#preparing dinner for them but im getting shit for not heating up the food in the order she wanted it to be heated
r144l3r · 7 months
lets go mom for making me feel like i dont deserve anything cuz i got a bad grade
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levilxvr · 7 months
good morning its 2:30 am and im thinking about levi fingering you while you’re out for dinner with the other cadets🤗
cw: nsfw 18+
you’re at a hotel having dinner with levi and the rest, seated around a long table catching up over the exquisite food prepared by colt and his team of chefs. You’re chatting with mikasa, laughing at connie and jean as they bicker and throw food at each other. Jean dumps a blob of cake icing onto connie’s steak and seconds later the peas on his plate go straight into jean’s wine.
While hange is getting them to shut up because everyone is staring at them, you feel a cold hand slip under the hem of your black dress, knuckles stroking the soft, sensitive skin of your thigh. You whip your head around and see levi staring at you with a lustful gaze and a knowing smirk. The chaos around you drowns out as he leans in and presses a light kiss to your earlobe. “shh, don’t say a word.”
You’re squirming in your seat as his hand travels higher, slender fingers feeling around as they push the delicate lace of your panties aside and brush against your folds. You’re trying to ignore him and answer when sasha offers you another baked potato. Under the table, you try and fail to cross your legs, levi’s strong hand pushing your thighs apart as he continues teasing you. His fingers are on your clit now, rubbing circles over the small bud as you feel your core begin to heat up.
“So, how are things going with levi lately? I heard next week is your one year anniversary, Congrats!” Mikasa swirls her wine and gives you a small smile.
“We should have another celebration for that,” hange adds.
“It- yeah it’s been alright,” you start, breath hitching when he applies more pressure, roughly toying with your already swollen clit as his other hand stabs a roasted carrot with his fork. You shot him a glare and he simply smiles. Idiot.
“Do you guys have any plans for next week?” eren asks.
“go on, tell him about our little getaway.” levi gives them a pleasant, innocent little smile, taking another bite of carrot. The little shit was good at acting- who’s to know his other hand was buried in your underwear, drenched in your slick?
You begin filling them in on the details of your 3 day vacation next week in one of marley’s most popular cities, but it gets harder to ignore the burning pleasure accumulating between your legs when he slips not one but two fingers into your tight cunt at once. He’s curling them against your sweet spot, feeling your walls clench and unclench around him.
“we’re uh- we booked a slot at the hotel infinity pool too,” Your legs were trembling under the table and you could feel the heat rising up your cheeks.
“you ok? you look kinda flustered.” armin’s voice is laced with concern and he has a frown on his face. You force a smile and fiddle with the edge of the silken tablecloth.
“no, no its fine I think it’s just the wine, you know,” holy shit. You’re so close you can barely focus anymore. Fortunately connie knocks his glass over and makes everyone divert their attention to him, so you can let out the small, shaky moan that’s been at the tip of your tongue since he started with this little game. You bite down hard on your bottom lip as you finally cum, riding his fingers as discreetly as possible as your legs shake from the orgasm. You could feel the warm, slippery liquid begin to drip out of your hole, pooling between your thighs. You’re praying that it’s not too much and you can get away with it when you stand up later.
levi kisses your cheek and you can feel him smile against your skin. “good girl, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me when we get back to our room later. Promise.”
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stuck1nthelimbo · 8 months
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im so normal about them — 📌 post | masterlist | ko-fi
2 》Candle/Wax play - Dirty talk - A/B/O ― Honest Conversation [Fushiguro Toji x f!reader]
Having a dirty mouthed neighbor gotta be a headache, right? Right???
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TAGS!!! 1.8k, no penetration, dirty talk, teasing, no beta
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“Food’s ready, let’s go inside.”
I’ve invited Fushiguros over for dinner: my parents are out of town, my cousin has invited his friends over and instead of having the sensible thought and asking my friends, who’d be more than happy to stay over, my dumbass decided it would be more polite and a kind gesture to invite the family from the next door, who moved in not too long ago, the Fushiguros.
Mr Fushiguro Toji lives with his son, Megumi, who, despite his quiet demeanor, is a great kid. He occasionally visits to play video games with me. His father, on the other hand, oozes a terrifying aura. Each time this man passes me by, I feel the coldness pierce my skin, even if the heat scolds the place. His emerald eyes gloss over whenever we talk as if he is looking past me, somewhere deep into the abyss, and doesn’t give a damn about what I have to say. And while he looks mesmerized, I can’t help but admire the strong jawline, wide shoulders, long, bony fingers, and the very prominent vertical scar on the right side of his lips.
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After my cousin and I are finished with the preparations, I prance to find Toji outside on our patio, in complete darkness. I can only tell his approximate location by the burning red cigarette hanging between his lips. My vision adjusts to the lack of light, and I discover him sitting on a patio swing, legs crossed, one arm stretched over the top of the backrest, another hand carefully holding the cigarette.
“Food’s ready, let’s go inside,” in the silence and the pitch-darkness of the night, I can still make out the silhouette, strong digits holding the cigarette between them and his chest rising with each drag and dropping as he puffs out the smoke. If I strain my senses, I can hear steady breathing despite the heavy smog.
“When are your parents comin’ back?” he's not in a hurry, the apathetic voice draws a scoff out of me. He has no interest in my parents' whereabouts: he’s concerned whether his actions will have repercussions. I flop beside him, the swing can handle both of us. His muscles become aware of the proximity. They tense and flex underneath a grey skin-tight shirt.
“Why do you ask?” my question perks him up and in a moment, I feel his large palm clasp around my knee. Bold move. Tiny hairs all over my body stand tall, and the contrast between his frozen hand and my hot flesh creeps a shiver down my spine. His fingers dance on the soft skin and sneak upward.
“You wanna know why?” the question is rhetorical, he's not expecting an answer.
“Yeah, why not?” I get curious. Man who has been shamelessly flirting with me for the last couple of weeks, making up excuses to be near me and openly showing interest in yours truly, I know something fascinating is about to happen. He is brash and crass. His lips and fingers firmly grasp the cigarette, then he takes a long drag, and the smoke gradually steams out of his nostrils.
“I’m counting how many times I can nail their daughter,” my eyes lose focus when his fingers nip on the plump meat of my thigh.
“What gives you an idea I’ll sleep with you, willingly?”
“Won’t sleep with me?” he sneers and puffs the rest of the smoke in my face, “you put your ass in my face and now won’t sleep with me?” I wave the threads of smoke out of my sight with a pout.
“I’ve never done such a thing. Don’t be rude,” just his shit-eating grin gets me hot and bothered, but I’m not going to entertain his perversions further. However, his grip gets tighter on my thigh, literally nailing me to the spot. Even if we can barely make out each other’s shapes in the night, dimly lit by the moonlight, his large palm entraps me, squeezing my face and puckering my lips.
“You’ve never accidentally rubbed your ass on my dick, you’ve never accidentally forgotten to wear a bra, you’ve never accidentally kept your blinds open and undressed at your window,” his hot breath spills over my face, “you’d be in a bliss if I fucked you right here and now.”
“You wouldn’t touch me…” fueling his anger makes me tremble with excitement.
“You’re gonna start begging me,” he grits his teeth.
“Oh, I would never beg you…”
There and then, the invasion halts. He eases back, pressing his back on the backrest of the swing, lighting another cigarette, a large palm shielding the burning red end from nature’s elements. Early grip leaves burning marks and it tingles up to my groin. Toji's sudden attitude change brings me confusion and a little bit of discomfort. I can’t predict his actions if he’s calm or non-responsive. He puffs out a great deal of smoke out of his nostrils, and his glossed-over eyes dart away from me, somewhere in the distance, in the darkness of the night.
“So that’s how it is… Little girl thinks she’s so good,” he firmly smacks his lips, “so good, suddenly she doesn’t want the big old me.”
“Why would I –”
“How many times have you looked at me from your window?” he jams himself in the middle of my sentence. Index finger pointing at the garden of his house, whilst holding the cigarette perfectly still between the aforementioned finger and middle one, “While I’m out in the garden, how many times have you stared at me and thought what would you do to me?” he pauses, rolls eyes at his mistake and corrects himself, “no, what would you let me do to you?”
I hold my breath. My throat burns and feels parched, but not from the smoke I inhaled seconds ago.
“What do you think I’d let you do?”
“Oh, sweetheart, anything,” his eyebrows knot whilst his eyelids droop, “You’d let me do anything to you,” he sounds each syllable out, the smirk on his face looks sinister and depraved, “you’d suck me off under the table, if I asked you, nicely,” he mocks me, “I wonder if you drool each time you stare at my crotch and think how big it is?” his head cocks to the side.
I can’t help but keep quiet, Fushiguro’s hoarse husky voice sounds too good to be stopped in the middle.
“I can answer your question and quench your thirst, metaphorical and literal,” he jeers at me, “and tell you I’m big enough,” he leans forward, bringing himself closer to me and whispers, “big enough to hurt your tight cunt,” he leans back again, throwing head behind and whistling another round of smoke through his lips, “oh, I can imagine, you bouncing your ass on top of me, trying to adjust to the size, whining… Now that gets me hard.”
I swear it feels like I’m in a trance. He can’t be more right, but who in their right mind will admit they want to be fucked by an older male, who's referred to as “sir” or “Mr” by even my mother.
“You stare at my pants an awful lot, tryin’ to learn the shape by heart? How many times you’ve fingered yourself, wishing it was me?” “Never…” I spit out something. All the time, I meant.
“Oh, never?” he springs his head up, readjusting himself in his seat, “Well, me, on the other hand, I’ve thought of fuckin’ your pretty face on multiple occasions, darlin’” again with the mockery, “Especially in the morning, it would be fantastic: you, under the sheets, trying to fit all of my cock in your mouth, then you make a mess, and as a punishment, I’d have to mercilessly fuck you into the mattress, until you’re a blabbering mess.”
How many times have I thought of the same situations? Multiple times, multiple moments, multiple nights. My heart pounds in my chest, in an attempt to smash the ribcage wide open and toss itself out.
I snap out of my delusions the moment I feel a strong hand grasp my wrist and yank me toward itself. My hand presses against something firm.
“Can you feel how hard I am?” I can feel the stiffness underneath my fingertips and tell the size. My hunches are right. Also, he is truthful in his words. He’s well-endowed, “imagine what would happen if these little punks weren’t home. I’d fuck you stupid in your living room,” thoughtful pause, “or any room for that matter.”
Two can play at this game. If he’s going to drive me over the edge, I have tricks up my sleeve as well. They're not as effective, but still decent.
“Oh, I prefer being fucked against the wall,” his body jerks faintly, undivided attention to what I have to say, “your hands are big enough to wrap around my neck, and you’re big enough to carry me around,” in the meantime, my eyes adjust to the poor light, his starved expressions become clearer, “or I can try being a brat, then you’ll get mad at me and put me in my place, won’t you?”
“You’re playing with fire,” Toji hisses through his teeth.
“Ah, I have even better: it’d be best if you did me in front of a mirror, sir,” and I feel his cock twitch under my fingers. His body‘s honest with me, “You’d make me watch, wouldn’t you? Make me watch every time you’re thrusting inside, right?” Toji’s teeth gnash audibly, “Make me watch how big you are?”
In the meantime, his free hand figures its way behind me, griping my ass cheek so tight, if my body was any less dense, it’d spill between his fingers. It’s painstakingly hard for him to hold the cigarette in the other hand as well, instead of tossing it aside and teaching me a lesson. I continue.
“Your hands would look so good on my neck,” his long digits crunch the cigarette butt, “or anywhere. I have soft skin,” Toji’s hand slithered under my shirt, confirming simple facts, “To-ji,” I sing his name softly and feel another tremor under my hand. His pants are strained, but he’ll find no relief this time.
He leans closer to claim an undeserved kiss and I pull my head back. The pungent smell of the cigarette makes me scrunch my nose. His upper lip twitches, baring the white canine tooth.
"Oh, big teeth, do they leave dark bruises on tits?" his breath hitches. Before he demonstrates the sharpness of his fangs on my chest, I slip out of his flimsy grip, readjusting my crinkled clothes, “we have a dinner to attend to, sir~”
I love being the only spectator who recognizes the clouded, murky glares this man throws my way during the dinner, his fingers gripping the silver dinnerware almost to the point of bending them. I catch a glimpse of thick veins scarring the surface of the skin on his biceps as well.
After a lovely dinner, right before leaving for good, he hangs at the entrance door and lowers his head to whisper.
“If you’re not in my living room by 12 o'clock tomorrow morning, I’ll make sure the rest of the neighborhood hears you sob.”
I hold my fist up in front of him, poking the pinky finger out with as much innocence as I can muster.
“Promise, Mr. Fushiguro?”
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© stuck1nthelimbo; do not redistribute, repost, modify, or use in any way, form, and/or shape. re-translation by asking for permission first.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
that person with the ABO true mates thing has the right idea tbh. on a similar note, imagine instead dream is the 3rd child of some important medieval noble family. he's resigned to live a life of boring diplomacy and living in his father's shadow and probably being married off for some political alliance (he is the 2nd son but he's also the 3rd child and imo death is generally a lot more well prepared for anything he might have thrown his way as the "spare" but we already knew that)
but one day dream and some of his family are in the town square, perhaps returning from a long journey. they maybe were off trying to negotiate a deal for dream's hand in marriage, but dream was so miserable about it that the talks were useless and everyones coming home upset. theres a lot of people around and its generally very busy, so it isn't very surprising that dream brushes shoulders with some stranger, but before he gets the chance to tell him off for it since he is still a bratty little prince, he gets thrown into a full blown heat. like, falls to the ground, clawing to get his clothes off because theyre too much, panting because he cant catch his breath type. (i personally am a huge sucker for bottom dream regardless of whether he doms or not, but after seeing an ask about househusband/alpha!hob i really cant get the idea of dom bottom omega dream and service top submissive alpha hob out of my head)
anyway, he gets back home just fine to wait out his heat, and as soon as he's done he's hell bent on finding whoever it was that sent him into that. night would probably want him to go find whoever it was (thinking of night in overture making a whole pocket dimension for dream and a lover), but maybe time would want to still get a political alliance out of this. he ends up doing some cinderella type thing to find hob back and he's so in love he conveniently ignores that hob is a mercenary/thief/sword for hire/bounty hunter/whatever and has probably most definitely also stolen from dreams family before. besides, who cares about a little bit of money when you can order your new alpha mate to fuck you halfway to hell and back? all im gonna say is they have NOTHING to worry about when it comes to heirs
I see submissive alpha hob? I go feral. Literally this whole thing is GOLD.
I’m imagining after his heat, Dream uses his status (maybe with Night’s help if she’s in a good mood) to summon all the unmated alphas in town to his family’s home, and has them all walk past him while he smells every single one. Hob literally only showed up for the opportunity to steal some stuff from the place, so imagine his shock when little lordling Dream pounces on him and declares that they are true mates!! Hob obviously isn’t mad about it because Dream is the prettiest little darling he’s ever seen… he’s also an absolute terror, spends half his time snarling and the other half sulking. Hob loves it, loves him within about an hour (especially when Dream drags him off and takes his knot in a store cupboard - they’re not even married! the scandal is delicious!).
Dream is insatiable, but Hob is more than able to keep up. Hob doesn’t give a shit about manners or being respectable, and he’ll gladly join Dream in skipping out on diplomatic dinners and other dull things. The “honeymoon phase” doesn’t show any sign of stopping after a year of being mated - Dream rarely shows his face outside of their bedroom before noon, because he’s busy. It’s a good thing that Hob has access to high quality food now, because otherwise he’d be dropping a lot of weight with all the strenuous activity Dream expects from him.
Dream’s family aren’t best pleased with the match, but even they can’t stand in the way of true mates, and Dream is only the third child so it isn’t the end of the world. At least Hob keeps Dream out of trouble and full of pups.
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bakerstreetbaggins · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
I swear Im actually doing stuff and I'm working on a request rn BUT it's gonna be long (whoops lol) but I'm really fucking with this idea so here's an excerpt of what i got so far. Idk when it'll be posted, probably not for a few weeks, so keep an eye out on my ao3!
Patroclus is halfway through making dinner when he realizes all their dishes and silverware were still in boxes - unlabelled, because Achilles had packed up all the kitchen materials before remembering to label them, and by then they had already been sealed up.
He’s got a tomato-based sauce simmering in a pan on the stove, staring at the masses of unlabelled boxes that still reside in a corner of the kitchen, wondering if he would be able to find the dishes and make sure the food doesn’t burn by the time his husband gets home for dinner.
(This is their first home together. Before they had rented, and although Achilles had said he could afford to buy Patroclus the house he always wanted, it had been easier to rent for a while - due to their work situation.
But, as luck would have it, things turned around. His residency at the hospital he used to work at switched him around so that he was closer to the city, and they’d had their eye on a nice little bungalow a ten minutes drive to the hospital, and a five minute walk away from the gym where his husband worked.
So, all in all, things were looking up. If only he could find the stinking dishes - else they’d have to eat directly from the pan. And that was only if he could find the cutlery.)
Patroclus stirs the sauce around, trying to test for level of prepared-ness (new stoves were always a bit of gamble for how they cooked), and turns the heat down to bring it to a simmer before taking a pair of scissors to the unmarked boxes, hoping he’s guessed correctly.
That’s how Achilles finds him when the door opens, setting his gym bag down by the foyer. Patroclus is sitting around kitchen objects surrounding him in a semi-organized circle, cardboard and shipping tape sitting angrily in a corner.
“Hello, darling,” he hears from the entrance, and Patroclus glances up from his mess of a kitchen to find his husband looking down at him with an amused smile, somewhat confused. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to find the fucking plates,” he huffs out, tearing through another box and finding no plates or cutlery in sight. “Remind me why you didn’t label them when you packed up the kitchen?”
Achilles wisely doesn’t answer that question. “Why are you looking for them now?” He asks instead.
“I was making us dinner,” he says, a little exasperated and a lot annoyed at the whole situation.
Achilles glances over at the stove and frowns. “You mean that?”
Patroclus glances over to see the sauce bubbling over the pan, spilling all over the stove.
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Ready Set COOK!
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A/N have this random ass fic I cranked out cause I watched some food network. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did writing it!
"Y/N is arguable the best cook in the dorms." Mina says salivating over the thought of dinner as 1A figures out what they are going to try to convince you to make.
"Tch. Yea fucking right. I cook the best!" Bakugou chimes in suddenly flipping through the channels with fever.
"Ha!" You laugh dryly, "Maybe when I'm having a bad day."
He grinds his teeth as he glares at you, channel surfing forgotten.
"Let's settle this." He snarls although he barely moves from his lounging position.
"How do you declare we do that spicy boi?" A hush suddenly falls over the room at your most recent and his most hated nickname.
Explosions threaten to pop but the TV blares before he can.
"OH OH!" Kirishima pipes in, jumping up to point at the TV frantically.
"Fuck no." Bakugou bites out, sending daggers the red heads way.
"Oh come on Bakugou it will be fun!" He whines only to be shut down again. This time with an explosion. The hot head jumps to his feet with smoking hands.
"Why? Too scared you'll get your ass kicked?" You prompt, looking at your nails as you speak. He stalks your way leaning over you as you sit on the couch.
"I'm too scared you'll lose so badly you'll have to commit seppuku to regain your honor." The tension is palpable in the large living room, making some of the students feel small from its weight.
"Oh so you admit you worry about me?" You say in your most flirtatious voice, placing your hand onto his shoulder because you love to get under his skin. He jerks back with crazed eyes.
"I don't give a fuck about any of you extras!"
"Good! Now we need judges. Todoroki?" You ask but Bakugou shakes his head.
"His palette is as expanded as a fucking toddler's." The ash blonde shakes his head, "Mother fucker eats cold soba for breakfast lunch AND dinner."
"Ouch." An invisible arrow pierces the two toned boy in the chest.
"Well..." You look around the room, "It can't be biased..."
"Deku? Oh no wait then you'll use him as an *excuse* when you lose." You giggle, his cheeks burn from the sound.
"Fuck you and fuck Deku." He snarls, "What about Shinso?"
"Aaahh that's a good one. He hates everyone equally." You chime in, placing your hand in your chin as you look over your peers.
"Wow glad you noticed." He rolls his amethyst eyes although he does not object.
"Oh Denki!" You point at the electric
"OMG YES MY TIME TO SHINE BABY!" He fists his hands into the pants of your legs, so happy to be included.
"NO! Not pikachu! His brain is FRIED!" Bakugou snarls and Denki let's out a sad 'hey' while a crocodile tear rolls down his cheek.
"Yes, that's what would make him the best wild card! You'll never know what he's gonna think!" You absentmindedly let your hand pet over the curve of his skull.
Part of you wonders if suggesting him is a bad idea. Your eyes flicker to the TV just to see someone asking the sweating chefs what they are planning.
"Kirishima can be the host!" You say with excitement, "Now we just need one more judge. Someone who likes to eat."
Silence settles over the room aside from the now low roar of the TV
"I've got it!" Your new ruby eyed host pipes in, "I'll ask Sun Eater senpai!"
"He's so meek. How are you going to get him to agree?" You ask as a some what devilish smile crosses his face.
"Oi, I forgot you came in after. Poor guy got pestered by shitty hair until he said yes to taking him to his agency." Bakugou crosses his arms.
"We'll compete tomorrow! I've got to prepare!" You stare after Kirishima who runs to get his phone, you cant see him bullying someone into helping him.
You had never been proven more wrong as you stand in the dorms over sized kitchen in front of the panel of judges.
Shinso who looks bored, Denki who reminds you of a kid hopped up on sugar and a petrified Tamaki.
"Welcome chefs!" Kirishima announces, it's funny how quickly he made the kitchen look much like the studio. Even forcing you and Bakugou into real chef jackets while Kirishima wears one of his suits.
"Oi, you really went all out." He growls, somehow making the compliment sound like an insult. You roll your eyes before you let them linger over Bakugou. Much like you he wears the black jacket with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, he has a towel resting over a broad shoulder.
Somehow this outfit makes your cheeks burn. You swallow, looking out over the "live" audience, aka class 1A with every chair they could find in the dorm piled into the smallest part of the kitchen.
Sitting on the edges of their seats.
"Today the two of you will be placed head to head agaisnt one another to become UA's top chef!" Kirishima announces with gusto even earning a small cheer from the audience.
"Tonights prize does not only include bragging rights BUT this!" He gestures widely to the obviously paper mache trophy, Bakugou snorts.
"Really? You could have asked Momo over there?" He points in the dark and Kirishima blushes a bit. Although he is saved as Momo walks towards the front, not breaking the attire with her long sleep dress that looks more like a ball room gown. Kirishima thanks her silently before punching the old trophy off with the new one.
"Who will when this amazing trophy and the title of UA's top chef?" Kirishima looks to the audience before adding, "Let's find out!"
"Contestants, today's challenge is broken down into three parts. Appetizer, entree and dessert! The three dishes must meld flawlessly with one another! You have ten minutes to look over the ingredients and come up with a meal plan. Starting.....now!"
The two of you jump, pulling open at the two large fridges behind you to be met with an array of vegetables and meats.
"Are they like timed?" Shinso asks, as he twirls his fork.
"Good question, Shinso. Yes each portion of the competition will be timed!"
As you begin to put together your game plan you rush towards the pantry. Fear making you hesitate, the pantry was mostly empty just yesterday.
"Oi! Open the fucking door!" A yell behind you before you rip open the cabinet with blatant rage.
Surprisingly the pantry is popping at the seams, ingredients pop out at you that you hastily grab.
"Chefs your time is up! You have fifteen minutes to begin prepare your first dish! GO!"
Excitement pushes your body into motion as you slice bacon strips down the middle. Your thoughts compete with the vigorous chopping from the station next to you as you delicately wrap sliced puff pastry around the now bacon wrapped asparagus.
"Chef Bakugou what are you preparing?"
"Use your fucking eyes." He growls, adding something to a bowl.
"Hey..." Kirishima sounds crestfallen, almost hurt and its hurt enough for Katuski to sigh.
"Alright alright. I'll tell you. Stop pouting!" He chops into a radish harshly to emphasize his point before going on.
"I believe its important to go a little on the lighter side for a starter. Almost refreshing cleanses the palette." Your ears perk at his deep voice as you pull your starter from the oven, "So I'm making a radish and cucumber salad with rice vinager and chili flakes for a small kick."
"It looks wonderful chef!" Kirshima comments before adding, "Five minutes to plate!"
"Shit..." You hiss to yourself as you delicately arrange your asparagus twists, while popping hands roast sesame seeds in an instant before tossing them into the salad.
The two if you plate, arrange and present until kirishima finally shouts
"TIMES UP! STEP AWAY FROM THE PLATES!" Both of you back away with raised hands.
"First up. Y/N-chan." Kirishima says happily as the judges look over their food.
Shinso takes a bite first.
"Flavorful. Savory. Its delicious." Is all he offers as he eats his second.
"Kaminari?" Kirishima prompts. Denki is smiling ear to ear before a rare seriousness washes over his features as he chews.
"I dont like asparagus." He states with a harsh tone.
"IM FUCKED!" You scream internally.
"But you've made me like it."
Kaminari takes another bite, thinking it over
"The puff pastry is airy and buttery and surprisingly the bacon is crispy without your vegetable drying out. Very well done."
You glance at Bakugou who mouths
"Is he fucking Gorden Ramsey now?" To which you giggle.
"Tamaki senpai, please do not judge on usefulness for your quirk but by taste." Kirishima encourages as Tamaki almost shrinks away. He takes a bite before smiling.
"I..its delicious. Togata would enjoy this."
"Next up Bakugou!"
"Nice kick, cool cuc flavor. I like it." Shinso nods to Bakugou as he makes a mark in on the pad provided.
"Honestly, Chef Katsuki. I was really worried about the heat level when I saw your heavy handed toss of pepper flakes into the salad. But the flakes really bring out the tang of the rice vinager, the smoky flavor of the sesame seed while the radish and cucumber take the edge away *just* enough." Kaminari says before taking another bite, scribbling as he chews.
This time Bakugou looks to you and you laugh aloud at his bewildered scarlet eyes.
"Just got with it!" You call from your station. Struggling to keep your giggle.
Who knew confusion could look so cute?
"Its just the right amount of spice. Togata would enjoy this."
"Take your station, Katsuki as we will now begin the main course. You have thirty five minutes to prepare!"
Time ticks by faster than you'd like as your watched pot of water finally boils. You add in chopped golden potatoes setting a timer before butter flying your chicken breasts for a more even cook and better grilled sear.
Bakugou works furiously with his steak, pounding at it to quickly tenderize it, adding an aromatic garlic herb butter to a heated pan. He swirls the melting blob until it coats the bottom of the pan.
Both of you are about to start your meats before Kirishima breaks your concentration.
"Chefs! I've found an ingredient you HAVE to incorporate into your main dish." He presents a rectangular package that has you seething.
"KIRISHIMA WHAT THE FUCK?!" You both yell in unison, slamming your meats on your cutting boards.
"Dry packs of ramen noodles!" He announces in case either of you couldn't read the damn packaging!
"What the fuck?" Is all the two of you can say as you're tossed the package of ramen noodles. You stare at your dish, you couldn't easily shift your meal plan into Asian like Bakugou could thanks to his universal salad. The dishes had to be cohesive and you had fucking POTATOES BOILING TO BE MASHED
You stare almost stunned as the red rectangle stares back at you.
You hated ramen.
Meanwhile Bakugou grumbles to himself as he slices his steak into thin strips, adding ginger, a bit of sesame seed oil, green onion and some beef broth to boil.
He tosses in the package of ramen.
"This is cheap shit." He grumbles to himself before adding the steak in a few moments later slamming a lid onto the pan. He was lucky he picked a deep pan as opposed to his original idea of a shallow one.
"Half of the time is remaining chefs!"
"Perfect!" You slam your fist into your palm as you make haste. Quickly grabbing eggs, milk, flour and the food processor.
You begun to crush the noodles until they become a fine grain.
"Eji do we have to use the stupid flavor packet?"
"Fucking why would you ask?!" Bakugou snarls your way, ruby red eyes slide to the panel.
"No." They answer in unison and you both sigh in relief. For you it would have been hard to incorporate to your sudden idea of fried chicken while the flavoring would be too salty and undercut the flavor building he had done for his dish.
You mash your potatoes, adding in garlic cloves, cubes of butter, a bit of season salt all before emulsifying it to a whipped state.
"Five minutes chefs!"
You begin to really sweat now, you didnt want to rush your chicken for fear of the batter not becoming crispy enough or worse yet an undercooked breast.
"Three minutes chefs!"
"Fuck! Cook chicky cook!" You mumble to the fryer, scarlet eyes shift to your bouncing frame, plating his own food, swiping juices that splatter.
"Come on plate damn it! It's done!" He shouts to you.
"You *do* care!" You tease, although your heart is in your throat as you place the chicken onto the plate, drizzling a honied mustard over the breasts.
"Like hell. It's just winning by default is boring. I want to watch them spit your food out." His voice comes out soaking in malice but his eyes say otherwise. Mischief and excitement dance along his scarlet iris.
"AND TIME!" You both step away from your plates. Breathing heavily as the two of you look down at your master pieces.
Bakugou places his hand on the small of your back to guide you in front of the panel as Kirishima grabs your dishes.
"Bakugou you're up first."
"This is not thirty cent ramen." Is all Shinso says as he slurps up the noodles before biting into the beef. No one misses his eyes flutter.
"Wow." Is all Kaminari can say chewing with delight, "Just wow. I would have thought the noodles were homemade. The beef is tender, all cooked evenly. The sauce flavorful, a hit of ginger and I'm surprised you hadn't added any heat. I would have loved to have seen a five alarm ramen from you."
Bakugou grinds his teeth to keep from shouting at his last remark.
"Togata would enjoy this."
"I'll be sure to make him a to go plate." Kirishima winks before presenting your dish.
"I never would have thought to use ramen as breeding." Purple eyes glitter as he devours the chicken.
"Me either. Its excellently light, you matured everyone's favorite honey mustard by making it with a sharper brown mustard and the potatoes are soft, beautifully whipped and garlicy!"
"This is 'southern food?'" Tamaki asks, "Togata would like it."
You smile warmly.
"Last round chefs! You'll have forty five minutes to prepare a dessert with *this* ingredient." He holds up a green can and your stomach sinks.
"Is that fucking wasabi?" Bakugou snarls, even the heat king is stunned.
"Yes chef it is. Please incorporate this ingredient into your dish. Starting...NOW!"
You stare at the green can. What in the actual fuck? Maybe you should have made a menu more geared towards Asian cuisine.
I mean you were in FUCKING JAPAN AFTER ALL.
You snatch onto the can, now was not the time to damn yourself. You could do this. You could beat Bakugou!
Even if it killed you.
You decided to taste it, youd never actually had it, just knew that it was potent.
"That's too much idiot!" Bakugou yells from his station just as your about to put a heaping teaspoon into your mouth.
"Like scoop with a chop stick." He says, showing you himself. His chopstick dips into the wasabi to return with the smallest of green.
You mimic him, popping it into your mouth as instant regret washes over you as you try to break down the components of the flavor.
It was hot with underlying notes of freshness, almost herbal as the heat began to fade.
But with that regret comes an idea.
You work vigorously grabbing all the chocolate you can find before making a batch of brownies, wasabi mixed into the batter.
Nothing was more southern than cake or a brownie.
"I'll fucking tell you what..." You finish the thought aloud as you worked.
All the while Bakugou glances to you with concerned eyes before he measures out the perfect amount of coconut milk to reduce with almond milk, a split vanilla pod, some sugar, honey and wasabi powder.
Soon his odd mixture becomes fragrant, the freshness of it competing with the richness of baking brownies.
Time ticks by too quickly as you snatch the wasabi powder from Bakugou adding the smallest amount to powdered sugar, cocoa and milk as you make the frosting to your brownies.
You feel like you're ahead of time as your plate, eyes looking over to Bakugou who is garnishing ramekins with edible flowers and flakes of coconut.
"Fuck." You murmur before pipping on some icing. Smoothing it out with a knife. Plating it as Kirishima obnoxiously counts down.
"Time!" He yells. You're shaking before glancing at Bakugou who seems nervous himself. Again he guides you to the panel, you lean into him for a bit of support.
Your heart was racing, sweat still dripping down the nape of your neck and beading on your brow.
You couldn't tell who's dishes they favored and there was a chance you could very well lose.
You'd hate to admit but Bakugou's station smelt fucking amazing all night.
"Y/N!" Kirishima smiles a wide tooth smile, "Wasabi brownies. Interesting."
"You mean fucking fire." Shinso says.
"Its astounding how the chocolate adds to the heat with out one overpowering the other. A delicate scale was balanced today."
You find Bakugou's hand by his side. giving it a squeeze to keep yourself form laughing. He leans towards you and whispers into your ear.
"Bet you're regretting adding Flavor Town onto the board."
A giggle escapes your lips that drives Katuski mad.
"Togata would love this! Please save a square for him!"
The judges cleanse their palates before moving into Bakugou's dessert.
"So delicate." Shino adds, looking down at the purple flowers.
"Watch it." He bites but you again squeeze his hand, this time whispering to him
"That means he likes it. You did an amazing job plating."
He watches you smile as you drink in their comments about *his * dish.
"I like that you start and finish things with a refreshing yet memorable dish. The edible flowers add immense color to this dish, the wasabi heightens the sweetness of the honey and the coconut flakes add a little bit of both crunch and depth. Excellent."
"So pretty..." Tamkai stares at his dessert before adding a small bite into his mouth. His eyes flutter and you know then that you've lost.
That's two different judges with different meals that he has impressed. He squeezes your hands, you look up to him expecting a smug smile only to see nervousness.
"The judges will now debate. Please sit in the waiting room while they discuss who will be UA's top chef!"
"Where the fuck is that?" The blonde snarls.
"The living room!" He whispers as you drag an agitated Bakugou with you.
The two of you sit in silence, sinking into the couches with tired bodies.
Adrenaline can do that to you. Minutes tick by before you sigh out.
"I'm pretty sure you won. You..." You gush, "Amazing. That salad looked so damn good!"
Katuski cannot help the smile that spreads across his face as he watches you sing his praises.
"Honestly your southern dishes were something new to them. That's far better and seriously ramen as a breeding? Innovative as fuck." He sags in the couch closer to you. The two of you half fighting over who really one by pointing out the best moves the other did.
Gradually gravitating closer to one another with heatedexcitement fueled by friendly competition. The two of you are butting foreheads as you argue.
"But the flowers were stunning...." The vigor in your tone dies down as you stare into something else that else stunning.
Scarlet eyes sparkle like gems in the low light of the side table lamps. Suddenly you are hyper aware of your proximity to him. You try to scoot back only for your hip to hit the arm of the couch, barely moving a centimeter. You were safely nestled between the couch and his amazingly muscular arms.
Bakugou swallows his desire as he drinks you in this close, having never realizing how pretty you actually were.
Add that to your ability to kick ass on the battle field and in the kitchen had Bakugou looking at you in a whole new light. He seems to choke on his desire as one strong hand finds the nape of your neck.
"I bet nothing tastes as delicious as your lips." He says before pressing his own to yours.
The saying alone has your body flushed and a small whimper erupts in the back of your throat as you closed your eyes.
You liked arrogant, smart mouthed, excellent chef handsome ass Bakugou.
And now that you've tasted him, you'll never want to eat anything else again.
You kiss him back with matched passion and the two of you forget about the competition for a moment. Foot steps had the two of you breaking apart, cheeks burning brighter than the boy's hair whose entered the living room just missing everything.
"They are ready to announce the winner." He turns on his heel, expecting the two of you to follow. Both of you share a look before standing. Bakugou wraps his arm around your waist pulling you close to him so he can whisper in the cockiest tone he can muster.
"After they announce me as winner. Let me make you dessert."
@we-starlight-in-the-making @kiribakuho @babybakuu @zbops @crimsondream-1 @alwaysmy crazy ass did it. I made the fic I wanted
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forbiddenlullaby · 4 years
Caste heaven fic
My alternative happy ending 
So after Azusa finally gets the king card again he thinks of the perfect way to get back at Karino But the ex king keeps pestering him tho " didn't you say you would get your revenge on me? Come on I'm waiting" "You're all talk" " I knew it you are weak you can't do it" Then Azusa orders the students to get him karino in the kings classroom and to blind fold him and handcuff him. " So how do you feel now that you are in my hands karino? I hope you are prepared for it." He takes a knife and cuts karino chest until it bleeds while he sticks a vibrator around karino's dick. He then licks the blood in the knife " revenge tastes so sweet" " take these off" " don't you get it? This is a punishment." Karinos starts to get desperate to see azusa's actions because he is so turned on right now. That's all he loves psycho Asuza finally paying full attention on him. "Hey Karino, why are you so hard? Aren't you ashamed? Well I was expecting this since you are a fucking pervert. " He them licks karino having fun with his suffering. He sits on him and starts riding on his dick while he still blindfolded. " This doesn't look like a punishment for me." " Shut up I am doing this for my own release." " Isn't it good to be in control. I always thought you loved it. You are so perverted." " shut up shut up" " but you will never cum like this" "Untie me" " no" " untie me now" Azusa then just loose the strings a bit and karino grabs him with force and pin him down. " I will show you now who is the perverted one." Azusa then start losing his mind on moanings while he is fucked senseless. They get to the sofa and karino kisses him passionately. They cum 3 times. " why does it feel so good with you? It isn't right. I'm not like this. I'm not like my mom." " what?" Azusa that started crying but hold it in then gets on his feet and leaves. But karino stops him. " what did you say?" "None of your business. " He then leaves. (...) They are at the school's roof. " So I guess you gave up. Do admit you are weaker than me?" " not in a million years." Karino smiles. " so why did you stop?" " I realised something." "And what is that?" " Your obsession with me it's your weak point. All the effort you put in becoming king while you never even care for any of that. You never get any girl you were always stuck with me even if you said that that was only harassment. I finally realise that after all these time the best punishment you can get it's to never touch me again." Karino it's stupefied. " do you realise that like this, it really looks like we are a couple like you said right? You are like the woman on strike." " shut up." " and did you realise your feelings? Or that rare epiphany moment was only limited at that?" " I don't know what you are talking about." " You do. If you don't then you are really dumber than I thought." " get out. I'm ordering." "Fine let's see how you do it without me. Im' pretty sure your body is already used to it by now." (...) Karino and Asuza never talk again. He ignores him and it's easier since this time Karino is just a prep. But it's so annoying somehow. He just wants to get his revenge in the traditional way. Maybe he could ask someone to beat the hell out of karino and than live his life. It shouldn't be this hard. But when his sees karino playing basketball and taking off his shirt all sweaty he remembers all that memories again. And can't help but feel anxious. He hates it. Hates how right karino was. He is so used to it that only seeing him like this makes him hard. He runs away to the bathroom and tries to jerks off, but he can't. Even while thinking about karino. Which is the only thing that can get him hard nowadays. He still can't. He breaks the bathroom in anger and gets out just to meet karino on the outside. " need my help?" He yelps but goes back to the bathroom. " do it quickly before someone come in." Karino grab him by his legs and fuck him while azusa entangled them around his hips. It's so fuckin good he cums in seconds. " you were really pent up weren't you? I knew it you where going to ask for me." " Karino just shut up and fuck me or I will." "Make me." Asuza kiss him until their lips get numb. They fuck once again while karino bites Asuza's neck. (...) " son of a ... he bites me!" " Azusa where are you?" Karino is long gone and Kuze is looking for him. Don't make sense but his is the Jack again and atsumu is the queen. Yeah the fucking queen. " I'm going." He goes with them and they get lunch together. They are like the royal of the royalty. And karino is always missing actually. Probably because he can't be seeing with them. "Does anyone knows where Karino is?" " Hm I think he was teaching the girls how to dribble." "What?" He then without knowing was there after lunch. Right where they were playing. " Hey Azusa do you want me to teach you too?" " Don't get ahead of yourself prep." " So why are you here." " I'm the king I can do whatever I want." "Sure." Karino then follows Azusa into the kings classroom. Karino pushs Azusa against the wall. " What are you doing?" " Don't you want it?" " Who said I want you?! Get out before I ask someone to beat the shit out of you." " Listen what happened yesterday will never happen again!" " Tsk. Stop it Azusa we both know you won't last a week without me. " " Well you will see." (...) 1 week later and he was totally fine. 2 weeks had past and he was even better. It was just so pleasing to watch Karino freaking out that it was almost better than doing it. In fact seem him get uneasy was better than revenge. He already win it over just with it. He couldn't stop smiling and the joy was taking over him. " How are you still ok?" " Secret." Then Karino's face got darker. " Who is this?" "What?" " With whom are you doing it with?" " Are you nuts Karino? " He was jealous. If it didn't hurt his pride he would have invented a story saying that he actually did that with someone just to see his reaction. " So how you are not a bitch in heat right now?" " Because the only pervert here is you. Now get out of my way." " I think I get it now." He then grabs Azusa and kiss him by force. Azusa resisted at first but then gave in. Shit. He can't be like that. Karino puts his hand inside his pants and start stroking him while sucking his nipple. "You are hard." He whispered. " Stop it." " You don't want me to. You are rubbing against me." "Hmm." " See how we are a perfect match?" Asuza them finally gets away of his hands. " No! Go away!" " What's wrong now?" " You! Stop using me just for my body! Shit I'm not a fucking toy for your entertainment!" " Didn't you said you realise it? My feelings for you." " What?" Azusa then gets red. " How can you be so clueless? You were right. My obsession with you goes beyond rational that's why I did everything I did to you. And you never break. You are the strongest and sexiest person I have ever met so how could I not fall? You did that to me and you have to take responsibility." " Why are you saying this now?" " Because I'm tired of playing games with you. Since the beginning it was never a game to me. You are the first one that makes me ever feel things." "That's a joke right? You rapped me multiple times and now you are saying you like me? What is wrong with you?" "Everything is wrong with me. But right now it's you. You drive me insane." Azusa is so red right now that he goes next to the window to breath properly. Karino follows him. " I'm sorry." " What?" " I know what I did was wrong but I wanted you so bad." " Yes you were a jerk. I don't know if I can forgive you." " I know I'm sorry." " But you were the only one that acknowledge me. So you have credit with that. " " hum?" "And sometimes you weren't such a jerk like when you saved me." " A-and I can't stay away from you. " Karino is looking at him with hope. Azusa is so fucking red. " Can I touch you?" "Please." Karino then kisses him with all the passion he has. And for the first time ever the two of them make love. Karino kisses Azusa's whole body like it was a temple he was adoring. His favorite religion. He loved him multiples times to make up for the times he did just use him. This feels so much better. Hearing Azusa calling out his name, grabbing onto him and finally letting himself go and get lost in the lust was the most perfect moment of his existence. " You are so beautiful." Nobody ever treated him like this. He finally felt love from his actions. Karino was loving him. And it all felt perfectly right. Like he was born for that happiness. To be his. And both knew that he was. " Love me till I cum." " Yes sir." The end. Azusa and Karino was getting dinner together they seem to get a long well to atsumu and kuze that just happened to pass by them. They grab some food and when things start to heat up and atsumu didn't want to make out in the movies the went to a hotel. They run against azusa and karino there again. They were at the same fucking hotel What were the chances? Same of this new love working fine? Probably not without some bickering. Because you know that's how love is. Is always messed up ❤
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theshawnieboi · 5 years
Boss Baby | pt. 3
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boss baby pt. 2
Over the weekend, I was in contact with Nancy to prepare for a type of welcome slash congratulatory lunch party thing for that new author guy and the company. As Monday rolled up, we were busy preparing everything at the office pantry.
"Hey, Lexine.” Nancy called, looking through the list on her clipboard. “Are we good to go here?”
“Yeah.” I sigh. It was almost 11 in the morning, and we were expecting people to arrive by then. “This was tiring. How did you survive through this when you were alone?”
“I don’t.” She chuckled. “I die right after then come back to life.”
Shawn enters the room, looking much more edible than the food...
“Everything looks good here, ladies.” He said, eyes going around the room. He went to check on the mini buffet we got catered and scrunched his nose up at the last meal. “Why is there tomato pasta?”
I look at Nancy, confused as to why Shawn was asking about the tomato pasta.
“He doesn’t like tomatoes.” Nancy whispered, and I just nodded in understanding but still confused.
A few minutes later, employees from every department started to come and Shawn greeted them at the door.
Shawn called for me and as I went to stand by his side, Tyler arrives with his team. “Hey man.” Shawn greeted him and they did the man handshake hug type thing.
“Hi.” I gave them a small smile and ushered them to the buffet table, leaving Shawn.
“Lexine, right?” Tyler asked, looking like he was about to say something else.
“It’s nice to see you again.” He said, letting his team go first.
“You too, and congratulations again on the book deal.” I smiled.
“Yeah, thank you! I think it was because of you, you’re kind of like a lucky charm.” Tyler joked which actually got me giggling.
“But really, it was all you. The book is amazing, I’ve just finished reading the unedited version you sent us.”
“Thank you. Have you eaten? Come eat with us.” He offered and put his hand on my back, as a gesture to get me to cut in front of him.
I took a step back to get his hand to fall from my back. I looked around the room to see if someone saw, but instead made eye contact with my boss who was slowly approaching us.
“No, you guys go ahead. I’ll eat when everybody’s done. Thank you.” I told Tyler with a small smile.
“Hey, let’s eat.” Shawn said, who now has his hand on my back. He smiled at Tyler before guiding me to the end of the line.
“I really should let everybody eat first.” I smiled nervously at Shawn but just got pushed back in line by the hand that was still on my back.
“Eat.” He said firmly, took his hand off my back and handed me a plate.
When we sat down with our food, Shawn was just looking at me like he wanted to say something.
“What?” I asked.
Shawn shrugged, finally starting to eat. “Didn’t say anything.”
“Yeah, but why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” I took a tissue and tried to wipe my face when I got stopped by Shawn.
"Nothing.” He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes at him, trying to stop the smile from forming on my face, which actually got him chuckling a bit more.
After the small gathering, Nancy and I were left at the pantry cleaning up, and Shawn and Tyler were at one corner talking about something.
Nancy nudged me on the side, and pointed to Tyler with her head. “Well, you never told me that the new author was cute.”
“Meh.” I shrugged.
“Not your type?”
“But Mr. Mendes is.” She smirked at me.
“Nancy.” I hiss a little too loudly, making the two men look at us.
“Everything okay?” Shawn asked.
“Yes, sir. Uh, we’ll head back to the office now.” I said, grabbing Nancy by her elbow and pulled her towards the elevator, the both of us giggling.
“Would yah look at that.” She laughed once the elevator doors closed.
“Stop it. You’re going to get me in trouble.” I managed to say in between the fits of giggles.
When the elevator doors open, Nancy and I immediately went back to work mode and proceeded to our desks.
As Shawn walked out of the elevator, Nancy winked at me which got us both giggling again.
“Thanks for the lunch, ladies.” Shawn said.
“You’re welcome, sir.” Nancy thanked our boss for the both of us before he entered his office.
My phone beeped with a text from Annie at our group chat.
Anniebee sent a message to bestiez. lets dwink anniebee is sad
Johnnyboi sent a message to bestiez. ure always sad
Anniebee sent a message to bestiez. f u.
You sent a message to bestiez. hahahahahahahahahhhahh dwinks at my place then
Anniebee sent a message to bestiez. Y A Y 
Johnnyboi sent a message to bestiez. see yall later mwa
I put my phone back in my pocket and got back to work. 
The intercom buzzed followed by Shawn’s voice. “Lexine, tell Tyler to just come straight to my office when he arrives.”
I pushed the button and said, “Okay, sir.”
Tyler arrives not long after. “Hi, Mr. Mendes said that you can go ahead into his office.”
"Got it.” He replied with a smile and went into Shawn’s office.
I’ve got to say, he really is charming. I mean, your typical cutie next door with the blond hair and green eyes. You know, if you’re into that Jesse McCartney charm.
I was taken out of my thoughts by the very person in them standing in front of me. “Yes? Is there anything that you need?” I looked at Shawn’s office to see if he was coming out.
“Oh, no. The meeting’s over.” Tyler smiled at me and took out what looked like a business card from the pocket of his jacket. “I was kind of hoping that you’re available for dinner later?”
“Oh, uhm...I can’t.” I manage to choke out, a blush creeping up on my face, and took another glance at Shawn’s office. “I already made plans.”
“What about Saturday?” He raised his eyebrows at me, with a hopeful smile.
I was about to decline again when the intercom buzzed followed by my saviour’s voice. “Hi, Lexine. Can you please come in here. Thank you.”
“Sorry.” I cleared my throat of whatever was blocking it. “I need to go. Excuse me.” I quickly stood up from my desk and speed-walked to Shawn’s office, not daring to look back.
“Ah, Lexine. Can you please cancel all my meetings for tomorrow.” My boss said, looking at me briefly before turning his attention back to his phone. “I need you to help me with something.”
“Is everything okay, sir? Can I get you anything?” I asked, concern lacing my voice.
“I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.” He said, not going into detail.
“Uh, okay. Would that be all, sir?”
“Yes, thank you.”
I walk out of Shawn’s office and see that Tyler and his invites are gone.
“Hey, I think Tyler left something on your desk.” Nancy said with a smirk on her face.
I look at my desk, and on top of it is his card. Okay, spoke too soon, Lexine. I pick it up and see that his phone number is underlined by the purple pen on my desk, he also wrote ‘saturday?’ on it. I sigh, actually feeling like a teenager being asked out on a date.
The rest of the day was uneventful for the office, and I just couldn’t wait to get home and get that drink with my best friends. A very much needed drink.
I groan as Shawn was coming out of his office. “I’m leaving, don’t worry. You can leave too.” He snickered.
“Oh, shit.” I muttered. “No, I was just-” I stuttered, unable to find the right words. “Oh what the hell.” I feel my face heat up, and covered it with my hands, not having the courage to look at my boss.
“It’s fine. Let’s go?” He asked, still chuckling.
“Go where?”
“To the elevator, Lexine? We’re just going down together, don’t stress yourself too much.” He said, grinning, finally stopped laughing at me.
“Oh right, let’s go.” I followed him to the elevator without a word, afraid that I might say something stupid again. We entered the elevator, and I stood absentmindedly by the buttons.
“You okay there?” Suddenly Shawn’s breath was fanning my face, getting me out of my trance, as he leaned to press the ground button. 
He went back to his place after pressing the button, and I dare to look back and see him standing there with a smirk on that perfect face. My face immediately heats up as I make eye contact with him.
“I hate you.” I mutter and looked at the buttons again, trying to hide my face with my hair.
been watching christian grey for some intimidating ceo vibes inspo
well that took long enough im so sorry for the delay and im so sorry for sucking
taglist: @ashwarren32 @ellascarlettangel @ilsolee @mx-and-mb @to-the-road @shawnmendes048 @miclarodeluna @someinsanefangirl @lili-alvarez @sweetheartmendes @coralchloe @vintageroses1014516
boss baby pt. 4
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Sit next to me (8/?) Part 1
Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Summary: Logan and Ellie talk, the test is taken, and someone spills the beans.... literally.
Rating: Mature... sex.. yep...
A/N: So this will be a 2 parter, just way to much to get out in 1 post... enjoy!! If you would like added to the tag list, let me know.. catch up HERE
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Song inspiration:
Ellie sat in her office, it was Wednesday and she still hadn't heard from Logan. “knock knock.” a voice came at her door. “Oh hi Mr mann- Eli.” she looked up to see her boss standing in the doorway. “Have you had any luck getting those statements from Mr Rider?” he walked in sitting in front of her desk.
The statements shit! She internally scolded herself. She had been so caught up in her personal life drama she let her work slip, that ended today. “I am meeting with Logan to get them.” A smile spread across Elias's face “Excellent. Keep up the good work.”
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.  This standoff with Logan ended now. She picked up her phone and rattled off a text.
“I know you are pissed at me, but this is not a personal call. Unless you want to find a new Accountant, we need to meet TODAY.”
A few minutes later her phone vibrated, a response from Logan. “ 1pm. i'll send the address.” a few seconds later another text with an address came through. She looked at the clock. She had about half an hour until the meeting and with traffic and the distance she needed to go now. She switched on her out of office messages and took off to the location Logan sent her.
She pulled up to a large gated house. The gate opened and she drove around front parking. Before she could knock on the door Logan opened it up motioning for her to come in.
“Wow, is this your house?” she marveled at the open floor plan. There wasn't much to it in all honesty.  Some furniture, a large TV. A stocked bar area and some framed car art.
“It's better than a box.” he chuckled. They sat on the couch, Ellie getting right down to the professional side of the business she had to attend. Logan having everything she needed ready.
They sat in an awkward silence before Ellie broke it. “Logan, im sorry. I know you're mad at me.”
“I'm not mad at you Ellie. Well, not anymore. I'm upset. I knew you had feelings for him, I knew it when I caught you two together.”
Ellies mind took her back to the night she knew she was in way to deep.
“Were gonna get caught Colt.” Ellie giggled as he pressed his body against hers on the couch.  “Nobody is here, everyone went out on a job. and pop is at a meeting. They'll be gone for hours.” his hand slide up to unbutton her jeans. He lifted himself up pulling the jeans down with him, leaving her in just her bra and panties. His lips came down hard on hers as she completely lost herself in the kiss. Her hands frantically pawing at his fully clothed body. “Less. Of. This.” she pulled on his shirt and breathed out between heated kisses. The sides of his lips tugged up into a sinister smirk, she wanted him as bad as he wanted her.
He pulled his shit over his head, tossing it across the room. She stopped for a minute, running her hands down his hard chest, before he stood pulling every last piece of clothing from his body. Ellie propped herself up on her elbow, her eyes widening at the sight of him, suddenly very aware of what she committed herself to. “See something you like?” she bit her lip nodding. In an instant he was on her again. Peppering playful kisses on her neck, down the valley of her breast. His hand reached around, effortlessly unfastening her bra, tossing it aside. His lips found her pink buds, as he flicked his tongue, capturing one in his mouth, before moving onto the next. He placed feather light kisses down her stomach, settling on her hips. Her heartbeat racing in anticipation as his strong hands grasped her thighs spreading them apart. He lowered his head kissing and sucking the inside of her thighs, “I want to taste you Ellie.” the vibration of his voice sending a pleasant jolt to her core. “Yes.” A low growl escaped him as he settled between her legs.
He flattened his tongue swiping it between her slick folds. He let let out an appreciative moan as his tongue swirled around the bundle of nerves. She sucked in a sharp breath as her head flew back against the cushion. he looked up between his lashes watching her chest rise and fall, faster and faster as her moans became louder and louder.  He slipped a two fingers into her wanting center, slowly pumping them in and out. Her back arching at the welcomed intrusion. Her legs began to shake, he knew she was close, he curled his fingers slightly reaching the perfect spot as she came undone, a slew of curses falling from her lips.
Satisfied he pulled back and grinned at her as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sat up.  Ellie watching him, though lust blown eyes. She climbed onto his lap, her lips crashing against his in a heated kiss. “I want you colt.” she moaned against his lips. “Mmmm,  lay down Ellie.” she shook her head. “No. I want to be the driver.” she grinded her hips against him. He gripped his stiff length, slowly pumping it as she slowly lowered herself down, gasping out at how he filled her.
She allowed herself to adjust a moment before rocking against him. He threw his head back at the sensation, a deep moan escaping him. He lifted his head,  his lust blown eyes boring into her. “You're my driver forever, remember that. Now drive baby.” He gripped her hips guiding her down onto him faster and faster. She bounced hard against him  as she moaned out. “Fuck, yes. colt.”
The sound of his name falling from her lips drove him wild, he bucked frantically against her. his hand slipping down rubbing tight circles against her aching clit. That was all it took for her to come completely undone. She leaned against his chest, nails digging into his strong shoulders as she screamed his name, forcing his own release.
She laid against his chest for a moment, he tracked lazy circles against her bare skin.  “We should probably get dressed.” she sighed standing up. “A sin if i ever heard one, but you're probably right.” they retrieved their clothes, dressing quickly. Colt pulled her against him “You're incredible Ellie.” She his face down, capturing his lips in a sensual kiss. “Let's go get some food. I'm starving.” Colt grabbed his jacket “Only if I get to drive.” She winked, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him again.
“What the fuck is this?” They heard, pulling apart  quickly. Both turning to see Logan standing there. “Do you have a problem pretty boy?” Colt taunted.
“Yeah. I do.  You're fucking making out with my girl.” Logan snapped, shoving Colt.
Colt coming back bumping his chest. “Last I checked she wasn't anyone's girl.”
“Colt! Logan! Stop this.” Her pleas going unanswered.  Colts smug grin setting Logan off as his fist connected with his jaw. Colt lunged forward tackling logan to the ground as the two rolled around exchanging blows.
“Stop it. Stop it guys. Help.” Ellie screamed, finally toby and ximena came running in, followed by Kaneko. “Stop it at once.” He commanded, his booming voice causing both to freeze instantly. Ellie took off running both scrambling to run after her. She climbed up the ladder onto the roof. How did things get so complicated.
“Ellie? Ellie?” Logan called out, pulling her back to the present. “Sorry, I was just thinking about something.” she told him about the night of prom, how they were freaked out about the plan and if things went south. How they travelled to vegas on a whim and getting caught up in all the what ifs, they married. She had thought Colt had filed for an annulment after they had a blow up and he left. Only to find out he never did. Logan sat there in silence,  absorbing all of the information.
“Well, I kinda get why you didn't say anything, but. I wish I didn't hear it from Colt.” he sighed.
“I know, im sorry Logan. But as a peace offering, my dad and I are throwing a 4th of July bbq. If you don't have plans we would love for you to come.” Logan smiled as they stood up walking towards the door. “I think I can manage that.” he pulled her in for a hug, she rested her head against his chest, breathing in his scent. “Are we good?” he pulled gently stroked her hair, “were good.”
That Friday the three of them, with Luca walked into the lab. Ellie check in, grabbing clipboards for all to fill out their information. Luca sat in the chair, the smell of the sterile environment making her nervous. “You ok Luca?” Logan lowered his head “I don't like Doctors offices, they give needles.” Her voice a whisper.  “Its ok, you're not going to get a needle.” he gently squeezed her little hand. “You promise?” “I promise. If you want, I will hold your hand if you get scared, ok?” Luca nodded her head, squeezing logans hand.
They waited a few minutes before being ushered into the back. Colt went first, followed by Luca. She hesitated getting in the seat. “Uncle Logie, fan you hold my hand?” Logan smiled at her taking her tiny hand in his large one. She paused a moment turning to Colt. “Colt, can you hold me please?” Ellie swore she felt her heart explode in that moment, as colt sat down in the seat, his arms wrapped around her, Luca leaned back against him while Logan held onto her hand.
The tech informed them the results could take up to 6 weeks as the lab was backed up.
The four of them grabbed dinner and went school shopping with Luca. Colt and Logan refusing to let Ellie pay for a thing.
Ellie spent the next week preparing for the 4th of July cookout. Everyone was coming, she was excited for Luca to meet the old crew. Riya and Darius showed up first. Darius setting up the pack n play in the backyard for Marcus. Frank had been on the grill all morning while Ellie worked on the food inside.  The doorbell rang and Frank came barreling through the house. “I got it. I got it.”
He answered the door and a petite brunette stood there. Frank encouraged the woman inside, walking up to Ellie. Ellie looked at the woman, something about her looked awful familiar. “Ellie, I want you to meet my girlfriend Sally. Sally this is my daughter Ellie.”
“Elliez it is so good to finally meet you.  You're dad talks about you so much.” Ellie giggled “I hope not to much.  It's really nice to meet you Sally.” she continued to stare at the woman, swearing she knew her from somewhere.  “Sally, I don't mean to stare but, Have we met before? I swear you look so familiar.”
“I don't think so hun, not unless you've been to lucky's diner in San Francisco.” Ellie shook her head “Nope, can't say I have. But anyway, come on out. Dads finishing up on the grill, the rest of the guest will be here soon.”
The doorbell rang and in walked Ximena, Toby and Colt. “Colt!” Luca came running into his arms, colt picking her up giving her a hug “Hey squirt.” he sat her down “Grampy got me a pool, come see it.” She grabbed his hand leading him through the house.  “Hey Toby, Hey X.” she noticed toby shifting on both feet. “Go ahead, you can see the pool too.” “thanks ellie.” Ximena shook her head handing her a tray of pretzel salad. “You know he has done nothing but talk about Luca non stop.”
“He has text me and called daily as well.” Ellie watched Luca splash colt, a smile playing on her lips. “How's logan been with it?”
“The same as Colt. She's quite taken with the both of them.” Ximena gave her an understanding squeeze. Logan, Mona and Stacie were the last to arrive. Ellie looked at the two “Did you guys come together?” Logan shook his head. “No, I pulled up and Mona did too, Stacie was walking to the door.”
Logan and colt stayed inside helping frank gather all the food. Ellie sat With Riya on one of the picnic tables. She leaned in close, dropping her voice so only she could hear. “Hey, do you think Darnell could lend me his services, cheap?” Riya looked at her confused “ohh you mean for the custody stuff. I was wondering what you needed a lawyer for.”
“No, I need to file for divorce.” Riya chuckled thinking she was joking,  the serious look on her face told her otherwise. “You're serious? When did you get married? Who did you marry?”
Ellie shushed her “Keep it down. 6 years ago. Colt and i got married in Vegas.” Riyas eyes went wide.
“You Married COLT in vegas?” She shouted, silencing the entire party. “What?” Her dad stood on the deck dropping an entire tin pan of coleslaw. Logan and Colt stood frozen behind him.
Sally came running up “Frank are you ok?” Logans eyes widened, he dropped the tin pan of baked beans onto the deck as well
Tag: @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @powdesiree0816 @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear @zaffrenotes @simsvetements @zaffrenotes @professorortegasstudent @akrenich @ifyouseekheart @client-327 @choicelogansbitch @choicesarehard @paisleylovergirl @itskismetbb @itsmarleen @rhischoicesfanfics @distinguishedsaladoperawinner @iplaydrake @coffeebeandragon @jasidu2
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Departed- Chap 8
Read on a03 here
Warnings: None cuz Race deserves a goddamn break
IM SOrry if the grammar is OFF
It was way too early on a Saturday morning when a phone call woke Spot up.  Race sleepily reached up and pinched Spot’s nipple, sending a jolt through his body.  Spot yelped and swatted at Race’s hand, “Don’t do that, asshole.”
“Pick up your goddamn phone,” Race mumbled in response.  Spot sighed began to pry himself out of Race’s hold so that he could get his phone, but Race tightened his arms around him.
“You realize that I needa move to get my phone, right?” Spot said into Race’s curls.
Race whined, nestling his head further into Spot’s neck, “No, you’re warm,” the phone stopped ringing and Spot scoffed, “Looks like I’m not moving anyway.”
“Good,” Race hummed, “Back to sleep time- oh my god.”
They both groaned as Spot’s phone began to ring a second time.  
“Jesus, just get your phone,” Race said, rolling off of Spot.  Spot propped himself up on his elbow, leaning over to his bedside table to grab his phone.  He squinted at the bright screen to see that Albert was calling him.
“Al?” He answered.  
Race snorted behind him, “What does that idiot want?”
“I’m checkin’, Racer,” Spot said, kicking Race in the thigh.
“Rude,” Race grunted.
“You pinched my nipple earlier!  We’re even,” Spot exclaimed.
“Uh, hello?” Albert’s voice tentatively called through the speaker, “I’m still here.”
“Yes, hello,” Spot said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, “What do you need?  It’s five in the fuckin’ mornin’.”
“Oh, it is?” Albert sounded surprised, “I didn’t even realize.”
“Fuckin’ insomniac.”
“Shut up. Is Race in the room?”
“Yes, dumbass, you heard us talkin’ didn’t ya?”
“Point taken.  So now that we’ve established Race’s presence, leave it.”
“Leave his presence?” Spot leaned forward to rest his head on his hand.
“Mhm, we gotta talk about somethin’.”
“Alright,” Spot said, standing up and slipping out of his room, “What’s up.”
“Let me in,” Albert demanded.
“Oh my god, Albert.  If I open my door are ya gonna be on the other side?” Spot asked, dreading the answer.
There was a pause on the other end, “Uh, maybe.”
“Jesus, okay, I’m in my underwear. Gimme a sec,” He heard Albert snicker, “Shut up, you literally woke me up.  I was sleepin’, which means I was in my sleep clothes.”
Spot stuck his head back into his bedroom and called out softly to Race, “Hey, couldya pass me my sweats?  They should be on the floor by the bed.”
Race kept his eyes closed as he groped around on the floor, eventually tossing Spot a pair of sweatpants.
“Thanks,” Spot whispered, slipping on the pants.  They were several sizes too big for him and he frowned, “Race, you passed me yours.”
“Suffer,” Race said, pulling the blankets tighter around himself.
“Do you two share a bed over there?” Albert asked.
Spot blushed, “Y-yeah, I mean it’s jus’, uh-”
“Hm, cute,” Albert said, thoughtfully, “Anyway, let me in.”
Spot hurried over to the door and opened it.  For a moment, he didn’t see anyone, then someone cleared their throat from the ground.
“You were takin’ too long,” Albert was sitting criss cross on the floor, dressed in a fluffy blue robe.  His phone was still pressed to his ear and Spot realized that they were still on call.
Spot smirked as he hung up the phone, peering down at Albert in the darkness, “You’re stupid, what do you want?”
“I needya ta come over,” Albert said, reaching his hands up towards Spot, who took them and hoisted him up, “Race’s birthday is tomorrow and we gotta have somethin’ awesome planned for him.”
Spot rubbed his eyes tiredly, “And we couldn’ta done this over breakfast?”
Albert twitched his nose and shook his head, “It’s really stressin’ me out that we don’t have this planned in final yet and it’s tomorrow. I got an idea, but I need your opinion.”
Spot knew better than to argue with Albert when he was stressed, “Alright, I’m comin’.  Lemme jus’ go tell Race I’ma be gone for a bit.”
Albert studied him for a moment, an odd look in his eyes, “Spot?”
Spot shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, “Uh, what.”
“Do you,” Albert lowered his voice to a whisper, “Do you have, uh, feelings for Racer?”
Spot sputtered, heat rushing to his face, “I dunno, uh, maybe?  I dunno.  I mean I know it’s wrong cuz he’s still so fucked up from Melissa, but-”
“Hey, whoa,” Albert held his hands up, effectively stopping Spot from rambling, “It’s fine, man, I was just wondering.”
Spot pursed his lips, glancing behind him towards his bedroom, “I’m fucked, dude.”
Albert smiled softly, “You’re really good to him, ya know?  Like since all this shit’s gone down with that bitch, you’ve really kept him upright.  He’s told me that.”
Spot blinked at Albert in surprise, “He has?”
“Yeah, dude, he said that despite everything else, you’re probably one of the best things in his life right now.  Romantic or whatever, he loves you a lot.”
Spot looked down to hide the smile that was growing on his face, “I’ll be right back, dude.”
“Aight,” Albert pulled out his phone and leaned against the doorframe, waving Spot off.
Spot padded over to his bedroom and opened the door, “Hey, Racer, Al needs help with somethin’ so I’ma go over to his place for a bit.”
Race lifted his head to look at Spot, concern etched across his face, “Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine,” Spot said, nonchalantly, “I’ll see ya later.”
“See ya.”  Spot carefully closed the door and grabbed his sweatshirt off its hook, pulling it over his head as he followed Albert out of his apartment.  They walked the short distance across the hall to Albert and Finch’s place, entering quietly so they wouldn’t wake Finch.
“I’ll make some coffee,” Albert whispered, disappearing into his kitchen.  Spot wandered to the living room, taking a seat on one end of the couch.  Albert reappeared a few minutes later, holding two mugs.  He handed one to Spot, who took a sip, wincing slightly when the hot liquid hit his tongue.
“It’s hot, dude, be careful,” Albert laughed.
Spot glared at him over his mug, “No shit.”
They both looked over to Albert’s bedroom when the door opened and Finch stuck his head out, squinting at his boyfriend, “Albert, baby?  Have you been up all this time?”  
Albert slurped his coffee loudly, “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh, love,” Finch softened, “C’mon, you need- oh, hi Spot.” Finch startled slightly when he noticed Spot.  
Spot saluted him lazily and offered him a tired smile, “Hey, Finch.”
“What’re you two doing?”
“Planning Race’s birthday tomorrow, apparently,” Spot said.
Finch strolled over and sat in between them on the couch.  Albert immediately curled into his side and Finch began to smooth a hand through his hair.
“Ooo, I’ll plan with y’all,” Finch said, planting a kiss on Albert’s head.
“Awesome, so,” Albert clapped his hands together, “I was thinkin’ a dinner cruise on the Hudson.”
Spot choked on his coffee, “You do realize how expensive that shit is, right?  Plus it’s like, twenty degrees outside.”
“No, no,” Albert sat up and tucked his legs under him, “I’ve already done my research, listen.  So, the dinner cruises for one night with this one company I looked at are $150 for a party of six, with an additional $25 per added members.  If the three of us, Race, Jack, Kath, Davey, and Crutchie go, that’d be $200.  Split that between everyone ‘cept Race, ‘cause he ain’t payin’ on his birthday, that’s only $28 ish a person.  Totally doable.”
Spot raised his eyebrows, “Man, you really did do your research.  Aight, I’m down.  What time does the cruise leave?  Do we still gotta invite the others?”
“The cruise leaves at 7:00 tomorrow night and goes ‘til 9:30.  It includes, like, a three course meal and there’s live entertainment and whatnot.  I already asked Jack and Kath if they’re in and they said yeah, but I still gotta reach out to Davey and Crutchie.”
“It’s always a little unnervin’ when ya suddenly take on responsibility,” Finch said.
Albert shrugged, “Stress is a drivin’ force, pal.  I just want it to be a good one for him, he’s had a rough time lately, so I figure he could use some spoilin’.”
“This is actually a really fun idea,” Spot said, pulling out his phone, “I’ll hit up Crutch and Davey.”
 “I’m already on it,” Finch said, holding up his phone to reveal texts sent to the two other men.
“Lovely,” Albert said, grinning, “Good work, boys.”
Spot got up earlier than Race again the next day to make him a birthday breakfast.  The day before, he had gone to World Market and picked various Italian breakfast foods, enlisting Katherine’s help in the actual preparation.
He set the table with the various pastries, breads, jams, and cookies that he had selected, then slipped back into his bedroom.
Spot was surprised to see that Race was already awake and on his phone.  He looked up when Spot entered and smiled, “Mornin’, Spottie.”
“Mornin’ Racer,” Spot slipped back into the bed and tugged on Race’s bicep.  Race melted into his arms and yawned, “Happy birthday, gremlin.”
“Thanks,” Race hummed happily.  They remained in that position for a few more minutes, until Spot heard Race’s stomach rumble.
“You hungry?” He chuckled.
“A bit.”
“C’mon,” Spot said, getting up and pulling Race out of bed, “I got breakfast.”
Race’s eyes widened as he took in the wide array of food that was set out on the table, “Merda santa,” He murmured, “Is that fette biscottate? Spot, oh my god, this is amazin’!”
He stuffed a roll in his mouth, then eagerly grabbed a plate and loaded it with small bits of everything on the table.  Spot laughed and joined him in taking food, sitting down across from him.
“Enjoyin’ it?” Spot asked.
“So much,” Race answered with his mouth full, “Thank ya, this is great.”
They were supposed to meet everyone else at Chelsea Piers around 6:30 to board.  Race had no idea that they had planned this for him, so when Spot told him to get his shoes on and follow him to his car, he was thoroughly confused.
“Where are we going?” Race asked for what had to be the hundredth time since they’d left Spot’s apartment complex.
“I told ya that you’ll see,” Spot said, calmly.
Race groaned and slid lower into his seat, propping his feet up on the dash, “Spottieeeee, c’mon, I’m impatient.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” Spot said, “Put your feet down.”
Raced huffed and lowered his feet to the car floor, “You’re no fun.”
“Okay, Race.”
They arrived at the dock at 6:20 to find everyone already there.  Albert waved them over to the ticket station and pulled Race into a hug, “Happy birthday, man.”
“Thanks,” Race grinned, “What is all this?”
“Dinner cruise,” Finch piped up, “Albert’s idea.”
“Awe, man,” Race gripped Albert’s shoulder affectionately, “Thanks so much.”
“Least we could do for ya on the big 22,” Albert said, clapping Race on the back.
“We’d better get moving,” Davey said, fishing a wad of tickets from his pocket and distributing them to everyone, “It looks like people are getting on.”
They boarded the ship in pairs, eventually coming together as a whole group once they entered the main room.  The inside of the ship was decently large and elegant.  Tables lined the large glass walls and a cozy looking fireplace was located at one end of the room.  On the other end, a stage and dance floor were set up and a band was already playing music, adding to the pleasant atmosphere.  Albert had booked two tables for the group and they located them near the stage.  
“I’m so excited for food, man,” Race said, rubbing his hands together as he, Spot, Albert, and Finch sat down at one of the tables.
“Well, you’re in luck then,” Spot said as a waiter walked up to take their drink orders.  
“They serve duck?” Race asked, eyes wide as he stared at the menu.  
Spot looked down at his own menu and scoffed when he saw that duck was indeed and option on the appetizer menu, “Looks like it is.  Why?  Do ya like duck or somethin’?”
“I dunno, but I’ve always wanted ta try it.”
“Then order some god forsaken duck,” Albert said, taking a sip of the Sprite the waiter had just brought for him.
“Mayhaps I shall,” Race said, thoughtfully.
Finch cocked his eyes, eyebrows quirking up slightly, “Mayhaps?”
“It’s a word,” Race said, matter of factly.
Spot looked sideways at him, “It definitely isn’t.”
“Well, it is in my book, so hop of my dick.  It’s my birthday.”
“He has a point.”
“Shut up, Al.”
The waiter returned to take their meal orders, depositing a basket of bread on the table in the process.  Race immediately grabbed one of the butter packets and opened it, popping the slab of butter in his mouth.
“Race, what the fuck,” Spot said, taking a roll for himself.
Race wrinkled his nose, “Yeah, I dunno why I did that, that was disgustin’.”
“Race,” Jack called from the table behind them, “Didya just eat a whole butter package?”
“Uh, maybe.”
“Fuckin’ wild.”
The ship departed the dock at 7:00 exactly, the appetizers arriving not much later.  Race eagerly pulled his plate towards him, taking a large bite.
“What the fuck, it’s cold,” He said, gagging slightly, “And really salty.”
“Yeah,” Finch said, trying to hold back laughter, “Duck is usually served cold.”
“Well I didn’t know that, now did I?”
The rest of their meal came out one by one and by 8:00 everyone was finished and feeling thoroughly full.  The dance floor was beginning to fill up with other passengers as the band picked up the tempo in their songs.
Race and Albert perked up when the band began playing ‘Take Me to Church’ by Hozier and before anyone could process what was happening, the two of them had run onto the dance floor.  They immediately drew attention to themselves as they dove into pre-rehearsed choreography.  A small crowd started to watch them as they continued to dance and eventually a circle of impressed onlookers had formed.  The song finished and applause erupted from mass of people.  Albert and Race high fived, panting slightly as the adrenaline from their spontaneous performance wore off.  
“Looks good you two,” Spot praised, approaching the two boys  from his place at the edge of the dance floor.
“Thanks, we’ve been workin’ at it for some time,” Race said, lifting his shirt to wipe some sweat off his forehead.
The crowd dispersed as the band began to play a slow song and couples slowly started to fill the dance floor.  Albert darted off to find Finch, leaving Spot and Race standing awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor.  
“Should we go, uh, sit down?” Race asked, twisting his fingers together.
“Actually, hang on” Spot hurried back to their table and grabbed his bag from the back of his chair, then rejoined Race, “While everyone’s distracted with their people, I wanna give ya your present.  C’mon.”
Race’s eyes widened, “Spot, ya didn’t hafta get me anythin’-”
“Shut up, yes I did,” Spot led them towards the doors that opened to the ship’s balcony.  The slipped outside, immediately drawing their shoulders up as cold wind swept across the deck.  They found refuge in a small outdoor seating area and sat down beside one another on a deck chair.
“Here,” Spot dug a small package out of his bag and handed it to Race, “I gotcha these after Melissa ruined your last pair.”
Race stared down at the package for a moment, before cautiously opening it, “Spot, you didn’t…” he murmured, taking a pair of new ballet shoes out of the box and holding them up to the light.
Spot smiled, sheepishly, “I know they’re not anywhere near as special as your last pair, but I figured it was the least I could do.”
“No, Spot,” Race muttered, “They’re perfect.” He shook his head and breathed out a small laugh, turning the shoes over a few more times in his hands before placing them back in their casing.
He turned to Spot, a look of admiration on his face, “Thank you, I-” He cut himself off, his expression shifting into something new and unreadable.  Spot furrowed his eyebrows in concern and was just about to ask if he was okay when he felt a pair of lips meet his.  He froze for a moment then melted into the kiss, lifting a hand to tangle in Race’s curls.  The world seemed to stop as warmth spread throughout Spot’s stomach and he had to remind himself to keep breathing as Race’s grip on him tightened.
Race deepened the kiss and Spot pulled back just enough so that he could search Race’s eyes, “Are we gonna talk about this?” He whispered.
“We’re gonna hafta, but goddamnit let me just kiss you right now,” Race said, pulling Spot in by the front of his shirt.
“Sounds like a plan.”
@bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable @aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @thatpoorguysheadisspinning @labert-dasilver @andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ watergate :3
this took too fucking long
Who is more likely to raise their voice? i feel like emma cos she’s more angry dramatic and he’s more emo dramatic but i was also gonna say he probably should to accomodate for his heightWho threatens to leave but never actually does? neither of them, they’ve both left one another repeatedly. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? both of them, see above. Who trashes the house? i don’t think either of them … i can’t see him ever doing it but if he did she would kick his ass things need to be NEAT Do either of them get physical? basement gate tease ! but no … it’s soft ….  that’s been erased from my memory … they’re emo not violent  How often do they argue/disagree? all the time but about #dumb shit nowadays … used to be more serious but now? you like chocolate ice cream better? … idiot  Who is the first to apologise? if they had a penny for every time mickey has apologised to her both of them could quit their low salary jobs and move to france 
Who is on top? bold of u to assume they aren’t both switches Who is on the bottom? ^Who has the strangest desires? Any kinks? mind ur fucking business … snuggling is a kink Who’s dominant in bed? i don’t think dominant has ever been in either of their vocabulary where’s the john mulaney gif abt soup in the lap … regaurdless … probably he has to be she’s babyIs head ever in the equation? she suck the dick for free and mickey is a good boy, he knows how to go down on a womf If so, who is better at performing it? i don’t know how sex works is it easier to eat thrussy or suck a dick … they both try the only thing that matters is that once he said she was better at sex than [ redacted ] Ever had sex in public? private public … like not dressing room public but like, romantic lookout in a car public … hope no coppers come 2 shine their flashlight Who moans the most? idk if this is my sexism or my lesbian but women should, legally, be required to moan more than menWho leaves the most marks? he better swallow his masculinity and get used to concealer but i feel like that wld not be an issue for him, king ! he can’t borrow hers though it won’t match Who screams the loudest? WHO YELLSWho is the more experienced of the two? mickey. fucking duh. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they make love :3Rough or soft? soft … unlike his penis How long do they usually last? haha 8 seconds joe goldberg tease? idk how long sex even lasts in general …. solidly average is my guess Is protection used? he better wrap it before he taps it my girl cannot afford plan b . so yesDoes it ever get boring? not …. boring but ….. consistent. when emma gets too drunk she asks odette for sex advice bc she doesn’t want to bore ickey Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? nowhere is strange if ur brave enough.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? …. yes ….If so, how many children do your muses want/have? she wants 27 children actually but literally anything from 1-30 will suffice …. they need a lot of help on his inevitable farm Who is the favorite parent? mickey is the fun parent so u already know who it is Who is the authoritative parent? REMEMBER the clip i sent u from the marky mark movie … she’s always the bad guy until he gets #fedup and he has to remind her that she’s not doing it this time AJSDKF Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? honeslty both of them unless emma hoards all the candy … selfish  Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both of them they make fucking SIGNS …. its a little league game u dont need to paint the football stripes on ur faceWho goes to parent teacher interviews? they both go but mickey is better at them because emma always goes into teacher mode and tries to talk about Who changes the diapers? mickey does he’s a NURSE he is not grossed out , she is . baby poop is rank Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? where tf is that gifset from prison break when u need it … she does but only because she hates diapers and it’s only fair to pop a tiddie out every night for ur kid in exchangeWho spends the most time with the children? ummmm FAMILY FUN NIGHT x Who packs their lunch boxes?Who gives their children ‘the talk’? mickey he is obligated as a medical professional she don’t teach sex ed …. Who cleans up after the kids? emma but only because she’s a neat freak Who worries the most? both of them try to pretend they’re VERY cool and nonchalant and this is actually very easy until one of them cracks (probably her) and they both worry together constantly . solidarity babey ! ….. moreso her tho u cannot change my mind Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? auntie odette change my mind we said FUCK watergate lives , emdette rise 
Who likes to cuddle? both of them …. constntly …. disgusting Who is the little spoon? [ jake peralta vc ] everyone likes to be the little spoon, it makes them feel safe ! LOOK HERE buddy …. he is and i dont take questions , even when he was 10 ft Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? can he fucking keep his hands AWF …. thats coming from me not emma she appreciates it Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? both of them …. its CONSTANT … hand on the shoulder , touching someone’s back as u walk past …. SOFT ! n then the one gif  u sent from superstore where amy slaps jonah’s ass that’s emma How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?  they actually fall asleep cuddling and wake up complaining abt falling asleep in a uncomfortable position… shut up abt ur back pain ur not 80 Who gives the most kisses? KISS kisses …. he. but know … she’s always kissing him on the cheek What is their favourite non-sexual activity? this is gonna sound g*y as hell but stay with me here ………. just being in the same place , even when they’re doing diff stuff . TOGETHERNESS …. vomit time Where is their favourite place to cuddle? the couch , i retract my statement about them not being 80 they actually fall asleep watching tv Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? casually ? she … to actually initiate eye emoji ? he How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , they know 2 other people 
Who snores? he does im hcing this for ur own character If both do, who snores the loudest? she doesn’t SNORE she’s a lady Do they share a bed or sleep separately? they’ve been in 200 different stages of relationship ……. OTHER than depending on that , she sleeps better w him there :3If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they start far apart cos she’s a blanket hog but she always ends up next 2 him Who talks in their sleep? she mumbles sometimes ….. its nothing coherent What do they wear to bed? she owns 47 different stupid size xxxxxxxl shirts that were 2 bucks  from walmart and wears only that . i bet mickey owns a bathrobe, bourgeois pig … Are either of your muses insomniacs? idk she reads a chapter of whatever dumb shit she’s reading and has tea or wine and conks out ….. idk his business Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? idk abt taking them and ik its not the point but shes anal retentive abt keeping medicine in the medicine cabinet so THERE BETTER NOT BE Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? AS I SAID … they start out on opposite sides of the beg and end up more tangled than tangled (20whatever) Who wakes up with bed hair? his hair is floofy ,,,, Who wakes up first? i feel like that depends on his shifts …. she wakes up at the same damn time every week day …. weekends though she sleeps in for 10 yrs so him Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? emma tries and he has to leave bed anyway because the fire alarm goes off  What is their favourite sleeping position? she prefers it when she has all the blankets Who hogs the sheets? she does Do they set an alarm each night? they have JOBS does she look like pippa to u Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes so she can cry over dumb rom coms over somewhere other than the couch …… he’s invested in them , change my mind Who has nightmares? i already know ur about to say he does so im calling the cops on u end of story Who has ridiculous dreams? all of emma’s dreams are indistinguishable from bad acid trips Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? she sleeps in the fetal position he seems like a sprawler …..Who makes the bed? emma …. its gotta be CLEAN and if he ever says “why make it we’re just gonna sleep there again” its on SIGHT What time is bed time? whenever she passes out , always before midnight , considering they’re 72Any routines/rituals before bed? i bet they brush their teeth at the same time to see who can do it faster like they’re five year olds …. or that gifset from new girl where he’s like “ u read my walking dead fanfic ? ”Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? emma takes three cups of coffee to be able to be her CHIPPER self …. 
Who is the busiest? she has like a 6 hour work day so he for sure Who rakes in the highest income? i just googled nurses versus preschool teachers and he makes twice what she does …. laughs nervously …. glad she’s going back 2 school but elementary teachers STILL make less …. mr talbot got COIN ! Are any of your muses unemployed? no , freeloading is ILLEGAL Who takes the most sick days? i feel like the two worst jobs to go into sick are a literal hospital with immunocompromised people and a preschool with toddlers who dont wash their hands …. equal maybe Who is more likely to turn up late to work? despite her original beef with odette in the apocalypse verse emma is NEVER late to work Who sucks up to their boss? she cooks dinner , a nice LASAGNA for whoever to heat up and mickey has to break it to her that making whoever her superior is eat what tastes like glue will in fact , damage their relationship What are their jobs? hes a nursey  boy …. shes a teacher Who stresses the most? about life in general? her. about work? probably him. he’s dealing with LIVES she’s got the alphabet Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they better they aren’t getting paid enough to hate it Are your muses financially stable? they’re not rich but they’re not dying and that’s what matters 
Who does the washing? emma because it relaxes her Who takes out the trash? he better , she does not like to  LOOK at things once they are thrown out … its smelly Who does the ironing? neither of them have ironed anything in their lives Who does the cooking? HE HAS TO IDC if he isn’t fuckign gordon ramsay she’ll kill them Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? emma Who is messier? if he leaves a single sock on the floor he is automatically messier than her Who leaves the toilet roll empty? that’s satanic neither of them Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? he does …. its just not REALISTIC that she does Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross ……hopefully neither ….. DISGOSTEING.mp4Who is the prankster around the house? anything STUPID is hers and hers alone but i feel like he’d do something relatively innocent and it would go HORRIBLY wrong like , hey emma come get y’all juice ….Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? despite being organized in every other aspect of her life emma has never kept track of keys in her life its a disease Who mows the lawn? he does , he shld do it shirtless so she can objectify him Who answers the telephone? mickey, she truly stares at it hoping it’ll go away Who does the vacuuming? emmaWho does the groceries? she would make HORRIBLE decisions ,,, he shld make the list and she shld get it Who takes the longest to shower? no sexism but she’s a girl Who spends the most time in the bathroom? see above 
Is money a problem? yES like … they can afford groceries , make rent , but for literally every american except jeff bezos money is a problem in some area . this isn’t a hc just a capitalist hellscape How many cars do they own? two …. neither of them are very nice cars Do they own their home or do they rent? rent unless/until he gets the farm of his dreams Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? countryside thats where FARMS are … but like rn , coast cos there’s the ocean in town Do they live in the city or in the country? see above bbgDo they enjoy their surroundings? the goats of the future and the noisy neighbors of the current and past eras both leave something to be desired , but in general yes What’s their song? not to go all modern au but remember when stereo hearts was on their 2011 mixtape AJSKDF …. issa bop and its arguably the most cutesy singable on the playlist What do they do when they’re away from each other? bitch idk ? exist as human beings ?Where did they first meet? idk she probably met him for coffee or sum before moving in together to make sure he wasn’t a serial killer How did they first meet? they were roommates … oh my god they were roommates …. she prolly put an ad in the paper very lucky she did not get murdered x Who spends the most money when out shopping? i feel like neither of them are big spenders but her sticker and colored pen budget is larger than it should be Who’s more likely to flash their assets? i thought this was talking about tits for a second but im assuming mone ? they keep it humble Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they both do , bullying one another is a bonding experience Any mental issues? more than you know my guy Who’s terrified of bugs? if she sees a SPIDER she floors it , but she releases most other bugs …. he better kill anything w 8 legs tho Who kills the spiders around the house? mickey , as described above wow im psychic Their favourite place? they can make any place work together … gay but true , just like me Who pays the bills? she has a special binder just for taxes Do they have any fears for their future? all the fears actually Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? she cannot cook but she has 10/10 ordered takeout , put it on plates and been like :the happy version of the pensive emoji yk the one: i cooked it while the reciept is still on the counter Who uses up all of the hot water? thats very selfish she wld never but she also showers first bc she doesn’t trust him not to ….. Who’s the tallest? they , in american , are the SAME HEIGHT ,,, fuck centimeters Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?Who wanders around in their underwear? clothes are oppressive let them both do it coward Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? it probably turns into a competition until they’re both singing at the top of their lungs …. omg watergate you’re gonna burst a vocal cord oh my god they can’t hear us they have airpods in What do they tease each other about? literally everything …. one of them BREAHTES wrong and the other is like “ ah didnt realise the asthma express was in town “ Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? mickey literally dresses like the fresh prince so u already answered that for me Do they have mutual friends? can the real jack detler please stand up Who crushed first? she ……. did not immediately fall in love with him let me tell u , it took her some solid MONTHS to realise she was in deep for his bitch ass Any alcohol or substance related problems? i wld hope not , #stubie twWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? them , together , for getting kicked out of the bar for singing Who swears the most? neither ? 
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metamoromemes · 6 years
metamoro headcanon at a house party? with their band possibly
My knowledge of their band members is rather limited so please bear with me!
Okay so fabrizio hosts house party frequently this is canon i don’t make the rules
He loves having people over, catching up on things, feeding them food, basically he just enjoys the company of others
Usually it’s his family, bandmates + mutual friends, but occasionally he’ll invite friends from outside the music industry and neighbours
And it’s only after lisbon that ermal starts to join the gatherings (it’s also when they start dating officially)
So this particular house party, fabrizio invites both his band and ermal’s because 1) they’re all in rome now 2) the bands are getting along nicely and fabri wants to support that and 3) andrea vintagetinini has been bugging him about seeing his house since forever
Though the main reason is he misses ermal so so much and he knows ermal can’t come over without being teased by his bandmates
The party’s at 9 but Fabri starts preparing for the party in the morning itself, going out to buy groceries and drinks
Ermal wants to join in the preparation but he has a radio show (again!!!) so he can only come later
(“this is unfair, I want to cook with you, bizio“ “ermal you can’t cook” “ok but i can boil water for the pasta that’s good enough right” “…of course amore”)
Fabri digs up the best roman recipes he’s kept and proceeds to cook them to perfection
The house is rather messy with kids toys and whatnot because libero and anita were just here two days ago so he spends the rest of the day cleaning up as well
Fabri’s other mates arrive first since they’re used to this area and they get to help with the plating, while ermal and his entourage get lost a little before they find the house (conclusion: never let marco navigate)
The moment he sees ermal and co arriving fabri has to fight the urge to kiss ermal senseless right there at his doorstep because while they’re all aware of their relationship not everyone appreciates PDA
He can sense ermal’s desperation too when they embrace, but fabri just kisses ermal’s cheek and flashes a smile that says “patience, my dear”
Dinner time goes well, with ermal’s band continuously roasting him for not being able to cook as good as fabri (“the last time ermal made something dino had to go to the hospital, it was that bad” “shut the fuck up, marco”)
For some reason there’s an andrea and a roberto in both fabri and ermal’s bands seriously is it such a common italian name raga wtf
When fabri calls for roberto both men turn towards him; the fourth time it happens fabri gives up and resorts to using last names
Next! What’s a house party without games amirite????
I honestly have no idea what 30-something italian men play at parties so im being ‘universal’ in saying that they probably play beer pong??
Ermal’s super confident, he’s like “i suck at sports but crazy shit like beer pong is my forte” and fabri goes “we’ll see about that cespuglie”
Team Meta vs Team Moro - first up andrea vigentini vs andrea ra
Ermal’s andrea completely destroys fabrizio’s andrea of course because have you seen that man vintagetininini? He looks like he plays beer pong olympics don’t look for his young photos tho he was a huge twink
Claudio levels it for fabri’s team and when fabri kisses the poor man on the lips (it’s their thing) ermal’s rage can be seen from miles away
Roberto maccaroni beats roberto pace to win the next one, then dino saves team meta from absolute humiliation by beating danilo
Now it’s Team Meta 2 Team Moro 3
Ermal has to win against fabri or there’ll be no tie-breaker round, he’s nervous but he believes in his abilities
Fabri on the other hand remains calm, concealing the fact that he’s the biggest beer pong pro of them all
“I’m gonna crush you, fabri, you just wait” “Ready when you are, ermal :)))”
Ermal unleashes his secret tactic but then something in his vision (read: fabrizio adjusting his crotch) makes him lose concentration for a millisecond and miss
Team Moro cheers loudly while ermal stares ahead, knowing he just lost them the game i know it’s not that deep bro but for drama queen ermal it is ok
Fabri lands the ball in the last cup with no problem, and the defeated ermal downs the beer grudgingly in one go
Ermal’s all pouty afterwards and fabri can’t bear seeing that look on his face although he’s fuckin cute like that
While the men are distracted by karaoke time, yelling out domenico modugno songs, fabri takes the chance to grab ermal’s hand and pull him upstairs to his room stealthily
It doesn’t go unnoticed by Dino, who alerts the others
They all snicker evilly, having made a bet on how long the pair would last without spending time alone together (Claudio wins)
Meanwhile in the room fabri pins ermal against the wall, pressing a soft kiss to his neck at his favourite spot
“I miss you, Erm” he whispers against ermal’s skin, kisses travelling to his jaw, then chin and finally his lips
Ermal sighs sweetly into the kiss, arms going round to rest on fabri’s back, enjoying fabri’s scent that’s beginning to envelope them
He misses this a lot, how he wish he can just stay here forever in fabri’s arms
The kisses are starting to turn heated as fabrizio releases ermal from his grasp, letting him take control and drag them towards the bed
Ermal pushes fabri onto the sheets, letting out the most beautiful sound when fabrizio runs his hands along his spine
They’re making out like horny teenagers on the bed, with some added sappy talk in between kisses because you know they’re vanilla af
(“I’ve been thinking about you every day, bizio…. what have you done to me?” “i can ask the same thing, ermal, you’re all i dream of at night…” “oh you’re going to kill me caro”)
Ermal’is mind is slowly floating away with every caress fabrizio’s hands leave on his body, but before he loses himself completely to the sensation, he notices that the house has gone silent
Nobody’s screaming downstairs anymore, the karaoke has stopped, so where on earth have the men gone?
His question is answered ten seconds later when the door swings open and ten men come crashing through, tumbling down onto the floor in a pile of limbs
(“Uhhh— errr… sorry?” “Andrea you better have an explanation as to why you’re peeping on us” “Which andrea? Him or me?” “Both, in fact, all of you!”)
That’s the last time fabri invites them to his house party in a while (the next time he does he makes sure to lock and bolt the damn door)
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audible--silence · 3 years
Words from the north - the whole unedited note from my phone
Words from the north
Watching the sunset over the Cape range tunes. A light yellow through to dark blue gradient swings through the sky with a string of Aqua running down the centre a single star sits above as a full moon shines lightening up the town of Exmouth after a day spent in the sun in the sand
I am convinced the only difference between the average joe and a poet is one pays attention to life, understands the dictionary and writes things down
From the one day the conditions called for hoodies and cameras rather than wetsuits and surfboards
Smelling like mosquito spray, salt water and sweat is a way of life
Surf forecast up here looks like sitting in SoSo looking out the window staring at a palm tree to figure out what the wind is doing and asking ya mates that walk in the door “hows the surf?”
You know you’re doing something right when you start feeling guilty for all the fun you’re having
And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling kooks
From that one time we thought itd be a good time to be homeless together for a week. By the end of it we were somewhere between brothers, lovers and mortal enemies all at once
Sea’s of red dirt and shrubs for hours and hours and hours on end
The sound of birds chirping, the wind rustling through the tall grass and the camp fire crackling away as the sun hides away behind the towering mountains im front of us. Shades of purple, red and yellow take over from the normal red, green and blue that make up the scene. I relax into a camp chair as twilight starts to take over. Indi is editing photos while Noems takes charge of dinner. Despite many attempts at offering help, we were both benched from kitchen duties. Another day of adventure comes to a close and the contentment sets in alongside the anticipation of what tomorrow may hold
Worth the wakeup knock on the car at 4am in the freezing cold
Worth the bitter windchills knocking our balance on the slippery rocky path up in the dark
Worth racing the sun to the top of the mountain
Worth choosing between having my fingers warm or my camera in my hand
Worth struggling to see by the light of a phone torch
Worth not feeling my fingers for two hours
Worth it for the golden yellow and blue light peeling over the horizon
Worth it for the feeling of being awake and alive before the sun is up
Worth it for the view of the cliffs side
Worth it for seeing the wind blasting trees
Worth it for the view from the top
Worth it for the oranges on the way down
Worth it for the tunes and singalongs
Worth it for the smoked salmon croissants
Worth it for the snacks and the beers in the carpark
But first, let me check my engine oil 🤙
You can tell where all our money went when you look at us, none of it went into shoes
At a fucked up level though thats just evolution. The strongest survive (colonialism)
“But what are ya gonna do with that information though? Just make your own meaning and chase that” (on the topic of the meaning of life)
The ritual of fires every evening after a days adventure and then every morning to boil the water for our coffee before we go again
The grit that came off my skin
The knots that became of my hair
The red dust that washed off me as I stepped into the first bit of hot water id felt in what felt like a very long time
The black under my finger nails
The red and yellow stains on my hands that the soap didnt wash off.
The holes in my shorts, tshirts and sweater
The red stains on my towel after drying my face
The rash on my face after shaving
Tilting your head back in ya camp chair to escape the heat of the roaring campfire and getting a glimpse at the sky absolutely glowing with stars was a constant reminder of how fucking good we’d got it
And you say sheeeeeesh
nice garyyyy
“Oi dad, what are ya doin?”
“25 ak47’s and a piece of plywood, thats what im doin”
Im in full travel mode now. All i think about is whens my next meal, when do i have work and hows the surf. Also wheres my weed.”
This post brought to you by…
All my friends do lots of drugs
“Ya livin the dream ya lucky shit” - taes dad, post
An observation about all the people you see on social media who you idolize in some capacity: when you meet them in real life, no matter how much idolization or importance you think they carry, when you meet them in person, they all still behave like normal people
I’ve completely left behind my old way of life.
I’ve forgotten what its like to go to a bar.
To dress cool.
To think about what im wearing.
To think about impressing people.
To think about who to see.
To think about what event to choose from.
I’ve forgotten what its like to look up at tall buildings.
To see lots of concrete.
To walk past unfamiliar faces that dont smile when you walk past them.
To order coffee in a takeaway cup.
To eat nice food.
To see my friends at pica bar for drinks at the last minute plan
There came a time about two months in where i began to get over it all.
Doing dishes with a water bottle and a tea towel that smelt like smoke. Sitting in the drivers seat on your phone, tired because you dont want to have to brush your teeth with a water bottle and climb like a contortionist into your car’s bed every night. Sick of having to plan when i want to take a shit. Sick of having to set up and pack down my kitchen every time i want a coffee or some lunch.
Sick of not having anywhere to be but knowing im in one of the most beautiful places in the world and feeling a burning pressure to see it all. Sick of having to buy ice every two days
Sick of emptying water from my esky
Sick of laundromats and planning how long I’ll last on a single outfit
Sick of worrying if im spending too much time sitting in the cafe
Sick of being the tag along in everybody else’s group of mates
Sick of drinking beer every shift
As time goes by, you learn the intricacies of a place. Where all the rocks are on the track to the camp. Who in the carpark not to wave at and who to have a chat to. Where and when to be to get a free drink. How to steal a shower. When
More and more i find while living out of my car thst routine is important. Something to ground you. For me, its making coffee out of the car, no matter how inconvenient it is. Before inevitably giving up and buying an oat flatty at soso. - talk more about habits
Some things that dont grow old:
Seeing the surf going off
Seeing familiar faces out and about
Turtles next to you in the water
Whales breaching in the distance
The moon rising over the ocean or the ranges
The sky full of stars when the moon doesn’t shine
The sun and the warmth no matter the season
Town beach hangs with good crew
The feeling of a shower after a few days of salt water
The people at work
The chats at work
Free beer at work
The life in the oceans
The vibe of fun
Never knowing where you’re gonna end up after you wake up
Whatd you see when you nearly died?
A big pair of tittys and a snickers bar
The moon rises in front of me for the third night in a row. I watch it from my car, a leftover slice of pizza from work in one hand and my phone in the other. Im one of the very few people lucky enough to witness this insanely beautiful sight and yet it feels in this moment it feels unextraordinary. How spoilt with wonder must you be for this to feel normal. The same goes for this whole place. This is paradise and right now this is home. This is standard. Only when I get back to Perth and am able to look back with the 20/20 vision that is hindsight and realize just how special it all was.
I wish I was more conscious at the hour of 6am, snug in my bed, parked in the bush as the sun rises over the bay in front of me. An explosion of pink and gold dominates the sky, shining through the bushes and the trees around me. The sound of the waves crashing behind the birds chirping. An easterly wind rustles lightly through the trees. I’m so sure it’s beautiful. If only I was awake to take it all in.
Instead, i roll over and try and escape the golden light for a minute or two more.
Hey siri play lots of nothing by spacey jane
Sometimes Id like not to feel like a fugitive when i take a shower, other times, the stars as my landlord is a pretty good deal
Its not a mistake its a decision
Maker of questionable decisions
I dont wanna face this day for fear of what will come. For I know how good it can be, and I know the fuckery that this day holds
Holy fuck thats a lot of cars
Yeah its cos nobody fuckin lives anywhere
To be fair I’d stalk you
A happy change of plans
Like all good road trips, this one started out with unfortunate circumstance, poor planning and a significant lack of caution. We planned for months to leave WA and drive across the nullabor, up through NSW and into QLD and at the 11th hour, three days before we were due to leave, we find out that covid has closed the borders. Again.
So with a house I had already moved out of, a plan in shambles on behalf of a big bad virus, and a car all prepped and ready to leave, we did the only reasonable thing to do. Changed course by a few thousand km’s and headed north with no idea what we would do, where we would sleep, what we would eat, where we would stay, who we would hang with and where we would surf.
Our first day saw lots of last minute preparations, plenty of driving to all manner of songs and podcasts from everything to the worlds dumbest grifters to Australian alcoholics talking about orgasms. I shut the door on 25 Chatham Road for the last time. We drove through familiar and unfamiliar roads. Memories of standing on the side of these very roads ripe in my mind. Except this time, with my whole life in the backseat of the car, in a setup Reubs and I built. Hell of an upgrade from a backpack and a thumb. After hours of rolling green hills, that resembled what I imagine new zealand to look like we parked up on the side of the road. Very true to form. We set up the tent, brushed our teeth and had dinner in the form of a banana and a beer and then got to bed as the sun set. I woke up at 25 Chatham and now I find myself falling asleep somewhere between Northampton and Kalbarri in my car.
“Traveling is just tetris on wheels mate”
No matter how far away you travel to try and escape modern society, if you look up at night, you will still see a satellite and you will be reminded that no matter where you go, you are a member of a species that can get itself to space
Shit i like:
Squeezing kenny
Cooking in car parks
Paying for wifi and toilets with beer or hot chocolates
Surfing. All day
Chatting shit
Staring at the stars
Eating brownies, chatting shit and staring at the stars under the shade at dunes.
Making new friends everywhere
Chatting to literally everyone
Having nowhere to be and never thinking about home
Telling Tony to get fucked
Surfing bombie and paddling back in twilight glassy waters
Dinners and laughs with friends in the whalebone carpark
Breaking into RAC for a shower
Coffee dates at soso
Waking up to ben packing a tent
Laughing till my ribs hurt
Tonic water with lime
No internet for weeks
Chatting to esther and alice at dunes
Staring at groms wiping out
Carpark hangs
Never having an empty passenger seat
Never being able to see out the rear view mirror
Never being alone
Cooking in the carpark opposite the cop shop
Drying shit on the car every time we parked
Listening to lots of nothing a million times
Chaos at froth consisting of surprise drinks, random chats and boats
And the curtain closes.
On two months and nine days of nonstop adventure and fun. Unpredictable, unprecedented fun. The people you met were of a caliber I’d not encountered and never considered to be my own but from the get go and proved time and time again over the course of my time up north, they were.
I dont know how I’m going to fare when I get off this plane in two hours and have to see my parents, exist in cold weather, deal with a broken car, find a place to call home, figure out a new job and find my way with my friends who I can never be the same with after this.
The wheels are up. Fleeting views of the ningaloo coast and the cape range out each side of the planes window; a farewell of what I’m going to be missing. The red dirt and wildflowers underneath us where I’ve spent most of my nights sleeping look exactly as they always are. Untouched and still. I know I’ll be back soon. I’ve got so much more to see. So many more people left to meet. So many more memories left to make. So many more waves left to surf. So many more beers left to pour. So many more sunsets left to see.
Exmouth, for two months you sure have changed me.
I dont know your history brother but if i had to take a look into your past im guessing id see a lot of pain, chaos, missing love and bad mates who dont know that they’re bad.
You’re a good dude man im so fuckin sure of it but you seem so hell bent on starting a fight and proving a point. To whom i dont know. Your break up has obviously destroyed you and your coping mechanism is alcohol and trying to get with women. You’re incredibly kind and generous to your friends and a fierce antagonist to anyone who isn’t. You need help and you know it but you dont know how to find it or who to ask.
The hardest thing about you is that you need to change your whole view of life. Theres more than you think to it. I know there’s someone in there waiting to be found. I wanna be the guy holding the torch while you search.
You’re a good guy,
I dont wanna see you get killed by some drunk in a fight or waste yourself away in a bottle and a job you hate because you didn’t know there was another option.
0 notes
velteris · 7 years
I've been following you for a really long time and this is the first time I've ever wanted to ask you a question. But why would you go camping alone without any light? That's just a really dumb thing to do...
(in ref to my tags here im pretty sure)
gather round, dear followers, for a series of anecdotes from Hell Camp, the source of my best and worst stories
when i was twelve my school sent all its year nine students class by class to a five-week camp, which will henceforth be called Hell Camp. here is the setup:
a four-hour drive out of the city into the outback, where there is a farm owned by the school for the express purpose of hosting Hell Camp
28 girls and 28 boys, each in their own dorm houses
no phones. no computers, no ipods, no TV. no internet (within our reach). we cooked our own food on fire stoves and wrote letters by hand to our parents and friends
no lollies, no soft drinks or juice, all our eggs and milk came off the farm
wake up at 5:30am every day to go for a 3km run and then chores on the farm, from milking the cows to chopping our firewood
Bible study every night because this was a Christian private school
“why???” u may ask. “why did your school subject tweens to a month of this???” supposedly to build character and teach u life skills but tbh idk how knowing how to crack a bullwhip is supposed to help me in life
but it wasnt just five weeks straight of same ol farm life there were other activities they had us do!! camp-like activities!! for example:
three days to prepare us because we were innocent younglings who barely knew how to start a fire
basically a campsite in the middle of fuckass nowhere? we rode horses there while the counselors (the Hell Camp resident teachers, but ones that deadlift 50kgs and kill spiders without batting an eye) drove with our bags and stuff and laughed as we got inevitably lost
have u ever used a dunny u have to empty urself
it is so gross. there is a field marked out explicitly for burying everyone’s shit, and u have to take turns. so gross. 
there was a shower which was a metal shed with a bucket of water hung up, which u heated over the fire before u went in and prayed it wasn’t too hot
this was like winter time and we slept in swags on the ground and when we woke up there was frost on our swags
i made an iron horseshoe??? the temptation to touch red hot metal is ridiculous tbh it looks so pretty
someone did touch theirs. it was not me. i heard them yell from across the field where i was helping feed horses.
in the middle of the second night the counselors took us to a giant rock in the middle of the bush where u could see the stars and it was amazing you could see the milky way and everything… but the thing was we had to spend the previous 20 minutes in the dark to get our eyes used to it so they had us hold onto each other’s sleeves and walk blindly into this rugged, rock-covered trail through pitch blackness, praying no one in front is going the wrong way
and then. the counselors played a trick on us by getting one of the kids to stay back in the forest and waited to see how long we’d notice. we didn’t notice until it was time to go back im so sorry Kimmy
ok this the real shit you went with the same group you were with in pre-survival and the counselors drove you out into the depths of the outback and dropped you and your group off with some tools, food, and tarpauline
and then u just lived out there for three days.
we couldn’t start a fire our first night because it’d been raining before??? our dinner was supposed to be rice, potatoes and carrots, and the carrots were the only edible thing bc u cant eat raw rice and raw potatoes.. u just cant.
there were wild dogs around. we never saw them, but we heard them awoo-ing a lot. so whenever someone split off from the main camp to go pee like two other girls would accompany them as an honor guard, singing Kumbaya to keep the hounds away
sometimes people would go alone and then there would be a Sound in the bush and then you’d just hear them screaming “MAMA’S MAKING KAN TONG”
on our last day the counselors set up targets with drawings of kangaroos on them, handed us a bow and 20 arrows, and said “if u can shoot the kangaroo we’ll give u sausages for your last meal”
never in my life will i ever see such ferocity from 12- to 13-year-old hungry girls again
when it was another group’s turn to be on survival, my group was on normal farm duty, and we were out clearing bush scrub when we heard the survival group girls talking and we realised we’d gotten too close.
“hello?? hello??? is anyone out there?” “oh my god someone’s out there oh my god we’re gonna die” “COME OUT, WE HAVE WEAPONS”
and our fucking counselor just went “shhh!!” to us and herded us back like he just straight up left those nine girls thinking there were bush serial killers out for them
also apparently a tree fell on someone’s head at some point in their survival
at night we slept in a row like snuggling each other cause it was So Fracking Cold and lemme tell u it’s an experience being spooned by the girl who used to sigh whenever you raised your hand in class
Four Day Hike
what it says on the label
55km in four days, carrying all your food, sleeping bags, tents, clothes, toilet paper etc. and minimum 2L of water bottles you could refill at big barrels set out at designated stop points
this is, without a doubt, the single worst experience of my life
nothing good happens when u hand a group of kids a map and a compass and tell them “we’ll look for you if you’re not at the campsite by sundown but apart from that you’re on your own”
i was with an athletic group of kids?? they were Walking So Fast and i was just staggering along with my unfit friend like this is how i die on a godforsaken hill on our way to god knows where
actually i had an asthma attack and they left me behind for a bit fun times
the hike went through some willing farmers’ land and one boy who stupidly climbed a fence got chased by a bull
they sent us off group by group so we’d all make our own way, so whenever u bumped into another group you were like. okay one of us was going the wrong way and it better fucking well be you
there weren’t any showers or anything so we basically all wore the same clothes for four disgustingly sweaty days of hiking
someone used an anthill as a toilet bc it had a nice big hole to drop ur toilet paper down
the ants did not appreciate this
when you run out of toilet paper and it’s only 11am
this was it. the culmination of the camp. the ultimate character building experience.
which was just 24 hours of alternating boredom and sudden visceral terror now that i think about it
u got dropped off (again in the middle of nowhere see a theme yet) with tarp, a lil trowel, and a clipper, and u just set up camp and did whatever u wanted for 24 hours
they let u bring a bible.
i got really into Leviticus and Deutoronomy before it went dark
listen it was really really boring ok
listen when the sun goes down at 5pm, u go down too. there’s nothing else u can do?? u just gotta sleep???
or, like me, lie awake in mortal terror listening to the bush Come Alive
when the wallaby goes THUMP-THUMP-THUMP and you’re like holy shit this is it the abominable loch ness chupycabra has manifested in the australian outback and it’s going to eat me alive jesus christ protect me with the power of this bible
hence the sheer relief when the sun finally comes out and u can walk around without living in fear of accidentally walking face first into a spiderweb or scratchy lantana bushes
also a mini survey went around afterwards and i’m pretty sure a solid 60% of the girls took a shit on solo like… at long last u can take as long in the toilet as u want… without the other 27 girls banging on the door……
other miscellaneous stories that dont fit anywhere else:
one of the boys went missing?? he wandered off and couldn’t remember anything when they found him in the middle of the bush. cryptic
there was this one homesick girl who was REALLY homesick like she cried every day of the five weeks. by the end of the camp she’d approached everyone to talk about her Feelings and you’d just kind of groan softly when u saw her coming towards your bunk bc u knew u were in for a hopeless comforting session
on sundays sometimes we went to the nearby town’s elderly home to talk to the old folks and some of us could play music so we did little performances for them which was rly sweet!
there were lambs on the farm!! we named them Uggboot and i think Fleece Jacket or smth like that
there were cows too!! meat cows!! they were Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
my first time on cow milking duty i tried to herd the bull towards the milking pens bc i did not realise he was not a cow. i quickly realised when he took very fast steps towards me and i Got The Dodge Out Of There
we spit roasted an entire pig for the final feast before we left and i will never forget it. the first time in my life i had crackling. half the group was weak in the knees cause we saw the pig get slaughtered and the other half was just “sweet, more for me”
whenever the new fruit delivery came in and the hunger games commenced in the kitchen… tween girls are actually ravenous wolves u heard it here first folks
when u going to the bathroom in the bush and u feel something touch your butt… is it a stray hair? is it a piece of grass? is it a bug??? who knows but nothing makes your bowels loosen faster
the unholy horror of finding spiders wherever you least expect it
“I saw Goody Proctor with the devil leaving the cupboard open for the ants!!!”
honestly so many things happened at Hell Camp that i can’t remember most of them anymore and it Rankles Me bc i know there were so many wild stories but here you go. some of the wildest ones.
11/10 went back to Hell Camp voluntarily once, would go back again again.
15 notes · View notes
sonniquick · 5 years
  Listen to I’m Someone Time Forgot by Sonni Quick #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/sonni-quick/im-someone-time-forgot
  I’m Someone Time Forgot 
  Jamie was stressed. It created a restlessness inside him he couldn’t get under control. He craved the feeling of walking. To go outside in the fresh air and push his legs to walk his full stride, and feel his arms swinging by his side. He wanted to walk with purpose because there was someplace he wanted to be.      He wanted to walk and breathe deep until his body was exhausted. He couldn’t do that in his cell with only two full steps of walking space before he had to stop and turn around. If he was outside the cell, walking down the hallway, he could walk in a slow, shuffling stride of about twelve inches, the length of the chain between his ankles. If he went any faster he would fall on his face. Since his hands were cuffed behind his back it would be a pretty nasty fall. Even so, the more he craved walking, and couldn’t, the more stress he felt.      He knew what Sonni would say, “Chant about it.” Taking in deep breaths to chant was like meditating and it had a calming effect. But right now he felt too hopeless to chant because everything in his life was out of control. It was so hot and that made it hard to concentrate. How was he going to make it through the remaining years he had when he could barely make it through the day?
Earlier, Jamie asked to be taken to see the doctor because he was having bad dizzy spells. All the doctor did was tell him to get some rest. Beyond that there was nothing he could do for him. What did that fool think he did all day in a segregated cell?      Jamie was afraid of falling. He had a couple bad falls during seisures and there were only hard things to fall on. He had some bad cuts and around here cuts got infected. The nurse always let injuries get infected before they did anything about it because they didn’t think there was any need to keep it from getting infected. Then, getting it treated by the doctor took time. Nothing ever happened fast. Infections could be prevented but they didn’t see it that way.      The doctor don’t treat nothing until it’s about ready to kill you. He seemed to hate his job, especially the inmates, like they weren’t worth helping. He never even said hello, or anything like he hoped you would feel better soon. A smile of friendliness? Forget that. It was part of his job to make you feel like shit because you were in here.      He didn’t like treating inmates. There were some scary ones he wouldn’t want to be around either, but he didn’t need to make sure everyone who needed to see him knew you were inferior to him because he was a doctor. This job at the prison was probably the only job he could get. Why would you be a doctor in here if you could get a job a somewhere else? Did they even have a valid license that hadn’t been revoked?      Jamie was lightheaded and passed out a couple times and now this fool told him that to fix it he was to go rest? Wasn’t it part of his job as a doctor to find out why it was happening, especially because of his epilepsy? Was it too far above what the prison allowed for the “adequate” medical care the law dictated. Ordering rest as a treatment didn’t cost the prison a cent. Running blood tests does. That ate into the profit they made off the inmates being here. They were kept alive with minimal food and care like other caged animals.      Sleep was beyond him at night because all he did was toss and turn. When he finally did fall asleep he would jerk himself awake. He was sure it had a lot to do with not knowing what was happening with his family on the outside.      He constantly thought about them, especially when he was trying not to. He hadn’t heard from no one in his family for a long time. Maybe no news was good news but he still needed to know. How was his son? Morgan wrote sometimes but she often put a lot of time between her letters.
Jamie lay on his bunk thinking about everyone he knew, one at a time. He didn’t have the mental strength to stop. When he got depressed this always pushed him further down the hole, and then he wanted to let it all go, but he couldn’t stop himself. He felt he was someone time forgot. Out of sight, out of mind. He didn’t exist for them anymore, until he got out. No one thought about the effect it was having on him right now as he lived it.      During these times of depression he always said he was going to give up, cut them off and never write to nobody again. He said that over and over through the years. He needed to hear from the people in his life who knew he was in here and that rarely happened. Almost no one took the time to do that to let him know they cared or write to tell him what was going on out there. No one cared that little Jamie needed him. Being in prison made it doubly hard for his son. He needed a relationship with his dad. All this made him terribly lonely.      He was worried about Morgan. She was working two jobs. She had no choice with kids to take care of. He needed to be able to do his part and couldn’t, and that made him feel guilty.      Sonni was sick and that was probably why she hadn’t written or come to see him in her dreams. Maybe she was saving her strength. Not knowing, he could only guess when it was time for her to get the liver transplant she was waiting for. She wouldn’t know until the last minute, so there wouldn’t be time to tell him.      When too much time passed between letters he always worried the time had finally come, that she was in the hospital and no one would be there with her except her husband. No blood family. A time when family should be there to wait for her to wake up and know she was okay – to support her and make her feel loved. He knew deep down that this was going to happen. No matter what differences there were, her family should be there. They didn’t live too far away. The writing was on the wall and he felt bad about that. He knew what it felt like and would there if he could. He knew he would.
This was the worst thing that kept him awake at night, tossing and turning. It seemed to him that family thought they had the right to hurt you the most. It was important to him and important to Sonni to be there for each other. It’s hard to go through things like this and be alone. It messes up your head and makes you feel helpless to not be able to help. If only he could shut off the thoughts.      He liked calling her Mom. She knew he needed family and because she was his son’s grandmother they really were connected like they were family. It meant a lot to him because she stuck by someone like him the way she did. Some people look down on people in prison and treat them bad even after they get out like they weren’t already punished enough. She didn’t see him as a bad person. She never tried to make him feel bad. If she wanted, she could be angry at him because he did something that made her daughter’s life hard, but she didn’t. Now she was the only connection he could count on who always remembered he was here.      Now she needed him to be there and he wasn’t good for nothing and was letting her down, too. He loved her because she took the time to be good to him. He wanted to do the same for her.      It wasn’t unusual to hear this same story in here. He heard it plenty of times. Family stopped writing or visiting, or the drive was too long, or they got tired of being asked for money, like somehow the inmates found a way to get the things they needed without doing something that could have far reaching consequences. So they stopped answering letters. Maybe they didn’t want to know what was happening inside. Maybe they couldn’t scrape together twenty bucks between them to put on his account. A lot of dudes were on their own with no help. He had Sonni. He would never forget that.      Jamie knew his family hadn’t stopped loving him. They just didn’t know how to show it. Maybe they took his love for granted. He would love them no matter if they wrote. And he would, he always would, but it was hard to keep making excuses their absence. He knew they had their own problems to deal with. He wanted to know what was going on in their lives and they didn’t tell him. But he knew what was going on Sonni’s life because they wrote to each other. He could pray for her about that and feel like he did something to help because he needed to do something besides sit here.      Whether someone prayed to God or simply prayed and put it out there, it was the focus of the prayer and the mental energy that went into it that mattered the most. So he prayed urgently that she was okay. He needed her to be okay. He didn’t want to be without her. She was all he had.
Jamie looked up at the sound of banging on the cell doors. It broke into his thoughts and he stood up to go stand at the door. It was time for the meal cart to bring dinner. It had lots of shelves with trays stacked on top of trays. He was hungry tonight. There hadn’t been much for the mid day meal except two baloney sandwiches with nothing but a slice of meat and cheap bread. That wasn’t enough for a man his size.      He thought about a real sandwich. Lots of meat, tomato and lettuce, two slices of cheddar cheese with lots of mayo and pickles, too – and chips. That made him hungry. He laughed a little. He shouldn’t torture himself like that. It had been a good while since he had a hot meal. No matter what they brought to eat it was always cold when it was put through the slot. Sometimes he thought they never heated the meals at all.      The trays were prepared ahead of time and kept frozen in big freezers in the kitchen and were brought to them just as they were. They couldn’t prepare them at mealtime. How were they going to serve hot food to all the inmates? Were they going to heat them up in microwaves, or prepare trays one at a time like they would at a hospital? Fat was congealed on the meat like it hadn’t been heated again. It was bland, no seasoning of any kind. It was horrible food and he was always afraid of getting sick eating it.      The dudes in gen pop ate hot meals because they walked to where it was served. He was trying to get back to G4 so he could walk to chow. In the chow hall it was important to have eyes in the back of your head because you never knew who was gong to start trouble with you, but it was worth it for a hot meal. It wasn’t exactly fine dining but it was better than what was slid through the food slot.      Jamie had lost a lot of weight since he was locked up because he couldn’t choke down a lot of what was given to him to eat because it was so bad. No use complaining about it, though. It wouldn’t change anything. Jamie looked down at himself. It was getting hard to keep his pants up. He hadn’t been this skinny since he was a kid, and he was chubby then, too.      He heard laughing and the bang of a food slot slamming shut a few cells down.      “Oh, you thought you was gettin’ food tonight?” he heard one of guards say, laughing.      “I’m sorry,” he added sarcastically, drawing out the words. “I guess they forgot about you in the kitchen.”      A few seconds later he heard, “Too bad if you’re hungry. It’s not my fault. It’s too late to go get more. I’m not your servant and I’m not going to make a trip to the kitchen just for you.”      The guard’s voice started to get a threatening edge to it because the dude in the cell wouldn’t quit talking and getting louder, too. The guard only worked here. He didn’t make the rules. If he wanted to keep his job he did what he was told, and he was told to bring food to only some of the inmates. Was he supposed to care if they were hungry? They were fucking criminals. They should be glad he brought them anything at all. Sometimes he felt like a goddam babysitter.      “So I guess it’s no dinner for you tonight,” the guard sneered as he turned to walk away. “You’ll have to wait until morning. Deal with it,” and continued on to the next cell.      His drawn out Texas twang had a nasally sound like he had a marble stuck up his nose. It grated on Jamie’s nerves like hearing fingers scraping up a chalkboard. He could hear the dude in the cell raise his voice, calling him every name he could think of, but that only made the guard laugh. He turned around and stood there, far enough away from the door, hands on his hips where he couldn’t be reached through the bars. What a dick.
Jacking their food happened at at least for one meal a getting food. There was no reason for this. Messing with the inmates might feel like a sport to the guards but it would end up causing a lot of problems for all of them. You can only push people just so far before they come back at you.      The guards were finding ways to make the segregation inmates miserable. No one was going to stop them. They were probably encouraged to do it. Even if they all filed a grievance about it nothing would come of it.      It didn’t do it at every meal, but it happened enough times to make them all worried about being hungry. The food might not be worth feeding a dog, but it was the only food they had. Sometimes, when they brought a tray half the food was missing when they put it through the slot. Some of the dudes planned to get even with the guards because they had nothing to lose if they got in more trouble. Some were going to be here for most, if not all of their lives anyway. They didn’t care.      The day before, an inmate cut an officer pretty bad when he didn’t get his food. A lot of these dudes had a weapon of some sort they had made. They could get creative when finding materials they could sharpen and turn into a something they could stab into someone. This dude was waiting for just the right time and he cut him. He was lucky he didn’t kill him. What did the guards expect? They thought they could be assholes and no one would try to get even? These dudes had all the time in the world to plan what they were going to do.      Fires were set inside the cells and there were no fires extinguishers anywhere to put them out. It caused a lot of chaos and it was a mess to clean up. Others flooded the halls by stopping up the toilets and overflowing the sinks. It stank in here. The heat made it worse. Imagine breathing in that stink with every breath you take and you can’t get away from it.      Jamie didn’t want to be included when the officers retaliated so he drank a lot of water when they passed him by with no food and didn’t say anything. He wasn’t going to react emotionally. It wouldn’t do no good. It wouldn’t make them bring him food, so he was better off in the long run if he just let it pass.      Joining in when they started getting crazy wasn’t a good idea, either. He tried to stay cool. The last thing he wanted was to do something stupid he would later regret that could get him written up or have more time added to his sentence.      That is where this was headed if it didn’t stop. He guessed that was what Sonni meant when she wrote about cause and effect. What he chose to do right now could affect his future and he needed to make the right choices.      The officers were taking it out on everyone on account of that guard getting cut. It wasn’t right, making all of them pay because of what one dude did, but that is the way they did things in here. There is no justice on the outside and there is damn sure no justice on the inside.      Jamie tried to do his best to cope with everything, but sooner or later he knew something would happen. Things got crazier every day as it got hotter. Tempers rose. Days went by. Hopefully things wouldn’t get any worse.
The next month didn’t get any better. Each day was like the one before it. When the heat started rising in March everyone knew it was fixin’ to be a long, bad summer. No way they were going to spend the money for AC unless they were made to do it legally.      Money the prisons paid out to families 11 people died was less than the cost of installing an AC or heating system. The winners cold get pretty cold, too. There were a few articles written each year but nothing was done and when it got hot the next year they wondered if would be bad enough to make the prisons fix it. The newer prisons were built with it, but not the older ones.      Jamie passed out from the heat one year. When someone gets that hot, and they haven’t been given their meds every day, it puts those people in danger who have high blood pressure or diabetes and other illnesses like him with epilepsy. But it keeps happening.      This year bad heatwaves were happening everywhere in the country, even up north. It seemed like it was getting worse every year. It was up over a hundred for weeks. That meant it was doubly hot for inmates in the south.
It was mid July and Jamie hadn’t heard from Sonni in more than a month. She had been saying the doctors told her to expect July would be her turn for a transplant because she was getting close to the top of the transplant list, but there wasn’t an exact day and all kinds of things could go wrong.      The reason she moved up the list so fast is because two cancer tumors were growing in her liver. If one more developed they would take her off the list because her chance of surviving the transplant would be less. If one got out of the liver it would over, too.      He wished he knew why she hadn’t written. If something happened, what if no one told him? The more he thought about it the more he worried. Add to it that it was so hot breathing was an effort and the water that came out of the faucet was rank. Terrible as it was he couldn’t drink enough of it. He couldn’t drink enough of it because he was so dehydrated.      There was nothing to do and nothing new to read. He didn’t feel like re-reading his books again or more time so he took out his letters and began reading them from the beginning. They were in order by the date so it was almost like reading a book. Some of the letters were almost memorized. He knew all the good parts. He held the images they created in his mind and tried to imagine living inside the stories.      He laid back down on his bed and had almost fallen asleep when he heard the mail cart outside his door along with his name being called.      “Cummings. Mail.”      Jamie jumped off his bunk and moved the few feet to the door. A Jpay letter was pushed through the slot. He thought it was from Sonni until he looked closer. It was from her sister, but she must have used Sonni’s Jpay account. He recognized her first name.      The waiting was over. It was finally over. The relief was overwhelming. She had the liver transplant two weeks ago and was home now. She hadn’t been able to write or type, that is why he didn’t hear from her. He was right in feeling so unsettled. He had been worried about her because he didn’t go this long without hearing from her, but she was okay. The stress of waiting was finally over. They had talked about the transplant happening for a long time.      The letter was dated, July 17th, 2012 and this is what her sister wrote:
“Sonni has asked me to write to you. She finally had her liver transplant on Sunday July 1. The six-hour surgery went well. She spent 10 days in the hospital and they have finally sent her home to start the slow healing process. Her recovery is amazing. She wants a normal life so bad. When I visited her on Saturday she told me she had received a letter from you. It will be some time before she can sit at her computer but she wanted you to know her long wait and surgery were finally over. She looks like my sister again, not a puffed up marshmallow. I know from our talks she cares alot about you and she didn’t want you to worry.
Take care and I know she will write herself as soon as she is able.”
On August 6, he got his first letter from her. He could tell it wasn’t easy for her to type. He was relieved to finally hear from her. Life was going to be rough for her for awhile but she made it this far and the transplant was over now.
” dear jamie-im getting a little better every day. slow and hard. i tried 2 send u money but my card was out of date. i have 2 call 4 a replacement. im learning how to walk n talk all over again. i am bored we each have a cell but i know that yours is much worse. i chanted nam myoho renge kyo so hard in my head-screamed it. pain meds dont work on me and i have felt everything they did 2 me.but ive turned a corner n its a little better. i think of u every day hoping u werent 2 worried. everyone has their own choices and does things that cause unhappy things to happen. my grandfather taught me from childhood – To thine OWN SELF be true. no one can know u really. some think once a loser always a loser. that isn’t true because i guess that would makes me a loser 2 – former drug addict and all that comes with it. i just didnt get caught. u arent a loser. neither am i. i have to go. nurse is here. be good! Mom”
<<< >>>
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I’m Someone Time Forgot – Chapter From ITFO
Listen to I’m Someone Time Forgot by Sonni Quick #np on #SoundCloud I’m Someone Time Forgot 
I’m Someone Time Forgot – Chapter From ITFO Listen to I'm Someone Time Forgot by Sonni Quick #np on #SoundCloud I'm Someone Time Forgot 
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sonniq · 5 years
  Listen to I’m Someone Time Forgot by Sonni Quick #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/sonni-quick/im-someone-time-forgot
  I’m Someone Time Forgot 
  Jamie was stressed. It created a restlessness inside him he couldn’t get under control. He craved the feeling of walking. To go outside in the fresh air and push his legs to walk his full stride, and feel his arms swinging by his side. He wanted to walk with purpose because there was someplace he wanted to be.      He wanted to walk and breathe deep until his body was exhausted. He couldn’t do that in his cell with only two full steps of walking space before he had to stop and turn around. If he was outside the cell, walking down the hallway, he could walk in a slow, shuffling stride of about twelve inches, the length of the chain between his ankles. If he went any faster he would fall on his face. Since his hands were cuffed behind his back it would be a pretty nasty fall. Even so, the more he craved walking, and couldn’t, the more stress he felt.      He knew what Sonni would say, “Chant about it.” Taking in deep breaths to chant was like meditating and it had a calming effect. But right now he felt too hopeless to chant because everything in his life was out of control. It was so hot and that made it hard to concentrate. How was he going to make it through the remaining years he had when he could barely make it through the day?
Earlier, Jamie asked to be taken to see the doctor because he was having bad dizzy spells. All the doctor did was tell him to get some rest. Beyond that there was nothing he could do for him. What did that fool think he did all day in a segregated cell?      Jamie was afraid of falling. He had a couple bad falls during seisures and there were only hard things to fall on. He had some bad cuts and around here cuts got infected. The nurse always let injuries get infected before they did anything about it because they didn’t think there was any need to keep it from getting infected. Then, getting it treated by the doctor took time. Nothing ever happened fast. Infections could be prevented but they didn’t see it that way.      The doctor don’t treat nothing until it’s about ready to kill you. He seemed to hate his job, especially the inmates, like they weren’t worth helping. He never even said hello, or anything like he hoped you would feel better soon. A smile of friendliness? Forget that. It was part of his job to make you feel like shit because you were in here.      He didn’t like treating inmates. There were some scary ones he wouldn’t want to be around either, but he didn’t need to make sure everyone who needed to see him knew you were inferior to him because he was a doctor. This job at the prison was probably the only job he could get. Why would you be a doctor in here if you could get a job a somewhere else? Did they even have a valid license that hadn’t been revoked?      Jamie was lightheaded and passed out a couple times and now this fool told him that to fix it he was to go rest? Wasn’t it part of his job as a doctor to find out why it was happening, especially because of his epilepsy? Was it too far above what the prison allowed for the “adequate” medical care the law dictated. Ordering rest as a treatment didn’t cost the prison a cent. Running blood tests does. That ate into the profit they made off the inmates being here. They were kept alive with minimal food and care like other caged animals.      Sleep was beyond him at night because all he did was toss and turn. When he finally did fall asleep he would jerk himself awake. He was sure it had a lot to do with not knowing what was happening with his family on the outside.      He constantly thought about them, especially when he was trying not to. He hadn’t heard from no one in his family for a long time. Maybe no news was good news but he still needed to know. How was his son? Morgan wrote sometimes but she often put a lot of time between her letters.
Jamie lay on his bunk thinking about everyone he knew, one at a time. He didn’t have the mental strength to stop. When he got depressed this always pushed him further down the hole, and then he wanted to let it all go, but he couldn’t stop himself. He felt he was someone time forgot. Out of sight, out of mind. He didn’t exist for them anymore, until he got out. No one thought about the effect it was having on him right now as he lived it.      During these times of depression he always said he was going to give up, cut them off and never write to nobody again. He said that over and over through the years. He needed to hear from the people in his life who knew he was in here and that rarely happened. Almost no one took the time to do that to let him know they cared or write to tell him what was going on out there. No one cared that little Jamie needed him. Being in prison made it doubly hard for his son. He needed a relationship with his dad. All this made him terribly lonely.      He was worried about Morgan. She was working two jobs. She had no choice with kids to take care of. He needed to be able to do his part and couldn’t, and that made him feel guilty.      Sonni was sick and that was probably why she hadn’t written or come to see him in her dreams. Maybe she was saving her strength. Not knowing, he could only guess when it was time for her to get the liver transplant she was waiting for. She wouldn’t know until the last minute, so there wouldn’t be time to tell him.      When too much time passed between letters he always worried the time had finally come, that she was in the hospital and no one would be there with her except her husband. No blood family. A time when family should be there to wait for her to wake up and know she was okay – to support her and make her feel loved. He knew deep down that this was going to happen. No matter what differences there were, her family should be there. They didn’t live too far away. The writing was on the wall and he felt bad about that. He knew what it felt like and would there if he could. He knew he would.
This was the worst thing that kept him awake at night, tossing and turning. It seemed to him that family thought they had the right to hurt you the most. It was important to him and important to Sonni to be there for each other. It’s hard to go through things like this and be alone. It messes up your head and makes you feel helpless to not be able to help. If only he could shut off the thoughts.      He liked calling her Mom. She knew he needed family and because she was his son’s grandmother they really were connected like they were family. It meant a lot to him because she stuck by someone like him the way she did. Some people look down on people in prison and treat them bad even after they get out like they weren’t already punished enough. She didn’t see him as a bad person. She never tried to make him feel bad. If she wanted, she could be angry at him because he did something that made her daughter’s life hard, but she didn’t. Now she was the only connection he could count on who always remembered he was here.      Now she needed him to be there and he wasn’t good for nothing and was letting her down, too. He loved her because she took the time to be good to him. He wanted to do the same for her.      It wasn’t unusual to hear this same story in here. He heard it plenty of times. Family stopped writing or visiting, or the drive was too long, or they got tired of being asked for money, like somehow the inmates found a way to get the things they needed without doing something that could have far reaching consequences. So they stopped answering letters. Maybe they didn’t want to know what was happening inside. Maybe they couldn’t scrape together twenty bucks between them to put on his account. A lot of dudes were on their own with no help. He had Sonni. He would never forget that.      Jamie knew his family hadn’t stopped loving him. They just didn’t know how to show it. Maybe they took his love for granted. He would love them no matter if they wrote. And he would, he always would, but it was hard to keep making excuses their absence. He knew they had their own problems to deal with. He wanted to know what was going on in their lives and they didn’t tell him. But he knew what was going on Sonni’s life because they wrote to each other. He could pray for her about that and feel like he did something to help because he needed to do something besides sit here.      Whether someone prayed to God or simply prayed and put it out there, it was the focus of the prayer and the mental energy that went into it that mattered the most. So he prayed urgently that she was okay. He needed her to be okay. He didn’t want to be without her. She was all he had.
Jamie looked up at the sound of banging on the cell doors. It broke into his thoughts and he stood up to go stand at the door. It was time for the meal cart to bring dinner. It had lots of shelves with trays stacked on top of trays. He was hungry tonight. There hadn’t been much for the mid day meal except two baloney sandwiches with nothing but a slice of meat and cheap bread. That wasn’t enough for a man his size.      He thought about a real sandwich. Lots of meat, tomato and lettuce, two slices of cheddar cheese with lots of mayo and pickles, too – and chips. That made him hungry. He laughed a little. He shouldn’t torture himself like that. It had been a good while since he had a hot meal. No matter what they brought to eat it was always cold when it was put through the slot. Sometimes he thought they never heated the meals at all.      The trays were prepared ahead of time and kept frozen in big freezers in the kitchen and were brought to them just as they were. They couldn’t prepare them at mealtime. How were they going to serve hot food to all the inmates? Were they going to heat them up in microwaves, or prepare trays one at a time like they would at a hospital? Fat was congealed on the meat like it hadn’t been heated again. It was bland, no seasoning of any kind. It was horrible food and he was always afraid of getting sick eating it.      The dudes in gen pop ate hot meals because they walked to where it was served. He was trying to get back to G4 so he could walk to chow. In the chow hall it was important to have eyes in the back of your head because you never knew who was gong to start trouble with you, but it was worth it for a hot meal. It wasn’t exactly fine dining but it was better than what was slid through the food slot.      Jamie had lost a lot of weight since he was locked up because he couldn’t choke down a lot of what was given to him to eat because it was so bad. No use complaining about it, though. It wouldn’t change anything. Jamie looked down at himself. It was getting hard to keep his pants up. He hadn’t been this skinny since he was a kid, and he was chubby then, too.      He heard laughing and the bang of a food slot slamming shut a few cells down.      “Oh, you thought you was gettin’ food tonight?” he heard one of guards say, laughing.      “I’m sorry,” he added sarcastically, drawing out the words. “I guess they forgot about you in the kitchen.”      A few seconds later he heard, “Too bad if you’re hungry. It’s not my fault. It’s too late to go get more. I’m not your servant and I’m not going to make a trip to the kitchen just for you.”      The guard’s voice started to get a threatening edge to it because the dude in the cell wouldn’t quit talking and getting louder, too. The guard only worked here. He didn’t make the rules. If he wanted to keep his job he did what he was told, and he was told to bring food to only some of the inmates. Was he supposed to care if they were hungry? They were fucking criminals. They should be glad he brought them anything at all. Sometimes he felt like a goddam babysitter.      “So I guess it’s no dinner for you tonight,” the guard sneered as he turned to walk away. “You’ll have to wait until morning. Deal with it,” and continued on to the next cell.      His drawn out Texas twang had a nasally sound like he had a marble stuck up his nose. It grated on Jamie’s nerves like hearing fingers scraping up a chalkboard. He could hear the dude in the cell raise his voice, calling him every name he could think of, but that only made the guard laugh. He turned around and stood there, far enough away from the door, hands on his hips where he couldn’t be reached through the bars. What a dick.
Jacking their food happened at at least for one meal a getting food. There was no reason for this. Messing with the inmates might feel like a sport to the guards but it would end up causing a lot of problems for all of them. You can only push people just so far before they come back at you.      The guards were finding ways to make the segregation inmates miserable. No one was going to stop them. They were probably encouraged to do it. Even if they all filed a grievance about it nothing would come of it.      It didn’t do it at every meal, but it happened enough times to make them all worried about being hungry. The food might not be worth feeding a dog, but it was the only food they had. Sometimes, when they brought a tray half the food was missing when they put it through the slot. Some of the dudes planned to get even with the guards because they had nothing to lose if they got in more trouble. Some were going to be here for most, if not all of their lives anyway. They didn’t care.      The day before, an inmate cut an officer pretty bad when he didn’t get his food. A lot of these dudes had a weapon of some sort they had made. They could get creative when finding materials they could sharpen and turn into a something they could stab into someone. This dude was waiting for just the right time and he cut him. He was lucky he didn’t kill him. What did the guards expect? They thought they could be assholes and no one would try to get even? These dudes had all the time in the world to plan what they were going to do.      Fires were set inside the cells and there were no fires extinguishers anywhere to put them out. It caused a lot of chaos and it was a mess to clean up. Others flooded the halls by stopping up the toilets and overflowing the sinks. It stank in here. The heat made it worse. Imagine breathing in that stink with every breath you take and you can’t get away from it.      Jamie didn’t want to be included when the officers retaliated so he drank a lot of water when they passed him by with no food and didn’t say anything. He wasn’t going to react emotionally. It wouldn’t do no good. It wouldn’t make them bring him food, so he was better off in the long run if he just let it pass.      Joining in when they started getting crazy wasn’t a good idea, either. He tried to stay cool. The last thing he wanted was to do something stupid he would later regret that could get him written up or have more time added to his sentence.      That is where this was headed if it didn’t stop. He guessed that was what Sonni meant when she wrote about cause and effect. What he chose to do right now could affect his future and he needed to make the right choices.      The officers were taking it out on everyone on account of that guard getting cut. It wasn’t right, making all of them pay because of what one dude did, but that is the way they did things in here. There is no justice on the outside and there is damn sure no justice on the inside.      Jamie tried to do his best to cope with everything, but sooner or later he knew something would happen. Things got crazier every day as it got hotter. Tempers rose. Days went by. Hopefully things wouldn’t get any worse.
The next month didn’t get any better. Each day was like the one before it. When the heat started rising in March everyone knew it was fixin’ to be a long, bad summer. No way they were going to spend the money for AC unless they were made to do it legally.      Money the prisons paid out to families 11 people died was less than the cost of installing an AC or heating system. The winners cold get pretty cold, too. There were a few articles written each year but nothing was done and when it got hot the next year they wondered if would be bad enough to make the prisons fix it. The newer prisons were built with it, but not the older ones.      Jamie passed out from the heat one year. When someone gets that hot, and they haven’t been given their meds every day, it puts those people in danger who have high blood pressure or diabetes and other illnesses like him with epilepsy. But it keeps happening.      This year bad heatwaves were happening everywhere in the country, even up north. It seemed like it was getting worse every year. It was up over a hundred for weeks. That meant it was doubly hot for inmates in the south.
It was mid July and Jamie hadn’t heard from Sonni in more than a month. She had been saying the doctors told her to expect July would be her turn for a transplant because she was getting close to the top of the transplant list, but there wasn’t an exact day and all kinds of things could go wrong.      The reason she moved up the list so fast is because two cancer tumors were growing in her liver. If one more developed they would take her off the list because her chance of surviving the transplant would be less. If one got out of the liver it would over, too.      He wished he knew why she hadn’t written. If something happened, what if no one told him? The more he thought about it the more he worried. Add to it that it was so hot breathing was an effort and the water that came out of the faucet was rank. Terrible as it was he couldn’t drink enough of it. He couldn’t drink enough of it because he was so dehydrated.      There was nothing to do and nothing new to read. He didn’t feel like re-reading his books again or more time so he took out his letters and began reading them from the beginning. They were in order by the date so it was almost like reading a book. Some of the letters were almost memorized. He knew all the good parts. He held the images they created in his mind and tried to imagine living inside the stories.      He laid back down on his bed and had almost fallen asleep when he heard the mail cart outside his door along with his name being called.      “Cummings. Mail.”      Jamie jumped off his bunk and moved the few feet to the door. A Jpay letter was pushed through the slot. He thought it was from Sonni until he looked closer. It was from her sister, but she must have used Sonni’s Jpay account. He recognized her first name.      The waiting was over. It was finally over. The relief was overwhelming. She had the liver transplant two weeks ago and was home now. She hadn’t been able to write or type, that is why he didn’t hear from her. He was right in feeling so unsettled. He had been worried about her because he didn’t go this long without hearing from her, but she was okay. The stress of waiting was finally over. They had talked about the transplant happening for a long time.      The letter was dated, July 17th, 2012 and this is what her sister wrote:
“Sonni has asked me to write to you. She finally had her liver transplant on Sunday July 1. The six-hour surgery went well. She spent 10 days in the hospital and they have finally sent her home to start the slow healing process. Her recovery is amazing. She wants a normal life so bad. When I visited her on Saturday she told me she had received a letter from you. It will be some time before she can sit at her computer but she wanted you to know her long wait and surgery were finally over. She looks like my sister again, not a puffed up marshmallow. I know from our talks she cares alot about you and she didn’t want you to worry.
Take care and I know she will write herself as soon as she is able.”
On August 6, he got his first letter from her. He could tell it wasn’t easy for her to type. He was relieved to finally hear from her. Life was going to be rough for her for awhile but she made it this far and the transplant was over now.
” dear jamie-im getting a little better every day. slow and hard. i tried 2 send u money but my card was out of date. i have 2 call 4 a replacement. im learning how to walk n talk all over again. i am bored we each have a cell but i know that yours is much worse. i chanted nam myoho renge kyo so hard in my head-screamed it. pain meds dont work on me and i have felt everything they did 2 me.but ive turned a corner n its a little better. i think of u every day hoping u werent 2 worried. everyone has their own choices and does things that cause unhappy things to happen. my grandfather taught me from childhood – To thine OWN SELF be true. no one can know u really. some think once a loser always a loser. that isn’t true because i guess that would makes me a loser 2 – former drug addict and all that comes with it. i just didnt get caught. u arent a loser. neither am i. i have to go. nurse is here. be good! Mom”
<<< >>>
To help support the editing and publishing of this book and music with much needed funding please patronize the new e-commerce store which is growing with leaps and bounds!
WATCH AND WHIRL SHOP at watchandwhirl.ecwid.com
I’m Someone Time Forgot – Chapter From ITFO Listen to I'm Someone Time Forgot by Sonni Quick #np on #SoundCloud I'm Someone Time Forgot 
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