#probs posting this at the wrong time - but oh well x
odiesdayoff · 8 months
Trust Your Instincts
pair: Jaime Reyes x fem!reader
summary: Post-graduation, your childhood friend seems to be ignoring you. Once he shows up, secrets are revealed, voluntarily or not.
warnings: SMUT (18+++ MINORS DNI); begins as like pretty dubious, but turns into both parties consenting. Really thin line here, they do have a mutual attraction and explicitly say that they want it.
im gonna be so real i saw an ad for this and started writing...lol. Haven't seen BB at the time of writing this a while ago! Characters are prob inconsistent. i just have like a severe mask kink.
honestly this is unfinished, but i know in my heart I will never get back to it no matter how many times I say it lol. Imagine what happens next teehee.
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“He’s not coming?” You brought the towel from over your shoulder and continued to dry the plates as Jaime’s mother handed them to you. Lunch was over and you were excited to see your best friend, but he was awol.
She gave you a sympathetic look as she handed you another clean plate. “I’m sorry, mija. He’s been acting strange ever since he got back. I know he misses you.”
You nodded and placed the towel on the counter. There’s no way he could possibly just up and abandon you after all this time. The two of you had been best friends since the first grade and even though he went all the way to Gotham City for college and you stayed in Texas, you were still close as ever. At least you think so.
“Well, I’ve gotta go. Thank you for the lunch, you know how much I adore your cooking.” You brought her into a hug and she kissed your cheek. She was like a second mom to you. All of Jaime’s family was basically your own. It took this long for them to stop the teasing about you getting together.
It had been months since Jaime allegedly returned to Texas and yet, he hasn’t reached out to you. Not by phone or in person, no matter how much you tried to talk to him. It felt worse than any breakup you’d gone through. Usually, he was the shoulder for you to cry on. 
A loud crash woke you up. It was around two in the morning. In your flannel pajama pants and a black tank top, you ran into your living room to see what happened. There was a large hole where your door should have been and laying on the floor was Jaime.
Your hand flew to your mouth and knelt down to him. His curls stuck to his forehead from sweat and his chest rapidly rose and fell. “Get away! Please, get away!” He pushed you away, yelling and borderline whimpering.
There was something wrong with him and you weren’t just going to do what he told you. “Jaime, please just tell me what’s going on. You’re not okay.” You pushed his hair from his face only to see the fear in his eyes as he looked at you. 
He flipped to his back and crawled until he hit the wall, his body colliding into it. Another dent appeared. Chips of drywall fell on him. “I’m…gonna call an ambulance, okay?”
You pulled out your phone, but before you could even unlock it, it was no longer in your hand. Jaime, now fully covered in a blue suit of armor, crushed it in his hand. “Oh my god.”
He dropped the phone and shook his head. “I don’t control it. It controls me. I promise you.” His voice was slightly distorted due to the helmet he had on.
“Okay, so can’t you call, like, Batman or something?” If this were a normal situation, you know that he would’ve laughed.
He held your shoulders. “I need you to get away. Right now.”
You shook your head. “I’m not gonna leave you like this.”
A robotic voice came from the suit, saying your full name and society security number. Jaime started to shake his head frantically and tried to step away from you. The suit disagreed.
The suit trapped you against the counter. “Please stop!” Jaime yelled. His helmet popped open to reveal his face, still scared. “I’m so sor-” The suit didn’t let him finish, instead it pushed him towards you. His lips crashed into yours. 
You felt guilty kissing back. It wasn't either of your volition, but the teenage version of yourself was screaming and frolicking in a field of flowers just to be kissing him. 
The robotic voice returned, louder now. “It is my duty to keep you healthy. Sexual health is one of those aspects.” The suit retracted more, pulling his shirt and jeans from his body. He was left in his boxers, staring at you. It continued. “I know you have a crush on her. Don’t be a pussy.”
His eyes widened and his cheeks grew red. “Is that true?” He sheepishly nodded.
You bit your lip. “It’s true for me, too.”
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be-my-ally · 8 months
Before the Draft Notice
This follows on directly from Splashing Around Chapter 1 & Chapter 2. 
Hello darlings! So, I had something else ready to post, but, well, it's not yet even Halloween and therefore I’ve been informed it might be a little, teeny, tiny, bit early for Christmas fics - so here I am, bridging the gap with a little teeny tiny filler. Let me know though if/when you think it might be the correct time for festive fluffy fun! 
warnings: kissing, implications of underage. unedited (I will probs come back to this tomorrow).
1957 elvis x oc
wc: 2.4k
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Elvis wasn’t home soon though, he dawdled in California until they all saw the news articles of him at a fancy Halloween party and though the other girls had a lot to say about it, Louise privately thought it made sense; he was young, he was popular, he was making it, why wouldn’t he be rubbing shoulders with the starlets and actors of the west coast? Although that didn’t mean she didn’t share their fears, understanding their annoyance was borne from stress that he was leaving them behind. Besides, he’d called in a terrible temper the night before and it was, or at least Louise thought, an effective way for him to blow off some steam. He had been on the phone to them for hours, forcing them to pass it around to one another, telling them the same story over and over - presumably intending on doing so until someone managed to calm him down. Louise dreaded to think of the cost of just that one call - surely more than she’d spent on the phone in a year. 
“Hey Elvis, it’s me.” She could picture his nostrils flaring as she heard a puff from him,  
“Lou-ise.” He was curt, and she worried the phone cord around her finger, twirling it as she tried to think of what to say; desperate to prove herself to him and to the others - to succeed where all the others had failed.  
“I, uh, I heard ‘bout the, I heard about the police.”  
“Did ya? Wish they’d just move on; I’m not doing anything wrong. I don’t get why they hafta keep picking on me.” Louise hums, and he continues, “They’re sayin’ I’m - I’m lewd, got the goddamn police after me again like I’m a fucking criminal. Ain’t enough they’ve made me 1A already, they gotta try and prove their goddamn point.” She sighs,  
“Well - I thought that didn’t bother you anymore?” He huffs back at her,  
“Well, no, it don’t. I find it funny most of the time now. I mean - they didn’t even look at me the whole night, but it’s still, it’s still not fair to treat my fans like that either is it?” She murmurs back to him in what she hopes is a consolatory tone,  
“No, no you’re right El… it’s not, it’s not fair.” She pauses, briefly, “What’s really the matter though? That’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before.” There’s a longer pause, as if he’s debating whether to tell her. She shakes out a hand to the others left in the room motioning at them to leave. They grumble but filter out, talking about who was driving who home. Then, in a whine,  
“Some reporter had me read something from Sinatra.” Ah, there it was, “And, and, I just don’t know where he gets off being so mean.” He sounds like a little boy complaining about someone in the school yard, and Louise smiles,  
“Uh-huh, I hear you. He is being awfully unfair. You want me to write an opinion piece back to him? I could hand it in for extra credit in my English class.” He laughs,  
“Oh, I shouldn’t be bothering you with all this. Not at -” She can practically hear him adding up the time difference on his fingers, “- well, this late on a school night.” He pauses, “What are you doin’ there anyway - shouldn’t you be at home?” She winces, it was pretty late, and she’d hoped he wouldn’t ask that.  
“Well, we were all here waiting for you to call. Wanted to be here in case you needed us - all of us that could be here anyway - and well, a lot of the others have gone home but, well, your mom said I could stay as long as I liked so, well, here I am.”  
“But you’ve been keeping up with school? You’ve not been skippin’?” She rolls her eyes, and he tuts,  
“I heard that.” Louise giggles back, 
“You can’t possibly!”  
“Trust me - I always know.” He sighs, “God, I can’t wait to be home.” He yawned, jaw cracking, “Gotta, gonna go to this party, just - think it’s just a lil, little, uh, gathering - then I’ll be home.”  
“Well, I’ll be waiting,” He pauses,  
“Well - it’s, it’s probably best if you, well if you go home ‘til I call for you hmm?” It wasn’t unexpected, but Louise still felt her stomach drop.  
“Yeah, of course, uh, whatever you say.”  
“Just be for the best, I think honey.” 
“Yeah, I get it, sure.”  
“Sleep tight then baby, I’ll see you soon.”  
“Yeah-huh, you too.” He hangs up and she’s left holding the receiver, in his empty living room, uncertain really what he’d been saying.  
When he finally got back Louise didn’t get a call, and then she heard he had left for Hawaii before she had managed to muster up the courage to call him herself. Once Elvis returned, he didn’t call her himself for days, although she did get several calls inviting her up to the house which she of course accepted every time. And every night it was the same story, she sat there, quietly with the other girls while he chatted and played evening after evening. Louise wasn’t being ignored, not really. He was just…sharing his affections. Equalizing his attention amongst them all. It wasn’t until a week later, on the weekend, that he came around to the girls, flopping down onto the sofa between them and resting his head onto Louise’s lap. Frances had his feet on hers, and she softly brushed his sole until he huffed, twitching his foot away and turning his head into Louise’s stomach. She gently stroked his hair, fingers barely catching in his freshly washed strands. She could feel his hot breath against her skin through the thin fabric of her dress and it makes her hair stand up on edge, the intimacy of the moment almost too much for her as she tries to keep her breathing steady.  
“I’ve got a bad feelin,’ Ma does too.” Louise’s hand stills, her other coming down to tickle his back, soft fingers dancing over his shoulders. Elvis twists his head, nodding against her hand and Louise gets the hint returning to gently brushing through his hair. 
Frances pipes up,  “What d’you mean?”  
“I’ve - I’ve got a nasty feeling about my notice - don’t think it’ll be long now.”  
“Oh.” Louise feels her chest tighten, worry already setting in as Frances responds,  
“No! I’m sure that’s not true Elvis! You’ve got so much already planned!” He huffs, and Louise whispers back to him,  
“Well, we’ll deal with it if it is,” He whines a little into her,  
“Y’all gotta promise me - promise me you’ll all be good while I’m gone, I don’t - don’t wanna hear you’ve gotten into trouble.” He pauses, his voice muffled by the fabric of her dress, “Don’t want anything to change.” Louise can’t help but think about all the ways she wants things to change, namely how it’s now been months since they last kissed properly, and she felt like she was close to begging for it - propriety be damned. Whether Elvis notices her telepathic hinting, or if it was always in the plan is unclear, but within the hour he had returned to his bedroom, presumably to get changed again although he didn’t bother to announce that to the room. George tapping on her shoulder twenty minutes later after some sort of Chinese whispers had taken place with orders for her to be sent up to him.  
Louise tentatively knocked on the door even though she knew he was expecting her, awaiting his, “Come on in little Lou-Lou!” before opening it. He’s perched on the end of his bed when she walks in, her feet sinking into his soft, still new-feeling, thick white carpet, and he opens his arms to her. She practically throws herself into them and is immediately rewarded by him pulling her tight to him, his arms folding around her back, clutching her close. She couldn’t break away further than an inch if she wanted to, not that she did. She contented herself nosing at his neck, before one of his hands strayed up to rest on her cheek, turning her face to his, before falling down to her neck, fingers splayed up to her chin. She tips her head up, meeting his eyes and he winks before ducking his own head down to meet hers. It’s at once far more involved than the last time they’d kissed. This time he’s kissing her like he’s hungry for it and he pulls away, briefly, with a tug to her bottom lip,  
“God - I missed ya, baby,” before clutching her face close again. Louise feels like her body is burning from the inside out, can feel the heat building and starting to radiate off her, and Elvis’ arm clenches around her, stilling her movements as she practically bucks against him. She just melts, his arm the only thing really holding her up as she willingly goes along with her devourment. He laughs, his fingers grazing her waist, as she gasps for a breath, her eyes still closed, “You’re so pretty.” Her eyes flutter open in disbelief, unable to believe, even having heard it herself, that Elvis was telling her she was pretty. She gathered her strength to place her wobbly arms around his neck, murmuring back to him, “No, you’re the pretty one, gosh you’re gorgeous, you look so good,” as she presses little kisses all over his cheeks and face. He reciprocates, and she manages to keep her eyes open, watching him at impossibly close range. He ends by pressing a kiss to her mouth again, and this time Louise pushes herself against him so hard that they go tumbling down onto the bed. She giggles, looking around at the blue walls, but Elvis quickly regains her attention, caging her in under him and capturing her mouth with his again. She relaxes into him - completely at ease and trusting.
By the time they make their way back downstairs, Louise was dazed, and her lips bitten sore, and she was pleased to notice Elvis’ looked the same - a little zing of possessiveness sent straight up her spine. Yes; she mussed his hair up to look like that. His lips are rosy and plumped because of her. She misses everyone’s first looks, coming in behind Elvis, and though he doesn’t announce what they’ d been up to she can feel their knowing eyes, and she resigns herself to having to field questions on the nature of her relationship with Elvis.  
Elvis immediately situated himself back on the couch, patting the space next to him.  
 “C’mon little girl, come sit next to me.” Louise writhes a little, her face echoing her jumbled internal thoughts. 
“What? C’mon, what’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” He teases, eyebrow rising and Louise is quick to walk over to him, anxious for him not to change his mind despite her annoyance. He grabs her wrist before she can sit down, tugging her to stand in front of him. “You don’t wanna sit with me now?” She thinks, but doesn’t say, ‘well, no. because you’re holding me upright.’  
“No, no, I do. I just, I know you don’t mean it in this way, but it’s just…well, Elvis - you’re not that much older than me, and it feels like sometimes you’re, - “She pauses, unsure how to put it, his gaze hardens,  
“I’m what?”  
“Like you’re, oh I don’t know Elvis!” He doesn’t let go, and he doesn’t respond, just waiting her out. “Well. You just don’t needta call me little all the damn time.” His brow furrows as he tries to work out what’s referring to,  
“What? I can’t call you little girl?” He scoffs, “I don’t mean nothing by it. Jus what you are s’all.”  
“Elvis.” She pouts, and he grins, pulling her closer, pressing his palms to her cheeks,  
“Just my itty-bitty baby girl.” She groans, annoyed he wasn’t taking her seriously, and stomps her foot. He cackles in response, drawing back.  
“See, what did I tell ya boys - She’s just a baby.” He says it with a sneer, and it suddenly doesn’t feel like kind-hearted teasing anymore. Louise can rapidly feel tears of frustration blurring her vision, frustrated at the situation, and at how it’s impossible to argue she’s not a baby when she’s crying at everything. Elvis frowns. “Oh, honey, there’s no need fo-” But they don’t stop coming, and he watches almost forlorn himself as a fat, salty teardrop slides down her cheek. He sighs, “C’mere with me.” He drags her out of the room away from the others and pulls her along all the way back up to his bathroom, “C’mon, here we go,” He picks her up to balance her on the vanity while she sniffles.  
“So-rry,” She manages to get out, while he gently wipes at her eyes with his thumbs, “Didn’t mean to, I know you were playing.” He smiles, eyes almost pleading, crinkling just the tiniest amount around the corners,  
“Thought you were gonna fight it out with me. I wasn’t expecting the waterworks, but I guess, well I guess, you’re jus’ a little over-emot’onal huh, darling?” He kisses the tears away, teardrop clinging to his lip as she struggles to compose herself. “Will you still come back tomorrow?” The question startles Louise enough for her to stop the tears,  
“Of course! Whenever you want me too.” Elvis brushes his hand through his hair, shoving some of it back into place.  
“Honey, I want you here all the time. Even when you’re bein’ silly.” He taps her nose and Louise giggles again. “Look, I think someone here is tired, so how’s abouts I drop you home?”  
Louise blinks back at him, the offer almost unheard of, “You want to?” He nods, his hair flopping back into disarray,  
“Yeah-huh, let’s wash your face, huh honey? And then I’ll take you home. Tuck my baby in for the night.” Louise blushes, this was exactly the kind of comment she’d just been protesting, and yet now it was making her head feel fuzzy and her tummy flip with anticipation. Elvis shifts his weight as he cocks a hip, holding his hand out for her hold for balance as she hops off the sink and as the sturdy weight of his fingers sink into hers Louise decides it’s not an argument that she has any desire to win.
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shuahaes · 10 months
baking w/ the performance unit!
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svt pfu x reader; established relationship; all fluff, sfw
warning: only food mentions, otherwise its all just fluff !! not proofread btw !!
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this man is a cat enthusiast, and a cat himself
so why WOULDN'T you guys bake cat cookies?
since u guys didn't have cookie cutters you guys cut the kitty shapes with a knife
they turn out a bit wonky though
as long as it tastes good, its fine 😁👍🏼
builds legos w/ you #2 (first mention in vcu ver.)
the amount of giggle fits you two would have while decorating them- omg
and while you're icing them, the tube of frosting pops and then u guys have a little goofy faced deformed kitty
jun would prob name it jerry before u guys ate it 💀
if jun got kitty cookies hoshi would most definitely make tiger cupcakes with you
would even look up a tutorial on yt on how to make tiger print on the inside of the cupcake
which also turn out a bit weird, but hoshi still likes it
there would most likely be a mistake while its baking, because hoshi accidentally put 50 minutes instead of 20 minutes on the oven timer 😭😭
you guys are in the middle of watching madagascar while cuddling on the couch until you smell smoke coming from the oven, and then you both have that "oh shit" look on your faces
the cupcakes burnt to a crisp. and your house almost did too 🤧
but you guys are okay, it took a while for all the smoke to clear out tho
hoshi may or may not have stayed away from baking for a while after that though 😓
would probably try baking something more difficult like macarons
definitely the best baker in pfu
follows recipes exactly as is as well, and also corrects you before you accidentally put too much salt because you read the measurements wrong (def not speaking from experience of failed macarons 👀)
the softest, most delicious macarons made by him
imagine after they've settled and are ready to eat you guys have this cute little tea party-esq setup and the macarons to eat while drinking tea
he would be SO happy if u liked them, and would try to make them by himself to surprise you next time 💗
would also be a decent baker
you guys tried baking a cake together for your anniversary and it turned out AMAZING
he most definitely made the decorations look beautiful
cuddles while its in the oven #3 (others mentioned in vcu ver)
movie night while you two devour that cake (i am a firm believer that chan is a highschool musical enthusiast, and would do a marathon w/ you)
forgets to tilt the bowl when using the beater/whisk, so flour and eggs get all over the kitchen 😭
everything ends up fine though
kisses at the end because you two spent so much time baking
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A/N - PFU VER DONE !! i hope y'all enjoy this, and i decided to write it so soon because the idea of jun and cat cookies made me want to post this immediately
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
want 2 see all the fics? find em: here!
Correct Ending
John Doe x M!It/Its!Reader
Last Edited: 27/03/23
TW: blood, horror, stalking
Requested: no
Word Count: 3,031
Notes: role-reversal AU. reader is the stalker/eldritch-horror being, john doe is a gas station worker stuck in a time loop (tho his looks/odd actions r still the same). it/its used 4 reader/mention of reader having a “human male form/human male face” as well as having “sir”. he/they pronouns used 4 john doe. treat this as having some spoilers (ending 7 basically)+remember of the canon creepiness/horror aspect from the game. if u can’t handle that, this prob aint 4 u so tread with caution/dont read. distorted/glicth text have numbers beside them as they will b put in at the end with each word 2 b read easier if desired/needed.
While people think the man is creepy, you couldn’t help but l̸̩̈́̿͆̔͌́ő̶̗̠͛͊͑̍̿v̵̨͎̈̄̀̚ĕ̵̖̦͔̘͇̑͊̿̌̑̄ [1] him. It didn’t matter that they didn’t shower or seem to understand that his clothes being thrown everywhere in his home wasn’t exactly the best for their mental health. The deteriorating mental health of your beloved truly did help you in a way though. It meant that he’d need someone around and what better person to help them than you? None of those other people in Uncanny Valley can help him like you could. They’re just tiny little humans, lacking anything significant about them. You, on the other hand, can protect your lovely little gas station worker by simply existing. Changing most of your form to anything he may desire is something you keep in mind, watching, together with, seeing what they may or may not like. Of course, some things you do rather wish to keep; a more human male figure seems more appropriate to you at times when you’re with the guy. It had taken a while but after watching how other men looked, you had been able to achieve the appropriate image.
Due to the time loop, it appears that John Doe forgets about you. Every. Single. Time. You’re doing what you can to ensure he chooses the right options. You’ve been trying for so ļ̴̢̹̫̪̙̀͛̈́̓͛o̸̬͔̍͛n̶̜̽͛̾̀̕g̵̨̖̎̇̄͐̈́̇[2]. So why can’t the person just r̵̬͇̓̋e̴̹͐m̵̨̢̈́͝e̶̻̭̔̄m̸̧͚̽͊b̵̯̑̈́ē̴͔r̴̭̙̊[3]? That’s all they have to do. Remember you! It’s all you want! You want to be remembered, for all your trials and errors to be acknowledged! You distort reality for him! You’ve even given him gifts you thought he’d like; he’s accepted them every time but soon enough, those gifts get pushed aside, along with forgotten, when the new day arrives. But today there will be a change! There has to be! You’ve tried your best so you need to make this one count. It’s either the route he chooses leads to the right outcome for you both, or one that leads to one they will surely hate.
You see him on the bus, staring into space. For a human, he’s more uncanny than most. Maybe that’s what brought you to l̷̹͊͘ộ̸̊͐v̴̛̬͈͆̂̈́i̷͎̪̝̾̔̂ṉ̴̱̪̑g̸͙͛̄͌ [4] them. Then again, not seeing anything odd or weird in a place called Uncanny Valley would be wrong. He truly does fit in with the town in a way; the behaviour that is. Their looks give them more of a wild, unhygienic appearance more than anything. So many other humans stay away from the guy because of it, leading to a wide berth on the bus. It works in your favour after all; you possibly can’t go a day without watching the darling thing. To catch your interest out of all the others is an achievement in itself. Oh, they truly should be proud of themself because of that.
Seemingly sensing your staring, the yellowed eyes look towards your glassy ones. Once met, your grin widens tenfold. It seems to nearly split your face in half, showing off way more teeth than a human can possibly have. They blink at you, the black shirt they have on changing its design to an eye with a question mark as the pupil. The lips that never seem to close fully lift just slightly, more in a confused smile than a happy one. You’ll take it though, feeling warmth clouding your brain at his simple grin. You lessen your beaming when he looks away, starting to zone out again by how unfocused their eyes start to look. The warmth starts to edge away now that their attention is no longer on you. You can feel your lips fall into a straight line, feeling empty with that small amount of attention lost.
The bus stops, opening its doors to let off the passengers. John is one of the first to get off, letting you follow him from a distance, having taken the back of the line to do so. They’re heading to the gas station, working another day behind the counter. The long, messy hair of his is easy to spot in the small crowd; not to mention that they, along with a few others, are heading to place. Not many stop by thanks to the reality-shifting you do to try and keep John more or less alone. It makes time drag by slower, plus, you can watch him for longer.
You lurk about, staying hidden among the aisles to let John get comfortable in the beginning of their shift. You don’t want to appear suddenly like you have so many other times. It always seems to lead to the B̵̟͚̝̫̣̹̯̈̿̑͐ ̸̠̟̬͙̍͊́̇͆͜͠͝Ȁ̵̡̰͙͍̱̹̯͆̿ ̸̓̀̋̒̇͜D̷̰̖̥̤̣͈͕͂̒̓̽͌ ̷͉̼̦̒̈́ ̶͈̲̏͐ͅE̵̗̘̺̥̰̠̟͆̅͒̐̔̈́ ̵̙̞̭̪̙́͐͊̿͝N̷̩͋̕ͅ ̸̨͚̯̈́͑̌̀́̾̚D̸͍̩̫̈̈́̋͗̽̕ͅͅ ̷̮̩̋̋̈́͊͋̀Ĩ̸̥͈̙̦͊̅͘̚ ̷̳̱͕̻̜͚̋̊͐͝Ṇ̷̡͓̟̃̆̊̔ͅ ̷̭̬̇̆̈̈́͊G̴̤̒̐̍̈́ ̶̣̺̒̚Ș̸̲̺͇̋̈ [5]. Those were so tiring to deal with, having to revive your love over and over and over and over again. “It’ll be different this time. It’ll be better,” Your voice, though low, sounds disembodied with a static quality. You’ll win his affection this time or simply restart again until he accepts… So many endings have passed, moreover, restarting is getting tiring. You can feel your desperation taking over, leading to your hands shaking.
You grab the first thing you can get your quivering hands on, leading the object to your mouth. A tearing sound echoes in the store as your mouth widens, the skin going from your lips to your ear tearing open to reveal more teeth. The object is placed in your mouth, your jaws clamping down on it, completely as well as utterly crushing the item. You can hear glass shatter and crunch as you eat both the glass as well as pickled quail eggs. The taste combined with the texture of both floods your mouth as you try to get your mind in order. By the time you finish, there’s a puddle of juice on the floor, the jar, metal lid, and pickled eggs all having been eaten. Your hands have stopped shaking so you allow your face to go back to the human male face you’ve constructed, alongside altered, just for John.
With a clearer head, you look around the aisle. Your glassy eyes make eye contact with a horrified mother with her three kids. The children, all ranging from ages four to eight, stare at you with awe mixed with terror. The mother, on the other hand, looks like she’s about to pass out with how much panic seeps out of her. You give them a large, toothy grin, wiggling your fingers mockingly. She herds her kids away, shushing them when they try to protest. None of them will remember this by tomorrow.
Deciding your beloved has had enough time to settle into their shift, you start to approach the counter. No one is at the counter, letting you walk right up and stand before him. He’s staring off again, almost always does so when bored or understimulated. The skin at the edges of your eyes crinkle as you smile, this one not as wide as the one who had given them on the bus nor to the family in the aisle. With no answer, you reach into your pocket, pulling out your closed fist. “Hi.” Your voice, now sounding like it comes from you, carries a cheery but unhinged tone. The yellow eyes you’ve come to adore look at you, now more focused and full of attention.
“Hi,” They blink in surprise at your presence, clearly having missed it until you appeared. “How can I help you, sir?” Your closed fist hovers over the counter, your smile never wavering, as you release your gift.
“For you!” Teeth, some bloodied while others are nearly shiny clean, land on the counter with a clattering sound. John stares at them, his mouth forming a straight line despite never closing all the way. With no answer from him, together with their eyes going unfocused again, you try to smooth it over with more words you deem to be complimentary. “You smell good.” It jolts them back into reality for the moment. You can see his pupils start to expand, nearly swallowing all of the yellow. His shirt even has the eye change, the pupil on it now a heart. You know you haven’t won them over just yet but you have the seed planted in his mind now.
“Uhm… Ok…” His voice shakes, along with his hands as he drags them closer to himself. The black nails they have shine in the light, only adding to their appearance you’re fond of so much. He scoops them in his hand, putting them in the incorrectly-worn jacket’s pocket. You’re not sure if they’re genuinely happy about your gift, or absolutely horrified by the fact that they were just given teeth by a stranger, in their mind that is; you both know each other already if only he remembered you.
“What’s your name?” You lean towards him, hands gripping the edge of the counter so tightly, they can see the strain in your knuckles. The smile he gives you is still small, pupils still enlarged. Quietly, as well as shakily, they point to their name tag.
“That’s definitely one of the names I’ve heard. I’m _̵͙̋̈́-̴̻͖͍̆̆-̵̧̨͆_̸̦̞̊̆-̵̢͗͝_̵̰̇̕-̷̩̭̈́͋_̴͙̺͇̦̅̃  [6] but you can call me [Redacted]!” Your hands are clutched together near your chest as you tell them this, flashing distorted and gorey images in their mind. The smile on his face seems a little more strained now, a spiral appearing on his shirt. Maybe giving them your name confused them. Then again, anyone who isn’t like you will only hear it as garbled glitching. You’re only hoping the more understandable name you’re allowing them to call you is enough.
“Are you doing anything after work?” You decide to try and go for it, hoping that maybe, just maybe he’ll say yes like he’s done a few times before. Besides, he said “No” in the previous day. So this time, now that you’re more normal, they should say yes.
“No… I’m not doing anything. Why do you ask?” He seems genuinely interested this time, leaving that fuzzy warmth to worm its way into your head. An odd gurgling noise escapes you, making their brows furrow in confusion as you suddenly leave. Behind you, just before you exist, you can hear a small “It was cute but in a creepy, stalkerish way… And a little weird… A me type of weird.” escape him. Their comments don’t sound disgusted however, they sound more like you’ve successfully gotten their curiosity paired with their attention.
It’s a few hours later that John leaves the gas station. You can feel your entire being shake with excitement, feeling the hope that his choices will lead to the correct ending; no more time-loops or reality-shifting needed. You’re quiet as you creep closer and closer to the oblivious person in front of you. You can hear their mumblings about “finally getting off work” combined with “can’t wait to sleep.”
“Hi,” You’re practically hovering behind him, staring with large pupils. Your hands are shaking as you clutch them near your stomach. You refrain from touching him in case you scare him away. An entire body shudder is an answer you receive; just faintly you can hear them swallow. “Oh… My bad. I didn’t think I’d frighten you so bad…” You give him an apologetic smile, despite not feeling sorry at all. Seeing any reaction from them only feeds your infatuation. Before he can even respond, you’re leaning in more, invading his space. “Can I come home with you? Please? We can.. We can get to know each other better! Have a relationship!” You’re coming on strong, you know you are, but you can barely hold in your desperation.
Your last sentence seems to surprise them, seeing that spiral on their shirt appear again. Maybe should reword it… “Like- Like a great friendship! Best friends!” Your hands are shaking so badly, forcing you to dig them into your gut to hide it. That doesn’t hide how your voice shakes as you trip over your words. They lick their lips, glancing away from you for a second to process your words.
“Alright… Yeah. Yeah, you can come over-” His pupils are large again, a barely-there flush slowly crawling up his neck and towards his face. Their words are cut off when the bus arrives. As soon as those eyes leave to look at the bus pulling up, you dart away. You have to make it to his apartment as fast as possible. You have to get there before they can. Ȳ̸̼̹̉̃͘Ǒ̴̯͐͛͠U̸͖̩̜͛ ̸̟̱̙͔͊H̵̑̕͜͝A̸͇̱̺͗͘V̷̨͖̗̗͒E̵̢͖̕͜ ̶̳̭̲̓T̵̮͔͖̗̈́̌O̵̙̹̹͈͌͒̓.̴̩̝̟̭͋̓ [7]
Unease, curiosity, and excitement waft to you from the entrance of John’s apartment. You made it just before they had, vibrating with a feeling of fear mixed with passion. Slowly, he carefully enters his apartment. The trash, including the ungodly smell of everything in the apartment, would usually turn people away but turning off your smell to some things, or even rewiring your own brain can make it smell like it’s a new sort of heavenly desert, helps you enjoy John’s scent and their unhygienic apartment.
“Anyone home..? [Redacted]? Anyone?” Hearing your name from those lips makes a wheezing sound from the build-up of emotions. The sound you’ve let escape you allows John to locate you easily in his living room. There’s a nest of both unwashed clothings paired with blankets made on the sofa.
“Hello, John!” You can feel your mouth salivate. You’re so close. So, so close. You can smell their anger, their shock. You’re confused by it but try to push on. He said you could come over! They shouldn’t be mad at you for doing just that! “It’s unfair, you know? So, very unfair!” You cry out, feeling your eyes start to water. The stress from so many time-loops, so many rejections, and constantly having to alter your looks taking its toll. “You’ve NEVER given me a chance! Never! Not ONCE.” The static garbles some words while enhancing others. “I did everything right! I did everything I thought you’d like! That you’d LOVE.” You see the person before you sweating slightly, brows furrowed in concentration. Maybe he to, is stressed from all these loops and finally feeling its effects like you. “I can be anything you want! Anything you like!” The more normal form you have shifts to a more distorted, uncanny one. Neither is your true form but the most humanoid you’ve ever been; all of it has been for them. So much energy. So much time. It’s all been put into what he wants or what they may find even remotely attractive.
Finally, you settle on the more uncanny form. You’re shaking with your stress. Sweat covers you layers, forcing your clothes to stick to your heated skin. The anxiety is creeping into your voice the longer John is silent. Your tears are so close to spilling over as you choke out your desperate question. “What’s wrong with me…? Don’t you love me?”
The silence seems to stretch on. John’s own stress seems to melt away as realization dawns on them. He blinks a few times, staring at you as everything falls into place. Maybe it’s your shaking. Or it could be the fact that you just poured your entire being into your rant but a smile makes its way onto their face. It reminds you of your own in a way. There are too many teeth, pupils dilated, together with the shaking of their entire being. “I do love you…” Their voice shakes with this declaration, breathing getting heavier. You can feel your pupils dilate and warmth flood your entire body. “Of course, I love you… But not when you pretend to be something else.” Be yourself? But that isn’t what John wants… No, it is. He’s saying it right now so they must mean it. “You don’t have to alter your appearance or your personality for me… It’ll all be fake then.” His eyes are wide, smile just as big as excitement courses through them. How could you not notice how unhinged he was? They have to be just like you! You had just pushed too fast, that was it! Made them lose interest too fast! “I remember the past loops… All of them. You’ve been trying for weeks, haven’t you?”
“Every day. I’ve been looping this every single day… Hoping! Hoping you’d say yes!” Your tears are finally rolling down your cheeks. You’re getting choked up, wanting the right answer so badly. Wanting to end the endless Ạ̶̏̐ͅ ̷̟̅̆͌̄G̷͖͌̋̓ͅ ̷̼̬̯̦̌̈́͘͠O̸̤͍͙͑́̈ͅ ̶̟͕̒̽͛N̷̡͙͉̾͆̇ ̸̧̻̮͋̆̄Ÿ̸̢̰̪́̽̕ [8] you’ve had to endure to get John to just yearn for you as you do him.
“We're just going to keep meeting like this, aren't we? It's just some endless loop…” There’s a pause as they finally make a decision. “So… We may as well see what happens then.” You feel your legs give out, the stress exploding. You grab your shirt close to your chest, sobbing in happiness on your knees. A genuine smile spreads across your face. Your entire being shakes as you feel the time loop ends. Finally. You finally achieved the Correct Ending.
A hand settles on your shoulder as John crouches down in front of you. It’s tight, grounding even. Your sobs don’t stop even when they sit in front of you. When the hand leaves, you look at him. His grin is shaking, alongside his body. His eyes are glassy with unshed tears. You don’t know why but you don’t care. You latch onto the man in front of you, gasping for air but also to get as much of his smell as you can. Your nails pierce his skin, making the wounds bleed, with how tight you hold onto them. This doesn’t bother them though as he latches onto you just like you’ve done. Their nails sinking into your own skin brings no blood. Only indents are left behind. Gentle static noises surround you both as your sobbing subsides. It’s more of a gentle buzzing as you let your form slump into John’s, letting it mould itself to his. No more time-loops or needing to shift reality to get John to love you anymore. Not when you finally have it.
[1] love
[2] long
[3] remember
[4] loving
[6] _--_-_-_ 
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I just saw your reaction to the timothee/Kylie rumor and I'm disappointed in your response of bringing timothee/Taylor russell shippers into this?? At least there was wayyy more evidence of them potentially being together than him & kylie. I understand making fun of the timdayas because that makes no sense at all but there was no need to be nasty to people that believed they might have been dating...smh
When was I ever "nasty" about TNT? 🤔 I was never nasty about TNT.....Half the time I was just making jokes. 😅 I'm not even really a firm believer in the Timlie rumors either (I always say I take whatever DM says with a HUGE grain of salt).
I was just having fun with the rumors, that's all... I've even said in the past that I wouldn't mind a TNT ship... 🤷🏾‍♀️ They would look cute together. I'd ship it if they are actually a couple. But that doesn't appear to be the case.
What's nasty about saying the truth?? It doesn't seem (to me) that Timmy and Taylor are dating. I might be dead wrong, but to me, they don't seem like two people in a serious relationship w/each other. 🤷🏾‍♀️
If you think these posts were "nasty", then wow....
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I was in the SB when this happened, to explain a bit Khione was sharing her idea about a future possible side gig or job, kind of a long story, but everyone knows that the SB has limited writing space and it gets cut off. She only was sharing BECAUSE we (at least 5 users who were fully engaged in the conversation) were expressing interest, after she showed us some of her work which we wanted to learn more about.
Anakin comes and says: "easy on the amount of msgs pls getting a little spammy"
-which would be fine to the normal eye or someone who just logged on, as it was just sb and another mod who was engaged in this chat as well. She didn't seem to have an issue with it, and the sb was still carrying on. I think it was unnecessary for Anakin to even have said anything. Anakin herself has spammed the sb with her band of friends and no one says anything. Why is it okay for her to do it but when Khione is telling an actual story that MULTIPLE people asked her to get more into it's an issue?
Khione responds: "yeah, i realized, mb (assuming this means my bad as in sorry) glad you're here actually - any idea when you'll have the remaining 1.6 bil, or youre paying in increments? kinda low on tu rn x"
Anakin: "soon prob"
-Um.. note to self never give anyone something on credit with no credibility or even the decency to give you a respectful or general time frame. That was kind of disgusting and sad. - User posting
Anakin: also passive aggression is unnecessary lol def something you could've mailed me about ^^
- Khione inquiring about her TU over whatever deal agreed on is being passive aggressive? By the way, I submitted the convo. I'm just writing it in case somehow it doesn't go through, maybe a fault on my end but I'm almost sure I did all the right things. Khione literally said she noticed she was being a bit spammy, said "my bad" which translates directly to apologising. Where is the passive aggression here? I had my eyes corrected I know its not me, and I don't see the passive. aggression.
Khione: I don't see how me asking you a valid question is considered passive aggressive. There is no inflection in writing for the most part, I'm sorry you took it that way though. (KHIONE STOP APOLOGISING YOU SAID NOTHING WRONG!!!) I could've, but I'm mobile and in the sb, so it was a matter of convenience for me. Totally fair answer, Khione.
Anakin: no problem
- So myself and a few other players who discussed this amongst one another. Bit confused here, i was always under the impression the two were very, very close friends. Khione even gifted Anakin's boyfriend an amber wyrae a few days ago citing "you're my friends bf" so whats up with this? I am aware theres alot circling around Khione right now but this treatment and how a "moderator" handled this was out of line. Please do better.
There is always someone out there to replace you never forget that! Be kind, it's free.. also If Dan and Khione were as close as they clearly were and she still got banned/fired, I hope you really don't believe that it can't happen to you. I've read blogs of their friendship and the times I've spoken to Khione she speaks of him like a dear friend. Regarding Dan, we know he cheats and basically runs Res. If she did something wrong, he could've covered it I'm sure he has the means to, but he banned her I believe, or one of the admins. My theory is they just stopped liking her which is pretty sad. If thats the case whats even sadder is she still won't tell us anything, and I'm sure she knows enough to take ALL the corrupt users down. Sigh, no one wins and she gets the shortest straw. Khione if you do read this even though you said your post defending Dan's name (which I'm now raising eyebrows at because maybe he is the cause of this) would be the last one, I really wish you would just air everyone's business out, call me one for drama, or not, this just seems so sudden, and a bit.. strange? I know I'm not the only one thinking this.
Oh, and although this doesn't matter, I'd like to say I am on no side. Khione and I speak respectfully to each other, Anakin has never wronged me. However in this scenario Anakin: 0 Khione:1
request to blog staff: can you guys add anakin and khione to the tags on here? would help a bit. 
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sunshineandviolets · 2 years
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Rekha's Insta Profile x
After surviving the the villa fiasco, Rekha continues managing her own brand and started to create her own makeup line. For someone that had commitment issues - she did end up in an actual legit relationship. So? Character growth? Heh.
Template used here
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claireunoia · 3 years
* ・ ゚𖡼 ︎ִֶָ⁀➷
𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙏 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙋 | 𝙨. 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙣
「 SYNOPSIS 」 / you’re the most insecure about your chest, sarah proves your doubting thoughts wrong and shows just how beautiful you are to her eyes ♡︎.
「 PAIRINGS 」 / sarah x fem!reader
「 WORD COUNT 」 / 1435 (omg y’all gettin fed again)
「 WARNINGS 」 / ANGST, A BIT OF SMUT, insecurities, self-body image issues, crying, lots of pet names, nipple play, tit sucking, some dirty talking, suggesting to sex in the end, i don’t remember writing any language in here but imma still warn it just in case, prob some typos, thats it?
➪ author’s notes : ❝ hi babes!! welcome to the 4th day of my kinktober !! this fic is kinda something personal for me and something based on my own personal issues i have with myself due to being flat chested but i want to put something out like this so other people out there that deals with this as a insecurity can read this and real validated, thats my mission besides posting for kinktober haha. i hope u guys enjoy this since this is alot more on the softer side and something different then i usually write bc its goin to be a lot of filth going on this month so i felt like switching the mood a bit while still being a bit dirty lmao. as always i love u so much! <333 ❞
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tonight was the obx’s, infamous annual bonfire.
as the skies darkened as time passed it was slowly getting close to that time for you and girlfriend, sarah to be there so you and her were currently getting ready and changed in her bedroom.
“baby! here you should try this on, i just know you’ll look so freakin’ perfect in it” sarah exclaims as she hands you one of her cute, green colored, lacy bralette with a bright smile adoring her face. you smiled a “ok” and took the clothing from her before turning to the tall, long mirror that stood against the wall of her room.
when sarah turned back around in her closet to find something else to give you to wear or for herself, you held the piece of lace material up in front of your eyes. frowning when you saw just how much bigger it was compared to your usual size of your chest due to the fact that your girlfriend’s boobs were way bigger than yours. deciding against the thought of telling sarah and killing her wonderful mood, you tried it on anyway. you removed the previous t-shirt sarah had given you just a couple of minutes ago and your bra. once you did that you took the bralette and started to put it on your body.
when you managed to get it on, you took one little glance at the mirror and didn’t like the image you were receiving back at all. the sight making your stomach swim in insecurity and a new found sadness.
you were always insecure about your breasts. mainly because they were just so much smaller than kie’s or your girlfriend sarah’s. seeing the way bikinis fit on them and seeing the way it fits on you makes you embarrassed, ashamed and spiteful at the way you look. you longed for bigger and fuller boobs, wanting to look good in certain clothes was a dream and be able to fit in simple stuff like a bralette as well.
the bralette itself was so, so cute, but once you put it on your mind changed. since your boobs were so small, it just barely fit into the cups of the top where your boobs were supposed to go, making the now loose, leftover fabric to just hang a bit in a little wrinkled bunch around that area.
“s… sarah, i think you should just wear this one” you called out in a whisper, making sure to add a forced chuckle at the end so you sound normal and not like you were about to cry a river.
you heard sarah whine a bit from the closet.
“why? i got it like so long ago so it shouldn’t be too big on- oh my gosh, y/n what’s wrong!” sarah interrupted her sentence in a shock gasp when she met your glistening eyes and slouch figure through the mirror when she walked away from her closet. immediately walking up to you in concern at the sight of your clearly upset expression.
you shake your head at the blonde girl, looking back at the mirror with a sigh before you drop your head down again.
“it doesn’t exactly look so good on me s’all” you forcefully chuckled, not wanting to tell her about how you’ve been feeling about yourself for quite a long time so u tried to cover up your emotions, which is something your currently failing at by the saddening, concerning look on your lovers face deepening anymore.
“babe, what’s really wrong?” sarah asked you, her hands coming up to grip the sides of your face into her palms softly. petting your hair as she looked over your face which was going through so many emotions at once.
“i- i, i hate how my chest looks. i hate it so much, sarah. every single time i look in the mirror just even wearing a simple shirt i want to cry at how flat it is”
“oh, baby…” sarah whispers sadly, her eyes tearing up at the way you describe yourself. a big part of her feels guilty about this, how come she could never see her own girlfriend going through such a struggle about her own body? she thinks over and over again before pulling you into a bone crushing, comforting embrace.
her arms holding you so tight.
“my love, how come you never told me you felt this way about yourself”
and that pushed you over the edge. finally letting out the couple of tears you’ve been holding in since you first had put on the bralette. with a small teary hiccup you responded back to her question.
“i didn’t want you to think of me differently” you cried silently, sarah giving you one last tight squeeze before pulling away from you. “y/n, i would never look at you differently okay?” not receiving an answer she called out again once more.
you nod at her, her fingers coming up to rub away your tears that fell down your cheeks and from up under your eyes.
“y/n, i can't even begin to explain just how gorgeous and beautiful you are. you’re down right so incredibly gorgeous okay? i love every single inch of you and your body so much, baby. flaws and all, okay? and who cares if your boobs are small love? small, big, everyone is different and is born differently and that absolutely doesn't mean it's a bad thing or something to hate. and plus i absolutely adore your boobs. they’re amazing and you’re amazing. please stop tearing yourself down like this, sweets. it hurts me so much to see you hating something so much about yourself when nothing is wrong with you in the beginning. i know no one is perfect but i know for sure that you are, i love you so much baby”
at her little speech, you cried and practically threw yourself at your girlfriend. hugging her like it was the last time you would ever be able to do it. “t-thank you so much, baby” you were speechless but you managed to get the words out profusely against the skin of her neck.
“you don’t have to thank me, babe” sarah cried with as well with a little teary giggle escaping her.
sarah pulled away from you to intently stare into your eyes, her soft hands then coming up to the lacy bralette to take it up and off of you. you let her but not without timidly asking her why she was taking it off of you.
“b-babe, what are you doing?”
“showing you just how beautiful you are to me, y/n” sarah replies with her pretty, bunny smile on display as she tossed the piece of clothing somewhere in the room before making direct contact with your exposed breast, holding the soft flesh of the mounds in her warm palms. you gasp softly in surprise of the sudden, so good feeling of sarah’s hands delicately massaging your breasts.
“such pretty breasts,” sarah states with a sincere look on her face, pressing a gentle kiss at your lips before bending down to take your nipple into her mouth. her other finger tracing the unattended bud, not wanting to leave anything out.
“b-baby” you whimpered, moving a strand of hair away and out of your face so you could look down at sarah latched and sucking at your nipple passionately, to already find her looking up at you with desire, so so much love swimming in her brown irises.
she pulled away from your nipple with a loud pop.
“such pretty nipples,” sarah whispers, eyes flickering up to yours after the words left her lips. finding your face scrunched up in pleasure, “gosh, you just look so frickin’ perfect” sarah thinks to herself.
without another word sarah takes your unattended breast into her mouth. her hand gently grasping the mound of flesh while she sucks at your areolas. her tongue running over your hardened bud while she did so. a little hum leaving her lips when she hears you moan out again and again at the feeling.
sarah once more pulls away from you with a even louder pop than earlier echoing and surrounding her bedroom along with your little whines and keens. sarah backs away from you and stares at how her spit made the skin of your chest glistened, her teeth pulling in her bottom lip as she rubbed and toyed at your sensitive, hard buds.
“lay down pretty girl, we’re missing the bonfire this time.”
⚘ ˏ`୭̥*ೃ *ૢ✧ ⚘ ˏ`୭̥*ೃ *ૢ✧ ⚘ ˏ`୭̥*ೃ *ૢ✧ ⚘ ˏ`୭̥*ೃ *ૢ✧
kinktober taglist 🏷/if ur tag isn’t working pls check ur visibility settings : @izzy--b @justagirlinherownworld @jupiterstearx @dariaclare3 @Poems0417 @macklynn0529 @Passmesomecookies @kayleiggh @mommyworldwide @kellykhumz345-blog @flowerkidlxrry @starkey-patterson @mynameberose @daareallgirl @maddiesweet @weirdooooo2325 @Heyjelle29 @enmywinningengineer @teenwolfbitches28 @lore-lover @angel4you @misterdav @oxyparker @tomisfuckinghot @no-and-no-and-no @lilostif16 @keyanasstuff @midnightzonzz @peachesbadussy @tokyocupid @maybankprincess @artemishunter18 @obsessedxx @noshamecatluver @Nano2010 @jjmaybanksbitch @meetmyblondemuffins @itsmentalillness @remuslupinsmoon @i-love-scott-mccall
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awkward-froogy · 2 years
Forgotten [Otto Octavius x reader]
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Summary: Your an Intern at OSCORP and have some background stuff with Norman, but your interning under Otto.
A/N: So slow burn lets go. lets be honest here, this is my first fic Ive ever posted so its messy and stuff, and i prob messed up some words/spelling but, soft otto, and btw no Rosie because he aint cheating. Also this is after SM1, Norman Survived it. I also tried to make Y/N as gender neutral as I could.
Warnings: a little unwanted attention
"Norman, you can't confuse the intern like this"
"Otto, I'm not doing anything wrong. You making these suggestions upon our relationship is entirely inappropriate. I think you should get to know them before coming at me with these allegations. Tomorrow the intern will be here, and you will be their teacher, understood."
"Understood." Otto has known for the past week this new intern and Norman have been getting too close to each other. Confronting Norman in hopes he would stop before anything bad would happen just made everything more confusing. Now he has to meet this person, knowing what has been going on between them and Norman. Should he confront them too? He was not excited.
The next day...
Y/N has been interning over at Oscorp for over a week now. They can't deny that they got the internship because of their secret relation with Norman Osborn. They had never meant for the relationship to start, but a drunken night at a convention had other ideas. They have only seen Norman a couple of times after the convention but not enough to call it a 'relationship'. Wondering down the new halls at Oscorp, trying to find Doctor Octavius' room, sliding their hand across the walls to get accustomed to them. Finally looking up Y/N found the room with the name across a rather small paper for 'Doctor Otto Octavius'. Y/N slightly looked in the room surprisingly seeing Norman. Y/N quickly shot back from the door, hitting the back of their head on the wall, creating a loud thud. You rubbed the back of your head, trying to numb the thumping. Norman walks out of the door laying his eyes upon the scene.
"Ah, Y/N... are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I... I slipped"
Norman looks at you confused but precedes to show you into the room. Introducing you to the Doctor,
"Here they are, finally," Norman raises his hand to you, "Y/N, hopefully, you already know somewhat of Doctor Octavius?" He looks at you, as you look down while slightly nodding. "Good, well now that you two are accustomed, I must be leaving. Lots to do with little time..." He makes his way toward the door, getting close enough to you to brush his hand on the back of your arm, it tickles. Unknown if this presence gives you excitement or makes you wish it never happened. Norman turns around one more time and says, "You two are going to do great things!" and leaves. Your kind of glad he's gone.
Quite flows around the room, looking up finally to see Octavius. Funny name Octavius, very super villain feel to it, you thought. You finally go up to reach out your hand, "Y/N Y/LN" he returns the gesture, "Octavius, Otto Octavius." It was quite awkward, he was actually pretty quiet for such a large presence he took in the room. So you took control, "I have looked over your work on atomic research, it is very intriguing," The Doctor looked up fascinated, he was a smart guy but not too popular to the public, "Oh, yes..." Otto then starts to ramble on and on about his research, totally forgetting you were there. You don't mind though, at this point you had stopped listening to his theories and explanations just to observe him. When he would get a little too excited on the topic you noticed the corners of his lips would curl into a small smile, it was cute. Otto finally looks up, realizing what he's been doing, stopping mid-sentence to apologize, you chuckle, " I don't mind, It is all truly interesting, but I do believe we should get some work done before Norman comes back." Otto responds, "Yes, Yes... well, I've been working on a combination of many things, but right now the main thing is my Adamantium Arms." He gets up from his chair walking to a cabinet, grabs a pile of papers, and brings them over. Wow, this is one tall man, you thought, he was at least 6'2. He sits back down quickly, pulling himself back under the protection of the counter like he was trying to hide from you. He flips through the papers getting you updated upon the projects, "we don't have to necessarily start on this today, I was actually hoping you could start on my side projects? Sorry, not to say...um... I just think" you cut him off, "No, I understand. I'm fine with anything. Just put me on a task and I'll do it." You slowly place your hand on his forearm, he looks up at you and you smile at him assuring him that anything is fine to you.
The day is almost over. It has been a pretty good day so far, you have conversed with Otto enough for the awkward silence to become not so awkward, which was progress. You hear a knock at the door, quickly turning your head in that direction, you see a face you've been dreading to see all day, "Otto, Y/N. How was your first day together?" Norman seems to only be looking at you while asking the question, which somewhat enrages you. You've noticed that Norman usually never acknowledges Otto, always seeing him as less than him. You reply, "It was very interesting." "Y/N do you need a ride home?" Norman asks, but you quickly blurt out that Otto was actually giving you a ride home. Otto quickly looks at you in confusion, but you just meet his eyes with a plead for help. He accepts the request, "Yes, I just thought it would be easier since I live closer to them." You fully know that Otto has no idea where you live, but it was a good improv on him. Disappointment coats over Normans' eyes, he states, "Y/N do you really want Otto to take you home, it's not a big deal where you live for me?" You look at him in surprise then look at Otto who seems not surprised in the backhanded remark. Then again Norman actually did know where you lived, sense one night you called him over to spend the night. "No, it's perfectly fine Nor... Mr. Osborn. Thanks for the offer!" Norman slowly makes his way towards the door, "Well, then. Have a nice night." He leaves in a rush, you feel slightly bad, Norman isn't a bad man, he might be egotistical but he's nice to you for the most part.
You look over at Octavius, "You don't have to take me home, I can just take the train." "No, it's fine I can take you home, I have the time." You walk out together, again with the doctor at his full height makes you feel very small compared to him. Finally, outside, Otto calls out for a cab. He opens the door for you to go in first, then closes the door and runs to the other side and gets in. "Where to?" the driver asks, Otto looks over at you with a questionable look you look at him with a worried expression, "Can you cover your ears?" he first questions you but agrees because you two had just met, considering that it is kind of weird for him to know your address, but that's not the true reason you had asked him to do so. The ride was quiet, Otto just kept his eyes out the window, intrigued with where they headed. When the two of you started to get closer to the destination you asked, "Doctor, would you mind closing your eyes? Please." Otto thought, again why are they being so mysterious, but he listened. His eyes were closed for the remainder of the time in the cab. The cab came to a stop, he heard you open the door, saying your thanks and goodbyes, then leaving. Otto couldn't help but open his eyes and make sure you got into your house safely. What surprised him was the area he was in, looking around he could see broken houses very close together, sketchy people roaming the streets. He didn't know what to expect about you, but he didn't expect you to live so poorly. Since you always looked so neat and nice, and you knew Norman of all people. He couldn't help but feel pity for you, which is the exact reason you told him to close his eyes. You've always been looked down upon for where you lived, that's why you suspect Norman has stayed by your side for so long. You look back to the cab before going into the house to see if he had listened to your request, his eyes were still closed, thank god. (Otto had seen you start to turn around and quickly closed his eyes again) You go into the rickety house you have called home. The cab pulls away, Otto keeps his eyes closed until getting home, due to feeling guilty he did open his eyes at your house. Getting out, grabbing his stuff, he has looked to your side and sees a notebook, you've forgotten it.
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP 1678 (Unlondon) x Reader (REQUESTED)
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Source: Photo
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
Requested by: @lilithisfurry
Ok, so I've done it!!! 😃
Before any of you say a thing, I know that there are 2 humanoid 1678s which are 1678-A (Bobbies/Policeman) and 1678-C (Wretch) and an avian type one (1678-B)
The one I'll be using is 1678-A (Policeman) because it takes too much time to write 3 versions of this SCP (But I might consider writing the other 2, but it's highly unlikely)
First Encounter
When you first met this humanoid, you were sent into SCP 1678 for some test
The police humanoid emitted a loud whistle as the speakers screamed ‘‘Police! Halt, criminal!’’
A couple of others who were with you attempted to shoot them with their guns but were quickly shown to be resistant
Luckily for them, they managed to plant some explosives which caused damage
The other 1678-As went in and attacked them which wasn't unusual because of their hostile nature
However, for you, one of them managed to capture you and ran
For some reason, it showed some interest towards you and warded off the other SCP 1678-As off from you
They seemed to understand that you were "marked" and left you alone
That particular 1678-A managed to get you out from harm and back to your foundation
The foundation staff did wonder what had happened and you told them everything with proof since you were wearing a bodycam
They've soon noticed that this particular policeman was softer towards you as you bandaged up its broken arm
Your feelings for him
After the incident, you were sent back down into 1678 for further research and you bumped back into the sane 1678-A
You only remembered that it was him because of its gesture and its unusual markings which distinguished him from the others
Somehow, you both were able to communicate with each other
The researchers realised that they seemed to understand human speech, mainly English, however, they seemed to understand other forms of European languages as well
Moreover, this particular Bobby also understood sign language and used it to his advantage to communicate with you, displaying some fondness for you
The researchers were reluctant to let you carry on with this test as they've noticed that you've reciprocated the same gesture
Let's just say that the researchers and the other Bobbies agreed to the fact that it was strange for you and that special policeman to be dating
His Confession
Over time, as you both became closer, he worked up the courage to sign to you that he cares a lot about you
And you've found that rather cute and returned the gesture
Which then made you both a rather unique type of couple
The other 1678-As were concerned and curious about this new relationship and so was the Foundation
The researchers had decided to borrow your newfound partner and took him to his new room (No, you've basically kidnapped him)
Needless to say, the other Bobbies were somewhat furious while others were glad that he's gone since he betrayed them for not killing you
Your new partner was somewhat homesick, so you've decided to paint some victorian style art for his cell
From time to time, you both were shoved back into 1678 which just so happens to be the main place for you both to date
Some of his friends were relieved to see him and some would even offer you a hug
You obviously returned the gesture for being so flattering and because your man could finally get laid (NGL yall still be touch starved to the point you'd even date strange beings and objects)
Dates with this Bobby would be rather interesting
Like, he'd hold hands, but probably wouldn't start it during the beginning of the relationship because he's just shy (Just like everybody else here)
Since his face is all bandaged up, you wouldn't really be having many kisses
But he'll make it up with hugs instead
His fellow friends would probably enjoy bothering the both of you while you're there and would pull pranks on you both
If you both were in the foundation, you'd be chilling in his cell and talking bout your experiences in life (Not like you'd have much to say, get back to studying/work)
The researchers may poke fun of you both but would generally leave you both alone
When he gets jealous
Now, depending on who he's jealous of, he would react differently
If it was another fellow 1678-A, he would be slightly hostile and assert his dominance over the others
However, if it was a member of the foundation or anyone else that's not 1678-A for that matter, he'd be even more aggressive and would probably try and kill them
Unless you manage to stop him then it's fine
This Bobby would be slightly possessive because you're the only other person who genuinely cares about him other than his 1678 friends/family
If he sees you having a friendly chat with another person/SCP, he would wrap an arm around you just so the other person knows you're taken
I think over time he learns some boundaries so even if he is aggressive, he wouldn't just automatically send the dude you're with to hell
Unless that person is a crappy person then good for them
This yandere right here would literally kidnap you and take you back into 1678
He'd make sure that you would never find a way back into the foundation which does concern the researchers, so they send a group of D-classes and MTFs to find you
If he was feeling nice, he would let you wander around 1678 but he would most likely be next to or near you at all times
If he was having a bad day, he would tie you up in a random building and made sure that nobody can get in or out
Would most likely be even more hostile to everybody else around you
If you haven't behaved, he'd probs use something sharp to inflict pain on you
If you managed to behave, then he loosens the ropes around your arms, legs and neck
Probs would feed you tiny doses of 1678-D but only a bit because he's aware of how that affects the bodies of ordinary humans
Their younger sister
You and the other 1678-As would literally be families at this point or friends with the ones who are lurking away from the main area of 1678
And since you were rather new, you were treated as the younger one (That's also because you're the youngest one)
Would probably protect you from everything
You would be spoilt to death and wouldn't have to hurt a fly
One of the policemen would get you a 1678-B as your personal pet
And it's rather fond of you so it basically follows you around
Would most likely intimidate your dates if you have one
Even more so if they're a human/SCP from the Foundation
If it was another member of 1678 then they're more chill
However, if you were dating 1678-C, they'd be quite reluctant for you to be in a relationship with her but would let you anyways
When their kids say their name for the first time
Would 100% be crying internally and shocked
Like, it happened out of the blue since you both were just relaxing
Word would spread across the whole of 1678 because of this
And not because you both were a unique pairing in the first place
1678-A would try to teach your child some sign language in contrast to you who would teach them to communicate verbally
Most likely try and teach the kid to defend themselves and probably attack others
But you wouldn't let him because they were too young (Just like you lot!!! Shouldn't y'all be studying in primary or high/secondary schools?)
The other 1678s would literally yeet their way to meet the kid just so they can teach your child to say more words
And to swear of course
When his S/O is angry
Oh dear
If the foundation doesn't know any better, they'd just assume that all the Bobbies were the aggressive ones
And oh boy were they wrong
You were the one who needs a chill pill
Basically, some guy tried to hit on you and wouldn't stop
So you just casually gave him a taste in his own medicine
Which were a punch in the face and a kick in the nuts (Kids, don't do this to a guy unless he really deserves it)
He somehow got back up and carried on harassing you
Your man was just strolling around the park until he saw the commotion
He had to literally hold you back and made the guy run for his life
Which was a shocker since it's usually the other way around
And of course, everybody inside 1678 heard about the news and cheered on for you while others just ran since they didn't wanna have the first-hand experience with your anger issue
When someone tries to steal you away
Oh this man right here would gather all his police friends as well as the birds to hunt down whoever stole you away
He would be furious to the core and rightfully so
The foundation was informed of this and they didn't blame this SCP
And that's because the person who stole you was from the Chaos Insurgency
Both GOIs hated each other's guts so the foundation just kinda let 1678-A hunt down the guy
And he did along with the MTFs
But was met with you standing over the guy's dead body
Then everybody realised that your man taught you how to protect yourself
And you did it so perfectly that even 1678 was intimidated af
Nobody wanted to mess with you and your partner was relieved that he taught you self defence
When his pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident
This particular 1678-A that just so happens to be your partner, is rather shy and introverted
Nad although he does his 'job' well, he would rather just stay away from any contact
Until he met you and you became pregnant
This 1678-A would be slightly more protective but would let you have some space
And because of this, you managed to give yourself a papercut
Which was met with a furious policeman
But was cooled down when you explained your injury to him
He was giving you a huge lecture about your safety and how not to get hurt because you're carrying his baby
Wouldn't leave you alone ever again
Even if that means he would have to sit by the corner at all times
Would send his mates to come over to check on you if he wasn't there
Meeting a dragon hybrid child fem!reader
Definitely would be curious about you since they mostly interact with Foundation staffs
Probably would try to attack you but instead got burnt
1678-A would definitely notice your strange appearance and that you cry lava
Would feel bad so he'd try and comfort you
This then leads to you both being rather attached to each other
This particular 1678-A would have to bribe the others to keep you
The foundation realising this would happen
Probably would let you stay there for research purposes
They would most likely help level up your telekineses
Treats you like their own child and would be extremely protective
Most likely would have a heart attack every time you show kindness towards foundation members instead of attacking them
Every time you're in danger, the ones attacking you would soon realise that they've screwed up
Because the SCPs can hear you cry which would summon a whole bunch of them
When he accidentally kills you
He was basically chilling with you until some MTF members arrived to take some samples for testing
They were attacked by the other 1678-As and retaliated
This chill guy would lead you to safety before attacking the remaining MTFs
You realising what has happened decided to try and help out
You noticed that one of the MTF members were about to shoot your guy and managed to throw the gun out of his hand
1678-A notices and tries to attack the member but instead killed you
The remaining MTF members flee as he mourns your death
He would be even more vengeful and aggressive to the foundation members
Which does scare off the other Bobbies
Stayed in one of the abandoned houses to cry alone
Yandere!1678 - A x Evil!Reader
I'd say aside from his yandere self and the fact that he's only more aggressive to everyone else aside from you and giving you some scars, he's pretty dense and thicc in the brain
Probably wouldn't notice that you were working on them for a project in the GOC
You were able to get away with a lot of things because of your small stature and innocent appearance
Definitely managed to fool this yandere!1678-A because of your appearance
You could be just as vicious when you want to be
Yandere!1678-A soon realises that you were just using him for some experiment and were angered to the point of no return
Would most likely try and hunt you down
But since you've already got enough information about this SCP, you were able to devise a plan to leave
Manages to catch up to you but you were fortunate enough to know enough self-defence tactics to ward him off
You never came back to him and he was depressed for all of eternity
Trying McDonald's Sprite
You were requested to bring some ordinary food to 1678 as a test
And you've decided that you wanted to bring some Sprite with some Apple pie, mozzarella dippers and pancakes (They're my soul food from Mackies ok? Don't judge)
When you arrived in 1678, that one particular policeman who is attached to you for some odd reason was curious about the food
Of course, he would need to take off the bandage on his head to taste the food but not before some bribery from you
He reminisced about the food since he loved eating them before he turned into 1678-A
Sprite, however, was slightly different
He never tried them and was surprised with how good they tasted
Most likely would ask you to get more for him though
Foundation staff would be rather conflicted but allowed you to reward him with Sprite and some food
Only whenever he behaved well though
When his kid swears at him
You should've seen the look on his face (oh the irony)
You both taught your kid verbal and non-verbal communications with some common sentences people would say
But never have either of you taught your kid how to swear
Kinda just happened and 1678-A was about to go into cardiac arrest (Pun intended)
Would hunt down whoever taught them that depending on the severity
Like if the kid was using a ton of swearing in a sentence and was directing it to either of you, 1678-A would kill the guy
You were more of a chill type of parent
But would recommend the kid to stop swearing sine it's rude
Most likely wound ground the kind for a week tbh
When the reader scares him (Child!Reader)
Well, let's just say you managed to make the policeman play hide and seek with you
And you were the one hiding since you secretly knew that you were a professional at it
So you made 1678-A to find you
And although he's pretty good at catching his victims, he couldn't find you (Cuz y'all be so short)
Like he was literally in front of you and he still couldn't see you and you even giggled
So you've decided to jump on him
And oh boy was he about to scream out for help
But luckily he didn't cuz the others would whoop yo ass
Probably wouldn't give you a lecture but would need a while for his precious heart to not go yeetus the fetus
He would probably yeet you though tbf
When the reader pole dances/aerial silk dance
1678-A probably would have some ideas on what pole dancing is
Maybe not as much with the term aerial silk dancing but would soon understand when he sees you dancing
Probably thinks that you're trying to fondue with him if you're pole dancing
Definitely would be in awe when he sees you dance with the aerial silks
Would have a difficult time mimicking you if he ever wants you to teach him
Has definitely fallen 1000 times while pole dancing and broke his arms while dancing 10 ft off the ground
If the others inside 1678 see you dancing, he'd be in a blushing mess, especially if you were dancing to certain kinds of songs
Would most likely tell you to dance for him privately so there's no peeking
Having a Pregnant!S/O
Would most definitely be on the guard more since you're carrying his child
1678-A would most likely follow you around like a well trained and clingy German Shepard
You'd most likely have to tell him to tone it down because you're pregnant, not some delicate flower
Would most likely do whatever you tell him to do, even if it means hurting himself as long as you're safe and sound
Definitely would make sure that another 1678 would be around you at all times when he's away from you
1678-A would occasionally rub your stomach and sing victorian era songs
Sometimes he would bring you some of your favourite foods
When you try to commit suicide
When he hears the news he was devastated
He literally ran 69 miles just to see you
Would give you a big boi lecture about doing that
Nearly had his heart jump out of his body
Would constantly follow you everywhere after this
He's basically your bodyguard at this point
Would bandage up your wounds
Makes sure that you're fed well and all and would give you random gifts out of the blue
Would most likely ask the other Bobbies to care for you if he's not there and would even give you 1678-B
Asks the Wretches to keep a lookout to make sure nobody hurts you
Having a hopelessly romantic/easily flustered GN!Reader
This particular Bobby would most likely be just as easily flustered and hopelessly romantic as you
I'd imagine him trying to make the first move and you both being in a blushing mess
You both would exchange little gifts every now and again
Everyone else just teases and ships you both
You both loving each other unconditionally and constantly worrying about each other when you're both away from each other
This Bobby would definitely protect you from the MTFs and/or D-classes from attacking you
You would make a deal with the foundation to keep your guy safe and sound
The foundation witnessing how lovey-dovey you both are and just dies of cringe and sweetness overload (but not as sweet as out 999)
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moonchildsaurora · 3 years
Darling, Dance for Me?
✤ sniper!San x female exotic dancer!reader ✤ genre: Mafia AU // 30% fluff, 60% spice, 10% platonic flirting with Woo  ✤ t/w: mentions of guns/shooting, mentions of alcohol, mature clubbing themes, highly suggestive in the second half (but not smut), rated M  ✤ count: 2k+
a/n - this was suppose to be for Valentine’s Day but, oh well! Enjoy some spice with one pink haired Sannie, coz we all know even though he looks soft. . . .he’s just a devil in disguise. This is probs my most suggestive writing till date as well, it was fun and am looking forward to writing more spice in the future hehet 💙
✛ play these vibes: BOBBY - ‘DeViL’, Sunmi - ‘Black Pearl’, Kai - ‘Mmmh’ ✛
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“Mother told me, never to dance with the devil, So I danced for him instead.”
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Cherry rouge.
Not your usual go-to, but a special occasion calls for some special exceptions. And damn did you look like fine wine tonight. Giving your styled curls another spritz of hair spray, you took one last inspection in your vanity mirror.  
Work was throwing a Valentine’s event and thus you found yourself having to dig through the back of your wardrobe to find a suitable outfit for tonight. Bold burgundy lace hugged tightly around your body replacing the mellower neutral tones you’d wear on any other night. Your roommate had even shoved a pair of thigh highs and heels on you to match the garter.
And cherry lips to bring the whole look together.
“You’ll thank me later! Hell everyone in the club would, for presenting god’s gift to them!”
You had laughed at her supportive enthusiasm, waving her away with embarrassment though you greatly appreciated the pre-shift hype.
When you headed for the kitchen, you could hear the TV in the lounge and glanced to see your roommate watching the evening news. She turned to call out for you but stopped mid-way upon realising you were already out of your room.
“Damn girl…you’ll sure be breaking hearts tonight with that fit!!” she yelled-gasped, brows waggling for a cheeky added effect.
“Well that’s no good. Dancers are supposed to be Cupids of the night, maybe they should’ve given me Aphrodite instead.”
A smile tugged on your lips as you saw your roommate falling back on the sofa snickering. Grabbing the bottle of Ten to One from what you both named ‘The Life Juice’ shelf, you started to fill your rose gold hip flask with the white rum. The debonair bartender at the club would usually be more than happy to concoct you a cup of much-needed poison to get you through the night. However, on such a busy event, you might not even have time to swing by the bar – so plan B was in order.
Also, whoever thought to invent garter pouches was a genius in your eyes. The amount of times you had snuck in a sip or two up on the podium without missing a beat or being noticed had to be one of your greatest feat till date.
Except maybe for the one who bought said pouch and flask for you. Seeing the shadow of their pleased smirk whenever you donned on something from them never failed to coax the goosebumps across your skin. Perhaps that garnet embellished choker would be the icing on the cake then. You made a mental note to put that on before you headed out.
“Hey honey…”
The tone of your roommate turned a little more serious.
“On the news just then, another one of those random sniper attacks happened along Soleil Street. Shit, that’s only two streets away from the club.”
The city has gotten used to such news every now and then. All leads of the serial sniper always went cold, not that they left behind any substantial traces for the authorities to begin with.
The law wasn’t the only ruling force in the area. Everyone knew that.
So long as one didn’t attract the wrong attention, they’d be free to go about their business.
“I’m dropping you off, are you ready to go?”
“Wait! It’s alright, I don’t want to trouble you.”
Your roommate gave you a look before swiping her car keys from the counter. “What would trouble me is not knowing whether you’ve made it to work and back safely. Now c’mon, the night is awaiting that cute booty of yours!”
“Yes mum.”
How lucky were you to have an angel for a roommate?
“Give me a heads up if you intend to bring anyone home tonight yeah? I’ll be sure to vacate the apartment before any sinning begins here.”
Or not.
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A euphoric buzz filled every corner of the club tonight. Whether it was due to the special occasion or not, everyone was getting drunk off the atmosphere. The bar was a never-ending fountain of liquid luck and smoke veiled corners of the venue where patrons dealt cards and wits. A sea of bodies dominated the dancefloor, curling around one another in ecstasy as the thumping bass set the rhythm for them.
The centre podium was where the real magic unfurled.
Up on there, you felt powerful. Up on there, was your domain to rule.
Long have you enticed all those who returned back to ‘The Blue Butterfly’. So close, yet so far, for most could only have the visual satisfaction. Of watching you, along with your fellow dancers weave around golden poles and offer hands to those who sat in plush velvet chairs closest to the podium. Only to sashay away the last minute.
How bees are drawn to nectar and moths to light, the people keep coming back.
Tonight the club was decked out in a more sensual feel to fit the Valentine’s vibe. Long drapes of rose silk hung around the podium and you used those to accentuate the flow and movement of your body curves. The silks caressed the bare skin not hidden underneath your outfit and you pretended to take shy peeks around the fabrics at the audience. Sending a lucky wink or flying kiss their way.
In the middle of a mid-air twirl, you saw a familiar figure heading towards your side of the podium. You slowly lowered yourself back down to the floor, using your legs to wrap around the silks as leverage. Not missing the opportunity to be playful – you mimed shooting an arrow towards the club’s top croupier.
Wooyoung instantly clutched his heart with his hand that wasn’t occupied with holding one of Mingi’s own cocktail infusion. Letting out a hearty giggle, you slid over the podium floors to the edge where Wooyoung had propped himself up on.
“Don’t you look simply irresistible?” he crooned at you.
You could’ve said the exact same for him. All fitted to a tee in Givenchy with a classic choker that demanded attention for prominent collarbones.
“Now, how may I be of service to you tonight handsome?” you spoke over the music.
The youthful charmer leaned in towards you, shaking dark wavy strands out of his eyes. Eyeing his cotton candy pink drink, you ducked your head and took a few sips from the straw before Wooyoung drew it away. It tasted vaguely like pink lemonade with hints of vodka and vanilla.
“Ah ah, this isn’t for you poppet. Besides…” he tipped your chin back up with two fingers, “…wouldn’t want to waste your appetite before your main course tonight, would we?”
That made you perk right up.
“V.I.P Room Aurora has kindly requested for you. Drinks have already been sent up and the room’s been booked for the whole night.”
Not that booking was really needed since it was your room. It was just for formality.  
Wooyoung helped you off the podium and smoothly guided you through the crowd, placing you in front of him so as to avoid being grabbed by uninvited hands from behind. You both stopped at the foot of the polished glass stairs that led up to the V.I.P guest rooms.
“Off you go now! Oh and try not to make too much of a mess for our cleaners, they really ought to get a pay rise from some of the things they’ve witnessed in those rooms.”
You would’ve kicked Wooyoung for his brazen tongue, but you did well to remind yourself that would be rather impudent on your part. Whilst you have a jovial bond with him, it still doesn’t erase his high-standing status within the inner circle. You knew better than to cross that line of respect.
“Won’t make any promises I can’t keep, Jung!”
You left him with a soft pat on his cheek and ascended towards your utopia that awaited.
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Swinging the golden embossed doors open, sultry melodious tune of a saxophone greeted you. Like molten dark chocolate, it was rich and tantalizing. The crystalline blue hue of the room’s lighting was fitting for the slow jazzy blues.
A spacious circular sofa curved around a glass table in the centre, providing a perfect view of the bejewelled podium. The wide one-way windows were especially designed for privacy. You could spectate over almost the whole club below, something you quite enjoyed during your breaks. The countless types of people that you observed stepping into your world; from the timid newcomers to the seasoned hedonists and the stories they brought with them of their journey to ‘The Blue Butterfly’.
But there was no time for that tonight. Not when you see broad sculptured shoulders that your hands have meticulously memorised the planes of – right in front of you.  
Still clad in his all-black incognito leather fit, you couldn’t help but stay by the door to appreciate his form. A huge bouquet of ivory and deep red roses sat on the glass table with an open box of what you suspected were chocolates inside. A loud pop of the champagne bottle went off. You bit your lips when you saw his toned arms flex as he gripped the bottle in one hand and tipped a stream of golden bubbles into two flute glasses in the other.
As the music picked up, you decided it was time to make your presence known. Walking with confident steps over the velveteen carpet you went to wrap your arms around his cinched waist. Resting your cheek on the cool leather vest of his back, you took his scent in.
Smoke and city musk lingered around.
You figured he must’ve come straight from his assignment. What better reason to use than to spoil him extra as post-work relaxation? His hand came up to wrap around yours and you felt the dancing of lips leaving petal kisses across your knuckles.
“You stink…” you mumbled lightly against his back.
San let out a low chuckle before setting the champagne bottle down and turning around to snake both arms around you. Calloused hands from the years of gripping guns instead of supple flesh imprinted their warm touch into your skin.
“Oh? Then I’m sure you won’t mind helping me freshen up, right Princess?”
“San!” you squealed when you felt him deliberately rub sweat against your neck before attacking it with more love bites.
“You taste like sweet temptation.”
You arched your neck out of habit when you felt his tongue swipe across it. Teeth bit down lightly around the garnet choker San bought for you for Christmas.
When you felt hands travelling down west towards your garter, you gave San a light shove backwards to the sofa.
“Not so fast, Choi.”
His predatory feline eyes took its time to rake down your body, committing every inch to memory. You made a show of bending over to grab the two champagne flutes off the table, the sharp intake of breath behind you made you preen with pride. You took your seat on your throne, not at all surprised to feel how much pent-up tension San had through the tight leather.
Clink. A toast made for the love of two.
“Happy Valentine’s, darling.”
“Thank you, San. You sure know how to spoil a lady don’t you?”
“Only the one who’s sniped right through my heart.”
Oh the irony.
You smiled when he pulled you close and claimed a proper kiss, whispering a, “You sap,” against his wind-chapped lips. Tasting the fruit acidity from the golden bubbles as you both exchanged kitten licks.
San’s rouge-stained lips chased after yours when you broke off from the kiss to place your champagne flute back down on the table. Hands anchoring your hips in place as you reached to pluck a couverture chocolate-covered strawberry from the box. Turning back round to San, your lips formed a small pout noticing that his freshly dyed hair was still hidden underneath his cap.
He let you discard it behind the sofa and you could’ve sworn he purred with satisfaction when you ran your hands through his cotton candy pink strands. Hands gave your bottom a firm squeeze and San begun to run his fingers along the hem of your lace. The husky vocals from the record player drifted back, interlacing with the saxophone.
That was your cue.
“Eyes on me.”
You held San’s gaze, fire reflecting fire. The strawberry gets slipped past the seams of his lips and all the while San chews intently, his eyes never wavered. He’s got his precious pearl all to himself, just the way he loves it. And you have the city’s most lethal hitman watching your back from dawn to dusk. San was the dangerous game you played, only to win the safest love.    
“Darling, won’t you please dance for me?”
“With pleasure, Sir.”
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY's Love Language - Part 2
Hello friend ! I'm back at it with a second part and whatever character I can think of ! (Among which best boy Oscar because he deserves it, and also more adults)
Let's go !
Oscar Pine
So ! While I love Oscar with my whole heart, honestly guessing his Love Language is no easy feat. One thing for sure : touch isn't is thing even if it's how everyone else chose to communicate their love.
I saw a post a while back detailing how Oscar is always putting his hands up as a barrier when he's scared or uncomfortable and that makes me cry a little instead but it's true TT. Anyway...
In the latest volumes we've got quite a bit of comforting Oscar-talks but I have to wonder how much of that is due to Ozpin's influence really. As a result I've decided to settle on... Acts of Service or Quality Time ! This is based on a few details : when people are upset with him in one shape or form, Oscar was always very eager to prove himself useful, give some aspect of concrete help (such as cooking a Casserole, ringing any bell ?). Plus I imagine that's the exact brand of help his Aunt would have needed most on a farm. Added to that, he always seems fairly happy to be included, be with the others no matter what's going on. Training ? Yay ! A movie with Jaune & Weiss ? Smiling puppy look. Fancy party ? Shenanigans together ! So yea, I love seeing my boy loved and hugged but please everyone settle for the loving he's most comfortable with <3
“She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.”
“No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.”
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For our favorite immortal wizard aka not quite dead Headmaster... I think the answer is rather obvious. When you're so careful with your words, but also so fiercely devoted to humanity, Words of Affirmation is a must. Ozpin constantly does his best to calm, to reassure. He's good at controlling the conversation and getting people where he wants... Except he more often than not use it to make them think and help them reach an healing ore motivating conclusion. This man is so insisten on giving and cultivating hope, so painfully aware of just how much words can change... There's no doubt in my mind that it's through these very same words that he tries to fight the darkness in others' mind, even when they don't want to let themselves be persuaded. And with some help from the farmboi, Ozpin is gaining in honesty and earnestness. And that can only help in giving comfort.
But to be honest... If you offer him a hug I doubt he'd refuse, and he definitely deserves one. Also therapy. For Oscar too. Everyone in therapy 2k21.
“Ruby. I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?”
“It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.”
“Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over, and the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you are willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen?”
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Emerald Sustrai
Now here I'm gonna go ahead and say that the way Emerald has been taught to express her love and the way SHE would rather preffered to be loved most likely do not align. At the side of someone like Cinder, and even Mercury who isn't exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person; the only brand of love that gets an easy pass is Acts of Service, and that's probably what Emerald is the most used to. I can go on a mission with you. I can help. We go right back to the "I can be useful" mentality and I'm not sure she's been shown any other way honestly. Let's be real though : if someone offered a hug or some gentle words ? She'd probably pout & fuss but I hardly doubt she'd object.
“I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.”
“I just... Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--”
“I've been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won't tell anybody.”
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Pyrrha Nikos
What's with everyone and dedicating their whole love toward just helping their teammates anyway they can ?! Stop ! But any way, you guessed it. I'm pretty sure one of Pyrrha's top way of showing love is Acts of Service, and nothing means quite as much to her as Quality Time. For someone who's been put on a pedestal and has a hard time relating to people; both touch and words can be a bit awkward. But if they're wrapped up neatly in a training session or semblance explanations ? Well that's already a more familiar area. Pyrrha gives her whole to her friends and those she cares about. And in exchange, if anyone can simply... be there and spend time with her... May it be at the ball or simply sitting in the courtyard... I'm sure our girl would be delighted.
“Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.”
“I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. But thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.”
“I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden.”
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Qrow Branwen
If I say Gift Giving for the corvid, is someone gonna hit me ? Come on it's fun ! Okay, more seriously... I think this kind of love conversation is kind of a necessity for Qrow. With a semblance such as Bad Luck, making everything complicated... Qrow tries to keep his distance from those he cares about. And since he's an emotionally repressed (but caring) asshole on top of it... Well that kinda narrows down his option. You know what DOESN'T put anyone at risk but can still bring smiles on their face ? GIFTS. Shiny things, souvenirs from his missions all over the world to give to 2 smol nieces. Sounds safe right ? That said, as any good emotionally unavailable character in this show, I gotta say Qrow probably has a thing for helping out and making himself useful in relation to Oz, Tai or the rest of the inner circle. So you know what that means *whisper* Acts of Service.
That said ! When it comes to receiving some love back... Qrow probably likes everything he doesn't allow himself to have. Soft touches, loving & comforting words, spending time with a friend without his semblance making everything complicated... We know that's all he wants.
“You idiot. I know you didn't do this.”
“Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.”
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...”
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Clover Ebi
And among our newbies (and gone too soon) friends we have Clover ! Clover was a very good contrast to our dusty old crow but also a great help. Kind-hearted, perceptive and honest; he knew just how to put Qrow's self-loathing in his place and push him to give himself some credit. He always had a nice word or a joke for everyone, and visibly the rock of the Ace Ops : an expert a keeping the moral up and the mood companiable. Evidently, Words of Affirmation was his expertise. Had things gone differently, I'm sure we'd have had time for many more earnest and helpful conversations with this teal-eyed fisherman.
“It's a good thing they had someone to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I meant deflect a compliment. Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize.”
“We don't have to fight, friend.”
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Winter Schnee
And today in the "emotionally unavailable" category we have... Winter Schnee ! TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS PEOPLE ! Just - I would say look at Ruby but even she doesn't talk about her bad vibes... Nor does any of the "Words of Affirmation" peeps. Honestly what's wrong with y'all people ? Anyway Winter cares so much. Is it hidden behind professionalism and a stern *big sister* demeanour ? Sure. But it doesn't negate just how much she loves her closed ones. She's fiercely loyal, and even if she doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duty and doing what needs to be done, no one is allowed to say she doesn't care. Countrary to Weiss, Winter doesn't seem as good nor as aware of the love that exists in simply *being* with people. Rather, she's dutiful and ready to help any way she can when given the chance. You guessed it, yet another Acts of Service kind of love... Maybe I'm doing this wrong XD. I'm on the fence about Words of Affirmation as well. Despite her standoffish looks, Winter has always been very open & reassuring during her discussions with Penny. But she's more stern when it comes to Weiss so I dunno x)
“I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?”
“You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.”
“You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!”
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And that's it for Part 2 ! I might do some other characters if people suggest some but I don't have a pressing need to right now. I have many ideas of songs to apply to various characters however so that's prob what my next posts will consist of (or fun templates)
If anyone has tips to create RWBY gifs or links to download the eps in good quality I'll take it ! Good day everyone !
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bluemusickid · 4 years
𝓕𝓮𝓶𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Conwoman!Reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected sex (do not recommend, pls be wise) Ransom's hurt ego/pride.
A/N: I love Ransom so much. I'd probably let him get away with murder, which is probs wrong since I'm a law student. Anyways, hope you enjoy!! Also the writing is crap and not at all intelligent, I just needed to let off some Ransom steam. ^_^
I post my stuff here and on AO3, nowhere else. 
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You took a sip of your martini. Perfect. The one thing about these high end resto-bars was that they never went wrong with their martinis. Always the right balance of sweet and intoxication. If only you could always afford these places.
You didn't mean to sound bitter, oh no no. Life has worked out better than expected. Your way of life got lonely sometimes, but survival of the fittest was the way of life, right?
In your experience, doing what you did, you realised that men were very literal creatures, always thinking linearly. Most of them lacked any depth to their thoughts, their way of life. The rich ones? They were as deep as an above ground pool. Throwing money every chance they got, flaunting their first row seats at the operas, trips to their villas in the French Riviera and what not. Their wives had no idea, always doting after their perfect husbands, with their Himalayan Birkins.
Imagine the surprise these men felt when you took what was most precious to them; no, not their families or children, but their money. A woman, no less. A woman who they had considered a damsel, in need of pearls and diamonds, and their strong strapping arms and care. And they didn’t dare report this. How could they? As far as their wives were concerned, you didn’t exist. You snorted. Good riddance, and all that. 
That’s why you chose him.
Hugh Ransom Drysdale.
He wasn’t a different one, that's for sure. A pretty boy with arrogance dripping off of him like he had just stepped out of a swanky prep school. He screamed rich kid, with his perfectly coiffed hair, right to his buffed fingernails. 
This should be easy, you thought to yourself.
You walked passed him, swaying your hips ever so slightly. Your look for tonight was carefully calculated: bait for a good, prize catch. There were many men there, sure, ordering crates of champagne for their "business associates".
But this one was different. He didn't pay heed to you as you made your way towards him, placing yourself next to him at the bar, nor did he check you out like most men did. He simply took a swig of his drink, focusing hard at something in his phone. Weird. You chose to give him the benefit of the doubt, calculating his next move. Surely, he'd ask to buy you a drink. He was just playing hard to get, you were sure. His next move stunned you, however.
He got up, slid a 100 dollar bill on the counter, and walked away, his jacket slung over his arm. You blinked, not really understanding what had happened. You ordered a red wine, quite perplexed. This was perhaps the first time something like this had happened, and it quite perturbed you.
You didn’t have time to dwell on your thoughts, however, as the bartender slid a coaster towards you.
“Mr. Drysdale sends his regards.”
You frowned. Drysdale? The famous real estate mogul? Man oh man, this was gonna be good.
You smirked as you read the scribbles on the coaster. To think you thought that he was gonna be different. Oh well. Room 537 it is, then.
You made your way to the room, checking your makeup and spritzing on a bit of perfume on the way. Standing outside his room, you knocked three times before the door swung open to reveal a treat.
Mr. Drysdale, sans shirt and his tight dress pants. Yum.
You composed yourself and entered the room, remembering the fact that you had a job to complete.
“So, that’s your game?” you asked, setting yourself down on the settee by the minibar.
“I don’t play games.” he said, pouring an amber liquid from the crystal cut decanter.
“Then why bother giving me your room number?” you drawled, accepting the glass.
“I know you wanted me to chase you. Knew it from the moment you entered. But that’s not how I work. I get what I want, and I wanted you.”
“A real charmer, aren’t ya?” you said dryly.
“Let’s cut to the chase sweetheart. You want me, I want you. Simple.”
“How can you be so sure that I want you? I could have just come up to confront you or something.”
“Yea, right. That dress says differently. You know what you want and you were going after it. I just skipped a few steps along the way. You’re welcome.” he smirked, raising his perfectly shaped eyebrow at you.
“So now that your plan has come into play, what do you suggest we do?”
He grinned and took a swig of his drink. Placing his drink on the counter, he took your hand in his and pulled you up, pulling you tightly to him.
Leaning towards your ear, he rasped, “I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t walk.”
With that, Ransom didn’t waste any more time. He picked you up bridal style and tossed you on the bed, without any preamble.
“Last chance to leave, kitten. Whaddaya want?”
You gulped. You wanted this, you needed this. You didn’t bother answering him as you pulled him down by his tie, lips melding against his as you held onto his collar. He was surprised by your sudden attack, but reciprocated equally, if not with more ferocity.
Lowering you onto the bed, he yanked the thin straps of your dress down, sucking at your pulse point, his hands caressing your body. You moaned, feeling his actions go straight to your core, lighting you up from within. He pulled the dress down with urgency, freeing your breasts from their confines.
Taking a hardened nub in his mouth, he swirled it around his tongue as his hands wandered lower. He was about to pull your dress up, when you stopped his wandering hands, pushing him off you, as he looked at you, bewildered.
“What the-!” he began but you quickly silenced him with your lips, your hands working double time to undo the buttons of his shirt. You deepened the kiss pulling him by his tie, while grinding against him ever so slightly. He broke away from the kiss, panting; his eyes wide, an unknown emotion swirling in the midst.
“Oh sweetheart.”he growled, “You’ve awoken the beast, now.”
With that, you were lost in a frenzy of movements. He nearly ripped your dress off, throwing you on the bed, caging you underneath his body. Lowering himself, he nipped and sucked at your neck, your collarbone, your breastbone, his voracious tongue leaving fire in its wake. You gasped, fingers making their way to his messy locks. What had started off as a game, a new target, was quickly becoming something more, and that thought scared you.
Eyes on the prize, sugar. Let him lead.
His tongue was drawing circles on the tattoo at your abdomen, while his fingers were at your core, his thumb lightly nudging your clit. Jesus. Your hips moved of their own accord, tugging at his hair in silent plea. Looking up, he saw your need and whispered lasciviously, 
“I’m gonna make you scream till all the other floors know my name, sweetheart. Just need to get you nice and ready for me. Wouldn’t want to break my promise now, would I?”
With that, you felt your entire focus shift to your core, as his intrepid tongue drew patterns on your clit, his digits moving within your wet channel. You groaned, tugging on his hair, bringing him closer to where you wanted him. You felt your walls tightening, the coil in your belly ready to unwind. He withdrew his fingers, moving up swiftly, gazing into your indignant eyes.
“Only time you’re gonna come is on my cock, sweetheart.”
With that, he thrust himself inside you, your walls engulfing him. Luckily for you, Ransom didn’t do sweet, slow thrusts. He set up an unrelenting pace, spearing into you, his shaft reaching places which no man had been able to reach before. You groaned, closing your eyes, your head jerking to the side, unable to handle all the sensations he was invoking.
Grasping your chin, he turned you to face him. “Eyes on me, sweetheart. I wanna see how good you feel while I’m taking you apart.” he rasped.
Something in his voice made you break; making you almost feral. You pushed on his shoulders, catching him off-guard for a minute, enough to push him on his back and straddle him.
Leaning down and catching his lips for a kiss, you whispered, “You should have the best view for a show like that, then.”
You sunk down on him, moaning loudly as you engulfed him to the hilt. Holding onto his hands for support, you began riding him for all your worth. Ransom watched on with awe, his eyes mesmerised by the sight of you; your eyes closed, mouth slack with arousal and your breasts bouncing with each bob. 
You were quickly reaching your peak and Ransom could feel that too. He planted his feet down on the mattress, thrusting upward, meeting you thrust for thrust. Your thighs started quivering, an intense pressure building up with each thrust.
“Come on, come for me, kitten.” muttered Ransom, through gritted teeth.
You threw your head back, screaming as you reached your peak, raking your fingernails across Ransom’s chest. As your walls clenched around him tightly,  Ransom grasped your waist, holding onto you as he thrust upwards, chasing his end. 
Leaning down, you took one of his buds into your mouth, swirling your tongue around as you met his eyes.
“Come for me, tiger.” you said huskily, tugging on his lower lip.
Ransom grunted and cussed loudly as he poured himself into you, his grip on your waist tight as he held you in place till he filled you with every last drop. Rolling off him, you watched him catch his breath, slowly drifting off, his arm encircling your waist as he went deeper into slumber.
After a few minutes, you checked on him, just to be sure. He was out cold.
You smirked. Alright. 
Time to start Part 2 of the Plan.
Ransom woke up, feeling satisfied and smug. Yet another conquest down. He didn’t understand why women played these games women loved to play with him. Smirking, he looked over to look at you, but was surprised to see your side empty.
He frowned. Getting up, he checked the bathroom. Empty. 
She left without even giving her name. Ahh, well, not the first time this had happened. Moving to check his phone, he noticed his wallet open, with all the cash missing.
Oh, so that’s why she left. Wow, what a surprise, he thought. Good thing she didn’t leave a name, for she was no more than a common whore, he thought, puling on his pants. 
He was sorely mistaken though.
As he walked past the attached common area, he saw something which made him stop in his tracks.
The safe was wide open, with all of its contents gone. Every last thing.
He stormed into the area, his anger surging with each passing second. He couldn’t give less of a fuck about the goddamn valuables that were missing. But she had taken something which had taken him 3 fucking years to get. 
She had stolen the documents; not just any documents, but the very ones which would have bought the Langleys’ silence and their company, making Ransom a very, very rich man. All gone, because of a quick fuck.
The bitch had stolen his ace of spades. And he would make sure that she would suffer. 
Ransom would make her pay. By hook or by crook.
A/N: Eeeeek, I was too nervous to put this out ughhhhh. Also, I have a taglist now, if you’re into that sort of thing. 😅  (link is also available in my bio)
Tags: @donutloverxo​ @ozarkthedog​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @readermia​
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Take your time then.
Aizawa x gender neutral reader
Story under the cut :)
Unedited but like edited but still not properly edited :)
Hope you enjoy!!!
a/n: it’s been a hot min since I’ve written a fic. I think the last time i was 14 and it was shit and on wattpad. Ha. I hate myself. N e way, I was recently writing some shit for an au me and my friend thought up and in the back of my mind I was like, “you should start writing fics again bc this is kinda fun”, soo lo and behold I made a post asking if anyone would be interested, shared a little too much personal shit in it but whatever, and have now decided to write this mother fucker. (3/25/21)
a/n: not sure if anyone will care about this series of a/n’s but I’m just chronicling thoughts ig. rewriting rn bc my first draft was short and ass. Also I’m thinking about opening requests after this is posted, will go into detail in a diff post maybe. (3/28/21)
a/n: deleted everything, rewriting. I just want to make something that might be decent and if I can give that feeling, y’know those chills you get when you read something utterly gorgeous, but I’m bad at writing. sadge (3/28/21, like several hours later)
a/n: ugh (4/1/21)
a/n: ugh pt 2 electric boogaloo. I can’t seem to move forward with the writing. I realized something like this might happen bc to solve a problem feelings need to be discussed and I fucking hate doing that so you can see where I’m fucking up lmaooooo (4/2/21)
a/n: I read angst to fuel my writing brain. So, read some angst, finally writing agian. This first section is probs as long as the story itself LMFAO(4/5/21)
Started: (3/25/21) Finished: (4/5/21)
Warnings: uh angst, curse words, like a lot, (i saw someone else put this as a warning, do I actually need it?), avoiding problems instead of actually facing them, mentions of shit so-so parenting, mentions of not being able to live up to high expectations, y’know, the works
Synopsis: Aizawa takes in Eri without running it by you first and expects you to be okay with it. That’s funny. He was wrong.
Can I preface this with a thought? I’m going to anyway,
all the fics I read paint him as the sweetest partner and I’m sure he is but I think they miss out on how blunt he is and his whole “Mr. Rationality” thing. So as much as I adore him I think there are situations that he’d be a bit more colder towards, a bit more straightforward about. Maybe even like a bit insensitive about but maybe bc he doesn’t have the full picture or something. so I guess this is another warning but aizawa is a little insensitive in the beginning (but like not really but kinda. it’s complicated)
Rain pattered softly against the window. The smell of some old random Bath and Bodyworks candle you’d dug out from a box you’d never bothered to unpack smothered the room. Some Netflix show idly played on a low volume on your computer, you’d lost interest in watching tv awhile ago. You needed a break. After the eventful month you’d been having you really needed this. 
Now of course your whole year so far had been eventful. What with all the villain attacks on you and Shouta’s class and the kidnapping of one of your students, to just dealing with the more mundane problems with your students. No. You had no problem with that. The villains, although not easy, were something you were trained to handle. The smaller problems with your students weren’t arduous either, after all you weren’t too much older than them. 
When reflecting on your situation, from and outside perspective it could be seen as the straw the broke the camels back, which sure, makes sense. After all, you’re bound to be stressed out by everything else, so why would this seemingly insignificant thing weigh heavier than a villain attack? Well if that is the situation why does this single straw feel like it weighs a ton? This is not that. This is not culmination of the events of this year draining the life from you. This is something entirely different. A panic inducing life change that completely took you by surprise mixed with your inability to actually face your problems. 
You don’t blame them. You can’t. They’ve done nothing wrong. A child. A small, probably mentally scarred child is your problem. Well not her personally but the fear taking care of her instills in you. Despite working in the field that you do, you cannot for the life of you handle actual children. Sure you’re a little awkward with your class but at least they’re young adults and (vaguely) mature and independent to a certain extent. The fact that your long term boyfriend just came back one day, small child in tow and said “Hey I’ve gotta look after this one now” not verbatim obviously, for a lack of better words, fucked you up. He basically solo adopted a kid and, let’s be honest, he probably expected you to help out. But how could you? How could this man look at you and think “I want this person to help me raise an already fucked up child?” Ok sure, he doesn’t at first give off the “I’m totally father figure material” vibe but in the end he is extremely competent. You on the other hand, not so much.
You’d never been good with children. Tried your best to steer clear of them. Didn’t matter the place, didn’t matter who’s kid, you couldn’t handle them. You would just stand there, awkwardly, not entirely sure of what to do and petrified that there was the possibility of making some mistake which would upset the child and then oh wow look, your head got chopped right of your shoulders. That’s hyperbole of course but it does sum up the insurmountable fear that overcomes you whenever you have to deal with a child. So considering the fact that your long term boyfriend had suddenly decided to adopt and not at least warn you, didn’t sit right with you.
So, the best and most obvious choice, was to avoid your problem. Avoid Shouta, avoid Eri. Avoid the mention of them and you, avoid it all. And honestly you’d done pretty well so far. You were able to have as little contact with them as possible considering the close proximity of your living quarters in the teacher’s dorms. After all they were legally supposed to give you two separate rooms but you never actually used yours, well until now. You were living it up honestly. Did you feel awful? Of course. He is your boyfriend after all and you were sure Eri doesn’t deserve your cold shoulder but this is probably for the best. What could you offer her? You weren’t sure that you were a good role model for her or anyone for that matter. What did you know about raising kids? it’s not like you had parents to set a proper example for you. Of course they might have shown you what not to do but where do you go from there? Is shit like that really avoidable? You don’t want to be like them. You strive to be better but what if you can’t be. There’s also the added bonus of the fact that raising a kid seems taxing on a relationship. Now matter how strong you were sure that the stress of a kid could break a relationship down that then festers into something toxic and unrecognizable. You didn’t want that. God you couldn’t let that happen. No. This was definitely for the better.
Of course Aizawa didn’t feel the same. He was confused on why his partner had been so blatantly avoiding him. Did he do something wrong? He doesn’t remember doing anything that might’ve upset you. So why now? Why pull away now? He had to get down to the bottom of this but catching you was the hard part. You had been taking on more work, offering more assistance to the other teachers, picking up extra patrols, doing everything and anything to stay away from Shouta. It took him a month but he finally caught up to you. You were tired, worn out he knew that. Instead of loading yourself with work you’d decided to hole yourself up in your room. It was now or never.
You were pulled out of your peace at the sound of a few gentle knocks to your door. You really didn’t want to get it. You honestly couldn’t be bothered. 
“(N/n)? Are you in there?” He hadn’t gotten it wrong right? He hadn’t been too distracted earlier and missed you leaving right?
“What’s up?” You hummed from your place by the window, not bothering to actually open the door.
“Can I come in?” Shouta asked, voice soft. You could barely hear him above the patter of the rain and the low humming of your laptop.
“Uh, no, kinda busy. Got loads of work to do. Need to focus, sorry. Maybe later?” You hesitantly spoke. Not sure if you were convincing enough. 
Apparently you weren’t.
He sighed. “It’s been “later” for an entire month. Please (Y/n) just let me in. Whatever this is we can talk it out.” You had predicted that eventually Shouta would start to try to crack down on whatever the issue was but you didn’t expect it so soon. 
“Uh...no?” You tried, hoping that maybe he’d just give up but that wasn’t Shouta.
“No, you don’t get that option, now please, open the door.” Although it was still soft his voice had taken a more stern tone.
“Oh no I’m dead. I guess I can’t open the door. What a shame. I guess the only way to talk with me now is in the pits of hell.” You quipped, trying to lessen the tension that already ran thick.
“(Y/n).” Aizawa sighed.
“Jeez fine. Talk about pushy.” You quipped once more to no avail.
Opening the door you were met with, well exactly what you expected. He stood there, arms crossed, a stern yet gentle look in his eyes, his lips pulled into a slight frown. 
“Come in.” You mumbled as you stepped further into your room.
“So tell me. What’s wrong?” The sentence stirred so much. Of course you wanted to tell him. You wanted to spill your guts to the man you loved in hopes of comfort but you just can’t. You know you’ll just scare him off. You know you’ll make things worse.
So you stay silent.
He says nothing as he grabs your hands gently and leads you over to your bed. He sits the two of you down on the edge, muting the movie on the laptop sitting behind him.
“You know you can tell me if something’s bothering you right?” Shouta sent you a warm smile. 
You weren’t very comfortable with discussing your feelings sometimes, it mostly stemmed from the fact that you never really could discuss them with anyone growing up which made it harder to confide in anyone now, as at this point bottling things up was a habit. But this was also just something that you were sure that you couldn’t talk about.
Silence answered him once again.
Now he took sometime to think about his approach, think about what could’ve happened that made you pull away. What did he do that was different from his norm? He was genuinely stumped and the fact that you weren’t helping him confused him even more.
You decided to take this time to lament the situation too. What was he going to do? Should you actually tell him or play it off? If you play it off will he still insist that something is wrong? If you tell him will he leave you? If you don’t tell him will he leave you? You risked a glance at him, he was still deep in thought.
Why did you have to adopt this fucking kid without at least warning me?
“What?” Your head shot up at the sound of his shocked voice.
“What?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“Eri’s the problem...?” He spoke slowly, not entirely sure if he’d heard you right.
“Did I say that out loud?” You squeaked.
“I’m pretty sure you mumbled something along the lines of “why’d you have to adopt that fucking kid”.” Shouta said, unsure if he’d heard wrong. Wanting to have heard wrong.
“No no no no no no! It’s not like that! I mean it is like that but not like that!” You frantically waved your hands in hopes of defusing the situation.
The way he looked at you made you want to cry. You felt horrible. You felt like the biggest asshole in the world and, at this point you probably were. He looked at you with such a look of heartbreak and disappointment and confusion it made you sick to your stomach. You felt light-headed and started shaking. You were right. You were right. You were always right. God why did you have to be right! Why did you have to be like this? Scared of raising a fucking child! It was asinine and irrational and you could probably move past it  but thanks to your stupid fucking brain you just sealed your fate.
You scooted away from him still waving your hands frantically as no’s tumbled endlessly from your lips. You tried sputtering an apology, anything so that he wouldn’t look at you like that but nothing stuck. Nothing was comprehensible. Nothing worked. Nothing would work. Nothing will work. You were hopeless. It was hopeless. 
“If it isn’t like how it seems then tell it to me straight.” Shouta finally spoke up.
You took a second to come down from your panic. You steeled your nerves as much as possible before you spoke. 
“Um well, I have nothing against her it’s just that a little heads up would’ve been nice? I’m not all that great with kids so this is just kind of weird is all.” You were purposefully being vague in hopes that he’d understand what you meant and also maybe drop it.
“Not great with kids? You’re literally a teacher.” He pointed out.
“Yeah you know but she’s like a kid kid and let’s be honest I’m not too great with the students either.” You awkward laughed. So he wasn’t getting it.
“Wha-you’re fine with the students and I’m sure you’ll be fine with Eri, there was no reason to avoid me over this.” Shouta sighed. As good as he was with dealing with people, he was equally as shit. Or maybe it was just the fact that you gave him very little to work with. It was probably a bit of both. Still his dismissiveness was not helping you right now.
“No, no, no, no. I think I’ll stay here. Uh, good luck with your parenthood escapades and sorry to leave you high and dry like this but that’s going to have to be a no from me.” You rambled. He seemed to be getting a little tired of this.
“(Y/n) stop being irrational. She’s not even our kid I’m just looking after her for now. Why are you being difficult? I told you you were fine with the students and you’ll be fine with Eri, what else do you want to hear?” Shouta grumbled.
“Well uh I don’t know, uh...” You trailed off, this seemed to be going in a direction you really didn’t want it to go. A slight hostility settling in the air.
At your lack of a proper answer he clicked his tongue. He took a moment to reassess the situation. There had to be something he was missing. After all you were getting really worked up but if you weren’t going to talk to him there was nothing he could do. He shook his head before running a frustrated hand through his hair.
“(Y/n), please, please, just be honest with me. Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you can tell me. But I won’t be able to understand if you don’t.” Aizawa sighed, deciding that getting worked up about this was not the way to go, especially when you seemed to be especially distraught.
“Uh, god the thing is I don’t know entirely what to say to put the shitshow in my head into perspective.” You mumbled, trying desperately to figure out what to say that could clear the air but nothing seemed to be coherent enough.
“Take your time.” He decided that this was the best approach to things, making sure neither party got too worked up lest this turn into a fight.
The rain continued to patter softly against the window and your candle continued to burn an slightly off floral-ish scent.  A deafening silence hung in the air because even though he was being as patient as possible some of his frustration leaked through, it was bound to though so you couldn’t exactly blame him. After all, you were probably equally as frustrated with yourself too. 
“I’m just not good in a position like this. I’m not good with kids, especially someone like Eri who’s already so broken. You have that nurturing nature, it comes natural to you but I’m not on that level. I  don’t know the first thing about caring for a child let alone one as already traumatized as her. I’d fuck it up and only make things worse. I don’t want you to reassure me that I’ll be okay with her, I want you to understand that I’m not comfortable with this and that it might take me awhile to come around. I’m sure I sound like the biggest asshole ever but please understand that this just isn’t something I’m ready for.” You had rambled a bit, you were aware of that, but it was the only way that you could properly express your feelings without making things too complicated.
Aizawa said nothing. Trying to figure out how to go about things.
Was he upset? Yeah, you two, even after several long years of being together, hadn’t discussed moving forward in your relationship in depth. And if he’d tried you seemed content with the point you two were at so he left it be, no reason to try and move forward when what you had was already fine the way it was. But recently he’d been craving more. Some mornings, when he’d be the first to wake, he’d study your features in the soft light of the sunrise and wonder what it’d be like to properly settle down with you. Get married, start a family, all that jazz. He’d taken in Eri only because it was the most rational decision. His quirk would be good for quelling hers had it ever gotten out of hand. But it also seemed to quell his musings of something more with you. He had imagined you being a good parental figure for the little girl and it made his heart flutter and his stomach explode with butterflies. But now seeing that that wasn’t what you wanted and how you weren’t ready for it, it stung. But in the end, he loved you. He’d easily give his life for you. So, if that meant waiting he’d wait. He’d wait a million years if he had to. He could do it.
Once again he spoke,
“Take your time then. I can wait.”
Tagslist?: @captainchrisstan (I think you said you wanted to be tagged but I’m also just small brained lol If u didn’t want to and I misinterpreted things just let me know :) )
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fbfh · 4 years
fangirl’s paradise - leo x reader
genre/vibe: romance, adventure, slice of life
word count: 2.8k
pronouns/perspective: first person present, no pronouns (I think), gn reader
au: soulmate kind of?? also traveling to other dimensions/multiverse
pairing: Leo x fic writer!reader
requested: nah
warnings: you think someone broke into your house for a minute, you feel like you’re going crazy for a minute, questionable pop culture/internet references, you get really embarrased about stuff you’ve written, you say fuck a lot, tiddy as an explative
summary: all you wanted to do was write some leo one shots for your blog, but finding out he’s your soulmate is good too
reccomended songs: havana - camila cabello, where do we go from here - amelie obc
a/n: got really meta and self indulgent with this bad boy, probs gonna do a part 2 at some point, cause this got really long and I started to get tired lol. For clarity, you’re from the riordanverse, but ended up in a world where it’s fictional. also some memories were erased. 
requests r open xo
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All I wanted to do was dance embarrassingly and sing along to the same playlist I’d been listening to for the past three days in terrible accents while I wait for my ramen to finish cooking. That’s it. I really don’t think that’s too much to ask for. Plus, I’ve been home alone all day, so it’s really not too much to ask for. I flip over the waistband of my sweatpants while shimmying my way to the kitchen. 
“Half of my heart is in havana oh nana,” I sing along off key, in a pseudo growly voice that makes me giggle. I’m going to turn the corner, make myself some ramen, then finish the episode of love island I’ve been watching. Except that’s not what happens.
“He got tha-” I cut myself off with a scream, seeing a stranger in the hall way. He looks up. I scream more, way more, and choke out, “JFK’s left fucking tiddy!”, because this dude is either the best freaking cosplayer ever, or those tiktok reality shifting tutorials actually worked at some point. 
He looks too natural, too organic. The level of detail and strategic imperfection is beyond conscious choice. There’s no way he’s a cosplayer that broke into my house. Also, that would be a super weird crime. 
Either way, I’m standing in front of a dude who looks exactly like Leo Valdez. 
It feels… fake.
I didn’t really notice I’m covering my mouth with my hand to stop my hysterical scream laughs, but I’m able to get it under control after a second. 
He’s looking at me, eyes wide, examining me, probably wondering why I’m acting so erratically. Or why I just spat out such strange bullshit. In my defense, I’ve been watching chaotic tiktok compilations inbetween updating my blog for like, two days straight. Three other people round the corner. I don’t know what I expected, and it shouldn’t have been a surprise at this point, but I’m sure I’m looking no other than at Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Piper Mclean. 
“Jesus fucking christ, fuck me with a chainsaw!” I spit, retreating into the kitchen, reminding myself that while they are my favorite characters - and again, somehow real and in front of me? - they’re still technically intruders. I grab the nearest kitchen implement, a pair of red kitchen scissors I’d used to hack open the ramen packet, and point it at them. 
“Woah,” Piper says, “it’s okay, we’re not going to hurt you.” I count to four and breathe in, setting the scissors back down within arms reach. Hold for seven, exhale for eight. I repeated the process again, watching Annabeth whispering to Leo.
I can feel the initial freak out subsiding. I’m starting to calm down a little.
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Piper repeats. Well duh, they’re the good guys. A spike of pure what the fuck shoots through me, as I realize I’m already adapting to the fact that fictional fucking characters are standing in my kitchen. Leo’s ignoring Annabeth, and still staring at me, searching my eyes for... something.
Piper’s brow furrows. I call past Piper to Annabeth.
“Yeah, hi op, what the fuck?” They all have a silent conversation for a minute, and I continue, “Anyone want to tell my why the fuck fic-”
“We can tell you what’s going on, but it’s going to sound crazy.” Piper starts.
“After the past five minutes, probably not.” I glance past her shoulder, Leo’s still examining me. I look away, overwhelmed almost immediately. About 30% of my brain is just an endless loop of ‘ohmygodohmygodohmygod he’s real??? Like,,,, r e a l real????? Aj;dlfkajskdla ohmygod he’s looking at me what the fuck richard’, 20% was still trying to calm down from freaking out so much earlier, so I was at about half brain power for the conversation ahead. 
“Okay, wait. Let me get this straight.” they stare at me in silence. We’re standing in the hallway outside the kitchen, and I feel like a complete disaster trying to process what they’re telling me and not look like a total idiot.
“So, Calypso went missing, and Leo got Aphrodite to activate his soulmate link so he can find her and it led you here?” I’m already smiling. There’s no chance, I can’t get my hopes up. 
Piper continues, “Which means it might not be Calypso.”
“Unless you’re wearing a really good disguise or something,” Leo says. I’m pretty sure that’s the first time he’s spoken to me. I let out a breathy laugh and look away from him. If I try to look at him my brain goes haywire. Scenes from stuff I’ve written about him on my tumblr flash in my mind, and it makes me feel like I’m about to explode. 
“Yeah, the reason we know is-”
“The gods are real, monsters are after you, et cetera et cetera. Yeah.” They seem a little surprised that I’m more concerned with the soulmate part than the mythology part, but I’ve been reading these books since middle school. We been knew.
Piper keeps looking between Leo and me with a weird look on her face. God, Piper, don’t get my hopes up. A knowing look passes over her face and she looks around the room again.
“Gods, where did he go…” She gets up and leaves the room. No one says anything. Between right then and when she gets back should have been in a ‘top ten most devastating anime uncomfortable silences’ compilation. She enters again a few seconds later, a tall hot guy behind her. He has red flowers in his hair and isn’t wearing a shirt for some reason. He looks between me and Leo.
“I see… interesting.” he turns to me and says, “Can you tell me anything… personal about him?” My face flushes. I turn to Piper.
“Sorry, but who the fuck?”
“I mean the only noncanon stuff I know is what I came up with for like, writing and stuff but that doesn’t count-” I sputter.
“Eros.” she replies, “My mom sent him along to help find the right person.”
“Normally I’d be able to tell instantly, but my powers don’t seem to work here very well.” his voice is like honey, and it seems like he’s heavily implying something no matter what he says. 
“Yeah, go on hermosa,” Leo says, smirking, “take a whack at it.” His voice sounds so much more… real than I could have imagined. If I could verbally keysmash, I would have then and there. 
“Hmm… why don’t you try anyway. What kind of lover is he?” the room erupts into protests. They don’t want to hear personal stuff about their friend, I don’t want to talk about cripplingly embarrassing smut headcanons in front of the character they’re about, and he probably doesn’t want me taking a wild guess at his bedroom habits. Eros turns to Percy, Annabeth, and Piper.
“You two, out. You, leave but stay close.” They leave the room hastily.
“Since I’m the god of sexual desire, I know what gets people going. I’ll be able to tell if you’re right or not. ” Eros says. I risk a glance at Leo, who I have a feeling has been staring at me a lot. He leans forward, playful intrigue all over him. How is he not dying inside?? 
“Ah ah,” Eros says to Leo, “you too.” Leo obliges, and heads up the stairs.
“H- okay, uh… he acts like a top, but he’s really kind of a bottom,” I choke out, trying to remember details from past posts, and Eros nods in approval, encouraging me to keep going, “he’s really-” my voice falters, and I hide my head in my hands, “he’s really vocal, like really vocal… uh…” 
“Oh yes, I can tell.” Eros says, and I laugh slightly. “What else?” 
“More? God okay… uh… he really likes hickeys, and-” I choke on my words, still unsure of how I got in this situation. 
“He holds hands a lot in… the bedroom? God…” I trail off.
“The next morning, he kind of… he just sort of stares at you while you get dressed and stuff. I don’t know anyone else who does that.”
Eros studies me for a second. My heart is beating so hard. How long does it take to say yes or no? I’m uncomfortably aware of the distracting adrenaline in my arms and chest and head. 
“Interesting,” he says, then stands up and leaves the room.
What the fuck, is he not going to tell me anything?
I’m listening as closely as I can, and I’m pretty sure I hear Eros say five out of five. I got everything right or everything wrong. Nailed it or failed it. 
Piper speeds past me a second later and races up the stairs. After a few seconds she comes back down. She nods toward the staircase.
“You should go talk to him.” a knowing smile is playing at the corner of her mouth, and I can’t stop one from starting on mine. I run up the stairs, and see him, kneeling on my bed, reading what’s on my laptop. 
Oh god, no. 
He stands up. He’s staring at me so intensely, I look away immediately. I start sputtering out a panicked apology and sit down on my bed, moving to shut the lid of my laptop.
“Uh… I just listen to a song or something that makes me think of you,” my voice gets really tiny at that last part, “and stuff starts to pop into my head. I just keep replaying it, and uncovering more details so I can wr- wait,” I start to look up at him, but can’t bring myself to meet his eyes. I stare intensely at the pattern on my quilt instead. “Did you say remember?” He lets out a breathy laugh, and I can hear the smile in his voice. 
“-of course I never thought you were going to read any of that, or…” His hand is on top of mine, my hand and voice freezing at the same time.
“How… did you remember all this?” my fears are being squashed. He doesn’t sound mad, or grossed out, or judgemental. He sounds… impressed.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m only starting to get back bits and pieces, but you remember… everything.”��
“Wait wait…” I mutter, completely dazed, “so it wasn’t… it was all real?” I feel him nodding behind me, and he makes a noise of agreement. 
“It was genius, really… as soon as I felt like I was remembering something, I’d forget it.” His other hand rests on my shoulder, palm flat against my back. “Only you would think to write it like that…” 
“So… it all happened?” I breathe, my face heating up as I think of the titles marked with a little asterisk. 
“Yeah,” I bite my lip, feeling his breath over my skin. It’s quiet for a second. The mattress shifts and I can feel him leaning closer to me, feel the heat coming off his body. His lips are dangerously close to my ear.
“Want something else to write about?”
Oh my fucking god.
I nod before I finish registering what he said. His free hand moves to my cheek, tilting my face towards him, and my skin explodes with sparks where he touches me. 
Our lips brush.
We both freeze.
Flood gates open. Countless vivid images and feelings and scenarios flash across my mind. It was like watching a movie connecting every fic I’ve written. I gasp-laugh a little, and he does the same. It seems like the visions or whatever that he’s seeing are a lot more intense than mine. His eyes flutter open and he looks at me stronger, more intensely, more passionately than he had before. He lets out a soft, breathy laugh, and presses his lips to mine. Everywhere he touches feels carbonated, and I’m trying not to smile too much. I don’t think I’ve ever been more in the moment than right this second. He pulls me closer, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. I didn’t know a kiss could be deeper than it had been a few seconds ago. His mouth moves feverishly against mine. My arms move up on instinct, one hand playing with his hair, the other tracing the collar of his shirt. He shifts his weight, and one hand on my waist, lowers me back onto my bed. His left hand intertwines with my right, and I smile, remembering what I had told Eros earlier. 
“Estrella,” He groans into my mouth, our teeth scraping as we smile in spite of ourselves, and I get the sense the nickname was an ‘as you wish’ type of thing, from the Princess Bride. It feels like he’s saying I love you. My heart speeds up as he nuzzles into my neck, pressing kisses and little bites into my skin. I think about the nickname I always thought would suit him, the one I kept writing down over and over. Now or never.
“Sparky…” I smile, hiding my face in his hair. He freezes for a second, then lets out that breathy laugh again, his face in my neck. His lips graze my collarbone, and he starts to say something, but the door opens suddenly, and we jump apart. It doesn’t help much though, because he’s still hovering over me on all fours and we both look very flushed. And I’m pretty sure the start of a hickey is forming on my neck. 
“Right,” she replies, “we gotta get going, the door is closing soon, so come down stairs as soon as you’re… free.” 
“Sorry!” Annabeth yells, averting her eyes. Leo and I stumble over each other’s flustered responses.
“-looks bad but nothing… happened… we d- we didn’t like, do anything...” I trail off. 
The door closes.
“I’m coming with you guys?” I breathe. He looks over at me, that unflappable sense of playfulness present as ever. 
Leo sits back, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, we should get back soon. Everyone else will be worried once they remember.” My heart plummets. I didn’t know you could go from feeling so incredibly euphoric to beyond miserable in about five seconds. I open my mouth to choke out a response, but before I can, he stands up and stretches a little.
“Do you wanna change before we go?” The question has such a normal tone to it, it’s a little bizarre after all the unusual things that have happened today. The bad feeling and tears at the corners of my eyes start to recede. 
“Of course you are. If you think I’m losing you again this soon you’re crazier than I am.” I let out a relieved laugh, and stand up. I look down at my monster foot slippers and sweatpants. 
“You know where to find me,” he winks before closing the door on his way out.
“Yeah, I should probably change.” He pulls me close to him, one hand comes up to the back of my neck, the other on my hip. He starts swaying us back and forth, dancing around my room.
“Well, if you need any help…” I laugh, and shove him away playfully.
I take a second to catch my breath. Oh my god. Thoughts are still racing in the back of my mind, but I don’t pay attention. I don’t have time to worry about what’s real and what’s not, I need to find the perfect demigod adventure outfit. I throw open my closet, start shuffling through dresser drawers, digging through my shoes. I don’t remember having one or two of the pieces, but after a minute, I find exactly what I’m looking for. It’s the exact outfit I’d always imagined myself in if I ever went to camp half blood. I search through my accessories, grab a bag, and hastily fill it with anything I think I’ll probably need. I turn back to my laptop, and change my blog description to on hiatus. I check my hair, flattening out the back from before, and determine I’m ready to go. 
I walk down the stairs, and everyone’s watching me. I feel like it’s prom or something, which sounds silly since I’ve got on ripped jeans and a backpack instead of a dress and clutch. Leo’s watching me with that look, the one that makes his eyes all sparkly, and he meets me at the bottom of the stairs. He puts his arm around my shoulder.
“Ready to go home, Estrella?”
I have never been more ready for anything.
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jebazzled · 3 years
troubleshooting: common quandaries and thots to overcome
It's no surprise that people whose major hobby involves writing, the internet, and fandom are often people who carry a lot of anxiety and tension around with them. For many of us, writing is something we do to escape, relax, unwind, and flex creative muscles we might not get to use at work or school. I get it.
For many of us, however, it also seems like forum rp is a stressor, a cause of great anxiety and insecurity. We've all seen or known people who go through a major rp-related crisis.
Sometimes, these crises are truly major - catastrophic falling-outs and permanently damaging rumor mills and etc etc. But a lot of the time? Well. It's not that it's "in your head," because obviously what you are feeling is very valid. But I think sometimes the way we think of internet spaces fuels dysfunctional thinking.
This isn't quite a tutorial; it's more in the vein of my tough love re: writer's block. I'm going to talk through some common scenarios, anxieties, and other issues I see in the rp community, and offer my (fully unsolicited) thoughts and advice. As always, your mileage may vary, but I'm trying!
Topics covered, because this one is a LONGBOI:
Insecurity & thread reactions
Insecurity & completionism/ Being Liked
Jealousy (especially ship-related)
The server is not therapy.
So here's the thing about the internet: for better or worse, it's for everyone.
On the far end of the spectrum, this means that the internet is a great incubator for toxic garbage. See: right-wing radicals, etc. But for most of us, this means that there is room on the internet for weird little me and my weird little hobby. You can find a community to talk about virtually any interest. You, for example, found the rp community.
So here's the thing about the internet: for better or worse, it's for everyone. This means that while you can find a community to talk about virtually any interest, you are never going to find a community that is completely without flaws.
There will always be people who annoy you, rub you the wrong way, or who you think are mean-spirited and negative. There will always be someone you don't get along with. There will always be people who disagree with you.
I have been in servers where members come to me time and time again to complain about other members, as though I am going to boot someone for wanting to talk about x just because they, personally, are sick of hearing about x. I am not going to tell someone to change their personality because someone else, personally, finds it annoying.
Offline, you wouldn't tell your manager at Starbucks to fire Susie because you don't like talking to her. You would simply not talk to her outside of a professional context. You would simply not take your break at the same time as her. You would simply not make small talk with her when the store is quiet and would instead, like, read the liner notes on whatever CD is at the register. (Does Starbucks still sell CDs?)
There will always be people in your community who you do not like and whose logic does not make sense to you. If they are not doing anything genuinely abusive, they have as much right to be in your community as you do. There is, in fact, likely someone in your community who finds you somewhat annoying. C'est la vie.
A community is not an environment custom-curated to your exact specifications. It is a community. You are not entitled to it being perfect. You are entitled to a space free from harassment and bigotry. If the space is free from harassment and bigotry and you cannot enjoy the space because someone else in it is existing harmlessly in a way that you dislike or find irritating, you have the option to leave the community. Discord server links are not a binding contract!
This is all to say: I think a lot of us expect far more of our online communities than is fair. Remember that every single person in your server is an individual human being with an interior life as rich as your own, and a list of neuroses possibly as extensive. None of them, yourself included, are perfect.
Oh, speaking of that list of neuroses! Let's tackle it, babe.
Your neuroses are not anyone else's problem.
It is on you to work through and overcome your anxieties and insecurities.
It is kind of other people to accommodate your growth, or to modify their behavior so as not to trigger your anxieties and insecurities. They are by no means required to do so.
Note: they do need to respect your triggers, if you have them and list them.
So here we go: troubleshooting frequent freak-outs. Buckle up!!!
Insecurity & thread reactions (or lack thereof)
Some people experience a lot of anxiety and insecurity around how their writing partners react to their threads. This might surface in the form of feeling unappreciated/disliked if the thread partner doesn't drop an emoji react on the link in your server's tag channel, or in feeling like no one likes your writing because they aren't swooning over it in #affirmations/ #thread-shoutouts/ #quotables/ etc.
You are serving as both texters in this meme.
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So... you don't actually know what's going on with your thread partner at any given moment, you know? Personally, here are some possible scenarios with me as your thread partner:
You tag me and I put a passage from your post in #thread-shoutouts: I am at my desk, on my computer, not engaged in active DM conversation with anyone, and your post either made me cackle or it made me emo
You tag me and I DM you to gush about it: there's a lot happening in the server right now/ I don't want to derail a public conversation
You tag me and I react with an emoji: I am at date night with my girlfriend and she is in the bathroom. I have had time to read your post. I probably haven't put it in my tracker and will try and remember later, when I find it in one of 100 tabs open on Safari on my phone.
You tag me and I don't react at all: I am swamped with work and read your post in between emails. Instead of taking a second to react I immediately jumped into my tracker to log your reply, and now I am back to emails.
You'll notice none of these rationales are: "I don't react at all because I dislike you as a human." "I actively chose to quote Susie in #thread-shoutouts and not you because I want to hurt you." "I don't DM you about our thread because I hate our thread."
It doesn't have to be that deep! Stop hurting yourself. Let yourself assume the kindest option. After all, don't you want people to assume the best of you, too?
If your thread partners know you value emoji reacts or thread shoutouts, it is kind of them to do them. But it isn't inherently unkind for them not to, either. You're better off trying to kick that need for public validation.
Overview for addressing thread reaction insecurity:
If your server has a thread shoutout/quotables/etc channel, mute it. Don't look at it. Stop giving yourself something to fixate on.
When you are worried that someone hates a thread because they aren't giving emoji reacts, instead of building a narrative in your head that may or may not be true - communicate! "What beats do you want us to make sure we hit in this thread?" is a good introductory question to see if a thread is doing something for either or both of you, and gives your partner a chance to say something if they do want it to go in a different direction and would be more excited.
If someone is continuing to write with you, regardless of whether they post an emoji, it is probably because they enjoy writing with you!
Be deliberate about your thread premises! In my experience, threads done "just because" without a specific purpose (e.g. building chemistry between ship partners, introducing a subplot about a cursed hairbrush, kidnapping a house elf) are the first to lose steam and lose interest. It's entirely possible that someone likes you, likes writing with you, and simply doesn't prioritize this thread above their others because there's nothing meaningful to prioritize!
Keep your eyes on your own paper and stop reading so much into what other people do or don't do. It's probably not that deep!
Insecurity & completionism/ Being Liked
You would not be the first person to exacerbate their own problems because of a sense of duty to the spirit of completionism. Here's the thing, friend:
You do not need to write with every member.
You do not need to plot with every character.
You do not need to be in every subplot.
You do not need to have a character in every member group.
People fall into this trap thinking that if they can be everything to everyone, it will make them popular/important/beloved/a truly included member of the site.
But quantity is not the same as quality. You might have a thread with every character onsite but if half those threads are under a "they're on the same bus" premise, then yeah, people aren't going to want to keep up with that thread, and it's going to contribute to your thread reaction anxiety!
Write characters you are excited about. But more importantly: write plots you are excited about. Write threads you are excited about. You can be friends with people in your server without writing with them! You are better off writing a smaller number of really well-plotted, juicy plots that everyone involved feels heavily invested in than in writing a lot of watery threads for the sake of writing with every single person. It's hard to believe, but many people would rather NOT have a thread and wait until there's a juicy reason to than write a thread that doesn't have any development relevance simply for the sake of it.
If you're finding that it's hard to find juicy or plot-driven reasons to thread with many people, that might be a hint to write different types of characters. While yes, people exist who are very self-contained and isolated, the purpose of rp isn't to be a direct mirror of real life. It's to have fun while writing with other people. If your character is not fun to write with other people, they are probably not a good fit for an rp setting.
RP is not a popularity contest. This is not high school. No one is voting for prom queen. Be kind and be open to ideas and collaboration and people will like you. People will enjoy writing with you! People might even go out of their way to write with you. And they will be writing things that matter to both of you. That's winning, dude.
You might be tempted to pinpoint a "popular group" in the server and fix your sights on becoming one of them. This is also a failing proposition: often the "popular group" you might first identify is incorrect, and you are mistaking "exclusivity" for "importance." Sometimes sites have a small, tight-knit group with intricate inter-group plots and a very visibly closed-off dynamic. Since that dynamic mirrors the popular girls you were raised watching in teen movies, I can understand why you would assume that these people are the most important people to befriend on a site. They're not. They're cliquey and exclusive, and trying to get them to make room for you when they have intentionally and performatively set themselves aside from many other members is like... lmao, dude, it's not going to work.
Not only that, but the fact that these people are hard to pin down? It's not a selling point! The most beloved members on any site are not the ones who make you beg for a scrap of their attention. The most beloved members are the people who are friendly and kind. THAT is who you want to Get In with.
Overview for addressing completionism tendencies and "what if I'm Left Out" woes:
This is not a popularity contest, and you are a grown up. Focus on having fun and enjoying writing. That is not something you can do if your first priority is Getting In with the people you think are a site's "Popular Crowd."
You do not need to be everything to everyone. You cannot be everything to everyone.
In fact, everyone will appreciate you more if you do less and you do it well.
Focus on the positive. Who cares if Susie and Sally won't write with you? Sarah and Sam love writing with you! Yes, it would make sense for Susie to plot with you because your characters work together - but again, this is a hobby, not real life, and if you and Susie don't vibe, your characters don't need to interact! Why write with people who make you feel insecure? Trick question; there's NO reason to!
I understand the drive to be well-liked. Trust! I, too, desperately want to be well-liked. You'll have better luck if you don't try so hard. Be yourself and make friends with people who genuinely like you. Stop worrying about what the site's yearbook will look like. There isn't going to be a fucking yearbook.
Jealousy (especially ship-related)
Do you ever find yourself feeling a spike of anxiety or resentment when one of your favorite writing partners writes with someone else?
This reaction is especially common where ships are concerned: when one partner writes AU ships with their character, or has a plot with their character's previous partners before their OTP, etc.
It's a bit territorial, and it's not a good look, friends!
Your writing partners get to write with other people. How much they enjoy writing with other people has nothing to do with how much they enjoy writing with you. How much they write with other people has nothing to do with you. What they write has nothing to do with you. It's not all about you!
It truly doesn't matter how anxious you feel when your writing partners write with other people. They are entitled to write with whoever they want! What makes you nervous about them writing with other people?
In a forum rp environment, the best way to secure fulfilling, satisfying character arcs for your character is to plot with multiple others. That includes you, on both fronts: your writing partner needs you for their character's development as much as you need them! They aren't going to just stop writing with you arbitrarily.
If they do stop writing with you, there is probably a reason! Are they still on the site? Are they still writing? Are they going through something in real life that might impact their muse? There could be a hundred reasons why they are writing more with Susie now than they were with you, and they could be anything from "Susie is out of town this week so I want to give her a lot of replies to come home to" to "a ladder fell on my head and I am recovering from a concussion" to, possibly, "your territorial behavior makes me uncomfortable, and I would rather write with people who do not make me feel bad about writing with other people."
This behavior is especially weird in a ship context, and is something worth unpacking. When you write ships, do you resent/get anxious about your ship partner writing AU ship threads? About their character having previous partners? About their character having crushes that they do not act on?
An AU ship is an alternate universe specifically because it is not real. Susie and Sally shacking up in a space AU has no bearing over whether or not Susie and Marco end up together as finals.
Just like human beings have romantic history, it makes sense for characters to have romantic history, and these plots give your writing partner an opportunity to write plots that they might not get with you. For example, your writing partner might want to write a breakup plot with weird friendship tensions, which might not be a relevant vibe for Susie and Marco. But your partner can explore that with Marco and Sally. Again: it's not all about you, and your writing partner gets to write what they want, and you do, too.
Sometimes I think we can trace the territorial side of ship-oriented plotting to toxic monogamy culture, as described here. Particularly relevant are the below:
the idea that you should meet your partner’s every need, and if you don’t, you’re either inadequate or they’re too needy
the idea that commitment is synonymous with exclusivity
the idea that your insecurities are always your partner’s responsibility to tip-toe around and never your responsibility to work on
the idea that your value to a partner is directly proportional to the amount of time and energy they spend on you, and it is in zero-sum competition with everything else they value in life
Your writing partner is not cheating on your ship by giving their character other ships. If it feels that way to you, you are getting too emotionally invested, and you should probably back off of ship-oriented plotting for a while to unpack why you are feeling this way.
That said, of course be clear about boundaries. This applies both to M-rated content and to parameters of plotting. For example, you might tell your partner that you are not interested in a plot whose core conflict is "will they or won't they." You want to write these characters with the longevity of their relationship never in doubt. You might not want a plot where one character is cheating on the other. You might want these characters to be monogamous. That's fair! It's not fair for you to expect your writing partner to limit the plots they do that do not actually involve your character to avoid triggering your insecurities.
Overview for dealing with jealousy:
It's not all about you! Your writing partners deserve to have a good time as much as you deserve to have a good time. They can enjoy writing with you AND writing with someone else.
Be very clear with your boundaries. If there are plots between your character and another character that you cannot write, let your partner know before they accidentally step in a minefield.
Be willing to step away from ships. There are plenty of plots that do not involve ships. If ships make you a jealous and anxious mess, you should stop writing ships and work on that journey. It is more important to be a good writing partner than it is to write romantic ships.
Writing is such a personal thing, and we all of course connect very deeply to our characters - it only makes sense that we be invested in their outcomes! But if your gut reaction is one of jealousy, this is something that you need to work on, not something your writing partners should need to tiptoe around.
The server is not therapy.
Because rp is an online hobby, it can be easy to forget that every person you interact with in the server or forum is also a whole ass person on the other side of the screen. Which is to say, your rp friends do not exist to be your emotional support.
Of course they can be supportive - some of my closest friends are people I have met through rp! But online as in real life, you need to remember that everyone is always going through something. You are never the only person in the world who needs support, and you need to be thoughtful in how you engage with your friends here.
Do you listen when they share their problems, or do you immediately change the subject to talk more about your own? Do they not share their problems at all - is this a one-sided close friendship? Are the majority of your DMs to them seeking comfort, advice, affirmation, validation?
If you need a text-based counseling service, BetterHelp can connect you with a therapist. A therapist is a person whose job is to listen and ask nothing from you for their own personal emotional needs.
Your friends - online as in real life - are not therapists. They will not always have the bandwidth to help you. They will not always feel comfortable helping you. The internet breeds a sense of intimacy, the idea that regular chat conversation makes for a deep knowledge of another person. And of course this is sometimes the case! But in many cases, the person you are asking for psychoanalysis in the DMs on Discord doesn't actually know you very well. And if you have been relying on them for emotional support, you might be wearing them out.
Overview for not treating your rp friends like therapists:
Be thoughtful. If you have something heavy you want to talk about, first ask if they have the bandwidth. For example: "Hi Susie! Do you have the energy to give me some advice on x work issue?"
Listen. If your friend wants to talk about their issues, stop thinking about how you can relate and it sounds just like that time you... and just LISTEN. If you want to offer advice, keep it about them. If you don't know how to help, commiserate. "That's rough, buddy."
Self-check. Look at your chat history as though it's between your friend and someone you've never met. What do you think of this person? Are they a good listener? Do they reciprocate the support they get from your friend? Do they remember things your friend tells them about their own life? Or is this a one-sided conversation? If you're realizing that you're leaning too much on this friend, give them some space. If you're realizing you've gone way overboard leaning on this friend, maybe apologize and promise to be more conscientious going forward.
Be considerate. Remember that every person you know from the internet is so much more than what you've seen - I don't mean that in a "all internet users are creeps" way, I mean that in a "even if you've chatted in a server with some every day for six months, you still don't actually know them super well." Think of other people you've spent Some Time with. Think of your lab partner in 8th grade bio. You shared a desk with them for an hour a day five days a week for two thirds of the year. How much of your life did you share with them?
This tutorial got LONG - sorry, friends! Lots to talk about. I'm always happy to give Real TalksTM like this one. Feel free to drop into my askbox if you have a topic you'd like me to cover. I'm full of thoughts and feelings, and it would give me great joy for y'all to ask for them for once.
I hope this is helpful, and wish all y'all the best. Happy writing!
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