#prediction is hard especially about the future
That’s the seductive power of the spreadsheet: it’s a tool for asking what if? With just a little training, anyone can use a spreadsheet to build a model of some real-world phenomenon, from an ecosystem to a convenience store, from a lemonade stand to a retirement savings plan. Then, by tapping new numbers into those neat little boxes, you can change the model: what if I pay a little less here? What if I save a little more there? What if this number goes up? What if it goes down? Change a box and all the numbers dance in their gridwork of faint gray lines,  and the future is revealed, with a terrible and false precision. Terrible and false because the model is a model, it’s not the world, and each of those sharp figures and formulae obscures a fuzzy, squishy set of assumptions, guesses and elisions. The model can suggest, it can guide – but it cannot predict. This is what made spreadsheets so science fictional. As we lose ourselves in a futuristic parable, it’s easy to forget the “parable” part and start to think we’re experiencing the future. To forget that sf writers have no more insight into what the future holds than any of us, and thank goodness, because if the future could be predicted, there’d be no reason to do anything or try anything. The future is up for grabs. That’s the point of science fiction: not to predict the future, but to inspire it, or ward it off. To work out our present-day anxieties and aspirations on the page, to provide a virtual fly-through of the emotional experience of this technological arrangement or that.
The seductive, science fictional power of the spreadsheet
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lee-sol · 8 months
verse starter calls that will come when i get on my laptop :
adult / coffee shop owner
one piece
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ghostofhyuck · 1 month
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NCT Dream confessing to you. 
AN: Wow this one was long too because I got carried away.
Mark Lee
Mark would be the type that wanted to keep it quiet and private. Just the two of you. In your apartment, over two cups of coffee. It was a peaceful moment where in you two are enjoying the peace when Mark couldn't stop himself from staring at you. He likes you ever since you two were in high school. He doesn't want to confess because he's afraid of ruining your friendship. But in that moment, he just feels like doing it. So he holds your hand, starting with something like, "There's something I wanted to say," and then before you could say anything, he tells you that he likes you. You'll be flustered with the sudden confession, but only smiles, confessing to him that you also like him too. He'll be happy to hear your confession and once the tension is gone, you two will start teasing each other, asking when did you two start liking each other.
Huang Renjun
Renjun would do it during a late night walk from a coffee shop run. You two just finished a huge school paper and are now on the way to your place because Renjun wanted to make sure that you get home before he goes to his place. Your neighborhood has always been this quiet, making Renjun nervous. This is the moment that he's been waiting for. For months, he has been pining over you and it was a risk for him to confess to you, but he just wanted to tell you so that he wanted to know if he should stop pining over you or not. So when he grabs your hand, you were surprised, but Renjun acts like it was nothing even swaying it lightly. His hands never left yours until you two reached your place, that's where he confesses to you about his feelings. Surprised, you weren't able to answer his confession because he ran away quickly! (You texted him that you like him too.)
Lee Jeno
It's been bugging him for months! Jeno's pining for you is so hard to watch especially for his friends, they think that he should just confess to you because they don't like seeing Jeno's love strucked pining over you and the other one is that, they know that you like him back! (they're just keeping it as a secret.) So after many convincing, Jeno mustered up the courage. He said at first, he'll do it through text but he couldn't find the right word to do so, so he asked you if he can call and you said yes. As soon as you said hi, Jeno bursts. Literally confessed to you so fast that you weren't able to pick up anything other than, "I like you." he seems so out of breath after the confession but apologizes to you because of the sudden confession but you only laughed it off and told him that you like him too!
Lee Donghyuck
I feel like Haechan follows some superstitions like when you confessed to someone during the first fall of snow, they'll be yours forever something like that. Haechan thinks that it's true that's why he asked you to meet him during the first snow, as predicted by the weather forecast. You met him at the school's playground and Haechan thinks that you look cute in your winter coat, even placing his scarf around you so that you'll be more warm. He looks at the sky and then thinks that any minute now, it's going to snow but it didn't. He'll ask you to wait for a few minutes glancing at the sky once again, making you realized what's happening. You told him that he doesn't need the first snow to happen, because you like him too. Haechan would be in relief to hear those words from you, you two will end up laughing because of the situation. When he walked you home, that's when the snow fell, making you two be in awe with the weather. 
Na Jaemin
Oh I think that Jaemin would confess to you at the spur of the moment. It'll be on a vacation trip. The two of you are sitting on the chairs, watching the waves crash while the moon glisten on the ocean. You two are just sitting there, talking about the future and something deep, like what would happen to you and your friend group once you guys graduated and you two are just laughing and being silly, until Jaemin stops and glances at you. That's when it caught you off-guard that he's been staring for too long. "Do you know that I've always liked you?" and you tried to laugh it off, telling him to stop fooling around until he says that he's serious. You two will have a staring contest, his eyes looking at you lovingly. Waiting for an answer from you. Instead of answering him, you pulled Jaemin for a kiss, which surprised him but he only smile as he leans to kiss you once more. 
Zhong Chenle
"After this, there's something important that I wanted to say to you," would probably a hint Chenle will give you. He's the type who'll confess after a huge event, let's say, you're the main star of a musical prod in your university. You've been working hard and have been practicing nonstop for the show, and then Chenle told you that he's going to say something to you after you finish the show because he wants you to focus on the prod first. But it distracts you more! because you're curious about what he wants to say to you! You tried to ask Chenle about it but he brushes it off. So at the day of your final show, Chenle shows up with a bouquet of flowers on his hands. It'll be just the two of you, somewhere backstage, hidden from the crowd. He'll say first that he's proud of you, and that he likes you which made you cry, overwhelmed with joy. 
Park Jisung
You know those romance high school anime where they confess during graduation? Yeah that's how Jisung confesses to you. It'll be during your graduation because it's a risk for Jisung. It's now or never, so if you even rejected him, at least he won't be seeing you anymore. He'll be the type to text you to meet him at your classroom or maybe at the school's rooftop (if you guys are allowed there lmao.) When you reached the meeting place, you'll see him with his diploma, wearing his school uniform and you'll be caught off-guard at how incredibly handsome Jisung is. He'll approach you and then it took him a minute to say word, eventually, stumbling through his confession. "I don't need your answer yn, I just want to tell you I like you before we part ways." he added. And instead of answering him, you gave Jisung a hug, surprising him with your action. 
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wafflesex · 9 months
Because I'm a massive nerd: have some character analysis involving gem language and the gems the Leech twins are named after.
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Fluorite is a precious stone named after the Latin word “flux” which means “continuous change.” It is associated with growth: removing negative energy, promoting positivity, and increasing self-confidence.
When cleansing the body from stress, fluorite primarily protects the intellect. It promotes concentration, memory retention, and can be used as a learning aid or for making big decisions. Green fluorite is especially good for this.
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While fluorite’s namesake refers to spontaneity, geologists consider it a stable, predictable gem used to measure the hardness of other gems and minerals on the Mohs scale. Its strength is a reliable factor in determining how resistant other minerals are. In other words: fluorite helps you discover your true limits and potentials.
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Besides aiding the mind, fluorite energizes as well as grounds the heart in "the now," especially during moments of high anxiety. Not to say it disregards the past and the future; it just prefers to work on who you are at present, recognizing you as an ever-changing, inevitable, unstoppable force in the universe. It promotes compassion towards oneself and encourages one to be the best they can be by opening their heart to fun and love instead of embracing past trauma.
In this sense, fluorite is wonderful for conducting work on your inner child, and is especially responsive to younger people (or those young-at-heart).
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A softer mineral, true fluorite tends to bear many natural imperfections on its surface. Some may attribute this to recklessness, hyperactivity, or immaturity. But beneath its scuffs and rough edges, fluorite is a colorful, hearty stone overflowing with positivity… that even glows under ultraviolet light! What a funky little guy.
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Jadeite is a highly prized gem that promises safety and balance in one’s life. Like fluorite, it is also a cleansing stone which relies on a more mature approach to turning negative energy into self-sufficient thoughts and behaviors. However, though beautiful and reliable, jade is cold-to-the-touch, and when stowed away or left unused, can grow incredibly brittle. Therefore, it insists upon being used frequently, if not all the time.
Many believe jade jewelry should be worn for one's entire lifetime, as removing it may invite eternal bad luck.
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Only diamond can be used to carve jadeite, the strongest natural stone in the world. Measuring in at around 7 on the Mohs scale, it doesn’t blemish, bend, or break easily. With such reliable strength, it can be carved and manipulated into intricate shapes without fear of shattering.
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As jade naturally resists breakage, it is a protective gem that forms a special bond with its owner and is commonly used as a tool for breaking other gems. On the rare occasion it does break, however, jade produces glass-like, razor-sharp edges.
In other words: once broken, handle with caution.
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Still, there is a nurturing facet to jade: it promotes vitality, youthfulness, and longevity in people while also extending that power to the earth itself. It was often used in old Chinese rituals to manifest strong crop growth. Today, having a sculpture of a jade bok choy in one’s home is considered a symbol of long life and good health.
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Make no mistake: jade would rather be out and about having fun with you and others. Doing so means it can make the most out of the life you have together. Utilizing its gorgeous exterior, it invites long lasting friendships and even romance to those who wear it. People may naturally trust and be drawn to jade wearers as the gem helps create a charmingly positive and tranquil personality.
If you're included, it feels included in turn.
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A Chinese saying states “you can put a price on gold, but jade is priceless.” Tied to handling matters of the heart, it is a highly perceptive gem and an invaluable treasure meant to be cherished. Generous, elegant, and fierce, it will serve you well… but only if you do the same for it.
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Ok I'm done thank you for coming to my rock talk
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saturnianautist · 10 months
The 12th house and what dreams you have
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Disclaimer: I’m not a professional these are just my observations based on experiences, friends, family and research so take with a grain of salt.
Note: Another Astro notes post will be added to the series soon, hope you enjoy <3
Aries in the 12th house:fighting, wars, dreams about action, situations where they have to have courage, spontaneous dreams, Sports or being active,competitions, dreams where you’re in youth or around younger people.
Taurus in the 12th house: singing, going shopping, dreams where your senses are intact, being in luxury spaces or having luxury things, money, romance, being in comfortable spaces, situations where you stand your ground, dreams where you have to protect something, dreams in nature.
Gemini in the 12th house: talking to people, gossiping, letters, school, being copied, unrestricted spaces, writing or seeing/finding letters, very fast paced multiple things being thrown at you kind of dreams, these dreams might feel a bit all over the place moving from one thing to the next, social dreams.
Cancer in the 12th house: family, especially woman/motherly figures in your life, quiet spaces, things/spaces from your childhood, being by the ocean, dreams about an emotional experience.
Leo in the 12th house: fatherly figures, being in front of the public or on stage, performances, warm spaces, dramatic experiences, lively or energetic dreams.
Virgo in the 12th house: being alone or in hiding/not being in the center of attention, dreams about health/medicine/healing, dreams where you’re doing regular daily activities.
Libra in the 12th house: dreams where you’re viewing from multiple perspectives, justice, art, dreams about relationships.
Scorpio in the 12th house: intense dreams, destructive or transformative dreams, healing, dreaming about taboo things, themes of authority or power.
Sagittarius in the 12th house: dreams where you’re receiving info or messages, dreams that predict the future, dreams about traveling or going to foreign places (doesn’t have to mean another country), spiritual dreams, dreams about big or grand events.
Capricorn in the 12th house:
Dreams about being trapped or being in restrictive spaces or spaces with rules, dreams about hardship or hard work, being in high up places socially, dreams about the past, dreams about grandparents or elders, dreams about being old.
Aquarius in the 12th house: dreams about future society, science, dreams about being in groups or around them, dreams about experiments, technology and the internet, strange dreams.
Pisces in the 12th house: indirect messages, intuitive dreams, imaginative dreams, fantasy, dreams about escaping or substances, dreams that are an emotional rollercoaster.
If you read to the end thanks for sticking around I hope you enjoyed the post! Lmk what other kinds of posts you would enjoy in my asks or comments<33
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enviedear · 7 months
i've been going solo now ⟶ ben solo
description ⌙ when you get a distress signal from your dad and his life-long goon you're quick to try and come to their rescue. only problem? so is ben solo.
pairing ⌙ smuggler!ben solo x f!reader
warnings ⌙ childhood crush/frenemies turned adults with horrible communication skills, reader is the daughter of lando (biologically or not you decide), ben is a jerk, reader is a brat, petty arguments, forced proximity trope, inner conflict all the time, han and lando are just two pals getting into serious issues that their kids have to fix don't mind them (they're just mentioned), most likely incorrect knowledge of the falcon & starship parts, smuggler!ben solo au because that's canon to me, ben calls reader kid (affectionate, kinda), typos probabaly
word count ⌙ 4.1k
— request | masterlist
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i just think ben solo is very much solo by future coded and i wanted to write about smuggler!ben and his smug attitude. special thanks to @crucifiedfaerie for letting me gush over this idea constantly in our dms <3
you never had the stomach for killing— the thought of it or the act itself. the notion of ending someone's life has always been abhorrent to you, leaving a sour sensation in your mouth that lingers long after the deed is done. but right now, you sit, filled with a growing and seemingly unstoppable rage that practically demands blood.
"don't even think about jumping into hyperspace, solo!" your voice is loud but erratic.
the black-haired man piloting the ship gives you a side eye, "and waste hours getting there? sure thing, kid."
you grip the co-pilot seat as hard as possible as he sends the absolutely geriatric ship into lightspeed. the force of it sends your head back onto the headrest, and you screw your eyes shut until the motion of the ship stills.
you've been flying with ben solo on the millennium falcon for a day and a half now, and this isn't even the first time you've wanted to kill him.
no, you'd harbored a hatred for ben solo for as long as you could remember. when you were little your father frequently left you in the care of the organa-solo's. any trip too risky for you to follow him on had you spending time on chandrila han and leia— and ben.
he was a few years older than you and so insufferable - spoiled rotten and full of mischief. the two of you would inevitably end up in scuffles over something, whether it be who got to shower first or which holovid show to watch. you often wondered how your father, han, or leia had managed to handle both of you. a hardheaded pair of troublemakers that needed little excuse to start bickering with one another.
but beneath it all, there had been another layer to your complex relationship with ben solo. even though you feigned anger whenever near him, deep down there had been an admiration growing since those early days spent together. your naive heart fluttered when he would absentmindedly flash his ever-present smirk in your direction. but you'd never admit or act upon any such feelings.
naviagting your crush had been difficult at first. especially having lando calrissian as a parent. you were forced to spend weeks around the source of your teen angst because of your father.
what use is a dad that can sweet-talk a jablogian if he can't fix your unwanted crush on his best friend's son.
you've cursed at his image in your mind every time you look at your ridiculous companion. if not for him, you wouldn't be with ben right now— you'd have never had the displeasure of his company.
you got away from the young solo, and most everyone else, for a good five years, hopping from planet to planet, picking up any honest work. which usually meant boring work— factory jobs, service stuff, a few instances of babysitting.
your life without ben solo is predictable and a little boring.
but you'd rather be bored than deal with the recklessness that becomes your life every time you see the smuggler.
but here you sit beside him, forced to spend an unknown amount of days with him until the both of you find your idiotic fathers.
you had gotten a rouge comm-link message from your dad just days ago. he sounded fine, voice still leisurely and warm, but it was his words that were worrisome, "han's got us in a bit of trouble, little star. would you mind coming to help your old man out? we're somewhere in the trilon sector— i'd try batuu first!"
when you got the message, your mind had gone into autopilot. you had rushed to comm leia, which had been a fatal mistake, as she had ordered her son to pick you up and accompany you. so now you're here, stuck with ben solo and his frightening flying.
"you know, dad should have warned me i'd be flying with a coward." ben's lips are curved into a grin, as usual with his teasing.
you whip your head in his direction, eyes ablaze, "well my father should have warned me that you've gotten even more annoying, somehow."
ben narrows his eyes, a stupid smirk still plastered to his face, "whatever you say, kid."
you feel your blood go hot, why he decided to start calling you kid, you didn't know, but you do know you hate it.
ben's barely your senior, only twenty-three years of age in comparison to your twenty. besides he behaves like an out-of-hand teen away.
"stop calling me that." you groan.
ben chuckles, "aw, what's the matter, kid? tired of following orders already?"
you grit your teeth, the way he talks down to you will forever get under your skin, "i don't take orders from you, solo."
"sure you do. you're on my ship, remember?" ben retorts, his eyes focused on the coordinates displayed to his left.
you cross your arms over your chest, "we're supposed to be working together to find han and my father and get them out of trouble, not bickering like children."
ben rolls his eyes, "it's not my fault you're so uptight."
you take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. you can't afford to lose your temper and start a fight, not when you're relying on him to get you to your destination safely. so, you force a smile, "look, can we just be civil? we're both here because we care about our dads and want to help them."
ben's expression softens a little, "fine. but if you start nagging at me again, i can't promise i won't call you kid."
you roll your eyes, "deal. now, can you tell me more about what's going on? my dad was pretty vague in his message."
ben hums, "same with mine. all i know is that lando got mixed up in some kind of shady deal, and now he's in trouble with a gang of criminals called the ninth sun. my mom's been trying to negotiate with them, but they're not ones to bend the knee."
you groan, "of course not. what's the plan?"
he shakes a stray black strand of hair from his eye, "no plan, just find them and go from there."
"lovely, that's totally going to work," you bite your lip, "oh and, it was han who made the sketch deal, not my dad."
ben shrugs, "and who told you that?" he rests his elbow on the armrest and brings his hand to his chin, "lando?"
you clench your fists, "let's just focus on finding them. no need to dwell on the semantics."
ben glances at you and for a moment, you swear there's a flicker of something in his eyes. something other than his usual teasing, mischievous demeanor, but it's gone as quickly as it came and he turns back to the console.
the ship hums steadily beneath you, and the silence between you two stretches on, broken only by the occasional beep from the controls. you fidget in your seat, uncomfortable with the unfamiliar hush. you've never been around ben so long without saying anything, and you're about to speak up before he interrupts you.
"we'll have to make a pit stop, i need to refuel." his voice sounds tired.
you nod, "alright. any nearby planets we can stop at?"
ben checks the navicomputer, "yeah, there's one a couple of light years away. i've been there before, it's not too bad."
"okay solo, lead the way." you say, leaning back in your seat.
as he pilots the ship toward the destination, you can't help but study him from the corner of your eye. he's changed since the last time you saw him. the boy who used to pull your hair and steal your toys has grown into a man. he's lean and toned with longer hair, still as sable black as ever. it falls into his eyes, despite how much he wills it not to, giving him a slightly disheveled look that you can't help but find attractive.
you rue the thoughts plaguing your own mind.
the embarrassment you used to feel over your crush has come back ten-fold. the feeling shocks you. he's trying to act all suave and mature, but you know deep down that he's still the same old ben who annoyed the life out of you. you can feel the familiar tug in your heart every time he speaks, and you know he can't have changed much over the years. not when he's making you feel just like you're fourteen again.
but there is something different about him now. maybe it's the way he pilots the ship with ease– no longer the boy who'd cover his ears ar take off, or maybe it's just the way his muscles flex under his tight-fitting shirt. he's almost mesmerizing.
it's clear that he's been doing this for a long time, navigating the stars all alone with nothing but his shitty attitude and perfect hair. you find yourself marveling over him, sure and smooth, his hands deftly moving over the controls.
ever the realist, you try to shake off the feeling, but it's proving difficult. you feel a strange urge to preserve your current addiction.
as you watch him fly, you feel a fixation building within you. it's a sentiment you haven't felt in years, not felt since the last time you saw him.
you try to push the feeling down, knowing that it's not the time to have those kinds of thoughts. you're supposed to be focused on finding your fathers and not getting killed by some lethal syndicate, not lusting after your childhood nemesis.
you feel wrong stealing glances at him, trying to understand what's changed and why you're feeling this way. you're towing a dangerous, line. especially if those feelings are inspired by ben organa-solo.
finally, after what feels like hours, you arrive at the refueling station. as soon as ben lands the ship, you stretch your legs inside the falcon, looking out at the new scenery. the planet is bathed in the evening light, and the scene around you is wide awake. the station itself is a bustling hub of activity, with all kinds of alien species milling about.
ben leads the way to the fueling station, where he begins filling up the ship's tanks. you stand by the ship's entrance, people-watching. your eyes find ben's figure again, and you let them stall. when he looks your way, you advert your gaze and step out of the falcon, swiftly approaching him.
the evening air is cool as it hits your skin. this planet is a strange one, with vibrant purple plants and thick, white fog swirling around. but you don't pay too much attention to it, your eyes are locked on ben.
he's leaning against the ship, checking over the fuel meter with a frown on his face. you walk over to him and clear your throat, expecting to get his attention.
he looks up at you, eyes meeting your own. you feel your heart skip a beat, and you curse yourself for being soft for him.
"you know, you didn't have to follow me out here." he mumbles, hand coming to brush the hair from his eyes.
you hum, "i didn't have anything better to do."
he ignores you and looks back at the fuel gauge, his eyebrows furrow, "i found something for you to do." his voice is monotone, but you're all too familiar with the subtle cut of annoyance within.
"what does that mean?" you own voice comes out a bit too anxious.
ben groans before looking at you, "one of the damn tanks has a leak— i told chewie to fix that weeks ago." he follows up his words with a few curses before kicking the faulty gas tank.
you roll your eyes, "can't we just get another one? i'm sure if we go inside someone would know where we could get another one."
"the problem isn't finding one," he tsks at you, "the problem is that this tank has been leaking fuel into the beacon finder. without that, we're never finding our dear old dads."
your heart sinks. you had been so sure that you would find your dad quickly, but now it looks like that might not be the case. "so, what do you suggest we do?" you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
"i'll have to fix the beacon," he sighs, "luckily i have the tools for it, but i need to find one more part, and with the sun setting soon…" he trails off, letting his silence complete the sentence for him.
you take in a deep breath at his implication. you can tell what he is suggesting without explicitly stating it.
you will be stuck on this planet with him tonight and forced to share the same cramped room. you thank god for separate cots, at least.
you try to ignore the warmth creeping up your ears, but you know that it's a losing battle. you haven't shared a room with ben solo since you were kids, endless unwilling sleepovers at each other's houses. but those instances were filled with innocent pranks and arguments, not the tension and longing glances you've found yourself giving him.
"alright," you say, trying to keep your voice even, "we'll just get the part and fix the beacon. the faster we fix this, the faster we can find our fathers and get back to our lives." you move towards the entrance of the fueling station, wanting to put space between you and ben.
"you mean so you can get back to your life." he calls out to you, and you look back at him only to be met with contempt in his brown eyes, "the one where you avoid me."
you give him a sharp eye roll before making your way toward a small gaggle of vendors, much more interested in finding this part. ben follows closely behind you, and you can feel the weight of his stare on the back of your head.
you're at a loss as to why ben solo would ever care that you've been avoiding him for the last five years. the ben you remember would've never batted an eye. when did that change?
you find a vendor selling the part that ben needs, and you both split the payment before heading back to the falcon. ben sets to work on the beacon, and you sit nearby, supposedly looking over the coordinates but mostly watching him work.
there's an abnormal sense of calm that fills you as you watch him. concentration is etched on his face, lips bitten bright red. you can't help but admire him, not for the sake of not trying.
you're brought back to reality when he starts cursing under his breath, "what's wrong?" you ask, moving closer to him.
"this damn thing won't budge," he grunts, trying to pry apart two pieces of the beacon.
you move to his side, peering down at the device. his breath is hot on your cheek, and you feel an urge to shiver. trying to focus on the task at hand you take a few breaths.
your eyes keep drifting to his lips, the way they move when he curses. you shake your head, trying to clear the inappropriate thoughts from your mind. "let me help," you offer, reaching for one of the tools he's using.
he hands it to you, and you lean in closer, your sides pressed together as you work the tool. you can feel his heat exuding into you, a warmth that isn't just from the planet's humid air. you try to focus, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. every time he moves, you catch a whiff of his scent, musky and rich, and your mind starts to wander to places it shouldn't.
finally, after what feels like an eternity, the piece pops free, and ben lets out a sigh of relief. he turns to you, a small smile on his face, and you can't help but smile back. his eyes lock onto yours, and suddenly, the air between you is charged with something foreign.
you let your tone come out sardonic, "looks like i saved the day. you're welcome, solo."
ben tilts his head, eyes narrowing, "you're a brat, kid."
"i thought i told you to stop calling me that." you want to hit him.
"i said i had a condition," he pauses, arms coming to either side of you, palms pressing into the falcon's floor, effectively trapping you against him, "a condition you just broke. so you're back to kid, kid."
you feel your resolve slipping, "you're the worst. you always have been, and i can see now that will never change."
he has the audacity to let out an amused breath, "if you're going to say shit like that, at least mean it."
your brows furrow, "pardon me? as if i don't mean that."
his hands creep from the ground and to your hips, you gasp as he pulls you in closer. if he were anyone else, you'd expect him to kiss you next, but he's not anyone else. so instead, he cranes down and whispers in your ear, his breath hot against your skin. "i know you want me," he growls, his fingers digging into your clothed flesh. "don't act like you don't,"
you're completely caught off guard, and before you can respond, he's pulling away from you and grabbing the beacon. you watch in silent horror as he makes for the falcon's exit, leaving you confused on the floor.
you sit there, rooted to the spot, your mind and body in turmoil. you know if you follow him you'd just be throwing yourself into a petty or embarrassing altercation.
what did he mean by that anyway? how could he possibly know?
taking a steadying breath, you turn away from your seat and make for the other side of the ship. you need to keep yourself busy until nighttime, and you know that there's some maintenance to do on one of the storage bays. when you get there, however, it's already been taken care of. your fists clench in frustration as you realize ben must have done it earlier.
you start searching around the ship for any other tasks that might help keep your mind off things and pass the time more quickly- checking cords, tidying up shelves or going through supplies lists so nothing gets low.
the hours seem to stretch on endlessly despite how much work you manage to do, and all too soon darkness begins to fill the sky outside of the cockpit windows. with a heavy sigh, you head back towards where you and ben had been working earlier. he's back now, tinkering away with the beacon as if nothing had ever happened between the two of you earlier— as if his words hadn't sent a tremble down your spine and confused the emotions tumbling through your mind.
you catch an expectant glance from him when he finally notices your presence. you're sure he's expecting you to say something to him. maybe he wants you to yell.
you don't say anything though, instead offering only a terse nod before checking the endless cords around you.
your fingers move quickly and expertly over the tangled cords, your mind too preoccupied to focus on anything else. but you can feel his gaze on you, burning through the back of your skull like a branding iron. his presence is suffocating and you know that if you don't get a handle on your emotions soon, you'll combust.
eventually, you're so lost in thought that you almost miss the soft footfalls approaching you. you turn to see ben standing beside you, his eyes locked onto yours. the air between you is thick with strain, unspoken words, and feelings. there are so many things you want to say to him, but you don't know where to begin.
"so," his voice breaks through the silence like a blaster shot. "when are we going to talk about it?"
you hear the depth in his baritone voice and it's all you can do to keep your face neutral, your thoughts collected, "talk about what?" you ask, even though you know perfectly well what he's referring to.
"about me and you," he says, voice low but insistent, "or we can just keep ignoring it. the tension seems to be getting us pretty far."
your expression shifts as you take in his words, the longing that had been coiled in so tightly before now coming to the surface. you can feel yourself flustering under the intensity of his watch but you refuse to look away, instead lifting your chin higher and narrowing your eyes.
"there is no us, solo," you say firmly, though your voice is riddled with a hint of something else entirely, "there never has been, and never will be."
ben seems unfazed by your words, his eyes steady and intense. "you say that," he says, his voice softening. "but i know you better than anyone else. and i know there's some part of you that actually likes me. i bet it pisses you off, doesn't it?"
he's right— it does piss you off that your heart can't seem to let him go. no matter how annoying you find him, he's beautiful and confident. and he does know you better than anyone. he knows what buttons to press and how hard. with ben, there's always the thrill of how perceptive he is— that he can see through the walls of anger and indifference you try so hard to build up around yourself.
you can feel your will crumbling under his words, your heart throbbing in your chest, but still, you push back, "even if there is something there, solo," you say, your voice shaking slightly, "it doesn't change anything. we're two different people living two very different lives."
ben smirks, "you don't know anything about my life."
you let your eyes roll, "as if the life you lead is some kind of mystery," you take a deep breath, "i mean, what's to know? you fly alone, smuggle, and rack up credits. that's your life, solo."
he hums, right hand finding a home beside your head on the wall, "you know me so well, kid. you should write a book."
you feel inexplicably hot, "maybe i will. a long book of all the reasons you piss me off."
he doesn't respond, just looks down at you for an uncomfortable amount of time. he pushes himself from the wall and you, twisting and letting his back hit the durasteel wall. his face is turned to you, eyes downcast.
"you know," he says finally, breaking the silence, "i remember when we were kids, it was always you who used to be the one to instigate. you probably don't remember it that way, but i do, and i loved it. you never hesitated. you were fearless."
you look at him incredulously, wondering what this has to do with anything. but he continues, "you were the only girl that would play with me, and not just that, the only one that could beat me. but then one day you just stopped. you ignored me completely."
you stiffen, unwilling to admit even through body language that he might be right. a pre-teen you found avoiding your ben sized crush the most viable option. you just never thought he'd care.
he continues, eyes unwavering from yours, "you used to look at me like i was the only person that mattered. and then, you just stopped. it's was like… like you had something to hide."
it's like he can read your mind because he reaches out and grasps your wrist in his hand. his touch is nice against your skin, sending a comfortable feel through your veins.
"i miss you, the girl who wasn't afraid of liking me," he whispers, his voice low and husky. "and i want you to admit that you miss me too."
you struggle to find words, to make sense of everything inside of you, but before you can speak, his lips are on yours. his kiss is hot and demanding, and instinctively lean into him, body melting against his in perfect harmony. his hands slide around your waist and hold you close as the kiss deepens, and you can feel all of the frustrations of the past slipping away. when he finally pulls back, his eyes are bright with emotion and a hint of a smile graces his lips.
he looks down at you for a moment before speaking in a low voice, "you want me to do that again?" he steps closer to you and cups your face in his hands, his eyes twinkling with amusement. you can feel the warmth radiating from his body and if it weren't for his strong arms around you, you would have melted into a puddle.
you nod slowly in agreement, too lost in the moment to say anything else. he leans down and brushes his lips against your cheek before pulling away completely, "then be honest. right here, right now. you like me."
you screw your eyes shut, basking in the shame of being found out, "i like you, solo. i like you a lot, but if you don't get off your pedestal and kiss me again i'll withdraw the opportunity."
he gazes down at you with an expression that's tender yet mischievous all at once. "i like you too," he whispers before chuckling lightly, you open your eyes to see.
his dimples are on full display, and for a second, he's the spirit of the little brat you fell in love with all those years ago. "c'mere, kid." his voice is soft as he pulls you back into him, lips meeting yours.
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alphajocklover · 15 days
I'd like to see how my life would have turned out, 20 years ago, had I joined my college football team instead of the college theater group.
Fuck. Fucking hell this fucking sucks. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. It’s not you, you’re not the reason I’m upset. Your request is interesting and I want to help you with it, I really do. It’s just… to do this, we’re going to have to use time travel. It’s not that it’s impossible or anything, I actually own a time machine so that’s not an issue. It’s that… I fucking hate time travel.
I don’t hate the concept of time travel itself. I think it can be a lot of fun in works of fiction. Doctor Who, Back to the Future, and Star Trek are all things that heavily feature time travel that I’m a big fan of. It’s just that, in real life, it gets so stupidly complicated. You know how every work of fiction seems to have different rules for turn travel? In real life time travel follows all these rules and none of them all at once. If that seems confusing, that’s because it is. It’s insane. But it’s the best chance for doing this, so we’re going to give it a try. Now, close your eyes and hold onto me tight. This is going to feel weird.
You can open your eyes now. Be careful though, it’s going to take a second for your eyes to adjust. We’re outside now, on the football field of your old college. You don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us. I may hate time travel but the time machine is pretty useful. Time travel, space travel, and camouflage. But that’s not important right now. See that skinny guy standing on the opposite side of the field? You should recognize him. It’s you, 20 years ago, as a college freshman. You really wanted to join the football team huh? I can see the longing in your eyes… but also some serious nervousness. I’m guessing this is about when you back out and decide to join the school's theater group. Not this time though. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna change anything drastic. I’m just going to give you a little… push in the right direction. Have to get you to join the team somehow. I just have to whisper some things in his, or I guess your ear while we’re in camouflage… and just like that everything is going to change. Welcome to the football team. You’re a little late on becoming a jock, but you’re a hard worker. You’ll catch up. Speaking of which…
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We jumped forward in time. I probably should have warned you, I was just excited to see the changes. We’re not all the way back to the present, not yet. It’s been a year since the other you joined the football team, and just like I predicted you caught up real quick. Even when you were in theater you were a hard worker, and now that you’ve dedicated yourself to football instead, you’re an absolute beast. You’ve had a major growth spurt and fit right in with the guys who have been playing football since middle school, a total jock through and through. Looks like this version of you acts a little more jockish too. Probably because you’ve been spending so much time around jocks, they’ve been rubbing off on you. Literally in one very special case. That’s right, the new you managed to do what you never could in college: get a jock boyfriend. In the original timeline he never even looked your way, but now Tim Wire, the most popular jock in school, is head over heels for you. You two seem to have a great relationship… Let's see if it lasts.
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Another jump forward, a much bigger one this time. It’s been about 5 years since you joined the football team. You didn’t go professional, not because you couldn’t but because you didn’t want to. A guy like you could have been a superstar, but you and your fiancée Tim agreed you both wanted something more stable. So you opened up a chain of gyms. It’s a small business, but it has a lot of potential for growth, especially with you as the face of the operation. You basically have it made. You own a small, successful business, have a sexy husband, and are about to adopt a 3 year old. Your life is fucking perfect. Let’s see if it gets better.
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A final jump forward. We’re 20 years after you joined the football team, back into the present. You’re still the old you, but that’s only because I have to ‘finalize’ the changes. Take a look around. You might not recognize this place, this huge mansion, but it’s your home. You, your husband Tim, and your adopted son all live here together. This must be your home gym, and I believe that’s you and him flexing over there. Looks like the little guy ended up taking after his dads. He’s huge for an 18 year old. He’s smart too, all ready to take over the family business when you retire. Your gyms are a very successful franchise now, if you can’t tell from the sheer size of your house. It’s just my opinion but I think your life really would have been better if you joined the football team back then. And now it can be. All you need to do is press this button, and finalize the changes. It’s your choice-
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Ok, that was quick. I guess it was an easy choice. I hope you enjoy your new life. I would if I were you. I mean a muscular sexy husband, a son you can be proud of, a successful business and an incredible amount of muscles and confidence. You’ve got it made. I just hope we didn’t change too much. I didn’t realize you’d start a gym franchise. That could have a big impact.
I’m sure it’s nothing though. I mean, how many lives can a gym really change?
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angel-purger · 4 months
⁰¹ As Lovers Do - Yandere! Geto Suguru x Gn! Reader
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      Cross-posted on Quotev (@.oc34n1d) and Wattpad (@.heart-stricken)
      9,100+ Words.
      —    Request by the very pleasant Nana ! It took me quite some time to be able to finish this but I really liked how this turned out and I hope you all did too. Again, if you want more detailed one-shots or headcanons, don't be afraid to explain to me in detail about what you want! Writing Geto's shift to obsession was really enjoyable and he's a really complex character. Alongside that, but accurate characterization for both the reader and Geto is so hard to write, so apologies if this took some time to be published. Scroll down for more notes.
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⠀ ⠀Protect human lives, sacrifice your own if you will; devour what is evil. Protect humans, do everything in your power to do so, but never expect to  be appreciated by the public eye, shun away from society's admiration— instead being a topic if scorn for being different. 
⠀ ⠀Geto abides by his ideology, engraving it in his mind without thought.
⠀ ⠀Protect humans, you are a jujutsu sorcerer for that sole reason.
⠀ ⠀Are human lives worth saving? 
⠀ ⠀He can never eviscerate the bitter taste of curses. An unwashed, soiled, and iniquitous taste of death. Like a rag used to repeatedly wipe vomit, feces, and every vile chemical mixed into one. He can taste death, he can feel it lump at his throat at every second; ascending gradually with its acuate, protruding claws. He wants to cry, but every time tears well in his eyes, he is faced with the constant reminder of her death.
⠀ ⠀Riko Amanai, a failed mission, a dead vessel, subsequently leading to the stillbirth of immortality's mortal body to be renewed with Riko's body. Subsequently leading to a doomed future for the lives of people within Japan— a haunting reflection of his failures, failures he could've avoided if he was fast enough, strong enough to predict that fucking bullet.
⠀ ⠀Why wasn't he fast enough?
⠀ ⠀The very morals he so pridefully upheld, all crushed with one single mission. He is a disgrace.
⠀ ⠀Gojo was wrong. Geto and Gojo will never be the "two strongest" sorcerers. There can only be room for number one, and Geto will always be second. Second strongest, second best— so much so to the point that his presence doesn't shine as bright as it ever will be once Gojo is in the room. But that's alright, right? After all, he believes that working under the shadows to mitigate human deaths, without the feel to need gratitude from the very lives he saves, is what is right. And what is right is what is just, right?
⠀ ⠀He discovered that the water inside the shower is frigid when you are alone with only your thoughts accompanying you; like ice shards expending down on his back, like the stab of that human monkey (who defeated him so easily, he can't bring himself to admit). It stabs and it stabs and it stabs. And then he spirals, eyes diluting at the images of defeat. Then suddenly the world around him becomes an audience to his silent suffering. He can hear the cult members smiles, feel every bit of bile rise up his throat, taste the sin of death once more.
⠀ ⠀Geto is done showering.
⠀ ⠀Every day is a loop. Rinse and repeat. Wake up, eat, bathe, missions, more missions, explore some uncharted areas of the city, guarantee that it is safe from curses, go home, rest, dinner, sleep. There are moments where they interchange, but they never change.
⠀ ⠀Very few mention Riko Amanai. After all, she is a topic taboo now, especially since it heavily affected both Gojo and Geto's mentality. In more than different ways in fact.
⠀ ⠀He wants to stop thinking about her. Distractions are not needed in an era full of brimming human life— life that Geto has to, again, protect.
⠀ ⠀Just as he is about to leave his dorm after putting on his everyday school attire (making a mental note to skip breakfast and eat lunch alone), he is notified of a mission. A mission where he has to accompany a rookie sorcerer, a student like him admittedly, and it was a concept he wasn't accustomed to. After all, he was surrounded by talented people, and in a sea of talents, he felt more like a drop of dew— so maybe, despite the strange request from his Sensei, Masamichi Yaga, this would provide him a new opportunity.
⠀ ⠀He hopes it does. Your profile exhibits your meek countenance, like any normal civilian, but you seem strong enough to be scouted. There's not much of a significant presence you display when he read through your documents. Or so he thought.
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⠀ ⠀You became his new, temporary partner (he insists on that status on you, donning a pretty fake smile through his growing eyebags). It was surprising, really, to see you up close after reading through your files. The moment he met you eye-to-eye did he realize you share the same height as him, a few centimeters taller, he could estimate.
⠀ ⠀Geto's preliminary view of you was taken aback when you, albeit awkwardly, mingled with him after both greeting each other. You treated him warmly- like any normal person would- despite being strangers in the eyes of passerby's. Walking on the sidewalk, pretending that the mission you both (more-so you, than him, as he was simply there to accompany you in case of a problematic event) were to undergo didn't involve harrowing exorcism and countless condolences from any deaths involved.
⠀ ⠀Before he could mutter anything further, to proceed on the site of your mission, you'd drag him into, as you state, your favorite chain of street foods. Did you want to distract yourself from furthering your shared mission, or were you idiotic enough to forget to eat breakfast that you'd have to drag his bleary body elsewhere to satisfy your needs? He was pleasantly (or was it hesitatingly?) surprised when you beckon him closer to buy any street food that catches his attention, as long as it is within your school allowance.
⠀ ⠀As he was about to differ from your offer (he didn't want to seem rude to you), your lips thin to a line and your eyebrows furrow (though your entire expression does not scream of angered. Perhaps you are befuddled with yourself?), and you beat him to it, insisting that he was going all his way to entertain you and all; that despite being acquainted only for a short while did you notice how his stomach grumbled loudly and how he didn't even notice the noise his own body made. He realized he was the idiot here, that he ignored his human need to consume actual food rather than curses.
⠀ ⠀Prior to his knowledge of you, you're more caring than what he envisaged. Soft. The qualities very unlike a jujutsu sorcerer should possess unless one wishes for death. Yet, that momentary lapse of emotion in your face tells him you are more than experienced in the field work of jujutsu than what he expected— you are soft, but you are dominating. Caring, but challenging.
⠀ ⠀His mind blanks.
⠀ ⠀Then he finds himself licking off the residue of the bits of fish flakes on the side of his mouth after you both decide on takoyaki. You're both on the sidewalk again, with him stealing (prolonged) glances at you— you acting like nothing has happened, matching his pace as- as equals would.
⠀ ⠀It was strange, for him, to experience this type of casual kindness after a period of solitary confinement from his peers. You were merely treating him, as one co-worker does when wanting to pay a favor to a higher up after given assistance. But why, compared to his other classmates, who in more cases than one pay for their occasional food excursion, does he like it when you domineeringly persisted that you should pay for him. Was he becoming soft? Or was it you that tamed a part of him that he swore was nothing?
⠀ ⠀There were cases your body draws nearer to his whilst you try to make small talk - could you even sense how much he could sense you? - where he could feel the visceral heat off the barrier of the pitch-black fabric you wear. Geto swears he didn't mean to, but he could smell the faint perfume you're donning— it was way different to the smell of crimson he's perpetually exposed to.
⠀ ⠀Your smile. The indistinct crinkle of your eyes, eyes that bounce bashfully from his eyes to the surrounding nature. It's as if, despite your mouth moving automatically, attempting to forgo the small-talk that he started, those sneaky eyes of yours always find it way back to meet his.
⠀ ⠀Were you perhaps admiring him after he regained some energy? It wouldn't be the first time. After all, compared to his white-haired best friend, he was always the more charming one of the two, often attracting ladies he seemingly never bat an eye on. And maybe you were just like them; he would forget you after this mission, and you would simply see him as an unreachable force, a special grade sorcerer whose talents would be a force to reckon with—
⠀ ⠀But maybe he wanted you to idolize him, in a way where you couldn't stand as an equal in power, but you could stand beside him with the power to overcome him more intimately, just like how you, a few moments ago, stood your ground; softly glaring at him like how a lover would to their naturally self-neglectful partner. 
⠀ ⠀What was he thinking?
⠀ ⠀If- if maybe he could have known you longer then he would've loved to share his ideologies with you more, share a deeper questioning of society. With how understanding you are, you would empathize with him in a heartbeat. With how quick you slip into the grasp of blunt truth, how easily your eyes would flitter about once faced with a ridiculous statement ("I think it's funny how oblivious humans are, no? They could be killed at any opportunity by curses. How unfortunate is it to be born with nearly no cursed energy... Shouldn't- shouldn't sorcerers just let them be? To rot? After all, saving them means attaining nothing on our part.") he would docilely express— you'd rebut him, but at the same time you would do so with the thought of his ideas in mind.
⠀ ⠀How invigorating must you be?
⠀ ⠀If you share the same sentiment with him then—
⠀ ⠀Then he'll finally have someone to rely on. In a world full of corrupt notions, you could be the only one who would comfort him
⠀ ⠀And God, your presence was really relaxing compared to the odd bunch he surrounds himself with— like a breath of fresh air amidst the fetid scent of curses he devours.
⠀ ⠀The most tantalizing part of you? You haven't even demonstrated your cursed technique, nor your fighting style to him— you've both just arrived at the scene of the crime too. Yet he's convinced that you seem to hold a lot of power over him.
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⠀ ⠀Protect human lives, sacrifice your own if you will. 
⠀ ⠀The more that oh-so inspiring phrase repeats itself in his head like a broken record, the more he's stuck in a predicament of wanting and unwanting the want. He should protect them, the people, no?— God, humans are filthy, they're weak. And sorcerers; they don't deserve to be hidden, treated less...
⠀ ⠀You don't deserve to be undermined, especially by that loathsome family of yours.
⠀ ⠀A few days pass and he finds himself seeking your presence out, alas he couldn't. You were a lower rank than him, stuck with lower-ranking missions— and he's a special grade, dragged into countless complex commissions that would surely tire anyone. Anytime he tries to seek you out, he would find himself in another mission assigned by those abhorrent superiors; and that is merely another day without you.
⠀ ⠀Another day where he drowns in melancholic thoughts in the shower; drowns in what-ifs and the motifs of his supposed success of saving Riko. Yet the more time he spends in the showers without seeing that demulcent, yet potent expression of yours; Geto's imaginations drift from the need to finding any meaning of being a jujutsu sorcerer to yearning for the normalcy you unveiled.
⠀ ⠀When was the last time he was able to inhale so freely without feeling the sharp claws sinking its ways to his hard? When was the last time he exhaled without bile climbing up his throat? It's you he's thinking of again. You he associates with peace.
⠀ ⠀The erratic sprinkle of water from the showers doesn't sound like the cult members' laughs anymore... When he turns it off, the accustomed silence accompanied by pitch-sharp wringing was replaced by whispered voices; all the same sounding, yet they make his tense muscles relax. They all sound like you.
⠀ ⠀And...
⠀ ⠀The urge to strike another conversation with you struck itself into his nerves once more.
⠀ ⠀But he couldn't, even if he wanted to- definitely would.
⠀ ⠀So he- he simply has to find another way to know more about you; to check if you always wear that expression of yours, the one he wishes to engrave in his brain. Not only that but, he needs to evaluate your strengths so he could - in his mind - protect you, right? All throughout the mission you were efficient with utilizing your cursed technique, but in the end you had still ended up with minor injuries; some bruises, others scratches. They could turn major if he wasn't there to watch over you once you're faced with stronger, more complex opponents, no?
⠀ ⠀The idea terrorized itself into the core of his amygdala. He feels fear. He has to know more about you.
⠀ ⠀Because he couldn't find you in the period you both are working, with minimum time for breaks, Geto convicted himself to obtrusive methods of locating you.
⠀ ⠀By locating, that means he simply resorted to stalking you, hence how he discovered your not-as-kind family.
⠀ ⠀Your parents, monkeys, with no ounce of cursed energy whatsoever. Whose talents don't even do jackshit for society— who has the audacity to ridicule you like you're nothing but dirt. Rummaging through files he shouldn't have access to, Geto was revealed with information that you were scouted by the school after they found you coping furiously with your cursed technique after an argument which led you to being kicked out of the house you used to live in.
⠀ ⠀You were unaware of your skill, yet you managed to achieve what other sorcerers take time to master. He finds you not only endearing, but enough to be revered by others. But his prior admiration turned into aggravation soon enough after scanning through your files again.
⠀ ⠀You have nowhere to live other than the highschool you both reside in, no one else for a support system, nothing at all. Hell, you're even financially dependent on the allowance of the high school, yet you even went as far as to treat him like it won't cut your budget. Again, you have nothing. 
⠀ ⠀But he could change that. 
⠀ ⠀He will give you everything you want.
⠀ ⠀If he finds a way to at least convince the higher ups to be given missions that require your presence - he could convince them that he shall be your temporary, no, longterm mentor - then he could be everything for you, and you could care for him too. You both could depend on each other, and he won't be so lonely, no? Won't feel so utterly useless, with no meaning to live life. You could be the very reason he still maintains his cool, the reason why he hasn't killed off those monkeys yet.
⠀ ⠀He will find a way.
⠀ ⠀Geto Suguru always finds a way. He is, after all, a jujutsu sorcerer.
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⠀ ⠀And so you were suddenly wormed beside Geto once more, though you were convinced that this wouldn't be the last time you will be paired with the mysterious man who keeps a composed smile, opposite to when you first met him. His eyebags, too, were smaller, like he has been regaining sleep once more. You couldn't deny that it made him even more handsome than your first impression of him.
⠀ ⠀His curt smile broke into a beam once he noticed you eyeing him up and down. 
⠀ ⠀Compared to last time, he seemed healthier. Was there something that induced a sudden change in him? Of course, you can't really assume anything since you have met him only once, but there's something about him that you couldn't pin-point. Despite shining brighter than before - you could describe him akin to the serene atmosphere of winter - there was a hidden undertone to him that scorches you, and you don't know why but you chose to ignore it in favor of prioritizing the newly assigned mission.
⠀ ⠀Looking back, the superiors' evaluation of you suddenly increased; and now you were paired with the special grade again, with no arbitrary explanation as to why him specifically. But it didn't really affect you personally, so there's no need to worry about anything.
⠀ ⠀In the blink of an eye, he was meticulously closer to you, right hand finding its way to your chin as his index finger beckons you to stare into his eyes. He mutters something under his breath, words you couldn't catch on. Then his smile grew wider than ever, you couldn't deny that it charmed even you.
⠀ ⠀"You sure do love staring at me, huh?" Despite the back of his fingers tenderly rubbing the sides of your chin, you couldn't bring it in yourself to pull back, a magnetic force compelling you to linger in your compromising position. Noticing barely any signs of discomfort, Geto's left hand finds itself holding your right and he brings it up near your chest and squeezes it affectionately.
⠀ ⠀Is he flirting with you?
⠀ ⠀"You must be undressing me with your eyes." He purrs, taking it further and kissing your knuckles whilst maintaining eye-contact with you. To that, you unhurriedly take your hand away from his grip (you swear that you nearly feel his clasp on you tightening for a slight second), and chuckled lightly.
⠀ ⠀Your response was curt, "Well, it feels like you are doing the same thing, no?" It's as if you were pretending the abrupt, sensual action he did didn't affect you one bit. He is, you couldn't deny one bit, incredibly attractive and you'd love to reciprocate the flirting but a reminder that he was a year above you and that you barely even know him clashes its way to your mind. And, for the most part, you only met him once. In that one singular meeting did he not display such provocative insinuations. It was just now that there was a sudden fondness that was triggered.
⠀ ⠀Can you really stand your ground against such a courteous man? Although he was a tad raunchy, maybe it wasn't only towards you? Does it really matter?
⠀ ⠀You're overthinking it, you figured as you snap out of your trance. Looking back at Geto once more, you gaze at him, leisurely, with not a negative thought but instead with goals aligning to your mission once more.
⠀ ⠀It was back again, your tender visage salted with rationale mentality. You've no knowledge about Suguru's increasing fondness of you, but you do know you would, by all odds, reciprocate his adoration of you soon enough.
⠀ ⠀Geto Suguru is a man who works between the line of preservation and consumption. To preserve the preciousness of human lives is a goal he doubts, and to consume curses is an everyday activity he comes to dread— but he was willing to preserve only your life whilst ultimately letting the image of you consume him.
⠀ ⠀Instead of you treating him to a snack before your mission, you find yourself entangled with Geto-kun - he insists on you calling him informally albeit the short time spent together - in your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite foods and beverages, and chattering with him casually as "friends" do— after the mission. You were about to refuse his invitation but you halted as you were well aware that you did the same for him and it would be hypocritical of you.
⠀ ⠀Geto snickered lightly at your modest display, but was most definitely pleased as he reiterated what you said at your first meeting.
⠀ ⠀"Your stomach grumbled on our way out. You should eat, my treat. After all, a way to a man's heart is through food, yes?"
⠀ ⠀At that statement, you smacked him lightly in the arms and glared, amused, at him with thin lips— your expression then broke out into a laugh as you walked alongside him.
⠀ ⠀At least you could confidently say that by the end of the night that you had thoroughly enjoyed conversing with him. He was not only intellectual with words, but he was persuasive all throughout your debates with him in the restaurant. There were moments you disagreed with his sentiments, especially about humans born with no cursed energy, as you did. Though if you were to weigh it all out, you have made more agreements with him than disagreements and you weren't afraid to voice out your reasonings without invalidating him; he seemed to really like that about you, as you note his pleasant smile all throughout. He never broke his eye-contact with you too, eyes following your mouth forming the counterarguments whilst also acknowledging his assertions.
⠀ ⠀This was the first time in a while that actually liked the concept of debates, since Geto was so pleasing, so receptive of the things you say; like every word matters.
⠀ ⠀You really, really like this man.
⠀ ⠀Since you're aware of the new position assigned to you as his colleague despite not being in the same grade— you find yourself wishing for these "dates" to occur more often by the near future. And by future, you mean at least every week.
⠀ ⠀Perhaps it was a shared sentiment, but you really do feel a spark between you two, a linked closeness that transcends more than just acquaintances despite it being a second meeting. Or... you are perhaps consumed by fatigue from the mission as it is trickier by default when you find yourself working with a special grade.
⠀ ⠀And... Maybe your brain was too preoccupied, but you have never once had the thought of Geto knowing all your favorites cross your mind.
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⠀ ⠀Hours turn into days, days into weeks, and finally weeks turn months— and within that time frame did Geto Suguru experience a blizzard of emotions. All these burst inside of him like fireworks blazing through the midnight sky.
⠀ ⠀Everything was going well with you, of course. Every single day was a period of time where he was able to keep track of you; the time you wake up, eat, shower, even sleep. He knew your hobbies, too, after visiting your dorm whensoever. He even memorized the smell of your room, the various trinkets plastered around your walls, he could locate your bed without hesitation even with a blindfold— Geto could even recall the spots where the early sunlight hits your bed.
⠀ ⠀Every moment spent with you was an opportunity to know you better, on more personal levels. He was the first to know about your habits, those that you typically hide at face value, the ones you were embarrassed to show to your friends— ones only he (not even you were aware) notices and treasures. 
⠀ ⠀It was only fair that he lets you know about him in an equal amount. After all, every known boundary he has ever set were practically nonexistent when it comes to you. 
⠀ ⠀So he lets you in on his deepest darkest secrets. He whispers to you, nightly, about his interests, about his passions, about his greatest fears— the one thing he fears the most, one he has never told anyone; not his family, not his friends, nobody but you— is the alienation he feels from everyone. He has been through everything, he tasted death, and no one could relate to the taste of rot, not even his closest friends. Only you would know, you'll be the only one who holds his heart in your hand, even if he knows that you could betray him at any given moment.
⠀ ⠀But you won't.
⠀ ⠀He tells you all about all the vulnerable parts of him in hopes of garnering your attention on him. And yes you did, every part of you felt pity for him, and he loves the way you react. Geto loves your expressions. Loves the way your face twists to disgust one time, when he described what a mouthful of curses taste like. Or when you'd press your body behind him (he loves just how much you trust him enough to be intimately close to him), arms wrapped around his back, eyes tightly closed, and mouth slightly agape as the cool breeze of the air hits your face violently, as he flew both of you to take an arial view of the city at night, using a curse, of course.
⠀ ⠀Every face you make, obscure or not, triggers intense reactions from the man. So much so he feels like he could die from perspiration the first time you reciprocated his flirting, by kissing his cheeks, taking him aback. Goodness, he won't ever let anything get in between you two, and he most definitely would never forget the instance you smiled lopsidedly at him right after, a slight flush on your face.
⠀ ⠀Menial conversations became in depth discussions when it came to you, even if your responses would sometimes have frivolous undertones in them; Geto would still want to crawl deeper into your brain, have a need to disect every single information you know. Every course of action you make, the black-haired man would always find examples to love about you. Sometimes, it feels like you're a specimen living under his care, but God does he worship you like you are divine in every way.
⠀ ⠀And Geto wasn't merely a special grade sorcerer for nothing (and they are known for using eccentric methods to get what they want). He was right to assume that the more he initiated on displaying his liking for you, through actions especially, the more you grow increasingly fond of him, but not to his levels of... obsession.
⠀ ⠀But you bask in the attention of your sensual sorcerer, so it wasn't a surpise that, well—
⠀ ⠀It only took a little bit of time to pass - though it felt a very long period of Geto; he had to remind himself that patience and perseverance is key - and then suddenly you two were finally official.
⠀ ⠀And like lovebirds, everywhere you went, you were accompanied by Geto. Hand holding, hands on your waist, eyes finding its way to look at only you, even if there is another person in the room trying to talk to him— it's like he wants to connect himself to you in every way possible. You don't mind it at all, though, already aware enough of his circumstances when it comes to attachment issues.
⠀ ⠀You have been so close before, but even more intimate now, to the point his colleagues and teachers alike were aware of your tight-knit relationship. Even Gojo Satoru, resident tormentor of Jujutsu Tech, teased Geto about his increasing PDA with you, often guffawing in the background whenever he spots you two inseperably cuddling and pressing kisses into each other's cheeks like immature, hormonal teens.
⠀ ⠀You had even slept in the same bed as him.
⠀ ⠀When he woke up the next day, with your head nuzzled into the crevice of his neck, his arms squeezing your body against his, warm sheets entangling both of you together like a cocoon... When you utter random noises in your sleep, snuggling closer to him whenever your dreams become unpleasant... He watches over your slumbering form, sometimes even shifts to make sure you're in a better position, to make sure that the duvet covers you entirely.
⠀ ⠀Geto has never thanked any being above, never intended to, believing that sorcerers are the truly divine beings that humankind should worship— but he laudes whoever is out there, his ancestors perhaps, that for once he was endowed with someone beyond anything he would ever want. You are everything Geto needs in his life.
⠀ ⠀So why is it that..?
⠀ ⠀With everything going so well, so perfect...
⠀ ⠀It was all so perfect until...
⠀ ⠀The notion of prosperity came tumbling down, like a world-ending meteor, when one of his close juniors died from a curse, with his fellow partner in the mission suffering gravely after him. Haibara Yu, a bubbly underclassman who you was also your classmate, so it was no doubt that you, too, grieved.
⠀ ⠀He never wants to see that solemn expression in your face again...
⠀ ⠀The lump of flesh that was presented to Shoko Ieri and the other students, all shoved inside a cadaver bag, reeked of flesh— a scent all jujutsu sorcerers were accustomed to, but never coped with if they bare the knowledge that that someone is familiar with them. He shouldn't have been so affected; in ways where despite caring for his junior... He feels a mixture of animosity brimming inside him.
⠀ ⠀He shouldn't have been so jealous of a corpse gaining the slightest bit of your spotlight, shouldn't be so envious of the way you spill tears over someone else... But most importantly, he hates it when you'd be stuck in a dissociative trance afterwards, just like the one he was in when Riko died. 
⠀ ⠀Everything snaps the moment he remembers his discussion with that fellow blonde-haired special grade, the dead-beat who never did her job. Geto didn't enjoy conversing with her, finding her reasonings meaningless, her words of persuasion only reserved for her interests. He didn't indulge in her as he did you. But that particular conversation cemented itself in his brain, and now he's stuck with questions swirling his mind, questions he knew would be answered with vehement solutions.
⠀ ⠀Then he was back at it again, after rediscovering his memories, in a spiral of neverending speculation. Why do sorcerers need to protect those foul monkeys? Why is it that it is the sorcerers who have to adjust to the norm? Why are they regarded as the odd bunch? Why do they have to die for useless beings lower than them?
⠀ ⠀Amidst all the questioning he does, there were relevant ones that struck a particular nerve in him.
⠀ ⠀It all circles back to you. You, you, you.
⠀ ⠀Why would it not be you?
⠀ ⠀And what if...
⠀ ⠀What if you had died instead of Haibara?
⠀ ⠀Tears, salty and brimming with bitter feelings, for the first time in ages, trickled out his eyes, sliding uncomfortable against shivering skin. Uncontrollable and inevitable. What came with despair was also hysteria.
⠀ ⠀He couldn't cope with that idea. No, not at all— he wants to extinguish the very possibility that you, of all people, could die very early just because— because you would forfeit your life for worthless ones. You're way more than just a sacrificial lamb; you're Geto's everything. He couldn't afford to lose you, couldn't even grasp the prospect of your death.
⠀ ⠀The shower water plummeled down his head like a hailstorm, to his torso, until it nipped on his feet with its unforgiving frost.
⠀ ⠀But he knows you. He's aware that despite the rocky relationship you have with your family, or the demeaning comments from your supposed friends, that you would die for those untalented monsters. You're too considerate. He wants that consideration all for himself.
⠀ ⠀ He hates it, he hates everything whenever you consider everyone but yourself. He will take care of it, of you. But how could he? Not when you insist on sitting quietly and receiving all those harsh treatments forced on you.
⠀ ⠀ He has never felt so helpless before. It devours him, inside and out, like insects crawling on his skin, nipping and biting flesh— like he himself was merely a corpse for maggots to pig through.
⠀ ⠀ It's almost class time, and even if he dreads coming to the class of three (minus one, as Gojo is now consistently busy with missions), burden running down his spine at the notion that you would be in a separate class.
⠀ ⠀Geto overlooked the fact that, despite suffering from the solitude of the bathroom showers, ​​​​​​he isn't as alone as he thought, not anymore. For in his misery, you share the sentiment.
⠀ ⠀ You await him, in his room, eyes sore from incessant tears, body especially nearly letting you down after countless bouts of harming yourself over being unable to comfort your boyfriend over his turmoil. Yet you're unwavering from your seated position, ready to confront your boyfriend shall he ever lead into a path of self destruction.
⠀ ⠀Geto stumbled out of the showers, somber mind neglecting the very schedule he has plastered all over his head, a display of utter patheticness. At this time of the day, you were always loitering around his dorm.
⠀ ⠀ How could he have forgotten? As he rubs fatigue off his eyes, he ceased in his tracks, ears picking up a slight wringing. His wet hair drenched the t-shirt he threw on, but the sharp, frore water isn't the cause of his shivering— it's you, who he saw in the corner of his eyes, sat on his bed.
⠀ ⠀He should've expected it, it was already part of your daily routine to visit him, yet it still shook him when he found a blob of your hair color in his peripheral vision— so much so to the point that even breathing betrayed him.
⠀ ⠀Why was he crying again?
⠀ ⠀ There's no other way to describe Geto's situation, other than that of a trapped dear, with no way to outrun a speeding car in the middle of the road— but you're not the type to harm him - maybe in bed you would, pleasurably - but you wouldn't hurt him because you wanted to. Yet he still fears showcasing vulnerability, afraid of betrayal, especially from you. So all he could do was stand, feet losing sensation, unable to move an inch; to even breath was to move, and he couldn't.
⠀ ⠀ But it was you who cut into the thick atmosphere, standing up, footsteps unheard, towards Geto who was rooted on the floor, body tense.
⠀ ⠀ The first thing he saw when he glanced up with ruddy eyes was your gentle gaze.
⠀ ⠀ He visibly relaxed, albeit unmoving. It doesn't matter, though, not to you at least— because you see his tear-stained cheeks and puffy, tired eyes and uptight body that tells you he won't be emotionally recovering soon. You want do to nothing more other than to spoon him wholly and tell him you'll deal with everything. But you can't. You can't because you're not of the same status as him, not strong enough you stress. And you can't because you're tired, too, just like him and all the others, but especially him. And although you tell yourself that you're an intrepid Jujutu sorcerer who should bare no weaknesses; you can break as easily as the others.
⠀ ⠀ But you have to be strong for him.
⠀ ⠀ Holding his hands in yours, you give it a gentle squeeze, looking down on him with loving eyes. You beat him to it, beat him at his game and questioned him if he's alright, if he needed space to think. To which his answer was to strongly grip your palm a second after the question, gaze hardened on you, as a confirmation that he did not, in fact, want you out his room, for others to look at you and comfort you.
⠀ ⠀ You ask him what's wrong, only for you to sputter back and tell him that he's not​​​​​ obligated to answer any of your questions should he not be stable enough.
⠀ ⠀ Not a single response... You ask again, eyes now harboring a demand for answers, but there's nothing.
⠀ ⠀ Slight irritation follows your countenance when all you were met with was silence...​​
⠀ ⠀Then your stark personality displays itself once more, your voice a deeper octave as you palm his face and stare deeply into his eyes; he falls in love all over again That's when you began mumbling to him, like you're sharing secrets nobody else could access. When you tell him that he has every right to grieve and be frustrated at the same time, that he shouldn't hold back tears; he felt bare naked in front of you. But you weren't scrutinizing him, even if all that comes out your mouth is the truth, ones that should've hurt him for making him feel defenseless in the arms of danger, but didn't. Because those words were from you.
⠀ ⠀Your word is God, and he calms down just enough to stare back at you, shaky figure and everything, and brings his hands to cup your palm, rubbing lovingly.
⠀ ⠀ You peck his cheeks, giggling when you felt the sheer wetness it was drowned in. But before you could pull back as quickly, Geto's head moved faster to kiss your mouth, passionate and seering, hands resting on your waist. It took a few seconds of nuzzling into each other, but it felt like eternity before he withdrawed, palms tenderly rubbing your cheeks.
⠀ ⠀Geto Suguru didn't just love you— he loves you, every part of you. And he decides, from now on, whether you'd consent or not, that you'll never leave him. Familial bonds are nothing to you, now that your parents have finally passed away (and you've no idea on their cause of death, nor the fact that they were brutally mauled by an amalgation of curses), your friends are nothing compared to him— you are the- the only one that matters to him, and he wishes you would reciprocate that notion. 
⠀ ⠀So a choice (one where you, perhaps, will never have a say in) was set in Geto's persistent mind; now or never.
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⠀ ⠀Geto hopes you would forgive him after everything. He hopes that you wouldn't mind it if you were to be permanently separated from the entire civilization, only to be admired by his greedy eyes.
⠀ ⠀ 'Protect human lives?' No, he will not even spare a glance at to those monkeys. He'd prioritizes on a new goal— to protect your life, firstly. From any harm, any danger; from something as small like a prick of a needle to even death itself.
⠀ ⠀ He loves it when you look at him, eyes shining with adoration every time he saves you from momentary danger. So he'll do it again. Though, only now will you be permanently safe, where no filthy nothings may lay hands on you.
⠀ ⠀He hopes that you wouldn't notice how he has an apartment set up just for both of you, that you wouldn't wonder why all your belongings - that were left in your bygone, desolate house - were now moved into the multisectioned rooms designed just for your taste.
⠀ ⠀ He sets a date on his calendar for the day you would be relocated in a new space far more homely and spacious than the dorms in Jujutsu Tech.
⠀ ⠀ By the time the moon engulfs the sky with its dim light, he'd drug your favorite dinner whilst you're comfortably oblivious to his ministrations. He'll be conversing with you while sometimes feeding you portions of his food, as couples always do (except for the part his tongue would linger a bit long on his chopstick after he fed you with it), laughing tenderly with each others' jokes and simply enjoying the solitude of being together... Then after a while you would be too hazy to comprehend anything, and Geto, being your ever-so loving boyfriend, will guide you to your now shared dormitory, and he'll tuck you in, not after you briefly snuggle with him in bed— and, well, he didn't want to get up from your tight embrace. But he has to, for the sake of your safety and his sanity.
⠀ ⠀ The travel would be made as smooth as possible, with silent promises that you won't even feel a wee bit of discomfort despite your heavily drugged state; he'll guarantee you won't awake from your slumber— he would curse himself if he wasn't gentle with your while you were in your most vulnerable state. The look he has on his face as he stares at your closed eyes and stable breathing is so soothing, just like all the times you've treated him nicely. He'll be so... so good to you. He'll secure himself with the position as the only one you'll ever need in your life. If he can't abide by his promises, then he doesn't deserve to be called your lover. 
⠀ ⠀ You'll- you'll give him another chance, wouldn't you? Even if the chances see your friends (they're unworthy of your presence, never appreciating you for all the things you've done for them) or family (as if you have any to come back to; he eliminated those worthless beings) would be zero— you'll understand, no?
⠀ ⠀ You don't have to do any arduous chores inside the apartment. Everything would be given to you as long as you stay with him. Everything. You'll be granted limited access to internet, with all your history rooted into his tracking devices— though you'd have every means of entertainment you want. Food isn't a problem, your device would only have access to Geto's phone, so you could call him any time your stomach buzzes with hunger, and the fridge is always stocked with your favorite snacks. Every hobby you would garner would be indulged in— you had once briefly mentioned your interests in crocheting, but never having the opportunity to due to clashing schedules between school and personal life. Now is the perfect opportunity to do anything, as long as it stays within his radar.
⠀ ⠀ All you have to do is, as hard as it may be, is to accept your new living environment. Nothing else would change, even if you choose to fight him back at first— because Geto loves you, and he'll deny his heart the turmoil of ever losing you.
⠀ ⠀ So once you'd arise from the bed with an unfamiliar, yet cozy blanket, (that he bought specifically catering to your tastes), he would be at your beck and call before you could even properly sit up (still sober from the heavy dosage of sedatives your boyfriend forced on you without your knowledge).
⠀ ⠀ Any concerns you would ask, it would be entertained with Geto plastering a silvery smile, even if your tone harbored unease. If tears ever came running down your eyes, Geto wouldn't shut you up, but he definitely wouldn't leave you be, to your thoughts alone - like he was back then - not at all. He'd approach you so steadily, careful if you'd flinch the slightest bit once his legs hit the mattress, and he'll hold you so tightly (worst part is, you've no chains or ropes tied on your limbs, no evident scars that was whilst Geto was on the process of kidnapping you. You have nothing to be mad about. He is just so gentle), apologizing profusely as if he wasn't the reason why you're even weeping in the first place once he thoroughly explained the reason for your abduction.
⠀ ⠀ He hates it when you cry, but God does he love it when, despite susceptible state of anguish, you'd reciprocate his hold; as if even your mind, body, and heart couldn't deny that it ultimately belonged to Geto.
⠀ ⠀ So you have to bargain your way through this, not out of it— you're logical enough to know your strengths and weaknesses and you know that in terms of strength, your lover would win. You know him better than everything, and you don't accept easy defeat, you want to fight your way out of this but... The look of adulation in Geto's eyes is way too familiar, that you're the one falling in love again, albeit the strange circumstances.
⠀ ⠀ Then you weigh everything that has been happening for the past for months, and all the signs hits you in the damn face. Geto didn't flirt with you with the intentions of playing with your heart as you have thought so in your second meeting— because if he did, he wouldn't have known all your favorites, didn't say all the words you wanted to hear. He planned everything from the start. Yet you don't feel an ounce of malice from him, you didn't do anything wrong— you weren't abducted because he wanted to torture you; you were abducted because he wants you. For himself, away from the world that wants to tear you to shreds. You brought this onto yourself, so willing to give your heart and soul to the man you thought you love, the man you still do love.
⠀ ⠀ Fuck. A new batch of tears painted your already tear-stained face. You stare at him, his furrowed brows, his handsomely sculpted countenance - the one you held so fondly, kissed a thousand times, worshipped eternally -  yours so incredulous, so filled with utter disarray. Why do you forgive him after everything? Why, nothing more or less, do you want him to tell you everything is alright, since he's there for you?
⠀ ⠀ Perhaps it's the emotions building inside you that bursts like a dam. The resentment you built upon your childhood, or the tears you've wasted on past crushes, or the whole entire world pressuring you to endure through its own faults. Maybe you were similar to him in more ways than one.
      And maybe that's why instead of convincing him to let you go, you tell him you won't be going anywhere. His appalled reaction motioned you to continue, to tell him that you're tired, of life, of everything that's been going on so far. You never wanted to be a sorcerer, but you've no choice lest you wish to sleep on the cold sidewalk of the streets. Every single day was constant pressure, dread that one day you may be disposed of by the high school you reside in shall you ever display a single flaw.
      All the built up secrets that you confided in him shattered his heart to pieces. And it breaks him even more knowing he shares the same sentiment with you. No more. The abrupt kiss to your mouth promptly shut you up, before you could even continue, and you let it be. You willingly open your mouth when he softly nibbled on the bottom of your lips, wet tongue already attacked by another the moment his entered your mouth. The bitter ache in your heart receded. You let him be.
      There was nothing inherently sexual with his and your actions, it was nothing but romantic in your eyes. Tongues entwining, saliva mixing, choaked moans, and all doubts and burdens ceasing in one heated moment— your kisses never lasted long, nor did it ever lead into a make-out so intense like you're both fusing; but it's exactly what you need right now: To get drunk off the passion of Geto's heavy lips and the lack of oxygen that comes after...
      It's enough to make you sleepy, as you gently push your boyfriends slightly ruddy face off of you, at a distance where he was close enough that your noses could still touch. Your face flushes even more at the string of saliva interconnecting both your mouths, but your eyes find itself back into his already piercing eyes, clouded with dizzying passion. Every part of you feels like it would burst into flames the more you relish under his intense gaze, so you opted to move quickly and bury your head into the side of neck, hands lazily plastered on his waist, mouth readily nearing his ears. He reciprocated your actions, chuckling fondly at your affectionate gestures as his knees adjusted to pin both your thighs together, whilst his arms act as a cage to trap you against his chest.
      Before you could utter a word, Geto beats you to it, telling you that you should both sleep already. Despite you having been knocked out for an entire day, with a buzzing headache and numb limbs, it's no doubt you were still tired, and he was too... You move your head from the comfortable position nested on his shoulders and look back at him, at the small eyebags that once again found itself on his face— it takes you back to when you first met him. Burnt out, mellow, but undeniably handsome. You kissed him again, shorter and sweeter this time, nodding as you shifted to lay on the bed, leaving space for Geto, who is still seated, watching you with an indiscernible expression.
      Beckoning for him him drowsily, to join you, you've promptly felt the confines of sleep taking you further into the world of dreams. Dreams where you'd wake up with your loving and compassionate Geto, rather than that of escaping the cage he set up for you. It took a few seconds for your boyfriend to finally move, laying down beside you with arms creeping to your waist. Not a single word was said, only the ruffling of the blanket was heard. You're the one who spoons him when it comes to sleeping in a shared bed together, but his hands found itself moving your head to his chest - the thumping of his heart entrapped in his ribcage tells you he's calm enough, trusting that you won't escape from his ministrations - as though to tell you that only you can have his heart in your hands, nobody else. It didn't take long for you to slowly shut your eyes once more, admitting that his heartbeats was a comforting source for slumber.
⠀ ⠀'You're just so adorable,' he thinks to himself, drifting into the same land of dreams as you, holding you tightly and never letting go.
⠀ ⠀ ...
⠀ ⠀ Geto Suguru is a man of a few words, who dons a plethora of promises, shall you ever be wanting. When he first saw you whilst looking through your files, he at first thought you were average, unmemorable by standards. But even in first impressions would there always be a magnetic draw, strong enough to make it last eternally. (Un)fortunately for you, Geto has always loved you without even knowing it, and the way your first night together - you being away from the tainted hands of civilization - was beyond tranquil, unnatural traits from a prey who was taken unwillingly.
⠀ ⠀ But nothing else matters. Not the concept of healthy relationships, nor the opinions of family or friends, and most certainly not the ridiculing of society's norms.
⠀ ⠀ Nothing matters other than the two bodies entangling themselves on a bed for two, settling in for the night, as lovers do.
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      —       PLEASE ! Leave comments, follow me and share this to anybody if you enjoyed this one-shot. It would be appreciated greatly. I've been through writer's block for nearly a year or two now, and writing this helped me combat it. I thoroughly enjoyed making this, and I hope that it's good enough for the readers too! It took me very long to write all these out, as I am rusty wirh writing (and I struggle with English), but really, I would appreciate interaction and likes over anything else! I might publish this as a stand-alone one-shot in a separate book. As always, don't hesitate to request! Thank you for reading this!
26.1 Pages
Published: 02/25/2024
Word Count: 9100+ words
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226 notes · View notes
xanasaurusrex · 8 months
hi can u make some hcs of hecate’s cabin/childs?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ hecate cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
of course i can do hecate cabin headcanons! i love hecate, she's one of my favorite of the gods. also, fun fact, there's a lot of debate on where hecate originated, like they think that maybe she was an anatolian goddess that the greeks "stole," and she also has some egyptian history? i did some research on her real quick and it was honestly fascinating! anyways, here are the hecate cabin hcs!
something to note about hecate kids is that all of them, every single one, is kind of a mystery in their own respect
there's a lot of mystery surrounding hecate, so even the most open of hecate kids is going to have something they're keeping to themselves
hecate kids, specifically before they're kind of taught to master their abilities, have a habit of accidentally spelling people
like, for example, say a hecate kid has a really annoying kid in their bio class that won't shut up
if they think really hard about how much they want that person to shut their mouth, magically, they will
it's something they were never able to explain
until they were claimed by hecate, of course
they also all have dark eyes
not necessarily a good color, per se, but there's something about their eyes that are dark
most hecate kids get her green eyes, which could only be described as "enchanting" of course
the hecate cabin often smells like burned sage and/or incense, and always has a smoky hue because of that
there are star charts and moon charts and things like that literally everywhere, practically littering the cabin floor
hecate kids are kinda messy
all of them, just find it really hard to keep themselves organized enough to make the cabin organized enough
this gets them into trouble sometimes, but they have... ways of convincing whoever's inspecting the cabin to leave them alone
hecate kids also always have crystals in their pockets
like, literally, at any given time, with an outfit that has pockets, they have crystals that are used for different things in said pockets
they have necklaces and earrings and rings with crystals on them as well, all having different purposes based on what they want their day to be like
there are a few kids at camp who are like "crystals don't even work" and blah blah blah, but the hecate kids know better
the kids that say that are usually idiots, but yknow
(obviously i'm not saying that if you don't believe in crystals irl you're an idiot, but this is camp half-blood and their mother is hecate, so obviously they're gonna work for them)
hecate kids can sometimes be known as "two-faced" when it comes to relationships
this probably comes from the fact that their mother has three faces
except this is a more literal meaning in this sense
the hecate cabin also does a lot of tarot readings
that's like, one of the first things you learn at camp if you're claimed by hecate
everyone has their own deck, and it's customized to you, it's a whole thing
it's like hecate cabin culture kinda
if you have a hecate child friend, you've probably gotten your future read by them at one point
obviously future-telling is more an apollo cabin thing, so the predictions usually aren't correct, but it's fun anyways
ooh! and ouija boards
ouija boards with the hecate kids are so fun because they get so into it, and usually it's actually working and they're actually talking to a dead person
i mean, it's camp half-blood
probably a lot of people have died there (rip)
it's especially fun if they can manage to convince a hades child to play with them, because then the hades kid can actually hear them and help translate if the ouija boards are being kinda confusing
it's not the most reliable way to talk to a dead person, as any hades kid will tell you
hecate kids are also avid readers
not as consistent as athena kids, but they have their own little library in the hecate cabin, with lots of fantasy books and historical fiction
they're also really good with recommendations, so if you ever need a book rec, honestly go to the hecate kids first
they take your personality and reading background into account when giving you a book rec, and pretty much every time, whatever they recommend, you're actually going to enjoy
hecate kids also make the worst chariots
when they do the chariot race (i'm not sure if this is actually something they do on a regular basis, but they did it in one of the books in the original series so i'm going with it), and every cabin has to make their own chariot, hecate makes the worst chariots and get out first almost every time
honestly it doesn't really bother them anymore because they just genuinely have no idea how to make a good chariot
hecate isn't exactly known for her fighting abilities
usually in battle, the hecate kids stay as far away as possible and use their magic to help the fight
hecate kids are also criminally indecisive
they’re the masters of eenie meanie miny moe
they’re also known to have coins always rattling around in their pocket because sometimes they have to flip a coin to make a decision
they also have lots of magic 8 balls even though they know they’re faulty
(faulty, not fake 😉)
moving on
hecate kids also really like tim burton movies
it might have something to do with the fact that tim burton is a hecate child, but they also just really like the movies
they give off the same vibe
(there is a rumor at hecate cabin that tim burton used some hecate baby magic to make his movies)
only occasionally though
so yeah, that’s all i have for hecate kids
they’re all super unique and interesting
they are definitely sort of strange, but that’s what makes them so cool!
sorry if that was awkward i never know how to end these things
so that’s it for hecate cabin hcs! i had so much fun writing this, and thanks so much for the request! i just wanted to say thank you to everybody liking and following and reblogging for the support, this is already so fun! i have a couple requests for different cabin headcanons and that i haven’t been able to get to because ive had to rewrite this one about three times, which is kinda frustrating, but i love how that turned out! thanks sm for reading!
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stevierogersbabygirl · 4 months
What No One Sees
(Dark?)Professor!Steve Rogers x reader
Run-through: Steve was that one popular professor that everyone liked, and you were closest to him. You'd never predict that he'd be the father of your future child.
Themes: smut, unplanned pregnancy, angst, absent father
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Dr. Rogers was why every girl wanted to go to attend college. He was around 40 years old, handsome, tall, jacked, with pretty eyes, and he seemed very likable too. Not a single person on campus disliked that man.
Every student knew him as that one hot and perfect stranger unless they were in his class, which was like winning a lottery. Girls secretly fangirled him, and he'd even get the female professors to be all shy next to him.
That's what they all saw him as, you knew him as Steve.
When you moved here for college, you coincidentally booked the same apartment on the same floor as him, making you see him a lot. He'd sometimes even offer to walk you to college, and lent you things whenever you needed. He'd even sometimes tell you to visit his apartment to study, and you'd always visit him happily. You weren't sure why he wanted to be closest to you, but you sure were happy with it, especially when you noticed other girls getting jealous.
All those events have made you closer to him, earning you the privilege to call him Steve.
You loved being "Dr. Rogers' favorite student", as your girlfriends labeled you. They noticed how close you were with him and teased you about it, but you just knew they were jealous of all of it.
You've had a small internal crush on that man for how attractive he was, but you knew you couldn't do anything about it because of how wrong it was.
Life was going great overall, as you worked hard and gained good grades in college, and Steve's presence made it even better,
until one day everything changed.
It was Saturday night, and you didn't have anything on your to-do list, meaning you were lazily slouched on your couch in cozy pajamas, binging the latest Netflix series, until you heard a knock on the door.
You sighed, lazily got off the couch and walked towards the door, and opened it, your eyes widened in happiness and when you saw Steve standing there.
"What's up?" You'd ask him, looking into his deep blue eyes.
He looked slightly nervous and didn't reply, instead, he surprised you with flowers which he hid behind his back. He'd take a breath and said shyly, "Bought you flowers."
You looked at it in surprise, and that little happiness was slapped by your common sense. Professors can't engage in a romantic relationship with their students.
"Steve, I'm sorry, we can't-" You said until Steve cut you off closing the door, moving forwards, making you subconsciously walk backwards. He moved towards the wall, making you trapped between him and the wall. Your faces were so close to each other that you could feel each others breaths. Two words, sexual tension.
"One night, Y/N. We can keep it a secret." He said, his ocean blue eyes looking deep into your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I can't." You said, backing further into the wall nervously, expecting an angry response.
He sighed, backing his face away as you felt the tension loosen. "I've been interested in you since the first time I met you, you're just so beautiful, Y/N."
He paused to look into your confused eyes.
"I know you want me too, doll, and I know this gets past so many boundaries, but what if it's all a secret? One time chance, Y/N." He said, making you pause to think.
You sighed. "But if someone finds out I don't know what I'd do." You'd say with fear in your eyes staring deep into Steve's eyes.
Steve smirked, leaned in on your ear and spoke, "And that makes it even hotter, doesn't it? The thrill of being caught."
You blushed at the thought and smirked a bit, and in a few seconds, you'd cup Steve's face with both of your hands and had a deep kiss with him. He'd lift you by your ass as you both kissed. He moved both of you onto the bed and broke the kiss as he gently placed you on the bed. You'd both quickly undress, and by the time you saw his size, you knew you wouldn't be regretting all of this.
You were lying back-first onto the bed legs on Steve's shoulders, and Steve was on the floor, crouched down onto your pelvis, and stuck his tongue out to lick your clit, all while staring at you deep into your eyes.
He'd lick up and down your slit, until he eventually went in, using his skillful tongue to pleasure you. You grasped on the bedsheets and did so even tighter when he'd hit the right spots.
You eventually came, and he smirked as he got up, crawled onto the bed, and kissed you deeply. He'd use his hand to position his cock onto your entrance, and in no time he'd be stretching you out deeply. None of your previous partners have quite had a size like him.
He started with slow thrusts, his head on the side of your face, occasionally kissing you. When he knew you could handle it, he went faster and rougher, occasionally choking you.
The sounds of moans in the room were horribly sinful. You eventually came violently around him, and he came next, coating your womb with his seed.
Your mind went into a blur and you could only remember being in a deep sleep afterwards.
The next morning, you woke up naked beneath the thick blanket and Steve was not beside you. You could not believe you just fucked your professor last night and had to live with that guilty feeling.
Every time you and Steve saw each other, you both knew you had to keep a distance from each other, so you did not really interact for a while. People noticed this, raising some questions from your girlfriends, but you'd always give random excuses that you didn't really think of. You wondered if it was obvious that you and him did it.
A few weeks later, you were terribly ill. You skipped a few days due to these symptoms, which consisted of puking and missing a period. Oh my god, the realization came.
You took a pregnancy test, and it came positive, so that secret went from being small to a ginormous one. You did not want to abort and tried to accept the fact that you were going to be a mother soon.
You told your closest girlfriends and they promised to keep it zipped, always trying to assist you while you skipped many days of college. Somehow, rumors went out and eventually, the whole campus knew you were pregnant. People would either text you supportive messages, or ones calling you a "slut" or "whore." The only thing they didn't know is who the father was.
Then, you heard news that Steve resigned and moved away.
Just what the fuck is happening?
You wondered how life would be, your studies in risk as you'll raise your new child with their biological father far away.
Pt. 2 is out!!
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
Saiki's life if this character wasn't in it:
Nendo: Hell on earth, canonically (according to the light novels). Saiki series gets canceled, leading to Saiki rampaging out of control. All of Saiki's classmates also end up twisted.
Kaido: Might not have reunited that little girl with her dog, which led to an important friendship lesson. Saiki x Nendo rumors would be stronger since now they'd seem like a couple instead of a friend trio. Uhhh... Saiki would've been forced to attend that party they were late to... Saiki might have had to visibly intervene the 2 times Yumehara was in trouble, which would have left her still crushing on him and causing a rivalry between her and Teruhashi.
Yumehara: Teruhashi seems to go evil in every universe where Yumehara is not around or is not her friend, so even though she doesn't do too much to Saiki directly, an untamed Teruhashi would be causing LOTS of problems. Also she's the one who lead to all of Saiki's friends vacationing at the foot of the volcano so that would've been a problem avoided lol.
Hairo: A lot less sports shenanigans to be sure. The armed robbery probably would've been successful. Saiki's summer schedule would have also remained pretty empty that one year lol.
Teruhashi: Honestly this would immediately eliminate like 50% of Saiki's problems. No Teruhashi, no Kokomins, no Saiko, no Makoto, and Imu would not be a problem for him either. Deserted island arc avoided too. However, Yumehara never falls for Kaido and the Occult Club fails to launch, so no Yumehara + Arisu friendship. Saiki would've gotten to watch that movie, which might have left him more comfortable wearing the germanium ring sometimes. 🤔 Maybe him missing an important thought could have caused a problem eventually??
Mera: Makoto would have been on the plane to the Okinawa trip so maybe Saiki would've let it stay grounded instead of fighting the storm hsfjdlshfks. Café Mami would've closed probably, which might have had more repercussions since Saiki goes there often. No clinical trial episode. Saiki might've not grown to trust Aiura as much if they didn't fix the Mr. Mera situation together.
Kuboyasu: Saiki might have had to reveal his powers to Kaido 🤔 He only let the bullies approach at all because of Kaido's thoughts about liars, which were spurred by Kuboyasu though. Possibly Kaido would have had this thought process eventually anyways, which would then make Saiki stop being his friend and reject future friendships even more.
Toritsuka: Would Saiki have been able to defeat the robot clone without Toritsuka's help? Would Saiki have been able to win the cat tank episode without any help, especially if the Toritsuka fight had been replaced with a family member as hostage or something? Who would've pretended to be Saiki during the volcano arc? Also Toritsuka told Saiki about the Hii situation before anyone got killed and was the one who solved Hii's problem permanently(?) so if Toritsuka hadn't helped then there probably would've been a lot more Hii problems for Saiki to solve.
Kusuke: Well, Saiki would be an only child with no limiters and powers growing out of control... Would he have been able to eventually learn to control his powers without the interference of the limiters? Or might have he been driven mad by it, or fled the planet to escape all the noise?? Truly hard to say...
Saiko: Deserted island arc avoided as well as the Saiko manor Kokomin siege. Volcano situation wouldn't have needed a redo, though the lack of hotel room might've caused other problems. No changes to the bathroom at PK Academy.
Aiura: Saiki is stuck in high school forever, since it took 10 clones, the original Saiki, and Aiura's perfect predictions to stop the eruption. Also Yumehara probably would have died when after getting that death mark since she and Saiki would've been at their respective homes at the time it activated. Oh, and the train crash would have happened as well. Saiki probably would've blamed himself for these deaths and/or would've had to do time leaps to fix them, if possible. Actually it's unknown whether Saiki can defeat death marks without knowing about them / without Aiura's intervention. The fortune telling customer would've died too but that wouldn't have been Saiki's problem. That one guy wouldn't have found his soulmate in Africa probably 🥺
Satou: Well there would be less light in Saiki's life. Also Saiki would've had to spend a lot of time interfering with Hii's situation, which could have possibly gotten Saiki killed eventually, since he did get a death mark dealing with her.
Imu: No Teruhashi mixer scene or forcing Teruhashi to acknowledge her feelings. None of that really affects Saiki's life though tbh?
Akechi: Less trauma probably. However, his example of what a good and fun game can be also led Kusuo to reconciliation with his brother, which meant that Kusuke helped with the volcano. 🤔 Hard to say whether it would be a net positive or not!
Hii: Ok, she's pretty much caused nothing but problems and was only around for like 2 episodes. No relationship chain diagram though, and that was peak comedy!
👇🏾 Lmk if I missed anything in the notes or reblogs!
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linkedin-offficial · 6 months
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local full time technician gets alot more than she bargained for, more at 8
some stuff for dragons in my flight rising lore! sirko runs a circus on the outskirts of hyrule, and pipimi unfortunately gets wrapped up in the places hijinks after being hired by them to be a full time technician.
more details under the cut!
like stated previously, sirko is the ringleader of a circus called "the sensational sunset circus", popular for its sunset aesthetic and plethora of attractions. pipimi was attracted to this job offer because she was looking for an excuse to get away and leave her old life behind. so, she applied, and the moment she arrived, she was adorned with compliments and attention. to her suprise, she was the only new hire theyve had in years. and the longer she stays, shes grows quite certain she knows exactly why.
(and yes, the tadc parallels are apparent .. oops 😭 my brain loves to unconsciously attach my hyperfixations to eachother)
all of the members of this circus are very different and have quite striking personalities. the current list of the living (excluding sirko and pipimi) is as follows :
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mowbray - (he/him ; sibling and right hand man to sirko) a fairly lax individual most of the time. one of the few of them with a braincell. can usually tolerate most things but can very easily snap if you bother him enough. friends with pipimi solely because they both are somewhat smart enough to not go insane immediately.
holiday - (she/her ; makeup artist and costume designer) fairly laid back and super duper chill, and easily one of the sweeter members of the circus. she doesnt hesitate to bring others up in mood and try to help where she can.
she has a .. "special connection" with pipimi, letting her call her 'holly', and visiting her often. she says its just because of how often her clothes tear, but most of the other members speculate other .. interesting reasons.
jaxton - (he/him ; That asshole) probably the one guy who most likely wouldnt lay down his life for pipimi. he constantly bullies her, teasing her at every chance he gets.
when he isnt messing with her though, hes trying out new tricks to impress the locals and maybe scam some out of their money. hes tried countless times to help his fellow coworker iskam try and become better at her scam artistry, but iskam certainly isnt smart enough for his precious arts. what a shame.
iskam - (she/he/they ; "future seer" vendor) a particularly clueless individual, he enjoys trying his hardest to predict others futures, genuinely believing hes right when in reality, she just makes things up. the money is just a bonus to her endeavors. couldn't count to 100 if you asked.
on the plus side, they like the company of pipimi, mostly because she tries really hard not to hurt others feelings. pipimi knows iskam is wrong, but wont say it.
pakwan - (she/they ; resident dumpster fish) somehow more clueless than iskam, but still just as cheerful. she enjoys a melon snack more than anything in the world. well, not really. she enjoys pipimi's company more than anything else, and often accidentally splashes her with water with excitement when pip comes by.
she loves doing tricks, especially for pipimi. pipimi loves to listen to pakwan ramble about her day. in a sort of mutual peace of mind, kinda way.
mang - (he/it ; horrible little rat bastard thief) being small and cunning has its advantages, and mang uses them well. known to be the local thief of the circus, it takes every opportunity he can to sneak about and steal anything he can fit into his pockets. if you can get on his good side however, youll never lose another key again. because of this, it quite likes pipimi.
halimaw - (he/they ; the beast of the basement) dangerous and cunning. halimaw is sly with his words but bumbly and outrageous at the same time. large and un-anxious, he wont hesitate to bite your head off if you refuse to listen to him. gets what he wants, and when he doesnt, he takes by force. these are primarily reasons why he was locked down there. better safe than sorry.
saya - (she/her ; sister to holiday and ex-partner to halimaw) very reserved and almost acts as a mediator. she values her dance skills VERY seriously and considers dance the ultimate art, much to her sisters dismay. they dont fight about it however, and they are quite close.
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anyway, thats it for now!
ill probably be talking about these 10 sometime in the future but for now have this !! i love thinking about them and they mean alot to me <3 circus freaks
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stickyspeckledlight · 3 months
Despite Everything, You Still Exist [Yan!Aventurine x Reader]
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The short moments when the world remembers you. Hypothetical HSR voice lines based on Sunrise, Sunset, My Destroyed Body In the Onset. Can be read as standalone, though.
Notes: Lol I had some thoughts and doing this right now will mitigate my uncontrollable hype for when 2.1 is out later tonight. (From the future: lol 2.1 is out now ahaha)
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The air rings with the sound of cranking slots, spinning roulette, fallen chips, and spilled cards. Some visit for reasons outside the sound; the bar's happy hour, a good meal at the buffet, and the venue where musicians of middling to great renown play. They merely chatter amongst themselves, occasionally sparing a look to the many games at play, perhaps spending a few credits if they want to test their luck. But the ones of note are always the ones playing the game. For some, the sound of a shuffling deck of cards is as familiar as the back of their hand, and they cannot stand to be away from it for more than a day lest they live with the emptiness of their soul. Some have already accomplished much, do not know what they want anymore, and are just here to pass the time. Some are fools, believing they can strike a fortune and climb to the heavens. They feel the most, celebrating triumph and wallowing in despair alike.
But those who stand out most are those who decide to test their luck knowing of destiny's inherent unjustness.
Chat: Limits
"Most people do all they can to live within their limits. Whether it be maintaining their mundane routine, keeping to themselves, or turning away from things that pose too much risk to them. When most reach their limit, they tend to completely shut down, and give up—they dread that risk. What most people don’t realize though is that in breaking limits, you go beyond them. My friend, if you ever see someone reach their limit...pushing them past it will yield something truly special or, if you’re lucky, a destructive yet breathtaking beauty."
Chat: Lovely Things
“What do I like? Trying to gauge my weaknesses now are we? …oh? You just want to get me something out of the sheer goodness of your heart? Aw, you’re too sweet; my friend, we’ve already established such a great bond, you and I, so there is no need to exchange gifts between us! And, gift giving always does bring about jealousy; you wouldn’t want to incite that, would you? Besides, I doubt you could gift me anything lovelier than I already have.
Chat: Change
“Change is a wonderful thing! It keeps things from getting stale and predictable and is the prime ingredient for anything unexpected. Change doesn’t necessarily mean massive shifts like how most people envision, and I wholeheartedly believe one’s own self can remain consistent even with change. Speaking of changes to one’s self…heh, no matter how happy they may be as and with their changed self, a part of them will always mourn the person they used to be…even if the person of old runs counter to their changed self. Hm? A distant look in my eye? Nonsense, my friend! Just think of this as some helpful advice, free of charge. I do hope you’ll be able to put it to practice—I think we’d both hate if I were disappointed, after all.”
Casinos are ultimately reprieve, but eventually, one must return to their obligations. One can’t gamble without money, and money must be made from working. Work comes in many different forms—some work aims to increase other’s gains, some to increase its own, others to retrieve the money which is owed. These individuals are not so hard to find at the casino—like moths to a flame they aim to win with the wealth accrued by another, only to find themselves stripped of it unwittingly. It is easy to rig the game when the opponent believes they are the master. Chat: Interesting People
“My work takes me all over the place, so I get a lot of opportunities to meet all sorts of people! Granted, it’s my work that also causes a lot of meetings to not be on especially amicable terms too. And some of the people I have to deal with are…well, there’s a reason I keep a pistol with me. The best meetings though are when you’re off the clock and free to just wander about! Souvenir shopping, trying out local cuisines and experiencing its culture can be pretty nice, and it’s when me and Numby are just out and about where we meet many. I’m sure you Astral Expressers can relate to that. But, as with all things, some particularly stand out even when you don’t expect. Like, a little while ago, I finally finished a project—a big one that had some of us Stonehearts coming together—and I met this rather pleasant individual. Nice, polite, and their sense of humor wasn’t half bad; even gave me some pastries they made! A short but sweet conversation. But…there was just something…off, about them. My instincts are pretty good when it comes to these sort of things; it’s like…they were keeping themselves at a weird distance. Even though I deal with that a ton during negotiations, this time it just felt odd in a particular way, yet quite uncomfortably familiar. But it was after we said our goodbyes and I saw them again. I don’t know what happened, but then I saw the expression on their face, and…I know what that odd feeling is now. Maybe I should reach out, that guy isn’t exactly…o-oh, sorry! I got a little carried away, didn’t I? And I did sort of lead you on with starting things so lightheartedly…here, why don’t I make it up to you? A few Aetherium Wars booster packs, maybe?”
How do people lose money like this, though? Many go into the casino with the belief it is fair and just, not understanding just how rigged the game is. “Shed any and all illusions of outwitting the system,” one is told, left with nothing when they could not draw an ace of spades.
They are here because for many reasons: circumstance, unfortunate luck and their own hubris. And in that last reason lies the penultimate behind their misfortune: ignorance.
Chat: Willful Ignorance
“Ignorance is a horrid malady, but like all forms of malaise there are multiple variations. The most common is unwillful—what most think of when thinking of ignorance. Cures differ from individual to individual of course, but they tend to be the most simple affair; simple pedagogy does wonders in establishing a baseline knowledge, and for matters of great specificity or those already with baseline knowledge, a few thorough lectures are the ultimate vaccine. Willful ignorance, however, is a much different matter. Its cause is not rooted in the absence of knowledge, but of cognitive dissonance—you find it especially amongst those who have aged, already set in their ways and unwilling to engage with anything to broaden their horizons. For this, treatment must be thorough and harsh; it cannot be absolved without stripping down a patient’s worldview, lens, and grip of reality. But this is not the most vexing form. The hardest ignorance to cure is the one taken on fully aware, knowing it is false and knowing of its folly but nevertheless live by it; you look confused, so I’ll put it in simpler terms: a patient who isn’t ignorant, far from it even, but still lives their life as if they were. Curing this places patients in a rather volatile state. This ignorance is often the patient’s way of coping with a situation, when they’ve exhausted all other forms of protection. …But, I am a scholar. Advancements are not made by talking, it is through action, and eventually, I will be the one to make it. …I simply hope I can make it in time.”
But nothing lasts forever. The patrons return home, drunk or penniless, and the sound drowns out. Staff emerge from their shadows and silently do their part in crafting the honey trap, but even they must leave, and the lights are shut.
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Guys, I truly do not get byler doubt over things like this. Some leaker said “Mike and Will do not have a romantic relationship in Stranger Things 5.” Okay, let’s look at that, because I know the tag will go into a frenzy anyway.
This guy has been right about Marvel leaks in the past. He has also been wrong. The vibe I get is that a lot of leakers build up credibility by saying things which are correct or easily predictable, meaning they have more leeway in the future to make things up for clout and still have people believe them. The byler plot is very contentious and is guaranteed to get attention if you post anything about it, so I don’t really believe people who are being loud and open about it on twitter with broad, unspecific claims. A good example is the RejectedScooper guy, who had the Will’s love interest leak. He also made claims like “Will’s love interest is a boy” (duh), “the UD merged with Hawkins” (popular theory given that’s what the final s4 shot indicates), and “the military is still after El” (another popular theory). He makes believable claims that might end up being right, but that doesn’t mean he ever had inside knowledge. A lot of leakers are like this
The very phrasing of this is weird. Thanks @merth-or-nothin for pointing it out, but legit leakers will give information on what IS happening, not what isn’t, since they often lack context and filming isn’t even done, so there’s half a season missing. If byler truly wasn’t happening, they’d say “Mike and El are still together in episode 4,” or “Will meets a new boy.” They wouldn’t make a broad “this doesn’t happen” statement. They would provide a scene that DOES happen which leads them to that broader conclusion
I don’t have my own direct confirmation on this, but I’ve seen many people say that everything is extremely locked down this season, and that’s why it’s hard for people to get leaks. I think I even saw a screenshot where someone asked Noah on tik tok for a video on set and he said they’re being extra strict this season. There have been other claims, like cast and crew members getting redacted versions of the scripts that only contain their parts (standard practice in productions like this) people being instructed to leave the set as soon as their part is done, and the Duffers overall being very tight-lipped. Even Millie had to beg the writers to know what El’s ending is. The only people who know the ending of the byler plot are probably the main cast and writers, and high-up members of the production team. Their NDA’s must be so tight. I don’t see how some random leaker would have that info just because he had marvel leaks in the past. If I had info about a sensitive spoiler, I wouldn’t be yelling about it on twitter either. I’m not sure about how the legal process works here, but I feel like you’d get into some sort of strife.
I’ve seen byler-positive and byler-negative leaks. Chances are a lot of them are wrong. Maybe some are right. Who knows? They’re very contradictory, so I think the only conclusion I’m taking away from it is that people like the attention posting byler “spoilers” gets them, and no one has a straight story (no pun intended) regarding what is happening next season, so I’m likely to take most things as fake, especially broad claims like this one
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ok here i go full hc prompt🥳🤩🤩
m6 in the ✨✋Future🤚✨ or at least to them, relatively, from their medievaissance-y mixed bag nonspecified time period to something resembling our times! i personally like to consider it still Their World, fictional, which just progressed to look like ours now (it literally makes zero difference to anybody except the inner machinations of my annoying ass but yeah ifykyk) basically yknow shooting a medieval peasant into 2023 & giving him mountain dew type beat
The Arcana HCs: M6 in the Future
~ @tetsuooooooooooo this was so much fun, thank you for sending it in and I hope you enjoy these!! ~
-- for headcanon purposes, MC is from the future and is tasked with taking care of M6 during their 24 hours there --
It takes him less than two minutes to figure out where (read: when) he is and his response is nothing short of enthusiastic
Please, he's been around the world, and he's got a delightful guide, and he really, really wants to know if his theories about leeches ended up being correct
He actually gets a little emotional when a quick google search shows him how wrong he was and you end up having to take him exploring to cheer him up and distract him from his failures
You have a really hard time explaining to him that clinics don't allow doctors without medical degrees to waltz in and observe random patients getting treatments
You take him to see a movie and he's transfixed
The screen is so big. The actor's faces are so clear. The drama is so much more than anything he could have imagined. And they come with music?? Hums the soundtrack for the rest of the day
If you show him that one version of Jurassic Park with Jeff Goldblum in it Julian will imitate him sporadically afterwards
Enjoys fast food way more than he should. Especially instant noodles. Will spend half an hour trying to pack some to take back
Fascinated by the concept of typing
You hit a button to make the next letter appear instead of writing it? But MC, this means that everything he wants to communicate through text could be easily readable. Imagine!
Freaks out a bit when you try to take him in a car. He's surprisingly comfortable in a metro, though, so you'll have to do with public transportation and bicycles
Oh yeah, he loves bicycles. He only crashed into three trees, a wall, and a stranger's parked car before getting the hang of it
He's convinced that earbuds don't actually play music, they just trick your brain into thinking that you can hear it
Almost exploded when you gave him coldbrew coffee
They know instantly that they're in a different version of reality. Sure, they've never traveled through time, but they've traveled through plenty of other dimensions
He's the least ruffled, and unfortunately, the least impressed. Don't get him wrong, this looks super cool, but this isn't any more otherworldly to him than the otherworldly places he's already been
Wants to go on a food tour immediately. Not the nice stuff though
No, they want the questionable food. The is-this-going-to-make-me-regret-existing food. The food that, if it was shown in an anime, would be pixelated and have threatening auras around it
So chill about what you tell him to do it's almost concerning
"Here Asra, climb into this four-wheeled hunk of metal that can travel over 100 miles an hour and hold yourself in with a single fabric strap while I pilot this through hundreds of other things just like it, driven by people we don't know and can't predict."
"Cool. Where do I put Faust?"
Don't tell them about edibles unless you want them to spend their day hunting some down and absolutely going to town on them
You swear you saw his hair stand on end the first time he tried popping candy
When you took them to get their radioactive meal (a.k.a. the closest fast food chain with the fewest ethical violations) they insisted on picking up one of every sauce packet to try them all
... and when he saw a nine-year-old mixing two different fountain drinks, he of course grabbed the largest cup available and went down the line so he could taste all of them at once too
You've never seen them this jittery and sugar high, so of course the next place to go is a trampoline park, with the bright lights and loud music and bodies hurtling through the air
He should not be getting the amount of air time that he does
Has a meltdown over modern fluffy blankets. They're so soft
Gobsmacked. As in, she's a highly intelligent woman, and therefore able to really wrap her head around what she's seeing
The future!! She's in the future, Arcana help her
But she's got you and she adores you and she knows she can trust you so she's going to be okay. That said, start explaining. Now.
First things first: how's the infrastructure? She can't see any canals or aqueducts. Or fireplaces or lanterns, for that matter, what do you do for light? And cooking? (Cooking uses fire, right?)
Literally cannot walk past anything new without stopping to try to figure out how it works and if there's a way to recreate it herself
Bicycles on a rack? She's spinning the pedal and trying to figure out the balancing dynamics of two-wheeled movement
Almost lost it when she found out that it was possible to lift the hood of a car and look at the engine inside that makes it go. You decided to take her on public transportation instead
Which turned into all kinds of excited brainstorming about public carriages, and gondolas built for 20 people ferrying people along the aqueducts, and new and terrifying uses for the catacombs
Wasn't very impressed with the fashion she saw
She knows what good quality cloth looks like. This is a women who grew up in silks and fine linens, polyester does not impress her
Except for the stretchiness. She does like that
The perfume counter, on the other hand, takes up a good hour and a half of her time. She's smelled plenty of fine scents before, but she's never been in a shop where she could sniff so many at a time
This one smells like Prakra. This one smells like Vesuvia. This one smells like the beach. This one smells like the woods. This one ...
Yeah, it was an excellent opportunity to take a nap, if you're the napping sort. You wake up to her testing perfumes on you because she ran out of space on herself
Gets so frustrated when you explain your government setup to her
Oh no, please be very gentle with him
He likes to live in the woods because it is peaceful and quiet and it's one place he doesn't stand out in
He stands out in this place very, very much and he doesn't like it
Refuses to leave the room he appeared in until his appearance is as unremarkable as possible (which is not easy to do, by the way, the man is a mountain. modern clothes in his size are hard to find)
Does not want to go in the car. It's way too fast and it makes him seasick when he closes his eyes to shut it out
Buses are somehow easiest - they feel the least claustrophobic when they're not crowded and it's rude to stare on them
You two end up going to a natural history museum in the middle of a weekday when hardly anybody is there, and he lights up
There are so many animals, and there are enough other people in the world who find those animals interesting that they gathered so much knowledge people had to make a building to hold it all
Has never heard evolutionary theory before and is fascinated by it
Once he starts talking, it's hard for him to stop
He's not being loud at all - you can only hear him so clearly because you two are holding hands so he can't lose you - but he's being quietly submerged in his own special interest and he loves it
He just wishes there weren't so many skeletons. But he's glad the species they belonged to aren't forgotten this way
Long story short, Muriel's inner Nerd is unleashed and he goes hoarse from the amount of murmuring he does all day
Does not like getting food in public. Does not like eating food in public. Does not like being publicly perceived. As soon as it gets into afternoon and it gets busy, he wants to go home
Which is where you show him what the internet is and he's in awe
People can work from home? People can make friends without leaving their house?? People can talk without being seen???
Spends five minutes hopping in place and squealing into her clothes to let out her nerves and excitement before you can decide what to do
Then insists on taking half an hour to hear you describe every single fun or interesting thing to do so she can make a list
Yes, she's determined to hit every single one in one day
First things first: food. Take her to a cafe and watch her sigh over all the baked goods and sugar-loaded caffeine beverages
Then (if there is one nearby) a mall, so she can see all the stuff that people buy so they can have the lifestyle they do. You have to drag her out of both Bath & Body Words and Bed, Bath, & Beyond
Please, it's full of fluffy fuzzy things and good smelling mystery goo, she wants to live in it also what do you mean "no stopping at the pet store", what even is a "pet store" -
Oh. OH -
You will have to physically pull her away before she adopts all the kittens. She does cry about it later, just a for a bit, they're so cute
Next is a library and cafe, of course, because she lives for books
This place is way bigger than the Palace library! The one in the Palace is just a large room, this is a whole building!! And people get to come here, whenever they want, just to read, for free?! What?!
You had to remind her about the "no loud noises in the library" rule several times. She's doing her best, she's just passionate
Completely demolishes her first chocolate croissant
Goes feral at the amusement park she has you take her to afterwards. This woman is an adrenaline fiend. You're cursing the pop up add for it by the fourth consecutive free fall ride
The only way to get her to leave is to tell her that one of her favorite stories was turned into a movie and that you'd have to go home to watch it. Don't take her to Target to get snacks. She'll disappear
Flicks the lightswitch 30 times in a row because she can
He's immediately panicking. Not because he's in the future, no, but because of what it's done to his arm
It's changed. It's not running on magic any more. The only way to resolve his design is for it to be some kind of high-tech electrical prosthetic that even modern scientists would have difficulty with
Once he's adjusted to using it, you're good to go
Lights up like a firework the first time he rides in a car
MC. MC how fast does it go. MC that's a very high number. MC, he wants to drive. Please. Please! Pleeeaaaassssseeee
Makes you pull over after seeing ads for Sephora because he's convinced that he could pull off that eye makeup even better
Tries every single makeup sampler and then gets offended when one of the poor employees suggests an anti-aging cream
Him? Aged?? How dare they - oh wait that really does brighten his eyes. He'll take ten, please, they're so small, they can't cost much -
You'll have to pull him out before he sees you use a credit card, because once he does he's going to keep asking to use it and you're not sure he understands why maxing it out is a bad thing
His arm does run out of battery at one point, which does cause some panic. All of a sudden he's stuck with a limp hunk of metal swinging from his shoulder, it's not ideal
You're able to find the retractable charging cable on the side and plug him in, but then he's stuck sitting in the same spot for two hours and a bored Lucio is a dangerous Lucio
There is a solution to this, of course. You can give him an iPad with games on it. He won't move a muscle after that
The caveat is that he will turn into an iPad kid and get glued to every single screen he sees afterwards. You don't know how to fix it
Falls in love with vending machines and tries Cheetos because the leopard on them looks cool. Develops an artificial cheese addiction
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loudstan · 2 years
Sucks to be Him
Summary: You were trying to have a fun night with your friends when a handsome stranger introduced himself as your mate. The problem? You have a boyfriend.
Pairing: Werewolf! Haechan x Witch! Female reader
Warnings: smut, reader is slightly older, no actual cheating
“I must be the luckiest motherfucker on Earth.”
 Confused, you looked to your right to see a man with beautiful tan skin and boyish soft features leaning against the wall next to you. His smile was mischievous but his eyes held such a gentle spark that you felt jealous of whoever that look was directed towards. You looked then to your left, trying to find who he was talking to, only to see a few guys vomiting and a girl drunk calling her ex.
 You frown and look back to your right, where he is still staring right at you, this time eyeing you up and down while biting his lower lip softly. 
“Excuse me?,” you asked, giving him an unamused glare.
“Fuck, even your voice is pretty,” he  chuckled as he rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes.
“...Are you high?”
“It sure feels like it,” he sighed dreamily. 
“...OK. Bye,” you awkwardly said, willing yourself to go back into the noisy club, but before you could walk past the handsome stranger, he grabbed your arm and pulled you roughly against his body. You gasped as your free hand landed on his firm chest where his heart beat so hard and fast it almost felt like you were holding it in your palm.
“What’s the hurry, pretty?,” he asked, bringing your hand which he still hadn’t let go of to his lips and kissing your knuckles.
 You never let men treat you like this. Especially strangers. You would have beaten the shit out of him already, screamed or run if you weren’t feeling brave. But this time your body wouldn’t move, and it wasn’t because of fear. Being held by him felt good. You felt protected, wanted, adored, like you belonged with him and not with your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend.
While you were clubbing with friends, you  had to go out and look for a quiet place to call him, but he didn’t pick up.
You should be with him now.
Not with whoever this guy was.
Gathering all the strength you could and ignoring the sharp pain in your chest, you pushed him away with shaky hands. He looked more hurt than angry. His eyes glossed like he was about to cry at the abrupt rejection.
“I-...I have a b-boyfriend,” you stuttered as you clumsily took your phone and tried calling him again.
 The man seemed even more hurt at your words, his eyes wide and his eyebrows furrowed, mouth hanging open in disbelief. He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing while listening to the neverending call waiting beep. 
 When you finally gave up and hung up with a heavy sigh, he spoke again.
“He’s not picking up?” he asked, his eyes still closed as he rested his head on the wall. You ignored his question and quickly typed a message instead. “What a shitty boyfriend. I will never do that to you,” he continued matter of factly, like he was predicting the future instead of speaking hypothetically.
“He t-texted me,” you lied. “We’re gonna meet now.”
“Well, sucks to be him.”
“I said it sucks to be him,” he said, opening his eyes slowly, “because you’ll have to break up with him.”
 You couldn’t believe your ears. The audacity.
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Why would I break up with him?” you spitted, finally looking at him, ready to give him a piece of your mind, when you saw his eyes and froze.
They kept changing between golden and red.
A werewolf.
You recalled everything you learned about werewolves back in school. You never thought you would cross paths with one, since there were so few of them.
 You knew they weren’t naturally aggressive, but when their eyes turned red things could get messy. It was dangerous. You should be scared.
But you weren’t.
If anything you were weirdly attracted to and curious about this stranger.
“Because you’re my mate.The Moon chose you for me.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Yes, you do. You feel it too, don’t you?”
“...No,” you lied. But you knew he could see right through you. Your legs were visibly shaking, your face was hot and probably as red as his eyes, your heart was beating like crazy and there was a funny feeling expanding in your chest. You felt so warm it was becoming harder to think coherently. 
You had heard about werewolves having human mates, but you??
No way. No matter how attractive he was, you didn’t know this man. Hell he even looked younger than you. No. You had a boyfriend and you had always been a loyal girlfriend. That wouldn’t change because “The Moon” decided against it.
“No?”he asked almost mockingly and took slow steps towards you.
“No!” you repeated firmly and without a second thought you took a tiny satin sack from your purse and threw the content at him. Shiny golden dust landed on his face and he stumbled back shaking his head, fuddled. His body slid down the wall until he was laying on the floor, and his eyes fought the sleeping dust, trying not to lose sight of you. But not even a werewolf was immune to magic and soon he fell asleep. 
 You went home as fast as you could and texted your friends, letting them know you were too tired to party. You texted your boyfriend again, but he hadn’t even read your previous text.
 You thought about the werewolf alone outside of that shady club and it broke your heart. You wanted to go back and check if he was okay, if his hair was as soft as it looked, if his body was always that warm, if his lips-
 Next week you were going to celebrate your anniversary with your boyfriend, he would probably propose, you would say yes and you would live happily ever after. You wouldn’t see thatwerewolf ever again.
The morning of your anniversary you woke up with a killer headache and the usual text from your boyfriend apologizing for not picking up your calls.
Seojun: Sorry, babe. I was busy.
Seojun: I’ll call you later, okay? love you
Y/N: It’s fine! Sorry for bothering you. I love you too! See you tonight
 You added as many heart emojis as you could and sent the message, staring at the screen for a few minutes in case he replied.He didn’t. He was a busy man, after all. You would have plenty of time to talk over dinner.
 You drank a sparkling painkiller potion and took a long shower before getting ready for work, which thankfully wasn’t far: you had to go down the stairs of your cozy  apartment and open your shop. You sold crystals, herbs, oils, and a few objects that were probably cursed. But the main attraction of the store was divination. Tons of people came everyday to ask about their future, their love compatibility and ways to make a fortune. Some of them were drunk groups of friends who got curious after seeing the shop on their way back home after partying. So the shop was strategically located near the hottest area.
 You had 3 clients who had made an appointment with you today and one walk-in customer who ended up buying clear quartz and black tourmaline for protection after the crystal ball showed a friend backstabbing them.
 You were about to close the store when your boyfriend called.
“Hello?” you picked up with a cheerful voice in spite of your tired body and the headache that refused to fade away.
“Hey y/n, how is work?”
“It was good!” you started when you heard the little bell on the door ring, indicating that someone had entered the store. “Sorry! we’re closing early today,” you told the customer without looking away from your purse where you were trying to find the keys to the store.You continued talking to Seojun, “ I’ll close the store now and go to the restaurant.”
“Oh nice, you’re closing early. Where are you going?” your boyfriend asked obliviously.
You stopped blindly searching for the key and sighed heavily, closing your eyes as the heachache only got worse.
“What do you mean where? Don’t you know what day is today?”
 Silence came from the other side of the line. The only voice you heard belonged to the customer who for some reason still hadn’t left the store and was having a drunk discussion (more like a monologue) about destiny with somebody else. Probably a friend who was too drunk to even reply.
“Did you forget our anniversary?!” you asked. More to confirm than anything else. The answer was clear.
“Y/n… you know I’ve been busy,” he started.
“I’m just saying,” the customer insisted on their philosophical conversation, “I presented before you and I still haven’t found my mate. How come you-”
“I SAID WE’RE CLOSED!” you snapped, finally turning to see the insistent customer. There stood the werewolf you met last week, next to another guy about his age who looked terrified at your sudden outburst. Both stared at you wide eyed. 
“Y/n, babe…I really don’t have the time today. I’ll make it up to yo-,”Seojun tried reasoning with you but you weren’t listening anymore.
“Seojun…I’ll call you later,” you mumbled and hung up the phone.
 An awkward silence took over the store as all three of you stared at each other.
“Sorry, we uh… we’re gonna uh- go, yeah…” the scared man with feline features whispered as he pulled the other man’s hoodie to move him towards the door.
“It’s her,” the tan skinned werewolf said firmly. 
“She’s my mate, Mark. The one I met last week.”
“The one who knocked you out with sleeping dust?”
“Woah…dude! And you found her again in no more than a week? You really are The Moon’s favorite,” Mark said excitedly.
“What are you doing here?” you cut into the conversation rudely. “I told you I have a boyfriend.”
“The one who just forgot your anniversary?” your supposed mate raised an eyebrow exceptically. 
“Damn, what a shitty boyfriend,” said Mark. 
“That’s none of your business. Just get out!” you exclaimed.
“But…my friend here wants to ask about his future,” said the werewolf.
“As I said before,” you said completely out of patience. “We’re closing early.”
“Why? It’s not like you have plans anymore. Pretty sure your … ‘boyfriend’ just canceled,” he challenged, the word boyfriend coming out as a growl.
“Haechan, shut up! You’re so insensitive,” Mark slapped the man’s arm and turned to speak to you. “I’m so sorry about that. I’ve just…been feeling kinda hopeless lately and I could really use some guidance,” he whispered and looked at his feet, playing with the hem of his sweater. 
 Damn your sweet nature. How could you say no when he looked like a kicked puppy.
“This way,” you finally sighed and guided the two men into a room with a small round table covered with a long red cloth and three chairs. Statues of deities from different religions decorated the room along with beautiful crystals that reflected the dim light of the candles illuminating the room. On the table, a crystal ball, runes, tarot cards and some other divination methods awaited to be of use. 
“My name is Donghyuck. You can call me Haechan,” the tan skinned man suddenly said as soon as the three of you sat down.
“I didn’t ask,” you replied dryly.
“What’s your name?” he asked, ignoring your mean statement. 
You didn’t want him to know. You were already worried that he knew where you worked, so you decided to talk to Mark only.
“How about we do some candle wax reading?” you asked gently. Haechan scoffed.
“Sure, uh… w-whatever you want,” Mark replied nervously, looking at the statue he could swear had moved.
“If you don’t give me a name, I'll call you ‘love’ instead,” Haechan interrupted, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “How about ‘angel’? ‘Princess’? ‘Pretty’? You seemed to like that one-”
“Y/n,” you finally said, your cheeks turning red. “My name is y/n.”
“Y/n…” he repeated like he was savoring your name, looking into your eyes.
You caught the whimper right before it left your throat and  focused on Mark only, who was shifting awkwardly on the chair.
 You could tell how pure Mark was by how easy it was to chanell and see his future. The candle wax floated in the bowl of water making incredibly vivid figures that let you know all you needed to. He was close to meeting his mate alright. You warned him that this person would have quite a strong character and he could get hurt, but he was so excited about having a mate that he didn’t care about the rest. You smiled at how his eyes shined when he curiously looked at the wax and told him every other detail you could see.  You were quite proud of yourself for managing to concentrate when you could feel Haechan’s piercing eyes on you the entire time, and exhalled relieved when you finally led the two visitors to the door. 
“Y/n,” Haechan called your name before leaving. “I’ll drop by tomorrow.”
“Don’t-” you started but he had already left running with Mark who was euphoric at the discovery that he had someone special waiting for him. That, and the alcohol in his body. You were left alone in the dark store, the only noise being the little bell on the door still ringing after the two men closed it.
 You looked for your phone in your purse to find 4 missed calls from your boyfriend and a long text apologizing. Again. You would normally feel sad, but this time you felt nothing.
 When you went downstairs to open the shop the next morning, Haechan was already standing outside. As soon as you opened the door you were met with his boyish smile as he offered one of the coffee’s he was holding and made his way into the store.
 “Haechan…” you sighed, “you can’t be here.”
“Don’t be silly y/n. You’ll need as much help as you can starting today.”
“...Why?” you asked suspiciously.
“Mark was so happy with your work, he told absolutely everyone about how good you are. And he has a lot of friends. Everyone loves Mark,” he said pointing behind him to show you a large line of people waiting to enter. 
 You gasped.
“Ok, wow…uh… look, I appreciate your help, but I can handle it myself. We really shouldn’t see each other any-” you stopped mid sentence when he gently pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. His hand then rested on your cheek and his thumb caressed your lips, parting them. This time you couldn’t stop the faint whimper that he surely heard as he responded with a soft groan. 
 Just then you heard the bell and pushed him away nervously, facing your first customer of the day
 “H-hi! How can I help you?” you asked with your best customer service smile.
 “Hey, I have this necklace I inherited from my grandma,” the woman said showing you a beautiful necklace with a ruby pendant. “But when I wear it-”
“It’s cursed,” Haechan said, stepping forward and carefully grabbing the relic with his fingertips and placing it on the counter, where he turned on the lamp and pulled the magnifier glass out of the drawer like it was his shop. “14K gold over silver. Truly a beauty…Ah, here it is,” he said as he pointed at a tiny symbol carved at the back of the ruby.
 Both you and the customer stared at him dumbfounded. 
He then walked towards the customer and asked if he could see the back of her neck. Without questioning it, she quickly tied her hair up in a messy ponytail and Haechan stood behind her, looking for something. You stood next to him curiously. 
“Found it,” he murmured and pointed at the same symbol he had seen in the necklace engraved faintly on her neck. “Luckily it’s not serious yet. We’ll just have to purify the necklace and the problem will be solved.”
“How long will that take?” the customer asked hopefully.
“I would say…about two weeks?” he answered, looking at you for confirmation.
“Uh-yeah, two weeks should be enough,” you replied.
 Your first client of the day left satisfied and there were many more to come. Some were looking for a tarot card reading, some needed to buy specific herbs and some had more problems with cursed objects, which Haechan handled perfectly. You didn’t even notice when the day was over.
“How do you know all that stuff?” you asked while balancing the cash drawer. 
“Me? Oh uh…my major is demonology and I specialize in cursed objects, so you could say I’m in my element. Did you know one of your statues moves? I’ll have to take a look at that later,” he rambled.
“Shouldn’t you be in class then?”
“Not really. It’s my last semester so I’m just working on my thesis now. I have plenty of time to work here.”
“Haechan…I- it’s not gonna happen.”
“What’s not gonna happen?” he asked stubbornly.
“You and me. I told you so many times: I have a boyfriend and I won’t cheat on him-”
“I can wait.”
“I- ugh I’m surely older than you, Haechan, I already graduated a couple of years ago, it won’t work-”
“Ah…that? I guess I should call you noona then.”
“That’s not the point, I- why are you smiling? Is this funny to you?”
“It’s just… you keep giving me reasons why you can’t, but you’ve never said you don’t want to.” he replied, caging you against the counter, one hand placed on each side of you. 
“I h-have a boy-”
“I don’t give a fuck about your boyfriend, y/n,” he growled, his face coming closer to yours until you were barely cemtimeters away. “Noona…”
Your phone rang just in time. You scurried away and picked up. It was Seojun.
“H-hi!” you asked as cheerfully as you could even though your voice crackled.
“Y/n, you didn’t answer my texts. I was so worried,” Seojun sighed and he did indeed sound worried.
“Oh…yeah I had a lot of work today,” you answer, looking at Haechan who was biting his lip and staring at the floor, frustrated.
“Oh, that’s good! I mean, that your business is doing well-...I,” he cleared his throat. “I am really sorry about yesterday, y/n.”
“...It’s okay,” you replied and winced when Haechan snapped his eyes toward you annoyed, as if clearly saying ‘No, it’s not okay.’ 
“Let me make it up to you, hm? I’m outside your store now.”
“Now?!” you asked just when you heard the bell again. You were face to face with Seojun, smiling at you gently. 
“Hi, babe! I finished work early today so I thought we could-Oh, sorry you have a customer,” he said when he saw Haechan.
“I’m not a customer,” Haechan replied, jaw tight. “I work here.”
“Oh…she never mentioned you,” he said awkwardly and chuckled, offering to shake hands with Haechan. “I’m Seojun, her boyfriend.”
“Donghyuck,” Haechan replied, stopping himself from saying ‘her destined mate’, shaking his hand, his grip a little bit too strong to be friendly.
You felt petrified, your hands were suddenly cold and you held your breath. When was the last time you had seen Seojun? three weeks ago? More? You could hardly recognize the man you were supposed to be in love with. And what’s worse, you had almost let another man kiss you. And now they were both shaking hands. You were the worst. 
 All these thoughts running in your head were so overwhelming you couldn’t stop a tear rolling down your cheek, and then another one, until you were sobbing uncontrollably. 
 Both men looked at you, surprised. Haechan was the first one to move, wanting nothing else than to hold you but Seojun cleared his throat, gaining his attention. Haechan glared at him, but knew better than to start a fight when you were crying. Instead, he moved away, letting your actual boyfriend be the one who comforted you.
 “What’s wrong, baby?” Seojun asked, caressing your head. Haechan grimaced at the nickname and you only cried harder. “I know, I know. I’ve missed you too. You seem to be very tired, so I’ll cancel the reservation and we can just stay in today, okay? Let’s order something and I’ll stay with you all night, I promise,” he was talking to you, but he stole a glance towards Donghyuck, his instincts already telling him he should be careful. “You can go, Donghyuck. I’ll take care of my girlfriend.”
 Haechan didn’t move for a few seconds, his wolf saying he shouldn’t leave his mate crying  in some other man’s arms. But he finally said goodbye and left the store, telling himself he needed to be patient.
 When you heard the door bell you cried harder, a part of you not wanting Haechan to go. But you pushed that thought away, hugging your boyfriend and repeating in your head that if you worked harder you could make this relationship work. Your boyfriend waited patiently for you to stop crying, helped you close the store, order your favorite food and cuddled you.
“Y/n… tell me what’s on your mind,” he begged when you were both lying in bed.
“Nothing,” you replied, “I’m just tired.”
He stared at you for what felt like a whole minute and then leaned in, kissing you hesitantly. You kissed him back and he deepened the kiss happily. It had been so long since you last kissed. The room became heated soon and you were lying under him, his hands pushing your shirt up slowly, exposing your belly. 
“You’re quiet today,” he panted, kissing your neck.
“I’m just tired,” you repeated, but you were not sure that was the reason. To be honest, you weren’t turned on. You didn’t feel anything at all.
“Yeah? Let me do all the work then, m’kay?” he said, slipping his hand into your pants. He then stopped moving and pulled away from you. “Y/n…you’re not wet.”
 You looked away, embarrassed.Fuck.
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
 He stared at you without knowing what to do. This had never happened before. 
“How about I suck you off?” you offered, unbuckling his belt.
“Y/n,” he called, not sure if you should keep going, but all his concerns were replaced with a deep moan when you licked at the tip of his hard member. 
 You felt like the worst girlfriend in the world but you could at least do this for him. You tried to satisfy him as much as possible that night, feeling accomplished whenever he moaned and arched his back, but not once did you feel aroused.
 When you woke up the next morning, Seojun wasn’t there. He had left for work and left a note on your night table, repeating how sorry he was for not spending enough time with you.
 You didn’t have breakfast that day, instead went straight to work and found Haechan waiting for you. He looked like he didn’t sleep all night, dark circles under reddened eyes and a worried expression, which quickly turned into relief when he saw you. He quickly approached you but stopped midway, wrinkling his nose and looking away. You knew how sensitive werewolve’s noses were. He could probably smell Seojun all over you. ‘Good’, you thought. That will help him move on faster. 
 You didn’t tell him not to come to the store again. You thought he would stop now that he saw your boyfriend, but you were wrong. He kept showing up every morning for the next month, working hard, bringing you coffee, and telling jokes like nothing had happened. However, he refused to accept his paycheck.
“What do you want then?”
“You,” he simply replied.
“It’s not gonna happen,” you replied, rolling your eyes and he chuckled. He knew you weren’t indifferent to him.
There were still lingering touches, intense stares and some comments that were far from platonic, but he wasn’t coming at you as strongly as before. He was happy to earn your trust slowly, knowing he had the rest of his life to spend with you. No matter how stubborn you were, you couldn’t fight the pull forever. 
 He did get annoyed whenever Seojun dropped by the store. Seojun was never particularly happy to see him either. 
“Hello, Donghyuck,” he greeted uncomfortably, just like whenever he saw him. “You’re still here this late?”
“I would stay longer if she let me,” he replied.
“If I didn’t know better, I would think you’re trying to steal her away from me,” he joked, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. 
Haechan simply smirked mischievously and walked towards the door.
“See you around, Seojun.”
 You were trying hard to save your relationship, but he was always busy, he barely replied to your texts even though he said he would change and sex with him was getting more awkward. It just felt wrong.
 Tonight was no different. No matter how many positions you tried, you just couldn’t get off. You could tell Seojun was getting tired and frustrated too. 
“Is there…somebody else?” he asked.
“What?! No,” you replied, offended.
“Is it Donghyuck?” he insisted.
“I-,” you mumbled. “There’s nothing going on between us.”
“But he likes you,” he stated.
“It’s more complicated than that…”
“He…is a werewolf.”
He raised his eyebrows and his eyes almost popped out of his skull as everything started making sense. 
“Fuck… h-he…imprinted on you?”
“...And you couldn’t tell me sooner?” he spitted angrily.
“I rejected him. There was nothing to say.”
“I-,” he sighed. “I don’t know if I can do this y/n…”
“Nothing happened between us!”
“He won’t stop y/n! He can’t stop! He’s an animal!”
“He is NOT an animal!”
“I bet you like that. Some immature guy who can’t control himself with you,” he scoffed. “And you just play around with him while I work my ass off for us-”
“What?! You don’t work for us! you work for yourself. You didn’t think about us during our anniversary, you didn’t think about us when I asked you to move in together, when I asked to spend your vacation together, when I wanted to introduce you to my parents-”
“Thank God I didn’t meet them! I knew we wouldn’t last long anyways-”
You slapped him as hard as your shaking hands allowed you. He glared at you but said nothing, quickly getting dressed and grabbing his stuff. He felt guilty but refused to be the first one to say sorry. You on the other hand, couldn’t even cry. You were tired of always waiting for a man who never had time for you and now had the audacity of accusing you of cheating. 
 You accompanied him to the door of the store in silence. It was morning already so, of course, Haechan was there. 
“Seojun,” he greeted.
“Donghyuck,” he replied with the same lack of enthusiasm.
“Noona, they just delivered these. I think your friends sent it,” Haechan told you, giving you a couple of gifts and a bouquet of flowers. “I didn’t know it was your birthday! Happy birthday!”
Seojun looked at the gifts, then at you and closed his eyes, sighing full of regret. Of course he forgot about that too.
“Don’t worry, Haechan. You’re not the only one who didn’t know,” you said bitterly. “Come in.”
“Y/n,” Seojun started but you didn’t let him finish this time.
“We should break up, Seojun.” 
 Haechan stopped walking and looked at you, wide eyed. His eyes met Seojun’s and then he bit a victorious smirk, which your now ex-boyfriend didn’t fail to notice.
“No,” Seojun said. “Let’s talk-”
“We were talking just now. I heard you loud and clear. I don’t think there’s anything left to say.”
 You closed the door and walked in, leaving Seojun outside too stunned to speak until he eventually left. You asked Haechan to look after the store while you went to take a shower and then started your day like nothing happened. You could tell Haechan wanted to ask, but you were so busy the entire day you barely had any time alone.
It was dark outside when you were closing the store  and he finally spoke.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Haechan,” you cut him off.
“I know it’s just…Happy birthday,” he said shyly. You turned around and saw him holding a small cake  with candles illuminating his beautiful face. 
“I..wow Haechan,” you smiled genuinely for the first time that day. “When did you have the time to get that?”
“Lunch break,” he replied. “I didn’t have enough time to get you a gift though. I should have known sooner-”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you, Haechan,” You said, looking at the cake dreamily. 
Haechan could feel his heart about to burst. He smiled proudly.
“You’re welcome. Make a wish.”
You closed your eyes and did as he told you, then blew the candles while he cheered for you. It was a small celebration, but you hadn’t felt so happy in a long time.
 “Drink with me, Haechan?” you asked him. He nodded quickly and offered to go buy any drink you wanted.
And that’s how you found yourself sitting on the counter, drinking a beer with your supposed mate. Laughing at embarrassing stories of when he was a child. 
“What did you wish for, noona?,” he asked suddenly.
“It’s a secret.”
“But I want to knooow,” he pouted.
“Why do you want to know?” you laughed.
“To make it come true.”
You looked at him. His sincere eyes were waiting for an answer just so he could make the impossible possible. All for you.
“I wished…”
“Yeah?” he breathed out.
“For a hug,” you blurted out. Truth be told, you didn’t make a wish. You couldn’t think of any at the moment. But you could really use a hug tright now.
 He gulped, situating himself in between your legs, you still sitting on the counter. “I can do that. May I?”
You nodded and he didn’t waste more time. He pressed your bodies together and held you tightly, his heart beating against yours as he straight out moaned at the feeling. You stayed like that for a minute, both of your breathings getting heavier.
“Noona,” he broke the silence.
“Remember when I told you I could wait?”
“Fuck that,” he groaned and crashed his lips against yours. You kissed him back hungrily  and he sighed dreamily, unconsciously humping against your center, rolling your skirt all the way up. You moaned against his mouth and he chuckled.
“You like that? Hm?”
“Me too, angel,” he whispered and cupped your breasts over your shirt, massaging gently. “You’re so soft, so perfect.”
You whined and reached for the hem of his sweatpants, slipping your hand past his boxers and grabbing him firmly. 
“Ah! Ohh…fuck, fuck,” he moaned, taking your panties off and touching you shamelessly. You almost screamed when he collected your wetness and used it to draw gentle circles on your clit.
“Haechan- ah! Haechan oh my god.”
He licked your neck slowly and gave it little sucks that would soon become hickeys if you didn’t stop him.
“W-wait! No m-ah…Ah! No marks!”
“Why the fuck not?” he growled, bearing his teeth against your neck.
 Just then a faint beep from your phone caught both of your attention. The screen of your phone on the counter next to you lighted up to show an incoming message.
Seojun: y/n, I got you a birthday gift-
You couldn’t finish reading it before Haechan grabbed it and turned it off, slamming it back on the counter.
“Because of him?” he asked, irritated.
“It’s just…it’s been only one day. It would be disrespectful…oh!” you moaned as he slid his cock against your pussy lips and rubbed your clit just right.
“Is there an official grieving time or some shit? He's not your boyfriend right now,” he asked, holding your legs open for better access and hissing, his cock twitching. You couldn’t answer, your eyes trained on where your bodies connected.
“How can it be disrespectful when you were mine from the start?” he asked hotly.
“I…I wasn’t-”
“You were. You’ve always.been.mine!” He stressed every word with a hard thrust, constantly stimulating your bundle of nerves. “He should be thankful I even let him anywhere near you.”
You were a sobbing mess, shaking under him as his hips sped up.
“Did he ever make you this wet,noona? hmm? Did he even make you cum?”
“N-no ah…oh my god- he didn’t, I just c-couldn’t,”
“Of course you couldn’t” he chuckled, grabbing his dick and using it to slap your clit harshly, making you arch your back and your eyes roll back. “Since the moment we met, your body would only want me. All these times you told me we couldn’t be together? I knew it was all bullshit. You are mine.”
 You knew he was right even if you didn’t want to admit it. You wanted him since the beginning.
“Let me mark you,” he hissed, his heavy breathing indicating he was as close as you.
“Ah…n-not- Oh! not y-yet please, pleaseplease oh!” he rubbed the head of his cock against your clit fast from side to side. “Haechan, Haecha-AH! ah!ah! OH MY GOD HAECHAN!”
Your body trembled as you came trying to close your legs only for your tights to be slapped open roughly by Haechan. He lifted your shirt  and bra all the way up to your neck and jerked himself off furiously, aiming his load toward your stomach and breasts.
“Fuck, fuck, fuckfuck!” he gasped loudly staring at your face intently while releasing on you.
When he finished he pressed his hands against your stomach and spread his cum all over you.
“W-what are you doing?” you weakly asked.
“If I can’t mark you then you’ll at least smell like me,” he growled.
“Fuck.” you sighed at the view of his cum covered hands massaging your breasts. He kissed your lips softly.
“Happy birthday.”
The next week was weird. Haechan kept working at the store, only now he would be more bold with his touches and kiss you unapologetically whenever you were alone. You didn’t push him away. It just felt right with him.
Except when you read the nonstop messages from your ex. You couldn’t help but feel guilty even though that relationship had been dead months before all this happened. You answered one of his messages, agreeing to meet him and hear what he had to say. You thought it would be awkward if Haechan was around so you told him to leave early, arguing you had plans.  He left, not before throwing a suspicious look at you.
You heard the bell when you were in the divination room and yelled at the newcomer to come in, assuming it was Seojun.
“What happened to your plans?” Haechan asked standing in front of you.
“H-haechan! What are you doing here?”
“Weren’t you going out with friends? Why are you still here?” 
You didn’t speak.
“Noona… you can tell me anything. Don’t lie to me, please”
 You sighed.
“Seojun is coming over,” you admitted.
You saw his jaw tightened but he didn’t speak.
“He wants me to listen to him one last time.”
He nodded and sat down in front of you on the divination table. “I’ll stay.”
“Haechan, no-”
“Yes,” he replied, his eyes turning red momentarily. 
“He won’t feel comfortable-”
“What about what I feel? My mate meeting her ex alone at night makes me very fucking uncomfortable.”
“I…stop calling me that.”
“What? My mate? You are my mate.”
“I haven’t agreed t-to that…” you mumbled.
He stared at you in silence for a few seconds, analyzing your face looking for a sign that you were joking before speaking again
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“I’m just…not sure…you really like me that much. You’re still young-”
“I don’t just like you, y/n. I am in love with you. Imprinted for life. I’m very fucking sure.”
 Truth be told you’d had few relationships in your life. All of them ended badly: they left you for somebody else, they didn’t take you seriously, they didn’t have time for you. How did you know this wasn’t just a sick joke? Haechan could easily be lying to you just to get laid.
It was like Haechan could read your mind.
“You still don’t believe me,” he hissed.
“I’m sorry…”
“Ask your tarot cards then.”
“I can’t see my own future…”
“See mine.”
“R-right now?”
“When is Seojun coming?”
“In about 20 minutes.”
“We have time then. Just a simple reading,” he said leaning back into the chair, manspreading comfortably to let you know he wasn’t going anywhere until you read for him. “Go on.”
“Uh okay,” you started shuffling the cards. “We don’t have much time so you may ask three questions and we’ll take one card to answer each. First question?”
“What am I to you?” he shot without hesitation.
“I thought this was about you. Not me,” you stopped shuffling and glared at him.
“This is about me. You’re in my life now. Now give me a card.”
 Hesitantly you shuffled the cards until one fell on the table facing upwards.
The Sun.
You blushed like crazy. Of course it would be the sun. It was like your cards were making fun of you. You looked up and saw him smirk smuggly.
“I trust you know the meaning of the cards by now, so I don’t need to tell you.”
“I wouldn’t mind hearing it from you,” he teased.
“No. Next question.”
“What are you to me?”
You glared at him again but decided to finish the reading before Seojun arrived instead of arguing. Not even two seconds after another card jump out of your hands and on the table.
The Star.
You looked at Haechan who was smiling gently this time. 
“Still don’t believe me?”
“...What’s your last question?”
“What’s our future together?”
“Come on. I want you to see it yourself.”
You shuffled the cards nervously until the last card fell, facing the table. You lifted the corner of the card so only you could see it and quickly tried to put it back into the deck, but Haechan quickly grabbed your hand and stood up, walking around the table until he was standing in front of you
“Show me the card,” he commanded, still holding your hand.
You refused, struggling to get away which only ended with both of you falling on the floor, cards flying all around you as his body hovered over you, grabbing both of your wrists with one hand so he could take the card from you.
The Lovers.
He laughed and threw the card away carelessly, intertwining his fingers with yours and pressing his forehead against yours.
“Stop it,” he said softly. “Stop fighting it, y/n. It’s real. I love you and you love me”
You sighed and nodded, leaning in to kiss him when you heard the bell for the second time tonight.
“Y/n? Are you here?” Seojun’s voice asked from the store entrance.
“Fuck! Haechan you have to hide,” you begged. He rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” he said, getting under the divination table, covering himself completely with the coth over it. 
You quickly picked up the cards and sat down on the table, right when Seojun entered.
“Y/n! You’re working so late,” he said.
“Ah, I was just finishing a reading,” you said.
“Did I interrupt you?”
“No, not at a-ah!” you gasped when you felt Haechan’s hands caress your legs all the way up to your naked thighs, covering them with the cloth. Bad day to wear a skirt.
“What? What’s wrong?” Seojun asked.
“Nothing, it’s just…m-my headaches. You know how i-it is,” you answered trying to press your legs together, but Haechan wouldn’t allow it.
“Right uh…May I sit down?” “I would rather you didn’t,” you accidentally replied out of panic. The last thing you needed was him noticing Donghyuck under the table. “I mean, I’m sure you won’t have much time anyways. What was it you wanted to say?”
“I…I got you a birthday gift,” he said, placing a small box on the table. “I wanted to give it to you sooner, but you didn’t answer my texts…”
“You never replied to mine when we were together, Seojun.”
“I know, I…I’m sorry. We… are we really done? Can’t we work it out?” he asked sadly.
At this, Haechan growled lowly against your inner thigh, licking and nipping possessively.
You gasped, which your ex mistakenly took as a good sign, looking at you hopefully.
“We were together for so long y/n,” he continued. “Let’s not let a kid ruin it.”
Haechan, who had been kissing his way up to your center, gave you a long lick over your panties making you whine and cover your face with your hands.
“W-ah! what are you talking a-about?” you asked, trying to keep your cool when Haechan found your clit and sucked it into his mouth roughly over the thin layer of fabric.
“We were just fine before that…wolf showed up, y/n,” he said approaching the table to grab the tiny box and open it, revealing a ring with a huge diamond on it. “What do you think? Let’s forget about all this and get marrie-”
 “Oh my god, ohmygod ah!” you sobbed, Haechan pressing his head harder against you, desperate to taste more, holding your thighs around his head. “You c-can’t just- oh… fuck, this is… Things were bad before H-Haech-ah!”
“Y/n, what are you talking about? We were great.”
“You n-never had t-time for me-ah! You forg-ot my…birthday, our anniver-” you sobbed into your hands, tears of pleasure falling down your cheeks. Thankfully Seojun assumed you were just very emotional.
“I said I was sorry,” he repeated the words you’d heard so many times before.
“I- for…give y-you,” you regretted saying those words as soon as you felt teeth grazing your clit threateningly. “B-but we ah! are n-not getting back… t-together.”
Seojun just stood there, in silence. There was nothing else he could possibly say to change your mind.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated again.
You nodded without looking at him, your face still hiding behind your hands. Being sorry wouldn’t change anything. You didn’t look up until you heard the bell again, telling you Seojun had left.
 You finally let out a loud moan and lifted the cloth, and the sight of Haechan contently eating you out made you come immediately, your thighs shaking around him and your fingers pulling his hair, him groaning appreciatively. 
“Good girl,” he murmured against your core, between licks. “You did so well. So, so good.”
Sensitive, you tried to push his head away, which he responded to with a snarl that sounded almost too animalistic to be coming from him.
“More,” was his only answer before he stood up and manhandled you onto the table, dropping the box with the ring off the table in the process and ripping your panties with his bare hands, diving back in.
You screamed so loud, you were sure your neighbors would be scared.
 You pulled at his hair and he moaned against you, the vibrations giving you more pleasure that you could handle.
“Oh, please, too- too m-much,” you mumbled, followed by a mantra of his name, which only fueled him more. 
 He pressed his tongue flat against your clit and shook his head from side to side, making you come undone for him. You laid limp on the table trying to recover from what was probably the best orgasm you had ever had in your life when you felt him licking and biting your stomach.
“H-haechan n-no, no m-marking,” you weakly whispered trying to push his head away from your belly but he growled, literally bearing his teeth at you. That’s when you finally noticed the deep crimson shine of his eyes and the thin layer of sweat covering his face.
“Is t-this… are you in…?” You didn’t even know how to finish that question. You vaguely remember reading about heats and ruts, but nothing really prepared you to experience one.
“Mate,” he said like he was possessed. He lifted your body like you weighed nothing and carried you on his shoulder up the stairs. “ Need to mate you.”
He opened a couple of doors until he found your room and threw you on the bed. You would never admit it, but you were incredibly turned on by this new side of him. He took his shirt off carelessly and climbed on top of you, staring you down like you were his prey. You felt like a prey too, not being able to do anything but gasp when he tore your shirt and bra the same way he did to your panties earlier, leaving you on just your skirt.
“Fuck, I liked that shirt…ah!” you moaned while he sucked on your nipples.
“I’ll buy you more,” he replied like it was nothing. “Buy you anything you want.”
“H-how are you gonna do that?” you laughed. “You don’t even accept your payche-fuck ah!”
“Don’t need it,” he mumbled against your breast, his right hand fingering you slowly while his left hand played with your other breast. “Have savings. Could buy the entire store if I wanted.”
You could only groan at the feeling of his hands all over your body. 
“Hyuck, p-please… need to-need to feel you,” you begged.
“Feel me?”
“Inside, inside please!”
 He grunted and pulled away from you, finally taking his pants and boxers off, and pumping himself a couple of times before aligning himself with your entrance. 
“W-wait!” you said and before he could growl at you you quickly grabbed a condom from your drawer and handed it to him. He stared at it confused, and a bit offended.
“That’s not my size,” he said. You rolled your eyes, thinking  he was being arrogant and opened it so you could put it on him yourself. But you stopped yourself when you paid proper attention to his size. Your mouth hung open in disbelief, staring up at him. He smirked as he held his cock with his hand, thick and heavy. 
 Stubbornly you tried to put the condom on him. He hissed when you pressed it against his tip and started rolling it down with difficulty. The mission failed not even half way through, the condom split all the way to the tip, revealing the angry purple cock due to lack of circulation.
“Guess I’m bigger than him,” he teased, tossing the broken condom into the floor and jerking himself off slowly. “I’m clean, I promise.”
 You nodded, spreading your legs and letting him enter you slowly. You winced when the head pushed into you, stretching you so good you got dizzy.
“Besides,” he added, pushing more of himself into you. “The whole point of this is to breed you.”
Your eyes snapped open.
“Mm?” he hummed, followed with a moan when he finally pushed all of him inside of you.
“Oh! y-you…you can’t be serious,” your nervous laugh was cut off by a deep thrust that had you gasping for air.
“Can’t help it,” he moaned. “Wanna give you my pups.”
“F-fuck…” you whimpered, giving into the pleasure as he pulled all the way out and thrusted harshly into you again.
“You’re so g-oh! so good, y/n,” he moaned, increasing the pace of his thrusts, trapping you in the bed with his body, his pelvis chafing your clit insistently. “Gonna…gonna fill you up-ah!”
“Oh yeah! yeah p-please-ah! ah…Ah! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck,” you begged incoherently.
“Y/n, y/n, y/n,” he could only repeat, pistoning into you like an animal, mouthing your neck needily. “Need to…need to m-mark you ugh!” was the last thing he said before he sank his fangs into your skin.
 If it hurt, it was only for a second, as an incredible pleasure consumed your entire body, making your eyes roll all the way back into your skull and cum with a silent scream.
“G-good girl,” Haechan huffed against your ear, never stopping his movements. “Again, a-again!”
 You hadn’t even come down from your high and he was forcing you into another one, the stimulation almost painful. You clumsily tried to push his hips to a stop, the feeling becoming too much for your human body, but it did nothing but provoke him to go harder.
 You were a sobbing mess by now, you were moaning and screaming nonsense that sounded like his  name, when your body finally convulsed and your squirted so hard he had to pull out.
“Fuck!” he hissed, reaching for your clit with his hand and rubbing it furiously. “Fuck! That’s it, give it to me!”
 You were literally crying. It was all so good, you couldn’t even process it, and he kept giving you more and more. Finally you fell limp into the bed, bedsheets wet under you, panting under Haechan’s intense stare.
“...Again,” you heard his voice say, deeper than you’d ever heard him.
You weakly shook your head and tried to crawl away from him. He chuckled darkly, grabbing both of your ankles and manhandling you  into your belly. He didn’t even bother going slow this time, slamming into you hard and setting a fast pace since the beginning.
“My mate is s-so cute,” he moaned, giving a particularly hard thrust. “Running away when I haven’t even knotted you once. So…so cute.”
You desperately grabbed the sheets under you,  feeling so good you were screaming until your throat was sore and you started drooling into the pillow.
“Ah…Ah shit,” he hissed, now covering your body with his, not allowing a single move from you as his knot started expanding. “Y/n, y/n,y/n,y/n,y/n…ooohhh.”
His hips hammered into you animalistically until he pushed his knot into you, now he could only grind against you and give short thrusts until it stopped growing. 
“T-too m-much…”you babbled, your body too spent to try to resist.
“You c-can take it, noona,” he panted licking at the mark on your neck. “My pretty y/n, my angel, y-you can take…all of me, can’t you? hmm? Of course you c-Aaah! fuuuckkkk… o-of course you c-can…made for me…you’re m-made for m-ooohh!” he barely mumbled, jaw hung open, the tip of his tongue sticking out his bottom lip because of the overwhelming pleasure while spurts of cum spilled inside of you until you felt you were going to explode. And just when you thought you couldn’t take anything else, his hand found its way to your clit and massaged it fast and uncoordinated, until another wave of pleasure took over you, your mind going blank.
 “So lucky…I’m so blessed… The Moon gifted you to me,”was the last thing you heard before everything was silent and you drifted out of consciousness.
When you woke up, you were lying on your side, Haechan’s arms around you and his mouth kissing your shoulder gently. You tried to turn around but a sharp pain stopped you, pulling a loud hiss from Haechan too.
 “Don’t move yet, angel. Not while I’m still knotting you,” he pouted and caressed your stomach.
“Right…sorry,” you said and lied down in silence again until Haechan spoke again.
“What is that?” he asked, pointing at a little box of medication on your night table. 
“Ah…those? Birth control pills.”
 His body tensed against you. The movement of his hand on your belly stilling.
“You take those?!” he sounded betrayed.
“You didn’t think I would actually let you get me pregnant, right?” you laughed. 
“...But I want it,” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver.
“That’s just your wolf instinct speaking right now.”
“I don’t care. Want it.”
“Well, it won’t happen. I’m protected,” you chuckled and got into a comfortable position to sleep again.
“...Y/n?” you heard after a few minutes.
“Aren’t pills like… 99% effective only?”
You bursted out laughing this time. “Only? 99% only? You don’t think that can stop you?”
You would have laughed more but Haechan gave you a hard unexpected thrust now that his knott was getting smaller, making you gasp and hold into his arms for support.
“Wanna find out?” he asked.
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