#prk eye surgery
clevelandeyeclinic · 4 months
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Picture this, you’re just about to head out of the house so you do a quick check to make sure you have everything you need. But when you arrive you realize you forgot something—your glasses/contacts. If you’ve felt that frustration before, then it’s time to consider what PRK eye surgery can do for you. Here is a breakdown of what PRK surgery is, its benefits, and where you can find a specialist.
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lasikcomplications · 2 months
Lasik Complications
I created this account to share my story with Lasik. I hope my experience informs others of the truth behind the Lasik industry—its deceptive marketing practices, medical negligence culture and hidden complication rates.
I got Wavefront Optimized Lasik in 2023 with the ex500 laser with an Ivy League faculty surgeon in the USA. My myopia was between -5.00 and -6.00 in both eyes beforehand. My astigmatism was minor and uncorrected beforehand, between -.25 and -.50. I actually didn’t even know I had astigmatism before getting Lasik. Since that is a normal amount for most people, it is not noticeable or corrected. My prescription had been stable for over 3 years before proceeding with Lasik.
I have many complications after Lasik and it has been traumatic both physically and mentally. It is singlehandedly the most devastating thing to ever happen to me.
The surgeon should be discussing the risks with you in relation to your specific screening and eye health history during the initial consultation, but the problem is that many do not, rather they just send you a consent form after approving you as a candidate, without explaining why thoroughly. It is solely up to you to educate and inform yourself of the risks beforehand, but you are not an expert in the field so may not know what to look for in your own research.
Below are the things I wish I had known before going through with the procedure.
1) The risk of ectasia in relation to your individual screening results (corneal thickness, age, prescription, etc.). How corneal thickness impacts possibility of retreatment down the line if needed, how further treatment would greatly increase the risk of ectasia by further thinning the cornea. The risk is also very dependent on your current prescription and current corneal thickness. Higher prescriptions require more tissue removal.
2) Dry eye risk in relation to your screening. Explanation of how Lasik severs nerves which causes dry eye, risk of corneal neuralgia if nerves do not heal adequately. Explanation of how nerves never return to preoperative levels.
3) Loss of best achieved/corrected visual acuity and loss of contrast particularly at night due to pupil dilation.
4) Risk of starbursts/halos at night in relation to the patient’s pupil size vs. treatment zone.
5) Risk of under and overcorrection, and irregular astigmatism.
6) Explanation of what the Lasik flap is, scarring risk and permanent loss of corneal strength. Comparison of risks to other procedures: PRK and Smile.
7) Risk of floaters in relation to myopia, lattice degeneration, and risk of retinal detachment or early posterior vitreous detachment due to trauma caused by suction used during procedure. 
8) Risk of rainbow glare due to laser pattern.
9) Explanation of how Lasik increases higher order aberrations which are uncorrectable through regular glasses/soft contacts and lead to visual side effects such as irregular starbursts, etc. There is no guaranteed fix--one can try topography guided retreatment, but it may not work. Scleral lenses can potentially correct but not cure.
10) Explanation of how Lasik makes cataract surgery harder to get if needed down the line. Patients getting Lasik should hold onto all previous eye records and topography scan for future cataract surgery. 11) Explanation of how Lasik leads to falsely low IOP measurements which may increase risk of undiagnosed glaucoma
Of these possible short-term and long-term risks, I currently have the following.
Rainbow glare, a rare side effect caused by the laser pattern. Usually transient over 2 years but not for all. Retreatment can fix it but cannot do due to post-Lasik dry eye syndrome and suspected corneal neuralgia.
Massive, irregular starbursts and halos at night, making night vision significantly poorer than before. I was told after the procedure during a second opinion consultation that I have larger than average dilated pupils, causing light to enter the untreated area at night which causes these visual disturbances. Only temporary pupil constriction drops can treat it, or risk topography-guided retreatment to widen the treatment zone, which may not work either. I'm not sure why I was approved for Lasik given my pupil size, but they told me nothing.
Diagnosed under correction, diagnosed worsened astigmatism after the procedure by .50 diopters in left eye
Diagnosed severe flap scarring
Diagnosed Higher order aberrations (HOAs). Spherical and coma in particular as shown by aberrometry. In only one eye I see diagonal streaks of lights on cars even during the day time, and ghosting at night making it hard to read subtitles, digital clocks, any text on dark screens (can no longer use my phone in dark mode, for example). I also see starbursts and halos at all times of day but they are massive at night. Again, HOAs cannot be easily corrected. Topography guided retreatment may or may not fix it, could make it worse, and scleral lenses may or may not help.
Floaters: I thought I had retinal detachment given all the floaters gradually appearing 1-3 months after Lasik, so I had an emergency appointment. The ophthalmologists cannot explain definitively why Lasik causes more floaters. I have been told that Lasik may just make them clearer. Another has said that the suction during the procedure stirs them up, and may damage the retina. Another has said that Lasik isn’t “supposed” to cause floaters the way cataract surgery does. But no one could provide a concrete answer. However, studies show that Lasik can lead to early Posterior Vitreous Detachment and and Retinal Detachment is a known risk of Lasik, so damage to the retina caused by the suction makes the most sense. In the most recent laser information, all of these are now listed as side effect so I was lied to.
Post-Lasik dry eye and corneal neuralgia. My nerves may or may not regrow adequately over the course of 18 months. I am currently being treated with serum tears which cost around $300 (not covered by insurance) for a 3-month supply. Serum tears are made from your own blood. Another treatment option is IPL which can be around $450 a session (also not covered by insurance). Previously tried prescription Xiidra eyedrops which is around $60 a month with insurance. Before Lasik, I rarely used eye drops. I now use them daily alongside frequent painkillers, nerve medication (Gabapentin), warm compresses and icepacks. I was told I likely had Dry Eye Syndrome before Lasik by an outside eye doctor, but wasn’t aware. I had thought I was becoming intolerant of contact lenses due to allergies. The ophthalmologist should have seen my dry eye during the Lasik screening, but if they did, they didn’t say anything and still approved me as a candidate. Many doctors will also say that Lasik “only causes dry eyes for the first few months,” but this is not true for many people. Some develop long-term or permanent dry eye syndrome and corneal neuralgia due to poor nerve regeneration. My life is very different than it was 8 months ago due to the daily discomfort and pain caused by dry eyes. This is the most devastating impact of Lasik so far. I would strongly advise against getting Lasik if you already have dry eye symptoms.
All this to say, I also knew around 10 people who got Lasik, PRK or Smile before I went through with it, and none had serious complications. Only one regretted the procedure due to regressing with his astigmatism a few years later. Another got Lasik in 2000 for -4.00 myopia and is still 20/20 today without side effects.
But given my side effects, I am shocked to be the “1 in 11.” I have wondered if the statistics are really accurate that most fare well. Even if I am the unlucky one, the 1 in 11, I would still argue that this probability is still way too high for such devastating risks. 
When I did the procedure, I was mostly basing my faith on the people around me who had gotten it, rather than digging deeper into the research, data and stories of those with complications.
A report from the FDA in 2022 highlighted some statistics around Lasik side effects/complications and they are actually quite high despite the overall short-term satisfaction rate: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/lasik/lasik-quality-life-collaboration-project#:~:text=Questionnaire%20with%20Filenames-,Study%20Results,halos)
The study also admits it doesn’t have much data on long-term side effects, long-term risks and satisfaction.
In general, the marketing around Lasik is that it has the highest satisfaction rate in the world, and is a quick and casual miracle. Given that Lasik is an elective, expensive, privately paid procedure, I believe that this is why many clinics don’t adequately discuss these risks or review the patient’s screening with them in detail. 
I am now in a Lasik support group with a lot of people who have both similar and different issues from the procedure.
The consequences of Lasik are honestly the hardest thing I have ever gone through, so I want to make sure the next person considering Lasik is more well-informed than I was, and knows their risks in relation to their individual screening and health history. If I could go back in time, I would’ve stuck with glasses and contacts.
All in all, the effects of Lasik on my physical and mental wellbeing have been truthfully devastating. My outcome and experience thus far is something for me to adapt to, cope with, accept and move forward from. 
Thank you for reading.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
The Verdict: PRK!
It will be more painful and have a longer recovery, but it'll be safer for me because I've had trouble scarring and healing in the past. No LASIK eye flap for me!
I have been distracted this week, because I was worried I'd hear, "No eye surgery for you. Two pairs of glasses for the rest of your life, or maybe until you get cataracts." Nope! I'm good to go!
But now I'm going to be distracted because the last time I had a "minor" surgery, I ended up with a wound that reopened and wouldn't heal for months, and no support from the surgeon. Negative support, actually. They bandaged my wound in a way that kept it from healing and blamed me. I had to get a referral to a wound clinic from my primary care doctor, weeks later.
I do not know these people. I only know the eye doctor I've been seeing trusts them. And I'm going back in two weeks to let them laser my eyeballs, both at once. I'm looking at a month or more of recovery - provided it goes well. Distance vision will be the first thing to come back, and close things will be blurry for longer. I'm going to try to store up illustrations and formatted posts for the duration, but the duration will be uncertain.
They're kinda iffy on whether I'll need reading glasses right away, or if the correction will stave that off for a few years. I'll be healing for a long time, so I'll need a few months before I can get a new prescription, if any.
There is a very slight chance my vision will get worse or I'll go blind. Probably about the same chance I'll get hit by a car on the way to the store. Still, anxiety, yaaay.
So, probably less Tumblring and less coherency from me in the near future. Followed by NO Tumblring for a couple weeks. I dunno what I'm gonna do other than use my eyes for fun. Probably a lot of podcasts. Any recommendations are appreciated!
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acetrainerkatie · 1 year
not to get emotional on main but all I want for my birthday next month is to have perfect vision 🥲
I don't qualify for LASIK bc my prescription is so high (-10 L -12 R and astigmatism on top of that) so my only option is ICL, which is significantly more expensive. LASIK costs around 1000-4000 USD per eye. ICL is 3500- 5000 USD per eye. and since it's considered cosmetic my insurance won't copay.
I'm 22 - almost 23 years old. I've had glasses since I was 3. my eye doctor told my mom I had the worst eyes on a 3 year old he's ever seen. he even told her there was a good chance I'd be blind before I turned 18. I'm so glad I didn't. I don't even know what I would do if I went blind...
my current financial situation isn't the best. partly my fault for quitting my second job and putting way too many bill payments on a credit card. partly for not having any financial support from family. partly for instead of going to college I moved out of my mom's shitty roach infested trailer and into a shared apartment with a roommate who leeched off of me instead of contributing anything.
like I know I don't have it the worst. I'm not homeless. I still can see with glasses. my life is ok considering the state of the world.
I just want to be able to wake up and see. to not have glasses that irritate the bridge of my nose. to not have to go on rollercoasters with my glasses in my pocket and not being able to see anything. to not be afraid of going swimming because my glasses are in a bag on a chair and not on my face. to be able to wear sunglasses comfortably so the UV rays don't make my vision worse (I'm high risk for macular degeneration and retinal detachment.) even applying makeup is impossible unless I climb onto the bathroom sink, and don't even get me started on shaving in the shower. it's these little things people take for granted, when they buy the plastic lensed glasses frames as accessories and colored contact lenses to make their eyes red or purple or gold. I didn't get a choice not to need glasses or contacts. I just want to have the option of those things without spending a fortune on getting them in my prescription, if that's even possible to start with.
like. dude. what do I do at this point?
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Laser Eye Procedures in Australia
Did you know? Our eyes are incredibly complex and essential for overall health and well-being. Common conditions like Myopia affect about 13 million people in Australia, but modern eye procedures, including laser eye surgery, offer hope. Discover the different types of laser eye surgery procedures With Dr. Chameen Samarawickrama and how they can help you see clearly! https://bit.ly/3Ki2CWB
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Cost of Laser Eye Surgery in India
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Nowadays, laser eye surgery is considered the most common surgical procedure for correcting eye-related medical problems, especially reflective errors. It is the most common surgery which is used to fix vision problems in India. About 80,000 people undergo this surgery every year. These laser eye surgeries are used to get rid of spectacles and contact lenses. No. 1 LASIK surgeries have a high success rate, but still, there may be some complications after completing the procedure. Laser eye surgeries have changed the lives of many people around the world.
Cases In Which The Patients May Have Complications During Eye Surgery
Dry eyes: Some patients may experience dry eye conditions after completing laser eye surgery. It is tested before the operation to reduce this, so the patient does not have dry eyes before surgery. Reduction in tear production and blurred vision after the surgery is normal and can be experienced. Nearly half of the total patients undergo laser eye surgery.
Contact lens: If a person is going for LASIK surgery, they should avoid wearing contact lenses. The time duration of avoiding contact lenses is to be determined by the doctor. It generally differs from case to case.
Presence of inflammation under the flap: If there is inflammation under the flap after completing the LASIK surgery, you should immediately contact your doctor. There may be various reasons behind the inflammation under the flap.
Abnormal growth of cornea: It is the complication that occurs after the LASIK surgery. This condition has an inward growth of the epithelium (uppermost layer of the cornea). It may result in discomfort and blurring of vision.
Factors Affecting The Cost Of Laser Eye Treatment In India
Type of procedure: The treatment cost is most affected by the procedure used. Normal conventional LASIK surgery will cost less when compared to that of the newer technique, SMILE laser eye surgery. SMILE eye surgery can cost you a little more, but after noticing its effectiveness and precise results, you will feel that spending each penny is worth it.
Technology: A clinic/hospital using the latest renowned technology may charge a little more than those using an older technology of lower standard.
Aftercare: Nowadays, many clinics offer an added package of aftercare.
Location: The total price of the treatment may fluctuate depending on the locality and the city in which the hospital/clinic is located.
It is the most common eye surgery done nowadays. There are four types of LASIK: I-Design, Intra-LASE, Zeiss-Femto, and Contoura. It is mainly used to treat myopia, astigmatism, and hypermetropia. A 12-15 mm flap is cut using a femtosecond laser and then an excimer to re-design the cornea for vision correction. Due to the cutting of the flap patient may feel a feeling of prickling. Also, cases of eye dryness are higher with LASIK surgery.The cost of LASIK in India ranges from 40,000 Rs. to 90,000 Rs. depending on the location and city.
Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
It is a type of eye surgery that treats refractive vision errors like myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), and astigmatism. It is the second most popular method I laser eye surgery after LASIK eye surgery. In this procedure, the doctors remove the epithelium (uppermost layer) of the cornea. Then, the excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea. After the surgery, you might feel irritation in your eyes. In addition, there may be watery secretions from the eyes for 3 to 4 days after the surgery. However, there are no complications related to flaps after the surgery. The cost of PRK surgery in India is roughly about rupees 35000 to 40000.
Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) is the latest minimally invasive technique used to treat vision problems. It uses a machine called Femto Lasik-machine that is called Visumax from Carl-Zeiss. It makes a 3 millimetre small cut and forms a lenticule (thin disc tissue) on the cornea. Then this tissue is removed through the cut made by the machine. Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, there is very minimal pain, and also, the recovery time is significantly less than in other procedures. There are fewer chances of eye dryness, and also there is no risk of displacement of the flap. It takes only five minutes per eye and is the fastest laser eye surgery known. The average cost of SMILE laser eye surgery in India is approximately rupees 1,00,000.
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drjoannagoh · 3 months
Ditch the Glasses and See Clearly with PRK Laser Eye Surgery
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The sight of tossing your glasses on the nightstand and waking up to clear vision – pure freedom, isn't it? PRK laser eye surgery can make that a reality. It is a safe and effective option for correcting common vision problems like short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. It reshapes the cornea, the clear dome at the front of your eye, to bring your vision into focus.
Unlike LASIK, PRK doesn't involve creating a flap in the cornea. Instead, the surface cells are gently removed, and the excimer laser precisely corrects your vision by reshaping the underlying corneal tissue. This makes PRK a good choice for people with thin corneas or those who participate in high-contact sports.
Considering PRK Laser Eye Surgery?
Safe and Effective: Dr Joanne Goh is a highly qualified and experienced ophthalmologist specialising in PRK surgery. She uses the latest technology and methods to achieve optimal results for her patients.
Trans-PRK Technology: Dr Goh utilises the Schwind Amaris 1050RS excimer laser, allowing for a single-step, "no-touch" procedure. This minimises discomfort and leads to a quicker recovery time.
Personalised Care: Dr Goh understands each patient's vision needs are unique. She will discuss all your options thoroughly and recommend the most suitable procedure for you.
Why Choose Dr Joanne Goh for PRK Laser Eye Surgery?
Experienced and Qualified: Dr Goh has extensive experience performing PRK surgery and is committed to providing the highest quality care.
Advanced Technology: She uses the most advanced laser technology for precise and gentle treatment.
Focus on Patient Comfort: Dr Joanne Goh prioritises your comfort throughout the entire process, from pre-operative consultations to post-operative care.
Transparent Pricing: Dr Goh's clinic provides clear information about PRK laser eye surgery costs during the consultation.
PRK Laser Eye Surgery Cost
The cost of PRK laser eye surgery can vary based on the complexity of your particular case. Dr Goh's clinic will provide a personalised quote during your consultation. They offer various payment options to make this life-changing procedure accessible.
Ready to See Clearly?
Schedule a consultation with Dr Joanne Goh today to discuss your suitability for PRK laser eye surgery and take the first step towards a glasses-free vision!
Source URL: https://drjoannegoh.blogspot.com/2024/06/ditch-glasses-and-see-clearly-with-prk.html
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absentsaber · 4 months
I'm getting nothing done.
Stressed and depressed.
Don't know what the fuck to do about prk laser surgery coming up/ do I even go through with it anymore? Desperately want to cancel but then back to square 1.
Frankie health doing terribly and we absolutely clueless how to help her; euthanasia on the cards once again but not going there yet. I can't lose my dog.
NOT COPING at all with impending excavation and construction next door starting soon which is going to upheave my life entirely for 2 years.
How the fuck to move through all this right now? Trapped in an absolute shit show.
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healingtoucheyecenter · 5 months
What is PRK Eye Surgery, Cost and Recovery Time?
PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) eye surgical procedure represents a groundbreaking solution for people searching for to break loose from the confines of glasses and call lenses. This superior refractive surgical procedure approach, presented at The Healing Touch Eye Centre in Delhi, is designed to correct common imaginative and prescient troubles such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Unlike LASIK surgical treatment, which includes developing a flap inside the cornea, PRK works by reshaping the outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) to accurate refractive mistakes. This makes PRK a really perfect preference for sufferers with skinny corneas or different corneal irregularities who won't be suitable candidates for LASIK surgical operation.
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The PRK Surgery Process: Precision and Expertise
When you pick out to go through the PRK surgical treatment technique, your pretty professional PRK surgery scientific doctors in Delhi at this health facility will make use of extremely-modern excimer laser era to precisely reshape the cornea, thereby correcting refractive mistakes and improving your power of sight. The entire procedure commonly takes the best numerous mins in keeping with the eye and is finished on an outpatient basis. In the recovery length, patients experience considerable discomfort and visible fluctuations, in the beginning. However, consistent and dedicated adherence to the submit-operative directions, in addition to medications allotted and prescribed by the health facility medical professionals, helps in ensuring minimal pain and properly restoration, which takes minimal time to be powerful enough. patients can get relaxation with the Recovery contact philosophy, which guarantees the attention to element, precision, and expertise that everyone must respect.
Cost Considerations and Recovery Time: Transparent Pricing and Personalized Care
Understanding the price issues and healing time related to PRK eye surgical operation is important for sufferers thinking about this life-changing method. At The Healing Touch Eye Centre, we provide competitive pricing options and transparent billing practices to ensure that our sufferers receive fantastic care at a low-cost charge. During the preliminary session, our team provides an in-depth breakdown of the charges concerned and discusses financing alternatives to make PRK eye surgery available to all people. Further, “our trusted PRK surgical gastronomy docs in Delhi exhibit first-class being concerned and assist for the duration of the restoration way”, helping patients to achieve the pleasant possible recuperation and visible recovery. Targeting transparency, affordability, and custom-made care, The Healing Touch Eye Centre is truly the selected attention for PRK eye surgery in Delhi.
Why Choose the Healing Touch Eye Centre for PRK Eye Surgery in Delhi?
The Healing Touch Eye Centre often is the most excellent preference for PRK eye surgical operation in Delhi for numerous compelling motives. With a team of rather skilled PRK surgical treatment docs possessing full-size enjoy and understanding, we make sure that each affected person receives the very best trendy of care and achieves surest results. Our cutting-edge centres are prepared with contemporary excimer laser generation, demonstrating our commitment to excellence and performance in PRK surgery. In addition, we provide personalized care and aid and compassion and professionalism in each step of the affected persons enjoy of the PRK surgical procedure. Our clear pricing, thorough submit-operative care, and coverage for patient pride are certain for all people searching out PRK eye surgical treatment in Delhi.
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asgeyecareindia · 1 year
Laser eye surgery, also known as refractive surgery, has gained immense popularity over the years as a revolutionary way to correct vision problems and reduce dependency on glasses or contact lenses. It’s a life-changing procedure that has brought clearer vision to millions of people worldwide. However, while laser eye surgery offers significant benefits, it’s not suitable for everyone. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore who should avoid refractive eye surgery and why.
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envisionlasikcenter · 2 years
PRK Eye Surgery Near Me
A prominent eye care facility that specializes in cutting-edge eye surgery procedures, including PRK, is Envision Lasik Centre. The facility provides patients with the best PRK laser treatment for eyes. Modern tools and procedures are used by the knowledgeable and experienced ophthalmologists at Envision Lasik Centre to perform PRK surgery.
At the Envision Lasik Centre, patients may anticipate a personalized treatment and dedicated care throughout their PRK surgical journey. The Envision Lasik Centre is the great option for PRK eye surgery near you in the West Marredpally area because of its dedication to providing 100% best results and patient happiness.
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What is PRK?
Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), or ‘surface treatment,’ is a vision correction procedure, available in Hyderabad at Envison Lasik Centre, in which the vision correction treatment is applied to the surface of the cornea.
PRK was the first vision procedure performed using the Excimer laser, and is still widely practiced today. It remains the procedure of choice for patients whose corneas are too thin to have LASIK.
PRK corrects your vision the same way LASIK does – by reshaping your cornea with an Excimer laser so light focuses directly on your retina. The difference is that with LASIK, a flap is created on the outer part of the cornea, and vision correction applied to the inner tissue of the cornea. With PRK, there is no flap. Instead, the surface cells of the eye, called the epithelium, are removed using an alcohol solution. The vision correction treatment is then applied to the outer surface of the cornea.
This epithelial layer eventually grows back, but the healing time is longer than with LASIK. However, the result is structural integrity that’s better than LASIK with a flap, and visual results that are just as good.
Click Here for More Info: https://posts.gle/sqpV2v
Contact Us: 9492820777
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vilani · 2 months
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Okay a little bit about my life here, I realized I only spoke about it on discord!
- In July I had appointments and eventually a corrective eye surgery called PRK.
- The eye surgery went well but the healing part did not, which led me to become blind from an eye for a day. Due to this I underwent another eye surgery.
- Even the results of this second one weren't that great and it appears my eye heals very slowly. I am currently seeing very blurry from it and sometimes I use an eyepatch 🏴‍☠️
- Overall this has been a nightmare.
- I currently can't open commissions like I promised I would, neither jumpstart my Patreon like I promised I would.
- I do plan on making quick colored commissions (same style I have been doing for art fight) to try and get back some of the money i lost on missed planes and bus trips.
So this is it and basically, I am trying to recover and thank you all for your patience 😌
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cator99 · 6 months
The eye surgery people got back to me I was in a weird state of mind but answered anyway and the whole thing felt too intimate like the woman got all into her personal life and doing surgery on her son and what she wants to do all up in my eyes and how much I'm going to love it pinkie promise come here baby girl let me fuck with your eyes you're going to love it you're going to take out a $5000 loan for us with our partnered loan company and take two weeks off work to get PRK hmm okay sure let me go over the email you sent me and I'll get back to you it was normal I'm just feeling super wack today and could not keep up
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ASLA/PRK eye surgery is the ideal treatment option for patients suffering from refractive vision problems such as Myopia. It is generally prescribed by eye surgeons when the thickness of the cornea is not ideal for other procedures like LASIK. Also, it is considered to be relatively safer because the patient does not have to worry about an additional corneal flap, which can lead to certain problems like epithelial in growth.
ASLA/PRK eye surgery is an extremely effective treatment that works wonders for patients suffering from vision issues. However, if you want the best results, you should consider consulting an eye surgeon with an exceptional track record and pedigree like Dr Chameen.
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Nowadays, laser eye surgery is considered the most common surgical procedure for correcting eye-related medical problems, especially reflective errors. It is the most common surgery which is used to fix vision problems in India. About 80,000 people undergo this surgery every year. These laser eye surgeries are used to get rid of spectacles and contact lenses. LASIK surgeries have a high success rate, but still, there may be some complications after completing the procedure. Laser eye surgeries have changed the lives of many people around the world.
Cases In Which The Patients May Have Complications During Eye Surgery
· Dry eyes: Some patients may experience dry eye conditions after completing laser eye surgery. It is tested before the operation to reduce this, so the patient does not have dry eyes before surgery. Reduction in tear production and blurred vision after the surgery is normal and can be experienced. Nearly half of the total patients undergo laser eye surgery.
· Contact lens: If a person is going for LASIK surgery, they should avoid wearing contact lenses. The time duration of avoiding contact lenses is to be determined by the doctor. It generally differs from case to case.
· Presence of inflammation under the flap: If there is inflammation under the flap after completing the LASIK surgery, you should immediately contact your doctor. There may be various reasons behind the inflammation under the flap.
· Abnormal growth of cornea: It is the complication that occurs after the LASIK surgery. This condition has an inward growth of the epithelium (uppermost layer of the cornea). It may result in discomfort and blurring of vision.
Factors Affecting The Cost Of Laser Eye Treatment In India
· Type of procedure: The treatment cost is most affected by the procedure used. Normal conventional LASIK surgery will cost less when compared to that of the newer technique, SMILE laser eye surgery. SMILE eye surgery can cost you a little more, but after noticing its effectiveness and precise results, you will feel that spending each penny is worth it.
· Technology: A clinic/hospital using the latest renowned technology may charge a little more than those using an older technology of lower standard.
· Aftercare: Nowadays, many clinics offer an added package of aftercare.
· Location: The total price of the treatment may fluctuate depending on the locality and the city in which the hospital/clinic is located.
It is the most common eye surgery done nowadays. There are four types of LASIK: I-Design, Intra-LASE, Zeiss-Femto, and Contoura. It is mainly used to treat myopia, astigmatism, and hypermetropia. A 12–15 mm flap is cut using a femtosecond laser and then an excimer to re-design the cornea for vision correction. Due to the cutting of the flap patient may feel a feeling of prickling. Also, cases of eye dryness are higher with LASIK surgery.The cost of LASIK in India ranges from 40,000 Rs. to 90,000 Rs. depending on the location and city.
Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
It is a type of eye surgery that treats refractive vision errors like myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), and astigmatism. It is the second most popular method I laser eye surgery after LASIK eye surgery. In this procedure, the doctors remove the epithelium (uppermost layer) of the cornea. Then, the excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea. After the surgery, you might feel irritation in your eyes. In addition, there may be watery secretions from the eyes for 3 to 4 days after the surgery. However, there are no complications related to flaps after the surgery. The cost of PRK surgery in India is roughly about rupees 35000 to 40000.
Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) is the latest minimally invasive technique used to treat vision problems. It uses a machine called Femto Lasik-machine that is called Visumax from Carl-Zeiss. It makes a 3 millimetre small cut and forms a lenticule (thin disc tissue) on the cornea. Then this tissue is removed through the cut made by the machine. Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, there is very minimal pain, and also, the recovery time is significantly less than in other procedures. There are fewer chances of eye dryness, and also there is no risk of displacement of the flap. It takes only five minutes per eye and is the fastest laser eye surgery known. The average cost of SMILE laser eye surgery in India is approximately rupees 1,00,000.
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drjoannagoh · 4 months
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Enjoy the joy of clear vision with PRK laser eye surgery. Dr Joanna Goh is the leading eye surgeon performing PRK surgery using the Schwind Amaris 1050RS excimer laser. Our advanced procedure offers precise and effective solution for correcting vision issues, giving you the freedom to see the world with newfound clarity. Trust our expert team to guide you through the process, ensuring your safety and comfort every step of the way. Visit our Website NOW for more information!
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