#probably will draw Jimmy next
dead-sp1der · 9 months
someone to watch me die
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raindrvq · 11 hours
tried smth a little different and I used my printer to scan this so hopefully it looks a little better than using my phone
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why did i draw him eating a hot dog? idk i was searching on pinterest and saw some dude eating one n thought it'd be funny. i want a hot dog now
lyrics on the bottom left are from Do Right by Jimmie's Chicken Shack ‼️ saw them live recently and I'm still not over it lmao
sketch under the cut
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also im js realizing my printer like. cut off part of his arm on the bottom?? i dont even know how this happened im going crazy
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libraford · 4 months
Park Cleanup Pet Peeves
I'll be starting my seasonal gig at Parks and Rec in a couple months and I've got a couple things I wanna say. I know that this will probably not reach the people who need to hear it, but if ONE LESS person leaves the parks a mess, I will be That Much Happier.
-You're not supposed to smoke, drink, or have sex in public parks but I know that people will anyway. But if you are going to do those things, please dispose of the evidence in the trash cans. A human has to pick these things up.
-Dog poop goes in a bag. Bag goes in the trash can.
-The little wax paper liners in the women's room? See you're supposed to put your pad/tampon in that wax paper bag, take the bag out of the bin, and then dispose of it in the actual trash can. Don't feel bad, no one told me either. Also no one told the dudes I work with. But this reduces direct exposure to bodily fluids, especially as the summer gets on and it gets hot in those bathrooms.
-On that subject! The little bins that they go in next to the toilet? Don't stick trash in there. Don't put diapers in there. Also don't put beer cans crushed in such a specific way that I slice my hand on them as I try to jimmy it out of there. Literally, that bin is too small for most things. They are meant specifically for those brown bags. Please for the love of god, throw things in the trash can.
-As for the urinals, please no solids. Most commonly gum and chewed tobacco, but you can use your imagination.
-If you're doing a photo shoot or an event with confetti, please use a paper confetti instead of a plastic one- its easier to get rid of.
-If you're doing a pizza party, we'd rather you stack the pizza boxes in a pile next to the trash can instead of trying to fit them in the trash. Because then we can just throw the trash bag over the top and tie it instead of trying to fish it out. This kind of goes for any big trash- if it won't fit in the trash can easily, don't try.
-Please don't call cops on people sleeping in the parks if they're not bothering anyone. Even if they've been sleeping there all day. Dude's just trying to chill.
-Destruction of the toilets will result in the indefinite locking of the restrooms. You ruined them and now everyone at the softball tournament can blame you for it.
-Parks people are not the police. We are maintenance workers who are not trained to handle most emergencies and the most we can do in any situation is report to the proper department. Please don't look to us for answers if someone is starting a fight.
-Also please don't spit on us for driving on the path. We're permitted to. Its essential for us to drive on the path to do our job.
-please don't abandon animals at the park. Rehome them properly. I spent a whole week trying to catch a rooster last summer.
-look, I get it- 'oh no, your pretty building has writing on it!' Grafitti is so edgy. We get it. But it means Jacob has to sand it off now so that the kids at the birthday party don't see a giant drawing of a weiner. Acts of rebellion that create more work for the working class are not revolutionary.
-please do not set fire to the Tiny Free Library. Why did you do that? That's mean.
-please do not feed bread to ducks and geese. Corn, birdseed, lettuce- those are better for them. If you want to reduce tge amount of goose poop in the parks, shop feeding them bread.
-also do not anger tge geese. They remember what its like to be dinosaurs.
I'll have more later, probably, once the season wears on.
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trippinsorrows · 17 days
looking through your eyes + fifteen
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authors note: next chapter will be a lot heavier, because we see shit play out. italicized dialogue indicates that spanish is being spoken.
ya'll better not come for me after this one either, okay! 😭
just know the plot is plotting, ya'll
if any cw/tw’s are missed, please let me know, and i will add them!
cw/tw: fluff, angst, roman being a dick to anyone other than his wife, and violence
song inspo: ‘looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
words: 10k
The newly opened doors of intimacy have awakened a previously dormant part of Solana.
Something she previously thought impossible to access, permanently damaged as a result of her trauma.
But, she was wrong. 
So, so wrong.
Roman is everything she never allowed herself to dream about having, let alone actually hoped to have in real life.
Caring, considerate, gentle, patient.
Their first time together is something she’ll never forget and always cherish. But, it’s the times afterwards, sporadic over the past two days since the consummation, that have almost meant something more.
A testament to her comfort and trust in him.
Of her love for him.
Sitting in bed, in between his legs, leaning into his strong body with nothing but the thin 600 thread count sheets covering them, Solana sketches, no particular drawing in mind, just whatever is felt in that moment. And what’s felt is the image and scenery of the water, of the beauty that is Isla Mujeres. Her mom was right. There’s nothing like it.
“I think—I think I want to come back here sooner rather than later.” Solana finds herself partially wondering aloud but also wanting to pick her husband’s brain. “I know you probably won’t be able to come, and that’s okay. Maybe…maybe Bayley can come with me?” It’s both a suggestion and a question. 
Roman makes a sound against her, his lips lingering along her temple, long fingers moving gently against the side of her breast under the sheets. “Whatever you want, I’ll make happen. Bayley will go with you.”
Solana chews on her bottom lip, shading a palm tree. “But, what if she has plans?”
“She will. Plans to go with you.”
A small smile falls on her face. “How do you know she’ll just agree with you?” Solana has an idea of what he’s going to say, and she’s correct. 
“People do what I tell them to do, and if they don’t, they face the consequences. And no one wants that, so they just do it.” 
She doesn’t doubt that one bit. Because no matter how sweet and caring he is to her, that’s where it stops. With her.
Because to anyone and everyone else, he’s Roman Reigns, ruthless, brutal leader of the Bloodline.
And she’s accepted that. Accepted that he has to juggle two different hats.
She’s just happy she gets the best of him.
“I Facetime’d Naomi today and got to see Dulce.” As much fun as she’s having, as healing as this trip has been for her, she misses her sweet puppy deeply. “Guess who’s taken to her?”
Roman chuckles, looking back with a bit of shock. “Jimmy?”
Solana nods, grinning as she remembers overhearing Jimmy ask about where ‘fluff fluff’ is. “Naomi says he’s even got her sleeping in the bed with them.”
“Well, she damn sure ain’t doing that with us.” His voice takes on an authoritative tone. Not that she’s in disagreement. Dulce is too small for that. Roman would literally smother her. “Our bed is occupied.” He ghosts his lips over the shell of her earlobe. “Gonna be real busy when we get back home….”
Solana tries instead to focus on the drawing at hand versus that familiar feeling pooling in her stomach. 
Continuing with the topic in the hopes of settling that feeling, she shares, “I want to do something nice for Naomi and Bayley when we get back. They’ve—they’ve been so nice to me.”
It’s something she’s been thinking about ever since the beautiful birthday messages she’s received. Having never really had many friends, to be able to land such solid, loyal people like them is something she doesn’t take lightly. She doesn’t know quite yet how she wants to show her appreciation, but she’s determined to come up with something.
An idea crossing her mind, Solana suggests, “maybe they both can come stay here with me for a week?”
His mouth moves back to the side of her face. “Mmmhmm.”
“Like…..like a girls trip.” Solana has never experienced one of those and just the thought of having one with the two of them has pre-excitement already forming.
Roman sighs, clearly distracted by his lips exploring her face. “Whatever you want, baby.”
Turning her head to the side to look up at him, small smile on her face, Solana asks, “are you listening to me?”
Roman hums against her skin. “I’m always listening to you, Solana.” Her eyes flutter as his fingers shift and move under the generous swell of her breast. “Probably the only person that’s the case for…..” His mouth moves to her cheek. “But, it’s hard to focus with you naked like this…..”
The pencil in her hand naturally drops against the sketchbook, her head lolling backwards, lips pressing together. “Roman….” 
This is such a new experience. She’s never desired to be touched or craved such intimacy until Roman. Even with her trauma, there’s a pull that seems to have been unleashed with the consummation of her marriage.
An urge that has her thighs pressing together, something Roman most definitely takes note of. Eyes darkening with lust and something else, he asks, voice almost hoarse, “are you sore?”
She is, but not nearly as sore as she was after their first time. And certainly not to the point where she wants to decline.
“No,” is the answer she settles on, Roman’s lips on hers in a matter of seconds. She shifts her body so she’s straddling him, the feeling of him hard and warm between her legs making her moan in his mouth. Roman easily switches positions so she’s on her back, him hovering over her. 
He breaks the kiss, asking once more, “you sure?”
Solana licks her lips, forever thankful for his constant efforts to receive her consent. “Yes.”
His eyes burn with need. “Could be inside you like this all day….” He brings his hand to the back of her thigh, lifting her leg and opening her up more as he gradually descends into her slick warmth. “And definitely all night….”
Solana would be lying if she said she didn’t feel somewhat of the same way.
She wakes up with a growing familiar ache between her legs, soft sheets against her nude body, and her husband pressed against her, his arm draped over her, holding her close to him.
But, he’s not sleeping. She can feel his mouth hovering over her shoulder. Her smile grows a bit as she thinks about their last lovemaking session, so passionate and fulfilling. Another round of him giving her pleasure she didn’t think possible.
However, it’s when she glances at the clock and sees the time, her eyes widen a bit from the shock. “Roman, it’s almost 2 o’clock….”
He’s never been more uninterested. “And?” Lips traveling the length of her arm, he murmurs against her smooth skin. “You’d never leave this bed if it was up to me….”
His statement, half joking, half serious, makes her smile, but it also helps her realize she has to be a bit more outspoken about what she wants.
Holding the sheet against her chest, she rolls onto her back, informing, “I want to go out to the marketplace today.”
He scowls. “Around people?” 
“Yes, people.” She giggles, moving her hand to his face, beard tickling her palm. “We only have two more days here. I want to bring back gifts for Naomi, Bayley, and your cousins”
It’s the mention of the twins that makes him roll his eyes as he falls back into the mattress. “You always trying to take care of the homeless.”
Solana giggles, hovering over him, hand on his chest. “That’s so mean, Roman. They’re not homeless.”
“Then why the hell are they always at our house?”
She shakes her head, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “I’m gonna go get ready.” 
He doesn’t try to stop her, doesn’t prevent her from leaving the bed and doing just that.
And in less than two hours, both showered, fed, and dressed, they’re out of the house and on their way to the market.
Adolfo López Mateos is the municipal market and offers a trove of items for Solana to pick from. Countless authentic options for her to bring back home as gifts but also as souvenirs for herself, reminders of this wonderful place that will forever hold such beautiful memories for her.
A place that also leaves her feeling so connected to her maternal side. 
To her mother.
Roman serves as the quiet, always surveying husband who remains by her side the whole time as she goes from stall to stall. He serves as her personal shopping assistant as well, holding the growing number of bags for her purchases.
But, he handles it exceptionally well, never once complaining. Granted, she is mindful of the fact that the crowded market and all of the fellow shoppers and merchants seem to well exceed his tolerance for people in general.
So, she does make note to try to wrap it up sooner rather than later.
She’d never want to take advantage of his kindness and generosity.
Solana is at a stall looking at fabric when stiffening beside her drags her attention to her husband as well as what’s caused him to tense. 
A child.
A little girl. Around 8 or 9. She has dark hair that’s down and unruly, the light breeze in the market causing it to splash against her tanned face, hazel eyes landed directly on Roman. Her hand is outreached, a flower in hand. 
Solana recognizes it rather quickly. She steps forward, asking in Spanish, “is that for him?”
The little girl looks over and nods, directing her gaze back on Roman. Solana does the same, small smile on her face as she informs. “She’s giving it to you.” 
His expression is unchanged as he asks. “Why?”
Solana giggles. “It’s an Alstroemeria. They represent friendship.”
“This random ass kid wants to be my friend?”
Solana rolls her eyes. “She’s being friendly.” Seeing Roman has no intentions on further acknowledging this child, she gently shoves him. “Please?” The ‘for me?’ doesn’t need to be asked as Roman sighs loudly and accepts the flower followed up with a muttered ‘thanks.’
Pleased, the little girl beams, suddenly motioning both Roman and Solana to follow her.
Curious, Solana asks, “you want us to come?” 
She nods excitedly, pointing a few stalls down to where flowers bloom. Solana asks, “That’s where you got these from? You want us to see the rest?”
Another nod, and Solana finds herself following the child, Roman begrudgingly on the heel of her, committed to his not allowing her to explore a stretch of land or sea on this trip without him being right there next to her.
Even if it means forced socialization. 
Solana allows the child to guide them to the stall that’s filled with the most beautiful, intricate flowers she’s ever seen, some of which she recognizes from conversations with her mom.
“Look how beautiful…..” Her eyes land on the powder pink ones, a brief realization setting in as she asks the little girl, “are these sword lily’s?” 
Again, the child offers only a nonverbal acknowledgement via a head nod, and Solana starts to wonder if her silence is by choice or limitation. Either one, she can kind of relate to. 
Turning to Roman, Solana explains to him, “these are sword lilly’s. They represent sympathy and memories.” Memories…Solana has plenty of those. The good, to some extent, starting to outweigh the bad.
He looks more uninterested than the actual tone of his voice. “Do all Mexican flowers have some sort of meaning?”
“Some. Not all.” She answers, fingers gliding over the petals. “And it’s not always flowers native to Mexico, just flowers that we have meaning attributions for. Culturally.”
“You are correct.” A voice enters the conversation, Solana watching a woman step out back from behind the stall. Her hair is a deep onyx, thick and wavy, her skin lightly kissed by the sun that also highlights the beauty of her eyes. Fine lines give away that she has some years under her belt, but it’s hard to tell just how many. She switches languages, “You don’t speak Spanish like a tourist.”
Solana realizes she must have overheard her asking the girls about the flowers. “My—my mother was a Native.”
“She taught you well.” Her smile grows, warm and friendly, familiar in a weird sort of way. “What is your name, child?”
“Solana.” She gestures towards Roman who’s still looking just as uninterested as he’s been in any other type of social interaction outside of Solana. “This is my husband, Roman.”
“I figured.” She motions to Roman’s closeness to her, the way he stays almost hovering, protecting and caring but still pretty close. “He’s very protective of you.
Solana nods. She has no idea. “What is your name?”
“Paloma,” she introduces, removing one of her work gloves to shake Solana’s hand. The younger woman is slightly grateful that Paloma doesn’t try to greet Roman in the same manner. She’d surely get her feelings hurt. “What brings you here?
Again, a gesture to Roman with her thumb. “He surprised me for my birthday.”
Paloma makes a sound and smiles wryly. “Ahh, so it’s only others he’s unfriendly with.”
“He….he’s very quiet.” An ironic choice of words considering just who is saying them, but it’s the best word to come to mind to describe Roman without being mean. He is technically quiet, but the fact that it’s because he, in his own words, hates people isn’t necessarily something that needs to be shared. “Do you really grow all of these?”
“I do.” The proud smile on her face makes Solana smile just as warmly. “I own a nursery about twenty minutes out of here. A family business that my mother and her mother and her mother started generations ago.”
“That’s so beautiful.”
“It was….” The use of past tense causes Solana’s smile to dim a bit. She can sense there’s a story there, a story that no doubt holds some level of pain. Paloma shakes her head, gesturing to the flowers. “Were you wanting to buy any?”
“Uhhhh….” The technical answer is no. Solana would have probably stopped to admire the beautiful flowers, maybe tried to identify one or two, but it would not have gone beyond that. It’s the little girl who Solana realizes is behind the stand, poorly sneaking glances at Roman, who called them over. “Yes, I—”
“She brought you over, didn’t she?” 
“Yes.” Solana lowers her voice, asking as gently as she can. “Does she speak?”
“Yes, but she prefers not to. Very shy. Parents fight a lot. I don’t think she really gets a lot of space to talk.” And the frown is back. Solana can definitely understand that. “Do you two have plans tonight?”
“Uhhhh.” Solana turns to Roman, asking, “did you have anything else planned for us this evening?”
“If she’s trying to get us to do something around other people, yes. I’ll find something.”
Solana rolls her eyes, lightly scolding in her soft voice, “Roman, that’s not nice.”
“Solana, I’m pretty sure we had this conversation already. I don’t like people. I hate people. You’re the only one I like.”
Solana decides to win him over later versus now as she turns to Paloma with a friendly expression that contrasts her husband’s scowl. Something tells her he already knows she’s about to sign them up for something that forces him to be around people. 
“We’re free this evening. Why do you ask?”
“Tell me again why we’re meeting this random ass old woman for dinner?”
Solana is only seconds away from applying her lip gloss when Roman’s question deters her from her task, creating a new one in its place. Capping it, she walks out the bathroom, leaning against the doorway. “Her name is Paloma, and she’s really sweet, and she invited us.”
Turns out, Paloma owns one of the restaurants in town Solana remembers stumbling across when she was perusing other places to visit while on their trip. It’s just a crazy coincidence that Solana ended up running into her and receiving a personal invite to dine there for dinner this evening. 
And it’s an offer she didn’t want to turn down. 
“Are you sure she didn’t just invite you?”
Curious, she asks the question she’s almost certain she already knows the answer to. “Would you let me go by myself?”
“Hell no.”
“Exactly.” Walking over to Roman, Solana glides her hands up his chest, locking them behind his neck. “It’s just a dinner. We won’t even be there that long. Then…tomorrow, it’s just the two of us.”
“It could be the two of us tonight too….”
His fingers dance across the small of her back as she bites back a smile. “Roman, it’s been the two of us this entire trip already, basically….”
“You know I could never get enough of you…” He gently squeezes the sides of her stomach, sliding into reluctant acquiescence. “But, you know I can’t say no to you either so….”
She smiles and leans up and presses a kiss against his cheek, murmuring, “thank you.” Taking a bit of a mile with the inch she’s been given, she implores, “can you….try to be a little more friendly? For me?”
Roman looks at her like she just asked him to let her go alone. “Solana….”
“Just for tonight.”
“Do they even speak English?” She gives him a look that’s just another form of ‘for me?’ He tilts his head back and scratches his beard. “I’ll try not to maim or kill anybody. That’s the best you’re getting from me, baby.”
“Thank you.” She kisses him again, turning for the bathroom when he pulls her back to face him, and right away, she recognizes that look. “Roman….”
He ignores her, both casually and suggestively complimenting, “I like this dress.” It’s combined with him slowly moving one of the hands on her waist down the length of her dress until he can slip his hand underneath.
“T–thank you…” She swallows, struggling to stay focused. “We’re—we’re gonna be late.”
“Too bad.” He moves his hand between her legs, gradually sliding up her thighs. “Should have thought about that before you put this on.” He kisses her temple, asking in a low voice, “do you want me to stop?” At the same time, his hand pauses on her skin.
The logical answer is yes, but the carnal answer is the complete opposite. And desire seems to overpower logic in this round. “N–no.”
It’s the perfect answer for her husband whose full lips form into a smirk as he removes his hand to guide her towards the bed as he lays her on her back. Solana half expects him to move on top of her, but he instead moves to his knees and tugs her toward the edge of the bed.
The anticipation of what pleasure is to come makes her lick her lips, prematurely moaning his name, “Roman…”
His brown eyes flick up to her, desire and lust dancing away in his irises. 
Yeah, they’re most definitely going to be late.
The night goes as expected, Solana enjoying herself, and Roman enjoying that his wife is enjoying herself despite the fact that being surrounded by a bunch of fucking strangers who speak mostly in Spanish has him subtly checking the time on his watch more often than not.
The desire to pick up the language grows exponentially. Roman dislikes being out of the loop in any sort of capacity.
Solana translates for the most part, granted it’s mostly things he doesn’t really care too much about. Paloma asking what he thought about the food, requests to join in the dancing—that’s a hell no—and other pleasantries that violate his religion of Anti-Peopleology. 
Except his wife, of course.
And to be fair, they’re able to share their dinner together without many interruptions, conversation staying between the two of them, which he appreciates. He’d appreciate it more if no one was there to interrupt, but alas, Solana having a smile on her face almost the whole night makes it all worth it.
She seems exceptionally taken with the little random ass girl from the market whose name he doesn’t bother to remember. Something with an A, he’d guess. She also seems just as interested in Solana, which he doesn’t entirely not understand. She’s relatively mute with the exception of a couple of words and sentences.
It reminds him of Solana and how nonverbal she was at the beginning of the marriage. And something tells him the girl also reminds her of herself. Which makes the pull between the two make more sense than maybe he’d like to admit.
But, his inner dialogue is interrupted as the old lady approaches the table where he sits alone as Solana dances with the child, both of them smiling and laughing. 
“You’re not the social one of the two of you, are you?” She asks what he considers both a stupid and ironic question. Typically, Solana isn’t this social either. But this….this place….it seems to bring out a different side of her.
A happier side of her.
Roman only casts the old woman a bored glance. “This is her world. Not mine.”
The woman chuckles, and to Roman’s chagrin, sits down in the chair opposite of him. “Yes, I suppose this is very different from the Bloodline.”
Her statement doesn’t surprise him, doesn’t take him off guard, and that’s because Roman isn’t stupid. He would never allow some practical stranger to invite his wife for dinner at a restaurant she owns without researching her. 
Paloma Aguilar. 70. Widowed. One child who seemingly disappeared without a trace over twenty years ago. Her late husband, Ricardo, was a man who at one point entered the world of the cartel and smuggling, but it was short lived as he passed away from a heart attack at the age of 45. His brother, however, Tomas, is still actively involved, but Paloma couldn’t be farther removed.
From his research, Roman could see she truly prefers to live her life away from the in-laws business, preferring her restaurant and gardening, the polar opposite of the high-paced crime life. 
But, it would be ludicrous for her to not be aware of him and who he is, regardless of her preference to stay separate from that life.
Curious, though he already knows the answer, he asks, “when did you realize who I was?”
She smiles, “soon enough.” The lack of specificity annoys him even more than he already is. “Probably around the time you found out who I am.”
Interested to see how she’ll respond, he asks, “and just who are you?”
Her smile is small and sad. “Just an old woman living out the rest of her days in solitude.” Roman has experienced enough loss to be able to recognize when someone else has also had the misfortune of losing someone. It’s evident in her tone. 
Still, that doesn't diminish his disinterest in this conversation.
She also looks over at his dancing wife, casually commenting, “I suppose it’s true that opposites attract.”
Eager to stir this woman away, Roman responds with all the casualness. “I’m not Solana. You could be 90, and I’d still snap your fucking neck if you presented any kind of threat to my wife.”
It’s uncalled for. He knows this. A misplaced threat against an elderly woman, sure. But, it’ll hopefully be enough to get her to leave him the fuck alone. 
She smiles, partially surprising him. “Oh, I don’t doubt it, young man.” Her grin dims a bit. “I would never judge a man for protecting the woman he loves.”
Roman tenses, effectively managing to keep his reaction to her statement to himself.
What the fuck is that even?
He knows…..familial love. But….romantic love? 
That’s….that’s such an unfamiliar concept. Something not even in his repertoire. 
He can’t deny that he likes Solana. A lot. Cares for her deeply, and recognizes that he needs her in his life. Needs her light in what is otherwise dark and dreary.
To say that he loves her….that’s too much. That’s too strong.
Too dangerous.
Love is weakness.
And Roman can’t afford to be weak. He won’t. Not for anything or anyone. 
Not even Solana.
But, of course, this old ass woman just has to twist the knife even deeper as she stands up to leave. “You two will make great parents.” Roman is an expert at hiding reactions to what’s being said to him, but this one takes some effort. A lot, if he’s being honest. “Your protectiveness. Her nurturance.”
With that, she finally leaves him be, but not without a million and one thoughts floating through his mind, all of them now revolving around two things he’s never considered for himself.
Love and children.
As the night comes to an end, Solana pulls Aurora, the sweet little girl who’s taken a liking to her and a crush on Roman, to the side. 
“I have something for you.”
Aurora’s eyes light up with all the excitement of a child eager to receive an unexpected present.
Solana hands over the beautiful journal she picked up in the market earlier that day. Originally a gift for herself, but now something that she wants to pass on to the little girl who reminds her so much of herself. 
Aurora’s mouth drops open with surprise as she accepts the leather journal. Solana smiles and explains, “When I was a little girl, I didn’t talk a lot either. But, my mom always told me that when I couldn’t speak, I could always write.” She frowns a bit, instructing. “And that’s what I did. I wrote until I found my voice. The same way you can.”
Aurora looks up with teary eyes and surprises Solana by attacking her with a big hug. Solana easily settles in the embrace, holding and hugging the little girl in a way that every child should be comforted.
Aurora pulls back and offers a simple, “thank you!”
Solana blinks back some tears. “You’re very welcome.” Her smile shifts into something teasing but also hopeful, “now I expect to see you when I come back to visit, okay?”
Aurora nods happily as she gives Solana one more hug before running over to an older woman who Solana would guess is her mother.
“She’ll never forget that, you know.” 
Turning to the source of the voice, Solana’s smile grows. “I hope not.”
Paoma chuckles and moves closer, repeating the same words. “I have something for you too.”
She pulls out a cloth jewelry bag and takes Solana’s hand, placing the bag in it. “Open it.”
Confused but curious, Solana does just that and gasps almost immediately at the beautiful gold necklace she recognizes instantly. “A Cruz de Caravaca.”
Paloma looks pleased by Solana’s knowledge and asks a follow up question. “How much do you know about these?”
Swallowing the emotion, she recalls the information taught to her so long ago. “They—they ward off evil and bring protection.” There’s an almost bitter tone that enters her voice. “My mother had one….” It’s the most Solana can bring herself to say, because her mother wore one almost religiously. And it did nothing to protect her from the evil of her father.
Or the knife that viciously tore and sliced through her body, violently ending her life. 
Paloma nods, complementing, “whoever taught you our ways taught you well.” 
Emotion burning the back of the throat, “it was my mom. She—she died when I was young.” Murdered. She was murdered, but acknowledging that feels too much, is too much. Regardless of how her life ended, it all means the same.
That she’s not here anymore.
Paloma’s expression is solemn as she lifts her right arm, turning it inward, revealing her tattoos. Two Hummingbirds. “Many years ago, I lost my daughter. And shortly after, my husband. I—I didn’t really know how to go on after that. She was my only child, and he was the only man I ever loved.” Her smile is emotional. “But then I remember that love never dies, it transcends into another form. They’re not here in the way I want them to be, but they’re still here. And every so often when I’m in my garden, I see Hummingbirds, and I feel better because I know they’re still with me. Watching over me.” 
Solana wipes at her eyes as Paloma places a comforting hand on her arm. “And so is your mother.”
It’s hard to verbalize what she’s feeling in this moment. Paloma’s words provide her with a type of comfort that feels almost motherly, an ironic feeling considering the nature of the conversation.
“Thank you.” It’s such a simple thing that doesn’t feel strong enough for how much Solana appreciates such comforting words of support. 
“You have a good heart. A kind soul. But, be careful child.” She takes Solana’s hands in her own. “My….my daughter was like you. Loving and giving. But too trusting, and it cost her her life. Betrayal and darkness can come from where you least expect it.” 
Paloma’s words confuse her. The warning aspect of it. What…what exactly does that mean?
“Stick with that husband of yours….” Paloma adds, smile gradually returning. “He is protective of you the way my husband used to be with me.” 
That ebbs away some of her confusion regarding the ominous warning, as Solana suddenly asks, almost tentatively. “Could I….could I come back and see you too?”
Paloma chuckles, and Solana almost swears she sees emotion brewing behind the woman’s wise gaze as she pulls her in for a hug.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t, child….”
He’s not entirely surprised to find her in the kitchen, but that doesn’t necessarily make her presence in the kitchen any less concerning. Especially when she’s supposed to be on bedrest.
Roman comes up behind her, smiling when she jumps a bit as he hugs her. Years later, some things remain the same. 
Solana turns around, a warm smile on her pretty face. “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” Not necessarily. He’s not sure he’ll ever be able to find it in him to be sorry for touching his wife.“Hi.”
“Hi.” She giggles as he kisses her. 
Eyes shutting a bit as he relishes in the feeling he’s craved dearly for the past few weeks. “I missed you all.”
“We missed you too,” she murmurs, moving her hands up his chest. “You look tired.”
He’s a bit jet lagged, but it’s nothing he won’t bounce back from in a couple of days. That’s the least of his concern, anyway. Roman moves his hand to her stomach, big and swollen, pressing against his abs. “You should be resting.”
Solana rolls her eyes and calmly counters, “not with how active this one is.” She moves his hand around, probably trying to find a spot where he can feel the movement. “He’s definitely your son.”
He counters, “even more reason to be resting.” 
She shakes her head, changing the subject a bit as she softly shares, “they’ll be happy to see you. I didn’t tell them you were coming home early.”
His eyes light up a bit as he asks, “where are they?”
Solana chuckles. “You already know.”
Roman makes a sound and nods, murmuring with a final kiss to her temple, “I’ll be back.” 
He walks out of the kitchen and into the hall, moving to the back of the house.
Two separate rooms, directly across from one another, each providing a variety of different activities and spaces. Most completely opposite one another. Expected, given their staunchly different personalities.
There’s no active decision regarding which room he walks in first, no specific desire to see or interact with one over the other. He just so happens to venture left vs right. 
And sure enough, as predicted, she sits at the table, so small but perfect for her. She’s focused on the paper in front of her and crayon in her hand. So focused to the point where she misses his entrance, doesn’t overhear his footsteps until he’s only a few feet away from her.
But when she does, big brown eyes landing on him, eyes that are exact replicas of her mothers, the crayon is dropped and the smile is out. She jumps up from the seat and runs over to him, Roman leaning down just in time to catch her hug, an instant ease washing over him, deeper than what’s allotted even with his wife.
This is something different, something deeper, something he still doesn’t quite know or believe he deserves to feel. But nevertheless, it’s present, it’s felt, and it’s wonderful.
When she pulls away, he finds himself pushing back some of her curls, light and fluffy, framing her face that’s the perfect combination of himself and Solana. “I missed you…” Her smile grows as he asks, eyes narrowed a bit. “Were you a good girl for your mom while I was gone?” She nods excitedly and reaches for his hand, Roman standing as she guides him over to the table where she was drawing. Roman crouches back down as she shares her artwork, an in-progress photo of the ocean, most likely scenery she’s memorized from one of their many trips to Isla Mujeres. “Is this what you’re working on?” Again, another nod as she points between the drawing and him. He points to himself. “Is this gonna be for me?”
Instead of the expected no, she answers in her voice, so soft and light. “I’m sorry it wasn’t done in time….”
A small smile grows on his face. She’s very much unlike her sister, of very few words. So much so that Roman insisted he and Solana discuss her quietness with the pediatrician to make sure nothing was wrong. And of course, nothing was. It’s just that she inherited quite literally Solana’s entire disposition. Quiet with a great big heart that seems too pure for this world.
And, unfortunately, a tendency to apologize when unnecessary.
“It’s perfect, sweetheart.” His praise seems to bring back her smile as he kisses her forehead. “Fa'afetai tele.”
She matches his smile, surprising him yet again with more spoken words vs non verbals. “E le afaina.” 
Standing back up, he informs, “I’m gonna go see your sister. Can you go help mom finish cooking dinner?” He knows Solana is almost done, if not already, but Roman also knows that personality and disposition weren’t the only things inherited. So were passions and interests, hence the drawing.
And cooking, judging by the way her eyes light up as she dashes out the room to play assistant.
Roman chuckles and walks out, hitting the switch as he moves across the hall, once again unsurprised by what he finds. She’s going at it with the freestanding punching bag, kicks that are pretty impressive considering her age. Her face is scrunched up in determination, the same face as her sisters yet so different. 
Where one is soft and quiet, the other is loud and bold. One is timid, the other adventurous. One is Solana, but this one….she’s her father’s daughter, through and through. Bold and fearless. 
“Don’t forget to point your toes.”
His deep voice breaks through her concentration as she whips her head to the side, a reaction similar to her twin sister. A huge smile breaks through that impressive focus.
Again, he moves to one knee to catch her for a hug, tight and heartwarming. She pulls back almost immediately, asking with all the excitement. “Did you see me?”
“I sure did.” He comments on what’s more than obvious. “you’ve been practicing.”
She nods with just as much excitement. “Aunt Bayley and Aunt Naomi said I’m really good!”
“You are.” He wouldn’t lie to her. She is. But, he also knows it’s because this is her passion. Where her sister finds joy in art and books, she gets that joy from movement, from fighting, her gravitation towards martial arts happening at such a young age. 
“I’m gonna be better than you!” He chuckles. At not even a fraction of his age, she already is. And it has nothing to do with her natural fighting abilities. 
“We’ll see.”
“I am!” She affirms, so determined and focused. “I’m gonna wear the ula fala and be Tribal Chief just like you, daddy!”
Roman does his best to keep that small ounce of concern hidden and tucked away. Young. She’s too young to know just what she’s asking for, the weight that comes with what he does, the truth about what and who he is.
It’s been the decision of both himself and Solana to shield the girls from it. The truth of it all. For now. As long as they can, at least. But the girls aren’t dumb either, they know he holds a high rank, one of the highest, in his family.
And his spitfire of a daughter seems determined to do the exact same.
“Cousin Jamar was saying I can’t cause I’m a girl, but I told him he’s just a stupid boy and I’m way smarter anyway.”
Roman’s eyes narrow slightly as asks the question he already knows the answer to. “And you hit him too, didn’t you?”
Even when he has to be away from home, Solana makes sure to keep him informed of all happenings with the girls, especially this one who’s already gotten in trouble a couple of times at school for her mouth.
And fist.
Her eyes drop as she pouts slightly, murmuring, “he made me mad….” His temper. She definitely has inherited that too. “No one talks about me, you, mommy, sissy or my new baby brother, or I’ll punch them in their face.”
This is the part where Roman struggles, where he tries his best to tap into that part of him that feels so unfamiliar. Because his initial response is that she did nothing wrong, that she’s doing exactly what she’s entitled to.
Protecting her family and standing up for what she believes is right. 
“It’s important to know when to fight, and it’s a lot harder not to sometimes.” That’s the best he can come up with in the moment to not necessarily let her know he doesn’t see much of an issue with her behavior. “I’ll teach you.”
Her eyes light up with excitement. “I get to train with you?” A request she’s had for at least the past two years, Roman pushing it off and allowing Bayley and Naomi to help her because his level of training is far too intense for her young age.
That doesn’t mean he can’t modify his approach a bit. 
“Yes!” She jumps up and down, hugging him, another small smile on Roman’s face. Some kids like to play dolls, like his other daughter, but this one….this one lives for a good fight.
And speaking of, the calmer of the two of them coming running into the room, Roman turning just in time as she smiles and tugs on his shirt, motioning for them to follow her.
“Is dinner ready?” Learning to understand her even with the absence of speech has come second nature for all of them. 
She nods, as the other one breaks the hug with Roman, asking her twin with all the excitement and competitiveness. “Wanna race?”
Roman already knows the answer, watching as his more quiet child is suddenly waiting for her sister to count them off. Seconds later, the two of them rush out the room on a trajectory that’ll lead to Solana who will no doubt chastise them for running in the house.
But they come back, giggling together as they stand in the doorway, hitting him with both a question and a demand. 
“Daddy, are you coming?”
“Daddy, wake up!”
Roman shoots up from the bed, hulking shoulders moving up and down in sync with his heavy breathing. Movement to the side of him shows him Solana shifting in her sleep, a peaceful expression on his face.
It’s the exact opposite of how he feels. 
Moving his hand through his silky, wavy locks, Roman takes the blanket off of him and carefully moves out the bed, prioritizing not disturbing his wife. 
He blows out a breath and walks out the double doors that bring him to the patio, his big body settling down on one of the chaise lounges.
It’s only then he asks himself the burning question at the back of his mind.
What the fuck was that?
Roman doesn’t really dream a lot, and when he does, they’re more along the lines or nightmares.
Night terrors when he was younger.
But this……he doesn’t even know what the fuck that was.
Roman has never really seen himself as a father, never allowed himself to think about it because it’s never really been a desire. He’s always known that he would have to create an heir to carry on his legacy, but that’s a thing of duty. Not desire.
So why the fuck is he dreaming about having not one but several children with Solana?
Her oath a few weeks back of giving him an heir returns to the front of his mind. It makes him wonder all of sudden what her view on children is. Does she want children? Without inside knowledge of her trauma, one would think that’s an obvious thing. She would have never married him, never agreed to the arrangement when the sole purpose of the union was to create a child if she didn’t, in fact, want a child. 
But, Roman knows her, knows her trauma. Knows that she was forced into this.
Which makes him incapable of shooting down the possibility that maybe she doesn’t even want children?
And then he thinks about her tonight, thinks about the permanent smile on her face as she interacted with that little girl, the way she interacted with several of the children present who came up to her.
She looked….she looked happy. 
And of course, the now haunting words of the old woman who Solana also seems to have heavily gravitated towards: 
“You two will make great parents.”
Thinking about and being completely honest with himself, he sees it for Solana. Could….could see her as a mother.
But seeing himself as a father….that’s something he can’t answer. Can’t understand, really. 
The same way he can’t understand why there’s a small part of him that’s upset he woke up.
Upset that the dream didn’t last just a little bit longer. 
Upset that he’s now thinking heavily about what the old lady predicted.
Himself and Solana as parents. 
First the love comment, now this?
Damn that old woman.
Something is off with Roman.
Solana has noticed it ever since the night of the dinner at Paloma’s restaurant. She figured it was maybe because Roman really can only withstand so much social interaction. Chalked it up to him needing the night to sleep it off.
But, it was there the next day and the day after that and even as their trip in Isla Mujeres came to an end. 
On the jet ride back home, he’s quiet, working diligently on his work laptop. She tries her best not to think too much of it, because it’s not like he’s ignoring her. He still talks to her, still interacts with her, still touches her, but it’s just….off.
There’s like this….this distance that she can’t understand.
A distance that hurts. 
It’s why she stands in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to not get too into her head over her dress. It’s probably the most risqué thing she’s ever worn, more skin showing than she would prefer to be exposed. But, a small part of her hopes it will catch Roman’s attention.
Hopes it can progress the touches into something more.
Because along with his distant behavior, there’s been a lack of intimacy between them. And that’s especially hard for her to not think too much about. Because, to her, it was going well. She….she enjoys being with him in that way. Being that close to him.
She thought he did too.
Roman suddenly knocks on the bathroom door, asking, “you almost—damn.” Him stopping himself puts a smile on her face. 
Solana chews on her bottom lip, asking, “do–do you like it?” She then motions to her chest that’s heavily exposed. “I know it’s—it’s a lot.”
Roman moves closer to her, eyes raking over her slowly, hand moving to the back of her, under her dress, cupping her ass. “You sure you don’t want to stay in tonight?” A small smile starts to form on her face at his suggestive tone. “The two of us…naked.”
Her stomach flutters with excitement. This is the first time in days that he’s expressed any desire to be with her in that way, and now she’s beyond grateful that she pushed past her insecurity and put on the dress. Because it’s brought out that side of him that she’s been missing.
The side that makes her feel like he wants her.
A hand on his chest, she murmurs, “when we get back.”
Because while she also has a desire to be intimate with him, she’s also excited to see their friends.
Naomi, Bayley, and the twins inviting her (and naturally, Roman) out to a VIP lounge to have a belated birthday celebration since she wasn’t available to do anything with them for her actual birthday. She’s excited to see them, to be around her friends. 
“Are you….” Solana doesn't know where exactly it comes from, the bravery and confidence to ask what she’s about to, but it seems to leave her mouth before she can really think too much about it. “Are you okay?”
His gaze takes a curious tone. “What do you mean?”
She shrugs, suddenly nervous about how to word it right. “I don’t know. You’ve just seemed….kinda off the past couple days.” He swallows, and she sees something flash in his eyes, something he shoves away. Something she’s now just as curious about. “Is–”
“I’m fine,” he answers. For some reason, she has a hard time believing that. “Adjusting to being back has just been irritating. I’ve never taken a vacation before, so shit has just been an annoying adjustment.”
Solana nods, believing there could be some truth to that. She doesn’t doubt it’s been an adjustment for him. But, there’s also this nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that there’s something else he’s not telling her.
“O-okay.” Something tells her this conversation will need to be revisited, just not right now. Not when it’s clear he has no desire to express whatever is really bothering him.
Roman dips his head and kisses her cheek. “Let’s get out of here. The sooner we get back, the sooner I can be inside you.” She giggles, gasping as he slaps her ass. 
The lounge is beautiful. Reminiscent of an upscale club, minus the packed bodies and loud music. It’s clearly geared toward upscale clientele, and the second level of the lounge has been rented out, space cleared for their small party.
Something she greatly appreciates. Both for herself and Roman. Her husband already sacrificed so much of his preference to be isolated from others vs surrounded by people on their trip. 
The group separates naturally, Roman and the twins with Solana sitting near Bayley and Naomi, the two women nearly bursting at the seams with a ton of questions/statements.
“How was it?”
“We already know it was nice considering we barely heard from you.”
“Dulce mama was out here living her best life.”
“You got a lil tan too!”
“We want to know everything.”
Solana giggles, shrugging. “It was really nice.”
Bayley scoffs, “just nice? Girl, you gotta give us more than that.”
Solana opens her mouth, pausing a bit. “I mean….we spent a lot of time together.” Her eyes fall over to Roman who’s surprisingly engaging in conversation with Jimmy and Jey. Solo, as well. His presence surprised her. 
She didn’t know he was coming. Not to mention, she didn’t think he’d want to be present for anything that’s not required when it comes to her.
Solana knows they’re not intentionally asking about sex, but their questions are unintentionally pointing her to share just that. And for some reason, most likely the trust and bond she’s formed with them, she’s not opposed.
That doesn’t stop the maddening blush from forming on her cheeks as she shares, “we—well, we finally, umm—”
Loud gasps interrupt her, Naomi being the one to ask the infamous question, “Solana, did ya’ll….” Solana chews on her bottom lip, nodding softly.
Bayley and Naomi have to cover their mouths to hold in the screams that would no doubt draw all of the wrong attention.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Bayley exclaims, suddenly asking with all the protectiveness, “he was good to you, right? Didn’t pressure you—”
“No. No. Never.” That’s probably the easiest thing to answer. Solana doesn’t know how to properly express how good Roman was to her. Has been to her. “He was—it was perfect.”
Naomi smirks, playfully nudging Solana’s shoulder. “We told you it was great with the right person.” They couldn’t have been more right. “So….was it just once or—”
Bayley scoffs. “We cannot be asking her all these intimate details!” Only to then casually ask, “so like how big is his dick really?”
Naomi falls out laughing while Solana’s eyes widen at the graphic nature of Bayley’s question. 
“So you can ask about his dick size, but I can’t ask about how many times they’ve done it?”
Bayley protests, sipping some of her Vodka as she counters, “my question is for science.”
Solana shakes her head, giggling as she coyly answers, “we…it’s been a couple times.”
Naomi smirks. “Okay, girl, I see you. Ya’ll went to Mexico and got freaky.” Solana takes a sip of her bottled water, more than certain her cheeks are a red, hot mess. “Seriously though….I’m happy for you. With what you’ve been through, you deserve to have a happy, healthy, sex life. Every woman does.”
“She’s right.” Bayley agrees, and Solana finds the emotions brewing again. 
Never did she think it was possible, that she could have just that. A healthy sex life. Just how she never imagined she would end up with someone as amazing as Roman. Yet both of those things are exactly what have happened, and she’s never been happier. 
“Wait, does this mean we’re gonna be godmothers soon?” Bayley asks an otherwise normal question that has Solana still in her seat. 
Naomi chimes, “I mean, she’s not allowed to be on birth control, and I know Roman had to have broken his condom only rule since they’re married so….”
Solana has a hard time saying anything, has a hard time not thinking about something that should have been considered the moment that barrier was broken.
Roman and Solana have consummated their marriage.
They’ve had sex. 
Several times.
Unprotected sex.
They are actively having unprotected sex.
Naomi is right in that not once did Roman bring up protection. 
It has her wondering now if he didn’t bring it up because, in his mind, they’re now working on creating an heir?
But, she dispels that theory pretty quickly, remembering how determined he was to help her not feel any pressure regarding them conceiving a child. He’s never seemed too concerned with that part of their marriage deal.
Unless it was because they weren’t sexually active, but now that they are….
Suddenly, another conversation with Roman regarding just what the plan is for that is on the agenda.
Along with whatever it is that’s bothering him that he won’t open up about. 
Bayley and Naomi must pick up on her change and mood, switching the conversation to something regarding some mess that kicked off at the Warehouse between Nia and some person named Mia. Solana does her best to follow along when she feels her phone vibrate in her bag. 
Pulling it out, she unlocks her phone and opens up messages, specifically the unopened thread from an unsaved number.
Unknown: Did you really think you would get away with fucking us over?
Unknown: You were warned.
Unknown: What happens next is on you.
The phone drops out of Solana’s hand the minute she’s done reading the text. She can barely breathe, barely process what’s happening as her head snaps up, eyes frantically searching for the one person who’s now been kicked to the front of her mind.
She spots him, expression unreadable as he sips on a beer, speaking to Solo.
Solana jumps up from the sofa, ignoring Naomi and Bayley asking what’s wrong. She kicks her heels off and makes a beeline straight for him, uncaring about the bodies she has to squeeze between, the few individuals who she actually shoves out of her way. Something at any other time she wouldn’t dare consider doing. But this isn’t any other time, this is life or death.
His eyes snap with hers seconds before she successfully makes her way over to him. Her heart feels like it’s about to beat out of her chest. She can barely breathe, and she’s certain that she’s trembling, but none of that stops her from rushing out, “we have to get out of here!”
His hands move to her face, cupping it, taking note of her frantic state as he asks with all of the protectiveness. “What’s wrong?”
Eyes watering, she opens her mouth. “I—”
That’s as far as it goes, the most and only thing that she’s able to express because before she’s cut off. Roman’s gaze lifts above her and the last thing she sees is the slight widening of his eyes as he shoves her to the side of him with so much force that she slams against the ground, her head bouncing off the carpeted floor.
But, that’s not what catches her attention. Not the shock of him pushing her so harshly, putting his hands on her in a way she would have never thought possible. No, that’s not an issue at all, because the sound that only seems to have registered upon her fall is what has her attention snatched and fixated.
A single sound that she hasn’t heard in years.
A gunshot. 
And then chaos.
There’s shouts, there’s screams, there’s people running around in a mass panic, but a single voice cuts through all of that: clear, loud, furious. “Get her out of here now!”
And it’s the sound of his voice that makes Solana snap her head to the side, eager to lay eyes on him in the midst of this chaos.
But, it’s when she does that everything changes, the world stops and time stands still.
“No.” She can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t move, can’t function because all she can focus on is the sight of Roman’s men with a perimeter around him, guns lifted and aimed, ready to fire off at a moment's notice. “Roman!” She tries to climb up off the floor, tries to get to him, to see him, to touch him. 
Solana is unable to look away from the sight of him holding onto his shoulder, face grimaced in pain, blood seeping through his long fingers.
But before can get to him, before she can actually touch him, another voice calls out, “cover me!” And she’s suddenly off the floor, body pressed against a stranger, the interaction causing her to try to jerk away. 
Partially because of the contact, mostly because she needs to get to Roman.
“We gotta get you out of here!” Solo’s voice, harsh and determined, makes her realize he’s the strange body that she also now realizes is trying to get her the hell out of dodge. “Now!”
And it’s right then and there that another gunshot rings out, followed by several more.
Solana’s panic nearly triples as she tries to push him away, tears burning her eyes, “no! I’m not leaving him!” Solana beats her fist against Solo as he continues to drag her, Solana begging, “don’t make me leave him!” The tears are spilling over, the last glimpse of Roman showing Jimmy and Jey rushing over in his direction. “Please!” Solana continues to cry out his name, fighting a losing battle against Solo who is successful in ushering her out of the emergency exit located in the back. 
Once outside, he has to keep dragging her down the fire escape staircase, because she doesn’t stop trying to push him away and doesn't stop from trying to get back to Roman. Solana can’t stop replaying the nightmare that has just become a reality. 
She has no idea where Naomi is. Where Bayley is. Only able to see the twins and Roman before she was ripped away from the scene.
He pushed her to protect her.
Moved her out the line of fire and took the bullet intended for her.
He’s been shot because of her.
He’s been hurt because of her.
And it’s all her fault.
214 notes · View notes
totalcl0wn · 6 months
Rings dinner bell come get your crumbs‼️‼️
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Yapping + bonus + pose ref below
My fav wet cat 😍
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Pose ref (I tried blocking out the shapes so it prob looks super similar😭😭) pose by melon_soup
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And finally yapping session
I love the flower husbands so so much that when I type flower the next word is automatically husbands 😍
I'm actually so happy with this drawing I love it sm cyfjvgkhxr6vgiggigu (the bg is actually a screenshot of the valley i just took a photo as soon as i saw it without somebody standing in frame :D ) the smudge tool is now my best friend for shading I like scotts shading more but I did jimmys first so that's probably why I'm still getting used to this art style aswell I used to not even shade sooo I can't think of anything else to yap about now so bye
292 notes · View notes
nouvellevqgue · 11 months
other than being his cat lady, his girlfriend got her master in halloween dress-up too.
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦
OCTOBER 29, 2022
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liked by maudeapatow and 192,513 more
yourusername 🍃🌿
view all 470 comments
username WAIT IS THIS MAX'S CAT LADY???????
username hold up you
username no marc content????☹️☹️☹️
username can't believe max bagged her
⤷ maxverstappen1 i can't believe it too
⤷ username hold your heart eyes max
landonorris who's the joker? marc or max?
⤷ yourusername jimmy.
⤷ username 🙃
⤷ landonorris oh how i love the plot twist
sabrinacarpenter you look so pretty
sabrinacarpenter like wow
⤷ yourusername says the one who's prettier
maudeapatow i need us together again
⤷ yourusername set up the date, i'll come to you bbg
⤷ username maxverstappen1 look max she's doing it again
yourusername added to their story!
Tumblr media
replying to: yourusername
oh look how cute you are🥰
i love you
replying to: maxverstappen1
so bad that you're not with me rn:(
replying to: yourusername
sorry sweetheart, i promise next year
yourusername replying to: maxverstappen1
don't promise something you can't fulfill, you know.
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦
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liked by maxverstappen1, dakotafanning, badgalriri, and 859,712 more
yourusername waiting on my mystery machine... 🚘👻
view comments...
username slay soul sister
redbullracing daphne to our fred
⤷ maxverstappen1 who's fred?
⤷ yourusername i'm going to delete all my memory about you asking this publicly 🫣
⤷ redbullracing oopsie🫢
landonorris maxverstappen1 HA! GOTCHA
⤷ maxverstappen1 landonorris shut up
⤷ username mom look they're fighting
lilymhe probably next time we'll be winx
⤷ yourusername great idea i'll be ordering the wigs from now on. 💇‍♀️🦋
matthewlillard very on point, love the pattern!
⤷ yourusername I'M YOUR BIGHRST FAN SIR
⤷ username she is me like literally
⤷ username he's right, she's on point.
username okay hear me out...
username okay daphne, BUT MAN VELMA?????? on the ground rn
username why aren't max there?
⤷ yourusername he's busy for being a sombrero man in mexico🙃
⤷ maxverstappen1 could be that
⤷ yourusername nExT yEaR iS oUR YeAR maxverstappen1
⤷ maxverstappen1 why am i scared
ˑ⭒ʚ ִtwitter ݁.٭
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ˑ⭒ʚ ִinstagram ݁.٭
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 989,857 more
maxverstappen1 funny how it's supposed to be spooky today...
view comments...
yourusername the caption is quite cheesy though...
⤷ maxverstappen1 i know, charles tell me that
⤷ carlossainz55 well you shouldn't trust him about instagram captions
username charles being the one who make the caption is just making me draw an x on my bingo card for today
⤷ username is he that bad?
⤷ username damn
⤷ username i mean after i see his instagram captions, it's all make sense now
username HEY IT SHOULD BE SPOOKY TODAY (this month)
⤷ username i know he did this to made up his absence last year
⤷ maxverstappen1 an attempt has been made🤷
username but look at them in both twitter and instagram. they're having the best time of their life like damn i want it too
username are you happy to be in paris?
⤷ yourusername [pierre's voice] oui 🥐🥖🍷
⤷ username she's so mood
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skimmeh · 1 year
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HEHHEHEHEHHEEHHE so me and @kairamuwu working on a silly lil space au with the life series sillies!!!
Please feel free to send asks about the au, we will be drawing and talking about it!!! It rots our brains!!!!
But so far here's the Grian design!!!!! probably gonna draw Scar and Jimmy next
Scar's design
Jimmy's design
Tango's design
Joel's design
Scott's design
Etho's design
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Imagines: I Can’t Help Myself*
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Summary: While Joe’s away doing foundation stuff, there's an overwhelming amount of photos of him popping up on Twitter and Instagram. All of them had you patiently waiting for your fiance's arrival home.
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagines Universe: Just the Two of Us
A/N: Apron and shirtless Joe have me feral, had to speed-write this.
March 3rd, 2024
It all started with an innocent text from my bestie.
Attachment: 1 Image… Tumblr is going crazy over this right now!
At that moment, I shook my head with a laugh at my best friend's text. She was on Tumblr to keep up with her celebrity crushes, but one day, she jokingly looked my fiance's name up. She would never give me details about what was on the ‘tag’, but she'd now and then tell me what was up with Joe Burrow Tumblr.
Joe had left the house earlier today for a foundation event at a soup kitchen here in Cincy. Robin and Jimmy, Joe’s parents, had come from Athens and were going with him.
By the looks of the picture my best friend sent, Joe wasn't having as bad of a time as he anticipated he would. This morning was full of endless grumbles before I eventually shoved Joe out of the door, but he was smiling in the picture as he poured some soup into a bowl.
He seriously looked adorable. The Guinness hat gives him an oddly innocent look, while the apron he's wearing adds to the cuteness factor.
I'm so buying that man an apron to wear when we're cooking. I thought to myself, giggling out loud.
After sending my bestie a quick response back, I pulled up Joe’s contact.
Nice apron, cutie. 😉
Naturally, It was a while later when Joe answered, but his response set butterflies off in my stomach.
Depending on the intentions behind the wink emoji, I could ask to bring one home if it works ya up.
Taking a few moments to calm down, I shot a nonchalant response back to Joe.
The hat too?
The hat too. I draw the line at the plastic gloves, though. I gotta feel you with no barriers, baby.
How this man can control every pulse point in my body with just his words will never fail to amaze me.
Shit, my mom was reading that beside me. 😬
My stomach dropped at the thought of Robin reading her son practically dirty-talking to me. That's next-level embarrassment.
I'm joking, babe. See you later, with an apron and hat.
Omg, Joe! If I was with you right now, you'd get smacked in the back of the head. I love you, though. See ya later!
Love you too. 😘
This morning, Joe woke up ready to go. I'm not talking about being ready to go to the foundation event, I'm talking about sex.
Joe woke up most mornings wanting a quick romp to start the day, so it had slowly become a part of our daily routine.
It was a different story today, though.
Still naked from the previous night’s lovemaking session, Joe had pulled me into him as our lips met. I'd just gotten close enough to grind on his erection when Joe’s phone rang on the nightstand.
“You should probably get that.” - you said between kisses
Joe groaned out of annoyance when he pulled away and grabbed his phone, rolling his eyes when he saw the caller ID.
“Who is it?” - you stroked his chest
“My mom.” - Joe
“Why'd you roll your eyes then?” - you
He sighed and pulled me into his chest, moving his hips away, knowing any friction would make him lose control.
“She treats me like a little kid every time we have one of these foundation events.” - Joe
“You're her baby, Joe. She’s just looking out for you.” - you
Joe nodded with a sigh and accepted the call.
“Hey Mom, yeah I'm awake.” - Joe
His deep, raspy morning voice made my cheeks heat up, and I hid my blush in his chest.
“My shirt’s been ironed, yes. y/n ironed it and laid it out last night.” - Joe
The silence gave me the ability to hear what Robin was saying, and the words she said only made my heart flutter.
“You better have thanked her. Joe, I don't think you realize how lucky you are to have that woman by your side.” - Robin
“I'm very lucky, Mom. Wouldn't be who I am without her.” - Joe
“Make sure she knows that. I'll see you later, sweetie!” - Robin
“Bye, Mom.” - Joe
I cuddled closer to Joe, listening to him mumble a quick “Yes, I love you too” before hanging up.
“Wouldn't be where you are without me, huh sheisty?” - you laughed
“Shut it.” - Joe rolled his eyes
A few seconds of content silence passed before Joe cleared his throat and sat up.
“Okay, I'm like super horny right now, but I'm gonna push that away because I've been thinking about something.” - Joe
“What's that?” - you
“We still haven't told anybody that I proposed. I told you we could wait till we got back to Cincy, and we've been back for weeks. I'm trying to say that we need to tell our families soon.” - Joe
“Oh ok, that's fine. Whenever you want to, I'm down.” - you
“Actually? Just like that?” - Joe
I giggled and gently reached out to comb back the curls that had fallen over on Joe’s forehead.
“Yeah, just like that. It's been fun keeping it just between us, but I want nothing more than telling our family we’re gonna get married.” - you
“Can I also ask you about something else?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you
Joe sighed and took a second to clear his thoughts.
“You okay?” - you
“Yeah… I'm just trying to pay attention, it's kinda hard to, you know…” - Joe
He flicked his head down toward the tented sheet covering his lap.
“Focus, babe.” - you laughed
“Okay, uhm… what if we got married earlier than this coming offseason?” - Joe
“What do you mean?” - you tilted your head to the side
“What if we got married at the courthouse, no one else there? Just you, me, and the judge. It could be as soon as next month or as late as a week before our actual ceremony.” - Joe
I let his idea sink in, thinking about how sweet his idea of getting married soon is.
“I’m listening.” - you smiled
“We won't do our big vows or even exchange rings yet, just the license saying we're married, and hopefully your name change.” - Joe grinned
“y/n Burrow.” - you
Joe grinned from ear to ear, a blush on his cheeks as he heard my first name paired with his last name.
“Always thought that sounded perfect. I remember thinking about it on the first day of college during roll call. I couldn't take my eyes off of you after our professor said your name, and I thought about your last name as Burrow.” - Joe
“You're adorable.” - you
“Thanks.” - Joe
A few seconds went by without either of us saying something, but Joe broke it with a sigh.
“Are we going to continue what we were doing before your mom called?” - you
“Sadly, I have to start getting ready. Waiting will make tonight even better, though.” - Joe winked
“How do you know I'll even want it later?” - you
“You will, baby. You always do.” - Joe
Now, here I was, staring at a picture of my fiance pouring soup into a bowl.
Something about the moment just screamed husband.
Maybe it was the adorable apron. Or hat. Or plastic gloves.
Whatever it was, I wanted more of it. More of him. All of him.
My thoughts lingered to the most intimate moments with Joe. Catching myself before I got too worked up, I pulled up my phone to scroll through Instagram.
As soon as I did, though, my plan of a distraction was shot to hell.
Justin Hillard made a post of the Arizona trip the boys went on and one of the last slides showcased a sweaty, shirtless Joe.
“Where's Joe when you need him.” - you groaned
What felt like hours later, I heard the garage door open signaling Joe was home.
A minute later, his tall frame was striding into the kitchen. I watched him look around for a second before his eyes landed on me.
A grin formed on his lips as he walked up to the couch. Joe dropped to his knees in front of me and leaned in for a kiss.
When I went to pull away, Joe grabbed the back of my neck to keep me in place. After a few minutes of making out, Joe finally pulled away.
“Sorry, I really needed that.” - Joe sheepishly smiled
“It's alright, I did too.” - you smiled
“How was your day? I didn't leave you too bored, right?” - Joe
“My day was good, and no. I spent most of it obsessing over the new pics of you.” - you
“Felt like I never left then, huh?” - Joe
“Dead wrong. Staring at the pictures only made me miss you more.” - you
I watched as Joe teasingly licked his lips, never once breaking eye contact.
“Why's that?” - Joe
“Cut the shit, Joe. You know exactly why.” - you
“Because we didn't have sex this morning? That's why you missed me?” - Joe
“Well, that's not the only reason why. I naturally hate being away from you, but yes sex has something to do with it.” - you
Joe reached out and placed his hand on my inner thigh, nestling his hand against my crotch.
“Wanna go upstairs then?.” - Joe
I nodded, and Joe was quick to stand up and pick me up bridal style.
Giggles flew from both of our lips as Joe hurried up the stairs to our bedroom.
Soon, Joe was laying me on the bed and crawling on top of me.
“I love you.” - you said between kisses
Joe smiled and returned the sentiment, my arms wrapping around his neck as we kissed.
“Listen let's just get straight to it. I've been looking forward to this all day.” - you
“You don't want the tongue & finger combo first?” - Joe
I laughed at his bluntness before nodding my head.
“I need you inside me.” - you
“Fuck, I love hearing you say that.” - Joe
Joe placed his lips back on mine and shifted his weight onto one arm, lifting the other hand to unzip his fly.
I helped him shed his pants off, but Joe took my hand away when I reached for his boxers. He sat back on his knees for a second to pull his shirt over his head, quickly returning to his position above me when he was done.
My arms were around his shoulder as Joe slowly dropped his hips to grind on me. Just seconds later he'd pull away to take my clothes off.
When we were both naked, Joe’s lust-filled eyes scanned over my body before reversing course and locking with mine.
“God, you're beautiful, baby.” - Joe
After Joe lined himself up to my entrance, he slowly pushed inside. Making sure I felt every inch of him.
“You feel so good.” - Joe groaned
“You too…” - you
“So hot and wet for me, baby.” - Joe
Joe didn't move for a minute, just savoring the feeling of my walls wrapped around his hard cock.
“Joey, move, please?” - you
I watched him nod before he leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to my cheek. Joe formed a path of kisses from my cheek to my lips.
Once he met my lips, Joe slipped out of me before slamming his cock back inside.
Both of us moaned loudly when his tip hit my cervix, my walls squeezing Joe’s thrusting cock as he set a rough pace.
“You feel insane.” - Joe moaned
“I've been dreaming about this… all day.” - you
A few minutes later, Joe and I were still locked together at mouth and crotch.
“I'm not gonna last much longer.” - Joe moaned
“Me… neither.” - you
Joe’s face contorted as the overwhelming pleasure coursed through his body. His cute nose scrunching as his eyes are clenched shut.
“Oh, fuck!” - Joe grunts
Seconds later, with a shaky hand, Joe reaches down to where we were connected and rubbed my clit with his thumb. His thrusts became uneven but never once unsatisfactory.
“Joey! I'm gonna cum!” - you moaned
It wasn't much longer after that when I fell over the edge, moaning Joe’s name through my climax.
Joe continued his thrusts before rushing to get as deep as he could.
His head fell back, and his mouth fell open. A moan and grunt of my name leaves his pretty pink lips as he cums.
After his orgasm, Joe fell forward and on top of me. Burying his face in my neck as he stayed inside me, fading out the experience.
I reached a hand up and cupped the back of Joe’s head, slowly running my fingers through his unruly curls. The comforting sounds of our mutual heavy breath and the ceiling fan created a soft moment.
“You really liked that apron, huh?” - Joe
“Yeah.” - you giggled
Joe stayed there for a bit, enjoying being cuddled before he eventually pulled out and hopped out of bed.
My eyes lingered on his perfectly plump butt as Joe walked into our bathroom, later returning with a washcloth to clean us both up.
He strode up to me as I stayed lying in the bed. Joe softly caressed my thighs while gently spreading my legs apart.
I hummed in contentment at the feel of the warm washcloth, and Joe only smiled at the sound.
After cleaning himself up too, Joe slipped on a pair of clean boxers.
“Do you want one of my shirts to sleep in? Panties too, maybe?” - Joe
“Just one of your shirts will be fine.” - you smiled
Joe nodded and disappeared into the closet. A few seconds later, he walked back in with one of his pregame shirts that was from a previous season.
“Lean up for me, baby.” - Joe
I did his bidding and Joe slipped the top over my head, making sure my arms went through the sleeves.
“Comfy?” - Joe
He walked around the bed and climbed into his side.
“Very, and it smells like you.” - you grinned
“I hope that's a good thing.” - Joe laughed
“It's a very good thing, you smell delicious.” - you
Joe chuckled as he pulled me into his chest, one of his big hands running over my back as my head was hidden in Joe’s neck.
“I love you.” - you
“I love you more.” - Joe
He lovingly stroked my hair, providing tender words of affirmation and holding me tightly in his arms during their comforting aftercare ritual.
“Oh shit, do you know what I just realized?” - Joe
“What?” - you
“My apron is down in my car. I forgot to show you.” - Joe sighed
“It's okay. You can show me tomorrow.” - you giggled
“Guess what.” - Joe
I narrowed my eyes, trying to see his expression in the dark but failing.
“What?” - you
“I grabbed one for you too.” - Joe smiled
“Oh my god.” - you laughed
“I couldn't help myself!” - Joe
He laughed along with me before we both paused, coincidently yawning in sync, which ended in another laughing fit.
“Goodnight, baby.” - you
“Goodnight, my love.” - Joe
Authors note: because Joe was illegally fine that day.
Came from my own head! 💞
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obxsummer · 2 years
Reunion // Ghost of You
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summary below cut to avoid spoilers for s3 ep1-3
let's jump right on in.
part of #obx3celebration
navigation -- series masterlist
summary: after being rescued from your island paradise, you're unexpectedly ripped from the pogues and pushed straight into another fight for your life.
warnings: kidnapping, violence, cursing, minor character death
The noise of an airplane propeller shook you from your sleep. Ever since you touched this island, you were sensitive to every little sound or movement. Sitting up sharply, you looked to see Pope doing the same. The two of you were quick to catch sight of the plane dancing in the clouds and started shaking friends awake.
“Guys, plane. Plane!” Shaking JJ’s shoulder aggressively, you collected your ratty shoes from the sand and ran towards the shoreline. 
Taking a look back, you could see the uncertain expression on JJ’s face. In the time you all had spent on the island, he had made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want to leave. This was JJ’s element, his safe space. He was with you, his family, and they were making things work with scraps. This was the Full Pogue experience he had always dreamed of.
“Hey! We’re down here!” John B was suddenly next to you and waving his arms aggressively to draw any ounce of attention to your group. Pope and Cleo took off up the field to light a fire in hopes that the pilot would see.
A defeated sigh left your lips as the plane looked like it would continue on before making a last-minute change and turning.
“Guys, guys. He sees us!” Kie shook your arm in excitement.
“He’s gonna go to the pond. Come on, come on!” Your brother slung his shoestrings over his shoulders and grabbed Sarah’s hand to tug her along up the hill.
JJ caught up to your side as you guys jogged behind your friends. You could tell he was displeased. You tried to understand why he would feel this way, but part of you just wanted to go home. Watching the aircraft make a successful landing, your boyfriend let out a sigh. 
“Come on.” His fingers were rough as they intertwined with your own. You squeezed, trying to give him some sort of comfort about the idea as you caught up with everyone.
The stairs of the cockpit lowered just above the water as a middle-aged man climbed out. He was quick to join in on the noises of celebration coming from Cleo, Pope, and John B. “Well, what do we got here?”
John B glanced back at your group before responding. “You know, just some castaways.”
“Well, I’ll cross that off my grocery list. Uh, hang on! I got just the thing for y’all.” He disappeared back into the plane for a moment. “Two things you need on a deserted island: first aid and rum!”
The bottle splashed in front of Sarah’s feet. She seemed distraught at the sight in front of her, no doubt fearing that her father may be involved in some way. You didn’t blame her. The constant feeling that you need to look over your shoulder was exhausting, but you were hoping it would change.
“So, what’s the story? You guys sank a boat?”
“Jumped off one,” You replied, watching as Sarah bent down to grab the alcohol out of the water. For some reason, you weren’t as hesitant to get out of here as you probably should’ve been. After a month or so of living like this, you would take the Chateau back in a heartbeat. 
The pilot chuckled. “Well, have no fear. Jimmy’s here. I got you.”
Cleo cheered and threw her hands in the air. “Well, all hail Jimmy, guys! Let’s go.”
The pilot, Jimmy, welcomed you all as John B led the way into the plane. Kie gave you and JJ a look before following wordlessly. It seemed a little too good, but who were you to say anything?
You turned to JJ, taking the chance to check-in. “You okay?” Your hand rested on his collarbone, thumb tracing his jawline as you observed him. His whole body was tense; the fun demeanor you’d witnessed after cliff jumping yesterday disappeared without a trace. JJ’s expression was sharp when he made eye contact with you. Thrown off guard, you frowned and dropped your hands to your side. 
“We said we’d never go back, remember? You said you wouldn’t. And here you are, running after a plane that would take us right back into hell?” He shrugged his shoulders before looking away. You were a bit surprised by his hostility, feeling like he was blaming you for everyone else climbing onboard. 
“Who said we’re going back to the OBX?” You countered as you gestured towards the plane. “There’s no way that thing would fly that far anyway. We’re all gonna be together no matter what.”
JJ let out a heavy breath and refused to look at you. “You don’t get it.” He hauled his boots up before brushing past you to head after your friends into the aircraft. You turned on your heels, the fight leaving your body at the idea of him being so upset over leaving this place. There was no point in arguing right now. 
With a huff, you climbed on board, thanking Jimmy for letting you all come before settling down between Sarah and Kie. The idea of being able to take a shower and put fresh clothes on was amazing right now, so you tried not to hold onto JJ’s poor attitude personally. 
“So, what are you doing all the way out here?” JJ asked as the engine started up. 
“I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spotting fish. You know, the usual. Wahoo,” Jimmy replied as he began flipping switches and steering. “I’d hang on to something. Gets a little spicy on takeoff.”
You shared a look with Pope, the two of you not big airplane people to begin with. Grabbing onto nearby straps, you clenched the fabric tightly. The plane jerked once before things steadied out and you could eventually see the water and island far beneath you from the sky. 
Taking a deep breath, you leaned your head against the metal behind you in hopes that it would calm your racing heart. You were grateful for the opportunity to hopefully go somewhere a little better, but the lack of safety equipment in this plane made you nauseous. 
“Wahoo don’t run in September. Ever, alright?” JJ’s voice broke you out of your self-induced trance. You opened your eyes to see him leaning toward your group as far away from Jimmy as he could get. “So, whoever this man is, he’s not a fisherman.”
“No, I know what this is,” Sarah said as if the answer was obvious, “He’s working for my dad, and he’s probably been looking for us this entire time.”
Pope considered the idea. “Alright, we gotta find out. Start looking for some sort of… clues.”
JJ and John B were quick to create a plan to distract Jimmy. While your brother busied himself with asking pointless questions, JJ dug straight into the satchel hanging on the seat. A few books tumbled into his hands. A photo slid out of the first one, Sarah being quick to grab it. You peeked over her shoulder to see a crisp clear photo of the Coastal Venture.
“This is the boat we were on, with Eberhimi and the cross,” She whispered.
“So he was looking for us?” Cleo asked as she got a look at the picture for herself. A nervous feeling built in your stomach at the thought of this man searching for you on purpose, maybe even for Ward’s bidding. 
A sharp movement of the airplane had you all bracing for some stability as Jimmy called out about turbulence. Kiara looked over your shoulder out the window. You followed her gaze to the window where land was creeping into the blue of the ocean. “Whatever it is, it’s happening fast. Look.” 
“That looks like Barbados. I’ve been there with Terrance,” Cleo piped up as the rest of your group observed what would most likely be the landing place. 
“Okay. There’s six of us, one of him. You know my vote, we storm the cockpit.”
You gave JJ an incredulous look at his suggestion. “No, who’s gonna fly the plane, dumbass?”
“I’ve seen Pope fly simulators.”
“I crop dusted for my uncle last summer, that is not the same thing!”
The group continued to bicker back and forth before ultimately deciding the best option would be to land safely and book it as soon as you got the opportunity. John B was quick to start a conversation with Jimmy again so JJ could sneak the books back into the satchel. It seemed like all was well until the pilot happened to glance over his right shoulder, exactly where JJ was scrambling in his stuff.
The plane jerked aggressively as the boys broke into a fight. Screaming echoed around you with shouts to fly the plane overwhelming as you grabbed on for some sort of hold. The water was approaching rapidly when Jimmy finally turned back around in an attempt to save everyone. Admitting defeat, you closed your eyes tightly and braced against the wall when the first hit came. 
The plane bounced across the ocean, sending the six of you into a mess of tangled limbs against the floor. Someone’s elbow jammed into the weak spot of your back as you cried out. The water started flooding the ground as you all scrambled for an escape. 
“Everybody good?”
The cool liquid sent a chill up your spine once you finally found some footing. John B shoved the door open and crawled out first. You could barely see the people crowding the beach at the sight of the accident.
“They do not look friendly.”
You looked closer, noticing the weapons and vests they were wearing to separate them from casual observers. Slipping on the wet metal, you shifted through the water as everyone began scrambling from the singing airplane. 
“Y/N, let’s go!”
You spared a glance back at where Jimmy was passed out in his seat. A tug pulled in your chest, the idea of leaving someone to drown not sitting well with you. Cursing to yourself, you pushed through the water to grab onto the pilot and tug him out.
“No, no, no. Y/N, let’s go!”
You ignored the shouts of concern and worked on tugging Jimmy into the open water. Your feet kicked as hard as possible to keep you both afloat as he slowly started coming to. You waited until the sand was under your feet and bystanders came to help to let go. 
Coughing up water, you turned to glare at the man you’d rescued. “You lied to us.” Adrenaline was pumping through your system, the fear of what had happened taking over. 
The sound of ATVs flooded your senses as you turned to look over your shoulder. The beach was crowded with a series of men, all in tan tactical gear, and all of them heading towards you. 
“You should get out of here.”
Ignoring Jimmy’s useless advice, you took off up the shore in hopes that you could lose them in the mass of people. A rotting boat was taking up part of the shore but you quickly navigated through an opening to hide in the darkness of it. 
You held your breath at the sound of footsteps, a pair of boots coming into view. As soon as the person’s eyes came a little too close, you lashed out and kicked him away from your hideout.
“She’s over here!”
“Shit!” Crawling as fast as possible, you moved through the sand in hopes to avoid the oncoming hands but fell short when a foot tripped your own. Sand clouded your vision as two sets of hands latched on to you and pulled you back up. “Let me go!” You yanked and struggled against them in a desperate attempt to free yourself.
 Eventually, the back and forth became too much for the two men who resorted to picking you up out of the sand to move you into a waiting pickup truck. One of your attackers was quick to slide a thick black zip tie around your wrists, effectively ending any sort of backlash as they pushed you into the tailgate corner. 
“We lost the others. We’ll keep searching.”
The words coming from the man’s radio brought you a slight bit of comfort knowing that the rest of the Pogues got away. You sagged against the side of the truck in exhaustion as the adrenaline began to seep away. 
Jimmy suddenly popped into view, your anger quickly resurfacing at the sight of him. “I save your life,” You sneered.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry. I’m gonna try to help you, okay?” He sighed, “I swear. I didn’t know it was gonna be like this. Look, if you don’t fight, if you just do what they say, these guys prob… probably won’t hurt you.”
You shook your head and glared. “Because that’s so reassuring. What did Ward promise you?”
“Who?” He didn’t wait for you to answer the question and continued, “Hey, just take my advice and do what they say. Good luck.”
The truck engine started a second later, one of the guards climbing in the back with you before the vehicle took off. You groaned, tears fighting your eyes at the idea of being taken from your brother and your boyfriend once again. You were sick of this violence around every corner, sick of always being taken from your loved ones.
The sun was warm on your bare skin but did nothing to ease the anxiety building in your chest. You were not equipped enough to keep handling this shit by yourself. The drive continued until you took a right turn down a private road lined with palm trees, blocked with more guards. A watchdog circled the truck as the other guards surveyed who was in the vehicle before it was allowed through. 
Surveying your surroundings, more guards, ATVs, and weapons were at every glance. Your heart sank, knowing there was no way you would be able to outrun everything on your own. One of the guards came to pull you out of the back once the truck came to a stop. You were led up to a large white-colored mansion, the sight of even more guards making you sick. 
The front door opened to reveal a woman dressed in a maid-styled uniform. She took a brief glance at you before letting the both of you through. The foyer area was decorated with expensive artifacts and paintings as you walked. “Take her upstairs. The Orinoco Room.”
A different guard took place and pulled your elbow up the stairs and practically tossed you inside the room, only sparing a second to cut the ties around your wrists.
“Why am I here? Who are you working for?” You took a step back away, the idea of being locked in a room with no escape again haunting your mind. 
“Dinner at eight. I’d clean up.” The door slammed and locked a second later without another word. Your feet stumbled backward until you collided with the bed frame. A sob choked through your throat as the memories became heavy, this feeling all too familiar to you. You didn’t even know if you could be rescued by the Pogues at this point. You were royally fucked.
An hour or two passed before you were able to get yourself out of bed to explore the room. A handful of identical dresses hung in the closet with a note to pick your size attached. Alarms went off in your head at the creepy aura surrounding the gesture before you dropped the paper to the carpet. Moving into the bathroom, a shower was 100% necessary first and foremost. If you were going to go headfirst into this by yourself, might as well clean up when you can.
The products in the shower had to have cost a fortune based on their looks and efficiency. As terrified as you were, this was much nicer than being trapped in the Cameron household endlessly. You took your time to get decent and explore the rest of the room. Dogs barked occasionally from outside, a reminder of the ever-present guards at every corner. 
A sharp knock startled you back to reality as the housekeeper from earlier entered. “He’s ready.”
You didn’t question it, standing up and smoothing out the fabric of the dress as you followed her down the winding staircase. She guided you into one of the rooms connecting to the entranceway before leaving. 
There was one other person in the room, dressed in a tux with their back to you as they poured liquor into a glass. You cleared your throat slightly. “Excuse me?”
Your heart dropped as the person turned around to reveal Rafe Cameron. A fresh buzz cut to his hair made him almost unrecognizable, but he still invoked the same horrible fear in you. This was slowly becoming your worst nightmare all over again. Chest tight with an approaching anxiety attack, you wondered what the hell you were going to do without John B and JJ.
“Y/N?” He looked shocked for some reason and quickly closed the distance between you as his expression shifted to one of anger. You immediately took a step back in return. “Are you trying to weasel in on my deal right now? Is that what’s going on?”
You stared at him for a moment while trying to process what the hell was actually happening. A voice from the other half of the room seemed to hear your thoughts. “I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know.”
The two of you turned simultaneously to the man who had spoken. He too was dressed in a suit, holding a glass of whiskey as he walked towards you. 
“Who are you?” Rafe didn’t hesitate to ask the obvious.
The man pointed to himself like he was surprised the question was even asked. “Me? My name is Carlos Singh. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. And Miss Routledge, I do apologize for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But please, come, sit down. Come now, I don’t bite.”
There was a period of hesitation before you finally took the initiative to step forward into the sitting room, leaving Rafe to follow behind. “Rough tactics?” The Kook repeated. “What about me?”
“Yes, Mr. Cameron, false pretenses, but the ends justify the means, I’m afraid.” Carlos poured himself another hefty drink before asking Rafe to sit again. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“Why are we here?” The question you’d been wanting to know the answer to since the moment they came after you on the beach. Why? Why you and why here?
Carlos stood in front of the two of you and took a sip. “Well, Ms. Routledge, Mr. Cameron. We share certain interests, you know? Objectives.”
“Is this not about the cross?” Rafe’s already limited patience was wearing thin and you feared he would snap any second when he didn’t receive answers. 
“It is. Tangentially, it is about the cross, but it’s also about something much, much bigger.” Carlos turned around to face a framed painting on the wall that depicted a deep grassland with pyramids of gold. “By orders of magnitude… the completion of a grand quest. You see, the story goes that 450 years ago, a Spanish soldier came out of the Orinoco Basin with a few gold beads. When they asked the Spanish soldier where the beads came from, he replied that he got them from a peaceful Indigenous tribe who lived in a city of gold. El Dorado. For the next 450 years, people tried to find that gold, you know. They tried. Conquistadors, knights, captains of ships, tribes, entire nations. All fighting each other in a race for the end of the rainbow. Thousands of lives. And it falls to me, you know. It falls to me to complete the task, to bring full circle to a quest that has gone on for almost 500 years. Perhaps…perhaps the greatest quest in the history of the western hemisphere. And you two are going to play a part in that.”
“What about you, Ms. Routledge? Are you interested in history?”
The question made you want to roll your eyes. “I’m more of a future person.”
Rafe spoke up, “You know, I almost didn’t listen to a word you said, okay? How much you gonna keep philosophizing?” You honestly wanted to thank him for his straightforward attitude when it came to this.
“You are direct, aren’t you, Mr. Cameron?” Silence followed.
“What do you need from me?” At this point, you were willing to give him whatever he asked for, so long as it was within reason. You wanted out.
Carlos spared you a glance. “I’ve come to believe that you and your friends are in possession of something that can help me get what I want. An old manuscript, a diary actually.”
For a moment, you blanked on what exactly he meant. Then it hit you, Mr. Sunn had given Pope the diary of Denmark Tanny during your hunt for the cross. And if the cross, the gold, and this… El Dorado were all related… you had the key to where you needed to go. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rafe replied as you shook your head lightly.
“I don’t know anything about a diary,” You added, “My brother and dad are the treasure people, not me.”
Carlos looked you dead in the eye. “How else could you have learned that the cross was on the Royal Merchant?”
Shrugging instantly, you stared him right back. “Look, I want to help you, but I can’t. I don’t have what you’re looking for.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t say that you know, because unfortunately… I don’t believe you. You and your friends couldn’t have found that cross without it.”
“He’s not my friend.” The statement was short and sharp in nature as you spat it back at him. Fuck this dude for pulling you away from your friends, and fuck Rafe for all he did to you.
The Cameron next to you clapped his hands and got to his feet without warning. “Well, this is ridiculous. Okay? I’m out. I don’t know anything about a diary, okay? So-” He moved towards the open door but was forced back the second an armed guard appeared. 
“Do I look like a fool to you, Mr. Cameron?” Carlos repeated his question when Rafe didn’t answer. “You have the cross. She and her friends had the cross at one point. So one of you has the diary. And if you really don’t know, I suggest you convince your friend here to give it to me.” 
A finger was directed towards you, pulling Rafe’s gaze with it as the two of you held each other’s attention for a moment.
“Once I have the diary, you’ll be free to leave.” When nobody made a comment in return, Carlos moved towards the door to leave. “Enjoy the grounds during your stay. I must warn you though. I’m not a man of infinite patience. You have one day. Go to the window for a little demonstration. I think you’ll enjoy it, you know?” He placed two solid pats on Rafe’s bicep before exiting the room. 
The door was forced closed a moment after, Rafe calling out in shock as the lock clicked. If you weren’t freaking the hell out before, you sure as shit were now. While Rafe attempted to wiggle the door loose, you moved over to one of the sheer curtains covering a window and moved it aside. The guards and dogs were still circling, but this time a new figure joined. Jimmy was being pulled along onto the patio.
“Who the hell is that guy?” Rafe was suddenly so close to you, your whole body going rigid in response. 
“It’s Jimmy Portis,” You kept your reply simple. No need to converse with him beyond the bare minimum. He didn’t deserve it.
Carlos showed up through the glass a moment later, sparing the time to turn and find the two of you in the window before he pulled a gun from his waistband. A sharp gasp left your mouth as you figured out where this was going next.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”
Every inch of your being was telling you to look away, not that you could see them underneath the rooftop of the patio. The loud bang came fast, an involuntary flinch wracking your body as the gunshot echoed. 
“This diary. Hey, no bullshit. Okay? Do you have it?” Rafe was inches from your face, the warmth of his breath on your cheek as you continued to stare forward. “Y/N?”
You turned to him sharply. “No.”
You hardly slept that night. The silky tank top and pants that were laid out made you so uncomfortable, not to mention the threat on your horizon if you didn’t figure out what the hell to do. Not to mention, Rafe was sleeping not even a foot away on the floor. With so much “gracious hospitality”, Carlos Singh couldn’t even be bothered to spare another bedroom.
You hoped JJ, John B, and the Pogues were at least doing better than you. Maybe they’d found a way home by now and we’re just waiting for you to escape. Even if you guys didn’t make it out of Barbados, you just wanted to be back with them.
Taking a glance at Rafe’s sleeping form, you pushed yourself off the bed to go by the window where guards had been stationed on the connecting balcony. Body moving before your consciousness, you tapped on the window to get the person’s attention. 
“I need to talk to Mr. Singh,” You tried to keep your voice somewhat quiet. The guard looked at you confused, so you repeated the statement slower.
“What are you doing?” Rafe had woken up at the noise and rushed over to you. “Shut up, shut up, shut up. What the hell are you doing?”
You turned around to glare at him. “Like I owe you an explanation for absolutely anything.” You brushed past him to the other door in the room.
“Think for a second, Y/N! What are you doing?”
Ignoring his question, you began to knock on the wooden door separating you from the rest of the house. “Hello?” When Rafe wouldn’t stop pushing, you snapped. “Don’t fucking talk to me.”
“You’re lying, about this diary. You know where it is?”
You shook your head. “No, I don’t.”
Rafe let out a groan as you moved away from him again. “Okay, listen, I wouldn’t tell me either, but he’s never gonna believe we don’t know something, alright? Listen to me! Singh killed that-”
The second his hand touched your shoulder, you whipped around and smacked him. Hard. “Don’t fucking touch me!” The two of you stood there for a moment, tensions high with the looming death threat. 
Rafe raised his hands in surrender. “Look around you. I’m the only friend you got.”
You were prepared to shut him down a second later, but the click of the door lock interrupted the opportunity. The guard from the balcony appeared in the doorway and you were quick to move toward him without a thought. Ignoring Rafe’s annoying voice from behind you, the guard escorted you out of the room and relocked the door. 
Carlos Singh didn’t look surprised at your presence when you entered the study. You stopped short of the table he was seated at. 
“I lied. I know about the diary,” You admitted, fingers clenching the fabric of your clothes. “I don’t have the original, but I can get you a copy.”
He looked you over for a moment before nodding slightly. “I’m relieved to hear you say that, you know. May I offer you something to eat?”
“I’m not hungry.”
He almost laughed at how quick your response was. “Relax, nothing’s gonna happen to you now. You’re cooperating, and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I just want to get you what you want, and then I want to leave,” Your voice was stern right back to him, refusing to show a hint of weakness. “I know where it is. But I have to go by myself. Alone.”
In the back of your head, you’re praying that the Twinkie is still alive somewhere on the OBX. Somewhere you can get a copy of the diary and maybe make a run for it.
“How would I know that you’d come back? I need some collateral.”
“Rafe’s here.” There was zero hesitation to offer him up for your sure-to-be disappearance. You didn’t give a shit what happened to him. “Keep him.
Signh laughed at your offer. “Rafe. No, I’ve heard tellings about what happened between the two of you. How did someone so young, get into so much trouble?” He rose from his chair to walk past you. You were quick to follow him.
“Look, I know where the diary is, and if you let me go, I promise you I can get it to you.”
Carlos shut down after that, his responses snippy and harsh until his phone broke the tension. He paused and rubbed his face before going to look at it. You were shocked when he looked at you and laughed. “Amazing. A text from our friend Jimmy Portis. From beyond the grave apparently. It seems Mr. Portis has captured your friends.”
The phone turned towards you to show a picture of John B and Sarah sitting next to each other with the message I got these two underneath. It was obvious they were trying to stage it out to look realistic. They had no idea what had happened. Singh called out for one of his guards.
“Get the big trucks and meet me outback.” His orders were quickly obeyed before he called on another guard. “Fenton. Get Miss Routledge.”
“Mr. Singh, Mr. Singh, please!” Panic was bubbling in your throat as the guard almost slammed into you before removing you from the study area. “You can’t hurt them, please! They’re all I have left, just leave them alone!” Your voice cracked with the strength of your yelling. The guard didn’t falter amongst your struggles and continued to push you up the stairs and back in the room without another word.
Rafe watched silently as you crawled into a ball at the foot of the bed. “What happened?” When you didn’t answer, he let out a sharp breath. “You’re gonna have to talk to me at some point. Okay?”
“Do I have to remind you of everything you’ve done?” You shot back as you looked at him. “You killed Peterkin. Do you remember that? And everything you’ve put Sarah through. Everything you put me through?”
“Peterkin, I was protecting my father, okay? I did what I had to, so don’t.” He walked away from you to sit in one of the armchairs. “I’m as much a victim as she is.”
You turned to give him the nastiest look you could muster. “Kook King Rafe Cameron, a victim of what? Consequences of your own fucking actions? Daddy issues?”
You hardly listened to the so-called explanation he tried to give. It was hard to find any empathy in your body towards the person in front of you. You couldn’t care less about what Rafe thought he was owed. All you cared about was getting the hell out of here, with or without him.
“Look, I have a boat that can get us off the island, okay? But first, we gotta get out of here, and it is better if we work together.”
The sound of yelling outside had the two of you on your feet and heading to the window. Two trucks were lining up for guards to climb into, an assortment of weapons on them.
“They’re leaving?” Rafe asked. 
You took a deep breath, dread flooding your chest as you watched them drive away. “They’re going to find John B and Sarah.”
“Sucks for them,” Rafe said as if he wasn’t talking about both of your siblings being at risk. “That’s good for us though. This may be our only shot of getting out of here.”
Rafe was quick to create a plan, something that would pull the guard from your door so you could slip out. Did you like it? Not in the slightest because it was a little to close for comfort. 
“I’m gonna kill you, Y/N!”
You screamed in response, running into the wall to make it seem like Rafe had actually shoved you while he threw a glass vase to the floor. He held a finger to his lips as the guard outside called for the two of you. You continued to lay still, one leg hanging out of the bathtub, knowing your feet would be the first thing in eyesight.
“Hey, you two! What’d you do?” Silence followed the voice on the other side of the door before you could hear the lock click.
Everything moved fast from there; Rafe slammed the guard with the bathroom door and exchanged punches with him while you managed to grab the fallen gun. Rafe was quick to grab the man’s phone while you tore a curtain off the bedframe and handed it to him so he could restrain the guard.
The two of you took off, moving through the house as quietly and quickly as possible. You managed to talk him into exchanging the gun in your hands for the phone, knowing exactly what clues the Pogues would need. You snuck around to get a quick photo of the painting that Carlos had been so intent on explaining to the two of you before following Rafe out the side door.
A grain delivery was occurring just outside, a large truck pulling away just as you stepped out. Your eyes followed the road along the grass line before you were moving, calling for Rafe to follow. The two of you managed to find a gap in the bushes just as the truck hit the corner going slow enough that you could climb on. 
You weren’t prepared, however, for there to be a worker in the back. Rafe moved before you even blinked to attack the man in front of you, eventually gaining the upper hand to throw him off the vehicle into the trees. 
Your eyes were wide as you faced the eldest Cameron but you didn’t have time to question his anger when you heard a familiar noise. The sound of bells was always a comfort in your life. When you and John B were kids, it was the way your dad would tell you it was time to come inside. The pattern coming from the local church was identical to the one your dad would do. Chills raced down your spine at the noise, wondering if maybe it was John B trying to draw you in after all.
You weren’t sure how much time passed under the tarp, out of prying eyes with Rafe Cameron. You were beyond done with his presence and just wanted to jump off the truck, but thankfully you guys were able to make it to the marina where his boat was docked. 
Climbing on the large pristine boat, you swore you could hear the bells ringing again, even this far away. You stopped short of untying the bowline, suddenly against the idea of getting on a boat with just Rafe Cameron. 
“I can’t get it.” You lied easily, faking a pull on the rope. “I need some help.”
Rafe let out a loud groan, barking for you to move since he ‘had to do everything’. The second he untied the line, you shoved his chest harshly, watching as he splashed into the water below. You took off, hopping up to the cabin area to move the boat out from the dock. Rafe yelled hysterically below you yet you couldn’t help but smile once you got moving. Pulling the phone from your pocket, you typed a quick message, your heart racing in anticipation.
After docking at a different marina, you waited, foot tapping excessively, for some response that they were coming. The church bells kept continuously ringing, freaking you out even further that maybe they didn’t know where you were.
Eyes on the sidewalk, you watched anxiously for some kind of sign. It came straight towards you in a light blue button-down. You moved quickly the second you made eye contact. “JJ?”
JJ’s whole figure drooped in relief at the sight of you, unharmed. He had felt so much guilt, so much anxiety over the way you two weren’t on the best of terms before you were taken. His feet moved rapidly, body colliding with yours as he lifted you off the ground. Your legs wrapped around his waist out of habit, holding him as tightly as you could.
“Holy shit, you’re safe. I’m right here, I got you.”
You let out a sob, tears streaming down your cheeks before you kissed him heavily. Nothing was as calming as being wrapped in his embrace, feeling his hands on your arms, his lips on yours. You took a moment before separating, your feet returning to the ground before you were attacked by another set of arms.
John B was fucking terrified. The moment you got yanked out of the sand, Sarah was holding him back from going after you. Everything felt too real now, too heavy. Knowing that the second one of you disappeared could be the last time they saw you was scary. He was sick of losing, and he wasn’t about to stand by and watch it happen to you all over again.
More shaky hands piled onto you and your brother, your friends wiggling their way into a huge group hug of relief. Kiara’s hands grabbed your cheeks once everyone stepped away. “You’re not hurt, right?” You could see her eyes scanning for any sort of injury.
You shook your head, brushing tears off your face. “No, no. I’m okay. I’m okay.”
“Are you kidding me, babe?” 
You followed JJ’s gaze to the large boat you had climbed off a few moments ago. You laughed, “Oh, yeah. Rafe let me take it for a spin.”
You ignored the rapid onset of questions as your group piled onto the boat. You froze, however, at the sound of the bells tolling. Now you knew it wasn’t John B, and based on the way he was looking back at you, he was questioning them too.
“You don’t think-”
“There’s no way.”
Both of you spoke at the same time, glancing towards the hillside the church was located on. What would be the chances that your father happened to be in Barbados of all places, coincidentally when you crash-landed there?
“Yeah, so I have just a couple of questions,” JJ interrupted your sibling moment as everyone gathered around the two of you. “A Lagoon 620 with twin 150 Volvos. You understand we can go anywhere with this thing, right? Way to be discreet, by the way.”
You rolled your eyes, giving him the middle finger. 
“What did they want from you?” Sarah asked the question that the group had been pondering over for two days now. “You swear Rafe didn’t hurt you?”
You sat down on one of the couch cushions. “No, no. I’m fine, promise. I um… Singh wanted Denmark’s diary, of all things.”
Pope frowned at the revelation. “Why?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Said it leads to a treasure that’s bigger than the Merchant.”
“A bigger treasure?” JJ repeated as he sat next to you, arm naturally wrapping around you to pull in close. “Sign me up.”
A moment of processing followed before your friends decided it was time to split and started prepping to leave. JJ moved with them, going to untie the lines. You decided to follow John B and Sarah up to the top deck.
“She’s right, we really need to go,” Sarah reiterated as she tossed a line down below. 
The bells chimed again a few seconds after she finished, both you and John B looking towards the church before glancing at each other. 
“Okay, you definitely heard that, right?” Your brother turned towards his girlfriend for an answer.
“Yeah, I do now.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “That’s exactly what Dad would do to call us home. That pattern those bells.”
Sarah stopped her movements to look at the two of you. She could see the lingering sadness, the defeat that maybe he really was dead and this was a coincidental joke tugging at you. She also knew John B, and she knew where he went, you were usually close behind. 
“Okay. I get it.” The two of you snapped up to look at her. “You wanna go to the tower to go look? Go look.”
John B seemed shocked at her willingness. “You sure?”
She took another glance at you and nodded. “I’m serious. Hurry, and take this.”
“Sarah…” You walked up next to them, hesitant about leaving them again so soon.
She smiled at you. “Yes, yes. You don’t think I know the two of you? He’s gonna drive us all insane if he doesn’t look, and you’re not gonna let him go alone. So go look.”
You shared a glance with John B before darting down the stairs. JJ was on the dock, untying another line when you collided into him. 
“Whoa, hey. You okay?”
“I gotta go.” You didn’t give him a chance to react, John B already climbing off the boat behind you. “I’m going with John B. We’ll be back, okay?”
JJ looked panicked at the idea of you leaving when he just got you back. He knew better than to question you though, and if John B was going, it was enough for him. He gave you a nod, hands coming to rest on your cheeks before he kissed you softly. “I love you, okay?”
“Love you more,” You whispered back, giving him one more kiss before taking off after your brother. Not only were you two navigating a foreign area, but you needed to keep low from Singh’s men too. John B kept glancing back at you, slowing to stay with you when he could.
You slowed your light jog at the top of a hill, the church almost within reach? “Do you really think it’s him?”
John B paused, the two of you taking in the sound of the bells again. “I just… I have this feeling. And I need to know.”
He understood why you were hesitant. Your relationship with your dad wasn’t the greatest, especially as you got older. John B was always the favorite, which would’ve been fine if your dad hadn’t just started neglecting you in return. That’s where you clung to John B, why the two of you grew to be so protective of each other. 
The climb up the side of the mountain was rough, but you managed to do it without any slipping. You honestly didn’t know if this was something you were ready for, but you’d do it for John B. Even if your dad didn’t speak to you, it would be fine. You both deserved answers. 
The church itself was gorgeous with stained glass windows and coiled staircases. You followed your brother silently up the steps, unsure of what to expect. Every creak and groan of the building had the two of you hesitant to keep moving. 
You came through an archway before John B followed a shadow across into the other stairwell. From the glimpse you got, your heart started racing in your chest. You moved down the stairs slowly, the two of you stopping short halfway. 
There, at the bottom of the stairs, stood Big John Routledge. Alive.
Your father turned to face the two of you, taking in the sight of his two children in the glow of the sunset. “What took you so long, kids? I’ve been ringing for hours.”
John B practically ran down the rest of the stairs and straight into your father’s arms. You stood, frozen in place at the sight before you. Emotions weren’t easy to process. You were a lovely combination of anger, sadness, and joy right now, your mind turning Inside Out at the idea of your father standing here after so long. 
“My baby bird.”
The nickname sucked all the air out of your lungs as you realized your father’s eyes were on you. Your feet moved slowly, hesitant about what exactly you were signing yourself up for, but the moment your dad had you within grasp, he hugged you as tight as he could. You felt like an innocent little kid all over again, with her big brother and Dad always there to protect her. 
“Oh, kids. We have a lot to talk about, huh?”
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msbigredmachine · 1 year
Angel/Beautiful (Jey Uso/OC)
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Long-time feelings are finally expressed on a night out. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 7.2k
A/N: This is the fluff/smut fic from the poll that Jey won. Partly inspired by the Walemania pics from WM39.
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She couldn’t help herself. She had never felt this way about anybody before. And he had not done all that much to make her feel like this. When she was not wrestling, she was talking Mona and Jacqui’s ears off about him. Every night she went to bed thinking about him…She had fantasized about him since the day they first met, touching herself alone in her room as she imagined being held by him, touched by him…fucked by him.
Vivienne had done some pretty interesting things to get Jey Uso’s attention. She made no bones about how shameless she was about shooting her shot. Like rigging the annual Secret Santa draw to ensure she chose him, and gifting him with a watch that she’d heard from a source - aka Roman - that he wanted. She sent him flowers on Valentine’s Day and openly flirted with him every chance she got. Accessing his circle was easy because she was always around Jacqui and Mona, both of whom were dating Roman and Jimmy respectively. Everyone thought her antics were adorable, but secretly, it was a defensive mechanism of sorts, to soften the blow when he eventually, and inevitably, turned down her more serious advances. Luckily, Jey seemed flattered and was taking it all in his stride. It was all fun and banter, really. 
Until he started texting her first. Checking on her. Then, he would ask her out for coffee before the show started and pick her up after the shows to head to the next city. Sometimes alone, sometimes in the company of others. He included her in more and more social gatherings, like the one happening later tonight. It was their day off and a group of them wanted to check out a new spot in town. This morning, he sent a text that had her head spinning:
‘Sup angel, we goin out with the squad tonight. Wear something nice for me. 😉😚
As she checked her hair and her outfit in the mirror of the lobby, a million different scenarios played in her mind. The romantic in her wanted so badly to believe they could take things further tonight. All signs pointed to a strong mutual attraction. But the more pragmatic side of her knew to err on the side of caution. After all, the last man she gave her heart to, broke it - and broke her - into a million pieces. 
She would be fine. This was nothing like her last relationship. She and Jey were just playing a game, a fun, harmless game. It was going to be a good night.
An uproar of laughter caught her attention, her eyes looking up just in time to spot him coming into the lobby with Roman, Jimmy and a lot of the guys from Smackdown in tow. They all looked amazing - she could hear the other girls oohing and aahing, not least Jacqui and Mona. But Vivienne had her eye on one man and one man only. 
God, he’s so handsome. 
She could see him looking around, probably trying to figure out where she could be. Sweetly, he seemed a little nervous, wringing his hands as he searched for her. Taking one last steady breath, she walked into his line of vision and waved him over. His smile had her panties soaked with the quickness. As he made a beeline for her, she forced herself to calm down as her body grew hotter. This motherfucker got you weak in the knees…like, bitch, stand uuuup! Stand up!
“Hey, Big Daddy Jey. You lookin’ real good tonight.” More than good; decked in all red, with white Air Force Ones and a small cross earring adorning his ear, he looked sinfully sexy.
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“What up, Vivi?” She did not miss the way his tongue swished across his lips as he eyed her from head to toe. “You look really beautiful.” 
She absolutely adored his version of her name. Vivi, rather than Viv like most people called her. She liked to think it was their own special thing. “Why thank you, kind sir,” she smiled brightly, posing a little in her bodycon dress which showed off her generous cleavage and curves, with ropey high heeled sandals. The gleam in his eyes as he drank her in was unmistakable. She could almost read the naughty thoughts behind them, and she liked where his mind was at. “Tonight is gonna be fun, you ready?” she added.
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“As long as I’m with you, I’m good. But first let’s take these selfies so Jacqui won’t nag us for the next week about not doing it.” 
“I heard that, Jey!” Jacqui shouted, “Y’all two lovebirds get over here, now!”
They all took pictures in front of the famous sculpture in the lobby, with serious and goofy poses alike. Three limos filled with wrestlers headed to the restaurant they rented out to kick off their night. At dinner, Mona was on Vivienne’s left while Jey was by her right. They were in close contact with each other all evening; fingers brushing together, bodies side by side, paying attention to each other even when they were not talking. Though she was nervous, his reassuring presence calmed her. She could tell he was biding his time, confident that they would have their alone moment eventually. 
That moment came not long after dinner, when everyone moved to the lounge area and were just hanging out and joking around. Jey walked over to Vivienne, silently took her hand and pulled her away from the group. She locked excited gazes with Mona and Jacqui as she walked past them; their thumbs-ups buoyed her, encouraged her to breathe and let Jey lead her outside. 
“Finally,” he smiled, “About damn time I had you all to myself.”
The back of the restaurant led out to a beach. The sound of the waves crashing in the distance was soothing and calming. As they walked down to the patio, Vivienne’s hand brushed against Jey’s, and he smoothly threaded his fingers through hers without missing a beat. Butterflies fluttered in her belly at the warmth of his big hand enclosing hers. 
On the patio, they came across a hanging wicker chair big enough for two. They settled in comfortably, sitting side by side. She could see him smiling at her out of the corner of her eye which made her blush. 
“You good, angel? You’re kinda quiet.”
“I’m good. Just taking in my surroundings…taking you in,” you added, giving him another approving once-over. He looked so good.
He patted his thigh in invitation. “You’ve been shy all evening, baby. No more. Come sit on my lap,” he cajoled.
Eyeing him for a beat, she obliged, swinging her legs up onto his thighs. He did the rest, pulling her closer until his arms were around her waist and her butt was on his lap.
“Better?” she giggled.
“Much better,” he replied just as cheekily, tracing his finger along the side of her arm. “I know you feel the energy between us, right?”
Vivienne nodded, her gaze shifting from their joined hands up to his bearded face. “Yeah, I feel it,” she agreed. She watched him lift her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss so soft and tender on the back, that she swooned. “Mmm, what was that for?”
“Maybe it’s my way of telling you I’m feelin’ you too?” He smiled. “I don’t know if you’ve realized it, but you’ve worked your magic on me, girl.”
Man, he was quite the charmer. “Like they say, hard work pays off,” you joked.
“Mm-hmm. It’s been a while since I’ve been this interested in anybody. It’s been all about work and my sons, and then you tiptoed into my life and my days have become a little better.”
“Aww, I’m blushing, Uce.”
Jey chuckled and glanced down with a shake of his head. “Please don’t call me Uce. Not anymore.”
“That’s that platonic shit. We’re way past that point now.”
She felt a warm fuzzy feeling in her tummy at his knowing grin. Pinch me, she thought. “Is that why your heart’s beating so fast?” she asked, resting her hand on his chest. “Cuz you want me?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” he said simply. 
Vivienne giggled and snuggled into him, laying her head on his shoulder as she stared out into the beach. “Luckily, I want you, too. I’ve always wanted to be with a man like you.”
“A man like me?” A wry smile formed on his lips as he shook his head. “Trust me, baby, I ain’t perfect. Far from it.”
“And yet you call me angel,” she pointed out. “No one’s perfect. But there’s so much that attracts me to you. You’re strong, you’re passionate. You care and you love hard, and that is so sweet to me. On top of that, when I’m with you I feel safe, like I belong with you.”
“I want you to always feel that way with me,” he said sincerely. “You’re so cool, Vivienne, you’re a badass. It’s so dope to see how nothing seems to faze you or bring you down.”
“It's something I had to learn. As bulletproof as I make myself out to be, I bruise easily, Jey. And I don’t just mean in the ring.”
Jey felt his heart sink as he realized what she was talking about. “Hey, don’t say it like that.”
“I have to, because that’s exactly how it was. I may have dark skin, but every mark he left on me was visible to the naked eye. I barely escaped with my life and my daughter’s life. I had to deal with the trauma while trying to raise my baby and making a name for myself in this crazy business of ours. But now I’m a woman reborn, so I’m living life to its fullest. I have no doubt that you understand that.”
“I do. That’s why you’ve been so full-on with me, huh?”
“You could say that. I tend to cover up my terror by being vocal about it, you know. But I meant everything I’ve ever said to you. You’re gorgeous. You’re a good guy. A little oblivious sometimes, a lot blunt too many times, but a good guy.”
“I appreciate your honesty,” he laughed.
“Just being real with you. You make it real easy to fall for you, Jey. Any woman would be lucky to be with you.”
Touched by her sweet words, Jey arched his eyebrow as he held her gaze, drinking in her full mouth, her heaving chest. Having her like this in his arms was something he’d fantasized about for quite some time. And not just this…
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he said, his tongue swishing seductively over his lips.
Vivienne ran her finger along his chin, tracing it beneath his bottom lip. "A couple of times. But I don't mind hearing it again," she whispered.
“I can do better than just tell you,” he offered, his voice deep and sultry and making her heart race. As he pressed his lips to hers, she felt herself float up into the sky. His hand made its way into her hair, holding her to him as the kiss deepened. She moaned softly as his tongue teased her bottom lip before slipping inside her mouth. He tasted like Mai-Tai; strong, rugged, delicious. He pulled back just enough to pepper kisses along her jawline, making her lightheaded. Catching her eyes with a smile, he returned his lips to hers. Vivienne liked how passionately and thoroughly he kissed; his lips and tongue were built for it. He slid his other hand down her back and over her hip, his fingers closing around her thigh. 
“You been drivin’ me crazy for months, girl,” he whispered.
The lust on his face made Vivienne’s pussy tighten with need. She’d never felt so wanted and so sexy with just one look.
“Look who’s talking,” she retorted, her voice raspy with desire, cupping the side of his face and pulling him in for another kiss. She could feel his hand inching further up her thigh, pushing up her dress, exposing more of her skin to the open air.
“This okay, baby?” Jey asked. Vivienne nodded with zero hesitation. Whatever he wanted was exactly what she wanted. His hand weaved its way to the front of her panties, and he groaned when he felt the heat emanating from her pussy, clamoring to be petted and played with. A needy moan rumbled in Vivienne’s chest as he neared the promised land.
Jey didn’t take his eyes off her for a second. Gently but firmly, he caressed her wet folds, gliding his long fingers from top to bottom and back up again. Vivienne tensed from a mix of lust, anticipation and the fear of getting caught. They were not so concealed and anyone who walked out would surely see them.
But getting caught was the least of Jey’s worries. He brazenly brushed his fingers over her clitoris before entering her pussy with one, and then another, churning them inside her while his mouth made out with the curve of her throat. Vivienne gripped his bicep with a breathless moan, her heart fluttering as he kept up the salacious rhythm of his fingers dancing inside her.
“Mmm, you’re dripping. Do I make you wet, baby?” he asked, his voice gruff and hungry.
“Yes,” she sighed, her pulse quickening with every thrust of his long digits.
“Good girl. Love how tight you are too.” He needed her, like asap. Suddenly all Jey wanted in this life was to hear her scream his name. Maybe tonight, if they could. But definitely sooner rather than later.
Without warning he shoved his fingers deeper, burying them up to his knuckles in her. Vivienne’s cry of pleasure was quickly devoured by his mouth on hers, equally swallowed by the crashing waves across from them. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on kissing him. The pleasure pulsing through her was intense, amplified by the feel of her pussy greedily suckling his thick fingers.
“Jey,” she gasped, her head tilting to welcome his lips on her throat again. It was an onslaught, one set of fingers deep in her, the other set molding her breast through her dress. If he was this good with his hand and his mouth, she could only begin to imagine the commotion that the rock-hard dick throbbing against the back of her thigh would cause. Jey Uso was a dangerous man, and she was tumbling headfirst into the danger with no safety net.
“That’s it, baby, let me make you feel good,” he responded, kissing her again. His fingers were meeting far less resistance now as she was dripping all over the digits. This only fueled him to thrust faster, dig deeper, his own breathing ragged and heavy as he took everything she had.
Vivienne's breaths spiraled out of control as the orgasm claimed her. She moaned and panted as Jey continued to pump his fingers, making her come hard and long. It was almost too much, yet it was still not enough. Vivienne had to have him inside her.
“Fuck,” she breathed, clinging to him. He slowly pulled his fingers out of her, and she shivered when he brought them to his mouth for a taste. She watched with helpless, hazy eyes as he licked his fingers clean.
“Mmm, the sweetest little pussy. My sweet Vivi.”
His impromptu nickname for her had her sensitive pussy clenching again. A smirk curved his lips at her little blush as he pulled down her dress, covering up her modesty. He looked around quickly; they were still alone outside.
“You okay?” he asked her, stroking her leg tenderly.
“Damn, Big Daddy.”
Chuckling softly, he brushed his lips over hers in a softer, more chaste kiss. “We should head back inside,” he murmured, gently standing her up, and smiled at her disappointed features. “Don’t worry, baby, we got all night.”
By the time they returned, karaoke was in full swing. When it was his turn, Jey belted out a rather sweet rendition of “All My Life” by K-Ci and Jojo and kept his eyes on Vivienne the whole time, making all the ladies swoon. In contrast, Vivienne’s choice was the far more raunchy “WAP”, complete with a full lap dance on Jey. Mona and Jacqui could not believe their eyes and neither could the rest of the group. Jey blushing throughout her little performance made it even cuter.
The blossoming couple was inseparable for the rest of the night. Jey made it a point to stay by Vivienne’s side, kissing and touching her sensually the whole time. Deciding to be random, they cut a slightly drunken, Uso penitentiary-like promo on her Instagram live. Each time they danced together, it was a glorified dry-humping session. Her new seat was on his lap with his arms wrapped dutifully around her. Vivienne soaked up all the attention he was giving her. She was loving this new turn with him, and judging from the permanent smile on his face, so did he.
Roman invited those who needed a place to crash back to his condo. Most people declined as they had flights to catch the next day, so all that was left was the Bloodline and their ladies. Before heading out, they made a stop at a nearby convenience store to grab some things for the condo. 
Jey cheekily palmed Vivienne’s ass as they walked up to the front counter with their selected items, earning a playful glare from her. Boxing her in against the counter with his bigger frame, he handed the cashier his card to pay. A row of shelves lined with branded contraceptives caught Vivienne’s eye. Wordlessly, she reached up, picked out a Trojan pack-of-ten and tossed it among their other purchases.
Jey grinned, kissed her neck and pressed himself against her. “That’s what I’m talkin ‘bout,” he murmured.
The limo ride home was uneventful save for Jimmy and Mona’s hyper singing and rapping. Roman and Jacqui were locked in a heavy make out session in the back of the limo. Vivienne was content to just be in Jey’s arms and watch her friends be happy.
“You okay, angel?” Jey asked her, resting his hand on her thigh as he looked at her with sensual eyes. 
“Mm-hmm.” Having become much bolder over the night, she tugged his head down for yet another kiss. Soft and teasing, her lips sweeping gently over his. The tip of his tongue tickled her bottom lip and she opened up for him. His warm, wet tongue caressed her mouth and she slowly dragged hers over his. When she withdrew her lips to breathe, the hunger in Jey’s gaze made her loins throb.
“You two are so cute!” Mona gushed from her place on Jimmy's lap, causing Vivienne to blush and duck her head in Jey’s shoulder.
Back at Roman’s condo, Mona and Jimmy arranged themselves under a blanket on the sofa. Jacqui and Roman were first to disappear into one of the bedrooms downstairs. Jey dropped down in an armchair and pulled Vivienne onto his lap. Jimmy grabbed them all big bottles of water - no one wanted to drink any more alcohol - and put on a random documentary on Netflix.
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After about ten minutes of squirming, Jimmy stood up. "Uh, we’re gonna go get some sleep, I think,” he said, casting his girlfriend a sly glance.
Vivienne smirked as she watched Mona take Jimmy’s hand and lead him away towards another bedroom. "Goodnight guys," she called out.
"Roman said something about another room upstairs, if y’all are interested," Jimmy said, and then added, “Sorry, when you’re interested.”
"All good, man, we cool," Jey reassured him with a thumbs up, "Go get you some, Uce!"
Jimmy smiled back, distracted, then stumbled off to the bedroom behind Mona, not quite closing the door all the way behind him.
“Wanna go to bed before they start makin’ all that noise?” Jey asked Vivienne.
Right on cue, they heard Jacqui moan.
As they left the living room and headed upstairs, Vivienne felt her heart pound with excitement, quickly accelerating when they entered their room for the night. Beautiful bedroom, just like the rest of the apartment. The king-sized bed was made, but she knew it wouldn’t be for long. After tugging the window open to let in some fresh air, Jey turned, a serious look on his face as he walked over to her. Holding her close, he smoothed his big hands up and down her waist, a smile on his face as he looked down at her. 
Fuck. This was finally happening.
Vivienne placed her hand on the back of his head as he leaned in to kiss her. Not for the first time tonight, the feel of his lips against hers took her breath away and her head swam. She pressed closer to him as his hands began exploring her body. Big, expansive hands that caressed her intimately. The heat between her thighs called to him, and she moaned softly as he ground his aching erection against her.
“You can change your mind if you want, angel,” Jey murmured, nuzzling her throat before pressing open-mouthed kisses to her cleavage.
Vivienne almost laughed at the thought. After spending half the night grinding on him, she was sure she would combust if she didn’t get her hands on him tonight. Helping him out of his red t-shirt, she let her eyes drink in his breathtaking body. He was lean yet muscular, with the strength of a male in his full-blooded prime. A Samoan specimen. Vivienne allowed her hands to roam over the muscles of his chest, the sturdy vault of his ribs, the rippling muscles of his abdomen, and the bulging outline of his biceps. Pure, unadulterated sex on legs. 
Jey couldn’t stop the tremors that coursed down his spine as she touched him. He really could get used to her hands being on him like this. Pressing a quick kiss to her lips, he took one step back. “How about you take off that dress for me. Let me see you, baby,” he said.
Vivienne felt the heat blossom in her cheeks, all the way down to the tips of her toes. Wanting to give him a show, she peeled off her dress as slowly and sexily as possible. Jey looked at her like a man that had found water in the Sahara desert. She knew she was going to be in for it tonight, but she had no qualms. She planned on quenching his thirst and more. 
Jey had to take a moment to even speak with the sight before him. He wanted to dig her out so bad. Her body was so thick and juicy. He planned to lick and suck and fuck her for hours, for damn sure. He watched her slide off her thong and smiled when she unexpectedly tossed it at him, catching it easily with one hand. 
“Your turn,” she challenged.
With his eyes glued to hers, Jey’s hands met the waistband of his pants. He pulled his pants and his shorts down together, watching her reaction.
Her jaw dropped. Shit!
Stunned, she started to back away, but Jey pulled her right back to him, chuckling at the trepidation on her pretty face. “Where ya goin’? It’s a little too late to run, baby.”
Holy hell. She could always tell he was well-endowed, but seeing it up close and personal was a whole other story. “What am I supposed to do with all that dick?” she whimpered. She feared for her life.
Jey’s grin managed to be both devious and sexy at the same time. “Take it.”
Her mouth went dry. Fuck.
With a reassuring kiss, Jey led her over to the high bed, helping her in and taking off her shoes for her. Now perched on the edge of the bed, Vivienne adjusted her knees, arched her back and poked her wet juicy ass out at him. His palms on her deep brown skin kindled an already burning flame within her. He was using those hands to let her know exactly what he wanted to do to her tonight. He was gentle at first, with the way he massaged her thighs, hips and backside. But that changed when he smacked her ass. It was hard and sudden and alarming, but she liked it. Now, he had his fingers on her slit, moving them up and down, gathering her seeping juices. Vivienne closed her eyes and inhaled deeply when his thick fingers pulled her folds apart to rub all in there.
“This is my pussy now,” he told her matter-of-factly.
Without letting her respond, he spread her cheeks open and buried his face in her pussy from behind. She let out a shaky moan and clutched the sheets to steady herself as his tongue made contact with her flesh. He wrapped his entire mouth over her pussy, his long tongue lashing around and around, pulling and sucking and slurping on her. He then moved to her clit, and her gasps and moans threatened to pitch higher. She tried to look back at it, tried to grind back against his hot mouth, but her body was so weak from the pleasure she was feeling. 
“You got a fat wet pussy, baby.” He was French-kissing her folds now with those soft lips. He opened his mouth wider, sucking and licking her all up, using his mouth and strong jaw to work every inch of her. “Taste so fuckin’ good. I want you to come in my mouth.” 
He slapped her backside again and held onto it with both hands as she started to squirm. His commanding voice had her walls tightening around his tongue. Groaning against her pussy, he sped up his licks until it became too much for Vivienne. She couldn't control her body from releasing inside Jey's mouth, her eyes watering from the intense sensations surging through her. His triumphant moan vibrated against the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing her to groan out loud again as she leaked some more. He caught her cum effortlessly with long, sloppy laps of his tongue, not stopping until she was spent and emptied. Her pussy quivered when he gently bit her thighs and left big wet kisses on them. It was a miracle that she'd kept her position on her knees while he ate her out.
“Mmmm, fuck,” Vivienne sighed, twisting her upper body around to grin lazily at him. “You so fuckin’ nasty, Jey.”
“You never got it like that before?” She shook her head and he chuckled at her blissful expression. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ma change all that. When that dick hittin’, the rest will come later…literally.”
Standing upright, Jey grabbed the bag with the condoms. Vivienne’s stomach lurched with anticipation as she stared down between his legs again, licking her lips at the sight of the heat he was packing. As he sheathed himself with a condom, they met each other's gaze, and she loved what she saw in his. That she could evoke this kind of emotion out of him was an absolute thrill for her. 
“Hopefully, we’ll fuck raw some other time,” he uttered. “Would you like that, baby?”
Her pussy instantly rippled at the thought of taking all that dick with zero protection. "Mmmm, give it to me, baby," she purred, licking her lips and twerking her booty at him in approval.
Jey groaned appreciatively at the sight of her wiggling cheeks and massaged each one in his palm. "You want this dick now, huh. You was runnin' from me earlier."
"Don't worry Daddy, I can take it," she promised.
“That’s a good girl.” Grabbing his throbbing erection, he slid the tip along her slit, preparing her for his intrusion. Her gasp echoed through the air as he pushed his full length inside of her from behind. He stretched her pussy open, making her moan into her chest. He remained still for a couple of seconds, letting her body adjust to him. He gritted his teeth as her tight, moist warmth enveloped him. Then, he started to move, slowly, steadily, drawing soft gasps from her. Jey caressed the arch of her back with his large hands as he worked his dick inside her. 
“Shit, baby, you tight as fuck. Damn,” he hissed.
Vivienne tried to speak, but all coherent thought vanished when he drew his hips all the way back to the tip before lunging forward again. He repeated this until he was all the way inside her. His girth stretched her out as he started pumping in and out of her with deep, pounding thrusts. She felt as if the wind was being knocked out of her. So good. So perfect.
Letting out a low groan, Jey leaned over her body and lowered his lips to her throat. “Is this my pussy, baby?”
“Yes Daddy, it’s yours.”
“You gon’ give it to me whenever I want?”
“Yes…Unnhh, baby, you’re so big," Vivienne whined quietly, her breathing ragged.
Jey bit down hard on his bottom lip, trying not to think about how good it felt to be inside her. If he did, all of this was going to end…prematurely, pun intended. He lifted her ass higher against him, forcing a deeper arch of her back. It also nudged the head of his dick against her g-spot, making them both moan with pleasure. Bracing herself up by her arms, Vivienne threw her head back and rocked with him, throwing her ass back to catch his deep thrusts. His dick felt amazing. The sounds of their smacking flesh accompanied her moans and his growls, making Vivienne lightheaded. Resting his chest on her back, he guided her face up to his for a hungry kiss.
"So fucking beautiful. Your pussy feels so good, baby," he muttered, massaging her throat as he flicked his tongue across her parted lips, all while feeding her delicious backshots.
Vivienne yelped when he slapped her ass with his free hand. He grabbed her hip, his strong grip making her rock back and forth on his dick. Every action he took on her body ignited a brand new fire inside of her. "Do that again, Daddy," she pleaded.
Turned on by her request, Jey popped her ass again, then reached out to grip her by her hair, causing her to whimper and tighten around him. “I knew you liked that rough shit,” he rasped, “I been dreaming ‘bout fuckin’ you for so long, baby.” 
She believed him, because he was fucking her like he’d been waiting his entire life for this moment. Like he lost sleep over the thought of having sex with her. Finally, all of his wants and needs were being fed, and he was ravenous. To prove his point, he ramped up the tempo, giving it to her deeper and harder. Vivienne used one hand to rub her clit furiously in an attempt to intensify the approaching orgasm. Jey rubbed her ass again and squeezed, feeling her get wetter instantly.
“Shiiit, you hittin’ my fuckin’ spot, Jey,” she moaned. “Yeah, fuck me up, baby, fuck that pussy up!”
"Uh huh, take that shit, take this dick," he said breathlessly, a smirk adorning his full lips when she collapsed onto her chest and groaned into the blanket. Switching it up, he held onto her waist and rolled his hips against her backside, practically slow-grinding her into the bed. He got the desired effect as her walls clenched almost painfully around his dick.
"Oh my god," she moaned loud and long, her voice muffled as his gyrations sank her face deeper into the mattress. “Mmmm, fuck, don’t stop…” 
Jey growled as she squeezed around him again. He leaned over her prone body, caging her in as he pushed every thick inch of him inside of her. "You wanna come again, angel? Do it. Come on Daddy’s dick."
His gruff command made Vivienne's breath hitch and her brown eyes glaze over. She rubbed her clit faster, her fingers moving in circular motions on the small bundle of nerves, moaning as another orgasm danced closer. As he began slamming harder into her, she felt her toes curl and her thighs start to tremble.
"Fuck!" She screamed out as she came so hard she saw stars. Her body convulsed involuntarily, her inner muscles clenching around Jey's dick. All of a sudden, he pulled out of her with a grunt, right in the middle of her orgasm, and she was sure she was about to burst into tears. But in the next move, he had flipped her onto her back and climbed into the bed. Taking her right leg, he kissed his way down her inner thigh, nuzzling his face against the lush expanse of skin there. He then made a wet trail with his lips and tongue over her hip, traveling along the flat plane of her stomach, pushing her breasts together to suck her nipples. He watched her arch her head back, luxuriated in her moan. His final destination was on top of her body, wrapping his lips around hers and swallowing her sighs. 
“I wanna look into your eyes when you come for me again,” he told her. He’d seen the look on her face when he pulled out; she’d thought he was done with her. But she would learn to know that he was never finished until he’d made her lose all her senses.
A mischievous smile spread across her face as a dirty thought came to her mind. He wasn’t the only one that could take control. She reached down to wrap her fingers around his cock, still hard and covered in her juices. She peeled off the condom in one go and caressed him with intention. He groaned as his dick jumped in her firm grasp. Her delicate kisses on his neck and shoulder relaxed him as he melted under her touch. As she gently massaged his sensitive head, Jey let out an appreciative moan, shivers traveling down his spine.
"Aww Vivi, fuck..."
"You're so hard, big boy. Wanna come for me?" Vivienne whispered in his ear, nibbling the shell of his ear. She raked through his hair with her free hand. "Come up here and come in my mouth." Her knuckles strained as she stroked him harder, faster, losing herself to his quickened breathing and lusty groans.
A startled yelp escaped her as he suddenly yanked himself out of her grip. She watched him quickly crawl up her body, pumping his dick in front of her face. Vivienne grabbed him again and put him in her mouth this time, her head bobbing to take him as deep as she could. She suckled and tongued him while twisting her fist around the base of him, holding his gaze with sexy, sinful eyes. His harsh, long groan followed when he began releasing into her mouth. She swallowed every drop with a deep breath, cradling his balls as his cum continued to spurt inside her warm mouth. He tasted good, just like she'd hoped. She reveled in his weak whimpers, reveled at the sight of his beautiful face twisting in blissful agony as pleasure washed over him. She kept at it, sucking him until she had thoroughly drained his cum down her throat.
Jey slowly slipped his dick out of her mouth, the length dangling helplessly between his sturdy thighs. She’d drained the fuck out of him and he fought to catch his breath. He crawled weakly back down her body and captured her lips in a long and profound kiss. Vivienne thought it was hot that he had no issues with tasting himself in her mouth.
“Wow, baby, didn’t know you was nasty like that,” Jey breathed, his face flushed as he stared at her in complete awe. 
Vivienne merely winked and pinched his chin playfully. “I’m full of surprises, big boy.” She smoothed her palm down his back and looked him right in his eyes. “I think I want it raw now.”
Hearing her say it to him like that, with her eyes full of lust, gave him another erection. “You sure?”
“I’m a big girl, I can handle it,” she confirmed, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his waist to drive home her point. “Give me everything you got, baby.”
If the lady wanted it raw, she would get it raw. Seconds later, he guided his dick back into her wet warmth, causing them both to groan loudly at the intimate contact, with no barrier between them. Then, in an unexpected move, he took her hands and pinned them above her head. His fingers gripped her wrists in a shackle as he pumped into her, slow and deep.
“Fuck, it actually feels better,” she mumbled, a delicious feeling of helplessness and pleasure rolling through her in varying degrees. “Damn, Jey, yeah, fuck me with that big dick.”
"Mmm, moan my name like that again, baby," Jey nuzzled her cheek, a sly smile lighting up his gorgeous face when she obeyed. His voice was deep, compelling and dripping with desire, and she couldn't help but respond. She whimpered as she met his eyes, and his features softened, his mouth finding hers again. As his thrusts became harsher, Vivienne gripped his waist tighter with her thighs, trying to keep him as deep inside her as possible. He held her body down to the bed as he drove his hard cock in and out of her, his grunts blending with her throaty moaning. Though her arms strained from his vice-like grip, she couldn't deny how much hotter it was that he was making her take it like this.
“Daddy, you makin’ my pussy so wet,” she whined. He was impossibly deep, slipping in and out of her with relative ease, and yet with a tightness that dragged him back and forth inside her tender walls. The sensation was unbelievably erotic.
“I can feel you, baby, you all wet and tight. So fuckin’ incredible.” Grabbing her leg and hooking it over his shoulder, he powered deeper inside of her, glancing down at his long, thick shaft spreading her wide. “Mmph, look at you, creamin’ on me while I bust this pussy open.”
Vivienne's eyes rolled in the back of her head as Jey swiveled his hips while buried inside her. The feel of his skin sliding against hers due to his deep, grinding strokes, all while his hands pinned hers down, had her gasping for breath. He was turning her out, evidently determined to bring her off the edge of unspeakable pleasure. Her body started to go numb, her senses wracked by a cocktail of emotions that blurred into each other. She tried in vain to hold off the rising tide, her eyes squeezing shut as her leg began to shake on his shoulder.
“Babe, I’m gonna come,” she announced.
"Me too," Jey groaned. "Come for me, beautiful. Soak my dick with your cum." Leaning down to suck her nipples, his other hand curved over her ass and gripped tight, his hips moving with force and authority. He drilled the fuck out of her in search of his own release, his balls slapping against her ass, drowning in the sweet symphony of her cries and her weeping pussy. He sucked greedily on her neck, growling in her ear when she screamed his name and squirted all over his dick. His thrusts accelerated, faster, rougher, sloppier, until it all came to a sudden stop. A harsh groan erupted from his own throat as he exploded in an orgasm that had him forgetting his own name. Pleasure zipped through his bones like electricity as he filled her up to the brim with his seed. His senses were devoid of everything except the feeling of being buried deep inside her, and the look in her beautiful eyes, a look of sensual triumph and satisfaction, mirroring his own.
Finally releasing her hands, Jey trailed feathery kisses along Vivienne’s neck, making her shiver. She quickly draped her arms around him, craving access to his heated skin. He was still inside her. As their breathing normalized, he brushed his lips on her forehead and nose before claiming her mouth for his own, both of them sighing pleasurably at the lingering taste of their joined sex fluids. His hands dropped to her hips so he could pull out of her, before lowering her legs to the bed. Vivienne held on possessively to him, almost afraid that he would disappear if she let go.
“Damn. I can’t fuck witchu no more, you’re gonna ruin me,” she smiled up at him, a hint of seriousness in her voice as she massaged the back of his neck. 
“But we just getting started,” he grinned deviously.
What had she gotten herself into? “You are gonna be big trouble for me.”
Jey chuckled and kissed her lips. "Well, you gon’ like my kinda trouble." Laying on his back, he slid his arm around her shoulders and laughed when she confidently tucked her leg between both of his. It felt comfortable and natural, like they had been laying together like this forever. He nuzzled his face against hers and ran his hand up and down her thigh, feeling his heart swell with affection for the beautiful woman in his arms.
"Can I take you out to breakfast tomorrow?" he asked her.
“Mmm. Sounds like a date," she mused. “But only if you fuck me again like this in the morning and buy me a Plan B afterwards.”
"You just said you wasn't fuckin' with me no more," he teased.
Vivienne laughed with him. “Yeah, that was cap. You can’t blame me, though. You dicked me down so good, baby.” 
“All down to you, angel. Your pussy is so damn good. Best sex I’ve had in a long ass time.”
As he spoke, she felt him harden against her leg, as though aroused by the memory of being inside her, and her ego swelled. "It was my pleasure. Literally," she giggled, kissing his neck as a reward for his glowing review.
“Your girls will be happy about it, that’s for sure.” 
Vivienne rolled her eyes good-naturedly at that. “I know, right?” Yeah, tomorrow morning was going to be interesting. Mona and Jacqui were not going to let her rest now that she finally had sex with Jey. And speaking of…She stared into his eyes, searched for any hidden doubts or regret. But he stared right back at her with the same content, dreamy expression. It made her feel on top of the world.
“I feel like I’m having another one of my fever dreams," she whispered, stroking his beard. “I can’t believe this is really happening...You and me. It’s so crazy.”
"Not so crazy, angel." He leaned into her touch, turning his face to press his lips to her palm. “We been waitin’ on this for a long time. And now that we here, I definitely want more of it.”
“Hmm. More of what, exactly?” she dared to ask. 
His brown eyes seemed to see right through to her soul as he stared down at her, his face somber and serious. “More of you. More of us,” he elaborated. “I want you, Vivienne. I want what you want, and I wanna give you everything you want, too. So if you down, let’s get it.”
A tender smile appeared on Vivienne’s face, and she leaned in for another kiss, both passionate and heartfelt, letting her actions respond to his sweet proposition. It was a big step forward into the unknown, with challenges that were sure to come along the way. But Vivienne was ready to face them with Jey, and to know he was as ready as she was, convinced her that everything was going to be okay.
This is my last standalone Jey fic for a while. I’ll concentrate on finishing up ‘On Sight’ after this.
Please leave comments. I love comments!
Banner made by me. Credit to owners of the pics and gifs.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 6 - Higher
@wolfstarmicrofic August 6, word count 469
Previous part First Jegulus part
James was sprawled halfway on the bed. It seemed he hadn’t quite made it before he collapsed. 
“He’s such a pain!” Remus huffed, tiredly. They gathered their things and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and get ready for bed. 
When they came back, James had somehow slid further off the bed. Together they hauled and heaved his heavy, broad body higher onto the bed. 
“I’m going to need a shower after this,” Sirius complained. "I’m sweating." 
“No point,” Remus panted, wiping his arm across an equally sweaty face. “His body heat is going to roast us tonight anyway. Might as well get up a bit earlier and enjoy one in the morning.” 
“Oh, Moony, you say the dirtiest things.” Sirius fluttered his eyelashes as he lifted James's arm and tucked himself underneath it. “Goodnight love of my life,”
“Goodnight sweetheart,” Remus replied, and he turned off the light. 
Sirius awoke to James fully on top of him. He had no idea how he hadn’t felt him move. He was slick with sweat from the furnace crushing him into the mattress. He tried to draw in a breath, but he found he was only able to get a shallow breath in before his chest ran out of room to expand. 
He couldn’t even turn his head to see where Remus was as James’s head was on his shoulder, breathing hot air into his face. He tried to wriggle out, but he couldn’t move an inch. 
“Need some help?” Remus suddenly appeared next to him, beside the bed. 
“Thank fuck!” Sirius wheezed. Remus shoved his hands under James’s side and rolled him, with some difficulty, just enough to let Sirius flop out onto the floor. “Thank you,” He coughed as air rushed back into his starving lungs. 
They hopped into the shower together, luxuriating in the warm water and each other. 
James still wasn’t awake when they were ready to go, so they left him, snoring away in their bed. He’d be fine. He’d probably clean the flat once he woke up and then come and apologise profusely for the broken sofa. At least it had been old and in need of replacement anyway. Jimmy had done them a favour really. Sirius kissed the back of Remus’s hand as they locked up and walked the short distance to the café. 
As they walked past the park, Sirius did a double take. He could have sworn he saw Regulus walking past the cluster of trees, but when he looked back he was nowhere to be seen. He screwed his eyes shut. It must have been a trick of the light. He put it out of his mind as the café came into view. He grinned at the familiar sight. He couldn’t wait to see what today would be like.
Next part
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lunarcrown · 26 days
Your art made me realize I am a HUGE fan of men titties, I mainly blame your Scar and Jimmy, but you are so good at shapes and body shapes it makes the whole crowd go 😳
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I still have LOTS to learn but I’ll never improve if I don’t try and practice drawing lots of bodies and have fun with it!
I want to hit that sweet spot between stylization and realistic for it so you’ll probably see a lot of variation like all the things I draw but seeing people be like BARK BARK and/or AWWW at the drawings feels awesome! :,,)
I need to get that morpho book next for drawing fat and folds even BETTER 💪💪💪
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puddleorganism · 1 year
Pondering a new rancher au (yes the giant fucking bird is Jimmy) - rambling/explanation under the cut
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[Image IDs:
ID 1: a digital drawing of Jimmy/SolidarityGaming and TangoTek, in which Jimmy is a massive approximately 20 foot/6 meter tall bird-like creature. He’s standing idly (to show off his design) with a nervous smile on his face. He has a long neck and long legs that make him look like a dinosaur, but he is covered in light golden-brown feathers and has wings. His wings are huge, the primaries/tips sticking out behind his back. They’re modeled after a turkey vulture’s wings. He’s got a grey hooked beak that is mostly covered in feathers. He’s also got long tail feathers that look just short of skimming the ground. His legs are dark grey with huge talons. All over his legs, wing tips, and tail feathers is a dark grey ash. Tango’s sitting cross-legged on his back/shoulders, hunched over and looking at one of those map books you usually have in your car. (Note: the next image is of Tango, so to avoid redundancy I’m going to describe his appearance better there.) /End ID 1
ID 2: a digital drawing of TangoTek, a humanoid with fire for hair and a long, thin tail tipped in fire; like how a lion’s is tipped with fur. He’s standing idly (again, to show off his design) with his hands in his pockets. He’s got light tan skin with freckles on his nose and wrist. He’s got what look to be black scales on his ears - which are long and pointed - cheeks and nose that have glowing orange cracks in them like burning wood. He’s wearing a red handkerchief over his nose and mouth and has red-tinted goggled pushed up on his forehead. He’s wearing an off-white sweater, a worn leather jacket with red accents, grey cargo pants and black boots. He also has a pale gold and brown messenger bag slung over his left (the viewer’s right) shoulder and back behind his arm. He’s also got two scuffed, worn pins on his jacket; a small, round yellow one and a tiny polyamory flag. He’s also covered in ash - even more so than Jimmy - to the point where his boots, sweater, and handkerchief are stained with it, and are almost more grey than their original colors.
ID 3: simple digital sketches of the above characters. From left to right they are: Jimmy laying down with his head bowed, and Tango standing on his tiptoes to lean against Jimmy’s head. Both their eyes are closed and their foreheads are pressed together. The next is of Tango with his goggles on and looking confused at the map book, which is folded in half in his hands. Jimmy is leaning over his shoulder to look at the map as well. Two question marks float by Tango’s head. The last is of Jimmy standing upright, one of his talons held up near his chest. In his talons he’s holding Tango who seems surprised and is kind of doing that thing that cats do when you pick them up under the arms. This sketch is captioned with the word “hold”. There’s also a small bit of wing from a drawing that’s been cropped out in the corner. /End ID 3
/End IDs]
Ok rambling time!
So it’s set in a that was similar to the modern day, but after in a post-apocalyptic world (recent enough that they both would’ve known the world before). Not a zombie apocalypse or anything, though. There may be Foes but probably not.
I’m not exactly sure what the apocalypse that happened actually is yet, but it’s left the world an ash-covered wasteland with few ruins and even fewer survivors (survivors being organisms in general, not just humans). I want the landscape to be kind of surreal and bizarre, but I haven’t decided if that’s because of the apocalypse or not. Maybe it was just Like That lol.
Anyway, one thing you may want to know more about, is why the hell is Jimmy a giant bird? And the answer is: I like giant birds. In all seriousness though, he’s cursed! Don’t know why. He was a normal ass dude. Now he’s a bird.
Tango might also be cursed? Depends on how edgy I end up wanting this to be lol. He might be an undead wraith or something who knows.
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Lover 💗 | Bradley Bradshaw Imagine
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TGM masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x singer!reader (female/romance)
Content Warnings: fluff, mentions of sexism, references to pop culture, profanity | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 5.6k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @auroradawnwrites 💗)
Premise : When it came to her love life, singer and songwriter Y/n L/n had a reputation where it felt like the world was against her to the point she doubted ever finding her perfect match. Being in the industry for so long made it difficult to envision what a life with her potential soulmate would be like. But sometimes great things come to people who are patient. And finding the person who made Y/n feel like the only girl in the world had that reputation flicker away like dust on a bookshelf.
Note: I know I keep apologizing for the long waits in my requests but I promise it’s because of having to balance school, random shit happening in my life, and wanting to put out a developed, well-thought out story that the requested person deserves 🥹 and I realized about week ago when I started writing this one after finally getting to it after it was sent in February. @auroradawnwrites I saw that you posted last month that you were leaving your blog but if you happen to see this on another account or still have the notifications on for that blog just know I’m so sorry for this taking so long and I hope it was everything you imagined 😭
Songs headcanonned for singer!reader: ‘Love Story,’ ‘Bad Blood,’ ‘Look What You Made Me Do,’ ‘Getaway Car’ ‘You Need To Calm Down’ by Taylor Swift. ‘Love’ by Lana Del Rey. Albums mentioned that are headcanonned for singer!reader: ‘Lover’, ‘1989’ (I just changed it to 1986 to suit the headcanonned year of birth for reader), ‘Reputation,’ ‘Fearless,’ ‘Red’
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back our next guest,” Jimmy Fallon grins to the audience, arm slightly raising towards the curtains. “She’s been a friend to The Tonight Show for a long time. Here to celebrate twenty years since her debut and to talk about her newest album ‘Lover,’ singer and songwriter—the one and only, Y/n L/n!!”
There’s no need to turn on the sign reading ‘Applause,’ because the audience are on their feet when the curtains draw open slightly to reveal the beaming popstar. People are waving frantically, whistling, some even on the verge of tears at the fact they were in the presence of their idol. It was even hard hearing the band play from the noise
Y/n smiled the entire walk to Jimmy, blowing kisses at the crowd before embracing the man in a hug and settling down on the arm chair. “Wow, wow, wow,” he shouted, watching her give one last wave as he sat in his own chair. “Hi, Y/n.”
“Hi, Jimmy! It’s wonderful to see you again.”
“It’s great to see you too, it’s been awhile since we’ve had you on, huh?” Both make faces indicating they were thinking about her last appearance on the show.
“I think it’s been almost…six years,” Y/n tapped her lips with a finger. “Pre-pandemic I believe—because I haven’t really done much since 2019.”
“Yeah, you took a bit of a break.”
“A much needed one,” she chuckled, “But it feels so great to be back. I’ve been taking this time to really put time into discovering who I am as a person and what is next for me. I’m so grateful for the fans who’ve supported me all this time—I know,” she looks to the camera, “I know I kept you waiting, but fear not, I am back and better than ever.” The statement ignites a holler and applause from the crowd.
Jimmy claps with the audience, “That’s what I’m talking about. What can you tell us about this new music you’ve been working on? I know I mentioned your upcoming one, but you actually announced you will be releasing another at the end of this year, correct?”
Instantly Y/n lights up, “That’s right, Jimmy. For starters Lover is probably my most personal album to date. During the pandemic I basically shut myself off from everyone—and the world because I deleted the social media apps off my phone,” there’s a light chuckle from the crowd, “which made everyone go crazy thinking I died. But I can assure you I was just trying to put all my time and energy into writing, producing, selecting which songs would go on the track list. Each song is there for a specific reason—telling a story per say, and I feel listeners will be able to relate in some way.”
“Why the name ‘Lover,’?” Jimmy asked with curiosity, “is it a metaphor for the story or does it have a deeper meaning?” Judging by the cheesy smile Y/n started to do, Jimmy straightened his posture. “Are you….?”
“It’s for the lovers, you know?” Y/n shrugged nonchalantly. Those around didn’t buy it, leaning forward in their seats with curious eyes. “Yeah it’s about love and those feelings where you think your heart is about to burst from your chest. Like I said, many will be able to relate to it.”
Jimmy gave a look, “So did someone in your life inspire it perhaps?”
Instead of answering right at that second, Y/n remained grinning as the face of inspiration and the owner of her heart appeared in her mind. His gorgeous hazel eyes glowing under the sunlight. The feeling of his warm body against hers each time he held her in his arms. Tickling sensations from his mustache when he rained kisses across her skin. The sound of his laugh whenever he made a joke or she did something silly just to see him smile. Fingers dancing across the piano while they sang their favorite songs in their own private concert.
Her lover. Her life. Her reason for waking up everyday in an endless state of bliss. The person who inspired nearly every song on the album, best describing it as a love letter to him.
Relationships and romance had been a complicated part of Y/n’s life and career. A reputation often frowned upon despite only seeing a small picture.
It all started one summer day in Nashville, Tennessee. 17-year-old Y/n had big dreams and aspirations of being a singer, spending her free time playing guitar and writing songs about teenage experiences. Growing up in Tennessee, the birthplace of country music, Y/n was surrounded by the legacy of icons like Dolly Parton, The Dixie Chicks, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Reba McEntire, and Kenny Rogers. It was all she listened to growing up, though she did dabble in pop and R&B—going on to cite Aaliyah, TLC, Whitney Houston, and David Bowie as influences in her music.
“I hear the high school is having a talent show Friday night,” her coworker hummed, handing over the now clean plate to be dried. “Did you sign up?”
“No,” Y/n tiredly exhaled. It was pushing 8 o’clock and she still had one more hour until closing. Working at a popular diner gave Y/n the ability to save for college and an apartment, but it meant working more hours than what she legally was supposed to—on top of balancing school and band. “I have a pre-cal test on monday so I planned to stay in and study.”
“Oh c’mon! You’ve been itching to sign up all year—why back out now? All for a test you know you’ll get an A on?”
Y/n rolled her eyes, taking another plate to dry, “That’s reaching and you know it.”
“Y/n, you’re one of the smartest people in our grade. Literally will be in the top five come graduation. It’s a Friday night and the whole school is gonna be there,” her friend pleads to her, “you’ve got a voice that’s meant to be heard and songs that should be on the radio.”
The teen gives a ‘I don’t think so,’ shrug, “Eh, I feel my style is not exactly what country music is looking for.”
“Maybe so…but maybe it’s what it needs.”
Guitar in hand and shaking like a leaf, Y/n pulled everything in her to drum her fingers on the strings. The spotlight shining down on her made her squint, unable to see into the crowd save for the silhouette of their heads.
“Just breathe, Y/n,” she mentally told herself. It was dead quiet in the auditorium after a light applause when the drama teacher called her name. And since she wasn’t using an electric guitar, there was no way to hook hers up to the speakers. “Breathe and let your voice do the work.”
Clearing her throat, her lips curled into a shy smile, “This is an original song I’ve been working on. Hope you like it.” Slowly the tune began to echo through the auditorium. Y/n’s voice was shaky at the beginning, but soon found confidence when she closed her eyes and pictured herself in the comfort of her own room.
“We were both young when I first saw you.”
“I close my eyes and the flashback starts, I’m standing’ there.”
“On a balcony in summer air.”
Those in the crowd perked up, schoolmates looking at each other with impressed gazes.
“See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.”
“See you make your way through the crowd, and say, “Hello.”
“Little did I know.”
Finally finding her rhythm, a genuine grin broke out on her face.
“That you were Romeo, you were throwin’ pebbles.”
“And my daddy said, “Stay away from Juliet—and I was cryin’ on the staircase,”
“Beggin’ you, “Please don’t go,” she let her voice drag out the ‘go’, igniting jaws to be dropped. “And I said.”
“Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run.”
“You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess.”
“It’s a love story, baby, just say, ‘Yes.’”
Needless to say, Y/n went home with the winning trophy….and a meeting with Capitol Records Nashville.
Going to college was no longer the plan for Y/n once her signature hit the contract. 3 albums and a promise to take country music by storm was the new future. Staring as soon as her tassel turned from right to left with the class of 2004. Y/n packed up her tiny Honda Civic with everything she had, kissed her family goodbye with plans to see them for the holidays and settled into a cozy studio apartment smack in the middle of Nashville.
“You have a unique voice and lyrical direction, Y/n,” Randy Kingston, one of the execs at CRN said to her one day. “You’re not full country—by that I mean there’s a pop element you bring to the table. Country-Pop if you will.”
Y/n didn’t know how to respond except nod, “Uhhh yeah? I listen to a lot of different genres—-Pop being a big one. A-and I like to experiment by adding different….flavors to my music.” Her expression turns nervous, “is that gonna be a problem, sir?”
Randy rubbed the bottom of his chin with a hand, “No, I don’t think it will. It’s refreshing and something new. Frankly I think you’re gonna do well with the youngin’s. Your age range will likely be the best receivers.”
Turns out Randy was right. Releasing her first two singles were met with wide recognition from teenagers and young adults. Topping the country music charts for several weeks. During that time Y/n began working on her debut self-titled album on top of filming her first music video for ‘Love Story’. When it dropped, it didn’t just get noticed within the country scene. MTV released it during their early morning showings most people played when getting ready for school and work. Doing so allowed ‘Love Story’ to get more attention that people who were not even country fans were purchasing the single.
“Platinum?!” Y/n screamed at the sight of the framed record indicating ‘Love Story’ sold one million copies.
“Platinum,” Randy grinned, presenting it to her. “Well done, kiddo. You deserve it.” He also dropped the ball that Ellen Degeneres called to schedule an appearance—which nearly had Y/n drop the frame in her hands.
The Ellen Degeneres Show was the first public interview Y/n had ever done. And….it was the first time she was questioned about her love life. Something that would become her greatest nemesis throughout her entire career.
“So your song ‘Love Story’ is all about love, yes?” Ellen asked, igniting a laugh from the audience given the title of the song made it obvious what it was about.
“So does that mean you got some love going on for yourself? Anyone who inspired this for you?”
“U-Uh, no?” It came out more like a question, causing the audience to laugh while she nervously smiled. “Not really—I-I’m not dating anyone currently, but the song sorta came from my love for romance novels and movies. Everyone desires love,” she nods to herself, “and I wanted to write something that people could relate to. Plus I love Romeo and Juliet—which is the big inspiration for the song.”
Following the appearance on Ellen, Y/n focused on writing music and releasing her albums. Her unique sound of combining country with elements of pop and R&B had listeners from all over the world drawn to her. It was a new era of country music.
But not everyone was very accepting of it.
Older generations and die hard lovers of traditional country were very unwelcoming to Y/n. They felt she didn’t belong in the genre and was better suited for pop. Though Y/n agreed to some extent, she feared making the transition from country to full pop wouldn’t be wise. She was still roughly new to the industry, trusting the judgment of her label who she was contracted to do 3 albums for. So she continued to fulfill her duty until the right moment came.
By the end of the first decade in the 21st century, Y/n had established herself one of the leading artists in country music with four Grammys, six MTV Moonmen, four AMA’s, five Billboard awards and 12 CMA’s. She appeared twice on SNL, performed at Dick Clark’s New Year Rockin’ Eve, and even collaborated with Miranda Lambert.
Yet the media liked to only talk about Y/n’s dating history.
In the first year of her career, Y/n briefly dated Jesse McCartney after first meeting at the 2005 Kids Choice Awards. Shortly after their breakup she was seen with Harry Potter actor Tom Felton, but nothing came out of it. The ‘date’ the media thought had actually been a handout between several of their mutual friends where they happened to be pictured smiling and laughing. After that incident Y/n did get into a five month long relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio, who was twelve years older than her and sparked endless conversation in the media.
Then in 2007-2009 Y/n became involved with Eddie Redmayne following their introduction to each other at Ellen Degeneres’ birthday party. They remained friends afterwards, but their relationship inspired a lot of Y/n’s work which resulted in people criticizing her for making too many break up songs.
“You’ve had quite the track record when it comes to the romance scene, Y/n,” David Letterman voiced during her appearance on his show. The singer was overcome with immediate dread. Again was she subjected to questions about her love life when it was no one’s business. But of course, if there’s one thing men like David have, it’s the audacity. “Which brings me to my next questions: are you dating anyone? And are they gonna have a song about them once you two break up?”
Now unfortunately it was common knowledge late night show hosts were disrespectful towards their guests and didn’t know what boundaries were. Though this was known, however, there was still the underlying pressure to keep silent by smiling and pushing through. Sometimes playing it off like it doesn’t affect you was better than having an outburst and being criticized more by the media. Displaying any offense would label them emotional and sensitive.
Though she wanted nothing more than to walk off the set and cry in her dressing room, Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat and answered as calmly as she could muster. “I’m not seeing anyone at the moment. I just want to focus on my music and what comes from my heart is what I put out.”
When Y/n did get into a relationship or was seen on a friendly date—hell even being spotted when out with a male friend for lunch had paparazzi and tabloids bombarding her.
“Is love in the air….again? Country music’s it girl, 24-year-old Y/n L/n, was seen holding hands with Australian actor Xavier Samuel who’s playing Riley Biers in the upcoming third installment of The Twilight Saga. Just this past March Y/n was linked to the son of Tennessee’s Attorney General. Let’s not forget L/n was in a two year romance with Eddie Redmayne before calling it quits last fall. Fans are starting to notice a pattern when it comes to L/n’s relationships and album releases. Should we expect her new single to drop within the next year? And will this romance with Samuel blossom into something long term or end as a spur of the moment flame?”
Notice how all the attention is Y/n and her life? Never once were the men she dated ever asked questions like she was—even if they had a history rivaling hers. Take Leo for example. The women he dated only got younger than Y/n as the years went on and people barely bat an eye.
After the release of her third studio album with CRN, Y/n had a tough decision to make. By that point her last album had more pop than country. The reaction of the fans was pretty much, “You need to just label yourself a pop artist now.” “‘Red’ was literally 90% Pop with 10% Country.” “Stop saying you’re a country music star when the last album you put out was anything but country.”
So…it was safe to say it was time to make the move to a different genre. Thankfully Capitol Records in Los Angeles was ready with the pen in hand to sign Y/n on. There she had creative control on what she put out and Y/n was excited to get started on a new era in her life.
2012 would go down as the year where Y/n was on the edge of her seat with how her career would go. Fans were mixed about her going to pop despite her recent music having mostly pop elements. Then there was the fact she was dating Tyler Hoechlin from Teen Wolf which had fangirls hating her guts for dating their celebrity crush.
What’s sad is Y/n was used to that reception whenever she was in a relationship with a public figure. First Jesse then Tom, Leo, Eddie, and Xavier. Can’t forget the times she got caught on dates with Robert Pattinson, Micheal B. Jordan, and Chris Evans. Then there were the incidents where the paparazzi captured her making out with Sebastian Stan at an after party and leaving the 2011 Grammys with Nate Buzoliac before he made it big as Kol Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries.
Getting a break was not in the cards for the singer.
When things ended with Tyler in 2015, Y/n told herself she would not date anyone for awhile. Her album ‘1986’ was met with critical acclaim and positive reception from fans, earning her more awards to her growing collection, including the Grammy for Album of the Year. The entire time on tour she focused on having fun and not worrying about what people thought of her. Yeah she still got questions from interviews and hosts about dating she’d simply reply with, “I’m single, and let’s not entertain that further. Next question.”
@ inmyreputationera: I guess @Y/nL/n86 decided romance isn’t exactly her thing. I wonder how that’ll change her music.
@ stanningselenerr: not me checking @ Y/ndatingupdates daily for any new info.
Those were just the handful of tweets Y/n saw everyday on her Twitter feed. It got to the point she’d have to mute notifications whenever she was tagged. While she hated doing so because she loved interacting with fans, the singer needed time away from the constant surveillance of her personal life.
So fast forward to mid-summer of 2018. Y/n hadn’t put out an album in nearly three years nor had she been dating anyone. Yeah people still asked her from time to time though she learned to not let it affect her. Honestly it was a breath of fresh air. She was happy, healthy, and living her best life. Putting her heart and soul into songwriting which was heavily inspired by the reputation she’d garnered since her debut. Not to mention developing closer bonds with her friends and family after making the impulse decision in 2017 to move back to Tennessee. It felt good to be back home. Returning to her roots and the place that started it all after being away for so many years. It was a great time.
Now she was due back to Los Angeles to meet with her manager and producers. Y/n was ready to get back into the studio as much as her fans were telling her they were waiting for new music. With a first-class ticket in hand, Y/n boarded her red-eye flight from Nashville International to LAX and settled in for the five hour flight. It would have them landing at just after 3am Pacific time and while Y/n wanted to rest, she could not for the life of her sleep on a plane.
Approaching her seat Y/n noticed a man in a military uniform seated in the seat beside hers. “Excuse me,” she caught his attention, his head raising where he put two and two together by her hand pointing to the window seat.
“Oh sorry, ma’am,” it took everything in Y/n not to stare at him when he got up. He was very handsome. In his uniform, hazel eyes and sun kissed skin. The most notable feature was his mustache that most men could not pull off yet he seemed to.
“Do you need help with that?” The question pulled her from her mini daydream. He was referring to the carryon bag in her hand.
“Oh I got it—.”
“It’s no problem,” he was already taking the bag from her, securing it in the overhead compartment.
“Thank you so much,” Y/n thanked him while moving into the row, placing her purse in her lap when she sat down. The man returned to his seat just as the next wave of passengers boarded.
Manny, her personal bodyguard who’d been with Y/n since her first tour, was seated in front of her. When they got the tickets he purposely told her to have them separated saying, “I need my beauty sleep and while I love you, you will talk the entire time.” Sure enough when Y/n leaned over to ask him a question Manny was already knocked out, buckled in with his eye mask over his eyes and earbuds in.
Well that left Y/n with little to do. And when she went to retrieve her Kindle she groaned at the realization she forgot to turn back her reading light.
“Everything okay?” She saw the man in her peripheral vision slightly turn his head.
“Yeah just…annoyed with myself. I thought I packed my reading light but I must’ve misplaced it.” God that made her sound like a grandma.
His response was an ‘ah’ sound. “Wish I could help ya there, but I’m not usually equipped with something like that.”
“It’s fine,” she chuckled, buckling in her seatbelt. “It was to pass the time—I can’t sleep on flights. Even though it's midnight and I should feel tired.”
“I’m the same,” he suddenly extended a hand, “I’m Bradley by the way.”
Hesitant to reply in case he were to react to her name, Y/n pushed back any concern and gave a warm smile as she took his hand, “I’m Y/n. Nice to meet you, Bradley.”
“Y/n…” her name was repeated slowly, Bradley’s eyes consorting as though they were deep in thought. A wave of dread and nerves coursed through her. Then Bradley grinned, “Oh! I thought you looked familiar. You sing that song—what was it, ‘Love Story?’ Sorry I don’t mean to sound weird,” he let go of her hand when he realized he was still shaking it. “And I don’t want to bother you. I just can’t help but go, ‘wow!’”
“No-no-no, it’s okay! You’re totally fine.” Before long the two fell into conversation following the typical pre-flight announcements. Y/n was amazed by how natural it felt talking to Bradley. She discovered he was a Naval aviator, coming home from an assignment overseas and was flying to L.A to visit some friends. Bradley had been a graduate of UVA and attended the elite Fighter Weapons School, marking ten years with the navy that year.
“Forgive me for admitting this,” he said after the first hour into the flight, lowering his voice when a passenger trying to sleep glared at them. “But while I know who you are…I’m not really familiar with your work. Y-yeah I mentioned your one song but that’s literally all I know,” he laughed nervously. “My taste in music, I’m embarrassed to say aloud, is very limited.”
Y/n tilts her head, “how limited?”
“Uh, I pretty much only listen to the 1950s all the way to the 80s. Dabbling in what’s popular nowadays once in a blue moon. My karaoke songs are all Jerry Lewis” Bradley gives a gentle smile, “And while I can easily do a Google search, I’d much rather hear it from you if you don’t mind telling me.”
What’s that saying again? Oh that’s right, ‘And the rest was history.’
No but literally Y/n could barely contain her attraction to Bradley after he said that to her. She hoped to God she didn’t look like a fool as she spoke of her career and cool places she’s been. Time flew as they talked. In fact the two were so caught up in their conversation they talked the remainder of the journey to L.A, ending with the exchange of phone numbers and the promise to meet up.
It was decided right from the get go that Bradley and Y/n wanted to keep their relationship hidden. Regardless if the one date went somewhere, the last thing Y/n wanted was to have Bradley in the public eye and cause complications with his job. And let’s not forget her album was releasing within the next year. So, there was going to be a lot of attention on her wherever she went.
“The fact we’ve managed to keep this quiet for a year is outstanding,” Y/n said through a mouthful of cake. Bradley had surprised her with her favorite kind, the icing on the top reading, ‘Happy Anniversary, baby—we’ve got them fooled.’
She couldn’t believe they were already marking one year. Time didn’t seem to exist when she was with Bradley. He was everything she envisioned in a partner. Caring, compassionate, funny, intuitive. Listened to her concerns and communicated. Never made her doubt herself or paid attention to the media.
When she brought up her reputation, or better yet the one the press painted her out to have, Bradley stopped her and said, “who you have history with is not my business—unless they did something to hurt you because then I’ll have a problem with them. And those people talking nonsense about you have nothing else better to do with themselves. I care about you, Y/n. The only one who has influence on how I see you, is you. And I see you as the most beautiful, hardworking, intelligent person who knows her worth. Fuck what they say.”
Yeah that night ended with her jumping his bones.
Bradley took a fork full of his own into his mouth, “I for sure thought they were gonna catch us the night I snuck you on base.” After their first meeting in L.A, Bradley had returned to Virginia while Y/n remained to work on her album. It was a couple months before she went home to Tennessee, then for the holidays they planned to meet up when Y/n was on her way to New York. Sneaking her on base involved the two going undercover where they met at a discreet location and having Y/n shove herself under blankets in his backseat.
The singer laughed at the memory, “Thank Goodness for Shania. Had she not posted that photo to ‘tip off’ the paps then we’d have a whole different outcome.” Bradley laughed with her, placing his fork down on the napkin.
“I’m sorry I can’t be there for your release day,” Bradley had been called back to Top Gun for a special detachment by the Navy. Unfortunately the timing was right when her sixth studio album would drop. The details were still unclear, but that it was a team mission where he would compete against his colleagues. Y/n had yet to meet any of Bradley’s friends and vice versa. The only people in her circle who knew of their relationship were her manager, Manny, and family. But when you signed up to keep your love life private, it meant friends were lost in the dark.
“It’s okay, Roo,” she told him. “We’ll have our own celebration.” Another cake, this time with the design being the album’s cover art on it, was brought over the day before Bradley was set to fly to San Diego and the two had their private release party with just the two of them. The music was blasting through the speakers, Y/n jumping up and down with Bradley who was singing at the top of his lungs.
“Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes! You say sorry just for show! If you live like that, you live with ghosts!”
“I’m in a getaway car. I left you in a motel bar. Put the money in a bag and I stole the key—that was the last time you ever saw me—Oh!”
“Ooh, look what you made me do! Look what you made me do! Look what you just made me do!”
Champagne was popped, kisses were shared, and they danced the entire night until it came time to sleep.
They FaceTimed whenever Bradley had free time, even if it was in the later hours of the night. Those three weeks Y/n felt her heart long for Bradley in a way it had never done with her previous partners. She felt his excitement, his distress. The day he left for the mission Y/n paced around her home for hours—unable to focus on anything and overcome with nausea. It was as though her mind was trying to tell her something was wrong.
Relief came at around nightfall, the singer tripping as she raced to grab her phone when it rang. Seeing Bradley’s picture pop up had the breath she was holding in release. “Oh thanks God,” was the first thing she said.
“I’m coming back to you,” was his response. Tears pricked in the corner of her eyes, hand going to her chest to calm the rapid beat of her heart.
“I would expect nothing less, Lieutenant Bradshaw.”
Several celebrations were in store for the couple when Bradley returned to the east coast. Not only did he receive a medal from the Navy for his brave actions but got a promotion. Y/n’s album hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the first hour of its release, prompting a record number of sales in a single night for the singer.
“I’m so proud of you, Bradley,” she praised, patting the new patch on his uniform indicating he was now a Lieutenant Commander. She was met with a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Thank you, baby. I’m proud of you too—you’re gonna win everything come awards season.”
During the 2020 Grammy’s, Bradley leaped from the couch in absolute joy when Y/n’s name was called for the winner of Pop Album of the Year and Record of The Year. She missed out on Album of the Year, but that was okay. She was now the owner of 12 Grammys in total. Coming home the following night Y/n’s home was decorated with balloons, a banner reading, ‘Congratulations!!’ and of course, a cake with an edible Grammy topper.
And so it came time for a break. Six albums in a fifteen-year long career, Y/n kept it under the wraps that she wouldn’t be putting out another album for some time. Fans had started to notice she was more uplifted and vibrant in interviews, posting things on social media that were suspicious. For example she uploaded a photo of red roses, captioning it “the symbol of love.” Then there was the screenshotting of well known love songs and posting them on her story.
@ Y/nstansince04: is it me or does @Y/nL/n86 appear happier than usual? Is she hiding something?
@ getawaycarlover_: @Y/nL/n86 totally has a man or someone in her life. That recent Instagram post had all the hints.
@ fearlessdefender: I bet it’s a normal guy she’s with and not a celebrity. If it was we’d probably would’ve known by now who it was.
@ Y/ns_red_lipstick: honestly if Y/n does have a boyfriend then I’m happy for her and wish them the best. She deserves to be happy and we should respect their privacy. She doesn’t have to share with the world if it’s their desire to keep it secret.
Right when the world went to chaos at the brink of a global pandemic, Y/n thought, “you know what, I’m gonna just delete my social media—not my accounts but the apps on my phone. I want to go off the grid for a bit and just enjoy my family and boyfriend.” Not having the constant shadow of social media on her back made it easier for the singer on the break she desired.
Everyday she fell more in love with Bradley. She had been visiting him when quarantine happened so they basically went to the next step in their relationship by living together. Again, it all felt natural. They settled into a domestic life with each other early on with homemade dinners, movie nights, nerf gun wars, and karaoke contests. Bradley on the piano and Y/n with her guitar, being each other’s act and audience in their private concert.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much love drives a man insane. You broke my will, but what a thrill. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!”
“Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone. I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run. You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess. It’s a love story, baby just say, ‘Yes!’”
Late nights were reserved for drives with the speakers blasting. Y/n camera roll would be filled with endless videos of the two, but mostly of Bradley jamming to his favorite songs. More often than usual the thought of, “I’m gonna marry this man,” would cross her mind.
“You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog. Cryin’ all the time. You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog. Cryin’ all the time. Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit and you ain’t no friend of mine!”
Y/n would lean her body out the window when it was a clear road where they were the only ones, hair blowing and the light from the moon shining down on her. Her beautiful voice carried in the night sky, Bradley in absolute awe of her and wanting to capture the moment forever.
“I came home in the mornin’ light—my mother says, ‘when you gonna live your life right?’ Oh momma dear, we’re not the fortunate ones. And girls, they wanna have fun. Oh girls just wanna have fun!”
But was supposed to be maybe two years at most…..ended up being close to five.
Honestly Y/n was surprised to still have fans. To say they were shitting bricks when she out of the blue dropped a cover art for her upcoming single, ‘Love’ would be an understatement. They were losing their fucking minds.
@ stilladirectionerbby: *insert Micheal Scott gif* OH MY GOD IT’S HAPPENING—Y/N’S RELEASING NEW MUSIC
@ MTV: when all hope was lost, our prayers were answered….by @Y/nL/n86
Then she announced in the same week they were getting not one but two albums that year.
@ themadalorianswife: TWO ALBUMS?!?! WE GETTING TWO?!?! GOD FUCKING BLESS
@ daddyisastateofmind: oh mother is spoiling us after making us wait so long and I absolutely am here for it.
@ neveroutofstyle_: love how @Y/nL/n86 basically said “this is my sorry for falling off the face of the earth, please forgive me.” On behalf of the fandom, we forgive you queen.
And wanna know something else?
What was even more impressive than becoming a ghost for five years with little to no sightings by the paparazzi, was that she and Bradley had yet to be discovered. Her lover was just as good of a ghost as she was. Their secret was like trying to find the Holy Grail.
Hidden like a treasure the world desired to unearth.
And on their six year anniversary, Bradley got them the same cake as the first time he did. The icing reading, "Happy 7 years, baby—we’ve totally got them fooled.”
TGM Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001 , @cutelittlepotatofry , @luckyladycreator2 , @americaarse , @elenavampire21 , @back-tooo-black , @wildellaa , @artemissunn , @pinkpantheris
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phantomsalamander · 5 months
Art prompt thing? I guess??
I’ve been getting into art again and I want to combine that with my Minecraft blorbos!… the only issue is that I don’t know who to draw first 🥲
So I have decided to let that decision be made by the Tumblr gods and/or users:
I set the poll to be one week, but I’ll probably just check back when I next feel the urge to draw :P
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
what do you think context was behind justin's dialogue "derby told me last night i was his best friend"
Ohhhhhhh I’ve been ruminating on this ever since i listened to all the quote videos (please dont ask me why i did that i really really dont know) i pride myself on being somewhat of a stickler for the most inane and pointless background stuff.
Today i plan to answer the question:
The easy answer here would be to say that Derby was drunk, and simply feeling very loving(that sentence feels so insane to me for some reason).
Harrington house feels very much to me the hotspot for “gatherings” of the bullworth’s brightest, best and most sickeningly rich. The little guest list on the desk as you enter, as well as Bif on the door in the weed killer mission, and obviously the general worldview of the preps points towards a general pickiness to guests, likely not accepting anyone by on their own social circle. Another key background factor to consider is the little bar that derby cowers behind in Glass Jaw during his bossfight and also the bar in the beach house, leading me to believe that the events hosted at Harrington house are usually organised with the intention of drinking copious amounts of excessively strong and exceedingly expensive alcohol.
There’s bound to be a few contentious objectors to drinking, at least excessively, on school grounds and on school nights and i think the ever-pining proto-jock Justin probably doesn’t partake as much as Derby “I’m too rich to bother attending class” Harrington. All this to say, Justin was 110% more sober and therefore 110% more receptive to derby’s drunk babblings than any other partygoer, prep or otherwise.
In my mind, Derby Harrington, despite having everything he could ever conceivably want at the snap of his fingers, is one of the loneliest students at bullworth academy. He mentions being beaten by his father for fraternising with a nanny, and shows a general disdain for his betrothed, pinky, by not even bothering to show up for their dates. He cannot truly get close to anyone because of his position as an heir to a pretty substantial oil empire. Great care is needed to avoid being sliced right out of the will and being condemned to hush money by his father. Bif is great, but he’s not all that much emotionally, at least not in derby’s mind anyway. He’s far far beneath Derby, that’s made abundantly clear when Bif loses his boxing match to Jimmy; he’s sneered at with the kind of vitriole that can only come from someone who views himself as king of his own private universe. Justin is in the same boat just presumably with a lot less petty cash at his disposal. He’s a weird ass bitch who’s so incredibly desperate to expand his social circle into the Jocks’ because he feels somewhat inadequate in his own. To use his verbage, he’s a peon in the prep hierarchy. He’s weak and scrawny and of little use in the stature department, at least not when compared to Bif anyway.
This night, Derby is drunk out of his mind, as usual, and Justin is beside him, a little buzzed but not enough to put him off his studies for the next day. They are sat on opposite ends of a chaise longue in the drawing room. Well… Justin is sat, Derby is more slumped, folded over the armrest in a way that does not look comfortable in the slightest. He’s telling a story from a recent trip to Europe, about a girl he met in a city that his drunk brain just can’t seem to decide on the pronunciation of, gulping scotch out of a crystal glass like its going out of fashion. Justin is listening actively, trying to piece the story together amongst the many asides derby seems to be wandering off into. That’s when the bomb drops “know, i like to think you’re my best friend here Justin” “what?” “You heard me….. anyway this damn woman”
Safe to say it was the best night of Justin Vandervelde’s life.
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