#problem: I have many ocs and there are so so many pokemon to choose from
butcherb1rd · 2 years
getting the urge to assign pokemon partners to my ocs yet again…
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arvoze · 8 months
[2/3] HHNFLARTAS - hell hath no fury like a rescue team association scorned
hell hath no fury like a rescue team association scorned not a fic or anything, i just ramble a lot about my pmd ocs in a digestible format that's more or less that kind of content. random yearly event for rescue teams. covers no more than like, one week of VV content
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[ 1 / X / 3 ]
hey guys just realised the abbreviation for this says "flartas" this is so embarrassing
hell hath no fury like a rescue team association scorned #2
(sorry this keeps repeating this is just how i organised it all)
and mike's right to worry. it's the team's worst nightmare, for obvious reasons -- it's fire. they're grass. it's a fucking volcanic location. there's no water or anything. they're screwed from the get-go.
but that's the point. you can't always pick and choose where you're headed. sometimes you have to suck it up and get over it and just deal with it. that's the point the RTA try to make, here.
keith's team - well, guildmaster rime, probably, actually - would argue against that. yes, you can't pick and choose all the time, but actually, yes you can, you pick the jobs you can do, and you're an arrogant asshole if you take a job in a place that leaves you at a disadvantage. what are you trying to prove by doing that? just leave it to a team more suited for the job, for the sake of the pokemon that need to be rescued.
right. the pokemon that need to be rescued.
it's a gruelling journey. the team is surviving, barely, always hanging on by a thread, but hey, at least it's a strong thread. it's not a total nightmare for them, for now. but it's going to be. it has to be, because the requirements are to save the rescue and bring something back from the end of the dungeon to "prove" that you completed it (in case the rotom drones aren't watching). their inventory is stacked up enough for this. keith's body is a machine that turns reviver seeds into plain seeds.
moderately deep in - about halfway through the dungeon, which is deep for grass-types - the rescue has been found. keith's team go about the regular procedures: are they injured? are they famished? what kind of help do they need? are they in danger? the rescue is the priority. the rescue is the priority. they're safe, thankfully. they're an "actor", so of course they're safe, but it's mandatory to check anyways - keith's team take this stuff seriously when it matters.
they've got to make a decision. for many teams, they don't have to worry about this. but for keith's team, it's only one way or the other.
take the rescue home, and abandon the latter half of the job (to reach the end), or take the rescue with them to the end -- on a journey they can barely survive themselves, endangering the rescue.
the answer is clear: why not do both?
hell hath no fury[..] #3
why not split the team? one takes the rescue home, the others continue pressing on. this is the logical solution that the three come to.
luwel says that the RTA are probably gonna hate it, but that it's easily justifiable to do. keith and mike are in agreement, because when it comes down to it, the rescue is the priority. two of them can take the fall in a fight if they need to - the rescue got home, which is the most important thing.
like clockwork, a monster house will spawn. they still have the rescue. the RTA can't help it, they love a well-timed monster house.
the team is split using the following thought process:
keith is one of the two that stay in the dungeon. this is a given, both because he's the team leader, and also because he's really, really shit at running away as he's a notoriously slow runner (can you blame him). he is the most physically defensive, as well as the most physically strongest (i mean, mike's strong, too, but a regular punch from keith is gonna be a lot worse than a regular punch from mike).
luwel can be fast, but he's not all that strong. he is, however, the best at problem-solving and adapting to situations as they happen, at least out of the three of them. he's also the one who planned their inventory in advance, so luwel actually knows what's in their bag that can be used for situations like these. he's staying with keith in the dungeon.
mike is fast, can fight off stragglers on the way out, and can also carry the rescue on the way. mike's going to be the one splitting from the team to ensure the safety of the rescue.
mike will take out a few pokemon from the monster house before upping and leaving. he can't risk staying for too long, as unfortunate as that is. he doesn't want to go. he knows the situation. he is terrified for what might happen to the others. but he is reassured, constantly -- not reassured. yelled at, really, in that one way keith sounds when he's serious. go. now. just take them and fucking go. despite how long they've been on the job together, it's not a side of keith that the other two see often.
mike's gone. the rescue is gone, too. it's just down to keith and luwel now. oh, christ, it's down to keith and luwel, who are already drained at this point, surrounded by fire types, in quite literally the worst place either of them could be in. the realisation is starting to dawn. gears are turning in luwel's head. the same can't be said for keith, but that's to be expected.
thank xerneas one of them knows how to prepare for the worst.
hell hath no fury[..] #4
keith does what he can to take a few of them out, but the exhaustion is really starting to kick in. he can only take so many more hits, under this heat, and bless luwel for being there with him but he's not exactly pulling his weight in a two-on-who-knows-what -- they're tired, drained, dehydrated, everything. they're probably even wilting at this point, the poor bastards.
luwel has a last resort, per the norm. years of the worried and paranoid "what if" scenarios playing in your head before every possible adventure will do that to you. he'd waited until the worst of the worst to use it -- and one could argue that this was as bad as it gets.
he has one singular flood orb, a moderately expensive upgrade to the rainy orb. his ass is not getting compensated for using it by the RTA. whilst the rainy orb generates, well, rain for a short period of time, the flood orb will generate torrential downpour, flooding the floor. overuse could lead to serious disasters in a dungeon, but nobody's got enough money for that. and nobody's got enough balls to ask kyogre to keep upgrading their orbs -- how long had keith had that in storage, anyways? there's not a chance in hell that he's seeking out kyogre ever again.
it's enough. even if it's just a break, it's enough. if keith wasn't the anchor that he is, he'd probably end up getting swept away by the flood that started to form in the room. luwel is holding onto him, of course, whilst keith berates him for using that item, even though he jokes about the fact it's actually fine and he's not mad at all. it's not total garbage water either, which is perfect for keith, because he loves his water absorb ability. it's keith's dungeon now, we're all just exploring in it.
thanks to the water absorption, keith's body has become as resilient as ever - he's slightly larger, now, to accommodate for the water* [note*], and he feels better than ever. better than he was before he even entered the dungeon. he'll take the world on, he doesn't give a shit. luwel is just idly getting by. it's nice to not have to deal with the heat for a little while. the orb fades in his hands, its blue hue transitioning to a dull, deep grey before crumbling to nothing. it was nice while it lasted, he reckons. he'll make a mental note to look for authentic upgrades orbs in the market when the time comes.
most of the monster house is just… swept away to a different part of the dungeon. they can move on, once they've taken their breather. the RTA will probably ban the use of upgraded orbs after this, but modern problems require modern solutions.
hell hath no fury[..] #5
they… get there, in the end. they reach the end of the dungeon. there were further hiccups along the way - luwel's body is a machine that turns reviver seeds into… well, we've heard that one somewhere before. they grab whatever it is that's needed at the end, and then they fuck off. they don't want to be there anymore.
(the details themselves aren't that important… it's just a regular dungeon exploration for the most part. fighting things, taking hits, healing, missing, whatever. all that good stuff. there's no point detailing the actual dungeon stuff itself right now).
mike is finally reunited with the guys. he's been living his best life outside of the dungeon, dealing with normal temperatures and - heaven forbid - a dip in the lake to cool down. mike's doing his best to not laugh about the state his brothers are in. why the fuck are they bald. (they are no longer bald)
it takes a while, but the RTA get back to them with their results. they've got to assess every team that took part, of course, so the waiting period was to be expected. for this particular trial, keith's team was met with, well…
a failure. they didn't pass. it's not something to be demoted over, but it cuts them out of qualifying for the top hundred teams in the continent. they haven't been failed in a good number of years. what gives? they did what they were told, didn't they?
yeah. but it's more intricate than that.
[pt 3.]
*[note; borrowed from swagulousbeing @ twt]
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Hello! My name is R, and welcome to:
The Legendverse
The Legendverse is a Pokemon au featuring my ocs that follows the concept of Legendary Pokemon being slightly more involved with the main events of the pokemon games than they lead on. Before getting into the specifics of that, let's get into-
The Timeline
The Legendverse follows a semi linear timeline of events, and it's ever expanding with the new Pokemon games that are coming out. Here's what the timeline looks so far:
PLA: 1868 -1872
FRLG/Emerald: 2005
HGSS/Platinum: 2008
BW: 2012
B2W2: 2014
XY: 2015
SM: 2016
USUM: 2018
SWSH: 2020
SV: 2025
Some things to note: USUM is treated as a sequel in this au. I don't really have a clear idea of what the plot is going to be but it is going to involve the Ultra Recon Squad and Ultra Necrozma. Secondly, PLA and the time between SM and SWSH are connected. As in Ingo and an oc of mine gets isekaied to Hisui during SM and come back sometime after the main plot of SWSH. 4 years in Hisui years, 4 years in modern times. Finally, SV will be added, but given how the games haven't been released yet,I cannot make a fair judgment onto where in the timeline this takes place. For personal reasons I hope it would make sense for it to be some time after SwSh, but we will see. 
With the timeline explained, now we can get into the meat of the Legendverse:
Legendaries and The Chosens
This will be a bit difficult to explain so let's start with the pure basics. In this au, Legendary Pokemon are essentially able to Choose a person as their Chosen, which more often than not, are my protagonists for this au. They are given the smallest fraction of the Legendaries power and are tasked to, from the Chosens understanding, protect the world from disaster,  which usually mean defeating the evil teams. However, uh, the Chosens may not even know this. This is where things get messy. When it comes to the protagonists of this au, the common theme is that they are, well, the protagonist: young and off the mixed up in a thing that kids their age shouldn't be getting mixed into. Theres also a sense of fate involved: most Chosen where Chosen either at birth or at a young age. But, for some reason, it doesn't apply to all. What's more is that being Chosen is kinda permanent until the Legendary decided otherwise, so these protagonists are effectively growing up superpowered- okay, it's not as obvious as that. See when I said this is messy? It can get confusing really quickly, especially as the why it's all happening. Legendaries are fickle beings after all. Either you will get some vague answer, or none at all. Or the Legendary doesn't even know themself, which adds more confusion and frustration for any Chosen involved. 
Now, amongst this mess, there's still some structure. For one, man made pokemon of any kind cannot Choose a Chosen. Arceus cannot as well, but purely for the fact that it is Arceus. Even the smallest fraction of power from them would not only be too much power from them, but too much power for the user to even comprehend. Bascically, it can overwhelming really fast and can end badly, really fast. So no Chosen One for Arceus. 
There's also seem to be some sort of….. hierarchy. Arceus, of course, is the one at the top, being the Creator, followed by the Lake Trio and Creation Trio. If I were to get into it here, this post will be far too long, especially as I am still working it out as we speak. But please know there's something going on here and yes, some Legendaries do know each other. 
Now we spoke a lot about the Legendaries and The Chosen Ones. But who exactly are the Chosen Ones? Well…..
The Protagonist Ocs
Truthfully, you should have seen this coming. Unless your new to this blog, then hi, names R, I like making pokemon ocs. Especially protagonist ocs. I have too many and I am going to make it your problem now. 
Real talk,in former interactions of this I would simply have the names of the ocs and have them linked to what is their bio, but given my greatest enemy is myself, I tend to be very behind on that. And given my need to gush about them, it really harms and potential conversation I could have about them if you guys don't know about them. So here's the solution! Short descriptions. The long bio's will come at a later time, I assure you, but for you all to get some idea of who the people are that live in my head rent free, you will get short bios. Some context here: all the ages presented are how of they are by SwSh. The ages they were during their individual game event will be in the larger bios. Also there's a main a secondary ( and the mysterious third) protagonist. Okay? Okay. So without further ado~
Name: Sakura Ume
Age: Somewhere in her 20’s
Gender and pronouns: Nonbinary and she/her. Maybe he/him.
Chosen One of: No one.
Bio: Sakura is simply one of a kind. In an attempt to bridge the gap between humans and pokemon a bit faster, Arceus has the genius idea to create a human being for that role. However, Volo’s and Giratina’s tempering caused her to fall to Hisui, with no knowledge of who she is, only a single goal to her name ‘ catch all pokemon’. Despite this, Sakura is a kind and energetic soul, who’s always willing to help and put those before herself.
Fun Fact: She’s Kiran’s ancestor! They look nothing alike.
Name: Zero Yamamoto
Age: Somewhere is his  20’s
Gender and pronouns: Nonbinary and He/Him They/Them
Chosen One of: No one ( but is the cause for someone else down the line)
Bio: I will admit that Zero’s backstory needs some work, but here’s what I got so far:  formerly was from lost The Platinum Clan, the clan that defected against the Celestica all those ages ago. He is one of the few surviving members. His knowledge comes from his parents who came from their parents and ect. They are all gone, and with nowhere else to turn, Zero found himself under the care of The Galaxy Team- Professor Laventon specifically. Despite his past, Zero is a mild mannered young man, simply wanting to help and not scare off people.
Fun fact: Zero has sharp teeth, which tend to put people off. To counter this, he always wears a red scarf. Also he’s a good cook and makes wonderful tea.
Name: Jin Amachi
Age: 27( swsh) 32( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Nonbinary and They/Them
Chosen One of: Rayquaza
Bio: One of the older protagonists, Jin has changed a lot from when they were a kid. From a rebellious and angry pre-teen to a much more calmer and confident adult. They're still angry, but for different reasons. They are very good at hiding it, however. 
Fun fact: They have two hands and it's for Amber and Wally 
Name: Kohaku Amber Birch
Age: 27 ( swsh) 32 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: Female and She/Her
Chosen One of: Undecided!
Bio:Jin's old rival and now girlfriend! She could have very easily became Champion but she was already set on being a Pokemon professor. Even then she is a strong trainers and a great rival to both Jin and Wally. 
Fun fact: The ultimate clutz. How has she survived so long is a mystery.
HGSS/ Crystal
Name: Kenji Hino
Age: 22 ( swsh) 27 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: (Trans) Male and He/Him
Chosen One of: Ho-Oh
Bio: Once a boy with a golden heart, growing under the pressure of his own self doubts and fears. He still tries his best and almost never fails to give a smile to those who need it.
Fun fact: Kenji is a bit of an artist! Drawing helps him destress.
Name: Aiko Elm
Age: 22( swsh) 27( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female and She/Her
Chosen One of: Lugia
Bio: An energetic girl who grew to love martial arts and waving her staff around. She’s Kenji’s childhood friend and considers herself his ultimate rival, though that might just be to annoy Silver. She doesn’t follow the same path as her dad, Prof. Elm, and while he is supportive, she can’t help but wonder what she’s doing with her life.
Fun fact: Aiko trained under both the Kimono girls and her Uncle Chuck! She will kick you ass.
Name: Beryl Jewel
Age: 25 ( swsh) 30 ( SV )
Gender and pronouns: nonbinary and they/she
Chosen one of: Suicune
Bio: A generally chill person, Beryl is a an aspiring pokemon professor and focuses their work on pokemon rescue and rehabilitation. Her family is generally supportive, despite all the drama that had come before. Beryl is very worried for their friends well being.
Name: Danica Yamamoto
Age: 23 ( swsh) 28 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female and she/her
Chosen one of: Giratina 
Bio: An eerily quite and kinda creepy girl with a knack for kinda just…..appearing. All she wishes is for her to have good battles, protect Sinnoh, and be with her friends, family and pokemon. Recent years have challenged that however.
Fun Fact: She's a baker and aims to own her own bakery. 
Name: Kiran Plum
Age: 24 ( swsh) 29 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: Demi-boy/non-binary and He/They
Chosen One of: No one. Right now. I think. 
Bio: This man has been through so much. To keep it short, he was Professor Rowans assistant, who then became obsessed with Arceus after a chance encounter, to which caused Arceus to send them back in time, where they spend 4 years of his life until he comes back home. He is a incredibly tired, sarcastic professor who desperately needs a nap. 
Fun Fact: He has a crush on Barry and is trying so hard not to have one. He's failing. 
Black and White and B2W2 
Name: Alexis Jones
Age: 22 27
Gender and Pronouns: Male and he/him
Chosen on of: Zekrom 
Bio: Another incredibly tired man who have both lost pokemon and an arm during his journey. Nowadays he's much more reclusive, avoiding any discussion of what has happened to both him and those around him. Despite this, he has a hero's heart….even if he doesn't believe it. 
Fun Fact: He works( worked?) at a daycare and is incredibly good with baby pokemon.
Name: Elliot Jones
Age: 22( swsh) 27 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female and she/her
Chosen One of: Reshiram 
Bio: Alexis' brash and loud younger twin sister, Elliot has not lost pokemon like her brother did when they were kids. But she was there to see the affects of it. Not to mention losing a leg as her brother an arm. She wants to talk about it with her brother, but he makes it difficult. So what does one do? Drag him to Galar for an admittedly impromptu vacation.
Fun Fact: She works at the Gear Station and formed a close uncle- niece bond with the Submas Twins.
Name: Evangeline " Eva" Ortiz
Gender and Pronouns: Female( trans) and She/Her
Age: 21 ( swsh ) 26 ( SV)
Bio: Once a plucky kid aiming to be the very best that no one ever was, is now the champion ( co-champion??? Still working on it) of Unova.  She's sporty, fashionable, and is constantly doing something. She tries her best to be there for people, but has a hard time letting people be there for her. Especially when it comes to the cold. 
Fun Fact: She's a bit of a tinkerer! Er, engineer. She loves breaking down and building cool tech. It's common for people to not want her and Volkner to meet, less a gaint Mecha robot is to be built. Oh. Also she and Elliot are dating. 
Name: Wayne Kukui
Age: 20 ( swsh ) 25 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Male( trans) and he/him 
Bio: A former team plasma grunt later to be adopted by Clay, Wayne is the more….awkward one of the Unova gang. He genuinely cares about the well being of Pokemon,and while he is a trainer- a decent one at that- he doesn't do it often. He's a bit naive at times, mostly a side affect of being sheltered by Team Plasma, but he has a good heart and wants the best for everyone! 
Fun Fact: He acts as a delivery boy for Clay. Really, Clay just wanted Wayne to interact with people more, but Wayne saw this as some sort of way to repay for his time at Team Plasma, and couldn't be stopped. 
Pokemon XY
Jude Bellrose
Age: 22 ( swsh ) 27 ( sv )
Gender and Pronouns: Genderfluid and they/she/he
Chosen One of: Yveltal
Bio: Another nuzlocke protagonist. Jude can be harsh, their words can be cold and they can act like they don't care. However, his journey deeply affected him, causing him to reflect on themself and what they really want. She's getting better. 
Fun Fact: They are multilingual! Also has heavy romantic tension with Dante. They need to work on themselves first, though. 
Name: Dante LaCroix
Age: 22 ( swsh ) 27 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Male and he/him
Chosen One of: Xerneas
Bio: Jude's rival, and son of two veteran trainers. Prided himself in being a good trainer despite his parents, but Jude's talent and attitude caused a severe rivalry between then two. Said rivalry clouded Dante's judgement and made him to be manipulated by Lysandre, though he turned himself around when he realized what Lysandre's goals truly were. 
Fun Fact: He works as an assistant detective to Emma!
Pokemon SM / Pokemon USUM
Name: Amsonia Mahina
Age: 15 ( swsh ) 20 ( SV )
Gender and Pronouns: Demigirl and she/they
Chosen One of: Lunala 
Bio: Her and her mother moved to Alola -her mother's home region- after finally getting away from her abusive father. She's closed off and selectively mute, so she's not the most cheery of people. However, the more she stays in Alola, the more she begins to heal and begins living her life.
Fun fact: She's Kenji's half sister. They both share the same shitty dad.
Name: Ray
Age: 15 ( swsh ) 20 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: cis* ( as in I don't fully know he's vibing) and he/him. 
Chosen One of:  Most likely Solgeleo
Bio: Is under works! At most he's associated with team skull and acts as the protagonist of USUM, not Amsonia ( which acts pretty different in this au) but I still need to figure things out. 
Fun fact: Also in the works!
Pokemon SwSh
Name: Naomi Einar 
Age: 15 ( swsh ) 20 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Female (trans) and she/her
Chosen One of: Zacian
Bio:( oh boy there's a lot going on so I'm keeping this short). A shy country girl who promised her best friend Hop to go on the gym challenge with him. She fully believes she will fail easily and just slow him down, but can't say no to his face. Has…..foggy memory. Can't seem to remember much, even if it's right in front of her. 
Fun fact: Alexis and Elliot are her cousins! She also loves dancing.
Name: Carol Fitzroy
Age: 16 ( Swsh ) 21 ( SV)
Gender and Pronouns: Agender and they/them
Chosen One of: Calyrex 
Bio: A troubled teen that came from a not so great situation. Formerly a city kid in Wyndon, they moved to Wedgehurst with their mother, and made fast friends with Naomi and Hop, immediately becoming best friends. They would do anything to keep them safe. Have a deep hatred for their father, Chairman Rose ( they only found out recently).
Fun fact: Loves hugs, especially from Hop and Naomi.
Luca Valero
Age: 13-14
Gender and pronouns: genderqueer and he/any.
Chosen one of: Terapogos????? Maybe?????
Bio: An energetic boy that has a deep hidden trauma of the darkest day. He tries his best to be a help to anyone and everyone in his life in fear of becoming a burden. He tends to be too stubborn, not knowing when to take a no , but overall is a beacon of light to those around him.
Fun fact: Is a lover of anything pink!
Ramona Beatriz Luna
Age: 16
Gender and pronouns: female ( trans) and she/her.
Chosen one of: None.
Bio: A closed off girl who has been labeled as a bully and "The Calamity" due to her reputations in her old schools. No one knows of the harsh bullying and abuse that she has went through to gain such a closed heart, and because of that she has pretty much gave up on herself, Naranja Uva academy being her last hope. Despite her rough exterior she is pretty chill and level headed, and cares much more than she lets on.
Fun fact: She's childhood friends with Arven. It didn't end well.
And that's it! That's all of them! Well, that's a lie. These are just the protagonist/Chosen ocs I have. Truth be told, there's actually a lot of Pokemon ocs I have haha. But I won't be getting into them here, or else this will be way too long for comfort. But before this post is complete, I wanted to mention some miscellaneous things( at the top of my head)
The Johto Exclusive Elite 4!
The Indigo league go through a "split". One E4 and champion for Johto and one for Kanto
This is done by Kenji, who felt like Johto was often undermined by Kanto and other regions ( mostly Kanto). He wanted Johto to get a chance to shine on their own. 
Still called the Indigo League all together,as a sign of peace and companionship
Kalos kinda sucks and Jude's trying to fix it. 
When you have stores that deny people entry based on how " stylish" they are, you know there's a problem.
Especially when the mad man who tried to commit genocide wanted to preserve "beauty" ( which comes in the form of rich people with elist and socialist views).
And the stigma against " evil" types. 
So yeah. There's a problem that needs fixing. 
Canon characters!
Silver is Chosen by Celebi. An odd duo I know, but think of the comedic potential, okay. 
N is vibing with a non Chosen/Protagonist oc and honestly he deserves it. 
Ingo and Emmet do reunite don't worry. 
Hugh's sister, Hana, ends up becoming the new dark type Elite 4 member in replacement of Grimsley. No I am not kidding. 
Red and Blue are the ultimate slow burn. They are getting married, don't worry.
Also Green's here too! She's Blue's sister in this au
Lear's here and Cheren's bf. Dunno how but he is. 
There's so much more, a lot I probably haven't thought about yet. 
Her name is Ruth! No that's not my real name. Please don't address me as that, just call me R. 
She's a demi-god that just wanna chill with her Eevee but ends up getting roped into shenanigans. Please help her, she just wanna chill-
Okay! Now that's it! I'm probably gonna add more as time goes on, but yeah! You can ask about anything regarding the legendverse( my ocs, canon characters, Ruth), or just general pokemon stuff! I really don't mind, and would ramble about anything pokemon related lol. And……yeah. I hope you all have a good day/night!
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i-h3art-l0v3 · 2 years
I need to get back into my fics, mostly my Pokemon Chaos ones I think. First I'm going to reorganize my lore and here's one small piece I came up with for Emmett and Ingo as Reshiram and Zekrom.
Ingo and Emmett were told, sometimes, that they were given their names because they were alike the old kings, named after them. No one knew if they were related or not, though, as they had simply shown up one day as babies.
Well, they knew the truth, eventually, but it was not something told often. In fact, they still remembered their first lives, something many did not.
The King of the People of the Vale was childless, his wife nor himself able to bear, and thus he prayed to the Great One, He Before Arceus, the Forgotten King. For years he prayed and, eventually, it was in that spot of prayer that two children were found one day, ideally just as normal as the king himself, but half god in truth.
Eventually, the time came for one to take the throne, but they could not see the other's view nor how it was better for the people, and in this strife caused the Protector of the Vale to split, choosing a great hero each their own.
But that was not the end. The dragons could not exist purely on their own without pain, but the strife had split them eternal, and thus they melded with their chosen, lest their protection die out and the Vale succumb.
But with only two brothers, a third shell remained, unable to be filled with anything but pain and loneliness.
The dragons still yearn to return to one, but it is to never happen again.
Basically, Rashimir is The One Before Arceus and is like half OC half OP Steven Stone. Ingo and Emmett were his children with a mortal woman, and were actually created in the first place to help with the dragon split, meaning the king originally did have other children but to fix the world Rashimir removed them from the picture and created Ingo and Emmett with energy specifically to match. They're was supposed to be a third, Seru as I've called him, but the woman was mortal and could not bear immortal triplets without problem and thus one never developed as she nearly died with just the two.
And then I have an AU of this lore where the woman is left with three men and a third baby created from energy so she did not have to bear Seru herself. The men are tasked to protect her and the children, but, when the boys turn 14, they are caught up in a time disturbance during one of the King's prayers, and end up in the past. They can't get to the future, but they're technically immortal so long as they care for themselves, and then the fusion happens. To their mother its hardly been a week to a month, to them it's maybe 200-500 years since they saw her last, but Kyrum is not left a shell.
Lemme know what y'all think.
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and another oc asks for emil <3
- local emil kisser
i finally organised all my oc banners into the same folder. are you proud?
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🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
Well he doesn't have a home. Or a consistent place he stays. Emil is on the run? So I guess i'll answer the second half! He misses his king sized bed with the deep red sheets and the black canopy, he wants that back one day. It was so comfortable.
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have?
A problem shape.
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Preferably inside a warm tavern with a glass of the strongest alcohol the place serves.
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
If its a small enough rock he'll keep it! He doesn't have much storage on the run but he appreciates the gesture.
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
In the pokemon au he's the Cadea Region's Champion's Royal Guard! His team is as follows: Gardevoir (Marceau), Shuppet (Narcisse), Sylveon (Colette), (Shiny) Phantump (Roselle), Snom (Cutest Boy Ever also known as Snom Nom and Oriane), Sableye (Evrard)
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
I actually played Emil as an Order of the Mutant Bloodhunter! It was super awesome! I think he'd choose a Bloodhunter too! Maybe Ghostslayer though. :)
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
He'd love video games! I like to think he'd make an awesome fps/horror streamer
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
Emil doesn't get along with most people due to his standoffish personality. Even if they're on the same side. This misunderstanding leads to a lot of people he can't stand.
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
(Fantasy) English, French, and conversational German.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to '5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
He's a 2. On what scale? Idk. But he's a two. he's not great. he will fail at a recipe seven times before making something edible, but at least he gets there.
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
The aristocracy in relation to ancient times.
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
Same sort of thing where allogenes aren't common but they aren't not normal. Emil does later become an 'interstice' though. Someone that lives between living and dead. Who will die but cannot stay dead, forever existing in a limbo sort of state. THAT isn't normal.
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
Not really lol
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
He's seen it. He's seen more impressive things though.
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
Emil tries to? But its kind of hard. He doesn't sleep very well, insomniac.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Laure usually. He trusts her to be there for him but not ask questions. He appreciates not having to spill why.
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Losing his sisters.
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
Said sisters. Or Ohm, strangely enough.
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
His (rather, Mitch's) hair clips. His sword. A bracelet Alexis made him.
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
When he lost his eyesight + gained his Vision. He'd have struck first.
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
Leaving his sisters behind. He'd undo it. Bring them with him.
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
Emil figures he should be dead already, he's thankful every day he gets to push forward and keep going. Unbridled human determination. So he tries not to think of how.
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
He'd go home.
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vixenshub · 8 months
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#VIXENSFIRE: An independent, private, selective, semi-lit to literate RP blog, featuring muses from Disney, Pokemon, Genshin Impact, Pixar, and more. 18+ to interact- minors/ageless blogs are blocked on sight (age ranges are fine, including 18+ / 21+).
This blog contains strong NSFW and/or dark themes, including but not limited to: Sexual content (including BDSM), alcohol/drugs, toxic relationships, abuse, manipulation, and general violence. Proceed at your own risk, I am not responsible for you being unable to curate your own space.
Penned by Vixen. 21+, she/her. Most active on @luminovas. Rule highlights are below the cut.
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-My tagging format is #____ cw. I don't do catch-alls or personal trigger tags. My NSFW tag is #( nsft. )
-This blog is anti-censorship and pro-survivor. I have no patience for people who are unable to curate their own RP experience without harassing people about what they write. In other words, if you are pro-censorship / pro-harassment over fiction, then the door is to the right (and hit the block button on your way out)!
-Be 18+ to interact. No exceptions, I am not responsible for what you see if you choose to lie about your age to get into 18+ spaces.
-I hate RP elitists and you'll be blocked on sight. Whether you're a snob about graphics, mobile users, people who don't have English as a first language, or anything else like that. I don't care, you can GTFO.
-I don't RP with any blogs that don't have a strong distinction between mun and muse. Kin blogs, alter blogs, most self-inserts, etc.
-I don't RP with muses from Harry Potter, Dream SMP, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Homestuck, or South Park.
-Personal blogs can follow me, but don't like/reblog my posts.
-Highly NSFW and shipping friendly for most muses (I will directly state if they are not open for NSFW or shipping), though I prefer chemistry and plotting beforehand. No cheating dynamics.
-RP is a mutual effort, and if you're consistently ghosting/ignoring my attempts to interact, I'm just gonna softblock you. I will not waste my time or energy with people who constantly ghost my attempts to interact.
-I only reblog callouts if the person being called out is exhibiting dangerous behavior towards real people or animals. In other words, I'm not about those callouts where the premise is "this person writes ____" or "this person ships ____," nor am I about the callouts where it could have just been resolved by communicating properly or blocking eachother. That being said, if I'm following someone who has previously been called out for dangerous behavior, please privately message me with the callout- and make sure it has definitive proof and not just word of mouth.
-I'm fairly vocal about the RPC's many problems. Such as misogyny, racism, queerphobia (especially transphobia), ableism, the mistreatment of OCs, the trigger happy callout culture, the many RPC blogs that solely exist to give the most toxic members of the RPC a place to thrive, and so on. I'll tag these rants with #salt cw.
-I'm picky about fight scenes and plotting is essentially mandatory due to this, unless there's a very clear premise. I'm passionate about stuff like godmodding and metagaming, and I will never have my muses kill, maim, or control your muse in a thread without permission, but I will also not water down the power level or experiences of my muses.
-Queerphobes, racists, misogynists, antisemites, ableists, etc. will never be welcome here. I stand with Palestine and other occupied nations, and if you don't then you can go pound sand.
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artesesarthouse · 5 years
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My Pokemon Shield team!
Decided to use my Friends OC as the character I play in Shield because she's british and well this IS the british region so it fits.
So I've beaten pokemon Shield, finished about 90% of the Dex, and have gotten about a third of the way through Sword, and for the most part, I'm having fun with it. I say, despite the bad news that kept pouring over the last few weeks, it has enough good things to keep it fun and fresh. That said, there are some issues because not everything is perfect, and I'll detail the pros and cons I find with most of the important things about the game. Keep in mind I'm not a professional in the industry. I'm a casual fan who likes to collect Pokemon and a fan of the creature design. That said, let's get into it.
TLDR: Pokemon SWSH is good; its good on the things it improves on and adds to make the game more helpful to the grind, but it has many short cuts that make certain features tedious and time-consuming. Buy the game for the new mons and quality of life improvements. Don't buy if you expect everything to carry over from previous titles.
The Dex:
Of course, I have to talk about this as it was the biggest thing that started to change people's minds about SWSH and is a controversy that continued till release. For me, when I heard it, I didn't care because, for me, the only Pokemon I care about are the new ones. My team for each game is only the new Pokemon (including the alola and galar forms). But I do understand why people are upset because once pokemon home comes around, no doubt pokemon bank will close and you'll HAVE to switch them over and thus not be able to use Pokemon you've had for a while until they get added in future games. Which could be years. But let's switch gears and talk about what was added. Then just over 80 new pokemon, not including galarian forms. Now, this isn't the smallest amount of new mons we've had. XY had the least, but it still disappointing that there aren't that many new ones. BUT the new mons we got are fun and creative. I have many new favs, and GOD do I love that they brought back regional forms and made them better! obstagoon isn't the only one that got a region-based evolution, and I LOVE that they brought more. I think one of the unique things about Pokemon from most other monster catcher type shows and games is evolution and a big disappointment for me is whenever there is a pokemon with no evolutions because it feels like there's no potential and it's boring, and yes there is no-evolution pokemon among the new mons. My final note, though, is that there are more new evolution gimmicks, and I am not a fan, stones? Okay, friendship? Annoying but with berries, it can help. Trade? It can be annoying if you don't have friends, but you can use the GTS (OH WAIT :( ILL GET INTO THAT LATER), but making it, so yanmask needs 49+ damage AND can only evolve in a specific spot? FOR SHAME.
Wild area and Dynamax dens:
The one thing that was advertised the most, the thing that was in basically every trailer and hammered to death, the wild are. SO how is it after all this hyper? It's okay.
It's big, way bigger then I thought, I thought it was just that beginning area in front of motorstroke but nope! Way bigger.
The wild area is split up into sections that each has their spawns and weather separate from the rest. This allows you to build a variety of teams early on; you don't have to wait till the end of the game to get an Ice-type or Dragon-type. If it's snowing in one section, there will be plenty of Ice-type mons.
The Dynamax dens are a great way to help the grind that pokemon games tend to have. Not only do you have a chance to get rare mons, but you get EXP candies which help level up your mons from 100 exp to 100,000 exp, so you can use those to level up mons you don't plan to use but need the evolutions for their Pokedex entries! It helps simplify the grind and tediousness of the grind.
It's very tiresome to travel around, there are many hills and slopes you can't move through and have to take the path around it, which gets annoying very quickly, especially if you are trying to get into the water, but you can only access it from a lower level, what would've been nice is a rock climbing upgrade for the bike so you can traverse up the cliffs and cut downtime.
Overworld pokemon aggro too much and get in the way. They are a lot of Pokemon that can only be caught in grass, and the way you have to trigger a grass pokemon is by moving in the tall grass, the problem is the Pokemon that some pokemon that wander around will notice and charge at you, stopping your progress until you end the fight. It gets in the way, and from I've seen, there's no item to make them ignore you.
Weather spawns, one worry I had when I heard about the changing weather feature was that some pokemon are locked into only appearing during particular weather, and sadly I was right, but it's even worse! Not only is that true, BUT some mons can only be gotten in individual sections too! So there's an even smaller chance at getting them! Weather also is daily, and every section can get nearly every single weather effect, so it could be literal weeks until you get the one weather effect you need in that one section for your damn Pokedex.
GMAX raids are too infrequent, one of the big things that made people get on the side of Dynamaxing was the introduction of Gigantamaxing, which is just mega evolution with extra steps, but you can only get them from raids. Except for Charizard, Eevee, Pikachu, and Meowth. And they are a very low chance even with the event going on that increases some of the spawns.
The Wild area is a good idea which they will hopefully explore and improve in future games, but only time will tell.
Pokemon Camp:
The new substitute after Pokemon refresh. And it's okay, leaning towards Tedious.
It's fun to see the Pokemon interact and run along and even play fetch with them, Cute and fun,
Cooking curry increases their EXP, friendship, and restores their health. So it's very convenient if you don't want to use potions or don't even have them.
No way to level up affection quickly, in Pokemon Amie, you had those special cupcakes, and in Refresh, you had the rainbow beans. Not in this one, though, it's all involves the two toys you get. And it's slow and tedious after the 500th stick wiggle.
Getting berries for curry is tedious; this is part of the wild area problem, but there is no way to farm berries you need for specific curry, or in general, SM and USUM had the poke pelago which was a great addition especially the berry farm. But there is nothing to help with that in this game, so you have to resort to being lucky to get the berry you need from a tree and not be attacked by the squirrel.
No clear way of how to get the best rating for curry. It warns you about speed before your first curry session, but there are nothings to indicate how fast or slow you need to be for each section, additionally if you are using a controller, you can't stir as quickly as using each Switch controller separately.
Pokemon camp feels like a simplified pokemon refresh with a few improvements but not enough to streamline the process.
The starters:
Now about a week or so before the release, the whole Pokedex was leaked, including the starters, which stirred up controversy due to how they look compared to most other gens. I think they're fine. Each has its positives and negatives like every other gen. For me, Rillaboom is the best because it has a freaking drum set and is a big hunky boy. Then why did I not choose it as my starter for the pic above? Because of my complaint about the starters. They aren't dual-type, So they had no guarantee they could learn other move types from their base type, which for the most part, is true unless you use TMS or TRS. So it was either Intelleon or Cinderace because grass-type has so many weaknesses. I went with Intelleon because Cinderace just looked the most boring to me? It looks like a rabbit wearing pants, not that I don't get the theme, which is Cinderace as a soccer player, but still, it was engaging to me. Intelleon stirred up controversy due to its smug look and big hands, but I saw someone explain why he might be like that which helped warm me up to him, It's based on a lizard that is long and lean with big hands, and most likely is based on a spy theme. Especially with that official art of it doing a dodge with a finger gun attack (which it has in the game), so that made him more interesting to me. I think the biggest problem with Intelleon was that is has nothing to do with sobble's gimmick. Scorbunny kicks? Turns into a soccer player. Grookey using a stick to hit things? Turns into a drummer. Sobble cries a lot? Turns...into...a spy? Like the crying thing doesn't play into his final form at all, and that is probably why people were so off-put by the idea. Honestly, I say some of Drizzles design should've been for sobble. That way, it could help learn into the edgy lizard design. But I think the BIGGEST problem with the starters is that WE DIDN'T GET TO SEE THEM BEFORE RELEASE. I'm okay with not showing all Pokemon, but the starters are NEEDED. It's the first Pokemon we get and will spend hours leveling up. I honestly think the leaks helped save the game because if we didn't know the final evolves before the release and found out after, many more people would have been upset. The leaks helped give people a week to process and get used to them.
That's enough about the Pokemon, let's get into the story elements.
This game has three Rivals, and each represents the arch-type of Rival we have gotten over the years. Hop represents the friendly Rival who fights to get to know you and become strong with his Pokemon. Marnie represents the Rivals who are kind and respectful to you but also battle to be competitive and prove themselves. Bede represents the asshole Rivals, the ones who, no matter how much you beat them, they think they're better than you and won't shut up about it, but they might have a tragic past that makes up for them being jerks. My favorite is Hop, mostly because he gets the most development and because I like the friendly Rivals. It started for me in XY actually, when you got that group of friends it was nice because ironically in a game about companionship with pocket monsters, you're very alone. You only see your Mons when you fight or use Amie, Refresh, and Camp. So having a friend come around every once in a while feels nice and helps that feeling of loneliness. Anyways Bede and Marnie are nice but don't get enough time, but they serve their purpose.
Gym battles:
I love what they've done with the gyms; they are spectacles thanks to the crowd, the music (by toby fox C:), and Dynamxing makes each gym battle feel as epic as it should be. The pre-gym fight challenges and activities range from okay too annoying (looking at you pinball and collapsing trap puzzles), but they serve their purpose for getting more EXP before the final fight.
There is no Elite four, which makes sense since the game builds up Lee as the champion. Even without the Elite four, I do like the tournament aspect, it makes sense for the region, and you still fight four powerful trainers.
The antagonists:
Spoilers alert, if most of what I said isn't already a spoiler. Team yell felt disappointing; they weren't involved that much unless to block off an area until you beat a gym or something. But I did like Piers and Marnie's relationship that developed from around the team. Rose and Oleanna were great because Rose had charisma and was generally kind, so you can see why he gained the respect of the region. And his plan makes sense, but he went about it the wrong way by rushing and imprisoning a pokemon that caused a significant problem years ago. Oleanna was a treat because of how dedicated and stone-cold she was, and when she battled you, her expressions were priceless. Sordward and Shielbert were total jerks, and it was satisfying enough to beat them. The antagonists are alright, I say the plan from Rose came in a bit last minute, but it was still a good threat.
The story:
Now Pokemon stories aren't complicated; You want to become champion, you get a Rival, the evil team gets in your way, so you get dragged into a major conspiracy, you beat them along your journey and then become champion. There can be things to read into, and development for some characters that make them exciting and put simply, SWSH follows the same formula. I think the best part is Hop's journey, and seeing Sonia grow as well, most of the other major players don't change all that much till the end of the game. So it's not a bad story, just the same formula as before. It IS a kid's game so that I wouldn't expect anything complicated anyway.
The end game story:
This is where Sordward and Shielbert are introduced, and they fill the role of villains who only care about themselves if you didn't like what they did with Rose. Sadly they weren't introduced or even mentioned throughout the game, so it's not as fulfilling to beat them due to them just appearing out of nowhere. My only problem is that we have to go to every gym to fight dynamaxed Pokemon, but we don't get to capture them, and its a long road till we get to catch the game legendary finally.
The story offers new aspects, but for the most part, follows a formula, so don't expect something complicated or nuanced. Now on to the technicals.
They have made quite a few quality of life improvements that have helped make things tighter and more comfortable to access.
In battle, they made it so you can press X to go to pokeballs quickly for easy catching.
The PC link box. You no longer have to travel back and forth between poke centers to get Pokemon from the box so you can level and evolve them, now you can access it on your person anywhere which is convenient and handy.
The name rater, move reminder, and deleter is all the same person and in every poke-center at no additional cost too!
From SM-Lets go, there were ride Pokemon that took up the task of the bike and the Hm moves, which was great! No more annoying Hm moves you couldn't get rid of and had to have to move around the world. Now it's improved further with the bike being able to slip between land and seas without any menus, you get the ability to fly very early, AND there's nothing for strength, cut or flash. Less tediousness and more easy-to-access features, thank you.
You can organize the menus to your preferred order. The bag is easier to understand, and you can favorite things and organize it by favorites so you'll always be able to see them. There are more options in the settings to help skip through dialogue-heavy parts and make the game more accessible to get through if you want.
Bad advertising:
I think one of the things that hurt the game pre-release is that the advertising was crap, barely any of the improvements were shown outside of the wild area and Dynamaxing. I mentioned before how stupid it was that we didn't get to see the evolutions for the damn starters. I don't mind that we didn't get to see all the new Pokemon, I like the surprise, but we should've seen at least the other exclusives, so help people decided what to buy. I do say you shouldn't show everything, but the starters and exclusives are necessary for people to decided what to buy and who they are going to choose.
The worst thing about the game:
Now I can see the problem with Dexit, and I can see the problem with the battle animations, BUT I believe the worst part about the game is the Ycomm feature. It's the replacement for the multiplayer menu from the DS games, and it brought over the worst feature from let's go. No Global trade System. So if you're looking for exclusives or low percentage chance pokemon well you're on your own, there's nothing to help you find the Pokemon you need. There's link trade and surprise trade and no way to specify what you want if you have a friend who got the other game, then your lucky. If you don't have any friends? Well, your fucked, sucks for you, you friendless loser lol lol. That's not it, though, and there's no friends list either. You have to use a four-digit link code, which by the way a random can also use it as well. But you know what they do have? League card trading section, League cards are fun and cute but a section to getting them from randoms when it means nothing? Pointless, that slow should've been for the GTS or at least a friend list section. They do have a way to search through stamps so you can find battles or trades and even Dynamax dens, though! Oh wait... the list barely updates frequently enough until the person searching for a raid team has either quit or started anyway, but the game won't tell you that until you attempt to join!
Pokemon Sword and Shield is a good game with shortcuts and flaws that are tedious and frustrating, but the improvements and good things that were added make up for its shortcomings. Heres hoping next year's game will carry over the good changes and improve on SWSH faults.
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naivesilver · 4 years
If you’re still doing the Sonic ask meme, can you do 32,33,34,37,42,51,62,74,75,96. You don’t have to answer all of them if it’s a lot.
YO ANON YOU ARE THE BEST I love talking about Sonic I’ll do them ALL
100 Sonic Questions
32.) Most underrated character, GO 
HOPE KINTOBOR!!!!!! So many Archie characters did a full 360 once Kenders left and I remember them fondly but Hope is the fucking best! I want to see her again! She’s such a good girl with a great story and I may or may not be planning a fic involving her
33.) Most overrated character, GO
I should say that they are all good and deserve endless love but it’s not true. I can’t lie. The Babylon Rogues are just too boring to me.
It’s fine if you love them! Even if they are your faves! I apply to this the same principle I have with other Pokemon fans loving Pelipper when I could easily go a whole life without seeing its soulless bird eyes again.
(Okay maybe I have something against birds.
Except the Hatoful Boyfriend ones. Those are good.)
The thing is I just don’t find them all that interesting??? I don’t hate them, I’m just kinda meh about them. But I follow some people who adore them with a passion and it’s very endearing to watch someone pour all their love on their fave characters so I tolerate it and even reblog some good art when the mood strikes. But they still don’t rank in my top ten and probably never will.
34.) Guilty pleasure game? 
When I was in middle school I watched 06 cutscenes all the time and I’ve never been able to replicate the surge of intense excitement I had in those days.
It’s a bad game. It’s true. But it holds a special place in my heart and it introduced the best boy ever so I can’t let it go.
37.) List your favorite platonic ships.
I have LOTS for a start Sonic and Knuckles have a great dynamic and I want to see it more. And while I ship Vector and Espio romantically the way they both interact with Charmy is ADORBS they’re the trash parent/older brother figures he deserves. And Shadow and Rouge!!! God I could go on all night maybe friendship IS a superpower.
42.) If you could say one thing to Sonic Team right now, what would it be? 
51.) If you were your least favorite character for a day, what would you do and why?
Given that my least favorite is Zavok I would sit down and have a fucking nap instead of causing problems on purpose
62.) Opinions on Japanese and English voice acting, GO 
I know next to nothing about the Japanese VAs but the English ones are quite good??? I feel like they often embody their characters quite well. Certainly better than the Italian ones looking at you, Luca Ward and your C-level Metarex roles
74.) What’s the best thing about being in the Sonic fandom?
The creativity! Canon is so flexible that everyone can pick and choose what they please and there are thousands of headcanons, redesignes and plausible backstories that one can find everywhere, it just makes me dizzy with joy.
And the OCs! I could spend days gushing over other people’s OCs (and mine, though I never gather the courage to do it here). I say it before and I’ll say it again, if you ever need to show someone the character you made, send it over! I’ll praise them from head to toe because they’re all great. Full stop. No exception. Cringe is fucking dead.
75.) What’s the worst thing about being in the Sonic fandom? 
Antis. Worse still, antis recycling old arguments that I thought we’d buried deep down underground.
You can’t - you can’t come at me in the year of the lord 2020 and tell me sonamy and sonadow are problematic ships and everyone who endorses them is a disgusting person. Dude. That’s the literal backbone of the fandom. What the fuck.
(Also, as someone who got called some really nasty words bc I ship vecpio: I don’t give a damn. Ship what you want. Indulge in your kinks. We actively cheer for brightly colored antropomorphic animals to win in made up races against time or fights against mechanic overlords, stop taking everything so seriously.)
96.) Which character annoys you? 
Shade. Not because I have anything against her. I just never understood where she came from and why I never see any screenshots of her game and at this point I’m too afraid to ask anyone about it.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Help bunni decide a cosplay!
Sadly im probably gonna be missing the gaming con thats happening soon thanks to all the dentist stuff and sister stuff leaving me flat broke. But im gonna aim to go for the film amd comic con in march, even if its more of a marvel and dc thing with only occasional other stuff. But the nice shopkeeper i befriended at christmas will be there! Also if i go to one thats a little further away i have time to attempt to make a cosplay maybe? The only problem is that i still have no idea what to pick!
* Idea 1: Magma Admin Tabitha, because i look almost exactly like him and itd be less pressure worrying about my self being innacurate no matter how accurate the costume is. Negative side is that the costume is quite complex and would probably be really hot and heavy wearing two layers and then a binder underneath. Unless i can manage to make some sort of fake turtleneck jumper thats more breatheable?
* idea 2: team galactic grunt! Cos theyre my faves of faves! Also i already have the hair lol. Not sure exactly what material to make the uniform from though, whats affordable but still cpuld look like spacesuit stuff? Also id be worried about people making fun of me for being fat and cosplaying a thin character.
* idea 3: team skull grunt! Cos theyre my second favpurite team and there's at least one chubby grunt in the anime. However both a downside and an upside is that its sort of a "casual cosplay"? Would be very easy to make and i might feel guilty i took the easy option.
* idea 4: C H A R O N. Pluses: it my fave character in all of fiction forever. Minuses: its hard to dresd up as an accurate grandpa withput wearing complex makeup or a latex mask, both of which are really uncomfortable and look awful. Also embarassing to dress as an accurate grandpa, alas! Kinda embarassing even to dress as him without the gramp makeup and bald cap and stuff, cos anyone who knew who he was would know he was a grandpa. "Why do you like a grandpa?" says rational person number 258, and bunni dies of embarassment
* idea 5: pokemon gijinka? Plus is that i can make up the design so nobody can ever tell me i'm wrong and if i cant find the rigjt materials i can always improvise. Minus is that i have NO IDEA which pokemon to pick! So many good ones!!! And aaa i cant really do my gijinka rotom oc Gizmo cos i really don't think the whole design would work on me when im a different body shape, skintone, hairstyle etc.
Idea 6: gijinka of some other fave monster from another game?? Cos pokemon gijinkas are common but heartless gijinkas are less so. Also way less monsters to choose from! But less of a chance of being recognised unless i just pick the basic Shadow :/
Addendum idea: floaty pal? I was thinking i could possibly have my rotom plush on one of those nearly invisible strings and figurw out how to wire it down my sleeve so i could make it move. But thatd probably require a lot more smartness than i have!
So aaaa does anyone have any tips? Or any of these ideas sound good to you?
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Fallout OC Questionnaire
Taken from: @codename-whisper
Some questions have been omitted for preference / personal reasons. Located under cut.
1. Which Fallout game are they from?       New Vegas // Originally from Four, changed due to preference and ease of access.
2. Which factions did they join and which did they destroy? Why?       If he had to pick, he would be independent. Definitely up for destroying the Legion, although despite his dislike and suspicion of the NCR he wouldn't act so readily to get rid of them. The Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood isn't prevelant enough for him to really care, though he is slightly intimidated by their armor and guns.
3. What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?       Check here
4. Give us a summary of their backstory.       He was born in Freeside in 2264. His father, Michael, is retired from the NCR MP, and his mother, Heather, used to work in The Strip at Gamorrah. When he was six years old, Heather left Freeside and never returned. Archie never found out where she went to, though outside of his knowledge she had hitched a Caravan to the Commonwealth, and then eventually made her way to Maine. He spent most of his time outside of his house in Freeside with a boy named Castor and Castor's sister, Neta. When Archie was at home, he was the sole recipient of verbal, physical and mental abuse. When he turned fifteen, he fled Freeside. He's been wandering for two years, and has yet to settle into a new living situation. He takes whatever jobs he can find to make at least some Caps.
5. What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?       Archie: Diminutive of Archibald. This name is borne by Archie Andrews, an American comic-book character created in 1941.       Archibald: Derived from the Germanic elements ercan "genuine" and bald "bold". The first element was altered due to the influence of Greek names beginning with the element αρχος (archos) meaning "master". The Normans brought this name to England. It first became common in Scotland in the Middle Ages.       King: From a nickname which derives from the English word king, ultimately from Old English cyning.       Bancroft: From any of the various places of this name, derived from Old English bean meaning "bean" and croft meaning "small enclosed field".       He chose the name 'Archie' for himself while looking through Pre-War books, and no one after his escape from Freeside would or will know his birthname but himself. He doesn't really have any nicknames specific to him.
6. What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?       Note: I don't believe that romantic attraction is different from sexual attraction. Archie is a gay trans male, and uses he / him pronouns. The only thing that would bar him from 'passing' on the outside would be his voice, which definitely could be worked on. Other than that, it would actually surprie him if someone saw him as a girl.
7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?       Bipolar Disorder Type II, Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder. He also suffers from constant nightmares. He's never really had any great coping mechanisms. Archie's constant manic episodes tended to lead him to do dangerous things and as a result sustain numerous injuries. Certain sounds are genuinely painful for him to listen to, such as the sound of chewing and even sometimes laughing. CPTSD has led to a mild fear of physical contact, sometimes turning severe depending on his current state. He just tries to get through each day and hope he doesn't tear someone's head off for something.
8. Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine / treatment available for them?       He has pigeon-toe syndrome, which causes his kneecaps to be slightly misaligned. It isn't a big enough problem for him to be constantly bothered, but he has trouble standing and walking for long periods of time. It affects both of his knees, but primarily the left knee. There's not much he knows of that can fix that. He used to have glasses for his bad eyesight, but they were broken when he left Freeside. He can't wear any other pair that he's found so far without getting migraines. Suffers from an intolerance to eggs and dairy, although he doesn't encounter either of these often enough for it to be a problem. If he ingests too much of either, however, it causes his asthma to flare up.
9. How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?       He tries to keep his hair shorter than his ears, although that never really works out. That's probably the only thing he really cares about. Archie tries to clean himself as often as he can, although he tends to forget half the time.
10. What do they fear the most?       A lot, but mainly his dad. Especially being returned to his dad, because he has no idea what would happen after running off for two years.
11. Their biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?       Archie's biggest flaw is his timidity and his naivety. He's scared of everything, and yet he puts too much trust into people he just met. He doesn't realize this, however. He's also too stubborn for his own good.
12. What is their biggest insecurity?       Not being able to tell people 'no', and being somewhat of a doormat.
13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most?       Check here
14. What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements?       Aries sun, Capricorn moon.
15. What’s their Myers–Briggs Type?       INFP.
16. What Harry Potter house would they be in?       Check here
17. Which Pokemon GO team would they choose?       Check here
18. Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest?       His strongest intelligences are musical / rhythmic and naturalist, while his weakest are interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic and mathematical.
19. What natural alignment are they?       Archie has been described as both Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good, so either one works.
20. Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?       There aren’t many holidays in the Wasteland, but he’d probably enjoy Christmas and any big candy-related holidays [ Halloween, Valentine’s Day and Easter ] if they were still around.
21. What’s their favorite season?       Despite the heat, he really likes spring and summer. It’s a lot sunnier and he prefers the sun to clouds.
22. Do they have a temper or are they level-headed?       Check here.
23. Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?       He tends to spill his emotions pretty freely without realizing it.
24. Are they a leader or a follower?       Follower
26. Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any?       Lore-wise, he doesn't travel with anyone. In-game, however, his current companions are Vulpes, Veronica and Boone. Planned companion setup is Arcade, Boone and Benny.
27. Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?       He tries to solve things peacefully, unless he knows he'll have to end up fighting sooner or later.
28. What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak?       Melee, close-combat. He's horrible at sneaking, and prefers to just dart behind things and hope no one saw him.
29. What weapon do they always carry with them?       A machete, a straight razor and a shovel.
30. How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?       He couldn't shoot a can a foot in front of him to save his life.
31. What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily?       He knows it has to happen sometimes, but he tries to get by as much as he can without having to kill things. Depending on the type of person he's killed however, it might make him more than a little uncomfortable.
32. Thoughts on death if any?       Absolutely terrified of it.
33. Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?       He wishes he could find somewhere to settle, but for now he moves whenever he feels he needs to.
34. Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?       Archie thinks non-feral ghouls are cool, although he's a little unsure around them sometimes. Ferals, however, scare the fuck out of him.
35. Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?       He either scavenges or steals.
36. Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?       He gets distracted way to easily for his own good.
37. How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?       Check here.
38. What’s their favorite radio station and song?       Radio New Vegas and Blue Moon by Frank Sinatra. Songs that he enjoys that aren't present in the canon game files are also Five Card Stud by Lorne Greene, No Tears Milday and Running Gun by Marty Robbins, Rockin' Robin by Bobby Day and Come on Let's Go by Ritchie Valens.
39. What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?       He's an incredibly picky eater. Archie does like Brahmin steaks, however. He doesn't know how to cool incredibly well, but he can at least tell when something's raw versus cooked fully.
40. What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?       Just purified water. Nuka Cola feels like sludge in his throat and it makes him want to vomit. He tried alcohol once but regretted it; said it felt like his chest had been set on fire.
41. Do they have any tag skills?       Melee, Speech and Survival.
42. Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?       It's a miracle he hasn't taken off a leg or an arm yet.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
I've said this once and I'll say it again, my biggest problem with the Legendverse au right now isn't the system of how legendaries work and such. I mean, it's hard, but I get by. The biggest problem is how it doesn't feel interconnected. The stories I mean. Yeah, I can have ocs be related to each other, or interact with each other, but outside of those ocs, how does this world work? What are the people like?
This is why I often struggle to figure out headcanons for canon characters. I want this world to feel alive beyond my oc's ( yes even when said ocs do flesh out the world as well). But for some reason it's oddly hard for me to sit down and ramble about how these characters relate to these characters.
Like- okay. Bascically I want to give arcs for each main series game within my pokeverse, the legendverse, right? To do that, I want to flesh out as many characters as I can. And with those arcs comes more interpersonal relationships that happens throughout the years of the legendverse- as of now until scarlet and violet comes out, up to swsh.
And when I sat interconnect, I don't just mean people within their own region/ game. I mean from region to region. Which, again, I'm trying to make arcs for each main series games that isn't just " game is completely the same except the protagonist is my oc". I know that's a very simplified way of saying since I literally have legendary Pokemon Choosing a Chosen hero in my ocs, but outside of that, that is literally what these storylines are.
So yeah. I really want to try and figure how these arcs. These canon characters. How interconnected this world is cause I know that it is. I just need to figure out how.
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theaterofthebizarre · 6 years
Some characters I’ll be cutting from the roster/cast list and my reasons why. As well as some I’m seriously thinking about dropping and why. I’m open to feedback on the one’s I’m up in the air about.
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)- I love this lady to pieces. She’s such a feminist icon. And I’d love to play her but for one I see so many great roleplayers already doing her in an interesting way and I feel like I can’t bring much new to her. And I already have Betty Boop, a toon who needs my attention I feel.And I should devote my time to her.
Rip Van Winkle (Hellsing Ultimate)- Her hyperness and psychoticness reminds me a bit too much of Demencia and I don’t want them to end up too similar! Though I would’ve loved to develop her further I think I’ll skip on it.
Victoria Evergot (Corpse Bride)- I love her and I think she’s a cute and interesting character that gets overlooked and I like victorian women but I also feel like that’s not much for her to do in an already crowded cast list. So I’ll skip.
R. Dorothy (Big O)- Her remoteness is similar to how I play Sabrina. So even though I love the character and would like to see her developed further I might pass for now. Though I may return again later. Temporary pass.
Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)- I’ve played Drusilla in the past and enjoyed it and she’s my favorite Buffy character. But aside from having both Seras and Aleera and Girlycard on here already I think there’s such a thing as vampire overdose. 
Lucy Westerna (Bram Stoker’s Dracula)- Again with the vampire overdose. And this one is very similar to Aleera. Also she has a less interesting backstory I feel. So I’ll pass her up in favor of one of Dracula’s established brides.
Tiffany Ray (Chucky series)- I already have a love-crazed psychotic fangirl (Demencia) and I don’t want to wear myself out on the same themes. Even though I love Tiff. I see some roleplayers already doing her justice too.
Kathryn Merteiul (Cruel Intentions)- Mean girl who I think I play really well but who has the same faceclaim as Buffy and also happens to have a similar disposition as Chanel. I want to keep the bitchy meangirl count down to one on the site if I can.
Verona (Van Helsing) - I only need one of Dracula’s brides really. I can NPC this one when I need to.
Marishka (Van Helsing)- See Verona.
Akasha( Queen of the Damned)- I really love vampires, don’t I? Well, I’d love to play Akasha but for some reason I’m not feeling the muse for it.
Persephone- With Calypso, Casandra and other mythic figures in the roster Persephone doesn’t feel necessary though I’ve felt a kinship with her for years. As I feel less and less “trapped” I feel less and less like playing her. So maybe passing her up is a good idea.
Muses I’m considering cutting but am undecided about.
Sarah Tilly Coe (OC)- This is Licorice the Umbreon’s pokemon trainer, a 14-yr-old foulmouthed girl, very spunky with a high IQ who can be too big for her britches. I’m actually pretty stoked about her honestly. I’m not sure why I want to cut her. I’m just considering it I suppose because the roster is so big? I’ll probably keep her. 
Blood Countess (AHS: Hotel)- I’m already quite in love with the Gaga potrayal of this character and I’ve not even finished the season. But again. Another vampire? I’m just not sure. I’m up in the air. It will depend on how the season goes and if the muse cements itself in my heart.
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)- I’m noticing a pattern here. I like these lovestruck fangirls with a psychotic streak, don’t I? The nuttier and more powerful the better. Luckily, Bella is distinctive from Demencia, at least in that she’s a snotty, racist, childish noblewoman. But-- and I hate to say this-- she is a little overrated too. I could build up more there. But as is, there isn’t much depth. She’s literally had her soul sucked out. I could definitely play that angle up. But I don’t find her sympathetic like I do with Tiffany, Demencia, or even someone like Harley Quinn.  
Mewtwo (pokemon)- yes you read right. Back in the day, Mewtwo was my favorite pokemon, before I got an Umbreon in gen 2 that won me over. But anyways, Mewtwo’s story always called to me. Because clones and too much power, am I right? Only reason i’m considering cutting is I don’t know if I could do him justice. I’ll have to watch the Mewtwo Returns movie and the extra media that I missed over the past years to see if my muse calls to me.
Bonus- Why I won’t play certain muses even though I’d be badass at them.
Harley Quinn (DC Universe)-  Again. Demencia. Frankly I prefer Demencia and also choosing and narrowing down what version of Harley I want to do would be...a pain in the ass and then making her distinctive enough from the psychotic hyper ladies would be another mess of a problem.
Rapunzel (Tangled)- I found Rapunzel in Tangled similar to Anna. Not in a bad way, mind you. But everything I get from playing Anna is what I need. Rapunzel might be more of the same.
Black Hat (Villainous)- Simply because I have an OC (which i created before Villainous btw) that’s so similar in personality and occupation to Black Hat that it’d be like playing him in an au. And that’d be just weird!lol
There’s some late night rambling and decision making for us. Hope you enjoyed it! <3
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kinschi · 7 years
Question tag
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new questions and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know what you answered.
Thanky you @1stlieutenant-riza-hawkeye and @rebbi-sonnenhell for the tag!! (gonna do this on this blog together bc I don’t want to think of 22 questions ^^’’)
1. Which film did you watch twice (or even more times) in the cinema?
The Hobbit and The Hunger Games Mockingjay
2. If you have to choose to live in one fanasy world, in which do you want to live in?
Pokémon, Harry Potter Universe or ATLA
3. Where do you want to spend your next holidays?
Me and my friend want to go to Amsterdam!
4. Which subject did/ do you hate the most in school?
Math!! >_<
5. Do you have the guts to travel into space?
I never really wanted to? If I really wanted to then probably yes xD
6. Fictional or not, which person would you want to be for one day?
Oh god I don’t know :O I think as a fictional character probably Hermione Granger because MAGIC! Or Korra
7. What is your favourite animal?
Forest Animals!! I freaking love bears
8. Beach or Mountains?
I love the mountains!!! AHHHH
9. What is your favourite dinosaur?
Velociraptor or Spinosaurus. I don’t really have a favourite but those are pretty cool!
10. What was your first mobile phone?
I don’t rembember the name but it was very basic and old and had an orange screen. The second one was an old motorola (I think the Motorola V555)
11. The song where it is really hard for you to hold back the urge to dance?
Oh god to many. Anything when I’m drunk XD
1. Most hated music genre?
2. Who do you want to punch in the face the most?
Too many people omg.
3. Have you ever thought of meeting someone on tumblr in the real life?
Yes I have O_O
4. Do you like tags like these or are they rather annoying to you?
NO I love these tag meme thingies :DD
5. Are you excited about your future?
I am? But mostly I’m terrified
6. Do you have a silly collection of something?
The only things I really collect are art supplies ^^
7. If you could make a movie about something (money is no problem) what would it be about?
An epic medieval fantasy adventure with my bi OC’s and swords and magic
8. Is there an animal you absolutly dislike?
9. Best day of your life?
The day I got my doggo :D (Well there are many more)
10. What have you planned this year?
Hopefully getting accepted at the uni, travelling a bit and going skydiving
11. If Edward Elric slaps you in the face what would you do?
Cry from happiness because I am face to face with Edward elric ;__; (also from pain)
1. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? 2. What was your last dream about? 3. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? 4. Are you optimistic or pessimistic in problematic situations? 5. What Is Your Eye Colour? 6. Coffee Or Tea? 7. Are You A Day Or Night Person? 8. Name Something That Relaxes You. 9. Favourite Pokemon? (If you have one) 10. What is something you want right now? 11. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
I don’t know who is tagged already and I’m honestly too lazy to look it up so here you go! If you feel like it but of course you don’t have to!
I tag: @shijaeger, @the-flame-and-hawks-eye, @capthawkeye, @dat-hawkass, @queenwinry, @adler-hawkeye, @b-griveros, @meiosis2, @bebbies, @the-hawks-rye, @briggswatch
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luischocolatier · 7 years
11 questions
I was tagged by @fatal-blow!!!!!!!!
1.Played any good games lately?
I’ve gotten back into Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, but I’m also drooling over Grim Fandango Remastered. I had never played it and I had always wanted to!!!! And Overwatch, of course
2.What’s your newest OC like?
Pretty spoilery for my FLAVORS! comic, so I’ll just talk about how much I love Earl Grey and Breakfast Tea. 
Earl Grey is clearly inspired by Cinderella, though her story is going to be quite different. I wanted to create a main character with a set of colors that weren’t very usual for protagonists, and so her design popped up pretty quickly. I think her story and her personality are things not usually seen in media, and I want to tackle some important issues with them.
Breakfast Tea came to me first as a sister for Earl Grey, then she got her own family. She’s actually called Breakfast Ceylon Tea, but doesn’t quite like her second name. She’s in some ways similar to me, but a lot of it was intentional. I was using her only as a supporting character for the others, but as her story grew, her personality developed and now she’s the main character along with Earl Grey!
The story will have more protagonists (I’m fearing they will be up to ten) but these two were the first ones and the first chapter is only about them. I love them a lot and they don’t deserve all the problems I’m gonna be throwing at them.
3.What’s on your mind today?
I’m struggling between doing more stuff for college or if I should already start publishing the comic.
4. What “phases” did you go through in childhood?
Well, I got a newspaper phase in which I tried to make a newspaper for the school, I got a theatre kid phase (which still lingers), a mild weeaboo phase that involved only Sakura Cardcaptor, Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts; Then I began with music (and I still am) and a bit later I got into baking.
I’ve never had those usual “cowboy phase” “egypt phase” “pirate phase” thing children use to have... because I combined all of them at the same time. I played with my pirates going into tombs and finding dinosaur traps, and then they got saved by cowboys.
5.Slow songs or fast songs?
See? I have a problem here, because I tend to listen to all kinds of music so... I might be listening to Guns And Ships from Hamilton and then next thing is the Blue Danube waltz by Strauss...
6.Share a story someone told you recently
I’ve just realized I haven’t been able to talk with any person long enough so that they told me anything... at least not something worth of saying here. A friend told me a few days ago the tremendous oddysey he had that morning, crossing the city from side to side a few times in a rush, but apart from that...
Oh well, my cousin brought us a jar full of Dulce de Leche she bought in Argentina, in the village my grandfather was born at. It was he Christmas present and a very emotional one. The Dulce de Leche was delicious, too.
7.If you could have any animal as a familiar, what would it be?
I WANT A BIG BEAUTIFUL CAT. Maybe one of those lions? Or a tiger? I want it to be big fluffy and cuddly.
8.How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Between 8 and 9. And I’m still somehow sleepy.
9.You’ve been plopped into the world of DnD. What’s your race and class?
I’m pretty sure I’d be either a plain and simple human or a half-elf. And a bard, of course, but I’m sure I’d be more of an NPC rather than a playable character...
10.What’s your biggest goal of 2018?
Start my comic, see it grow and finally being able to earn some money by myself with what I do. I need to keep studying and learning and scholarships ain’t easy to get now.
11.Earth, Fire, Water, or Air?
Water, definitely. I think I’m half merman.
My questions:
1.Any series you’re watching that you specially like?
2.What book you would reccomend everybody to read?
3.Have you produced anyting (drawings, songs, text, a sculpture, maybe a nice pie or cookies) lately?
4.Do you like rainy days in which you stay at home? Do them change your behavior in any way?
5.Are you having a nice day?
6.What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten?
7.What combination of color/texture would describe you the best?
8.Aliens have arrived and are demanding to hear the best song in the planet or it will be destroyed. Which one would you choose?
9.Do you have a special piece of clothing you love wearing?
10.Messy bedroom or tidy bedroom?
11.What’s your dream job?
@pinpirorin (both of you) @packthesis @abadcitos @portaltowhateverland @elliecupcakes @crystallized-depression @cuts-man @sarahwolverine @actionables @theclosetpianist
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shavothehusky · 7 years
Yo i was tagged by the wonderful @robotsandramblings, it sounds fun so let’s do this!
1. favourite character from each of your MAIN fandoms/franchises?
BOI, it’s gonna be a lot! Let’s see.
Transformers - shockwave and whirl Voltron - i honestly love all team voltron, but lance has a special place in my heart Dragon age - anders Mass effect - legion Overwatch - zenyatta Saint seiya - gemini saga Gravity falls - bill cipher Pokemon - sableye
2. now look at that list and tell me if there are any similarities between them. do you seem to have a “type”? are you drawn toward a particular physical aspect or personality trait?
One eyed robots...? XD (shockwave, whirl, legion) Or robots in general... (zenyatta) Or characters that are considered Problematic™ by tumblr dot hellsite dot com, because they’re either villains or done some questionable stuff and thus became 3 dimensional characters and that is what attracted me to them (bill, anders, saga). Sableye is creepily cute and lance doesn’t fit in this type of mine at all lmao
3. which [VLD] lion would you like to pilot… and which lion do you think you’re actually best suited for? (it’s ok if they’re the same; but maybe your fave is Blue, and you realize you’re more impulsive and tempermental and thus Red would probably choose you.)
Hmmm, good question! I think i’d both love and be most fitted to pilot the green lion, i like to analyze stuff and look for scientific solutions to the problem... I can also see myself in a situation similiar to keith when it comes to piloting the black lion, a lot of people tell me that i’d be a good leader and i somehow always end up being in charge of groups of people, be it for school projects or in games, but boi do i hate having this kind of responsibility...
4. you can only have Season 4 for either TFP or TFA. you gotta pick one. which one, and how do you want it to play out?
BUT I NEED BOTH!! Aaahhh, hmmm, wow... i think i’d go with tfa, because while tfp’s ending was kinda rushed, it was finished and it felt satisfying. Tfa’s last episode absolutely didn’t feel like the end of the series to me. End of the season, yes. But there were still so many subplots that were left unfinished and this is why i think it has a potential for the continuation, like it was supposed to if it hasn’t been cancelled. Tfp would be great too, but as i said, i am kinda satisfied with its ending, and not with tfa’s.
5. if you were in the Transformers universe, who would be your best friend and why?
But i want to befriend them all! Again, a tough choice xD I guess i’d get along well with mtmte/tfp ratchet, because i kinda like to deal with grumpy but caring deep inside folks with cynical humor. Also, medical jargon!
6. if you were in the Voltron universe, who would be your best friend and why?
Oh boi! I think i’d get along really well with hunk, lance and coran, they seem like people who would make an effort to befriend me first, and this is how i get friends irl, i’m rarely the one to make the first step xD I could also see myself bonding with allura over the space mice, because i fucking love cute animals and we could plan their routines together XD
7. who needs to be added to Bayverse, and who should never have been introduced (or needs a complete redesign/overhaul)?
SHOCKWAVE. I was so happy when he was confirmed for dotm, he even had a cool design, then he was introduced as this big bad and i was so hyped... only to be very disappointed, because in the end he appeared in the movie for only few minutes and was killed off in the dumbest way possible... like, honestly, he deserved so much better. Same with the dinobots!! They advertised aoe like it was focused solely on the dinobots, when in reality they appeared only in the last few minutes of the movie and don’t get me started how much i HATE that they made them an equivalent of some dumb animals (also the way optimus treated grimlock dsnfksdnjfsdnkfsd we both know he would never do that). Who should never have been introduced? The humans lmao xD Okay, some of them were cool and i actually like them (cade, lennox, izzie), but i hate that the bayformers focus more on the humans than the robots, because let’s be honest, everyone go see those movies for the robots and i feel so robbed when they appear only like half an hour into the movie.
8. pick a random kitchen appliance or household object to make a Transformer. give it a name.
My portable wifi router. His name is routerix and he’s a minicon probably related to soundwave somehow.
9. got a favourite Galra? who is it? (any galra, from Zarkon’s empire, or the Blade of Marmora, or someone more ‘neutral’ like Vrepit Sal.)
I love my main boi lotor tbh, starting from his design and voice, which are amazing... and his personality and his motives and his whole story line... i know we haven’t seen much of him yet, but i’m just so hyped to see where is his plot going! Is he going to become the space zuko? Or is he pulling the biggest scam on team voltron and our minds are going to be blown? I don’t know and i fucking can’t wait to see what is he up to :D
10. FREE SPACE for you to either express an unpopular opinion, ask a question that’s been plaguing you, or talk about an OC. go!
My unpopular opinion about voltron: i’d be totally cool if the show ended without having any ship confirmed or even without any more romantic subplots besides zarkon/honerva. Would it be cool if they had another romance story? Sure, provided they tell it skillfully. Would it be cool if they actually dared to make a gay ship ekhm klance canon? It would be SO FUCKING COOL and i’m all yes for that. But if they decide that no, this is not where we want to go, voltron isn’t a story about love and we have other, better stories to tell in that show? I’m so okay with that and i’m gonna support the crew all the way.
That is all, thank you friend for cool asks and for tagging me, i had fun writing this :D
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ju1ian · 7 years
evens for julian and odds for your legion courier (b/c i hate you)
thanks im on my way to your house to kill you !!!! 
evens are gonna be for my Sole Survivor Julian who has a tag on my blog i dont feel like linking but its OC: Julian if yall wanna read up on thatand odds are gonna be for….. Julius, the worst ever!! i regret giving them similar names now ! 
Which Fallout game are they from?-Fallout: New Vegas !! a real trash courier !!
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?-Julian joined the Brotherhood of Steel and also the Minutemen and he destroyed the Railroad, because he didn’t like them, and The Institute, because he was pissed the hell off at his son. He joined the Minutemen because he wanted to do something nice, and he joined the Brotherhood of Steel because he needed that familiar military aesthetic. 
What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?- S 10, P 2, E 7, C 10, I 2, A 5, L 1 (something like that i cant remember and im not looking at it rn)
Give us a summary of their backstory.- Julian gets discharged from the army for an injury in his shoulder two weeks before the bombs fall, he’s suffering from depression when he returns home and his marriage is sort of going south. He’s also really afraid of being a father because he thinks he’s a bad person incapable of doing anything good. 
What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?- Julius Septimus is his full name and Caesar gave it to him because he didn’t know what his name was and was just going by Courier. He doesn’t have any friends to give him nicknames but Vulpes calls him Degenerate a lot and he likes it. 
What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?- Julian is Bisexual and Biromantic, he identifies as a male and before the war he was closeted and was very afraid of telling anyone but after the war he is out and proud ! 
Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?-Julius suffers from Bipolar Disorder and he does not cope very well. 
Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them?- Julian has a bad shoulder but it doesn’t bother him too much. He has depression but there isn’t any real medicine to help him besides chems. 
How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?- Julius bathes when Vulpes bathes. he likes his hair to be combed without knots but thats all. His outer appearance doens’t mean very much to him. 
What do they fear the most?- Julian fears himself the most. 
They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?- Julius’ biggest flaw is his stupidity, and he does not see it as a flaw. 
What are they most insecure about?- Julian is insecure about his lips, they are large. 
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)- GOD JULIUS IS TERRIFIED OF DEATH CLAWS AND CENTAURS 
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus)- Julian is a taurus because im a tuarus and i dont know who he would relate tot he most because i dont know that much about zodiac signs 
What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ)- i have no idea what this is tbh. 
What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)- i didn’t real harry potter !!! all i know is that i myself took the sorting hat thing and got slytherin and since i project onto Julian A LOT he is probably also a slytherin. 
Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic)- Julius would have chosen Instinct.
Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest?- Julian is good at: rythmic, inguistic, mathematic, and kinesthetic and weak at all the rest. 
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)- Julius is chaotic evil without a doubt. 
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?- Julian collects magazines, and also dogs. He loves to spend time with all 8 of his dogs, he also loves to build things with Danse. 
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?- Julius has no idea what a holiday is. 
What’s their favorite season?- Julian likes winter time. 
Do they have a temper or are they level headed?- Julius has the worst temper out of anyone in the Legion and that is a statement. 
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?- Julian has a hard time expressing his emotions and tends to let them pile up until he has a breakdown. 
Are they a leader or a follower?- Julius is a follower for sure. But only if he likes you. 
How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make?- Julian comes off as a good person because that’s how he wants to come off. People tend to take a liking to him really easily. 
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any?- Julius preferred to travel with Arcade who was his only companion in the whole Mojave until he tried to leave him and had to die so now Julius stays alone when he’s not at The Fort with Vulpes. 
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation?- Depends on the situation. 
What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction)- Julius likes pale skin, and smooth thighs. He also likes bossy, and thin. 
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?- Julian doesn’t exactly ‘flirt’ often but he does end up having a lot of sex. he didn’t really fall in love with anyone besides Danse though. 
What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship?- Julius is obsessed with Vulpes and would do anything for him. He hasn’t even thought of being romantically involved with anyone else 
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?- Julian resorts to violence more than he’d like to admit. 
What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak?- Julius’ combat style is hard and loud. He doesn’t sneak or really plan he just sort of barges in swinging. 
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?- Julian always has Righteous Authority with him and also the Railway Rifle 
Their most prized possession?- A Light Shining in Darkness 
Their thoughts on power armor?- Julian loves to wear Power Armor. 
Favorite armor/ outfit?- Julius likes to wear the clothes Joshua Graham gave him but Vulpes always gets mad at him for wearing them EVEN THOUGH Caesar told him he LIKES when he wears those clothes and he doesn’t even care. (he wears the boomers outfit too) 
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?- Julian has super good aim from his military training. Could probably be a sniper. 
What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily?- Julius has no problem killing on a daily basis. He gets agitated if he goes too long without violence. 
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)- Julian accepts death. 
Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?- Julius moved around a lot until he got his own tent at The Fort. 
What’s their favorite location?- Warren Theatre in downtown Boston !! nice and quiet !! also Starlight Drive-In becuase that’s where he lives !! 
Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?- Not Feral are fine, Feral are scary and gross to him. 
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?-Julian has more caps than he knows what to do with so he buys supplies. 
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?- Julius gets distracted and wanders off and Vulpes has to go find him. 
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?- Julian isn’t picky but he prefers to sleep in his home at Starlight. He can make-do anywhere though. 
What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse)- Mad About The Boy because it reminds him of Vulpes. 
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?- Julian don’t know how to cook !! he likes Dandy Boy Apples because he’s a fool who isn’t bothered by radiation poisoning until its severe ! 
What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?Julius will drink 30 Sunset Sarsaparillas in an hour and not even be bothered by how unhealthy it is. he isn’t supposed to drink alcohol but he does it in secret !! 
Do they have any tag skills?- i dont think so?
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons, Bobbleheads)- Julius collects eyeglasses. like really, he has so many. he doesnt even wear glasses he just always picks them up. 
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?- oh my god Julian is shit at disarming traps. like so shit. he just sets them off and he doesnt even care. 
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