#prays to Pfizer gods
thentherewasfury · 2 years
Two different people I spent multiple hours around on Thursday tested positive for Covid on Saturday
I got a booster on Wednesday
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darkmaga-retard · 19 days
Thursday September 5, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
President Donald J. Trump’s Historical and Powerful Speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25, 2018. Oh how soon we forget. Thanks to TexBritta - listen to his words. He is sending a message in everything he says and many in that room do not want to see Trump as our President because he doesn’t play their game - Most of our past Presidents (and all of the most recent Presidents) go to these meetings with their tail between their legs apologizing for America and sucking up to our enemies. Not Trump and that is why they didn’t pull their BS with him. This speech took great strength and guts - 35 min. VIDEO
Tim Walz’s wife: Criminals deserve as many chances as they need - ARTICLE/VIDEOS (20 secs., 27 secs.)
The Difficult Work of Academic Reform - it is these types of actions that are needed to fix education at all levels. Vouchers and all the other worthless schemes are not the answer and frankly they are not meant to fix anything but to eventually suck all education into one system and of course to make money for those pushing these schemes. Fixing education takes hard work. I also believe states should remove themselves from the US Department of Education and start taking control of education at the state level as it was designed from the start. The threat of taking away federal money is just that……an empty threat. The federal government has no constitutional authority in education and if taken to the Supreme Court (and if they followed the Constitution) they would find in favor of the states and the money could not be withheld. It could be put toward something else or the money normally collected and given toward education could cease to be collected from the state. ARTICLE
‘She Ain’t Made For This’: Harris Aides, White House Staffers Vilify Her In Expository Book - ARTICLE
JFK Secret Societies - from the days when Democrats were against communism and censorship and journalism was a friend to the American people - 5 min. VIDEO
There Are No Licensed COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months - I pray that no parent gives these shots to their baby - this is truly unbelievable and clear evidence they want to kill and disable as many people as they can. This shot is killing people and they want to give babies 3 by the time they are 9 months old? If you want healthy kids stay as far away from all vaccines as possible. The CDC childhood schedule is NOT mandatory by the CDC. It is your state that mandates these vaccines to get into school. I recommend you move to a state that has an exemption or educate your children at home - ARTICLE
A very dear friend (Susan P.) recommended a book to me yesterday and I believe it is a book everyone should read and then give a copy to your Pastor/Minister/Priest/Rabbi etc. Our churches are failing their flock by refusing to talk about the crimes taking place in our country today and encouraging God’s people to do all we can to save this country for future generations. We are sliding down a very slippery slope that could end up with every church in America shut down one day and worship forbidden. So speak up now before it is too late. A LETTER TO THE CHURCH by Eric Metaxas
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.”
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metacarpus · 2 years
two covid-ed housemates and holidays coming up... uh-UH
i may be walking with an ffp2 in my own home and I WILL IF I HAVE TO
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musicallisto · 3 years
I am battling a headache + overpowering weariness + incessant guilt from not working on school stuff so I’ll try to be productive with my writing at the very least but can’t promise anything
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
i've been seeing a lot of posts from my mutuals recently about getting the covid-19 vaccine and all that sweet stuff and as a filipino living in the philippines wherein (as of writing this post) only 2.28% of the 110 million filipinos in the philiplines have recieved the first dose of the vaccine and only 0.71% of the population are fully vaccinated aND given that the estimated herd immunity date considering the current vaccination rate is by November 2024, i only have this to say about that: sana fucking ol
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eenymeenypia · 4 years
Since Jelo said they were “this close” to texting me to see if I was ok, I thought I’d leave a note here.  I am trying to get off the Lyrica.  Fighting with Pfizer was especially awful this year. 
(Yes, we approved your application, but you didn’t call in after we failed to notify you that you’ve been approved to ask us to pretty please ship you the pills that you applied for.  THAT’S WHAT THE FUCKING PRESCRIPTION IS FOR.  So my mom broke down crying at the doctor’s office, whereupon samples miraculously appeared after they already told her they didn’t have any.  So no withdrawals, but only because my mom broke, and that was the last straw for me.)
So anyway, in case you missed me talking about it 500 times, Lyrica has absolutely the worst withdrawals I’ve ever had and I quit smoking and drinking cold turkey (not at the same time).  I’m switching to gabapentin which has helped a little, but I’ve still been pretty bad.
I think I’m finally on the other side so like maybe another week or so of me hiding out.  But I am alive, I am relatively ok and I will be back.
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aviceo · 4 years
Praying For The 500 Thousand Victims Who Passed Away Due To COVID-19
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pharmacyworld · 4 years
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phoenixonwheels · 3 years
Another dead Antivaxxer nurse
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This ableist POS couple were both nurses. Extra “you deserve to die” antivaxxer points to Teresa for continuing to post antivax conspiracy bullshit while her husband was dying of Covid.
This pandemic will be over when all the antivaxxers are dead.
[ID: Facebook posts: Steve Shurden, Jul 14: “Unmask Our Children.” Teresa Shurden, Jul 16: “We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class. We stress that this is in order to produce a green passport valid at most six months and to promote Pfizer sales.” Steve Shurden, Aug 11: Two photos of a man’s arm with a WWII concentration camp number tattooed on it and an arm with a wristband that says Covid Vaccination and has a QR code. “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Teresa Shurden, Sep 29: “Psalm 35 and Psalm 91. Prayers for Steve Shurden” Comment by Dana Downie “Update? We are believing.” Response from Teresa “Steve is sedated, they are trying to go down on vent settings. They are going to try to extabate on Thursday. Thank you for praying and for your faith believing for a miracle. In Jesus Name” Oct 4: “BREAKING: Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies are Probably Better than the [Pfizer] Vaccination’ We’re Like Bred And Taught to be Like ‘Vaccine is Safer Than Actually Getting Covid.’ Our Organization is Run on Covid Money Now #ExposePfizer” “Follow natural immunity that's the real God given science. God made, God created, God given natural immunity! Look at the science!” Oct 23: “Steve's Funeral Service. Schaudt's Funeral Home on Memorial Tulsa, Ok. Monday 25th 5-8pm viewing.Tuesday 26th 10:00 a.m. Funeral”]
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awideplace · 3 years
Have you been vaccinated? Do you feel OK afterwards?
Oh I struggled to answer this, I wasn't sure if I should. Yet I try to be honest as possible and not hide things even if unsavory.
I got the Pfizer a few months ago. I did it because it was part of the work requirements for the positions I was applying/interviewing for - and I need to provide for my family (my daughter and I) so it felt wrong to not pursue employment because of digging my heels in the sand about the vaccine. It felt a little selfish, and it was not a hill I felt called to die on. I prayed about it many times, researched, and waited as long as I could. I had no side effects at all, which was interesting because I was warned of side effects and didn't experience anything besides a sore area where the shot was (which happens with every immunization people have). The closest thing to a side effect was I went to Target after both doses (running errands) and I felt an overwhelming love for humanity, hehe. I actually cheekily texted someone asking if overwhelming love for humanity and wanting to hug a forlorn looking stranger was a side effect! I prayed throughout getting the vaccine, so I pray for God's protection. I pray his grace is upon me in this area, any vaccine is risky and I always prayed for Grace when she had to do her childhood immunizations.
I am against the vaccine mandate. Absolutely against it. I do not think the vaccines are great at all; I think some can be effective, but they are too risky. We have no long-term safety studies done. The government/workplaces should not make people get a vaccine with no long-term safety studies. I think it is better to get coronavirus, recover and have natural antibodies. From day one of the pandemic the lockdown has perplexed me - I would have been for herd immunity from the beginning (the Swede and Patriot in me perhaps).
Another thing that helped me make my decision is that due to circumstances of not being married I am not sure I will have another child. This breaks my heart, but it is the reality. If I was still going to have another child for certain I would not have done the vaccine. I will not have my daughter get vaccinated, by the time she is an adult the safety-studies will be out (and hopefully honest), and she can make her own decisions as an adult.
Everyone needs to make their own decision. Getting the vaccine or not is not a salvation issue. This is not the Gospel. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, not whether or not we got the vaccine. I regret getting it, because now both positions I'm in the running for have not required it because they are both fully remote.
xx, H
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startledstars · 3 years
A hand isn't the same as an arm. Also, most people get the shot in the left arm because most people are right-handed. As with other vaccines, they ask you what your dominant arm is & put the jab in the other one so that if the arm gets sore for a day or two, it won't interfere with daily activities. I guess left-handed people are screwed then. Are you against vaccines in general?
Hey anon,
Actually, I explicitly stated that a hand is an arm. The left arm is the same as the right hand, which is synonymous with the forehead.
Also, I believe the key to a healthy immune system is to expose a healthy body to a disease and chemical-filled cocktail injected directly into the bloodstream. Especially for infants, toddlers, children, the elderly, and pregnant. We should all take whatever the pharmaceutical industry, news reports, and government tell us to take. Big Brother knows best.
Why would an industry that profits from illness make anything that hurts people, or convince the population it needs an unnecessary product? This is simply ludicrous. Luckily, they’d be liable for damages. Pharmaceutical companies are held to the highest standard of accountability imaginable.
(The Pfizer CEO is so considerate, he’s refusing to take his company’s own vaccine so that those doses can go to us. The beloved citizens.)
And the US government is the most trustworthy organization in the world. They created the patriot act specifically to protect US citizens through constant surveillance. They subsidize corporations, give us plenty of fluoride to drink, and even let some people try out this hip new drug, LSD, for free a few decades ago. MK Ultra is peak trustworthy behavior.
Real talk though, it sounds like you got the jab.
I first watched this video in 2019 (or possibly earlier) and thought it was a hoax. Allegedly, the original footage is from 2005. I’m having trouble finding the full original video, so please watch this clip:
According to this video, the government studied this thing called the “God Gene,” a gene found to be active in those who are inclined to believe in God. They discuss ways to target that gene and inhibit it’s expression.
With the VMAT2 expressed/active, the subject has a positive response to religious texts. In test subjects without that gene expressed, the same texts produce a negative/aggressive reaction. (I think its much deeper than that in reality, and a few things we’re not being told.)
If your mRNA is altered (and these are mRNA vaccines;) your DNA is altered. It is possible that these vaccines are targeting the expression of VMAT2 gene. From what I’m seeing here, despite me presenting thorough research with sources and answering you as patiently as I can, you seem to be unable to process basic information. Searching desperately for that one excuse to deny the obvious and clinging to that instead.
I’m saying this out of concern, not malice. I still hope you can take this issue to God. I’ll still try to answer the other messages you sent; even if you refuse to receive the answers, others watching may benefit. God bless you. I will be praying for you tonight.
Edit: Here’s the full video and breakdown by King James Video ministries. They posted this video in 2021, long after I first encountered the original clip a few years ago. I only started watching Brian’s channel a month or two ago. (“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” -2 Corinthians 13. When disparate sources corroborate, it is likely that they speak the truth.)
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jordanianroyals · 4 years
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“Received the COVID-19 vaccine today with His Majesty and HRH Prince El Hassan. We remain ever-grateful to the brave medical cadres working day and night to protect and save lives in #OurJordan and we pray that God heal our sick and watch over our dear nation” - Crown Prince Hussein, 14 January 2021
‎تلقيت اليوم أنا وجلالة سيّدنا وسيدي الأمير الحسن لقاح فيروس كورونا. نسأل الله أن يشافي مرضانا ويحمي #أردننا، وألف تحية لكوادرنا الطبية التي تصل الليل بالنهار لحماية أبناء هذا الوطن الحبيب
Jordan received earlier this week the first shipments of the China-UAE Sinopharm vaccine and the US-German Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
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oceanmoss · 3 years
oh god i keep forgetting i'm getting my first vaccine shot on monday ngl i'm scared but also excited to be partly protected 😳😳😳!!!!! dk which vaccine i'm getting but pray for me to get pfizer 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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electribunny · 3 years
oh god. i got my first pfizer dose today and my mamas been checking in on me every few hours and i was like “yeah my arm is sore and i’m a tiny bit nauseous but besides that i’m chillin” and she started fucking praying over me 🤦🏻🤦🏻 bestie biden didnt individually put poison in each vial like stop listening to tom mcdonald songs. i’ll b fine
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elfpuddle · 3 years
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It’s been a hot minute since I shared, so I’ll take a moment now to do it. I don’t know how to do the “read under the cut”, so I apologize for the huge block of text appearing on your dash. For those of you who are new, a little context: Instead of dealing with a pandemic, hording, and whatever else was going on last year, I was busily going from doctor to doctor trying to learn why my body suddenly had such severe edema that my feet were actually ovals (as one example...the edema was full body), why I suddenly had such intense foot pain that I could not stand without feeling like I was being tortured, and more. From April to July, I was bed ridden, trying to keep my feet above my heart. I left the bed to walk six feet back and forth to the bathroom, a trip that took 30 minutes because of the pain, and to go to doctor appointments. We discovered that I have hyperparathyroidism, causing hypercalcemia, causing gout-like pain in my feet. I have a full team of doctors working on me, and had scheduled surgery twice last November and December. Both were canceled--the second because my parathyroid and calcium levels were too good; the surgical team had no measure to judge when to stop the surgery.
Since then, I’ve added another doctor, a podiatrist, to the team, because the foot pain simply wasn’t getting better the way my blood levels said it should, and the feet/calf edema was still persistent.
My podiatrist had given me a prescription for a topical arthritis ointment for my feet. It took a few days, but I developed a really "lovely" coating of hives. Yes, I stopped using it and added another drug to my list of allergies. My doctors and I decided that coping with the anxiety and depression caused by the hyperparathyroidism wasn't good enough any more. I'm now taking Prozac, and am much the better for it. I've slept better in since then than I have in over a year, and am much more my normal self. (My dreams are really super odd and vivid, but I'm getting used to my sleeping brain on drugs. I don't actually recommend that part, but I'll deal with it since the rest is so much better.) The xrays of my feet showed that some of my bones to be nearly transparent. Not in the ghost-like way of all xrays...actually not enough bone where bones should be. There was enough calcium in my veins that some of them showed up in the xray. This really disturbed the podiatrist, who ordered a bone density scan and an MRI. Also concerning was the way my left calf, ankle, and heel bones were jammed so tightly together that they overlapped.
My bone density scan technician, for reasons I cannot quite comprehend, didn't scan my feet, which are the area of prime concern. In good news, the rest of me is normal, so my parathyroid isn't extracting calcium from everywhere, nor do I have osteoporosis (yet?). My MRI was much more informative. I have a page and a half of information that, in a nutshell, means that my talus and calcaneus (ankle bones) have bruises and microfractures. I have plantar fasciitis with no tear, two heel spurs, mild/moderate arthritis in my feet, and most likely sinus tarsi syndrome shown by the complete loss of fat cushion in the tarsal sinus (hollow of ankle bones). In sum, for those of you like me that are not experts in the area, my parathyroid has been eating the calcium out of my feet and ankle bones. This, combined with arthritis in the feet and the swelling of the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of my feet, helping connect toes to heel, caused itty bitty fractures in the heel. In addition, it caused the tissues that are supposed to cushion the bones from scraping against each other to compress, deteriorate, and otherwise go away. All the feet and ankle swelling I've had hasn't been fluid building up, but a combination of feet tissues being pushed out of where they should be and swelling from the things that are broken and hurting (much like a jammed or broken finger will swell up until it heals). The cushion rearranging is why I've been so unsteady on uneven ground and steps; my ankle doesn't quite have the ability to deal with anything other than a perfectly flat surface. Usually, one would increase their vitamin d and calcium to help the body fix itself and get the nutrients that have left. But my hyperparathyroidism is causing hypercalcemia, both making too much calcium and depleting my body of it at the same time. Adding more isn't going to help as much as it should. I’m adding a bit more vitamin D to my drug schedule, and some vitamin C. My rheumatologist would add even more of both if it were possible, as the two of them will help rebuild collagen, which is the major ingredient in my missing tissues. I’m also continuing to wear compression socks, but increasing the pressure, to support feet and ankles and make sure that the swelling is minimized. (Like wrapping that jammed finger.) I’ve got a new pair of shoes that have a “rocker bottom” (be careful googling that) like a walking cast, so that my feet and ankle bones stop jamming together when I walk. The shoes have the most arch support I’ve ever seen. I've also got a list of exercises to do for the plantar fascitis to strengthen those tissues and keep them from getting too stiff from the swelling. While the parathyroid is causing havoc, there isn't a lot else to do other than monitor the situation. Unless I show symptoms of getting worse instead of holding steady or getting better, I next have my parathyroid and calcium levels checked in early July. There's three ways it could go: 1) Everything gets better and my body heals. That's not likely, but I do believe in miracles. 2) Everything stays the same...levels slightly elevated, but so close to "normal" that I'm not a candidate for surgery. 3) Levels get high enough, and I get sick enough, that surgery is necessary. I've been bouncing back and forth among the three for a year, so that's not really news. In good news, HubbyTMC and I both got the second doses of our Pfizer Covid vaccines. He was tired and achy in that "I'm coming down with something but don't really have a fever or anything specific" sort of way for a few days. I was hit by a nap rather suddenly a few hours after my shot. That exhaustion lasted for less than 24 hours, and otherwise I had no reaction whatsoever. Huzzah! I have my spiffy new rockerbottomarchsupportarthritisandeverythingelsegoingonsupport shoes. I wear them everywhere and they are helping. They also make me feel even taller than normal, since I'm wearing shoes while HubbyTMC isn't. And without them, I’m a hair under 6′, so this is a fun development. Yesterday, for the first time in a year, I got to go to Mass. I hugged my village of friends. I hung out at their house, just like I did every Sunday before my body went to hell. My village (the two of us, and three other married couples and their ten living children, as well as all the members of the Church Triumphant who hang with us, including our miscarried children) got to go to lunch after Mass and be together as the family we are. GoddaughterHufflePunk took solicitous care of me. She’s Six-and-A-Half, so I got to sit at the border of the adult side of the table, and the children’s side of the table, which is where I belong. My spiritual and emotional health is on the path to healing. Thank God for vaccines and all the people who got them to me. This has been a hard year for a lot of you, too, in ways different than my problems, but just as soul crushing. Know that I'm praying for all of you, and hoping that you are finding light at the end of your tunnels.  Thank you for your continued prayers. I know that they are helping. 
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note-to-self: to talk about kai’s vet appointment today, the mess of it, the humour, the misery, the vet who was cuter than he needed to be
the universe is a fucker in that every time i have to face a new situation all sweaty and anxious, im always praying, don’t give me someone cute, pls god, don’t give me someone cute, and then i get a cute nurse who gives me my pfizer jab, a cute japanese language teacher, a cute vet, a cute interviewer, etc. — meanwhile, my sweating and anxiety intensify, and im like fuck you, universe, god, do you have fun watching this, is this all a game show to you
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