#probably frustrated vendetta in that regard
mobileleprechaun · 1 year
I don't think anyone has Making Fiends thoughts anymore, but here's one:
A lot of fanon in the show's heyday had Vendetta's parents characterized as formerly abusive and potentially the reason why she was so cruel, only having been reigned in by her shrinking them down and caging them.
I don't think this was the case. I think they were well-meaning people whose greatest sin was a little parental ineptitude and probably also overindulgence of their daughter. I think they genuinely loved her, but were unprepared for her being such a mean little shit and didn't do enough to try and help her find a better outlet for her impulses.
idk I get weird about parents bc my parents are fucked up people, but those two seemed genuinely sweet
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sunderwight · 8 months
SVSSS AU where Shen Yuan's younger sister does a villainess transmigration.
The world she ends up in was originally a dating game and visual novel with some light RPG and crafting elements. Playing as purehearted main girl Qiu Haitang, one could choose any number of routes to pursue, from dashing Liu Qingge, to scholarly Mu Qingfang, sexy ice demon Linguang Jun, cute-but-domineering younger half-demon Luo Binghe, and so on. It was an interesting game, though it notoriously inspired some frustration when some of the more interesting side characters (like Yue Qingyuan) were completely unavailable as romantic options, and inspired at lot of rumors about hidden content and demands on future DLC expansions.-
Shen Meimei hadn't particularly liked the game. Sure, she played every route to 100% completion, bought all the extras, the official soundtrack, and the merch (fanmade as well as what slim-pickings existed officially), but that shouldn't be mistaken for approval. Much of that was in fact a desperate quest to figure out what the hell was even going on! Ignore the play time listed for this scathing Steam review, everyone! It shouldn't be factored into any assessments!
The game had several problems, in Shen Meimei's opinion.
The main issue was the lack of follow-through on the buildup of the backstory. Qiu Haitang's whole family was killed one night, maybe-probably by her sketchy as fuck ex-fiancee, who was also a hostage being kept by the Qiu family as leverage against a rival family. Which begged so many questions! Shen Meimei had suspected all along that there was more to it than met the eye (not just because the evil family shared her surname) but it was never deeply delved into. The whole thing only even got resolution in some of the routes, and the most thorough was Luo Binghe's. Luo Binghe had a huge vendetta against Shen Qingqiu, Haitang's sketchy former fiance, which left a lot of room for doubt about his investigating the issue. Was Shen Qingqiu really to blame? Or was Luo Binghe just taking advantage of an opportunity to pin SOME crime on him, since he couldn't really get him for the shit he actually did to Luo Binghe himself? What about the hints regarding that Wu Yanzi guy? Why did those never seem to amount to much? Were the Qiu family really stupid enough to betroth their only daughter to a hostage, or was something else going on? And what about Xiao Qi, the slave boy servant of the Qiu who was mentioned a few times as another possible survivor or witness, but who never comes up again?
Shen Meimei played through everything, certain that there had to be some way to actually solve or gain clarity on the Mystery of the Qiu Family Murders, but even after completing the main routes and unlocking and completing the hidden ones -- nothing! It was all just swept aside in favor of tepid romance arcs, made all the more insufferable because of the compelling subtext between the male love interests. Like, why were any of these guys even interested in Haitang when they so clearly had more going on with each other?
Annoyance over a game Shen Meimei lost too many hours of her life to was one thing, of course.
Transmigrating into the younger sister of notoriously sketchy ex-fiance Shen Qingqiu was another!
Bad news: in the routes where Shen Qingqiu is prosecuted for his crimes, his whole family goes down with him. So if this goes poorly, not only will he be punished, but so will Shen Meimei!
Worse news: this fictional version of her family is almost identical to her actual real family. To the point where she would be checking everyone else for transmigration, except that no one but her seems aware that anything is odd. Shen Qingqiu acts exactly like her older brother, right down to his particular flavor of prickly social behavior and cynicism. And their middle brother is a chronically ill nerd who hate-reads trash novels and is completely fascinated by weird monsters (a much more worrisome trait in a world that actually has a lot of those...)
In short, her life is on the line, and so is her family's!
Damn you, Veiled Heroine Games! If you hadn't abandoned so many plot threats, Shen Meimei might actually know what was going on and be able to neatly circumvent everything! But now she has to figure out how to win the protagonist back over, rescue her brothers, and solve (and possibly further cover up...) the mysterious Qiu family murders, all while keeping Luo Binghe away from Shen Jiu, and preventing Qiu Haitang from completing any of the romance plotlines that will cause troubles for them! Which is most of them!
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yeowangies · 4 months
mutual understanding
Chapter I: The butt of the joke | II | III | IV | V
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PAIRING: Kenpachi/AFAB!Reader CONTENTS: AU - Fantasy, Medieval, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Pining, Explicit Sexual Content in later chapters. WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER: None. WORDCOUNT: 3914
Marrying a complete stranger was something you had come to terms years ago, but marrying Kenpachi Zaraki, out of all the possible options, was something you didn’t want to settle with. No matter that he had saved your life, you weren't going into the marriage happily, even more so, you were afraid he would be a brute in every aspect of the word.
To your own surprise, however, no one had ever treated you better.
So uh. Hello. I started writing this a few months ago and I didn't think it'd be so long so, it's a kenpachi chaptered fic now lmao
This is heavily inspired by the webnovel 'under the oak tree', though only inspired. If any of you had read it, you'll notice the similarities and how small they are.
As a medieval au, I tried to write with a manner of speech according to it mainly for the reader character, but I might be a little stiff for that lmao
This will have smut (in the 3rd chapter if i calculated everything right), so if you're waiting for it, it's coming 💖 For now, this chapter works as an introduction and setting to the rest of the plot!
header by me, divider by @/benkeibear
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You rolled your eyes, frustrated, as you waited in the corridor for your father to come out of his office, with a speech prepared in your head to dissuade him from making this arrangement happen. 
Marrying a complete stranger was something you had come to terms years ago, but marrying Kenpachi Zaraki, out of all the possible options, was something you didn’t want to settle with. There was only so much you could do against such an union, but you had nothing to lose, so talking your father out of it was probably the last and only resort. 
“Father,” You called out for him, loud enough to make him look at you once he walked out of the room. He only kept walking as you chased after him, holding onto your dress as each of your steps resonated in the hallway. “I beg of you, please do not let this union take place!”
“Why should I do such a thing?” He asked, voice cold, not even presenting you with a quick glance as he kept on walking. 
“I do not wish to marry that man!” 
“I am the one who decides who is to become your spouse, however.”
“I understand that, but please, I must insist!”
He came to a full stop once he reached the door towards the banquet hall, and you tried to catch your breath as he turned to look at you with a stern look. 
“What do you have against him? Kenpachi Zaraki saved your life, if you must remember, my child.”
“I remember it perfectly well, but… giving him my hand in marriage as payment is atrocious to me, Father!”
“Surely you are not suggesting not to reward his actions.” He quirked an eyebrow in your direction. You knew you were testing your father’s patience at this point. “You are the princess of this kingdom, or have you forgotten?”
“His honorable actions deserve every reward possible, and we must not repair expenses if he demands food, or treasures, or perhaps a bigger fief than the one he already has. But, please, give him my life in exchange? You cannot be serious.”
“If I did not know you well enough, my child, I would assume you have a vendetta against him.”
“A vendetta!” You repeated, amused and exasperated at the same time, and you couldn’t help but raise your voice when you went on. “Father, he is a barbarian! He is violent and does not even seem to know any rules regarding etiquette!”
“Let me remind you that he is incredibly powerful too.” Your father said, as serious as always, not paying attention to any of your objections. “So powerful that even without belonging to a royal family, he has his own army. People who follow him, who are loyal to his physical strength and character. Kenpachi Zaraki would be a great ally to have if we ever have to face a conflict with our neighboring kingdoms, as it had happened in the past. And there is no safer place for you to be than with the strongest man in this land.”
The political agenda weighed heavily in this situation. You assumed that was the case, but you have just been explicitly told that was probably the main reason behind this marriage, and you couldn’t argue anymore. At a loss of words, you let your father turn to leave towards the banquet hall, sparing you a daring look before walking in. 
You sighed, clenching your fists in defeat. No other argument you could have possibly said would change this predicament.
When you walked into the hall moments later, you were taken aback to see Kenpachi talking to your father, in the most casual manner.
“I do not need a wife.” Kenpachi said through gritted teeth, emphasizing every word with anger. “I don’t want one!”
“Do not be so unreasonable, Zaraki,” Your father replied dismissively. “You will need someone to care for your fief while you are away.”
You had to control the urge to roll your eyes this time. 
“My people do that just fine!”
“It has already been arranged. I will not take any more objections. I am being more than lenient with you, Zaraki, considering your past activities, I am willing to overlook them for this union that will benefit us both.”
“I do not give a crap about that.” Kenpachi replied, low and intimidating, but you still couldn’t help but look at him with eyes wide open when he cursed like that so openly in front of you and the king. 
Kenpachi clicked his tongue as he turned to leave, looking at you with a glare when he strode past you, and slamming the door shut. For such an antic complaint, you wondered why he didn’t stand his ground more, he certainly could if he truly didn’t want this union. 
As much spunk you had in you to face situations like these, his size and imposing aura just left you breathless. You barely even reached his chest when he walked past you. You were terrified he might just accidentally kill you by simply putting a hand on you. 
“Father, please, please!” You turned to your father with imploring eyes. “I beg you, do not let this happen!”
“My child, if you have any more objections, I would be glad to hear them, but you better have a spectacular argument.” He said to you, frustrated yet purposely mocking you.
“He is just… so old!” 
You turned red when your father suddenly laughed.
“Oh, other royal men choose their spouse much, much younger than you, when they are even older than Zaraki himself!”
“I am well aware that it happens…”
You sighed again, completely given up, as you turned around.
The wedding ceremony took place almost two weeks later. Knowing what little you knew about Kenpachi, you were surprised he didn’t take off before the date. 
He was cold during the service, and barely looked at you during the banquet. He must have hated this arrangement as much as you did or even more by the way he kept glaring at everyone who even tried to talk to him, and you were left in charge of exchanging niceties with the guest wishing you good luck in this new period of your life. 
You couldn’t help but wonder constantly about what your father mentioned, even as you were in the middle of a ball with a room full of people. ‘Past activities’. Whatever did he mean by that? You knew your father merely saw you as a political tool, but you were concerned he had actually sold you to a man who could physically harm you. 
It was inevitable not to dwell on that, especially as you were getting ready for the wedding night. With your maids trading comments about how happy they were that you were married, but concerned that Kenpachi was such a big man with such a stern expression, it was difficult to relax. Their worries had been your own for weeks, and it was only making it worse to hear other people comment on them. You kept your words to yourself however, not dismissing their conversation, as they brushed your hair and helped you change into your nightgown. 
You weren’t clueless about what couples did in the intimacy of their bedrooms, but no matter how much you knew, you had never experienced it. It was almost impossible to hide your nerves; you only knew so much about this man, and what little you knew only made you more worried. 
Kenpachi practically burst the door open, getting you out of your head and making you and your maids jump from surprise. 
“Leave us.” He demanded, fixing his eyes on you as your servants scurried away. 
You bit your lip, looking at Kenpachi with what little courage you had at that moment before standing up from the chair by the vanity. You had only seen him wearing different kinds of armors throughout his stay at the palace, but to see him in only a tunic and pants made you realize how muscular and thick he naturally was. His gaze was smoldering as you approached the bed, carefully lying on it as gracefully as you could, trying not to show how nervous you truly were. He was sitting on the bed in the blink of an eye, and you closed your eyes when you felt the mattress shift as he took off his tunic. 
“Fucking unwilling women isn’t really my style.” He said, making you open your eyes to meet his briefly. “Do you want this or not?”
Apparently you were doing a terrible job at hiding your anxiety. 
Looking at him when he was completely shirtless only distracted you more, and you swallowed loudly before attempting to speak, but only an unintelligible babble came out of your mouth. Kenpachi clicked his tongue, and when he averted his eyes, you feared he might walk out of the room. If he did, not only would the unconsummated marriage fall apart, but you’d be terribly and publicly humiliated. 
When he brought his thumb to his lips, biting it hard enough to draw blood, you stared at him with eyes wide open. He let the blood drip onto the sheets in the middle of the bed before wiping off his finger, a crimson stain forming immediately. You were too confused to react when he reached for your nightgown, pulling it over your thighs before pinching the skin there, strong enough to make it hurt. 
A loud squeak came from your mouth, and you instinctively swatted his hand away, sitting up and pulling back. 
“Why did you do that?!” You asked, soothing your thigh with your hand over your gown. 
“Why do you think?” Kenpachi replied with a smirk, entertained by your reaction. “That slap you gave me wasn’t so bad.”
“Well, you hurt me!”
“We’re even then.”
You looked at him, confused by his words, as he lay on the bed beside you, kicking off his boots. 
It took you staring at the blood stain on the bed for a minute as you rubbed your thigh to fully understand what had just happened. A priest would come and check if the marriage had been consummated the next morning, and there was proof. The little yell you let out would convince anyone who might have been listening outside.
Kenpachi had just let you out of a situation you weren’t ready for, without even a second thought. 
“Thank you.” You said softly, looking at him as he closed his eyes. 
“Just go to sleep and let this day be over with.”
You hummed in agreement, relaxing even more when you noticed he wasn’t going to try and touch you at all. You lay beside him, taking a quick glance in his direction as you got comfortable, covering yourself with the blankets and turning to the side so as not to face him. 
Leaving the palace you had grown up in was difficult but you knew it was coming as soon as the wedding ceremony was over. 
The morning after the wedding night, your maids had already prepared most of your luggage, and by noon you were already on a carriage, on your way to Kenpachi Zaraki’s fief. Him and all his men traveled by horse, the only privilege of having a nice comfortable seat was given to you as the only woman. 
You caught some topics of conversation here and there. How hilarious it was that Kenpachi had gotten a wife without even trying and your difference in age and size were the most common. It made you chuckle to even hear comparisons like ‘beauty and the beast’. But what got your attention the most was the name that occasionally popped up, ‘Yachiru’. 
‘Yachiru was waiting for them.’ ‘One of the few times Yachiru did not accompany Kenpachi.’ ‘Yachiru must feel lonely all by herself in the castle.’
You were starting to wonder if maybe Kenpachi wasn’t as single as he seemed, and that’s why he refused to marry you initially. A woman waiting for him at his fief could only mean one thing, and anger bubbled up inside you. It wasn’t uncommon for men to have other women outside their marriage, but it was unfair that he had one while you were getting married. 
“Why are you sulking?” Kenpachi asked you while you looked out the window, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I am not doing such a thing.” You replied, even though you knew you were.
“We’ll get to my place by night, put up with it until then.”
His horse went up ahead as you stared at him, still surprised by his lack of finesse in his words. 
True to them, however, you reached his fief after nightfall, when you were hungry, and most importantly, ready to sleep. You didn’t even have the energy to pay attention to your new home, though the darkness was making it difficult to even look at it in detail.
“Wait here, I’ll get food.” Kenpachi said once you were both in what would be your shared bedroom from then on. 
The chamber was dark with a high ceiling, stone walls keeping the light away, with only one big window that made moonlight crept in. It was warm due to the fireplace, which you assumed the help probably started earlier. To your own surprise, it was spacious, with even an ample desk with a chair; and the bed was big enough to comfortably fit three people, with soft blankets and covers made out of fur. 
It wasn’t the kind of room you expected from a man like Kenpachi. 
When he came back a few moments later, carrying a tray with plates for the both of you, you practically gulped down everything on it as soon as you had it in your hands, forgetting about being polite and delicate for a second. 
“So you can eat.” Kenpachi teased you with a smirk.
“I apologize,” You said with your mouth full, slowing down for only a second to drink water. “I was just famished.”
“Why are you saying sorry?” He asked, looking at you curiously. “You royals are too complicated. If you’re hungry, eat.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.” You replied, tasting the bread on the side, that was made recently, still warm and soft on the inside. 
You didn’t exchange words while you both finished your meals, and you eyed him with intrigue every once in a while. Kenpachi seemed just as hungry as you were, swallowing down everything faster than you, and drinking what was probably wine from his cup. He lacked manners, you knew he did, but it only made the situation more endearing. 
His lack of social graces made it difficult for you to like him at the beginning; he seemed aloof at best, or completely ill-mannered at worst. But maybe you had looked at him wrong. You’ll have the rest of your life to figure it out. 
“Can I get a maid to help me get undressed?” You asked once he removed the plates from the bed. 
“The maids are sleeping. I didn’t know you needed help for that.” Kenpachi stared at you blankly for a second too long and you inevitably blushed.
Ashamed, you remained quiet, avoiding his eyes. You didn’t want to ask for his help in removing your dress, but you couldn’t do it alone. 
“Can you help me then, please?” You finally asked, looking at him with embarrassment.
His gaze remained on you, unfazed for a moment, before he nodded and gestured to you to come closer. You stood in front of him while he sat on the bed, and turned around, holding your hair back so he could see the back of your dress. 
Kenpachi sighed loudly, and the feeling that you might be annoying him made you tense. He took his time, carefully undoing each button. You shrugged off your sleeves once he had reached the end, nervously holding onto the front of your dress. Before you could tell him to loosen the satin tapes of the corset underneath, he was already on it, hooking his fingers and undoing the knot before tugging softly at the tapes to open it up. 
Your face was hot from embarrassment for having to ask for his help, for feeling like a bother in doing so, and for exposing yourself like this. You stepped away once he was done with the tapes, and while you held tightly onto your dress to prevent it from falling, you looked at him over your shoulder. 
“Can you turn around, please?”
Raising a brow, Kenpachi eyed you up and down before getting up from the bed and turning towards the fireplace, keeping his back to you. 
“I don’t even get why you’re making a fuss,” He said, removing his boots. “I saw you in your sleepwear yesterday.”
“It is not the same situation.” You replied quietly, as you quickly shrugged off your dress, letting it fall to your feet before shimmying your way out of your corset. 
“What’s the difference? I’m gonna be seeing you undress for the rest of our lives.”
You gulped loudly, but didn’t reply. 
Once you removed your bottoms, you were left in your tunic, tying the tapes in the front so no skin from your chest was visible. 
“You can turn around now.”
When you looked at Kenpachi, his shirt was gone, and that only made your face blush harder. He scanned your shape with his eyes quickly before sighing, approaching the bed and lying down on it. 
“Come on, let’s sleep, I’m beat.”
You nodded, though you didn’t think he even noticed, as he closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. 
Sliding on the opposite side, you covered yourself with the blankets, and turned to your side, your back to him like the night before. 
“Good night.” You whispered quietly, and closed your eyes.
When you woke up the next day, the sun was already high up, and Kenpachi seemed to have woken up a long time ago by how cold the side of the bed was. You took the opportunity to explore your new home as soon as you finished breakfast, and it amazed you how enormous the castle truly was. 
Its design on the inside reminded you of a fortress, with a lot of long corridors and rooms that would make anyone lose themselves in there if they were to go deeper. Or perhaps it was just you; the castle was mostly made of stone with only a few windows, and every corner looked exactly the same. Completely different from the palace you used to live in that had tall windows with luxurious decorations and items in every wall. It would take some getting used to living in such a place, but you really couldn’t complain about it; it was still a big castle that offered you comfort and security. 
As you headed downstairs to explore the outside, you stopped in your tracks when you heard some maids talking to each other as they passed by. 
“Yachiru was her usual cheerful self now that Sir Zaraki was back.”
You frowned as you kept walking, offended that everyone in the castle seemed to know that your brand new husband had another woman. One that had been with him long before you knew it. 
You didn’t really care if Kenpachi had other women, you even expected it since he didn’t have any intention to marry you in the first place. But you hoped he was at least careful about it so the entire world wouldn’t find out. Apparently it was a little too late for that. 
The garden left a lot to be desired. As you walked through it, overgrown grass and weed invaded most of it, and even the trail was uneven. While you headed towards the training grounds, you already decided to ask Kenpachi for permission to fix it. 
The training area was spacious, and currently occupied by almost every boisterous soldier Kenpachi had under his command. Dust flew in the air as they yelled and exchanged sword blows, blood occasionally splattering on the ground, and you stood, mesmerized by how eager to fight these men were. Violence only attracted more violence, and there was the proof that Kenpachi Zaraki only attracted more people who were exactly the way he was. 
But you were shocked to your core when you saw a little girl in the middle of it all, her pretty pink hair contrasting the atmosphere and uniforms of all the men. 
“What are you doing here?” 
You jumped when you heard Kenpachi’s voice beside you, and he stared at you, impassive, when you turned to him. 
“I-I was just… getting to know this place.” You replied nervously. “What is that child doing there?”
“W-What? She is only a child!”
“And she’s stronger than most men here.” Kenpachi replied, staring at her as she swung her sword like she was playing with it. 
“Whose daughter is she?”
You inevitably choked on your own saliva when you heard him and started coughing, loud enough that almost every man present turned to you, which only made blood travel to your face faster. Most of them bowed to you, but you could barely acknowledge them as you tried to recover.
A daughter? At this point you were convinced you were the butt of the joke. 
Kenpachi was staring at you between curious and amused, but he remained quiet. 
“W-When were you planning on telling me that?” You asked him once you regained your composure, covering your mouth with your hand. 
“Tell you what?”
“That you have children!”
“Oh.” Kenpachi said, as if it was the most boring thing you could be talking about, and it only made anger start to bubble inside you. “She’s not actually mine.”
“I found her in the woods when she was a baby and took her in.”
“Oh…” You whispered, extremely embarrassed about the situation. “What is her name?”
It all made sense then.
You let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding, and stared at the group of men in front of you, who still had their eyes on you. Ashamed of introducing yourself in such circumstances, you bowed as you said your name quickly before making a quick exit and turning back to the castle. 
You knew you would have to socialize with Kenpachi’s army of men sooner or later, but you were still embarrassed they saw you red as a tomato and sputtering nonsense, so you ended up having dinner in your room. 
“Did you stay here all day?” Kenpachi asked when he walked in at night, making you jump slightly. You still couldn’t really get used to his loud gruff voice.
“Not precisely.” You replied, eying him from the bed as he took off his boots. “I explored the rest of the castle before returning here.”
He only grunted in acknowledgement before removing his shirt and eyepatch, and you averted your eyes quickly, trying not to stare at him. However, when he took a clean shirt and walked towards the door, you couldn’t help but look at him, alarmed that he was leaving. 
“I’m going to sleep in another room,” Kenpachi turned to look at you with his usual hardened expression. “You stay here.”
You couldn’t even let out a single protest as he walked out the door.
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galaxygolfergirl · 11 months
I'm kind of worried about you guys
Recently I've been revisiting the Frozen franchise after taking somewhat of a sabbatical from it for the longest time, rewatching the movies and shorts, and I am currently going through the Frozen 2 documentary. This was mainly for nostalgia, but I wanted to try and understand the franchise from a more critical, technical perspective, and I've come to some insights that I think are worth sharing.
I already voiced my opinions on the frozen fandom in another post, especially in regards to helsa, but since I've been revisiting the old stomping grounds and reading recent posts, it's been concerning to me the level of emotional distress people were having over the treatment of Hans's character.
Now, from what I've gathered from the "text" itself (the movies and shorts, and the frozen heart novel), and from the documentary, I don't really get the sense that the writers and producers at Walt Disney animation have this vendetta against a single character. I don't think it's that deep. Despite the fact that our corner of the fandom believes that the character of Hans has potential, I can assume that the creative team doesn't really consider him to be anything more than a typical Disney villain.
Now I can't really say anything about the potential "hints" at his future redemption or a possible relationship with Elsa, but from what I understand what goes into the creative process during production, I don't think there is a guiding decree that declares that all Disney merchandising material have these hints. Most likely it is an accumulation of random chance and personal decisions down the production pipeline that have nothing to do with orders from the chain of command.
As much as it was exciting to me to read into stuff like this when I was younger, like the Hans and Elsa dolls getting paired together, for example, I think the logic still stands that currently his character is meant to be perceived negatively. And I don't think that's meant as a personal slight against our side of the fandom, that's just what the text says and what the general audience currently accepts.
I don't know if the creative team or Jennifer Lee has seen all of our posts or discussions, I don't know how they personally feel, but as a writer and an artist I feel that the vocal angry callout posts, fandom infighting, and actual petitions to get people fired over how a story should be written, ones that they might have seen, are especially harmful to the creative process. It's not up to fans how a story should be written, and as much as fans may not agree with certain creative decisions, it is ultimately up to the creators themselves whether they take that input or not.
Like I've said, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS STUFF SO SERIOUSLY! It's two PG animated musicals that are marketed to little girls! There's a frozen-themed waffle maker! Canon doesn't mean shit! You can play with these ideas and adapt them through other means! Just because it doesn't have the Disney logo slapped on it or has professional CGI animation doesn't mean that your fan fiction or fan art is any less valid or cheapened. And listen, I understand having these feelings; I was disappointed when Hans wasn't in Frozen 2, I was disappointed about how the movie ended, or that Helsa probably wasn't going to become a thing, but eventually I grew to understand that that wasn't up to me. We are not entitled to make the creators do what we want.
We have to have a sense of emotional maturity and media literacy here, not just for this little microcosm of fandom, but for investing in all media in general. There is so much more that goes into the creative production pipeline. It takes a team full of people, hundreds, thousands, that make stories like this work. Scouring the internet for story crumbs and hints and theories is only going to frustrate you more and taking that frustration out on the creative team online isn't going to make your case or help anything. If anything, you're only coming across as kind of intimidating and aggressive, and creators don't really react well to that.
Now listen: I am not trying to police how anyone reacts to a piece of media, I'm not trying to come across as somebody on any sort of moral high ground. I only encourage those who have been disappointed and frustrated to put things into a larger perspective. This is a Disney animated film series marketed at little girls. If they want to bring his character back, that would be great! If they don't, who needs 'em? Please just enjoy what you are able to do with these characters and this story. You certainly don't need validation from the house of mouse.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
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✮Day 18✮ Cucking
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˚⭒· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ft. Satan v Lucifer — Obey Me!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Happy Birthday Satan
General + Warning(s): Cucking, Possessive/Controlling Behavior, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Stalking, Dub/Noncon
Being stuck in the middle of these two is already a situation you don't want to be a part of, especially given how they are. You're very aware that in some cases, it can get tense to the point where you can cut through the tension with a knife. Though, it's all fine at the end of the day. However, as yanderes, you feel the air get heavy. It would be okay as you could just avoid them altogether but fate seems to have some vendetta against you or your luck is excruciatingly terrible. 
Lucifer was a constant in your day to day time at Devildom. Of course, it was mostly due to your lack of knowledge on certain things there but it was also to keep an eye on you. Sure, he left you to the second oldest but that's what he made you think. Sometimes you can swear he could be a step away whenever you're hanging around the place. It just seems like you are always on your toes. This also doesn't help knowing that Lucifer can be utterly controlling, so you grow rigid at the mere thought of slipping up at any given time. 
You have no idea where the sudden shift happened, but it wasn't obvious due to his personality and overall demeanor. Though, it does make you wonder if Lucifer intentionally picks you off or calls you out compared to the others. Maybe it was because you were human, but you didn't really think that could be it. There was no way you could question him about it because confronting this man is a nightmare to deal with. Even if you aren't someone who fears confrontation, he will have you shrinking back and uttering a nevermind as you try to steer the conversation elsewhere. You couldn't win with him and that frustrated you. Though, it did scare you a little. What you might not know is that keeping you under control is what Lucifer absolutely wants; and he will have that no matter what he has to do. 
That is why he is a constant—because he intends that. He can't have you participating in his brothers' foolish antics, especially when some have almost gotten you killed. So, Lucifer makes sure to keep you busy with little things. Sometimes you'll find yourself at fault for something, but having no idea of it. You are confused with how that could be but for some reason Lucifer manages to have you admit to it. Manipulation at its finest. Plus, this makes certain that he knows where you are at all times. The program you're a part of is the perfect excuse to have the right to know your whereabouts. 
Meanwhile with Satan, he didn't have much interest in you at first. You must have been another attempt to annoy him by his older brother. Typical. So, initially, he didn't see the need to interact with you. He'd still be polite, but a quick hello and good day is the most the two of you exchange. Lucifer's words about Satan echo in your head, making you wonder if the smile the fourth born puts up is truly just an act. Still, it seems like almost everyone and everything is something to be wary of... 
After actually getting to know you, Satan couldn't help but feel compelled the more interactions that went on. You're someone who understands his troubles and even when he's not at the stage where he feels comfortable being vulnerable... He can't help but want more from you. So that's what he does. Knowledge is always regarded as a powerful weapon that can be used, and Satan utilizes it well. Any piece of information on you, whether you know of it or not, he will have it. 
The two are highly aware of each other's interest in you. It was immediate, given how they can sense the other's presence wafting from you. Everyone can tell that something was up with them from the glances, but no one really speaks up about it. Probably for the best. Of course, Satan is trying to keep a cool head during all this, but he will admit that it does make his blood boil when his elder brother purposely steals you away with pathetic excuses. Anyone else could have accomplished the tasks he handed out to you. Satan knows that and Lucifer does too. 
What makes matters worse is... Satan feels mocked by Lucifer's actions. Is it really that entertaining to watch him seeth in silence as you run around doing errands for his brother? Well, two can play at this game. Satan knows that the eldest has his duties with the program and Diavolo, so that gives the fourth born an opening. He can just take your time. Convincing you to join him in some activities is simple enough, with a little push here and there. Because he has studied you for a while, Satan practically knows what makes you tick; what buttons to push and so on. A sense of satisfaction washes over him when you have to politely decline his brother's offer to join him for tea. You already have plans. 
Oh... But what if this was turned up a notch? These two are extremely possessive, so at some point in time one of them will break and take the next step forward. Satan tells himself that he can't allow Lucifer to take that step. He will be the first to take you and honestly doesn't give a damn what his brother will say. He honestly hopes he is highly aware of the fact that he beat him to the punch. 
Everything happened too fast for you to fully process what was going on. One minute you were looking through the library with Satan, the next you're bent over on your stomach over one of the desks as he rams into you. Nothing could have predicted something like this to occur. You didn't even think Satan would have this intention when you two entered the room. He only mentioned wanting to relieve some stress by reading and asked if you'd like to tag along. 
You accepted, mostly because you enjoy his company but you also wanted to unwind for a bit. You had just finished some note taking and thought to yourself that maybe you could ask him to look through them. Just to make sure you didn't miss anything. It all started very innocent. Now you can't even remember how it all came down to this. He was stronger and faster than you, so it was futile to try prying him off or even stopping him. 
He probably never had the intention to do so. 
It was getting hard to stay quiet with the pace Satan was going. Long, hard thrusts and it seemed like he took a small pause between pulling out and pushing himself back in—like he wanted to make sure you felt every bit of this. 
Satan gave a quiet hush sound, "Shh, you shouldn't be too loud. What if the others hear? You don't want them to see you like this, right?" He gave your thigh a smack, making you yelp slightly. 
You bit your lip and shook your head. Your legs quivered as he gave another firm thrust. Everything was so overwhelming. The sounds of your bodies connecting, the roughness of his cock, the grip he had on your hips and the fact that his body was pressed down onto yours. He was practically laying on top of you at this point. His breath fanned over your ear as he spoke to you. 
"Maybe you do want them to see. Let them see who you truly belong to." A choked moan comes out of you as his next thrust jerks you slightly forward. "I think the looks on their faces would be priceless. Witnessing you getting fucked by someone that isn't them. Knowing that they lost their chance." 
It was all too much. You were almost over the edge. 
The feeling of Satan's movements slowing down made you blink and brought you to some of your senses. You wondered why his pace slowed. Maybe it was to torture you; make you writhe in desperation while begging him to keep going. 
You slightly lifted your head up and immediately froze. Lucifer stood at the entrance of the library. How did you not hear the door opening!? 
Shame and embarrassment washed over you as you avoided eye contact, but you could feel his eyes scanning the two of you. The tension was obvious and you felt smaller than ever. 
Things couldn't get worse, but they did. Your hips jerked as you felt Satan picking up his pace again, which made your eyes widen. He wasn't serious... Was he? You bit your lip to prevent any noise, but it felt so good. A part of you wondered what Lucifer was thinking; how did he even react? It would soon become an afterthought. 
Meanwhile, Satan had remained composed as he kept eye contact with his brother. He grabbed your chin and raised your head up. "Don't be shy darling..." He quietly panted into your ear. 
A whine escapes you as you avert your eyes from Lucifer. It seemed like he was staring blank faced, but his fists and jaw were tightly clenched. 
"Let's let Lucifer know who you truly belong to."
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phlve · 2 years
Enneagram 8 Trait Structure
Just as anger may be regarded the most hidden of passions, lust is probably the most visible, seeming an exception to a general rule that wherever there is passion, there is also taboo or injunction in the psyche against it. I say “seemingly” because even though the lusty type is passionately in favor of his lust and of lust in general as a way of life, the very passionateness with which he embraces this outlook betrays a defensiveness — as if he needed to prove to himself and the rest of the world that what everybody calls bad is not such. Some of the specific traits that convey lust, such as “intensity,” “gusto,” “contactfulness,” “love of eating,” and so on, are intimately bound to the constitutional stratum of personality. A sensory- motor disposition (the somatotonic background of lust) may be regarded as the natural soil in which lust proper is supported. Other traits, such as hedonism, the propensity to boredom when not sufficiently stimulated, the craving for excitement, impatience, and impulsiveness, are in domain of lust proper.
We must consider that lust is more than hedonism. There is in lust not only pleasure, but pleasure in asserting the satisfaction of impulses, pleasure in the forbidden and, particularly, pleasure in fighting for pleasure. In addition to pleasure proper there is here an admixture of some pain that has been transformed into pleasure: either the pain of others who are “preyed upon” for one’s satisfaction or the pain entailed by the effort to conquer the obstacles in the way to satisfaction. It is this that makes lust a passion for intensity and not for pleasure alone. The extra intensity, the extra excitement, the “spice,” comes not from instinctual satisfaction, but from a struggle and an implicit triumph.
Another group of traits intimately connected to lust is that which could be labeled punitive, sadistic, exploitative, hostile. Among such traits we can find “bluntness,” “sarcasm,” “irony,” and those of being intimidating, humiliating, and frustrating. Of all characters, this is the most angry and the one least intimidated by anger.
It is the angry and punitive characteristic of ennea-type VIII Ichazo addresses in his calling the fixation of the lusty “revenge.” The word, however, has the drawback of being associated with the most overtly vindictive of the characters, ennea-type IV, whose hatefulness sometimes manifests in explicit vendettas. In this overt sense type VIII is not strikingly vindictive; on the contrary, the character retaliates angrily at the moment and gets quickly over his irritation. The revenge which is most present in ennea-type VIII is (aside from “getting even” in the immediate response) a long-term one, in which the individual takes justice in his own hands in response to the pain, humiliation, and impotence felt in early childhood. It is as if he wanted to turn the tables on the world and, after having suffered frustration or humiliation for the pleasure of others, has determined that it is now his turn to have pleasure even if it involves the pain of others. Or especially then — for in this, too, may lie revenge.
The sadistic phenomenon of enjoying the frustration or humiliation of others may be regarded as a transformation of having to live with one’s own (as a byproduct of vindictive triumph), just as the excitement of anxiety, strong tastes, and tough experiences represents a transformation of pain in the process of hardening oneself against life.
The anti-social characteristic of ennea-type VIII, like rebellion itself (in which it is embedded), may be regarded as a reaction of anger and thus a manifestation of vindictive punitiveness. The same may be said of dominance, insensitivity, and cynicism along with their derivatives. Punitiveness can be regarded as the fixation in sadistic or exploitative character — and we may credit Horney and Fromm for being ahead of their times in stressing these last- mentioned characteristics.
Though lust itself implies an element of rebellion in its assertive opposition to the inhibition of pleasure, rebellion stands out as a trait on it own, more prominent in ennea-type VIII than in any other character. Even though type VII is unconventional, the emphasis of this rebellion is intellectual. He is a person with “advanced ideas,” perhaps a revolutionary outlook, while type VIII is the prototype of the revolutionary activist. Beyond specific ideologies, however, there is in the character not only a strong opposition to authority, but also a scorn for the values enjoined by traditional education. It is in virtue of such blunt invalidation of authority that “badness” automatically becomes the way to be. Generalized rebellion against authority can usually be traced back to a rebellion in the face of the father, who is the carrier of authority in the family. Vindictive characters frequently learn not to expect anything good from their fathers and implicitly come to regard parental power as illegitimate.
Closely related to the characteristic hostility of the ennea-type, is dominance. Hostility may be said to be in the service of dominance, and dominance, in turn, regarded as an expression of hostility. Yet, dominance also serves the function of protecting the individual from a position of vulnerability and dependency. Related to dominance are such traits as “arrogance,” “power seeking,” “need for triumph,” “putting others down,” “competitiveness,” “acting superior,” and so on. Also related to these traits of superiority and dominance are the corresponding traits of disdain and scorn for others. It is easy to see how dominance and aggressiveness are in the service of lust; particularly in a world that expects individual restraint, only power and the ability to fight for one’s wishes can allow the individual to indulge in his passion for impulse expression. Dominance and hostility stand in service of vindictiveness, as if the individual had early in life decided that it doesn’t pay to be weak, accommodating, or seductive, and has oriented himself toward power in an attempt to take justice into his hands.
Also closely related to the hostile characteristic of ennea-type VIII are traits of toughness, manifest through such descriptors as “confrontativeness,” “intimidation,” “ruthlessness,” “callousness.” Such characteristics are clearly a consequence of an aggressive style of life, not compatible with fear or weakness, sentimentality or pity. Related to this unsentimental, realistic, direct, brusque, blunt quality, there is a corresponding disdain for the opposite qualities of weakness, sensitivity and, particularly, fear. We may say that a specific instance of the toughening of the psyche is an exaggerated risk-taking characteristic, through which the individual denies his own fears and indulges the feeling of power generated by his internal conquest. Risk-taking, in turn, feeds lust, for the type VII individual has learned to thrive on anxiety as a source of excitement, and rather than suffering, he has — through an implicit masochistic phenomenon — learned to wallow in its sheer intensity. Just as his palate has learned to interpret the painful sensations of a hot spice as pleasure, anxiety — and/or, rather the process of hardening oneself against it — has become, more than a pleasure, a psychological addiction, something without which life seems tasteless and boring.
Conning and Cynicism
The next two traits can be considered intimately connected. The cynical attitude to life of the exploitative personality is underscored by Fromm’s traits of skepticism, the tendency to look upon virtue as always hypocritical, distrust in the motives of others, and so on. In these traits, as in toughness, we see the expression of a way and a vision of life “red in tooth and claw.” In regard to conning and cunning, it should be said that ennea-type VIII is more blatantly deceptive than type VII, and is easily seen as a cheat, the typical “used car salesman” who knows how to bargain assertively.
Exhibitionism (Narcissism)
Ennea-type VIII people are entertaining, witty, and often charming, yet not vain in the sense of being concerned with how they appear. Their seductiveness, bragging, and arrogant claims are consciously manipulative; they are geared to gaining influence and elevation in the power and dominance hierarchy. They also constitute a compensation for exploitativeness and insensitivity, a way of buying out others or making themselves acceptable despite traits of unaccountability, violence, invasiveness, and so on.
As Horney has remarked, we could not expect anything other than self-reliance in one who approaches others as potential competitors or targets of exploitation. Along with the characteristic autonomy of ennea-type VIII is the idealization of autonomy, a corresponding rejection of dependency and passive oral strivings. The rejection of these passive traits is so striking that Reich postulated that phallic-narcissistic character constitutes precisely a defense against them.
Sensory-Motor Dominance
Beyond the concepts of lust and hedonism, rebellion, punitiveness, dominance, and power- seeking, toughness, risk taking, narcissism, astuteness, is in ennea-type VII the predominance of action over intellect and feeling, for this is the most sensory-motor of characters. The characteristic orientation of ennea-type VIII to a graspable and concrete “here and now” — the sphere of the senses and the body-sense in particular — is a lusty clutching at the present and an excited impatience toward memory, abstractions, anticipations, as well as a desensitization to the subtlety of aesthetic and spiritual experience. Concentration on the present is not simply as a manifestation of mental health as it could be in other character dispositions, but the consequence of not deeming anything real that is not tangible and an immediate stimulus to the senses.
Source: Character and Neurosis
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tirsynni · 2 years
Hello, can we talk to you about our lord and savior "wishing people would stop making Leon a selfish drunk who can't drive"? We also have a free pamphlet "And stop making Leon Ada's whipping boy" if you're interested.
It's frustrating, to say the least. This limits two complex parts of Leon which I completely adore.
I've written repeatedly about why I don't think Leon is an alcoholic. The most we've seen him drink in canon was in Vendetta, and that was on vacation following a traumatic incident in an appropriate place. That fits with Leon. This guy rarely directly addresses problems. Bad shit happens to Leon and he does his best to not think about it. He throws himself into his mission or he takes a vacation and hides with alcohol. In that case, Leon isn't addicted to alcohol. Alcohol is a deliberately used tool in a controlled environment for a specific effect. If he wasn't on vacation, he would probably be throwing himself into his next mission.
The bit about the bad driving... C'mon, people. Yeah, Leon has terrible luck with vehicles, but hell: the fact that he survived each crash is pretty important, as is the fact that the only time Leon actually crashes a vehicle is when he is using his motorcycle as a weapon against Arias. Every other time, there were some pretty significant BOW interference. I'd like to see anyone drive when a BOW is throwing itself at you and tries to eat your head. Leon has never crashed something out of lack of skill, nor is he ever actually seen driving badly. If he crashed, it guaranteed there was a BOW involved.
And the Ada thing? Where the hell did that whipping boy thing come from? Seriously? Have you seen their interactions? They have a lovely complex relationship with the acknowledgment that while sometimes their goals are connected, they are overall on opposing sides. Leon will aim a weapon at Ada. Leon will deliberately work to keep things out of Ada's hands. Leon is incredibly duty-driven. Helena in 6 repeatedly encourages him to go after Ada, and nope. Leon focuses on the mission. On the times they're on the same side (ish), it's mutual life saving and mutual assistance. Leon has shown that he is willing to go against Ada if necessary, and Ada has shown that she is willing to take time away from her goals to assist Leon. Hell, Leon won't even say he trusts Ada. The reason he stands between Chris and the woman they thought was Ada wasn't specifically to protect Ada. It was to protect a witness who could provide information regarding Simmons's crimes. When it came time to separate, he didn't go after Ada: he allowed Chris to hunt her, fully aware that Chris planned, at the very least, to slap cuffs on her.
Adults can drink without being alcoholics. The only time he was reluctant to assist in a mission was when Chris and Rebecca charged him on his vacation and ordered the guy to drop everything to help them. The only time we see Leon wreck a vehicle is under exceptional situations. There is absolutely mutual respect between Leon and Ada, with the clear understanding tat if it became necessary, they would actively oppose the other.
I adore complex, clever, fucked up Leon who nonetheless always tries to do the right thing, and it's frustrating to see these tropes over and over again in fandom. It seems like one person saw the actual canon and then canon got lost in a game of fanon telephone where only these basic tropes survived. The characters get relegated to boxes, with most of their actual characterization buried under the mess. Allow characters to be multifaceted. Allow them to be complex. Recognize that adults can do adult things, like drinking, without it equaling alcoholism.
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kal-djarin · 4 years
Fandom: Star Wars
Date Posted: January 30th, 2021
Pairing: Jedi! Reader x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Warnings: none that I know of?
Request: nah
A/N: so this is my first time ever writing anything so I am so sorry if it is terrible, I didn't have the guts to proof-read it. Also, sorry if the romance feels rushed, I tried to time it as best as I could. Please let me know how I can make my writing better!!!
Obi-Wan Kenobi has always had an addictive personality, to say the least. He had a way of making light of any situation with his sarcastic quips and quick wit, even during the most gruesome of battles. Maybe this was the cause of your ever-growing infatuation with the reputable Jedi or perhaps it was the way he always had a hint of rebellion in his eyes, despite his groomed appearance and strict code-abiding ways.
As Plo-Koon’s padawan, you weren’t able to see Obi-Wan as often as you wished, but it made even the smallest of interactions memorable; just making eye contact with the man while walking through the halls of the Temple resulted in sleepless nights. Even Anakin began to sense your constant flustered state whenever his Master walked into the room, no matter how hard you tried to keep those feelings out of your force signature. He teased you constantly and would always try to see how embarrassed he could make you in front of Obi-Wan.
Once you and Anakin underwent the Knighting ceremony, he went as far to tell you to follow your heart and confess your feelings for him.
“Y/N, you can’t keep walking through life bottling up every emotion you feel!” Anakin said, exasperated
“Isn’t that the whole point of being a Jedi,” you say, not at all surprised that it would be Anakin telling you to rebel against the Order.
“And anyways, unlike you, Anakin, not all of us decide to go against our entire upbringing and marry a senator.” you pointed out, effectively shutting him up about the subject.
It was inconceivable just to think about revealing your feelings to Obi-Wan. There were too many factors against you and the idea of being rejected by him after years of secret pining would be devastating. The worst part is that you know he would reject you in a gentle and kind way, making it impossible for you to hate him for it.
Not only were attachments forbidden by the Jedi council, but Obi-Wan was known for his adherence to the law and there’s no way he would break it for anyone, especially you. You were only a newly knighted Jedi and probably completely off of his radar, if he even had one. There was only one solution for your feelings for Obi-Wan: try to avoid him until they begin to fade.
But since the Maker has a vendetta against you, you, Obi-Wan, R2-D2, Anakin, and his padawan, Ahsoka, were assigned to leave Coruscant for a mission on Naboo. Senator Amidala was having a ball to celebrate the Festival of Light and there were rumors regarding a potential attempt on Senator Organa’s life, so the Order offered to send some Jedi to ensure the safety of the guests and Padmé.
The trip is going to be about a week long, so you mentally prepare being in close quarters with Master Kenobi. When you arrive at the hangar, you are pleasantly surprised to see the ship that was being boarded by Anakin and Ahsoka was bigger than what you expected. You board the ship with a new-found confidence in being able to complete the mission without embarrassing yourself.
“How is the whole avoiding Obi-Wan thing going for you, (Y/N),” Anakin teases once he sees you enter the cockpit.
“Why are you trying to avoid Master Kenobi?” Ashoka asks, looking between you and Anakin confused.
“Anakin I swear to-”
“Our beloved (Y/N) here has a crush on him.” Anakin interrupts and before you can yell at him for sharing that embarrassing information you hear a set of boots walking up the ramp. Your heart stops and you say a prayer to whoever is listening that Obi-Wan did not hear your conversation.
“Is everyone about ready to leave?” Obi-Wan’s accented voice rings out, coming closer to the cockpit.
Feeling yourself heat up from embarrassment, you quickly turn around and face the pilot seat in front of you in an attempt to avoid seeing him. You release a relieved breath, not sensing he heard anything. He walks in and once you calm down and realize how rude you must look, you slowly turn back towards him. He greets you with a smile and you can’t help but return the gesture. That breathtaking smile alone makes you feel like a flustered padawan again but you realize that if you are going to get through this mission and over your feelings, you must overcome your want to shy away.
“Hello Master Kenobi. Yes I believe we are all ready,” You say; your words were stiffly said but at least they weren't a stuttering mess.
He nods in acknowledgment and sits down in the pilot seat across from where you are standing. Anakin closely follows and sits in the adjacent seat, but not before stifling a laugh at the glare you give him for almost revealing to Obi-Wan how you feel. You sit behind Anakin and Ahsoka sits beside you. Anakin starts the ship and begins to fly towards the Chommell sector, where Naboo resides. Once you have left the atmosphere, he initiates hyperspace travel.
Once in hyperspace, Obi-Wan excuses himself and leaves the cockpit to meditate. Right when the door to the cockpit shuts Ahsoka snaps her head towards you.
“You have a crush on Master Kenobi?!” she whisper shouts, but it is still loud enough to facilitate a small internal freak out from you.
You don’t respond and keep looking out the window, contemplating whether or not to jump into the void of blurring stars in order to avoid this confrontation. Ahsoka, on the other hand, takes your silence as a confirmation to her statement.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Ahsoka exclaims to you and Anakin, mostly in disbelief that you never mentioned this and that Anakin was able to keep a secret like that to himself.
“Well it’s not exactly something I’m proud of, Ahsoka,” you say, turning towards her.
“We’re Jedi.” you state solemnly, “It doesn’t matter who knows about our feelings; it doesn’t change the fact that we will never get to act on them or even truly experience them.”
“I know, but maybe you could-” Ahsoka starts but you are quick to shut down any false hope she could make for you.
“Ahsoka, there’s nothing you can do, I just have to get over it,” you say a bit harsher than intended. You and Ahsoka don’t have the most conventional of Padawan and Jedi Knight relationships, but then again neither did her Anakin. Since you were still a young Knight, you two were more like sisters, making you feel infinitely more guilty for taking your frustration out on her
“Look, Ahsoka, I’m sorry, it’s just that I don’t want to get my hopes up over something that will never happen”
“I just don’t like seeing you hurting, (Y/N)”
“You could always tell him.” Anakin chimes in,
You look at him, annoyed with his ever present need to pull the trigger, and then turn back to Ahsoka.
“I’ll be fine, I always am,” you assure her, but honestly you say it more to reassure yourself.
A couple of days past and you successfully have limited your time with Obi-Wan as much as physically possible. He was a very structured man and figuring out his daily routine was easy, so all you had to do was go to a part of the ship he wasn’t, or in worst cases, meditate so he couldn’t interact with you even if he wanted to.
But of course, Anakin, always being the meddler, picked up on your perfectly coordinated avoidance of his Master. He decided to “spontaneously” take Ahsoka to the back to do more training, leaving you and Obi-Wan to man the cockpit.
You approach the metal doors, mentally preparing having to spend the next couple of hours or so with the Jedi Master.
“Master Kenobi.” you greet as soon as you walk in.
“General (L/N), how nice of you to finally join me.” He says with a sarcastic edge but the smile on his face shows he means nothing by it. “In fact, I’ve hardly seen you this entire trip.” He states, matter-of-factly.
You nervously laugh while sitting down in the pilot seat next to him, in an attempt to release some stress over the fact that he noticed. The worst part is that there is a sick kind of rush of pleasure you get from the fact that he noticed you were missing.
You face forward, trying to ignore the way he is watching your movements.
“How much time until we reach Naboo?”
“According to the navigation system, about 23 hours, allowing us to arrive about…7 hours before the actual festivities.” He responds, looking at the display before returning his gaze to you.
“You seem unsettled,” He continues and you meet the concerned look in his eyes.
“I-I’m just…preparing myself for the mission,” you quickly come up with an excuse, slightly cursing the force for putting your emotions on display.
“There’s no reason to worry, at least from what the Council and Anakin have told me, but then again, Anakin is not known for his accuracy of judgement of how difficult a mission may be” Obi-Wan replies while grimacing, most likely remembering his padawan’s past misjudgments.
“There is something to be admired about Anakin’s lack of self-preservation,” You joke, starting to loosen up at the fact that Obi-Wan didn’t pick up on your lie.
You feel a sense of pride go through you when you see him laugh at your attempt of humor.
“Yes, Anakin has al-” He starts but is quickly interrupted by an angry series of beeps coming from the navigation system. You check the monitor and don't see why the ship is freaking out, until hundreds of small dots appear on the radar.
Obi-Wan is quick to react and begins to prepare the ship to enter the asteroid field. It doesn’t seem to be too congested but enough where you begin to worry.
“R2, take control of the steering!” He shouts and is given a series of beeps of affirmation by the astromech
You enter the field and suddenly wish you remembered to buckle up; R2’s steering is jerky and all over the place, but at least the ship is still intact. You grab on to the armrests of your seat as tight as you can and hope R2 will be successful.
Obi-Wan, as outwardly calm as ever, says, “Hope you don’t mind a bumpy ride!”
His sarcastic words force a laugh out of you. Even still, despite the fact you could be facing imminent death, he expresses dry humor.
The field seems to stretch on forever and R2 navigates through it without error. Finally seeing the end approaching, you begin to loosen your death grip on the chair. To your horror, R2 sharply jerks the ship to the left one last time, throwing both you and Obi-Wan out of the pilot seats. Landing with your back on the far wall, your eyes shut on instinct when your head slams into the metal. It’s not until you feel breath fanning your face and open your eyes that you realize that you weren’t only one who fell over here.
Obi-Wan’s hands are pressed against the metal beside your shoulders, caging you in. His arms are bent at the elbows from absorbing the impact of his landing, making his body even closer to your own. His nose is close enough to touch your own and you can feel his legs tangled between your own.
His eyes widen in shock and you begin to see the parts of his cheeks not covered by his trimmed beard turn a rosy pink. You would almost find it cute how his ears were becoming a bright red if it wasn't for your own embarrassment. It only makes matters worse when you watch Obi-Wan slowly glance down at your parted lips, still taking in the image of you pressed against him. If he could sense your unsettledness when you walked into the room, there is no doubt in your mind that your force signature is screaming your feelings. The seconds felt like hours and it seemed that both of you were completely frozen. You are so lost in the moment that you hardly react quickly enough to separate from him when the metal doors to the cockpit slide open.
Anakin’s annoyed shout entered the room.
“What the hell was that!” Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice the flustered state of both you and his former master.
“I-it w-was an um…” his voice trails off as he keeps looking at you.
“An asteroid field! It was an asteroid field,” you quickly say in an attempt to fill in his words.
“Thanks for the heads up,” Anakin says sarcastically, still oblivious, and heads to the back to make sure Ahsoka was alright.
It’s only then when you begin to feel the throbbing in your head. Your facial expression must have given away the pain you are currently in, since Obi-Wan quickly sits you down and looks at the place where your head hit the wall, making sure you had no serious injuries. Throughout the entire examination, he didn’t meet your eyes once and he didn’t have the same surety in his movements like he usually did. Once Obi-Wan finished, he quickly excused himself and left the room, leaving you more confused than you had been.
Not even a minute later, Anakin pops his head in, quickly rubs R2 affectionately on the head, and then turns his attention to you.
“What the hell did you do to Obi-wan, he looks like he’s seen a ghost.”
After the accident, Obi-Wan was now the one avoiding you. He would excuse himself whenever you entered the same part of the ship as him. You couldn’t help but feel guilty for making him so uncomfortable, even though it wasn’t your fault.
You were going to apologize to him, but by the time you arrived on Naboo, you realized the moment had already passed. Senator Amidala greets you right when you walk down the boarding ramp. You and Padme have always had a close relationship, especially since you are one of the only people who actually knows about her and Anakin.
“Master Kenobi, General (L/N), General Skywalker, it’s always a pleasure to see you,” Padmé said in her always regal and kind voice.
“Senator Amidala, in need of our assistance once again?” Anakin teases her, but still tries to keep the outward formal relationship displayed.
Padmé playfully rolled her eyes and escorts us into the
building that we are supposed to rest for the rest of the trip in.
She brings Anakin to his room first to his dismay, but quietly reassures him that she’ll be back after making sure you, Ahsoka, and Master Kenobi are settled in. Obi-Wan still hasn’t made eye contact with you or even truly acknowledged your presence. Once Padmé shows him to his room, she goes to the two doors across the hall, and lets Ahsoka into one and opens the other.
“and here is your room (Y/N).”
You walk inside and just like everything else on Naboo, the place is absolutely beautiful.
“I’m going to send up some dresses for you to choose from for the ball tonight and we could get ready together, if you want.” Padmé says, seeming excited at the idea of dressing up with you.
“Sorry Padmé, I was just going to wear my robes.” You tell her, while still preoccupied with exploring the room.”
“Didn’t Anakin tell you? To ensure that the supposed assassins don’t realize that they have been compromised, you all are supposed to dress in normal clothes.”
After hours of being poked and prodded by some of Padmé’s servants, you finally were ready for the ball. You looked beautiful when you looked in the mirror, but you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable because of this sudden change of appearance. You couldn’t remember the last time you dressed like this and your head still couldn’t wrap around the image it saw in the reflection. The dress you decided to wear was floor-length with a slit that stopped at your mid thigh and was a light blue. The top was a bit more modest but not by much. It was more risque than what you expected to wear, but Padme insisted that it look beautiful on you; also the slit allowed you to strap your lightsaber to your thigh, keeping it accessible, but still hidden. Your hair was in an intricate half-up half-down braid so it looked formal enough for the ball, but if you needed to engage with the potential assassin, it wouldn’t get in the way. As much as you protested, Padmé insisted on you borrowing her jewelry and makeup.
By the time you all finished, It was time to head to the ball. You, Ahsoka, and Padmé all arrive together, and quickly scan the outside for anything suspicious. You head inside and immediately people begin to swarm Padmé and thank her for hosting. You and Ahsoka excuse yourselves and begin to scan the crowd for Anakin and Obi-Wan.
You spot the back of a strawberry-blonde head next to Anakin’s always messy hair talking to a senator you didn’t recognize and begin heading towards them. Ahsoka gets there first, quickly getting Anakin’s attention and talking to him. When Anakin sees you he looks impressed.
“Wow, you clean up nice.” Anakin jokes, making Obi-Wan turn to see who he is talking to. When he sees you his smile falters and his eyes widen a bit. His cheeks start to redden.
“It’s just weird for you as it is for me, trust me” you say trying to overcome the sudden rush of self consciousness you feel.
“N-no you look…radiant, General (L/N).” Obi-Wan breathes out, his eyes scanning your body, slightly widening when they catch your upper thigh peeking through the slit.
You instantly flush at his words and look down in embarrassment from such a compliment from Obi-Wan.
You catch a glimpse of his shined shoes and realize that he, too, is not wearing his Jedi robes. Your eyes trail up his whole body and see he is in robes, but they appear much softer than the rough ones issued by the order and they resemble what a senator would wear. He looks absolutely breathtaking. “And you look…” your voice trails off in shock, “...very handsome, Master Kenobi”
Pamdé finally joins you, unintentionally saving you from the awkward tension. Anakin greets her and as always he instantly appears calmer and more relaxed in her presence.
You awkwardly sit in on their conversation, trying to distract yourself by scanning the room for anything or person out of place. Suddenly, the music began to shift to slower and people began to pair off. Anakin started slow dancing with Padmé, making sure that there was enough room between them to avoid any suspicion.
Obi-Wan walks into your field of vision.
“Would you like to dance with me...to blend in of course.” He says while raising his hand in an invitation.
“I-I would love to.”
Obi-Wan’s rough hand encloses your own and he leads you to the dance floor. Once, there his other hand comes around and rests above the small of your back and yours over his shoulder, hovering over the skin, scared to touch him. You start to slow dance and Obi-Wan glances over at your stiff hand, and his mouth breaks out into a grin
“Relax General (L/N). You are allowed to touch me.” He says quietly.
Your eyes widen at his sudden boldness, but comply nonetheless. He readjusts his grip on your hand so that they woven together and you place your hand on his shoulder. You look at him with uncertainty, but he gives you a small smile of encouragement and nod to approve of your actions. The longer you dance, the more you relax into it, and only internally freakout at his hand sliding a bit lower to the small of your back and his body moving much closer to yours.
You can’t imagine he isn’t seeing the emotions you are trying so hard to contain in your force signature. Your mind is freaking out at just how close Obi-Wan’s body was to you. Your body, however, wants to completely submit to the feelings and melt into his. By the time the song ends, you two are so close that you can feel Obi-Wan’s shaky breath on your cheek, and it all becomes much too overwhelming.
“Excuse me.” you quickly say, removing yourself from Obi-Wan.
You quickly shove your way through the crowds until you find doors leading out to a balcony. You open them and take several gulps of the fresh night air in an attempt to calm yourself. You hold onto the railing and stare out into the starry Naboo sky, trying to make sense of what the hell just happened. Suddenly, you feel the doors open behind you and sense Obi-Wan’s presence.
“Did I upset you, General (L/N)?”
“I can’t do this right now, Obi-Wan” you mutter, dropping the pleasantries of titles.
“And what exactly is this” He questioned, his voice sounding more desperate than you have ever heard before.
You turn to face him and see that his facial expression matches his tone: desperate and concerned. His eyes search your face as if he can find what you're thinking if he just looks hard enough.
You shake your head in disbelief.
“Do you think this is a game, Obi-Wan” you demanded.
His facial expression warped into one of confusion.
“A what?” He replies, seeming taken aback.
“A game. Do you think toying with me is fun? You just want to see how flustered you can make me, huh?”
“General (L/N), I don’t understand where all of this coming fro-”
“I am attached to you!” you interrupt, not realizing what you are saying before it leaves your mouth. Your eyes widen and you watch in horror as Obi-Wan comprehends what you just said.
“You are attach-” Obi-Wan starts, trying to understand the meaning behind your words but before he can, a loud crash is heard from inside the building. You rush past the frozen Jedi, relieved for the unexpected interruption. You attempt to shove down all of your feelings so you can evaluate the situation going on inside the ballroom.
People are fleeing from every which way, making it damn near impossible to understand what exactly is going on. The lights go out, making the room break out into even more chaos. You finally see Ahsoka, who is hovering over Senator Organa’s body. Thinking the worst, you rush over, but are quickly relieved to see him alive. Ahsoka notices you and fills you in.
“A sniper hidden in one of the interior balconies attempted to assassinate Senator Organa, but they only hit his blast vest, thankfully. Anakin is scanning the area right now to see if he can find them before they escape”
“Stay here with the senator, I’m gonna look around and see if I can find anything,” You say, running off to scan the outside of the building. Once you get out there, you see Anakin in pursuit of a tall figure running in the direction of a small single-person starship. You join in the chase, catching up to Anakin. “It’s a bounty hunter, she may have information on who wants Senator Organa dead!” He yells, not at all winded by the sprinting he is currently doing.
She gets to her ship, quickly hopping in and starting up the engine. You and Anakin jump onto the wings and ignite your lightsabers to try and disable the ship from leaving. The ship begins to hover just above the ground and veer left and right in an attempt to throw the two of you off.
“Where the hell is Obi-Wan!” Anakin swore while trying to maintain his balance.
“Finally ready to admit that you need me, Anakin? I thought I’d never live to see the day,” Obi-Wan suddenly quips, as if the last twenty minutes never happened, and uses his lightsaber to effectively damage the ship's engines. The bounty hunter tries to jump out, but Anakin quickly grabs her and throws her to the ground. The entire time that the girl is being put into custody and brought to the holding cell, you avoid Obi-Wan completely, mortified that you confessed how you feel for him.
When the whole ordeal is taken care of and she is set to return to Coruscant with you guys to be questioned there, Padmé insists that you, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka stay another night to rest. You quickly take her up on that offer, thankful that you can try to ease your embarrassment with another night with a hot shower and plush bed.
You head straight to your room, not bothering to talk to anyone, and immediately take a shower. You sit there under the scalding hot water trying to process what you have done. When you get out, you change into your pajamas. You try to relax, but quickly realize that you need to do something to resolve the unsettled feeling you have in the pit of your stomach. As much as you hate to admit it, you need to talk to Obi-Wan. You just have to say that you didn’t mean what you said and that it was just word-vomit, no true meaning behind them. You open your door and are about to step out until you realize that the man you want to see is right there, with his hand raised, about to knock on the door. His eyes widen in shock at the sudden opening of the door but before he can react you quickly try to explain yourself.
“Master Kenobi! I-I was just about to come see you. You see, I truly didn’t mean what I said earlier. It-t m-must have been the stress getting to m-” You ramble but quickly are cut off by the feeling of Obi-Wan’s hands cradling the sides of your face.
You look up in surprise but see his eyes holding a questioning look, asking if this is alright. You quickly nod and his lips are on yours. Obi-Wan’s kiss is just how you imagined it would be like: Soft and sweet and with his beard tickling your cheeks. His hands stay on your face as he pulls away all too soon and rests his forehead against your own and catches his breath.
“I have grown quite attached to you, as well, (F/N).”
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Meeting and Dating Nancy Downs
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I was so torn between what to do for the meeting hcs so if you want Nancy having a crush on the new girl hcs or whatever else, I’d be glad to provide)
- First things first, Nancy doesn’t like you. She doesn’t even have a valid reason as to why, she just doesn’t.
- It’s obvious that she has some sort of vendetta against you but you can’t for the life of you figure out what you ever could have done to make her hate you so much. After a while, you just stop taking it personally because; even though she seems particularly bothered by you, Nancy hates everyone.
- It isn’t until you have a rather nasty rumor spread around the school about you that she decides to change her tune.
- Deep down, Nancy is a softie and one that has a surprising amount of empathy hidden inside her. She just so happens to hear what people are saying about you while walking to class and against her own will, her mind drifts painfully back to the time when she was the one they were talking about.
- The two of you share a class at the end of the day which is where she’s able to stare at you, taking note of your deflated form and the subtle red rings around your eyes. It’s in that moment that Nancy stops hating you.
- Suddenly, She’s ready to burn the world down for you but she settles for doing something nice for once instead.
- She stalks after you at the end of the period, catching up with you outside of the school as you begin to walk home. For a moment you think she’s going to mock you like everyone else; it would’ve been the perfect chance for her to do so, but to your surprise, she invites you to go get a coffee with her.
- Even though you really don’t feel like hanging out with anyone, you agree and let her lead the way. The two of you talk for a while, awkwardly at first but soon enough you begin to warm up to her. You confess to her about all that’s happened and what’s going on, partly out of desperation and partly out of not being able to hold it in any longer. She gives you some advice; in typical Nancy fashion, and it for some reason actually makes you feel better. 
- By the end of the day, you’ve lost all of your old friends yet gained a new, much more unusual one.
- Over time, the two of you grow closer and closer, hanging out more and more until you’re near inseparable. She introduces you to Rochelle and Bonny, and suddenly you have a whole new friend group with people you genuinely feel accept you. Your life is better than ever, and all it took was a little public humiliation!
- You’ll definitely have to be strange, alternative or weird in some regard for her to really fall for you. She just doesn’t really connect with people who aren’t and she certainly doesn’t fall in love with them.
- To be honest, Nancy was always a little attracted to you but she never had actual feelings for you, not until the two of you became friends. It’s then that she realizes how much she actually likes you and how perfectly the two of you fit together. After that, it isn’t long before she realizes she likes you a lot more than a normal friend should. 
- Now, Nancy has no shame but this is the 90s and she likes having you in her life so she has to play her cards right. It’s gonna take a little while for her to actually confess but the two of you wind up acting like you’re dating; or at least she treats you like you’re her girlfriend, long before you actually begin to date.
- She confesses her feelings to you a few months into your friendship. It’s a bit late in the afternoon, the suns begun to set and you’re sitting with her in the little clearing that the girls do rituals in. You’re busy sleepily basking in the warmth of the sun while she’s busy watching the yellow glow of it light up your face. 
“Hey y/n/n?” She calls out softly and you respond just as soft, your eyes still shut. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too Nancy.”
“No, no, I mean I love you.” She emphasizes the word and you roll over onto your stomach, looking over at her with a small smile.
“I know Nancy, …and I love you too.” Her face doesn’t change for a long moment but then a pleased smile spreads across it and she breaks your gaze to look out at the sunset like a weights been lifted off her shoulders. 
- The two of you shared your first kiss the same day she confessed her feelings to you. She was sleeping over at your house, the two of you sharing your bed like normal, the blankets pulled over both of you as your heads rested against your pillows. 
- You were both facing each other and talking a bit before going to bed when she slid closer to you and connected your lips. You stayed locked in a gentle kiss before you both pulled away, her lips moving to your forehead where she pecked your skin and whispered goodnight. 
- You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face and a weirdo girlfriend snuggled against you. 
- Pda? All the time. Her hands? On you. Her pride? Through the roof.
- People probably don’t realize you’re dating but suspect she’s a lesbian and gay for you. You’ve most likely been warned that she has “a weird thing” for you. 
- You’re like the only person she lets touch her. Whoever else tries to is on the receiving end of a grimace, glare or verbal beat down; unless it’s Bonnie or Rochelle. Occasionally, you’ll sneak up on her and she’ll turn on you with the fiercest glare before quickly dropping it once she realizes who you are. 
- Getting stolen gifts. You’re always a bit scared that she’ll get caught but you don’t have the heart to not accept them. 
- Walking with her arm wrapped around your shoulder. She pushes your heads together cutely before merrily dragging you along with her. 
- “I like a woman in uniform” ~ a direct quote from when she came to visit you at your lame fast food restaurant job. 
- Nicknames are used all the time. Sweetheart, hun, darling, baby love, doll face; you name it, she’s called you it.
- Beach dates. The two of you have probably gone skinny dipping in the ocean together.
- Bonfires. You may or may not share scary stories with each other like you’re on a camping trip.
- You need to get a leather jacket. No, no wait; she’ll get you one herself.
- Constant compliments but not the kind of compliments you’re probably thinking of. She doesn’t say normal shit like “you look beautiful” or “I like your hair”, instead, she’ll say something like “well look at you.” or just “hot.”.
- She’s probably pierced your ears or given you a stick and poke at some point; that’s just the kind of person she is.
- She would absolutely love cutting or dying your hair with you. Sitting in your bathroom and fucking yourselves up? Amazing. Life changing. Revolutionary.
- Letting her rant to you. Whether she needs to tell you about her craft not working or her home life, you always lend her an open ear. She returns the favor whenever she can. 
- She crashes at your place a lot; she never really wants to go home. The two of you are constantly having sleepovers with each other.
- Sneaking out to see each other. 
- Late night drives.
- Surprisingly gentle kisses. 
- Long makeout sessions. 
- Sitting outside with her while she smokes. 
- Coffee dates. She probably drinks exclusively strong black coffee and doesn't even wince at the taste, sipping it like it’s water. You’re slightly unnerved by the display.
-  Sharing sips from a stolen bottle of wine.
- Painting each others nails and doing each others makeup. 
- How you cuddle really just depends on the day. Sometimes you’ll be completely wrapped around each other, other times you’ll just be lying side by side and holding hands. 
- Thrifting together. What’s better than cheap, second hand alternative fashion?  
- She’ll call you a dork for doing something stereotypically girlfriendy and sweet but she’ll smile and accept whatever you’re doing while she says it. 
- She says “gross” jokingly whenever you compliment or do something affectionate with her. She’ll wipe her cheek like you have cooties after you’ve kissed it.
- Stifling a laugh whenever she makes a smartass remark.
- Making faces at each other. She sticks her tongue out at you or smiles exaggeratedly big a lot.
- Hickeys, love bites, and red lipstick smears. 
- She’s usually the more dominant one in your relationship but whew boy does she love sitting in your lap. She just plops herself right down on you whenever she feels like it without a single care in the world.
- Helping her relax when things aren't going her way. She has a tendency to keep quiet when somethings bothering her, letting her frustration build until she can hardly take it anymore.
- She’s always quick to stand up for you. She doesn’t let anyone belittle you and always interjects when she can see you’re trying to say something but no one’s listening to you. 
- The amount of times she gets in trouble for trying to talk to you in class is impressive. 
- Cutting class together. You’re almost sure that she’s determined to get you in trouble.
- She cannot stand being ignored so you’ll have to be fairly good at multitasking. If you’re hanging out and she has nothing to do then it won’t work out. She’ll artfully bother you until you give up and pay attention to her. Don't worry though, it doesn’t take much to satiate her. 
- That being said, when you both have something to busy yourselves with, you can just exist in the same room together for hours, barely saying a word to each other. Sometimes she’ll just sit and think about something while you do whatever you have to and that keeps her occupied enough. 
- She doesn't like when you act like whatever she did for you was amazing or something special. She gets mildly uncomfortable and tries to brush off your words of gratitude, telling you not to worry about it and that “it was nothing”. 
- You know how like midway into the movie she had a candy necklace or at least something that looked like a candy necklace? You were most likely the one to give it to her which explains why it’s pretty much the only colorful thing in her wardrobe. 
- Being a witch is objectively sort of Sapphic so being gay kinda just comes with the territory. The two of you most likely cast spells and do rituals together all the time.
- Nervously letting her perform rituals on you. Does she need to make a joke about sacrificing a virgin? No. Will she? Yes. 
- She’s pleasantly bothered by your younger siblings and/or pets; if you have any. They definitely exasperate her since they usually interrupt and harass you two, but deep down she’s fond of them. She likes to tease them and pretend to not like them while they giggle and smile at her. 
- One of the most jealous girls you’ll ever meet. She’ll either completely walk away from you and whoever is “flirting” with you or rudely interrupt whenever she pleases. Sometimes she’ll even “secretly” will something to happen to the person, causing them to leave you alone. She always gives you an “innocent” look once you turn to scold her.
- She’s definitely overprotective when it comes to you, almost ridiculously so. If something were to ever happen to you, she’d be out for blood and you’d undoubtedly have to wrestle her from exacting revenge in your honor.
- She’s fairly blunt and invasive yet tactful at the same time. She may ask you about an obviously sensitive topic but knows when to change the subject and shut up. 
- You’ve either gotten into a lot of fights during your relationship or little to none; there is no in-between. If you’re stubborn and stand your ground then you’ll butt heads and fight a lot. If you’re more of a submissive person who tries to appease people rather than argue, then you’ll most likely never go beyond her snapping at you for a minute. 
- She really doesn't know how to apologize so oftentimes you’ll just have to take her slightly shy “wanna go do x” after a fight as an apology. It’s easy to tell when you’re forgiven or when she feels guilty for her actions. 
- You may not expect her to say “I love you” all that much but she surprisingly says it a lot. It may sound more joking than sincere some of the time but she’ll still say the words just about every day. 
- There’s certainly a dark future ahead of her …but maybe you can change that?
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jeongyunhoed · 3 years
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Past-Present-Future Black Dahlia
Two major tragedies bring Lee Mirae closer to the edge as she goes through the stages of grief in a more violent manner that would affect not only her relationships with her boyfriend Jeong Yunho and her half-brother Choi San, but also has her becoming closer with the immortal mutant Kang Yeosang. Fueled by rage, grief, and pain, along with a very rude awakening that has Mirae spiraling out of control and questioning everything she holds dear.
Group: ATEEZ Member: Yunho Pairing: Jeong Yunho / OC Genre: Action, adventure, angst, fantasy
Watch Out! : Violence, blood, death, grief and loss, major character deaths, use of weapons, some jealousy (but no cheating ofc), implied smut (not sure if there is any but i’m putting it out there nonetheless), mental illness (probably?), gambling and alcohol
Anything else? : Mentions of other idols of course as well as other characters. SuperM, Dean, Chanyeol, Zelo, soloist Park Jihoon to name a few.
Author’s Note: So... I didn’t expect this would happen for some reason? But it’s interesting how things unfold when you just wing it. Anyway, more reveals ahead a.k.a Yeosang reveals what more he can do and not just suck the life out of people/mutants.
Chapter 6
Loud yelps of pain echoed what looked like a ballroom found within the abandoned school that Ten created. Jongin was seated on top of an operating table, his injured leg that had a gaping wound was being tended to by another male, wearing a suit. Dr. Lucas Wong, another telepath that also had extensive medical knowledge. “She tore through your muscle and the tendons, this might take a while to repair, the tissue damage is extreme and even if it did, there will be some discrepancy in the weight distribution when you walk,,” Lucas muttered as he wiped the rest of the antiseptic over the wound. 
“Yeah, she did,” Jongin bit his lip to stifle the groans leaving his mouth in pain. “Even threatened to wipe out my entire family while she did it. She’s got quite a grip.”
“I’m surprised she didn’t do the same to you, hyung,” Lucas glanced at Baekhyun, who had a brace on his neck. 
“Yeah well, I thought she needed to know who was making her suffer. I don’t regret it one bit of course,” Baekhyun frowned, sitting back against the red chintz chair. 
“And now you’ve turned her loose against us when we should be convincing her to join our cause,” Mark said. “You chose to pursue your vendetta over the greater goal that we plan to achieve, and from the looks of this, it seems like Ino has already let it slip that you and Jongin tampered with their Danger Room. We aren’t the enemy, the non-mutants are.” 
Baekhyun fell silent. “To be fair, it was fun helping them out in their plans, it gave me something to do,” Taeyong spoke, his feet up on the table that had Lucas’s medical journals, making the doctor swat his feet away while he dressed the teleporter’s wounds. “I think she also turned Yeosang away from the venture though.” 
“See?” Mark sighed in frustration. “We need her and Yeosang. Yeosang wields significant influence, granted that he practically owns the entirety of Seoul. With Mirae, it’s going to give the venture the added muscle.” 
“You mean she’ll be our enforcer,” Jongin chimed in. 
“In a way. If people have a problem, we can convince her to take care of it. She’s got a lot of skills, skills that must be utilized. She’s let herself go ever since she got rid of the Utopian cult,” Mark explained. 
A portal soon appeared in the middle of the room and Ten stepped out of it. “She’s here. And she’s pissed, and at the same time sad,” He said. He glanced at Baekhyun. “You should’ve kept the ruse going, hothead.” 
“She blew up my house though,” Taeyong pointed out. 
“You’ve got the money, you can build a new one,” Lucas muttered, dressing Jongin’s wound. “Taemin’s still not done from his meetings, is he?” 
“Nope. But I already told him what happened. He should be here in an hour? Two hours tops,” Taeyong replied. “He’s not going to be happy.” 
“Damn right I’m not.” 
Taemin had appeared by the door, looking evidently pissed off. He slammed his jacket down on the nearby desk along with his briefcase. “Didn’t even give me some time to get my stuff before she blew the place up.” 
Lee Taemin was also a telepath like Mark and Taeyong, but his main powers were mostly being able to mimic or augment a mutant’s powers. If Taemin were near an omega-level mutant, he could only mimic but not surpass their abilities completely. Unlike his younger brother Taeyong, who could turn into a diamond form to shield his mind from other telepaths, Taemin’s was naturally present, and he often used it to hide from other psychics. If there were even other psychics apart from them. 
Ten put a finger to his lips. “Shhh. I placed her in one of the rooms of this whole...estate. If I were to go to her now, she would hear everything you are all saying. We wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened in the mansion now would we?” 
“So what’s our next move?” Taemin asked. 
“We call on Ino, ask him regarding what to do about Mirae, and then maybe approach a few willing politicians. I heard not everyone remained arrested after that encounter with Chun Doohwan’s adviser,” Mark explained. “Some are desperate to make a comeback in the political scene. Even after they were exposed.” 
“How are you framing that? I’m not so sure people in this country are keen to forget something like what they did,” Taemin questioned. “Actually, people in this country don’t forget nor do they forgive unless they’re like us.” 
“You could say the same with everyone everywhere, it’s just that we feel it more here,” Taeyong argued. “Then again, it’s not like they know who we are.” 
“Exactly. We should take advantage of the flaws of this society. We’re the superior race, and they will know about their inferiority soon enough,” Mark said. 
It was making Jongin think. “Since that could take some time, I wonder what we plan on doing with Mirae? Are we just keeping her here? Clueless? You forget, you can’t read her mind.” 
“You don’t need to read a mind like hers to know what to do with her, silly,” Ten smirked. “All I can say is that all of you better watch your backs with her. A person who is grieving over the loss of the people closest to her will not think straight, but a person like her who is grieving over losing three people she holds dear? I wouldn’t be surprised if she does turn around and wipe out your entire lineage. She almost did that with you, didn’t she?” He turned to Jongin. 
“How can she do that while she’s over here?” Jongin raised a brow, until he figured out what Ten really meant. “...You wouldn’t.” 
“She’s got every reason to hate each and every one of us now that she knows you were all behind the deaths of her friends. With the shield in her mind, no telepath can control her,” Ten pointed out. “Of course, she doesn’t know my affiliation with the rest of you so she may leave me out of this.” 
“Bring it on, then,” Baekhyun said. 
“Really? You’d really take that risk? I could tell her where your families and loved ones are right now and you can watch them go bye-bye at her hands,” Ten looked satisfied seeing the older male get uncomfortable. 
“I’m already dead to my family, what makes you think I still care?” 
“Enough, Chittaphon,” Taemin rolled his eyes. “We get it. The only one she can’t kill in here is Mark, but even his own life isn’t certain. We need to control her somehow. We’re not the enemy. The non-mutants are.”
“There is a way,” Baekhyun raised a brow. “Choi San and Jeong Yunho. I’ve been thinking of making my next move towards them. Make Mirae really alone.” 
“How much longer do we have until we get there? How do we even get there?” San looked over at Junhong. They were still driving down the road that seemed to lead to the city proper with Yeosang’s help. There was a kind of uncertain quality about the city, as if it was part of a certain time yet had modern technology. The people living in the city were wearing different variations of the hanbok, styled in either coordinates or as dresses and suits. 
“It won’t be long,” Yeosang replied from his seat, making all of them look out the windows. “One kilometer more and we’ll be able to find her, or them, or both.” 
“We don’t have much time, unless Yunho can teleport us even at this time, by the time we get to her, she’ll have probably made up her mind,” San said. 
“When I was at those ruins, what I saw gave me chills,” Wooyoung said quietly. “It’s as if all I could feel from that place was rage and sadness. Junhong, both Hyuk and Chanyeol meant so much to her, didn’t they?” 
“Oh yeah they do. If they survived the explosion, you can imagine we’d get things done faster,” Junhong glanced over at them. 
Yeosang sighed. “Oh well, here goes nothing,” He closed his eyes and muttered a few words, making others look over at him. 
A flock of seagulls was flying out of the way of the van, making all of them whip around to look out the window. Their surroundings changed. They were no longer in the city proper, but they were at a dreary-looking street and at the end of the street was the gates of the school. “...Yunho?” Hongjoong glanced at the taller. 
“It’s not me,” Yunho looked just as surprised. 
Yeosang shook his head. “Well that spell was rusty,” He muttered. 
“Spell? What do you mean by spell?...You can do magic?” Mingi stared at him. 
“It’s a gift I try not to use very often. It takes the fun out of everything,” Yeosang casually replied. “I must confess I fear I might be losing my touch with it.” 
San grabbed him by the collar. “You mean to say you could’ve brought us there without having to travel?!” He couldn’t help but yell. 
“In my defense I didn’t do that when I came to the rest of you,” Yeosang yanked his hand off his collar and straightened himself up. 
“You better figure out which side you’re on because it seems to me that you’re buying them some time,” Hongjoong shot at him. 
“Give me a reason not to kill you right now,” Yunho suddenly looked over at him. “You could’ve saved us the time.” 
“Whenever I use magic, I will need to feed. It uses up my energy and turns me into a ghostly hag,” Yeosang held up his hand, his skin becoming translucent, revealing the veins that were becoming more and more visible.
“You are an old hag,” San pointed out. 
“Regardless, the more I use, the hungrier I will get. I don’t think any of you would be willing to give your lives to me, and thus control is needed. It’s one of the downsides of my abilities. That and, I tend to absorb the memories of those I kill,” Yeosang said quietly. 
“In that case, you’ve now got a reason to feed,” Hongjoong said as Junhong pulled the brakes. 
“All of you have your weapons, I can stay behind and wait. There are communicators with you, so you should be able to talk to me and each other in case you split up,” Junhong turned to them. “Good luck. Get Mirae back.” 
“We will,” San nodded and the rest of them got down.
The eight of them faced the massive gates of the estate. “Do we climb over or do we break in?” Seonghwa asked, an idea immediately coming to mind. His eyes and fingertips glowed green, the chains locking the gate coming apart, opening the gate in front of them. 
“I’m here to remind you that we’ll be dealing with a few telepaths and teleporters. Be careful,” Yeosang said as they walked inside, a cold gust of wind hitting them. “As much as it pains me to say it, San is our best bet to get to Mirae. I’m sure they already know of his relation to my dear, as much as they already know who Yunho is in her life.” 
“So we need to watch Yunho and San, is that it?” Hongjoong deduced. 
“Precisely,” Yeosang replied, only to duck out of the way when he felt something strike him. It was an axe, Mingi’s axe, and the taller male himself was attempting to strike him. 
“Mingi!” San tried to stop him, but he wasn’t answering and instead tried to strike towards everyone else, making them take out their weapons. Mingi seemed to be in a trance.
“Mingi!” Hongjoong sped around the taller male. “He’s- What’s happened to him?!” He dodged a shuriken that was thrown his way. Wooyoung and San had joined in the fray. 
Yunho dodged his strikes with an axe, only to run out of the way when he saw Jongho charge towards him. “Oh no, Jongho!” He yelled, avoiding the spikes that were protruding from his arms and legs. Jongho was also in a trance. 
Yeosang took out the concealed sword from his walking stick and knocked Jongho out of the way. “They seem to be under a spell- They know we’re here,” He said, realizing the situation. “One of them’s controlling Mingi and Jongho, or should I say two- Mark!” 
A portal opened from one side of the grounds and out stepped Mark himself, followed by Lucas. “I thought as much, Yeosang!” The immortal said. 
“Can’t get your hands dirty?” Yeosang cast a spell only for it to hit Lucas instead as he saw Taemin step out from the same portal and Ten. 
“Why would I need to?” Mark scoffed. 
“We’re not the enemy,” Taemin said, his eyes and fingertips glowing the same green glow as Seonghwa who was already trying to redirect the shurikens and axes that Mingi was throwing while also dodging Jongho’s kicks and punches. He disarmed their weapons, throwing them to the side. 
“Where is Mirae?” San asked. 
“She’s safe, somewhere in there. But I’m sorry to say that you can’t get to her,” Ten replied. “We need her.” 
“And we need her,” Yunho stared at them. “We’re not joining you and your Project Apocalypse and neither should Mirae.” 
“Ah, Yeosang told you. I guessed as much, he’s turning into a literal vampire before our eyes too,” Mark gestured to the immortal, whose skin was becoming even more translucent, his eyes turning icy blue in color. “You might as well show them how you actually look after all of that magic, you know.” 
“Still sore about Julia the Elder choosing me over you after all,” He said. 
“We’re not the enemy as you all seem to believe. Mutants are the inheritors of this earth, we’re all on the same side here,” Lucas reasoned. 
“Oh really? Then why is Mirae being kept?” Hongjoong questioned. “You’ve got her, we want her.” 
“You’ll have to get through us first, then,” Mark said. 
“No problem,” Hongjoong said, before speeding past Lucas and Taemin, knocking them off their feet. 
Mark took out a swiss army knife from his pocket and shook his head. “Care to duel, Yeosang? To the death as it seems,” He said. 
“I’d want to stick around more, no thanks,” Yeosang sent a hex towards him, sending him to the end of the field, almost knocking into the pillar. Wooyoung transformed into his shadow form, slithering across the ground and capturing Ten, nearly getting sucked into the portal he was trying to create. 
Mingi took out his lighter, sending blasts of flames towards  Mark who reappeared, making him fall over, covering his face in pain. “Chanyeol taught me that,” He grinned. 
Mirae looked out the window from the room Ten placed her in. She was getting restless. She wanted to know where Baekhyun and Jongin were, and possibly kill them when she found them. The room she was kept in gave off the impression that it was once among the opulently decorated rooms in the school, perhaps a room of a teacher or school head. 
She turned around upon hearing the familiar voice. It was Ino. “So now you’re here.” 
“I am, and I don’t blame you for what you did to me-” 
Her eyes and fingertips glowed and she reached into her pocket for her deck of cards. “What makes you think I’m sorry for what I did to you? You deserved it as much,” She hissed. 
“Baekhyun, Jongin, their entire group has a cause worth fighting for.” 
“And Hyuk and Chanyeol are collateral damage, is that it?” Mirae flung a charged card towards the older male, only for it to explode through him. “Baekhyun killed them, and he killed Jihoon too. And you let it happen.” 
“Their deaths were a price to pay!” Ino tried to reason, dodging all the cards being thrown at him. 
“They never deserved that! And you know it!” Mirae yelled and a shockwave of energy suddenly reverberated around the room, causing cracks in the windows and walls. Ino saw his face had traces of burns caused by the shockwave. “They never deserved to die!” She yelled again, sending another shockwave that made the furniture burn and disintegrate and Ino felt more burns on his skin. 
“You’re becoming stronger, Mirae,” Ino realized as the burns on him were healing. “Remember what Junhong said to you-” 
More shockwaves of energy reverberated around the room, the ceiling and the walls already on the verge of collapsing. “All this time I was living with guilt thinking that I was responsible for it, when it’s you- You let everything happen!” She shouted, another shockwave making everything collapse and fly outwards. 
“It was the price to pay for Project Apocalypse, Mirae!” Ino tried to reason again, even if he knew it was inevitably futile. “There are people willing to die for causes greater than themselves. It’s time mutants had considerable influence in the world, we have a right to live in this world just as much as everyone else does. Out from the shadows, no longer hiding.” 
“What makes you think I was hiding? What makes you think Hyuk and Chanyeol were hiding? Jihoon wasn’t even a mutant yet he was killed!” Mirae threw another card at him followed by another, the second card ricocheting off the column as it exploded, knocking it over. 
Ino looked up and everything that was about to crumble down froze in mid-air. Baekhyun and a limping Jongin appeared, followed by Taeyong. Baekhyun released a beam of light towards her face, making her fall over, covering her eyes. Taeyong transformed into his diamond form and charged towards her, Mirae knocking him over before he could strike. 
“You don’t even bother to see that your friends are out there right now,” Baekhyun tried to blast another beam of light towards her. “San and Yunho, did you really care for them?” He taunted, only to gape when the beam of light hit the staff she had extended, the energy coming from her being redirected towards him and sending him flying towards the other side, Jongin teleporting in time to catch him. 
The whole school burned down into ashes and shockwaves reverberated all throughout the grounds, making everyone in the midst of their fights fall over on the ground from the impact. Taeyong, Jongin and Baekhyun appeared close to the rubble as Mirae emerged from the ashes. Ino had also reappeared, the burns on his hands and face healing. 
Yunho got up upon seeing Mirae and he ran up to her. “Mirae! Mirae!” He called out, only to get pushed inside a portal. 
“Yunho?” The glow in her eyes faded. “Yunho!” She called out, running towards the portal only for it to close, making her stumble and fall over. Mirae looked over, her eyes scanning the ground for San and getting back on her feet. “San!” She called out. 
“Mirae!” San got back up on his feet only to get pushed inside another portal that closed before Seonghwa could keep him out. 
“San! San!” She yelled, staring at the spot where San disappeared. Mirae glanced at Ten, who was still within the grip of Wooyoung’s shadow form. “Wooyoung, get out of the way,” She said, her eyes glowing red. 
“Project Apocalypse must go online without any interruptions,” Ino said. 
“Wooyoung,” Mirae looked over at the shadow form still wrapped around the male. “Get out of the way.” 
The shadow seemed to slither away from Ten, transforming back into Wooyoung as Mirae’s staff began to glow the same red glow from her eyes and fingertips. “If you kill me, you won’t know where Yunho and San are,” Ten pointed out. “If you join us, Project Apocalypse, you will have them back, unharmed, not possessed or crazy that’s for sure. If you refuse, let’s just say you will have lost two more people you care so much about. In such a short span of time too.” 
“Don’t join them, Mirae,” Hongjoong called out. “Yunho and San wouldn’t want you to join them either.” 
“There’s nothing but pain for you if you join them,” Wooyoung chimed in. “It’s not going to end. It’ll only get worse.”
“If you can’t command, you must obey,” Baekhyun said quietly. 
The words made Mirae look over at him and she struck her staff into the ground leading up to where he was standing, the shockwave sending the rest of them flying back in different directions. “How dare you control me,” Mirae muttered, the glow in her eyes becoming brighter than ever. 
“Mirae don’t join them!” Seonghwa called out, the green glow in his eyes and fingertips. 
She ran up to Baekhyun and before he could get away, she struck her staff in the ground again, the impact making him stumble and fall. Mirae grabbed him by the collar. “Could you really kill me, Lee Mirae?” He said. “One of the last in our group, the sentimental value of it all is enticing isn’t it? You don’t have it in you to kill me. You keep searching for a face to blame for all your grievances, when that face is staring right back at you in the mirror.” 
Baekhyun’s satisfied expression soon turned into horror when Mirae’s eyes turned black. “You really are a monster,” He said, before disappearing. 
Mirae looked back at the group where a portal had opened. “Ino.” 
“Baekhyun is part of Project Apocalypse. It is about to go online in a matter of hours,” Ino explained. “Make your choice, Mirae. If you want to see Yunho and San again, if you want to find them unharmed, you will make the right choice.” 
Mark, Taemin, Lucas, and Taeyong had entered the portal. Mirae closed her eyes. She could hear Yunho calling out to her. Somehow, she had relayed what was happening to Yunho, who was now also aware of what was going on. 
I’m here in this kind of wild west village
There’s so many crows, a murder of crows.
It’s deserted
Mirae, don’t join them, just find me, I’ll tell you where to go
San won’t want you joining them either, and Wooyoung will know what’s going to happen if you do
Don’t join them 
She kept hearing him. Mirae opened her eyes. “Keep your word and I will consider.” 
“I’ve kept my word that I took you to the place where you will find your revenge, didn’t I?” Ten replied, seeing Jongin limp inside the portal. “You can trust me.” 
“Trust, that’s a word that I haven’t heard in a while,” Mirae struck the other end of her staff on the ground towards him, making him fall inside the portal. She turned to Ino. 
“You will regret that decision,” He said. 
“And you will regret the day you allowed everything to happen,” Mirae stared at him, a wave of energy hitting the elder once more, burning his face. As Ino fell over on the ground, he disappeared.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
BTS Tarot Reading ➝ What Kind Of Porn Do They Watch? (18+)
↳ NOTE - due to several requests, a steamy and detailed one. ☕️ we’re asking the cards about the erotica they fancy in a wider sense. 
warning ⚠️ 18+ // bdsm mentions, worship, kinks left and right. we’re going graphic in all types o’ ways, lads.
♡ DISCLAIMER // tarot is speculative, there is no guarantee for accuracy. believing in the cards is a choice. all portrayals are fictive and for entertainment purposes only.
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⌈ THE WORLD ⇁ Jesus... Someone’s obsessed with girls in the nude. That card has a stark naked woman wrapped in very little satin on it so you know what our funky little guy is up to. Luscious aesthetic fotos might be just around his corner. Big duh, he’s a photography major. These folks are all about body appreciation. He’s also on a personal vendetta against lingerie 😂 Yoongi won’t get hard looking at even the most HD panty and bra ads. Only the skin in its full splendor will do, no editing. He loves pictures of nipples peaking through shirt fabric, it’s all over his phone. Yoongi likes his gals without underwear 24/7 just like he dislikes underwear himself. If we’re talking porn, the woman on the card is holding two very long rods so may I connect the dots: Threesomes, handjobs, blowbangs, spitroasting. Friction, friction, and more friction. To Yoongi’s brain, handjobs are a great um new version of holding hands. Sex standing up also, keeping it vertical. Yoongi doesn’t care about girth, inches count. Nice and elongated with a perfect plunge, something to hold onto. Yep, he’s pretty deliberate when searching that up. Yes, he loves the look of it. However, and you’ll be surprised: Even if he likes poly porn, it’s still nothing too extreme. This card is more about pleasure than pain. If a guy likes rough and degrading sex, you get swords and wands in his spread. THE WORLD is more about perfected skills and success. So, he likes the more accomplished porn stars. With a preference for curly blondes and redheads, that’s sort of the hair color on the card. Natural B or C cup. Medium height, not too curvy. Oversized booty not needed. In terms of nationality: We have three representative animals on the card. Eagle, lion and bull, plus a light blonde man’s head. So, anything that America/Germany/Albania/Mexico/Namibia (and so on, lot of countries with eagles as their national bird my dude), England, Spain and Scandinavia have to offer. Honey sugar is going international, baby.
⌈ QUEEN OF WANDS ⇁ Did I just mention that guys who like rough sex in porn get wand cards in their readings in Yoongi’s segment? Well, there we have our candidate, with a very obvious card since it’s a court figure. Now, the thing is, this is not the guy being rough. The QUEEN OF WANDS is as notoriously femdom as can be. The very fiery and raw and fun version. So, with a degree of lightheartedness, but still being very fit — even buff — and hands-on with the sub. If you get the QUEEN OF SWORDS, that’s the more cool and calculated domme who signs you up for torture and humiliation, and she really looks like a domme. She’s all over the internet because she has the grit. Now wands combined with a tarot queen... it’s more about the stamina and she is approachable. Hobi does not like watching cruel girls, he likes challenging ones. Upbeat porn stars who can take a lot but most importantly dole it out assertively like pros are Hobi’s schtick. He’s unapologetic about that. With him it’s like, please not the local newcomers that turned legal a month ago. The queen cards are all about mature women. Mommy kink, hint hint. The kind of mommy who’s gonna whip out the spreader bar or cane (= wands again) and give a playful type of punishment. See how desert-like that imagery is, Hobi wants to sweat big time when he gets off to this. Now since wands also make for a damn good pole to dance on, go figure. This whole card has me wondering if, well alright, he is a Cardi B hard stan 😅 If Hobi blasts Money to get in the mood, I’d not be surprised. Anyway. Back to pole stuff: If you go through his youtube search history, you will find astounding things. I think he watches the more professional and athletic performers in competition though. High production value is key. Finally, an interesting card detail: There’s a sunflower on it. This is definitely his kind of tarot imagery.
⌈ KING OF COINS  ⇁ This card always looks like a scene from a medieval movie so you might have an erotic film enthusiast here. The more chaste type of genre, pentacles are very grounded and not hypersexualized. The intimacy is slow and more about security and pleasure. It’s graphic and detailed, but gives you a sense of relaxation. With a bit of romance in the plot, that might absolutely be Jimin’s thing. Castles and wine and nobility. Interesting type of erotica. Historical and classy. As expected of a prince, mind you. He might enjoy books of that genre also. And we know Jimin is an avid reader, right up there with Namjoon. Now, even with more risque and contemporary stuff that he googles up, we have similar dynamics going down on screen. With Hobi we had femdom because it’s a queen card, now with Jimin we get the classic male dom type of porn because that’s how the King usually rolls, unless it’s the KING OF CUPS who’s touchy-feely and subby. Meanwhile, the KING OF COINS is your local sugar daddy. Leaning towards being a soft dom, he’s not aggressive. And Jimin surely has a little crush on that concept. Ye know, if all the other members have female cards and Jimin gets the sugar daddy, we might be dealing with mxm action. Because if this card was a porn star, he’d be a really, really rich producer and a bear who’s done this since the frickin’ 90s. He’s treating his subs very gently and lets them sit on their lap, the imagery is sort of like that because the King is balancing a pentacle on his left thigh. Sex and comfort all in one are life for Jimin. A sexy detail I only noticed at a second glance, the King also has a shortened golden staff with him, which has a rounded tip. If that’s not a butt plug… whenever I see props like that in tarot, I interpret it as a sex toy. So, good vibes in here. And a bunch of aphrodisiacs, the KING OF COINS is a foodie. Which you know, might just be a food porn type of reference. Jimin’s taste in sexy things is quite something else.
⌈ THE EMPRESS ⇁ If there’s one thing I like, it’s the Tarot giving me the important archetypes during readings of that kind. The Queens, the Kings, the Major arcana (see Yoongi’s and Jin’s segment). You can really draw a lot of hints out of it. Now with the EMPRESS you have a similar case to Hobi’s, just a lot more softcore. Jungkook has a refined and pretty vast taste in erotica, if not the most refined in Bangtan next to Jimin who likes that kind of dignified touch to it as well as we saw. Jungkook knows his stuff when it comes to searching things up, he is a first class netizen in that regard. In terms of genre: The EMPRESS is your highkey feminist and wholesomeness legend, so — you won’t find any super creepy things in some hidden file on his PC, and things by female producers instead. No slut-shaming or name-calling here, everyone gets their pleasure in their own right. Thanks to online sex ed, Jungkook has a map to the clit and he’s not afraid to use it. He’s the type to watch solo videos ad nauseam. He’s fascinated. Masturbation until it gets all messy with the juices flowing, and you bet he wants to see the girls buzzing themselves off lying on their back. Maybe even outdoors in a field. Cum play is a must, cunnilingus is a must, he loves unprotected sex and creampies, he loves breast massages. And yes. Anything that involves sex with pregnant and chubby women. Similar to Taehyung, it’s all about the focus on the girl, he doesn’t bother much with the guy performers. And given Yoongi’s reading on top of that, we have three members in BTS who are all about worshipping the female body right here, breasts over ass, and he likes blondes, too. The EMPRESS card is like… the entire porn industry who does the MILF and BBW genre is financed by Jeon Jungkook’s website subscriptions. Cue GOT7, with Jungkook it’s girls, girls, girls. The thirst is going strong, and he’s unashamed times ten, sex is sex. 
➝ we also have members who don’t really bother with erotica or have a complicated relationship with it.
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⌈  ACE OF WANDS reversed ⇁ He’s not about beating off until the world ends. Taehyung gets bored by porn or heated literature and doesn’t feel very motivated to search it up. He would rather come up with his own ideas to write but doesn’t have the energy. Sex drive: On hold, even if he tries to look something up it doesn’t feel very fulfilling to him. Most of it fails to turn him on, it’s not his kind of taste. He gets frustrated when he masturbates and would rather rest, dream, and doze. The only thing I can see him watch somewhat frequently — hold your horses — is lesbian porn. I’ll explain. The ACE OF WANDS is pretty much your most glaring handjob symbolism card. A hand gripping a stick. Yoongi’s THE WORLD card has very similar imagery, I mean even two wands and a girl, bisexual explosion much. He would be a big fan of the upright ACE OF WANDS card lmao! But the reversal is like, um no silly guys jerking off in here, pls. Keep your cum to yourself. That means: Zero dicks in Taehyung’s zone, girl-on-girl stuff is his very last resort for quality that he is desperate for but cannot find. And not the stuff where the producers just replace the guys with heavy arsenal sex toys, double-ended dildos, fucking machines, endless strap-on action without any clit stimulation on either side and whatnot. Taehyung is like ugh, cherie, why, give me the juicy stuff, give me the basics. What he wants is just pure scissoring, fingering, oral, little gentle bites, a lot of caresses and kisses. And slow, slow sex. Probably the amateur kind. He hates how brutal and exaggerated most things online are. Tae is looking for softness, a lot of lesbian action is what delivers in that regard so he takes all he gets. And it goes further than that, Taehyung knows the finest yuri recommendations, I’m telling you.
⌈  THE STAR reverse ⇁ The opposite of Yoongi: not keeping it very naked in here. The upright card shows a nude woman pouring water from two cups. Hence a strong connection to the card of sexuality, TWO OF CUPS. Everything is very gentle and positive in that scenery. But then, the reversed card rather shows us that Jin doesn’t feel too thrilled watching other people film or write or photograph sex. Like in Tae’s case, he becomes bored, it’s all the same to him. Nothing’s ever new to him in porn. He feels negative and guilty rather than refreshed or entertained. He also doesn’t like a lot of kinks that very literally connect to, well, the pouring water. Squirting, cum play, watersports, sex in the pool or showers, lube overuse, creampies, bukkake, fake cum — Jin is rolling his eyes at that, he thinks it’s a circus. He’s surely given it a try, but ended up feeling worse and even more pent-up or dissatisfied. At best, you will find him on unknown websites looking for the most amateur videos there are. Because: THE STAR quite unequivocally hints at porn stars. If you reverse the card, it becomes someone not very well-known. He roots for the underdog. Accordingly, Jin’s reaction to mainstream videos goes this way: ‚Pipe down, you non-artists!’ 😆 Cause maybe, he does do it better aye, without the awkward angles anyway. He doesn’t want the body cult, like, put that airbrush and silicone out of my face bro. Not because he’s against surgery, but the idea behind sexual extremes and the shady high standards. It’s too polished for him to get turned on. And robotic/staged. Likely because he’s had an IRL sexual experience (gasp!) that set a different ideal to him, so the more glossy porn feels off. Home video has all he needs instead. I think it’s especially because you get so see more body hair there. The woman on the THE STAR card is all sleek, so the reversed card is the opposite, Jin wants that unshaved goodness.
⌈ EIGHT OF CUPS ⇁ Now you’d think — and I thought, kinda — we’d get the master of erotica right here. And he’s had one hell of a reputation for that. Think of the ever-infamous Yaman TV interview where BTS were super upfront and revealing about their taste and what they watch privately. With especially Namjoon having the lion’s share. But this card says otherwise if his current state is concerned. The EIGHT OF CUPS shows a man wandering off into the night, leaving eight cups behind him. I think what that means is, he’s moved on. Namjoon’s cravings aren’t as strong as they used to be, nor does he have the time. He knows it won’t fix his loneliness or answer the questions of life. He might be on the search for different things to fulfill him, or ignore much of his hormones in favor for his career. Not that he didn’t dabble in it, he sure did, but that chapter is slowly closing and what’s next he doesn’t really know yet. He thinks about family and being a father, so the smaller and more risque pleasures become less significant. Desire, too. Ye olde soul syndrome is kicking in. The card is also centered around introspection, a quest for self, all these higher topics that aren’t the most grounded and don’t leave much space for being horny. Joon is simply to preoccupied and on the move. He sees porn as a distraction from his real self at this point, and he’s not the type to feel satiated after masturbating to something, similar to Jin and Taehyung. Instead, I think he carries that energy elsewhere, hence the wanderer going from A to B onto a mountain. In short, Namjoon naturally grew out of it by becoming more, well: Namjoon. He’s left a lot behind, he’s choosing self-development over temporary fun, and he will ponder a lot on the topic, the hows and whys and whats more often than not. So, he’s passed the baton to Yoongi and Jungkook if you will, and keeps a low profile as of now. 
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iturbide · 4 years
If you had to pick one character from Awakening or Three Houses to completely rewrite, who would you pick? Personally, I'd wanna rewrite Edelgard - at the very least, rewrite her so that she actually makes some goddess damned sense 😂😭
Ooh, if I had to pick anyone out of those games...honestly it would probably be Gangrel, if only because I’ve already done so much work on him.  The game really doesn’t give us much on him, and mostly positions him as a madman with a thirst for violence, no faith in divines, and a belief that there is no good in people, but I think that his character would be significantly more impactful if we not only got to see more of him and his history, but if it tied directly back to the last war.
When you think about it, we only really hear about what Emmeryn’s predecessor did because of Gangrel.  He’s the one who brings it up, and that’s what gets Chrom to go into a little more detail later on.  Now, imagine if Gangrel wasn’t some street rat who randomly saw his mother die at the hands of bandits, the way that Awakening and Heroes want to claim; imagine instead that he lived in a village with at least his mother and grew up within the Grimleal faith...until the crusade brought Chrom’s father to Plegia, and Gangrel witnessed his mother’s murder at the hands of the Exalt along with much of the rest of the village population before the whole thing was put to the torch.  Imagine that he lost his faith because the divine his mother believed so fervently in did nothing to save her or the others in their time of need, and so it all must be fake.  Imagine he grew up on the streets of the capital because he was a refugee who’d fled the war in the east and had no home to go back to once it ended.  Imagine that, by chance and good fortune, he made his way into a position where he could put forth policy changes that could help the people of Plegia, especially those suffering in ill circumstances the way he had been before.
Imagine that, in all these years, he’s never forgotten what happened to him and his family and his peopleduring the crusade by the last Exalt.  Imagine his mounting frustration at the silence from Ylisse, the fact that they never once reached out to Plegia with so much as an apology, let alone reparations for the near genocide they inflicted not even a decade before.  Imagine his rage and his hatred toward Ylisse as a whole that has never been addressed over the years since his mother’s death when he fled the fire.  And now imagine that when he’s chosen to rule, he suddenly finds near-unlimited power at his disposal, and finds that he can do something about these feelings that have been festering in him for so many years.  Imagine that Validar comes to him with a deal: the Grimleal cult will back whatever he decides to do in regards to Ylisse, so long as Gangrel grants them the authority to do some seemingly innocuous things that have long been barred to them.  Imagine how quickly Gangrel would agree when he realizes he can make Ylisse pay with Grimleal backing.
Imagine this man who suffered so much because of Ylissean actions, who hated Chrom’s father with a virulent passion, becoming exactly what he hated: a corrupt warlord who drags his personal vendetta across borders and takes the lives of those who did him no harm, whose only crime was being from another country.  Imagine getting to see this in the game, and being able to tie back what’s going on in Plegia with Ylisse’s crimes, forcing us to acknowledge if not address them, because the truth is that while Gangrel’s actions cannot and should not be condoned, they’re motivated by another crime that’s gone unpunished. 
Imagine if Gangrel wasn’t a SpotPass character you can get just before the endgame, but a character you can recruit from the battle instead, putting an end to the war by finding a way to reconcile instead of being forced to end his life.
I just think that would have been a far more effective use for him as a character.
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aesthyuckic · 4 years
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(gif not mine - credit to rightful owner)
Genre: High School AU (at beginning) ; Tarot Reader!Witch!Hyuck
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: (bold if in use) slow but with a purpose, belief contradictions, mentions of r*pe, blood, swearing, violence(??), mentions of abuse; this chapter is intense overall and can be triggering to some.
Pairings: Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) x Reader (F)
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QUEEN OF PENTACLES: practicality, creature comforts, financial security
They all found themselves out in the main room that early morning. The boy and the girl sat on the couch together as the three beings somehow were able to figure out a way to communicate everything. Cosimia sat scrunched up at the end as she looked at the carpet. To be honest, she was so tired the whole thing felt like a dream or something...
The sun started to peak out over the horizon, providing a little yellow light in the purple sky that would soon fade to warmer colors as the day began already. It was just reminder how long it had been to them.
“So, I’m just never gonna be able to see the future again?” She asked so quietly as she seemed so small.
Donghyuck looked over to the woman who simply nodded at the question which he was quick to mimick, “Yeah... Your mom said the gift you had had to go to me, in a different form for me in order for her to meet your request of me living... It’s so there would be a reason for me to come out of the coma because before apparently there was nothing that was worth keeping me alive for exactly... I’m sorry, though, that you had to lose your ability for me.”
“Are you kidding me? I rather have you alive any day than have my ability!” She said as she reached out and hugged him, to which he hugged back as he felt so secure at how tightly she held him. “It terrifies me... knowing you would’ve died otherwise...”
“Still, I’m so sorry... I know how much it meant to you and you had it taken away without warning or any knowledge of it. As it is, it effects your part of the job we have... It’s all so messy and it’s because of me.”
“It was never your fault to begin with, Hyuck. If anything it was mine, I’m the reason Ten had a vendetta against you and the reason he shot you and I was the one to ask for you back. We’ll figure everything out in the end. Johnny knows I’ve been struggling, I’ll figure it out. It’s not your fault at all, don’t blame yourself. Besides it’s not all bad, I have you and my mom now.”
“You shouldn’t blame yourself either then. All you did to Ten was stick up for us, me more than anything. He shot me because of himself, not you. You saved me, Cosi, even if it doesn’t seem like it. You’re the whole reason I’m here with you right now, don’t you see?”
The girl already had tears well up in her eyes but he just lured them out with his words. Even after the hug, they had been there holding each other’s arms and it was the first time he broke away only to use his hands to cup her cheek so he wipe her tears away with his thumb. He could touch her with ease now, it still felt special as she would let him, the simple things like brush wouldn’t send her flying either. Somehow he could feel the rise and fall of her heart when it came as gentle.
She nodded, almost falling into the warmth of his hand that calmed her. It wasn’t long before they switched places as the boy was just as tired if not more than the girl. There were bags under his eyes from staying up late. She noticed that as she played with his hair. His eyes were closed as he began to relax and feel his eyes become heavier. Though he opened his eyes to be greeted with the girl’s and it started to reminded him of last night. Especially when her eyes began to dance from place to place with a small smile on her face. Oh, how he wanted it so bad...
“I swear if you kiss her.” The ghost of her mother gritted which he waited on at this point
He sighed out of frustration before he sat up, “I really hate this.”
“You’ll get use to it.” Cosimia chuckled, assuming he was talking about the new found ability. “They’ll be a time where you can’t imagine yourself without.”
“I hope so.” He hummed. “It’s annoying as of right now. And no offense, most of it is because of your mom.”
“She’s just doing her job as a mom probably... but speaking of her. You said she’s been around you since you woke up in the hospital?”
“Yeah, she has.”
“Well... it’s obvious she’s been around us for awhile then... She heard me and she’s been with you. Is there anything she’s told you besides what you’ve already said?”
He could hear her voice shake in worry when she asked her question, yet it was so subtle. Her breaths seemed to get tired, the type you felt in your soul that hurt almost. He was left concerned and puzzled by the curiosity and anxiousness that filled her eyes as she waited eagerly for an answer. He shook his head.
“No,” He finally verbalized his answer she waited on. “Nothing you don’t already know...”
“She didn’t tell you about my dad... or anything...?” She asked. “I don’t know I thought she would’ve...”
He looked over to her mom, confused himself as he felt a random way of aderline wash over him like something big was to come, “It’s not my place to tell you something about her that’s so personal like that.”
“I feel like... now’s the time to tell you what happened.” The girl sighed as looked at her hands in her lap. “We’re heading back there soon and-“
“If you’re not ready you don’t have to!” He was quick to interrupt in case she didn’t want to go any further.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be a hundred percent ready, Hyuck, that’s the problem. It’s apart of healing, isn’t it? Besides after the months we’ve spend together and all we’ve been through, especially recent, I trust you a lot... You’re the person I trust most and the one I’ve trusted the most in my whole life. That’s what matters, I think. I already told Johnny anyway. It hurt like hell and I wanted you to be the first one I told, but we were about to lose our jobs and get sent back home if I didn’t so I had too.”
She couldn’t look him in the eye that middle. She fiddled with her fingers in her lap to keep the attention there. He could see her blink, rather rapidly even if she was looking down. She seemed to be holding it all in, maybe it was getting painful in the way you’re throat ached from trying to hold back loud cries. He hoped not though...
“Still, you don’t have to.” He spoke up, softly.
“I know I don’t, but I want to.” Her voice quivered a bit along with her breaths. “In some regards, anyway... But, that day, when Ms. Nelson tried to get me to tutor you. You know how you wanted me to do it after school but I couldn’t?”
“Yeah,” He answered, softly once again. “I don’t think I can really forget that day, especially now, you know.”
“And you know that one day you saw me walking towards school on our lunch break and I was crying? And then after when I went missing from school for a few days and you came to bring my homework? I said my dad would kill you if he knew you were there...”
She had reminded him of the very beginning, the one he had kind of forgotten about with everything happening around them lately. He still nodded at her words even though it was so blurred and like it never happened really, much like a feeling a dream would leave you with. It also made it seem like it had been longer than almost a year in his eyes.
“I know you saw my bruises that day we were brought together and you seemed to notice them more which each time we crossed each other’s path.” She took a deep breath. “I think you could already tell I was abused by him... It’s kind of obvious, isn’t it? Wasn’t it? There was a strong feeling in you when you thought about that possibility too, right? I know you didn’t notice how often I went missing from schools day at a time constantly, no one did but the staff. I know everyone, including you, thought I was the weird girl because of how I acted. I didn’t talk much either, especially with other people and when I did I uttered things people found creepy and that you would’ve too at the time since you weren’t warmed up to me. I did because it was safe that way for everyone. My dad had always told me if I had any friends, especially if they were boys, that he kill them in front of me and then me... That day you tried to get a ride back to school? He saw and he got upset because he thought you were my friends and you were boys on top of it... I think you know it didn’t end well. I could see it coming when the abuse happen... I had vision since I was young. I didn’t pay attention to them much until I was around eleven and it was because this one was bad. I brushed it off like I had with my previous ones thinking it was a terrible thought or something. The thing is, is that it happened... Similar ones kept popping up in my head and they’d happen too. I always knew it was coming and I’d run and hide from it but it only made things worse for me. No sight for awhile afterward and I’d always still happen in the end. It drained me, made me want to die so bad. It was hard, you know, continue living in a body that caused you pain and felt like it wasn’t even your own... It was hard having everyday be lonely at school and then knowing you’d come home to be hit... and then... and then be raped by your own father...”
She struggled to choke out the last part of what she had said before tears began to fall rapidly fron her eyes. To be honest, Donghyuck hadn’t expected that word to leave her mouth or maybe he just hoped it wouldn’t. She was trying so hard to hold back so she could speak.
“I didn’t even want to call it that when it happened...” She confessed. “Johnny was the one that said it when I told him so I accepted it after awhile, knowing he was right. I don’t like saying it but it’s true... I felt so dirty whenever it happen and I couldn’t say or do anything about it! He said he’d kill me if I did and I felt ashamed at that point because what did I do to have that happen? Something so horrible and disgusting? I had to have done something to deserve it, right?! I couldn’t do anything to prevent it either, I just had to live with it. And fuck, I can’t even have kids if I want to in the future. If he found out I was pregnant, he would’ve been mad and if had found out I had multiple abortions he would’ve been even more mad! It was all his fault though! He’s the reason I had them, he’s the reason I had so many. I couldn’t go nine months carrying a thing like that anyway! It would’ve just been a constant, personified reminder in the world of what he had done to me... The baby, when it became a baby... they would’ve been so wrong to me, they would’ve been loveless when it came into the world... I couldn’t do that to them, it wouldn’t have even their fault but they’d suffer because of it.”
The boy began to understand her and everything a lot more... He realized why she freaked out when he laid his head on her shoulder when they were on the bus that one time. He realized why she wouldn’t sleep in the same bed with him for the longest time and when she did why she stayed as far away from him as possible. Why she would flinch whenever he tapped her shoulder in the store or something similar. Why she asked that one time if the boys had done inappropriate things to her when she passed out from smoking for the first time. So many memories like that came to his head as she told him what truly happened in the walls of the sunny orange home she was trapped in. He understood it now.
It was all so clear now. He also realized why she was so mature and calm in the beginning and even now with everyone but him and her friends, maybe. Even now, she didn’t like people touching her besides Donghyuck. The only real reason he was allowed was because of the amount of time they spent together. He never overstepped his boundaries with her, respectful of them too. She trust him, he was pure at heart. He didn’t do things to hurt her. She’d protect him and in return, he always did the same even when she didn’t need it. She always knew he had a heart of gold, it’s the reason she felt her future self at time had chosen him.
She shook violently next to him as she help herself in her own arms as it looked like she stared at the coffee table in front of him. She couldn’t tell by the the tears that created bluriness in her eyes and the adrenaline in her veins. She was busy suppressing her cries while he was at a lost of words. It was too early... He didn’t know what to do or say exactly, physical affection didn’t seem like a bright idea given the topic. He wanted nothing more than to be there for her, though. It was a shock when she threw herself on him, careful to avoid his wound as she grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. He could feel her sobbing into his shoulder as she did so.
“I didn’t want it... I didn’t want it...” She was able to croak out.
He took a deep breath as he carefully wrapped his arms around her to bring her gently closer to him. She didn’t seem to mind the way she relaxed a bit and the way her cries seem to get a bit quieter. He felt special, to be the first person she told, besides Johnny but she chose him and wanted to do it. He was also the first that could touch her and the first that she had felt secure with in every way possible. He was gentle when gathering the strands of her now dark hair that fell so he could tuck them behind her ear. He was aware she was strong, always has been, just not how strong until that moment. He continued to stroke her hair as she cried out so much of the emotion she has built up over time.
“Of course you didn’t.” He whispered, softly. “You didn’t deserve it in slightest either... It was never your fault, I know you know that. You can’t blame yourself for what happened to you. It was all on him if you can call that sick fuck that really... It won’t happen anymore, I would never let it happen if it ever came to a situation like that. You’re away from him now, you won’t see him again and I intend to keep it that way no matter what.”
He looked over at her mother who had been silent the whole time. Her eyes looked like they were sad hearing everything that has spilled out. He also seemed to be sad as well as shocked with a little bit of guilt. The truth was, her mom had witness the whole thing in real time in her plane of the living and dead. She could never truly do anything but ask that the girl had a gift to be prepared for it, if you could ever be prepared for trauma.
“I want to kill him for it, so badly.”
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koalatysleep · 4 years
I read @ineffable-endearments 's excellent good omens meta discussing why Crowley had such a strong reaction to being called nice in the wall slam scene, and it inspired a lot of thought. I agree that 'nice' is code for Heaven (Aziraphale referred to himself as 'the nice one' at the airbase), and from the perspective of Hell, we can't get anything more four-letter or socially taboo than being 'nice' & aligned to Heaven, the institution that Lucifer & all of Hell rebelled against & Fell for. Hastur once intoned "we are the Fallen, never forget that", so it suggests that being Fallen is a big part of Hell's propaganda and the identity Hell & its demons had crafted for themselves. Their group identity revolves around being the antithesis to Heaven, being better than angels - 'smarter, tougher, more dangerous' as Dagon put it. When you have a group identity that revolves around being the opposite of / the superior to another group, it's especially taboo to want to join the loathed other side.
I also imagine that if Lucifer were to discover any demon who wants to realign back to Heaven, he'd probably see it as the ultimate act of treason & obliterate said demon not just as an example to keep the rest of Hell in line, but also because it's personal (Lucifer obviously has a personal vendetta against God/Heaven). 
The last time Crowley had anything to do with the Tadfield nunnery, Lucifer popped in unannounced when Crowley was having a private "why me" freak out moment in the Bentley, so it suggests that Lucifer has some form of omnipresence, or at the very least can "eavesdrop" without you knowing it. Anyone who's lived under a survellaince state can attest to the fear & uncertainty you'd feel about whether big brother is listening. Worse still, we see that Lucifer can directly place "instructions" in Crowley's mind (creepily & invasively), which rendered Crowley literally without any individual agency when it was happening (he nearly drove into the path of an oncoming vehicle & could only swerve when Lucifer left his mind). Crowley's fear of Lucifer is very obvious & fully justified, and I agree he's partly afraid that Aziraphale might say something beyond 'nice', something explicit about Crowley re-aligning to Heaven that Lucifer might "overhear" and take personal offense to. As Crowley said at the airfield when Lucifer was rising from the deep, they're fucked when it's personal.
In addition to the fear, I think Crowley's reaction is also because he's frustrated/hurt that Aziraphale would suggest re-aligning to Heaven as a "backup" solution, when Aziraphale should know that isn't a valid option because Crowley doesn't want to be on either Heaven's or Hell's side, Crowley wants to be on their Own Side. I think Crowley was hurt because being on their Own Side means giving equal weight & consideration to your partner, and Crowley has been doing that by trying to find solutions that both he and Aziraphale can live with (thus his first solution of raising the antichrist in a neutral way, which gives Aziraphale the plausible deniability that he was just thwarting Crowley instead of the Great Plan, and his preferred backup option of running away together), while Aziraphale is suggesting something (realigning back to Heaven) that Crowley cannot live with (I don't think Crowley would be happy even if going back to Heaven was possible). 
This can hurt because it can feel like Aziraphale is not giving as much consideration/weight/regard to Crowley as Crowley is giving to Aziraphale. It can feel like your partner does not respect or understand that your needs/worldview is different from theirs, which can feel like a form of rejection/lack of acceptance/lack of regard for who you are. It would sting even more if you understand/accept your partner for who they are, what they can/cannot do given the constraints of their external circumstances, and you take all these into consideration in the options you suggest, but you don't seem to get this same consideration in return. Crowley suggesting that Aziraphale prevent armageddon under the guise of thwarting Crowley's wiles instead of outright disobeying Heaven is a brilliant example of Crowley giving consideration, weight & regard to Az's situation/needs as much as Crowley's own. It is an option that both he and Aziraphale can live with, one that is based on common middle ground instead of forced alignment with sides and party lines. (Can anyone tell I love Crowley so much because he is honestly a very good, loving partner? 😍😆)
Anyway the tension & imbalance between the two ineffable partners is resolved at the end when Aziraphale chooses to be on their Own Side. When they're dining at the Ritz, Aziraphale says "i like to think none of this would have worked out if you weren't at heart just a little bit of a good person". He doesn't use the word 'nice' here, he uses 'good person'. I read this as Aziraphale unequivocally voicing for the first time what he knew in his heart all along -- that Crowley, a demon who is unaligned with Heaven (& thus not 'nice'), is good. That one does not need to be aligned with Heaven (or Hell, or any side) in order to be good & do the right thing. That one's capacity for good & evil is not predetermined by the group/party/side they are in. That just because a side claims to be the 'right' one, it doesn't automatically make their actions/policies the right decisions. You can be on the so-called 'right' side and do the wrong things like Heaven did with the flood and Jesus' crucifixion. You can be on the so-called 'wrong' side and do the right thing like Crowley did. At the end of the day, sides don't matter, it's what you actually do that counts. At the end of the show, Aziraphale finally comes fully onto his and Crowley's Own Side, in action as well as in words :)
On the topic of four-letter words, I also found it interesting how Crowley used the word 'real' a few times in the show, to describe how Aziraphale can do 'real' magic instead of the fake one; how it would take a 'real' miracle for Crowley and Aziraphale to escape the bomb dropping on the church unharmed. We also see that when Aziraphale does 'real' magic -- to turn the secret agents' guns into water pistols at Warlock's birthday party (this was regrettably a deleted or unfilmed scene), to miracle Crowley & himself safe from the bomb -- he completely turns around situations that could have ended as disaster into moments of triumph. Instead of leaving warlock with a lame party, or being discorporated by the bomb, Aziraphale gave warlock the best birthday party ever, and mended his relationship with Crowley after their holy water fight. The delight he gave the kids and the relationship with Crowley that was mended - these are all what we humans would describe as magical or even miraculous (mending relationships is not easy) in the real world, the kind that makes a 'real' difference to our human hearts.
In the same way, when Aziraphale decides to get 'real' & outright defies Heaven to stop armageddon, when he pleads with Crowley to 'do something' about Lucifer at the airbase, by threatening to never speak to Crowley again (the hurt this would cause is real, even if it's debatable whether Az would actually follow through on the threat), he completely turns around what could have ended as disaster into moments of triumph. It ties in to one of the key messages of the show about how we can triumph over seemingly insurmountable odds just by choosing to be our authentic, real, full selves :)
Adam triumphed over the greatest adversary Lucifer by simply choosing to be his human incarnate real self instead of what Hell/Heaven expected him to be. Crowley and Aziraphale won their hard-earned Freedom by choosing to be their full selves, on their Own Side, instead of suppressing the parts of themselves that Heaven/Hell does not condone. I think we could all do with more of such real triumphs in our real lives as well :)
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detectivedreameater · 4 years
I’d Like To Mime A Comlpaint|| Cece and Marley
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @thebickedwitchoftherest and @detectivedreameater SUMMARY: Marley channels her inner!Karen and Cece gets a front row seat. Grab your popcorn.
The main reason Marley found herself back at the carnival was to make sure the mime that she and Anita had run into hadn’t filed a complaint or taken any action. What had happened wasn’t Anita’s fault, and if she needed to do a little intimidation to make sure nothing came of it, she certainly wasn’t above that. She did blackmail people to get information, after all. It was the only way she knew how to make sure supernaturals didn’t run around willy-nilly getting away with things that no one should be able to. It wasn’t so much justice as her just...showing the world that just because they weren’t human didn’t mean they were above the law. Humans were pretty nasty, too-- but mimes were in a whole different category. What she didn’t expect was for her anger to rear its ugly head when she got there, and all she could think about were the walls inside that had closed in on her and the mime that had stalked them through the halls and the pain in her chest as she gasped for breaths. “They should be fired,” she found herself yelling at the only manager that had decided to show up. “I want them fired. They touched a guest and endangered her. I should have them arrested.”
Cece was checking out the carnival again. This place was fucking weird. She was having a blast. She had been vaguely threatened by a few of the game runners, unconvinced she wasn’t leaving the place cursed in some way. Clearly she would be burning some sage tonight. She had a bag of popcorn, making her way towards the ferris wheel when she passed by the fun house. She had no interest in checking the place out personally, but the commotion was enough to draw her attention. She was a sucker for drama after all. She was happy to perch against a tree, munching on her snack and watching the scene unfold until she realized that it was a familiar voice that was yelling. Even worse, the face was familiar too. Marley. The two had chatted around the office, had some friendly banter online. Had some shots at that wild fucking bar mime. She had always seemed laid back, level headed. Not much the type to yell at a person working at a carnival. Apparently, Cece’s impressions had been wrong. She made her way closer to the fun house, poking her head closer to the exchange and stuffing a handful of popcorn into her mouth, “Always on the clock, huh Detective? Do you ever get tired of threatening to arrest people?”
The manager, true to form, would not speak. He just kept shrugging and miming things at Marley and she could feel her blood boiling. She was about to whip out her badge and force him to talk when she remembered what had happened with Jane when that poor mime girl had talked. Did all mimes explode if they spoke? She...didn’t want to find out. So, instead, she dug through her pocket for a pad for him to write on, but was stopped by a voice to her right. Marley turned her head to look, finding her gaze falling upon Cece. “Bishop?” she said, momentarily surprised. She glanced down to the popcorn in her hands, then back up, frowning in dismay. “What’re you doing-- you know, what? Never mind. And no, I don’t,” she grumbled, turning back only to find the manager scurrying off. She threw up her hands. “Oh, great! Perfect. Thanks for that. Did you know this place employs mimes, too? And that they stalk you through the fun house and think it’s okay to touch you? Because that’s illegal, I’m pretty sure.” 
Marley was clearly pissed, which admittedly was only adding to Cece’s joy. Okay, that sounded mean. But honestly, how else should Cece take Marley screaming at a mime that had nothing to return to her besides vague hand gestures. Clearly, he wasn’t going to be any help. “Figured.” Cece shrugged, unsurprised that Marley seemed to enjoy the idea of arresting people. She also wasn’t shocked to see the miming manager retreating into the fun house to escape for the detective’s rage. “I’m just an innocent bystander! Don’t blame me because you can’t keep your witness under control.” She smiled innocently at her, accepting that this was her new trajectory for the night and bouncing closer to Marley, “I didn’t know that. But I know that the whole touching thing is frowned upon by most people. Even if they’re just miming it.” What exactly was Marley referring to? It wasn’t really Cece’s business, she supposed. “Are you chasing after the manager? Arresting the whole carnival? Can I be your partner in crime? I’ll share popcorn!” She offered, holding the bag out to her.
Bishop always had this...excitement about her. Even in the office or when they’d talked outside of work, there was always something about her that made it hard to stay mad. Marley furrowed her brow, glancing back over her shoulder at where the manager had gone, and folded her arms tightly over her chest. “No,” she muttered, “I’ll come back later with a warrant or something. So he can’t run.” She wasn’t even technically on duty right now, but Cece-- and especially the manager she’d scared off-- didn’t need to know that. Turning to face Cece fully, Marley raised a brow. “You’re not even a cop,” she muttered, looking a little disappointed. She wanted something to take her frustration out on, but she couldn’t find anything within grasp except Cece and she definitely didn’t deserve her anger. She held out her hand for some popcorn. “What’re you doing here, anyway? All by yourself? I thought people only came to carnivals on cheesy dates or with friends to blow off steam.”
For better or worse, the tension seemed to have died down. Cece assumed it was the former, considering she wasn’t convinced Marley was even here on official business. Not that Cece tended to get wrapped up in trivial things like policies or the rules, but she didn’t really need for any scene to break out regarding Marley either. The two may not be super close, but Marley was one of the few at the station with a solid sense of humor. Cece enjoyed having her around the space and she definitely had no interest in that being in jeopardy. “Technically, no. But I’d still make a great partner in crime. I have the CSI sass down. I could make a citizen’s arrest. I’m a triple threat.” Cece poured a handful from her bag of popcorn into Marley’s palm. The teamwork had already started. “I think we’d make a great buddy cop movie. Where I’m not actually a cop but you convince me to apply for the force at the end. Really sets us up for a sequel.” Marley questioned what Cece was doing here by herself, which was a fair question. What had brought Cece back here? “There’s a third reason: boredom. I can’t sit at my house every night. This seemed like as good a place as any. But I could ask you the same question. Did you just show up to interrogate the mimes?”
The twinge in Marley’s side told her that coming here had already been a bad idea, but Cece asking her why made it all the more clear. Munching the popcorn, a snack that Marley didn’t mind too much as long as it wasn’t salty, she thought it over for a moment. Her personal life wasn’t anyone’s business, especially not a coworkers, but it wasn’t that that stopped her from just telling her about what happened with Anita-- it was the idea that Marley had come here to defend someone. And that she’d needed to at all. “I did, in fact,” she finally answered, looking over at Cece from behind her darkened glasses.  “And Zootopia,” she said, “you’re describing Zootopia the movie.” She started walking away after checking over her shoulder one more time to be sure the manager wasn’t coming back. It didn’t matter-- he knew she’d be back. She wasn’t done with him. All he needed was a little dose of fear. She popped some more popcorn in her mouth. “As far as buddy cops go, I’m good, thanks. Though I’ll keep you in mind if I”m ever looking to fill the position.”
There was probably more to the story than Cece knew, but at least Marley had been forthcoming about showing up just to instigate an altercation with some mimes. If this wasn’t official police business, what was Marley doing here getting so worked up over someone being touched by a mime? Reconsidering, Cece realized how gross that sounded and made a mental note to try to never picture mimes touching others ever again. This wasn’t some weird, black and white silent romance set in France back in the 40’s. “First of all, Zootopia is an incredible movie and we should consider ourselves lucky enough to try to fill those shoes.” Cece defended, clapping her hands when Marley turned her down, “Look at that! You’re already doing such a good job! The cop that doesn’t do partners? Fights the partnership in the first half of the movie? We’re really getting somewhere!” By this point, Cece was trying to get under Marley’s skin. There was something about the woman that had always intrigued Cece. A familiarity that the two shared but had not spoken of. Who knew why the people in this town were so hell bent on avoiding friendships. “I have a list of references if you need them. Regan will tell you that I’m annoying but persistent! I also have a personal vendetta against mimes, so I really think we could tag team those assholes here.” 
Regan was right, then. Cece was persistent. And it wasn’t that Marley disliked her, but her skin was still crawling and she still hadn’t slept more than an hour or two a night. While she required less sleep than normal humans, she still needed some, and now she wasn’t getting any. She tensed when Cece clapped, moving quickly down the path, trying to make a beeline for the exit. “I never said it wasn’t,” she mumbled off-hand, before stopping to turn to look back at Cece. “Why are you following me? Shows over, you can go back to watching other people do weird things at the carnival.” She wasn’t sure what else Bishop wanted from her, and she wasn’t sure she was in the mood to try and figure it out. It was apparent Cece was purposefully bothering her, the two got on just fine at work, but she didn’t know why yet and she didn’t have the energy to find out. “You know what? Bring the references in to work tomorrow, I’ll look over them and then happily decline your offer again. Besides, if I were going to choose someone for my buddy cop movie, it’d be Jane. Sorry.”
Marley was leaving, clearly trying to rush away from Cece. Was it because Marley didn’t like Cece? Perhaps it was because she wasn’t on duty and didn’t like talking to coworkers off duty. Technically speaking, they weren’t actually coworkers, an excuse that Regan pulled out of her ass anytime Cece mentioned her dating Kaden. Or maybe, Marley wasn’t a fan of someone catching her having a meltdown against a mime? All valid options, yet none of them were enough to make Cece back off. “I’m not following you, I just happen to be leaving the carnival too. At the same time.” Cece skipped along next to Marley. If nothing else, at least this basically confirmed that Marley was also a big fan of Zootopia. Cece would have to remember that. That’d make a perfect themed birthday party at the station. “Besides, what’s more entertaining than watching someone yell at a mime? Did you expect the guy to respond? I’m not saying mimes are right in the head, but you at least have to respect the self discipline.” Marley offered to turn down her offer again, which was valid. “You know, if anyone’s going to beat me for the role, at least it’s Jane.” Cece shrugged the disappointment off before a lightbulb went off in her brain, “Wait a minute!” She called again hopping forward so that she was in front of Marley, looking back at her, “Let’s rebrand here. I’m thinking Charlie’s Angels. The three of us? The serious detective, reckless but brave police officer and the brilliant scientist? Think of the drama!”
Marley stumbled a little as Cece hopped her way in front of her, surprised by her persistent energy. Rolling her eyes, she stopped, folding her arms over her chest as she looked at her. “Considering last time I interacted with a mime she exploded, I suppose I should’ve expected it,” she muttered in mute agreement, before picking up her pace again, letting Cece take the lead. “No one hears a peep about this, Bishop. Got it?” She could easily stare Cece down into submission, but somehow doing that seemed like the wrong play here. Not that Marley needed or cared if Cece liked her, but getting on her bad side seemed like too much effort to deal with. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. “If I agree to that, will you stop asking?” she said. “I could really use a drink. Or five. And frankly going alone sounds too pitiful. I’ll buy the first round if you promise to stop asking.”
Cece paused, “Excuse me, a mime exploded?” Cece considered whether she even wanted the context or not. Eventually she decided it wasn’t worth risking ruining the perfect vision she had in her head of the event, “I really hope that was as cool as it sounds. And not as murdery.” By this point, Cece wasn’t even convinced that the mimes here were normal people. “My lips are sealed detective, just like that mime’s” Cece grinned at Marley, but made the notion of zipping her lips shut and throwing away the key. Whether Marley believed it or not, it certainly wasn’t Cece’s prerogative to spread any rumors around the station. Unless the rumor involved Regan being a leprechaun. “You know how to strike a deal, Stryder! I’m in. For a drink, I won’t talk at all if you’d prefer.” Cece lasted about twelve seconds before recanting her previous statement, “Okay that was a lie. But nothing else about pulling a Karen back at the funhouse.”
Marley couldn’t help but roll her eyes again. It seemed to be an often occurrence with Cece, apparently. Not that she minded. Cece had a way about her to break tension. Marley could already feel herself relaxing, though part of it was the fact that they were leaving the carnival behind, ducking out the exit. “It was not cool at all. And I lost my favorite jacket to it,” she sighed, “Rest in peace, red leather jacket with those cute buttons.” Paused for a moment of silence before moving on. “See, now, I would pay to see you try and not talk at all. I don’t think it’s possible for you, honestly.” They made their way down the street to the nearest bar, a little hole in the wall. Marley went to pull open the door, but paused. “But uh-- thanks,” she muttered quickly, “for not saying anything about it.” Then pulled it open and went in. The less she talked about it, the better.
Now Cece was even more intrigued. That was a question for another day, apparently. “Damn. I’ll drink one in memory of your leather jacket.” This was the closest thing Cece needed as proof that mimes in this town weren’t human, right? Unless an actual human mime exploded in front of Marley, in which case she was being far too casual about it. “Ha ha. I’d bet on that if I thought I could win. But unfortunately, I think we both know I’m not capable of that. I talk in my sleep.” She didn’t actually know this, since she was asleep, but it felt like the right thing to add in. Marley clearly didn’t want this going around the station. Cece couldn’t say she knew exactly why, but it wasn’t exactly her business either. She only had interest in involving herself in people’s private life if it was in good nature. “Silence is golden, detective. What else are friends for?” 
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alwaysspeakshermind · 5 years
Top 5 Anti-Varchie Arguments & Why They Make No Sense
#3: “Varchie breaks up every other day/they’re so toxic.”
Yeah, so...to quote both Hamlet 3.3.87 and that one Bugs Bunny meme—NO. 
[Quick but serious question: is this whole “they break up all the time” thing a trying-to-be-cleverly-snarky exaggeration, or are people really just that unobservant? I want to believe it’s the first, but I see it so often now that I’m becoming horribly afraid it’s the latter.]
Over the course of three seasons and 57 episodes, Archie and Veronica break up three times—three!—and each of those times, the breakup is precipitated by outside events, no one is happy to be breaking up, and both parties make a concerted effort to remain friends while neither ever actually quits caring about the other.
Regarding the toxic argument: no they are quite obviously a safe and non-toxic ship. (Although they do appear to present the occasional choking hazard for children under the age of 13 who cannot seem to swallow Varchie’s happiness).  
“Toxic” is, however, a term I refuse to unpack and dissect at the length it deserves right now because I’m so incredibly sick of the misconceptions Tumblr and the rest of the internet perpetuates regarding toxic/abusive relationships that my exhausted frustration with this subject alone can fill pages and it’ll drag me off topic. So instead, I’m just going to point out that while none of Riverdale’s main ships is toxic (everyone’s just young; there is an actual difference), Varchie is the ship with the fewest elements the internet typically likes to designate as such (antagonism/aggression toward each other, childish/petty behavior designed to get under the other’s skin, resentment/bitterness directed at the other person following a breakup, etc.), so the frequency with which this argument is thrown around is extra-laughable. 
Especially considering how demonstrably willing both Archie and Veronica are to overcome their unfamiliarity with each other’s world, share each other’s concerns, support each other’s interests, and essentially serve as each other’s partner because they both consider all those things fundamental parts of being in a relationship (which they are).
**IMPORTANT NOTE: if you struggle to discern the difference between:
(1)  a healthy real-life relationship (which, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, will in fact include arguments because people are people and no human being who possesses a mind of their own agrees with another human being all the time)
(2)  a toxic real-life relationship (which can include arguments but doesn’t have to)
(3)  healthy and toxic fictional relationships (which are entirely different beasts, particularly in book or TV series as plot requirements frequently dictate that characters react in ways that no actual person would, because the narrative needs conflict or drama to function and publishers/networks still over-rely on relationships to provide that conflict or drama)
then you probably will believe Varchie is toxic, and you definitely need to do some research that goes a little deeper than Wikipedia/that one post with a bunch of notes that was written by a person who came out of their first college psychology class feeling like Sigmund Freud. Toxic relationships are no joke, and it’s a little frightening to see how many people on the internet are so confused as to what constitutes one in reality that they frequently interpret normal, healthy relationships portrayed in fiction as toxic, and borderline-toxic relationships in fiction as healthy. (Also, it doesn’t help that people who, for whatever reason, feel the need to paint their dislike of a certain pairing in homilectic terms, are in the habit of taking scenes that check off a few of the “toxic relationship” boxes and twisting them out of context so that they can pretend there’s an element of moral superiority to their prejudice.)
But, important reminder! Fiction and real life are not the same thing, so if you want to measure fiction by reality’s standards, you have to apply liberal amounts of common sense to your assessments of the goings-on in a fictional world and recognize that many developments are necessitated by things like plot advancement, network executives, deadlines, and your basic this-actor-got-sick or that-actor-is-going-leave-soon randomness. Playing judge, jury, and executioner on the toxicity of TV relationships is, if possible, even more complex than just judging the toxicity of real-life relationships because by arbitrary unwritten law, TV relationships must include some onscreen friction. 
In fact, one of the first things you’re taught about writing fiction is that no one wants to read/watch/hear about the thing that almost happened, so don’t waste valuable narrative time portraying that—yes, everyone likes to joke about how they would love to watch a show where the kids went to class everyday and everything happened normally, but it’s a joke. It’s not true. No one who’s done with high school really wants to go back again and listen to an hour of boring lectures week after week, and no one who’s still in school wants to come home and watch a show that’s a repeat of their entire day. TV shows (or books, or movies) expect you to understand that each episode/scene/chapter/whatever is a story they’re telling you about the time something did happen, and that expectation also extends to fictional relationships. Just because you happen to witness a couple’s every fight/argument/disagreement onscreen does not mean you’re expected to conclude that “OMG, this couple is so toxic! All they ever do is fight!” 
That would be like concluding the only holidays in the town of Riverdale are Christmas and Labor Day because we haven’t seen them have Halloween or New Year’s yet. You’re expected to put two and two together and assume they’ve celebrated those holidays that logically must have preceded and followed Christmas, just like you’re expected to grasp the underlying implication that after weeks/months of happiness and fun and peace, these two characters who love each other are now squabbling/experiencing tension over something important that they disagree on. Archie and Veronica are shown working together, being happy, enjoying one another’s company etc. multiple times before conflict ever arises between them, and them figuring out how to navigate through that conflict is intended as a facet of the story’s plot and a developmental point in their character arcs, not a red flag denoting an unhealthy relationship.
But anyways.
Back to the “they break up all the time” argument and why its fallaciousness is so obvious that it needs to be retired with all possible speed. (And as a bonus, also back to its close relatives “they break up for stupid reasons and get back together in five minutes.”
The “Shouldn’t-Be-Necessary-But-Apparently-Is”Quick Guide To Varchie Breakups:
Breakup #1: The end of episode 2x08
Duration of breakup: Almost one whole episode (that spans the course of at least a couple days)
What leads to breakup: Archie, the comfortable-with-feelings person, drops the L-word and desperately wants to hear it back. Veronica, the uncomfortable-with-feelings person, isn’t sure she can say it back and doesn’t want to go on acting like it’s not a big deal when she can see how important it is to Archie.
The outcome: Neither Archie nor Veronica’s actual feelings change at all from the time of the breakup to the time of the reunion. (No, not even when Betty kisses Archie.) Veronica just finally realizes that what she feels for Archie is love, so she goes to see him and tells him face-to-face. Archie is happy to get back together right then and there, and they resume where they left off.
 “Breakup” #2: The end of episode 3x06
Duration of “breakup”: three +/- episodes (end of 3x06-beginning of 3x10)
What leads to “breakup”: Archie believes Hiram’s vendetta against him endangers everyone close to him, not just him, and decides running away is his only option.
The outcome: Once again, neither Archie nor Veronica’s actual feelings change. They both attempt to move on/forget (Archie with Farm Girl Whose Name Escapes Me, Veronica with Reggie), but don’t exactly succeed as evidenced by Veronica’s anger, Archie’s remorse, and how quickly they want to get back together when he returns to town. 
NOTE: This is the one I sarcastically refer to as “the breakup” because it was over the phone (which, as everyone who’s ever utilized this dodge knows, is the easiest way to keep yourself from going back on a hard decision you don’t want to make. It should be obvious to those with functioning sensibilities that Archie does it that way because he knows if he goes the in-person route he’ll have to see Veronica cry and won’t be able to handle it). Besides that, Archie tells Veronica that he loves her and she was “it” for him from the day he met her, and it clearly kills both them to say goodbye. So again, as any viewer with common sense can see, it’s a breakup in name only—their heads are forced to accept what their hearts can’t, and everything they think is resolved is really only postponed.
 Breakup #3: The end(ish) of episode 3x10
Duration of breakup: ALMOST TWELVE WHOLE EFFING EPISODES (end of 3x10-middleish of 3x22). COUNT THEM.
What leads to breakup: Archie has in no way recovered from his rough experiences over the past months, and is behaving erratically. Veronica observes his out-of-character behavior with a lot of concern, and Reggie (whether accidentally or on purpose) fuels the idea that Archie is no longer Archie, so when Hiram ends up shot the day of the PSATs, Veronica knee-jerk reacts due to all the stress, worries that Archie might be responsible for it, and doesn’t contradict Archie when he asks if they’re done.
The outcome: Once again (surprise, surprise!) neither Archie nor Veronica’s feelings for one another change. They again try to move on/forget each other by dating other people (Josie and Reggie), but it doesn’t work. They remain close, continue to look to each other for comfort/support, and as soon as they’re faced with a life-or-death scenario, they throw caution to the wind and tell each other the truth (“I love you. I don’t think I ever stopped loving you”/“My heart ached for you. Because I felt the same way.”)
 To recap: what do these breakups have in common?
(1) Each breakup is due to a legitimate concern involving the other person, i.e., they are breakups for mature reasons, not breakups for “How dare you not text me back within five minutes” or “I’m a free range pony that can’t be tamed” reasons (with all due respect to Fat Amy)
(2) Neither Archie nor Veronica wanted to break up
(3) Both Archie and Veronica continued to love each other
When you’re young, the un-fun truth is that you frequently make really bad decisions in love. (You also do it sometimes when you’re older, too.) Archie and Veronica breaking up because they mistakenly perceive certain issues as insurmountable, trying to move on with other people and then going back to each other to make things right and reaffirm the love they couldn’t pretend away the instant the opportunity arises isn’t them being fickle, or toxic—it’s just them being young and clueless and trying to recover from young and clueless mistakes as maturely as possible. 
And believe it or not, their relationship has been handled very well by Riverdale. There are few other TV couples who’ve been as steady as A&V, and none of them are teen couples (in fact, the only ones that even come to mind out of all the shows I’ve ever seen are married and/or background couples, not main couples, because main characters’ relationships are always put through more drama). It is basically unheard of for a teen show’s protagonist and their primary love interest (who, incidentally, is also another main character) to only go through three breakups in three seasons. It is rarer still for each of those breakups to have a justifiable concern at its core, and rarest of all for the characters to take the mature and difficult let’s-be-friends approach rather than the easy and childish let’s-personally-attack-the-other approach. 
That is not a back-and-forth and/or toxic relationship. That is a fictional teenage relationship handled more maturely than many a fictional adult relationship, and that is good. 
Postscript to the rant: 
Veronica does not break up with Archie in 1x01, because they are not yet together. 
Veronica does not break up with Archie in 1x11, because they are not yet together. 
Archie does not break up with Veronica in 2x01; he’s telling her he wants her to leave because he’s upset and lashing out. 
Archie does not break up with Veronica in 3x01, he just tries to soldier-heading-off-to-war her because he loves her too much to want her to waste her time waiting on him and Veronica refuses to agree to it because she loves him too much to back out because the going looks like it might get tough. 
I don’t know why all of these scenes are forever being cited as breakup scenes, but they are, and it’s so bafflingly incorrect that it makes me shudder. They’re not breakup scenes. End of story.
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