#equestria girls theory
bigshepherdrascalmug · 11 months
Equestria Girls multiverse FIM theory! Read please!
So today about my post about MLP, I try to crack the Equestria Girls inconsistency with the show; and it's not what you guys think it is; and no, there is NOT a single inconsistency in that show, because we got it all wrong actually...
Equestria Girls is actually an alternative world to MLP, and it follows the laws of alternative dimensions wich means that even though A and B are similar in some aspects they are NEVER the same or operate in the same way, meaning that per example if both A and B are set on earth, the two worlds are gonna work differently, either that meaning that in one world gravity works fine and in the other it doesn't, or maybe we have the same solar system but earth has no life and everything we know as it is, is in Mars... Besides MLP takes place in the same universe as the human world, considering there is the Horse Head Nebulosa thing, and we have seen humans in there in the comic generations??? Right?? That confused me because I haven't seen the whole thing; this is gonna be something we will ignore for now lol.
Proof of my theory would be the fact the Dazzlings are older than Celestia and Luna if not the same age but in the human world they are teenagers, Starlight being older than the other girls but in MLP they are all the same age, Sunset becoming younger and not changing much since the day she entered the portal even though she was supposed to be in her 30's if not 50's by the end of the show in MLP because when Twilight was a kid Sunset was an adult and Celestia's pupil, Discord being a plushy, etc, etc.
Meaning that Equestria girls is NOT a copy of FIM but rather a reareangement of the characters we know from FIM; AND if the universe ever were to be the same according to the MLP lore the universes would crash merging together and destroying both of them unless the two of them actually compensated for it.
One example of that is Reflections when Sombra and Celestia from different worlds fall in love, notice that in this world Sombra is a unicorn but in MLP he is an Unbrum, Discord is a hero, Derpy is one of the elements of harmony and so on; but. These universes aren't a complete copy of one another, and an example is Derpy being good even though in this world the majority of bad guys in FIM are good and the good ones are bad, because Derpy has never been a bad person in FIM, whoever in the mirror world the majority of characters in there that are good are evil in FIM and vice-versa, meaning THE WORLD is concpensating in order for them to not be the same, but why? We get that answer later on inthe comics, when Celestia spents too much time in there for at least 1000 years the universes start to intertwine and Luna and Celestia become evil, and the universes start to mirror each other, which starts in them crashing, and then Sombra has to sacrifice himself in order for the balance to keep calm because there needs to be some inconsistency in one of the universes in order for them to exist, meaning that it creates a paradox, because if now Sombra is bad in there in FIM he has to be good and vice-versa.
And okay, what this has to do with Equestria Girls you ask?? Simple, the fact we do not have a human Sunset Shimmer, think abou it... If the universes were suposed to be the same shouldn't there be a human Sunset? And if there is why hasn't the universe crashed yet considering how long she has been in this world?
Simple: either human Sunset does not exist, or when pony Sunset entered in there the human one got stuck in a form of limbo so the worlds would not crash (which was supposed to be the finale of EWG until Hasbro cancelled it).
And something else too to think about, is everything else, the fact the girls are humans, not ponys, they are teenagers not adults, they don't end up dating with the same people in the show, like Rarity is with Apple in EQG while Rainbow is with Apple in MLP and Rainbow is with Fluttershy while Discord is with her in FIM (though I don't know about the last one because I haven't seen any confirmation that Rainbow and Flutter are a thing and I have only seen proof of Apple and Rarity but let's assume this information is right), the fact they aren't living alone but rather with family, they are still in High School, the fact there is no magic, and the magic in there comes from Equestria and is not a thing from this world, etc, etc. Meaning that the 2 worlds are complete separeted version of one another... In short, EQG is similar to FIM bit there not the same.
In conclusion, EQG is an alternative dimension/world of MLP that has the "same" characters but the laws of physics and reality are completely different because if 2 universes in MLP are alike at least like 85% or 60% they get destroyed simultaneously. That's it... That's the explanation for EQG. It was so obvious yet it took so many years to realize it... I feel stupid now.
Though one thing I didn't mention is that it is possible for there to be a similar universe to one another, but that is like extremely rare and according to the laws of FIM I guess it would have at least one thing different in there or else you know reality crashing, bla, bla. So yeah, that's it I solved the code... Finally I finally explained EQG!
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om0000 · 3 months
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my wife
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haystarlight · 4 months
Okay so I had a discussion with @babywonderlandwerewolf in the notes of this post and now I have enough Thoughts on Sunset Shimmer to make another post about it:
Cause like, if they're correct about time passing slower on the other side of the mirror and that's how the humans are younger (at least in maturity?) than the ponies, then think of what that means for Sunset
She gets mad and runs away at like 12-14 and by the time she comes back (on the human side anyway) she's 15-17. So, to her, it's only been 3 years. She would mentally still be a teenager
But, on the other side of the mirror, we know it's been longer than that since she's been gone. She left a little bit before Twilight became Celestia's new student, which happened when Twilight was a little kid (age not confirmed). By the time Sunset Shimmer comes back, Twilight is already an alicorn which means she's advanced in her studies (again no specific age given but she's definetly an adult by pony standards; she lives without her parents and stuff). So, at the lowest estimate, it's been 10 years on the pony side
Imagine how fucked up that must be. Sunset Shimmer would mentally still be 16 but, whenever she goes back to Equestria, she's a teen in an adult's body and everypony she remembers from before she left is now way older than her (this gets more juicy if you believe on the "Sunburst and Sunset are siblings" theory, which I do)
Then again, this still wouldn't explain why going through the mirror apparently aged down Twilight when she went through in the first movie already as an adult mare (unless it was adjusting her to match everyone else?? but if Sunset remained the same age the first time she went in then.... Idfk)
Also, if we're viewing it like this then the Princess Twilight/Sunset ship is messed up now because, even though they physically would look the same age, Sunset lives like she's 16 while Twilight lives like an adult (ew Twilight). It's like in Bojack Horseman when Bojack dates Wanda
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bawuoooooom · 8 months
i just had the greatest idea ever.
Ninjago: Tournament of Elements x Battle of The Bands (MLP)
bonus: flash sentry from mlp equestria girls and kai (ninjago) share the same voice actor
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Fun Headcanon Time 3!
Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst are siblings (if not twins)!
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Why do I think this? Well…
Both ponies are very gifted. Maybe after she saw how much of a prodigy Sunbrust was, she wanted to do the same thing and surpass him?
People say “if they were siblings, we would’ve known”, but remember Sunset DID say that she wasn’t close with her family at all? Well, sunbrust WAS a prodigy, maybe their parents gave him all the attention, leaving Sunset to be the black sheep?
They’re color palettes are VERY similar, and Sunset looks a lot like Stellar Flare and Sunspot. Again, I know not EVERYONE’S related because of their color palette’s, but still.
It’s just SO fun to think about! 🤭
If either show continued, we could’ve had a side story/plot about it.
It feels REALLY wrong to ship them together…for some reason.
What do you guys think?
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oilith · 5 months
I think eqg Luna and Celestia have a much healthier and closer relationship than fim Luna and Celestia. To me, fim Celestia is a lot worse than eqg. I have a theory that after Luna's "redemption" they never actually talked about what happened. Celestia insists that everything is fine and Luna is too scared of conflict. Meanwhile eqg sisters did. It took a lot of talking and therapy for them to get there, but they're now extremely close. Fim sisters continue to avoid problems until everything goes downhill again.
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MLP-G4/G5 & EQG Theory: Midnight Sparkle Was Foreshadowing The Unity Crystals...Part 1
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission.] 
I would of wrote this theory some hours ago, but I was too busy playing Mass Effect 3 on the Mass Effect Legendary, and I got to say that I’m happy with the progress I made, and I was able to do some of the DLC missions, like helping Aria for one, and right now I think I’m close to the whole meeting the Shepard Clone thing, right now Shepard, Liara, Wrex and Brooks are all in that Apartment, which is the first time for me to get a Apartment from Anderson in that game, and well, I’m glad I could finally get through some parts in Mass Effect 3, even if it was in the Legendary version....
anyway that aside, I know some might not like G5 and there are still some fans that do like G5 as well as still like G4...
but I have reasons to believe that Sci-Twi’s Midnight Sparkle form, was foreshadowing what Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to do in the future...
and that is making the unity crystals, which would force ponies to get along, even in the smallest of disagreement...
and if time does pass differently in the human world where Sunset is, and she is probably in college now, when time passed a lot faster in Equestria...
then when she meets up with Sunny and her friends, and if they ever go back time....maybe in Sunset’s super tough way, she should go trotting right up to Princess Twilight, just as she is about to make the Unity Crystals...
and hoof her right in the muzzle....even if that might seem, a bit much and cold.
but if you think about it, it is technically her fault.
instead of solving things the right way, she ends up taking a short cut with magic, by making something that drains the natural magic from Equestria.
I love G4, G5 and even EQG, but it isn’t okay for Princess Twilight to do such a thing, thinking it can “fix” how some ponies act to each other.
and yeah Opaline did play a role in the mess, but it didn’t mean Princess Twilight had to cross that line, because by trapping Earth Pony, Pegasus and Unicorn Magic inside those Crystals, and who knows what other creatures magic, she only played a part in having Earth Pony, Pegasus and Unicorns separate, it wouldn’t just be Opaline’s fault.
and if Discord did think magic was to blame, then he needs to see the bigger picture as well, that magic is just being another scapegoat for those who ended up misusing it, and making it force ponies to get along or else “no magic for you.” which isn’t fair or treating anypony or any-creature or anyone in any equal form what so ever...
in fact, by trying to force ponies for generations to get along, or they can’t use magic, it only makes problems worse.
you can’t force that kind of thinking or friendship on anyone, no matter if they are a pony or another creature or a human or other...
that isn’t right, and if what I had watched that talked about bringing back G4 wasn’t some prank, cause I’m not sure if it is true, so I wont get my hopes up...
but if it were true, then maybe if it is true that it will be at a point before Twilight became a Alicorn, then maybe she can see what her much older future self has done in her time ruling Equestria and what she caused for the future generations, but then again, it could be possible that Sunny and her friends, might be living in the same era as Twilight and her friends....
you know, that mirror pool that makes copies, I think that every pony save for maybe a few, are clones....this would include the Mane Six.
and that broken snow place, that has that Castle that use to belong to the Storm King’s before...?
well let’s say the first episodes we saw where it has Nightmare Moon return and to the point she became Luna again, as well as the point of the first movie of Equestria Girls to the second where the Dazzlings show up, that was part of the Original World, but when we get to the new Equestria Girls Movie, where Sunset’s yellow in her hair is much lighter, this could be seen as a new timeline that is still the same as the old, but still slightly different...
and that one Time Twirler might of belong to the Original Twilight Sparkle, who made it so she could relive her adventures, as well as her friendships and even the moment she became a Princess....this Twilight, could of been from the Original Timeline that Sunset came from, when her mane and hair had a different shade of yellow in it, before becoming much lighter later on.
but at some point someone got wise to what that Twilight Sparkle was doing, and she had went to the human world, where she had reformed Sunset and made friends with the human version of her friends, and hid it somewhere no one else would ever find it...
 plus how do we know that that memory stone that erased a ponies memories didn’t play a part by being used by someone who was trusted, until they broke that trust....       
and the pony that Clover The Clever had got rid of in the human world, by just burying it....keeping it from a pony, who could of turned out to be Opaline.
or the Original Princess Twilight Sparkle, who had not only used a Time Twirler to go through a time loop that only she would remember, but also to erase the memories of those who might remember or become immune to the time loop like Sunset was when she went through it in the human world, when that time twirler ended up there.
the Twilight Sparkle that just started becoming ruler of Equestria, might not be the same as the one that Luster Dawn speaks to in that episode that shows what happen in Twilight’s past, which would be the same even for a temporal copy of herself or mirror copy....
The Original Twilight, could of aged everypony into babies, and place them into cryogenic magic sleep, until it was time for them to be “born”...
meaning she would use a spell to make mares believe they were going to have a foal, but really, it was a spell to trick them, until the months were up, and she would place a copy of their foal into their care, which the parents would also be copies as well...
it could turn out that only a few ponies are born from copies, while others are originals that weren’t originally copied...
this might be a weird theory, and it’s okay that not everyone takes it seriously.
but it might be possible that the Taller and much older Twilight Sparkle, is the one that gets it wrong, and the still younger and still small Twilight Sparkle, might get it right and be the version of herself that would never make another Unity Crystal, even if the current one is broken into pieces and freeing everyone and the magic to be used the right way.
so way, like I was trying to point out, I believe that broken snow that The Storm King’s Old Castle was a bit close to....
was the Original Equestria, and while it seems like it is all covered in snow, but in theory it could have the Equestria that the G5 Ponies live in...
meaning that Sunny, Hitch,  Zipp, Pipp and Izzy have no clue that there is clone of ponies that had lived in Ancient times, living in another land that they are also calling “Equestria” but really it would be Equestria II, which would prove my other theory that the Equestria that Twilight and her friends live in, isn’t the original Equestria, and it is Equestria II...
I will talk more about this theory maybe later or tomorrow....which is why this will be part 1, and the next one will be part 2...
need to get back to playing Mass Effect 3, but once I finish, I will go back to checking out some stuff on here, or maybe I will take a break from it once I finish up some parts in it, I still left Shepard, Wrex, Brooks and Liara at that Apartment, and I still need to have Shepard reply in that part in the game...
so anyway it’s okay that not everyone agrees about the weird and crazy theories I mentioned in this....but it doesn’t mean I agree with Princess Twilight Sparkle misusing magic and making the Unity Crystals to try to force ponies to get along......I can still like Twilight, but if she crosses a line like that, then she is just misusing magic like how Star Butterfly scapegoat the magic, instead of sticking to blaming her Mom and her side of the Butterfly Family for the misuse of the magic, I can still like Star and the SVTFOE show, but I will not agree with her or Princess Twilight’s actions of misusing the magic or using it as a scapegoat...
so yeah, I believe that Midnight Sparkle was foreshadowing the Unity Crystals, and what Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to do with them...                                                                                     
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ashthedestroyer · 2 years
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Actual good content coming soon lol here’s some filler
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pheonix-inside · 2 years
It's funny how I never was obsessed with My Little Pony. And yet. I've had multiple experiences online that involve it. Too many to say I have no connection to it. It's bizarre and hilarious.
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charcharbinks333 · 1 month
★☆about me☆★
a little bit about me, because why not <3
DISCLAIMER: if you know me IRL…. get outta here (unless ur matthew or ashton)
the name is charlie. pronouns are any i guess. i am genderfluid and bisexual. emo i guess? DNI IF UR LOOKING FOR A SB. I AM A MINOR.
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leo sun, leo moon, taurus rising. august 19th. spiritual and pagan, respect all religions.
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some of my amazing mutuals: @hoe4kai @hearts4golbach @sparky4577 @bornandraisediniowa @teapartyprincess4two
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music ~ HER’s, radiohead, weezer, the smiths, the smashing pumpkins, tv girl, sex drive culdesac, frank ocean, childish gambino, kendrick lamar, the beatles, sufjan stevens, mitski, panic! at the disco, pierce the veil (seen live!), blink-182 (seen live!), highschool, the cure, my chemical romance, sleeping with sirens, pigeon pit, peach pit, slipknot, korn, system of a down, strawberry alarm clock, michael cera, we the kings, fleetwood mac, avenged sevenfold, anti-flag, teen idles, chief keef, lil skies, dominic fike, chase atlantic, michael jackson, and more tbh
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movies ~ call me by your name, mean girls, princess and the frog, adult world, megamind, the lorax, the perks of being a wallflower, paper towns, TASM, ITSV/ATSV, deadpool 1&2, coraline, paranorman, hocus pocus, beetlejuice, boxtrolls, kubo and the two strings, the red turtle, scream, then came you (2018), senseless, SLC punk, tangled, my little pony equestria girls/rainbow rocks/friendship games/legend of everfree, big time movie, ferris bueler’s day off, heathers
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tv shows ~ american horror story, community, how i met your mother, big bang theory, school spirits, new girl, rick and morty, brooklyn 99, modern family, AHS. (but i already mentioned that), adventure time, sugar rush (can’t lie it slaps)
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books ~ the perks of being a wallflower, paper towns, the obsession, want to go private?, girl stolen, gone girl, call me by your name, to kill a mockingbird, the tempest, catcher in the rye, around the world in 80 days
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youtubers ~ danny gonzalez, drew gooden, kurtis conner, dylan is in trouble, the sturniolo triplets, filmcooper, sam and colby, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, bobbybroccoli, larray, quen blackwell, carrington
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people i will write about ~ evan peters (and his characters), sam golbach, colby brock, carrington bornstein, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, tyler/hansumfella, milo manheim (and his characters), percy jackson (book/logan lerman version), charlie kelmeckis, matt/chris sturniolo (romantic/platonic), nick sturniolo (strictly platonic), tara yummy (platonic)
❝ rules and boundaries ❞
¡ rules and boundaries for my writing and recommendations !
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i am currently not comfortable with writing smut. the most i’ll write is implied nsfw or lime (teasing and such, between fluff and smut). if it’s recommended i won’t be bitchy, just politely turn it down and we can move on. this may change depending on if i broaden my writing horizons or not.
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any creators that have specified boundaries about fanfiction will not be included, and please inform me if they have specified and i’ve written about them, and it will be taken down immediately.
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do not repost my work onto other websites, such as wattpad or ao3. if you want to translate my work, ask for permission first and keep it on tumblr, and cred ofc.
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im not comfortable writing mlm, or trans!fem reader, as an afab person i don’t think i can get the proper perspective and it doesn’t feel like my place to write that. gn!reader and fem!reader are always the table, however
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if a character is underage, i will not write anything but fluff about them, probably won’t write anything romantic at all, but it all depends.
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i will add onto this if anything comes up and i hope you enjoy my future work :)
love always,
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casually-salad · 3 months
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In my head cannon/au equestria girls where theyre in collage and not highschool n they're all majoring in: Rarity ((she/her)) is obvious she's going to fashion School, Rainbow dash ((she/her)) got in on an athletic scholarship and is going to play Major League basketball, but also plays hockey and soccer.
Fluttershy ((they/them)) is getting a degree majoring in veterinary sciences and minoring in agricultural science and biology (( NERD )), starlight ((he/they)) is majoring in political science and gender studies
pinkie pie ((any pronouns)) is taking child psychology and also is minoring an archeology and no one expects it but she is excelling in it, starlight ((she/her)) keeps course hopping and isn't sure what she wants to do still, she doesn't right now she's taking music theory and is thinking of becoming music teacher or a therapist.
Applejack ((he/him)) also was on an athletic scholarship but ended up switching to agricultural sciences with Fluttershy, Trixie ((she/her)) is taking business but no I'm sure she actually goes to the school cuz she's never there.
then sci twi (( egg. )) is majoring in criminal psychology and Justice to become a lawyer, and also is in multiple stem classes.
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franki-lew-yo · 2 months
ALL my feelings towards Friendship is Magic could be so easily summed up as:
" -Twilight Sparkle should never have become an alicorn princess in season 3 of a series with 9 seasons - ''
She should have always had it in the books to eventually become an alicorn, but her becoming one in season 3 is where literally all (my own) problems with the show stem from and almost all of those problems are about the show in execution, NOT in theory. 
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Everything about later seasons Friendship is Magic’s writing reeks of the writers trying to make their ideas, fan ideas, and Hasbro’s ideas work all at the same time with so little time. They were told to make Equestria Girls, Princess Twilight, Flurry Heart and the movie “work” while also juggling writing in Starlight and her whole arc (and the characters attached, like Sunburst), the CMC getting their cutie marks, the reformed changelings, griffons and dragons, their Starswirl the Bearded stuff; WHILE ALSO making sure Discord and the Princesses (mostly Luna) and the ‘fan fav’ characters worked on their own and come together.
In my opinion, it just didn’t.
There was always too much going on with little to no time to breathe or appreciate the characters -how far they’ve come, how much further they have to go- at all. And it made later bit of lore and characters feel frustrating. It made potentially great characters deeply unlikable. Starlight and Discord are the biggest victims.
I want to like them. I really do. I can’t though because Starlight is not only a ‘madeawittlemistake’(aka ran a cult)-villain redemption, BUT she has to share her stories with the main six. They underdeveloped her while also trying to make her important and it just made me dislike Starlight and Twilight so much. It made me get mad at Starlight for being in the way of a Twilight episode, it made me wanna scream at Twilight for getting in the way of what should be Starlight’s time to shine!
Discord now had to share his ‘redeemed baddie’ spotlight with Starlight and others meant he had no time for his development which, when it was done* (ALL of Season 4) was abysmally fast, badly paced and in my view insulting. It made Discord, even in episodes where he had a point to be there, feel useless because fundamentally was overall. Season 4 assassinated Discord’s character to me and I didn’t remotely like him. For years I thought I just didn’t like FiM simply because the show and the fandom clearly preferred Fluttercord to Dislestia and I was just butthurt. Which, to be clear, I am. My mega revelation regarding this show was realizing that, no- what I hated wasn’t Fluttercord, it was Discord himself. How he was being handled, how he was written from s4 onward (ALL THE EPISODES WHERE HE’S YANDRE TO FLUTTERSHY SHOULD HAVE BEEN BEFORE HIS BETRAYAL. ALL OF THEM. NO YOU WILL NOT CHANGE MY MIND IT’S FINAL) pissed me off so much as a person who really loved his potential character in season 2 and 3. Discord and Fluttershy being besties and possibly more could and should have been adorable...but it wasn't because the Discord we got was a horrid character. Fluttershy deserves better.
I know you guys don’t wanna hear this same old worn-out critique about FiM, but I’m sorry I have to agree: when they weren’t being crowbarred into stuff that didn’t need their stories, Starlight and Discord were both forgiven -by the show- WAAY too soon. The problem wasn’t that they had redemption arcs and/or that other characters didn’t. The problem was their redemptions were badly done. The show didn’t treat them like they had been redeemed from something hurtful, it acted like they had never done anything wrong. And that was bad because it made it so, when the three baddies at the end of the series were officially crowned "irredeemable", the show felt biased. It felt mean spirited towards Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy when their end should have actually felt fitting and funny. It’s not about ‘morals’ or ‘punishing’ fictional cartoon horses voiced by John DeLancie for warcrimes or whatever tf Lily Orchard goes on about-- it’s about how the show FELT LIKE IT FAVORED some characters more than others. That was a thing that I loved Friendship is Magic for not doing in seasons 1-3, what made it and it’s character’s endearing and wholesome to me, and it’s why the handling of the main cast in later seasons felt so mean.
But to get back to the alicorn in the room; Twilight could have graduated or something for season 3 and then the whole show could build up to her actually outdoing Starswirl’s wrongs as she does in the pony of shadows plot. THAT could have been her ‘upgraded to alicorn princess moment’; but it didn’t. As much as I wish it were that way, it isn’t and that’s not what the writer’s did because they didn’t have the time or foresight for that. Sadly, even though lots of flaws and problems were always baked into the loaf from the start (Celestia being useless or 'sinister', ponies being racist towards everything else, bad and/or basic friendship lessons) Twilight becoming an alicorn princess, which DID ultimately change her character, her role and her presence even amongst her friends and the rest of Ponyville, was the start of all the problems.
We’re stuck with what we got and what we got was a series that -to me- only ever kept adding more and MORE until it felt overstuffed, hectic, and unfortunately mean spirited when it wasn’t trying to be. There’s nothing we can do now. Personally, I highkey am annoyed at other adult bronies saying I “didn’t get” the show and its decisions which is why I didn’t like it. No. Trust me I get “it”; the problem is that “it” wasn’t well done which is why I didn’t like “it”. “It” deserved better.
Of course, I also get some of why those bronies are so defensive. After all I was there when the whole 'Twilight becoming a Princess'-controversy happened. I remember how ugly it got and how annoying and entitled you guys were about it and Equestria Girls' existence (don't even get me started on ur #savederpy).
Something I want to make especially clear whenever I criticize writers, especially of kids shows, is that a criticism IS NOT an attack. Ever. Boycotts and callouts should be reserved for stuff that's actually morally wrong and yes they also count for stuff I like, not just stuff I want to be mad at. Lookin at you, Didney.
There was never and still is never a reason to bother, hurt or ask the writers for MLP gen 4 why they did what they did. No, not even if you're being 'friendly' about it. Leave M.A. Larson alone.
Granted, fans being entitled to creator's attention and creator's being entitled to fans' affection is it's own rabbit hole, but I truly think that FiM set an ugly standard for that with animated shows today.
Besides still being too thin skinned and not liking that a thing they've divested so much real life time into could be bad, a thing about cartoon commentary and criticism in the 2010s-2020s is they're really parasocial and demanding of writers and artists behind a show. The was always the biggest, ugliest, most uncomfortable aspect of Friendship is Magic to me: because it's creators were online and fans knew they were listening, could approve of fan's creations, and especially because they felt 'responsible' for a show's success, they were really into @ing writers about everything. When critics would call something out for being badly written it somehow always made it's way into becoming a personal accusatory thing. People were blaming writers for being human and working within time constraints and network decisions. You didn't have to be like that TinyToons guy who stalked Tress MacNeille about sexualizing Fifi in the 90s to be a harasser. You could just be an aggressively oversupporting 'stan' or angry nitpicking critic to make a writer who's just doing their job, uncomfortable
tl;dr: I disliked the writing of the later Friendship is Magic. I think it was bad because it was bad. None of that is meant as an attack on the writers who were trying their best and don't need to be roped into any fandom nonsense, positive or negative, and never should have been in the first place.
Hopefully, that's one deadhorse finally beaten.
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xbomboi · 5 months
Could you possibly elaborate more on your EQ movies?? I'm really interested in this Cove Sunset... 👀
oh yeah actually i would love to talk more about that! so basically i wrote two movies intended to be the penultimate and the final installment in the Equestria Girls series since that’s definitely never going to get an official ending. i wanted to tie up loose ends…
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i made a poster for the second one of the two that i made a few years back right here. but anyway…
the first of the two is called “Royal Nightmare.” the premise is as follows: it’s now spring of the girls’ senior year, and rarity has made the decision to run for queen of the spring fling after being robbed by sunset she tried to run for princess years ago. but when rarity gets possessed by dark magic, sunset has to confront her repressed baggage from the past if she wants to save her friend before it’s too late.
basically, this one deals a lot with sunset’s past with rarity. the film has a mix of the events taking place in the present day as well as flashbacks to the past, being the girls’ freshman year. it covers stuff like sunset arriving for the first time, her meeting flash, how she rose to power, and what she did to rarity (i changed it up just a tad because the junior novelization is a Weird book). it also has a lot of focus on rarijack as well.
the other one, intended as a finale movie, is titled “Forever Friendship.” after finally graduating from canterlot high, the girls are about to move onto the next stages in each of their lives. however, sunset still has unfinished business in regards to herself. together, the girls set out on one last adventure to uncover the truth behind sunset’s family and the sunset from their world. but could this be end?
this one is basically, like, giving sunset closure. in it i explore sunset’s origin and the truth about the Other sunset shimmer. it has an entire conflict that revolves around a discussion of the moral dilemma that comes with having magic in the human world. at heart it’s about sunset finding her purpose once and for all. i can’t say much else without spoiling it.
royal nightmare is complete in THEORY but needs a lot of, like, extra fleshing out and possibly the addition of a few more scenes. also, forever friendship is now missing a song or two because i removed one scene entirely and instead repurposed the song for royal nightmare. also ALSO, they’re a bit old now and i approached them differently than i did when writing for ever after high. i wasn’t totally thinking about completely matching the tone and more about cinematics. it’s not that i bumped the ratings up, but i let dialogue be lengthy and… idk, nuanced? i guess? more so in forever friendship than royal nightmare, at least. and there’s probably an occasional typo in them both.
i would share them, but the thing that makes me hesitant is the fact that for the songs, i made an unlisted youtube playlist of myself singing them each just for people who read them to have reference when the scenes pop up. it wasn’t so embarrassing when it was just being shared between myself and my friends, but the audio is kinda bad and there’s no music it’s just me singing. i didn’t even have the same range as i wanted for some of the songs or the characters so i sound wonky in it. and i can’t redo it now because i’m older and my voice has dropped so that’s a no-go.
idk, maybe i could give in with enough convincing.
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Expanding on my MLP next gen AU "shipping is magic" except i let too many ideas marinate in my head at once and now my wrist hurts from drawing so much :)
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I would say "ships and lore under the cut" but tumblr ALWAYS likes to fuck up my post layout whenever i post SPECIFICALLY MLP base art for some reason soooo.......idk
As some of you may know: i included fluttershy x tree hugger into my next gen but recently i've decided that in this AU: fluttershy is actually now in a polycule with tree hugger and quarter hearts (that one background pony that looks like link from the legend of zelda) because i saw it be included in one of dragonairlover (or SodaSurfer97, depending on where you follow it)'s old youtube videos back when it did next gen requests for people as part of someone's next gen and i really liked that idea so i included the ship in mine, the mostly-yellow pony with the triforce necklace is named canary crescent (he/him) and he's the son of all three (biologically, i mean) while the blue-haired pony next to him is named navi (she/her) and she's just flutter and quarter's kid. Obviously, navi is based on navi the fairy from the actual zelda games though i wanna say that she's got some inspiration from the blue fairy from pinocchio as well
The next five are gonna take a while to explain....so y'know how i had two lunacord kids already? Well....i decided to expand it into 7 and base them all on the 7 deadly sins because i thought it'd be cool (the ones i already made represent pride and sloth now), the pink one represents lust and is named "after dark" (she/her), the red one represents wrath and is named "wild side" (which TOTALLY isn't because i had the beastars opening theme which coincidentally is also titled "wild side" stuck in my head while drawing, what are you even TALKING about!??!?....anyway, she/her) The purple one represents greed and is named "hypebeast bling" (god, remember when hypebeasts were a thing? He/him) the brown one represents gluttony and is named "midnight snack" (they/he) and lastly the blue one represents envy and is named cendrillon (who TOTALLY isn't named after the vocaloid song AT ALLLL!!!!!! She/her) cendrillon wants to be like her older siblings, thus why she's envy
These next ones: well....idk how many people know of this nowadays, but when the episode "baby cakes" first came out, people theorized that rarity ALSO had a baby in that episode alongside mrs cake because in the opening scene: she was seen looking at a baby with a VERY similar color palette to her. I actually really like that theory so i decided to incorporate that into my next gen, with rarity having a kid with stony pony before eventually getting with braeburn and having rosemary and having to give the kid up for adoption because she couldn't take care of her (and also because stony's a fucking deadbeat lmao) ......so yeah, i named her heloise (she/her) and she's very spiritual and cool......probably has an AWESOME crystal collection. The blue pony next to her is named "birthday cake" and she's pound and pumpkin cake's younger sister. Lastly there's prince corium, chrysalis and tirek's 14-year-old son. I imagine that he's not really evil in the same way his parents are, but he's moreso an edgy fuck who thinks saying slurs and making fun of furries is peak comedy....also he has some SERIOUS beef with pastel dream (my flashlight kid from another post)
Moving onto equestria girls, i didn't want it to JUST be the next gen from the pony universe but just in the EG universe so i decided to be a little creative. So for EG's mane 5 we have rarity and applejack's identical twin daughters praline punch (who's a graphiti artist and is into amekaji) and frou-frou (who's super ditzy and into hime gyaru), fluttershy and bulk biceps' daughter sunny sunflower, sci-twi and sunset shimmer's daughter pasadena (who has a crush on sunny and TOTALLY isn't named after pasadena from crash bandicoot I SWEAR!!!!) And flash sentry and timber spruce's daughter happy camper (who is a trans girl, but is still a lil early into her transition and she's into cryptozoology)
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About My Nonhuman Identity🐾
(may change/update occasionally)
THERIOTYPES (from most to least prominent):
▸Vancouver coastal sea wolf (canis lupus crassodon) ▸Turkish Angora (felis catus) ▸Type A orca (orcinus orca) ▸Western jackdaw (corvus monedula) ▸Banded linsang (prionodon linsang)
▸Applejack (MLP FiM)
▸Snakekith/hearted ▸Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Factory)
▸I experience mainly sensory, phantom and mental shifts, though I (very rarely) also experience dream shifts and perception shifts!
The majority of the time, I do not feel my phantom limbs touching objects, but sometimes a particularly strong shift can can uncomfortable.
▸I have days where I feel more human, and days where I feel less human. On the latter, I tend to get shifts more often and my shifts are typically stronger
▸I experience both species dysphoria and gender dysphoria
▸I identify specifically as a male wolf, and a pack leader, due to a lack of maternal instinct and other qualities that are tied to my nonhumanity.
On that topic, I identify as a female domestic cat. I know I do not feel wolfish maternal instincts because when I see a real kitten or a picture of a kitten, I feel strong urges to protect it, feed it, etc.
▸I consider myself both a psychological and spiritual therian. As far as I know, all my identities are psychological except my Turkish Angora theriotype, which is spiritual (past life)
▸I have been awakened since October 2021 (wow thats 2 years ago, boy does time fly)
▸I don't have a specific theory for my fictionkinity, but I think it's a combination of psychological and spiritual ▸Equestria Girls and the MLP Movie are both not part of my canon, but the MLP: Friends Forever comics are
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britt-kageryuu · 5 months
It's another Leo stream with his model dressed in his unicorn onesie. Though this time his model is on a pile of pillows with a blanket over his legs and feet. River is sitting in his lap partially under the blanket. Leo is messing around with Animal Crossing Happy Home Paradise. Staging some houses for random villagers.
"Uncle Blue, some people want to know if you like My Little Pony?" River says reading off some of chat.
Leo pauses, and reads over chat to makes sure that's what is being asked.
"Well, yeah. We all watched it, and I sometimes rewatch episodes when things get slow at work." He answered, giving River some skritches on the head. "Though I did skip some episodes, because the story was not the best."
"Do you have any theories? Or any favorite episodes?" River reads off more questions, while leaning into Leo's hand.
"I don't know for sure about favorite episodes, it just depends on the day, and how the episode hits in the moment." Leo answers again, before thinking over something for a minute.
"As for theories, this one is because of you River. I was rewatching The Mane Attraction, and remembered how Svengalop was based on Svengali and how Trilby died from being under hypnosis so much, and couldn't help but think, what if the magic auto-tune was slowly messing up Raras voice!" Leo shouts, he almost throws River off his lap, "It makes alot of sense with the fact that Svengalop didn't really care about her, just what perks he could make the others give him for being her manager!" He stops to take a few breaths, and calm down.
"Basically it wouldn't surprise me if he would not tell Rara that using the auto-tune magic to often would permanently mess up her voice, and just drop her when she loses her ability to sing... I wonder if she could sue him for that if it happened?" Leo pauses again to think this over, then just shakes his head, "Don't want to go down that rabbit hole right now. But I will say if I got turned into a Pony I would most likely be a Pegasus, even though I'd rather be a unicorn."
"Dad would probably be a unicorn, and try to take over with his tech. Maybe he would be subtle about it, maybe not." River adds on. She once again snuggles into Leo's Leo's plastron to get more comfortable.
"Though maybe I should do a series where I go over MLP stuff, and the Equestria Girls things also!" Leo starts getting more excited about this idea, only to be hopped on the head by River.
"Uncle Blue, you need to remember the whole weird copyright stuff when it comes to shows, music, and movies. Dad also says 'No' to the idea, unless it's for a podcast." River says while waving her fan for emphasis.
Leo slumps in the pillows, and huffs out a "Fine." Before continuing the game.
Chat is tossing around different ideas, and theories, while also naming their favorite episodes, and ponies.
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