#primordial magnetism
avaetin · 6 months
Record 03: White Day, 14 March 20XX
Pairing: Primordial God! Chronos x Ananke! Nico di Angelo
Rating: T
Story Summary:
Claymore arched one of his brows in response to the claim. “I don’t see how that’s new, kid. Based on your previous ra- stories, I mean, you’ve been attracting attention since forever,” he stated, occupying one end of the couch. He gingerly sipped from his cup before continuing, “Isn’t there a Will guy?”
Nico frowned almost immediately. “I told you before, Dr. Claymore. Will’s just an annoying acquaintance.”
“There’s also that Connor guy-”
Nico waved a hand dismissively. “Also an annoying acquaintance.”
“-and a Sherman guy-”
“Eww, gross!” Nico exclaimed, making gagging noises.
Alabaster smiled faintly at Nico’s antics, but rolled his eyes to mask his initial reaction. “Point being: Claymore’s right. It’s nothing new.”
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tanadrin · 1 month
And God said, "Behold! I have created the fourth primordial force: the weak interaction!"
And the angels all clapped and nodded politely, and there was a long silence; and finally Verchiel, the Angel of Grace, spoke up and asked, "Er, what exactly does it do, O Fashioner?"
And God said, "What do you mean, 'what does it do?' It's the fourth fundamental force of the universe."
And Verchiel said, "You mentioned that. Um. But it's just that the other three sort of have a brand, you know? Gravity helps build large-scale structures, acts over vast cosmic distances, shapes time and space. The strong force is secret, hidden, binding together quarks and all that. Electromagnetism, very cool stuff, somewhere in between. We're all big fans of the whole magnetic monopole double bluff, very clever. But, er. What does this 'weak interaction' do?"
And God said, "It mediates radioactive decay. Sort of."
And Verchiel said, "Radioactive decay? All radioactive decay?"
And God said, "No. Just some kinds."
And Zephaniel, the Chief of the Ishim spoke, and he said, "A whole independent force just to mediate some kinds of radioactive decay?"
And God said, "Well. Not totally independent. Technically it's related to electromagnetism."
And Zephaniel said, "Wait, it's not even a real force?"
And God said, "It's totally a real force. It's just that it's one aspect of a combined electromagnetic and weak force. An electro-weak force, if you will."
And Metatron, the Celestial Scribe, scratched his head at this, but said nothing.
And Cambiel, the Angel of Transformation, said, "Maybe you can walk us through it from the top."
And God Sighed an immense Sigh, and said, "All right, fine.
"So the way it works is that all of space and time is permeated by a field that has imaginary mass."
And Cambiel said, "Imaginary mass, O Generous Provider?"
And God said, "Yes, imaginary mass. It's tachyonic, d'you see?"
And Sarathiel, the Angel of Discipline, said, "Wait a minute, I thought we agreed nothing was going to travel faster than light? All that 'c' business and the whole Lorentz transformation thing. What's happening with that?"
And God said, "Let me finish. The field is tachyonic. The particles in the field all move slower than light."
And Sarathiel had to think about this for a second.
And God said, "The point is, a field with imaginary mass has a non-zero vacuum expectation value."
And this really gave Sarathiel trouble, since he had never been very good at math.
And God, seeing this, went back to explain. "Most fields, like the electromagnetic field, have no effect when they are at their lowest energy state. It's like they're not there at all. If you give a field imaginary mass, then it vanishes only when it's at a very high energy state, and at a low energy state, it has a nonzero value everywhere."
And Sarathiel nodded, but he was confused, because he didn't understand why God would create such a thing.
But Verchiel thought he saw where God was going with this, and he was amazed.
"Truly, you are cunning beyond measure, O Only One Certainly Sound and Genuine in Truth! Only now do I understand your design! For in order to make the universe homogenous and isotropic, it is necessary that all large-scale fluctuations in temperature and mass must be evened out early in the history of the cosmos; and therefore, you have designed a field which will rapidly expand space after the Big Bang, many orders of magnitude in brief moments, and then swiftly and spontaneously decay as it gives up the energy it began with, giving rise to radiation and particles of all kinds as it does, which will condense into the material universe! It is a wonder to behold."
And God said, "What? No. I mean I did, but this isn't the inflaton field I'm talking about. This is something else."
And Verchiel said, "Wait, it's not?"
And God said, "No, I'm going to use a different field to drive cosmic inflation. The properties of this field are totally different."
And now Verchiel was also confused, and lapsed into silence.
And God said, "Like I was saying, this field is a scalar field with imaginary mass, and it does spontaneously decay to a ground state with a non-zero value. But it's not the inflaton field. Instead it combines with the W1, W2, W3, and B bosons."
And Metatron began to flip back through the pages of the Heavenly Record trying to figure out where he'd lost the thread.
And Zephaniel said, "The what bosons?"
And God said, "The W1, W2, W3, and B bosons. I'm sure I mentioned them. You know, the massless bosons?"
And Zephaniel said, "I'm pretty sure we only talked about the W+, W-, and Z0 bosons. All of which you said were going to have mass, O Owner of All Sovereignty."
And God said, "Yes, but this is how they get them, you see. Once this field acquires a nonzero value everywhere, the massless bosons interact with it and get mass. Well, some of them do. They turn into the W+, W-, and Z0 boson. And the photon."
And Zephaniel said, "…and the photon, O Accepter of Invocation?"
And God said, "Well, I did say I was going to unify the electromagnetic force and the weak interaction, didn't I? This is how. Above the critical temperature--right now I'm thinking 10^15 K, but I'm open to feedback on that one--electromagnetism and the weak force act as a single unifying force. Below that temperature, the field gets a nonzero value, you get three massive bosons to mediate the weak interaction, and the photon pops out seperately."
And Zephaniel said, "That seems… a bit overly complicated, doesn't it, O Reinstater Who Brings Back All?"
And God said, "No, it's exactly what we need. Look, that way the W and Z bosons have something to do, but the weak interaction still only travels short distances. Gravity is still the star of the show on cosmic scales, as it were. But now quarks and leptons can swap their flavor!"
And Zephaniel said, rather weakly, "Their… flavor, O Source of Good?"
And God said, "It's this new quantum number I'm trying out, to give the three generations of matter more unique identities."
And Cambiel said, "Three generations of matter? Now I'm really confused."
And God said, "I'm sure I mentioned this. You've got the lightest quarks and leptons, and then two heavier versions of each that can decay into the lighter versions."
And Cambiel said, "What do they do? New kinds of chemistry, is it?"
And God said, "Well, no. Mostly they just decay in a couple microseconds. Or even faster."
And Zephaniel began to rub his temples, and Cambiel sniffed.
And Cambiel said, "This all seems a bit ad hoc to me. Not really the stuff of an elegant and obviously ordered Creation. Why not have four generations of matter? Why not a trillion?"
And God began to grow irritable, and said, "Well, that's not really up to you, now is it? We're going to have three generations of matter, and the electroweak force, and that's that!"
And Zephaniel said, "As long as we are unifying fundamental forces, perhaps we could somehow also unify the electroweak interaction with the strong interaction, or even gravity."
And God hesitated saying, "Well, I haven't decided about that yet. I'm not sure I want gravity to be quantized, you know? Seems to take some of the geometric elegance out of general relativity."
And now it was Zephaniel's turn to sigh, and he bowed his head. "As you wish, O Possessor of Authority of Decisions and Judgement."
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blaiddfailcam · 7 months
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Thoughts on the Shadow of the Erdtree's first trailer
You know I have to, lol.
I'm going to avoid anything that's likely well-trodden territory, so a lot of this will pertain to past theories of mine, or just general ramblings. It's not going to be all that organized, but here goes.
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The "Ring of Miquella"
A loooong long time ago, I settled on a theory that the Great Rune of the Unborn was actually Miquella's rightful Great Rune, but given to Rennala in the form of the Amber Egg by Radagon before he was even born. The Great Rune itself matches the shape of his twin sister, Malenia's, albeit smaller and of pure gold, akin to Miquella's traits as an eternally youthful demigod of Unalloyed Gold. Miquella's role in the base game as a comatose Empyrean who failed to be reborn further relates to the Great Rune of the Unborn, as it is required to perfect the process, otherwise the reborn loses their memory as if to a deepening slumber.
I take this as a damning vindication, lol.
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Possible insight into the Cuckoo
Some have pointed out this character's evident relation to Raya Lucaria. Already, many have jumped to the conclusion that she must be a Carian based on the crystals and bird cages strewn about their chamber, but I don't actually think this is certain. These could also pertain to the Cuckoo, the original headmasters of Raya Lucaria. (After all, some of the cages in Raya Lucaria even contain warbling cuckoo birds.)
The Cuckoo are a somewhat overlooked dynasty, but there are slight hints that they may be related to the Nox in some way. It would be very interesting if we got to see some semblence of their former glory, before Rennala descended from the Mountaintops and overtook the academy. Perhaps then we might glean more on the primordial current so coveted by Lusat, Azur, and Sellen?
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Messmer the Impaler
Where to even begin with this latest addition to Miyazaki's divine freakshow.
The first thing that jumps out to me is their name, "Messmer." Given the context of Miquella, St. Trina, and the yet underexplored concept of dreams, I'm reminded of 18th century physician Franz Mesmer, the pioneer of hypnotism. Mesmer dabbled in astronomy, and believed all beings were connected to the inanimate world through "animal magnetism." In his practice, he developed the first inklings of hypnotic suggestion, then known as Mesmerism.
The use of serpents in Messmer's designs could relate him to the Eternal Serpent that wished to devour the Erdtree and the world, which later became Rykard's obsession. In fact, the red flame Messmer channels bears a striking chromatic resemblance to the Taker's Flames. Perhaps he could be related to the ancient heretical cult of Mt. Gelmir...? (I still wonder what the hell is going on with the volcano's peak, as it does resemble a gnarled tree.)
The red hair would relate this figure to the Fire Giants and/or the Fire Monks, which is particularly strange. Then again, we do find the Fire Giants impaled on briars, though these supposedly pertain to Radagon himself.
The most enthralling detail to me, however, is Messmer's sealed eye.
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Eyes are diegetically symbolic, and thus far we've met two characters with sealed eyes: Melina and Lunar Princess Ranni. It's likely that both of these characters are Empyreans, and as we've never seen any other Empyreans' eyes (Malenia's are covered by rotten scales, and there's no official depiction of Marika with her eyes open or intact), I take it to be a cosmological signifier of their divine status. If so, might Messmer be yet another Empyrean...? Their open eye is golden and draconic, though I'm not sure what this could entail.
I'm sure I'll be mulling it over for a while, lol.
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Other random thoughts
The wolf-lion-mage thing is frickin' sweet, but I like that it appears to be a puppet of sorts, and that whatever puppeteers it is relatively human.
BUTTERFLY MAGIC (purple....)
That definitely looks like Deathroot crawling across the landscape
RUNEBEAR INCANT (so probably even crazier runebears lmao)
Just kind of gesturing at everything because what the hell how is this even the same game it looks insane and fuckin JUICY
June isn't all that far off...
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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"Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. [...] O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. "Kundala" means "coiled". Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini." - Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga
Serpentine Ascension Stefan Lucas Art
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naphthu · 2 months
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a walk beside the river with your estranged cosmic mother
I'm especially proud of this one. it's been by far the most involved process since starting to record & share my sounds at the start of last year. everything was recorded aloud through a bass amplifier in the late afternoons/evenings of 4 nonconsecutive days in the june heatwave, at the end of a 2 month period of intensive daily prayer & journalling
on one of the between-days I woke up with an almost magnetic feeling pulling me towards a small muddy river just outside of town. so there, by the tadpole-rich riverbed, I prayed for an hour or so to Holy Sophia for help and guidance, for answers to questions I'd been asking all my life and questions the answers to which I had always been too afraid of to sincerely & humbly ask for, until then. I sobbed for about twenty minutes the moment I got home, feeling answers that came one by one lodged like gems in the tender flesh of my heart, and a well of healing & forgiveness where once had been a pit of fear & shame. "return to the water" is one of the smaller of these gems, and the decision to title the track this way came that afternoon
"return to the water" is not necessarily an instruction to return to a physical body of water, but the cosmological primordial water that the Spirit rested over before the creation of the Heavens & the Earth (in the Genesis version of the cosmos' beginnings), a water that can be accessed both exoterically through the living water of Creation and esoterically through the Spirit in prayer or meditation. it is a surrender of will, of selfhood, of all the trappings of culture, identity, and circumstance, to be temporarily removed from the fantasy world we have collectively & individually built up around ourselves and returned to the inconceivable ambiguity of reality, bringing a little back with us each time in the hope that someday we might live free of blake's "mind forg'd manacles". you are a saint, nothing more, and everything less
god bless
hope you enjoy
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chrysoula · 4 months
The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies
I've put a lot of thought into that bit of mysterious lore [a set of books, only one of which has been released in-game, while the others have lingered in the datamine for years]. It's sort of been a semiannual thing. And I've both encountered and developed a lot of different theories of my own. I've explored it from the "Tsarita and the Six Archons" angle; from the Primordial One angle, and, several times, from the Khaenri'ah angle. It's generally been near the top on my Probably Has An Allegorical Meaning booklist, especially given the mystery of its existence primarily within the datamine, with only a single volume forced on us in unusual circumstances early in the game (along with the game's general Gnosticism). One of the trickier parts of analyzing the allegory has always been the Six Pygmies. Six isn't nearly as popular a number in Genshin as Seven or Three. But on my most recent pass, back late last year, I felt more and more certain that the Pale Princess was Khaenri'ah; the Light Prince was the Abyss Sibling (or another Descender, potentially), and... the first pygmy, the rebel pygmy, the one who seemed to repent and go his own way.... was Dainsleif. Somehow. Even if the books seemed much older than five hundred years. My last notes on the matter suggest that perhaps the five other pygmies are "some random currently-unknown Khaenri'ahn advisors." So when I read the recent revelation of Dainsleif's personal connection to certain previously introduced Sinners, various ideas snapped magnetically together, like watching a Statue of the Seven rebuild itself. Oh, and when you look at the individual pygmies, you can mostly match them up to the Sinners by their epithets. "The Wise" Hroptatyr, "The Visionary" Vedrfolnir, "Gold" Rhinedottir, "The Foul" Surtalogi, and "Rächer of Solnari" Rerir. Deformed, especially pathetic and weak Pygmy: Dainsleif Blind Pygmy found on a ridge: The Visionary Foolish Pygmy found in the mud: The Wise Timid Pygmy in the cave: The Foul (based on Skirk, Childe) Shrunken Pygmy in quicksand: Gold (based on a desire to remake the world/create new life) Carefree Pygmy being eaten by mushrooms: Rächer of Solnari (by process of elimination and because Rächer means Avenger, which seems quite somber indeed.) (general source here; datamined content) It is my pet theory that Dainsleif is the one responsible for the book.
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nightskywonderer · 1 year
Superman And Wonder Woman's Love Makes Perfect Sense — The Magnetic Attraction Between High Testosterone Men And High Estrogen Women Explained
Superman and Wonder Woman's romance may be fictional, but attraction between men with high testosterone and women with high estrogen is real.
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Some things are meant to be — like Superman and Wonder Woman falling in love. Ever wonder why that is? Turns out, there's science behind this magnetism between high-testosterone males and high-estrogen females that makes Superman and Wonder Woman's romance more than just a fictional story.
Superman is the high-testosterone savior writ large.
An acute sense of justice and fairness are traits linked with the testosterone system in the brain. So Superman’s affiliation with the “Justice League of America” is an immediate tipoff to his personality type: a high-testosterone male, what I call the Director. He also looks like a Director.
Testosterone builds muscle—one of Superman’s outstanding traits. His angular jaw, high cheekbones, thin lips, and heavy brow ridges are also carved by testosterone. Oddly, these physical traits also signal his invulnerability—at least his imperviousness to disease. Testosterone is a caustic substance that jeopardizes the immune system; only men with a very strong immune system can tolerate high levels of this male hormone. Superman is among them.
Most importantly, this “Man of Steel” saves people he doesn’t know. Known as ‘heroic altruism,’ this willingness to confront severe danger to save a stranger is linked with elevated levels of testosterone. Directors want to be needed, to help, to “fix” the problems of the world. Superman personifies this primordial male role: the protector.
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Wonder Woman exudes qualities built by estrogen.
She's what I call the Negotiator. This type is compassionate and nurturing; they seek peace and harmony, as Wonder Woman does. And I’m not surprised that she can talk to the animals.
Estrogen is linked with verbal skills, intuition, and the ability to read faces, postures, gestures, and tone of voice. All evolved to enable women to communicate with pre-verbal infants, even animals. Wonder Woman has these elevated estrogen qualities in spades.
Yet Wonder Woman is no doormat. She is highly independent, like many women. Moreover, with her social skills, she can be cunning. And she will fight. Indeed, when protecting their young, women can become far more dangerous than just about any man.
Wonder Woman seems to regard all good humans as her children. It is this genuine warrior spirit within a beautiful, tender-hearted woman that makes her the embodiment of all high-estrogen women–and a mythic creature to most men.
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Superman and Wonder Woman are a classic match, the very high testosterone male and the very high estrogen female.
And they have many cultural and biological traits that will fuel their romance. People tend to fall in love with those of the same background.
Although Superman comes from a different planet, while Wonder Woman harks from an isolated island, both are aliens to our modern world. Both also have superhuman powers so each will understand the other’s strengths–including their mutual ability to fly. More importantly, Superman and Wonder Woman share the same values and goals–essentials to a good relationship.
They are both dedicated to truth and justice; both dislike wasting time on irrelevant, trivial, or boring matters; and both fight evil to save the good—traits shared by both the high testosterone and high estrogen types. Moreover, both value personal autonomy.
Each will find someone who is just as independent as themselves.
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If their first kiss is novel and exciting, it might push Superman and Wonder Woman over the threshold toward falling in love.
A kiss is just a kiss? No way! A great first kiss can be thrilling—and trigger feelings of intense romantic love, due to the way the brain responds to novelty. Any kind of unique situation triggers the dopamine system. And dopamine is associated with feelings of romance.
The first kiss could also trigger sexual desire. Saliva has traces of testosterone, and men regularly like sloppier kisses, perhaps to transfer some of this male hormone and heighten the woman’s sexual response. Moreover, a woman’s breath and saliva change across her menstrual cycle, so with his sloppier kisses, a man may also be unconsciously trying to pick up this subtle hint of her fertility.
Is Superman a sloppy kisser? Perhaps we’ll find out.
In fact, the first kiss can be dangerous. In a study of 58 men and 122 women, 59% of men and 66% of women said that they had ended a romance after the first kiss. It was the kiss of death. Because as you kiss, you can see your partner clearly, as well as smell, taste, hear, and feel them.
Instantly these messages from your senses are picked up by five of your twelve cranial nerves and escorted directly to the brain. Here they detonate, providing vivid data about the person’s health, their eating, drinking, and smoking habits, and their state of mind–whether they are rough and impatient or tender and calm.
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But if Superman and Wonder Woman like their first kiss, and turn into lovers, their kisses may trigger even deeper feelings for one another. Kissing among long-term partners raises oxytocin activity in the brain, producing feelings of trust and attachment.
Kissing a familiar partner also reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, contributing to this brain bath of pleasure, connection, and relaxation.
So kissing can trigger any one of three basic brain systems that humanity has evolved for mating and reproduction: romantic love, the sex drive, and/or feelings of deep attachment. And as Superman and Wonder Woman have their first kiss, they embark on one of Nature’s oldest—and most exciting–journeys.
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But even Superman and Wonder Woman will have their problems.
She is a warrior, ready to kill her foes; he has killed and resolved never to kill again. Neither is likely to understand this fundamental difference in values.
Nevertheless, this is a natural complementary match.
Directors such as Superman want a mate who has the strength of character to stand up to their formidable personality. In Wonder Woman, the charming warrior, he has found his match. And in Superman, Wonder Woman will find a truly “good man.
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Written by Helen Fisher Ph.D., a biological anthropologist and Senior Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute and Chief Scientific Advisor to the dating site Match. She is the author of the book The Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray, among other titles.
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goshenightie · 2 months
Not a lot of people pay attention to this, but most Nanook's/Destruction's blessings in the Simulated Universe are Astronomy related!!
Let's start from the 1 star blessings (not gonna add images because the MAX is 10 images lmao):
Eternally Collapsing Object
(This blessing could be a reference to) The magnetospheric eternally collapsing object (MECO) is an alternative model for black holes initially proposed by Indian scientist Abhas Mitra in 1998 and later generalized by American researchers Darryl J. Leiter and Stanley L. Robertson. A proposed observable difference between MECOs and black holes is that a MECO can produce its own intrinsic magnetic field. An uncharged black hole cannot produce its own magnetic field, though its accretion disk can.
Instability Strip
The unqualified term instability strip usually refers to a region of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram largely occupied by several related classes of pulsating variable stars: Delta Scuti variables, SX Phoenicis variables, and rapidly oscillating Ap stars (roAps) near the main sequence; RR Lyrae variables where it intersects the horizontal branch; and the Cepheid variables where it crosses the supergiants.
Orbital Redshift
(This blessing could be a reference to) The main causes of electromagnetic redshift in astronomy and cosmology are the relative motions of radiation sources, which give rise to the relativistic Doppler effect, and gravitational potentials, which gravitationally redshift escaping radiation. All sufficiently distant light sources show cosmological redshift corresponding to recession speeds proportional to their distances from Earth, a fact known as Hubble's law that implies the universe is expanding.
Primordial Black Hole
In cosmology, primordial black holes (PBHs) are hypothetical black holes that formed soon after the Big Bang. In the inflationary era and early radiation-dominated universe, extremely dense pockets of subatomic matter may have been tightly packed to the point of gravitational collapse, creating primordial black holes without the supernova compression typically needed to make black holes today. Because the creation of primordial black holes would pre-date the first stars, they are not limited to the narrow mass range of stellar black holes.
(I'm gonna skip the two star blessings because I don't think there's any Astronomy related ones?)
Universal Heat Death Characteristic
The heat death of the universe (also known as the Big Chill or Big Freeze) is a hypothesis on the ultimate fate of the universe, which suggests the universe will evolve to a state of no thermodynamic free energy, and will therefore be unable to sustain processes that increase entropy. Heat death does not imply any particular absolute temperature; it only requires that temperature differences or other processes may no longer be exploited to perform work. In the language of physics, this is when the universe reaches thermodynamic equilibrium.
Non-Inverse Antimatter Equation
The story of antimatter begins (again) with Einstein and his famous formula: E=mc2. It means that energy and mass are interchangeable - so mass can be transformed to energy (as in stars), or energy into mass. And this has huge consequences.
Resonance Interplay: Protostar
A protostar is a very young star that is still gathering mass from its parent molecular cloud. It is the earliest phase in the process of stellar evolution. For a low-mass star (i.e. that of the Sun or lower), it lasts about 500,000 years.
Resonance Interplay: Zero Age Main sequence
zero-age main sequence: a line denoting the main sequence on the H–R diagram for a system of stars that have completed their contraction from interstellar matter and are now deriving all their energy from nuclear reactions, but whose chemical composition has not yet been altered substantially by nuclear reaction.
Resonance Interplay: Substellar Belt
A substellar object, sometimes called a substar, is an astronomical object, the mass of which is smaller than the smallest mass at which hydrogen fusion can be sustained (approximately 0.08 solar masses). This definition includes brown dwarfs and former stars similar to EF Eridani B, and can also include objects of planetary mass, regardless of their formation mechanism and whether or not they are associated with a primary star.
Resonance Formation: Event Horizon
We can think of the event horizon as the black hole's surface. Inside this boundary, the velocity needed to escape the black hole exceeds the speed of light, which is as fast as anything can go. So whatever passes into the event horizon is doomed to stay inside it – even light.
Resonance Formation: Extreme Helium Flash
A helium flash is a very brief thermal runaway nuclear fusion of large quantities of helium into carbon through the triple-alpha process in the core of low-mass stars (between 0.8 solar masses (M☉) and 2.0 M☉) during their red giant phase. The Sun is predicted to experience a flash 1.2 billion years after it leaves the main sequence. A much rarer runaway helium fusion process can also occur on the surface of accreting white dwarf stars.
Resonance Formation: Cataclysmic Variable
Cataclysmic variables (CVs) are binary star systems that have a white dwarf and a normal star companion. They are typically small – the entire binary system is usually the size of the Earth-Moon system – with an orbital period of 1 to 10 hours.
(Sources are all from Wikipedia and the official Nasa website, but correct me if i got some of it wrong^^)
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dragonthunders01 · 1 year
Spectember D1: Adaptive Radiation
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Mars was among the most important core colonies of humanity for a long time of its primordial interstellar age, terraformed and maintained by a rudimentary “planetary life support” system to keep its earth like environment but unfortunately that did not stop the erosive nature of solar wind making the ecosystem to decay, and as the solar system started to fade out of the human galactic influence of power this only got worse becoming into a forgotten relic of better times that accomplished its goal, that had to eventually die.
It was not until the arrival of the proper methods to keep planets almost permanently habitable thanks to the “Planetary meta engineering” thousands of years later that mars finally was given a stable habitable form with technologies that allowed the start of its own geological activity preserving a proper magnetic field and so its atmosphere.
From there little of the original first wave of life preserved apart of a handful of survivors of the early ecosystem: gastropods, crustaceans, grass, worms, lots of lichen and algae species and one single species of tetrapod still alive: Bibrons’s geckos (Pachydactylus bibronii), resilient little reptiles which were thrown alongside others vertebrates on the terraforming days to fill up the new habitable planet, but upon the severe degradation of the Martian ecosystem they became the last ones standing.
For matters of conservative view mars was not reinstalled with more fauna apart of the one that survived, more as a symbol of the resilience of the life that could endure the hostile times, millions of years passed and the humans that once lived there have long vanished and left the world being inherited by the small squamates.
15 million years at least, and the Martian fauna looks like a reincarnation of the early Triassic, specially in what was once the Argyre basin now holds the main biodiversity of Martian geckos, all descendant of that single species, with nothing to compete but small beetles and large snails they just turned the chances on diversify in different sizes and feeding habits eventually specializing in considerable new forms, the beginning of different diverse dynasties of a probably long-lasting habitable Mars.
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
I think Jareth can definitely function as a god for Giant Killing Purposes but I think calling him a god isn’t quite right
He and his Labyrinth simply Are. The Have Been and Will Continue To Be regards of belief. He is not tied to worship or fate in the same way the Greek Gods, Titans and Giant are
The closest thing to him would be the Primordials but even that isn’t quite right. He does not Slumber like Gaea or Uranus. He cannot be separated forcefully from his domain like they can
Jareth can function like a god, but there is nothing quite like him
I would say all of this yes but I would also say worship helps even him. Perhaps not as much as it does the gods, but it does increase his already incredibly substantial power. He and his Labyrinth have no true beginning or end but the runners, the believers add to his power.
Percy is less than pleased by this but a part of him wishes he and his mother had been wished away so they could escape Gabe. He wouldn’t have ran for them, and Percy has seen enough failed runs to know that Jareth doesn’t actually turn them into goblins, but finds them new homes away from the terrible fate that had brought them to him.
Jareth is a force older than time itself. He is change. He is redemption. He is so much more. He will also take the power boost that comes with belief if only to protect his little trouble magnet that keeps finding older and older entities to fight.
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altrbody · 4 months
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"My desire to work as an artist began from a certain sense of absence, a feeling of something lacking. I had an urge to fill in that missing part. I think everyone has this sensation-we all share the feeling--so when I succeed in putting a form to the image in my mind, I have for a fleeting moment the illusion of complementing, of compensating for, that absence. But, of course, I can never really fill in the missing part, so I must continue to create my works. My works are not markedly individual in appearance. They are not the result of a desire to express my individuality. Rather I feel that they are something more universal. Of course, there is an implicit contradiction in this statement, but at least it applies on a conceptual level. I don't arrange my works by using any special, individualistic methods of formation. Most of my works are simple forms like circles. A perfect circle goes beyond the level of symbolic imagery. It is the simplest and most primordial form. Circles appear at the most festive and ritualistic occasions as well as at holy places. I have often said that while a circle spreads horizontally in form, it extends vertically in meaning. Thrusting forth from the very base of the earth toward the sky, a circle is like a magnetic field. It is within this context that I create circles. Although at one time I thought about this in terms of symbolism and allegory, I am not so conscious of these aspects at the present time. Even so, my work could still be interpreted in this way. From minimal art I learned about removing superfluous elements. The removal of unnecessary elements makes a given form more powerful. The idea of removing everything is also part of Zen thought. Zen Buddhist concepts permeate Japanese culture, and Zen Buddhism has had a significant influence on my ideas. After everything is re-moved, only the absolute remains. This principle is significant on the level of technique as well as providing a method for refining various concepts. I feel that this is very important. I did not adopt minimalism or conceptualism as a style, however, which is why my works are said to be romantic. It could be said that I am discussing literary matters, such as life and death, but these are important in the context of my reality. And however romantic that may be, it is only from that point that my works can be created. You need a single message, but that message should have a wide range of interpretations. The most fundamental issue for human beings is life and death. It is the very existence of human beings, human existence, that I want to express in my work." -Toshikatsu Endo
Toshikatsu Endo, Lotus, 1989.
Earth, air, sun, water, fire, and wood; 75 x diameter 360 cm.
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sonicjustbecause · 10 months
Sonic and Nine. Is not betrayal. Is a cultural shock
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Nine doesn't consider Pyongyang New Yolk his home. So he doesn't miss it if he goes somewhere else.
It happened that when he meet Sonic, he discovered the existence of the prisms and the shatterspace, though he discovered the empty Grim first.
The Grim is a Mars-like world, (without the umpleasant effect such as freezing or disappearing of the magnetic field etc...). On the contrary it can be considered a primordial world. There was a time where auroras were visible on the whole Earth when the magnetic field was forming. That glowing red in the Grim is an aurora, it really gives an image on Nine's world: 'Is empty, pretty grim. Is perfect!'
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Sonic understood Nine doesn't consider New Yolk world his home. But he has another idea: "Well, you can come to my home!". Sonic's idea is a world where you are completely free. You can do whatever you want, move where you want, eat what you want, live some adventure and also stop Dr.Eggman from taking over, the latter is the only responsibility you truly have. A perfect place for Nine in Sonic's mind. There is also Tails, they can excange some tips since they're both scientists.
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The Dr. Kim Jong-un, or, as I call him, Dr. "Cicciobello".
Sonic and Nine did one mistake (a normal mistake especially by so young characters like them, 15 and 8 years old, thinking their ideal world is best). Nine grew up in a North Korea-like tiranny, where even being friends is forbidden. The chaos council robots tried to kill a kitten and a puppy just because they were showing friendly behaviour. So for him a better world is one where he can live in peace, but still similar to the tiranny where he grew up (only things workd the way Nine wants). He wants keep Sonic for himself, trapped like a pet. In this aspect Nine is just like Chris Thorndyke From Sonic-X. The difference is that Chris is a spoiled brat nobody cares about (not even Sonic Fans), Nine is more capable, more loved by fans. He is a villain, the main antagonist, but we all would love to see what he is going to do, and hoping for the best outcome.
Sonic on the other hand grew in total freedom. But I already describled what his world is like.
Is their so different culture, their totally different point of view (They can't undersand the point of view of the other) that made them feel betrayed. I think in the end pieces will come togheter.
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zofi-persson-quotes · 2 months
Users can manipulate, control, distort, and bend space. Most commonly, users can use this ability to teleport by depleting the space from point A to point B, simply choosing to occupy a different space, creating portals, or by teleporting by creating a loophole made in space. At a higher level, users can “pull” space together apart, effectively generating a magnetic pull which causes anything the user's choosing to diverge upon or to rip apart any object by tearing away the space that it occupies. They can also do the opposite: “pushing” space, which is essentially the expansion of space in a certain area to push away objects. Depending on how strong the 'push force', it can act as an unstoppable cannon that launches space and anything that occupies it.
Space is, alongside Energy, Destruction, Darkness, Light, Time, Void, Creation, Life and Death, one of the Ten Primordial Magics.
It has two sub-elements, Gravity and Stellar
Users of Spatial lock, Omnilock, Spatial-Temporal Lock, Spatial-Temporal Transcendence are immune to this power.
Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
Distorting space can also distort the fabric of time since they both are interconnected. Therefore, if the user doesn't use this power wisely, they can damage the space-time continuum.
May be unable to create space, being limited to manipulating only the already existing one.
May require to be honed or amplified by specific objects.
Space spells:
Spaceokinesis - Create/generate and delete/deplete space.
Teleportation - teleport across space
Spatial Attacks - manipulate space to inflict damage
Spatial Barrier Creation - create barriers
Spatial Constructs - create constructs out of space/spatial energy
Spatial Defiance - defy space
Area Shifting - change the contents, placements, objects, and orientations of any area
Fitting Space - manipulate one's surrounding space to fit inside things
Reach Manipulation - manipulating reaching range
Space Compression - compress space
Spatial Expansion - expand space
Spatial Telekinesis - manipulate matter by altering the space it's occupying.
Pocket Dimension Manipulation - create and manipulate pocket dimensions
Terraforming - change the biosphere of an entire planet, moon, asteroid, or dimension to an entirely new environment
Quantum Quicksilver - the ability to blink in and out of existence to fight or to travel between worlds
Dimensional Storage - the ability to store object somewhere they wouldn't normally fit through the use of a pocket dimension
Portal Creation - the ability to create portals
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disorderofsevenstars · 6 months
Gender and Divinity
At one end of the gender spectrum lies the Feminine, associated with Black and darkness, the Earth and mundane matters, collectivity, interconnection, receptivity, cyclicality, synthesis, and heterogeneity. At the other end lies the Masculine, associated with White and illumination, the Heavens and spiritual matters, individuality, separation, exclusivity, linearity, analysis, and homogeneity. These two extremes, Yin and Yang, interact to create a multitude of permutations which lie somewhere in between the purely Feminine and the purely Masculine. Everything that exists as part of what we usually call "reality" is located somewhere in this intermediate space. The extremes themselves are conceptual, and do not exist in material reality, as they are characterized by a purity which cannot be found in Nature.
Sleeping, dreaming, and Death-as-a-state (in contrast with Death-as-a-process) fall within the domain of the Feminine, as do gravity and magnetism, Zero and the even numbers, the elements of Water and Earth, the Moon, and the Cosmic Void or World Egg. Femininity denotes a state of rest, stability, and equilibrium. It promotes slowness and longevity, regeneration and even immortality, characteristic of oceanic or cold environments and the organisms that live there, shielded from the mutagenic properties of solar radiation. The influence of the Feminine on human societies manifests through tribalism, collectivism, and egalitarianism, giving rise to social structures such as animist and polytheistic religions, cults, clans, matrilineal descent systems, polygamy and polyamory, democracy, communism, hedonism, mysticism, subcultures and countercultures. It is driven by the Dionysian impulse to shed the Ego, losing the Self within something larger, like a drop of rain falling into the ocean. The Moon is a mirror; it does not generate its own light.
Femininity is the original and final state of all things. It is prominent in small children and the elderly, more so in non-human animals (especially large and slow-moving animals, those animals which are more primordial or lower on the food chain, as well as small animals with collectivistic tendencies such as ants), even more so in plants, and still more so in rocks, soil, and water. In animals, it is highly oriented toward the senses of touch, taste, and smell. During the course of our evolution, we developed eyes, learned to hunt, learned to walk on land, learned to stand upright, became taller, acquired language and logic, mastered the use of tools and fire, and lost our fur; some of us also lost our melanin. The development of an embryo into an infant, into a child, into an adult, involves a loss of plasticity; bones harden and fuse, the percentage of water in the body decreases, and neural pathways become more rigid. All of these traits indicate a process of Masculinization.
The Masculine is the domain of awareness, alertness, problem-solving, and conflict. It governs changes, transitions, and boundaries. Masculinity is a property of electricity, odd numbers, prime numbers, the elements of Fire and Air, the Sun, and the Axis Mundi. It is dynamic and always in motion, striving to reach the Feminine rest-state, like an arrow flying towards a target, or a key inserted into a lock. The influence of the Masculine on human societies manifests through individualism and inequality, giving rise to colonialism, capitalism, competition, war, monotheism, monogamy, patriarchy, the nation-state, asceticism, and scientific thought. Driven by the Apollonian impulse towards separation and clarity, it prioritizes facts over feelings.
Unable to coexist and seeing plurality as a threat, Masculinity seeks to dominate the Other and propagate the Self, often through violent means; Western culture, Christianity, and Islam are examples of this. Monotheism and patriarchy have a mutual affinity, and in many cases, one promotes the other. The god of a monotheistic religion is usually male. The Sun is the central axis around which all bodies in the Solar System revolve. This tendency of the Masculine to see itself as superior lies behind the association of Light with Good, and Darkness with Evil. Humans, considered as a whole, lean towards Masculinity, and serve as a Masculine counterpart to the natural environment of Earth.
The supreme divinity is like a polygon with an infinite number of sides: simultaneously circular and linear. Fate arises from the interconnection of individual wills, a product of emergent complexity, many individual entities inadvertently working together in a larger system. "GOD" can be described as genderless, or a perfect balance of all possible genders. It has the Feminine quality of Being, and the Masculine quality of Unity. It is an all-pervasive energy field of pure universal consciousness, which can be channeled into various manifestations that possess genders and other specific attributes, like white light being split by a prism into its spectral components. These facets of divinity are conceptualized in every pantheon of deities, in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, in the 22 Major Arcana or 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, in Kabbalah as the 10 Sefirot, in Christianity as the Holy Trinity, in the Tzolk'in as the 20 Naguales, and in Chinese cosmology as the Ba Gua (Eight Trigrams) and 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching.
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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"Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. [...] O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. "Kundala" means "coiled". Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini." - Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga Serpentine Ascension Stefan Lucas Art
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mattydemise · 2 years
To love is to grow apart, to separate, to move individually, only to later find yourself in their presence, enveloped by their aura and magnetism. To love is to become lost in them, to get on your knees as they put their hands on you, and rain down on you with the water deserts dream of in dusty midsummer nightmares. To love is to be accepted, every blemish and flaw, down to the essence of your soul, the primordial soup of the self, it's a long gaze at the deepest part of your self, and then it's to be held tight like a child and given enough affection that mortality becomes not a curse but a blessing. To love is to be given what you most need, no more or less.
Thoughts on Love by Matthew Marcel
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