#pro of writing at 3am: words!
m1d-45 · 1 year
summary: who can be blamed for a world wide calamity? the executioner, the judge, or the jury?
word count: ~1.3k
-> warnings: mention of blood, implied death(you, but you revive after), um minor spoilers for inazuma and sumeru archon quest, as well as for kazuha lore
-> gn reader (you/yours) and unspecified traveller (no pronouns)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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to see a god is a feat most strive their whole lives toward. to bear witness to one so much holier than you, to view a deity far beyond your time. mortals pray to statues and shrines, each vying for the eye of the heavens, a select few showing off their rewards in the form of a gleaming vision.
but even those with a vision cannot see the stars. true gods- the true god is a memory beholden to only a few, to those that remember the times prior to the archon war. before the creator lifted to celestia, sequestered away far from the petty meddling of people.
they’re missed. they’re always missed. the gods have a hole their gnoses are too small to fill, a deep ache that beats with their hearts, yearning for the one they called ‘home.’ it’s not unlike the feeling one gets on a clear night, looking up to the stars, knowing the world’s so vast and you are so small, unsure whether to be afraid or comforted.
so they wish their god a well recovery? do they grieve the idea that they may die before that happens? do they grab a bottle from the shelf and bear headaches without hangovers, do they sit at a worn table and drink tea nobody else remembers, do they sleep endlessly, hoping to dream instead? what does one do, when so alone? what does one do, when the stars blanket the sky and they are struck with the remembrance of their finite lives?
mortals get up from their blankets. look away, go to bed, rise the next day with the only star they know being the one that warms the stones beneath their feet. but gods don’t tire easily, and the nights are known for stretching far longer than days.
the unlucky ones die.
the cursed are given a false prophet.
“if you remember me, then i don’t care if anyone else forgets.”
the greater lord was kind. too kind. beloved. unfairly so. how strange, she wondered, fading to dust, that she did not see her god greeting her. how odd, she thought, that the closest she had come to heaven was within the moments before her death.
it’s not her fault. it never was. the eyes that watched from celestia were hard with iron and not time, cruel with choice and not purpose. so many died, so many didn’t have to, so many fell under the foot of a fraud while their true colors hid behind a mask.
“do you remember me?”
“do you?”
it wasn’t your fault either. it never was. your chosen warrior, your first picked, saved from the grips of the one who had stolen your place. so many people, so many names, so many conversations held within proxy. the earth remembered, the people rejoiced, and yet it was only your golden companion that questioned the sea.
(the waves calmed. eons old bodies finally laid to rest. the abyss itself stilled for just a moment, just long enough to stop and watch you smile, and even now occasionally lent an ear to your pride.)
how unfair, that you once laughed together but now cry alone.
to lay eyes upon the divine is one thing. to view with one’s own eyes even a fraction of true power is enough to blind the commons, and even the most ancient dragon must bow its head. but to touch? to hold, to grasp, to feel universes thrumming beneath your fingers, the power of giants hovering barely an inch away?
“we named a constellation after you.”
you had said hello. a god, a being so far beyond mortal understanding, crouching to one knee and extending a hand to a child that had fallen. you could have walked by. perhaps on another day you might’ve. but you didn’t recognize the world as your home, and she didn’t recognize you as hers, fleeing to the guards the moment she saw something a little too bright in your eyes.
it wasn’t your fault. the ground is stained with blue and that child’s hand burns with the fire found in the core of a newborn sun, hot and new far too much for someone so young to handle. a samurai will never be able to look at his sword the same way again, but you shouldn’t blame yourself for that either. his hand holds the grip as his own shakes, red eyes struggling to take in what he sees.
the human mind reacts strangely when it sees something it doesn’t understand. it fizzles, stops, the wiring going dull as it realizes its neurons are far too small to comprehend the unusual stimuli. unfortunately, this response does not lend itself to survival, and the drive to live overshadows your cries for the same.
he doesn’t like the visit that part of town anymore. he can’t look at maple leaves without remembering how they stuck to the ground, weighed down by blood. he visits a familiar grave, tucked between two sharp cliffs, lingering far past the settling of lavender melon on the ground. he kneels there for a few hours too long, wondering of all the what ifs.
it’s not his fault either. it’s nobody’s. they were given a candlelight and were told it was a star, even as they watched the wax drip. he was doing his best, and it just so happened that in the blind grasp for a handhold, he’d pushed you away. he couldn’t see. it wasn’t his fault.
“don’t blame yourself, kazuha.”
“the tide does not stop rising when asked. neither does the guilt.”
it wasn’t his fault.
you try to remind yourself of this, at times. so does he. the two of you lie awake at inane hours of night, searching the sky for an answer.
what happened? what went wrong? was it me? was it anyone?
celestia looks down with eyes of fake steel, looking between you and the empty throne behind them. they’d finally caved, thrown the one they puppeted for the vishaps to dissect and the hillichurls to pull apart, but now worried. they’d certainly be punished if it was known they’d allowed this to happen… was it their fault, perhaps?
eyes sought out others, the council known as ‘heaven’ lost for what to do. their eyes joined yours, as yours joined kazuha’s, all tilted up and beginning to turn glassy.
the universe is so big, each star their own system, and it’s so hard to feel like any more than sand when it’s displayed so clearly. maybe it was kazuha’s fault, for not recognizing the light you shed as that of the sun. maybe it was celestia’s, for continuing to entertain an impossible fantasy. maybe it was the earth’s, for guiding you where it thought was safe, maybe maybe maybe. it doesn’t matter. did it ever? your heart burns with grief—love—as you go to bed, sheltered within a hilichurl camp. kazuha stays up too late, punishing himself with the fog of sleepiness that lasts a little too long the next day. celestia doesn’t feel guilt, for when did it ever, but the next day is unproductive, something strange taking place of the air there.
maybe it was nobody’s fault. maybe the world was disjointed, unfamiliar with your presence, stuttering for a moment as it collected itself once more. maybe in that moment of confusion, of flickering light and a burnt out flame, tragedy had struck like lightning. the universe was illuminated, bathed in the gleam of your power, able to see what it couldn’t in darkness.
it wouldn’t happen again, but that didn’t stop it from hurting. scars still ached when it rained, and the skies were weeping as it realized what had occurred in shadow.
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You know, sometimes I get a little worried that being a low activity fic blog means I miss the boat with various ideas and prompts. It is always a really pleasant surprise when I'm proven wrong.
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mangostarjam · 26 days
fuji!! hope you've been doing ok lately :)) make sure to give yourself breaks when needed! treat urself with kindness and grace pls, remember you deserve it even when you think you don't <33
i came by to share my most recent 3am smutty brain rot hehe ;)))
key word: tenting. i'd imagine the kaiju suits have some sort of compressive technology to combat this issue, but yknow what probably doesn't?
(answer: vice captain's hoshina's sweatpants. its something you take unfortunate --or fortunate lmao-- notice of during one of ur training sessions when he decides to shed that half-jumper of his. WHICH BTW!! i fully believe he cut the bottom half off bc he likes taking it off when training, but cant be bothered to remove the whole thing LOL)
pre-relationship!hoshina is watching shortie!reader train and give guidance to the recruits and yknow, watching you fight gets him going and really, he didn't mean to pop one then and there but could anyone blame him when you look absolutely stunning beating the sht outa the recruits?? (i'm 5'1". this is self-indulgence hehe)
okieee love u stay hydrated, make sure to at least eat snackies if not meals, byee <33
- 🧸
hiiiiii friend thank you for thinking of me!! i am trying to take care of myself and thankfully august is almost over so i should be better soon!
i'm ngl this did make me wonder about their suits and uniforms HAHA but i am very pro self indulgence with writing!! gray sweatpants and tenting can absolutely be the death of me and while the uniform pants aren't the same thing, they're close enough imo!! or maybe i just think soshiro's hot in anything (also true let's be real)
this is like 900ish words and not smutty (sorry) but i did have fun thinking about a shortie!reader kicking ass!! love u teddy bear anon thank you for dropping by and i hope you still like this!
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You're having the time of your life.
A strange thought to have, maybe, while you're busy dodging strikes and dipping and twirling around your opponents. Being much smaller than most members of the Defense Force means you're used to being underestimated, though your platoon has had enough time with you by now that they should be used to training against you.
They aren't.
You laugh as you swoop past the fists aimed in your direction, caught up in the giddy adrenaline of being good.
Everything moves in slow motion. The rise of your opponent's chest, strands of hair catching the light, muscles tensing for a blow. The sharp red gaze watching your every move from by the fence. You take it all in and blow past your teammates, emerging unscathed from the manned obstacle course and grinning, breathless.
Hoshina Soshiro grins back.
"Laps," he says, glancing past you. The rest of the platoon grumbles good naturedly, but they take off jogging around the track. You bounce on the balls of your feet as your Vice Captain stalks over towards you, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his pants.
"How did I do, sir?" you ask.
"Pretty sure Minase almost caught ya," Soshiro says. "And your form got sloppy at the end. But not bad, I guess."
"Minase did not," you splutter, but Soshiro just laughs. "I swear I'll get a real compliment from you someday, sir."
Soshiro shifts on his feet and you blink, distracted by the awkward way he's keeping his hands in his pockets. He's wearing his typical super-distracting skintight shirt — his jacket is hanging on the fence post — and your gaze pauses on the bunch of his shoulders and the strain of his biceps. Not wanting to be caught staring, you blink and move on. His pants are cinched tight at his hips, but as your confused stare drifts lower, he coughs.
"You get enough of that from the rest of the platoon leaders," he says lightly. "And 'sides, ya still ain't fast enough to get past me."
Sparks fill your veins. You glare up at him. "Oh yeah? Let's go, then!"
"Not now."
You nearly stumble in shock. In all your time under his command, the Vice Captain has never denied one of your training requests. It's led to many late nights in the practice rooms, joking and working together, bits of advice tossed out as he threw you around the room with a strength that made you dizzy. It's surprisingly easy to suppress your silly little crush when Soshiro is busy kicking your ass, but you enjoy the time spent with him all the same.
"Huh? Why not?"
Soshiro shrugs. The movement draws your attention to his shoulders, but that only sends your gaze down his arms to his hands stuffed into his pant pockets. Why is he standing like this, anyway? It's like he's trying to — oh.
Your mouth opens slightly in awe. Your eyes widen. The front of your Vice Captain's pants...
Well, it's safe to say Izumo Tech has some impressive compression technology for the anti kaiju suits. Those things are skintight, molded to your bodies for better kaiju cell synchronization and ease of movement. You've often wondered if it's uncomfortable for people with dicks, since the material sticks so closely. But none of you are wearing the suits right now — you're in uniform, and while the uniform is a bit looser, you've never noticed anything... like this.
Like the thick, unyielding bulge straining against the front of Soshiro's uniform pants.
You snap up to meet his enigmatic gaze as soon as you recognize what you're looking at, but Soshiro merely hums a little. "Ya looked pretty good during that obstacle run," he says.
"But you said my form got sloppy."
Soshiro grins. "Ya still looked good."
Does that mean...? You glance at his pants again and — yup, it's unmistakable. His hands may be in his pockets but there's nothing else that bulge could be, unless he's hiding some kind of secret weapon down there.
"Are you always like this?" you ask. Insubordination be damned — there's no way you can let this go now. Your heart pounds into focus, the lightning quick beat of your pulse drowning out your thoughts as Soshiro snorts.
"Do I get in trouble with HR a lot, y'mean?"
Oops. You're blushing. You're blushing and he's just laughing quietly to himself like your reaction pleases him. "I won't — I don't, um... I don't mind, I was just... wondering?"
Soshiro raises an eyebrow. You gulp as you meet his red eyes. "Am I always turned on while I'm watchin' ya take on guys two times your size?"
You nod. Your Vice Captain tilts his head up, watching birds flit across the sky for a moment as he processes this. "Guess it depends," he says, "this only happens with you, y'know. So d'you want me to be?"
"Do I want you to be...?"
Your platoon is finishing up their laps, and soon you'll need to take your place among the obstacle course to attack as the next person has their turn. You're running out of time to respond. Your brain is buzzing. The both of you turn to watch as your platoon jogs closer.
"I do want you to be interested, Vice Captain, sir," you say firmly, staring straight ahead but glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. The tips of his ears are pink. "I would be honored."
"It's Hoshina," Soshiro says. He tilts his head slightly towards you and grins at your noise of confusion. "You can use my name while we're datin'."
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vampshxde · 2 months
I Think I Can Love You
P.3!! (Halfway through writing this, I thought, "What if it's a slow ass burn?")
P.1, P.2, and P.4
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"This fucking nerd prank called me on Halloween at 3AM." You immediately hissed under your breath. Is he gonna beat your ass? Block you? Yell at you? He seemed pretty mad when you prank called him. "Kacchans beauty sleep was interrupted?" Katsuki immediately glared at Izuku. "Shut it, Deku." Izuku smiled slightly, waving off the conflict. "I really didn't mean to Katsuki! If I knew it was your number, I wouldn't have even tried to prank call you!"
"Whatever, nerd. Do that again, and I'll blast you into the sun." Your eyes widened. You couldn't tell if that was a joke or not. "He's joking! Right, Kacchan?" Izuku did a lil silly glare. "Hell no!" He spit out. You just scoffed, I mean, a popular pro hero like this? Insane. "Shouldn't you be working now or something?" You gave a confused look to the pro hero, Dynamight. "Nah fucking little intern thingy is doing the patrols today."
Intern? Oh, that's right. The pro heroes normally have agencies, and some take on interns. "I see. You decided to take on interns from UA or..?" He nodded his head "Hell yeah, maybe that way we can actually have some good fucking heroes. Like Bunny Wabbit" Who the hell is Bunny Wabbit? "Oh! Miss Mirko!" That's that one pro hero, the bunny chick.
"Bunny Wabbit is the nickname you come up with for a pro hero? How funny." You chuckled under your breath slightly. Checking your phone to see the time. "Oh, it does seem I have to go. I have a meeting with my boss soon. I'll pay for whatever you two got, alright?" Katsuki immediately scoffed and shook his head no. Izuku seemed to agree with him. "No, we got it. Thanks for the offer _____!" You just nodded. Giving them a wave before you stood up from your seat. Walking to the door you entered from and exiting.
Sorry it's short! I was writing this while on call with my boyfriend! ♡ if there's any messups, do tell me
Tag-list so far: (you can ask to be in it in the comments)
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WIP tag game!!!
Lamb Loose 👁️👁️ (u know me very well)
(hehe I do know you dear 👀)
so, I will try to use my (nonexistent) pitching abilities to both: 1) introduce new people to what I’m currently working on; and 2) give you (yes you Fifi) some more intel to munch on while you wait for the next update. let’s see how it goes.
1) how it began:
it was a dark and stormy night when I finished the drama Evilive, in mid-November of last year, and I couldn’t sleep. for days I couldn’t stop thinking about the characters and I decided to put my Word of Honor big fic on hold to give this new fandom a chance. the plan was to finish everything around the 80k words mark but.. oh boi. I knew myself. I knew I wasn’t gonna cut it, verbose as I am, so I decided to be diligent about it: I took 1 month to plan this fic at the best of my abilities before I started typing like a maniac on my laptop.
at the end of the month I posted the first chapter and since then I woke up at 5am (almost) every single day to chip away at this project. long story short: it changed my life. not in a big way, it didn’t magically get me a super fancy job or a stable paycheck. none of that. but it made my life significantly better.
because you have to know that, before I decided waking up at 5am was a good idea, I was so used to be dreading the new day that it was messing with my brain. I didn’t want to go to sleep because “then another day would have started” without me enjoying myself even a little bit. but the difference between going to sleep at 3am (to wake at 7) and going to sleep at 11pm (to wake at 5) made me look forward to the new day time and time again. that way, if I manage to fall asleep on the right time every day, I get to start a new morning doing what I love most: writing.
this came at a cost, however, bc apparently waking super early is bad for my blood pressure (?? rude and biphobic of my body to do me so dirty, if you ask me >:/ like.. hello??) and I get (almost daily now) a sensible energy drop around lunchtime but it’s worth it in my book. this fic turned me into an optimist and I’ve always been a realist at best.
cons of this project: the fandom is tiny. so tiny infact that there are not many “work in progress” fics besides mine on ao3 ;—; I remember this being the case for Beyond Evil too, even if I was just a casual reader at the time, back when it first aired: we were starving for new content and I recall translating Korean fanfics into English just to have someto dig my teeth into xD
moreover, I tend not to read for the fandom I’m writing for, because I’m a sponge and (like my friend Amethystina said once) “I don’t want to accidentally steal someone else’s idea” just because I have shit memory (I’ll admit I caved at the beginning of 2024 bc I was in a bad place mentally and I read a couple of one-shots on Evilive, it’s ok, ik. I forgot the majority of them anyway, I just know they were lovely and their authors very smart indeed). so it’s a very lonely process! I churn up content, I don’t consume content, I wait for comments, I joyfully reply to comments and then, if I want more human interaction I have to (*checks*) come up with more content?? ahah. Ik it doesn’t work like that, and that I have to put effort in talking with other people in the fandom for it to become larger.. but this is why I do these tag games :D to engage with other lovely people in fun activities like these! good thing this fic keeps me going, bc I would be lost without it.
the general plot idea comes from a need I wanted to see fulfilled: I wanted to read a story about a group of women going apeshit crazy on the world. no repercussions, absolute power, no remorse. women from different levels of society, different ethnicities, different nationalities, different sexualities just.. being allowed to do whatever they wanted. I wanted to explore the pros and cons of such circumstances and yet I didn’t want it to be merely focused on that alone. I also wanted to point out how every person is capable of evil and that there still needs to be a moment in our life when we choose to be better instead.
one thing that made me side-eye Evilive specifically was.. well, the lack of women. there are 3 adult women in the whole drama taking some sort of role inside the story and all of them felt rich with the implication of a personality underneath, but no actual character to be seen. I love all 3 of them, from the “wife”, to the “mother”, to the “femme fatale” as they are, yet they still are flat compared to the other people in the show, even the more stereotypically evil or corrupt among them. I needed more, so more I made.
in addition to this, I really wanted to write from the point of view of a nasty, selfish man who has been corrupted by power long enough to have forgotten how to be human again. someone who believes they can fix it all by taking revenge on the person who turned them into a monster.. not realizing they had the potential to become a monster all along and never noticed.
Lamb Loose may be a “fix-it” of sorts based on the happenings (and the finale) of Evilive, but I also think it can be some sort of Atonement Arc rather than a Redemption Arc all in all: just because you become self-aware of the evil deeds you’ve put in motion and want to be better now.. doesn’t mean you can redeem yourself for the sorrow you caused. and, sometimes I also like characters who don’t change in their (evil/selfish) ways but somehow still learn to broaden their perspective after meeting new people. restoring one’s trust in humanity is hard, but maybe it can start by looking into our own selves and look for humanity within us first and foremost.
Han Dong Soo as a character seemed the best option for me, even if it is challenging to write from his POV at times. some of the things he thinks and does are truly horrendous to me personally, but it’s a necessary step towards understanding someone as bad as him in my opinion. not to justify his actions, but to learn how to recognize them in other people instead.
there’s also horny thoughts, not gonna lie, but those feel more like an extension of all that Han Dong Soo as a person has repressed along the years. so, in a way, the sexual tension is just another character in the script, unnamed and all-encompassing, but never at the center itself. since Han Dong Soo is also an unreliable narrator, I can play with him and make the reader question everything he is going through at the same time, which is fun to me :)
2) a treat for Fifi bc she was patient and read to this point eheh:
dear, ch16 may not be full of plot-relevant quests but there’s a lot of yearning involved 👀 and I know it’s tough to wait for something more juicy to happen 😥😔 but I’m finally seeing the end of the big draft (working on ch31 now, aiming to finish the whole thing at ch40 ending a ch37 was too optimistic of me apparently ahah) and I promise you it will be absolutely worth it.
sometimes I feel very dejected about this project, bc it’s taking forever and I absolutely want to finish it before the end of the year :(
but your constant support and care are one of the reasons I keep going 💪😤💘 your art is extraordinary in itself, but your enthusiasm for this fic truly has made me appreciate living in the moment and enjoy the process more and more. so thank you dear for always cheering me on and for indulging me with your lovely comments and messages :)
I’ll see you very soon :D (I’ll reply to your comments and DMs as soon as possible! but I wanted to give you a little something today)
- Niki out :*
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riveranova · 2 years
(A/N): Part twooo! I really enjoyed making this - if you want to see more, it's just an ask away! 💙
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The IkePri Guys as Roommates x GN! Reader - Part 2
Warnings: Lichts part is a little sad, still mostly crack
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 854
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Chevalier Michel
,,you have a roommate? i thought that room was your storage room''
you forget that hes there too
never ever comes out of his room - and if he does its at night
obviously reading smh
when you guys moved in he was ready to murder for the bigger room (he has a lot of books ok? ok)
honestly, always ready to murder
keeps a clean room
has this motherly power to magically make things appear
,,what do you mean, my scarf is in that drawer, i looked there alrea- WHY IS IT IN THERE NOW''
does everything at night
is super fucking tired in the morning
ohhh nooo are those the consequences of his actionssss?
try to wake him up. come on. try it.
doesnt give a shit about school and aces everything
90/100 would roommate again
Luke Randolph
can he be my roomie pls
he smells SO GOOD
i imagine that he smells like honey (duh) with a mixture of grass and other herbs
very outdoorsy and forces you to be too
takes you hiking, swimming or just for a lil walk
makes sure that youre always taken care of
honestly, like a big brother
doesnt give a shit about school and it shows
if youre not making him, this man can and will fail all his classes
,,i'm not school smart - but i'm life smart!''
preach brother, preach
LIVES for your food
he could make some himself, but your food just feels cozy and warm and maybe its just the copius amounts of honey in there but he would murder for your cooking
Loves to cuddle but falls asleep when he does
100/100 would roommate again
Yves Kloss
there he is, my man
i want to live with him so bAD
smells good, looks good, bakes good THE WHOLE DEAL
isnt good with words and gets akward REALLY fast
he may act like he doesnt care about you but behind the scenes--
i wouldnt say hes obsessed but like,,, kinda obsessed lmao
if you let him, he'll do your hair or your make up, your nails - bro would sit in front of your drawer for the entire evening just so he can find an amazing outfit for you
is never satisfied tho, so hes taking you out to buy clothes
hes a fashion major, obviously, so he uses the finished products for some of his sketches
i imagine him to be a pro with perfumes
will throw things at you if you pull all-nighters again (ofc still insisting that he doesnt actually care and that youre just too loud)
,,i made too much tea... and uh, baked too much. you'll have to eat some with me so it doesnt get bad.''
judges you, but like friendly
,,that shirt is so ugly. *long pause* you look good tho-''
80/100 would roommate again
Jin Grandet
i wrote a oneshot about it but like
dad jokes
BAD dad jokes
has one for every occasion and i BET my left boob that he has a little journal where he writes every single on down
its his little treasure and youre not allowed to touch it, ever (you cant spoiler yourself yk)
not like Nokto tho, hes more of a gentleman
no touching you, just looking (no shame)
besides all that, i think that hes a great roommate to have
because hes a little older, he has great advice for literally any situation
listens and if you want to, he talks too
can be very serious and wants the best for you and his friends in general
do you get why hes one of my favorites
god i love him (this is 100% objective ofc)
1000/100 would (please) roommate again
Licht Klein
ayyy its that other guy
hes really, really quiet
studies a lot, sometimes too much
you sometimes have to remind him that he has to take care of himself
doesnt think highly of himself, so he tries to make it up with academic success
i relate a lot to Licht, so i imagine that you both would have really deep talks about life and everything
like, its 3am on a school day and both you sit in the living room, cuddled up in blankets and just talk
kinda like Yves, he acts like he doesnt care but always listens in the end
you need something and he doesnt want to help? bribe him with sweets and youre good
spends a lot of time with Notko but never brings him back home
mostly to save you some very annoying flirting
100/100 would roommate again
Leon Dompteur
the man, the myth, the one
goes for a walk every morning at 5am sharp
very athletic, yes yes
has zero shame and walks around without his shirt after he showers
did it on accident at first (he just forgot) but after he realized that your reactions to it where kinda funny, he does it just to fuck with you
can be serious, but chooses not to
life is short so he wants to live it to the fullest
he invites you to a lot of his trips
theme parks, the pool - youre always included
has a shit ton of friends and hates when he cant see them for long
hes that one extroverted friend that just runs around and adopts introverted people into his circle
i think that hes a little bit of a himbo tho
gets a ton of chocolate on valentines day and just goes ,,i have great friends, look - they thought of me! :D''
nothing is akward for this man, nothing
90/100 would roommate again
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Send to All by kerosceene
I, ___________________________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”). - the bats have a sex pollen release form. because of course they do.
My Brother's Keeper by Chemical_Processes
Tim gets hit with Fear while on a league mission, and it's Damian's job to get him home in one piece.
Statute of Limitations by Oka_Hills1232
Captain Marvel has been in the game for a decade now. He's very likeable, everyone agrees on this, but that's about the only thing anyone can say about him. For however friendly he seems, he's never really talked about his life outside of the cape. That is, until today.
The Justice League has just learned something rather alarming about their enigmatic colleague Captain Marvel. They really need to talk to him about it, the problem is, he's very hard to get ahold of… Billy's just here to enjoy himself and revel in the big reveal, after all, it's not like anyone can stop him now.
Scum Villain Self-Saving System
Subversion by feelslikefire
Shen Qingqiu encounters Luo Binghe two years early in a brothel in Jin Lan City. Upon seeing his once most beloved disciple, Shen Qingqiu promptly starts coughing up flower petals. (Again.)
Then things get worse.
* * * * *
Or: I wondered, "What would happen if I smashed truth pollen and hanahaki disease together as tropes?" This is the result.
My Hero Academia
i fell heavy (into your arms) by sundefeater lou (sundefeater) for EyesofftheMaud
He could see him though. His cheeks were round with baby fat, his eyes unshadowed, but he was unmistakably his Toshinori. Even before he'd gotten the weakly mumbled confirmation of the other's name he'd known. He could see Toshinori in the child's eyes, the deep blue gaze watery and afraid but so achingly familiar; he could feel it in his bones, where One for All sang and reached for the remnants of ashes that should have been there, but weren't.
Or: Izuku has always been a dutiful son. All Might suddenly being younger than Eri isn't going to change that.
Cataclysm by xylophones
Part 2 of Despite Your Good Intentions
Opinion Editorial • Tokyo Times Hero Intern Deku: Our Next Savior, or the Catalyst of Hero Society’s Downfall? By Yumoto Ryobe Like • Comment • Share It’s been a month since Hosu City was rocked with attacks from the newest villain group, the League of Villains, and Hero Intern Deku’s (unranked) takedown of the serial killer Stain, his first S ranked villain arrest. Pro Hero media is a mess of differing opinions on Deku, ranging from idolization to condemnation. Fan clubs and hate clubs alike have popped up online. Despite his rousing speech in Hosu and his call to action, Deku has been notably absent from the public eye in any meaningful way. With tensions high and no word from the one at the heart of all the chaos, the question must be asked: just what the hell is Hero Intern Deku doing? (Honestly? His best.)
Stranger Things
Actually Me - Eddie Munson by Savi_Yoi
This idea was bouncing around my brain at 3am so I just had to write it down.
Eddie is a famous musician. Gaining fame through the 90s with Corroded Coffin. Him and Steve have been together since 1987, but they were always very private about their relationship. Steve is like a cryptid in the Corroded Coffin fandom, with very little information about him, and very few pictures. Eddie is promoting a solo album in 2021, and Steve is pulled on camera to do a silly interview with him. They're about 54/55 in this fic.
This is the transcript of that interview.
The Tunnels of Bel'Mar by neuronary
“Shit,” Wheeler said, realisation dawning across his face. “Fucking tunnels, shit!” “Seriously, dude?” Sinclair said. “You just clocked? He’s been freaking out all week and you only just realised.” “It’s Dustin!” Wheeler protested. “I thought he was just… being Dustin!”
Or, a dungeon Eddie designs freaks Dustin out a little bit too much. He doesn't get an explanation.
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simpmaybe · 2 years
My Top Dabihawks AO3 Recommendations: Part 2
1. Hybristophilia 
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 116875
This is from the same author as War Prize, but unlike what I felt while reading War Prize, which was that Keigo was being a huge asshole, it's the complete opposite in this fanfiction, it felt as if Touya was being the asshole, and Keigo was just enduring, but this could just be me, others could feel different. But just like War Prize, this fanfic has got to be one of the best. There is a good ratio of fluff and angst, I mostly remember the angst which had me sobbing at 3am. Overall it's a really good read.
2. darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please)
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 82,779
This fanfic has got to be the most wholesome thing I have ever read, Touya and Keigo's childhood friendship is to die for. I don't recall any angst, but I remember the wholesome feeling in my chest when I read this. If you're looking for something cute and casual read, this one is a must-read.
3. How to Fake-Date a Pro Hero: A Guide by Dabi and Hawks
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 171,285
Dabihawks fake dating au... Do I really need to continue? I can basically hear you all screaming inside and clicking immediately, like- who doesn't love a fake dating au? In this, Dabi is a pro hero with suspected connections with the villains. He starts dating Hawks just to spite Endeavor. It turns out fake... until they sleep together, and fall in love... you know, just your regular everyday fake dating au. Once again, a perfect ratio of fluff to smut to angst, and if you are a dabihawks shipper, you can't not read this one.
4. The Flower That Blooms In Adversity
Completion Status: Technically Completed (The Epilogue is pending) Word Count: 43,128
I might be lying if I say I didn't write this post just to make sure this fanfiction was there. I have no words to describe just how fucking awesome this fanfic is. I reread this fanfiction about... four times? I cannot get over it. Let me start off by saying this, Blind civilian flower shop owner Hawks, meets villain Dabi and assumes he is a hero, and I have never read better fluff anywhere. The angst made my heart hurt so fucking bad like- I doubt I will ever recover from that. But it has a happy ending, I promise. Everything is just so effortlessly perfect in this fanfic, and it's so fucking beautiful, the writing is impressive, and I am so glad that I found this fanfic and actually took out the time to read it because I don't know what I would do without this.
5. A Guide About Converting To Villainy For Your Boyfriend
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 23,973
This fanfic oh my fucking god. I will start off by saying that I have searched every corner of this earth to find a good secret relationship fanfic, but I didn't find one as good as this one. I can reread this fanfic a hundred times and won't get bored of it. We really need more secret relationship/secret marriage dabihawks fanfic because it's a shame that there are so few of them. Just read this man, like- I don't even know. The author is really good, I read some of the others, and they are really good. If you like this one, I really recommend the author's other works.
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d3coyheart · 5 months
call me a lyft, or a black hearse.
helepelpelpeplelp i don't usually post my writing but there's a first time for everything !!!!! i wrote this based off of the song funeral grey by waterparks, the words in italics are references to the song!!! ------------------------------------------------- lawrence didn’t quite know why he had come to this party, it was really not his kind of crowd. loud booming music, the smell of alcohol apparent in the air, and various conversations. sitting with an undrunk rum-and-coke in hand, lawrence questioned whether or not he should just drive home now. he checked his watch. 11pm.
more guests entered the party, including a man who immediately caught the older man’s eye. he was way younger than lawrence, in a faded band t-shirt and baggy jeans, smudged eyeliner clouding around his eyes. he felt captivated by the man, he was curious about his rockstar demeanor. lawrence’s recent divorce made him feel increasingly lonely, he felt the need to have someone to talk to. someone to get to know. so, up he went, beginning his journey toward the man.
pushing past crowds of people, lawrence almost finds himself lost in the sea that is this party, all the walking taking a toll on his good leg. he somehow ended up being led back to right where he began, where the man had seated himself with a bottle of beer in his hand.
”hello,” lawrence interrupts the man from his thoughts, “is this seat taken?”
the man stares for a moment, “uhm… no.” he replied blandly and scooched over slightly.
lawrence sits and shoots him a smile.
”I’m lawrence”, he stuck out his hand to be shaken.
”adam”, the other man smiles as he accepts the gesture.
slowly, they got comfortable with each other. talking, laughing, and telling stories of the weird people they interact with in their separate careers, lawrence as an oncologist and adam as a photographer. turns out, a lot of older men love asking people to photograph them naked. both men might’ve had a bit too much alcohol in their systems, as they both dissolved into shells of their sober selves.
”what’s your favorite color?” lawrence choked out through a fit of giggles.
adam smirked, simply pointing at his waist, a grey zip-up hoodie tied there
”that’s not a color, it’s a shade.”
”don’t disagree with me!!” adam shouts at the older man.
lawrence lets out a hearty chuckle at adam. seeing the smaller man’s grin had his heart doing double time. he wanted to get closer with adam. learn about his family, learn about his hometown, his friends, his hobbies, “I just want you to be my next mistake that I’m gonna make” he’d think to himself as 3am struck the clock.
adam pulled a cigarette out of his pocket shortly after their conversation came to a pause, lighting it and taking a long drag.
”that shit is gonna kill you..” lawrence spoke in a softer tone.
adam smirked maniacally before blowing his cigarette smoke into lawrence’s face, throwing the older man into a coughing fit.
”now you’re gonna die too!” adam responded slyly.
the two men smiled before falling into a mutual big fit of laughter, laughing until their abdomens cramped with pain. every time the laughter dissolved, a giggle would send them back into it. the slew of people still at the party shot them dirty looks, but they didn’t care. they were lost in the moment, lost in themselves and each other.
they both knew they couldn’t drive themselves home in their drunken state, but adam knew a guy who knew a guy, and ultimately the two men ended up in one of the spare bedrooms of the house. pros; they could sober up and drive back to their separate apartments in the morning. cons; this bedroom only had one bed, and sleeping next to someone you just met and barely know is typically a bit unusual.
”I could take the couch downstairs and you can have the bed?” lawrence suggested to the younger man at his side.
”… nah”
adam pulled lawrence into the bedroom, forcing the older man to take a seat next to him. they sat in the silence of the bedroom as the clock struck 4am.
”wanna hit the hay, old man?”
”I’m not that old, adam.”
adam chuckled at his comment, undoing the belt that held up his jeans and yanking them down, leaving him in just his boxers. lawrence was confused by this and furrowed his eyebrows at the younger man.
”what? I’m not sleeping in those uncomfortable ass jeans”
lawrence giggled before taking off his own pants and gently tugging off his prosthetic. he also pulled off the crewneck sweater he had on, leaving him in just his white tank top and boxers.
adam had already laid down and got himself comfortable in the sheets before lawrence picked up the blanket and maneuvered himself under. the shorter man stared at the taller as he got comfortable, before cuddling himself up next to him to lay on the other man’s chest. was this a bit forward of adam? probably. but lawrence didn’t seem to mind, the way he wrapped his arm around adam to pull the gap between them even tighter. adam dozed off quickly, leaving lawrence awake alone to admire him. it was odd of him to feel so strongly about a man he just met in the prior few hours, but the connection between them was instant. nothing felt forced. it was like finding a lost piece to the jigsaw puzzle of life. lawrence’s thoughts soon got cloudy as his eyes got heavier, before he drifted off to sleep along with the smaller man in his arms.
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sybilius · 9 months
1, 4, 13, and 15 for the fic writer asks?
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
Shadow Gimmick is I think, my first intentional, permanent break-up fic. I’ve written other stories where characters have broken up, but I always intended to patch them back up (whether I actually got to that is another matter). I thought it turned out fantastic– one of my favourite parts of the fic is the way dramatic irony seeps in to all of David Finlay’s good intentions. I’m not sure I would try that again though. Part of me has no stomach for that kind of finality (even though I understand how necessary it is sometimes!). I think the specific circumstances of being able to write the soft-ish breakup and know that the narrative speaks for itself on why they never reconciled– that was a nice middle ground for me. 
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
I’ll get a little more specific than “all of pro wrestling” and say “all of Jay White’s exile arc” (ie. WK17 Okada vs. White, Loser leaves Japan White vs. Hikuleo, Loser Leaves NJPW White vs. Kingston). Getting interested in that is what set me on the Jay obsession, as well as getting me into Okada and yoinking me into Finlay’s story. 
13. What fic was the easiest to write?
Probably tell me you're the rest of it – that one had a narrow scope when I thought it up. I liked the idea of there being a quiet intimacy in the differences between Ren and Yota’s sleeping patterns. Since that was the whole concept of the story, capturing that liminality of waking up at 3am with a new lover in your bed, thinking of what comes next – I was able to get in and out in a small word count and not feel bereft about it. 
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023. I’m very very proud of Shadow Gimmick, my Young Lion era Finlay/Jay White fic focused on how David Finlay decides to become who he is. Though the original concept was focused on exploring baby Jay’s fucked up kink boundaries (which was so fun to do!), I just had this sense that I could make it a lot more than that if I really immersed myself in the lore and stakes of early Finlay and Jay’s story. I feel like it really succeeded in being a pro wrestling story about the stakes of pro wrestling, as well as being a shippy story and a bit of a mindfuck (two of my favourite flavors). And I learned a lot from my tape study too, which is something I’ve come to find very satisfying!
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 years
Sometimes You Just Need to Cry and Get A Hug from Your Pro Hero Teacher at 3AM
Sometimes You Just Need To Cry And Get A Hug From Your Pro Hero Teacher At 3AM by galacticmochi
“So you have been grumpy? Is it because you miss me?” Yamada laughed, then quieted down when Aizawa said nothing. He seemed to fold in on himself, drooping tiredly. “Oh, Shouta. Baby. Come here.”
Aizawa quickly stopped Yamada's embrace with hands on his chest. “Not here, ‘Zashi, you know how the kids are on some nights. Someone might be watching.”
Shinsou's heart clenched painfully.
Words: 4075, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Maybe This Can Last For As Long As Forever (Todoroki/Shinsou)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Shouto, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Minor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, rating may change in the next chapter... when i actually write it, a little bit of hurt/comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43327891
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Sometimes You Just Need to Cry and Get A Hug from Your Pro Hero Teacher at 3AM
Sometimes You Just Need To Cry And Get A Hug From Your Pro Hero Teacher At 3AM by galacticmochi
“So you have been grumpy? Is it because you miss me?” Yamada laughed, then quieted down when Aizawa said nothing. He seemed to fold in on himself, drooping tiredly. “Oh, Shouta. Baby. Come here.”
Aizawa quickly stopped Yamada's embrace with hands on his chest. “Not here, ‘Zashi, you know how the kids are on some nights. Someone might be watching.”
Shinsou's heart clenched painfully.
Words: 4075, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Maybe This Can Last For As Long As Forever (Todoroki/Shinsou)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Shouto, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Minor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, rating may change in the next chapter... when i actually write it, a little bit of hurt/comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43327891
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hide-in-imagination · 2 years
Hey baee! I wanted to ask what your writing process is like, when writing Roads to cross. And also any updates? (Btw this is is by no means me trying to rush you!! I’m just curious lol)
W-writing "pro-cess"...?
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Hahaha, hello, love! 🥰💕 Alright, I'll try to break down the process. This might get long. Spoiler alert: don't expect a lot of method here. I'm a panster writer, flying by the seat of my pants 😂
Okay, so, it all starts with daydreaming tbh. Or nightdreaming; usually when I'm falling asleep at 3am my brain gets especially creative for some reason 😂 I have a lot of dialogues written down in my phone's notes app that confirm that.
Usually, the first things that come to me are dialogues. I'll be daydreaming and a line of dialogue comes along and I go "Oh, that's good, I gotta write that down."
In the case of Roads, a lot of these loose dialogues/scenes piled up until I went "Okay, I gotta organize this sdkjfn". Which meant, okay, I have all these things I want to happen-- In which order should they happen? And since Roads it's a Canon Divergence fic, that meant I had to make these scenes fit between canonical plot points of season 3. To help myself with this (because I don't have a superbrain and my memory sucks) about 2 or 3 years ago, I don't remember, I rewatched some episodes of season 3 and wrote down in a Word document called "Timeline" everything that happened in each episode so I could remember later, separating them by day. So, if, for example, episode 35 started during the day, went through the night and ended in another morning, that would be Day 1 and the start of Day 2. I did this from episode 41 to episode 50. That document is 28 pages long😂
So, having all the pieces down, I had to organize them. It was kind of a game of Tetris hahah. Or probably more like this:
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This should happen before this and this should happen after this, and some days should pass before this happens, BUT WAIT, THIS CAN'T HAPPEN BEFORE THIS HAPPENS BECAUSE IT WOULDN'T MAKE SENSE, AAAAAAAAAAH
It was at that moment that I decided to use my bedroom wall and post-its to organize my shit and make a somewhat functional timeline for the story😂 This is a step I like to call Decisions. You gotta make decisions about the story, when this scene you thought up will happen, in which chapter and in which moment it'll happen, or even if it'll happen at all! Like, what if it doesn't fit in any chapter? Should I force it? It is really necessary?
You gotta make decisions and you gotta commit. I hate this step. It takes so much time because I overthink everything.
But then, THEN, by some happenstance or meteor strike as Taylor my beloved would say, I manage to get the skeleton of a chapter. Which means, I've got about 5-7 loose dialogues or bits of scenes, in a specific order, and now I just gotta fill in the blanks... which usually means going from a 1k draft to a 7k finished chapter😂
For example, this is what "It is said that there's no such thing as coincidence" looked like before I actually started working on it.
If you compare it to the finished version, you can see what actually working on the chapter means: adding the narration, the dialogue tags, etc etc. And oftentimes, new ideas pop up in my brain while I'm writing it, so I add that too.
Since Roads it's a bunch of loose scenes that came to me randomly and in disorder, when I actually write the story down one event after another, this curious thing happens called natural progression of things ✨✨✨ Or, Event->Logical reaction to said event. Like, "Hey, this character broke his arm in the previous chapter, the others should... probably.. talk about that???"😂
So that's how new things get added to the chapter that I hadn't planned but just make sense, u know?
Now, this step of actually working on the chapter is... pretty slow skdnf. I especially HATE dialogue tags, I hate that I gotta add actions and thoughts and smells and sounds between what the characters say; sometimes I really don't know what to put there kjsd.
Oftentimes, ideas of what to write in a certain scene come to me while reading something else, like a fic or a book. Which doesn't mean I steal their narrations sdkjfn, it's just- the book will mention a certain word or feeling and I go "Oh, this is like in my fic! This is what X character is going through!" and I start daydreaming about it and the right words come and I run to my Word documents to write the magic down before it leaves me 😂💖
This doesn't only happen for the current chapter I'm working on, btw. Nonono, that would be too organized for my brain. Too normal. Too easy.
When I say my brain gets loose, random, disorganized ideas, I mean it. I'm currently working on chapter 27, and yet, I've written some bits for chapters 30, 31, or even 40. If I get an idea, I gotta write it down or I'll forget. Sometimes, I have a clearer view of what a future chapter will look like than what this current chapter is, but hey, that's life 😂
Now you get why I had to use my bedroom wall, right? I mean, when you have a timeline of about 20 future chapters and a hundred loose scenes to fit into those 20 chapters, things get overwhelming. I needed a visual way to fit the pieces into place or my brain was going to collapse.
Or I was going to cry.
Anyway, in summary.
Step 1: Daydreaming. This happens naturally; can be out of nowhere or from reading something else.
Step 2: Write the daydreaming.
Step 3: Decisions. Try to organize the loose ideas I've got in my phone or Word into a chapter structure that makes sense.
Step 4: Fill in the blanks. Once the chapter structure/skeleton is there, I gotta actually work on it.
Step 5: Proofreading. Once the chapter is done, I read it again to look for typos or just to overthink the whole thing again until I'm truly happy with how I narrated every single thing. I also use Grammarly to help me out caught errors.
And that's it! Another Roads chapter is done!
...I gotta translate it to Spanish to post on Wattpad though. (Kill me, I hate this, this is cringe, I'm such a terrible writer, English makes everything sound better, why did I think this was a good idea? Why do I always repeat this same word/sentence structure? Okay, whatever, I don't care anymore. No, wait, I do, this has to be good. Why though? Only 12-year-olds read me here. Okay, it's done, IT'S DONE, BYE, I DON'T WANNA WRITE THIS SHIT FOR ANOTHER MONTH, I HATE IT)
Rinse and repeat 😇
...Sorry for writing so much.
Now, updates! I have this page in my blog called "Progress status" in which I usually update how the chapters are going along: https://hide-in-imagination.tumblr.com/Progress-Status How I see it is: if a scene needs to be finished/ it's half-done-> That's 5% If there's a scene I need to write from zero-> That's 10% So, for chapter 27, I have 5 scenes half-done and one I gotta write from scratch, so that's 25% + 10%, 35% left to do. Meaning, chapter 27 it's currently 65% done.
This page can be found in my sidebar, btw. But if you use mobile I guess you can't see it.
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Aaand, that's it! That was all your questions. I'm guessing I sated your curiosity with... way more information than you ever wanted to know🤣
Thank you for caring about my story❤️ See ya!
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formulatrash · 2 years
top 5 seasons in any motorsport?
nothing makes me madder than when I craft a good reply and tumblr eats it!!!! don’t make me redraft you chaos vortex of a half-baked gif workshop, how dare you force me to “improve” my “””writing””” I will deliberately make it much worse.
anyway, this was a good question! whoops under a cut to save your dashes
5. Season 4, Formula E
ok this... it might not actually have been that great a season. and you’ll never know now because the races aren’t on YouTube!!! but like, indulge me here: it was my season and I managed to not think about Sam Bird or his title chances so much, so hard, over so many races that it was him and JEV in contention at the end of it all. my horrible faves!* and it was the end of Gen1 which surely meant something. and there was so much comedy drama! Daniel’s win getting cancelled, then him taking Audi’s first win for a second time and them being pure mad about it because they’d wanted to bin him off for Rene Rast only Lucas had thrown a shitfit and then there he was completely justifying his place on the team!! (I don’t think the direct Audi team thought this but there were corporate machinations) and the absolutely dogshit Andretti car which, my word, you had to feel sorry for Antonio dragging around week after week but which had some truly comedy failures. and Alex Lynn!!!!! all season!!! that wouldn’t happen again until season ruddy seven ffs. shame the car sucked. anyway, good year, good year. we all assume hurling ourselves into the unknown from a relatively secure and financially lucrative corporate position will be rewarded by seeing our faves and perhaps the driver we most horrifically project onto rewarded and it worked!!!! 
4. 2020 Formula 1 season
no I know this is a weird choice but I... really liked the 2020 season. it was so weird, obviously and quiet but that somehow. felt right. like there was something changing somewhere, like there was time to think. I don’t really like the glitzy grift side of F1, can’t have an annual Celebrity Interview Discourse Month if you’ve got no celebs can ya and also this was the most reasonable-length season for ages. maybe I simply think of it fondly because FE dropped the ball so chronically in 2020 and also that there was that big, long dark period of nothing so having something at all felt like a lifeline but. Lewis quietly winning the title in Turkey might be my favourite win of his. a little comfort championship after a terrible year.
3. 1997 Formula 1 season
I know what you are about to say!!! unless it’s ‘fuck off grandma’ in which case, yeah, fair. but yes I know I should like the 1996 season more but - and this is the only time in which I will allow this - 1997 was the banter timeline. Jacques Villeneuve won but honestly, that’s totally immaterial to whatever the hell was going on with everyone this year. hardly anyone could finish a race 
also I was, like, 11. so. also this was the year when Hungary just decided to commit violence when Damon dragged that piece of shit Arrows to the second row in qualifying and then!!! the lead!!!! and it shat itself in the final laps like the miserable little hangover of an F1 it was. I have been well set up for disappointment ever since. 
2. 2017 World Endurance Championship 
flipped around a bit on this but actually yeah. yeah!!!! this was the last year of there being two competitive hybrid LMP1 teams (Porsche and Toyota) and without Audi making everyone look like total idiots it was suddenly a genuinely big old battle. and at the same time, LMP2 got really competitive, which it always had been but maybe it was just it was getting more air time at last. and there was actually a proper LMGT pro field with more than one make! ah, heady times. also Le Mans that year was this made dustball of swirling heat and every LMP1 retired in the space of 15 minutes at like 3am while I’d lain down in a bit of warm dirt by the side of the Dunlop curves and then the one Porsche did qualifying laps for the entire rest of the race to get back to the front. Jota nearly won it outright! ok, WEC is allowed to be banter. that is basically what it’s for. 
1. 2000 World Rally Championship 
listen, someone needs to let me write the simmeringly homoerotic screenplay (Rush-style) about Colin McCrae and Carlos Sainz Snr. these fucks couldn’t stand each other at all! and even worse, the idea anyone else might be their closest rival or team mate. intolerable. 2000 was when they met back up at Ford after a few years of pretending they could ever despise other people as much as each other and it was also a real classic of a fight. Sainz and McCrae ended up scrapping for third while Gronholm and Burns ran away with it and perhaps it was that, the title out of the window, that made this one of their most tender and terrible years. the Ford sucked and they both knew they were better than it, united in disgust for the car and each other. weep.
*’horrible’ and ‘fave’ here being used as a) hyperbolic way of expressing I love them and admire them, b) obviously all of them are my faves. well, apart from that one. faves is an evolving concept that encompasses all my terrible (see point a) sons (see point b)
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Sometimes You Just Need to Cry and Get A Hug from Your Pro Hero Teacher at 3AM
Sometimes You Just Need To Cry And Get A Hug From Your Pro Hero Teacher At 3AM by galacticmochi
“So you have been grumpy? Is it because you miss me?” Yamada laughed, then quieted down when Aizawa said nothing. He seemed to fold in on himself, drooping tiredly. “Oh, Shouta. Baby. Come here.”
Aizawa quickly stopped Yamada's embrace with hands on his chest. “Not here, ‘Zashi, you know how the kids are on some nights. Someone might be watching.”
Shinsou's heart clenched painfully.
Words: 4075, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Maybe This Can Last For As Long As Forever (Todoroki/Shinsou)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Shouto, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Minor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, rating may change in the next chapter... when i actually write it, a little bit of hurt/comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43327891
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tetsuromybeloved · 2 years
be my model
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♡ criminal!Ran Haitani x gn!photographer!reader
♡ suggestive, slight age-gap
♡ tonight i couldn’t sleep because i kept thinking about Ran and how much i would love to take photos of him. i'm also thinking of writing a second part, lmk if you would like to read it 😋
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“I can’t believe it, he is not answering me anymore” the girl on the other side of the phone said. You were in your room putting on some jeans, trying to speed up to arrive in time at your appointment. “I need to find someone to model for me, or I’m fucked up”she continued while you rolled your eyes, you were tired because of how little you slept last night, and in that moment, you didn’t want to deal with those problems. 
You had to take photos for this girl’s project; she asked you to be her photographer since she wasn’t good with the camera and wanted someone skilled. You agreed because it would be good to add something more to your portfolio, and the project actually interested you. It was very simple, white background, the model didn’t have anything on unless underwear, the thing that created the perfect ambient were the lights and the fact that the model had a fake wound on their neck. But the subject decided to vanish in the air and now you were stuck in a limbo.
Last night your boyfriend, the scary and frightening Ran Haitani, kept you up until 3am because of his desires; when he discovered that you were going to be the photographer for a shooting where the model was a boy that had to be naked, he started to act jealous.
In that moment you were rushing to arrive on time at the shooting’s place, which was half an hour distant from your house. You over-slept and, inside of you, you were thankful that the girl didn’t have the model anymore; that meant that you could have more time to get there, and not be late like always.    
“okay y/n I’m gonna call you back, I will find a model for later” you hummed and closed the call. You sighed, “problems?” you turned around towards the voice; Ran was laying in bed with an arm behind his head, smirking at you. You rolled your eyes then scanned his body; he had only his underwear on, so you could see his body tattoo in its entirety. He is stunning, you thought, even if he had just woken up and his hair were ruffled from the night before. “she doesn’t have the model anymore” you sighed and sat at the edge of the bed; this whole situation was stressing you and, in that moment, with your boyfriend laying that way on your bed, the only thing you wanted to do was to stay with him. 
You passed a hand over your face, exhaling air after realising that you were holding your breath; you heard movements behind you, then felt Ran’s hands holding your waist and his chin leaning over your shoulder. He kissed your neck, your cheek, then proceeded to whisper in your ear “well, what about you stay here with me?“ you were leaning in his touch, while he started to trail a hand over your chest, over your black top. He was observing your reaction, smirking against your ear “we could continue-“, you stood up in a second when you came up with an idea. You turned around to look at your boyfriend who had his eyes widened, “the fuck?” he said.
You smiled looking at him, “you will be my model”. Ran laughed as soon as those words left your mouth; you pouted at his reaction, “what” you said, while he threw his head back laughing as if what you just said was the funniest thing on earth. “Ran, please…” you said with a desperate tone. He looked at you suddenly becoming serious “no”, you sighed putting your hands in your hair and pulling slightly “why not?!”. He tilted his head still looking at you “because I’m not a model and I don’t want to participate in these university’s projects… I’m a criminal, if that’s something I have to remind you”, you rolled your eyes at his statement; who gave a fuck if he was a criminal? He was handsome and you had to help the girl finding a model, since you wanted to do this because of how different this project was from the usual shooting you had in the past. 
“Ran please, I don’t care if you are not a model nor a criminal. I need to do this photoshoot to add it to my portfolio” you were observing him hopelessly when he got out of your bed and stood in front of you, looking down at you; he took your chin in between his fingers and got closer to your face, grazing your lips “baby, this is none of my business” he kissed you, then continued holding your gaze “imagine me, Ran Haitani, naked, in front of some little girls, posing?… no thank you” he kissed you again while you pouted. 
He passed you to go to the bathroom, and you followed him; in the mean time, you took your phone out of your pocket to look at the time and to see that it was late. You scoffed noticing some messages from the girl telling you that none of his friends were available in the moment; everything was against you. 
You leaned over the bathroom door's frame crossing your arms over your chest, and looked at Ran who was washing his teeth. You were stunned by how gorgeous he was even without posing; you were studying his body up and down, imagining how many beautiful photos of him you could take. 
Before him, you used to see the world in a fragmented way, nothing was a whole; when you looked at people you saw their eyes, their nose, their mouth, their arms, but never a body in its entirety. You felt people distant from you and their feelings were as scattered to you as they looked. When you decided to begin with photography, you started to represent that fragmentation in your works; every photo was a detail of things that surrounded you. Even if you tried to represent the whole, it never came out as you wanted; still, people started to appreciate your photos, complimenting you saying that you were a talent.
When you met Ran, however, everything changed; the first moment you laid eyes on him the world came together in one. You were mesmerised by everything that he was; he was the one who had been able to show you a universe in which people had something else other than their usual facade. You couldn’t care less about what he did for work, because he did everything in order to not involve you in any of his affairs. Even if he was older than you, scarier, dangerous, he treated you like you were the most precious thing in the entire world. 
“baby?” he called you, you looked up at him “yeah?” you said; you had to convince him to be your model because now more than ever, you wanted to take pictures of him. “were you listening to me?” he smirked while drying his mouth on your towel. You shook your head while he came closer to you and kissed your head, then he got closer to your ear again “you will be late to your photoshoot if you don’t go” he smirked and went back to the bedroom. 
You rolled your eyes and followed him once more; you didn’t want to use the card of jealousy with him yet, so you tried to think of another way to convince him. “Ran please, be my model just for today… I love you so much, please just this favour” you went closer hugging him from behind, but he ignored you while he wrote something on his phone. You started to leave kisses on his naked back, tracing his tattoo with your mouth; you were feeling his chest, when you decided to use your last card “you know… the girl just texted me saying that maybe she found the model”.
You traced his abs with your hand, still leaving open mouth kisses over his back, “he is so beautiful and stunning, his body is perfectly sculpted…” you felt him tense a little under your touch, and you smirked determined with your attack “he also said that he is available to pose naked. you know, the thing I mentioned you the other day, that I wanted to take photos of bodies completely naked-“.
In a second he threw his phone away, turned into your arms and tugged your chin up to look at him “continue to talk and you won’t be able to go to the photoshoot” he said sternly; you were smirking when he forcefully kissed you. You understood immediately that you hit the point and that, now, he wouldn’t let you go to the photoshoot if he wasn’t there. He continued to kiss you, teeth clanking together while he ardently tried to held you even closer to him. You had your hands in his hair and he was roaming your body, when you pulled away, breathing heavily. You smirked tilting your head at his stern face, “you really love playing with fire, uh?” he said and you chuckled “I love you Ran, and I would love to take photos of you”.
This time it was him who rolled his eyes, and you understood that you won. “Tonight you are coming at my place, no discussion” he looked at you, and you smiled. You stood on your toes and left a kiss on his lips, “yeah okay”; you took your phone and dialled the girl’s number. After two rings she answered “y/n, I’m still searching, I’m so sorry for this-“ you interrupted her looking at Ran directly in his amethyst eyes while smirking “hey don’t worry, I found a model who is available to pose”. 
Ran cupped your cheek and looked at you with a severe look, you heard the girl gasp on the other side “you did?! really?!”; Ran got closer to your ear and whispered “you don’t know what I will do to you tonight”. You gulped and nodded at the girl’s question, as if she could see you “yeah…” it came out as a whisper, then you cleared your throat and continued “is it a problem if he has tattoos?”. Ran pulled back a little to look you directly in the eyes, while she answered you frenetically “no, no, of course not! thank you so much y/n, and also thanks the boy, you both are my saviours. see you later!”.
She closed the call and you put your phone back in your pocket, Ran smirked while you observed him “you better hope they come out good”; you rolled your eyes and walked away from his strong grip, then walked over your desk to take your camera “of course they will, you will be the model”.
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© tetsuromybeloved do not copy,modify or repost.
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