#probably helps to know the main verse to read this
stormxpadme · 2 years
​Whumptober 2022 No. 19 - Knees buckling
'That's enough for today, Cat. You did well. Get down here, come on.'
'We've got 20 more minutes till dinner watch. I want to use them. Go ahead, I'll finish up alone.' Katja did her best to not let her voice in the mental connection to her mentor sound too annoyed. Given all of her mentor's highly responsible duties, she didn't take it for granted that Emma took the time to help her with her training at all. This had been the best run in a couple of days, she didn't want to let it end yet. Her mind was only just recovering from parting with her actual home and her team, and the anxiety about the dangers from the Brotherhood following her everywhere, for both slowly to become a manageable part of her subconsciousness instead of dominating her thoughts nonstop. Bit by bit, she was starting to be able to channel her emotions again into that very particular state of mind she was trying to perfect here. One, both entirely controlled by what images she allowed in her head or not, and completely unhinged from recalling as many troubling memories as necessary for the wild combination of feelings needed to create the most difficult ability her powers could come up with. With how much progress she'd made with that today, it wasn't the right moment to prematurely end a training lesson, just because Emma probably had one of her business partners on the phone. When her mentor tried to speak more words of objection in her mind, Katja only focused even harder on that scenario in it that she'd chosen today to create the strong gusts of wind keeping her body afloat high on the gym ceiling. 'Permission to enter my head today revoked, Emma. Would be nice if you accepted that for once.' Her eyes still tightly squeezed shut, she blocked out all possible input and only let in the deeply rooted grief, the ongoing, yearning love, the helpless anger towards a sickness that had robbed her of her father much too early but not least all the happy years she'd had with him by her side. Pushing the energy of all those overlapping notions existing in her all at once into her cells, she transferred it to the outside once more, into the wind her gift was creating before it could start to subside thanks to Emma's interruption … All the more did she startle and almost crashed down straight to the thick mat right under her when Emma impatiently forced her way back into her head with a shrill, impatient mental shout of her name. Only at the last moment, she managed to catch herself and land more or less elegant on her knees on the mat, after a quick flip. "For fuck's sake, Emma, I said …" Blowing a few slipped strands of hair away from her face, she scrambled to get up, ignoring the slight dizziness from almost a whole afternoon of nonstop exertion to glare at Emma … Only to startle a second time within seconds when she realized her mentor wasn't alone. "What …?" A wink of the eye later, she was up, in spite of her knees shaking lightly from the brief shock, and threw herself at her fiancé's neck with as much force as she dared, seeing as Scott was still wearing that damn brace from his last encounter with Mystique.
  Who, hopefully, hadn't managed to sneak here in one of her devious shapes and was about to stab Katja right through the stomach. Because as unlikely as that was, it also was extremely unusual for her dutiful, disciplined husband to take off for a few hours when it wasn't the weekend, even at summer break when, due to mostly internal students who had no families living at Mutant High, there was only marginally less to do than during the semester.
  "It's Wednesday …" she murmured against Scott's shoulder, her voice just shaking slightly because she didn't want Emma to see how much every minute spent with her partner right now threw Katja off course since they'd come so rare because of her damn exile at Frost Ltd. From Scott, she didn't need to hide the few small tears dripping over his neck for a moment before she could get a grip. Heavens, this needed to stop, no matter how damn exhausted she was feeling both in her body and mind on long training days like this, and far too many of them of not being able to be anywhere near her partner. If she kept on despairing at every little thunderstorm in the sky, she couldn't expect to ever be good enough at controlling them for kicking the Brotherhood in the ass enough to earn her freedom back. Her hand softly gripped the short hair on Scott's neck to pull him down for a brief kiss. "Thank you for taking the time anyway, Herz."
  "Not a big deal. One of the jeeps needed a few parts from that shop a few miles from here. You know me, only the best quality for our vehicles." The chuckle on Scott's lips sounded slightly too hoarse as well. While a shopping trip to said garage always served as a good excuse to the other side of the town, at this point it was getting to them both that these kinds of drives were necessary at all to do the most normal thing in the world – spending time with the person you intended to marry in a year or so –, just because the Brotherhood had declared Katja into their most interesting lab rat a while ago.
  None of that was Emma's fault though, so before dragging Scott off to a few badly needed hours of privacy, Katja quickly entangled herself from him, to apologize for her rudeness to the woman who'd helped her so much in this dangerous situation already and who, judging by the high pitched clack of her usual murder heels descending was rightly of the opinion, she'd been snarled at for that enough for one afternoon; it was no secret that Scott and she usually didn't have a particularly kind and polite base of communication either. "Hey, Emma, wait a second, I …" But before Katja could get around to saying more, the floor was suddenly coming to meet her before she knew what was happening. Scott's startled hiss in her ear, his strong hand on her back, the other arm around her stomach just in time to cushion the worst of her fall, she landed far softer than she deserved it on her knees, her elbow. The short burning in her joints didn't even really reach her consciousness simply from how fucking nauseous she suddenly felt, from how the world was spinning around her. Somehow, she managed not to throw up all over Scott's jeans when he pulled her up, around, and in his arms, his chiseled jaw clenched in concern and a touch of anger that Katja knew only too well from the time when he had been her trainer. Though it hurt because she was being the reason for enough worry recently in his life already, she forced herself to fix his gaze on this upset expression, the irritation flashing behind the red of his glasses, so as to try and get her vision to stop swimming, breathing as slowly and shallowly as possible, her hand tightly clenched around Scott's while the other was on her stomach. "It's okay … I'm okay …"
  Emma was either too far away already to hear her strained reassurance or she didn't care. An at this point very well-known low peep from somewhere at the door revealed that she was activating the direct radio link to her most important pupil and helper in this house. "Wash, call the medic to the sick room."
  "Please don't bother. I don't need a medic." Katja pulled Scott's hand close for an apologetic kiss and sat up with his help, with gritted teeth, throwing her partner a grateful smile when he handed her both a glucose cube and her drinking bottle from her training bag right nearby, with a sad routine acquired on more than one evening especially in the beginning of her training when she'd still experimented with how much of the combat and defense training she'd never done she could ask of herself. Sometimes she still forgot about that, admittedly, but that didn't mean, she needed a white coat giving her the same lecture that was awaiting her as soon as Scott and she would be alone anyway. "I need a donut and five hours in bed, and that's where we're headed anyway."
  "Don't count on it. Not everything is about you, Cat." It wasn't until those tense words, said harsher than Emma had ever spoken with her, that Katja realized, there was a reason, Scott wasn't following her immediately when she pushed herself to her feet, fortunately without her knees buckling again immediately. When she looked down with a frown, she almost toppled over again anyway.
  Her partner had his left leg under him in a bent ankle that the brace around his leg should actually have not made possible. The thin, supportive hard plastic stays were neatly broken in two. Scott's cheeks were almost white from stubbornly swallowed down pain. "Don't … I'm okay, Katja." Ironically she had just as little reason to believe him as it had been the other way around a minute ago but Scott held her back with a lot more resolution and detached flatness in his tone when she wanted to bend down to him again, help him get up, get him to the sick bay, all at once. "You go get your blood sugar back to a higher level than a corpse's. Lay down. Give me ten minutes to get that damn thing replaced, then I'll come see you."
  That sounded a lot like this visit would be cut extremely short as opposed to the night together Katja had been hoping for, and after just fucking up twice in a row, she was in no good position to argue. She was at a loss for words anyway. And that hurt much more than a few bruises and feeling like she couldn't eat again at least until the weekend. If there was one thing Scott and she had learned early on in their relationship, it was talking to each other when things weren't running smoothly. That the Brotherhood was starting to damage even that natural ease of harmony was a worse punishment than being exiled for a few months. Once she was convinced Emma would get her lover to the nearest doctor in her stead just as well, Katja forced herself to turn away and walk towards the nearest elevator, hating herself for how relieved she was about it.
    After that less-than-ideal meeting, the last thing Katja expected was Scott already waiting for her after a brief shower, on her bed, and actually with a plate full of donuts for her no less. Whatever the doctor had persuaded him to take, it seemed to have done its job. There was not a twitch even of discomfort around his mouth when he scooted to the side of the bed, reaching out to her because Katja didn't join him immediately.
  Still shaken from what had happened, she was waiting at the bathroom door for a moment, rubbing through her wet hair with a towel absently, with just a not-too-exciting long sleeping shirt on her body to let her partner know she was willing to follow his not exactly subtle hint earlier. But before, they had something to clear up. With an unhappy sigh, she let herself be pulled close and sat down on the ground next to the bed, resting her head on Scott's good knee, that was easier than looking at him. "I … I don't know what to say. I know you hate it when I apologize too much but I … I also don't want you to think I'm trying to be stupid and a pain on purpose."
  "You're none of that, babe." Scott buried his fingertips gently in her hair, gently massaging fingertips chasing away what was left of that little almost-collapse earlier. "The only thing you're trying right now is getting your life back. Getting back to us. Do you really think I could be mad about that when I'm missing you just the same, every morning, every night alone in our bed? Every Danger Room unit you're not around for? Whenever I'm working on my bikes? I want you to come home just like you do but that's not happening right now. So the only thing I can ask you for is watching your back in the way I can't right now. Preferably without you doing our enemies' job and running yourself into the ground though."
  "I won't forget it again, I promise. Still trying to get a feel for how much energy I need for the whole flying thing." And suddenly it was so much easier, explaining one of the most normal things in the world to someone who knew her body and its limits like not many did. Something that had hurt in her stomach so much worse than being sick earlier dissolved. With a single relieved sob that this time, she didn't feel ashamed of, Katja nuzzled her face against Scott's hand. Just a little awkwardness and exhaustion on both sides. No real bump on the road. That her cheeks were still burning with a little bit of redness though didn't come from the shower. Her fingertips traced the slightly sturdier, old-fashioned-looking stays of Scott's new brace she had a feeling would be replaced again with the far more effective Shi’ar version, the moment he came back to the mansion. Scott never had a lot of patience with being longer off training and battle duty than absolutely necessary, and now Katja had possibly made sure herself that annoying condition would last even longer, without even realizing ... "Just … What Emma said …"
  "Emma Frost is a bitch, Katja," Scott stated calmly, half a grin curling on his lips when Katja gasped at the disrespect that might have earned anyone else but the leader of Emma's partner team a lifelong ban in her house. "Don't worry, she knows. It's part of her job description, and she's great at her job. In this case, she's wrong though. Everything is about you right now, babe. Why we had to get rid of Lehnsherr again, why I can't keep you safe in our own house and spend my nights trying to remedy that, every hour of training you do. And you didn't choose any of it."
  It was one of the few opportunities when Katja thought she could actually accept, not just understand what he was trying to tell her. New salt glistening in her eyes, she straightened up on her knees to pull Scott down for a kiss again, much longer this time, tenderly. One thing she wanted to get through to him too, though. "If I promise, I'll keep that in mind, do I get at least to apologize for the shit I do fuck up?" Her hand came to rest on his brace again.
  "I'll let you know when that's the case," Scott gave back, rather unimpressed. "Nothing new is damaged. I'm fine. If I hadn't been dumb enough to try and save you from getting a bruise more on a harmless ground, I wouldn't even be on too many painkillers to drive back in time for night watch right now. If you tell me now, you're feeling sorry for that, I'll just have to sleep in a guest room."
  And just like that, smiling was no longer a hardship. "Yeah, not happening." Her hands clenching harder around his shirt, she gave him a gentle but unmistakable nudge backward to get him to lay down and scooted closer to the bed without taking her head off his leg so she was soon nestled against his loins and could give the zipper of his jeans a mischievous little tug just with her teeth.
  For a moment, she was worried, he was maybe not in the mood for a lot of closeness again after all after that kind of welcome when he softly pulled her away from him before she could train that skill any further. Instead, his very distinctive glance at that plate still waiting on her bed had her roll her eyes with a snort. "No offense, babe, but my patience with complaints filed by the White Queen isn't particularly high even on good days. She said she wants all of those gone or the extra hours of her cook are on Charles' bill. And before you ask, yes, she's petty enough to go through with that."
  "One day, you're gonna have to tell me what it is with you guys and her." With a reluctant sigh, Katja got down next to him again, not surprised about her partner's dismissive gesture. For tonight, they'd had dealt with enough issues for a day that was offering one of the rare chances they got to be together right now. It turned out, she was on more of a sugar withdrawal than thought. But when half of some delicious caramel topping landed entirely by accident on her bare thigh, an equally hungry mouth promptly followed to lick it clean.
 Scott, always being the supportive coach, was apparently determined to make certain, Katja would get to train off all those extra calories in an a lot more fun way for the rest of the night … The giggle on her lips was quickly replaced by a gasp as her lover returned her favor from earlier once that small patch of skin was clean, and stretched up a little – in a movement assuring Katja that Scott's other injury from that last Brotherhood captivity, too, was a lot better –, to run just the tip of his tongue over the flimsy fabric of her panties. When she pressed down against him instinctively, her most recent, half-finished piece of sweet immediately forgotten, he pulled away with a chuckle and gave that spot on the inside of her thigh that was still reddened and shining from his efforts, a little nip. "Up."
 Her heart immediately racing in her chest, Katja raised her hips and put the food away for good, impatiently wiping her hands on her shirt that was about to find its way to the floor anyway, then helped her lover pull that very small piece of clothing down her legs so that he wouldn't have to twist his upper body too much that was still healing from that last fatal trip to their enemies' headquarters. Nothing either of them wanted to think about right now, not when the heat was already flashing in her lower body like one of her storms, a whimper on her lips when Scott's clever fingertips painted harmless lines over the bare skin between her legs … leaving behind the foreign, exciting sensation of more syrup, very much definitely on purpose. Oh fuck. Katja thought she might have said that aloud because she could hear her partner laugh again, turned on and hoarsely and full of weeks' worth of yearning, and she wanted him very badly suddenly. When she got out of her shirt as well, her nipples were hard and sensitive already, a shudder going through her whole body when she saw Scott reach for that plate with sweets again. Her right hand ending up on his shoulder for purchase, she traced the outline of his beautiful full lips with her thumb when he turned his head to press a soft kiss to it and gasped out another helpless whimper when Scott teased the pad of her finger with the tip of his tongue, his teeth, a very unambiguous promise of what she was in for in another place soon.
 But he was obviously not done yet preparing his meal. By now, Katja knew of a few of his preferences well enough, so she wasn't exactly surprised when he squeezed her hand for a moment and then guided it upwards a little. "Touch yourself for me, babe."
 The slight embarrassment and awkwardness from the first of these kinds of experiments long forgotten, Katja willingly sank back against the bedframe a little more, drawing one leg up to open herself up for her lover the way he liked it and slowly ran both hands over her curves, impatient fingertips catching on pebbled skin, twisting and pulling with that none too gentle amount of force she enjoyed most until she started to feel dizzy again in a so much more pleasant way than earlier. Her breath was going much too fast, both from that nice but definitely still too harmless stimulation and that unbearably shallow touch on her most sensitive spots when her lover left a mess of syrup, all kind of sweet fillings, and whipped cream there. By the time two of those cheeky fingers slipped into her for the first time, she was welcoming him hot and wet, her hips pressing down, an uncontrolled moan on her lips when she realized, her lover had pushed something into her there, some of those damn fruits decorating the sweets, and if her brain hadn't short-circuited 10 minutes ago already, now would have been the time. That touch, too, vanished as quickly as it had come though, causing her to actually growl at her sadistic lover this time.
 But Scott just grinned at her and lay back beside her instead of continuing. She couldn't even blame him because he had to go easy on himself still, and of course, that bastard calling himself her dom made use of that shamelessly. For a moment he just looked at her with a delicious flush on his cheek, reaching down to the edge of the damn shirt she needed off of him right now and an obvious bulge tenting out his jeans that he never came even close to touching though because Scott was nothing if not the master of self-control, and sometimes, Katja wanted to slap him over the back of his head for that. Only how fast and uneven his own breathing was going when he watched her torture her own reddened nipples with that relentless pressure and tugging, how her body was arching up in need against that emptiness and heat between her legs, revealed how fucking turned on he was himself at that point. And that needy, choked nuance in his voice when he grabbed her wrist, reluctantly stopping her from what she was doing, to pull her towards him instead. "Kneel over me."
 At that point, Katja was far too much gone in her simmering arousal to give any thought to how exposed, how vulnerable that position made her feel, and that, of course, had been her lover's goal from the start. And it was entirely alright because if there was someone she could be all these things with, it was the man who'd put a ring on her finger not too long ago. She let him guide her with his strong hands on her waist, her behind until her knees were left and right of his head, her legs spread wide, the sturdy bedframe against her upper body the perfect resistance to hold on to for when her slightly damaged energy reserves should try to give her trouble again … But the only thing her wound up sensations could really focus on was the hungry touch of her partner's lips against her messy skin. With how he was taking his time, removing every single trace of sugar he'd just decorated her with, she was writhing in that massaging grip on her behind soon enough, deep sounds of desire escaping her throat again and again. Her skin felt like it was on fire from those greedy, firm licks, the playful scrape of teeth against a few particularly stubborn stains, the extremely thorough touch of her lover's perfect mouth against her most sensitive spot that had her shaking wildly in his hands, her hips instinctively grinding against the quick swirl of that skilled tongue, again and again, the wetness of her lust leaving its own sticky traces on Scott's chin, his throat.
 By the time he finally got there with his efforts, she was groaning helplessly, her hands clenching so hard against the dark wood of the frame it hurt, but even now, her lover wouldn't let her rush anything, starting to thrust inside her just as slowly, exploring her heated tightness with obscene slick noises that had her blush just a little until her knees threatened to give in once more today, for the best kind of reason though. Only when Scott had freed her of those two raspberries he'd not so accidentally lost there and her whole body was a tense spring, her head firmly buried against her arms, her breath going so short and shallow, she could hardly hear her own desperate moans, he finally reached around her trembling thigh to get his equally trembling fingertips on her most sensitive point. That fast, firm squeeze was also well trained at this point, so she was coming all over his mouth basically immediately, shouting out her lover's name, riding every of those quick, deep thrusts of his tongue deep inside of her while, for a little while this night, this week, this horrible month, none of the darkness surrounding both their lives right now mattered. At that point they were both far too hot on each other to stop even for a second, so Katja very reluctantly forced herself to move away from that wonderful touch of lips and tongue against her swollen folds, scooting down with her hips high enough to avoid any pressure on her lover's still bruised side, her agitated hand already busy with buttons and zipper of an extremely annoying piece of clothing.
 Her other arm almost gave in under her from where she was bracing herself on it behind her when Scott's soft caresses found her center again, with clear intent, the thorough stretch of two, then three of his quickly moving fingers in her heated center making sure Katja wouldn't be asking too much of herself out of impatience once more. When she bent down to him for a long, grateful kiss, gasping out her lust once more when she could taste sugar, and fruit, and the sweetness of her own arousal, she could feel him smile against her lips. As important as it was that they brought up every issue potentially dangerous to that perfect team they were building in this relationship of theirs – well, safe for that one, unpleasant, red-haired one that was only causing misunderstandings and hurt pride whenever it came up so they'd both decided to ditch it for good –, as often as possible … Sometimes, not a single word was needed to know and agree. That fleeting moment of too deep emotion for an hour of passion was gone as fast as it had come, at the latest when Katja finally could bring her hips over her lovers, not even bothering with undressing him any further for now, and whimpered out her rebuilding tension of need as she slowly took him in. She was dripping at this point, and from how she could see one of Scott's hand clench tightly around some pillow, how his other left those delicious little marks on her leg she liked so much to see even the morning after, it was easy to tell how much he enjoyed it, just knowing, feeling how crazy he'd been driving her a minute ago. So she stayed like this for a bit in spite of her impatience, just clenching her muscles around him teasingly while her hands were busy exploring the firm shape, the deep lines of his chest, nails scraping over his hardened nipples until he threw his head back with a moan and arching his hips up against her impatiently. Only when she could tell from the way he was angling his jaw toward her that his eyes were open again behind his glasses, his lips slightly ajar in a kind of pleading that never came easily to him and that she didn't demand of him either … Only now, she rolled her hips against his, slowly, tentatively first, waiting for him to give her the rhythm his still slightly compromised body could deal with until they were moving as one, the room filled with the sweet scent of their lust and their strangled groans, minds blissfully empty. Just a few minutes later, they were filled with the badly-needed undisturbed silence and recovery of a few hours finally spent sleeping in the same bed side by side again.
 It was the second and last time they'd do it in this foreign school together and one of the last chances for this kind of closeness before the world would go to hell around them, though neither of them knew at this point. It was maybe just because of that, in spite of the evening having begun so disappointingly, that they'd always keep this night in beloved memory.
@whumptober | @whumptober-archive​
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ma1dita · 8 months
partners in crime
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luke castellan x fem!dionysus!reader [the trouble!verse]
summary: few things are certain in this life as a demigod, but one thing is for sure— you can’t fight fate when it pulls you and luke castellan together, over and over again. two young people who hate the gods are more like them than they think, for better or worse. annoyances to best friends to lovers
things to know: dionysus!reader's nickname is trouble & most of these can be read as standalones!
here's a playlist (spotify & apple music links now available!)
child of dionysus headcanons!
trouble!verse moodboard 1 & moodboard 2 & college!trouble by the lovely @24kmar
deleted scenes from a different universe (AUs)
play the extended cuts (blurbs from in-between)
character study: luke castellan & trouble
any works, updates, thoughts, musings, etc about this series will be tagged under #trouble!verse !
key: fluff - ☼ angst - ☽ smut - ☆ jo's favorites - ᥫ᭡
[rewind to before] pre-established relationship
trouble always finds me (trouble!reader origin story) 1.7k ☼
The one where he could tell you were trouble from the day he met you. (You're an annoyance, but not an enemy)
entropy 3.6k☼
The one where you both blur the lines between annoyance and admiration. (the promise of becoming partners in crime)
buddy system 4.2k ☼
The one where he comes with you to rescue your younger twin brothers, Pollux & Castor. (this is as close to a real quest that Mr. D will give you--might as well take someone you trust!)
somebody's angel 4.4k ☽
The one where you convince him he’s pretty, even with a scar. (songfic - Die Alone - Finneas)
feed the fire 1.2k ☼
The one where his focus is not on spilled food, but on you. (Luke realizes this is more than playful banter)
bedtime stories 2.4k ☼
The one where night shift with him runs late, but you don’t mind at all. (the both of you have feelings you want to admit, but duty calls!)
crazy little thing 3.4k ☼
The one where he uses all his drachmas to make you smile on Valentine's Day. (the Apollo kids are better matchmakers than Aphrodite, sometimes)
anything you want 1.6k ☼
The one where you and him have your first kiss. (You've always loved teaching the story of Orpheus and Eurydice; except when your Orpheus runs away from you)
said he likes crazy 2.1k ☼ ☽
The one where only he can help you with a bad day, even if he's avoided you since your first kiss. (For being a son of Hermes, he has a way of calming your nerves)
[pause and remember us like this] established relationship
play pretend 5.1k ☼
The one where Mr. D catches you two in the act, but you and him aren’t exactly together yet. (Drunk words are sober thoughts. Your dad just wishes Luke told you instead of him)
a wish your heart makes 1.4k ☼ ☽
The one where you share dreams, burn cookies, and it still reminds him of home. (The dryads will probably ban you from the kitchen after this)
chance encounters ☼
The one where you both daydream about different lives. (You think you'd find him anywhere, by soul alone)
to see the chaos through ☽
The one where he remembers he was never a good guy, just yours. (Luke makes the ultimate deal with the devil in order to save you)
not your goddess ☽
The one where you both know the best of days eventually have to come to an end. (songfic - Goddess - Laufey)
don't blame the kids ☼
The one where you both chaperone a trip to Mount Olympus. (the Olympians are bigger gossips than you thought they'd be)
trouble's coming for you 3.7k ☼
The one where Percy meets his two favorite counselors at Camp Half-Blood. (three times Percy is oblivious (and in the way) and the time he realizes you and Luke are in love)
now that we're older 3.5k ☼
The one where he asks if you can stay the night even if all of cabin 11 makes fun of him. (Luke is tired of the routine. He just needs his girl)
if you need to be mean (be mean to me) 1.5k☽
The one where he leaves before you wake up. (songfic - I Don't Smoke - Mitski )
[fast forward until we meet again] post-tlt
lovers, or partners in crime 2.1k ☽
The one where Annabeth and Percy think you’re guilty too. (the last day leading up to Luke's betrayal)
love like a blister: the five stages of loving losing luke 4.7k ☽
The one where you learn to mourn someone even if they’re still alive. (the five stages of grief after facing a loss)
to catch a thief 3.7k ☼ ☽
The one where duty calls at Camp Half-Blood. Again. (Your reunion with Luke isn't quite what you expected.)
solipsism 5.3k ☽
The one where you finally pray to Hestia to keep your home safe, even if he's also trying to destroy it. (the four times Luke uses Backbiter to visit you during college ft. the first time you trust a god to help you)
forever falling: luke castellan & his four great loves (LATEST ADD) ☼ ☽
The one where he falls from grace and still thinks of you. (the four great loves of Luke Castellan’s life and how it will end up killing him)
love me dry 4.5k ☼ ☽
The one where he meets you at his mother's house, though both of you didn't expect the other to be there. (a glimpse into May Castellan's idea of a perfect day)
when the curtains close 5.3k☽
The one where you lose two people in the Labyrinth that day. All strings are cut. (Annabeth and Pollux find out the biggest difference between you and Luke.)
asking for trouble ☽
The one where Luke's final wish is to see you. (He's himself again, and all he wants is to find out if the trouble was worth it all)
as above, so below ☽ ☼
The one where you plead your case with the gods of Olympus. (The one thing the fates didn't expect was how much you'd both be like your fathers; in a way, you and Luke didn't see it coming either)
ask to be added to luke/general taglist 🥹
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flippinpancakes64 · 25 days
Hello, I absolutely love your work. iv re read your stuff so many times that it's getting concerning.
Can I request the cullens x artist reader who made a painting of them I just think that would be cute
The Cullens with an Artist! Reader
Thank you?!?! I suggest seeking mental help for rereading my bad stories tho
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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We all know that he is an artist too
He made Bella a whole song on the piano
As someone who can play the piano, that’s not easy
So he definitely loves that you’re also artistic
For you, he’s a muse
I mean, how could he not be
Literally the definition of perfect
So obvs you sketch him a lot
When he finds an almost finished painting one day of him, he is floored
He can never seem to wrap his mind around the fact that you are just as obsessed with him as he is with you
He hangs it up
Even if it’s not finished
If you insist on finishing it, he will begrudgingly take it down and give it back
But as soon as it’s done it’s all his
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She’s also an artist
But more with fashion
And design
She’s not so well-versed with the classical arts like painting or sketching
So she always loves seeing your paintings
She’s a coexistence girly
She loves to just be doing something while you’re painting
You know just sort of existing in the same space at the same time
The day you give her the painting, she is so surprised
It was so difficult for you to hide this from her
Especially with her gift
She absolutely loves it
She hangs it in the main room of the Cullen house
She wants absolutely everyone to see it and acknowledge how talented her s/o is
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He loves the arts
They’re relaxing to him
Some of his favorite classes he’s ever taken in all of the schools they’ve been at have been art classes
He’s not good by any means, but he loves it anyway
Art dates with him are a must
He would love that tiktok trend where you and your partner trade paintings every couple of minutes
Never misses an opportunity to tell you that he loves your work
He honestly almost started crying when you showed him your painting of him
You made him look so happy, so peaceful
He’s used to being perceived as a monster
Definitely hangs it up
But only in his room
He wants to be the only one to see it
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She’s more of a technical, sciencey person
Not to say she doesn’t like art
Just that she doesn’t necessarily enjoy making it
She can definitely appreciate good work tho
And she loves everything you make
She buys you new supplies all of the time
If just one pen ran out of ink in your favorite set, she would buy you a whole new set
When you give her that first painting though, she’s obsessed
She wants at least 20 more by tomorrow
But actually, she knows that she’s beautiful
But something about the way you capture her is just so different she loves it
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He’s not an art person either
He’s a bit of a meathead
But he can appreciate art
Probably not as deeply as other people can
But he know when it looks good
And he genuinely thinks you’re the best artist ever
He will gladly put all of your little doodles in the clear pockets of his binders
And hang them on his locker
When you give him the painting of him he’s actually dumbfounded
Like awestruck
What do you mean the best artist in the world just made a painting of him?
Get ready to be cuddled for the rest of the night
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Resident artist
We already knew that tho
I’m pretty sure it’s said that she’s the one who made the grad cap piece?
Either way she loves art
Pottery dates, painting picnics, date nights at the art museum
She loves it
So if you were to ever paint her and give it to her?
Yeah she’s gonna start crying
She just loves art, she loves you, and you put them together and she’s so in love
She hangs it in the main room
It doesn’t matter if the colors clash
And it’s never coming down
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Another appreciater of the arts
I mean, he probably knew Da Vinci on a personal level this guy is so old
So it’s no shock
Whenever he’s home and hanging out with you, he loves to watch you paint or draw
Especially if he’s doing some paperwork
I just feel like he would like the company while he’s working
Now I don’t see Carlisle as the type of guy to necessarily enjoy pictures or paintings of himself
The only portraits he has in his office are either him in a crowd or family photos
So when you give him a portrait of himself, he’s a little shocked at first
He doesn’t want to seem narcissistic, but damn you made him look good
He hangs it up in your shared bedroom
Even though he knows he will likely never have guests who would see it, he wants to make sure it’s hidden
He just doesn’t want people to think he’s vain
But he secretly loves it so much
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Vampire! Bella:
I think I’ve talked about it before but this girl would have loved deviantart
Rip Bella you would have loved fan art of your favorite characters
But she totally had an artsy phase
I don’t think she’s necessarily good or bad
She just prefers to look at art rather than make it
So that’s where you come in
She loves just watching you work
Every once in a while she paints with you
But she always feels inferior when she looks at what you made vs what she made
So she usually just sticks to admiring
The first time you give her a portrait of herself, she doesn’t even know what to do
She’s still getting used to actually perceiving herself as beautiful
And then you capture her like she’s a goddess?
She needs to lie down
She loves it tho
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eggyrocks · 6 months
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bloody nose: kuroo x calloused hands reader
calloused hands masterlist // main masterlist
warnings: violence, blood, swearing; grammatical errors, not proofread, i wrote this just for me so it's probably not great
an: here it is. my self indulgent bonus chapter that’s got my fingers itching. i wanted to write this so fucking bad i genuinely do not even care if it’s good tbh; im sure if you wanted to read this without reading all of calloused hands u could but it’s probably better in context
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their set's not going well.
it might have something to do with the venue; it's a small, cramped basement bar with only one way out and one way in-the old and creaking staircase that looks like it's one bad day away from collapsing. it might be the fact that the bouncer's stopped counting heads and the bar's way over capacity. could be the hot humid air that's suffocating them and only getting worse with each person that claws their way towards the band.
but it's probably the heckler.
yn's generally not really bothered by that sort of thing. it's not like this is the first one she's ever dealt with; normally she'll just play over them until they learn their lesson and keep their mouths shut during their sets.
but the bar's fucking tiny and so ungodly packed and hot it's making her just a bit more irritable than usual. every couple of minutes there's some sweaty dude from the pit getting knocked into her and knocking her hand off her guitar, throwing her off and making her fuck up. it's irritating. it's frustrating. she knows her bandmates are getting fucking sick of it too. tanaka's broken more drum sticks than usual.
so when the heckler starts up again, she doesn't really have any self-restraint.
"you guys fucking suck!" comes his voice, ripping through the crowd in between songs.
yn leans up close to the mic until her lips are ghosting over the cool metal. "uhh, suck my dick," she murmurs into the mic, hearing it echo throughout the small space.
she ignores the crowd's reactions and leans back on her heels to make eye contact with yachi. yachi, who, like yn, got so sick of the heat and had to abandon her outer layer of clothes in favor of her sports bra. just one look at her sweat-soaked friend and yn can tell she is just as miserable as she is.
"heckling us won't make us play better," nishinoya says into his own mic, "we're going to suck no matter what you say."
"why doesn't your guitar player suck my dick!"
the reaction is half boos and half laughter, and yn does her best not to react the way she wants to. she just fiddles with her guitar while nishinoya lets out a string of curses and threats into the mic. he kepts it short, though, they've got a show to get on with.
yn wishes she could spot kuroo. she knows he's out there somewhere in the crowd; she keeps hoping to catch a glimpse of his distinctive silhouette-just seeing him there would help her calm down. just a bit.
kuroo's good at making things better for her. he always does it, even when he's not trying.
but all she can see over the lights that shine in her eyes is a shapeless mass of huddled bodies, indistinguishable and formless. she can't pick out kuroo. she can't see his face and she can't calm down.
"this next song's called rot," nishinoya anounces, and ignores the glare yn shoots him. he's fucking around with their setlist again. "it's about dying and getting eating by worms."
tanaka counts them in, and yn tries to focus all of her energy on playing. she's hoping to take her frustrations out on her guitar; and either way, she always plays great when she's in a bad mood.
but they're not even half-way through the first verse when yn notices something whipping over the heads of the audience. in a fraction of a second, she realizes it's a beer can. sixteen ounces.
and then, the next second, it's hitting her in the temple.
her hand leaves her instrument and flies to cup the spot she got hit. the beer can hits the floor and it's spraying sudsy, warm alcohol all over her. she crouches down in pain, trying to blink away the hot, thick liquid that now drips down into her eye.
there's a hand on her shoulder, and the sweet words of concern in her ear confirm that it's yachi. yn tries to stand up straight, despite the dizzying pain radiating in her skull, and tries to get a look at what's happening in front of her.
strangers are trying to crowd her, to get close to offer help or see if she's okay or just get a better look at exactly what happened. nishinoya is pushing people away, telling them to back the fuck up, now. tanaka's grabbing yn by the shoulder and trying to keep her steady. yachi's pressing one of their discarded tshirts against yn's forehead, trying to slow the bleeding.
and there's a familiar outline of bedhead, stomping up the stairs of the bar, dragging a protesting body behind him.
haphazardly, yn rips wires out of her guitar and shoves herself forward, elbowing her away through the swarms of people, leaving behind her bandmates, bloodied tshirt, and still fizzing can of beer.
once she climbs up the stairs and out of that basement, the cool air is on her skin, on sweat, on the beer-soaked clothes she's left in, and she's suddenly freezing.
but she doesn't really focus on that. yn just stands there and stares as kuroo, her beautiful kuroo, holds the heckler up by his collar, sneering at him. "what the fuck is wrong with you?" he screams into the trembling face of the other man. "you could've killed her!"
"it wasn't supposed to hit her!" he insists, and suddenly does not have the smug edge to his voice he did when he was telling yn to suck his dick. "it was an accident, dude!"
yachi appears at yn's side then, mouth open like she's about to ask if yn's okay, but she stops at the scene before her, just taking yn's hand in hers.
kuroo's grip on his collar is tight, and if the bruising on his knuckles or the bleeding of the heckler's mouth are any indication, he may have already gotten a hit in. he doesn't look away from the man in his grip. "yn, are you bleeding?"
she squeezes yachi's hand. "yeah," is her casual answer. she winces, blood sill trickling down her face, and the pain in her head still throbs.
"kiyoko's looking for something to stop the bleeding," yachi tells him, a nervous tremor. "tanaka's getting the van so he can drive her to the hospital-she's gonna need stiches."
kuroo lets him go, then. dropping him so quickly that the heckler only just gets his bearings before kuroo is pulling his fist back and then slamming it into the nose of the heckler. there's a pleasant crunch. yn tries to appreciate the sight of it, but she's just getting so damn lightheaded.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
by the time they get out of the hospital, the sun has started rising. kuroo's driving the band's van with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping onto his girlfriend's thigh.
her bandmates, who insisted on staying with them the whole night, are now sleeping in the back, and their not soft and not gentle snores are fill the van.
yn looks over at kuroo and grins. she reaches towards him and gently carsses the cut that stretches across his nose. "you got battle scars now. can't believe you headbutted that guy."
he scoffs. keeping his palm flat on the wheel, he stretches out his fingers and examines the the scabbing over his knuckles. "my hands were starting to hurt and i need them for volleyball. i was running out of options."
"it was really hot, by the way," she tells him, teeth poking through broad smile. kuroo flicks his eyes away from the road for just a second to see it. "you were all bloody and sweaty like, 'oh, i'm gonna fucking kill you that's my girlfriend,'" she says, in a poorly done imitation of kuroo.
he laughs. "im just glad you're okay. if you had gotten a concussion i would've had to track him and down and give him one of his own."
"you need more than a beer can to take me down," she boasts. and then, without much warning, leans over towards the driver's seat to place a kiss on kuroo's cheek. "thanks for beating the shit out of that guy for me."
"i'll always beat the shit out of someone for you, babe," he tells her, only half-joking. "you're my girl. of course i will."
she smiles, and places her hand on top of his, resting her head on top of his arm. "i'm totally gonna fuck the shit out of you after i sleep for like, twelve hours, by the way."
kuroo smirks, and from the back, through a haze of sleepiness and snores, nishinoya says, "you guys are fucking gross."
taglist: @wyrcan @rieieieieieiei @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @nnnyxie @cr4yolaas @httpakkeiji @macchiatomegumi @hikikaimar @noodleswastaken @garden-of-bri @rinaheartss @infinitelytimebound @scxrcherr @eyes-ofhell @sleepy-time @polish-cereal @literally-a-ferret @crownj1min @sereniteav @kozuskitten @02shuuu @rasisarchive @marzzn @barricadesenthusiast @yvjitadori @yeehawslap @phoenix-eclipses @lcvestays @thirtykiwis @kitty-m30w @causenessus @notsaelty (i wasn't sure if i should include the taglist since this is just a bonus chapter but u know what. fuck it. here u guys go).
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akutasoda · 9 months
Hii!! Could I request Obey me brothers with a mc who dresses like misa amane from death note? If not don’t worry!! Have an amazing day/night!<333
stylish fashion
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synopsis - when mc has a fashion similar to misa amane
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 789
a/n: hii! hope you're having an amazing day/night too!
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lucifer ★↷
↪to many demon's surprise, lucifer can be quite into his fashion. while it may be more tailored toward formal wear and jewellery, he still had quite the eye for such things.
↪so he did think your style was quite bold at first. bold, but absolutely stunning. it just seemed to work so well for you and he couldn't help but compliment each of your outfits even if he had seen it before.
↪and because of his eye in jewellery, if you were the type, he would gladly take you out and help pick some to complete your look and still perfectly compliment your outfits.
mammon ★↷
↪ he's a fashion demon. he does regular photoshoots for mainly clothing companies and such so he thought he had seen majority of styles in the off hand chances of passing by other models.
↪and sure he's seen demons wear similar style clothing to you, but for some reason it suited you so much better. that and your outfits and their coordination worked so much better.
↪ isn't his style but would be more than happy to help you adf pieces into your collection by showing you all the best brands for your style.
↪and maybe if you chose to, he'd happily try and get you into a modelling gig with him. perhaps then you could help him pick a outfit in your style.
leviathan ★↷
↪he really couldn't draw his eyes away from how gorgeous he found your style. so much so that he felt a bit weird for staring at you.
↪he just couldn't help it! you're outfits were always stunning and he honestly wished he had your confidence to wear a similar style to yours.
↪he is quite well versed in various fashion/clothing shops surprisingly. so he would happily tell you were they were so you could add more pieces to your collection and maybe he would join you and help pick some for you aswell.
↪ however, he is also very good at carfting from scratch. most of his cosplays are hand made, the clothing mostly, so should you find out he would happily oblige in taking your requests.
satan ★↷
↪to absolutely no one's surprise he has limited knowledge of fashion. sure he may claim he's read books with that stuff in but that can't really be translated into the real world of fashion.
↪but he didn't have to be into fashion to think your style was absolutely amazing. you really never missed with a gorgeous, well planned outfit that always complimented your features.
↪he had to say, he loved the style. it would definitely become one he would be interested in, perhaps a more toned down version but still.
asmodeus ★↷
↪adores it an unbelievable amount. need i say more.
↪ it's no surprise asmo likes to dive into various styles and such, so when something with great fashion like you? it would be a crime not to ask.
↪while it probably wouldn't be a style he'd wear, he still thought it was absolutely brilliant. he loved all the accessories you'd sometimes where and even loved the more simpler outfits.
↪ probably knows the best places in the devildom to match your style. so would never hesitate to take you and help you expand your wardrobe.
beelzebub ★↷
↪another one that doesn't really have knowledge in fashion. it's not that he doesn't care, it's just not his main priority.
↪he rhought you looked stunning regardless of what you wore. but he did have to say, some of your outfits had a very nice look to them and he could understand why you had a strong fashion sense.
↪if you wanted to, he'd happily let you try your style of him. while it probably didn't match him like it matched you, he would still keep some accessories you tried on him.
↪ones that he could wear subtly. but he still could admire your outfits and the dedication you had to having such a fashion sense.
belphegor ★↷
↪ probably the worst when it comes to fashion. he spends most his time asleep and rarely cares about the styling of his clothes so has very limited knowledge on fashion.
↪ didn't really care how you dressed. if you were wearing something that made you comfortable and confident that's all that mattered in his opinion. although he couldn't help but admire the dedication.
↪he figured it must take you ages to coordinate and complete your outfits and pull them off each time, something he'd never really bother with.
↪ although his favourites were definitely your more 'casual' and comfortable outfits. the ones were it was mainly a top and pair of pants. those he could really get behind.
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234 notes · View notes
pimosworld · 11 months
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Never have I ever
Kinktober Prompt-Voyeurism,Squirting,Polyamory
Pairing -Will Miller x f!reader x Tf boys x f!reader
Summary-You and the boys play a game and things take an interesting turn.
CW-18+,MDNI,NSFW, Voyuerism, Smut, Fluff, Rough sex, Dom Will, mentions of anal, mentions of MM dynamics, restraints, mentions of safe word but no use, established poly relationship, Unprotected PIV, cream pie, squirting, aftercare. Appropriate discussion of past relationships.
A/N- Set in the story of us verse but can be read as a stand alone. Reader is not race coded, no use of Y/N. This is my current WIP procrastination, when lightning strikes you must write. My first kinktober prompt. I just reached 400 followers and this is 4000 words so I’m gonna take this as my follower celebration as well.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
“Ben, are we seriously playing this?” The five of you are situated comfortably in your usual spots in the living room and somehow the younger Miller has convinced you all to ‘make things more interesting’ in his words. 
  “I’m too old for this.” Frankie mumbles into his beer as he downs the rest. 
  “We know…that doesn’t mean you’re getting out of it.” You chuckle briefly as Santi’s hand skirts higher up your thigh under the blanket. He’s been slowly torturing you as you relaxed on the couch, all of you decompressing and going over your week. It was a new ritual to discuss the ins and outs of your time apart but it seemed Ben was growing tired of the normal mostly mundane conversation.
  “Hands up let’s go.” The impatient Miller barks from his spot on the floor, too big to fit anywhere else and you're always unsure of why Will won’t just get a bigger couch. You suggested a few months ago that it would be nice for all of you to be able to relax together. He agreed but evidently it takes time to find the perfect one. 
  Everyone reluctantly puts their hands up, Santiago opting for one hand because he can’t pry his other from the warmth of you under the blanket. The other part of you knows he’ll probably lose this game and he doesn’t feel like putting too much effort into revealing how much of a slut he was before he pulled his head out of his ass and finally told you how he felt. 
  “Both hands, Pope.” Frankie chides from beside you and Santi squeezes your thigh before drawing his hand out and flipping him off. 
  This game was an odd choice, almost completely out of left field. The five of you knew almost everything there was to know about each other. Although you’re sure the boys know a lot more about their respective sexual escapades than they know about yours. Nothing among these men is ever done by accident, you’re just waiting to see the angle that’s being played so you don’t end up trapped. The confused and amused looks on the others' faces has you a little at ease since it seems this is a solo mission for Ben and those didn’t always go as planned. 
  “I’ll start since it was my idea.” Will sends you a look from across the room as to say of course and you’re acutely aware that he hasn’t let out one protest or sign of stopping this game. You’re almost positive it’ll come down to you both in the end and he knows it judging by the smug look on his face. 
  “Never have I ever faked an orgasm.” You roll your eyes as you put one finger down. Maybe you were going to lose after all. The chuckles from the others don’t help your embarrassment, even though you should hardly blame yourself. It doesn’t need to be clarified that since you’d been with all of them there was no need to fake it anymore, but it was definitely known by all that you had to in the past an ungodly amount of times. 
  You brave a look up from the carpet that you’d all but memorized as you see Ben's wide tooth grinning at Frankie beside you. You look over just in time to see Frankie put his finger down as the redness creeps up his neck. He’s staring daggers at the younger Miller and Santi’s chuckles send vibrations through your body as you lean into him. 
  “How did she not know?” You ask him in the sweetest tone, no judgment behind it, just genuine curiosity. 
  He scrubbed his hand over his jaw, his calloused fingers digging into the patchy part of his beard. No doubt thinking how long this night will be if we have to explain each finger down,but of course that’s always Ben’s plan. He wants to draw this out for as long as he can. 
  “I pulled out and spit on her back.” He says it so sheepishly you almost feel bad for him. An image flashes in your mind and you make the mistake of looking over at Will who is doing his best to not completely lose it. You cup your mouth trying to suppress the giggle but it’s far too late. 
  “Laugh it up honey.” The funniest part is how could anyone not be thoroughly enjoying themselves when Francisco Morales is behind the wheel, but you figure it’s their loss. 
  You wrack your brain for something you’ve never done that they may have.Blowjob,one night stand,sent a nude photo,had sex in public…those are all out. 
  Will interrupts your thoughts as he speaks from the loveseat. “Never have I ever had a threesome.” He just saved you in more ways than one as you see Benny and Frankie glance at each other as they put a finger down. Santi tsks beside you and you don’t even have to look over to see he did as well. 
  You miss the look Santi shoots Frankie above your head as he makes a mental note. Ben may have been a thorn in his side at times but right now he could kiss the ground he walked on. Unbeknownst to you this has turned into a silent competition of memorizing everything you’ve never done,each time you don’t put a finger down he clocks one of them. He doesn’t even care that he’s about to lose as the room thrums with sexual tension. 
  As you predicted you and Will have the most fingers left. You have three,Will has two and Benny has one that he’s been holding onto for dear life. Santi and Frankie had long been out, Santi rejoins the group after refreshing your drinks. He knew he hasn't missed anything since it was getting harder to think of things as the game went on. 
  You need to get Ben out and you were sure this next question would. If it also took one down for Will then you would just be getting lucky you guessed. 
  “Never have I ever done anal.” Santi stifles a moan next you as Frankie not so subtly adjusts the growing bulge in his jeans. You were so focused on winning that you have no idea how thin of a thread they were holding onto. Frankie’s been fighting the mental image of checking each thing off your list one by one. Santiago isn’t faring much better not having realized how much innocence was still lying dormant in you. 
  Ben concedes as he grabs the pillow he was using on the floor, your brace for the moment that he decides to toss it at you only for him to place it gingerly in his lap. 
  “Welcome to the club.” Frankie mutters under his breath as you stare down Will who now has one finger up…interesting. 
  “Never have I ever been tied up.” Fuck
  You put a finger down and wait for the responses that eventually never come. Will was playing dirty, he knows for a fact you’ve been tied up. It had only been a week since he asked you if you wanted to try it. 
  This was it,you had to go for the kill…but how bad did you want to win? You know there’s only one way but it will certainly come at a cost. In the end the cost may be worth it. 
  You raise up on the couch sitting back on your heels,proudly displaying the two fingers you have left. You can’t chance a look at anyone besides Will or you might chicken out. Frankie’s fingers grip nervously at the blanket that’s fallen next to you. He wants to reach out and touch you, the only sound over your beating heart is the rustling of the couch cushions as Santi leans forward just into your peripheral vision. Breath in…Breathe out 3,2,1. 
  “Never have I ever made someone squirt.” You say it so fast they almost don’t catch it…almost.
  “Ha…he’s never made anyone…” Ben is silenced mid sentence as Will closes his fist and leans back into the seat. He doesn’t really care that he’s lost, in reality he’s actually won this game. Judging by the shocked looks on their faces or Ben’s mouth hanging agape. You didn’t fully think this through, your brain was clouded with the thrill of winning. 
  He almost feels bad for you as he says the momentary look of triumph quickly turns into one of defeat. It’s written all over your face as the realization sets in that you’ve completely fucked yourself, you would be a horrible poker player because you just revealed all your cards. If this were a lion's den you were a fresh piece of meat. 
  A drop of sweat trickles down your back as you lower your hand slowly to place it on your thigh. The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 
  “Prove it.” Santi’s voice is so close to your ear you nearly jump out of your skin. 
  Will tilts his head at you as if to challenge you. This game was far from over and you’d be damned if you were going to lose. You stand from the couch and walk over to him. Four sets of eyes watching your every move as you grab his hand and pull him to stand. You raise your eyebrows as an acceptance to his challenge and he starts to lead you away from them toward the hallway. You sense no movement behind you as you make your way to his bedroom. 
  “You boys coming or not?”  A small stampede sounds behind you and you chuckle picturing them trying not to trample each other as their bodies catch up with their feet, no doubt all thought having left their brains. 
  Santi’s lost count, has it been five or six times Will has brought you to the edge only to pull away and deny you what you so desperately want and need. He’s no stranger to this game but he doesn’t think he’s ever been this turned on by it. Watching from a whole different viewpoint. Being a spectator is thrilling and watching you writhe and chase his touch after each denial makes his cock achingly hard in his jeans. 
  Frankie’s not doing much better as he tries to follow Will's rules he laid out before starting. If you want me to show you then you don’t touch her unless I tell you to. The captain in him didn’t come out often anymore but when it did he commanded respect. 
  Ben stares on with excitement and curiosity written all over his face. He watches as you grip the sheets, your chest heaving as sweat beads down your forehead. Will told you not to touch yourself and Ben didn’t know you could be so obedient. 
  Wills got you so on edge you can’t be shy anymore about the way you beg for him and plead for him to let you come. A far cry from when you first entered the bedroom. 
  He had slowly undressed you and instructed you to lay flat on the bed. He crawled over your body kissing and biting his way up your thighs and your stomach. His hand caressed your breast as his tongue laved over the other. It was too much and not enough as your eyes met the others standing in the room. They’d all seen you in this position before but something about them watching suddenly has you feeling vulnerable. 
  “Look at me.” He leaned in and kissed you, deep and passionate as his hand gripped your waist and his tongue prodded your mouth. An expert distraction to bring you back to the moment. 
  “It’s just me and you.” It was the last thing he said to you before he methodically took you apart right before their eyes. You knew he was taking his time, putting on a show. He wasn’t simply going to make you squirt and move on like some conquest. He wanted to draw this out, show them what he was capable of. 
  He started with his mouth as his breath ghosted over your slick folds. He looked up at you through hooded lids one more time to give you a chance to back out, when you gave no indication of wanting to stop he dragged his tongue expertly through your slit. Parting it with his thumb as he dove in circling your clit. You were a goner from the beginning as he brought you to the first cliff only to leave you hanging. You cried out his name in desperation as he dipped two fingers in, pumping in and out as he bit down on your thigh. The pleasure and pain mixed in with you on display had your nerves alight. 
  With each denied release you can feel the pressure building in your core, it’s so close you can taste it on the tip of your tongue. You can taste yourself as he leans over you again kissing you through your whimpers as your body shakes beneath him. 
  “Will please…” Your sweet voice begging is like music to their ears. Frankie would give you whatever you want if you asked him but Will doesn’t budge. 
  “Please what sweetheart…I can’t read your mind.” 
  Son of a bitch he’s trying to kill you. 
  For all his resolve Santiago can’t help but be impressed. Even if this sudden burst of confidence is all a show for them he has to admit he would’ve caved by now and just went straight for the finale. 
  You’re not even sure when Ben and Frankie sat on the bed leaning against the headboard beside you, or when Santi sat at the end to have a perfect view of your pussy clenching around nothing as your arousal drips onto the sheets below. 
  “Please Will, I need you inside me…I need to come please.” You’re practically crying as he shushes you, his cock leaking precum on your stomach as it twitches in anticipation. He’s not going to be able to last much longer at this rate either. 
  He leans back on his heels as he grips the base of his cock, slapping your clit and dragging it through your slick as he slowly prods your entrance. The noise you make almost has him buckling as you sigh into it finally having what you want. 
  He starts at a slow pace as he wraps your legs around his waist, he can see the way your face contorts with every slap of his hips against yours. You can feel every vein and ridge as the lude sounds of your sweat and slick echo in the room. 
  You can’t see it from where you are but Frankie’s itching to touch you, desperately wanting to break the rule as he watches you try not to touch yourself. 
  Ben is mesmerized as he watches your breasts bounce with every thrust of Will's hips, he wants to latch onto you and bite down until you're screaming his name, but he knows his brother would do more than scold him if he so much as tried to touch you right now. 
  Santi’s waiting…waiting for any sign or movement as to how he does it. He’s thoroughly enjoying himself but he’s seen nothing new, nothing he hasn’t done to you a dozen times over. Any indication as to what Will has managed to do before the rest of them. It’s driving him a little mad as he watches you beg for it like you’ve never had it before. 
  You can feel the tension building as Will picks up his pace, he shifts your legs to either side of his head as he punches the air out of your lungs with every thrust. He brings his thumb down rubbing fast circles on your clit as you try to grab his wrist. That all too familiar feeling has you keen and arch your back. “Grab her hands.” Frankie moves before you can think, your wrists gripped tightly in one of his palms above your head. 
  “Wait…please.” He chuckles under his breath as his chest heaves with the sharp movements. Not mere seconds ago you were begging to come and now you’re begging him to stop. 
  You crane your head back and lock eyes with Ben, his eyes are etched with worry as he lays there helpless to your pleas. “Will!” 
  “She’s fine…aren’t you sweetheart?” You can’t think, he’s fucked you so dumb you cant remember your own name let alone formulate a sentence. “Yes.” Is all you can manage. 
  “She knows what to say if she wants to stop.” He grits through his teeth as his orgasm steadily approaches, his thighs burn and he’s surely bruised your calves as he grips tightly to them. 
  You’ve never safe worded with him and you don’t plan on it now. It feels so good as the searing hot sensation creeps up your spine threatening to take purchase in your brain. “Please don’t stop.” 
  He gestures to Frankie to grab the pillow, who moves with lightning speed as he situates it under your back. Santi looks at your face then, and he finally sees it. The look of panic and bliss as you succumb to the inevitable. He’s seen this look before but he ran from it afraid that he might hurt you. Will punches something deep inside you as he lifts your hips, the sound you make bordering on pornography while your arousal coats his stomach almost forcing him out of you completely. 
  He thrusts once and twice before nearly collapsing his weight onto you as he comes through your high. He releases your legs as he leans in to give you a kiss. Will was nothing if thorough and he always made sure you were okay. It’s in this moment that you truly feel like it’s just the two of you and not aware of the blissed out expressions of the other men. 
  “You did so good for me.” He pants out against your mouth as he desperately tries to catch his breath. 
  You highly doubt this is what Ben had in mind when he suggested this game but it ended much better than any of you would have anticipated. 
  Moments pass and you’ve just barely recovered. You’re in need of a shower and some water as you try to move slightly, the grip on your wrists tighten as you look back at Frankie. 
  Do it again. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
Tagging a few who might be interested
@csarab615 @syrupsstuff @ghostslillady @uudelally @onefinnedwonder-fm @thedreadandthefugitivemind @romanarose @scarletthefierce
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arbiterlexultionis · 1 year
Danny and the Spooks Pt2
This is a continuation of my other post Here
More specifically, this is where I’m dumping my ideas for it that involve crossovers, mostly with DC, as I know that stuff isn’t some peoples cuppa tea, and wanted to make sure it could be viewed and enjoyed by all.
So, I’ve come up with two ways for Danny and the spooks to mix with other fandoms. 1) Danny’s a known entity and (somewhat) trusted ally who is super protective/secretive about the tiny ass town he micromanages and 2) Danny and the ghost issues of Amity are more less unknowns and the hero’s of the verse show up only to be met with a (somewhat) functional crime fighting organization.
I’ll do the first version in this post and the second probably in a different post.
Phantom was one of the founding members of the league, and one of the most mysterious members at that. Although most of them had known about each other and occasionally worked together long before they came together officially 3 years ago to fend of Darkseid and found the league Phatom himself had come out of left field so to speak. Appearing with no warning in his bulky Hazmat suit and barely saying a word for most of the crisis, they didn’t really have any choice but to accept his help regardless of their (Batman’s) skepticism, and that decision to trust him payed out in the end as Phantom, despite being a complete unknown that could stay under the radar at that point, was apparently strong enough to give Supes and Wonder Woman a run for their money. They threw around a lot of theories about the guy, Superman seemed convince he was some type of alien while others thought he was a meta. Batman’s theory of choice was that he was a time traveler form the future with advanced nano technology, using cave paintings and historical records from across the globe that duplicated him as evidence. Aquaman and Dr. Fate think he’s some type of lord of order or God, with a capital G, because there was apparently some strikingly similar being who fought a Chaos deity to try and stop Atlantis from sinking.
But every attempt to actually investigate has ended “inconclusively”, as after Batman finally tracked down which town Phantom watched over he only got a few steps in before he got gently grabbed buy the cape and flew several states away like a misbehaving kitten getting grabbed by the scruff. Flash got the farthest in of anyone, sprinting in and getting about a block in before just appearing in Canada with sticky note attached to his forehead reading “Please stop stalking my grandson. :-) -CW.”
So when they were all in a meeting discussing where to keep the young justice team they were all surprised, to say the least, when Phantom offered to take them in and look after them Inside of Amity. Apparently(supposedly) the main reason he keeps everyone so far away from his town is because no one in the league has the experience and skill set necessary to properly combat his rouges, and gaining the experience and skill would probably include several mind control/body snatching/cloning/imposters/potential world endangering events and that just wouldn’t be worth the risk, especially with all of that resulting in their own rouges getting into contact with his, a recipe for one shitty weekend as he put it. But a little less than a week ago Luther used an intermediary to hire one of phantoms rouges to hunt Superman, which explains the bandage on Superman’s side. So now that the cats out of the bag Phantom want to make the kitty purr and prepare the rest of the heroics community for “the complete and utter nonsensical shenanaganery that he’s stuck dealing with” and The Team seems like a good opportunity for it.
I envision this whole meeting probably being told from Flash’s point of view, as he’s smart and goofy enough for some good humor and exposition but I guess it works for anyone. The Young Justice team wind up in mount justice while the main base of the Spooks, called the Grave or something else suitably on brand, is prepared just long enough to get bored and go rescue Superboy. Then the whole team and some of the justice league step foot into Amity for the first time, and then get a whole PowerPoint presentation explaining the town and its BS and are just Shook when they find out that Phantoms not some meta or alien or time traveling genius inventor but just some dead dude.
The team essentially gets fast tracked through the training for Spooks to make sure there up to snuff and begin patrolling and stuff. At first Superboy just can’t handle working in the R.I.P.D. and then he finds a ghost who whole shtick is “I need to punch shit”, which bridges the gap between the fighting he knows and the negotiations he doesn’t and helps him learn more about diplomacy and chill out, can’t decided if I want the ghost in question to be a boxer, sumo wrestler or really over the top westler.
As practice living a double life and going under cover they all have to get jobs and be Normal, but they all suck at being Normal. It just straight up doesn’t cross Superboy mind that normal people can’t use motorcycles to beat up convenience store robbers. At first he goes for the car, stops and goes wait a second that’s not something normal people can do and I’m Normal, so he picks up a Harley like “Yep, this is completely average amount of strength.”
Wally’s working in the kitchen of a restaurant and keeps accidentally using his super speed. Not enough to glow or spark, but more than enough for people to freak out. But he’s doing the work of 4 people which means management need 3 less people to pay so they just let him do his thing.
Robins such a gremlin that people think he’s straight up a child ghost very poorly disguising himself as a human child, using rafters and vents as short cuts with the justification “it’s not weird if they don’t see me do it” which makes it seem like he’s using invisibility, intangibility and teleportation to get around. He’s so quite when he walks that people come to the conclusion that he’s forgetting to walk and just floating places and/or trying to look like he’s walking like a Perfectly Normal Human Child but not actually making contact with the ground on accident.
All the locals see all this stuff and just go “Kids are kids, ghost, human or ecto-contaminated to hell and back.” And all make a group effort to hide them from the Fentons and GIW. The team, which is actively trying to investigate both groups, becomes convinced that the people they work for are in cahoots with the GIW and hiding their activities, but every time they switch jobs it takes like, a week for the GIW to get to them again(for them to go “oh poor children” and try and keep them safe).
It doesn’t help that the first friend they made in town is a scrawny little black haired blue eyed twink that they saw beat a mothafucka with another mothafucka in an alleyway on the first day of class, constantly pulls off what should be nearly impossible acts and disappears without a trace, further twisting their idea of what is within normal human limits. (They saw Danny fighting Skulker in human form at 3am in the Nasty burger parking lot because he was to lazy to shift forms, and they use the fact that the kid that can nonchalantly throw hands with a nine foot tall T9000 knock off as an excuse to get away with stuff. “Mr. I-fight-death-bots-with-my-bare-hands is the weakling at the bottom of the food chain, so me being able to do this it Normal. Probably.”)
Just a few ideas I had for this, will probably post more later. Drink some water and chill, peace out.
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yevmarie · 7 months
Light My Fire | Chapter 7
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Pronouns: you, she/her
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, swearing, mentions of physical abuse towards other people, detailed description of typical TWD violence, differences from the main plot may occur, bad English (not my first language).
Taglist: @your-shifting-gurl @bae-live-0 @richardsamboramylove55 @deansapplepie @snailss @denisecabrera @dreamtofus @duckybird101
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You were sitting near the tent, trying to occupy your mind with the book you had taken at the beginning of the outbreak when you left home. The novel was so good that you binge-read it after Rick got to the hospital. That was the only thing that distracted you somehow, almost the cure for the hours spent crying after calls with Lori, who always said the doctor's forecast had been discouraging.
Now, everything was different. Although you reunited with your friend, other things were bothering you. Thoughts rushed after every sentence being read.
Is Merle alive? Will the group come back? Should I tell everything to Rick? But that fucker Shane almost killed me today. Shit! The neck hurts so much I'd probably have bruises forming a 'necklace' in a day. Shane is scaring the hell out of me. Why is he doing that to me? Did I deserve it after all my love given to him? I think I deserve just nothing good. If any good is even left in this world…
You cursed to yourself, noticing that familiar Depression FM finding the 'right' radio wave in your mind. The host today is so cruel; he plays that shitty song with the lyrics derived from your brain. And that fucking cassette tape is broken, repeating every verse again and again. You knew what to do in such cases.
"Ms. Y/LN, there's one technique that helps to get rid of repetitive unhealthy thoughts. But it needs practice as any of them. So close your eyes and imagine a bus stop, some familiar one to you. Perhaps near your work. This must be the place you know well to add realism to your brain."
You put the book aside and leaned back on the tree to relax your body. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and imagined the bus stop near your office. This is a busy street full of office workers fussing around and cars honking.
"Good. Now imagine the bus you are waiting for."
You are standing in your uncomfortable office outfit, praying to catch the bus quicker and get home. And here it is!
"When it arrives, come up to it."
You make several steps, slightly losing balance as some teenage girl pushes you, aiming to get in faster than you to take a seat.
"The doors are opening, and you get in but notice one unpleasant thing… The people inside only talk about you. About your insecurities. They literally repeat your thoughts out loud, saying them to you in your face."
"You don't deserve love," an old grumpy lady says, looking at you with side eyes.
You take a step further, aiming for the part of the bus with fewer people, finding a man wearing total black: a leather jacket, jeans, massive boots, and bike gloves. He is saying nothing to you. He's not even looking at you, listening to whatever music is playing in his earphones.
"Love? Don't be ridiculous," the teenage girl who had pushed you before chuckled. "She just deserves nothing good."
Another step up to the man when he finally turns to you. Pale blue eyes, three-day stubble, a bit outgrown haircut, two cute moles on the face, one above his thin lips. Although his frame is wide and the outfit is brutal, he doesn't seem like that. He's calm.
"Daryl?" you whispered, standing up too close to him, the haunting scent mixed of his cologne, leather, and tobacco hitting your brain, sending waves of excitement through your veins.
"Yeah, talking about Daryl," a clerk sitting near you, reading a newspaper, caught your attention, "He thinks you are useless."
"Reckless," a woman cooing to her baby corrected the clerk.
"He talks to you out of pity," another voice said.
"He's not interested in you," added yet another.
All the hurtful voices meshed together, making your tears swell in your eyes. Daryl took off his earphones and passed them to you. You plugged them in and heard… Nothing! Except the silent echo of your heartbeat. You noticed people were still talking to you but couldn't hear them. Daryl cupped your face with his calloused, warm palms, still looking into your eyes. His gaze was calm, gentle, and loving. He leaned closer, narrowing the space between your faces, looking down at your lips; his breath tickled your sences as you savored the moment with anticipation.
"Ms. Y/LN, after hearing everything the passengers have told you, would you get off the bus?"
"No," you whispered, closing your eyes and feeling Daryl's lips touching yours in a sensual kiss.
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You opened your eyes and threw the book away towards the tent.
"So, have I fallen for Daryl?" you asked yourself, desperately sighing, as surely daydreaming about the hunter wasn't planned, when suddenly you saw a familiar woman figure approaching you - Lori.
"Y/N, can I ask you to look after Carl and Sofia?" the woman's expression was concerned, obviously stressed out by something. You only nodded in consent, not wishing to talk, and stood up to go for the children. But your hope of no dialogue with the woman was dispelled in a second when she gently grabbed your forearm.
"We need to talk, Y/N."
"Enough talking for me today," you mumbled and stepped forward but were stopped again by Lori's touch.
"Please," she begged sincerely. "I… I'm really sorry for all that," her voice shaky. "I didn't know you still had feelings for him."
"You never asked," your response was just a guillotine, cutting off all potential reasoning.
"If you had only told me before… Perhaps I'd still be devastated, but I knew you were fair to me. And after some time, I'd accept it," you looked at your crying former friend and felt the pain hit your chest.
"Look, I'm not aiming to hurt you. Just trust me, it doesn't bring me any satisfaction. I'm not a monster. I just want to let you know I've always expected some tricks from Shane but not from you. Because you know what? I've always thought friendship is stronger. Love just comes and goes. But you betrayed me."
"Okay, okay," Lori nodded, sobbing, and was going to walk away, but you stepped aside and appeared on her way.
"I could overcome it and forgive you one day. But if Rick doesn't… He just doesn't deserve all of this."
"He'll never know," her answer outraged you. She was so sure you wouldn't tell Rick.
And honestly, she was right and wrong at the same time by saying this. You face the dilemma of telling Rick everything you know and destroying his family and friendship with Shane. Or you just step back and lose another close person like Rick because you'd not be able to even look into his eyes and act like everything is going fine and finally betray him by keeping silent. You didn't know what to do, and this tortured you.
"Then I'll just be nice to you for the love of Rick and Carl. I can't offer more; I'm sorry," you turned around and walked toward the campfire, leaving Lori alone. "I'll look after Carl and Sofia." 
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Hours later, when you were spending time with the children, the camp was shocked by another event: Shane beat up Ed after he hit Carol. You felt sorry for the woman and reasoned her to have her rest, though you had planned otherwise before, and took your duty to help in the kitchen and stew the squirrels for the group. 
It was getting darker; the group was having dinner, but no one returned from the run to Atlanta. You saved the portions for the men and started cleaning the place you called the kitchen. You couldn't have your rest; otherwise, you would go crazy. Or eat as the food stuck in your throat again. Your nerves were being torn to shreds. 
But Amy's wrenching scream cut off the silence you mistakenly considered agonizing.
"Walkers!" people yelled. 
The chaos burst in seconds, resulting in fussing, cries, and shooting. The latter bothered you the most as it was uncontrollable, and you were scared to take a slug. You ran to the table and took a knife, scanning the situation around. Lori and Carl were hiding behind shooting Shane; that's good. You were looking for Carol and Sofia, who were near Shane as well but were more vulnerable to attack. 
You were going to run to them but heard upcoming rasps just near yourself. Turning around, you stabbed the walker's head, hearing the gut-wrenching sound of tearing skin and breaking skull. The blood spraying on your face and the smell almost made you vomit. The body fell on the ground when another walker approached you, snapping its teeth and stretching its arms to you. You kicked it in the chest so you had more space for maneuvering, swaying your arm holding the knife to damage the skull of the lying dead. 
You stood up, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat off your forehead. Other shooting noises were reaching the camp. You heard Rick's voice calling his family when you fell, being pushed down to the ground. Your chest took a pasting by falling flat on the ground, and the air from your lungs was beaten away. You realized the snapping teeth were inches from your skin, so at least you needed to push it away from you to kill, but the body was so heavy you couldn't make a move. 
Suddenly, you felt the weight above was lifted from you, thrown somewhere away, and shot, so you jumped out of your skin, instinctively closing your ears. Then, your body was lifted easily as if you were a featherweight. An arm tugs around you, pushing your back into someone's body. 
"Ya okay?" you know this gruff voice.
You quickly nodded and squizzed his forearm, thanking god Daryl returned to the camp. 
"Stay behind; it's clear there," the archer freed you from his hug and continued shooting the dead. 
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Several minutes passed when the last walker was down. You were panting, trying to catch your breath, and dropped to your knees as your muscles were aching. You looked back and saw Rick hugging his family. Carol and her daughter were safe, but the field around the camp was covered with dead flesh — the bitter payment for your close people to be alive. 
"Y/N," you heard Rick approaching you, helping you stand up, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, standing up, but your legs were wobbling, so the sheriff had to help you keep your balance by holding you by your back.
"Where's Merle?" 
"He escaped, but we couldn't find either him or his body."
The hope died in your eyes, turning your gaze to as black as night. 
"Y/N, can you tell me something?"
"Hm?" you hummed, fluttering your eyes open as if you were returning from a trance. 
"Did Merle and you..?" 
"No," you cut short his question and were trying to walk away, but Rick stopped you, standing next to you, gently holding your shoulders. 
"Is it because of Daryl?" by an odd coincidence, the name mentioned made you stiffen so that Rick's touch read your tensity.
"What do you mean?" 
"Do you like him?" 
You stiffened even more, and the opportunity to lie about something faded. Considering you were talking to the sheriff, who was too good at reading people. Furthermore, when they were close ones. 
"No. We just became friends," you put his arm aside, hinting you'd like to walk away. This dialogue was leading to some strange course. "Rick, I wanna sleep, let's talk tomorrow, okay?" 
Your friend nodded and stared after you walking away. 
"So, why do you sleep in Daryl's tent?" you stopped and turned around to the man. 
"Because you got back, and there's not enough space for four of us."
"You had already moved to Dixons. There was no stuff of yours. Or you are a medium." 
"Rick, is it cross-examining?"
"I just wonder why you behave so strangely. If you like some of the brothers, it changes everything. I'll insist on searching. If you don't have feelings but still hang out with them when your family is here. Then I assume you'd had some fighting with Lori and…"
"Hey man," Shane appeared out of nowhere, approaching Rick. "Let's discuss our plans for tomorrow. We need to do something with the bodies." 
You mentally thanked your ex and quickly walked to the tent. Getting inside of it, you noticed the archer was already sleeping. Perhaps he was so tired he didn't give a damn where he was going. And at least it's his tent. You grabbed your blanket to move to Merle's, but Daryl's voice stopped you.
"Ain't sleeping. Get inside. It's better to stick together if another horde is coming. Not gonna touch ya," the hunter's sleeping voice made some magic to you as you got in and laid down back to him without hesitation. You covered yourself with the blanket, but it was too much already as you were flushed red, and all your blood was running in hot impulses through your body.
"Is it okay?" Daryl wanted to reassure himself you were fine with this. 
"Yeah," you replied. 
"So, if Rick noticed, then when will you accept you have fallen for Daryl, Y/N?" you told yourself and shut your eyes tightly as if it would help you fall asleep faster.
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
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kiwiana-writes · 5 months
I dont think anyone subscribes to you for t rated 5 +1s in your own au lol. Chop chop with those wip’s porn girl!
Well. Quite a bit to unpack here on an otherwise unassuming Friday!
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#2: I actually track this stuff. Admittedly the E-rated percentage is a bit higher if you look at RWRB only, but overall...
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#3: I think anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, or indeed anyone who follows the kiwiana-writes tag here on tumblr and sees all those fucking WIPs, knows that I like to write a bit of variety. That's not to say there aren't definite underpinnings of, like, themes and vibes that I return to over and over (which I can only assume are why people subscribe to me), but if someone only likes my college AUs, or only likes my post-canon stuff, or only likes my E-rated stuff, or only wants to listen to my podfics, they're probably going to have a much more successful time saving the tag search than subscribing to me at the author level. Or they've mastered the art of archiving and moving on without complaining about it, like I do when the authors I'm subscribed to write something that doesn't interest me. It's a useful skill! I highly recommend cultivating it.
#4: AO3 not giving series stats is and continues to be the bane of my life, but based on the number of people who subscribed to the OG actor AU, there's probably a significant chunk of people who aren't subscribed to me as an author and only want the actor AU verse stuff. And good for them! I LOVE that AO3 offers multiple ways to subscribe so you can get notified for the stuff you want (my kingdom for the ability to subscribe to individual pseuds, though.)
#5: This fandom is OVERFLOWING right now. Like, I can't keep up. You only want to read E-rated stuff? Awesome! Well over 100 E-rated fics have been posted in the RWRB bookverse tag just this week (it looks like most of the movieverse smut has also been tagged bookverse, but either way it's also very easy to find). Or go back to older fics and find some hidden gems—there's nothing an author loves more than for someone to come in and gush about a fic they wrote a year or two ago.
#6: You don't pay me, and I'm not subject to annual review. One of my favourite authors was talking this morning about how sometimes she thinks about taking a break from writing for RWRB because it's starting to feel a little rat racey, and that would suck for me personally because I love her stuff but god knows I couldn't blame her, because the (extreme minority but still exhausting) entitled comments and rudeness really do not help. Stop treating your favourite authors like content creators who owe you something new on a regular schedule, because that's a damn good way to ensure they don't want to create anything new ever again. Like... anon, you haven't even bothered to couch this in a compliment. The bar is ten feet underground and somehow you still managed to trip over it.
#7: Not to be all 'back in my day' but... well, back in my day, snippets and peeks into the universe of a remotely popular longfic were pretty much the standard lol. Nobody is forcing you to read them, I promise.
#8: I've posted two E-rated fics in the last two weeks.
#9: Honestly I just really want to reiterate #1 because what the hell lol. While pronouns don't equal gender, it's pretty reasonable to extrapolate from pronouns if you don't have any other info to go on—and of the three "main/standard" pronouns, the one most closely associated with 'girl' is the only one that ISN'T in my bio 🤦
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Can you write something about Jack having severe writers block, and the reader does something nice to get his mind off of it? 
writer´s block
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A/N: heeyy, thank you for your request <3 sorry for taking so long, hope you like it!
Jack has been trying, really trying to write past the three verses he's accomplished in the last few days, none of them bearing any relation to the other.
He had put out his latest album a few months ago, and now found himself on a tour break, so there was really no rush, but he had never gone so long without writing something, the last time he had been able to finish something worthy of a song was 2 months ago... exactly the last night that he saw you.
As he ran his hands over his face in an attempt to clear his clouded mind, his cell phone vibrated on the desk. Jack looked at the screen, his heart skipped a beat as a smile appeared on his face, his cheeks filled with tender warmth, all of that just by reading your name.
“hi, gorgeous” he said immediately after accepting the call.
“hey, Jack” your sweet voice made him smile even more if that was possible, even causing his cheeks to hurt a little.
“to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me?”
you and jack were almost new to each other, only a couple of months of knowing each other; long talks, a lot of flirting and a couple of kisses, but nothing official. but he was so drawn to you, you could put a smile on his face just by reading your name, you could make his heart race just by hearing your voice.
“a little birdie told me that you’ve been really stressed”
he chuckled, though it seemed more like a sigh. just a few days ago the new year had started and the whole team had at least a few weeks of vacation, so the only one who knew about his condition was urban, who was the only one who had seen him in the last few days locked in his home studio.
“that little birdie is gonna get his ass kicked”
He heard you gasp, “why?! he just wanted to help, and so do I”
“oh, so it’s a “he””
“fuck you jack, you know it was urban”
He laughed out loud, throwing his head back. he probably hadn't laughed since New Year's Eve. he couldn't see you, but you smiled hugely, you knew what you said wasn't that funny, so his laugh meant only one thing: he really liked you.
“so, do you have an hour for me?” you asked, and he raised a brow.
“mmm let me see…” he teased, and he heard you sigh, making him laugh again, “you know I always have time for you”
"That's great, because otherwise I would have to go back home, and it would be very disappointing" you said, behind him. Jack turned around in surprise, and saw you smile with the phone still attached to your ear, but you quickly put it down and ended the call.
"how...?" he asked, surprised.
"The little birdie…" you replied, feeling brave enough to sit on his lap, and he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
"mmm, now that I think about it, I guess I won't kick the birdie's ass anymore"
you laughed out loud, while he admired you. once you stopped laughing, you looked back at him, your faces extremely close. he put his hand on your chin, and with a short movement he brought your lips together. You heard a contented sound escape his throat and you smiled in the middle of the kiss, but you stopped having control of the situation once Jack put his hand on your thigh, making you sigh, you could feel the warmth of his skin even through your clothes.
"You're amazing", he said, making you smile again, "I can already feel the verses floating in my mind"
you giggled at his words, "I'm very flattered, but my main mission was to be able to distract you a bit"
"Oh, you are," Jack replied, trying to kiss you again, but you pulled away, causing his lips to pout and his eyebrows to draw together in disappointment.
"I have something for you" you said, giving him a little peck and taking his hand, both of you went up to the first floor, since the home studio was in the basement, and you led Jack towards the living room
Urban had let you in, and left right after, leaving the place at your disposal. It didn't take long, since a large part of everything you’ll need you had prepared at home. Urban had left the light dim, just as you asked, you just had to put a couple of candles in some places, and then put a tablecloth above the carpet, next to the basket, and then you emptied it, filling the tablecloth with snacks, and a bottle of a fruit liqueur.
It was an indoor picnic, obviously it would have been better to do it in the backyard, but it was impossible, unless the goal was to freeze to death, so you improvised something similar. In addition to the candles, Jack had a fireplace, which was perfect for the occasion.
You knew that it was a much more romantic setting than what you and Jack had shared before, which were usually conversations and kisses in hidden places at some parties, so you were nervous, but you hoped that Jack would take it well.
You watched him carefully while he looked at what you had prepared for him, and after a few seconds that felt like hours, he got you close to him, giving you a tender kiss.
"I love it, thank you"
you sighed with relief, giving him a smile.
"Why the sigh?" he asked curiously, sitting on the tablecloth, copying your movements. you thought for a moment about what to say.
"I was nervous" you decided to admit.
"why?" he replied, truly confused.
"I didn't know if..." you cleared your throat, "maybe this was too much? I know we're not a couple and..." in the middle of your chatter, you saw him smile, "what?"
"nothing" he said, still smiling.
"jack" you said, looking at him seriously.
"I was just thinking how cute you are" he said, and you blushed, making him smile even more, "this is perfect, y/n, you didn't have to be nervous"
"I'm glad you liked it" you said sincerely.
Jack didn't say anything else, he just approached your lips again, and what started as a tender kiss escalated quickly, leaving you lying on the ground, with Jack on top of you. between the heat of the fireplace and jack's body, you began to feel that the heat consumed you.
"jack, we haven't even touched the food" you said, between kisses
"I'm not hungry"
"And I only asked for an hour of your time," you said, raising an eyebrow. he stopped kissing you and looked at you smirking.
"Let's make it five" he replied, kissing you again.
"Jack!" you said, between his lips and your laughter.
"I'm going to write a lot of songs after this anyway"
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ghoulysaphomet · 6 months
Holo there
Name's Saphomet (He/it)
Most refer to me as Ghost, or something else. I am known by many names, truly.
I'm in my mid-20s and not suitable for minors.
This is my AO3/Writing/Fanart focused account. Here, I ramble about my WIPs, ideas, inspirations, ect. I also try to post fanart whenever I actually get around to draw.
My works tend to either be Angst, Crack or Smut. If you've come here from reading something by me, then this is probably not a surprise.
I love incorporating themes of death into my works, like ghosts, tragedy, grief, rebirth, cannibalism, ect. I also love monsters::)
I also like to share AU ideas (when I remember to do it) - if any of my ideas inspire you to create, go for it! If anyone does create from any of my ideas, then I'd love to see it!
Main account where i reblog whatever i want: @timstolejasonscorpseagain
Feel free to send me asks here or there!! I love getting asks (beware, I tend to ramble...)
I've written fanfic since 2012-3, can't remember for sure, and posted them to deviantart and ffnet. I moved to ao3 in 2014.
I have a lotta wips. Sorry 'bout that.
Terfs and bigots of any kind aren't welcome::) fuck off::)
If you've read any of my works and have any questions feel free to ask!
Wishing everyone a good day.
A list of my all-time favourite fanfictions
In alphabetical order. I will attempt to update this as I find more stuff to read! ::,)
(apparently there's a link limit to add in a post...)
Ao No Exorcist 
The sound of an omen from the center of a hurricane by bluewindfall
Batman (all types)
A word, a look, will be enough by feyburner (18+)
Artificial Gravel by thenafics
Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
Batman is a Very Serious Scary Vigilante by akcugrai
Black, Blue, and Red All Over by writewhatyouwanttoread
chew until it bleeds by dukeaubergine (18+)
dead men tell no tales 'verse by Mikkal
don't come back for me by Soltoc
i know the end by WhatTheHeckIsGoingOn
I’m Pretty Sure Tim Steals Clothes: An Elaboration In The Form Of A Long Fic by PrinceJakeFireCake
in the doghouse now by Fenris13 [18+, series]
IRIS Log #1548 by deadchannelradio
Jason Todd's Guides for The Respectable Zombie Series by A_Fandom_Related_Name
Lone Wolf by SalParadiseLost
my hero. series by Anonymous [18+]
Not so Alone by Blueseabird2
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Playing with Matches by CrouchingTiger28
The Vertex of My Redemption Arc by cryptic_losers
This Dark Ceiling Without a Star by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday
(How to) Forgive and forget by Legal_kidnapping
And thus, we live  by  Kail_lizuc
Everything I want to do is illegal- a self help book- by AdyingFlower
Grandmaster of miscalculation by silver jackdaw (cizzi)
Lovers of lost dimensions by Miss_nighteye (terryh) (18+)
Lusus Naturae by WildTama
Neutrality order (Series) by AngeliaDark  (suggestive themes)
Proximal by artistfingers, Perfectly_Inconspicuou
Something's gotta give by Worldstubbiestcat (confirmed Discontinued)
Speak no evil by bibivi 
Speak of the devil by Gentrychild
Take only what you need by Intent_To_Stay (Confirmed discontinued)
Yesterday upon the stair by PitViperOfDoom
Danny Phantom 
by your grave (the monster we made) by UnderForeversGrace
Death Day Evolution by gamma_radio
definition of insanity (is doing the same thing) by UnderForeversGrace
lie like a tombstone (yet secrets will bloom) by murphy_kitt
Tourist Repellent by TorScrawls
Vice series by dweeblet, paenling (dweeblet), Patchykins
What Big Eyes You Have by Gingersnapped
What it means to be by UnderForeversGrace
worth the war underneath my skin by UnderForeversGrace
DP x DC 
a part of me that'll never be mine by halfagone (milkywxy)
Bus to Nowhere by foldingfacets 
Funeral Rites by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees
Have You Heard of Danny Wayne? by FortunateCookie
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire
I'm King Boo by TourettesDog
Life, Death, and In Between by SaturdayNightFrights
Our Empty Graves by suomifae
Phantom Children: Redux by apotheosis_avaritia
Phoenix Down by Imp_y
regular boy: daniel wayne by diamondrozie
TWINcognito mode by nerdpoe
Gravity Falls
Blood bath by RoboticSpaceCase (18+)  
Faking it by BurnerAccount (18+)
Hunter x Hunter
Once bitten x Twice shy by korns
Song for the Yellowed Woods by Grandoverlord
Legend of Zelda
A Hero’s spirit by SilvermistAnimeLover 
Language of Monsters by Laufskadus
sewn back together wrong by ballroomnotoriety
Linked Universe 
Alone we fight by SilvermistAnimeLover
Bush Ghost by Tricksterburd
Degrees of Resurrection by Gintrinsic
Creation (Both Haunted and Holy) by GhostPlasma
In a mockery of recollection series by Depths
Let's not and say we did by sincerelyMystic
Scales, Wings, and Mythical Things by FantomoDrako
Year of the Rabbit by BlindBrilliance
Flip the coin/Face the change by Inrainbowz
Time travel? What the fuck? by Dragonpyre
One Piece
(Ir)Responsible by oumriel
(Two) small mercies by fingersfallingupwards
Burning rubber series by Kitsune foxfire (crossover)
Feral by Kitsune foxfire
Near death experiences by Monch_Monch
Switching it up by kitsune-foxfire
Take the world by storm by Geokat
Turning myself into my brother by artistic_arsonist
Young but built to fall by Fingers-falling-upwards
A spanner in the clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_exodia
ache in the rain (and remember the wounds) by Scribblurri
Auribus Teneo Lupum by Unknown
Ben has two dads by regala_electra (18+)
Brothers blood series by diana_lucifera, stormageddon
Delicate broken bird by Sparrowshellcat
Consequentiality by Kerfluffling (18+)
Fortress by glasslogic (18+)
Memory is a fickle siren song by sleepypercy (18+)
The Time Dean was Sam's Girlfriend and Jess Entered the Winchester Family Business, and Something unpredictable (but in the end it’s right) by fleshflutter and  phoenixflight for fleshflutter  (in the same section since 1 is a sequel done by a separate author and isn’t a series. 18+) 
I want to make it clear that regardless of whether a work is finished or not, there is no shade or shame at all from my side. It's been an absolute pleasure to read any of these works, and the authors owe me nothing.
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alteon77 · 1 year
Updated Masterlist of Writing and Art
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About the writer/artist: I like to write and paint. My current obsession is Sandman, but I enjoy most fantasy fandoms as well as anime (I think I’m on season seven billion of One Piece right now 🤣). I'm also weird as they come (and awkward, too), so just please ignore my oddball (coughTERRIBLEcough) sense of humor.
On a more personal note, I have PTSD and suffer from severe manic depressive episodes. Writing and art are my most familiar coping mechanisms, and I need them like I need oxygen. Seriously, there were times in my life that knowing I had to finish a story or a piece of art was the only thing stopping me from ending up dead. So, I don't take part in fandom drama. Having my peace and protecting my mental health are very big deals to me, and I won't risk those for anything if I can help it.
As for my writing, it ranges from short one-shots to ridiculously long novel series. I use third person POV (on longer series) as well as second person (on shorter things). I also try to always exclude physical descriptions when writing main character OCs and assign them nicknames to avoid using Y/N. I love to read Y/N fics, but writing them makes me feel like I'm at work. And who actually wants to ever feel like they're at work when they're engaging in a hobby? Definitely not me.
Lastly, there's usually more stuff on my AO3 page than I have listed here, because I forget to post it pretty often. Oops. I'll get around to moving it all over one day. Probably. Maybe.
Feel free to leave an ask if you want or just drop by my DMs. <3
Artwork links are at the bottom of this list, so if you're here for those, that's where they are.
Sandman 'Verse
All the Precious and Fragile Things (so easily do they break)
After banishing his lover from the Dreaming for her betrayal, Morpheus learns that she is pregnant with his child.
And that she’s been captured by a revenge-seeking Alexander Burgess.
What the both of them are unaware of is that this will set in motion a cascade of unfavorable events, causing a chain reaction that threatens the whole of existence itself.
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PART I: All of This Past
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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PART II: These Tender, Loving Mercies
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
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PART III: When It All Falls Down
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
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PART IV: The Dark of War
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Sometimes He's Sweet
Morpheus hates the holidays.
As excited as she seems to experience the mortal holiday, he's… less so. Much less so. With the entire collective unconscious contained within him, this time of year can be wholly overwhelming, a miasma of too much red and green, too much worry, too much loneliness, too much excitement, too many similarly themed dreams, too many similarly themed nightmares, and far far too many holiday songs. It all bleeds out from the collective unconscious into his own mind, sticks there like weeping sap to a tree until he feels half-mad with the unrelenting presence of it, with his inability to get free from its cloying trespass upon his very being.
This is just a little sweet fluff for the holiday season. It takes place between chapters 19 and 20 of "All the Precious and Fragile Things". No spoilers here if you've read that far!
The Dog Debacle (or how best to sneak a dragon into the dreaming)
Morpheus' daughter gets a new dog.
Well..... kind of.
That Familiar Feeling of Family (or how Hob Gadling ended up as an uncle to his stranger's oftentimes feral children)
It's a pretty universally known thing that families are just strange. As Hob is quickly figuring out, however, this little fact is magnified by AT LEAST a billion when the family in question is Endless.
(A lighthearted story in which Hob Gadling finds out his stranger has married, makes friends with a homicidal maniac/ruler, and manages to become an exemplary uncle to a pack of magically mischievous children. Really, now all he has to do is convince everyone to stop calling his and Dream's weekly meetups "playdates", and then his life would be practically perfect.)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Maker, the Muse, and the Sundered Song
In his temple, what remains of Orpheus waits in trepidation. Something is changing. Something that he knows might alter the very fabric of the world as he understands it.
Finally freed from captivity, Calliope struggles to make any meaningful changes to the laws that saw her bound and taken in the first place. When the strange woman appears on Mount Parnassus and offers help, Calliope knows she would be a fool not to accept it. Even if she thinks that she's being lied to.
Meanwhile in the peace of the Dreaming, Morpheus grapples with guilt over his son's fate. As he basks in the love of his new children, he can't help but to regret his own failings where Orpheus is concerned.
And as for May, she's really just got a job to do. And her own traumatic issues to deal with. And if it's all hella awkward because she's having to work alongside her husband's ex-wife, she'll see it done anyway. There's even the small possibility that she might eventually admit to Calliope the truth about her identity. That is if she can ever actually work up the courage to say it aloud.
Chapter 1
Nothing in This Closet but Boots and a Boy
Morpheus is wildly protective of his daughter.
That's probably bad for the boy in said daughter's closet.
AU's and Other Stuff in the Sandman 'Verse
Of Exes, Hellhounds, and Waffle Fries
Morpheus shows up to rescue the woman he probably loves (though he won't admit it) from hellhounds and ends up getting roped into helping with her family. This is one of those extras that doesn't fit into the main story, but it's fun, so I'm posting it.
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The Bizarre Breeding Habits of Anthropomorphic Personifications
It's a tale as old as time.
Two idiots fall in love. Two idiots fall out of love.
Neither one of them is expecting a baby to come along and derail their unhappily ever after.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Original Fanart
I like to play around with different styles and to try new things with my artwork. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm still learning, and I am so far from being a professional that it's laughable. But I only post things that I think look decent or that I think others might enjoy.
The Lover's Argument (Morpheus x oc)
Oneiros (Morpheus in Grecian garb)
Because I could not stop for Death, she kindly stopped for me... (Regency era Dream and Death)
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fancyfeathers · 3 days
I was wondering this for a while, who would most likely desire a darling like Dazai but female out of the Moriarty brothers, also if you consider the light novels the mental abilities of Bsd verse far surpass the MP verse, so the character with Dazai's level of intellence and his persona.
Okay so I deep dived into reading about Dazai cause I am already a huge BSD fan (Paul Verlaine is the best character and I will fight someone on this) and while Dazai is undoubtedly a genius, he is not quite as smart as say William or Mycroft, he is probably in between Sherlock and William. If you set it in perspective he seems smarter because of the times the mangas/animes take place, Moriarty the Patriot taking place in the Victorian Era while Bungou Stray Dogs is set in modern day (2010s-2020s), so it makes sense how Dazai would seem smarter because he has access to quite a few more modern tools while William does not. There is also the fact that Dazai is written to be this smart mentor character rather than the main character so there is a mysterious feeling to him that adds to the genius appearance.
Anyway continuing on lol
Also for reference I’m going to be using more ADA Dazai for reference, like after all the stuff in the PM happened
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The answer is William, because it is pretty obvious that William has a thing for energetic genius detectives when you look at his interactions with Sherlock. He probably meets his darling when she gets hired via her detective agency to investigate a disappearance of one of his students or something similar, similar to what happened to Lucian, something that would also catch William’s attention. They would not talk, he would just see her out of the corner of his eye, walking about campus. Then when he looks into her and the disappearance he finds out that she is a detective from a well known agency who was hired to look into the disappearance by the family of the student. He did not even speak to her until the student was found and the case was closed, she found the student, but he was the one who put an end to the one who kidnapped them in the first place, the other making the other’s job even more difficult. He would play the role of worrying professor and thank her for saving his student, and drops the question…
“I wonder how you understand criminal activity so well? You found him so quickly, it is quite remarkable.”
He looked into her, digging as deep as he could to see if she would be an issue, similar to what he did with Sherlock. Sure to find out she was a detective with a high intelligence level with self sacrificing tendencies was easy, but it took a bit of help from Albert and perhaps asking Mycroft for a favor to find out about her past…
138 counts of conspiracy to murder…
312 counts of extortion…
625 counts of assorted fraud and other crime…
She was an executive of a criminal organization during her youth and now she deserted them to turn a new leaf. Honestly they are an enigma even to William, so he begins to keep tabs on her, having Moran or Bonde staking out near her agency and having one of them or Fred follow her when she breaks from her normal pattern of working at her agency’s office or going on certain cases. He will even find one of her colleagues whom she mentors and ask the young boy about her.
“Hm? You want to know about her, well she found me when I was kicked out of my orphanage, she is a bit of an odd one but she and the agency took me in when no one else would.”
Eventually he follows her himself one day when she is leaving work, but he certainly did not expect to find her visiting a grave. William pieces it together that she is one of the only people who visits this grave and takes care of it. She just turns over her shoulder to look at him with a smile.
“Hello Professor Moriarty, I was wondering when you were going to follow me yourself rather than having your colleagues do it.”
She knew he was following her this whole time and he sits with her at the grave in silence for a bit, waiting for her to say something, to explain what she is doing here and of course she catches on and answers before he even needs to ask.
“The person buried here was my first friend, when he died he encouraged me to do something meaningful and help other people instead of what I was doing. He wanted me to do something good with my life and so I left. I threw out everything I had before to do something meaningful, I know it will never make up for the wrongs I have done, but it is a start and well… I really do hope the wicked can change their ways because otherwise everything I have done has been in vain and I am a disgrace to the promise I have made to him.”
In a way her words may put the world in perspective to him but he cannot stop his plans to rid the world of the class system. Then again he now has a new found respect for her that he would not dare lay a hand on her, but that being said he cannot allow her to get in the way and if push comes to shove he will deal with her as necessary, but again he respects her too much to harm her…
Taking her in…
He looks at the good she has done and unlike the nobles he has killed she has actually tried to make amends for her actions.
She has made herself a new, taking what was once was wicked in her heart and making it pure…
Her heart is a reflection of what he wants to do to this horrible world.
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sinaprime · 21 days
Chapter 1: The Beginning I
(A warning before you start reading. This is my first chapter of a new story I'm working on. It's also my first story in the Naruto verse. The full story will be shared on archiveforum, but I can't tell when yet. If you not a fan of Tobirama Senju or relationship between Madara and Tobirama then you better don't bother with it, even if you might like the first chapter.
There will be a reference of rape, though there won't be an explicit graphic description of it. It also just serves as a basis of the story, which means there won't be any future rape. It'll be mentioned but nothing else, well maybe an attempt but again it won't be the main topic. This is not meant to be a dark fic. Yes, there will be the typical canon violance, maybe some foul language, but not chapter long scenes of torture or whatever.
Okay, that should be enough as warning. If you're still interested, then have fun!!!)
It was dark. Heavy clouds covered the sky. Thunder echoed through the forest, while lightning lit up the sky for short period of times. The ground was slippery from all the snowy rain and the temperature was just barely above zero so that every breath was visible.
In middle of the storm a lone figure run from their pursuers. Unfortunately, they were low on chakra and the poison wasn’t any help either. It should have been an easy mission, it was an easy mission, a simple assassination of a low ranking noble, that played with the wrong guys. The problem came after the mission was a success.
On their way back home, they stumbled upon a group of Hagoromo Shinobi. It’d have been easy to avoid them, but something let them hesitate. There were several chakra signatures that radiated distress and weren’t coming from adults. It let their inner omega come forward, which also caused a low growl escaping their throat.
Being a sensor had its advantage of scouting the surroundings without coming to close to the enemy, especially if being one with a sensor radius of several miles. It was easy to determine the number of enemies, and it wasn’t a number they wouldn’t be able to handle, not with the right strategy.
Looking up at the sky, they knew it wouldn’t be long until the storm hit. So, they followed the group in a safe distance and attacked with the first thunder covering their own sounds. It was over in minutes.
What was left were only three children between the age of four and seven. The oldest being a Nara, the second oldest an Aburame and to their surprise the youngest being an Uchiha, with an Sharingan (Heaven’s eye) that probably just activated and let them slightly flinch. It wasn’t very well known, but over the years they observed that the activation of a Sharingan is mostly triggered by very strong feelings, mostly during a traumatic event like watching a friend or family member die. How that works exactly, they couldn’t find out yet. To do so they would need an Uchiha willing to let them examine their eyes or a corpse, but neither the first nor the second was an option. And they for sure wouldn’t experiment on a child that was barely out of their diapers.
It took them a while to convince the children that they meant no harm and offered to accompany them to their clan members, which weren’t far away. The two older kids accepted their offer, and it wasn’t long until they were found by their respective clan members, though the rescuer decided it was better to stay out of sight with the Uchiha child pressed against their chest, and throat.
After that the problem was to get the Uchiha child close enough to their clan without possibly being detected themselves. There was no doubt that a searching party was already on the way, and knowing the Uchiha, they won’t have sent only two or three clan members, but most likely five or six if not more. A number they would have no chance to win against.
Just as they had the thought, several chakra signatures entered their current observation radius, one being clear that of Uchiha Madara, a raging wildfire that made it difficult to detect all the smaller ones around him, but just as their suspected, there were more than six people.
Unfortunately, they had not much of options, to be precise, there was no other option as to wait until the group was close enough to reach the child before something could happen. In addition, the wound they received during the fight, hadn’t stopped bleeding and from the dwindling feeling of their limbs, the weapon that pierced their skin had been poisoned. It also started to affect their chakra reserves, which in addition influenced their sensory range, which they needed to navigate through the darkness of the storm.
The only chance to survive the encounter with the Uchiha was to abandon the child and to reach Senju territory before the Uchiha even knew they were there, which on the other hand meant to leave the child without any protection, which wasn’t an option either. It might be a child from an enemy clan, but no child deserved to die alone in the wilderness. A flash of an older boy, bloodied and surrounded by enemies entered their mind, and they were quick to push that thought aside and to focus on the current situation.
They thought for a minute until an idea struck. They could try their new technique. The chakra loss would be very high, and it’ll probably allow the poison to work quicker on their system, but it’d still increase their chance of escape, especially with the right timing.
Deciding then ten minutes was enough of waiting, they used their new developed technique and left the unaware child, running in the opposite direction of the incoming Uchiha, hoping they would be far enough away before the Uchiha noticed their presence.
Unfortunately, as soon as they turned their plan into action, the storm increased in intensity. Not only that, but they also missed the lone figure that had separated from the group somewhere on the way and was soon crossing their path. So here they were now. More stumbling than running through the forest with their fast-depleting chakra reserves while trying to dodge the pursuer that wouldn’t give up their hunt.
Fate seemed to be against them, and it wasn’t long as something hit their legs and sent them to the ground. They tried to stand up, but before they could something heavy landed on their back. Black dots begun clouding their already blurry vision either due to the blood loss or the poison they didn’t know, most likely it was both.
Their body was moved forcefully until they laid on their back. Only barely they noticed a hand moving in direction of their mask. They tried to stop it, but the next moment their mask was already ripped off. With blurry eyes they looked at a face with red eyes and what they thought was a sinister smile.
The brief second must have been enough to be pulled into a Genjutsu by the Sharingan, or maybe they just lost consciousness. They didn’t know. Their last thought before the darkness overtook them was that at least it wasn't Uchiha Madara who killed them, knowing full well that it would break their brother's heart.
The sound of metal against metal echoed through the near forest, indicating another fight between Uchiha and Senju. It wasn’t something unusual. For centuries, the two clans were the biggest rivals and met at least once in a week on a new battlefield.
It wasn’t that there hadn’t been attempts of making peace during those centuries, but never did it last for even longer than a month. Too great was the hate between them. The slightest misstep of one member of either clan was enough to break the peace and renew the fight. For a long time neither clan asked for a ceasefire or peace treaty until one day a boy started to have a dream.
It had been a month since Tobirama thought he was going to die. He barely remembered what happened that stormy night, nor what happened after he lost consciousness. His last clear memories were that of red eyes and an eerie smile. Then nothing.
The next thing he knew was waking up in his bed back in the Senju compound two days later. As he asked his older brother about it, Hashirama told him that he found him near the Senju compound, bloodied, unconscious, and with clothes drenched and tattered. Nothing unusual in a life of a Shinobi but having survived the encounter and whatever happened after was still surprising when you consider the circumstances.
At the end, Tobirama shrugged it off. Either his memories would come back and reveal how he made it back to the compound or not. There was no point in thinking about something that you may never find an answer to. He accepted it as a stroke of luck and continued his life as always.
However, his luck seemed to run out, again. Since the morning Tobirama felt nauseous and his chakra was slightly unbalanced, which he both reasoned with having barely slept the past couple of days and with too little of food. He had been on another mission the past two weeks, which should have only lasted for ten days instead of fourteen. However, the nobles he had been tasked to escort liked to take much longer brakes in the towns they passed. In addition, they have been attacked several times by some groups, mostly bandits, Tobirama was quick to eliminate them, but one group had two Shinobis within them, which took more effort to get rid of.
At the end, it left Tobirama with little left of his rations for his two-day trip back to the Senju compound, and even less sleep because he was in constant alert with senses stretched out as far as possible, wanting to avoid something similar happening as on his prior mission, which had been still fresh in his mind.
Therefore, he wasn’t in his best condition when the bells alerted them that one of their patrols were in a fight and needed back up. As always when they were confronted with the Uchiha, Hashirama took it as a chance to convince Madara, who he still considered a friend, to agree to a peace treaty. And as always Madara declined Hashirama’s offer of peace and like always it ended in a fight with Tobirama vs. Izuna and Hashirama vs. Madara.
And here they were now, again on a battlefield close to the Naka River that parted their two territories.
However, this time Tobirama could barely keep up with Izuna. His senses were a mess, and the more he tried to concentrate his chakra, the dizzier he became.
“What’s up with you Senju. Seems not to be your best day to fight me. Maybe you’d just give up and let me take your head.” Izuna mocked. Tobirama gritted his teeth, but otherwise stayed silent. In a way Izuna was right, this was indeed not a good day to fight him. But Tobirama couldn’t stay home knowing that if it wasn’t him fighting Izuna, then it would be one of his other clan members, which would definitely end with their certain death, worse it’d probably cost much more members their life, and Tobirama couldn’t risk that. As the heir of the Senju clan, it was his responsibly to keep them and his brother safe.
Trying to clear his vision, Tobirama missed Izuna moving and appearing right in front him. With his Sharingan active Izuna tried to catch Tobirama in a Genjutsu, but out of reflex Tobirama closed his eyes, which on the other hand allowed Izuna to kick him into the side followed by a fist punch hard enough to send Tobirama flying several meters backwards.
Unfortunately, he had not much time to get his composure back as Izuna already prepared to throw his fire jutsu at him. To block the fireball flying in his direction, Tobirama used his water release technique to create a large water dragon as a shield. When both elements collided, it covered the near area in a thick mist.
Tobirama breathed heavily to keep his nausea in check. He was also sure that at least one of his ribs was bruised if not broken.
What Tobirama missed when preparing to throw several kunai next, was the Uchiha behind him. So, he was more than surprised as something sharp pierced his body and caused sudden pain flooding his system.
He let his head fall and saw the top of a sword coming out of his stomach.
“Got you.”, a voice said close to his ear, “Thought you could escape me, demon? Wrong.” The sword was pulled back slowly, and Tobirama could only groan at the sensation of flesh and tendons being cut. The man stood, a hand on Tobirama’s shoulder, holding him in place. Then followed another stab, this time through his upper torso, piercing his lung.
“Haro?” The mist cleared and allowed Tobirama to see Izuna standing a few feet away from him. “Wh…”
“I’m just finishing what I couldn’t end last time, and what you failed to do any other times on the field. Truly I don’t know why you had so many difficulties with it. He’s just a weakling, like all omegas are.” The Uchiha roughly pulled the sword out of his victim. Tobirama could feel how blood begun to fill his lung and how it made its way up through his airway and into his mouth.
“Wh…Wait. An Omega?”
“Yes. And for a Senju a very pretty one, I must admit that. What a waste, but at least I had some fun with him, the last time I saw him. Little bitch didn’t even fight when I took my revenge. It’s just too bad we were interrupted before I’d kill him.” Tobirama’s eyes widen, and he tried to move away, but the Uchiha grabbed his hair and pulled him back forcefully.
“I’m not done with you yet, bitch. Your head is mine.” The Uchiha forced Tobirama’s head back to expose his throat. Cold metal touched his skin a second later, and Tobirama could only think that yet again this will be his end.
At the same time the metal cut into his flesh, several vines broke through the surface, forcing Izuna and the other Uchiha to jump backwards. The latter hadn’t let go of his sword though, and therefore caused an even bigger and deeper cut when retreating.
Through the force of it, Tobirama’s weakened body also followed the movement of the hand in his hair and started to fall backwards. But before he could hit the ground, his falling body was caught by Hashirama, who stared at him in shock and fear.
“An-Anija.” Tobirama gurgled, which also caused him to cough heavily, spitting up blood at the same time. The taste of it also triggered his nausea to come back with so much force, that he couldn’t stop retching and vomiting. Fortunately, Hashirama was quick enough to turn Tobirama on his side, so he wouldn’t drown on his own spit and blood.
“Shhh. Don’t speak. Your Anija will heal you. You’re safe.” Hashirama tried to be calm, but there was unmistakably panic in his voice.
Tobirama was gasping for breath, when he felt a shaky hand on his throat and another on his chest, followed by something warm entering his body. His brother must have moved him on his back so he could use both his hands freely to perform his iryō ninjutsu, which explained the warm feeling of chakra flooding his system.
Staring into Hashirama’s brown desperate eyes, Tobirama couldn’t stop himself mumbling. “M’sorry. My fault…wasn’t good…felt bad…should have not fight…but…clan…protect.”
“No, it’s my fault. I’d have known better. I’d have known that you needed more rest. I’d have seen that you weren’t feeling well. Please, Tobira. It’s not your fault. I just wanted the fight to end. This is exactly the reason why I wanted our clans to become friends. I can’t lose you otouto.” Hashirama sobbed.
“Tsk. Our clans will never be friends.” Haro muttered. When Hashirama lifted his head to glare at him, he saw several other Uchiha nodding at the statement, including Izuna. He turned his gaze to Madara who stared at his clan member darkly.
He didn’t saw Madara turning his head to him, because a wet cough alerted Hashirama to look down at his brother, who had closed his eyes by then and was paler than Hashirama had ever seen him.
“Tobi? Come on, otouto. Stay with me.” He redoubled his efforts and was even more shocked when he felt a very tiny chakra signature suddenly answering his own.
“Tobirama.”, someone yelled and was kneeling next to them the next second. “Oh, kami.”
“I know, I know.” The female alpha Senju turned and yelled. “Taka, run back to the compound and inform the healers that we have an emergency. Two stabs, one through the stomach and another through the chest, also a cut at the throat.”
“Y-yes, Touka-sama.” The kunoichi turned back and looked at Hashirama. Only then, she noticed his very pale and shocked expression.
“Touka. He…he is…it should not…”
“Come on Hashirama. To’ra needs medical care urgently. Everything else…can wait. And remember that we are still on a battlefield with enemies close by.” She looked over his shoulder with a scowl.
“You’re right…let’s go.” Hashirama stood with his unconscious brother in his arms. Though before he run off, he turned a last time to his once former friend, expression blank, and eyes no longer brown but a dark green mixed with some alpha red.
“I won’t seek revenge, no matter what happens, but next time our clans fight, Madara, I won’t hold back either. You don’t want peace? Fine. But don’t blame me and my clan for any further losses within the Uchiha. Keep away from our land. Any Uchiha daring to step on it again, will die." Without losing any more time, Hashirama started to run as fast as he never did before.
The Uchiha watched them go with slight mixed feelings. There was something unsettling about Hashirama and it let a few guts twist uncomfortably. Never have they seen eyes like this.
Madara, having not expected Hashirama’s harsh threating words, could only stare in shock after his former friend and think that today his clan had made the biggest mistake.
And what do you think?
Should there someone be inspired to draw some art, then please feel free to do so, just please don't forget to add a reference to my own work. Unfortunately, I'm not talented enough for that, though I'd like to add some pictures when I'll publish it on archiveforum, of course only with your permission as well.
Thanks for reading
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fantomette22 · 1 month
Also do you ever have a feeling like 'damn, this is a cool idea and I wish I used it instead, but now it feels too late because I dug too deep into my current idea to change things'? Or you are fully satisfied with your ideas as they are? (For me I have at least two alternative variants of Rom I sometimes wish I used instead, but I've gotten too attached to my current portrayal fdshsh Bitter 40+ years old hard smoker Willem's wife Rom and Rom as a kid with down syndrome, you are unused but not forgotten)
Ah yes I can understand that XD Also yes but actually no? let me explain jbfbfb
I mean if really I got a super mega idea/ better than smt I had envision before for my fic/main interpret, I could change it I guess. Or had it in some way. I am bad at choices for a couple of things.
But you see in my head I have like 5 different parents pairs possible for Maria for exemple. (I did write a little about it in the Maria hc post I will try to finish it tomorrow or after tomorrow!).
Some are like, compliant with each others and would fit anyway with my main timeline. (like everything is the same except 1-2 details) but with for exemple Gehrman or Laurence (or Evelyn) being related to her/her dad that just don't work and that would create a complete different timeline! (yes with dad gehrman it's a normal familial relationship!)
I know it could feel weird to some people I guess?? Maybe?? because people often have like ONE interpret ? (no I don't count multiships it's another thing XD)
I tell myself they would say : "wait so in your main story this characters have like this relationship and then you have another story where they are family instead? wtf girl?!💀" Well sorry I have like different folders with different types of papers who are clearly separated stories in my head!
Idk but for me those versions of the characters & timeline are really disconnected from one another! Instead of like two persons coming up with 2 difference versions it's just my crazy brain 💀
Like the characters, even with the same base, aren't the same (the boys became freaking blonde lmao and you know normal family relationship) not the same age, very different lore timeline events etc. They have similarities for personality traits etc but they aren't the same actually, they are very different characters from each others. Even Maria isn't the exact same characters/interprets between those.
That's why I still love many different interprets and reading peopke ones!
I know you guys are gonna ask what are all my versions then? Well I guess it's time... :
Main one/fic : Maria is Annalise's cousin, her mother is the late queen sister (Alternative one where Maria she had a sister too?)
Maria is actually Anna sister. Children of king & Queen / another mini half version where it's half sister? (could be compatible with the first one... but I think it's too much drama). I have one where they have other siblings too (they are lat least 4 hfbfbk)
Maria was the queen daughter and Annalise is like her aunt?
Gehrman & Evelyn are Maria parents
Laurence is Maria's father (if the cainhurst portrait is Laurence lmao)
Gehrman was a servant of Maria parents who where other nobles / distantly related to the royal family etc
Help I finally say it💀 (so yeah between my main and those alternatives concerning gehrman it's really like bot the same characters at all. not the same relationship at all) All of those are so freaking drama fuel too
But to be clear my main interprets/ fic verse I have imagined and written in my head like 80%+ of the entire story compared to probable 2-5% of the other I speak about here. It's just mini ideas like oh what if? But I din't really thought in depth about it. the timeline, different events etc I thought of almost nothing compared to my main.
Another exemple would be concerning Ludwig & Maria for exemple. Like were they friends/ horse besties /contemporain of each other like in my main? Did perhaps Ludwig was a child/teen when Maria passed away but knew her? Was he born after and never knew her but heard about her a bit? We'll never know how really it went. I think all could be very interesting! (we could even had did mico knew x or y characters etc but you get the point with those exemple)
So yeah your Rom's ones are amazing too! I didn't really thought of it in depth myself but you and crow (& faree) ones where they are siblings are hella cool as well! I love reading interprets.
I think what matters is to create a good and compelling story right? Something that people enjoy, are engaged with, smt you like, something with lot of DRAMA AND ANGST!!!!! (sorry XD).
Put something that would fit the story you want and want to tell!
It's up to us, to be left with what we wanna tell and what would be better to fit in. Anyway you can choose anything guys! There's so many possibilities! Why just choose only one and stick with it forever? When you can create dozens of different story that will all tell something interesting. And ultimately not one versions will be "superior" I believe they all can have a chance to tell something and to be great.
(also even if I tried to make my fic very canon compliant I knew the real canon would always be a bit different. Sometimes when you make stories adding stuff just for the stories make a better story in itself. That's why I added so many "little adventures" for the characters. That would just be a bit annoying without u_u like timeline are there but to make a story you need stuff to happen all the time! not just a handful of important lore events 😭 details too
oh and I am not even counting the absolutely non canon/AU with my ships brain rot XD)
So yeah in the end I am mostly satisfied with my ideas! I guess I wish I could just make more than one but it's complicated. And sometimes I am hesitating for little things.
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raehs · 5 months
ALL VERSES. will be updating as needed.
i really just wanted to post this so there's less guessing with my verse details lol. will probably add more tonight. there's also like zero formatting here so i apologize for that.
era : SEQUELS.
arc : jakku.
pre - the force awakens. will only be taking place on jakku. age range : 14 - 19.
arc : the force awakens.
canon compliant. age : 20.
arc : the last jedi.
semi divergent but mostly canon compliant. rey is with luke for a lot longer than 3 days, possibly more like a few weeks to a few months, maybe a year at the MOST. ( which does alter the movie a bit but i see it as the fighting doesn't happen at the same time as rey's training + tfa doesn't directly lead to tlj, there's time between and tfo doesn't attack right away. rey shows up at the end with the falcon. ). kylo + rey also bond over the months. (: age : 21.
arc : between the last jedi + the rise of skywalker. [ resistance reborn ]
the few years between tlj + tros. there's 2-3, possibly more years between where rey studied under leia and also helped recruit people to the resistance. compliant with resistance reborn + spark of the resistance. age: 21-23/24. GO TO SEQUELS VERSE.
arc : the rise of skywalker.
divergent. anti romantic re/ylo. anti rey palpatine. anti rey burying lightsabers in sand, anti spice runner poe ... etc. major points happen. (personally would love to replace palpatine w/ snoke or smthin ...) there's also 2-3 years in between tlj and tros. heavy influence from dotf. age: 23-24.
arc : post - tros.
age : mid 20s. anything directly after the war ends. lots of rey traveling, learning, searching, adventuring. GO TO SEQUELS VERSE NO. 2.
arc : rebuilding.
quite a bit after the war. rey is also in the process of or already has started to rebuild the jedi, though she teaches in a new, different way. in their own way. age : late 20s - mid 30s.
verse : [ duel of the fates ]
based on the duel of the fates script. the main thing i get rid of is rey mind tricking poe + some other minor stuff. i'm damerey neutral (really depends on the writing partner). 10 years after tlj, early 30s. honestly i like this more than tr.os but i wanna remain sequels - characters friendly + people who haven't read the script. will only put things in here if i know you know the details!
verse : [ smuggler ]
rey takes the job offered to them by han solo and never crosses paths with kylo ren.
verse : [ sith ]
rey is in fact found by snoke / palpatine and raised in the dark. wasn't actually raised by that weirdo but people working for him, maybe raised by snoke lol. some mara jade vibes maybe (idk legends dont @ me ). her anger is twisted and turned into something that is used against her, as is her loneliness and need for a family.
found on jakku in the care of unkar plutt as a child (though born on hyberkarn -- her parents were being hunted by mercenaries and left rey in the car of plutt, but they died and never came back for her), rey is found by the jedi and brought to the temple. she's named kira by the jedi who found her, as plutt only referred to her as 'child' and 'girl'. she chooses rey as her names. she struggles with a fair amount of jedi things, as they're naturally a more aggressive and angry person, and struggle with being consumed by her attachments.
01 : rey is taken on as a padawan during the very beginning of the clone wars / prior to the clone wars / prequels era. she's at the front lines with her jedi master, who's very jaded at this point in his career but he pushes her hard to make sure she can survive the war and what happens after it. they took some time to warm up to each other but end up having a very close bond. (': [ also have an option for her to be obi-wan's padawan, or someone elses with plotting <3 i think she'd also be good as plo koon's padawan. ] she's also given the title of commander, which she hated, feeling that she didn't do as much as the clones who deserve it more than her. age range : 14 - 21.
02 : a slightly older rey goes through the clone wars as a jedi knight. she's a general with her own battalion and puts her everything in keeping her men alive. (': early - mid 20s. GO-TO PREQUELS VERSE.
verse : [ order 66 survivor ]
01 : rey survives the purge as a padawan and only escapes because of her master. she escapes to an outer-rim planet and keeps her head down. she cuts off her padawan braid and puts her lightsaber away ... until the inquisitors (+ kylo) find her and she has to go on the run and constantly move. she's 14-16ish during order 66 but the verse spans 10+ years, or until she joins the rebellion. GO-TO POST ORDER 66 VERSE.
02 : rey survives as a jedi knight. dependent on the timeframe but is around mid 20s when order 66 happens. mid 20s - mid 30s.
verse : [ inquisitor ]
rey is turned to the darkside by the inquisitors and from feeling everyone she loved die. she's a ghost of a person, barely there, fueled entirely by anger and hate. but she starts to come back to herself. also her hair is white. 20s.
verse : [ rebel pilot ]
01 : very similar to the force awakens! from jakku, rey gets mixed up with a " rebel fighter " and they have to get off jakku due to being chased by imperials. bb-8 also needs to get to the rebellion because she has a list of rebel cells + people who are secretly working for the rebellion. no specific time frame, can be in the beginning of the rebellion or more aligned with a new hope / rebels. 19+.
02 : former padawan rey joins the rebellion as a pilot. around the age of hera + kanan. late 20s - early 30s. GO-TO EMPIRE VERSE.
verse : [ force shenanigans ]
basically the star wars holiday special but less ... chaotic? rey ends up traveling to any era of star wars due to a crystal that can travel through time. can take place after tr.os or any other point of time. mid 20s.
verse : [ scavenger ]
basically just. rey is a scavenger on jakku and completely content in never leaving. -- this is not the same as the jakku verse, as that one is specifically pre - tfa. this one is for any era of star wars and / or rey never makes it off of jakku with finn and bb-8. 19+.
verse : [ avatar: the last airbender ]
takes place at any point of time in the atla universe (pref. during the original show or legend of korra), but rey is descended from air nomads. her father was earth + air but was a non-bender, while her mother was strictly from air nomads, but was also a non-bender. they found out rey was a bender when she was young and did their best to hide her.
WIP VERSES : supernatural ( werewolf / witch ), grishaverse, modern ( college ), modern ( archaeologist ), modern ( pilot ), superhero fandoms ( mutant ), multiverse ( any fandom ), bg3, general scifi ( star trek / dw / etc etc ), pjo ( child of zeus or apollo or hermes maybe ), mythology ( bia reborn ), misc fantasy, asoiaf, tinkerbell, winx club, royalty, green lantern, fallout, the 100, high republic (sw), mermaid au.
verse : clan of three.
affiliated with @devoutgun.
found on jakku as a child, rey is adopted by din djarin when she's young. this verse can deal with rebuilding mandalore, rey being a member of clan mudhorn, rey finding out she's force sensitive at a much younger age, it's also likely that rey is taught by luke skywalker in the ways of the force alongside ben. -- events of the sequels can still take place but things are a bit different.
verse : rey skywalker. [ REQUEST PLS ]
rey (beru) is the lost child of luke skywalker who was kidnapped as a child in hopes of bringing her to palpatine. that never happened, and any leads their parents had to find them go cold. she picks a name for herself and believes one day her parents are coming back for her -- she doesn't grow up completely alone. force ghosts regularly visits her, teaches her things, reminds her that she isn't alone. tbh, this is very similar to regular verses so this is kinda specific to skywalkers but i’m open to writing in it with anyone. esp in combination with time travel.
verse : legacy of infinite sadness.
rey is the grandchild of obi-wan kenobi. specifics can be changed as i have multiple ideas. rey's story remains basically the same except that her grandfather is obi-wan ( doesn't have to be biological! can be force ghost adoption! ).
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