know that not everyone will agree about my view about it, but I don’t think Princess Twilight Sparkle did the right thing when she and her friends made the Unity Crystals.
and I can only guess that the Unity Crystals will still work the same way, but also allow magic to be like how it was before but also keep the new magic that was born, like the Earth Pony Magic staying.
it could be possible that without the magic, Sunset couldn’t go back to Equestria and has been stuck in the Human World for a Whole Year, but even if a Year has only past there, many Moons have past in Equestria.
and it’s possible that since the two worlds lost some form of connection even when the portals aren’t active in the mirror.
when Sunset first went to the human world, it’s possible she was maybe 13 or 14 years old when she went there, and if Twilight was maybe a little filly at the time and maybe let’s say 8 or 10 years old, but when she went to get her crown that Sunset took to the human world, and they end up being born the same age during that time.
that means that time in Equestria works differently, so when The Dazzlings were banished to the human world, not much time has past while they were in the human world, but a lot of time has past in Equestria.
it would be like if Spike The Dog, ended up staying in Equestria and ended up growing up as Full Grown Dragon, but when he returns to the Human World, not much time would pass, plus he would either be a really old dog when he got back or he would go back to being a puppy.
in theory, it is possible that Princess Twilight didn’t tell Sunset what was happening or that she and her friends were going to make the Unity Crystals.
also I’m not sure if I’m right about the theory about Zipp being a Nonbinary-Mare, she doesn’t like being called by her full name, and well I’m saying it is just a possibility, plus a person not wanting to be called by their full name wouldn’t have to do with their gender identity.
but I still think it is possible that Zipp might be Nonbinary but doesn’t know it yet.
and if Zipp is Nonbinary, she might be the type that could go by both She/Her & They/Them.
even if it turns out that not everyone is a fan of the MLP New Generation that makes up Sunny and her friends, but I think they can do better than what Princess Twilight and her friends have done.
I still like Princess Twilight and her friends, I just can’t agree with all the actions that they have done, like the misuse of magic.
and causing emotional trauma to Chrysalis, who showed signs of a change of heart when she started to feel good about helping Cozy and Tirek, and the friendship they were forming was a good sign.
but because of the bad experience from the “Toxic” side of Magic of Friendship, it had left a scar on Chrysalis and it made her view it as a sickness and something that is bad and needs to be rejected.
it’s possible that while what she did by replacing Twilight and her friends, as well as the Other Rulers of Equestria with Changelings, might of been really bad.
but she might of only did it out of desperation, because her Hive was slowly dying, and she might be selfish and want all the love for herself....
but her doing that whole replacing Twilight and her friends with Changelings, might of been a twisted form of Kindness.
even if she wasn’t the best ruler for the changelings, her breaking into the Wedding and even what she did later on before she was kind of kicked out of the hive....but she kind of ran away....
she was perhaps desperate and she would do anything to feed herself and her subjects even if it meant becoming the bad guy.
it’s also possible she wasn’t originally a Changeling and was once a pony, but she was resurrected as a type of Unicorn-Changeling Hybrid.
for all we know, she could be another version of Fluttershy that came from Alternate Version of EQG, and that Fluttershy ended up lost forever when she ended up going to Equestria, and she ended up being resurrected and transformed into Chrysalis.
think about it, what does a Chrysalis become when it opens...?
a Butterfly, well either that or another type of insect.
we as fans can still like a show, but it doesn’t mean we can agree with all the actions of the Good Guys, and know while it’s okay that they aren’t perfect and it’s okay for them to make mistakes, but at times those mistakes can cross lines that we might not always be okay with.
another theory I have is that Sprout and Misty might make up the New Mane 7 in Sunny’s group.
I’m not sure if Misty is really the Unicorn’s name, who was with that Evil Alicorn.
but Misty could possibly be seen as the True Successor to Sunset Shimmer, maybe...?
hopefully if Discord does appear in a future episode in the new series, he will understand that magic wasn’t the problem, and it was those who misused it.
Magic can be used for either good or bad, but even if some who try to use it for good, might end up misusing it for the wrong reasons and causing misfortune and bad blood to become worse over time between the different ponies.
Earth Pony, Unicorn and Pegasus aren’t the only Pony Races.
there are Bat-Ponies, Crystal Ponies, what the Dazzlings are and their Dragon Looking Siren forms might just be how they look when they absorb too much negative magic from others, which would have them go from their normal Pony forms with fairy looking wings that might look a little like changeling wings, to transforming into Dragon Looking Sirens.
the “Find The Magic” song could hint that the Dazzlings can feed on positive feelings and they wont become corrupted by the positive feelings and magic.
Magic can have different parts of itself, and sometimes you need to be really careful how you use it, otherwise your misuse of it will corrupt you.
it’s not Magic’s fault that Equestria became the way it did, it was the misuse of it’s magic that caused part of the reason why the Old Equestria Fell from grace.
not everyone has to agree with my thoughts on it or the theories in this.
but Magic should not be made the scapegoat for Princess Twilight Sparkle, her friends or even Star Butterfly and her family’s mistakes when they have misused the power and gifts from the magic.
I can’t wait for the new episode of MLP Make Your Mark, well I can, and I know it will be worth the wait.
and I think while the Unity Crystals can still be seen as good, but at the same time they were made for the wrong reasons in the past, and that is a misuse of magic, even if Twilight and her friends were trying to help, it still only caused more harm than good.
and those actions, were possibly in theory, being foreshadowed by Midnight Sparkle, but not everyone has to agree about that theory, and it’s okay that I’m the only one or one of the few who believe that might be possibly true.
anyway thanks for listening so far, I still don’t agree with some actions that some good guys make in a series that can cross a line.
and Steven Universe Future and Amphibia were one of the shows that I am happy with that didn’t cross a certain line just to win the day.
I mean I know there are some villains that can’t be redeemed, but for those who are deeply emotionally hurt from really bad trauma like Bradford Buzzard from the Ducktales Reboot, I think it could of been possible for him to be redeemed.
and it didn’t help that Scrooge couldn’t see that and was too caught up in his Adventure High to try to see from Bradford’s point of view.
and I think that if Louie and Donald didn’t have the positive stuff in there life, like a good relationship with their family and the things that make them happy.
they would of end up like Bradford, and sadly it would possibly be both Scrooge and Della’s fault it would happen.
I still view Bradford’s Grandmother being the True Villain, because it is her fault that Bradford became the way he is, and even if he was the worse Scout Ever, it was probably due to his Grandmother.
also maybe I can talk more about the theory that Flurry Heart might not really be Princess Cadance and Shinning Armor’s daughter and she was possibly originally a Unicorn who switch places with their Pegasus Daughter who was named Cozy Glow, and she used the same flower that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo used to make themselves older.
and the one we know as Flurry used some of the flower’s magic, to make Cozy into a slightly older Filly or used the magic to send her a few moons to the past...
then used the magic of the flower to erase the memories of those in the Crystal Empire who known about Princess Cozy Glow, and then used the flower to turn herself into a Baby, but she could of used the flower to turn her into a Alicorn first before using it to turn her into a baby, and then sealing away her true memories.
anyway once again I can try to talk about that theory, later....
even if it is a weird and not very possible being true or canon.
but it would make sense that Cozy Glow might be a Princess, because Chrysalis and Tirek are Royalty, and it could turn out to be true, that Cozy Glow is a Pegasus Princess.
once again that is just a theory, and not all theories have to turn out to be canon, and only some percent do turn out to be canon.
like Rainbow x Applejack’s ship becoming canon,
and them obviously being married.
I’m talking about the Pony ones, not the Human ones from EQG...
and again it’s okay not everyone agrees about the theories I said on this post, and well I still don’t agree with the misuse of magic, but hopefully things will get better in the new MLP series and they could end up viewing what Princess Twilight and her friends did, was not 100% a good thing, and could still look up to them but also seeing that they aren’t perfect and they can make mistakes.      
see ya later and stay safe everyone.                                                                                                                     
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dragoninahumancostume · 4 months
Was dreaming of like the Powerpuff girls and Dr Utonio had a meeting at a computer and I think I was either Blossom or her sister I think? And the dream starts with the doctor (who is not the doctor, he looked skinnier and darker and kinda like if Waluigi had sharper edges? Idk what I'm saying) drawing in his computer for the notification bar's signs, like let's say he was doing some shit like changing the symbol of like the lantern or smth and he was making it look like a beetle, something like that. And he's excited to explain it and he seems to really like it. And so we go to the place and I'm too lazy to describe it tbh but we (the doctor, the girls and me) go there and the ppg wait outside. So doctor goes inside for a while with me and then he goes out once he's done saying all the pros and cons of the computer and there's a black screen with white letters hanging on the wall that says "correcto" "mal" and something else above "correcto" and to the side of the words they have hours so it's all scheduled and have some glowing red and green points to mark which ones we're done talking about. And then is my turn to say what I like about the computer, which I had never used or even touched. And I'm like "well I like the art feature because you know in an artist and creativity is important for me, and that feature allows my creativity to flow in more ways than in normal art programs", it's not word for word but it's close enough, and I legit was just bulshitting my way out of that presentation lmao. And so the lady (who kinda looked like the scientist from Dragons Rising? But kinda younger) that was asking me while the other people, I remember clearly seeing one man and someone else sitting on the table the doctor sat but it was suddenly a four person table instead of a one person (chairs appear outta nowhere), the table was just below the screen. Well so the lady asks me about what I don't like about their laptop (bc apparently they had also made a laptop and I was meant to try it??) and I'm like "Uh..." and I honestly don't know what in the actual fuck happened in between events but the man was like searching through my brain or something and he found some picture that looked like those old things that used to show movies in the projector (like the thing with lotta pictures?) and the picture was a girl that was in blue outfit that was like a swimsuit and she had some thick thighs and was kneeling, and he saved the picture that he found, but only the lower half and he gave me back to upper half, but that girl was a fox, like I had furry art of a girl in a swimsuit saved in my brain and the dude simply saw it and said "ah yes, for the investigation, that is the only reason I could need this, no other reason at all" and he took it and (he found other things but I don't remember what) the they sent me outside and I was talking to the girls about the fox he found. And then I'm in the supermarket with my parents and my sister is sitting in the shopping cart and I decide to buy a board game and I take it from the shelf and I hug it close to me like "maybe I have a problem..." (likely referencing the fact that I've been thinking of a magical card board game with dragons for at least a whole week every day) and I was hoping my parents would let me buy it. And the cover of the box is blue and it had two girls like jumping to opposite sides or smth, I don't remember what it was but there was a movie about them and it was somehow related to the computer thing from before, the closest idea I can get is the Magic Agency with Hansel and Gretel movie but I know it wasn't exactly that. Well and so I put it in the cart and they let me buy it and then I woke up thinking of foxes in swimsuits and redhead girls with shotguns and long light colored coats
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aceopmari · 2 years
Hello👋 I'm New In here in your Blog and I actually really liked your writing so Can you write me a Headcanon for all akatsuki Members when their fem s/o has the Powers of Wanda Maximoff from Avengers?? Thank you so Much💙💙
A/N: Oooh I’m tingling with excitement from the request! I remember discovering this character back when she was on X Men Evolution. And now Wanda is super popular in the Marvel Universe! I’ll be honest I don’t know too much about her aside from seeing her in Civil War, so I did some research, watched some videos from the movies and Wanda Vision too. I hope you enjoy this HC babe!
The Akatsuki w/an s/o Who Has Scarlet Witches Powers
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Taglist: @ppg-artss @lovelygeniegirl1012 @mercymccann @kakeisumire @aoi-ajisai @mechmoucha @barbellina @nightingaleflow @bonchin @awhore4uchiha @havrlie
TW: Death, toxic reader, toxic relationship, some grotesque and gory details, and dark themes ahead.
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🩸Fucking Jashin! Where have you been all his life?! If you were a gift from his lord, he sure was fucking blessed.
🩸In addition to those sexy red outfits you always wore, Hidan loved your powers.
🩸The way your hands glowed red when you used your powers to crack Asuma’s neck in all directions made Hidan fall in love with you.
🩸The two of you raised hell together everywhere you went.
🩸You would fly up in the air, unleashing a deadly barrage of your red chaos magic jutsu on your enemies and allow Hidan to go in for the kill.
🩸Hidan loves watching you torture Kakuzu with your mind control jutsus.
🩸”Put your money where your mouth is…” you say darkly. With glowing red eyes and a wave of your hands, you possessed Kakuzu and forced him to shove a stack of ryo deep down his throat while making his red green eyes roll back behind his head.
🩸Hidan howled in laughter as Kakuzu choked. “HAHAHAHAHA! HOT DAMN! YOU ARE ONE CRAZY BITCH!”
🩸Shikamaru was shitting himself. Especially when you went ahead and used your powers to possess Kurenai into killing herself and her unborn child, purely out of spite.
🩸He deemed you and Hidan too dangerous. He had to get a hold of you and finish you himself. To do that, he had to capture Hidan and lure you to him.
🩸He sure as hell got what he wanted when you arrived flying down to meet him and a captured Hidan in Nara Clan Forest. His eyes widened in fear as the sky above you turned a smokey bloody red. Hidan was shook too.
🩸With a raise of your red hand, Nara Clan Forest decomposed completely. Trees were reduced to broken branches, the deer became corpses, the paper tags on Hidan had completely disappeared.
🩸You uses your telekinetic jutsu to raise Shikamaru up in the sky before proceeding to manipulate the reality of his body and stretching his limbs into ribbons.
🩸You smiled evilly as Shikamaru shook in terror. “What ARE you?!” He shrieked. “Y/N: The Scarlet Ninja,” you say darkly. That was when you raised your hand and used your powers to crack Shikamaru’s neck before tossing his body to the deep hole that was meant for Hidan. You sealed him inside the hole and left him to rot.
🩸You flew down and met up with Hidan who was laughing evilly and he held you close. He then pulls you into a kiss. He then pulls away before taking off his necklace and putting it around your neck. “MARRY ME, YOU SCARLET BITCH!” He says with a crazed smile.
🩸You smirk evilly at that. “Not here…” You then use your powers to open up a portal to another dimension. You and Hidan then walk inside hand in hand to have your wedding with no interruptions.
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🎭Sasori of the Red Sand and Y/N the Scarlet Ninja. The two of you looked aesthetically pleasing as a couple. At least that’s what Deidara thought.
🎭True art was eternal beauty and you were the epitome of that.
🎭To say Sasori was intrigued and fascinated by your powers was an understatement. He loved the way your hands moved and glowed when you used your jutsus. The way your eyes would glow as you killed someone was icing on the cake.
🎭Sasori would sometimes request for you to use your powers to enhance his puppets whenever they got damaged or whenever he had new ideas for some upgrades.
🎭He had many questions. Like how you were able to manipulate realities and possess peoples bodies almost like how he does with his puppets.
🎭”Y/N my Scarlet Doll…” Sasori said to you fondly with a dreamy gaze after you used your jutsu to turn the Hidden Sand into the ‘Hidden Glass’. You had used your magic to generate enough heat to turn the sand into glass and kill everyone in the village, but not before beating Deidara to the punch by capturing Gaara.
🎭The Hidden Leaf came for revenge. ‘How cute’ you thought. You and Sasori faced off against Sakura and Chiyo.
🎭Using your telepathy, you were able to catch wind of their plans. You immediately told Sasori. Sakura widened her eyes. “What?! But how do you know?!”
🎭Sasori snickered, triumphant that he can now easily counter her and Chiyo’s plans. That was when you teleported behind Sakura and Chiyo and used your telekinesis to take the antidotes out of their pockets before hurling it to the side, causing it to crack. Lady Chiyo was shooked. “NO!”
🎭Before either of them could do anything, you used your telekinesis again to lift both Sakura and Chiyo up. “How is she doing that?!” Sakura cried. You smirked before hurling them towards Sasori. You nodded to him to give him the signal. He smiled at you evilly before using his poison barbs to smoke them out and kill them.
🎭Afterwards, you given Sasori the thing he never knew he wanted after all these years.
🎭You used your magic on the mother and father puppets and gave them life. Although they weren’t entirely the same, they still maintained the same memories and love they had for Sasori.
🎭His parents hugged him and for the first time in over 20 years, Sasori learned to cry. He was beyond grateful to you and your artistic gifts.
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🐦Can you say underworld power couple? Because that was exactly what you two were.
🐦Itachi of the Sharingan and you Y/N the Scarlet Ninja. With your respective powers, the entire shinobi world was shooked to the core.
🐦The two of you were dubbed by the entire world as “The Worlds Most Dangerous Couple.”
🐦The two of you certainlymade a deadly pair. Itachi would use his Sharigan on his enemies and then you would put the icing on the cake by pulling the enemies into a darker reality so that they could feel everything they saw in Itachi’s genjutsu.
🐦Itachi didn’t lie. He found some of your methods of dealing with enemies to be too ruthless, but if using your chaos magic jutsu or telekinesis to tear someone’s body from the inside out was necessary, then so be it.
🐦Itachi had questions about your abilities. If you weren’t comfortable sharing then he’d be respectful and not pry too much. Though he would get curious and try to read and learn about it in books (not that he’d be able to find anything).
🐦You tended to go overboard with your abilities. Itachi would be the one to keep you in check and lecture you to be more responsible with your powers. That’s one of the reason why leader made you both partners.
🐦Your powers came in handy, like how you would use them to teleport you and Itachi away. Itachi thought it was useful especially when you both were at risk for being tracked.
🐦Poor Sasuke was shitting himself. It was almost if that with you by Itachi’s side, Itachi was stronger than he was. Sasuke just had to get rid of you before killing his brother.
🐦He confronted you by pulling you into his Sharingan. You easily countered it by changing reality itself. You tore out Sasuke’s eye making him let out an ear splitting scream.
🐦He shook in terror as your hands and eyes glowed beautifully as you smiled evilly. “What ARE you?!” He asked in terror.
🐦You took out his other eye and then hurled him with a blast so hard against a wall that his neck snapped.
🐦 You then use your magic to implant the Sharingan into your own eyes and dubbed yourself the “Scarlet Eyed Ninja.”
🐦”Do you like them?” You purred darkly as you presented Itachi your new eyes. He gave you a glare. Although he thought the Sharingan further completed your scarlet aesthetic, he was still very upset that you killed his brother. “It wasn’t your place to do that…” he told you.
🐦You wrap your arms around his neck and hugged him close. “I did this for you, my love. No one will come after us anymore.”
🐦You brought him into a kiss. Itachi was hesitant but accepted the kiss as you got deeper. (Of course a little mind control on your man couldn’t hurt.)
🐦Itachi did nothing to stop you. He felt as though your toxic love was the perfect punishment for him allowing his own brother to die at your hands.
🐦That aside, the world now feared the Scarlet Eyed Ninja. Even some Akatsuki members like Deidara were shitting themselves when you were around.
🐦You’d torture him with your magic whenever he badmouthed Itachi and his Sharingan.
🐦Even though Itachi still loved you, he couldn’t help but feel as though he created a monster…
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💥Everyone would run away in terror as you started using your powers. Not Deidara though!
💥You’d fly up in the air. Your hands glowing red as a dark red smoke surrounded you. You unleashed hell on the Hidden Stone Village, using your chaos magic jutsu to shatter and destroy everything in your path.
💥Deidara was on his clay bird watching with tears in his eyes as you turned the village inside out into a completely different reality.
💥The red colors, the mesmerizing movements of your hands, the glowing aesthetic, the improbable outcomes of the things you created and destroyed was all beautiful. Your “art” was unlike anything he had ever seen.
💥Deidara’s favorite aspect about your powers was your ability to make things come to life in a similar way that he did with his own clay.
💥You’d use your magic to give life to hundreds of explosive tags. You would then enlarge them to be big enough to cover an entire village.
💥Several villages exploded simultaneously, killing millions. Deidara’s heart nearly exploded as well. Boy was in love with his Scarlet Ninja.
💥Deidara thought highly about you and would brag about your sophisticated art style. (Mainly to Sasori who was jealous of your abilities.)
💥In your spare time, you both would make art together. Deidara would make a clay bird and would have it fly up. You would then use your telekinesis to turn it into different animals in mid air.
💥Deidara would finish the job by making it explode. Sometimes you helped make it explode into red balls of electricity with your magic.
💥You saw how Deidara had a “Sasuke problem”. You were happy to help eliminate him.
💥You and Deidara had Sasuke in a bind when you fought in the forest. You used your magic to summon Manda that was in Sasuke’s possession and hypnotized the snake into swallowing Sasuke whole. You knew that he was alive inside though.
💥”Cry your heart out, because my art…” Deidara then tossed C2 into Manda’s mouth. You then raise up your glowing red hands and threw Manda in the sky.
💥”IS AN EXPLOSION!!!” Deidara activates his hands seal and made the snake explode. You smiled happily at the sight of raining snake skin and Sasuke’s body parts that fell from the sky.
💥Deidara cheered as you floated down. He couldn’t believe that both of your perfect arts was able to destroy Sasuke. He was determined to show the world the collaborative art you both made.
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🦈Kisame saw you as his equal as he was highly impressed with your abilities.
🦈You two trusted each other in battle as you had each other’s backs. Was an enemy attempting to sneak up on you? Kisame would introduce them to Samehada. Was someone trying to stab Kisame? You would easily blast a read beam of electricity through their hearts.
🦈Samehada LOVED you too much. That energy was so delicious and powerful. You had fun with Kisame’s sword.
🦈You used your magic to enhance Samehada by enlarging it to be 3 times the size. Not only that but it took form of a red, flesh eating, mutated shark creature that shot out beams of red electricity from his mouth.
🦈Kisame howled in laughter as he devoured his enemies with his “scarlet sword.” He just loved his new toy! Capturing tailed beasts suddenly became easier.
🦈One day you both came across Team Hebi. The white haired boy, Suigetsu challenged Kisame to duel for the sword.
🦈Kisame smirked. “If you want to challenge me then you’ll have to go through my girl.” You stepped up. Suigetsu gave you an unimpressed look. “What? Who’s this lady?”
🦈”Suigetsu that’s the Scarlet Ninja! You can’t beat her!” Karin said. Suigetsu smirked as he held up his sword, now determined to take you down and defend his pride. “Watch me!”
🦈Kisame snickered as he stepped back. He watched flew up in the air as your hands glowed. He was in for a good show…
🦈…And a show he got!
🦈Suigetsu was lying down on the ground battered, bruised and in tears. He was covered in a mixture of “red watery jelly”. His severed blade was stabbed deep into his legs. His sharp teeth was rearranged. Jugo and Karin stared in completely horror at Suigetsu.
🦈”MY GOD WHO IS THIS CHICK?!” Suigetsu shrieked painfully as more blood leaked from the holes where his teeth once were.
🦈Kisame’s booming laughter echoed outside. He loved it when you’d go all out. Your powers always made everything exciting.
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🔮A god and goddess duo. You two were a match made in Hell.
🔮Pain thought you were perfect in every way. Your deadly, magical abilities were beyond impressive and would serve as the Akatsuki’s trump card.
🔮You made things easier for the organization. Especially when you would use your magic to seal tailed beasts in a matter of minutes rather than a few days.
🔮Pain made you his right hand woman. You did anything he asked.
🔮You didn’t hesitate when Pain ordered you to kill Orochimaru for betraying the Akatsuki. You tracked him down and used your magic to force the snakes out of his body before proceeding to possess the snakes by forcing them to feed Orochimaru.
🔮Pain made you feel so special after that by calling you his powerful goddess. The more he praised you, the more eager you were to raise hell.
🔮You and Pain had prepared for war. You had used your magic to enhance all the Six Paths by giving them the same abilities as you.
🔮You, Pain and the Paths invaded the Hidden Leaf. The village people were losing it. They had never seen a jutsu like this before. Could they even call it a jutsu?!
🔮Pain watched proudly as you used mind control on all the jonin, forcing them to kill each other.
🔮Asuma had stabbed Kurenai before killing himself. Kakashi and Guy had destroyed each other by tearing off each other’s limbs before dying of blood loss. Tsunade and Jiraiya were already nothing more than dead slugs and toads lying on the road.
🔮The Paths made use of their new abilities and used their chaos magic to blast the shinobi into oblivion. Pain finished off with his classic Almighty Push.
🔮It wasn’t long until everyone was dead, save for Naruto who was lying on a pile of rubble, glaring up at you and Pain. “YOU BASTARDS! YOU KILLED ALL MY FRIENDS!”
🔮Pain gave you the signal. With glowing eyes and a maniac smile, you raised your hands and summoned a large body of ramen that extended several yards across the lands. You used your telekinesis and shoved the ramen down Naruto’s throat, causing him to gag.
🔮His stomach gave out and exploded as Pain launched an Almighty Push. Naruto’s corpse scattered in all different directions of Konoha. Some of the blood splattered on your face. You smiled as it matched your scarlet aesthetic.
🔮You and Pain flew up in the air with joined hands, marveling at the destruction as the skies and clouds above became a menacing scarlet. You both turned to each other.
🔮”The world shall know our scarlet pain,” he said to you fondly. You smiled evilly as you placed a hand on your cheek. “Yes they shall…”
🔮You two kisses as the Paths continues to swarm other nations to raise hell by unleashing “scarlet pain.”
🔮Side note: Scarlet Pain would be such a great ship name.
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queen-ofnewyork · 11 months
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Review of GLAM UP’s Radiant Tomato Mask
GLAM UP is a Korean brand that focuses on healthy skin by treasuring natural beauty and natural ingredients for healthy glowing skin. There are many different varieties of this mask including this one, tomato (radiant), green tea (refreshing; review), pomegranate (firming; review), aloe (soothing; review), tea tree (rejuvenating; review), lemon (brightening; review), oatmeal (clarifying; review), avocado (moisturizing; review), acaiberry (nourishing; review), shea butter (nourishing; review), peppermint (refreshing; review), japanese sake (revitalizing; review) and others. This mask is designed to brighten dull skin tone. Key ingredients include: tomato fruit extract (brightening, anti-aging, improves elasticity, anti-inflammatory, stimulates collagen production, moisturizing), allantoin (softening, soothing, protecting, stimulates new cell growth), and panthenol (penetrates deeply into the skin, hydrating, helps to infuse water into the cells, moisturizing). This product retails for between $1-2 USD, you can get 10 pieces here for $11.55 + shipping (free on prime).
Water, Methylpropanediol, Glycerin, Glycereth-26, PEG/PPG-17/6 Copolymer, Solanum Lycopersicum (Tomato) Fruit Extract, Allantoin, Panthenol, Carbomer, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Tromethamine, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Disodium EDTA, Chlorphenesin, Hydroxyacetophenone, Fragrance
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This sheet mask contains 21 grams (0.74 oz) and has a basic skincare scent.
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The sheet mask is a natural 3 layered pulp sheet and it’s hypoallergenic. It has the capability to hold more essence and has a great absorption rate. As the essence is absorbed, the sheet mask naturally uplifts off of the face. I had to adjust the eye holes a bit, but everything else was fine.
Recommended use is to cleanse the skin first, and steam skin using a steam towel to open pores to help absorption. You can cool the mask in the fridge for a more refreshing use. You can also massage pressure points while wearing the mask. It’s recommended to apply and leave on for 20-30 minutes and then remove, patting the skin to allow the essence to fully absorb. After using, as mentioned before, there is fragrance, it's light and doesn't linger but it's there. The mask has a good fit and is pretty soft and comfortable. This mask I think is quite good at giving your skin a healthy, rosy glow. It's designed to brighten and even skin tone and I think it does that well. I found that the mask worked well on my skin and I do think it's sensitive skin friendly. I'd recommend this to anyone with dull skin or who wants a bit of a glow-up before makeup.
What I like: this mask is very hydrating and my skin looked so healthy and rosy when I removed the mask. It helped with redness and really added a lot of radiance to my skin. What I don't like: I don't mind it, but fragrance is included.
Adds a healthy glow
Adds radiance
Nice ingredients
Sensitive skin friendly
Would I buy again?
Rating: 9.5/10
0 notes
greysnames · 2 years
Cover fx chem free
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#Cover fx chem free how to
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It gives beautiful glow on the high points.
#Cover fx chem free skin
Well this foundation does cover it pretty much completely after a little bit of work, making my skin look flawless.Īlso the finish of this foundation is a demi matte finish. I have slight acne marks on my cheek area. I won’t say that it’s a full-full coverage foundation (in the first application) but yes definitely build-able. The coverage of this foundation is medium to build-able coverage. So back then, I was not that convinced with the match but later the sephora manager stepped in and matched G60 which was just perfect and I ended by buying it. But later on, she showed me N60 which was way too light for my skin. So before G60, she gave me N70 which was kind of dark for me. Although I fall in neutral in terms of the foundation the beauty advisor initially matched me to a shade in N range. The moment I apply this foundation, it brightens up my complexion. I was matched to shade G60 which has yellow undertones to it. So it can be easy for you to select whether you fall in warm, olive, cool or neautral undertones. Also I have mentioned above (from Cover FX’s website) the way to select your shade. They have 40 shades so one can definitely find their appropriate match in this range easily. But then again this is a very personal choice.Ĭoming on to the shades they have 40 shades in this range. It would have made the work of much more easier. But I wish that it was a glass bottle rather than plastic or even if its plastic, they should have provided like a pump dispenser. With the nozzle I can control just the right amount of product needed. With a nozzle, it’s also very hygienic to use the product. Water, Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Triethylhexanoin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Propanediol, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Isododecane, Cetyl PEG/PPG-10/1 Dimethicone, Lauryl PEG-10 Tris(Trimethylsiloxy)Silylethyl Dimethicone, Nylon-12, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Hull Powder, Methyl Methacrylate Crosspolymer, Triolein, Ammonium C6-16 Perfluoroalkylethyl Phosphate, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Hydroxyacetophenone, Sodium Chloride, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Wax, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Glyceryl Dioleate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, Alcohol, Methicone, Dimethiconol, Alteromonas Ferment Extract. Ingredients in Cover FX Power Play Foundation
Can also be applied with the fingertips or a makeup sponge.
Set with loose powder for optimum wear.
For brush application, place a small amount of product on the flat top of the Liquid Foundation Brush (sold separately) and apply to the face until well blended.
#Cover fx chem free how to
The G+ shades in the Golden range are even warmer and more olive than the G shades How to Use Cover FX Power Play Foundation G = Golden – A yellow, warmer hue to the skin N = Neutral – Equal parts of pink and golden to the skin P = Pink – A rosy, cooler hue to the skin Find your match in one Cover FX foundation and it’s your perfect match across all formulas.įind your undertone (Underlying skintone) To make shade matching simple, our shades are consistent across all formulas. The Cover FX Shade System is based on undertone for a truly perfect match. How to choose my shade in Cover FX Power Play Foundation
#Cover fx chem free free
It is vegan, cruelty-free and free of talc, oil, fragrance, parabens and gluten. Power Play Foundation is sweatproof, waterproof, transfer-proof and provides all day wear. Loaded with a trio of ultra-fine powders that control shine and visibly blur imperfections, it stays on skin all day without dulling or drying complexion.
#Cover fx chem free full
Modern-matte foundation with weightless full coverage that provides sweatproof all-day wear, powerful shine control, and environmental protection.Īvailable in 40 diverse shades, this liquid foundation has buildable, medium to full coverage with a modern-matte finish. So yes if you want to know how this product fared on me please continue reading.
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nbcnews05 · 2 years
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marselzeen · 3 years
or well. an interpretation of it, because this definitely depends on how you view their relationship. But like. listen to the song. The way i interpreted it in relation to the PPG/RRB involved a situation in which there’s an rrb redemption.
Now, to stray from the subject momentarily, i believe that there doesnt have to be something ‘good’ to make up for the ‘bad’ in a redemption arc (quotation marks, my old friend). Sometimes things just cant work out that way, and, while the character genuinely has ‘good’ intentions, they havent done anything especially incredible to prove it to the other characters. And of course, they dont have to prove anything. But that introduces a trust issue.
Of course theres a trust issue. The RRB were created to kill the girls; you think that wouldn’t be a cause for concern? And of course, theres a major lack in communication skills for some of them (thinking about the reds, poor reds), that can just lead to conflict when neither parties had that as their intention. Once at war, forever at war, right?  haha see what i did there? well ig not if you havent heard the song b4
Okay, adding a cut here!! :33 i get to the actual song after this >>>
Also, before lyrics stuff, please note that Im thinking of some (colour coded) pairings more than others. A lot of the stuff im saying is specific to the reds especially, and greens the least so.
It’s just that I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended, it left a pearl in my head, and i roll in around every night, just to watch it glow.
so, interpret the pearl bit however you see fit. I personally see that as an internal conflict; a pearl in my head being one issue that she (one of the ppg) cannot shake. So roll it around would be to consider the issue? think about it? Generally, the ppg struggle with all this right, wrong, good, bad nonsense, right? but some things are just completely grey. Like, in their eyes, the RRB. In the midst of a redemption if would be hard to see them as either good or bad. So, the conflict is, should they trust them? (I also interpret these lines in a romantic way, as this song is about a love, but im not gonna get too in depth. If you wouldd like to know, ask!!)
I fell in love with a war. Now, this should be straightforward in terms of the ppg. A WAR. A conflict. They had grown so use to fighting, to the boys being wrong and the girls being right, and suddenly thats over? suddenly that doesnt matter? 
HEY HI OKAY SO if youve read this far, mwah! /p This is technically the end but I actually see this song to be a blues song, because of the more romantic aspects (theres a hole that you fill, sorry i cant take your touch, and lyrics similar to these). This also definitely relates to that whole “you’re a bad person, Boomer” storyline in More Than Human. I just thought Id add that, as Ive listened to this song for a while and always thought of that; i could go muchhh more in depth if i was talking solely about the blues.
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