#prismatic bell
crippled-peeper · 7 months
seeing prismatic bell get their head ripped off for making shitty posts supporting genocide is so interesting just personally because like 6 months ago they tried going after me (a man with. a spinal cord injury.) for not marching like them in protests and even back then they were treating indigenous users like fucking shit. 6 fucking months ago. like they’ve been a bad person this whole time but I feel like I just walked in on everyone quartering and drawing them. if you haven’t already blocked them you’ve arrived a bit late
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biosblades · 3 months
I’ve seen whispers of various accusations, but I’ve just found out from their latest post dump that prismatic bell is a genuine violent Zionist. So I decided to do a bit more digging and it literally took me like 10 secs to find the receipts exposing ableism, racism, terf rhetoric, and other hateful behavior.
I honestly used to reblog a lot bc I feel like when they do make a good point (even broken clocks ig… or they do a really good job masking their bigotry as progressivism and sometimes that results in a few genuinely progressive stances) they’re very well articulated, but a lot of the (extremely well founded) accusations are also for spreading misinformation so I’m not trusting shit anymore. If it is something I know for a fact they’re right about I’ll just do the work to articulate it myself
Anyway I know Im like the last person to know about this but sorry to anyone who knew and was subjected to them because of me and here’s a formal warning to anyone who still wasn’t aware of who they really are
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stackslip · 1 month
good post! unfortunately up the chain of reblogs is someone i absolutely despise and even though they're making a good point, i cannot put them on main. peace
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outlier-roddy · 7 months
I thought Zionists on Twitter were annoying but they are absolutely nothing compared to Zionists on Tumblr. My God you twee tenderqueer comfy motherfuckers are complicit in a genocide please act like it
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evilsanlang · 9 months
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pov you're about to read the worst post in your life
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honeylemony · 22 days
It's so funny to see people be like "oh this popular Tumblr user who says bi-lesbians or mspec lesbians are ok is also a zionist? How could we have known!!!"
I don't know man. How could we have known. How could we have known that this extremely self centered person who says "everyone should do whatever" has a murky and unstable moral code. How could we have known that when push comes to shove they take refuge in their white fascist backgrounds. How could we have known that they find comfort in playing victim and believing themselves as a forever aggrieved party who could never do wrong to anyone else. Where were the signs.
Listen to lesbians and trans women when we tell you people hurt us. It is indicative of further things wrong with them.
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silvermoon424 · 2 months
What on EARTH have you done to get targeted by Nazis?
But basically, there's this user named ville on Youtube who's part of a group called the UTTP (UTUBETROLLPOLICE). From what I've heard, they're a bunch of kids (I hope to God they're not adults) who go around spamming comments on every Youtube video they can find and harassing people.
A few weeks ago, I told this ville guy "hey, can you stop spamming?" on a video and he flipped the fuck out even though I'm far from the only person to tell him that. I made a post on it, but since then he's made a community post about me and also a "response" video where he mocks a video of a Sailor Moon presentation I gave 7 years ago. I really don't want to go into how nasty this guy is but people are absolutely correct when they call him (and other members of the UTTP) a Nazi. I and dozens of other people have reported this account but nothing has been done, which really showcases Youtube's priorities.
On the bright side, I've recieved a huge outpouring of support from people on Youtube who have left kind comments on my channel. It's been really nice. It also helps that I honestly haven't been affected by this bullshit because I have way better things to be concerned about, like my job lmao
TL;DR- I told a Nazi troll channel to stop spamming on Youtube and now he has a vendetta against me.
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jewishgir · 4 months
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how do they not die of embarrassment and shame every time they attempt to interact with anyone ever like if I talked like this I would want to die every second but prismatic-bell says stuff like this on the daily and unfortunatley they're still kicking.
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naturalkillercyborg · 4 months
Is there a way I can take a reblog chain and surgically remove one post from the middle?
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cassandragemini · 2 months
nobody asked but just to clarify i am native but i’m not tohono o’odham specifically and ive just read about that culture a lot cause my ocs are from it. im deliberately vague online about my actual tribe cause its so small that i was able to accidentally find a cousin online just based off some guessing (i dont mean cousin as in like the distant abstract sense of “native person from the same tribe” i mean my actual cousin. hey man 👋🏾)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
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Ilia: (drunk and eating bar peanuts pathetically) I don't get it. -hic- Why? Why me?
Weiss: (is just as drunk because she started taking Ilia's drinks 5 cocktails ago) What?
Ilia: I liked Blake -hic- But I respected her feelings and wishes and let her go. -hic- Now, she comes back after months on the arm of that blonde (sighs dreamily) blonde Adonis~ -hic- (slams head against bar) I didn't even know Blake liked girls!!! I can't compete with an arm that has a built-in vibration setting!!!
Weiss: (patting Ilia on the shoulder) It's okay, Ilia. -hic- I'm sure you'll find someone.
Ilia: (ugly sobbing) I was even going to surprise her if she ever gave me a chance!
Weiss: Surprise?
(Ilia left - Weiss right)
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Weiss: ❤️‍🔥💦 (beet red, grabs Ilia and starts dragging her out of the bar) Fuck it.
Ilia: Weiss? -hic- Where are we going?
Weiss: Somewhere private. I'm giving you a chance. Now hurry up before I change my mind.
Ilia: (fist pumps) yay!!!
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kos-mos · 6 months
i think the worst thing abt tumblr making it so much harder to find an original post (or as least one of the previous additions only) is now it's so much harder to avoid prismatic bell's abnoxious ass additions
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luxwing · 6 months
Anyone who sees the shit happening in Gaza and still feels the need to go "um, actually Israel said it's not a genocide therefore you shouldn't call it that" is actively participating in covering up inhuman atrocities happening RIGHT NOW and id appreciate yall not putting those people on my dash of all places thank you
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addieieieie · 20 days
what the fuck is going on with prismatic-bell and m00nlandings
yeah i mean the context is pretty jumbled in those posts lmao. the linear timeline goes like
1) prismatic-bell (out and proud zionist) reblogs this post
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2) i send this ask
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3) i receive this ask
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and i point out that the last post before xe answered my ask was the most pathetic "debunking" of Palestinian civilian casualties
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4) prismatic bell gives the most middle school "nuh uh you" ass response
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5) prismatic-bell goes full tantrum mode, saying that i'm antisemitic for accusing xem of genocide denialism after xe...denied genocide. visit xir blog if you wanna see, xe blocked me after blowing up my DMs with links to zionist propaganda sites.
6) one of xir followers, m00nlandings, just starts being completely unhinged. you'll have to visit their page to see their reblogs because i'm blocked lol, but here's some of the asks they sent
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7) as i mentioned before, prismatic-bell sends me a flood of DMs with links to "the times of israel," and had such normal things to say such as "the UN's numbers can't be trusted either because the UN is controlled by hamas." then blocks me
8) i make a donation to MSF and a couple of individual fundraisers because me being harassed by zionists doesn't help Palestinians but donating does.
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rebellum · 1 year
Someone makes a pretty good addition to a post about Watership down:
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You look at the url and see it's that person who threatened an Indigenous person by using their nation's small population (which is small due to still-ongoing genocide) to imply that they could be easily found and doxxed
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soapthatglows · 5 months
followers stop reblogging from well known zionists challenge (impossible)
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