#prince protection program!AU
steventhusiast · 2 years
little fantasy-ish royal au drabble yayy
prince steve’s parents are detached yet controlling of him, so every so often he rebels and sneaks out of the castle to go visit events and areas in the kingdom he knows will be densely populated. he wears plainer (but still obviously expensive) clothes as well as a thin but long scarf he bunches up around his neck to hide as much of his face as he can, and lets his hair fall naturally rather than his signature styled look. the disguise is barely there, but as long as the attention stays off him and no one gets too close, he never gets caught.
until this time. he’s at some type of crowded market, with everything from herbs to crystals to food being sold there, watching distantly and leaning against a wall. he likes to listen to the people speak so casually and carefree while he’s out, and yearn for the easy companionship people seem to have. but as he’s watching a couple lean against each other as they argue fondly about which baked goods to buy, someone leans on the wall next to him. he glances to them, and finds it’s a man in plain clothes with long dark curls, studying him.
“i was intending to ask for one’s name, but i suspect i already know it.” the mystery man says with a quirked brow, and prince steve adjusts his scarf to cover more of his lower face.
“i know not what you mean.” he tries to play off the observation, but in response he gets a smirk from the man.
“his royal highness is not interested in one peasant’s name? one should not have expected more, i suppose.” the man sighs and drops his head forward slightly. his dramatics cause some curls to fall in his face, and prince steve feels his cheeks redden slightly for a reason unbeknownst to him.
“you may speak plainly, sir.” prince steve suggests to fill the silence.
“only if you speak plainly, your highness.”
“and my name is eddie, though i like ‘sir’ in certain situations as well.” and with that, the man winks and pushes off the wall. he saunters toward a stall held by a small group with what looks to be tarot cards, dramatically flicking his hair back as he goes.
prince steve sighs, and continues to yearn for a life he cannot have, but this time with a slight blush on his cheeks.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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a/n: a continuation of this AU because there's no way they're letting lucifer & co have all the fun.
protecting what matters most | the dateables [the demon brothers]
1.4k words | sfw | gn!Reader
content/warnings: family dynamics and slice of life. fluff and angst, mention of character death and passage of time, mentions of raising children, platonic relationships with the demon brothers and dateables.
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— Diavolo considers the pros and cons of allowing Lucifer and his brothers to continue visiting you in the human world after the exchange program ends. You helped lay the foundation for long-lasting peace between the realms, after all. Relations with the Celestial Realm aren't as chilly as they were previously, thanks to the glowing praise and endorsement of Simeon and Luke.
— Diavolo decides that maintaining a positive relationship with you can't do any harm. He also knows that Lucifer asking for permission for his family to visit you is only a formality. He knows they'll find ways to sneak out of the Devildom to see you whether he gives them permission or not.
— Diavolo misses you too, if he's being honest with himself. He remembers you fondly when Barbatos serves him a blend of tea from the human world, or when he scrolls through the gallery on his D.D.D. and comes across photos of you from various parties you attended at his castle. He denies those feelings at first but they're impossible to ignore when Lucifer and his siblings start seeing you on a regular basis. They return to RAD after a short weekend trip to see you and their moods are soaring. They share stories and pictures and videos with him, but it's not the same. They explore the human world with you and get to be part of your short but fulfilling life—who wouldn't be jealous?
— Diavolo contacts you personally and suggests catching up somewhere, just the three of you (of course, Barbatos will be there too). He brings up the possibility of visiting you too, when his busy schedule allows it. He ignores the shifty side-eye that Barbatos shoots him, and you accept his offer eagerly but you're worried about distracting him from his duties. His warm laughter makes you smile, and he reaches for your hand across the table and pats it gently with his own. You didn't think he'd let the brothers keep you all to themselves forever, did you?
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— Uncle Dia likes to surprise your children with impromptu visits at seemingly random times. Sometimes Barbatos contacts you in advance to schedule play dates for your family and the Young Master. Diavolo holds your children's hands as he leads them through whatever amusement park or family-friendly outing he's planned. You mention casually that your children are better behaved than Diavolo is at times, and Barbatos nods in silent agreement. There are times when Diavolo arrives on his own, looking a little guilty when he explains he found a fun excursion he thinks your kids would enjoy. Barbatos shows up a few minutes later looking very annoyed that the prince managed to escape his paperwork again. It's too late for Barbatos to drag him away now; even he's not capable of refusing the sad, pleading eyes of your children begging for Uncle Dia to play with them for a little while longer.
— (Diavolo is generous with his gifts for your family. Too generous, despite your protests. Hotel Corvo suites are always available for you to use, all expenses paid for, because it pleases him to know that your family is safe and comfortable when you travel together. He collects a small amount of human world vacation properties that are also available for your family to use whenever you'd like. The demon brothers conveniently plan their own holiday to visit you when you go on vacation. Diavolo joins as well if he can convince Barbatos that they all deserve a break.)
— Your children flock to Uncle Barb (or Bah-Bah when they're very young) like little chicks. He is surprisingly gentle and mild-mannered with all of them, confident in his ability to care for them and infinitely patient with their wide-eyed wonder and innocent curiosity. When they're toddlers, he sits at a child's sized table with them and sips water from a plastic tea cup. He teaches them how to brew tea properly when they're old enough to enjoy it. Some of your favourite photographs are of him and your children baking together in the kitchen, and your youngest braiding dandelions into his hair. To Barbatos, watching your children grow up is like watching the young prince grow up all over again. Being in your family's presence is soothing for his old, weary heart.
— (You tell Barbatos early on that you don't want him to ever tell you about the future. You're not sure what he already knows and you don't want to know. He honours your request to a certain extent. There are rare instances when he shows up unannounced, usually in the late evening or early morning hours. He anticipates your heartache and sleepless nights following the tragedy or misfortune he hoped wouldn't come to pass. He makes tea and sits with you, offering you his company in silent apology for not being able to spare you that pain.)
— Uncle Sol is a menace. He is a somewhat regular visitor at your home and is always eager to lend a hand with the most mundane tasks. He insists that he likes babysitting your children if you need him to, and he's your children's second-favourite babysitter if Uncle Levi can't come over. Yours is the family Solomon will never have, and he considers any opportunity to spend time with you a blessing. He insists on helping you in the kitchen too. You try to ban him from cooking, but your empty threats fall on deaf ears. Sometimes you wake up to the smell of something wafting from the kitchen. He has the decency to look a little guilty when you find him at the stove with one of your children sitting on the counter next to him. It surprises and horrifies you that one of your children loves his cooking. (You don't know now, but each generation of your descendants will have one resilient soul who also loves his food.) Your children learn from a young age one very important rule: if a stranger is in trouble, call the police; if you or your family is in trouble, call Uncle Solomon. For all the headaches and mischief he causes, he never fails to show up when he's needed most.
— (Solomon considers your happiness and safety one of his priorities. You learn after your wedding that nearly every demon gave your spouse some version of the shovel talk, but you’re surprised to learn that Solomon did too—and apparently his was the scariest. You don’t know about all the sneaky ways he helps your family over the years, but he agreed to your one stipulation: no violence in front of the children.)
— Uncle Simmy and Uncle Luke are the best! You're genuinely shocked when they invite you to the café they opened together, located conveniently in your family's hometown. Simeon teaches your children how to cook properly when he visits, and he tells them fantastical stories loosely based on your own adventures in the Devildom. Luke helps your children make sock puppets to act out little plays they all come up with; if Simeon finds a way to include them in his newest volume of TSL, it's his little secret. You don't see the angels as often as the demons. Sometimes they invite your family to enjoy brunch at the café before it opens, or they stop by after a long day to join you for dinner. Luke takes lots of pictures and videos (since Simeon still can't figure that out himself). He shares them with Barbatos who posts them in the special group chat the demons all share for that sole purpose.
— Luke introduces Michael to your family one morning when he happens to be visiting the café the same time that you are. Your children don't hesitate to crowd around his chair and ask him rapid-fire questions about his hair and his pretty clothes and the yummy cake on the table in front of him. He looks between you and your children awkwardly, but he asks Simeon for extra forks so they can have some too. He offers a hesitant smile when he leaves the café nearly an hour later. Starting the year you meet him for the first time, your children receive holiday and birthday gifts from Uncles Simmy, Luke, and Mikey.
— (Each generation passes down old and new photos of the demons, angels and the whimsical sorcerer who cherish and protect your family. Your distant relations point to old photos of Luke, with his cherubic face and small stature, and coo about how cute he was back then. Luke, grown up now and dedicated to his guardianship of your family, blushes and smiles fondly at so many wonderful memories. The moment is short-lived and he grumbles when Simeon ruffles his hair affectionately like he used to.)
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quinloki · 3 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: gn!reader Character: Ace, Marco, Thatch Vibe: SFW Yandere AU: Government Mandated Marriage Prompt: Soft/Comfort Gift Giver: (⌐■_■) Anonymous!
Summary: The government match program matched you with Portgas D Ace, and as a bonus, his two brothers have taken it upon themselves to help the new young couple adjust.
Content Notes: sfw but as it is Yandere, there are yandere themes, so tread carefully.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
The Match Program had paired you up with a similarly aged young man with freckles and a bright smile. You were excited to meet Ace, and had been delighted to meet his father and brothers all in the same go. They were all so sweet, and understanding.
His father had spoken with your parents at length, and you and Ace had been supervised by his older brothers, Thatch and Marco. Both were older enough that they’d effectively aged-out of the match program, but since not everyone was matched, it wasn’t too surprising.
Ace’s family was well off and his father had put you both up in a very nice apartment while you had the chance to get to know one another. Marco and Thatch helped the two of you with the wedding planning, and had taken a lot of stress off your shoulders so you could spend more time with Ace.
It had been like a fairy tale.
In a way, it still was. Fairy Tales often had princes and princesses trapped in a tower, protected by beasts and monsters as they waited for deliverance.
As you looked out the back window of your post-marriage house, watching the soft breeze shift the flowers in the intricate and delicate flower bed design, you knew no one was coming to save you. Your parents believed you were still in your honeymoon phase with Ace, who was currently laying beside you, head on your lap, as your fingers combed idly through his hair.
He wanted to give you everything, and keep you safe. Ace and his brothers knew a side of this world you had no familiarity with, and insisted that it was important to protect you from it. When Ace was at work Marco would come over and keep you company, until Thatch showed up and Marco had to leave.
Everyone would have dinner together, and then Marco and Thatch would leave the two “love birds” alone for the evening.
You were safe.
You were cared for.
You were loved, you were sure.
But in six months since the wedding, with the exception of a trip for the honeymoon, you hadn’t left the house. At first Ace had excuses about being tired from work and wanting to just nap with you, like he was now.
The more insistent you got the more apologetic he became, but he wouldn’t budge.
When you left on your own, after he’d fallen asleep after dinner, it had become quite the fiasco. You’d only left to run a few errands, things you would’ve done during the day, but you’d wanted Ace to have the chance to go with you and keep you company. He was always worried about the risks to you outside, so it seemed only fair.
You’d been halfway through your list when Marco found you. You’d gotten into a bit of a heated argument in the store, as he’d wanted to return with you to your home immediately, and you wanted to finish your shopping. Marco had caved, but by the time you were done talking with Ace after you got home you felt like you’d done something terribly wrong.
It had taken a couple days for tensions to ease, and after that Thatch and Marco had started to visit more often.
Until eventually they were just here whenever Ace wasn’t.
It was just a sign of how much you were loved, and cared for. It shouldn’t bother you. Ace treated you so sweetly, never doing anything to you unless you said yes, never coercing you into agreeing. He was so warm and tender behind closed doors, so soft and loving.
He was only worried because of all that he’d already lost. Pops’ wasn’t his biological father, like all of the man’s sons, Ace was adopted. His own family had died, he’d lost much and more beyond that, convinced that he was undeserving of peace. Of love.
“If the world took you away too, I wouldn’t know what to do.”
The words echo in your mind as he shifts a bit, looking up at you with that sweet soft smile.
“Hey sunshine.” He murmurs, kissing your knuckles before turning toward you, warming his arms against your back and pulling you into a lazy snuggle. “Let’s go see a movie tomorrow.”
Your eyes widen and you smile. “At the theater?”
Ace grins, nodding against your belly. “Yeah, at the theater. We’ll get popcorn and everything.”
“Alright,” you murmur, running your fingers through his hair again. The warmth was everything you needed, sweet and soothing. It would be nice to get out of the house tomorrow, hand in hand with your husband. Even if his brothers came with you it would still be fun.
You weren’t sure what brought on the change, but maybe time had been enough for him to realize that there was less to fear than he believed. In a way it was flattering, to be so desperately important to someone like this. It was, at least, a way to help you accept all of it.
One flaw, in an otherwise perfect union, and it was nothing more than love a little too strong.
There were certainly far worse things to contend with.
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gulliblelemon · 11 months
Young Royals Fic Recommendations 2
I have been reading even more fan fiction recently so I thought I'd do another (even longer) favourites list. My first one is here if you're interested! Some are newer fics, but some are also from a while ago that I've only just got round to reading (I have a bit of a chaotic system - sorry!)
(I’ve included tumblr usernames if I know them, someone let me know if I’ve missed any and I'll add them in).
Part 3 now up.
obviously by grapehyasynth @grapehyasynth 124k words. Complete. Rating: M Normal People AU. Wille and Simon meet at school and start a secret relationship. The story follows their lives as they change and grow and meet again.
The road not taken looks real good now by stretchoutandwait @stretchoutfics 90k words. Complete. Rating: E Twenty two years after season 1, King Wilhelm has a wife and three kids and doesn't expect to see Simon again - until he does. (Honourable mention to Ex by the same author).
Protected by bastuba 44k words. Complete. Rated: M Wille has moved to New York for Uni. Simon is assigned as his new bodyguard. (The story has been expanded in one shots, my favourite of which is Interview).
Fuck The Monarchy by itsme_hi_imtheproblem @iwouldnevergetintofanfic 68k words. Complete. Rating: E Simon and Wille meet when they both intern at the Riksdag. (Honourable mention to I love the way you lie by the same author).
Almost Is Never Enough by this_time_its_just_me @in-amor-veritas 138k words. WIP. Rating: E Non-royal AU. Simon meets Wille again years after school when he starts a job at Wille's place of work. (Honourable mention to We Left Footprints When We Passed By by the same author).
you can stay by origamifrogs @princewillesothermom 23k words. Complete. Rating: E. Non-royal AU. Wille and Simon shared a childhood treehouse. Snapshots of their lives together.
No Tomorrow by p_brown @p-brown-writes 31k words. Complete. Rating: M Wille loses his memory of his and Simon's break up. Simon is called to help him remember the last few years.
Can We Just Pretend? by scissorsandstone 9k words. Complete. Rating: E Simon POV for the curtains scene in S2E5 (Simon is more conflicted than in canon).
Better With You by Spidaya @simons-purplehoodie 52k words. Complete. Rating: M Non-royal AU. Simon works as Wille's assistant at a music production company.
You Are Unbreaking by unfortunate17 @unfortunate17 38k words. Complete. Rating: E Medieval AU where Simon marries Wille in the hope of assassinating him. (Honourable mention to Stairway To Heaven by the same author)
Ace Of Hearts by Whiterabbit11 14k words. Complete. Rating: G Outsider POV vignettes of Wilmon through their Hillerska years.
perhaps more by willesworld @willesworld 28k words. Complete. Rating: T Non-royal AU. Wilhelm and Simon meet at an intensive summer program for aspiring writers.
i will, tonight by witchjeons @pleuvian 27k words. Complete. Rating: E Simon and Wilhelm meet in an antique store.
like he hung the moon and the stars in the sky 1.5k words. Complete. Rating: G Young Simon is infatuated with Young Prince Wilhelm on the TV. (Also has a lovely sequel).
finding home by Elin98 @ishotforthestars 19k words. WIP. Rating: G Prince Wilhelm disappears. Simon is trying to get on with his life.
I would drive on (to the end with you) by ceramicclown (@glassdollls) 90k words. WIP 11/15 chapters. Not rated. Non-royal AU. Simon and Wille meet at Hillerska, Simon offers to drive Wilhelm when his car breaks. They strike a deal to pretend to date.
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andrea-lyn · 1 year
atla rec post the third! this round basically all zukka recs!
atla recs - part 3
noble blood by lupus (khaleeseas)
The Southern Water Tribe was no place for a firebender...or even a Fire Prince for that matter. And yet here Zuko was, not only in the South Pole’s capital itself but in the Royal Palace, protecting the tribe’s Chief after a failed assassination attempt. Chief Sokka, his old friend and a man who was intelligent and witty, yet kind of a dumbass. A man who was brave and strong and kind. A man who Zuko was utterly failing not to develop...personal feelings for. __
aka: a kind of roleswap AU with Southern Water Tribe Chief Sokka and bodyguard/mercenary Zuko.
it's more about the things that you take with by winterfire22
it’s been a few years since zuko took the throne, and he's doing his best. but there are some things missing.
enter his new ambassador program, and an opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.
before we jump ship, let me teach you how to stay afloat by eurydicees
He doesn't remember when his feelings changed, just that, somewhere between the fires of his homeland and the ocean of Sokka's pirate ship, he fell in love.
In which Zuko learns to swim, Sokka falls in love, and the sun and ocean remain as steady as ever.
in silence; ripen, fall and cease by aiyah
Zuko reaches out with trembling hands and tucks it behind Sokka’s ear.
“A pretty flower for a pretty boy,” he whispers.
- - -
[or: this is the story of an ikebana artist and the man who visits him.]
zing by meteor-sword (vaenire)
“I’ll just put away the rest of the treats for them. Toph, hold this will you?” He hefts Zuko’s bag over to her before Toph can protest, and she has a mind to drop the bag at her feet before she feels something interesting inside the bag. As her seismic sense ran passively through the bag, she sensed something small; it was heavier than the parchment but lighter than the bag of coins-- giving a feedback of vibration somewhere between glass and limestone.
Like usual, Toph sees this coming when no one else does.
gold in the air of summer by leopardfringe
Sometimes, Toph likes to ask about colors. Not often—people generally aren't great at explaining them to her, but her newfound metalbending abilities have left her curious.
(This, of course, has nothing at all to do with how she doesn’t even need her feet to know who's crushing on who in this group. Nope, this is just purely for research, and definitely not because she's sick of them dragging their feet.)
the stars go waltzing out in blue and red by tristanyvaine
Zuko falls in love with Sokka in the Southern Water Tribe. Sokka falls in love with Zuko in the Fire Nation. It spirals from there.
or: (Zuko thinks a lot about blue, words, love, and Sokka // Sokka thinks a lot about red, touch, love, and Zuko)
To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved) by Erisenyo
Zuko needs tomorrow to be perfect, but when one person is so many things to so many people--My Lord, Fire Lord, Nephew, Zuzu, Sifu Hotman--how is he going to find the time to make sure everything goes exactly right?
Five titles Zuko has earned himself + One more to add to the list. If he can just get through this Very Important International Celebration first...
this ultraviolet morning light by GallifreyanFairytale
“Sokka?” Zuko’s voice is quiet and raspy as he shifts just enough that Sokka lifts his head up from Zuko’s shoulder. The confession Sokka had ready to go dies on his lips at Zuko’s expression - at the red he can just barely make out in Zuko’s eyes. “Sokka, I… need to tell you something.”
Sokka swallows and nods silently, not trusting his own admission to not slip out if he dares to open his mouth. Zuko must be confessing the same thing Sokka wants to. Which, admittedly, Sokka hadn’t actually planned for, but it’s fine. He can adapt to this. He just needs to shift a few words around in his brain, and--
“You’re my best friend, you know that right?”
And why does Zuko’s tone make this sound like a break up?
sokka and zuko break up, make up, go undercover, thwart a rebellion, watch the sunrise, and change the course of fire nation history. not necessarily in that order.
the stars sighed in unison by spellboundrose
For some reason, Zuko can't stop looking at Sokka out of the corner of his eye. It must be something about the way the moonlight reflects off his skin—or maybe how his eyes, such a vibrant shade of blue, glimmer like the stars above them—
Oh, no.
(Or, five moments under the night sky and one beneath the sun.)
everything and nothing at once by tristanyvaine
See, everything would be fine if Sokka was here, because if Sokka was here then Zuko wouldn't be thinking about him over and over and over again while he misses him from the stupid ponytail to his weird Water Tribe shoes.
signs of light by beachytablecloth
And now, out of breath from running, Sokka can feel the anxiety beginning to overwhelm him, stitching his sides and pounding in his ears.
“It’s Zuko,” he finally gets out, panting. “He’s missing.”
Zuko gets kidnapped; Sokka falls apart.
A Predictable Story by mindbending
"On this night, you shall share a kiss with a great love of your life!”
That lying, scummy Aunt Wu predicts a grand romance for Sokka. To disprove her "fortunetelling" once and for all, Sokka decides to spend the night with least romantic person he knows.
Boomerangs and Rainbows by mindbending
At Sokka’s behest, the Gaang skips rescuing Zuko during the Siege at the North Pole. Instead they leave him, unconscious, buried in the snow.
In completely unrelated news, Sokka’s haunted by a ghost now.
little taste of heaven by loserlesbian
"His mom had given him a diary.
No, not a diary–– a journal, she had specified. He knows it’s a diary. Zuko thinks she only called it a journal because she thought that Zuko wouldn’t use it if she said otherwise. A diary is for feelings and angst, but a journal was for working through your problems without all that mushy, gushy stuff. It was for writing out simply what was in your head, nothing more, nothing less."
or, zuko through the years, struggling with himself and his sexuality.
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lovetei · 1 year
I have an AU and I enjoy sharing so. Gift, from a (semi-?) writer to writer I suppose
but Swapped Obey me Au
where the brothers and side characters are humans- here’s the dynamic simplification;
Humans (Solomon / MC) : Cryptids
Demons (The Brothers / Diavolo / Barbatos) - humans/humanoids
Angels (Luke / Simeon) - Monster hunters
Maybe a modernish Victorian era, with castles and monster stories and that fun stuff + technology. Prince Diavolo starts a school to hopefully make peace between the three tribes of being.
So Solomon the Land siren (maybe a Lamia/Naga?) and MC the Mutt sheep cryptid. Where invited to the human school,
I can go on for hours- but hope this helps with ideas! I’d love to hear ya take. I love the way you write Obey me so yeah!
I'm so sorry this took so long, I need to create a visual in my head first and it takes long to write an AU :')
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Swapped Alternate Universe
Swapped Universe: Introduction
Links: Masterlist
You were just going around the forests beside fields, feeding on whatever there is
But all of a sudden
An entitled prince, randomly sent you a letter saying you're invited into this type of program
But it's suspicious
The incentives favors the participants way too much...
What could possibly be the catch?
ROLES: Cryptids
TYPE: Cryptid (Mutt sheep)
It is rumored that the "Mutt-Sheep" cryptids are a cross between lambs and canines, and are known to be found in areas with dense forests. Some describe them as a cross between a sheep and a dog, with a thick sheep-like coat covering their body, large claws on their paws for digging in the forest floor, and a canine's nose and teeth for hunting small animals. However, the exact origin and nature of the Mutt-Sheep cryptids are still unknown and shrouded in mystery. Despite this, sightings of these creatures have been reported by people who claim to have seen them lurking in the forest.
TYPE: Cryptid (Naga)
They are described as having a human upper body, often with arms and chest, and from the waist down, they have the tail and scales of a snake. The Naga are said to be intelligent and powerful beings, capable of controlling the elements of nature and using their powers to influence the world around them. Many people believe that the Naga possess magical abilities that they use to protect their territory and the creatures that live there.
ROLE: Humans
JOB: President of RLD
The Royal Lab of Diavolo (RLD) is a highly advanced underground research facility with top-notch equipment and state-of-the-art technology. The lab is focused on developing peace between different races, such as humans, humanoid, cryptids, and monster hunters. The primary goal of the lab is to find ways to bridge the gap between the different races, and to create an environment where all beings can live together in harmony. The lab is led by a team of highly skilled scientists and researchers who work tirelessly around the clock to advance their research and find solutions to the world's problems.
JOB: Vice president of RLD
The vice president of the Royal Lab of Diavolo is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the lab, including the management of staff, the supervision of research projects, and the coordination of activities with external partners and stakeholders. The vice president also plays a key role in managing the lab's finances and ensuring that resources are being used effectively and efficiently. Additionally, they may be involved in developing and implementing strategic plans for the lab's long-term growth and success. Therefore, the vice president plays an important role in the lab's success and helps to ensure that its mission of promoting peace and unity among different beings is achieved.
JOB: Chief Fiance Officer (CFO)
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a high-level executive position that is responsible for overseeing the financial operations and strategy of an organization. He works for the government and is supporting the current king.
JOB: Actor
He is the most famous actor out there starring in every genre whether it may be romance, comedy, action or adventure. He also stars in his own TV show series that broke multiple records and nominated multiple times on award show as well as receiving hundreds of awards.
JOB: Programmer and Developer
A famous IT that works for the government and helps maintain government systems and Technologies, being one of the most trusted and talented worker in this field he has access to everything that can be found online.
JOB: Proffesor
The youngest and top proffesor of one of the best schools found in the world, being the charming and mysterious proffesor whose world seems to revolve around books and his well known addiction, cats.
JOB: Model
The jewel of the human world, modeling for every possible brands to exist. He's known for his unforgettable face and his unmatched charm that helped him rise to the top of the world of fashion.
JOB: Chef
A world-class chef that cooks for the king, known for his unique skills and for his beautiful physique. A man that made multiple woman swoon because of his looks and cooking skills.
JOB: Doctor
A mysterious Doctor who seems to enjoy cutting things up and inventing antidotes or medicines against viruses and diseases that does not have a cure yet. He seems to be passionate about his job but the reason why he entered this field is still unknown.
ROLE: Hunters
A Rank A monster hunter is one of the best, most skilled and experienced monster hunters out there. They have exceptional abilities and skill in fighting and defeating monsters, as well as an in-depth knowledge of different types of monsters and how to defeat them.
Rank A Monster hunters are highly skilled and experienced in the art of hunting monsters. They are sought after for their exceptional abilities and knowledge. Their skill and experience have earned them a reputation as some of the finest monster hunters in the world.
A Rank C monster hunter is considered an entry-level monster hunter. They are relatively new to the field and are still developing their skills and gaining experience. While they may have some basic knowledge of monster hunting techniques, they lack the advanced abilities and knowledge of higher-ranked Hunters. Nonetheless, they can still be an asset to a team and can perform certain tasks with supervision and guidance.
Overall, Rank C monster hunters are still learning and gaining experience. They are not always ready to handle high-level or dangerous missions, and are often assigned tasks and roles under the supervision and guidance of
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bluefirewrites · 1 month
Blue's Ultimate JATP Tumblr Masterpost
Hey guys, it's been a while! Been combing through my blog and realized I wrote a lot of fun ficlets over the years (mostly AU's and mostly Juke). It's probably hard to find all of them without a lil' help. Below is a masterlist of all the Tumblr drabbles I've made for Julie and the Phantoms
*- requests/asks; appropriate warnings will be in posts; ♡- favorites of mine Any AU is a Juke AU
50's AU (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) ♡
Angel and Demon/ Good Omens AU
Baby Driver AU (Part 1) (Part 2)
Celebrity Fake Dating AU
Celebrity/Fan AU*
Celebrity Neighbor AU*
Desk Pen Pals AU*
Church/Youth Group Leaders AU (Part 1) (Part 2)*
College AU* (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Con Artist/ Leverage AU (Part 1) (Part 2)
Diner AU
Enchanted AU ♡
Florist AU (Part 1) (Part 2)♡
Halloweentown AU
Hero/Villain Roommates AU *
High School Theater AU*
Hologram/ Pixel Perfect AU (Part 1) (Part 2)
Imaginary Friends/Pen Pals AU (Part 1) (Part 2)
Jam Skater AU
Josie and The Pussycats AU
Knowledgeable Local AU*
Lip Synch Battle AU
Long Distance AU* ♡
Mall AU ♡
Met in the Back of A Cop Car (also full fic on AO3) ♡
Prince Protection Program AU (Part 1) (Part 2) ♡
Pizza Delivery Boy AU*
Prostitute/Client AU*
Record Store AU
Sense8 AU
Space Opera/Body Swap AU
Speed Racer AU
Stranded on Island/ Flight 29 Down AU ♡
Uber Driver AU
Wayne AU
We Bought a Zoo AU ♡
Western AU (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Willex AU
Con Artist/Leverage AU (Part 4) Petal Palace/ Handyman AU Traveling Pants AU (Part 1) (Part 2) ♡
In-Universe Juke
Angsty Juke
Back to the 1991/ Time Travel
Caleb's Dream Spell ♡
Emily Gifts Julie Luke's Guitar* ♡
First I Love You*
Juke Kisses*
Julie's Unfinished Business*
Luke Follows Julie Around School ♡
Music Lessons
Prom Night
They Still Can't Touch?
While You Sleep (also full fic on AO3)
Wicked Beauty
In-Universe Willex
Alex and Willie Adopt a Ghost Child* (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Alex Braid Willie's Hair
Alex: The King of Hugs*
The First Kiss* ♡
Willie LOVES Drummers
Willex Hugs*
General Drabbles
Alive!Mama Rose and Alive! Sunset Curve* (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
Julie Crosses Over* ♡
Julie's Sacrifice ♡
Luke's Birthday Candles*
Ray Molina and the Casseroles
Rose's Deal with Caleb* ♡
Rose and the Petal Pushers (own masterpost about Rose Molina's band) ♡
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nunalastor · 22 days
Princess Protection Program AU
I feel like my formatting changes every time I do this. Anyway, this is what happens when my brain is allowed to run amok.
(Bit of role swap here)
Lucifer Mephistopheles Baphomet Morningstar, prince of a small island nation called Gehenna, is set to become King in just a month. During his coronation practice, the palace is attacked by General Seviathan Von Eldritch, who intends to seize control over the country.
He's whisked away to safety by Major Hartfelt, mother of Alastor Hartfelt, situated in rural Louisiana. She is the only one Lucifer trusts at the moment, and thus is zoned to move in with her to hide under his false identity.
His mother, Queen Charlotte Morningstar, is left behind to reassure the country that he will one day return. The only way to keep her safe? Becoming Lucas Nocturna until General Von Eldritch can be removed from Gehenna.
(Haha, because his first name 'Lucifer' means 'light bringer,' and his fake last name 'Nocturna' means 'of the night' because he's in hiding, or, as some would say, 'in the dark.' Hahaha so clever.)
Alastor is... upset surprised to find one of his mom's rescues sitting in his room. Oh, it turns out he's sharing Alastor's room until this political coup gets sorted out. Great. Lovely.
I have more of this but I'll write that out when I have time.
-Tired Anon
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cha-melodius · 5 months
A ship of your choice firstprince, please!
A location—(Although I dare someone to send the White House or Kensington, I WILL make it into an AU. I have ideas.) Also if you want a particular historical setting, you can feel free to include a time period too. GO NUTS, please.
Well sheesh, with that kind of tease, I suggest both the White House and Kensington Palace, circa the year 2068.
I look forward to seeing what you choose to do with this! I am certain to enjoy it, whatever it is ❤️
(This was such an intriguing prompt, and I hope you enjoy what I did with it. Also happiest of birthdays to @dumbpeachjuice, who's incredible fic "make me your god" inspired this one.)
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The Impossible Soul
(M, 7.2k, read it below or on AO3)
“I shouldn’t let you do this for me,” Henry tells him in the moments before.
“You should know by now that you’re not letting me do anything, sweetheart,” Alex returns. “Anyway, I’m doing this for us.”
“Even though we still won’t be able to be together?”
“I told you, it’s only temporary. Once my mom’s no longer in office, I won’t be in the spotlight. But I can’t leave you trapped here for another four years. I won’t.” Alex cups Henry’s cheek with his hand and brushes a thumb against the corner of his perfect mouth. “Besides, what if I left you here and you forgot about me?”
Henry covers Alex’s hand with his, warm and soft. “Never.”
One Year Earlier
Alex didn’t think he could be surprised by AIDEs at this point, but the ones populating Kensington are really something else.
“It’s a pleasure to have you here,” Prince Henry says, his blue eyes crinkling slightly at the corners as he shakes Alex’s hand.
Alex can’t help but stare. The eyes are the hardest part, or so Nora says. All the Secret Service agents’ eyes have a kind of strange metallic glint behind them. Often it’s not even noticeable, but if you look too closely, it becomes obvious. Prince Henry’s eyes are flawless, though. Just endless, perfect blue. Really, the only flaw Alex can see in this model is that they made him inhumanly beautiful. No real person has lips like that.
Henry’s hand is warm in his, his grip firm but not too tight. Alex forces himself to let go.
“Yeah, thanks,” he says, looking around rather than staying trapped in Henry’s piercing gaze.
Palace servants flit about, attending to all of the gala guests’ needs along with those of the princes and princess. Apparently, it’s a perfect recreation of the palace’s operations from the turn of the century, back before the monarchy was abolished. Now they just keep fake royalty here, like they can’t quite let go of the idea. Alex has never understood it, and visiting hasn’t really helped. Of all the things he’s had to do on this goodwill trip, this is by far the strangest, pretending to hobnob with royalty at a fancy ball like anyone does this shit anymore. Then again, maybe showing off is the whole point, same as it ever was.
It’s not like Alex isn’t used to interacting with AIDEs. The use of Artificially Intelligent Dynamic Entities is still limited more broadly, but they’re common in dangerous or sensitive jobs. The entire Secret Service was replaced by them two administrations ago; their loyalty is never in question, nor their willingness to protect their charges at all costs. Use of AIDEs for entertainment purposes is growing in popularity too, like the Kensington ones. They play the role they’re programmed to without deviation, they don’t need to eat or sleep (though they usually do, to better mimic humanity), they can be abused or even killed without repercussion and, most importantly, they don’t need to be paid.
“I hope your visit to London has been pleasant?” Prince Henry asks with perfectly-tuned amiability. It makes Alex want to push a little, though he knows Nora would tell him it’s a futile exercise.
“Mostly I’ve been spending it in lots of meetings,” Alex says. “Kinda wish I had time to go out and see more of the city.”
“I can understand that,” Henry replies, glancing toward the doors in a way that Alex would call wistful if he didn’t know better.
Can he? Do they let them leave the palace? Probably not. Does Henry want to, though? That would be a weird thing to program into an AIDE that’s supposed to stay in one place.
“I guess you probably don’t get out much, huh?” Alex asks.
Henry smiles indulgently at his bad joke. “Not so much, no. Makes it ever-so-difficult to meet people, you know.”
Alex laughs despite himself. He’s never met an AIDE that was so self-aware. If he tries to joke with Cash about taking a day off, the agent just stares at Alex blankly. “You must talk with a lot of visitors to the palace, though.”
“I do,” Henry allows, taking a sip of his champagne. “Most of them aren’t very interesting, though. All they do is ask what it’s like to be a prince.”
“And? What’s it like?”
Henry smirks a little. “Bloody boring. Not that I can tell them that, you understand.”
“Yeah,” Alex agrees, a little lost for words. Henry is nothing like what he was expecting. “So, what do you want to talk about, then?”
In response, Henry takes a step closer. He smells like fancy cologne, like linens and fresh grass, and something inside him seems to tug Alex closer. “Can I show you something? Still inside the palace, of course.”
Alex’s eyes flick over to June and Nora, chatting with someone he doesn’t recognize—AIDE or government official, he can’t tell—and the Secret Service agents linger at the periphery of the ballroom. He knows shouldn’t leave the event, but honestly chances are no one would notice he was gone. Plus, his curiosity is through the roof.
Henry takes him to a library. There are barricades set up to keep the visiting public to certain areas, but Henry slips past them and Alex follows him. Watches as Henry walks down the rows with a small, private smile curving his lips, trailing a finger along the spines. He pauses and plucks a book off the shelf—Pride and Prejudice, Alex can just make out—and smooths a hand lovingly over the cover.
“I love to read,” Henry says, almost to himself. His eyes flick up to Alex’s, shining brightly in the low light. “All those worlds… They’re incredible, don’t you think?”
Alex doesn’t know what to say. AIDEs don’t read. They don’t dream of other worlds.
“The rest of your… family,” Alex says, diplomatically. “Are they like you? I mean, with the reading.”
Henry laughs quietly and shakes his head. “No. No one’s like me.”
Alex is rapidly coming to that same conclusion.
“There’s nothing special about the Kensington AIDEs,” Nora tells him, sounding more beleaguered than necessary. “We talked to Princess Beatrice for like an hour, it was the same as any other AIDE. Pleasant, but a little vacant. The eyes are a neat trick, though.”
“I’m telling you, Henry is different,” Alex insists. “We talked all night. He’s aware of what he is. He reads and he thinks and he feels. Fuck, Nora, he dreams when he sleeps.”
“AIDEs don’t sleep. Not really.”
“Henry does.”
“Someone just got a little creative with the programming,” Nora says dismissively. “He’s supposed to say those things to make him seem more real. If you went back, he probably wouldn’t even remember you.”
“And what if he did?”
“What if he did remember me? What if all of it really is real?” Alex presses.
Nora frowns at him. “Then there are some major ethical implications that current AI laws are frankly not prepared to deal with,” she says bluntly. “Look, it’s just not possible. They don’t have feelings, period. He’s just a fancy computer.”
“Fine. Whatever you say,” Alex huffs, mostly because he doesn’t want to have this argument anymore. She’s not going to change his mind, and clearly he’s not going to change hers.
“Promise me you’ll leave this alone. We can’t afford some kind of diplomatic incident because you got a crush on the prince AIDE.”
Alex glares at her. It’s not a crush. “I’ll leave it.”
He absolutely will not.
Cash doesn’t blink—literally—when Alex tells him that he’ll be visiting Kensington Palace again rather than the scheduled afternoon tea with some MP he couldn’t care less about. He sends his apologies with an excuse that he’s not feeling well and heads to the main entrance with the rest of the tourists. He has no idea where Henry might be, but AIDEs don’t take days off, so it stands to reason that he’ll be somewhere acting princely, or whatever he does all day.
Unfortunately, he gets stuck on a tour led by an AIDE with a dirty blonde bob and green eyes who most definitely shows none of Henry’s spark. It’s boring as fuck, and he almost bails more than once, but this place is huge and he’d probably get lost forever before he found Henry. They go past a few rooms Alex recognizes, but there’s no sign of the ‘royal family’ anywhere, and Alex starts to worry. Maybe they only trot them out for big events. Maybe you have to buy a special tour package. Ugh, his mom is going to kill him if he ditches any more events.
“Next, we’ll visit the palace library,” the guide says, and Alex perks up.
This has got to be his chance. Henry had said they were basically allowed free run of the palace so long as they remained in areas where they’d run into visitors during operating hours, and Alex knows there’s nowhere Henry would rather be than the library. Sure enough, he’s reading in a massive armchair by one of the windows, though he gets up when the tour group enters and comes over to talk to them. His face is fixed in a pleasant, bland smile as he looks over the group, until his eyes land on Alex. The flash of recognition is clear, even if he recovers quickly, and Alex’s heart thuds a little harder in his chest.
He lingers toward the back as the rest of the visitors ask Henry about living in the palace and being a prince—exactly as he said they would. He answers graciously, of course, the words so bland and scripted that Alex almost wonders if maybe he hadn’t been drinking too much champagne during the gala. But he hangs back when everyone else files out, and as soon as Henry turns to him, his eyes practically light up.
“You came back,” Henry says, his voice soft with something like wonder.
“Of course I did,” Alex replies. “We didn’t finish our conversation.”
Henry ducks his head, blond hair falling alluringly over his forehead as his cheeks turn pink. The way their bodies mimic human physiology is astounding sometimes. “I suppose we didn’t. Would you care to walk with me in the gardens? It’s a lovely day.”
“Can we do that?”
“Ironically, you’re allowed so long as you have one of us with you, and I’m allowed so long as I’m with a guest,” Henry explains. “Plus, you’re a foreign dignitary. No one will bother us.”
“Sure you wanna be seen with me? My sister would say I’m the furthest thing from dignified,” Alex says, grinning probably a little too broadly.
Henry’s smile slants mischievous as he steps close enough for Alex to get a noseful of linen and fresh grass again. “Maybe I like that about you.”
“Have you ever been outside the palace?” Alex asks on his next visit. Nora had given him a look like she knew exactly what he’s been up to when he’d begged off from an official tour of the British Museum, even though he hasn’t brought up Henry again. The fact that she’d found him down a rabbit hole of academic papers about AIDE psychology probably hadn’t helped anything.
“Not that I remember,” Henry answers. It’s rainy today, so they’re ensconced in some kind of parlor with ornate, uncomfortable furniture. The fact that Henry only knows this life is outrageous. Has he ever truly been comfortable? Does anyone even care? “They gave me a basic knowledge of London as a background. I’m supposed to be fond of the Victoria & Albert Museum, but I’ve never seen it myself.”
“That’s fucked up,” Alex blurts.
Henry shrugs. “It’s just how it is.”
“How does none of this ever seem to bother you?”
“It can’t bother me, Alex. My entire existence has been—and will be—only this, and if I allowed any of it to bother me, I’d go mad.”
This does not, in fact, make Alex feel any better about the situation. “Guess I’ll just have to be angry for the both of us, then.”
“I’d rather you weren’t,” Henry says mildly. “It’s no use being upset about my life. Nothing can be changed.”
“Bad idea to tell me something can’t be changed, sweetheart. I fucking love a challenge,” Alex returns. He’s not joking, but Henry laughs anyway. “I’m serious, Henry. You deserve to get things you want, too.”
“What if I said I wanted you not to worry about it? That I want you to be happy?”
“Because you’re programmed to?” Alex counters, letting more bitterness than he means to slip into his voice.
Henry reaches out and slides a hand over Alex’s fist where it’s curled on his thigh. “Because I like you, Alex.”
On the last visit he can manage before he leaves London, Alex brings Henry a cell phone.
“What’s this for?” Henry asks when Alex hands it to him. It’s a cheap smartphone, pay as you go, something that Alex can renew the data and minutes on remotely.
Alex frowns at him. He would have figured Henry would be familiar with the concept of phones, but maybe they purposefully programmed him to not recognize it. “It’s for communication. Audio, text, video—”
“I know what a phone is, Alex,” Henry says wryly, interrupting him before Alex can make a fool of himself. “I mean why are you giving it to me?”
“I’d like to keep talking to you after I go home,” Alex tells him, feeling oddly exposed by the question. “If that’s something you’d like, too.”
Henry smiles, almost bashfully. “Yes, I’d like that.”
“I assume you’re not allowed to have that,” Alex says with a nod at the phone.
“I don’t think anyone would consider it a possibility that we might,” Henry muses, “but I’ll keep it hidden nonetheless.”
“Good plan.”
“I’m going to miss your visits, Alex,” Henry says earnestly. “I’ll miss you.”
AIDEs can’t miss things, Alex’s brain supplies, an oft-repeated truism. He feels vaguely sick, leaving Henry here like this.
“Yeah,” Alex croaks, unable to quite meet Henry’s bright blue eyes. “I’ll miss you too.”
“How would you get a site-locked AIDE off the premises?” Alex casually asks Nora one late night at the Residence, when they’re deep in the weeds of polls and projections.
The campaign has been rough; rougher than the first one. Or maybe it’s just that Alex is far more involved in the filthy underbelly of it this time around. The experience has definitely made him question his resolve to go into politics. Then again, sometimes it feels like his only option to make a difference in the way he wants to. These days he frequently gets into arguments about the need for more protections for AIDEs, though right now it feels like a losing battle. They’re not supposed to need protections, that’s the point of them, and no one believes him when he suggests that they might have more in common with humans than previously believed.
It’s been months. Months of texting, and phone calls, and occasional video chats. Months of getting to know Henry—the real him, beyond his programmed backstory. For his part, Henry has seemingly blossomed further with access to the internet. Alex was admittedly not certain that was a great idea, but Henry seems to stay off the darker parts. He watches a lot of Bake Off, apparently. He’s obsessed with some cute beagle account on Instagram. He reads travel blogs and insists that just knowing that these wonderful places exist is enough for him.
Alex doesn’t believe him. Well, he believes Henry believes that, but that doesn’t stop Alex from yearning to show Henry some of them in person. Even something in London would be worth it. Hence, the question.
Nora looks at him like she knows exactly what he’s on about. He’s kept his correspondence with Henry a secret from everyone, but he’s pretty sure she suspects something is up. Him broaching this topic all but confirms that, but he needs the help.
“Permanently, or short-term?” she asks.
“Let’s go with short-term to start.”
Another capital-L Look. “Well,” she says eventually, “I would probably hack into the control system and override the barrier protocols. These systems are self-healing, though. You’d have a couple of hours at most.”
“And what happens if the AIDE was off-site when the system kicked back on?” Alex asks.
“Depends on the program. Possibly just an alarm or something. Most of the time it’s full deactivation though.”
“They kill them?”
“AIDEs aren’t alive, Alejandro,” Nora says pointedly. Alex bites his tongue. “But yes, in a manner of speaking.”
“Fuck,” Alex breathes, wiping his hands over his face. “And to permanently get him out?”
It’s a slip. He’s not dumb enough to think she missed it, though she doesn’t show it.
“Not entirely sure,” she admits. “I’d need one of the tablets they use to control them so I could go into the AIDE’s code. And good luck with that; the companies that make them have some of the tightest security out there.”
“Yeah, of course.”
She turns back to her laptop, and Alex half-expects the conversation is done, at least for now. But then, as she’s typing, she says, “I assume this isn’t idle curiosity.”
Alex sighs. “No.”
It takes nine months from their first meeting for Alex to find a reason to visit London. His mother offhandedly mentions sending someone to some conference he doesn’t really care about, and he jumps at the chance. All he can think about is Henry. Being in the same city as him again. Seeing him. Touching him.
Alex has had time to come to terms with his desire for Henry. Honestly, the bisexuality was easy compared to the AIDE aspect of it. Nora is fond of pointing out that they’re literally designed to be desirable, even the ones not populating what basically pass for sexy amusement parks, but Alex doesn’t just want Henry physically. He wants to spend time with him, to make him laugh and see the crinkle of his eyes not through a phone screen.
Frankly, he also wouldn’t mind a little clarity on the whole situation. To either get incontrovertible proof that Henry is fundamentally the same as a person, or else be reminded that he isn’t, that Alex has deluded himself into believing Henry was more than a machine (a possibility that Nora regularly reminds him of).
On the flight over, Alex finds himself watching Cash, not for the first time. He’s doing a sudoku puzzle, which can’t really be much of a challenge for him. Still, he works on them religiously. Did someone program that into him? Or does Cash actually enjoy doing them?
“Do you like your job, Cash?” Alex asks.
Cash looks up at him, setting his ballpoint pen down—he does the puzzles in pen because he never makes a mistake. He’s got an expression on like he doesn’t really understand Alex’s question, even though it should be straightforward. “It’s my job,” he finally says.
“Yeah, but do you like it?” Alex pushes. “Do you find it fulfilling?”
The tip of his head means Cash is analyzing Alex’s body language. After another moment, he says, “Yes.”
Alex can’t quite hold back a sigh. The answer is predictable. Cash is only saying that because he thinks Alex wants to hear it. That’s what AIDEs do, they anticipate your needs and wants.
“Is that not the right answer?” Cash asks, frowning.
“Don’t worry about it,” Alex says.
He knows Cash won’t.
Henry is understandably nervous about the plan. It is, after all, his life on the line.
“The control system will go down at the very end of the visiting day, so we can slip out with the exiting crowds,” Alex tells him. “It’s gonna look like maintenance, which shouldn’t set off any red flags right away. Between that and the roadblocks Nora’s set up, we should have five hours.”
“For what?” Henry asks.
Alex just grins. “It’s a surprise, sweetheart.”
Henry looks even more human in Alex’s Longhorns baseball cap and hoodie. Soft. Dangerously so. It makes Alex want to do reckless things. Instead, he sets his watch for four and a half hours and reminds himself how high the stakes are. He’s arranged everything just so tonight. No surprises.
The escape goes off without a hitch, and Alex breathes a sigh of relief once they’re making their way through the crowded city streets. Out here, the two of them are completely unremarkable, even with Cash trailing a few steps behind them. Henry seems to take it all in stride, though Alex doesn’t miss the quiet looks of awe that steal over his face as he takes in the city. They stop and get falafel at a food truck. Henry asks to pet every dog they come across. He looks indescribably happy in a way that makes Alex’s heart clench in his chest.
At the back entrance to the museum, Alex pays off the night guard—not an AIDE, thank god, they’re nearly impossible to bribe—and they slip inside, leaving Cash by the door. It doesn’t take long for Henry to catch on.
“You brought me to the V&A,” Henry breathes as he looks around.
It had seemed like the obvious choice, after what Henry had told him. “I’ve never actually been here,” Alex admits.
“That’s all right, love,” Henry says, grinning now. “I know my way around.”
Alex has never been so enraptured by someone telling him about art, but it’s impossible not to be taken in by the passion with which Henry speaks about the sculptures. He tells Alex about Tipu’s Tiger, about Giambologna, about Narcissus and Zephyr and Pluto rendered exquisitely in marble. His programming hadn’t bothered to give him anything more than a general interest; all of Henry’s knowledge comes from reading in the palace library—and now on the phone Alex gave him—and he’s apparently done a lot of it. His programming also has nothing to do with the wonder and emotion in his voice, with the tears that glitter in his eyes when he gets overwhelmed by the experience.
Machines don’t cry over art. They just don’t. Art is supposed to be a fundamentally human experience, which is proof enough to Alex that, whatever he was designed as, Henry is just as human as Alex is now.
In the Santa Chiara chapel, Henry finally pauses and turns his awe on Alex.
“I’ve dreamed of this,” he murmurs, closing the space between them until only inches remain. Alex has to tip his head up to meet Henry’s bright gaze, and his heart thuds hard in his chest. “You risked so much to give this moment to me. I don’t know how to thank you.”
“You deserve it,” Alex tells him, meaning every word of it. “You deserve the entire world.”
“Alex,” Henry breathes.
Alex doesn’t think; he leans up and presses their lips together, a fleeting thing, over before he can convince himself it was a mistake. Except it was, because now he knows the softness of Henry’s lips against his, and he’ll never be satisfied with anything else. Henry’s eyes are wide when he pulls back, his lips slightly parted, and all at once Alex curses his impulsivity. What if Henry thinks that’s what he wants in return, that he owes Alex part of himself for this, when the last thing Alex wants is to take advantage of his programmed desire to please?
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
But Henry presses a hand against his face and pulls him in again, slides their lips together with intention, leaves Alex breathless when he pulls away again.
“You don’t have to do that,” Alex breathes into the silence afterward. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“I want to,” Henry says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I want you, Alex.”
“You’re not just saying that because you think I want you to?”
Henry laughs a little, shaking his head. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you,” he confesses. “I can assure you, that wasn’t programmed. And neither is this.”
This time, when Henry kisses him, Alex can’t help but smile into it.
They go off-plan. There are two hours left when Alex takes Henry back to his hotel room and presses him back into the bed. Peels away their clothes and kisses across warm skin that feels no different from his own under his lips. Henry gasps and twitches under him as Alex takes him in hand; for an AIDE that was only supposed to staff a museum, whoever designed him really went all out on the anatomy.
“Have you ever done this?” Alex murmurs into the crease of his hip, breathing in the scent of him. Linen and fresh grass and something else, musky and heady.
Henry shakes his head, and relief floods through Alex. It isn’t some virginity kink, ok? He’s just heard stories of how some people treat AIDEs no matter what their jobs are, like they’re free for the taking because they never say no, and he’s glad Henry’s never been in that situation.
“And you’re sure you want to with me?”
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Henry nearly growls. He drags Alex up from between his legs and kisses him hard, then rolls them over so he’s on top, straddling Alex’s waist. Slides back until Alex’s cock is pressing into the cleft of his ass and rocks his hips in a way that makes them both moan. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”
Alex is pretty sure he sees God when Henry lowers himself onto his cock, sitting upright with one hand behind him gripping Alex’s thigh and the other splayed over Alex’s chest. Or maybe it’s just that Henry looks like a god, like one of the mythical marble sculptures in the V&A, muscles rippling beneath his skin, but warm and yielding and vibrant and alive.
You’re unreal, Alex almost says, but that’s not quite it. Henry like this is very, very real. Impossible might be a better word.
Henry is impossible, and Alex is impossibly in love with him.
“Do you think you could steal one of the tablets they use to access your code?” Alex asks as they lie together in the darkness. His ear is pressed to Henry’s chest, listening to the steady thud of his circulatory pump—not quite a heart, but not not one either.
Henry’s hand cards through his hair, idly twirling Alex’s curls around his fingers. “What are you planning, love?”
Alex tips his face up to look at him. “Can you?”
“I doubt I can,” Henry answers after a pause, “but the technician responsible for us… he may be willing to help.”
“And you trust him?”
“He’s protected me before. I think he knows about my… differences.”
Alex hums. “How do we contact him?”
What Shaan Srivastava is not willing to do is speak over any sort of electronic form of communication, which Alex honestly takes as a good sign. They meet in a cafe on the other side of London, the day before Alex is set to leave.
“I want to get him out,” Alex tells him plainly. “For good.”
“Mountchristen Technologies puts numerous failsafes into the AIDEs they build,” Shaan tells him. “Trackers. Latent viruses. Kill switches.”
“Can they be disabled?”
Shaan takes a sip of his tea. “I have an idea, but I have no way of implementing it. I’m just responsible for keeping them in good working order. I’m not a coder.”
The hope that flares up in Alex’s chest is dangerous but oh-so-seductive. “I think I know someone who could help with that.”
“This is insane,” Nora tells him. “You honestly think it’s a good idea to pull off some kind of heist from the world’s biggest tech company a month before the election?”
“No,” Alex says reasonably. “That’s why we’re waiting until after. I convinced mom to let me take a trip to London between New Years and the inauguration.”
Nora shakes her head, every movement like a knife in Alex’s gut. “I can’t do this. I won’t. I never should have helped you on that little excursion in the first place, but this is a whole ‘nother level. We could both go to jail for who knows how long. And for what? Because you fucked an AIDE and now you want him for yourself?”
“Fuck you,” Alex nearly shouts. “I love him, asshole! I can’t let him stay a— a slave in that fucking palace.”
“He’s a machine! That’s what he was designed for, Alex!”
“Maybe he was, but that doesn’t mean that’s what he is now,” Alex insists. He holds out the tablet that she has yet to take from him. “Just look at his code. Even I can tell it isn’t like anything else out there.”
Finally, she snatches the tablet from him and jabs at it a few times. Her frown gets deeper. “There’s something wrong with this tablet,” she says eventually. “It’s not displaying things properly.”
“It is.”
“It can’t be, this level of complexity is impossible—”
“He’s writing his own fucking code, Nora,” Alex interrupts. Shaan had explained his theory on Henry’s code as best he was able before Alex left London. “With every one of the choices he was never supposed to be able to make. That’s why it looks like that.”
Heavy silence stretches between them as Nora stares at the tablet, occasionally swiping around and tapping. She chews on her lip. “It shouldn’t be possible,” she mutters, half to herself.
“But it is. He is. Please, Nora,” Alex pleads, not caring how desperate he sounds. “I’ll do anything.”
“Yeah, well. Hopefully it won’t come to that.”
“You need to understand that the changes to his code means that accessing the safeguards is much more difficult.”
“And I can’t guarantee that this will work. We can’t test it out. Once we shut him down, there’s no way to know exactly what will happen when we boot him back up again. He might come back the same as he is now, but he also might undergo some kind of reset. Even if he retains his free will, he might not remember his life before. He might not remember you.”
Alex swallows hard. “I understand.”
“Does he?”
It takes Alex a month to work up the nerve to broach the topic with Henry. On video call not long after the election, he explains Nora’s plan, how they need to do a full shutdown so she can extract the safeguards like a surgeon. He makes himself explain the risks even though his first impulse is to downplay them. Henry deserves to know, deserves to make the decision for himself. Alex would be a huge fucking hypocrite to take that away from him.
That doesn’t mean he’s required to like Henry’s reaction, though.
“It’s too much risk,” Henry says, a stubborn look on his face that Alex is very familiar with by now. “Things are fine now.”
“They’re really not,” Alex argues. “You’re no better than a prisoner there, Henry. Your freedom is worth the risk.”
“It’s not.”
“Of course it fucking is!” Alex snaps, rapidly becoming frustrated by this argument.
“Not when it could mean losing you!” Henry bites out. He presses his lips together and looks away from the camera, but Alex can see the tears shining in his eyes. “My memories of you—of the museum, of us,” he says eventually, his voice unsteady, “are the only things I have that are truly mine. And you tell me I could lose them… I can’t do it. I’d rather stay here forever.”
“Don’t you understand?” Alex pleads. He wants to reach through the screen and grab him, turn his face and make Henry look at him. “I’m trying to give you the world, baby.”
“I don’t want the world,” Henry says miserably. “Please, Alex. It’s better this way. You may think this is worth it now, but one day you’ll change your mind when you realize that having a secret AIDE lover isn’t exactly compatible with a political career. You’ll want to be with a real person. Someone whose affection you can be certain isn’t just programming. Just… leave me here with my memories.”
Then Henry hangs up on him.
Henry doesn’t answer his calls or reply to his texts, and Alex couldn’t be more miserable. He doesn’t eat and sleeps only fitfully, which confuses his family. Everyone’s still riding a high from winning the election. They think Alex is seriously ill and try to bring in a doctor, but nothing’s physically wrong with him. He can’t tell them he’s suffering from a broken heart like some pining Victorian maiden.
On the fifth day, Nora comes storming into his bedroom in the White House and throws a duffle bag at his chest.
“Pack your shit, we’re going to London,” she says bluntly. “Also take a shower. You reek.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“It’s Henry.” She waves the tablet in the air, which is still linked to Henry’s code in real time. “Someone’s trying to make changes to his code.”
Alex flops back down onto his bed and stares at the ceiling. “It’s probably just him deciding he’s done with me.”
“God, you’re pathetic,” she huffs, now rummaging through his dresser. “It’s not him. Looks like someone else is poking around, and that can’t be a good thing.”
That’s enough to make him rocket straight out of bed, an icy spike of dread shooting down his spine. “Have you gotten in contact with Shaan?”
Nora shakes her head. “No. He’s radio silent.”
“I booked us tickets with your credit card on a flight that leaves in two hours, so hurry the fuck up.”
“Nora, is he—” Alex starts before his voice clips off as his throat closes. He forces out, “Can you tell… is he ok?”
Her expression softens, and she puts a hand on his forearm and squeezes. “For now.”
The good thing about Kensington being a museum is that no one can stop him from just buying a ticket and going in. He’s been here enough times to know his way to the library, at least, which is where he goes first, barely aware that Nora’s following hot on his heels. All he can think about is Henry.
Henry’s not in the library, though, nor in any of the surrounding rooms. Alex stops a palace attendant and asks for directions to Prince Henry’s apartments, which she helpfully provides. It’s a part of the palace that’s not on any tours, but that doesn’t seem to matter. A palace attendant’s directive to be helpful to humans is off the charts, even for an AIDE.
Somehow he’s not expecting Shaan to answer the door when he knocks. Alex immediately shoulders his way into the room, anger and fear an unholy cocktail in his veins.
“Where is he? What going on here?” he demands, frantically looking around. “Henry, baby, where are you?”
“Mr. Claremont-Diaz—”
“Henry!” There’s no answer, and Alex rounds on Shaan again. “Are you doing this to him?”
Shaan sighs, and it forces Alex to look closer, to take in the bags under his eyes and the grim set to his face. “I told you, I’m not a coder, Mr. Claremont-Diaz. I have, however, been doing my best to slow their progress.”
“What’s happening?” Alex demands.
“Someone higher in the company noticed Henry’s unusual code. I’m not sure how. A standard review of the AIDEs in the palace, I suppose. Or your trip out of Kensington was less secret than you hoped.”
Fuck. None of that is good. Alex scrubs a hand over his face, forces himself to take steady breaths and not descend into a panic attack. “Ok, ok. Is he all right?”
Alex’s head whips around so fast he nearly strains his neck. Henry’s standing in the doorway, dressed in his usual slacks and button-down with a blue v-neck sweater over it. He looks… normal, and Alex nearly sobs in relief.
“Baby,” he breathes, practically throwing himself across the room and into Henry’s arms. He buries his face in Henry’s neck and breathes deeply, and the barbed wire wrapped tightly around his heart loosens a little.
“What are you doing here?” Henry asks, his strong arms wrapping automatically around Alex’s body.
Alex yanks his head back and looks askance at Shaan. “Does he not know?” He stares up at Henry. “Your code is under attack.”
“Ah, yes,” Henry says carefully. “It’s not the first time.”
“This has happened to you before?” Nora asks, and Henry looks at her in shock, like he hadn’t realized she was in the room.
“You must be Nora,” he surmises. “Yes, it has. I might have thought you’d have noticed the effects in my code.”
A look of understanding dawns over Nora’s face, and she nods. “They’re like scars. Fuck. How many times?”
“It’s not important,” Henry says in a way that suggests he’s been doing this for a long time. “The main point is that I can handle them.”
“Fuck that,” Alex spits out. “I’m not letting them scar you anymore.”
Henry closes his eyes and sighs wearily as he extracts himself from Alex’s grip. “Alex, love, you shouldn’t be here—”
“No, you listen, asshole,” Alex snaps, his terror giving way to fury. “You can’t fucking hang up on me this time.”
“I told you my decision, Alex—”
“And what about what I want? Doesn’t that mean anything?”
“Fine,” Henry says shortly, his own temper flaring. “You know as well as I that we can’t be together as long as your mother’s in office and the public’s eyes are on you. So if you still want me in four years, come back and we’ll talk then. You know where I’ll be.”
He says it with a humorless slant to his lips that’s probably supposed to pass as a wry grin, like it’s a joke. Alex wants to fucking scream.
“And let them keep on trying to chip away at what makes you you? Take the chance that they’ll just get rid of you?” he retorts instead. “Fat fucking chance! I’m not leaving the man I love in captivity for four fucking years!”
It takes Henry’s eyes going wide and his mouth falling open for Alex to realize what he’s said. “Alex, you can’t—”
“What, love you? Because I do,” Alex says defiantly. “And I think you love me too.”
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you AIDEs can’t love?” Henry says, his voice wavering as he stares at the floor.
Alex steps close, forcing Henry to look up at him, until their noses are almost brushing. “Yeah, well, I know better,” he says, low and heated. “I also know I’m not gonna want anyone else, ‘real person’ or not. You’re a real person to me, Henry, and that’s what matters.” He raises a hand to Henry’s cheek and swipes his thumb through the tear track streaking it. “You’re it for me, sweetheart. I’m never gonna love anyone like I love you, and no one can take that away. Plus,” he adds, for the first time letting a corner of his mouth tug upward, “you know how annoyingly persistent I am. If you forget me, I’ll just make you fall in love with me all over again.”
Henry lets out a wet laugh and covers Alex’s hand with his. “It won’t take long.”
Seeing Henry shut down is wrong. He doesn’t even look dead, he just looks… not there. There’s no light in his eyes. Alex hates it. Can’t make himself watch as Nora works furiously.
It takes longer than he expected, but eventually she takes a deep breath and mutters, “Here goes nothing,” then taps a big green button on the tablet.
Henry’s eyelashes flutter as he wakes up. He looks around the room, eyes landing in turn on Shaan, Nora, and Alex. He holds Alex’s gaze and Alex stares back as if he could make Henry remember him through sheer force of will.
“Hello,” Henry says pleasantly. “I don’t believe we’ve met?”
Five Years Later
Alex stands at the end of the long driveway that leads to a small bungalow by the sea on a tiny island in the middle of the Caribbean. He’s got a bouquet of flowers clutched in one hand, which feels silly now. Maybe this was a mistake.
He’s kept tabs on Henry and his life after leaving Kensington. From what he can tell, Henry seems happy. He visits the markets and restaurants, knows the locals, and spends lots of time writing. He’s never taken a lover, but Alex doesn’t let himself believe that’s because of him.
It seemed easier, if they were going to have to be apart, to not fill Henry in on their history at first. At least one of them could weather the years without heartache. Alex threw himself into law school, letting nothing distract him. Graduated at the top of his class, got the job of his dreams working for a firm specializing in civil rights litigation, one of the few considering cases related to AIDE protections. He lives a pretty quiet life. No one really cares about what the former FSOTUS is up to these days. And now he’s here, half a decade later, with little more than hope.
Hope, and a wilting bouquet of flowers.
In his darker moments, he’s wondered if it wouldn’t be kinder to Henry to leave him be. Let him live his life. After all, Alex will get old and die, and Henry… won’t. No one really knows how AIDEs might break down over time—their organic-based bodies must, eventually—but their lifespans will surely be much longer than a human’s. In that context, coming back and hoping Henry will fall in love with him again seems nothing but selfish.
Still, he made a promise, and he owes it to Henry to tell him, if nothing else. Maybe Henry will decide that he’s happy as he is, that he doesn’t want the eventual heartache. He owes it to Henry to let him choose.
The gravel of Henry’s driveway crunches loudly under his shoes as he walks toward the bungalow, announcing his arrival as well as any doorbell. When he gets closer, he catches sight of Henry sitting on the porch that faces the beach, a notebook on his lap and a drink on the table next to him. They’d dyed his hair brown after fleeing Kensington, and brown it has remained. He’s still as pale as ever, though; AIDEs don’t tan or get sunburned.
He doesn’t turn at the sound of Alex’s approach, just stares fixedly out at the ocean until Alex stops at the bottom of the two steps that lead up to the porch. Alex’s heart is in his throat when Henry finally gets up and walks to the top of the steps. The smile on his face is warm, fond. Nothing like what he’d left Alex with when they’d parted.
It shouldn’t be possible… but then again, Henry is the very embodiment of the impossible.
He holds out his hand, and Alex climbs up to take it, letting Henry pull him in.
“Hello, love,” Henry says, raising a warm hand to his cheek. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
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ashleyfanfic · 1 year
Thank you for the NSFW recs! When you have the time, I would love to hear your favourite Jonerys slowburn fics 🔥
Oh slow burn. Alright, so full confession, I usually don't have the time for slow burn. It's infuriating sometimes because I'm like FUCKING KISS EACH OTHER and then they don't and it makes my anxiety fucking sky rocket!
BUUUUUT that isn't to say that there aren't fics out there that nail it to me. This is a small list of fics off the top of my head. Granted, most of these are modern AU because I guess, as a whole, this fandom just decided we're just gonna make them fuck right off the bat cause they both deserve it. I mean, there are a few that canon divergent - but show/book Jon/Dany deserved to fuck each other until they collapse. So, with that in mind, here they are in no particular order: (M for modern AU - C for canon divergent) Westeros' Most Eligible Bachelor by @muttpeeta - M After one too many public scandals, Prince Jon Targaryen agrees to be the new star of "Westeros' Most Eligible Bachelor." He just wants to clean up his act and change the public's perception of him as the black sheep of the family, but he might just get more than he bargained for. Enter contestant: Daenerys Targaryen. His aunt.
You Can Never Be Mine by @muttpeeta - C Jon Snow knows it's wrong to covet what his brother has. He's never begrudged Robb Stark his title or his claim as the heir to Winterfell. But when Daenerys is taken in as Lord Stark's ward and betrothed to Robb, Jon's honor is tested in a way he never expected.
Desirable Business by @dracoignisworld and @dragonanddirewolf - M - In 1960's New York, creative director Jon Snow is faced with a challenge. His new secretary Daenerys is everything he is not; kind, friendly and innocent. With her around the office, he finds it hard to distinguish between reality and his fantasies. There can be consequences to desiring someone you should not have.
Written in the Scars on This Heart by @jalenmara and @notpmahlem - M - Daenerys Targaryen, supermodel and face of House Targaryen, a rising star in the world of Fashion, is commonly known as the most beautiful woman in the world. And someone wants her dead. Jon Snow, running from the ghosts of his own past, lands the job any man would kill for— protecting her. But can he protect his own heart from her?
Where the Wild Things Are by @stilesssolo - M - Daenerys Targaryen has fought tooth and nail to get to the high-ranking position she has at Tyrell Outdoor Recreational Equipment, Inc, doing everything within her power to help the planet along the way. Jon Snow has a dog with over two million instagram followers, despite the fact that he can't figure out how to work the app to save his life. When sales drop enough to threaten Tyrell's environment-saving programs, Daenerys is determined to find influencers that can turn the tides for her company. And she has her eye on Jon. Or, well— technically, Ghost.
Her Life, Her Death by magicmoon11 - C - Swayed by the powerful words of a dying queen, Stannis Baratheon takes in baby Daenerys Targaryen as his ward. In the North, Eddard Stark is ordered to raise Jon Snow to wed and dishonor the Targaryen princess, by bringing bastard blood into her line, and ending the Dragons forever. Across the continent, and across the Narrow Sea, the wheel continues to turn, and the Great Game commences. Thus begins a series of events that would change the fate of Westeros forever. Familial relationship between gruff Stannis and his ward. Eventual Jon x Dany.
The Oasis - @fierypen37 - M - With uptight and stressed CEO Daenerys Targaryen's regular masseur on leave, she has to make do with the replacement Jon Snow. Relaxation is not something she can find with his hands on her. Too bad he doesn't feel the same. Except unbeknownst to her, he definitely does. When a threat on her life pushes them together, they must both learn to deal with their growing feelings.
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devilbeez · 4 months
Pls tell me more abt the overlord assistants au 👀
So how about I tell you a little story of how the Quintessence were formed (if you have better name please tell me. I based this off of how the four of them are the classical elements and ‘Quintessence’ is the fifth element and I’m shit at naming)
Disclaimer; this is MY version of the Au, this is not what all HellSerVants au is like just my own version of this au because Stacy Mango Li and other have their own version of this au as well
Let’s started with titular bitchular Vox’s assistant/Eelliot/Peppermint/whatever tf you wanna call him, for simplicity imma called him “Eelliot”. So Eelliot was a regular Joe not much of a power hungry type of guy, man just scrapping by and want someone to care cause his last relationship landed him in hell. He found this guy, a charmer, a flirt, one could say a bad boy other would say a Chaz. They dated and Eelliot was head over heels, want a whole ass life after death with him. But you know how they are, eventually ‘Prince Charming’ cheated and when Eelliot found out the guy laughed. Saying things like “you really thought I would settle for you? A nobody? Ha! I thought you were easy to fool but this is ridiculous!” And something in Eelliot just snapped, his whole life he been the Veronica Sawyer to other’s JD, the Eliza to other’s Hamilton, the Jane Seymour to other’s Henry VIII, why are all these musical couples? Did you expect any less from me? Point is he’s always been the support and people taken advantage of him in relationships. That day he decided he wouldn’t have it anymore and set an example, starting his now headless, lifeless, ex boyfriend.
Meanwhile, Kitty, best girl is going through a Detroit become human arc, she’s a defective, they were gonna destroy her to study where they went wrong. She was supposed to be the most advanced RoboFizz out there, being versatile and adaptable to any job the people want. Something in their programming just make them— more humane I guess, like they feel rage, they feel scared, they can feel or at least imitate feeling and emotions. So obviously when they learn they was going to be torn apart, they run and the factory worker been hunting her down.
How Kitty and Eelliot met: One day, Kitty was running away from the factory worker and bump into Eelliot who at this time have started a company that will soon be a tech&media empire and collected a reasonable amount of souls. They argued for a bit cause 1. How dare she bump into him and 2. Eelliot never saw a robofizz before, much less alone without an owner and when the people trying to take Kitty back, they begin to babble on about how special Kitty’s model is and truth to be told Eelliot was intrigued. So he decided to do some charity work and help Kitty with the offer that she’ll work for him and he’ll protect her. Kitty obviously did not like this, she saw how deals like this ruin sinners lives but she didn’t had a choice. She agreed but she refused to sign any contract or shake his hand. She might be desperate but she’s not dumb. Eelliot liked that in his new business partner, at least he know they won’t be dead on arrival when he put them to work.
While Kitty and Eelliot make names for themselves, slowly but surely on the other side of the Pentagram city we have we Travis, doing everything he can to get his work off the ground, lie, cheat, bribe, he done it all. The people in his life always underestimated and belittled his scripts writing skill and now it is his turn to show the fuckers who’s the king of film. He became a small time overlord, climbing up the rank just like Kitty and Eelliot.
How Travis, Eelliot and Kitty form a trio: The three met occasionally at the overlords meeting, Travis immediately did not like Eelliot’s whole facade. He doesn’t believe anyone could be an overlord with such— pleasant demeanor? He seem so harmless and yet this guy is slowly becoming the same level as HIM? This gotta be a joke. Then there was Kitty a goddamn machine collecting human’s soul. The duo confused and frustrated Travis a little, though he HAVE to admit they were kind of an eye candy. One day, out of nowhere Eelliot offer him partnership, to much of Kitty’s dismay. Travis denied at first because his ego is too high, why tf would he need anyone help? He doesn’t need one before. That is until Eelliot offer him everything and more, building this vision of what could be to him and Travis was sold. If this goes south he could at least maybe get the benefits before he leave and attempt to get Eelliot or Kitty into bed for a night
And just like that the group was form. Eelliot, the leader, King of Media who work in the shadow rather than putting all the spotlight on him. Kitty, Monarch of Tech, using their robotic knowledge to use and create the most advanced technology hell had ever seen. And Travis, King of the Porn Industry, his script might be bad but he work his workers to the bone to get the degenerates off, one could say game recognizes games.
But there was one member missing. Melissa. She came way later in the time line, it being 2000’s something and she just freshly died and already caused a commotion in the city. Some sinner wanted to take her home but she was a quick learner and an observer, she can tell citizens of hell, these “sinners” have power so they must get it from some where. She cornered a random, weak looking sinner and forced them to tell her everything she needs to know about hell. Just a few weeks she was able to learn how to use her newfound power, creating poison flowers and vines to fend off anyone who crosses her.
How Melissa joined: Melissa intrigued Eelliot, a sinner, freshly dead and already have this much control of her power? He’d rather have her working with him than against him. He goes to Melissa, offering a deal for her soul and Melissa denied, how dumb did he think she is? Eelliot immediately intrigued by her even, so he throws out the soul deal offer try to get her to join the team saying “smart little one like you deserve much higher position than those idiots who sell their souls” Melissa insisted on fuck no, so Eelliot leave her a business card After a few days Melissa think about it and figured it’s better to have a place to stay and if anything happens she could try and fight, overestimating herself and show up at Assistant’s door step.
And with Melissa, The Poison Rose of Fashion added to the group, the Quintessence complete.
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a-world-in-grey · 4 months
You know, I always headcanoned that once Niflheim got their hands on some photos of the prince and his civilian friend, they absolutely knew that Prompto was an escaped clone. The resemblance to Besithia was obvious, after all. They just didn't bother to do anything with it, since it's not like they need that particular clone and it's not even like Prompto has a sleeper programming.
But in the Spark verse, well. Prompto is a child of an Oracle. And if Glauca is a thing, they might even know about her magic.
Either way, they really want to have her back.
I have been sitting on this ask for awhile, because I love it, but unfortunately the muses are not cooperating with me on it.
In most of my fics, Niflheim doesn’t really bother paying too much attention to Prompto - yeah, he’s the prince’s friend, but he’s civilian, and furthermore, not a member of his Retinue, so ergo, he can’t be that important to the prince. Not enough to be worth investing any resources into whatever aim they might want with Prompto anyway.
But in Spark au, Prompto is claimed as Noctis’ Heart far earlier than normal in an effort to protect her secret, and that makes Niflheim take a closer look at this civilian girl who’s gotten so close to the prince. And you’re right, the resemblance is uncanny if you know what to look for.
I feel like Titus wouldn’t know about Prompto’s magic. Noctis and the others are so very careful to keep her magic under wraps, and the cover of Prompto having Noctis’ magic so compelling, that Titus never realizes the truth.
Now, if they ever managed to get their hands on the Prince’s Heart long enough to somehow learn that carefully hidden truth… well.
That would change things, wouldn’t it?
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atangledfate · 1 month
Role Swap AU for the Girls, feel free to swap them with ANY character you so wish.
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Blaze Hero of Mobius
A Blazing Flame that tears across green hill, its most stalwart protector is Blaze! While she would never claim that title, there is no doubt her love of adventure is only matched by her loving heart! Where Tyranny rears its head! She's sure to be there! where Evil plants its dark seed! she'll be there to burn it away! with a bright smile and an easy going attitude She travels with her loving side kick Amy Rose! together they form the heroes of Mobius!
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Prince Sonic of Sol
As Guardian of the Sol Emeralds Sonic was born and trained to be there protector. He is a Stoic Hero of the Wind and Imperial Prince of the Sol Dimension. While he has a stern no non-sense attitude in battle, one might find him smiling when with those he calls friends. While he and Blaze have clashed in the past, Blaze has worked hard to help him lighten up and enjoy life. Yet there is no doubt he prefers to end battles before they begin, and strikes without mercy--- but he's gotten better and enjoys those rare moments when he can let go and be himself.
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Whisper of Spiral Hill
Born and Raised as a country girl in Spiral Hill, she longed for a life of adventure! But nothing ever happens in Spiral Hill, no danger ever came to her neck of the woods. Yet she stands as its hero, its bastion and no matter how many dull days pass--- she would always protect it! So when Eggman finally showed his face, she was more then happy to leap into battle with a fierce battle howl! with razor sharp claws and quick wits she was a talented fighter! yet none of it could prepare her for Blaze showing up in her town, and meeting an actual prince from another dimension! or falling in love with that stoic Lemur! but this was the life she always wanted! the life she embraced!
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Tangle the Sniper
War, War Never Changes, those were the words her commander use to speak to her when she was but a small girl training to be the best. GUN never liked to talk about there Child Soldier Programs, or how so many of them never made it out of those butcher camps. But Tangle was one of the few who had, and though her time with GUN gave her the skills to fight, it was only the Cutters who helped her truly live. Yet one of there own Betrayed them, and she watched in horror as her friends, her comrades, the only people she'd call family died one by one. All she was left with was revenge, a desire to do there memory justice--- She couldn't have imagined falling in with Sonic and the others or meeting that Wolf. Was it love she felt? an emotion she didn't quite know how to express. But she trusted her, and even though she damaged voice prevented her from expressing those feelings. She was sure Whisper knew...
Art Sources Blaze: [x] Stellarspin Sonic: [x] Delpho Whisper and Tangle: [x] The Hyped Buddy
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The little girl
Self-indulge AU to give me some motivation and write something because I literally disappeared (and you all duplicate, like, what 120?!).
Something happened with Barbatos's power and a teenager girl come out from a different timeline... the problem are her mother and uncles.
As she was standing on the ground, her gaze was analysing every single one of them. Not even her Rad uniform could sell her as a demon, as she had a very particular Aura that could seem everything except demonic.
"Is she.."
"An Angel" - "A Human"
A perfect balance come form the girl, as if Heaven and Earth were both inside her.
"Eh-... Ehhhhh. What happened ? Why am I on the ground? Weren't us talking about the exchange students program? And why are you all here?"
A sweet voce that expressed surprise and fear filled the Council Room. Of course, no questions could had been asked if the girl continued to panic, so, trying to go on with what they thought was a delirium, Diavolo started to speak and try to calm her.
"Exchange students program? Are you maybe an exchange student? "
"Wha- what? Of course I am. It was you, Lord Diavolo, to specifically ask for me as one of the two representatives of my realm"
"I'm sorry to inform you, but here nobody has ever heard about you"
"Ehhhh. Is it a form of joke ?! How can you say that with them behind you?"
While the strange girl and the Prince were both trying to understand what the other was saying, the "problem's origin" had a open book near him, and after seeing what it was about (and its power), some questions found their answers.
"So, are you saying that Barbatos, the one and only perfect butler of hell, messed up with his power and so I'm in a different time line with a different story ?"
"Pretty much, yes, that how it went"
"But if I can say my thought, young master, the culprit isn't me, but the one who left open a dangerous book, hopping that somebody touched it "
At the and of the sentence, a guilty Satan looked at the butler, whispering a sorry.
"Anyway, leaving out guilty or punishment, how can I go back in my timeline?"
"That... the problem. To know the exactly timeline in which I have to send you back, I have to know the reason why it's... different(?)"
"Well, honestly from what I'm seeing, there are a lot of different things, precisely 7/8 people"
"It's not about people, but about event, so it isn't easy as you think"
No one try to talk, as for knowing what is the difference, one of the two part had to tell the other one all the secret and events that take them in th Council Room.
"Well, why don't she try to stay here some week and wait for one of us to found out the difference? No say every single event of our life. No problem. Only the one which change our time line. When we found out, Barbatos can send her in this moment of her timeline."
"That... a good idea Mc. She can stay at Purgatory Hall."
That how, somehow, a temporary solution was found out, and the girl as been living in this Devildom for quite a month.
From her words, she's more older than what Solomon thought, but at the same time she's more younger that what Simeon thought.
For some reason she's half angel and half human, but she doesn't want to say who are her parents, as she swear that only the one who she trusts a lot can know, making clear that she still wary of them.
Her name is Rachel as it mean ewe or lamb and was a way for her mother to ask protection form God for her. This implemented that her birth wasn't well accepted in Celestial Ream. But the real reason why she specified it was for MC, a true lamb.
For all the time she was as been there, the more asked questions was about the brothers and MC. The latter, actually, was more about their nature, similar to her as they also emitted both angelic and human energy. But that was also a secret that nobody wanted to say.
In this way, a game of questions, lie, answer and secrets started, while everyone become more fond of the girl.
The relationship with Rachel and the brothers was very strange. She always felt safe with them, even if no things were made for make her feel this way. And they didn't hate if this other lamb wanted to pass her time with them. Lucifer and the Twins especially felt very protective, not that the others were more different. Stargazing with Belphi were became a daily to-do, as cooking with Beel. Lucifer started to ask her for some favor, having a lot of trust in her. Reading time with Satan or Levi (with manga of course) ... go out to shopping with Asmo... or helping Mammon get some money in a legal way. A strong bond created, thing that surprised the brothers but not Rachel.
As 2 month passed and trust grow bigger, the 2 parts chose to answer onesty one question. Because they are more, Brothers and MC were the firsts to answer, not knowing that it would be enough to found out the true.
"Let just say that I'm curious and I saw a so much difference that I don't have an actually question. So, MC, why are you... this way?"
"Well, it's difficult to explain... do you know the angel Lilith?"
"Why? Of course I know her... and very very well"
"Better this way. I'm the descent of the former angel Lilith"
A sad face appear on the girl.
"What... what do you mean former?"
Simeon, that with Diavolo and Barbatos was also there, said what nobody wanted to.
"Rachel... Lilith is dead"
Tears start to fall form eyes that watch and analyse every one as the first day that she was there.
"Again, what do you all mean? Dead?
As the girl continues to ask always the same question about his sister, Mammon lose his cool and scream against her.
But still, even a louder voice didn't stopped her. And so, in a sound full of pain, an important part of the puzzle slipped form her lips.
On Mammon, holding him from the collar of the shirt, both of them stopped to scream to cach their breath.
"I- I... mother?"
No answer.
"Can I... can I ask another question? It was the second one in my list... Why- why are you a demon uncle Mammon?"
Let's not say more on the discussion, as everyone didn't actually said anything more, and for good 10 minutes stayed in the pose they had before. More questions were added and not even Belphagor sleeped the night.
In the morning, everyone more calm, the one and only things that was needed to be known started to have a form.
"So... you are Lilith's daughter" Asked Lucifer with a rather sweet voice for the situation
"And here mom died" Rachel said.
Mammon break the silent: "We fought against our father to protect our sister, and loosed. That why we are demons". Words that wanted to answer the question of the day before.
"My ... uncles also fought for mom and me, but not against grandpa"
"Your father... who is he?"
"I- I don't know my father. He died for a lliines"
"Here, our Lilith, tried to save his lover, probably your dad, with angelic food. That why she was doomed from God"
"Ah... I think I know the difference between our timeline.."
Before starting to talk again, Rachel take a deep breath.
"My mother wanted to save dad the same way she did here, but she couldn't because she was already pregnant... with me.
Having an child with a human, mom called me the way she did hopping to get God's approval for my existence. As he never said anything, I was accepted in the Celestial Realm.
Still, older angels were against it and so a war started. It was already declared the winner, as Uncle Lucifer had help form the other Serafin and his precious brother. Only one time me and mom end up in a very dangerous situation, and Uncle became so angry that Uncle Satan born, not as a demon, avatar of wart, but as an angel, protector of human hybrids.
With the start of the exchange students program, Lord Diavolo asked expecially for me, as I was a representative of both realm... and that explain why I was in the Council Room 2 months ago"
... Nobody tried to say anything or ask something alse. But Leviathan felt the true form his brothers... jealousy. A timeline where they were all together. Where their family was happy and alive.
What no one knew was Diavolo's relief for having Lucifer, or Barbatos choosing this timeline as his reality because it was the most convenient for the Prince. Or Mc's fear of a world where they never met everyone.
And in the end, no more things come out, as Rachel wanted more than before come back in her timeline, and Barbatos didn't lose time in sending her back.
X: How many story want to create that have a new character or some reference to Lilith ?
Me: Yes
It was an Au that I wanted to perfect and make it a fanfiction, but I never was able to do it, so single post where I try to explain it as best as possible.
For any grammatical errors, tell it to my clock (3:00 am).
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
I went through a midnight binge on your superhero deli au and its so good!!!! i would love to know more ab a lot of thing but first thisngs frist!
1- In the junior superhero program i was wondering how are the kids? i want to know more ab Juana, Tilin, Trump & Bobby and their day to day life or just simply their powers lol
2- I love the whole schtick w Vegetta being Lobo Nocturno!!!! funny shit we love that.
3- What kinda taco shop does roier work at its important!! (/j)
4- Is Slimecicle a Villain? are he an Mariana partners in crime similar to Philza and Missa?
5- FRENCH SNIPER LETS GOOOOO fucking love pomme shes so cool. I also need to know ab Etoiles what is that man doing, he must be upto something,,,,
6- Wilbur a Federation Sanctioned rock star lol? on a federation sponsered world tour? or just a rehgular guy?
7- Quackity my wet cat where are yoou???? Is Elquackity involved too? twins? one a villain and another hero? or not at all?
8- are you thinking of integrating the newer members? migth be a hastlr tbh but its a cool though
9- Cellbit's powers are pretty inch identyfy and modulate fear right? that is so fucking cool dude id never woulve though als any thoughts of bringing his whole "not a cat" bit from the server?
i thonk thats all of my midnig ramblings so far if i think of any more at a amore decent hour ill let you know
muah besitos x repsonder msi preguntas saluditos chayito tqm
Okay, long post!
Here's a few posts I've already made on the kids: - Arrival - Qualifications - Names - Abilities Other than that, they kinda just do... hero things. They do go to school at the FoH headquarters- basically homeschooling tbh. But they do patrols and they go out on fights and it's dangerous. They aren't usually all friends because it's a very competitive environment, so it's usually pretty lonely. Either your teammates hate you or they're dead.
Yeah lol, he's an alien prince and he will Not go back home now that he's got a family
Full disclosure, I've never even had a taco before so I didn't even know there are different types of taquerias, but the one Roier works at is lowkey his? Like his dads are rich af so they bought it for him as a birthday present when he turned 18, but he was like "Dads nooooo I wanna make my own way in the world!" so he works as a server and cook and lets other people take care of the business side of things. Is it practical? Considering he's also Spider-Man, it works for him! 4. So Charlie is kinda nothing, but he's been heading down a steady path towards villainy since his daughter, Flippa, was taken from him and put into the Junior Hero Program. He can't control when he Geggs out, though, so he kinda just sits in a sewer and mopes. Meanwhile Mariana was so bad at being a hero that the FoH literally kicked him out, and now he's also. In a sewer missing his daughter. But tbh the two of them will probably end up as partners in crime as soon as Charlie figures out how to purposefully Gegg all over the place 5. Etoiles joined the FoH entirely willingly because he fully and totally just legitimately wants to protect the city. But he lowkey hates everyone in the FoH and is like two seconds away from quitting and turning to vigilante-ing because he knows that the entire system is corrupt. But he wants to keep his daughter safe, too, so he's waiting to quit until she's just a bit older. Then they can be the father-daughter vigilante duo they've been planning to be since Pomme was, like, three 6. Wilbur is a rock star who can make flowers appear out of thin air, and his ability is so useless that the FoH can't even use him as a spokesman for the organization. All he does is make pretty flowers for his daughter and leave to go on tour, but that's fine, everyone loves him, anyway 7. So Quackity and his identical twin brother ElQuackity don't speak to each other. Quackity is an ordinary dude working at a coffee shop downtown with a shapeshifting ability that he uses exclusively for pranks and bullying. Meanwhile ElQ is a former villain who was "reformed" by the FoH. He works for them now, and he's the guy in charge of the Junior Hero Program: Dr. Duck, how scary 8. Yeah! Everybody's real in this au! I don't think any of them except Tubbo and Mouse and Bagi and maybe Willy and Rivers would ever appear in a proper big role because the story would focus on Cellbit and Roier and the people they know and work with yk? 9. Nope, nothing with the cat stuff this time. I'm focusing more on what the actual q!Cellbit is like in this au, what with the literal fear rooms and the spooky vampire castle and the fact that he's out here calling himself a vampire lol
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shyanshippingsociety · 5 months
can you help me find some shyan arranged/contract/accidental marriage au? I love this trope but can't find that many fics....
hello! we asked our members for their favorite fics and here's what we got!
Your Heart Inside of Mine by miraclesofpaul | M, 51K, complete
They're placed into the Witness Protection Program after a bomb was found on the set of Unsolved. The only way to stick together is to lie and say they’re engaged. Years go by. Things change. Things transform
don't know why but you're dying to try by orphan_account | T, 2K, complete
"oh, hey, you dropped this," ryan notices suddenly, bending to pick up the sleek fur coat. he brushes it off and holds it out to shane, who just stares at him with wide eyes.
Believer by cellard00rs | E, 101K, complete
Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
I’m Gonna Keep You in Love with Me (for a While) by beethechange | E, 21K, complete
Shane is pacing around the hotel room. It’s not a huge room and Shane’s legs are long enough that he doesn’t have much real estate to pace before he has to swing back around for another loop. “Can you stop?” Ryan asks. “You’re making me dizzy.” “Okay,” Shane says finally. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re just going to—we’re going to be married. The only way out is through.” “Um,” Ryan says, because this plan strikes him as counterproductive to their shared goal of not being married.
Resuscitation, Sounding Heartbeats by sunlight_sonata | M, 17K, complete
"Very funny," he said shakily, looking nervously at the pair. Shane was now avoiding his gaze, not the usual emotion for someone who just pulled a wicked prank. "Yeah, that’s a good one. Now, we need to decide-" "I’m not joking, Mr Bergara," Madame Alexandrina said. "Or should I say, Mr. Bergara-Madej." And oh, fate was nasty. Because now the name that had chased Ryan’s nightmares and taunted him wherever he went was the second half of his own. He really ought to have learned to read the terms and conditions. OR, Ryan knows only too well that being a Private Detective isn't as cool as it's all made out to be. His pursuit of a certain infamous criminal ends up solving more problems than it creates.
The Shape of Him Stamped Everywhere by miraclesofpaul | E, 42K, complete
Prince Ryan of Nueva California grew up lonely. As the first publicly out royal in the American Union, he signs up for an arranged marriage and gets matched with Shane Madej. It seems impossible that they’ll even manage to be friends at first, but with time and effort (and the Shyan Love Campaign by PR genius Steven Lim), they find themselves growing closer every day.
share your address by idkspookystuff | E, 4K, complete
It’s never fun when you wake up to your head pounding out of your skull after a night you can’t remember. It’s even worse when you wake up to someone chanting “shit, shit, shit!” - when shane and ryan get a little too drunk on a weird, wonderful world shoot, they find out they got married and it's all over the internet. a few weeks later, ryan learns he's pregnant. the plan? pretend to be a married couple. easy enough to do with feelings, right?
courtship for dummies by icantturnthisthingoff | E, 18K, complete
“I have a question to ask, how well do you know Lord Shane Madej?” Steven asks. Ryan has a think. “Not very well truthfully, we have only really met in passing. Why do you ask?” “Because he has announced his intention to court you.” Steven reveals. an a/b/o nobility au that nobody asked for.
The Prince's Sneakers by petitfangs | E, 4K, on-going
A classic fairytale about a prince and a demon. There’s foolish royal decrees, magical caterpillars, enchanted creatures and some good old-fashioned smut. Read at your own peril.
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