#previous cang qiong mountain sect peak lords
tireddemi · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū & Yuè Qīngyuán, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū & Yuè Qīngyuán, Cāng Qióng Mountain Sect Peak Lords & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Mòběi-jūn/Shàng Qīnghuá, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū/Yuè Qīngyuán 
Characters: Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Yuè Qīngyuán, Liǔ Qīnggē, Qí Qīngqī, Mù Qīngfāng, Luò Bīnghé, Shàng Qīnghuá, Mòběi-jūn, Tiānláng-jūn, Previous Generation Cāng Qióng Mountain Sect Peak Lords
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Alpha Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Alpha Yuè Qīngyuán, Alpha Liǔ Qīnggē, Alpha Qí Qīngqī, Beta Mù Qīngfāng, Alpha Luò Bīnghé, Beta Shàng Qīnghuá, Alpha Mòběi-jūn, Alpha Tiānláng-jūn, Shàng Qīnghuá & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Friendship, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū and Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū are Not the Same Person, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū are Siblings, Protective Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Good Sibling Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū Lives, Blind Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, But like not completely, Oblivious Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Bǎi Zhàn Peak Disciple Luò Bīnghé, Shen Yuan is still his shizun tho, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Needs a Break, Possessive Luò Bīnghé, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū is Bad at Feelings, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Mù Qīngfāng Is Such An MVP, Cāng Qióng Mountain Sect Peak Lords as Family, Shen Yuan should be getting paid for all the bullshit he puts up with, Chronically Ill in the Past Life Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū 
Summary: Shen Yuan, the biggest anti-fan of this year's most popular stallion novel, Proud Immortal Demon Way!
The novel that Shen Yuan would happily curse until his last breath for being cliche, having an ungodly amount of horny fan service that didn't pertain to any plot, not that there truly was a plot, to begin with in this trash novel! If the ridiculous amount of fan service wasn't enough, it had the legitimacy of a grade school essay! It was longer than the Yangtze River, it had so many plot holes, far too many unfinished backstories and a ridiculous amount of subplots that's only purpose was to serve as sixty chapters of papapa to an overpowered protagonist whose harem reached triple digits! And when he says that he would happily curse it until his last breath, he means it.
"A-Yuan, what are you doing sleeping right now?" Wait, where is he? "Why are you ignoring your Gege? Answer me!" Whose his Gege!?!
Shen Yuan realizes that the plot holes in PIDW really are going to be the actual death of him, but all he has to do is survive in this new world and keep his Gege and Qi-ge safe and happy with him!
But most importantly, stay as far away from the scum villain and Luo Binghe as possible! Which turns out to be his biggest struggles of all!
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rarepears · 2 years
For the family transmigration au, will sqh be svsss sqh or pidw sqh? cause I'm just imagining svsss sqh going "transmigratersaywhat" and sy goes "what", chaos ensues. WAIT what if sy meets mbj when barging in on sqh and rates him on whether or not he's good enough for his head disciple like some sort of protective parent?
You know what would be real amusing? Shen Yuan is dealing with PIDW Shang Qinghua...
And Airplane transmigrated into the body of OG!Shang Qinghua's father and had to single-dad parent the OG cannon fodder from baby into adulthood.
Here, his writing skills came in real handy and he became a best selling author (again), which allowed him to work from home and take care of his baby/toddler/kid/teenager on his own.
(Man, it's a good, if sad thing, that Airplane's "wife" died of childbirth because he has no clue how to interact with woman. Plus he doesn't swing that way so... yeah.)
But yeah, Airplane is OG!Shang Qinghua's dad... and in this AU, Mobei Jun discovers that he does have a DILF kink because why not. LOL.
OG!Shang Qinghua: SOS send help. What to do when your evil boss developed a crush on your father??!
[More in the #Shen Yuan and his siblings transmigrate into PIDW and are all Cang Qiong peak lords... the previous Cang Qiong peak lords au]
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esamastation · 7 months
Part forty of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine
"My king told me - Junshang asked to see this lowly cultivator?"
"Shishu thinks too lowly of himself. Surely he's still a Peak Lord of The Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, is he not?"
The great hall in the Northern Fortress hall is empty, bar the two of them, all the demonic courtiers dismissed. The emptiness of the place makes its gleaming floors and vaulted ceiling seem vaster than it even usually seems, as every word echoes in the icy palace.
The Demon Lord sitting upon the throne isn't the Northern King, however - but his master. The Half Heavenly Demon, Luo Binghe.
And the man before him was once - and in some ways still is - his Martial Uncle, Shang Qinghua of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect's An Ding Peak.
Who is, quite plainly, shaking in his boots.
"Haha," he laughs, desperate, "I suppose they haven't kicked me out yet?"
Luo Binghe blinks, slow, like a predator.
Shang Qinghua squirms. "What - what can this Shishu do for Lord Luo?"
"Today this Lord announced a hunt," Luo Binghe said. "For any artefact, knowledge or skill that has to do with the transmigration of souls."
Shang Qinghua startles at that, then gapes at the Demon Lord, and then he looks at the floor. "That is - very interesting, my Lord?" he manages.
"Any member of this Lord's court that brings credible information is to be rewarded a wish within this Lord's ability to grant," Luo Binghe continues, watching him closely, unblinking. 
Shang Qinghua looks helplessly away. "A - an incredible boon for anyone -" he gulps, as he sees something sharp and blue in the corner of his eye.
WARNING, it says, in bold, flashing letters.
"Mobei-jun then informed this Lord that his servant," Luo Binghe puts an emphasis on that, "has secret knowledge. That he speaks of other worlds. Of things this world lacks."
Shang Qinghua wets his lips, swallows, says nothing.
Luo Binghe is still and silent for a moment, watching him writhe. "Do you know why you have been called before this Lord?"
"This lowly one dares not guess," the Peak Lord of An Ding barely whispers, as the flashing blue screen presses closer.
Another slow predator's blink. "Is Shishu afraid?"
Shang Qinghua is terrified, thanks! "Lord Luo is powerful and unpredictable."
The Demon Lord scoffs and stands - and moves away while Shang Qinghua flinches. He faces instead the great ice windows behind the throne, looking over the fortress and, behind it, the Northern Desert. "This Lord has been informed that the reason he cannot resurrect his Shizun is because Shizun has departed from this world," he says in a voice that grows low with frustration. "That he is somewhere else now. He cannot be found in any realms this Lord has access to. He is, therefore, in another world."
Shang Qinghua's breath hitches.  "My Lord has this from a credible source?"
"Madam Meiyin is one of the strongest foretellers in the Demon Realm," Luo Binghe says grimly, glaring at the view outside.
"... She is, yeah," Shang Qinghua says under his breath and then, even quieter, "... Shit."
Luo Binghe looks at him over his shoulder. "Does Shishu know what she means?"
"... N-not exactly, no, but -" Shang Qinghua looks away, incredibly guilty, squirming with awkward unease. The warning is still there, inching ever closer. "He might've - read some things, yes -"
Luo Binghe turns to face him fully. With the desert and the snowy fortress behind him, bright with eternal winter, he's left in his own shadow, and the only visible features in his face are his glowing red eyes - and the vicious demon mark on his forehead.
"What things has Shishu read?"
"Aiyah," the Peak Lord whimpers, caught between the Protagonist and the System and feeling the squeeze. "Nothing very recently, my Lord, I swear! It's only the words, transmigration of souls, are very familiar - where, may this one ask, where did Lord Luo hear of them?"
"They were spoken by Mobei-jun. He heard Shishu mention it," Luo Binghe says, his voice lowering to gravel. "What, exactly, does Shishu know?"
The System window sort of shakes at him, and Shang Qinghua despairs, lighting incense in his heart for himself and then for Cucumber-bro - who he will absolutely throw under the bus if it means he'll live to see another day. 
Ah, Mobei-jun, his incredible perfect King, why did he have to be so -! If Shang Qinghua had realised Mobei-jun could actually hear him, he would've been more careful around him! Mobei-jun never reacted, never asked, never - ah!
"Shishu?" Luo Binghe growls and takes a step forward.
"This lowly servant doesn't know how it works," Shang Qinghua babbles, keeping a side eye on the System window. "Or what triggers it. Death, maybe! It's, the transmigration of souls is, like… like reincarnation, but sideways?"
"This Lord knows his Shizun hasn't reincarnated," Luo Binghe says very firmly.
Ahh, scary. "L-like this one said, sideways!" Shang Qinghua says feebly. "I-its not reincarnation, exactly. It's more like… possession?" Ahh, the System didn't like that at all! "This Shishu really can't say more, begging Lord Luo's pardon!"
It has already been too much.
Luo Binghe stares at him, and stares at him, and stares at him, and Shang Qinghua is going to see his gaze in his nightmares! "Shizun… Shizun is possessing someone…?"
Shang Qinghua backs away from the tendrils of demonic energy rising from Luo Binghe. "Maybe! Not exactly! The previous host usually dies, haha," no, no, no, don't take his B-points, take Cucumber-bro's points, he's the one this is all about, and it's not like he needs them anymore!
Ahh, Luo Binghe is coming closer, this is the worst! "There's compatibility, kinda! I think!" Shang Qinghua babbles in panic. "The soul is attracted to a body that suits it! They always were so alike, really, it was so uncanny at times? So it's not really like possession, more like - like reoccupation?"
Luo Binghe's eyes sharpen - like cat's eyes, detecting prey. "... what?"
Fuck! Shang Qinghua puts his hands up against whatever is to come, but it doesn't come, neither from the System, nor the Demon Lord. Luo Binghe's eyes pass him by as he thinks, his gaze flicking to and fro as the half-demon searches his memories and flexes his intellect. 
Both which Shang Qinghua knows are considerable.
"Shizun… isn't the original Shen Qingqiu, is he?" The Protagonist murmurs. "Shizun changed. This disciple remembers it well, when Shizun became kind, when Shizun became generous. And Shang-shishu knew," Luo Binghe says, and his gaze refocuses. "Shang-shishu knows Shizun was a result of the transmigration of souls. Shishu knows where Shizun comes from!"
"Aaahh," Shang Qinghua whimpers. "My Lord Luo -!"
Luo Binghe leans in and says, with absolute certainty. "Shishu will tell this Lord all he knows of Shizun. He will leave nothing out."
Shang Qinghua is going to cry. Please, System, have mercy on his soul - because Cucumber-bro would not!
Ahh, rip, hamster-man.
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boxxed-juice · 8 days
Chapters: 9/25
Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu & Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu & Xiu Ya, Previous Generation Qing Jing Peak Lord & Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu
Characters: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Original Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lords | PIDW Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lords, Original Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lord Characters, Original Characters, Liu Qingge, Yue Qingyuan
Additional Tags: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu Deserves Happiness, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu and Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu are Not the Same Person, Fluff, Family Fluff, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu & Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu are Siblings, no beta we die like Shen Yuan
There was a little boy.
He was tiny, not even reaching Shen Jiu’s hips. His face was smeared with dirt and grime, his cheeks sunken in, and hair cut messily short. A slave brand was barely visible on the nape of his neck. Shen Jiu’s heart squeezed as he stared at the tiny child. There was a pang of familiarity as the boy raised his head and their eyes met. Green met green and Shen Jiu inhaled sharply. The boy looked the same as Shen Jiu did when he was younger. Scrawny and sharp. Mouth already turning down into a scowl as he stared defiantly back at the cultivator before him.
Shen Jiu had no inherent love for children. He tolerated the other disciples on Qing Jing Peak for his Shizun’s sake but found himself away from them whenever possible. The familial feeling inside his heart was new and reminded him of the love he once had for Qi-ge. Five seconds after meeting this brat and he already wanted to pinch his cheeks and ensure that he was healthy and happy.
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masiethewriter · 13 days
Honored Eternal Path of Demise CH. 2 - New Game
Her on the other hand Shen Qingqiu immediately recognizes. Though when her face is not twisted in rage and mania, plunging a knife into his chest, she looks quite different. Very cute, he would usually think. If he hadn't experienced her stabbing him. Multiple times. To his death. "Senior! You are here too?" She calls out to him the moment they see him at the top of the stairs. "Ning Yingying, you know who this is?" The boy asks her before Shen Qingqiu can answer. "Of course! That is Shen Qingqiu. One of the seniors that helped us when we first started. Don't you remember A-Lou?" Ning Yingying answers, confirming Shen Qingqius suspicions of who they are.
Previous Chapter ~~//~~ Next Chapter
Shen Yuan opens his eyes and breathes.
For a minute he lies perfectly still. The enjoyment of breathing without food or blood blocking his airways is something to marvel at. Who would have thought breathing is this awesome? He has never really appreciated it like it deserves. Definitely something he won't take for granted anymore. 
Enjoying air going in and out his lungs is cool, but eventually he has to get up. Pushing himself into a sit, he feels much more clear headed than before. This time, he is even able to take in the room around him.
It is not the same as where he woke up last. First of all, he is laying in a bed this time. A queen size. Relatively clean. Not particularly luxurious or anything. It matches the rest of the room that is also quite modest. Wallpaper is old fashioned and loose in some spots. A garderope stands tall, wood dark. An old desk full of dust. A dirty mirror in the corner. A door leading out. 
Rain splatters against the one window of the room, leaving constant noise. There is nothing to see outside it, as it is too dark.
Slowly getting out of bed, Shen Yuan experiences none of the vertigo from earlier. He feels like he just woke up from a nap, the actual restful kind. Is this how people normally feel after sleeping? Sounded fake, but awesome now that he is experiencing it. Now he can't help but feel jealous of those who always woke up like this.
The floorboards creak beneath his feet as he walks around the room. As he gets in front of the mirror, he has to stop and take a look.
He looks nothing like himself. What Shen Yuan is used to seeing is a scrawny otaku, always choosing comfortable outfits above style. Hair an unruly mess, with round glasses big enough to cover half his face. He's never been particularly handsome or stylish. Not someone that would stand out in a crowd.
The man he sees in the mirror is the absolute opposite of that. He stands tall, muscles lean though with strength behind them. Instead of the warzone his hair can usually be found in, it is parted evenly, soft locks laying elegantly against his head. He is wearing an unknown school uniform that clearly no common folk could afford. His new glasses are slender and give off the vibe of someone scholarly and intelligent. 
Seeing this, the last of his doubts slither away. Instead of Shen Yuans own body, it is clear he now finds himself as Shen Qingqiu, popular stallion novel scum villain and less popular shitty video game #1 expendable character.
Allowing himself a minute of denial from his situation, Shen Yuan studies how the game developers have translated Shen Qingqiu into a character for their game. 
With their modern setting they of course couldn't keep Cang Qiong Mountain Sect or any other cultivation aspects in their story. But since so many of the characters' relations rely on hierarchy, they had to find another way for everyone to be connected. So the obvious solution was of course to just do the cliche and make them all students of the same rich kid boarding school. Apparently teachers aren't popular characters, so the peak lords of the novel were turned into last year students while the disciples became first year juniors. 
Just how much older were the last year students than those who just started? Never specified, so fans wouldn't be able to poke at broken timelines or complain about age differences. 
So how do you turn the scholarly peak lord into an unspecified boarding school student? You make him look like a nerd of course!
A pretty handsome nerd, but Shen Yuan's point still stands. 
But this is only so far he can allow himself to be distracted before he has to confront his situation. Namely that he now finds himself as the character most known for its merciless and gruesome deaths, who is only able to survive in the one, almost impossible to gain, secret ending.
Shen Yuan is not just screwed. He is absolutely fucked!
What the fuck kind of shit game is this!? Shen Yuan wants his money back, this isn't what he agreed to! If he was going to transmigrate into another world, could it be one where he wasn't going to die over a hundred awful deaths? At least in the original novel Shen Qingqiu only had to die once!
A horrific death it would take years of torture to reach, but after that it would be over!
He is vaguely able to recall what happened after he died, but before he woke up the first time. Some kind of dark void and a mission quest so obscurely worded it might as well be gibberish! Shit about misfortune and stories and lives and nothing that made any sense! Hello, anyone there? Some system that can offer the least bit of guidance in this fucked up world??
No? Nothing? Well, fuck it all then.
Okay, enough with the cursing. That is what got Shen Yuan killed in the first place and he doesn't need a repeat of that.
While a system that could help would have been nice, he got to stay positive. Since he has just been thrown into this with nothing to point the way, that must mean Shen Yuan is free to do what he wants. No rules also mean no restrictions in how he handles his situation. 
Also, Shen Yuan is no noob. He has spent every day playing this game since he brought it. He knows it inside and out by now, every secret and hidden shortcut. While he will likely still be limited by certain aspects of the storyline, he is also a walking and talking cheat guide. Nothing should be able to surprise him.
Whatever his quest is, isn't really that important. What matters is that clearly once he reaches the ending of the game the quest will be completed. Which ending or what will happen after, he will find out then. Problem for future Shen Yuan. For now there is nothing he can do but play the game.
So accepting his new role as Shen Qingqiu, he finally leaves the room.
The door opens with a shrill creak, loud enough to make him flinch. He steps into a dark hallway.
It is clear that the old mansionly aesthetic is going to follow him wherever he goes. The flooring is covered by a dark red carpet, the wallpaper made to match. Candlesticks protrude from the walls, giving off an eerie glow. Shen Qingqiu doesn't bother to consider who turned them all on.
Randomly choosing a direction, he takes a quick look at the first door he passes. 
Nothing stands out about it. At first it appears to be made of dark wood. But as Shen Qingqiu examines it closer, he realizes it is fake. There is no space between the edges and the wall. Almost like it has been painted on. Taking hold of the door handle, nothing moves as he tries to pull on it.
He will have to be carefull, as they look perfectly real from a distance. Wouldn't be good to try to get through a fake door if he is in a chase. But with this knowledge, he is able to pass by most of the doors in the corridor with no worry. Would be a waste of time to check if every door is fake. Not something he wants to do on his first playthrough.
Continuing through the repeating hallway he is finally rewarded by the sound of voices. Following them to a door that is actually different, decorated with elegant carvings in the wood, he opens it to a grand foyer.
Shen Qingqiu finds himself on the second floor, two huge staircases leading down to an overly decorated entrance. Old paintings with golden frames line the walls, dusty chairs and couches placed around to create gathering spots. The main door is so huge that Shen Qingqiu doubts he would be able to push it open by himself. Thick oak wide enough for 5 people to walk through at once, and at least twice as tall as any of them.
And in the middle of it all stands two figures. A boy and a girl.
Shen Qingqiu will be frank. The boy is the most handsome person he has ever seen in his life. Standing taller than even Shen Qingqiu's upgraded height, his wide shoulders and broad back shows of his natural masculinity. His uniform fits him well, jacket tied around his waist and sleeves rolled up to expose his strong forearms. He is clearly muscular, but not to an exaggerated degree. His dark curly hair is pulled back into a rough ponytail that only adds to the handsome features of his face. 
In contrast to his powerful and dependable build, his face is one of kindness and slight innocence. He seems like the kind of friend you can rely on and trust. Someone who will always show support and encouragement. 
In summary, he looks like someone who can win a fight if needed. And someone who gives great hugs when asked. Though out of Shen Qingqiu and the girl, it is no question who would be given which.
Her on the other hand Shen Qingqiu immediately recognizes. Though when her face is not twisted in rage and mania, plunging a knife into his chest, she looks quite different. Very cute, he would usually think. If he hadn't experienced her stabbing him. Multiple times. To his death.
"Senior! You are here too?" She calls out to him the moment they see him at the top of the stairs.
"Ning Yingying, you know who this is?" The boy asks her before Shen Qingqiu can answer.
"Of course! That is Shen Qingqiu. One of the seniors that helped us when we first started. Don't you remember A-Lou?" Ning Yingying answers, confirming Shen Qingqius suspicions of who they are.
Being face to face with Lou Binghe, the fated protagonist of Proud Immortal Demon Way, Shen Qingqiu just barely manages to not run to him. Every fanboy instinct is screaming at him to tell Lou Binghe that he is his biggest fan. He is just barely able to keep in his excitement and not scream like an obsessed fangirl. Instead he keeps his face passive and blank, not allowing it to show anything. 
As the two continue to whisper uninteresting exposition to each other, Shen Qingqiu descends the stairs, unhurried and with a hand gently trailing the railing. 
As he reaches the bottom, Ning Yingying runs up to him, none of her expressions hiding her excitement. Lou Bingle follows, much more cautiously. 
"Senior Shen, it is so good to see you! Do you have any idea where we are? A-Lou and I woke up with no memory of how we got here. I am so lucky we found each other, I have no idea what I would do if I was all alone by myself-" Ning Yingying ramples, barely pausing to breathe.
Shen Qingqiu lets her continue for a bit before he holds up a hand to quiet her.
"I just got here after waking up myself. I don't know anything either."
Disappointment takes over, the entirety of Ning Yingying's body crumbling as he blows out her hope.
"Does senior Shen have any idea of why we are here?" Lou Binghe then asks. His voice is low, but strong, exactly what Shen Qingqiu had always imagined the protagonist of his most hated novel would sound like. Being this close to his favorite character, he can't keep from internally crying with happiness for how well Lou Binghe is being portrayed. This one, this person, this protagonist is why he kept going through each terrible chapter of the novel and the entire awful game!
Externally Shen Qingqiu barely spares him a glance. Instead of keeping his focus on the teary Ning Yingying, he puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Clearly someone brought us here, though for what reason we can only guess. Nevertheless we should focus on finding a way away from here."
Brightening up as if she didn't consider this obvious course of action, Ning Yingying agrees. "Senior Shen is right! If we can just get away from here, surely everything will be fine!"
"We just checked and the doors aren't locked. We were just about to go out," Lou Binghe says, continuing the expected dialogue.
Good thing Shen Qingue went through this section of the game at least a hundred times. So he knows exactly what to say.
"Hmm, okay. You go do that," he starts. "I will look for a phone we can use to call for help."
This makes the other two pause. "Senior Shen is not coming with us?" Ning Yingying asks. Shen Qingqiu pushes his glasses, taking the classic pretentious asshole stance.
"Of course not. We have no idea where this is. What will you do when you find the way out? Keep going in the rain hoping to randomly find someone who will help? And what if we're in the middle of nowhere, not a soul to be found?" With each word, Shen Qingqiu can see he kills off more of Ning Yingying's hope. Still, he has to continue. "It's better to seek out multiple solutions than rely on one uncertain one. I prefer to stay here and not get my uniform unnecessarily ruined."
Or rather, this is the game designer's lazy excuse to immediately split up the party. Characters introduced and setting presented. The job here is done, so away with the scum villain, thank you for your contribution. 
Couldn't they think of a better reason to get rid of Shen Qingqiu? Even a loner like him should see it would be better to stick together. Though in actuality this was to his advantage.
"What will senior Shen be doing then?" It is Lou Binghes turn to ask, perfectly following the script. Though this is the part where Shen Qingqiu must divide from the story.
"I will start checking out the rooms here, see if I can find anything to contact the outside world." He explains, pointing towards a door hidden beneath the staircase.
Originally the real Shen Qingqiu chose to explore the upper floor, essentially leaving the story until next time he was needed. But this cheat sheet version knew where to go to find the first place of note. No reason to waste time, when he could go straight for the important items.
Ning Yingying looks at him worried, but he can’t read Luo Binghe. Since Shen Qingqiu hadn't broken character yet, he wasn’t worried about what was happening in their NPC minds. If things went according to plan, he didn't expect to see either of them for a long time after this.
"Will Senior be okay? I don't like the thought of you walking all by yourself," Ning Yingying tries one last time.
"You should worry more about yourself than others. You stick with... your friend... and he should take care of you. This one is perfectly capable of taking care of himself."
With these words Lou Binghe finally accepts his decision. Taking Ning Yingying’s hand he leads her towards the exit.
"Be careful Senior Shen! Please wait for us to come back for you!" Ning Yingying calls as Lou Binghe opens the huge doors like they weigh nothing. As the outside reveals the heavy rain, they only hesitate for a second, before they hurry along. The heavy doors fall closed, the loud bang following them ominous. 
With a deep sigh, Shen Quingiu can finally relax and let his mask fall.
From the beginning he knew he had to stay in character. While it was tough to act like an aloof and prickly rich kid, he wasn't risking the consequences of acting otherwise. In a setting like this, with paranoia and insanity being the norm, you didn't act in a way that would catch people's attention. Better to stay off the radar as much as possible.
So with the others gone, he turned around, going straight for the door he pointed out earlier. 
The room he entered was surprisingly cozy compared to the rest of the mansion. Rather than blood red carpets and walls with heavy shadows, here was properly lit with furniture that made it clear this was a study of sorts.
Or a safe room, as Shen Qingqiu knew it to be. 
Bookshelves lined the walls, one big closet placed on one side. In the center of the room was a big desk and chair, many knick knacks placed around. The only window of the room was huge and faced an outside road that actually had a lamppost to light up the area. Besides the door was a two-person couch that looked soft and inviting. 
Like commonly found in many horror games this was the one room that never hid any traps and which the monster would never randomly step into. This would also be the first room Ning Yingying would hide in after getting back to the mansion.
Shen Qingqiu knew exactly what was about to happen to her and Lou Binghe.
Originally she was meant to be the tutorial character of the game. The player would start playing as her, waking up in the mansion with no idea what was going on. Soon after she would stumble upon Lou Binghe and the two would seek a way out. Finding the entrance, they would meet the scum villain, the scene playing out almost exactly as what had just happened. Shen Qingqiu would refuse to go with them, instead heading for the upper floor, not to appear in the story for a while after. 
Ning Yingying and Lou Binghe would explore the outside, basically introducing the basic game mechanics. How to interact with others, finding items, running and crouching and so on. This would continue a bit, until they finally found the gate leading away. Though at this point, they wouldn’t be able to leave for two reasons.
1. The gate would be locked with no key in sight and no alternate exit.
2. The desecrated corpse of some nameless classmate would be found, clear signs that their death had been no accident.
This is when the Killer, the first monster of the game, would spawn. Attacking the two of them, they would be forced to split up, Lou Binghe disappearing to who-knows-where and Ning Yingying having to run back to the mansion to hide. With the Killer right on her heels, she would be led inside the safe room, where the hiding mechanic would be taught using the big closet in the room.
What happened after then became more dependent on the player. This was when the game truly began and it was possible to explore freely and begin to solve the story.
To Shen Qingqiu, most of this didn't matter. Already a free soul, with no need for a tutorial, being perfectly capable of bending his knees for sneaking or picking up items with his hands, he didn't feel a need to follow in Ning Yingying’s footsteps. Rather he saw the beginning of the game as the timer for when he could no longer act freely. 
Until Ning Yingying and Lou Binghe found the first corpse, the Killer should not be on the loose. So until then, he should not have to worry about surviving, but could instead concentrate on gathering items and solving puzzles. Which is why he went into this room for arguably the most important item the game had.
Going to the desk, he investigated it a bit before he found a secret compartment. Pushing it to the side, a sliding puzzle was revealed, one he easily solved. Putting the last piece in the correct spot a click was heard before one of the drawers suddenly opened. Quickly, he gathered the one item it held. 
The spiritbox.
With this Shen Qingqiu could officially begin to play. He already beat the game once, gaining every single ending, no matter how challenging or impossible. He was confident that he could do so again. 
Time to start a new save.
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plotweasels · 11 months
This Child is Spicy--Does He Ever Unspice?
So, this SVSSS AU is based on a combination of this picture and comments from people on discord. (Basically, this picture inspired a age-reversal plot weasel.) I think this dynamic has some potential, either as a bingjiu fic or just "Luo Binghe is basically a copy of Tianlang-jun" Not Very Accidental Child Acquisition.
To set this up, Su Xiyan was actually part of the previous generation of cultivators. Still ended up with Tianlang-jun, still betrayed by the Palace Master, but in this case Tianlang-jun found out about the set up for one reason or another. Palace Master's plot collapsed because of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect figuring out it WAS a plot. Su Xiyan and Tianlang-jun go off to be married.
This makes Su Xiyan and Demon Emperor very partial to CQM, which is why Baby Binghe ends up at Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. (Being half human, and pretty balanced he needs to learn human style cultivation anyway for a base before working on the demon side of his cultivation. Su Xiyan doesn't want to pass on anything of Huan Hua because she's extremely pissed at Huan Hua.) Luo Binghe is either selected for one of the Peaks or does whatever is the xianxia equivalent of auditing classes.
Two possible plotlines come to mind.
--Luo Binghe ends up becoming a Peak Lord! This is possibly hilarious and I kind of like this idea. In this case, Luo Binghe figure out why his Shixiong's favorite inner disciple/head disciple just about killed himself trying to take a sword when he wasn't ready. (Or, actually keeps him from doing it.)
Luo Binghe pries the story out of the kid and decides to go get this Shen Jiu kid. So he goes off, locates the Qius and absconds with a frightened, rage-filled fourteen year old Shen Jiu. Shen Jiu ends up as a guest of sorts on Cang Qiong until he can go through the diggydiggy hole test. Luo Binghe ends up picking him for his Peak. Stuff Happens.
--The other possible plotline is Luo Binghe becomes a wandering cultivator affiliated with Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. He goes on various missions for CQM and also for his father. (Sometimes those missions are pretty much shopping trips for books) A lot of what he does is the equivalent of bounty hunting as well as hunting ghosts/monsters/demons/demonic animals.
Luo Binghe's current bounty is Wu Yanzi! He is able to track Wu Yanzi down to the Qius, where he is up to some kind of scam. He is too late to stop the scam, but he is able to kill Wu Yanzi. Luo Binghe is now stuck with a hysterical young mistress and a slave having a goddamn qi-deviation. Luo Binghe dumps the young mistress with the local cultivation sect, and keeps the kid, who is only barely being kept from wrecking his spiritual veins due to qi deviation.
Shen Jiu wakes up, confused, angry and terrified. He does not calm down. He has no chill. Luo Binghe doesn't know if this is funny or incredibly sad. He decides the kid needs help, and decides to cart him off to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect to recuperate. And then Stuff Happens.
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tossawary · 3 years
If the the System were to glitch for some reason (someone forgot to install malware) and went offline for minimum two weeks. What would be Shang Qinghua’s course of action? If he were a peak lord or if he were still a disciple.
It depends what you wanted to accomplish with that piece of fanfiction? The mechanics of the System are very much up to each author; interpretations can range from making it the main villain to basically a non-entity to a helpful Deus Ex Machina plot-device. 
If Shang Qinghua has no guarantee that the System won’t slap him with some retroactive consequences when it comes back, then he might not deviate from his previous course of action at all. If the System doesn’t tell Shang Qinghua that it’s going offline, he might not even notice. (My impression is that the SVSSS Systems could go for long stretches without communicating with their transmigrators, especially Shang Qinghua’s System.) 
If Shang Qinghua is alerted that the System is going offline and is somehow informed that the System will automatically accept and adapt to whatever changes he might make, then he might do something. But what he might do is entirely dependent on (firstly, what the author wants to do with the fic, but secondly) where Shang Qinghua is in the SVSSS story. 
If it’s before he knows about the existence of Shen Yuan, I think he might honestly take the opportunity to bail from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect and Mobei-Jun without warning. In SVSSS, this man is constantly primed to run the fuck away unless he has some obligation tying him down (saving MBJ’s life or saving SY’s life). If it’s after he knows about the existence of Shen Yuan, I think he might try to lend a fellow transmigrator a hand on his way out. 
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sanjuno · 3 years
Meta Fic rides again
I'm a little stuck on how to word something in my Nano 2020 project so I decided to take a break by trying to read “Scum Villain’s Self Saving System” again and failed horribly because I got to the part when Binghe comes back and my interest died a quick and messy death for yet a third time. Someone write me a giant pile of gen-fic and LiuShen AUs to heal my heart.
Here, I’ll start us off:
Spite and Fury (or; PEDW is a hive of Scum and Villainy)
So bitter-old-man!Madara dies of old age after he passes his Epic Revenge Plot over into Obito’s keeping, and the Sage’s knockoff-brand cycle-of-transmigration peels Indra’s chakra out of Madara’s soul - which results in dying!Madara having a screaming ragefit that sends his spirit-and-chakra careening through the void between worlds
At which point shattered-and-fragmenting-more!Madara gets into an altercation with the System and since the System is a little bitch it tosses Madara into the worst possible Fate it can think of (see: PEDW)
Transmigration bullshit and Sharingan fuckery smash into each other in a gigantic clusterfuck of asspulls
Madara is missing bits because Indra’s imprint got ripped out
The Shen Jiu base soul is missing bits because torture and previous abuse of his character by the System
The resulting villain amalgamation is Not Pleased
Instead of landing in the divergence point chosen by the System - aka the Qi deviation fever shortly after Binghe arrives at Cang Qiong Sect – we instead have the jigsaw puzzle mashup of Mads-and-Jiu land in baby-slave Jiu’s body
The good news is Madara and Jiu stop fragmenting because they end up woven together - they’re stuck together as an almost-single person only with two different sets of memories
Character exploration is going to be an EVENT
Also the Madara part of them is really happy with the silky smooth hair
Also Yue “lets-Binghe-kill-him-because-he-thinks-Shen-Jiu-is-dead” Qi is cast is a much better light when compared to Senju “stabs-his-sworn-brother-in-the-back” Hashirama
So Mads-Jiu plays it close to canon for the first few years - the only real difference is that he tags his Jiejie with a tracking seal for after he escapes from slavery - he’s not leaving his ability to find her again up to chance or developing a reputation as a whoremonger if he can help it
When he gets bought by the Qiu is when Mads-Jiu starts being a manipulative little shit like we all know he is
Xanatos-pileup-or-bust!Mads-Jiu basically lets Yue Qi escape alone because he NEEDS Yue Qi to become Cang Qiong Sect Leader for his long-term plans to work properly
So Mads-Jiu warns Yue Qi that if he has to be CAREFUL because cultivating is dangerous and if Yue Qi comes back missing any pieces then Jiu will cut the EXACT SAME BITS OFF HIMSELF
And so Yue Qi is EXTREMELY safety conscious and the life eating sword drama is avoided entirely
Of course he’s also taking longer to reach his initial strength levels than in canon because he isn’t rushing
So there’s nothing like Yue Qi showing up early to trigger a plot divergence alert in the System
Mads-Jiu is more pragmatic regarding Qiu Haitang’s so-called innocence this time around - and so he arranges for her to catch the Creeper Qiu bro abusing and assaulting Shen Jiu
Haitang is HORRIFIED AND DISGUSTED to see what her brother is doing to her fiancé and also TERRIFIED by the fact that he talks the entire time about how sweet it’s going to be when it’s HAITANG under him
The Qiu burn on schedule but Haitang kills her fair share - double Qi deviations FTW!
The system does not notice such a minor change in the background events - Jiu kills the Qiu, burns down their house, and Haitang survives the fire with vengeance raging in her heart
Mads-Jiu kills the demonic creeper that was hanging around because ew no and also keep your hands of Haitang
Again, it’s too close to canon for the System to notice - Jiu killed him in defense of a “childhood friend” so hahaha again
Instead of being used as a stalking horse by an evil master Mads-Jiu runs off with Haitang to track down and rescue his Jiejie
Shenanigans ensue
Afterwards Mads-Jiu “has an idea to help find Qi-ge” by asking around for him at the Immortal Alliance Conference
Of course there are more shenanigans and Yue Qi saves all three by claiming that they’re Cang Qiong disciples - so of course he drags all 3 of them back with him and wibbles at the current Sect Leader until he lets them all join
Still (mostly) following canon! Ha! So no “punishment” events get triggered in the System (which is mostly dormant because the Protagonist isn’t born yet XP)
Qiu Haitang was supposed to join a Sect! Jiejie got sold on schedule! Shen Jiu killed the Qiu and his “first master”! Yue pesters his Shizun into letting his sibling(s) join the Sect in an unorthodox fashion!
But the devil is in the details
And the devil’s name is Uchiha Madara
Jiejie ends up as Peak Lord for Talisman Peak because magic and seals saved her before
Haitang ends up Peak Lord for Hidden Peak because she refuses to be caught unawares by a dangerous secret ever again... also because she’s a mean sneaky bitch and owns it
Having more than one sibling for the Sect Leader to blatantly favour means less wholesale resentment directed at Mads-Jiu as well
However the Jiu part of them has memories from PIDW and also SVSSS - so he knows that shit is going to get horrible once Su Xiyan gets knocked up
Obviously the answer is to seduce all of his fellow peak lords into a glorious polyamorous clusterfuck so as to promote skinship and pack bonding and harmony among the sect leadership
(It worked for PIDW Binghe with his wives and SVSSS Shen Yuan with getting Bing-mei to chill his tits after all and nobody can trip you into bed quite like a shinobi)
And so Cang Qiong’s family aesthetics get rocked so hard that instead of panting after his Shizun baby disciple Binghe decides to seduce his peers...
... and his rivals
... and other sect’s disciples
... and the occasional demon
Mads-Jiu is really proud of his baby demon lord but makes sure not to single Binghe out - instead every Qing Jing disciple gets rewarded and punished at the same time
It promotes bonding! And teamwork!
And prevents the utter destruction of Mads-Jiu’s chrysanthemum via oversized demonic pillar!
There is totally going to be an extra where Mads-Jiu realizes that the average size of a male cultivators pillar is DANGEROUSLY EXCESSIVE
Even HIS pillar hasn’t escaped the curse
How the fuck is he supposed to fight if he can’t even wear pants comfortably!?!?
(No wait come back Mu-shidi this shixiong is sorry it wasn’t mockery it was a perfectly reasonable tantrum that was a long time coming now stop sulking your dick is very pretty let shixiong make it up to you~)
And at some point there will be a wild Bing-ge who appears to cause trouble with a mirror that’s intended to temporarily transform people into the form of their last life - he aims it at the native Bingbing to get him out of the way so he can steal the “nice” Shizun
It would have been Pom time for Bingbing but Mads-Jiu pushes him out of the way
And cue giant explosion of dark Qi as a bonus expansion pack of Madara’s 10-tail Jinchuriki time with powers-and-memories gets downloaded into Mads-Jiu
Mads-Jiu the “Heavenly Demon Demi God” drops several mountains worth of flaming meteor rock on the invaders and then goes on a giant flaming skeleton rampage against Bing-ge
... Bing-ge has changed his mind he doesn’t want this Shizun take him back and oh gods the shrieking
How does he shriek so loud? Doesn’t he need to breathe?
... ok so Shizun breathes fire that’s good to know
Whelps time to bravely run away
And then the amassed sects need to figure out how to calm down the rampaging hell beast
The youngest Qing Jing disciple is brought out and told to cry for Shizun
Actually-a-broody-hen!Mads-Jiu whips around and starts fussing over his baby student
Because baby why are you crying stop it tell Shizun who hurt you and he will BURN THEM TO ASH
The last bit I have an idea for involves Mads-Jiu getting yanked though dimensions because Edo Tensei where he instantly twigs to what is going on and pushes the “righteous cultivator” skin to maximum strength
He shoves all the baby ninja behind him and keeps barrier spamming the zombie army - because ew no stay away from the children resentful corpses
Zetsu is included in the zombie army shall not pass smack down
Zombie!Tobirama is appalled because wut? Wasn’t this supposed to be Madara’s zombie? What is happening?
And I dunno something where he “notices” the resentful energy surrounding Danzo because stealing the eyes of the people you murdered is bad karma
So Mads-Jiu does a spirit thing and the ghosts of the Uchiha rips Danzo apart while screaming about his guilt in full view of the entire Village
And then Mads-Jiu goes home because filial little Bingbing came to get him and he’s not enjoying upending the shinobi social order nope not at all whom exactly do you take him for?
... Yes he’s done and ready to go back to his spouses now he’s sure the ninja have all learned better than to raise living corpses now anyway
The end
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othercat2 · 3 years
fic snippet for molasses dark as pitch 4/?
Shang Qinghua has only reported to the Demon Emperor a handful of times. Less than a handful really. More like a few fingers of that hand. He has a feeling that Luo Binghe knows and does not forgive him for his part in the sect conference that ended with Luo Binghe being thrown into the Abyss. (He has not yet punished him for it, or asked Mobei-Jun to punish him. It's another sword hanging over his head.) Usually Shang Qinghua gives his reports to Mobei-Jun, who relays them to Luo Binghe.
So it's a surprise to be summoned to Luo Binghe's own rooms in "his" wing of the Palace. Both Mobei-Jun and Saintess Sha are already there. The Sha Hualing's left shoulder is painted with the demonic equivalent of healing talismans. Junshang and his chief subordinates appear to be in the middle of breakfast. There are steamed buns, congee, a pickled fish dish common to the North, fresh fruit, and tea.
The air is heavy with the feeling of a privacy talisman. Shang Qinghua prostrates himself, and ignores the growling of his stomach. "This humble one was summoned, what is the will of Junshang?" he asks.
"This lord would like to know what Shang-shishu has uncovered concerning Huan Hua palace and it's feud with Cang Qiong Mountain Sect," Junshang says.
Shang Qinghua to this point had never been Shang-shishu to the demon emperor. He'd never been spoken to by name. Shang Qinghua swallows, his throat dry. "This servant will reveal what he has learned," he says after a moment to gather his thoughts. It is even more impossible to read the emperor's expression than it is his king's in this moment.
He describes the situation as clearly as possible. Huan Hua's desire for control of the sects, the reasons why Cang Qiong Mountain Sect is a major obstacle for them. He describes Huan Hua's previous efforts and how they were foiled in part by Shen Qingqiu. (Who in turn had known some of Huan Hua's methods and dealings from his master, Wu Yanzi.) He explains where he found each piece of information, and what previous information Junshang had and had not been given.
"He spoke to you," Luo Binghe says flatly.
Shang Qinghua prostrates himself. "This servant doesn't understand."
"He would answer no question of mine, he would answer no questions when interrogated before witnesses of other sects, but he answered your questions. Why did he answer you?"
This servant doesn't understand why you'd be angry about that! Shang Qinghua thinks, somewhere between exasperation and terror. "Forgiveness. This humble one isn't sure why he chose to finally speak. This servant believes that Shen Qingqiu remained silent on all crimes he was accused of because it did not matter what he had been accused of. He knew he was the weak point, and chose to defend Cang Qiong Mountain Sect by sacrificing himself."
(Easy enough to do, Shen Qingqiu's voice rang in Shang Qinghua's head. I knew no one would come for me or seek to defend me. )
"How noble," Luo Binghe says, still in that flat voice. "Why does he speak now?"
"This one--this servant indicated that his silence would not save the sect."
"Did you make any promises?" Luo Binghe asks dangerously.
"This servant would not dare," Shang Qinghua says.
"This servant, this humble one," Luo Binghe says. "You've fallen a long way from Peak Lord, haven't you? Not that An Ding had much in the way of renown."
"Armies and kingdoms rely on logistics, Junshang," Shang Qinghua says, not quite understanding the shift. At the same time, he's annoyed that Luo Binghe appears to be denigrating the very skills he's taking advantage of. (The way his martial brothers and sisters had.) "This humble one serves his king, and Junshang."
"You betrayed the sect," Luo Binghe says. "Yet it seems to this lord that shishu also wants to 'save the sect.'"
"This one knows that Junshang blames the sect for not controlling Shen Qinqiu," Shang Qinghua says. "And while he's a traitor to his martial brothers and sisters, he would not see the sect destroyed for what happened to Junshang."
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rarepears · 2 years
Shen Yuan and his family all transmigrate into PIDW!
Except it's very much pre-canon PIDW where the Qing generation of the Cang Qiong peak lords have yet to even appear!
And- and- Somehow he and his siblings have all become Cang Qiong peak lords?! Da-ge is the sect leader, er-ge the Qing Jing peak lord, his meimei the Fairy peak.
As for Shen Yuan? Uh... he's the An Ding peak lord...
(But hey, all that time spent playing Stardew Valley came in handy since he's apparently a wiz at managing all this logistical xianxia stuff!)
And then all the future Qing generation brats start joining the sect as disciples... and then da-ge's head disciple begs for a "Shen Jiu" - who looks far too similar to er-ge - to join the sect...
To say nothing about all the rumors about Shen Jiu being er-ge's bastard child or the fact that the Shen Family alone held four very coveted high positions in Cang Qiong... Shen Yuan is dealing with the fact that his chosen successor is going to be a fucking spy and traitor to the sect! But where the fuck is he going to find another competent teenager to do all this work and actually have the brains to keep up with Shen Yuan's rambles about this and that modern athematic and leaps of logic!? Does he really have no choice but to pick this kid as his head disciple?!
[More in the #Shen Yuan and his siblings transmigrate into PIDW and are all Cang Qiong peak lords... the previous Cang Qiong peak lords au]
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esamastation · 8 months
Shizuroth, part twenty
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,
Somewhere, a flower dies.
It is a rare flower, a mysterious and exquisite herb rarely seen, with an ability unlike any other. When a seed of this plant is fed with the Qi of an individual, it becomes intrinsically linked with that individual - so much so, that as the seed is planted and takes root, it begins growing in the shape of that individual.
This particular plant was fed by Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, immortal master Shen Qingqiu… sometime before his death.
It was planted by his sect sibling and fellow Peak Lord, that of An Ding, immortal master Shang Qinghua. And unbeknownst to Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua paid very careful attention to the planting. His own flower would grow right next to the one fed with Shen Qingqiu's Qi, and if Shang Qinghua was anything, he was a survivor. And that's what these mystical plants were for - for survival.
For should they, for whatever reason, die, their souls, linked to their individual flowers, would find a new home in the plant grown in their shape.
In a hidden grove rarely visited, where the Sun and the Moon would have equal reign, where the dew gathered on new leaves and Qi flowed pure and wild, the seeds were planted with utmost care, to flourish in their impeccably selected and prepared environment.
And they did, for a while. Together they sprouted, and together they reached for light. For a while they flourished.
Nonetheless, one of them died. The first tender leaves dried up and curled in on themselves as the stalk withered, and what could have grown into a body underground never got a chance. 
And the link to Shen Qingqiu's soul was severed.
Elsewhere, a body lay dead.
Perfectly preserved with a half-demon's Qi and effort, with that half-demon's blood parasites working within it, relentlessly repairing what death damages. No decay was allowed to take hold, even the stiffening of death could not take root, the half-demon did not allow it. The body remained supple and soft, as though the person had only laid down to sleep.
Nonetheless, it was dead. It did not breathe nor did it's heart beat. Every day and night half-demon begged the body, awaken. It did not.
Shen Qingqiu's soul was not there.
"What do you mean, his soul isn't there?" Luo Binghe, the new upcoming demon lord, asks dangerously the demon on her knees before him.
Madam Meiyin bows her head. She is a succubus and fortune-teller, one of the strongest in the human and the demon realm - and as such she knows the dangers of giving this man bad news. "I can only tell you what I sense, my lord - I know not what it means. Shen Qingqiu is not here - his future is not here, his fortunes have departed."
The demon lord before her oozes dark, rageful energy, grown only stronger by all-encompassing grief that besieged his every thought and wish. "I have done everything in my power to preserve his body, I have done everything to make sure he will not reincarnate - if his soul isn't here, then where is it?!"
Madam Meiyin presses her prettily painted lips together. "It has departed -"
"Don't you dare tell me he's gone!"
The succubus flinches and keeps her head bowed. "Gone doesn't mean his soul no longer exists," she says carefully. "Nor that he's necessarily beyond my lord's reach. He's only… gone. He is somewhere else now."
Luo Binghe lets out a wordless roar, turning away with a violent motion, as though he wants to tear at something to alleviate his fury. "So he slipped through my fingers? He reincarnated after all?!"
Madam Meiyin hesitates, not sure how much she can say. Should she offer too much and should later the young demon lord fail in his quest to get Shen Qingqiu back… he might look upon her past advice and see her as a liar, for giving him false hope. Her life would surely be forfeit then.
"My lord," she says, keeping her eyes on the floor. "I once, a year or so ago, met Shen Qingqiu, and I read his future for him. Though my predictions can be vague, they are rarely wrong. He had a full life ahead of him, then, with a love of a younger lover and happiness unlike any he felt he deserved. And…"
She pauses as the demon lord before her keens in agony, clutching at his head, tearing at his hair. She swallows and waits, pretending she can't hear until he pants for a breath and is ready to listen once more.
"And," Madam Meiyin continues, very carefully, "I do not feel this fortune has at all changed."
Aww, Bingbing...
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boxxed-juice · 16 hours
Chapters: 10/26
Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu & Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu & Xiu Ya, Previous Generation Qing Jing Peak Lord & Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu
Characters: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Original Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lords | PIDW Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lords, Original Cang Qiong Mountain Sect Peak Lord Characters, Original Characters, Liu Qingge, Yue Qingyuan
Additional Tags: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu Deserves Happiness, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu and Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu are Not the Same Person, Fluff, Family Fluff, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu & Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu are Siblings, no beta we die like Shen Yuan
There was a little boy.
He was tiny, not even reaching Shen Jiu’s hips. His face was smeared with dirt and grime, his cheeks sunken in, and hair cut messily short. A slave brand was barely visible on the nape of his neck. Shen Jiu’s heart squeezed as he stared at the tiny child. There was a pang of familiarity as the boy raised his head and their eyes met. Green met green and Shen Jiu inhaled sharply. The boy looked the same as Shen Jiu did when he was younger. Scrawny and sharp. Mouth already turning down into a scowl as he stared defiantly back at the cultivator before him.
Shen Jiu had no inherent love for children. He tolerated the other disciples on Qing Jing Peak for his Shizun’s sake but found himself away from them whenever possible. The familial feeling inside his heart was new and reminded him of the love he once had for Qi-ge. Five seconds after meeting this brat and he already wanted to pinch his cheeks and ensure that he was healthy and happy.
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Stupid Sexy Shizun
(an unnecessarily long post about Shen QIngqiu, romantic storylines, and dangerous fanon)
I see a lot of varying characterizations for Shen Qingqiu, especially vis a vis his allure to the other (typically male) members of the cast. Frankly, I do think the entire thing is funnier if a lot of people are in love with Shen Qingqiu, who only really recognizes Luo Binghe (and even then only after nearly apocalyptic levels of drama), and I’m willing to believe that he is unwittingly attractive for the following reasons:
he unintentionally falls into suggestive situations (the Skinner incident with the immortal binding cables, the Huan Hua Palace Water Dungeon, also with immortal binding cables For Some Reason, the succubus incident with Liu Qingge, etc.)
he may fall into improper/informal forms of address (for example, calling Binghe by name the first time they meet, rather than Luo Binghe or any of the previous Shen Qingqiu’s, er, nicknames)
he doesn’t always understand physical boundaries the same way as other characters (yikes @ the scene in one of the extras where he gives Binghe spiritual energy via skin-to-skin contact and fails to understand how/why that would be inappropriate, and potentially the situation with Liu Qingge cleansing his meridians, although I have reservations about that)
he tends to objectify people, which makes more sense when you realize he’s evaluating them based on his understanding of their characters and function in the original plot and cataloging differences, but reads differently to people who don’t have that context (which is almost everyone) (he makes internal comments about how hot a lot of the characters are, and I feel like he stares at people, but I can’t remember a specific incident for this; in conversations, it comes up in lines like “even if something bad happens, it won’t happen to you,” or “I knew you would definitely win,” both spoken to Binghe--at this point Shen Qingqiu doesn’t know Binghe very well and still sees him as The Protagonist, but to Binghe they just seem like heartwarming moments of security and belief)
he has trouble enforcing platonic guidelines to his relationships due to his fundamental belief that no one would find him attractive, be it romantically or sexually, and therefore sees no reason to draw that distinction (not going to cite specific incidences for this, it’s more of a recurring combination of his low self-esteem and lack of self-awareness, which I may talk about later in another post).
however, some reasons I have seen in fandom that do not seem likely based on my understanding of the plot and characters (although I will be the first to admit that I do not remember every single detail of the novel or extras, and that Shen Qingqiu is not the most reliable narrator to start with) are as follows:
fan language (technically possible, no indications given in canon, and you cannot convince me that Mr. I-Named-This-Poison-With-No-Cure-Without-A-Cure, Great God Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky had the patience and wherewithal to research or create a comprehensive fan language)
owning and using slutty, slutty inner robes (this would require the cutthroat, inscrutable original Shen Qingqiu to own such robes in the first place, I don’t remember any canonical references to improper dress aside from instances where he has been disrobed--the Skinner incident, Huan Hua Palace Water Dungeon, and his QingSi treatment--, and Shen Qingqiu has a healthy paranoia about governing his appearances so people won’t realize he isn’t the original goods; yes, the Peak Lords suspect him of being possessed anyway, but to my knowledge their reasons centered around his personability and investment in his students rather than robes or hair ornamentation)
eating suggestive foods (this one is slightly debatable. again, he doesn’t see himself as someone people would find attractive, so I can’t discount the idea that he would inadvertently eat something in a suggestive manner. however, I saw someone have him request dishes involving aphrodisiacs, and I was like, WACK. He probably had a cataloged index of the different weird plants and monsters of PIDW before his transmigration and ranted excessively in the comments about all of the pointless precursors to papapa, up to and including creating different plants/animal organs that have the same or better effects and then yelled at Airplane for not keeping better track of his own inventions. This is the guy who saw Liu Qingge under the effects of succubus poison or whatever and immediately knocked him into a cold bath. you won’t catch him slipping that easily)
enabling Binghe to get away with suggestive/improper and sexualized behavior while he was still a teenaged disciple. I think this one really gets to me because that narrative of the virginal innocent Shizun and his perverted disciple is the exact view that the outside world has of their dynamic, as represented by the fragments of The Resentment of Chunshan that we see in the extras. People see Binghe as a depraved monster (he is a demon, after all) and make insinuations about his treatment of Shen Qingqiu’s corpse during the five years between his death and resurrection. For contrast, the crux of the novel is Shen Qingqiu realizing that Binghe is hurt and insecure and desperately begging to be loved. In the extras he even goes through some of Binghe’s memories and remarks about how, contrary to rumor, all Binghe did was keep his body from rotting while he searched for ways to revive him. I won’t say that Binghe wasn’t a teenage boy and never did what teenage boys do, but the extras showed us that Binghe would rather throw himself into a cold lake than act inappropriately towards his Shizun, and I can’t remember him making any sexual advances until after Shen Qingqiu came back to life. In canon, Binghe is ill-informed and generally bad at sex, which doesn’t speak to me like someone who was just waiting for the right moment to strike.
I will read a hundred fics about Shen Qingqiu inadvertently causing people to fall in love with him, but a lot of fanworks try to make it about a physical allure rather than his personality and the ways in which he feels comfortable interacting with other people. People respond to his kindness and his feelings of duty and honor, and it makes me feel cheated to see interpretations downplay characteristics of his actual personality, especially when it degrades the characters around him, too. Yue Qingyuan feels protective of him but generally listens when Shen Qingqiu tells him not to draw his sword, and in canon he gave Shen Qingqiu enough space that he was surprised by the extent of his grief when Binghe was in the Endless Abyss. Liu Qingge is also protective of Shen Qingqiu and is involved in getting Shen Qingqiu’s promise to remain with Cang Qiong Mountain Sect before the Maigu Ridge incident, but doesn’t stop him from leaving when he decides to go. Binghe makes some questionable choices, but his anger and insecurity are understandable even without the rampant communication failures and the influence of Xin Mo, and the end of the novel shows that Luo Binghe is willing to leave if that’s what Shen Qingqiu wants.
Sometimes fan interpretations get really intense about this, as if Yue Qingyuan, Liu Qingge, and Luo Binghe would catfight over Shen Qingqiu. Granted, Liu Qingge and Luo Binghe are willing to throw down at any given time, but the main romantic development comes from Shen Qingqiu treating other people with respect and receiving respect in return. While people do try to influence Shen QIngqiu’s decisions, the ultimate choice is his own.
One of the points of the novel is that people matter and their choices affect not only themselves but the people around them. I don’t care if Shen Qingqiu is some kind of accidental sex god, because his choices and especially his decision to care about other people give Yue Qingyuan, Liu Qingge, and Luo Binghe each something they didn’t have in the original storyline: Yue Qingyuan gets a chance to explain himself and his failures, and is relieved of his burden of caring for Shen Qingqiu; Liu Qingge gets to live and see his little sister grow up; and Luo Binghe gets to be loved and cared for.
As for Shen Qingqiu, he got to choose his own happy ending.
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neoblogcrying · 5 years
Day 3: Transformation (a)- AU
Note: Mmmm I suppose you could say that this is loosely based off the Fruits Basket series? How exactly they’re different—well, you gotta read to find out!
One of the 4 great Cultivation Sects, Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, held a deep secret that none could know about. On top of each of the 12 Peaks on the mountain range stood a Peak Lord that protected the peak.
Mysterious and elusive, strong and mystical.
The Peak Lords were the definition of ‘power,’ and the same could always be said about their predecessors.
Even if a mediocre person rose to the title of Peak Lord, under the guidance of the previous Peak Lord, they were sure to rise to immense strength and status.
For sure, there was something special about being a Peak Lord, but Cang Qiong Mountain sect kept the secrets behind their Peak Lords a well-guarded secret. For centuries, other Sects like Huan Hua Palace would send in spies to dig into the secrets, but none have successfully completed their mission.
In fact, a few centuries back, one spy rose to the title of Peak Lord, but they betrayed their previous sect by taking the secret to their grave.
Shen Yuan was one such spy that was found and was raised for the sole purpose of uncovering the secrets of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect’s Peak Lords. As an orphan, he had no other choice to obey the commands of the sect that took him in if he wanted to live a long life. He was chosen because he had an uncanny resemblance to Qing Jing Peak’s future Peak Lord, Shen Qingqiu.
They looked so similar, you could mistake them to be blood related brothers, but everyone knew that Shen Qingqiu came from a wealthy family, so there was no way that Shen Yuan could possibly be related to the future Peak Lord.
When it came time to fulfill his mission, Shen Yuan waited for Shen Qingqiu to come down the mountain and ambush him with a group of others from the sect. They’d switch their clothing and haul the original away. Afterwards, all that needed to be done was to wait.
Shen Yuan purposefully gave himself an injury, so he’d be rushed to Cang Qiong Mountain for recuperation.
As he lay in his room, sleeping, a spirit visited him in his dream.
“You’re not Shen Qingqiu, but you share his blood. Curious, he never told me he had a brother.”
Brother? That’s news to him! Shen Yuan was an orphan who had no idea about what his family dynamics were.
As far as he knew, he was an only child.
He wanted to ask this stranger what made them think he had a brother, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t see anything but a misty fog that was slightly luminescent in the dark expanse of emptiness. It’s an understatement to think that this was unnerving for Shen Yuan. He was obviously in a dream, but he couldn’t see anything aside from the luminescent fog.
He couldn’t smell anything, and if he waved his arms around, he could feel nothing. Even the fog would evade his touch if he tried to reach out for it.
“Speak, what is your name, and what has become of Shen Qingqiu?”
As far as Shen Yuan knew, the Sect he was adopted into had kidnapped Shen Qingqiu in an attempt to have him spill his secrets. If he refused to tell, they may kill him after they’ve ensured that Shen Yuan wasn’t going to get caught.
With that said, he was probably safe for the next couple of months, unless Shen Yuan’s reports made them think otherwise.
“I… was told to act as Shen Qingqiu’s replacement while the elders tried to get the truth out of the real Shen Qingqiu. They’re convinced that the Peak Lords are hiding a heavy secret that’s the reason behind their strength.” Shen Yuan answered as concisely as he could as he was secretly doing his best to wake himself up from this dream, but nothing was working!
No matter how hard he willed himself to wake, it felt as though something kept pulling his consciousness back in!
A loud resounding laugh echoed the expanse darkness, almost making Shen Yuan go deaf from the sheer volume of the voice. Whoever it was that infiltrated his dream, they were powerful.
“That proud brat would rather die than tell the truth! I’m sure all the Peak Lords would feel the same. No, maybe that shameless rabbit would…”
Suddenly, behind the fog, Shen Yuan could see a shadow. The shadow was getting bigger, its dark silhouette getting crisper as it came closer.
“An Ox?” Shen Yuan spoke carelessly, wondering if he was seeing things.
“An Ox that wants to run you through with his horns for stealing Shen Qingqiu from him.” The ox grunted, scraping his hoofs against the transparent floor to illustrate a point.
The ox was much larger than Shen Yuan expected him to be. He towered over Shen Yuan with an imposing air of authority. If you stacked two fully grown men on top of each other, that’s how tall this creature was.
Also, the Ox was completely white in color, which gave him the feel of being a spirit of some kind.
He didn’t know what, but it was clear that this… spirit and Shen Qingqiu had some kind of connection with one another.
No matter if this was a dream, he didn’t want to die. It sounded like it would hurt!
The young man secretly cowered in fear, but he kept a brave and deviant expression on his face. He was truly the spitting image of the Qing Jing Peak Lord.
That’s to be expected, because they shared blood with each other.
This… could work.
If it was revealed that Shen Qingqiu was captured, the Ox would be forced to kill him through their connection, and he didn’t want to do that.
Out of all the Peak Lords he’s contracted himself to, Shen Qingqiu was his favorite. He may have a dirty personality, but his faithfulness to ‘the Rat’ was earnest.
That’s what the Ox liked about him, the fact that he was so loyal to the one contracted to the ‘Rat,’ no matter how he’d stubbornly argue that he didn’t care for Yue Qingyuan. The Ox knew that Shen Qingqiu was loyal to one person only and that fit his personality as well.
The Ox did not care for any of the other animals in the zodiac aside from the Rat. Each of the Peak Lords made a contract with a specific creature.
The Sect Leader was contracted to the rat. Shen Qingqiu was contracted to the Ox.
12 Peak Lords, 12 contracted animal spirits.
What of the Bai Zhan peak lord, you ask? Surely he’s contracted to a strong animal like a tiger or a dragon? No, as the 7th ranked Peak Lord, he’s contracted to the Stallion.
The Tiger was contracted to the Peak Lord of WanJian Peak, Wei Qingwei. The Dragon was contracted to the Xianshu Peak Lord, Qi Qingqi. Though it’s said she’s contracted to a dragon, she’s truly contracted to a small aquatic creature.
No spirit animal could hold more than one contract, so it would be impossible for him to contract to Shen Yuan, and that would pose a problem as the Peak Lords could sense who was a fellow peak lord by their specific wavelengths every contractor had.
If Shen Yuan truly wished to impersonate Shen Qingqiu, it would be impossible to do so without being contracted first.
Through their connections, people are able to tell another contractor apart from non-contracted people… but they’re unable to tell what or who each individual is contracted to.
It was also forbidden for the contracted animal spirits to tell their contractor who other people are contracted to, so it was up to the humans themselves to figure it out.
“If you value your life, you will help Shen Qingqiu reclaim his rightful place as Peak Lord. First, I know of a Spirit that may be willing to contract with you.”
It was weird dreaming about the time he’d learned the truth behind the Peak Lord’s strength.
Slowly, Shen Yuan blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes, lazily looking out to see that he’d taken a nap out in the sun. If not for the fact that the Ox was well known for being lazy, he couldn’t get away with such an act.
He had to be careful about his cat-like actions… like sleeping in the sunlight.
Yes, you guessed it. He was forcibly contracted to a Cat spirit, and he had to make fake reports back to the sect in an attempt to prolong Shen Qingqiu’s life. It seemed that it was a part of the contract to keep the secret of the Spirit Animals.
If you broke your promise, then you’d be cursed to take the form of the animal you were contracted to.
Do you understand what that means?
If Shen Yuan reported the truth to the Sect, he’d turn into a cat, FOREVER! Shen Qingqiu risks turning into an Ox that they could butcher for meat if he told the truth.
Who wants to do that?
No one, that’s who.
Speaking of turning into animals… he learned something else. It was only when the contractor felt heavy emotions that they transformed into their contracted animal.
It was apparently a big deal when Shen Qingqiu first transformed into his giant Oxen form because he got upset over losing to Liu Qingge in some competition. The Peak Lords had to gather everyone on the scene and erase their memories of the incident.
You know what’s interesting about all the spirit animals? They all have special props! The Ox carried a bag on its back that held scrolls! It’s what you’d expect out of a Peak known for its knowledge.
It made Shen Yuan want to see what all the other Spirit Animals looked like if not only to see what their props were.
Anyways, do you understand why Shen Qingqiu transforming back then is so important?
You guessed it! Shen Qingqiu revealed to the other Peak Lords that he was contracted to the Ox by transforming in such a public place.
What’s the issue? Shen Yuan is contracted to a CAT, which is definitely not the same as an Ox. If he transformed into his cat form, then it was obvious that he wasn’t the real Shen Qingqiu! He had to remain vigilant as to not reveal his contracted animal if he wanted to keep himself alive.
He deduced the fact that Yue Qingyuan had contracted the rat, because all rodents seemed to adore him, much like how cats adored Shen Yuan. What do you suppose his prop is? A crown to signify that he’s the Sect Head?
He tried asking once, but the Ox could only explain that each of the 12 peaks at Cang Qiong Mountain had an animal spirit shackled to it by a curse placed upon them by an ancient immortal cultivator.
There was some deal the animal spirits struck with this cultivator, and only when they finished their mission could they be freed from their duty of protecting their peak.
Since they’re shackled to their respective peaks, the Ox spirit had no way of knowing what happened to Shen Qingqiu. The most he knew was that Shen Qingqiu was alive, because if he had died… his contract would be annulled, and he’d have to find the next person to contract himself to.
Now, the cat is different because he’s not shackled to the mountain. Therefore, he’s able to stick with Shen Yuan no matter where he goes! You’d think that’s a great thing, but the cat had a horrible personality, and he truly loved to make fun of Shen Yuan at any given moment.
The Ox couldn’t go into much detail about anything, but he did advise Shen Yuan to stay away from Yue Qingyuan. There was deep history between the two men that not even the contracted animal spirits were able to gaze into. As this was the case, Yue Qingyuan was too dangerous to be around.
Luckily for Shen Yuan, there was a deep tension between the two men, so it wasn’t out of character for him to actively avoid the Sect Leader.
He does know another one! When Liu Qingge suffered a Qi-deviation in a cave… he found out that… HE’S A WAR HORSE!
Look, he almost died finding that out, but it was exciting! He transformed with a full set of armor! How cool is that!? He’s not a war lord for nothing!
The Ox and the Horse didn’t get along, so Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge weren’t on great terms either… but Shen Yuan was contracted to the cat.
This creature was lazy and had a God-complex. He didn’t care either way as long as you treated him with respect.
As such, the cat was fine with most of the animal spirits EXCEPT for the Rat. It seemed like the cat had a deep grudge against the rat.
After Shen Yuan contracted himself with the Cat, he was no longer able to speak to the Ox, which made him feel a bit lonely.
He stood up and stretched, intending to walk to the river and wash his face, but instead… he saw that there was a visitor on Qing Jing Peak.
He could tell by the broad shoulders that Liu Qingge of Bai Zhan Peak was cleaning his sword in the river.
From what he could recall, the very last time they’ve spoken was… after they parted from their last mission. A flushed heat rose to his cheeks, but he quickly repressed his emotions. He couldn’t risk transforming into a cat form right now!
Be calm, relax, and be natural. Opening his fan, he approached Liu Qingge quietly.
“Hello Liu-Shidi, what are you doing on Qing Jing Pea—AH! Shidi!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” He leaped back to see a giant war horse staring him down!
Wh-what made Liu Qingge feel such a strong emotion that he transformed!?
Quickly, Shen Yuan scanned the immediate area, only relaxing once he realized no one was nearby to witness this scene.
[You’re wrong! I’m not in love with you!] The horse before him snorted, bucking his hind legs out of restless annoyance.
What now?
[The Succubus has to be wrong!]
Really, what now? The Succubus told him about his future love, and he deduced that he couldn’t think of any woman that fit the bill.
Why was Liu Qingge so riled up about what the Succubus prophesized?
[…sigh That stupid ox gave me a real dumb ass to contract to. The Succubus wasn’t talking about a woman, but a MAN that you’re fated to. Your Liu-Shidi thinks you both are soul mates.]
Shen Yuan recalled what the Succubus had to say, and with every word he recalled, his face would flush a deeper red color.
[Hey, wait… your heartbeat is beating too fast!] His contracted spirit animal tried to warn him, but it was too late.
He was beyond embarrassed to know that Liu Qingge thought that they were soul mates! Sure, he liked Liu Qingge, but he didn’t like him… that way? At least, he didn’t think he did?
Once the smoke cleared, Liu Qingge didn’t see the massive ox he was expecting to see. Instead, he saw a fluffy brown and white striped cat wearing a facial mask that had fake horns attached to it.
That’s one way of saying that you were impersonating a Peak Lord!
Hm? Why did he transform into a small cat you ask? That’s because he’s not a Peak Lord! He was a lowly spy who had to lay low. That’s why he’s small!
[Shen… Qingqiu…?]
Liu Qingge didn’t know how to process this information. This isn’t what he remembered.
This was such a pickle! Don’t blame him, blame Liu Qingge for springing that up on him so suddenly!
Shen Yuan really wanted to dig his claws into something with how frustrated he felt. How was he going to explain this? COULD he explain it? How was this going to affect the original Shen Qingqiu? Would the Ox be forced to kill him?
If he dies… Shen Yuan will die too! It’s a part of the contract he made with the cat!
[You can explain later, pick up our clothes.]
The war horse picked the fluffy, brown and white striped cat by the back of the nape and walked along the river. Shen Yuan had hastily bundled the clothes into his paws, waiting for Liu Qingge to take them to—wherever.
Liu Qingge could hear that someone was approaching, so they needed to make a speedy getaway.
Shen Qingqiu and his contracted animal were quiet. They weren’t expecting this kind of a reaction from Liu Qingge. All the Peak Lords were supposedly protective of each other because of their secret—but he wasn’t causing a fuss right now?
If Liu Qingge was willing to accept Shen Yuan, then everything was going according to the Ox’s plan. If they managed to get all the Peak Lords to accept Shen Yuan (The cat contractor) as ‘one of them,’ then they would be freed from their shackles.
However, every attempt at this has failed because of how protective and suspicious the Peak Lords were of anyone who weren’t a part of their immediate group of 12.
With Shen Yuan being a spitting image of Shen Qingqiu, they had a chance of breaking their shackles! That was the primary reason as to why the Ox kept Shen Yuan alive.
He not only could help keep Shen Qingqiu alive by reporting back to his original sect, but he could also gain the other Peak Lord’s trust. If they trusted him enough, they may come to accept him after he tells them the truth.
[Whatever secret you have, I don’t care. I’ll help you.]
This would be music to the Ox’s ears if he was around to hear it.
Liu Qingge wasn’t an idiot. All the Peak Lords would have been notified if one of their own had died by their contracted spirit animals. Shen Qingqiu was alive, and it was impossible for him to be contracted to two different animals, and everyone knew he was contracted to the Ox.
If this… ‘Shen Qingqiu’ turned into a cat, that meant he was a different person, even if he looked the same as the original Ox-contractor.
Were they brothers? Twins? He’d never heard about this, so it had to be a secret from all the Peak Lords.
If it was made known that something happened to Shen Qingqiu, the Peak Lords may vote to kill him, and this fake would likely face the same fate.
He… may not love ‘Shen Qingqiu’, but he doesn’t want to see him die.
Shen Yuan could only allow Liu Qingge to hold him by the nape, patiently waiting to be let down.
[What’s your real name?]
[… Shen Yuan.]
[I’m not in love with Shen Qingqiu.]
Again, with that? Shen Yuan fought the urge to roll his eyes at Liu Qingge. How many times will he repeat the same thing before he’s satisfied? Rubbing it in that he transformed because Liu Qingge spouted some random nonsense at him?
[I’m willing to believe I’m fated for Shen Yuan, however.]
[Hoh… he’s a bold one. Hey hey, don’t tell me you won’t respond to that? Going to leave a guy hanging? That’s the Bai Zhan Peak Lord, you know? You have to respond! Wait until I tell the ox later, he’ll die knowing this development! The Rat is going to be devastated! Haha! Serves him right for telling me the date wrong!]
Shen Yuan’s ears lay flat against his head as he tried to ignore the cat spirit. He was always so annoying and there was never a time of peace.
Why did it sound like Liu Qingge was accepting the fact he was soulmates with him now that he knew he wasn’t the real Shen Qingqiu?
What a fickle man!
[Now you accept the prophecy?]
[Shen Qingqiu loves someone else, so I had no chance. Shen Yuan is different.]
Liu Qingge stopped walking as he found a place that could hide them behind these large boulders. He laid down on the plush grass and settled the cat down on his front legs.
Even someone as emotionally constipated as Liu Qingge understood that Shen Qingqiu regarded Yue Qingyuan as someone special. It didn’t take a genius to know that love was probably involved.
[I will help you, so don’t go dying on me.]
The cat found himself sitting on Liu Qingge’s (naked) lap! He didn’t know where to look!
[Put your clothes on and let me go! If anyone sees you, you’ll be a cat hugging pervert!]
[Hey hey, ask him again if he knows about dual cultivation. This is the perfect chance to try~]
“You’re soft.” Liu Qingge ignored his words in favor of petting his silky-smooth fur.
It was only a matter of time before—
“L-Liu-shidi, look away!” Shen Yuan threw a wad of white clothes at Liu Qingge’s face so he wouldn’t see him in the nude.
The damned cat spirit was currently laughing its head off, goading Shen Yuan to invite Liu Qingge to dual-cultivate together. He wanted to see a show.
Shen Yuan bitterly wondered whether or not he was actually contracted to the rabbit with how indecent the cat was acting.
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SV ch.44
Is this the last available chapter.
Do I really wanna read it without knowing if sqq is gonna come back now or later?
*a voice in her head whispers, yes, you are a M, after all*
Lu Liu cleared his throat and said, “This is complicated to explain. Do you guys know who the current head of the Huan Hua Palace is?”
“I heard that it’s a young brat.”
Lu Liu laughed coldly. “If Luo Binghe can be called a young brat, then both you and I don’t need to live anymore. 
Sorry, just- what? What happened?
Lu Liu said, “The disturbance that this dead person created wasn’t small. Shen Qingqiu was someone from Cang Qiong Mountain sect, and he also used to be the Second Peak’s Peak Lord. His body definitely should have been sent back to Qing Jing Peak to be buried with the previous Peak Lords—but the problem is, Luo Binghe refused to return the body.”
Well, of course. He is trying to make his husband come back to life, how can this novel go on without both of them?
EDIT 3: okay, something attacked them and this someone saved them.
So, the method he used was to actually die.
This person was covered in black mud, and he looked exactly as if he had just crawled out of a grave. Furthermore, his face was covered with a beard, densely concealing his features. His figure was clearly thin, but his face made it seem as if he was a big burly man with sideburns.
When faced with death, he could only fight to survive.
...just crawled out of a grave... beard... Uh. I mean. Do I dare hope?
EDIT 4: Guys their plan was insane, they literally planted another Shen to transfer his soul! HOW THE HELL DID IT WORK?! I LOVE THIS NOVEL!
He based this body on the appearance that he, Shen Yuan, originally had in his past life. It wasn’t as good as Shen Qingqiu’s immortal demeanor, but it could still be considered a pretty good body. The only thing was that it gave off a bit of a dispirited feeling like he was a pretty boy sitting around waiting to die. But because they had used a bit of his blood when they were raising the Dew Seed, it would still have some effect no matter what. When Shen Qingqiu rolled to the edge of the stream and used the sharp edge of a rock to shave his beard and take a look, this face still looked thirty-to-forty percent similar to Shen Qingqiu’s. He silently picked up the beard again and stuck it back on his face.
So now there is Shen-almost-clone strolling around as Shen Yuan, but what about the real sqq body? If lbh manages to revive him what if the previous sqq comes back with it?!?! SCARED. I AM SCARED.
Naturally, the first step towards the start of his new life had to begin with the item that Shen Qingqiu was the most familiar with. The first prop he needed was a folding fan.
I feel like SV is truly starting anew. I wonder if the system is really gone. I wanna know what lbh is doing. I wanna know how should I call sqq now- maybe Shen Yuan? Shouldn't this be more appropriate?
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esamastation · 8 months
Shizuroth, part nineteen
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen
Finally, finally, finally, after the shopping has been done, and his stupid signature leather jacket has been adjusted, and Genesis has given his final bitchy warning about not acting out of character, finally… Sephiroth can have some peace and quiet.
Some day off! Not that the sparring wasn't great, and the clothes were frankly desperately needed, even if he couldn't make his usual colours fit right. All that aside though, he really needs time to himself! There's still so much to figure out! And he really needs to meditate. He needs to sort himself out! And he also, probably, needs to make use of Shinra's archive and records and study some history.
He also really needs a proper mirror in his little single room apartment. The bathroom mirror isn't enough to appreciate the new clothes. To think he used to hate dressing up formally as Shen Yuan. The difference of a few years as Peak Lord makes! And admittedly, Shen Yuan could've never looked anywhere near as good as Sephiroth in a suit like this. Sephiroth, really, looks just too good. Fit for a thousand magazine covers. Which is fitting because he's pretty sure Sephiroth has been on magazine covers back on earth! Which is kinda weird from this perspective! Famous in another world sounds like a damn isekai light novel title. 
Ah, but then his whole life is a mockery of the genre.
Dropping his shopping bags by the wardrobe and his new coats over its door, Sephiroth throws himself on his couch and sighs, running a hand through his long bangs.
He has clothing, his room still needs some improvements and will never be Qing Jing Peak, but it will do. Those were the easiest things to cover, really, and now that they're done, now that he's spent several hours getting used to this body and how it looks and who he's supposed to be… the world he's now part of…
Is he really just going to be Sephiroth from here on out? Is he supposed to forget PIDW and Binghe and Cang Qiong Mountain Sect? Just go on being Sephiroth, and put Shen Qingqiu behind him?
… He really isn't sure he can, actually! In a way, Shen Qingqiu had suited him better than Shen Yuan had. Well, once the OOC restrictions had come off and he was free to be himself, anyway. Being a soldier, a super SOLDIER at that, with alien DNA and the lifeblood of the planet in his guts… 
Resting a hand on his stomach, Sephiroth tugs at the blood red shirt he has on.
It's… really a bit like he's Binghe now. He's an alien hybrid thing here, so it's kind of like being a half demon! Or, ah, weirdly accurate biblical angel? What with the angel wing motif these games have going for themselves… Sephiroth's final form was kinda eldritch, from what he recalls. Wings sticking out every which way. Ridiculous and over the top in a way only Final Fantasy can be!
Damn but he hopes he can grow wings at some point. That would be just so cool, he doesn't even care how ludicrous it would get. The whole thing about wings being cause for existential monster angst is a thing he probably would need to consider, but, seriously. Wings! Yes, please, thank you!
It's the lifeblood of the planet that bothers him the most. Not just because of the oil allegory.
It's also how the local reincarnation cycle works. Though it's more like a spiritual composting rather than straight up reincarnation - but still! The energy pumped into his veins comes from the souls of dead things.
Yeah, he can't ignore that anymore.
Sitting up, Sephiroth gets out of the dress pants he'd bought and the button up shirt, switching back to the more comfortable pyjama pants and t-shirt he started the day with. He takes a moment to put purchases away and tidy his room up to peak Feng Shui before sitting down on his bed.
The energy in his gut is thick, massive and near immovable. He'd read up on Mako as much as there was to be read on his phone. The cycle went something like Lifestream to Mako to Materia - so, in the right conditions, the stuff actually crystallises. So, in a way, Materia is spirit stones! And that's kinda what it feels like in his gut - like his energies are condensing, hardening under pressure… crystallising. Except not into a golden core, nah, just one big shapeless lump of dead-weight-energy.
Well, not on his watch!
Relaxing and breathing in and then slowly out, Sephiroth thinks about all the Cultivation tricks he learned cultivating with damaged spiritual veins and incurable poison. Here he kind of has the opposite problem than with Shen Qingqiu, though - Sephiroth's spiritual veins aren't worn and fragile, they're hardened, like… scar tissue. He really feels a bit burnt on the inside!
Shinra's method was all quantity over quality where it comes to this stuff. Brute forcing their way into a semi-functional magic system, and who cares if it scorches the earth when there's instant profit to be made!
What a truly subtle metaphor.
Well… Shen Qingqiu has worked with worse - and at least there's a lot to work with! So as long as Sephiroth manages to avoid the Qi-deviation of the century, he will have one hell of a golden core! Just gotta not burn himself inside out! No pressure!
Qi Condensation stage - done! He couldn't have done better himself.  Foundation Establishment, however… yeah. Sephiroth really has a great body, but it is not prepared for a Golden Core Formation. His energy flow is all whack.
No wonder he cracked like an egg at the slightest bit of mental pressure… a bit like the original goods Shen Qingqiu, really, with his many Qi-deviations.
Right. Never mind that! He has a lot of work and not all the time in the world, alas. No seclusion training in this world!
Time to get to it.
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