#prompt hot coco by the fire
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Halloween Movie Marathon.
fictober masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - this one gives me all the feels, ngl, what i would do to have a cuddle on the sofa with harry.
word count - 3.3k
in which, it's your first halloween where your children finally understand the concept of what it is, after having taken them out trick or treating, the four of you all cuddle up on the sofa, hot coco in one hand whilst the other dips in and out of there sweet bucket, a movie marathon where the films are child friendly halloween films which both you and your husband can't wait to show your children, creating not only a family tradition but memories to last a lifetime.
trope: husband!harry
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On a crisp and moonlit Halloween night, you and your husband Harry excitedly prepared for a tradition you'd been waiting for since your children were born: taking Malachai, your four-year-old, and Winnie, your freshly turned two-year-old daughter, out for their first real trick-or-treating experience.
The excitement was palpable in your household as you helped your little ones into their carefully selected costumes.
Malachai's face lit up with joy as he twirled around in his Batman suit, a reflection of his unyielding enthusiasm for all things superhero. His deep blue cape fluttered dramatically behind him as he posed with a playful grin, ready to conquer the night.
Winnie, on the other hand, had been dressed as Wednesday Addams, a character she seemed to have an innate connection with, despite her tender age.
She didn’t really smile a lot, only when she was near her father, the two of them had an exceptionally close bond.
The tiny, sombre costume suited her perfectly, with a jet-black dress, pale makeup, and her dark hair held in two braided pigtails. She looked both adorable and eerie, a striking contrast that only added to her charm.
As you stepped out into the cool, autumn evening, the streets were alive with the flickering glow of jack-o'-lanterns and the sounds of excited children and their parents.
Your little family joined the Halloween revelry, with Malachai leading the way, exuberantly shouting, "Trick or treat!" at each house you visited.
He expertly wielded his plastic Batmobile bucket, a constant companion throughout the evening, eagerly awaiting candy from each doorstep.
Winnie, being at the tender age of two, was just starting to grasp the concept of Halloween. She clung to your hand, her big green eyes (much like her fathers) filled with curiosity and a hint of wariness, occasionally practising her very own version of "trick or treat" in the sweetest toddler lisp. Her tiny fingers couldn't quite manage the task of holding a candy bag, so you and Harry took turns collecting her treats.
The decorations adorning the houses in your neighbourhood were nothing short of breathtaking. Cobwebs, pumpkins, and eerie silhouettes of witches and ghosts adorned every porch. Your little ones were enthralled by the captivating displays, each one sparking their imaginations as you ventured from one house to the next.
As the night wore on, a gentle chill settled in, prompting you to pause at a neighbor's fire pit where families gathered, toasting marshmallows and sharing spooky stories.
Malachai and Winnie marvelled at the dancing flames, their faces illuminated with the warm glow of the fire. It was in moments like these that you cherished the closeness of your family.
After several hours of trick-or-treating, the excitement began to give way to sleepy yawns and drooping eyelids. Malachai's candy bucket had grown heavy with the spoils of the night, while Winnie's adorable little face was smeared with chocolate from her first-ever Halloween treat. You decided it was time to head back home.
Walking hand in hand, you strolled back through the now quiet streets, your hearts full of love for your little superheroes and the charmingly spooky Wednesday Addams. With Malachai's cape fluttering in the breeze and Winnie's pigtails swaying, it was a Halloween night that you would cherish for years to come,
As you step through the front door, a warmth envelops you, not just from the inviting atmosphere of your home but from the joy and contentment of your Halloween adventure with Malachai and Winnie.
Harry, with a gentle smile, looks at you and says, "M’gonna get t’kids changed into their cosy pyjamas, and y’can work y’magic on the hot cocoa. They're going t’love it."
He leans down to pick up Winnie, who snuggles into his neck with her tiny Wednesday Addams costume. She clings to his shirt, and her tired eyes still hold a glimmer of excitement from the night's adventure. Malachai, gripping his plastic Batmobile bucket, eagerly extends his hand to Harry, who takes it with a reassuring squeeze.
"Okay, y’two," Harry says as he starts to make his way up the stairs with the kids in tow. "S’time t’get into y’warm PJs and then we'll come down f’a treat with Mommy."
Winnie, in her sleepy state, mumbles something unintelligible but content into Harry's neck, and Malachai excitedly chatters about his favorite houses and the candies he collected. You can hear their footsteps gradually ascending the stairs as they disappear from view, leaving you alone in the cozy living room, already picturing the smiles on their faces when they taste the hot cocoa.
He makes his way to Winnie's bedroom with his precious Wednesday Addams in tow. The room is bathed in a soft, comforting glow from the nightlight, casting gentle shadows that dance on the walls.
He eases her out of her costume, chuckling softly as she fumbles with the little buttons and zippers.
"Y’doing great, m’sunshine," he encourages her, his deep voice filled with warmth.
Winnie's little diaper-clad bottom wiggles as she chooses her own pyjamas from her drawer. Her tiny hands reach for the set with pumpkins, as if she instinctively knows that it's Halloween. She tugs the pyjamas out and turns to her father, holding them up with a proud grin.
Harry can't help but smile at her choice.
"Pumpkins, huh? S’perfect f’tonight, m’little pumpkin," he says, bending down to scoop her up in his arms. Her small frame is light and warm against him, and he revels in the sweet scent of her baby shampoo and the feeling of her little arms wrapping around his neck.
With gentle precision, he helps her slide into her pumpkin pajamas, making sure every button is secure.
"There you go, all set," he whispers, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. Winnie nestles into her father's arms, feeling safe and cosy in her Halloween-themed sleepwear.
With Winnie all set in her cosy pumpkin pyjamas, Harry turns his attention to his energetic four-year-old superhero, Malachai.
"Alright’, buddy," he grins, sweeping Malachai up in his arms. "S’go t’y’room."
Malachai's face lights up with excitement as he's carried off, his tiny Batmobile bucket still clutched in his hand. His little heart races with the anticipation of choosing his pajamas. Harry gently lowers him onto his lap, their faces almost level, and begins to help him out of the Batman costume.
As he peels back the cape and unzips the suit, Malachai can't help but giggle.
"Daddy, I got so many candies!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.
Harry chuckles, ruffling his son's hair. "I saw that, buddy! Y’were an amazing Batman out there."
With the costume finally off, Harry tells Malachai,
"Okay, go ahead and pick out your pyjamas." Malachai doesn't need a second invitation; he eagerly darts off to his dresser, a whirlwind of excitement and enthusiasm.
In a matter of seconds, he's back, holding up a pair of Batman-themed pajamas, complete with a little Bat-Signal on the shirt. Harry can't help but laugh at his son's choice. "Well, I should've guessed you'd pick those, m’little superhero."
Malachai grins from ear to ear as he hands over the pajamas to his dad, ready for the last transformation of the night before they both head downstairs to enjoy the hot cocoa and some Halloween treats.
As Harry is helping Malachai change into his Batman pyjamas, he suddenly hears a commotion coming from the nearby bedroom. Laughter and the sound of fabric rustling are unmistakable signs that Winnie is up to something.
He gently advises Malachai, "Almost done, buddy. Just a moment."
He heads to Winnie's room, where he finds his little Wednesday Addams in the midst of a rather energetic quilt-throwing exercise. Quilt pieces lie strewn about, and her mischievous giggles fill the room.
With an amused smile, Harry asks her, "Win, what are y’doing, sweetie?"
Winnie looks up, her big green eyes holding a glint of mischief, and she simply replies, "Bored."
Harry chuckles at her honesty, realising that she's probably looking for some excitement after the adventure of trick-or-treating.
He kneels down and gently gathers her into his arms. "Well, how about we go downstairs and have some hot cocoa? Would that be more exciting than bothering your lovely bed?"
Winnie nods, her pumpkin pyjamas crinkling with the movement.
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Fifteen minutes have passed since you and Harry managed to get the little ones settled into their cozy pajamas and had some quality bonding time. Now, the living room is a hub of activity as the two of you prepare for a movie night to round off Halloween in style.
You've both changed into your comfortable pajamas, creating an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation. Harry wears a simple t-shirt and shorts, while you've slipped into a pair of his boxers and one of his well-worn t-shirts that still carries the scent of his cologne. It's a comforting aroma that wraps around you like a familiar embrace, making you feel even closer to him.
Together, you're setting up the living room for the perfect movie night. The TV is on, casting a soft, inviting glow across the room. A cozy blanket is spread out on the couch, waiting to envelop you both in its warmth as the night progresses.
In the kitchen, you can hear the gentle hum of the microwave as the popcorn starts to pop. The tantalizing scent of buttered popcorn fills the air, promising a delectable treat for the evening's entertainment.
With the popcorn timer set, you and Harry adjust the cushions on the couch, fluffing them up for maximum comfort. The remote control rests on the coffee table, ready to transport you to the world of your chosen Halloween movie.
Harry glances at you and grins.
"M’gonna come with y’t’ get t’hot cocoa, so we don't have t’keep getting up during t’movies," he suggests, knowing that once you're all settled in on the couch, it's best to minimise interruptions.
You nod in agreement and turn toward Malachai and Winnie, who are perched on the couch, their eyes fixed on the TV.
"Alright, kiddos," you say playfully, "we'll be right back. Be good for a minute."
Malachai nods, his little Batman eyes shining with excitement, and Winnie gives you a mischievous grin.
"Behave, you two," you say, smirking at them, knowing that their idea of "being good" might be open to interpretation.
In the cosy kitchen, you and Harry stand side by side, the scent of popcorn filling the air as the microwave hums to life. The sound of kernels popping is rhythmic, a soothing backdrop to the conversation between you two.
As you prepare the popcorn, Harry can't resist leaning in and brushing a playful kiss to your cheek.
"Y’know," he says with a mischievous glint in his eye, "you wearing m’shirt does something t’me."
You chuckle and play along. "Oh, does it now? And what might that be?"
Harry's lips curl into a gentle smile as he takes a step closer.
"Well," he begins, "it makes m’want t’hold y’like this." He wraps his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You feel your heart flutter at his touch and tilt your head toward him, resting it on his shoulder.
"What else?" you ask, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Harry's warm breath tickles your ear as he continues, "It makes m’want t’kiss y’until we forget all about the movie night."
His words are filled with affection and desire, and you can't help but blush. The microwave dings, signalling that the popcorn is ready, and you both turn your attention to the hot cocoa.
You grab the mugs and pour the steaming chocolatey goodness, while Harry retrieves a can of whipped cream from the fridge. As you finish garnishing the cocoa, you feel his presence close behind you.
He places a soft kiss on your temple and whispers, "And y’laugh, especially in m’shirt, s’m’favorite sound."
You turn to face him, sharing a sweet, lingering kiss as you exchange mugs, ready to head back to the living room with the popcorn and hot cocoa, cherishing this tender moment and the love that surrounds you.
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The living room is now perfectly set up for a family movie night. The soft glow of the TV illuminates the room, casting a cozy atmosphere that envelops you all. Winnie's choice for the evening is "Hotel Transylvania," and it's playing on the screen. She's curled up on her father's lap, a warm blanket cocooning her tiny form.
As the movie begins, you can't help but smile at the sight. Winnie's eyes are wide with wonder as she watches the colourful characters on the screen. Harry wraps his arms protectively around her, his gentle voice whispering, "S’this y’favourite movie, sweetheart?"
Winnie nods, her sleepy eyes twinkling with delight, and she snuggles deeper into her father's embrace.
On the other side of the couch, Malachai is cuddled up against you, his little head resting on your shoulder. He clutches his favourite superhero plushie tightly in his hand, occasionally glancing at the screen with rapt attention.
The atmosphere is filled with warmth, love, and the soft sounds of the movie, punctuated by the occasional giggle from Winnie.
The movie progresses, and as the characters in "Hotel Transylvania" embark on their comical adventures, a series of shared giggles and gasps fills the room.
Winnie, with her fascination for the animated world on the screen, occasionally points at the characters, and Harry, ever the doting father, indulges her by asking, "Do y’like Dracula, sweetie?"
Winnie grins widely, her tiny face alight with excitement, and nods, "Dracula funny!"
Meanwhile, Malachai is engrossed in the movie's action, his big brown eyes wide as he follows every twist and turn. He occasionally snuggles closer to you, as if seeking comfort during the slightly spooky scenes.
As the family settles in, you reach for the bowl of popcorn and hand a piece to Malachai, who takes it eagerly and munches away, the crunch of popcorn providing a delightful background sound to the film.
With a warm, contented sigh, you nuzzle your son's hair and steal a quick glance at Harry and Winnie. You can't help but appreciate these quiet, precious moments when it's just the four of you, lost in a world of animated monsters and a shared love that binds you.
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Midway through the movie, as the animated characters face a comical conundrum, Malachai can no longer resist the allure of the candies he's collected during the night.
He sneaks a hand into his Batmobile bucket, selects a piece, and with a sly grin, he turns to you, his wide eyes shining. "Mommy, want a candy?"
You can't help but chuckle at his irresistible charm and accept the candy he offers. After taking the treat, you lean in, gently pressing a soft kiss to his button-like nose. He lets out a joyful giggle at the unexpected display of affection, his heart warmed by the simple gesture.
With the candy indulged, you both return your attention to the movie. The lively characters on the screen continue their quirky adventures, and the living room echoes with shared laughter and the occasional gasp at the on-screen antics.
Harry, from his spot across the room, watches with a fond smile. His heart swells with love as he sees the bond between you and Malachai, a mother and son sharing moments of pure joy.
He can't help but chime in, "Hey, don't forget to save some candy for me!"
Malachai grins and offers the candy bucket to his father, who selects a piece with a playful wink.
As "Hotel Transylvania" nears its conclusion, it's evident that the long and exciting day of Halloween adventures has taken its toll on the little ones.
Malachai, his eyelids growing heavier with every passing moment, has shifted from his snug spot at your side to rest his head on his father's lap.
Winnie, nestled under her blanket and clutching her favourite plush toy, is in a half-dreamy state as she gazes at the screen.
The movie's ending is met with a quiet stillness in the room, punctuated only by the gentle, even breaths of your two precious superheroes.
The soft glow of the TV paints a warm, comforting picture. Harry smiles down at Malachai, who is slowly surrendering to sleep, and he gently strokes his son's hair, a loving and protective father's touch.
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In the quiet moments of the evening, the soft lamplight casts a warm, gentle glow in the living room. The day's activities have left Winnie tired but still full of curiosity and energy. She's been trying to settle on her fathers lap like she does most nights but now she has a different kind of need.
As you sit comfortably on the couch, Winnie's inquisitive spirit takes over.
She crawls over to your lap, her bright eyes filled with a mix of innocence and desire.
She pauses in front of you, gazing up with a look that seems to convey, "Mommy, can I?"
You smile down at her, understanding her silent request. In response, you lovingly adjust your position, allowing her to crawl onto your lap. Her tiny hands, warm and soft, reach for your shirt, her fingers fumbling to lift it up.
You ask her, "Do you want some mommy milk, sweetie?"
Winnie's face lights up with a happy nod, and she whines softly as her efforts to lift your shirt all the way are met with a bit of difficulty. Her determination to satisfy her hunger is apparent, and her love for "mummy milk" is a testament to the special bond between a mother and her child.
With a gentle, motherly touch, you guide her to your breast, and she latches on with eager determination. As she begins to feed, you brush her soft hair away from her face and stroke her cheek. The connection between you two deepens, and in this intimate moment, you cherish the unique and profound love you share.
As your youngest settles into her peaceful breastfeeding session, the living room is not devoid of activity.
On the sofa, you can see Harry and your eldest still seated together.
Malachai's eyes are heavy, his little body leaning comfortably against his father. The remnants of their family movie night are visible in the traces of popcorn that litter the coffee table.
Malachai glances up at his father, his sleepy gaze meeting Harry's warm, tender eyes.
With a quiet understanding, he says, "Daddy, I love our family."
Harry's heart swells with love, and he replies, "I love our family too, buddy. And y’know what? We're all so lucky t’have Mommy, aren't we?"
Malachai smiles, his sleepy face lit up with affection. "Yeah, we're the luckiest. And Winnie's lucky too."
Harry chuckles softly. "Y’absolutely right, m’little superhero."
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The night has fallen, and the house is immersed in a comforting stillness. You and Harry have just put both Malachai and Winnie to bed, their innocent faces wrapped in the embrace of slumber.
The room is now your own, and the two of you lay side by side in the cosy intimacy of your double bed.
Harry, the moonlight gently caressing his features, turns to you with a thoughtful look.
"Do y’ever think about trying f’another baby?" he asks, his voice laced with curiosity.
Harry's question hangs in the air, you go quiet, and a small, enigmatic smile plays on your lips. Harry notices your silence and turns his head to look at you, his eyes searching for your thoughts.
“S’that smile for?" he asks with a curious, quizzical expression.
You take a deep breath, your heart beating a little faster, and with a soft chuckle, you say, "I don't think there's much 'trying' to do."
His brow furrowed in confusion for a moment, but then your hand gently guided his, placing it on your stomach. As he feels the gentle, subtle curve of your belly under his touch, realisation dawns in his eyes, and his gaze locks onto yours.
A beautiful mix of emotions washes over him, and with a joyful and surprised grin, he whispers, "Are y’saying...?"
You nod, your eyes shining with love and happiness. "Yes, H, we're going to have another baby."
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forever-rogue · 1 year
eeeeeeeeeee!!!!! bee if you write for Javi sunshine G, I was thinking about him and a shy reader where they’re both fools in love who don’t know the other is in love and this cute prompt I saw the other day
when you are nervous and avoiding eye contact with your crush or lover and they suddenly stand closer to you and whisper, "look at me."
because if Javi G did that I would pass out, his puppy eyes are too much 😭
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AN | Oh yes, he is absolute sunshine and this called for a love confession 🥰❤️
Pairing | Javi  Gutierrez x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.1k
Masterlist | PP Characters, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You’re being ridiculous,” you were looking between Javi and the garment bag he was excitedly displaying to you. You didn’t even have to see the name on the bag to know it was outrageously expensive. That was Javi though, he never went halfway on anything or spared any expense.
“I am always ridiculous,” he stated simply as though he completely missed the point of your statement, “but this is for you. And it’s rude to refuse a gift.”
“Under normal circumstances I would agree,” you tore your gaze away from his in the mirror and turned around to face him directly, “but this is…I can’t accept this, Javi. It probably cost more than what I make in a month.”
“It does not matter,” he refused to take no for an answer and push the bag into your hands, “it is a birthday -”
“My birthday isn’t for weeks-”
“An early birthday present,” he scoffed playfully, putting a finger under your chin and turning your face towards his, “which you will wear to your birthday party.”
“Birthday party?!” your mouth dropped open, “Javi - no.”
“Javi yes,” he insisted with that big, sweet smile that you adored almost more than anything, “it is already happening - it is all planned. All you have to do is come.”
“You’re doing too much for me,” you softened slightly at his insistence, “are you sure about all of this?”
"Of course I am," he put the sleek, silky bag into your hands and turned you around to look into the mirror. He put his hands on your shoulders and stood right up behind you, "and you will stop arguing with me. Si?"
"Si," your entire body felt like it was on fire when your gaze caught his and he offered you a sweet smile, "gracias, Javi."
"Anything for you, sweet girl," he pressed a kiss to the side of your head and your legs felt like they were turning to jelly from the tender gesture, "I must get back to work, but you will join me for dinner later, yes?"
"I couldn't refuse even if I wanted to," you shook your head affectionately at the man, "so yes, I'll be joining you."
"I'll text you the details later," he grinned happily before turning to leave your office. Before he could duck out the door, he waved eagerly. You returned the wave and laughed as you listened to him whistle his way down the hall.
It wasn't long before Coco, your friend and coworker, knocked on the door before popping into your office. She was all bright eyes and smiles as she pointed at the garment bag, "that man is in love with you!"
You almost choked on your water and ended up having a small coughing fit at her words. You felt your cheeks grow hot but shook your head, "definitely not. You know Javi, that's just how he is."
"Javi is generous," she agreed, "but not 'drop an exorbitant amount of money on a custom made dress on just anyone' generous."
"Custom made?" your heart sank further into your stomach just imagining the price tag.
"Yes! That design house only makes customs," she gushed and went over to the bag, looking between you and the zipper she was desperate to pull, "he might as well propose already. Imagine that engagement ring!"
"We're not even dating," you groaned. You'd imagined it plenty of times but knew that it would never be your reality. It wasn't like that with Javi, and you'd never have the courage to ask him out, "besides, it's not about the money."
"I know that, and so does he," she insisted, "he's a good man but also generous. The two are not mutually exclusive. He likes to spoil so let him."
"Please let me see the dress," you almost gave into her big, puppy dog eyes, "pleaseeeee."
"Not a chance," you shook your head in amusement, "you'll just have to wait and see it-"
"At the birthday party Javi's throwing for you," she finished and you snorted in amusement, "he's already sent the invites and I've already RSVP'd!"
"Dios mio."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You held your breath as you studied your reflection in the mirror. There was no way that girl was you. And yet…when you met her eyes, it was you. You'd done your hair and makeup to your liking and then put on the dress from Javi. And it…definitely looked like it was made for you. Well - it was, but still. It was incredible.
It was your favorite color, fitted just how you like it, just long enough to not be inappropriate and highlighted all the things you loved about yourself. It was…magical. It fit like a glove and made you feel amazing. You wished you never had to take it off again. Luckily, you also had the perfect shoes to match. It all felt like some sort of magical fairytale. 
You’d gone to Javi’s house to change before the party, and even he hadn’t seen you just yet. You could hear the buzz from all the people downstairs, and knew that the party was in full swing. Javi really had gone all out, and the idea that he had done all of this for you made butterflies practically explode in your stomach. 
When you knew that you couldn’t stall any longer, you steadied your nerves as best as you could before leaving the room. As soon as you took the first step out of the guest room, you were stopped by some of Javi’s staff, gushing over how wonderful you looked. You were just trying not to let it all go to your head. 
You headed downstairs and outside to the courtyard, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, but it really was no use. As soon as one person spotted, they began to cheer and the rest of the guests followed suit. Well. So much for a quiet entrance. 
But none of that seemed to matter because the only person that you saw in the sea of others was Javi. You had managed to spot him easily and effortlessly across the space, watching his entire face light up. 
“Thank you,” you had to look away from Javi before you somehow spilled your entire heart to him. You held up your hand in a small wave, “thank you all for coming - this is so wonderful. And thank you, most of all, to Javi for putting this all together. Javi, you are a stubborn but kind-hearted man, and I can’t thank you enough for everything that you do. Cheers to you.”
You could practically see the dark pink rise up in his cheeks as the attention turned over to him. He grabbed a glass of champagne and held it up and just when you thought he was going to make a big toast he looked at you and simply said, “salud.”
After you took a sip, you were half tempted to run away and hide among the crowds, but you knew that wasn’t an option. He would find you one way or another; and while that idea made you nervous, you also really just wanted to spend some time with him. You hadn’t seen him for a few days and that made you miss him despite the short separation. 
After throwing back the last of your drink, you set the flute down and walked towards Javi. Before you could even say anything, wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly into his warm body. 
“Felicidades mi amor,” and oh. That sent a pleasant shiver down your spine as you felt him press his lips to the crown of your head. He pulled back and ran his hands down your arms, before giving your hands a squeeze, “you look…amazing does not even begin to cover it. There are no words that could adequately describe how you look.”
“Javi,” you felt bashful and started at your feet, chewing the inside of your cheek, “thank you for this dress, this party - everything. This is all so kind of you, and I really appreciate you. I mean, more than appreciate you. I hope you know that.” 
“Hmmm,” he hummed in content as he put his arm around your waist and led you away to the edge of the courtyard overlooking the sea. You felt your entire body practically vibrating with energy as you tried to keep it all together. Still averting your gaze, you relaxed slightly into his touch, wondering what he was thinking. It was like he knew exactly what was on your mind. Javi took your hand in his and squeezed it to get your attention, “look at all the stars.”
You did as he asked and felt breathless when you looked at the pretty inky sky glittering with so many stars, “it’s beautiful.”
“And yet still not nearly as beautiful as you are,” this caused you to gasp slightly as you allowed yourself to look at Javi. He had the biggest smile on his face with the softest eyes and you just couldn’t take it, “nobody and nothing could ever come close.”
You cleared your throat and looked away, blinking back the tears that started prickling at the back of your eyes. Your heart wanted to believe that what he was saying was said in a romantic way, but your head didn’t allow you to do that. 
You felt him move closer - the little bit that he could - and he nudged you gently, “hey. Look at me.”
You did as he asked and looked up at him, “Javi?”
“You must know how I feel about you, si?” he touched your face, gently brushing his knuckles across your cheek. You knew how you wanted him to feel, but the reality was a different thing, “I have thought about this moment so many times. How I would tell you everything that I feel for you…it seemed so much easier in my mind.”
“How you feel about me?” you echoed as he nodded, “what do you mean, Javi? How do you feel about me?”
“You must know, amor,” he was nervous, you could easily see that. You looked up at him with eyes that made him melt and shook your head, “n-no?”
“Tell me?” you asked softly, “please.”
“I’m in love with you.”
Oh. Oh. Oh? 
“Come again?” you asked softly, trying to stifle your nervous laughter.
“I’m in love with you,” he looked at expectantly and when you didn’t say anything his heart dropped into your stomach, “I-I should not have said anything…I clearly have overstepped my boundaries and you do not return my feelings-:”
“I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable…”
“I should not have assume your kindness meant that you think of me as anything more than a friend. If I have made you fell-”
“Javi!” you finally snapped him out of his stupor and he looked at you with wide eyes as though he almost didn’t understand what you were saying. 
When he blinked at you in surprise, you took his face in your hands and leaned up to press a gentle - but questioning - kiss to his lips. It took him a moment to catch up but when he did, his entire body lit up. 
He put his hands on top of yours and kissed you back eagerly and passionately. Neither of you wanted to break apart, but you hesitantly pulled back when you needed a breath of air. 
“Do you see how I feel about you too?” you whispered, still half believing that you had imagined all of this. But when you felt him playfully take your face in his hands and pepper kisses all over your face, you realized that this was all very real. 
“You are in love with me as well?” he asked tentatively as you nodded eagerly, “you never said anything!”
“I was nervous,” you confessed, “and never thought you’d feel the same. You never said anything either!”
“I was nervous too,” he admittedly shyly, “but I could not wait any longer. I had to tell you before the opportunity to do so would have passed me by.”
“I would have waited,” you promised and this caused his heart to swell, “you were worth the wait, Javi.”
“So were you,” he beamed, brighter and warmer than the sun, “can I kiss you again?”
“You can kiss me whenever you want,” the two of you exchanged shy smiles and tender touches, “if that sounds good to you.”
“That sounds perfect to me, amor.”
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fandom-blackhole · 8 months
🕷🕸Happy Halloween 🎃 🕯
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-Asks can be submitted from Oct 26 - Nov 5 (Edit: Halloween week just went from 0 to I'm skrewed so I am leaving these open longer and will answer them if I have time this week but will probably get to them next week...sorry :/)
-The asks have to revolve around Halloween in some way, whether its in cannon celebration/activity or it's like a monster AU
-If you use a prompt/idea from below, you are allowed to use multiple prompts for one request
-There is no limit to how many requests you can send, but if you send alot all at once I may skip to someone else's and come back to yours so everyone gets theirs answered and its not just a block of one person
-All genres welcome fluff, smut, angst, ect. (just know I am in a mosterfucking mood so those are very welcome atm)
-No minors please and thank you
-Lastly, I am a busy person so my answers may be a little slow and I do hold the right to turn down a request (not that I think this will happen but I just wanna put it out there just in case <3)
Below the cut are a few prompt lists incase you wanna send an ask but don't know what to send <3
Halloween/Fall Activities-
Pumpkin carving
Scary movie marathon
Going to a haunted house
Halloween party
Drinking hot coco/apple cider by a fire
Going apple picking
Going to a pumpkin patch
Doing Corn Maze
Making couple's costumes
Making caramel apples
Baking together
Decorating for Halloween
Want an activity that's not listed? send it in! I probably just forgot to add it lol
Monster/Hybrid ideas-
Monster under the bed/in the closet
Hell hound
Shape Shifter
Doll/Mannequin/ Statue
Headless horseman
again, I definitely missed some, if you don't see it listed here you are more than welcome to still request it!
Little Red Riding Hood
Trick-or-Treating with your kids/siblings
One of you got cursed
One of you is a ghost trapped in a house and falls for the living person
Sacrifice to a higher being/monster
Human x Hybrid/Monster
Stumbling upon monster's secret hidden home
Corrupting a priest/nun
Priestess/Priest x God/Goddess
One person dies and turns into a ghost that haunts the other person
Finding a cat/dog and taking it home but oops its not a dog/cat
Researcher x Monster being researched
Prince/Princess saved from tower by monster/hybrid!knight
Angel x Demon
Or any other scenario/AU you've got!!
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luna0713hunter · 8 months
Autumn Prompt: OPEN
(part 1)
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Characters : OPLA ONE PIECE CHARACTERS! read my pinned my message!
Prompts :
"walking hand in hand to warm your cold fingers,the sound of leaves crushing under your footsteps."
"giving you/them a warm beverage in a cold morning."
"I'm cold." "Come here,let me warm you up."
"Kissing them to warm each others' lips."
"making soup when you/them catch a cold."
"sitting by the fire with their arms around your shoulder to warm up."
"where are you going?the bed is too cold without you in it." "I have to get some stuff done." "Just come back to bed."
"putting blankets on you/them while sleeping."
"Sharing a warm drink while giggling."
"running under the rain, laughing together."
"kissing your/their cold fingers."
"hugging while snuggling in their coat."
"excitedly buying pumpkins with them to decorate."
"where are the marshmallows in my hot coco?" "Sorry,i ate them." "You dont sound sorry." "Well, I'm not."
"making you wear their jacket when you're too stubborn to dress properly."
"first kiss in the snow."
"drying their hair after being caught in the rain."
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Tickle Traditions
Request: Can I request a Clint x family x Kate fic, maybe it’s set when Kate comes home with Clint for Christmas and she learns all about their traditions specifically their Christmas tickle fight? 🥰 (if you don’t want to write this prompt that’s totally ok!! Xo)
Note: To the person who sent this prompt, I am so sorry it took so long to get to. However, I think this was a good time to write it! It was a really cute prompt, and I hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
Word Count: 1077
It was cold and snowing outside, as a familiar car pulled up in front of the Barton household. Kate hopped out of the passenger side, helping Clint unload all the gifts for his family. 
“So where’s my present?” Kate asked jokingly.
“Me bringing you here is already a gift,” Clint replied, knowing that by now Kate understood his sarcasm and snarkiness.
Kate smiled to herself, eager to spend Christmas with the Bartons for the first time in a while.
“Hello Kate, it’s so nice to see you again,” Laura said sincerely, opening the door for the two archers.
“DADDY!” Nate cried out, running over to hug his father. Clint set the presents down and picked up his youngest son, who was giggling with excitement.
Cooper and Lila came over, both giving Kate and Clint hugs. 
After the hugs and greetings, they all sat down in the family room, drinking hot coco. 
“So Kate, I know you haven’t been here for many Christmases, so I haven’t been able to teach you all of our traditions,” Clint said, breaking the silence.
“I’d love to learn all of your traditions!” Kate said excitedly.
“We like to build snowmen!” Nate cheered excitedly.
“No, the best part is the snowball fight!” Cooper chimed in.
“I like baking and decorating cookies the best!” Lila said, as Clint nodded in agreement.
“Me too Lila. It’s the least rowdy of them all,” Clint said, as Kate rolled her eyes playfully.
“What should we start with first? Kate, why don’t you choose?” Laura suggested.
“I think I want to start with making cookies,” Kate said, as Lila high fived her.
A few hours later, there were delicious cookies cooling down on the table. A mix of chocolate chip, sugar, and peanut butter cookies awaited. They each took a sugar cookie and began decorating it, with a variety of colored icing and sprinkles.
After decorating their own cookies, they sat down to enjoy them with glasses of milk to go with it.
“These cookies are delicious!” Nate shouted, sporting a milk mustache with crumbs on his face.
Kate giggled at the messy boy, ruffling his hair to add on to the cuteness.
After enjoying the cookies, the six of them went outside to build snowmen.
Kate made hers an archer, after herself, and was proud of her work.
“You forgot something on your snowman,” Clint said flatly.
“First of all, it’s a snowwoman. And second of all, it’s perfect,” Kate replied, turning her nose in the air.
“No, if it’s made after you then you forgot the goofy grin on its face,” Clint replied with a smirk.
“I don’t have a goofy grin!” Kate exclaimed, as she was hit in the stomach with a snowball.
“OOF!” The archer doubled over.
“Who threw that?!?” Kate questioned, with the silly, goofy grin that Clint was talking about.
“See, there it is. All you need to do is add it,” Clint said while laughing.
“Oh that’s it,” Kate said, throwing a snowball at Clint, as Cooper declared a snowball fight. 
Snowballs were fired, as everyone tried their best to dodge them. Kate snuck around, hiding behind a bush, waiting for her chance.
She saw Clint was distracted, so she quickly snuck up behind him and dumped snow down his back.
“AAAHHH,” Clint yelped, as Kate quickly ran towards the kids to protect herself.
“Oh you’ve done it Kate,” Clint said, shaking his head with a smile. 
“You guys are on my side, right?” Kate asked the kids.
“No!” Nate shouted bluntly.
Kate’s eyes widened, as she was then chased inside of the house, where the three kids tackled her onto the couch. 
“What are you—AHAHAHAAHAHAHA,” Kate laughed, as she was now being tickled by all three Batron children.
“We forgot to tell you about our traditional Christmas tickle fight,” Lila said, as they tickled all over her upper body.
Clint eventually came inside, helping pin Kate while the kids continued to tickle her.
“Hey this is on you. You put snow down my back,” Clint replied, now letting her up and temporarily having mercy.
Kate now got her revenge, tickling the kids worse than she got. 
Their laughter rang out throughout the house, mixed with squeals and lots of shouting.
“Clint, you’re the only one who hasn’t been tickled,” Kate said teasingly.
Before Clint could escape, Kate and the kids pinned him, as Kate began to tickle his armpits.
“KAHAHAHTE NOHOHOHOHO,” Clint cried out, unable to squirm away, as his children were stronger than he thought.
“Awwww the big bad archer can’t handle a little tickling?” Kate asked, now tickling his stomach and sides.
Clint was lost in laughter, as Kate switched off with the kids so they could also torture him.
They eventually let him go, as he lay there panting.
Kate quickly tried to run away, but Clint caught her foot, causing her to trip and fall facing downwards.
Clint quickly pinned her, digging into her ribs and sides, causing the poor girl to squeal with laughter.
“CLIHIHIHINT STAHAHAHAHAHAP,” Kate screamed, squirming to get away unsuccessfully. 
“Welcome to the family tradition!” Clint said teasingly, as Kate was still hysterically giggling and laughing.
Clint began to tickle her armpits, while the kids got her sensitive feet.
“OHOHOKAY MEHEHEHERCY PLEHEHEHEASE,” Kate cried out, as they eventually let her up.
“That was fun!” Nate said, as Clint pulled him into his lap to give him a few more tickles, making the little boy squeal with laughter. 
Kate threw a playful glare at Clint, as he just shrugged.
“I think we all know Kate’s favorite Christmas tradition,” Clint said, as Kate rolled her eyes playfully.
“You’re lucky I’m nice,” Kate said, giving Clint a look of warning.
“Nice? You’re the one putting snow down my back,” Clint retorted.
Kate pouted in defeat, knowing that if she said the wrong thing, she would get tickled to pieces again.
After a few moments of silence, Kate spoke up.
“Thank you for having me over for Christmas. I really enjoyed all the traditions,” Kate said shyly.
“Anytime Kate. You’re always welcome here,” Laura responded.
“And she makes a great tickle target,” Lila teased, as Kate reached out to tickle the younger girl.
With that, round two of the traditional Christmas tickle fight resumed, filling the air with laughter. Kate knew that she had finally found her place, and Clint knew that he had just gained an extra child.
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elliot-needs-sleep · 7 months
700 follower Milestone event!! This will be up and able to be requested from until January 31st!
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"You don't like marshmallows in your hot coco? WHY DO YOU HATE LOVE?!"
"We need to decorate the tree, don't argue with me, ITS THE HOLIDAY SEASON."
"You'd make a really terrible Santa."
"It's a time of good will, NOT whatever the hell you're doing."
"Secret Santa is bullshit."
"I got you a Christmas sweater!"
"You're wearing the santa hat, whether you like it or not."
"One normal Christmas, thats ALL I wanted."
"I'm sure whatever threat is out there can wait till after Christmas dinner."
"I know you're the one who hung up the mistletoe."
"You're not seriously looking in my room to find the presents I hid, right??"
"I am not going caroling with you, it's 30 below and it's a blizzard, I don't cate if it's Christmas eve."
"Are you going out without a coat? It's the middle of winter!"
"Why didn't you tell me you didn't know how to skate?"
"You know I love you, but you are not getting your presents early."
"I don't do new years resolutions, I think they're stupid." "BUT THEY'RE FUN AND THEY'RE STARTING POINTS ON HOW YOU WANT TO IMRPOVE YOURSELF!"
"You walked here in the middle of a blizzard because you needed to give me a present? You're an idiot, get inside before you freeze to death."
"We are not dressing up as Die Hard characters for the Christmas party, we've already had this discussion."
"I am NOT letting you spike the eggnog, please stop asking if you're allowed to, the answer will be no every time."
"Honestly, this is the best holiday season I've ever had." "We burnt down the house." "Yeah and? You forget that my family sucks."
"I love you, but if you don't get inside right now you will freeze out there, please just listen to me."
"I said UGLY Christmas sweaters, not NSFW Christmas sweaters. If we wear these we are going to get buried alive and you know it."
"I don't know how you managed to make all this."
"How did you manage to set the stove on FIRE?!" "I DONT KNOW, YOU KNOW I CAN'T COOK!"
"Just because it's midnight does NOT mean you get to open presents now, wait until morning like a civilized person PLEASE."
Going sledding on something that was never meant to be a sled
Teaching another how to skate
Making snow angels together and just laying in the snow vibing
Fake dating because your family is pressuring you into a relationship
Character 1 spiking the eggnog and Character 2 knowing about it and encouraging it
Secret Santa where Character 1 and 2 get eachother and go through many hoops to try and hide it
Both characters going through absolute shenanigans to hide presents from one another
Arguing about what Christmas movies to watch
Going sledding, crashing into a snowbank, absolutely LAUGHING their asses off about it
Prank war on Christmas
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Damn, these drabbles are addictive so here I am back again. This time requesting an angsty one for Happy.
Person B sees a little kid with similar hair to A and wants a similar haired baby with person A.
As already well established I'm a sucker for hard guys being soft & this is just the perfect prompt for that.
I don't know how you feel about repeating prompts, especially within the same fandom so feel free to ignore this.
Drabble Masterlist
Tiny Humans
Contains: Mild angst, fluff, discussion of past child abuse
425 words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed
Happy thinks about the future
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Happy didn't know what set him off, maybe it was that you had shown up after he had a terrible week with the Club and just stole him away for the weekend or that it was close to his father's birthday but he wasn't having a fun time. It was raining now, the cabin warm with the fire as you sat inside drinking hot coco as he watched the drops fall on the porch. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his body, "what's on your mind killer?"
He turned around and pressed a kiss to your lips, "you taste like strawberry marshmallows."
You kissed his lips, "I do, do I? Maybe that's because that's what I've been eating. You didn't answer my question, what's on your mind?"
He made a face, "just thinking."
You kissed his cheek, "about?"
He shook his head, "nothing."
The rain had passed and you and Happy went for a walk through the woods, you and Happy stopping by a creek to sit and watch the water go by. "You know you can talk about anything with me?"
Happy nodded, "I do, I'm just trying to make sense of it myself first."
You smiled, "well when you do, I'm ready to listen." A giggle and the sound of little footsteps had you looking around, then a little girl with a pile of curls on the top of her head appeared before you and Happy.
"Hello miss."
You smiled, "hello, where are your parents?" She reached her tiny hand behind her, "over there. I like your hair."
You smiled, her hair was just like yours, "I like yours too, did you do it all by yourself?"
She shook her head, "daddy helped, mummy thinks it's funny because it takes him so long and he makes funny faces when he does it."
You looked towards Happy who had a gentle smile on his face, "he did a good job."
The little girl's face lit up, "thank you Mister." Without another word, she waved and waddled off.
"Holy shit that was so cute."
Happy chuckled but you could see a terrible thought come over his face, "do you think I'm going to make a good father."
You knew where this was going, "I don't want to hear but that man Hap, you're nothing like him. And yes, I do think you'll make a good father. Is that what's been on your mind?"
He nodded, "yeah, that's right. Is that something you want little girl?"
You smiled, "with you, of course."
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magpiesbones · 11 months
real prompt. the wha gang all going to get like ice cream or something together
Canonverse bc the idea of wolf!eunie helping kick around a little ice cream maker was too good to pass up.
Coco LOVES summer, only a little more than she loves the other seasons. Winter has snow, which is delightful, and rain in spring and crunchy colorful leaves in fall.
But in summer, the sky is bright all day long, and Coco gets to swim in the magic lake as long as she wants on the days her mom doesn’t need her in the shop. There are festivals in town with magical treats, and fireflies in the hills.
Only now it is summer, and there’s none of that. There’s no mom, no shop, and even though she could ask Professor Qifrey to take to see the pond and the fireflies, it’s not the same. It won’t ever be the same again.
She loves magic, of course— she just misses it. Everything else.
Coco only mentions this, while they’re all— her and Agott and Richeh and Tetia— sitting outside. Tetia is saying something about how it’s SO hot, and they should go somewhere, do something, maybe visit Eunie— she likes summer, only it’s boiling!
So Coco says, a bit wistfully, that when it was this hot out she used to go swimming, and— misses it.
“Liliphin used to take Richeh for sweet ice,” Richeh says. “It wasn’t ever this warm in the great hall, though.”
“I bet Professor Qifrey knows how to make sweet ice!” Tetia says.
“We should invite Eunie and Alaira,” Richeh says.
Professor Qifrey does know how to make sweet ice.
“Agott, go see if Olruggio will bring his searneedle and a metal jar, he’ll like this.” Qifrey says. He pulls out one of the big canisters that the farmer up the road drivers milk in. It’s empty— last month’s, cleaned out, ready to give back. “Girls, watch, here’s how you can make ice.”
Qifrey demonstrates the seal— like the seal to make a little ball of fire, only different because it makes cold!! So cool!! And then he takes one of the vapourbubbles and pours water over it, which instantly solidifies, which is just SO cool!!
“Be very careful with this seal,” he says to them. “Don’t hold your hand above it, it can make you so cold it hurts. Just like fire, okay?”
They all nod, and Agott comes back with Olruggio in tow.
“Oh, sweet ice,” Olruggio says. “Are you going to use real ice for this or do you want me to make something?”
“Would you? Thanks,” Qifrey says. “I was thinking half ice and half stones, if you don’t mind.”
Olruggio rolls his eyes, and then gestures to Tetia. “Here, draw me your sand spell, and we’ll put it in the bottom of this bucket. We want to have the sand stay cold, but we don’t want all the ice to freeze together, got it?”
Coco is given the job of measuring out careful cupfuls of sugar and cream and fruits, and putting all of them into Olruggio’s metal jar, eight cupfuls of cream to one cupful of sugar. Agott helps. Qifrey directs Richeh to draw cooling spells directly onto the big metal can with the searneedle— carefully!— and Tetia and Olruggio work on their cold sand.
Eunie and Alaira show up just in time to help move the big metal canister outside— it’s only a little bit cold to the touch, but it’s big and unwieldy, even if it’s not that heavy.
It rolls a little, on the ground.
“Now,” Qifrey says, “You have to roll it around. When it starts to get thick, bring it back.”
They take turns kicking the can, and then Agott thinks to fly with it up a hill and push it from the top, so that it bumps back down, so they take turns doing that. Eunie doesn’t have soarshoes, so he turns into the scalewolf and drags it up the hill like that, and then just grabs it in his mouth and runs while they chase him. Then they kick it to each other for a while, until they start to get tired.
When Qifrey opens the lid, it’s still cold inside, the sand and ice a weird sort-of slurry. But the inner jar is okay, cold and, when they open it up too, sweet.
It’s not the pond, and it’s not fireflies and festivals either. But maybe, Coco thinks, it’s good too.
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aerynwrites · 2 years
okay here are some holiday prompts for you! :3
•getting cold and jayce warms up your hands
•making snow angels (with either of them)
•making christmas cookies and/or hot chocolate(with either of them)
you don’t have to do all of these ofc, just whichever one piques your interest!
Ahhh thank you for these adorable ideas Jams!! I had to go with Jayce warming up your hands Bc just…yes.
Hope you enjoy!
Baby it’s Cold Outside
Jayce x GN!Reader
Word count: 674
Warnings: none
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You’ve always loved winter and the holiday season that comes with it.
The lights and the holiday markets, cookies, hot chocolate, a roaring fire in the hearth. You love it all.
The fire is what sounds the most appealing right now though.
It’s the opening night of the winter market in Piltover, and Jayce had surprised you with dinner and a night at the market to follow.
Despite both of you donning thick coats, scarves and even gloves, the temperature drops much faster and harsher than you had hoped. A fact Jayce is none the wiser to as you both walked down the aisles of tents.
He is practically a walking furnace, never cold no matter what, it seems like. You on the other hand…your fingers feel like icicles and despite your best efforts to hide your shivers until you get to the hot chocolate stand, Jayce takes notice.
Shoulders tucked up to your ears subconsciously, you aren’t paying attention when he calls your name the first time, only giving him your attention when a leather clad hand slides down your arm.
“Hey, wait.” His gentle plea stops you in your tracks, and this time you can’t suppress the full body shiver that rocks you.
Jayce’s brows pull together tightly and he immediately starts reaching for his hat, tugging it from his head.
“Babe, why didn’t you tell me you were cold?” He chastises gently, tugging his toboggan over your head and settling the warm wool over your ears.
“Be-because I’m not c-cold!” You try to argue, cursing your shivering.
Jayce just shakes his head, lips tugging upwards slightly. “Your shivering would say otherwise,” he points out. “Here.”
Before you can stop him he’s tugging his gloves off and reaching for your own which are tucked away in your pockets. You offer them willingly, smiling when he tugs your gloves off and immediately envelopes your chilled hands in his own much warmer ones.
The sigh you let out is involuntary and makes Jayce laugh, eyes sparkling.
“Told you.”
You scoff, stepping closer to him in a conscious effort to share in more of his warmth.
“Well I’m sorry I’m not a walking furnace like you are,” you tease, looking up at him from where you lean against his chest.
Jayce simply brings your hands up, pressing a quick kiss to both before wrapping them up again.
“You should have told me you were cold. We could have gone back home,” he says gently.
You shake your head. “I thought I could make it to the hot coco cart.” You admit sheepishly. “And plus…I like spending time with you. I don’t want to go home yet.”
At your confession, Jayce smiles. That bright award winning smile you’ve loved from day one.
“How do you do that?” He asks, shaking his head as he releases your hands just long enough to retrieve his gloves he had tucked away in his jacket.
You look up at him again, confusion tugging at your brows as he slowly tugs his gloves onto your hands, still warm from his own.
“Do what?”
Still smiling he leans down to press a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away just enough to wrap his arms around your waist.
“Make me love you so much?”
If you were cold before, Jayce’s words chase away any remaining chill. Warmth spreads from your chest right down to your fingertips as he gazes down at you.
You shake your head, nuzzling into his chest to hide your now burning face.
“I don’t know. The same way you make me love you, I guess.”
You feel him press another kiss to the top of your head, the sensation muted by the toboggan but still butterfly enduring all the same.
“Let’s go get some hot chocolate,” he says, nudging you away only to lead you towards the vendor cart.
You simply nod, smiling up at him as you both make your way through the market once more.
This time, hand in hand and much warmer than before.
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asktheplethaura · 1 year
If Only , If Only - Unicorn Wars Fanfiction
(((Chapter Twenty-Four))
(("Hi-" ; "I only date hot guys." ; **Sets own head on fire** "Heyyyy ;)"))
((Don't worry, while I was writing all the drama, angst and agony- my friend was helping me in a plot-developing roleplay to get ready for some wholesome chapters.))
"Azulin!!" Gordi was the first one to shout his bothers name, before running toward the edge of the cliff, where he saw his siblings body slam into several large rocks on the way down the long slope to the water below. Gordi, too distraught to noticed the big bear approaching him, only had his attention regained when he heard a loud thud. 
There, was Sergeant Scruff, lying on the ground with 5 arrows sticking out of him. One between his eyes- two sticking out of his neck- impaled all the way through. Another was shot right through his face-ruining the jaw. The last having went right through the big bears chest- piercing the heart- only to finish being pushed through by the bear falling forward and landing on the arrow.
Coco was on Pandi's back- his arrow knocked- but he wasn't the one who had shot the big bear- despite being close to doing so- his face etched in a cold, serious expression- save the surprise
Upon further inspection, All five of Sergeant Scruffs remaining troupes had knocked their arrows- some sort of newfound determination seen within them- despite all of their trauma. Although there would forever be scars from what had happened, there seemed to be a contentedness around the younger soldiers. One of them, despite being exhausted, pointed out to the rushing river, and spotted the blue bear on a rock, prevented from being carried out any further.
"There he is..!"
No time was wasted, Gordi took off his jacket and shed the medical supplies before crawling over the ledge of the cliff,  sliding down the rocks. His pants were getting scuffed, and damaged, but he didn't care. The second he got to the bottom, Gordi started to walk over the many rocks that lead to his brother. Nearly slipping on several of the stones before picking up Azulin, the pink bear clumsily dragged his sibling out of the water and to the other side of the river.
Gordi looked up toward the other soldiers and the sergeant, unable to see most of their faces because of how dark it was. He snapped out of any shock he had, and knew he didn't bring the medical supplies with himself- due to the inevitable possibility of being weighed down too much to jump across the rocks. 
He started to do what little he could to deal with his nearly dead sibling. 
Ripping his shirt, gordi tied off Azulin's missing limb to prevent any more blood flow- and nearly tore off the rope around his brothers neck with some unknown ferocity- tossing it tot he side. 
Luckily, Azulin was still breathing outright, surely not having enough time to actually drown and it seemed he had not gotten any water in his lungs.
Feeling a chill pass over his body, Gordi looked down to Azulin who started to shiver in his peaceless rest. 
Gordi didn't hesitate to take what remained of his tank-top off, ring it off, and place it on his siblings nearly bare body after ripping it down the back vertically to make it as long as possible. 
In the distance, he could hear Sargento Caricias starting to give orders to the troupe for them to travel down to the river bank, where the more shallow water was. Being tired, they were unable to run that fast, even if they had some adrenaline. Gordi grabbed his younger twins hand, and gently held it, tearing up a bit, in fear of the very notion of losing his sibling to death.
The later night was bound to only get cold, so the most important thing was keeping them both warm and away from anything that was potentially dangerous. Gordi discarded everything he held to go after his brother, so he had no tools, no weapons and no supplies.
"Come on Azulin... wake up." Gordi tried to prompt his brother, gently shaking his less damaged shoulder. "Please try. I know you are still there. You're stubborn. The most stubborn bear I have ever met. You are not going to die like this.
You are going to patronize me until the day we both die. You are going to make fun of me, and regain back your confidence..." The pink bear stifled a tear, moving his hand down to Azulin's one remaining hand as he looked at his brothers face. 
Several deep scratches were all over the Right side of his face, and the missing, hollow eye staring blankly into nothingness. 
Hearing shuffling in the nearby grass, Gordi looked out over the dark spaces nearby, trying to  find the source of all of the grass's shuffling. 
"Come out or i- I'll sock you! I'll push you into the river and.. drown you..!" Gordi wasn't good at threatening others when he wasn't angry. He was more paranoid about something going wrong. At this point, he was pacing around in the ground his brother was at, checking his brothers pulse almost religiously. He was desperate. Scared.
He vowed, that when this war ended, he would be better. Do better. He needed to make everything better.... everything from earlier was starting to hit him hard. He can't stand the thought of his brother hating himself if his diluted pouring of his heart during the slug incident was was anything that resided within his siblings heart 
Then, he almost loses him to a maniac who was bent on brewing blood.
Eventually, a dark figure stepped close enough in sight for Gordi to make out that the figure right in their midst, was a unicorn. 
He backed up, standing over his brother as he looked around, seeing several more in their midst. At least four of the unicorns were approaching in curiosity, three being larger, and the fourth appearing to be a little one. 
This caused the pink bear to lean down, and pick up his brothers limp body, bringing it closer to himself as he was ready to defend him with his life. 
All of the unicorns looked between each other, ears flicking as they seemed to silently communicate. 
Then, one of them approached Gordi, leaning down to face level with the pink twin.
Just as the unicorn let out a passive snort, the way a lot of horses did- Azulin's eye slowly opened,  barely registering his surroundings. 
"Gor... di?"
((To Be Continued))
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historias-multorum · 8 months
👻 Our muses tell ghost stories around a campfire. for Ino and Dionysus?
Autumn Prompts 🍂
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"Well this is interesting." Ino commented by the campfire.
Dionysus had invited her out to the Shiretoko National Park in Hokkaido. She had never been camping before so the idea perked her interest enough to tag along. At the moment they had set up camp by a small lake, the view was truly beautiful.
She was close by the fire with a mug of hot coco. "So, got any ghost stories to share?" She asked.
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verratensduo · 6 years
25 days of Christmas Drabbles Day Three//Hot Chocolate by the fire
This is from my 25 christmas drabble challenge found here.
Tagging @tooticklishforyoo thanks for the inspiration
Drabble challenge: 25 days of Christmas Day: 3 Prompt: Hot Chocolate by the fire Ship: Conren
The door slammed as Eren finally came in the house he had rented with his boyfriend Connie. It had been another long day as a patrol officer. Freezing with very little protection in their uniform, though the coat they had been lent by the department had kept him a little warmer than if he had worn nothing at all over it. They had been allowed to wear thin gloves, it had been very bad for them. Especially without the patrol car. Foot patrol duty was not something Eren usually minded all that much. However, when it was freezing like this with snow on the ground, it was a curse that he despised very much.
He had barley removed his overcoat and cover when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck pulling him into a kiss. Breaking after a few moments. “What’s wrong Eren? You don’t usually look like this my fiery ball of rage.’’ Concern laced the features of Connie’s face. Eyes that reflected only questions of how he felt stared gently into his. The two where simply close, and Connie had memorized the way Eren usually acted after work. When he seemed depressed like this, it was not the best thing he had ever been after getting home from his day at work.
‘‘They just had me on foot patrol all day.” Eren mumbled nuzzling into Connie’s bald head, drawing in his warmth and scent. “It was just freezing out there and it sort of dampened my mood.” The snow and the wind had both contributed to his misery in the cold walking environment he had to deal with. At least Connie was there to be comforting as he was dealing with this rough day. The cold may have ruined his day at work, but it could never ruin his day with Connie. They were nice and warm.
Connie broke their hug. “It’s twenty five degrees out there! Arggg!’’ His hands were on either side of his head. He wanted his boyfriend to have decent working conditions, even if his career was something that had caused an issue with some of Connie’s relatives. Knowing Eren could have froze to death outside while he was patrolling the neighborhoods of the town. This was more irritating than the recent no fire arms while foot patrolling policy the department recently adapted.
“There isn’t anything you or I can do about this. I just do what I have to Connie. I’ll make detective eventually. Until then, we just have to hang in there and pretend that there is nothing that is wrong. I just have to do what I have to do. Just please tell me we are doing something to warm me up the rest of the way.’’ The day had been exhausting. He just wanted something else to do and be quite warm before he tried to shower and go to bed for the night and repeating the routine tomorrow.
‘‘We do, you go get changed and let me take care of everything.” Connie bopped his nose and then hurried off to the living room. Heaving sounds and clunks announced what Connie was doing to Eren as he ascended the stairs. A smile tugged at his lips as he knew what the bald male had planned. Right into their room and the opening of a drawer in his dresser and began to shuffle through his dresser looking for comfortable clothes.
Meanwhile, Connie had hurried to the kitchen and got started on making some hot chocolate. There was a long standing tradition in his home when someone was freezing to make hot chocolate and enjoy it over a nice warm fire. The creeks on the stairs had Connie speeding up a little. Two cups soon came down to the counter as the marshmallows emerged and Connie readied to pour the hot chocolate.
Eren sat in his chair as the sound of poured liquid came from the kitchen and crackling came from the fire place. It was a comforting sound to the male, all seemed to be well in this room now. It was far superior to what he was dealing with outside of their home. He ran a hand through his hair as he just took a minute to go over the past year of his life. It was very hard to go through this in life, but he had to keep going.
He smiled as Connie came out with hot coco, and marshmallows in it. That was something Eren had not had the privilege of enjoying it since he got to his adulthood a year ago. He was surprised, but then again Connie knew him so well, it was one of the things that he loved about Connie. He adored him so much.
They shared another quick kiss. The warmth was more than enough to keep Eren alive below zero, especially near this very nice fire. Eren took his hot coco and sipped it, smiling at the baldy as he sat down in the chair across from him, grinning like no tomorrow. He had once again made Eren’s day all worth it, all on his own with his amazing ideas.
‘‘I saved you again big boy. You must be having a lot of fun. I save you every time you have a bad day. I swear, one day you will have to, and I mean have to give me a ring and make me your husband. No one else will get the smile the way I can and you know it.” The victory sign was flipped his way.
Eren laughed. “You are right there my beautiful bald bastard. I will have to ask you to marry me one day, and you are the only one who can get this smile the way you do. Why? Because you are a genius!’’ Eren chuckled as he sipped his hot coco and took a marshmallow mustache selfie with Connie. This was an amazing end to a bad day. Hopefully, the days would keep ending like this for awhile to come.
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twilightt-fantasy · 3 years
Garrett Denali Masterlist
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imprint & part two - can you write an imagine where the reader is a shifter and she imprints on Garrett? & can you write a number two to the reader imprinting on Garrett.
city - garrett being with a joyful and young (old enough to be with him though) human mate ? 💕
enemies to lovers - alright I was wondering if you could do a Garrett Denali X Female Reader fic where they meet during the fight with the volturi and maybe she’s an Englishman and they hate each others guts but they slowly connect and then fall in love.
foodie (denali coven) - if you want to lol can it be about fem reader who’s a vampire, and moves to Denail, and lives in a territory next to the Denali coven. With the Denali coven, they sensed their new vampire neighbor they go to meet her, and they see reader with a bag of McDonald’s lol when they see eat it they get shocked of her eyes turning purple, and her not throwing up the food.
poison ivy -  human reader gets into a car accident. Garrett smells her, thinks “might as well eat her she’s dying anyways” realizes she’s his mate, freaks out brings her to Carlisle so he can change her because Garrett doesn’t want to accidentally kill her. She wakes up with the ability to control plants (like poison ivy) and she freaks out when she wakes up and traps Garrett in vines and he’s like “hot” and then fluffy fluff. 
christmas competitions - Hello! I saw you reblogged Christmas/ Holiday Prompts, and I was wondering if you could do "Neighborhood lighting competition gets a bit too intense" with Garrett.I checked over your rules and character list, but if I did anything wrong, I apologize.Also, I love your work! It's so great when I go on Tumblr and see you've posted!!
traditions - I'd love to see Garrett snuggled up for a night with his human mate. Snow outside, she's got hot coco, fuzzy pajamas, a warm blanket and a fire and the two are watching Christmas movies(The classics of course! Nestor the long eared Christmas donkey is one my family always has to watch). I'd just love to see him all domestic and coddling his mate.
new beginnings - could you do a Garrett x wolf shapeshifter Irish reader where Garrett meets the reader during a visit to the Cullens during the Christmas holidays. This is after the battle to see if Renesmee is an immortal child or not. He finds out that she is a wolf shapeshifter. He thinks she is part of the pack, but Esme tells him that she just became part of their family after her grandfather (who raised the reader by himself, was a friend of the Cullens and knew of the supernatural world due to having many different kinds of shapeshifters in the family) passed away. She is very quiet during the holidays, he thinks it's because he makes her nervous but when she speaks to him on Christmas Eve, she tells him that she just misses her grandfather. He stays for a bit longer and celebrates Christmas with the Cullens and the reader.
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
happy birthday week coco!
my drabble request is hermione and fred being evil prankster geniuses together because i love their potential dynamic ❤️
best wishes :)
I'll be honest, this prompt filled me with dread because I am not a prankster and honestly can never think of anything like that cleverly - but then I had a chat with @sallyjavery and we thought....... neither is Hermione. And then I had quite a lot of very nice white burgundy and wrote this:
Hermione is in a new dress and she knows she looks good. It’s dark red and it dips low on her tanned back and -
She knows, alright. She’s not stupid. She sees the way Fred Weasley’s eyes drag over it fast once and then again, a second time, very slowly, when she steps through the door. She bought it specially for New Years’ Eve. Their second one after the war, all the Order together and Harry and Ron’s new Auror friends, and Ron’s sweet-but-sharp new girlfriend who plays with Ginny for the Harpies. The house is unrecognisable now, wrangled into a home by Sirius and Harry and -
She’s dressed for that moment, when Fred Weasley’s eyes turn hazy-blue and he grins slowly.
He’s never said it, not to his little brother’s best friend, but she’s not stupid. The last boyfriend she brought over to meet the Weasleys (god, so embarrassing, the worst evening) had never spoken to her again after being turned into a nogtail “Like the ones you’re always off hunting,” George had grinned, but it had been Fred, all sharp-eyed and gleaming who’d handed him him the glass - and
Hermione knows he’s interested. She’s picked the dress, a dress that says she’s not just his little brother’s friend and if he’s interested he should bloody well do something about it before someone else does. And she’s sure, so sure, that it’s working.
And then she makes the mistake of drinking the glass he hands her and she doesn’t feel anything but she smells it, something burning, and Harry is choking with shock and laughter on his vol-au-vent and Kreacher is muttering and reluctantly trying to help and she catches sight of herself in the mirror above the fire and sees her hair on fucking fire and -
Everyone is staring.
She wants to kill him.
She puts out the fire with a flick of her hand. Wandless. She fights for composure. She wants to die.
She pretends to laugh. She waits.
Hermione has read fifty-seven of the books from Grimmauld’s library, thirty-two she picked up from Dumbledore and Knockturn Alley to research Horcruxes and other Dark Magic, and seventeen just because they looked interesting.
He’s stupid enough to sit opposite her, stupid enough to look amused, idiotic enough to tell her she looks hot as fire.
She’s as angry as fire anyway. Angry and humiliated and -
It’s a Dark Curse, she knows that, but so is most of the magic the twins use in their shop. They take the venom out, but she won’t.
It starts slowly, with every bite of the bouillabaisse Kreacher has prepared, scales appearing one by one, creeping up his neck and down his robes. He itches his nose. He reaches for his wine, fumbles it as his fingers meld together.
Scales, slithering over him, scales bit by bit, with every laugh, every jibe. Scales until he, Fred Weasley, coils down onto the table, a harmless little grass snake.
Everyone laughs. And then, when they can’t fix him, they stop.
The party breaks up long before midnight, what with all the Weasleys and an embarrassed, defiant Hermione carting the snake off to St Mungos. No one has exactly accused her, but they keep giving her slightly baffled, shocked looks.
“Took that a bit far, didn’t you Granger?” George eventually mutters, after a harassed Healer assures them Fred will be fine in the morning, and yes the morning, we have other more urgent patients Mrs Weasley --
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” she says haughtily.
“You already scare the shit out of him,” Fred’s double, who somehow leaves her cold, says. He’s almost smiling, but he looks annoyed anyway. “Now he’ll - well. Never mind. Just go.”
She goes home and reads the book she took the spell from. Short-sighted and impulsive when angered, Professor Trelawney had written in the report explaining why Hermione had dropped her class. That was all. One sentence.
She’d been right. It was a dark enough hex he could probably have her fined for it if he reports it. Not that she thinks he will.
She downs a vial of Dreamless Sleep and wakes up feeling just as stupid, embarrassed and sick as she had when she’d gone to bed, and still in that stupid, wasted, red dress.
She pulls on jeans and a jumper and wipes her makeup off. It’s still perfect, it’s magical, but she doesn’t want anything from the night before clinging to her skin.
It’s only six am, the receptionist informs her rudely, and visiting hours haven’t started.
“Could you let him know Hermione Granger is waiting,” she snaps.
“Oh, Miss Granger,” the woman’s brow clears. “I didn’t realise - I’m sure we can-”
Ten minutes later she is facing the door of the Magical Mishaps ward on the ninth floor.
She stands staring at it for eighty-three seconds before she opens it. She counts.
Fred is intact. Many of the ward’s other residents are not.
“I don’t think,” he says hoarsely, “you’ve got much of a career as a prankster.”
“Probably not,” she agrees, and realises she is still angry. She feels so small. Maybe she’s just angry with herself.
“I’m a dick,” he continues, voice fading a bit. “Hermione - come closer.” His blue eyes gleam and when he carries on there’s nothing of that hoarseness. He was faking it.
“I’m sorry I set your hair on fire,” he says meekly.
“I’m sorry I cursed you and your descendants to be snakes every dark of the moon,” she murmurs back innocently, as he takes her hand and pulls her even closer.
“Wait - what?”
She bursts out laughing, then she’s close enough for their lips to meet - finally - and there’s no need for anything like a fire spell.
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justa-starrynite · 4 years
Lake (Angel Reyes)
A/N: Hello everyone! It’s Bea! I’m kicking off our Fall prompts with a lovely cabin getaway with Angel. Hope you all like this first installment! You are all amazing! I also decided to combine a request I received months ago. 
(I know, I suck, I’m really trying to get through the requests, I promise)
Anyways, enjoy this cabin getaway with Angel!
154 “there’s only one bed” 184 “can I touch you?” 186 “no strings attached”
Request by anon
Warnings: Smut, a smidge of angst and fluff
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You looked over at Angel who was driving your car up the mountain headed to Big Bear. Your best friend, Amaya, was Coco’s girlfriend and she insisted that for her birthday, the club should rent a cabin at Big Bear and spend it together. Especially with all the craziness the year has brought, they all needed a break from Santo Padre.
You and Angel were friends who had palpable sexual tension between you two.
You two flirt all the time and there was no mistaking that you two were attracted to one another. But you two chose to remain friends since there was no reason to ruin such a good thing. If you two never crossed the line, you never had to worry about ruining your friendship.
Though watching the other be entertained by another person was no fun whatsoever.
You knew it was only a matter of time before the tension would break. In the last few months, you and Angel have been playing the one up game, seeing who would break first. During the last club party, Angel almost broke, but he decided to walk away, which surprised every one.
For a moment, you thought that this thing between you two would fade especially when he met the charamstic rebel leader Adelita, but Angel seemed to always drift back to you. A line was never crossed, but with each day that passed you found yourself falling for the eldest Reyes no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
You’ve been the best of friends since you came to Santo Padre at twenty-two years old, getting ready to embark on your new journey for nursing school.
You two met through Coco, who was your brother’s friend from the army. From there, you and Angel truly hit it off and quickly became friends.
Your attraction was always there, you two just never made a move to go further.
Since your arrival, you’ve been Angel’s constant and he was afraid to fuck it up.
But this last year, it’s been hard to ignore how he felt about you.
Especially since you let your Roger in your life.
Angel despised the guy, but for some fucking reason, everyone thought he was a cool dude.
He was lame.
He was an asshole.
He was an egotistical prick.
And if everyone’s words were true, he was just like Angel.
Which was more of a reason why he fucking hated him.
And he had you.
You two were the last ones up the mountain since you had a late shift and Angel insisted on waiting for you. Thankfully, you wouldn’t miss sunset and that’s all you cared about. The California Fall weather was always a mix of scalding hot and freezing weather, or freezing by California standards. But in Big Bear, there were seasons and it was the definition of fall weather.
“Thanks for waiting for me.” You were asleep most of the four hour trip since you worked the night shift and all you wanted to do was sleep. Angel didn’t mind since he saw how tired you were. He loved watching you sleep since it was one of the times you were without worry and looked at peace.
“Of course, I wouldn’t have gone otherwise.” Angel smirked. “Had to make sure you didn’t bail since you’ve been doing that more often lately.”
You heard that bitterness in his voice, something you’ve grown accustomed to as of late. You didn’t mean to bail on Angel, it just happened, especially since Roger would message you and you would flake on plans you already made.
You were never that person, but you and Amaya had talked. The only way you could fully let go of your feelings for Angel was either fuck him to get it out of your system or focus your attention elsewhere so you could keep the friendship.
Fucking him was out of the options, so focusing your attention won.
Though you realized that it was causing a strain between you and Angel that you never wanted to have.
“I’m sorry,” you frowned. “I don’t mean to bail on you.”
“I’m more a man of action, your apologies don’t mean anything if you keep doing it over and over again.”
“Angel, I told you, I bail on you cause of work, he just happens to be there.” Which was true, you bailed on him mostly when it was connected to work. You both worked in the hospital. Roger was a respiratory technician, while you were a nurse. You two worked side by side. And maybe the few times you did bail on Angel, you went to sleep with Roger, but you had needs and Angel frustrated you.
Sometimes masturbating didn’t get the job done.
“Right, so the one time I caught you two at your apartment you were working?” Angel gripped the steering wheel with his right hand while his left hand were hanging out of the window.
“Listen, I thought I had to come in but I looked at the schedule wrong. I already told you that.”
“So why were you with him? We had plans to celebrate that night.” It was the time Angel got his secretary patch a few months ago. You two had planned on cooking dinner and having a movie marathon, but you bailed last minute.
But you did come back to the clubhouse that night, and you saw that girl who was patching his patch in a few nights ago situated on his lap. Choosing not to stay around for that, you called Roger who brought you some food.
Unbeknownst to you, Coco had seen you, who had to tell his hermano that you saw him fuck up. Angel went to your place and found you and Roger meeting outside of your door. And the silent treatment was handed to you for two weeks before Angel broke since it was your birthday and he wasn’t going to let Roger get under your skin.
You didn’t know why Angel came that night knowing you’re supposed to be at the hospital, but you never told him that you were sent home since they didn’t need you that night.
To top it off, like how you and Angel always dealt with anything that involved your feeling, you swept in under the rug.
“I came back that night since they told me they didn’t need me. I saw you were already occupied by the blonde so I chose not to bother you.”
Angel scoffed. “Yeah, I fucking know, why’d you think I came to your place?”
“It’s fine, I get it, El Secretario needed to get his dick wet.” You smirked, but you weren’t exactly amused. You hated that blonde. After she sewed on Angel’s patch she thought she was Angel’s girl or some shit.
“You jealous baby? You know I wouldn’t mind if you wet my dick.”
“Fuck you Angel.”
“That’s the fucking idea.”
Now, you hated being alone in the car with him. But you figured this was a conversation you two were bound to have.
You were in a conundrum. You welcomed Roger’s distraction, but not at the expense of losing your friendship with Angel.
Maybe you should just fuck him, just to get it out of your system.
Years of sexual tension building and it was overflowing now.
Amaya was always in favor of you just fucking Angel.
And if what she had planned worked this weekend, it would change your relationship.
You two arrived at the cabin and were assigned the only room on the first floor that had a queen sized bed. Amaya excused that you two were the last ones up and they saved the bed for you two. You narrowed your eyes at your best friend and she merely smiled innocently.
“You did this on purpose.” You accused her as you opened your luggage.
“Me? Absolutely not. It was the only room left, there’s four bedrooms upstairs and a loft. You’re lucky you two have your own room.” Amaya smirked. “And if something happens, so be it.”
“I thought you liked Roger.”
“I sure do, but not for you. You obviously have to get Angel out of your system first. Roger deserves more than to be some rebound.”
“He’s not a rebound, if he’s a rebound it would constitute that Angel and I were dating, but we never were.” You took out a hoodie and slipped it on.
The plan was to have a barbecue and sit around the bonfire afterwards. You were excited for this.
Fall was your favorite season.
With dinner done, you all sat around the fire, exchanging funny stories and happenings over the past few years. You were sitting in between Riz and Gilly, Angel across from you. After your discussion earlier, Angel hasn’t said much to you. He made you a plate for dinner, but otherwise he didn’t say much to you.
You knew you would wave the white flag soon, but you didn’t do anything wrong. You wanted to give Roger a chance. Crossing the line wasn’t an option as far as you know and the last thing you wanted to do was change things between you two.
Angel was the only family you had besides your brother. The last thing you wanted to do was lose him.
You listened to Creeper as he animatedly spoke about some customer that was weirder that was hitting on Chucky. Chucky was seated beside him, laughing as he recalled the story.
Your eyes met Angel’s over the fire and he drank his beer, holding your gaze.
He smirked when Taza placed his hand on his arm, laughing at Creeper’s story. He had this black beanie with a black hoodie to match, grey sweatpants on his lower half. You had to refrain yourself from continuously checking him out since Angel’s dick was basically imprinted on that sinful pair of sweats. He’s worn it a handful of times around you and each time, your resolve was thinning out.
You watched as Angel threw his head back laughing at whatever Creeper was saying, his muscles flexing under the black sweatshirt. Angel has been working out as of late and he was looking damn good. Whenever you would watch him workout, since you joined him from time to time, all you could think of was how amazing would it feel to have Angel’s arms wrapped around you.
Especially with this chilly weather, his warmth would be welcomed.
Gilly watched as your eyes stayed on Angel, chuckling at your unbashful resolve at just keeping your eyes on him.
“You have plenty of pictures of Angel, just look at that so it’s less obvious.” Gilly teased you.
You narrowed your eyes at him, hitting his arm. “You’re an idiot.”
“Maybe, but not like you and that prick over there.” He nodded his head at Angel. “How many more years are you two going to dance around one another?”
“Gilly, we’re not dancing. Angel and I are just friends.”
“Right, that’s why he dislikes Roger so much.”
“Angel is allowed to not like people that has no correlation to my relationship with them.”
“But there is no reason for him to dislike Roger besides the fact he’s dating you.”
“I’m not dating Roger.”
“So what are you and Roger?” Riz interjected in the conversation, which brought everyone’s attention to you.
You looked around, not wanting to meet Angel’s gaze. “He’s just my co-worker, who I enjoy going out with.”
“We’re fucking adults sweetheart, you don’t need to spare our feelings.” Bishop looked over at Angel, a smirk spreading across El Jefe’s face as he watched Angel frown, shaking his head.
“Alright, he’s my fuck buddy, everyone has needs.” You took a swig of your Smirnoff Ice. “Besides, I don’t have time for a relationship.”
“Hmm, for someone you don’t plan on keeping around, you sure put some importance on him since you’ve been flaking on us lately.” Great, the conversation in the car was obviously not forgotten.
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but my world doesn’t revolve around you Ignacio.”
“From what you’re telling us, it doesn’t revolve around that prick either. So why don’t you just drop him and stop wasting your time.”
“Again, it’s nice to have a warm body next to you at night from time to time, you should know, how’s that new girl at Vicki’s?” The new girl was a battle between you and Angel. Everyone just watched as you two hatched it out, months of annoyance and frustration that was waiting to be unleashed has finally come to a head.
“She’s alright, but you know she fails in comparison to you.” He winked at you, earning ‘ooh’s’ from you two’s unconventional family.
“Wish I can say the same about Roger.” The ‘ooh’s’ was louder this time as Angel’s look darkened.
You two were sharing a bed and it seemed that Angel has finally reached his breaking point.
After a few more drinks, you decided to go by the lake shore since the cabin Amaya rented was by the lake. It was beautiful out and without the bustling city lights, the stars shined brighter along with the moon. Shoving your hands in the one pocket of your hoodie, you looked up, enjoying the crisp air. You heard footsteps behind you and hope it was anyone but Angel. The way he looked at you for the rest the night, it was almost predatory.
Your comment about Roger not failing in comparison to him seemed to push Angel over the edge. You took your camera out, taking pictures of the moon and stars’ reflection on the calm lake waters.
You felt arms wrapped from behind you and you knew it was Angel.
No one else would touch you within the Mayans.
Not even Coco, at least not this intimate.
“You look beautiful.” He whispered into your ear, the goosebumps that ran through your body was indescribable. Angel’s voice always did things to you, and feeling his arms wrapped around you, his smell invading your space, this was going to be a long night.
You were determined to not cross that line with Angel.
Incredibly determined.
“So do you, Ignacio.” You smirked.
“There’s only one bed.” Angel didn’t bring his stuff in till after you. As soon as you two arrived he grabbed a beer and went outside to join Coco and Gilly.
“I’m well aware. It’s big enough for the both of us, not the first time we shared a bed.” You tried to play it cool, you had to.
“Yeah? It’s not big enough for you to run away baby girl.” Angel teased.
“Why would I need to run?” You turned towards Angel, moving away from his warmth which you immediately missed.
Angel was smirking and all you wanted to do was wipe it off his face. “Don’t play stupid Y/N, this shit between us? It’s been present for years. Time for us to stop worrying about what it would do to our friendship and start thinking about what it would do if we don’t address it soon.” Angel was done playing this tip toe bullshit between you two. He wanted you and he knew you wanted him. “You’re a smart girl, you know I’ve wanted you for years and I know you want me to. Let’s stop the games, fuck Ralph, fuck that blonde, I want you. One night with me and you won’t even think of another pendejo again, you’d be begging for my dick.”
“You’re a little too confident in yourself.” You knew you wanted to cross that line, but you couldn’t lose Angel if this didn’t work out. “I can’t lose you Angel, things will change and I don’t think I can handle that.” You confessed.
Angel stepped closer to you, pulling you against him. He cupped your face, softly stroking your cheek between moving his thumb across your lower lips. “You wouldn’t lose me. No strings attached, no pressure. I’ve always wondered how good you tasted.” His lips hovered over yours.
You looked up at him then to his lips. You’ve always wondered how Angel’s lips felt against yours. Whenever he bit his lips, it drove you fucking crazy.
He bit his lip, making you groan and close the distance between you two. You wrapped your arms around Angel’s neck, pulling him closer. Angel slipped his tongue in your mouth when you let out a moan when he grabbed your breast.
Before he could go any further, you pulled away, shaking your head.
“Sorry, I can’t, you mean far too much to me for me to ruin our friendship.”
You walked away from Angel and you couldn’t ignore how your heart rate picked up, and how good his lips felt against yours. Angel watched you, still confident that you would be his by the end of the night.
You two were adults, he’s played this game for years and had the same worries as you. But he knew that once you two were together, that was it for him and he was confident on keeping you by his side for the rest of his life.
You stayed up till two in the morning with Amaya, hoping by the time you go to your room, Angel would be asleep. You ended up falling asleep on the couch, the cough was far too comfy along with the warmth of the fireplace. You were only in your shorts and shirt since you couldn’t exactly sleep with sweats, it wasn’t that cold. When you woke up around four in the morning to use the bathroom, which your room conveniently had, you realized you were in your room. Angel was laying on his side of the bed.
When you did your business and brushed your teeth, you slid back under the covers, however you were more cautious now.
Things shifted between you two after that kiss and you weren’t sure where to place yourself. Cuddling was never an issue and you wouldn’t mind being wrapped in his arms, but again, things were different. That kiss was far too good and your desire for Angel grew tenfold.
This desire you wouldn’t be appeased by having sex, nope, you knew it wouldn’t.
It would make it worse.
It would have you longing for Angel.
You couldn’t stand by while he fucked around with other women.
It was better for you two to not cross the line.
Angel’s warm hand slipping under your shirt broke you from your thoughts.
“I know you felt it too.” You heard Angel say, his warm breath tickling your skin. “You can’t ignore the fact your lips perfectly fit into mine, how good it made you feel. Bet it made you fucking wet cause it made me hard as fuck baby. Even without that kiss, every time I lay my eyes on you, my pants fucking tighten cause all I can think about how good you would look under me.”
You rubbed your thighs together, his voice was already sinful, but pair that with his dirty mouth, fucking forget about it.
Whatever your stance was, it was changing, especially with how good his ringed fingers felt running your stomach, teasing the skin beneath your breast. He nipped at your ear, placing a kiss just right about it.
“I want to hear you moan my name while I stretch that tight little pussy with my dick.” You moaned, Angel’s fingers drifted down to the top of your shorts, teasing, tempting your resolve. “Can I touch you mi dulce?”
You wanted to say no, you almost fucking did, but when you turned your head to face Angel’s, seeing how beautiful he looked under the moonlight that came from the slits of the window blinds. How much he looked at you with such adoration, who gave a fuck about the line?
“Yes,” you breathed out.
Angel slid his hand inside your shorts, your legs widening immediately. You anticipated his touch, looking down at his hand. His finger ran up and down your slit, you bit back a moan.
“Fuck baby, you’re wet.” He rubbed your clit with his fingers, causing you to bite your lip. “Let me hear you, I want to know how good I’m making you feel.”
Your hand grabbed his shirt, clutching it was Angel slipped a finger inside of you. You threw your head back, Angel slipped a second finger in. He watched you with wonder in his eyes, elated that he could finally see you in this scenario. You felt yourself get wetter as Angel moved his fingers in and out of you. He turned your head with his other hand, and he kissed you. Your hips moved to meet his fingers. Pulling away slightly, your lips were close to one another, Angel smirking as he felt your walls clench his fingers.
“You close querida?”
“Angel, fuck,” you groaned as he removed his fingers. He moved the blankets so he could kneel in front of you. He took off your shorts and panties, sucking in the fingers that were inside you.
“I knew you would fucking taste amazing baby.” Angel parted your lips which you had closed, hoping the friction could help you get your high. “Look at this pussy, I’ve been fucking dreaming of this moment.” He leaned down, parting your lips with his fingers. He groaned before he began to lap at your pussy, causing your back to arch. Angel ate you like a starved man who hadn’t eaten for years. He flicked his tongue at your clit, his two fingers entering you again. “You’re already clenching me baby, you ready to cum.”
You’ve been ready to cum.
“Yes, Angel, keep going.” You pleaded as you could feel that familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach.
You came, Angel’s fingers and mouth never ceasing, and another orgasm followed close behind. Angel kneeled once again, watching as your legs shook at the aftermath of your orgasm. You took a deep breath, looking at Angel who was still clothed.
He took off his shirts, sweats and boxers. He spat on his hand, stroking his cock. You looked down at him and groaned at seeing Angel’s size.
“Of course you would be fucking big.” You always wondered about Angel's size and with the way the girls at the clubhouse boasted about him, how good he was, you weren’t even surprised.
Angel just chuckled, rubbing the head of his cock on your wet pussy. You groaned, biting your lip, trying not to be loud since you did come with the club.
“Naw, fuck that, you’re gonna be screaming my name so those mother fuckers know who you belong to.” Angel tapped his cock against your clit, making you moan out his name. He slowly slid in you, watching as his length disappeared inside of you. That stretch made you whimper, it was slightly uncomfortable due to Angel’s size. You’ve never been with anyone this well endowed, but you weren’t going to tell this egotistical prick that. “You okay? Too big for you?”
You couldn’t even respond, you just whimpered and nodded your head.
“Which one baby? You doing okay? Or am I too big for you?” He remained stationary, waiting for some confirmation. He wanted to move, your walls were clenching him and he knew he wasn’t going to last long. But that was fine, this wouldn’t be the last time.
“Angel, just please move.” You groaned. “Fuck, you’re so fucking big.”
Angel chuckled. “Ronnie isn’t big, baby? Ima tear this pussy up.” Angel was petty as fuck and would get his name wrong on purpose. Any guy you were involved with was called dick, prick or some version of their name. “You ain’t never gonna want another dick besides mine.”
You hated how much Angel was turning you on with all the talk he was doing. You’ve had one guy who was like this, but it didn’t feel like this. Also may contribute to the fact that Angel is fucking thick.
“You’re almost as big as Roger.” You knew you were being a brat, but fuck it, this was most likely a one off and you wouldn’t mind the rough sex with Angel. You wanted his hands everywhere, his marks and everything.
“Almost as big?” Angel was offended. “That’s not what your reaction tells me baby. You wanna talk shit?” He pulled out till it was only his tip that was inside before slamming back in, moving you forward. You whimpered, letting out a ‘fuck’ like a mantra as he continually pounded into you, his pace unrelenting and unforgiving. You wanted to be a brat and talk shit? Then you could take his dick like the brat that you were. “When I’m done with you, you’re going to be begging for my dick.”
And you knew he was right.
He slowed down when he felt your walls tightening up. If you wanted to be a brat, he could edge you all night.
“Angel,” you whined out his name, annoyed that he would slow down.
“What’s wrong mi dulce? You want to talk shit? Better be able to take it.” Angel increased his pace again, your walls tightening again, but he slowed down, stilling completely. “I’ve always wondered how well you would take my dick, how fucking tight you are.” He whispered into your ears, peppering you with kisses. His voice, the lower timbre that it went to, you were going insane. “You feel perfect hermosa.”
“Then are you gonna fuck me good or you’re just gonna keep teasing me?”
Angel chuckled. “You better not try and run away.” He pushed your legs back against your chest, pulling out.
He rubbed your clit, keeping your legs wide opened for him. You felt that familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach, you came, crying out in pleasure as Angel sucked your clit into his mouth. You moved away, closing your legs making Angel laugh. Your arousal was evident on his beard, he licked his lips.
He took a hold of your ankle, pulling you back towards him.
“What’s wrong baby girl? Too much for you? What I say? Not to run away right?” He was so smug. You wanted to deflate his ego, but you’ve been testing him too much.
“You’re just fucking big, this is crazy.” You let out a small laugh. He slipped inside you again, appreciating your words. “Fuck daddy, you’re stretching out my pussy again.” You’re not even sure where that came from, but you could tell Angel was a fan.
“Yeah, you like how daddy stretches his pussy baby. You ain’t never seeing Reno again, this pussy is mine, isn’t it baby girl?” Angel pounded into you, wetting his fingers as he rubbed your clit.
You gripped the sheets, meeting his hips. Angel continually praised you, his fingers unrelenting as it circled your clit. You came, eyes rolling to the back of your head, shuddering beneath Angel. This had to be the best fucking orgasm you’ve ever had and Angel had yet to come. He watched you, a moaning, panting mess as you came down from your high.
He was screwed since he would never tire of that sight. He wanted to see it over and over again. His dick was throbbing within you as your walls continued to clench around him.
“Fuck, you haven’t even cum yet.” You commented once you caught your breath.
Angel laughed. “Why is Rufus a minute man?”
“I’ve never fucked Roger.” Your admission makes the laughter emitting from Angel’s lips cease.
“I’ve never fucked Roger. I mean, we went on like a date, but I’ve never fucked him.” You admitted, his stare was far too intimate for you.
“You interested in Riley?” It always amazed you how Angel could think of endless names for Roger and never repeat a name.
“No,” you bit your lower lip, moving away from Angel, sighing when his length slid out of you. Looking at his dick, you saw your wetness coating him.
“Wanna taste yourself?”
You turned around, getting on your knees instead. “Another time. Please put your dick back in me daddy.” You moved your ass, your chest on the mattress, exposing you to Angel.
“You’re such a good girl, even though you were acting like a fucking brat earlier.” He smacked your ass, causing you to yelp. He did it again, a moan eliciting from your lips. “Damn baby, you like being spanked.”
“Just by you.” And you didn’t usually enjoy it, but this felt different with Angel and you welcomed it. “Daddy please,” you begged.
Angel bent down, his body over yours as he whispered into your ear. “I told you, you’d be begging for my dick.” He entered you with no warning, you moaned into the mattress, gripping the sheets. Angel’s hands laid above yours, intertwining it so you both were gripping the sheets.
“You’re deeper this way.” You were going crazy. The sound of his skin slapping against yours, you were gone. “Faster daddy, please.”
“Naw baby, you were talking too much shit earlier, you’re gonna take what I give you.” He slightly increased his pace. “Whose pussy is this?”
“Yours daddy.”
“That’s right, it’s all mine, ain’t no other motherfucker is ever going to have this tight little pussy.” His hand squeezed yours. “Fuck, I’m close.” He stood straight, his thrust was quicker and you definitely appreciated it. You felt your climax coming again, impressed by how Angel knew how to make your body sing.
After a few more thrust, Angel came, grunting your name out. You came right after him, his name coming out as a cry of absolute pleasure from your lips. Angel pulled out, his cum coming out of your pussy, but he pushed it back inside. You moaned, as his fingers entered you, your walls were still pulsating from the aftershock of another orgasm.
“Daddy’s gonna keep you cumming this weekend preciosa.”
You and Angel cleaned up, throwing the blanket to the floor and replacing it with a blanket you had brought with you. Angel pulled you in his arms, playing with the strings of your shorts.
“No strings attached?” You broke the silence between you two.
“Whatever you want baby.” Angel knew that you were his and nothing would change that. You gave yourself to him and that was that.
But you knew no strings attached wouldn’t last, Angel didn’t think so either.
As far as you were both concerned, it was only you two in this relationship, even though you just haven’t verbalized that.
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@buttercup812 : @-im-fantastic-​  : @mayans-sauce​
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Writing prompt: A big sleepover!! And maybe a homoerotic pillowfight?? *hint hint nudge nudge* (/j doesnt have to be homoerotic). Can be any fandom (like Arcane or The Poweres Universe if you feel up for that). Excited to see what you'll come up with!!
hey sorry this took so long!! ive been trying to decide how to write this haha
"So when are the kids gonna get here?" Jayce asks as he fishes out the many boxes of tea and hot coco hidden in his pantry.
"Soon." Viktor answers, putting away the last of his hidden knives. "They didn't exactly give me a time."
The two of them have been planning this for weeks. A sleepover for Ekko and Jinx, both of whom have been asking Viktor to see Piltover at night. They decided to host it in Jayce's apartment because it's bigger and has enough blankets for everyone, and Viktor brought the food.
"It should be before sunset though, right?" Jayce puts the boxes of hot coco powder and tea bags on the kitchen counter.
Viktor hums in affirmation, taking the box full of very sharp knives and reaching up to put them on top of the cabinets when Jayce's hands take it and put it up.
"Fuck you and your extra six inches." Viktor spins around and glares at Jayce, who's grinning like an idiot.
"I'm good today, thank you." He says before leaning down and giving Viktor a gentle kiss. "I like that much better."
Viktor's scowl melts into a smile as he laughs. "You'll never tire of those jokes, will you?"
"Will you get tired of trans jokes?"
"Point taken." Viktor wraps his arms around Jayce's neck. "May I have another?"
"Another what?" Jayce whispers, and slowly leans down. "Another one of these?"
They're kissing again. Viktor doesn't think he's ever going to tire of the endorphin rush that kissing Jayce gives him. His blood is on fire, and he can't help the giddy smile that widens across his lips.
"Should we come back later?"
Viktor jumps so hard he falls down, and he would be upset if it wasn't for Jayce and Jinx's laughter. Jayce holds out a hand, one that Viktor takes to help himself up. He turns to see Jinx and Ekko in the entryway, both with backpacks on.
"Hello you two." He mutters, rubbing all the parts of his bones that hurt from the fall. "How was the trip?"
"It was good, where's the best place to see the sunset?" Ekko asks, shifting the strap on the backpack.
“Hold on a second.” Viktor smiles as he moves out of the kitchen. “The sunset isn’t for another fifteen minutes, and I haven’t seen the two of you in months. At least give me a hug first.”
He almost falls backwards at the speed in which Ekko hugs him. Viktor lets his hand fall on top of Ekko’s hair, as it so often does. 
“Why do you have to live up here? What’s wrong with living at The Last Drop?”
Jinx nods from behind him, hands twisting the strap of her backpack. “It feels like you abandoned us sometimes. I don’t understand . . .” She trails off, avoiding eye contact.’
A part of Viktor’s heart curls up in pain. He leads the two kids to the living room, giving them space to sit on the couch. “Ekko, Jinx, I want to start by saying that I will never, never abandon you. You’re family, I care very deeply about both of you. But when I first came here, I was looking for a way to better help Silco and his various projects. I always thought that helping him was my purpose in life, but that’s not true. In being here, I found something better than purpose.” He looks behind him, where Jayce is standing in the entryway. “I found a reason to thrive.”
“I don’t get it.” Jinx says, and Ekko nods in agreement.
Someone warm leans next to Viktor. “I think what he’s trying to say, in his very overcomplicated way, is that he lives up here not because he’s abandoning you or the family, or that he doesn’t like The Last Drop, but that he’s carved out a place for himself here, one that he doesn’t want to leave. At least, not now.” Jayce turns to look at Viktor. “Did I get that right?”
“Perfectly.” Viktor presses a kiss to Jayce’s cheek, and it turns into a smile when the sounds of childlike disgust come from Jinx and Ekko. “Get used to it, I’m in love.”
“Still gross.” Jinx sticks out her tongue. “You two are too mushy.”
“Yeah, stop being mushy!”
Viktor laughs at that, his chest fluttering and swelling like the crescendo to a song in the concerts that they invite all the high standing people to. Or, in Viktor’s case, only Jayce is invited and he tells Viktor to make a copy of his ticket so that they can both get in. Hmm, maybe he’s rubbing off on Jayce a little too much.
“Can we go see the sunset now? I don’t wanna be around you two if you’re gonna be kissy kissy.” Ekko asks, and Viktor pulls him into another hug.
“Is there anything else bothering you?”
Ekko shakes his head.
“Good, let’s go. Also, I like what you’ve done with your hair, it suits you.”
“Thanks, Mylo did it!”
They ended up staying out on the roof of the complex far longer than intended, meaning that the kids were freezing by the time they decided it was time to go back.
“Why is it so much colder up topside than it is in Zaun?” Jinx whines, rubbing her bare arms.
“Maybe you’d not be so cold if you actually wore long sleeves.” Ekko mutters, and Viktor is glad he’s standing between the pair because the glare that Jinx gives Ekko is definitely one he taught her. 
“Jinx, Piltover is subjected to open air. It’s usually colder up here than it is in Zaun.” He explains. “And while I don’t police your clothing choices, I do think I told you that it can get chilly at night when I said you two could come.”
Jayce unlocks and opens the door to the apartment. “Good thing I have hot chocolate then, huh.” He says, and the two children sprint towards Jayce and latch onto him like he’s their lifeforce.
“What kind of hot chocolate?!” Jinx demands.
“It has mountains on it-”
“YES!” The cheers of Ekko and Jinx reverberate throughout the room, and Viktor watches Jayce to make sure that the sudden noise didn’t trigger anything for him.
Jayce laughs and picks the two up (of course he can pick them up, he’s 6′10 and built like a hydraulic press), to march them into the kitchen for mandatory cocoa.
Viktor watches the trio disappear, and smiles. This is his ideal life, he realizes with the ferocity of a bullet ripping through his chest. Him and Jayce, living in someplace small where his family is able to visit him, and vice versa. Where he’s able to live topside, able to work on the thing he loves so dearly, but also able to see his siblings, see his family who have grown their roots in Zaun.
He loves Zaun, he does and he always will. Piltover has nothing on it, but Jayce can’t live in Zaun. He’s too soft and kind-hearted and giving for what Zaun is right now, and will continue to be for decades until they’re able to change. Until they’re given the freedom to change.
The sound of a whipped cream canister shakes Viktor from his thoughts, and he moves to the kitchen to see Ekko already has whipped cream on his nose. Not that it’s surprising with the large tower of it on his mug. 
Jayce is handing Jinx her own mug heaped with whipped cream, and she sips at it with pure joy. 
“You want some?” Jayce holds up the can of hot cocoa mix.
“I think I’m good.” Viktor looks at the kids, who are sipping at their hot cocoa and giggling at their whipped cream moustaches. “I think I’m good.”
It’s late into the night when they both pass out on the couch. Jayce lays one of his softer blankets on them as Viktor undoes his leg brace.
“They’re quite a pair, I’ll admit.” Jayce whispers as he sits next to Viktor. “It’s a good break from,” He waves his hands in the air, and Viktor sets his brace aside.
“Yeah, that’s true.” He looks at their sleeping forms, and smiles. “We should invite Mylo and Claggor next time, those two are very fun.”
“Mmm, if you say so love.” Jayce hums. “Ready to sleep?”
“I think so.” Viktor moves to get up, but Jayce swoops him into his arms before he can get anywhere. “Carrying me to bed? How romantic.”
“Is this too mushy for you?” Jayce teases, and Viktor holds in his laughter. 
“I think I’ll live. You’re too handsome to let go.”
Jayce lights up scarlet, and a small giggle falls from Viktor’s lips. “You’re very cute when you blush.”
“And you’re very flirty when you’re tired.” Jayce mumbles before setting Viktor on the bed. “I’m getting you night clothes, you’re not sleeping in that if I can help it.”
“Can you help it?”
Jayce makes a harsh sound from the back of his throat. “Yes.”
Viktor smiles at Jayce. His face hurts from smiling so much this evening. He thinks he can get used to that. “Thank you, Jayce. For being kind.”
Jayce tilts his head slightly. “Why wouldn’t I be? Everyone deserves kindness.” With that, he turns back around on his quest to get Viktor suitable sleepwear.
With that, impossibly, Viktor falls more in love.
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