spockvarietyhour · 7 days
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Profit and Loss"
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odinsblog · 2 years
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"We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor."
—Martin Luther King Jr.
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not-poignant · 2 months
I was thinking back to the post I made about ebooks being so much more accessible for so many people compared to paperbacks/hardbacks and the other thing I wanted to add is the vast, vast majority of the time, the author gets so much more profit comparatively for an ebook than a paperback/hardback.
That's not a problem for huge huge huge authors either way, but for small-time authors, or authors with small publishing houses, the difference in profits can sometimes be $2.00 or $3.00 per ebook sold vs. $0.50c or $1.00 per paperback. Really. You pay more, but the author gets a lot less.
In the case of indie authors like myself, ebooks give the highest returns always.
This isn't necessarily something most readers think about, but I have had readers assume that because the book format cost them more, that automatically means more goes to the author. In fact it's often the opposite. There are very few exceptions (university texts come to mind). But in the case of your run-of-the-mill indie fiction, if you genuinely want the most profit to go to the author, get the ebook.
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somecunttookmyurl · 8 months
someone (blocked immediately for total lack of reading comprehension) in my notes proclaiming they make jewellery with "real gemstones" in that they can't even get people to "pay the cost of the stones" on because that would be $200-300 and i have never read a bigger load of bullshit in my life
ma'am if your supplier is charging you two hundred fucking dollars for enough gemstones to make one piece of jewellery you are a victim of the biggest scam since ea nasir. you can go and buy fully made fine jewellery for less than that and deconstruct it.
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fallershipping · 3 days
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Looker is a silly man. While I don't see him as a gambler, it's funny to think that he is not immune to the Game Corner. Which sure, it can be a sign that he's playing adult slots... But the fact that he's trying to get TMs means he's treating this place like an arcade rather than true gambling. So he has the money and time to spare (and perhaps knows which machine is a winner somehow)
I like to think that he ahem KNOWS HIS WAY AROUND table gambling. Not for the money, but for appearances and blending with the crowd and gaining info. He's also sneaky and prone to... Perfectly legal strategies.
But I also think he likes arcades too.
Because he's Looker.
Where do you think he got all that glitter paint from.
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outofcontextdiscord · 16 days
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philsdrivinglicence · 2 months
Thinking about how we know dan and phil (or at least phil) are considerate of their neighbors while filming in hotels. But in this last video dan was full on YELLING and phil said nothing. Meaning they are confident that they are far enough away from other people they can act out of pocket and not get yelled at.
Life isn't fair I wanna win at capitalism by accidentally creating an entertainment empire with my barely legally twink bf and then blow ££££ on extravagant holidays but Phil Lester got there first.
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bagheerita · 7 days
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This has to be the biggest fucking lie he's ever told tbh
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agnesandhilda · 2 years
quote from man shot
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sasukecouchiewa · 4 months
Garak: thats the thing about love, no one really understands it, do they?
Oh Garak... my mind is BREWING this episode FED me for the next week im gonna be thinking about it so much. My god Garak the man that you are. My sweet sweet Beautiful Garak. Why did he do all that why is he so charming in everything he does. I need more of him why isnt he in every single episode
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retellingthehobbit · 7 months
Dang, I almost forgot Ao3 bans any mention of monetizing your work (for obvious sensible and understandable reasons)-- Patreon will never be mentioned there, haha! XD Thanks to the people who reminded me before I went too far. In any case, you can follow me on Patreon for art tutorials, general art stuff, Les Mis stuff, and early Hobbit Comic pages :). But I will not bring it up on A03. I will be as silent as the grave.
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seaglassandeelgrass · 9 months
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Profits & Prices: Who makes what and what is paid by whom? Songs of commodities, costs, collateral, consumption, and compensation.
Cover image is a butcher selling mutton from Ms.4182 tav.138, the 14th-century Tacuinum Sanitatis held by the Biblioteca Casanatense.
The Money Crop- Malvina Reynolds
Who Reaps the Profits? Who Pays the Price?- Leon Rosselson
Working Reward- The Haymarket Squares
Pound a Week Rise- Siobhan Miller
Hey Ho- Tracy Grammer
The Hand That Feeds- The Crane Wives
Tomorrow Will Follow Today- Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman
Age of the Robber Barons- David Rovics
The Falcon- Mimi & Richard Farina
Dictatorship of Capital- Alistair Hulett
You Stay Here- Richard Shindell
Le Diable et le Fermier- Windborne
Chemical Worker's Song- Jimmy Aldridge & Sid Goldsmith
Dying to Make a Living- The Local Honeys
Black Trade- The Unthanks
Something in the Rain- Tish Hinojosa
Free Enterprise- Jan Hammarlund
The Ballad of Accounting- Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl
The Capitalist Blues- Leyla McCalla
P.O.P. (Profit Over People)- The Moods
The Butcher's Sher- Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird
21 tracks; 85 mins. [Spotify]
[my other playlists]
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somecunttookmyurl · 8 months
Now I'm honestly kind of curious what that "totes real gem stones" jewelry of 300 bucks looks like, lmao
I once saw someone selling mountain crystals, small pieces, for 100 bucks. So many scammers with stones. Wonder if that person is a scammer themselves, just bullshitting, or has the worst supplier ever.
it would have to be the worst supplier ever because in less than 5 min i tracked down a wholesale supplier who will give me twenty five 3mm lab-grown sapphires for £38
that's about £1.50 each. so £3 for a pair of earrings assuming you only used one in each
thing is i could make stirling-silver-and-sapphires earrings and sell them for the price of claire's costume jewellery and still be making a huge profit on it. it's just that nobody would believe it's real at that price.
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This is a feature-length documentary about being queer, about cyberpunk, about movies and about life and it's free to watch
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asexualjedi · 8 months
Somehow quark’s plea to odo to help him get his lover off the station is so homosexual. And as I typed this quark said “do it for me” wow wow wow
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