#professional test takers
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testhelper1 · 9 months
Why Professional Test Takers have Become an Important Need in the Academics?
In the current world of academics, tests have become a great issue for many students. They are no longer conducted as a method for learning but seem like the only way for effective studies of the children. They possess the unique skills and proper knowledge required for the academic examination, hence professional test takers for hire can provide effective results to students for which they do not need to stress about the hectic schedule of test preparation.
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kooyabooya · 17 days
m reader x tzuyu // 9k words
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The thing about risk takers, you see, is the fact that you tell them to stop multiple times - and they never do. 
At every turn of the hands on the clock, here lies Chou Tzuyu, in her most casual form imaginable. One leg on the other with an arm outward to the head of the couch cushions. She’s got her face at this inquisitive angle; pure innocence, slant lips nearing a sly grin while she’s put through an earful from her manager: 
“You’re on your last set of legs, and I hope to god that this story doesn’t break out in the ringers of the press come tomorrow morning.” 
Nothing could scrounge up the loss of professionalism, draining away from the slips in the shut door frame. Because the challenges become more complicated than the other, and this one might just be the tip of the iceberg. 
“Well then,” Tzuyu starts, and in typical Tzuyu fashion: sweetly and unbothered. “Let’s just have our fingers crossed that no one around here is willing to leak that out to the public.” 
Tzuyu’s manager glances towards your direction, matching the same eyebrow with theirs in pure confusion as to what this conversation was boiling down to. You almost feel bad, but fortunate enough to not be stuck in their position. Dealing with Tzuyu’s bullshit on a day to day basis, growing a gloomy shade in their hair that shouldn’t be there for another twenty to thirty years; luckily, that hasn’t happened to you, at least not yet. 
In the years of service that you’ve had with the agency, you’ve had the fair pleasure in confiding with different individuals amongst the growing industry, to different waves of success. Sana? A world beater that has cameras flashing everywhere she goes. Mina? An absolute angel sent from heaven, well fit into the standards of fame. Those two amongst your clients might as well be considered your favorites - and the list that follows after is a very reputable asset to have. 
But Tzuyu? That is a blank area that has still yet to be defined. 
Something about Chou Tzuyu around these doors and offices has everyone turning their heads in the other direction - because you know from experience in this industry - for someone like her that’s bound for stardom with that one of one face and the age that she’s at will be the kind of story that’s not following the script. She’s one of the most genuine, kind-hearted, and beautiful souls that everyone envies to an extent; moreso jumping over cars and off of cliffs to have a mere inkling of notice from her, a scale tipped in the balance to love or hate her persona at the same time. Every now and then she sweeps you up in that whirlwind too, but who can blame you for getting lost in her charming features?
And you find it to be amazing at how she remains so stoic. Color yourself impressed, or bewitched even, you’re also reminded why this little project of hers hasn’t been brought out to the world. 
“So remind me again,” you’re saying, settling yourself around the office, scooching your way past Tzuyu to take the open spot left vacant on the couch, “Tzu over here was caught with what?” 
The observing of Tzuyu doesn’t stop there, unfortunately, limit testing on how dire this present situation actually is - with those long, glossy locks that rest right past her shoulders and in front of her chest, beautifully so like a sculpture bust; the threaded eyebrows, and those long eyelashes. Then, there’s the dimple - and her baby blue outfit, the heels, the jewelry, snug with the curves of her body, she’s meant to be the main event, the sole person who can shift the atmosphere in just a few steps-
Tzuyu’s manager, sadly, isn’t one to play games however. 
Another quirk of the brow gets thrown, and they hit you with a crinkle from the bridge of their eyebrows, inward lips as if anything said from this point on would be held against themselves. 
So you smile, and play the cool guy vibe, mirroring Tzuyu’s seating position in the exact same way down to the wiggling foot. “Well?” 
A file gets thrown to the coffee table in the middle of you three, and a phone is up in the air - unlocked and everything when it lands in between your hands. It’s already on the photos app, and when you’re zooming in to get a closer look at all of the pictures from what you can see from the date in the top portion of the screen - from last weekend, and you’re doing the exact same expression as her manager. 
“It was supposed to be a breaker event for little ‘miss perfect’ over here,” Tzuyu’s manager starts, laser focused like he thinks you’re going to ask her yourself if the contents in the phone were actually hers - which might not make the situation better. Look, you’ve got to keep it cool and stay professional, since that’s your job - especially since Tzuyu’s also young, not by much, but it still feels all the same. Sure, you could challenge that, but why would you? Every time you look at Tzuyu, she can see that there’s not a single thought past your eyes. “I leave her with Sullyoon for thirty minutes at this event and I-” 
You turn your head towards Tzuyu again to which she gives you the side eye after looking at the phone in your hand, and somehow you just know. 
Tzuyu’s manager flips open the file, filled with a good stack of pictures. He spreads them out all over the table, much like finding a specific still from this gallery that stands out. You’re staring, closer, the photos match up in the phone too and- 
That’s the only word that you can think of, but the meaning and intent could be taken in either one of two ways. As for the thoughts circling around your head?
There’s hardly any. Almost nothing. 
“Okay,” you say, face still unfazed; a skill in itself that took a god awful amount of time to get down perfectly, but still, holy shit. Now you’re seeing why the agency is doing everything in their power to keep this under wraps. You can’t even believe the pictures that show Tzuyu exposed with no clothes at all, clearly tattered up in marks and scratches and ran through from whoever was the person that took the pictures in the first place. There’s her thighs stacked on top of each other with pointe feet, her abs are soaked in fresh spurts of cum, the way that her head is crestfallen to the right side as she tries to cover her face, how she smiles at the corner of her mouth; she’s made for the cameras - and you could see the literal sex that she emits from the stills, every profane term in the book or in your vocabulary culminated into one person - but this is the line of work you’ve put yourself in, as you can feel the two pairs of eyes staring at you from the both of them, waiting for an answer. 
You toss the phone off to the side, and get your fingertips on the pictures, examining them with wandering eyes. And with the calm and composed demeanor you could craft within seconds, you say: “I don’t see what’s the problem here.” 
Nothing flies with Tzuyu’s manager at this point when it comes to you. “Watch the attitude now,” he leads, overbearing. 
“What he said,” Tzuyu doubles one second after, a wisp of hair falling to the front of her face, grinning behind the thin curtain of her strands, “Watch the attitude.” 
You exchange glances between Tzuyu and her manager, clearly in shock at how they’re figuratively double-teaming against you. Tzuyu’s always had a knack for being upbeat and funny, flirty would also be a way to put it, but she’s made that her own thing, her label - the press wasn’t kidding when they said in between the lines that this woman here was going to turn the world on its head, to make anyone from anywhere fall to the ground just to have them acknowledged in her good graces - many will die when granted the opportunity - but it's one of those days that has you wondering why she’s more forward, and obvious, that equation is still getting solved by the second. 
“Done,” you say after, giving in to their demands; it’s still difficult to learn and determine what kind of tale she’s willing to write today and you’re still seeing whether it's a good idea to play along to what’s forming. “What else do we know about her and-”
“Sullyoon’s already had her discussion earlier,” Tzuyu answers right away, combing her hand through her hair, watching her fingers disappear within those coffee bean locks that’s effortlessly charming. “As for me, that’s still yet to be determined. Which also got me thinking: it can’t be that bad as it sounds the way that you’re suggesting it.”
You’re also seeing the attitude that Tzuyu’s showing through her words and how she feels about the entire situation as a whole before you and her manager could even dive into the more complicated bits within the first five minutes of walking into the room. It’s like in her case file written in parentheses: ‘known to be a hot head, and a bit self-obsessed’ - considering her arrogance at times, but her charms make up for it. She can be one or the other, or even both. It’s how she grins: simply desirable. Once she’s put her name out there for the rest of the world, and not even for the industry, the scandals won’t even touch her going forward. She’ll be untouched while you are at the bottom picking up the scraps and taking the damage. 
“The punishment for Sullyoon is a lot more lenient because of me,” says Tzuyu’s manager, but his gaze gets back on her, hand on hip in clear and utter disappointment with the shake of his head. “And Haewon’s already not having it with the incident with Bae. Now with this, it’s a complete clusterfuck of events, so I just-  ugh, it’s a lot.” 
“Sorry to hear that,” you apologize, a hand up but the look on your face shares little to no care about the manager’s pain as of this moment. “And for the record, I feel like we had this conversation before, no?” 
“You’re her advisor, dipshit.” Tzuyu’s manager grits, ball forming at the fist, “That’s the reason why I brought you on board with her in the first place. Isn’t that supposed to be your job to, y’know, advise?” 
“You’re the manager, and might I add the correction: her manager,” you shoot back retortfully, “Maybe you should keep a close monitor on our lovely, budding starlet here from the get-go?” 
Tzuyu stifles a laugh, causing both your eyes and her manager’s to do this form of joint attention on her, and hiding away in the plane of her medium-sized hand, “What?” you both say to her, and it comes off as comical. 
“Nothing,” she muses, lifting a leg up over her opposite one this time, leaning deeper into the cushions of the couch, eyebrows up in the horizon of her forehead, beaming. “I just thrive amongst the bickering you two are having over my career.” 
“See?” And Tzuyu looks away from your rolling eyes, “I put it in the file in bullet points. She’s not ready for this kind of pressure and lifestyle, and do you really want me to go through the list of the incidents she’s already put herself through to serve your memory?” 
“I would find it best for you not to remind me of everything up until now.” Tzuyu’s manager shuts down the question, spinning his phone in hand between the fingers, “Please don’t-” 
“DUI charges, social media backlash because of a vape laying in her lap in one of the pictures, smoking out late at night with Ryujin and Yuna,” You’re listing out the events anyway, because Tzuyu’s manager can easily tell that you’re the kind of person to not really give a shit about these kinds of things. It’s not you being put under the spotlight - this microscope that’s always being picked off with a pair of tweezers - how one influencer’s words could brainwash the general public into rubbing their palms with a pair of tangerines. They’ll always follow, to some extent; and for Tzuyu, that’s the kind of power she wants to have - to get people talking about her and not stop there. 
“So do you want me to keep going?” You ask again, clearly caring little to none as Tzuyu examines her personal stills, head tilted when she picks up one of the photos. “And may I remind you that she’s got a gala event to attend to in the midst of all this, so let me ask you this boss,” you say, and you can see the flared nostrils coming from Tzuyu’s manager, “How do you want to go about this?” 
Tzuyu’s manager freezes, phone vibrating in record time like crazy. He’s taking a few seconds to strategize the next move, what’s the next course of necessary action. Keeping Tzuyu here is the worst idea, because that breeds into speculation. Compounding that, there’s also the monumental effort of keeping these pictures on the table in her phone on the down low, which may be impossible at this point, given with the insiders circling around like moles in the organization. 
“The event isn’t for another hour and a half or so,” Tzuyu’s manager announces, eyes darting back and forth from the phone to you two sitting on the couch, pulling his lips upward at the exchange of messages. “Fuck this industry sometimes,” he groans, “You do things here and there and don’t expect the treatment to be - goddamit, Haewon’s calling me again about Sullyoon,” he says, phone to the side of his head when he answers. “Hey, Haewon. No, I uh- I’m here with Tzu and- yeah, I’ll come over right now to see the situation.” He pulls his phone away from his ear, button pressed on mute, “Sorry, but you know where I’m going with this here.” 
“Don’t be,” says Tzuyu. There’s some tension in the air, like a flare set off in the dead of the night - how her head turns slightly towards your direction, smile laced with a purpose - and she cocks her head off to the side as her manager starts to make his way out the room. “We’re not leaving yet as it is.” 
Her manager pauses, in between the open doorway. His phone is right back into his ear, nodding along to Haewon on the other end of the line, eyes lapping side to side and back between the two of you - because it’s his job, and he can’t get away from that fact regardless. 
“That’s still up in the air, you know,” he says towards you, clearly hurt by the tone you gave earlier; insulted might be one better word to put it, but he knows that you know better and you’re just acting like this out of spite. “Don’t know how long this will take, but pray that I’ll be back before we have to go.” 
Once the door closes - much like a kingdom raising up their drawbridge, a safe with all the locks in the world clicking into place - holding you and Tzuyu prisoner in this vacuum of space, this could be hell, or it might be heaven. Tzuyu clicks her tongue, gets it under the front portion of her bottom teeth, at a molar, studying you as if you’re a centerpiece or painting hung up on the room; this girl is clearly unreadable. 
“Tzu,” you call out to her, keeping the ambiance chill - whilst maintaining some form of lead in this hurricane of tension. It doesn’t also help that the sun is right at the ocean, kissing along the horizon towards the beach, a wonderful mixture of hues between orange and dark blue and purple clashing in the sky, the lights are on in the neighboring skyscrapers - a view that can serve as the last sight for someone before falling off fifty plus stories - and in the midst of all that calming pictures, she’s still looking at you. 
She leans over, dress wrinkling in all the right creases. Don’t look now, or else that’ll be the end of you, as she blinks dotingly, lashes fluttering and with that sugary tone of hers, she just says: “Yes?” 
“What gave you the compelling idea to have an entire album of a cock in your mouth. Not only that, but the fact that Sullyoon was also in on this too? Especially when she’s three years younger than you, her senior? Like what-” 
“You’re making it sound like I fucked up?” Tzuyu says, an eyebrow raised in curiosity, the innocence isn’t doing her any justice compared to the hard evidence found in her phone. “Of course I know what I was doing, and believe me, this would only speed up the process a little more.” 
“What process?” 
“To get me out there into the real world.” 
She giggles when the crease of your eyebrows knitting together comes back into the frame of your face, leaning over while she sinks back into the couch, hands fiddling with the red ribbon that was attached to her dress. The eerie sound of your name being recited from the proper pronunciation meshing into hums. She’s observing your posture, much like her normal act persists - staying quiet but acknowledging others when needed. You hate how much of a sweetheart she is at times, because it’s all a setup for a bleeding edge that eventually comes to life sooner or later. 
“I’ll keep it real,” you’re starting again, “You did fuck up. And you fucked up bad. It’ll be a miracle if this doesn’t get out, but I’m not holding my breath for you, and-” 
Tzuyu just keeps staring. With that gaze of hers, she’s still trying to get a read - from the hem of your jacket or at the peak of your ruffled hair, it might be easy to tell that in some way: she’s into you.
“Okay, in simple terms, you’ll live.” With that said, you shouldn’t be silently suffering with a potential breakout star of an actress, so you’ll hang strong against her glance. This was something that you enjoyed doing from the multiple meetings and screenings. “We could honestly set this up to be a hush money agreement with whoever managed to get these pictures in the first place -  your fault, might I add - but anyways, all of this should go away, if we play our cards right. No need for you to come forward to address the rumors, that’s why you have people like us to deal the damage. All you have to do here is just - uhm - well, be Tzuyu.” 
Tzuyu appears intrigued, finding a small crack in your impenetrable armor, a rarity at times but also is aware that it might be a minor slip-up. “Be Tzuyu? What do you mean by that?” 
You flash a look at her, but she’s one to double down, eyes squinting - she’s capitalizing on your mistake. “There’s a proper term for this,” she says, “and maybe um, pretty would be one to suffice?” 
“I’m not trying to sound afraid,” you say, calmly. “There’s two choices between right and wrong. Then there’s the respect, and also being sensible. You have to treat this career like it’s your life.” And you didn’t say professional, because that word is the last resort; a rescue rope only to be used in the most dire situations. 
“I want this life.” The admission, something nestling underneath the parts of her sentence, a slow-burning being soaking behind those soiled eyes. Tzuyu then scoots over, gets closer to you, tips her chin to further the examination. “I have what it takes to be professional. You’re just afraid to say it to my face.” 
“Welp, you caught me,” you say, knotting your fingers in between themselves just to keep yourself from doing anything rash, maybe walking out of the room to leave her alone would be the best move, instead of letting your thoughts get the best of you and pinning her body flat on the couch. “Seriously, doing things like this will only kill your chances of making it big even before you start.” 
Common sense appears to be dissipating out the clear windows. And now Tzuyu is the one who’s taking full advantage, bursting your personal bubble - the way that she shimmies her way across the cushions, so mindful of how she moves her body at every curve and nick in her limbs; you can hear your own heartbeat quickening, like you’re hiding in a locker and she’s about to tamper with the dial to get the door open - and she’s about face to you, hand ghosting the upper profiles of your chest where your shoulders are at. She’s not that tall from a height standpoint, but sitting down, she’s matching your build bit by bit. 
“It’ll happen, regardless,” says Tzuyu, face with a wide grin. “That’s why people like you are working hard to make sure that things like these don’t happen again. Especially in the long run.” 
“You’re really going all out today, are you?” You exclaim after closely assessing, holding our ground against her. “Might I add that you might also ruin Sullyoon’s career after yours is out of our hands?” 
“She’s a tough girl,” says Tzuyu, flatly, as if the prospect itself is something to laugh about. Tzuyu is a silent killer, shown in her signs of arrogance which shouldn’t be enticing to you, but they are, and in every way possible. “And like I told you, I’ll keep doing shit like this because I want to. You can hide away all you want, when it’s clear in your eyes that you want me just as bad as I want you.” 
“And what do you propose here?” 
“I’m telling you that the way you sound right now turns me on, genius.” 
It comes in a black flash, much like you staring down the hole of a double-barreled shotgun; or your head getting pushed into a tub of ice cold water. You can see the stars in her eyes, each and every one of them an alternate reality of their own between you and Tzuyu, sparkling with so much light. “Who’s saying that fucking a client was on the cards?” 
And Tzuyu chuckles at that, on cue like it's some cheeky sitcom. “Don’t get stupid with me,” she says, and she’s raining fire down from above. “Everyone already has said the same thing at least once or more.” 
Your eyes land on the clock hanging above the room, then they dart to the closed door. “He’s not gonna be back anytime soon, is he?” 
“Haewon’s office is at least five floors down, and the elevator apparently hasn’t been working all day..” 
“Some luck.” 
“I can make my own.” 
“I hope you know that this is a really bad path you’re going down to.” You’re deterring, but it's a lazy attempt at best, no point in shying away - because you’re not scared of Tzuyu, and you never were, mentioning the fact that she’s radioactive in her own rights. She’s equipped with an arsenal of tricks and quirks, but you’ve got your own brandished within that noggin of yours. A hand is on her thigh, trailing up to the hip, and she looks down to take the hint, scooting closer. “You’ve got some nerve, testing me like this, and you have no idea what you just signed up for.” 
“Do you have to be this serious?” Tzuyu’s hand finds yours, slipping up against the fine silk across the palm of your hand. “I’m one for keeping things simple here,” she’s telling you, watching your eyes as your fingers get rumpled over the fabric, venom lacing your nerves before you even realize it. It’ll get reactive really quick, but you stand your ground. “About the sex, don’t overcomplicate-” 
“Why would I overcomplicate something with the likes of you?” you’re asking her, and you watch as her hand finds the knot tied at the nape of her neck, unraveling it, where you see her bra. It’s no help that she’s sliding her dress down to her panties and thighs, the covers being unleashed with every inch opening up to the air. “We’re on track here, and I think I’m getting warmer here.” 
This is something serious, much like a public execution at the hands of her just strolling on by - people stopping in their tracks just to get a good look of that face, that body, so this might be some form of armageddon - but Tzuyu’s dress gets discarded somewhere in the office, to a corner where it won’t be seen on her until you’re fully done with her. Everything in your head is flowing like a whitewater river, a burning urge that gets beyond just the sexual aspect of it. So you’ll get your knees deep: 
“You know how long I’ve been waiting for this?” you ask, and examine. The sense of being normal and professional has long gone out the way. But oh. Oh, she knows what she wants, and you’ll have the fine luxury to give that to her, because it’s what you signed up for: twist the words and her body in every way that you see fit, to fill people in on what their crown jewel of a woman is up to. “Dreaming of that one day where someone will just tell you straight: I want to fuck you. Well Tzu, today’s your lucky day.” 
Tzuyu tenses, eyes appearing like glitter, holding your hand where it stays on the rise of her hip. “I’ve never seen you this talkative outside office hours.” 
“I converse like this on the regular.” You’ve got the experience, and the hours under your belt, you’re holding the other end of the rope in her burgeoning career - if she fucks up the next time, you’re also gone along with her, too. “Now, are you gonna keep talking, or are we going to talk business?” 
Tzuyu is so good for you, in more ways than one. It’s in her eyes, the way that she tilts her head off to the side, when you’ve pushed her up against the cushions as far as you could take her, hair spilling over to her covered breasts, keeping her gaze locked with yours when you’ve sunk to the bottom of the couch - the low light of the sunset makes way for the night sky, moonlight breaking through that captures her face, illuminating the fine mold of her cheekbones, her teeth break past her lips, and she smiles a bit like practice for the waves of flashes out on the red carpet - she relaxes, feels the lace of her panties slide off her thighs like nothing. Undeniably gorgeous, is one way to put it, she’s dirty, she’s every single thing; oh god, the staring, when you look up between her legs, mouth hanging low, chest puffed up in anticipation of the relieving pressure. 
“Many people have tried to test me, get rid of the fun in what I do with my manager and such,” Tzuyu says. “But I knew-” Her hands find yours, sliding up the sides of her outer thighs, holding them in place when you start to lean in. “You didn’t do anything about it, and I liked how you were with me, to set me right, without the changes of rules.” 
“Had it been anyone else,” you acclaim, mouth leaving hot and wet kisses across the inner portion of her thigh; she’s got a hand in your hair with no intention of letting you go. 
“You,” Tzuyu says the singular syllable, reduced to just very minimal words, much like she’s being scolded. But the confession let out is like a padlock finally breaking under the pressures of the wrench: “I’ve always wanted you. I promise and fuck- I’ll be good.” 
There’s actually no way she said- 
The words that spilled out her mouth flew over your head for a short second, a minor blowback in the swing of things - but then again, why are you playing it safe with Tzuyu in the first place? There’s no need, and you’ve got to make that apparent to her; you’ve got your hands on her long legs, spreading your hand out on the skin, she’s got a hand sliding down to her glistening pussy, but she reels back when you’ve beat her to it, and Tzuyu hisses, hiding a whine, “Baby…” 
You pause, hike her up on the couch higher, focus slinging to her face, and her dead-eyed stare slams right alongside yours. 
“Tzuyu,” you’re saying, when you’ve managed to say her name that’s caught in between your vocal folds - it’s a little rushed, no exhale behind it, and a bit tattered - but there’s her demeanor, the tightness swirling in the air between you two. She’s only a few years younger - and that alone could be worse - you’ve got the better position, the better wits of how things work, the implications - and maybe you were a pawn in her game all along, there’s really no telling. 
“Love it,” she exhales, voice tripping when you dip your mouth down to her other pair of lips, “when you say my name,” she’s needy, fingers curling to your head to satiate the sensation a bit longer. Legitimately, fuck, she might end your career, make you a martyr for the whole office to witness, and she could be the one to do all that. “Baby, your fucking mouth.” 
The gaze never wavers on her, hunting - her dainty fingers are gripping the cushions, fibers of muscle moving in ways much so she would be defending herself; she’s used to giving orders and due compliance, but knows where she stands in certain situations. She could be the primary catalyst of what’s happening right now, but you’ve got full control: a green light going off in the back of your mind. There’s no turning back now, foot to the floor, bases fully loaded. She won’t- She won’t last a week in this life by playing it by the rules. 
“Need me that bad?” You ask, face twisting devilishly. Some things in this line of work have taught you that people have to be selfish at times, and you’ll fall face-first into that. “Watch and learn, sweetheart. Don’t even think about getting your hands on me.” 
Tzuyu’s lip is caught between her upper teeth, rolls her eyes, nodding profusely - it’s gonna take more than that. You see her lidded eyes, spread her apart further, “We listening?” 
“No- touching,” she sighs. This girl is soaked - the refreshing taste of her cunt on the pad of your tongue, and you’ll keep indulging. You’ve got yourself in that open space between her legs, she’s sputtering out nonsense, pulling her thighs in to combat against your hands - “Please, just- please, do this one thing for me, I swear-” 
She’s waving the flag up high in the air, and of course you’re going to take this into account. This is someone who is going to make headlines wherever she goes, has people do things that would lead into major or second-hand embarrassment, so you lean down to her aching pussy - across the folds, and her clit, so slick for you, she’s sighing a lot more louder this time - and she’ll let you mold her into any shape you want her to be, let your tongue do the talking: “Right there, yes-” she’s relaxing into your hands and face, giving you the praise she’d never thought she’d say to you ever, like some act of contrition that will absolve her actions - wow, and you’re wondering of the lucky fucker who took the pictures of her and Sullyoon got the same luxury as you’re getting right now. “Fuck, oh honey-” 
You’re paying no mind to how her hips are wiggling across your face, desperate for a sense of friction, fighting every urge to not dig her nails into your hair and get your tongue even deeper where you can send it - but you keep her legs spread, and she could almost rip into the cushions on the couch, grip tight enough to choke- 
“Taste so good,” you mutter, off to the side of her leaking slit, listening as the chorus of Tzuyu’s moans crescendo a bit before dropping in silence. “Look at you, being so good for me.” 
“Shit, you’re gonna- you’re gonna make me-” 
Whether she’s able to tell you or not, you know it all the same. Her flawless face is so torn to the fine points - faltering in every aspect of perfection, that apex, you’re working her there, warmer, and warmer-
But you pull from the tops of her thighs, shove your nose right down to her clit. Stay right fucking here, and don’t even think about moving a muscle; sometimes there’s no need to say things verbally - but the implication stands - when Tzuyu finally lets go into the heat of your mouth. 
You can be lenient, maybe have her rest in the grace period, but there’s a schedule still drawn up on the board, and the sand in the hourglass is still seeping through the middle. “I’d like to keep this up,” you tell her, cleaning up the slick spread across your lips - that fine nectar, easy to say that you’re addicted, but that’s old news. “But must I remind you that you’ve got an image to protect at this gala you’ve got in an hour?” 
“Can- Can I have my turn now?” Tzuyu asks, sitting up on the couch now, hands fast to her backside, unlatching the clips of her bra, slides out of it like it’s nothing. You’ve got your jacket discarded on her manager’s desk, hands to the buckle. Tools are being laid out here amongst you two, and Tzuyu keeps her eyes trained on you, chest rising and falling - watching the noticeable bulge appearing in your boxers. “Please, I can help - just need your cock-” 
“Do you always like to rush these things?” You ask her - pushing her back as her arms just float in the air - she’s beautiful, gorgeous, and wanting; the notion alone would already be disregarded if it wasn’t for the sensible form of structure in your head. It’s in that dimple of hers, that sly grin, those eyes, she’s a personification of eye candy: you’ll keep staring for as long as she’d like you to. “No need to answer that, but,” and you laugh in between for a slight second, “You’re really pushy today.” 
“Please, baby.” That gaze, eyes trained up with her bit lip, she’s dangerous. “For me.” 
You don’t say anything, but with a simple nod, and her fingers are fast to the elastic. 
You also like how she’s willing to follow, to listen. She’s good with her hands, she’s been trained to handle PR questions with the flick of her wrist, programmed to take information and internalize it - she’s flawless enough to stand with the other clients, even when you’re the first to make the move in kissing her, capture her mouth with yours. It’s a bit cute when she’s caught off guard, sucking the air out of her, yielding to your touch.  She’s smiling against your lips, and that’s the laced venom you’ve been cautious of. 
The grip gets let go from the back of her head, retreating, panting, the taste of her lips mixed with yours. She helped clean off the remnants of her pussy on your tongue and she’s licking her lips again wanting more. “Give me some kind of feedback. A demand. Anything,” you command, fingers dancing along her chin when she looks up so innocently. “I think you’ll ask nicely, so prove it.” 
She doesn’t even think twice about it. “I want you,” she’s coming in and out of focus in her eyes, way past the point of no return, staring at you while she’s keeping you magnetized to her hands, slowly dragging along the skin of your cock, “to fuck me, put this cock inside my pretty little pussy, and use me to cum all over-” 
Her face does it for you, shattering right in front of your eyes, wanting smile, pupils blown - you snake your arms around her back, press her down to the couch - there’s a beauty behind the sneakiness of this, the thrill of being found out, the risks taken to take advantage of someone to your own liking, let the thrums of your heartbeat be the only thing to hear within yourself - but Tzuyu goes quiet, she’s so pliant and wet that doesn’t really need any words to come out of her, just the noises when- 
When you slide your aching cock into her cunt, slowly, painstakingly strategic, and the feeling was too much to bear for her. 
You draw back and snap your hips into her - a statement made, an opening in the woven threads to rip a hole in -  you’ve got a hand quick to her parting mouth, hushing her, pinning her. “Go any louder,” you’re hissing, lowly, trying to not think about the fucking clench her cunt makes around you, “Go any louder, and you’re just asking to get caught. We can’t have that, can we?” This is something new, something absolutely obscene, hiding away in the office of her manager’s - keeping a secret that nobody should be able to tell, besides you two. “Did you realize how much of a slut you are when I saw those pictures?” 
Tzuyu’s breasts wobble on the upstrokes, bouncing along while leaking all over your length. The thought of damage control is still in play, to not have her completely ruined for the red carpet in the next hour or so - but you’ll take the secrecy, construct a fake picture to ensure that will not have anyone look a second time. Nobody will know how good Tzuyu’s wrapped around you, that hot and tight cunt, a hand now wrapped around her neck, pressing down but not too much- 
A thumb is in between her lips. “Speak up.” 
“Yes- I know, fuck, it was- a mistake.” She’s choking up the words from the hand on her throat, barely enough to produce the sounds through her vocal folds, chasing for that relief that she desperately needs - “It was stupid, but,” she’s unmoving with her reasons, fervor standing strong, it’s irking - you’ve got to fuck this attitude out of her - “That doesn’t matter, please, your cock, keep fucking, right there, that’s the spot, I’ll be good, I’ll cum for you, make you not worry about-” 
“You keep talking like this and I’ll make you shut up myself.” 
She spills a line of expletives that get mixed up with the slaps of her hips with yours, but there’s one outlier - maybe two - that captures your ears. 
“I didn’t make him cum inside me, but I’ll let you do it if you want.” 
“Yeah, not happening, babe. Not like this.”
Tzuyu mewls and whimpers when you give her one good, impaling hit inside her cunt, let your cockhead rest right beneath the womb where it aches. It doesn’t help her case when she’s shaking her head in refusal, denying. You’re chuckling as she tries to shimmy out of your grasp, the sound reverberating around the room, in relief, or awe would be a way to put it. Stepping into this office was a little bit out of your way, just popping your head in to get a quick word before going on with whatever was on the agenda - until this whirlwind of events coming from her changed all that. “Please. Can you do that? I want it, I want you, so bad. I swear, nothing bad will ever happen from me again - please, if you just-” 
Luckily, everyone’s gone from the office for today - because she’s way louder than you would’ve expected - you ram your cock inside her pussy, without any care for her begging and pleading - there’s also not ruining her appearance, but you’ll pull something out of your ass or she will to cover it up. You’ve made your mark in twisting people’s words around, shifting the angles that way you’re not the one taking up the heat. Conjuring up whatever you could that might rival a con artist’s whole life. But this is also another thing: if Tzuyu’s manager walks in right now, you could prime the whole act onto her and she’ll be gone. 
“You can keep asking, begging, offering, whatever it is that you want.” It’s hard to forget that you’re on the clock, the provisos informed, lines that were drawn up from the start; you could cut it some slack, maybe for someone like her, who really knows. “I’ll keep fucking you up as long as I like, but you’re not getting me to cum up all inside you.” She tilts her head back, and you sweep down to the column of her neck, get a mark on it, not too hard. “Want it to be easy? Just keep screaming, nobody will hear you.” 
Wishing that this moment here in the room to last forever might be a tall ask. From the exchange of hitched breaths coming out of your lips and hers, to the slaps still stable in pace, bottoming her out as her ankles finally latch onto the small of your back, holding you in place - someone could walk in the room now and know without question as to what you’re doing to her - maybe with the sea of cameras at this event later will take notice as to the damage you’ve done to- 
“Inside. Please, nobody has to know. Just us.” Fuck, this girl is testing your mental tenacity, exersizing every impluse that you’ve unleashed of every dirty thought you’ve had since working with her. She could convince you with words, the magma emitting from her voice, sounding low, goes so well in tandem with her moans. “Maybe if you keep this up, I’ll let you knock me up whenever you want, wherever you want, however you want.” 
“You- Tzuyu, you- fuck-” 
“That would be so hot, you know? To use my tight pussy as your personal cumdump - shit - even the manager won’t take up on the offer, so you’re the next one in line.” 
The defiling theory alone is very, very tempting. She’s not like this when there’s a camera or journalist waiting for a slip up to pen the story - you’re still in the driver's seat, keeping it level, thinking of some substance for guidance. You’ve been in this position before, and you’ve learned. 
“I’d be honored,” you say to her, pressing a hand down her breast, grasping, pulling your cock out to do a few measly slaps along her sensitive clit to show her you’re not playing around, “So far you’ve been convincing, but you’re still new to this. A few stupid acts early on will ruin you down the line, so watch yourself.” 
In the meetings, you remember the firm tone when asked for your personal take towards a proposed plan - coming off as abrasive because that’s how gritty this industry really is without showing it - Tzuyu’s incidents have been nothing short of interesting, talking down on her for acting like a complete dumbass - but she loves the degrading, the harsh compliments. This is something that she wants, and you’d be happy to let the media eat her up alive for it. 
“It’s gonna take a lot more than that just to sway me,” you keep going, twist the knife to where it hurts: “You’re not the first one, let me tell you that, Tzuyu. And I can assure you: you certainly won’t be the last.” Hands on her hips, and you fuck in - it doesn’t get any simpler than that. “Don’t test me with that attitude, because I’ll make you change it in an instant.” 
Her entire body is like a noose, a live wire on a bomb that’s about to reach zero - she’s gripping and convulsing around your cock, you’ve got her to be this way, “Please,” pleads Tzuyu, the utterances and vowels and consonants all collapsing like some domino effect, eyes flapping shut, and the sounds of obscenity seem to get better every passing second, “You’re gonna make me- make me fucking cum, oh god-” 
She’s got so much potential to shake the industry up, not since Sana first came around and did some damage to you. Mina was also the same, and could match up with Sana if the universe allowed it. No one is ready for what Tzuyu has to offer, no fan could scream and break down crying let alone a photoshoot capture the beauty she carries with that face of hers, and that body, every part is sculpted to immaculate perfection, the flex in her abs when you thrust down, catch the arch in her back with an arm, get your forehead with hers, the scaffolding finally losing it’s last limbs of support at the ground level, hand quick to the hard bud of her nipple-
“Cum all over this cock, Tzu,” you’re sighing, leaning down to coax her with a kiss, and she’s got a hand raked through your hair again. “Cum for me. Do it. No shying away from me this time.” 
And like you’ve observed before, the mental note much like a callback, she’s so easy to comply; it's in how your mouth works over her, cunt so slippery hot in friction with your cock sliding in with no problem whatsoever, this is everything to you - and Tzuyu’s body goes limp, holding in a noise in her lungs. It’s a high-pitched ‘fuck’ followed with a murmur of your name, muddled with ‘baby, oh my god, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-’ 
You’ll leave a mark for someone else to notice, the shade with enough bite that could be covered up with a little foundation, let her ride out the peak of her high. “Breathe, Tzuyu. There we go, nice and easy, soak up my cock with that pussy of yours. Jesus.” 
Tzuyu picks up on things fast, and she’s reduced to a various spill of words. She’s a shuddering mess, sinking her hips down to get a lasting feeling of your cock when you pull out - but she’s quick to get up, hands fast to your thighs; leaning down, a swift lick up on the underside. Her makeup is a bit battered, chest slick and light pink from all the marks you put; she hollows her cheeks, has a little bit of fun, and you start to sink. 
She gives no response, lowering her mouth past the halfway point, eyes lidded, but weighted with intent, appalled; her cheek blows up unintentionally, lathering up your cock in her spit, and your head falls back to the crown of the seat. She’s unsure with what she’s doing, you’re tensing and untensing in the lower half, but complaining is the last thing you’ll do. 
“I’ll make it up to you,” you say, gritting your teeth when Tzuyu reaches down a spot near the base, tongue grazing at a vein, where the head of your cock is staring down the hollow of her throat, a slight clench. She could care less with the curses leaving your mouth, it just tells her she’s doing something right. “Do whatever you want, and I’ll owe you next time. Fuck-” 
It does some form of numbers in your head when her eyes lock onto yours, smiling with half a cock in her mouth, quick to shut you up. 
Her mouth is amazing - and that could be an understatement. She’s holding you at the base, where the angle of your cock is tied down between her fingers. You let her take control for a bit, try to see if she can do it herself - but you’ll play the role of guidance again, because that’s what you do, help out in ways that make her have the moment - so you lean forward, hand fast to the back of her head, and you feel her jaw go slack, muffle the choking sound coming out of her open mouth- 
“Fuck, Tzuyu,” you grit, the name alone of hers is an easy impulse to keep doing; you’ve got her hair in this makeshift ponytail, out of the way when she continues to bob her head up and down the length. It was a boring day for you anyway, but at least you’ve made it up to have the prospecting breakout actress strip her clothes down and get on her knees in her manager’s office. “Just keep- yeah, okay, there we- ugh, shit-” 
She mumbles a brief phrase of a ‘mhm’, mouth wide open, salivating, nudging your cockhead down into her throat before pulling back up for another wisp of air - her index and thumb are wrapped around the bottom of your shaft, closing her eyes as the contraction literally leaves you breathless - all the way down into her throat, holding her up with her hair as much as you can- 
Yet the sound that rips from the cavity in your chest, it’s loud enough for someone to hear down the hallway, probably someone from the floor below to pick up on the commotion too. 
Tzuyu’s mouth lets out this sobbed out sound, coughing and inhaling your cock when you cum down her throat - she can’t swallow it all, you think, but you forget her ambition at times when she holds herself, eventually pulling back - eyes glossy and full of impurity, burning irises that mimic Sana’s when she also- 
“God-” you manage to choke out, fixated on the image of Tzuyu cleaning her face up with a small stream of your cum leaking out the corner of her lip. But, you’re satisfied. You’ll let her take the credit for now.
It also doesn’t help when she’s got a finger circling her slicked lips, tilting her head when she hollows her cheeks again around her fingertip. She knows she’s hot, how dirty she can get - and she’d let you do anything and everything from the fucking on the floor to railing her on the walls, because she’s got her own center of gravity with her being, that’s just how it is. 
You can’t help when you’ve pulled her back to your space, catching her lips, since that’s the only logical thing to do with her, and she’ll accept it. “Mmph. I just- you, you-”
“Yeah?” You’re saying, face in your hands when you keep kissing her. “Something to say?” 
“My mouth- you?” 
“And what about it?” 
“Your cum. You just-” 
“I overheard Sana talk to you about her story with me the other day, figured I’d just do it anyway.” 
The tone in your voice is a clear contrast to all the filthy stuff you were telling just a few minutes ago, it’s still crotchety, but a little more lighter than usual - like everything that was a worry suddenly just washed away, and all of a sudden Tzuyu’s quick to get your neck corralled with her arms, leaning for another kiss, the hums alone are delightful, pushing hysterical a bit. 
“I hate you,” she says, a chaste peck to your cheek when you’ve got her ass on top of your forearms, carrying her. She’s laying out a few suggestions, but you’re telling her that the gala could wait, to waste more time to explore her body, more and more. ‘That’s a lie, by the way, but I’m sure you knew that.” 
Shutting her up is a viable option, but she’s right on the jump with that one ahead of you - so she kisses you, why bother putting up a fight against that?
The car ride on the way to the gala premiere is nothing short in terms of quiet. Some chatter is being thrown around with you and the driver, since Tzuyu’s manager also had the unfortunate task of bringing some swinger that’s already made a name for herself with the company, per instructions given by Jihyo; you remember hearing it past the open door to your office, named Kim so-and-so on the files. Maybe it was Jennie or Jiwon, or was the name beginning with a letter D? 
“I think the boss man is convinced with your lobbying,” Tzuyu says under her breath. Like you, she’s managed to clean up her appearance - scent still fresh of sex, her hair still a bit rattled, but is trying to repair as much as she can. You can’t keep your gaze off of her; how the headlights from the oncoming cars illuminate through her eyes, handing you her hair band because it doesn’t match up with the look. 
“I mean, if you already asked him what you asked me, and he still refused,” chuckling when you’re looking out the window towards the sidewalk, trailing the crowd of people lining up around the venue, “That should give you enough prose to ask me, since I was next in line.” 
Tzuyu just laughs, dipping her head down - she’s infectious, without even putting effort into trying. You’re seeing why she’s bound to be a topic once she’s put herself out there, and - sure, you could draft up a file with all of that content in a heartbeat. Needless to say, you’ll be one of the many fans. 
“It was supposed to be sarcastic commentary,” Tzuyu tuts, combing her hair over to one side - at the left shoulder, turning her back towards you with the red strands of her dress untied. She peeks over before looking away, fingers fast to knot the ends for a snug fit, pat her collarbones down before tilting down to place a small kiss on her nape. “But on a serious note: do you really think you can handle my little fiasco?” 
You notice that the cars ahead start to slow down, file in line with security personnel stationed along the street, managing traffic. A whole lot of commotion going outside with the photo area, photographers getting ready with their cameras and flashes angled toward the cars, and thank God that the windows are tinted for good reason, brows furrowing in assessing the sea of different media outlets in attendance. 
Tzuyu flows her hair forward, a last minute touch up as she takes a deep breath to calm her mind. You’re playing the stand-in role of bodyguard, checking every side of the car to make sure that things are right in place, avoiding any form of fuck up that might pop up in the next few minutes or so. 
Just when a worker from the red carpet event approaches the door, a buzz vibrates on your thigh. One check later and it’s Tzuyu’s manager. With no hesitation, you answer: 
“Yeah. Oh, okay. Okay. Right, you got it.” 
“I’m trusting you with her. Please don’t fuck this up.” 
“I won’t,” you say, in a melancholic tone to which Tzuyu smirks at. “Good luck with Dahyun? I forgot her name, but it is Dahyun, is it?” 
“Don’t push your luck here, bye.” 
Once that’s gone out of the way, you move over to wave a hand to the worker, signaling a two in your hand to let them know of the delay. After touching bases. You settle back into the backseat, watch as Tzuyu observes from the window, taking in the sight of what she’s dedicated a good portion of her life towards - to thrive in the glares of publicity, get engulfed in the growing flames of fame. She can do a whole lot more than just stand still and look pretty, and you’ll help her there along the way. 
“Still think this is a lot to handle?” You ask, peering over her shoulder, causing her to twist back around to face you. “To be fair, you were pretty nervous when we brought up the incident earlier, so I’m just checking up on you.” 
Tzuyu simply stares, again. Her face may appear blank, but her eyes and the subtle quirk at the corner of her lips tell a different tale entirely. There’s also that sly dimple too, man, she’s too good for you to the point where it’s bad. So what if people already caught wind of her story, you’ve got the contingencies, the fallback if things go south; she got herself into this mess, and you know what you signed up for. 
“They all can go to hell if it comes my way,” says Tzuyu, face falling forward, leaning for a kiss. “Where’s the risk if you don’t run into a cyclone head on?” 
When she gets forward with a hand on the door handle, opening up to reveal herself to the world, you shake your head at her, because that’s another point of discovery to add to her growing list of character: she’ll be the face of this company in record time as long as she keeps acting this way, and you wouldn’t mind staying by her side for whatever is in store. 
Right before she goes any further down the capet, she twirls around on that singular heel on the sidewalk, facing you when you scan the screaming audience, landing your eyes on Tzuyu again - in all of her beauty and elegance, you’ll keep admiring no matter how far or close you are to her. 
An outreaching hand, the simplest gesture, and she asks: “So, are you ready tonight?” 
a/n: @co-reborn surprise! not really lol, but this fic is slightly dedicated to them. thank you taking time to read as always <3
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micahulrichdraws · 27 days
i was saving up for a tattoo but ur answer to that ask where u mention the stuff that goes into ink made me go down a rabbit hole and now i think i wont be getting a tattoo until ink is regulated... aside from the ink being full of stuff i know im allergic to my family is very cancer prone and im reading that tattoo ink may have a correlation with increased skin cancer risk. i feel like this should be talked about more. feeling sad about it but im glad u mentioned something about it otherwise i wouldnt have known
Yeah, as someone who's allergic to everything, has eczema, and a family history of cancer, I feel that. If you have a good artist whom is open to using inks that are either carcinogen-free or at least better tolerated it's not the end of the world, and I never want to discourage someone from doing something they want to do, especially art-related! That being said, I had some similar asks so I'm gonna use yours as a quick info-dump, so I apologize in advance!
I do want to be VERY clear: this is NOT a 'tattoos bad' wall of text, it's a 'art good but hold businesses and individuals accountable because right now everything is a trust system' wall of text. Everyone I know and love has tattoos, I just happen to be an artist who was pulled into the industry fairly out-of-the-blue 8 years ago, and have gotten to learn the intimate ins-and-outs of it because of that. This isn't ragebait, and it is strictly my reasons as to why I feel that the industry could benefit from some regulation and standardized education now that it is a very, very mainstream industry that the majority of individuals in my age range engage with but aren't privy to the details on. If you love tattoos, great! If you don't love tattoos, great! If you're an experienced professional in the industry, this is all stuff you've probably bounced off of once or twice, and can understand why it's frustrating.
The tattoo industry sorta has had one foot in the super lax, counterculture boat while also having the other one solidly in the corporate, capitalist yacht. While the studies that come out of the industry relating cancer risk to the ink content always stick strictly to skin cancer risk being 'negligible', it's important to note that the ink isn't going into your skin - it's going into the fatty tissue below the skin. The ink breaks down in that tissue over time, and gets filtered out by your body - the contents of the ink aren't on the top of the skin, they're being filtered through your other organs or pushed up to your skin. (I know this is an ultra-super-simplified version of what happens, but I don't want to give everyone a migraine with details.) I work with a ton of inks, paints, and pigments, and the pigments that are used in some inks aren't stuff I'd willingly handle with my bare hands, but I'm paranoid about that stuff. However,I absolutely wouldn't eat any of the pigments that are used in the creation of the ink used for tattoos, and none of it is stuff that I'd want in my liver or kidneys. I have a parent who's had cancer for 10+ years, so it's a pet topic of mine that I've had the opportunity to discuss with professionals whom work in the industry. The few times I've gotten to chat about inks used in tattoos, the response is the same as the public PR team's response. The standard on-record response is to cite skin cancer risks, and when asked about other types of cancer, specifically liver/kidney/reproductive, often it is deflected to some version of 'our customers are risk takers who live life on the edge, and don't conform to societal norms, and that demographic always has a higher rate of cancer.' The reality is that they intentionally don't test for that, because best case is the optics that they were selling something that they weren't that confident in, and the worst case response is a wall of lawsuits. Obviously, all that sounds ominous and shit, and while I doubt there's anything massive hidden there, my problem is that the corporate side regulates itself, which in the history of everything has never ended in ethical decisions and only ones that increase profit margins. When pressured, however, companies will lean into the 'it's tattoos man, don't be a downer' - but these are large, industrial corporations, not the dude down the street making art out of their garage. They have the money to test their own products and choose not to.
The other half of the problem is that foot in the pseudo-counterculture, lax, independent artist culture. There's no barriers to entry, minimal qualifications required, and so you can have people who have no business putting permanent ink on folks doing just that, en masse. Tattoos became a major fashion thing in the last 10 years, so we saw an explosion of tattoo studios with literally no experience in the industry kicking out tattoos. These same folks don't have experience in the arts (in a lot of cases) so they'll lift someone else's work as theirs to get a sale, which leads to someone having a design that may be associated with a group they do not wish to be associated with (IE: ultra-nationalist found out that his reaper design was from some ACAB shit I made, and he was not thrilled, even though I thought it was hilarious.) Additionally, a lot of the more questionable studios engage in super controversial sales tactics pressuring clients to move forward on projects when they aren't 100% comfortable (ie: you don't get to see the tattoo until you're in the chair, strictly to save time as to maximize profit on a permanent work of art, and to avoid your client changing their mind.) Back when I was starting out, a lot of the freelance work I received was coming up with designs to help fix those botched jobs, while sending folks to a credible artist, so I had the unfortunate experience of hearing every nightmare story ever. However, like any market that was opening up to big mainstream cashflow, the market ended up flooded so the skill of the average tattoo artist fell like a brick. Only in the last 6 months has the bubble popped with a ton of studios have had trouble staying afloat because the industry reached critical mass. I literally have more options in tattoo studio within a 10 block radius than grocery stores. Mind you, I'm talking about the large group of studios that engage with these practices, and that does in no way mean that I am specifically talking about your studio or your artist. If you work in the industry, you know the folks I'm talking about, and I'm so sorry they make your job so much harder.
This all comes together into a major shitstorm: under-qualified individuals offering a subpar product driving down prices, shoving out the actual qualified professionals, while operating in a legal gray area. Combined with the industrial ink companies that aren't keen on giving straight answers about the contents of their product leaves the entire industry in an absolutely dogwater spot, getting the worst of both worlds. This is not touching on the disgusting potential abuse of power that some individuals choose to take advantage of within these situations. With literally any small amount of regulation, the entire art form would be infinitely easier to get for individuals without having to do a background check on the entire operation. I hope that answers some questions, and I apologize for any typos in my incomprehensible wall of text!
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jmtorres · 2 days
i just saw a post about how we just have to "live with" covid and wanting more protections from our government is unreasonable because we'll never wipe it out, it jumps species and is in all sorts of animal populations (like, true ok) so why even try to
and apparently the argument was aimed at people (who I haven't seen in the wild) who are arguing we should still be in lockdown. and i have mixed feelings about the idea of extended lockdown or attenuating isolations; but my main feeling at this point is not that the government should keep us apart but that the government should be trying to make it safer for us to be together
things the government could/should be doing about covid:
we know that ventilation/air movement helps a shitton. we should be incentivizing upgrades to ventilation systems in all public buildings with shit like rebates or tax deductions, while phasing in eventual legal requirements. (and uh. it has occurred to me that the US might actually be doing this sideways by there's currently this decade enormous tax incentives in re energy efficient upgrades for slowing climate change and you know. energy efficient hvac does tend to improve ventilation. extra point to biden here.)
mandatory paid sick leave so workers aren't under social or economic pressure to work when sick
passing out RT-LAMP tests like metrix that actually work instead of the rapid antigen tests that have become less and less reliable as the virus mutates
i don't know how you'd write this law but like 95% or more of computer-based work can be done remotely and companies should not be allowed to force people to return to the office. I know there's people who want to be back in person and I'm not saying they should be forced to stay home but ffs I know of at least two people CLOSE to me who worked remotely before the pandemic and at some point their workplaces tried to tell them they weren't allowed to do that anymore despite the pre-existing contracts. stop canceling remote work for people that want, need, or prefer it.
for that matter, every college lecture that was an online class during covid should still be offered as an online class, there is no reason to force students into auditoriums in person. you got the communications infrastructure up and running, why are you tearing it down. give people the OPTION. it increases accessibility for everyone!
covid vaccine immunity lasts about four months. this should be well-publicized and everyone should be able to re-up for free every four months. "every year, like the flu vaccine" is demonstrably not often enough. actually "for free" isn't good enough start handing out $10 gift cards you will be shocked at how many people who are resistant to the idea of vaccines will fold for $10 a shot
are there already laws on the books about masks in medical settings that some medical professionals are blatantly ignoring because they forgot what best practices were before the plague and they're 'tired of masking'? if not, pass laws. if so, fucking enforce them
oh another incentives for upgrades phasing into legal requirements thing: brass doorknobs and railings over stainless steel or whatever. microbes do not survive on brass surfaces
i mean. i know this one sounds too extreme to a lot of people but. UBI.
most if not all of these measures will prevent or ameliorate other pandemics of different diseases that may arise in the future. and just. generally improve our health and quality of life for other reasons.
I haven't felt safe to go to a concert since 2020. Maybe if I knew a venue was legally required to have ventilation to a certain standard and that none of the ticket takers and ushers were on the job sick to avoid risking loss of paycheck or job, and knew a larger percentage of the crowd had up to date vaccinations--maybe if any or all that, I might ever feel comfortable going to a show again.
wouldn't it be nice if those of us who have been disabled, by covid or other conditions, had accessible remote options but also occasionally felt safe enough to interact with and participate in wider society?
one of the arguments on the post I saw was how isolation was massively psychologically damaging and various strata of society were affected in all sorts of ways, from undersocialized kids to increased depression in--well across the board, I think. and here's the thing: WE KNOW. PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS, LONG COVID OR OTHERWISE, KNOW ISOLATION SUCKS REAL BAD. because we, both for our own health and due to disability ostracism, are still isolating and isolated more than most.
what are you as individuals or societies, what are our governments, doing to help make it safe and accessible to rejoin you????
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eoieopda · 1 year
meet me at the bar: epilogue
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader type: drabble — meet me at the bar’s epilogue au: law school/bar exam, est. relationship word count: 1.2k rating: pg13 genre: fluff summary: as it turns out, there is life after the bar exam. a/n: i suppose this does make sense outside the context of the one-shot, but i def recommend reading that first ✨ like the OG, this epilogue is dedicated to mj (@yoongiphoria), who army (get it? 👀) crawled through the ringer and lived to tell the tale! so excited to eventually welcome you to the profession, bb 💕 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
Seokjin sits at a small cafe table. In front of him sit two things: one he’s sure of and one he’s not.
“This is barbaric,” you mutter under your breath. 
You hit the refresh button on your browser again, the same way you have — on a second-by-second basis — since you both sat down. Crazed, your eyes flick up to Seokjin. You repeat yourself emphatically, “Barbarism, Seokjin. Do you hear me?”
He tries his best to keep a straight face, so he pulls his coffee mug to his lips and hides his smile behind the rim. You look back down again before you can even see him nod in agreement. Of course, you go right back to assaulting the touchpad of your laptop.
You’re not wrong, not in the slightest. The Office of Bar Admissions just put you through the most treacherous experience of your academic and professional lives, and it wasn’t done fucking with you. Now that you’d survived the exam itself, you had to sit and wait — not just for your results, but for potential public humiliation.
Everyone who has a stake in this exam — test takers and prospective employers — and anyone who doesn’t — friends, relatives, professors, underclassmen, sundry assholes, etc. — can log onto this extremely public, government website at eight o’clock this morning. If they do, they’ll see a list of names: every single person that passed this exam and would be admitted to the practice of law.
Likewise, anyone can easily find out whose names are missing. Broadcasted at lightning speed, your business becomes everyone else’s. Whether you want to or not, you have to share your greatest success — or biggest disappointment — with whoever the fuck might want to look for it.
Scrubbing your anxious hands over your face, you sigh, “I think I’d rather stand naked in the middle of Lotte World. I mean it; that would be infinitely less horrifying than this.”
“For you, maybe.” 
Seokjin grins, sets his mug down, and nudges your untouched plate closer to you. On any other morning, you would’ve inhaled that breakfast sandwich by now. Today, however, you’re on a self-imposed hunger strike until you have answers.
“For the unsuspecting onlookers, I think that would be a criminal offense.”
You roll your eyes, but when you reset them, you’re looking straight at him.
It’s the way anyone would dream of being looked at, he thinks. Like every annoying thing about him is still somehow endearing, worth loving — and that little smile of yours is all for him. Just like that, he’s blushing in the middle of a café, not giving a shit who sees.
Crashing through his thoughts, the alarm you set goes off with a wail, like you’re being summoned to an air-raid shelter rather than notified of the time. You scurry to grab it. Fumbling to turn that siren off, you cast panicked glances around the room to find anyone you might owe an apology for startling. As usual, it’s just the two of you.
You spit it all out so fast that Seokjin can hardly keep up.
“Will you still love me if I shit myself in the café? Because I fucking might, and I need to know if a break-up is going to be added to my list of rejections this morning.” 
There are nervous talkers, and then there’s you. You worry in X-Games mode like it’s nobody’s business — and honestly, it’s kind of impressive.
“My whole family is going to know before I can even disclose failure myself and I —”
Seokjin doesn’t know if anything he might say would comfort you, but he’s at least slightly worried that you’ll anxiety-barf onto your laptop. To minimize the collateral damage, he reaches across the table, picks it up, and pulls it over to his side. 
As if he just pulled the plug on your life-support machines, you slump down into your chair. There, your head droops against the metal back with a small thud. You then stare up at the ceiling like you’re actively watching your soul leave your body.
“No matter what happens, we’ll be okay.” He assures you while refreshing the browser. “I promise.”
Funnily enough, trying to keep you calm has made him feel the most stable he ever has. One of you has to keep your collective shit together; and it’s clearly not going to be you, so he’s committed to remaining zipped on your behalf. His fingers don’t even shake as he scrolls down that godforsaken list, scanning with narrowed eyes.
“Well?” You urge.
After a few seconds of listening to your knee bouncing underneath the table, Seokjin closes your laptop and sets it down slowly. He takes a deep, measured breath before he finally looks back up at you. With how unabashedly freaked out you are, it’s a miracle that he can’t feel your pulse from the other side of the table.
“So, I have bad news —” He starts with a sigh.
You freeze.
“— We can’t add esquire to our email signatures until after we’re sworn in, which will apparently be two weeks from now.”
The last thought Seokjin has before being tackled to the ground is that he’s thankful nobody else came in for coffee this morning. 
The first thought he has when he reopens his eyes, now flat on his back, and sees that insane look on your face — a mix of terror, annoyance, disbelief, and excitement — is that he was right when he decided never to doubt you. More importantly, he was right that you truly are capable of anything.
Up to and including public displays of aggression.
Damn does he love you.
You sit back on your heels but you don’t make any moves to get off of him. With a shaky laugh, you say, “I think I have to kill you for that.”
“Understandable,” he demurs, shrugging. Then, he reaches up to swipe a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb, smiling sweetly. “Just don’t represent yourself at trial over it, okay?”
Playfully, you swat at his chest before clambering off of him. Once you make it steadily to your feet, the same hand that smacked him is held out to help him up. He takes it without hesitation.
Back at his full height, he accepts the arms you lace around his neck, swoons just a little when you push up on tiptoe. You kiss him softly, but it hits hard. That gentle brush of your lips makes his knees so weak that he fears he’ll end up on the ground again. 
You pull away breathy. Though your eyes are a little bit misty, you grin like you can’t help it. For the record, he can’t, either. You sigh, “I genuinely cannot believe that I survived this bullshit.”
“Really?” Seokjin asks, eyebrows raised.
His arms wrap around your waist to hold you closer, allowing you to nestle your face into his sweatshirt. He means it, so he says it with his whole chest and hopes you hear it: “I was sure you would.”
“Don’t think I would’ve been able to do it without you,” you mumble into the fabric.
“You could have,” he murmurs. Leaning down, he kisses the top of your head before continuing, “But you didn’t have to.”
The two of you stand like that for a while — wholly entangled in the middle of a café, in broad ass daylight — without speaking. It helps him try to wrap his brain around it all. After all, the landscape is different now than it was an hour ago; and unless he’s fully lost it, Seokjin swears that the grass really is greener.
For the first time ever, he doesn’t feel the weight of the dreaded unknown pushing down on his shoulders. He just feels you leaning against him and an unfamiliar sense of peace. All of that gratification he’s delayed his whole life, too, as it falls right into his hands.
But Seokjin’s not great with that whole thoughtful silence thing, so he smirks, “Gonna call me counselor in bed now, jagi?”
Your head snaps back so quickly, you could’ve decapitated yourself. Incredulous, your eyes narrow as your mouth pops open. Instantly, the look on your face pulls that windshield wiper laugh out of him; so, he slaps his hand over his mouth to keep quiet.
You challenge him with eyebrows raised sky-high. “Gonna make me file a cease and desist letter?”
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brainrotcharacters · 2 years
COD boys x Falcon!Reader
I was rewatching mcu stuff so guess what.
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tags: situationship because I like my men emotionally inept, Redwing, gender neutral reader, Ghost x reader, Alejandro x reader, Soap x reader, Gaz x reader,
the respect he has for your skills are unsaid, and more powerful for it
if the current mission requires aerial forces, he'll have less worry on his mind knowing you're up there too
although he does acknowledge the concerns of his men, he always says “Falcon is up there” as if that’s an answer (it is to him)
one time, you were making hardware changes on Redwing
Ghost arrived and sat down nearby, handing you tools and bits that you needed
you give him a critical, teasing glance, "How do you know which ones I need?"
"I learn." was all he said
"There's not exactly a lecture room at base to discuss my tech."
"I learn from watching you."
you stare at him for a second longer, toes curling inside your boots, and then accept the piece he handed you "Does that mean you are interested?"
at that, Ghost moved to leave "I came here for some peace and quiet, but if you insist..."
"Hey, come on Ghost. I'm just messing with you. Sit down."
he chuckled as he returned to his seat
you ignored the way your gut dropped thinking of your poor chances at something with him
you cleared your throat "Soap being annoying again?"
"What's new?" he sighed, exhausted and fond at the same time
he is responsible for your other title "Anghel de la Guardia"
at first, he wanted to have a turn at the wings
mainly to find new ways to put his life at risk smh Alejandro, meaning you tease him by constantly refusing
one time, your equipment was compromised and as Colonel, he had to make snap decisions to help you land as safely as possible
as soon as your harnesses from the flickering, sparking technology were removed, Alejandro practically ripped it away across the floor to check your safety
the nearly-childish awe he felt for it was reduced to nothing if it meant he would lose you
Rudy had the equipment moved, then urged everyone else to take inventory and leave the colonel to you
Alejandro joined you on the floor, one hand on the side of your neck, and another hand to your hip, demanding "are you okay?"
"I'm okay," you forced yourself to ignore how warm his touch felt through your suit. "Relax, Colonel. I survived."
"Barely!" he snarled through his teeth. He was trembling. "I thought we agreed not to be stupid without each other, ah?"
Alejandro didn't have you grounded, but also kept a closer eye when you returned to the air
"Careful. You're beginning to act like an overprotective lover." 
"You need someone like that." 
"Are you offering?" 
"Are you going to say yes?" 
any traction made on the unnamed thing between you and Alejandro was interrupted by the next mission, and it went to the back of your minds once again
everyone else, from Gaz to the medics to the other lads at base have mentioned how Soap doesn't shut up about the Falcon and their barrel rolls and close shaves and smooth banking...
he is in awe of your flight training and damn it he'll make everyone appreciate it
with you, he manages to keep things more or less professional, and never asks about your specialty unless it directly influenced the current objective of the team
he's always your first responder on comms and the last person to check on you after a successful mission
Johnny is so endearing to the point that you offered a test run with him, but he politely declines, teasing "you look prettier up there than I ever could"
during one mission, Soap talked his way into the bad end of several guns outdoors
he recognized you hovering behind their heads and began to boast "Your time is up. 141 is here."
naturally, his hostage takers looked left and right, deciding Soap was a delusional liar
"Look up."
You've gotten close enough to throw two good kicks, grabbing Soap by the arm as your wings reformed into a shield against the gunfire
"My hero." Soap grinned
"You're good at this damsel thing." you quip back. "Injuries? Guns?"
"No injuries. One handgun." the bullets began to grow less and less
"You'll survive." when they began to reload, your shield returned to its default form, and Soap rushed around you to start a counterattack
considering Gaz's rather complicated relationship with helicopter crashes, things changed a bit when you were added to the team
You easily developed a habit of swooping in to save him that it reached a point where you coded a program specifically for Gaz's accidents he jokes that it's because he's your favorite
Gaz would say that he's become more careful with himself, but the rest of the team vehemently argue that he's gone more reckless than usual
The madman tossed himself over the tumbling, screeching body of the chopper and into the air before allowing you time to lock in on his location
tiny, reliable drones immobilized the propellers of the helicopter as you tackled Gaz
"You're an absolute jerk!" you laugh over the comms, your thrusters increasing in power to reach him faster. "Redwing, propellers!"
The usual, relieved "Falcon's got him" is heard over the comms
Gaz seems like the type to be genuinely interested in the details of a technology such as this, and has gone on for hours bouncing ideas back and forth with you
It was this interest and curiosity that positively influenced Gaz's perspective and affections for you
plus, he's the type to ask nicely to help in a test flight... and make those wings look good
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On March 14th, 2023, OpenAI launched GPT-4, said to be the latest milestone in the company’s effort in scaling up deep learning. As part of its launch, OpenAI revealed details regarding the model’s “human-level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks”. Perhaps none of these capabilities was as widely publicized as GPT-4’s performance on the Uniform Bar Examination, with OpenAI prominently displaying on various pages of its website and technical report that GPT-4 scored in or around the “90th percentile,” or “the top 10% of test-takers”.
This paper begins by investigating the methodological challenges in documenting and verifying the 90th-percentile claim, presenting four sets of findings that indicate that OpenAI’s estimates of GPT-4’s UBE percentile are overinflated.
Summary of results:
The 90% percentile estimates are heavily skewed towards repeat test-takers who failed the July administration and score significantly lower than the general test-taking population.
data from a recent July administration of the same exam suggests GPT-4’s overall UBE percentile was below the 69th percentile, and 48th percentile on essays.
GPT-4’s performance against first-time test takers is estimated to be 62nd percentile, including 42nd percentile on essays.
when examining only those who passed the exam (i.e. licensed or license-pending attorneys), GPT-4’s performance is estimated to drop to 48th percentile overall, and 15th percentile on essays.
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sokosmic · 9 months
Capricorn ♑ - The Goat 🐐
Element - Earth 🌎
Modality - Cardinal
Ruler - Saturn
Where's Capricorn in your chart?
I have asteroid Karma in Capricorn 8th House.
Do the images resonate with your Taurus placement(s)?
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#Capricorn you are the overachiever of the zodiac. Ambitious and disciplined, you set realistic goals and methodically work your way to the top. You are pragmatic architects of your own success. You are not afraid of hard work and are very strategic with devising plans and implementing them.
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Capricorn, you can be a stoic guardian of your emotions. Though you may not wear your heart on your sleeve, you harbor a depth of feeling beneath your composed exterior. Being an emotional fortresses is a specialty of yours, and you approach relationships with a commitment similar to your career ambitions.
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Strategic thinkers, Capricorns carefully choose their words and plan their conversations. No fluff, just straightforward and calculated communication that gets the job done. Expect meetings to be efficient and emails to be clear and concise.
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Love for Capricorn is serious business. You are drawn to stability, commitment, and long-term partnerships. Forget the grand gestures; you express love through loyalty and reliability. In relationships, you often present yourselves as architects of lasting unions, building connections that withstand the tests of time.
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Capricorn you pursue your desires with a methodical approach. You are action-takers that are driven by ambition and a relentless work ethic. Whether conquering professional goals or personal challenges, you approach every task with determination and an eye on the prize.
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1ore · 4 months
Hi, I've been following you since Ye Olde Esk Days and you've always been a huge inspiration for me as a fellow gender-questioning neurodivergent lesbian both in art and science.
I've been wanting to reach out because I'm considering enrolling in Enviroinmental Sciences (or something in that ballpark) in 1 or 2 years and wanted to ask how your experience studying it has been to you as a person with an artistic bakground? I am afraid my ADHD might get in the way of maths, and that I might not be "smart" enough to pursue a degree in STEM, despite the fact I've always been interested in scientific subjects and in the conservation efforts around the area (and the river) I grew up in. so, yeah, I don't really know what else to say xmx I hope this message wasn't too much, and thank you for taking the time to read it. Your art and its message has always meant a lot to me! (also, happy Pride month!)
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So, funny enough, math anxiety is part of what what led me to Environmental Science in the first place. My degree is a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science, not a Bachelor of Science, because IIIIIII didn’t want to take more semesters of calculus and organic chemistry than I had to 🤪 I struggled with math in highschool, and by the time I went back to school, it had been more than 5 years since I last took a math class. I was also more interested in the interdisciplinary parts of Environmental Science, so a BA let me put more credit hours towards classes in policy, law, social science, humanities, etc.
As far as I know, having a BA hasn’t held me back. I’ve been accepted into internships and other programs doing “real science” just fine. Maybe this won’t always be true, but I’ve figured out that I like teaching and engaging people in science more than I like being in academia, so that works out fine for me.
As for my experience with ADHD and math/science courses, I have euuuauuuehhh a lot of thoughts. This gets dense, sorry.
First, my ADHD came with a side of anxiety, which manifested as a compulsion to do well academically regardless of how much my mental health suffered. Doing busy work felt like hell on earth for reasons that were then mysterious to me, but disappointing my teachers felt Worse. So I became really good at, like, academic minmaxing, not so much learning or taking care of myself. It’s hard to articulate. I want to say I was muddling through these classes as a professional test-taker and not a student, and also not applying myself fully. But at the same time, I felt like I was well beyond my breaking point? This made more sense to me later when I got the diagnosis LOL. my capacity for doing the things I’m supposed to do, the way I’m supposed to do them, is lower than other peoples’. So either I do what I’m not supposed to do, or I do it “the wrong way.” <- meaningless.
I say all that because coursework is a poor metric of how “good” you are at science or math, or whether you'll enjoy doing them outside of the classroom. We know this LOL but I want to reiterate it. I learned how to get really good grades without learning how to reason my way through why xyz methodology is justified, or how to ask questions and be curious about what’s happening around me. It’s corny but it’s true. on one hand I still struggle with these, because I’m still working under the assumption that whatever’s going on in my head is the “wrong” way to do it. But ADHD does a lot of heavy lifting for us with lateral thinking and being able to make connections that other people can’t always see. If you want to do Science ™ (as in academic research,) this is an awesome tool to have in your toolkit.
There’s also a whole world of environmental work outside of academia that demands its own skillset, which coursework may or may not teach. Like, if you want to do hands-on restoration work or interpretive work or field technician stuff, this is less “can you spit out the balanced equation for photosynthesis on command” and more “can you operate a woodchipper” or “are you comfortable with public speaking and customer service.“ This is another part of what attracted me to envirosci--how wide-ranging the job market is. The backdrop of science is the same, but your day-to-day responsibilities can look wildly different.
Also, if it’s any encouragement, being an arts person has been a huge plus in my experience. My most recent employer told me outright that the artsy scicomm stuff in my resume is what made them think “oh, we need her.” Art and science are wives LOL a lot of the skills you hone as an artist are invaluable in science, especially if you’re doing any kind of communication work. (<- has seen some poorly-written papers and incomprehensible figures in her time)
Going along with that, back when I was yea high and wanted to do art professionally, I remember people telling me that you only go to art school for the professional connections. A lot of STEM careers are locked behind having a specialized degree, but I think this advice is still applicable here. Being a “good student” hasn’t helped me as much as abandoning my anxiety and sending cold emails, showing up at peoples’ guest lectures and office hours, participating fully and sincerely, etc. The stuff I did outside the classroom was more meaningful to me, in the end. (That said, I was lucky to have several classes that were more skills/training-oriented for things like GIS, field botany, conducting environmental assessments for NEPA, etc. You can swing projects for classes like these as opportunities to build skills or create portfolio pieces.)
OK. I thiiiink that’s everything I have for you? I hope that answers your question. If not, I can give it another shot. I'll also leave you with this answer from beloved mutual Heedra re: what Environmental Science as a major is like. I can't believe it's 6 years old because it's part of what put Environmental Science on my radar in the first place LOL
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1eos · 1 year
nah i relate to that so much like my older sibling was diagnosed with autism at age 3 but my parents just never tested me??? and at age 19 i was like hey i might be autistic too and they went "oh yeah that makes sense you were kinda weird as a kid." HELLO??? YOU NOTICED AND DIDNT DO ANYTHING???? and their excuse was i was their one "normal" kid who didnt struggle like my older sibling.... i was flabergasted how do you even respond to that
parents when their child's 'oddities' don't hinder their grades:
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cuz that's all it boils down to most the times. i was making myself sick doing the procrastination/perfection adhd cycle but bc im an amazing test taker ive never made anything below a c in all of grade school so fuck helping me understand what the fuck is going on socially. like c'mon now.....and i will say i did learn how to manage a lot of things on my own which is a good skill to have but i wish we could find a happy medium of 'getting children professional help so they don't feel isolated and have whatever's going on snowball into other issues bc there's no one willing to understand that their brains are different and need different tools' and 'there are some things people have to figure out on their own and parents/peers can't do the emotional work for us'. cuz i did just have to learn how to advocate for myself as someone who CAN but at the same time someone should've jumped in and helped me when i was so paralyzed by executive dysfunction i couldnt....function LMAO. like surely parents can muster up the sense to provide unique structure for us ~in between~ kids so we don't have to flail around until we figure out what works for us!!!!
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silent-dragon · 2 years
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(art by @/celiica @/frankenhoez)
W.W.W. - A J-Pop boy band with fashionable looks and a desire to soothe you with their voices.
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(art by @/celiica @/frankenhoez)
Bitting Moon - Punk Rock boy band of wolves who are all about expressing themselves as they see fit,careful they may bite..
Band member info below
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(From left to right: Cashmere,Lycra,Satine) (art by @/celiica @/frankenhoez)
W.W.W. Members(name is pronounced "Three W")
Stage Name - Lycra
Real Name - Lustre RoseQuartz
Age - 21
Bio - The main vocalist and outfit supervisor of the group. Some will say he is the face of the group but don't let him hear you say that as he prefers the three of them as equal faces of three W. He has a very at first surprising soft deep voice that you don't expect to come out of his mouth. Always dressed so stylish with accessories to match casually so the looks of the group always are on point and he never will let one of the others go out dressed badly even when Cashmere may test him. Loves being more up close with fans by extending his hand out for one or more to touch briefly and always kisses his signature on items they want him to sign. Leaves a faint strawberry scent with every kiss.
Stage Name - Cashmere
Real Name - Tomoai Lyra
Age - 19
Bio - The rapper and suekko(youngest) of the group. Deemed the cute or baby one of the group by fans given his look. He definitely agrees he is very cute but goes further to say he is the most sexy one too. The way he speaks is however not as cute as has a distinct tone and is more spoken word then singing so was given the rapper role of the group,some find his raw speech as cute still. Always sporting very deep V-cut to open tops,short shorts,and thigh socks all in cute colors or patterns. Is the one usually spotted or captured on a fan's phone camera giving a seductive pose. His social media is filled with selfies in different outfits where he asks fans or others how he looks often. Also the group selfie taker,gets the other 2 to take photos that just makes fans swoon and think of him and Lycra as dating often..they are not.
Stage Name - Satine
Real Name - Ivy Caskcut
Age - 21
Bio - The sub vocalist of the group and a professional lyricist. Known as the one who you're most likely to find randomly in public as Satine enjoys spending time in small public places like coffee shops,small business restaurants,or parks just casually reading or writing. He works as an independent romance author as well so is the busiest of the group writing stuff for his publisher and songs for the group. Voice is the most feminine of the group and contrasts well with Lycra's. Always suggests the group do a lingerie shoot to boost fan support but Lycra says they don't need to but it's not out of the question yet. Has a romantic aura about him that when you speak to him sometimes people who are attracted to being sweet talked it feels like he is doing just that.
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(From left to right: Balto,Spike,Chip)(art by @/celiica @/frankenhoez)
Bitting Moon Members
Stage Name - Spike
Real Name - Jesh Howlett
Age - 21
Bio - The main vocalist and lead guitarist of the group. Loud and sometimes obnoxious wolfman who comes off as very selfish. His look of ripped clothing,dog collars,no shirt,bright hair,and abs is what a lot of fans point out they like about him,a dangerous person but collars give a "tameable" look. He is the face of the group of course with appearing on ads that are always sensually charged of him half clothed,collar,and chains plus pet phrases as slogans. Known to not want to share anything he deems as his like food,clothing,etc and will get upset if you touch without permission. Gets the crowd going by near perfectly howling,barking,and/or growling loud into the mic at random moments during a song. Unknown to fans backstage and when not in the spotlight he is not as feral and has a sweet side to him. Always butting heads with Chip and giving Balto questionable dating advice.
Stage Name - Chip
Real Name - Terry Lance
Age - 22
Bio - The sub vocalist and bass guitarist of the group. If Spike seems unbearable to most thankfully Chip is similar but more pleasant to be around as he is not as rude. That doesn't mean he is the complete opposite though as he can be just as loud but is mindful of others and isn't selfish. His look with the glasses gives him a cute nerd type look which makes him stand out to some fans as they love that idea of him being that. Some mystery resides around him as he has large claw scars on his back seen once or twice hence him not being fully shirtless alot. The fact that even on stage Spike and him seem to be competing has encouraged fans to side their feelings to one of them secretly. Is better at flirting with others then Spike the normal way…if Spike flirted the normal way..
Stage Name - Balto
Real Name - Tarak Joshi
Age - 18
Bio - The drummer of the group. The young pup as the other two call him of the trio. He is very different then the others as not very feral with coming off as shy most times. He never expects fans or the camera to want to go to him so often is caught off-guard and panics. Known for looking so tough with face tattoo and scars but is so soft and sweet in person. His ears and tail tend to give away how he is feeling. Has a big smile on face when drumming fans find so cute. Is the one that gets the cute puppy comments or mainly none of the more mature stuff the other two get. He wants to hold a better, more mature image without being rude or obnoxious but seems that's what's in for their group. Super clean friendly as he can't stand being physically dirty at all and is quick to leave and shower after a show. Does have a fierceness about him if someone tries to treat him like a kid too much. Is only a rumor but Spike treated him this way for too long and often says now that pup has a scary arm swing.
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ytrairom · 2 years
Sherlock MBTI analysis
Disclaimer: I’m not a professional when it comes to psychology, I’m also not planning to become one. I researched a lot on MBTI types, read about other people’s thoughts and experiences with their type and also read a lot of character analysis, not only for BBC Sherlock but also for other shows. I also included the cognitive functions that are the base of the MBTI types. I respect other opinions. That being said let’s dive into this analysis :>
Sherlock Holmes – INTP the Logician
Since Sherlock is the main character of the show, we have a lot of material to analyze and giving him a MBTI type was therefore easier than for side characters.
Sherlock is clearly an introverted person; I doubt anyone would object to that. He doesn’t like interacting with people and prefers to do things alone. If he would take the personality test himself, he’d probably get a relatively high score in introversion, above 90% I’d say. He doesn’t get his energy from interacting with people.
Moving on to the next letter, the N which stands for Intuition. I’ve seen some people arguing that he is in fact a sensor (an ISTP) but I’m quite sure he’s an Intuitive. He is able to completely ignore his surroundings, he was talking to John for hours without noticing that John wasn’t even there. Typically, sensors are very aware of their surroundings and find it difficult to ignore what is happening around them. Sensors live in the present while Intuitives live more in the future. Intuitves are also people who tend to see possibilities while sensors like to rely on experience. The reason why people confuse Sherlock for a sensor is because Sherlock is very detail oriented when inspecting a crime scene and when he wants to be he is very aware of his surroundings and notices every small detail. However, Sherlock always notices the big picture. INTPs also like to think through a lot of ideas, they spend a lot of time thinking while ISTPs always start doing things. Sherlock’s mind palace and how he uses it is extremely untypical for an ISTP or a sensor in general but fits an INTP very well. Also INTPs are better at longterm planning than ISTPs and Sherlock is actually good at planning things if he wants to.
Sherlock prefers thinking over feeling, I’ve never seen anyone type him as a feeler. Sherlock makes his decisions based on logic. That doesn’t mean that he is coldhearted or devoid of emotions and empathy, he just prefers to do things based on logic not on feelings.
Sherlock is also more perceiving that judging, I don’t see why anyone would type him as a judger. In the original ACD books he may an INTJ (which I don’t know because I didn't of them, shame on me) but definitely not in the BBC adaption. He doesn’t follow any routines, is always open to new things and goes through life and his cases how it seems right in the situation. That doesn’t mean he is unable to stick to plans, we have seen him making plans and following through with them, it just doesn’t seem to be his preferred way of doing things. He can adapt to unforeseen circumstances and find a solution in the moment. He is also a risk taker. Maybe this is a bit of a stereotype, but Judgers tend to be more organized with their belongings and living space. Sherlock however can work in the greatest chaos and doesn’t even mind it, I sometimes think he works better in a little chaos.
Cognitive functions: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe (These come from the 4 letters his MBTI consists of. You possess 4 cognitive functions: 2 introverted ones and 2 extraverted ones. All of these are developed differently, your primary function is your most developed one and your inferior function your most underdeveloped one.)
Primary function: Introverted thinking. He constantly keeps is mind open to new information and concepts that help him understand the world. He uses Ti to solve problems and quickly understands complex ideas.
Auxiliary function: Extraverted Intuition. He sees possibilities everywhere. He uses Ne to experiment with what could be and find new innovative ideas. He likes to learn about multiple possibilities and gets restless when the environment doesn’t promote experimentation.
Tertiary function: Introverted Sensing. He recalls logical concepts and ideas quickly. He stores and effectively recalls past information when needed.
Inferior function (underdeveloped function): Extraverted feeling. He feels strongly for other people but is unsure how to express feelings for them. He prefers to rely on logic and facts though. He can be very emotional under stress.
When giving someone an MBTI type I always consider the cognitive functions and in this case, they made me fairly sure of my decision because to me Sherlock is an Ne-Si user not a Se-Ni user or a Te user.
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accountcoaching · 1 year
What Is The Trend Among Indian CFA Applicants?
The number of Indian candidates applying for the Chartered Financial Analyst cfa level 1 exams has increased, which can only be described as an emerging trend.
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Right now, India positions third with the most number of competitors taking the test. In June 2022, the cfa institute reported that 14,776 candidates appeared from India, China, and the United States. The worldwide number was 71,914.
CFA test in India
Specialists in the business accept that the pattern is a consequence of the development found in the Indian economy. The nation has turned into a trustworthy speculation objective guaranteeing an expansion in venture experts.
The CFA Sanction expects contender to breeze through three test levels, have a work insight of something like four years in ventures, and focus on the set of principles in proficient lead. Following this, competitors are supposed to apply to a CFA Foundation Society and become an individual from the famous CFA Establishment.
The program educational plan tests abilities and information expected in the venture business. Considering that the worldwide market is changing at an exceptional speed, the CFA test guarantees premium expert lead, moral norms, and global fiscal summary examination. The Level I test especially tests competitors on their capacity to associate their hypothetical comprehension with training. They must demonstrate their capacity for real-time analysis of the investment industry. Other significant ideas incorporate corporate money, abundance the executives, portfolio examination, protections investigation and valuation, financial aspects and quantitative techniques.
Candidates typically need more than three years to successfully complete the CFA Program. Each of the three levels requires determination and a commitment to at least 300 hours of study.
The CFA tests are held across the world in excess of 70 urban communities in December and north of 170 urban areas in the long stretch of June. Test centers are assigned to candidates based on where they prefer to be.
India’s metropolitan areas of New Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Kolkata saw the greatest number of Level 1 test takers in 2022.
IndigoLearn is among the global leaders in international training for CPA, CFA,CMA, ACCA, Data Science & Analytics. It has helped over 500,000 professionals across the globe. With IndigoLearn, 9 out of 10 students pass their exams.
Article Source: cfa preparation
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shroni · 1 year
See, the way I see life, is that we are all creative spirits. For some odd reason though, humans are creatures with amnesia. That’s to say, we forget who and where we are. I mean think about it, why do humans need to have the “birds and the bees” conversation when its time for those weird body changes? The birds and the bees don’t even have a conversation about the birds and the bees.. yet for some reason, us humans do. Why is that? Like I said, it’s the amnesia we have as a collective. Now why we were in this state of forgetfulness and how we got there is a different blog..
Regardless, of the amnesia we constantly find ourselves in, there are some of us who are aware. Aware of the fact, that we are unaware. Some of us are awake in our dream state, and because of this, we see life much more colorfully than those who are merely sleepwalking. I’m one of those people, who remains lucid. I see so many people unaware of who they are, where they came from, and where they’re going. I see so many people consume the wrong beliefs, which then leads to producing the wrong situations for themselves. The only reason I say “wrong,” is because it’s usually the undesirable path. Not wrong as in morally, per se, but wrong as in the incorrect answer. A lot of us, constantly choose the wrong answer.
Now think about what it takes to choose the wrong answer. What’s actually happening that causes someone to do that? Especially when we’re talking about real life circumstances… for example, just imagine taking a test for a major career opportunity. You’d do everything in your ability to answer every question correctly, wouldn’t you? So when you get something incorrect, there could only be so many reasons why; ignorance or stress.
Stress Weighs In
Some of us are extremely intelligent and skilled in our crafts, yet also the worse test takers. You could be a professional commercial airplane pilot for 15 years, yet fail a written “Pilot Aptitude” test from sheer anxiety. You could be complete expert on interior design, but the moment you’re put in the spotlight to design your mother’s new home, you may feel a bit of “performance anxiety.” It could be a totally different situation, where you simply feel overwhelmed by the amount of data coming in, and without enough time to properly process it all, you make a hasty decision.
All of this, is pointing towards stress.
Stress is a tricky son of a bitch. Because stress, as they say, can make diamonds.. or it can burst pipes. Too much stress can cause you to tap out, sometimes in the worse way possible… but just enough stress can light a fire under your ass and ignite your spirit of creativity. The only problem is, it’s easy to lose yourself in the stress. This is where the amnesia kicks in.
That’s why you start making the wrong decisions. At least one reason.. The stress adds up and get into survival mode. Fight or flight is instead of calm and calculated, can definitely lead to the wrong decisions.
2 Types of Ignorance
Another reason is pure ignorance.
Face it. You got the answers wrong and failed the test, because you didn’t STUDY! It’s simple, if you don’t go over the material, how can you expect to know it, when it’s time to be tested?
See that just comes with life experience. Sometimes you just don’t know, and it’s not your fault. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that in that ignorance, the wrong choices will be made.
But it’s one thing to be ignorant, it’s another to choose choose ignorance. If you know, you don’t know, then it’s your responsibility to know! That is, it’s up to you, to put in the effort and hard work to gain knowledge. It’s not just going to just come to you. As metaphysical as I can get, that’s just not how life works. You have to seek the information, and be open to it, in order to actually recieve it. It’ll never come if you’re just pent up in one spot, never exploring and asking questions. Closed eyes see nothing.
Now, there are things we know, and things we don’t know. But there’s also things we don’t even know, that we don’t know. This is innocent ignorance, versus negligent ignorance. If you’re innocently ignorant, it’s going to take a few bruises and burn marks to gain that wisdom. Most of us know this. But who wants to get burned? So people choose to remain ignorant, in hopes they’ll never have to encounter to scolding hot flames of wisdom and knowledge.
At that point it just becomes negligent ignorance. Where you know, that you don’t know, yet you choose to “ignore” that fact. This is pure ignorance, at it’s most literal form. Choosing to ignore the path of wisdom for the sake of having the ability to say “I don’t know.” Or “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Really this should be called cowardice ignorance. But negligent ignorance rolls off the tongue better.
The point is, this ignorance is what leads to more of the amnesia. Instead of going down that road which leads you to the answers, you remain comfortable in your spot of familiarity. Familiar to what has been told to you and everyone else. Familiar to an identity you’ve been given. Familiar to what you think you know.
Well what’s all of this have to do with creativity and metaphysics?
Well it is through both those channels, creativity and metaphysics, that the human spirit is most capable in rediscovering itself. History proves that, with our undying obsession with religion and materialism. Or from a higher perspective, “our connection to the divine unknown and our intense desire to create and consume.”
We can lift the veil and gain a sense of remembrance, when we dive deeper into our spirituality and creativity. And that’s what I’m passionate about. Finding the answers through the arts.
The passion doesn’t just end with me. It’s a collective thing. How can we all remember who we are, through the arts and the occult? Seeking the answers to that question, is what I’m passionate about.
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kmindzfaridabad · 7 hours
Understanding the Computer-Based IELTS Test: All You Need to Know
The IELTS is one of the largest tests to measure English proficiency. Irrespective of how you are applying to universities or for professional certification or you are immigrating, IELTS is usually required. Because of increasing technology computer based ielts exam and rising demand for comfort, IELTS has now introduced two formats: paper-based and computer-based exams. In this blog, we will discuss the computer-based IELTS exam, including its format, advantages, and tips to succeed.
What is Computer-Based IELTS?
The computer-based IELTS is the new modern version of the old traditional paper-based test. Launched with the goal of having a more flexible schedule for test takers, this computer-based version allows you to computer based ielts exam finish all sections; that is, Listening, Reading, and Writing with a computer. On the other hand, the Speaking section is the same for both formats and it is still taken face-to-face with an examiner.
The test content, question types, scoring and structure are the same as the paper-based exam. The only difference is in the medium of answering the questions. This format is becoming very popular since its results can be obtained much quicker and it is easier to schedule.
Components of the Computer-Based IELTS Exam
The components of the computer-based IELTS exam are divided into four sections:
Audio Listening: The Listening section contains four recordings that you'll hear through headphones. You'll answer 40 questions on computer, and the test typically takes 30 minutes to complete. Because the test is computer-based, there's no need for that 10 minute transfer time to write down your answers computer based ielts exam during the paper-based exam. In this computer version, you just have 2 minutes in which to view your answers.
Reading: You will be reading a set of texts and complete 40 questions on the computer within this Reading section. This will take you 60 minutes to do, and you will see all the texts on the screen; with a split view feature so you can refer back to the text and questions at the same time.
Writing Writing - two tasks: Task 1: Report (for the Academic test) or Letter (for the General Training test); Task 2: Essay. computer based ielts exam For those who type on computers, it is easier and faster to do so than to hand-write your answers. This section takes 60 minutes to complete.
Speaking: It is a face-to-face test with an examiner or via video call. The time taken for this module in both the paper and the computer-based test is 11-14 minutes.
Advantages of the Computer-Based IELTS Exam
There are quite a few advantages for opting for the computer-based IELTS exam.
This will save a lot of time for the person as the computer-based test is going to give him or her results in 3 to 5 days, whereas the paper-based test will take 13 days to deliver the results.
More Test Dates: While the computer-based test does not offer a lot of added benefits in terms of preparation, it does allow for more test date flexibility, with more test dates available, thereby ensuring that one takes it at a time of their convenience, especially helpful if you have a deadline to meet in terms of applications.
Convenience and Comfort: The computer IELTS exam is more comforting and efficient for the practitioners of typing. Features such as word count and spell check that only flags basic misspellings are also comforting. You may use on-screen highlighting and note-taking tools while taking the Reading section.
Clarity in Listening Section: Since the listening section is handled with individual headphones, the audio clarity is better compared to a paper-based examination that is handled in a bigger room with shared audio.
Some Tips for Success in the Computer-Based IELTS Exam
Here are some of the tips so that you can perform well in the computer-based IELTS exam:
Get familiar with the layout: Get comfortable with using the computer-based interface. Both paper and computer versions of IELTS provide official practice materials. Use these to become familiar with how you will navigate between questions and the tools.
Practice typing faster. Since you are supposed to type down all the answers, especially in the Writing section, it is crucial that you learn to practice typing quickly and accurately. Do not waste too much time editing your work; this will cut into your test-taking time.
Manage Your Time Properly: This test does not include the spare 10 minutes for transcribing answers during the Listening section. With computer based ielts exam time management, you ought to answer the questions right away and monitor the timer with your eye on it.
Use On-screen Tools: In the Reading and Writing sections, use on-screen tools to underline important points, note anything you need to, or mark up how far you are. This tool will structure your thoughts and sharpen your focus on essential information.
Listen with Headphones: Since the Listening section is taken in isolation with individual headphones, try to practice beforehand with something of similar equipment to get used to the sound quality and the volume control.
Is a computer-based IELTS exam right for you?
The choice of computer-based IELTS rests upon your comfort level with technology and typing skills. It is a format that suits people who are more comfortable with computers than paper-based tests and require their results sooner. However, if you are someone who writes legibly or are otherwise accustomed to a lot of writing by hand or have difficulty concentrating on a screen for such a long period, then the paper version might be more suitable to you.
Computer-based IELTS is an ideal option for anyone who likes the convenience of technology and the swiftness of report issuance. As identical to its counterpart in paper-based content and scores, it provides flexibility with contemporary advantages without sacrificing the quality of the assessment being made. computer based ielts exam Knowing its structure, the benefits it avails, and the strategies to success will guide you positively as you prepare for IELTS and select the most suitable test format for your needs.
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