#there are exceptions to everything
gamebunny-advance · 1 year
OOC? (Again) (Draft)
Sometimes I think about how NJ and 1010 apparently weren't originally written to have any kind of parent-child bond, but since it's basically been adopted as canon, I wonder how that has changed the reading/writing of NJ's character over time.
NSR (the game) is not a subtle work. For better or worse, it is very ham-fisted in how it wants you to feel about the ideas and themes it explores, and 1010 is one of the more blatant examples.
NSR is incredibly cynical about the concept of the boy band. It remarks how the industry basically manufactures its idols for mass consumption, who can then be replaced in an instant with a look-alike among look-alikes. Beneath all their charm, 1010 operates under militaristic conditions, headed by an actual military leader who puts his ideals and serving his company before the well-being of himself and his crew.
None of that is really new commentary. The comparison between boy bands being expendable drones that feed a corrupt system has been around practically since the peak of boy band popularity, but it is nonetheless a key component of 1010/NJ's characterization that I don't see utilized often.
I think some of the nuances of their character is lost from how, unlike most of the other antagonists, 1010 and NJ aren't the cause of their corruption: they're the product. Almost every other boss's conflict is a result of a character flaw:
DJSS's ego causes him to neglect his district and abuse the people around him.
Team Sayu's struggle to cooperate leads to Sayu becoming unstable.
DK West and Zuke's poor communication causes their relationship to deteriorate.
Yinu's brattiness is enabled by Mama, whose overprotectiveness leads to her focusing more on vengeance than actually protecting her daughter.
Eve's wrath causes her to unfairly target Mayday, which at the core is caused by Eve's codependent self-worth.
Meanwhile, 1010's major conflict seems to be based around their shallowness (their "artificiality" if you will). They self-destruct not directly due to B2J, but because they were rejected by their fans after revealing their "true" forms. But it's hard to call that a "character flaw" when they aren't really "characters." In the context of the story, 1010 are closer to props than actually fully realized characters like the rest of the main cast.
In a human or otherwise sapient character, their inability to be of any worth without their looks would be a significant character flaw, but 1010's status as dubiously sapient robots reduces a lot of their agency. 1010 cannot experience character growth because they are incapable of doing anything beyond their programming.
That said, this would mean that any flaws they do have should be reflective of whoever programmed them, which should be Neon J., but Neon J.'s main character flaw is seemingly unrelated to 1010's.
I know that in earlier versions of the script and his character design, Neon J's vanity/low self-esteem was a key part of his character, but it isn't really present in the final product.
In the game, NJ's major flaw appears to be dogma: his dedication to NSR and upholding its ideals are what leads him to be so militaristic, and apparently he has caused many atrocities in the name of NSR due to misguided loyalty to the company. In a way, it mirrors how B2J are disregarding the consequences of their actions in the name of their own ideals.
While he speaks like he is one of the more selfless members of NSR, comments about how "If you mess with my troops, you mess with me!" fail to hold water when NJ doesn't go into the front lines until he pushes his crew literally past their breaking point. Even when he does go on the offensive, all of his attacks involve utilizing the 1010s as weapons.
I dunno, after all that, I just can't read Neon J. as a particularly loving or kind person, and I don't think he was ever meant to be. This isn't to say that I think he's evil or needs to be scorned, it's just that I think people assume he's a lot nicer than he actually is.
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january-summers · 3 months
"AO3 doesn't need a "dislike" button"
Um, actually, it already has one. Depending on your specs, it might look a little different but over all it looks kinda like this:
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You can find it at the corner of your screen, which corner is dependent on your layout.
Anyway, if you dislike a fic, you can hit this Dislike Button until the fic goes away. It really is pretty amazing actually.
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romanceyourdemons · 11 months
so much love for characters who are desperately unsure whether they’re a good person, a redeemable person, a person worth saving, but are absolutely certain that they’re a grade a hottie
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i'm begging you guys to start pirating shit from streaming platforms. there are so many websites where you can stream that shit for free, here's a quick HOW TO:
1) Search for: watch TITLE OF WORK free online
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2) Scroll to the bottom of results. Click any of the "Complaint" links
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3) You will be taken to a long list of links that were removed for copyright infringement. Use the 'find' function to search for the name of the show/movie you were originally searching for. You will get something like this (specifics removed because if you love an illegal streaming site you don't post its url on social media)
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4) each of these links is to a website where you can stream shit for free. go to the individual websites and search for your show/movie. you might have to copy-paste a few before you find exactly what you're looking, but the whole process only takes a minute. the speed/quality is usually the same as on netflix/whatever, and they even have subtitles! (make sure to use an adblocker though, these sites are funded by annoying popups)
In conclusion, if you do this often enough you will start recognizing the most dependable websites, and you can just bookmark those instead. (note: this is completely separate from torrenting, which is also a beautiful thing but requires different software and a vpn)
you can also download the media in question (look for a "download" button built into the video window, or use a browser extension such as Video DownloadHelper.)
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comradekatara · 5 months
ppl who are like “there’s no way sokka’s art skills would improve, he’s ontologically bad at art” ummmm. dude. you realize that this is the mary sue of hobbies, right? this guy could out-westley westley. he would develop an immunity to iocane powder in less than a week because he’s just that prodigious. he became a kyoshi warrior who could best their leader in a matter of hours, and this was the first time he had ever trained in his life with an actual teacher and opponent. he mastered the sword in one day, if we’re to take piandao’s word for it (and considering his name is literally sword, he is clearly an expert). sokka looked at the rough schematics for hot air balloons after the eminent inventor in the world had spent who knows how long not able to get his idea to actually work like “uhhh…. this may sound obvious, but have you tried a lid???” he has borderline supernatural aim with a boomerang. he was dropped into a haiku battle knowing nothing about the form, and not only beat the leader of ba sing se’s premier haiku club, but also chose, completely unnecessarily, to make each verse rhyme. if he actually sat down and practiced drawing, maybe with some instruction from a trained artist, or easier beginner’s materials than ink and a brush (you’ve all seen my art, and I still cannot paint with ink and a brush), I think sokka would easily be able to produce a work on par with (if not superior to) the mona lisa by the following morning.
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astralpenguin · 1 year
self care is writing a fic that you’re literally the sole target audience for
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rufwooff · 2 months
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HERE WE GOOOOO THE WHOLE HAMATO GANG (I don’t really like this art, they don’t look like themselves here)
I've never drawn Splinter so often in my life ngl
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jitterbugbear · 11 months
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malanya the horse god - mixed media
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earl-of-221b · 7 months
I can’t explain what blue eye samurai makes me feel…….its a typical revenge story, a man sets out on his hero’s journey to kill the four men who have wronged him. A lone ronin, wide brimmed hat and sword in hand, roaming Edo Japan on his vendetta. But he’s not a man. He’s a woman. And how has he been wronged? What’s she getting revenge on?
On the fact that she exists. She wants revenge on the four white men that could possibly have conceived her. Who got her Japanese mother pregnant with a blue-eyed child. And not just any blue-eyed child, but a girl child. How is she possibly supposed to live in the world like that? For the wrong of being conceived, for the wrong of being born, for the wrong of being birthed into a world that will never love or accept her, she will kill her father.
I don’t know what level of convoluted self hate that is. Is she a child of rape? Or a child of a whore? Halfway through I realise what she told herself at the start couldn’t possibly be true - it’s not really for her mother. Her mother wasn’t the root of her vendetta, she wasn’t really doing it for her. When she leaves that farm and leaves the chance to live a simple, legitimate life as a woman, she goes right back to hunting down the men. Those men personally wronged her.
And then there’s so much to be discussed surrounding the way she grew up, because as a boy child and a man she can afford so much more than life has dealt her. Her swordfather who took her in out of the love and care in his heart had no shame in teaching a mixed man his art. The face of a ‘demon’ is fine. But not the identity of a woman. Shh. Don’t say it. Don’t confess. He knows and doesn’t want to hear it.
And because she’s lived that way her entire life for safety and security, she’s so completely alienated from being a woman, perhaps she really is he. But not really by choice. Or is it? The thing she does best is the art of killing, the art of men. Gender is a prison and gender is a performance and she has to choose which to perform. The times cannot reconcile hatred and violence with a woman. So she lives as a man.
So she can get revenge on her father, for revenge on herself.
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mildmayfoxe · 7 months
a lot of these candies have a lot of haters out there despite most of them having a lot of lovers too. but which one do YOU love despite it all??
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qiinamii · 8 months
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crown swap
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alithographica · 5 months
Regret to inform you lotion spider post is probably fake, in the notes there are People pointing out the same reviewer has been periodically posting the exact same review over and over
I am devastated, nobody talk to me unless you can make spider lotion real
Spiders if you’re reading this you have a huge opportunity to commit to the bit here
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crunchchute · 2 months
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I can be your devil
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notemaker · 10 months
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Imagine building a family in a terrible world. Some of you die sooner, and you try to make it work. Then everyone, everything is gone, you have less than a minute to process that, and you're alone. Except it's worse! Because your family will be there, but suddenly you're not part of it. The house is in front of you and you don't have the keys.
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bluerosefox · 5 months
Possessed Pearl's
You know how in some ghost stories sometimes its not a person or a land that's haunted but the items?
Well what if, when looking for a mother's day gift for his mom, Danny is looking around a pawn shop and finds a necklace, it's missing some pearls but it's just enough to pass off as a decent gift. Danny humms but decides against it and goes to leave it....
That was until he gasped out blue frost and spots a ghostly woman appear out of the necklace with a somber smile. She isn't as seeable as the other ghosts in Amity though, meaning she doesn't have enough ectoplasm on her own (that might change the longer she's in Amity and around Danny though) and that right now only Danny can see her.
And Danny well... hes been doing his hero gig for a bit now, might go and ask if there was anything he can do to help.
And later Danny's good deed... bites him back. Oh boy. Because now he has the Bats looking into Amity Park... Wait what do you mean Martha is now strong enough to be seen?!
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comradekatara · 2 months
> be zuko
> try desperately to ingratiate yourself within the avatar’s friend group (to no avail, of course, because you have terrible social skills, and previously tried to kill them, also)
> try to fight off the human wmd you previously hired to blow them all up
> fail miserably, because he is indestructible
> watch as sokka effortlessly kills him with a very precise boomerang throw to the brain
> suddenly recall every single time you got hit in the head by his boomerang
> feel immense gratitude for what you had previously dismissed as uncle’s obnoxiously stringent and paranoid over-emphasis on the importance of helmet safety
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