#probably anyway
canary0 · 3 days
Have you noticed all of the similarities between Tabitha Scarlet and the Princess?
Every time I play Scarlet Hollow and Slay the Princess, I notice more.
They look similar, as blonde women with deep set eyes. They are both either physically or metaphorically trapped in a house at the end of a long path through the woods on top of a hill. More than anything, they both just want to live ordinary lives with people who care about them, but neither is sure they can. They're even both princesses in a sense.
Makes you wonder.
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hedwyn-here · 6 months
Been thinking a bit about how easy it must be for authors to accidentally write characters that don't align with their own identiy or experiences via a process of osmosis.
There's a lot of discussion around about people headcanoning characters are having particular facets that weren't intended by the author, with some people getting really angry about it. (which is ridiculous becuase it's an inherently harmless thing to do in most cases)
But say for example, a character is written in a way that gives them big Autistic energy, and an autistic reader decides they love that. The author isn't autistic, and they didn't mean for that character to be autistic, but they sure are written that way and you love them and you claim it as representation.
It's entirely feasible that the author has unknowingly been exposed to autistic people, maybe friends or family, who they are drawing from for that particular character. They are intentionally writing an autistic character by being inspired by an autistic person. They just don't realise that's the thing they're intentionally recreating.
I imagine that's a thing that's incredibly common throughout literature both modern and historic. This person I know is quite interesting, I want this one character to reflect them in some respects. Oh what's that? 200 years later people are saying this character has big transmasc energy? I don't know what that means, that's just the vibe my friend James who's very private about his past gives off.
So yeah, I think it is entirely possible for an author to accidentally write a character who is neurodivergent, disabled, queer or any other number of things.
And now I've given you that context, I think Frodo Baggins is canonically a depressed little gay man and Sam Gamgee is blissfully bisexual.
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neapeaikea · 2 months
A question for the Tommy writers and readers 🙂
I've read a few fics now where Tommy is made to be of Italian descent, but isn't Kinard an Irish name? Or Scottish? Coupled with the first name (Tommy) I get very strong Irish vibes. I get that Lou is from an Italian family, and hey, people from wherever can have names from all-over and family from many places. But are we as a fandom agreed that Tommy is Italian? 'Cos I kinda feel I'm not on that train yet. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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blvck-coffee-dad · 6 months
How is it that I can be experiencing a time of practical ambivalence toward sex and at the same time find myself turned on by the same gross things as always? 🤔
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ico-sa · 7 months
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sea angel
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doorwings · 10 months
If you get a gimp suit big enough he'll be rubbery all over.
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Hi have a sonic I drew in like 30ish minutes
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what’s ur fav color???
this is such a basic bitch answer but black lmfao
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crazysnor1ax · 1 year
What if I told you guys a fic was in the works for my LN monster AU 👀
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
ok this was kinda a good poly ship
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
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cross told them this was the best way to admit their feelings.
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The andalite high command can suck my dick
-Rachael probably
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swirly-lemonade · 1 year
Jdksjdjdj I feel like sharing old art so here you go
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Those are from like 2021-2022ish idk anymore the first one is like 2020 maybe idk anymore
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finally some Fucking Shelf Space
all these books are undecoded or uncatalogued (the lower detail ones on the right are uncatalogued) so I have a lot of work to do here
hopefully one of these has What I Need to Cure My Soul Illness
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autisticmight · 9 months
i don't have gravity falls brainrot anymore. like, yeah, it haunts me, but i can go for long periods of time without thinking of it
that being said, if i get a second fandom tattoo, it's either going to be a poke ball or bill cipher
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milkweedman · 2 years
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On day 4 i spun about 1/5 of a bobbin, day 5 i didnt end up spinning anything, and today i finished the bobbin, spun a full one, and started one more. So im almost caught up (tomorrow i just need to finish this bobbin and do another)
Im having a hard time tensioning the wheel, though, which is slowing me down. Wet linen is so heavy and so...uninterested in bending... that i need really high tension on the bobbin to make it actually wind on, and at that level of tension its hard to work the treadle. From what i can tell irish tension is the best for strong takeup, which is already what im using, so im kind of at a loss how to fix it. Other than using less water, but its almost impossible to maintain a rhythm when im paying attention to the water, so the actual movements of spinning take precedence over finding an economical way to wetspin, and i basically end up plunging my hand into the water whenever its convenient to the spinning. So the linen is pretty soaked and thus heavy.
The tension problems dont make it impossible to spin or anything, but they really slow me down, bc i end up without enough tension most of the time, so the yarn jumps the hooks pretty frequently and i have to detangle.
I think im probably just getting really unlucky with the combination of high humidity and spinning really thick singles with a lot of water. Its been getting worse as the humidity gets higher, so hopefully when it drops again it'll be at least as easy as when i started (which wasnt very, but still).
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