New Bingo Card
1. Debut - The Closer I Get To You by LonelyBeth
2. Page-turning - Perfectly Imperfect by CatCat85
3. Reach for a box of tissues - Delinquent by Balletismyobsession
4. Unusual Occupation - Book That by morethanwords
5. Wild Card - A Pinch of Salt by TheNameIsBritney
6. The Summer - The Shrike by scatterthestars
7. Challenge - Out of the Blue by lilyvandersteen
8. LOL - My Heart, It Pounds Yeah, You Got Ms by nineofhearts4
9. Don't normally read - A Simpler Time by legallyblained
Thanks for this great selection. There's now 105 fics here on ao3! ~Jen
1. Debut - The Closer I Get To You by LonelyBeth
Kurt and Blaine returns back to school for Spring semester after Christmas break. They're both students at NYADA. They have never met. They're both from Ohio. Both graduated high school in 2012 and entered college in the Fall. They nailed their audition on the first try. Even though they've seen each other occasionally around campus last semester, they never spoke to one another. They didn't have classes together or run in the same social circles. Both were busy maneuvering New York City, classes, work and studying. Kurt and Blaine didn't meet each other until now….January 2013. They met in class and became partners for the entire semester. What could possibly happen in one semester?
2. Page-turning - Perfectly Imperfect by @catcat-85
Golden Globe winning actor, Blaine Anderson went to prison for a murder he did not commit. After 5 long years, he has escaped from prison, and in a desperate need to get to a safe house before he can leave the country; he kidnaps Kurt, and forced him to drive him to a secluded cabin nestled in between the snowy mountains in Vermont. For Blaine, it’s his last chance for freedom. Falling in love is the last thing on Blaine’s mind. It’s not part of the plan. And for Kurt, it’s a terrifying situation that disrupts the impeccably perfect life he has created for himself. He’s outraged and angry at Blaine, and yet; he can’t help but believe Blaine is innocent.
Will the truth finally come out and Blaine be exonerated? Will the FBI catch him and put him back in prison? Will he and Kurt fall in love even in the most hopeless situation? Will love truly prevail all at the end?
Based on the novel, Perfect, by Judith McNaught. This is a story about two men who are complete opposites from one another; and yet, they complete each other in a perfectly imperfect way.
3. Reach for a box of tissues - Delinquent by Balletismyobsession
Kurt is starting to lose hope that life at McKinley can be anything more than daily trauma, but that changes when a dark-haired mystery boy transfers and sends rumors swirling. But Kurt is determined not to write Blaine off. As they grow closer, spill painful pasts, and begin to trust one another and heal, they find more than they ever thought they could: someone to call home.
4. Unusual Occupation - Book That by morethanwords
‘They have met, and have represented opposite views at these conferences every year for the past 5 years. This year, due to double booking of rooms, they will have to share a room for 3 nights.’ Rivals to Lovers, Sharing a room/bed. Based on this prompt found on prompt-a-klainefic
5. Wild Card - A Pinch of Salt by TheNameIsBritney
Blaine Anderson is the head chef for an up and coming restaurant, managed by former Broadway failure Rachel Berry. Kurt Hummel is an anonymous food critic whose reviews walk the line between detailed to perfection, and downright cruel (according to his victims). They meet one night in a flurry of passion and heat.
But what Blaine doesn’t know is that Kurt is the critic who gave his restaurant an ego-crushing review not one week before they met.
6. The Summer - The Shrike by @scatter-the-stars
When it comes to relationships, Kurt doesn’t believe in them. He’s happy with just sex. Doesn’t need anything else that could come with a relationship. When his best friend asks for a favor after a horrible breakup, he can’t refuse. The cruise was meant to be nothing more than relaxing by the pool and hooking up with whatever cute guy that caught his eye. What he doesn’t expect is Blaine, and being faced with feelings and desires he’s never dealt with before.
7. Challenge - Out of the Blue by @lilyvandersteen
Kurt organises a fake wedding for Brittana to get presents from random billionaires. Cooper is one of those invited, and he shows up with his brother in tow. Sparks fly, but not of the good kind. Enemies to lovers, anyone? With a slight Pride and Prejudice vibe?
8. One that made me laugh out loud: - My Heart, It Pounds Yeah, You Got Me by @nineofhearts4
Kurt gets drunk and records a TikTok entitled “Guys I Had A Crush On In High School”, in which he talks about, rates, and shows pictures of his various crushes— embarrassing, unrequited, and otherwise — thinking he set it to friends only or private. When he wakes up the next day, he has a flood of notifications that prove otherwise, a hangover, and a text from Blaine Anderson. The longest part of Kurt’s now viral video.
9. Don't normally read - A Simpler Time by @legallyblaine-blog
Best sort-of friends Blaine and Santana aren't exactly living their best lives in 2020. When a storm throws them the biggest imaginable curve ball, can they make it back home? And can they make a change before they do?
19 notes · View notes
little-escapist · 2 years
I am very curious about "hit by a bike messenger au"
Hahaha, this is another "I can't deal with medical stuff so I won't touch this"
This is also from @prompt-a-klainefic. Kurt sees Blaine getting hit by a bike messenger and takes him to the hospital. Cooper comes to see his brother and mistakes Kurt for Blaine's new boyfriend, and Blaine doesn't correct him, because the new boyfriend was a lie. I have some stuff written for this, more than just notes, but yeah, the medical stuff stopped me.
Here's a piece of it:
"Kurt entertains himself by people-watching the crowd on the sidewalk. It’s a nice enough spring day, the sun is out but it’s not too hot. People seem to be mostly in high spirits, there is chatter and smiles sprinkled among the normal serious rushers just trying to get wherever their destination is. Kurt doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of the versatility of people in New York. Others are dressed to the nines, others look like they haven’t ever seen a shower in their life. Kurt has spent a lot of times in parks and cafes just watching, taking it all in. It’s very different from Lima, and even after four years in the city, it hasn’t lost it’s shine. This is where he belongs. 
A bike messenger flashes past the spot where Kurt has parked, and Kurt wonders how the guy dares such a speed on a busy street right before a short, dark haired guy appears from behind a corner. There’s nothing to do, nothing to say, no time to react: the bike messenger clashes into him at full speed with a yell. The guy on the bike falls to his side, but it doesn’t seem he’s hurt too badly, since he just gets up, cursing loud enough for Kurt to hear it in the car."
5 notes · View notes
hazelandglasz · 7 years
This Hating Game - A Klaine Prompt Big Bang Fic
Once again, all my thanks to @prompt-a-klainefic for setting up this event and all the mods for helping set up a schedule
All the kudos to @dashitrandom for creating such a beautiful, inspiring art (and for saving me from having to decide on a title)
All my gratitude to @bluecloudsupabove who agreed to beta my work and made sure that I didn’t make any mistake (if there are any left, it’s all on me!!)
Available on AO3
Inspired by this prompt : Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school
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Eleven years ago
God that letterman jacket is heavy.
But you would have to pay Blaine a lot of money to take it off, even in the abnormally hot weather they’re having.
From what he gathered, the red and black piece of clothing is the only shield he can use in this school.
The only thing that will keep the bruises and the hits and the taunts at bay.
So it may be heavy, and polyester, and yes, a little bit smelly, but Blaine will wear it until he can leave Ohio behind in a trail of dust.
“Oi, Anderson.”
Blaine is torn between snickering or rolling his eyes.
He does both for good measure. “Yes, Puckerman?”
The wannabe badboy throws his arm around Blaine’s shoulder and pulls him close to walk down the halls. “You settling down alright?”
“Uh, yeah, yes I suppose.”
“Nobody givin’ you any trouble?”
Blaine looks up at Puck and smiles. “Not since I joined the team.”
Puck smiles back. “Good, good. And how’s it goin’ with the ladies?”
Blaine frowns and shrugs Puck’s arm off him. “Puck, you know--you know I’m gay right?”
“Guess I forgot,” Puck replies with a look of innocence that is far too practiced to be honest. “But you know who else is gay? Finn’s bro.”
“Would you look at that,” Blaine deadpans, even as his cheeks heat up. “What a coincidence.”
“I know right?” Puck is literally beaming now. “So it’s settled.”
“What’s settled?”
“You’ll go on a date with Hummel, and that way, we can triple date with Cheerios.”
“Who says I’m going on a date with him?”
It’s not that Blaine minds going on a date with the Cheerio co-captain--Kurt Hummel is all long, agile limbs and blue eyes--, he’s really protesting for the principle of Puck (and probably Finn) pushing the two out gays together.
“Oh c’m’on bro,” Puck pleads, lightly punching Blaine’s shoulder, “Quinn wants her bro to have a date or she won’t get out with us, and--”
“And you really want to go on a date with her?”
“Yeah.” Puck pauses before wilting in front of Blaine’s glare. “Among other things. Please, Blaine, come on, I’ll owe you.”
“Ah, now you’re talking.”
Blaine doesn’t know why he finally agreed--50% to get Puck off his back, 50% to actually go on a date with Kurt, probably--but he tries to calm himself down.
It’s just a date at Breadstix, with Puck and Finn.
Puck and Quinn are already making googly eyes at each other, and Quinn misplaced one footsie too many for Blaine’s liking.
If Finn could hurry up with Rachel and Kurt, that would be awesome.
Otherwise Blaine is just going to eat the whole basket of breadsticks, no matter how stale they are.
“Sorry we’re late, Kurt couldn’t--”, Finn starts as they finally arrive, but a glare and a well-placed elbow make him stop, “I mean, I couldn’t figure out what to, um, wear?”
Blaine barely holds in a chuckle at that, since Finn is wearing his usual “date outfit” of clean-ish shirt, jeans and letterman jacket.
As a matter of fact, the three of them are wearing their jackets.
Blaine decided to wear a bowtie, so at least he earns point for originality, doesn’t he.
Kurt sits down in front of him, and Blaine has to remind himself how to breathe. The co-captain of the cheerleading squad looks …
Casual, with his fitted jeans, white shirt and black waistcoat, but still classy.
That shiny brooch does wonders.
“You look good,” Blaine tells him with a crooked smile as an ice-breaker.
“I look great,” Kurt replies haughtily before dropping his eyes to his folded hands on the table. “But thanks.”
Blaine knows his cheeks are heating up, especially because Puck keeps on giving him sideway glances.
“You don’t look half bad either, Blaine,” Rachel says maybe a tad too loudly, and Blaine nods in acknowledgment.
Looking up, he sees the quick angry look Kurt throws her way before returning to him, and for a moment they just look into each other’s eyes.
Kurt’s cheeks are dusted pink and he snatches a menu to hide his face.
If anything, Blaine finds it very endearing.
“You do look good.”
Blaine peers up from behind his menu, to see Kurt watching him. “Hm?”
“The bowtie--it’s a nice touch.”
“Thank you.”
“A bit nerdy, sure, but I can appreciate a good accessory.”
Blaine smiles now, smoothing down one of the sides of the bowtie.
But before he can reply--
“Though it is a bit ironic, don’t you think?”
“A jock wearing what’s usually a nerd’s outfit?”
Blaine clenches his jaw. “I can’t be part of the football team and a nerd?”
Kurt lets out a snort of laughter, followed by Quinn and Puck. “Um, no, that’s not how school hierarchy works.”
“Too bad.”
Kurt rolls his eyes at Blaine, and if Blaine continues, he’s going to grind his teeth to dust. “What, you want us to believe you are sooo layered,” Kurt teases, slamming the menu down on the table and leaning towards Blaine.
“Um, Kurt, I wouldn’t--,” Puck, of all people, starts, but Blaine holds his hand up.
“No, Puck, let him continue,” he says, sickenly sweet.
Both Puck and Finn know that tone.
It usually precedes a storm of epic proportion--Azimio still remembers it.
“So nice of you to let me speak,” Kurt replies, tone just as sweet.
Their smiles could only be described as tight, and Finn exchanges a look with Rachel, who gives Puck a pointed look, who glances at Quinn for guidance.
“Um, guys, let’s order, I’m star-ving,” she cuts in with a wide smile and a flick of her blonde hair in Kurt’s face.
He blinks and Blaine leans back in his chair. “Excellent idea.”
The date doesn’t improve from there, but at least it doesn’t delve into a full-fleshed fight.
It’s when they all get back to their cars that it takes a turn for the worse.
Namely, when Finn and Puck start kissing Rachel and Quinn like they’re going to war and Kurt and Blaine are left to stand on the side like two awkward fifth wheels.
Blaine tries his best to look at anything but the two kissing couples and the boy next to him.
God knows he went into this date willing to have it ending with Kurt and himself engaging in the same activities, but now that he’s talked to the guy?
Yeah, no thanks.
Kurt sneaks a look at him, trying to catch his attention, and Blaine slowly, as slowly as possible, turns his head towards him with his best look of disdain.
Aka Blaine’s Bitch Please Number 5, copyright pending.
Kurt tilts his head towards the two couples and nods a couple of times, his eyebrows raising, as if suggesting …
“Have you lost your mind, Hummel?” Blaine hisses, recoiling from Kurt. “What exactly in that disaster of an evening gave you the impression that it was going to end in a big tonguefest?”
The kissing soundtrack ends, but Blaine cannot look away from the look of fury and shame that takes over Kurt’s face.
“Like it would be such a burden to try and improve this shitty evening with some make out with me?” Kurt retorts before sticking his nose in the air.
Blaine opens and closes his mouth a couple of times, looking for support from one of the bystanders. Funnily enough, none of the foursome looks his way.
Such an interesting sidewalk.
“A burden, maybe not,” Blaine replies, his temper getting the best of him. “But definitely not a pleasure either. You think this is all a game?”
“A game?”
Kurt’s voice is back to being sickly sweet, and it makes Blaine see red.
“Yeah a game. Are you here only so you can put a notch on your bedpost? Did you kiss the whole football team to prove something to yourself?”
“Buddy, you should stop right th--”
“No, you know what,” Blaine continues, unable and more importantly, unwilling, to stop now, because his crush on Kurt and his hopes at a high-school relationship just crashed and burned in the most ugly way, and he’s pissed. “I get that you want to defend him, because he’s your brother, and you want to defend him, because you feel like shit for everything you put him through and, or, because you are attracted to him or something--”
“He’s got a point, Noah.”
“--but I’m done trying to coddle the poor little cheerleader who was bullied and uses his position at the top of the food chain to bully back.”
“Ex-cuse me?!”
Kurt stepped closer at some point during Blaine’s rant, and they’re practically in each other’s face.
“I see you, Hummel,” Blaine says between his teeth, his cheeks burning, “and I see that you entertain yourself by looking down on everybody that you deem beneath you. Guess what--you’re not better than anybody in this school, and you should get used to be average for the rest of your life.”
“How dare--”
“Guys, see you tomorrow at practice. Ladies, goodnight. Kurt … well, see you around the school, I guess.”
On his way back to his car, he can hear Quinn’s whisper echoing across the parking lot.
“Didn’t know he had it in him.”
Blaine smoothes down his black shirt and checks his reflection in the mirror across the restaurant.
Unique was adamant that this was the blind date to end all blind dates--nay, the last blind date he would ever need to do, because his date was his soulmate.
Setting aside the fact that maybe, just maybe, Unique had a weird passion for Blaine’s love life, he was willing to try.
The appeal of romance, the thrill of maybe finding the one man who would make his heart race? Yes, Blaine was all for it.
Unique had only agreed to tell him the first name of the Mystery Soulmate, and that he was hot, and that he would wear something red.
And so shall he.
Hence the red pants.
The fact that they showcase his ass like no other pants in his closet is a definite bonus.
His beard is trimmed, for once, Blaine made sure to be on just the right side of hispter.
He cleans his glasses with the hem of his shirt before returning his attention to the door, looking for a tall man with a “perfect sense of fashion, you can’t miss him, Blaine, Kurt really does stand out in a crowd.”
That name made Blaine freeze, but he dismissed that feeling--it’s not such an unusual name, after all, is it.
Many men are called Kurt.
It’s New York after all, maybe Kurt just arrived from Europe and Blaine will get to explore all that Old continent vibe.
There is no reason for Unique’s Kurt to be Kurt Hummel.
God knows it’s water under a bridge, but the memory of his date with the head cheerleader, back when he was just starting at McKinley, still makes his face burn with shame.
How mean did he get, without any real provocation.
So the date was a doozy--that’s not a reason to tear into a guy who was just trying to survive highschool, just like Blaine did.
He had such a bad temper as a teenager--thank God for therapy and boxing (and yoga).
Oh well, Blaine tells himself, water under bridges.
He has grown, they all did. Kurt grew up too--Blaine wonders where he is now …
He can always check Facebook later, if the blind date doesn’t go as wonderfully as Unique predicted.
“I can’t believe this.”
Blaine looks towards the voice that just spoke--high, yet masculine, strangely familiar.
His eyes find a torso, toned and lean, covered in a red leopard sweater, and he looks up and up and--
And frankly, he can’t believe this either.
“Kurt? Hummel?!”
Because there is no doubt in his mind that this man is Kurt E. Hummel, all grown-up and glaring at him.
Something tells Blaine that he should not find this particular detail as hot as it does.
“Small world,” Kurt replies, arms crossed and index tapping his elbow.
Blaine leans back in his chair and reaches for his bowtie. “Indeed.”
They look at each other until Kurt has to move out one waiter’s way, and Blaine takes advantage of the few seconds of relief to compose himself.
“What should we do now?” Kurt says, probably more speaking to himself than asking an actual question.
Blaine doesn’t have to think too hard to decide how to reply. “Care for a do over?”
“Excuse me?”
The tone is still the same, superior and cutting, but Blaine has grown.
He doesn’t let it have the same crumpling effect.
“I think it’s safe to say that we both wish the … date we had, if we can call it that, never happened, correct?”
Kurt tilts his head to the side, and would you look at that jawline, it would feel amazing under my lips …
“I suppose.”
Blaine mentally slaps himself out of his fantasy. “Then I offer a do over. Let’s pretend we don’t know each other.”
Kurt squints at him, as if gauging him. “For real?”
Blaine puts his left hand over his heart and raises his right hand. “Scout’s honor.”
Kurt looks down, trying--and failing--to hide his smile. Then he pulls out the chair and sits down.
Blaine has no idea why he feels so relieved.
“Some things never change,” Kurt says softly. “Once a dork, always a dork.”
Blaine cocks one eyebrow at him and Kurt blushes, raising his hands in front of him. “Sorry, sorry, do over, my bad.”
“Hi,” Blaine replies, offering his hand. “I’m Blaine, you must be Kurt?”
Kurt considers the offer before shaking it. “Indeed. Very nice to meet you.”
Blaine barely manages to contain his beaming smile. “And you. Unique was particularly insistent that this was her best matchmaking.”
Kurt smirks at that, crossing his arms on the table. “Let’s see. So tell me, Blaine, what do you do?”
Blaine smiles at Kurt before answering.
Game on.
Somewhere between the main dish and the dessert, Blaine finds himself in a position he didn’t foresee.
He doesn’t want the evening to end.
Kurt is … the most interesting man Blaine has ever met.
Charming, smart, with a sharp sense of humor--all qualities that Blaine’s latest dates sorely lacked.
He asks Blaine many questions, pays attention to his replies, teases him a little bit about the whole Hipster™ look Blaine has going on, but in a playful way that is antithetic to how his younger self offered criticism.
The sparkle in his eyes in the soft candlelight does help to make this a delightful experience.
One that, as previously stated, Blaine doesn’t want to see ending.
“May I interest you gentlemen in a dessert?” Their waiter asks, and Blaine has a positive reply on the tip of his tongue when Kurt answers, “No, thank you.”
His dismay must show on his face, more than he’d like. Kurt frowns at him, and then his eyes widen in understanding.
“Oh, no!” He exclaims. “I didn’t mean--tonight has been great, but I know a wonderful place for cheesecake and they’re opened all night, and their soundtrack is more discreet so we could, you know, talk more peacefully, I just--”
Blaine reaches for one of Kurt’s flailing hands. “Thank you,” he says calmly, as calmly as he can that is, what with his heart beating madly against his ribs, rubbing his thumb over Kurt’s knuckles. “I would love that.”
Kurt opens his mouth and closes it, wrapping his fingers around Blaine’s hand. The corners of his mouth lift into a gentle, innocent smile. “I’m glad,” he replies, his voice slightly breathless. “So … cheesecake?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“It’s not in this neighborhood though.”
“I don’t mind, we can use some walking before such a treat.”
“Actually, it’s closer to my place.”
“In Bushwick?”
Blaine only realizes now that he never let go of Kurt’s hand. There is a strange form of intimacy, in both the gesture and the words being said.
And Kurt hasn’t taken his hand away either.
“I don’t mind.”
Kurt’s eyes widen, and there is a barely perceptible tension in his hold on Blaine’s hand. “You … don’t?”
Blaine leans forward, covering their joined hands with his free one. “Tonight has been great indeed, I can only agree with you,” he says softly, keeping his eyes on Kurt. “And I don’t really want to see ending.”
“Same here,” Kurt replies, his earlier panic receding from his eyes. “We were both assholes as teenagers.”
“Just trying to survive in our own ways.”
“But now that I got to really talk to you,” Kurt continues, his eyes dropping to their joined hands, “I don’t know if I ever will want to say goodbye to you.”
“Who says you have to?”
Kurt’s smile widens until his eyes crinkle adorably. “Who indeed.”
The cheesecake turns into three, and changes into a walk on the banks of the Hudson river to watch the sunrise.
It’s only now, as the sky takes a pink, orange hue, that the conversation between the two men dwindles. The silence it leaves behind is comfortable, and Blaine mentally sends a thank you to Unique’s hunch.
They are perfectly matched, there is no doubt about that.
Kurt yawns before sitting on a bench, and Blaine follows his lead. Kurt keeps one arm over the back of the bench.
It only feels natural for Blaine to lean against it, stretching his legs with a sigh.
“Do you--” Kurt starts, a yawn cutting him short. “Do you have to go to work today?”
Blaine pets his beard, his eyelids closing on their own accord now that they are sitting down. “Nope,” he replies after thinking about it, popping the last sound. “You?”
“Maybe a couple of emails to appease the Powers that look over me,” Kurt replies, once again cut off by a yawn that makes his jaw pop.
(Blaine can hear it popping)
“But otherwise, free as a bird.”
“Wanna come sleep at my place?”
The words are out of Blaine’s mouth before he can rein them in, but for his defense, it’s sunrise and he didn’t get any sleep.
Not that he regrets it--the sleepless night or the offer--but it sounds a bit … a bit too forward.
Something dark appears in Kurt’s eyes. “Took you a decade, but you’re finally interested in a tonguefest, Anderson?”
Blaine can feel the tip of his ears heating up, and he straightens up, away from Kurt’s casual touch. “No! I mean yes!” he exclaims, backpedaling when Kurt’s face loses its teasing look. “I mean--,” he sighs, resting his elbows on his thighs. “You had to bring it up.”
Kurt’s laughter is slightly embarrassed. Blaine chances a look, and sure enough, Kurt’s face is turning a blotchy kind of pink.
Or maybe it’s the reflection of the sunrise on the Hudson.
Either way, it’s adorable.
“I couldn’t resist teasing you,” Kurt admits in a mumble.
“Fair enough.”
“Yeah, I deserve it--my teenage self was not a dream.”
Kurt barks out a laugh that ends in an undignified snort. “You and me both.”
“Glad we agree on that.”
“That being said,” Kurt continues, “I … I wouldn’t mind.”
“Mind what?”
The blush on Kurt’s cheeks only intensifies. “Oh God, you’re going to make me say it?”
“Yes please.”
Kurt squints at him before giving him a crooked smile. “Fair, uh?”
“Fine--Blaine Anderson, as a redo of our first, quasi non-existent date, would you like to bring this one to a close with a ki--hmph.”
Blaine doesn’t linger, and the kiss realistically lasts less than three seconds, four tops.
But it’s everything.
Soft and delicate, and yet powerful and Earth-shattering, if Blaine is being honest.
Kurt’s fingers barely brush against his cheek as they part, gentle like a fluttering wing. For a moment, Blaine loses himself in Kurt’s eyes, before closing his own and diving in for a second kiss.
As far as second kisses go, this one is to be remembered.
(They’re lucky it’s so early that the only witness to that kiss is a dog walker and her three dogs.)
Eventually, they part for the day, and Kurt is grateful for it.
While a good portion of him wanted nothing more than to take Blaine back to his apartment, get rid of that bowtie and those infuriating red pants, and test for himself the feeling of that hipster beard against his thighs (oh Lord yes), the rest of him still clings to his high school dreams.
Of dating Blaine Devon Anderson.
Of wooing him and being wooed in return.
Of having his romantic fantasy with a dreamboat of a man.
And now that they are adults, the dreamboat part is all too real.
Back then, sure, Kurt can admit that the persona he presented was pretty … abrasive, to say the least. He doesn’t blame Blaine for turning him down--even if he could have chosen other words to signify his disinterest …
Water under bridges, bygones etc., and Kurt is not entirely innocent in this matter.
Even after a decade, even with a beard and a pair of glasses, Kurt would have recognized him in any line-up.
Blaine Fucking Anderson.
Lying in his bed, Kurt allows himself to kick his feet in delight.
His teenage self would be delighted.
The moment Blaine had entered McKinley’s grounds, Kurt’s heart had started making somersaults that would have made Coach Sylvester very proud.
Kurt lost count of the number of times he wished he could have come to his defense when the rest of the school used the smaller boy as a punching ball.
Pushing Finn to offer a spot on the team to Blaine had been the right move, and seeing him in that red jacket only highlighted all the assets Kurt wanted by his side.
And then, that disastrous date night.
Over the years, Kurt has come to peace with it, with his behavior and the fact that while it cost him a potential boyfriend, it was the lightning bulb moment he needed to finally grow from an icy, kind of an asshole of a teenager into a confident and compassionate young man.
Blaine probably doesn’t know the impact he left on Kurt.
A ping from his phone derails Kurt from his walk down memory lane.
From Blaine
Can you sleep
Kurt smiles at his screen.
To Blaine
Me neither
I keep thinking about you
Is that too much
It’s too much, I’m sorry
Calm down
I like that
:D My honey bee?
Kurt Hummel I am blushing =^^=
Achievement then
Is it too much if I say that I want another date with you?
Not at all, keep going
May I invite you to come over to my place?
Keep going
And cook for you?
You can cook?
I am full of mysteries ;)
You like it, admit it
I do *///*
Good to know
Is that a yes though?
Cause I’d need to do some shopping (and cleaning)
I don’t mind if your place is a bit messy
Uh-huh, sure
Kurt looks around from his bed--apart from a pile of magazines and some clothes thrown over a chair, he’s no cleaning freak.
Wanna see my place, so you can calm down on the white tornado?
If you don’t mind, I’d rather see your apartment in the flesh when I see it for the first time
The romance of it, the promise hidden behind those words, make Kurt close his eyes for a moment, clutching his phone to his face.
Blaine Anderson, you charmer
… Really?
Not something I’ve been said often
Are you fishing for compliments? ;)
Nope--I just thought that while being romantic, I wasn’t good at it
At romance
Oh you’re good, trust me
I do
I will
Sooo tonight?
Count on me
Blaine texts him his address--Brooklyn too, just a different neighborhood--before bidding him a good day of rest.
With a kissy emoji.
*Holy shit*
Kurt is about to go a second date with a complete nerd.
His nerd.
It is on.
Blaine’s apartment looks like him.
The building is old fashioned but the apartment itself is pretty modern. Lots of light, comfortable furniture and knick-knacks on every shelf--Kurt can guess that some of them disappeared somewhere in Blaine’s room during his “cleaning”.
The kitchen is compact--a lot like the man presently using it, his back to Kurt while he sprinkles little pieces of chili flakes in a pan.
Kurt is sitting at the bar that links the kitchen to Blaine’s living room, and while his eyes cannot, for the life of him, move from Blaine’s ass (what), he lets his brain take unknown roads.
Like the ones that move the furniture around to fit his armchair and his bookshelf.
The ones cataloguing Blaine’s DVDs to see which ones are already in his collection.
The ones where Kurt can easily, so easily (too easily), see himself living here, for short.
It’s scarily exciting--a lot like Kurt pictures sky-diving.
Kurt returns his attention to the man who is making all those changes happen in his mind without even knowing it.
On the counter, there are two plates that look absolutely divine. Pasta and shrimp--nothing too complicated, but it’s rich and creamy and it makes Kurt’s mouth water.
Like the man responsible for it, then.
“Linguine with creamy roasted tomatoes and grilled shrimps,” Blaine announces proudly as he grates lemon zest on top of the plate. “Buon appetito.”
Kurt is torn between devouring the dish or the cook himself.
He compromises, pulling Blaine towards him by grabbing his apron to press a kiss to his lips before picking up his fork.
He takes a bite and has to clamp his mouth before a truly pornographic moan comes out of his mouth.
Blaine’s cheeks are still bright pink when he sits down next to Kurt. “You like it?”
Kurt pauses mid-chew to nod enthusiastically. “That’s delicious,” he says, not even caring that he might have some sauce on his cheek.
(He does.)
(He actually looks like he used the sauce as a lipstick.)
(Not that it matters to Blaine.)
“I’m glad,” Blaine says, delicately twirling his fork until the pasta is wrapped around it. Kurt has to admit that Blaine has amazing table manners.
And that he’s jealous of a piece of cutlery when Blaine brings the forkful to his lips.
“What is it?” Blaine asks and Kurt mentally shakes himself from his trance. “Do I have something on my face? Or on my shirt?”
“Just something--” Kurt says, taking the situation to his advantage, cupping Blaine’s cheek and brushing his thumb across it, “--here, and it’s gone, there you go.”
Except that he keeps his hand in place and leans forward to kiss Blaine one more time.
And another.
And another one, that lasts longer.
“Does that dish heat up well?” he whispers against Blaine’s lips.
“I don’t know,” Blaine replies, bowing his head to kiss along the line of Kurt’s jaw. “I guess we’ll have to find out.”
“You read my min-hmph.”
They both stand up, and Kurt reaches to take Blaine’s face in both his hands, guiding his face to make the kiss dirtier.
Blaine presses himself against Kurt, wrapping his arms around his waist.
As delicious as the dish Blaine cooked was, it’s nothing compared to how sweet Kurt finds the sounds Blaine makes in the kiss, little moans and groans that go straight to his cock.
Kurt moves one of his hands away from Blaine’s cheek to slide it down his back and lower.
Blaine breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against Kurt’s chest, a whine building up in his throat.
“God,” he breathes out, “I want you so much.”
“Me too,” Kurt says as he kisses Blaine's cheeks, his nose, the small space between his eyebrows, “so fucking much. Room?”
When they have more time, when the need to touch each other is not as pressing, Kurt will take the time to look at Blaine’s room. He will tease him for the amount of bookshelves, for the collection of cameras littering every available space.
He will pose for the very same cameras when Blaine aims them at him.
But that’s for the future to see, because for now, Kurt couldn’t care less if the room was bare, as long as there was still a bed, a bottle of lube and a box of condoms.
Kurt would be hard pressed to tell who took off what from whom, but the end result is to his satisfaction, the moment he lands on the bed and Blaine climbs on top of him without any layer of clothing between them.
“Do you--what do--how do you,” Blaine says, his hands roaming up and down Kurt’s body.
Kurt looks up at him and smiles crookedly. “I have to say that I like the view.”
The blush on Blaine’s cheeks spreads to his neck and chest. Kurt reaches up to follow its path, caressing Blaine’s nipples in the process.
Blaine hisses, arching his body towards the touch. “Humph.”
“Ride me, honey,” Kurt says huskily, resting his hands on Blaine’s hips.
Blaine’s eyes turn even darker, a ring of hazel barely visible now in the soft light of his bedside lamp. “Great idea.”
“Mine usually are.”
“We’ll see.”
Kurt cocks one eyebrow at Blaine as he rolls a condom down his length. “Is that a challenge, Anderson?”
Blaine straightens up, rising to his knees to get his lube-covered fingers to his ass. “You bet, Hummel.”
A laugh bubbles up in Kurt’s throat, and he bucks up his hips to brush his cock to Blaine’s ass cheeks. “Hurry up, honey.”
“So impatient,” Blaine says softly, eyes closed as he fingers himself opened. “How long have you been waiting for this?”
“Probably as long as you have.”
“Hmmmm, probably.”
“Aren’t you ready?”
“Hmmm feels good, gimme a minute.”
Kurt looks at Blaine, the way he undulates his body, fucking himself above him, and something snaps.
So he reaches for the option standing proudly in front of him. Wrapping his fingers around Blaine’s hard cock, Kurt strokes it a couple of times before cupping his balls.
Blaine’s eyes fly open and his hands are on Kurt’s shoulders in a flash, pressing him down onto the mattress while he lowers himself down Kurt’s cock.
They both let out a noise of contentment as they finally get what they wanted, and Kurt returns his hands to Blaine’s hips. His thumbs draws circles onto the V drawn here, leading to Blaine’s nest of pubic hair.
“See,” he says, his breath already coming out in pants as Blaine moves on top of him. “A great idea.”
“Blaine …”
“Look at me, honey,” Kurt says softly.
Blaine blinks his eyes open again, and he slows down as a soft smile stretches his lips.
“You’re amazing.”
Blaine’s smile widens.
“I bet I can make you come before I do.”
The smile turns predatory, and Blaine rises to his knees again, keeping only the tip of Kurt’s cock inside of him before dropping without a warning.
The pace is relentless, and Kurt almost regrets turning it into yet another challenge.
Because it’s so good, and once he manages to get over the initial shock, he gives back as good as Blaine gives.
At some point, Blaine removes his hands from Kurt’s shoulders, steadying himself with his palms flat against Kurt’s chest.
Kurt can feel his orgasm building up, and while Blaine’s movements are getting less precise, he can’t tell how close he is.
Desperate orgasm times call for desperate pleasuring measures.
Kurt sits up, wrapping one arm around Blaine’s torso while his other hand goes back to pumping Blaine’s cock.
Blaine is sitting flushed in his lap now, and the kiss they exchange is more an exchange of moans and panted breath than an actual kiss.
“I’m … close,” Kurt says, his hand resting on the swell of Blaine’s ass.
“Me … too--oh God Kurt yes just like that, I’m going to--I …”
With a desperate shouted whine, Blaine comes all over Kurt’s fingers, spurts of come landing on both their chests.
The sounds, the sensation, the whole build-up is enough to drive Kurt over the crest of his pleasure, and he smothers his shout in Blaine’s neck as he fills up the condom.
They stay in their position for a minute (or a lifetime, it’s a tomahto-tomayto kind of deal as far as Kurt is concerned) before Blaine pulls away, just enough to look Kurt in the eyes.
Sweat covers his face and beard, and stray curls are stuck to his forehead. His cheeks are flushed, and the sperm on his chest is starting to congeal.
He has never looked more perfect in Kurt’s eyes.
“I guess you won,” Blaine says, voice hoarse.
“I came first.”
“Ah, yeah,” Kurt huffs a laugh. “I guess I did win.”
Blaine hums, rolling off of Kurt to lay down on his back on the bed.
Kurt rolls the other way, planning on going to the bathroom and find something to clean them both up.
As he stands up, Blaine lets out a small laugh.
“What is it?”
“I was just thinking how things have changed between us.”
“From hating each other to--”
“To … not hating each other?”
They both smile shyly at each other. “I honestly can say that I don’t hate you at all, Kurt Hummel.”
“Ditto, Blaine Anderson.”
“When you come back, do you care for a … rematch?”
Kurt can feel his cock valiantly trying to get up again already at the way Blaine wiggles his eyebrows.
At the picture he makes on top of his dark sheets, tan skin glinting like some sort of ancient golden statue.
A picture of hedonism.
“You’re on.”
~The End~
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controlofwhatido · 7 years
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Title: If These Pages Could Tell A Story Pairing: Klaine Rating: G Word Count: ~7300 A/N: Written for the Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang over at @todaydreambelieversfic for this prompt and this art. I didn’t follow the prompt exactly but the gist of it is still there. Thank you so much to @quizasvivamos for all of the gorgeous art!! You went above and beyond and I can’t thank you enough. ♥ To both @quizasvivamos & @savvymavvy, thank you for listening to me ramble about this for months and helping me kick it into shape!  Summary: Isabelle Wright has written another book and is about to go on tour with it. Kurt’s job, as her assistant, is to make sure every location is up to speed with Isabelle’s requests. When Kurt e-mails Anderson’s Bookshop, he certainly doesn’t expect their correspondence to go past the first couple perfunctory responses… 
Read on AO3!
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Fic Name: Book That
Fic Author(s): morethanwords
Fic Summary: They have met, and have represented opposite views at these conferences every year for the past 5 years. This year, due to double booking of rooms, they will have to share a room for 3 nights.’ Rivals to Lovers, Sharing a room/bed. Based on this prompt found on prompt-a-klainefic
Fic Trope(s): Bed-sharing, enemies to Lovers
Fic Length (Word Count): 8,068 Words
Fic Rating: Explicit
Fic Warnings or Triggers: None
Fic Status: Complete
My Review: I was going to save this for enemies to lovers week, but I honestly didn't want to wait that long. So when I saw it recommended under bed-sharing, I was excited. I love this story. Blaine was his charming self. I've heard before that love and hate aren't separated by much. They're both such strong emotions and I love how Kurt comes to realize that maybe what he was feeling was never hate in the first place.
I love Blaine's wit and charm in this. I think it captures his personality well. I can see the reason that Kurt is so frustrated with him so much at first. And yet, I'm like, come on, Kurt? How can you not see right through him.
This is written as perfect foreplay (with buildup and tensions building and building until it erupts like a volcano. For a relatively short fic, it felt like slow burn, with each scene making me chant at them, tell him. Kiss him. Come on! Get your head outta your ass.
So, in short, if this is not already on your to-read list, click that link right now and add it to your to-read list. actually, it's short enough that you could just dive right in tonight and not suffer from exhaustion in the morning. so stop procrastinating and start reading, friends.
Fic Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20450489
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Author Spotlight: Hazelandglasz Day 1
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Author : @hazelandglasz
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
I first started watching glee bc a friend told me that Mercedes was the main character lol but a couple of épisodes in and I was hooked! Glee fandom came with some meta posts I stumbled onto and then joined Tumblr bc I wanted to join the conversation
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
Glee got me into writing! Because I always imagine what this side character may think or do when they're not on screen :)
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
I just bursted with ideas--continuing a plot that was left unresolved on the show or coming up with AUs
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
Pre-glee no, not to the extent I dived in with Glee
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I don't think so! I am not comfortable with extreme angst but otherwise i think i have done all the tropes!
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
... i don't know! I will tell you when I read it!
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
I have a dozen fixed ideas I am taking care of right now. One of them is about Kurt's kid following Blaine in a supermarket because he has the same coat as Kurt and shenanigans follow ^^
Check out Hazelandglasz’s Fics
Steps By Steps - chocolateforyou asked: Ooh I love ALL the AUs in that post, so if you'd like to write any of them that would be awesome :-) If I had to select something maybe "chocolate milk" or little brother in the grocery store? Thanks for sharing your story talent!!I looove this one too “yes, i know this is a bar but you’re a rlly hot bartender and i panicked and said “cHOCOLATE MILK” when you asked me what i wanted to drink, now i just want to crawl away and hide forever” au
The Internet is a beautiful place -  Inspired by two gifsets that appeared in quick succession on my dash Kurt is a super famous porn star who likes to cook in his free time, watching Blaine Anderson cooking web serie. Meanwhile, when he needs a little “me and my hand” time, Blaine logs onto Kurt’s channel
This Hating Game -  From @prompt-a-klainefic : Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school
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ficrecsforklaine · 4 years
Hey, do you know of any enemies to lovers fics, preferably slowburn, from Blaine's POV. I just read the hating game and I was so good
I’m struggling to come up with fics that meet all 3 requests. I’ll list a few enemies to lovers fics and hopefully you can find something you like among them (I think most of these are slow burn??? but I’m not sure about POV)
Caffeine and Love  by thistidalwave [AO3] (10,871words Teen&Up)
In between cleaning stainless steel counter tops and making cups of coffee at his job as manager of Anderson Coffee Inc. in Midtown Manhattan, Blaine dreams of breaking out of the shell he’s been trapped in all his privileged life--though of course his father would never allow him to strike off on his own. When someone sets up shop in the abandoned building next to the coffee shop, Blaine thinks nothing of it save that at least his father won’t complain about it going into disrepair anymore. That is, he thinks nothing of it until he meets Kurt Hummel. Then it basically all goes to shit. 
Clinging to This Hating Game by notarelationship [AO3] (38.269words Explicit.NC17)
Based on this prompt from the Klaine-prompt-a-fic blog on tumblr:
Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school.
This Hating Game by hazelandglasz [AO3] (5.693words Mature)
From @prompt-a-klainefic : Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school 
Out of the Blue by lilyvandersteen [AO3] (36.548 Teen&Up)
Kurt organises a fake wedding for Brittana to get presents from random billionaires. Cooper is one of those invited, and he shows up with his brother in tow. Sparks fly, but not of the good kind. Enemies to lovers, anyone? With a slight Pride and Prejudice vibe? 
True Like by DualWielding [FFN] (44,359 Mature)
Kurt loves his job at the off-Broadway theater. As for Blaine Anderson, Kurt might have to work with him, but he doesn't have to like him. AU. COMPLETE
Hummel and Oates by elfinder  [AO3] (75,347words Mature)
Klaine ‘80s AU. Sometimes even potential soulmates can get off on the wrong foot. Enter Kurt, the ballsy co-manager of Dare to Flare, the hottest gay club in the East Village, and Blaine, a newly hired cover band artist at the same club. Right from the start, the boys’ first impressions of one another go astray thanks to some incorrect gossip and an accidentally spilt drink. Can two men who aren't even on a first name basis ever put their differences aside? 
Courageous Dreams by KlainebowsAndDramioneflies [AO3] (7.212words Teen&Up)
The names ‘Blaine Anderson’ and ‘Kurt Hummel’ are well-known in the Broadway scene. Both men have found their way to the top and fight for the key roles in the biggest and boldest titles to hit NYC. While the two stars squabble, seeming stuck in their unwillingness to compromise or get to know each other in the least, two anonymous tumblr users strike up a friendship without knowing anything about each other ‘IRL’. As fate would have it, two worlds collide. Can two people connect without outside forces getting in the way, or is the sudden lack of anonymity a death sentence for the budding relationship, strengthened by the cutthroat nature of fame?
Neon by BeautyHeldWithin [FFN] (56,072words Mature)
AU.  Las Vegas is nicknamed The City of Despair by the people who actually live there. Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are two lost souls wandering the streets and they could help each other, if they didn't hate each other from the first night they met.
Pride & Prejudice & Superheroes by a_simple_rainbow [AO3] (50,741words Not Rated)
Blaine, the reluctant superhero amateur with the lamest backstory ever. Kurt, the apparent snob with an impatient attitude and an aversion to expressing gratitude. They hate one another, but the universe has other plans if the way they keep running into each other is anything to go by.
College & Superhero AU
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grlnxtdr30 · 4 years
I see you are doing a Halloween Fic challenge, and wonder if you take prompts? If so, I would love to see a Klaine/The Frightners crossover!
Hi! I’ve already gotten so many ideas for this challenge, but I can put this out there for anyone else, and also tag @prompt-a-klainefic for you to see if anyone else might be interested. Thanks, and enjoy the Klaine-tober Halloween Fic Extravaganza!
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prompt-a-klainefic · 4 years
Hey! how do we know if someone wrote a fic based on our prompt?
If the writer happens to tag us, @prompt-a-klainefic, we reblog the story with the tag “prompt fill”. So you can search the tag “prompt fill” to see if your prompt has been ficced.
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Can we prompt you here? Thanks
The best place to leave a prompt is at @prompt-a-klainefic. - HKVoyage
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little-escapist · 2 years
Neighbors who only meet because “i cannot get this stupid jar open, can you help?” AU
i'm nominating this for the wip title ask game! this sounds like such a fun thing!!!
This idea was actually taken from @prompt-a-klainefic once when I was bored and wanted to write. It's all in the title. I have a beginning, but then I didn't know how to end it, and it's been untouched for about a year now. I guess it could be posted as is, but... my stories tend to run away from me and turn huge.
Here's a peek at the beginning:
"The damn pickle jar won’t open. The top of it won’t budge and he has been at it for at least fifteen minutes. He needs to prepare the ingredients to the burgers they are going to make once his guests arrive. There is no way he is waiting until everyone is here to pass the jar along. Besides, he’s pretty sure he is stronger than Rachel, Mercedes, or Tina. Elliott might get the jar open, but he isn’t coming today until maybe late, because he has a gig with his band. Kurt knows for a fact that Sam might look all muscular, but he has no strength in his hands. Kurt has been helping him with jars in the past. "
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hazelandglasz · 7 years
Cure To Loneliness, Courtesy of Cooper Anderson, A Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang Fic
First of all, I want to thank the mods from @prompt-a-klainefic for setting it all up
Second of all, I want to thank @cc-graphics for a beautiful, inspirational gifset (look at it over here !!)
Third of all, I want to thank @bluecloudsupabove, my fantastic beta who never minded my questions and moments of doubt <3
Here it is, I hope you’ll enjoy it !
Summary :  How about, Kurt is a cake decorator & he owns his own bakery. Blaine comes in to plan a wedding for Cooper & his fiance who are away filming a movie on location. Kurt thinks Blaine is attractive & has to stop himself from flirting because he thinks Blaine is the groom. They meet several times to finalize the cake order & Kurt can't help his crush. Cut to a month or so later, Kurt delivers the wedding cake only to discover Blaine isn't the groom but actually Best Man/ Brother.Happy Ending for all
Link to AO3
“Would you do that for us, Squirt?”
“Calling me Squirt is not going to motivate me into helping you, Cooper.”
“Blaine Devon, you magnificent human being, the most generous man I know besides myself--”
“Not helping.”
“--would you be so kind, as my best man and best brother--”
“I’m your only brother, I’m not sure this even--”
“--and best brother, as to help us with this fundamental part of our wedding that is the cake?”
Blaine sighs, and covers his eyes with his hand.
“For Gabe?”
His soon-to-be brother-in-law does deserve a nice wedding--after all, he’s the one pledging to stay with Cooper until Death do them part.
Poor fella.
“What do you need me to do?”
“Oh, just the cake and the venue.”
Kurt didn’t always picture himself as a baker--even less so as a wedding cake decorator.
Somewhere along the way, his need to express himself in an artful way found an outlet in baking, in fondant and buttercream, and now that his bakery was featured in one of the Broadway Bakes Tour, he is as famous as he always dreamed to be.
Add to that the fact that he baked Blue Ivy’s birthday present (a special order, without being able to talk about it until Beyoncé acknowledged “Duet” on her social media), so Kurt wants to say that professionally, his life is made.
Personally …
Well, without being a bitter spinster, making wedding cakes and small children cakes all day long eventually takes a toll on his romantic little heart.
Kurt has had boyfriends in the past, but nothing stuck, nothing made him feel like this relationship was it, like his whole world found a new way to spin because of that person.
And yes, that’s what Kurt wants from a relationship, and Hummel men don’t settle for less.
That’s the principle.
Kurt has found peace, though; until Mr. Right enters his life, he can have fun, and appreciate the small pleasures.
Like the young man looking at the cakes in his window right this instant.
Kurt prides himself in not having a type, per say, but this guy, Mr. “Oh These Cakes Look Delicious”?
He hits all of the right buttons in Kurt’s book.
Especially the wide, bright eyes that widen even more at the sight of his latest creation (the caramel is porn in and of itself, Kurt is fairly sure they will be all gone before lunchtime).
Oh shit, he’s coming in.
Kurt rushes to focus on wiping the counter, fiddling with the plate of sample velvet cake he has near the till to offer for all visitors.
“Welcome to Duet, how can I help you today?”
A small smile, barely there but still making the bright eyes twinkle just enough to make Kurt want to focus on them for a little while.
“Hi,” Mr. Far Too Cute To Be Left Alone says. “I have an appointment? With Kurt Hummel?”
Well, fuck me.
If the man has an appointment, it means that he is here to order a cake.
If he’s here to order a cake, it means that he’s a groom-to-be or a father.
Either way, completely and utterly out of his reach.
“That would be me,” Kurt replies, stomping on whatever he thought when he watched the man through his window because those thoughts, as innocent as they may have been, are completely inappropriate when it comes to a customer.
The man immediately holds his hand over the counter. “Blaine Anderson.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Blaine,” Kurt replies as he shakes his hand, racking his brain for the details of his day meeting. “The Anderson-Garcia wedding?”
Of course he’s gay, but already taken.
Fuck. Me.
“The very one.”
“Well, congratulations,” Kurt says with a smile that may not reach his eyes, but he tries to make it as heartfelt as he can.
“Thank you,” Blaine replies with a small smile, “I guess.”
I guess? Wow okay, temper your enthusiasm.
Stop it Kurt, Kurt berates himself, not everybody has to launch into a musical number when considering their romantic future.
Not everybody can be a silly romantic like him, after all.
“Let’s get to it, then,” Kurt says instead, gesturing towards the tasting room and letting Mercedes take over the counter. “Do you have ideas for the cake?”
A sparkle makes an appearance in Blaine’s eyes at that, and his smile widens.
There is that enthusiasm.
“Since I’m the one in charge,” Blaine says as he follows Kurt, “I do have a couple of ideas to discuss with you.”
“Such as?”
“How do you feel about a donut cake?”
Oh boy.
At least this is going to be … interesting.
The more time Blaine spends with Kurt, the happier he is that he is such a good brother.
After all, if he had not accepted to help Cooper and his fiancé to pick their wedding cake, if he had decided that it was their wedding so they could take care of it, he would have spent the rest of his life without knowing Kurt.
The baker is fastly becoming Blaine’s best friend, and not a day is spent without at least an exchange of texts between them.
At first, Blaine used the excuse of the Cake, but those days are over.
When they both find the time, Blaine meets Kurt for coffee at the Bean and they talk.
About growing up and finding themselves in the Midwest.
About always wanting to be good enough.
About finding their footing in New york, and making a path for themselves in competitive fields.
About finding Love.
Speaking of which, Blaine is starting to see a pattern emerging in their discussions.
Whenever the subject of love and relationship and dating tips comes up, Kurt seems … uncomfortable.
And since the last thing Blaine wants is for his friend to be uncomfortable, he drops it.
Just because he drops it doesn’t mean that he stops wondering about it, though.
Is it because Kurt is a self-confessed old-fashioned romantic at heart?
Is it because Kurt works in such a romance-infused part of life?
The fact remains that Kurt seems to be … disturbed at the prospect of discussing his love life with Blaine.
A small, annoying part of Blaine’s brain--one that sounds suspiciously like Cooper--tells him that maybe, just maybe, Blaine himself is the reason why Kurt is so uncomfortable.
As in, maybe the baker has a crush on him.
Which is preposterous, really, because Kurt doesn’t seem like the kind of man who wouldn’t go after something or someone who he would be interested in.
No, Kurt Hummel definitely gives the vibe of a man who would let nothing standing between him and the man he would fall in love with.
Which means that said man is decidedly not Blaine.
Which is totally fine by Blaine, honestly.
Sure, he can see what a fine specimen of a man Kurt is: tall, strong but not overwhelmingly so, eyes clear as the ocean and cheekbones that could cut diamonds.
Or something.
And it’s not just the physical aspects of it: without crushing on him, Blaine knows that Kurt’s values, his beliefs, are what he’s drawn to, what make them such good friends. Kurt’s passion, his sense of humor, his brain, his compassion too …
Without wanting to date him, Blaine is all too aware of what a catch Kurt Hummel is--frankly, the fact that he’s still single is the source of Blaine’s continued bafflement.
Then again, maybe Kurt is just not looking for a special someone in his life, which is completely okay in Blaine’s book.
Selfishly enough, as long as Kurt is single, Blaine feels that his dreams and fantasies about the baker are not stepping over the boundaries between them. They are friends, best friends even, both attractive, both single--there is nothing against a little attraction between friends, right?
(He is aware of how Harry and Sally’s platonic attraction ended, thank you very much)
That being said, Blaine’s acceptance of Kurt’s reluctance doesn’t make a lonely Valentine’s Day any easier.
Blaine sighs as yet another red and pink display passes him by--if things were different, if he had found Mr. Right (if Kurt was Mr. Right), Blaine would have planned something special for tonight.
Dinner, maybe a coffee under the stars while Blaine would hum his date’s favorite tune …
Instead, he has nothing to look forward to but one of his superhero movies (because he deserves it) and a meal, and a whole lot of sulking.
… Except that he could add a cake to this program and make it slightly better.
After all, Kurt himself said so: the only (real) cure to loneliness is cake, and Blaine does feel awfully lonely.
Blaine crosses the street immediately, heading towards the Bakery, a smile already tugging at his lips.
Maybe this Valentine’s Day won’t be so bad after all.
Kurt is doing his best to keep himself from rolling his eyes at the decorations invading his bakery.
Pink, he can deal with.
Hearts, his eyes are starting to twitch.
But all the cupids and paper flowers?
He’s getting a migraine, just trying not to let his own resentment at the stupid holiday show to his many happy-go-lucky customers.
Call him bitter--which is a damn joke, given his profession--but yes, Kurt wishes he didn’t have to go through the whole Valentine’s, look how happy and in love we are, Day.
He’s going to make himself a chocolate and coffee devil cake to spend the evening with.
In the meantime, he will keep on baking and selling the piñata cakes with the pink buttercream and the messages to all the loving couples in the city.
“Good afternoon, Kurt!”
Of fucking course.
“Good afternoon, Blaine,” Kurt replies tiredly, still managing to put a smile on his face.
No matter what, Blaine always affects him in the most positive way.
“How has your day been, good sir?” Blaine asks, bending low to look at the cases--as he often does, with a sparkle in his eyes that always leads to a purchase or two.
“Busy,” Kurt says, slowly following Blaine’s journey through the mostly empty cases. “A holiday crafted to sell sweets and flowers is always good for business.”
Blaine straightens up and looks at him with his head cocked to the side. “I didn’t peg you for a cynic, Mr. Hummel,” he slowly says, poking one of the roses making the massive display on top of the counter.
“Aren’t you?”
Blaine pauses, trailing his fingers on the side of the petals. “Call me a hopeless romantic,” he finally replies, “but I think there is something great about a day that allows people to say “I love you” to the person they care about.”
Kurt is going to eat his apron out of sheer frustration.
Of course, the one man who shares his romantic mindset is already taken when they meet.
Of. Fucking. Course.
“I suppose,” he finally relents, trying to set all of his bitterness aside. “Speaking of which,” he continues, focusing on being professional against all odds, “the cake for the wedding is going along swimmingly--good call on the fondant in lieu of the buttercream, it helps moving things a lot faster.”
Blaine beams at him. “I only followed your wise, wise advice.”
Kurt preens at the compliment--so sue him, a cute guy is praising him, he’s allowed to bask in it while he can. “Why, thank you.”
He looks down at the case of Valentine’s cake and plucks one to wrap. “Here,” he says, pushing it on the counter towards Blaine, “on the house.”
Blaine looks down at the cake, at the message, and he smiles crookedly at Kurt.
It should not make his heart beat so fast, so quickly.
“I bet you give them to all the boys who come in,” Blaine says, and … is he--is he flirting?
Nah, Kurt reasons himself sternly, Blaine is engaged, he wouldn’t do something like that.
Or maybe he would, a little voice that sounds suspiciously like Mercedes whispers in his ear. Maybe he got engaged because he simply wanted to be loved, but you are making him question it.
Maybe Blaine feels something for him too.
“N-no, no,” Kurt replies--maybe one beat too late for it to be completely smooth and like their usual banter--, “just to the ones who wear cute bowties.”
“Ah, so only to the hipsters,” Blaine jokes, carefully wrapping his hands around the cake like it’s something delicate and precious.
It’s just a cake, but it warms Kurt’s heart to see it in the hands of someone who can appreciate it.
“What are the plans for the evening?” he asks, because he clearly doesn’t have any sense of self-preservation when it comes to Blaine.
Blaine shrugs. “Dinner and movie,” he replies before looking down at the cake. “And this little cutie to brighten everything,” he adds.
And now Kurt can picture it.
Oh so perfectly.
Can picture how the evening would go, were he the one Blaine is going home to.
Dinner and movie, sure, filled with teasing touches and playful kisses, and feeding bits of the cake to each other before tasting it on each other’s lips …
Blaine probably laughs while he kisses his fiancé when he’s being particularly adorable.
Kurt waves at him as Blaine walks away, and he quickly lets himself slide down to the floor, grabbing a cupcake on his way.
Drowning his sorrow in a whole lot of white chocolate seems like the best option.
That was an opening, wasn’t it?
So, if Kurt didn’t take the offering Blaine presented, that can only mean that he was right.
Taking a bite of the adorable cake, Blaine sighs and leans against the door of his apartment.
Back to the original plan: dinner and a movie--but he has cake, and that totally counts.
It took a lot of time, and sweat, and yes, tears, but Kurt is done.
The Cake is ready, and he can turn the page on his huge crush on Blaine Anderson, soon-to-be Anderson-Garcia--or maybe just Garcia, what does Kurt know, right.
Nah, Blaine is old-fashioned enough that he’ll want to hyphenate their names, and Kurt hates that he knows that.
And that he has spent more than one drunken night pondering the merits of Hummel-Anderson versus Anderson-Hummel versus Anderson-Garcia.
It’s too hard on his little gay heart, and today, he’s going to deliver the cake, watch Blaine say his vows, get slightly drunk at the bar and then move on with his life, trying to find himself a man like Blaine.
The venue is beautiful, but Kurt is not surprised; after all, Blaine mentioned at some point that he couldn’t wait for Spring to finally be able to enter the cloisters to take pictures and arrange everything.
“May I help you?”
Kurt was so enthralled by the location that he didn’t see the very handsome man approaching him.
Well, he’s not going to forget about Blaine any time soon, but that level of handsome could make him feel better tonight.
That being said, there is something … familiar about that crooked smile.
“I’m here for the Anderson-Garcia wedding,” he says, straightening up and shifting the cake in his arms. “Wedding cake.”
“Ah!” The man exclaims, a wide smile stretching his lips.
Oh boy.
“Blaine did good, I see,” the man adds and Kurt smiles on behalf of Blaine. “Exactly what I wanted,” he adds, pointing at the cake.
Oh shit.
“Congratulations are in order then,” he simply says, looking at the man and picturing him next to Blaine.
Boy oh boy, what a beautiful couple they’ll make.
“The reception will be in the courtyard,” Blaine’s fiancé continues. “I can take you there if you want.”
“Sure, gladly,” Kurt replies. “How is Blaine?”
The man chuckles. “Running everywhere like a damn white rabbit to make sure everything runs smoothly.”
Kurt can totally see that, and he grins at the picture.
Before he can comment, the man looks ahead and his smile widens. “Gabriel! Honey, look, the cake is here, exactly what we wished for!”
Kurt freezes in his steps.
What the hell?!
The man he thought to be Blaine’s fiancé reaches for a tall man that vaguely rings a bell and swipes him in for a kiss, and Kurt is more than a little confused.
(And a bit turned on because both men seem to have just stepped out of a catalogue, but that’s between him and his brain)
Back to the matter at hand. “Excuse me,” Kurt calls, putting the cake down with trembling hands, “but who … who are you?”
Not-Blaine’s-fiancé frowns before smiling at Kurt, and damn, that smile really is familiar. “We’re the grooms!”
Okay, okay--either Blaine is about to get married to both men, and that’s … alright, Kurt will admit, it’s hot, but also a bit disturbing, or …
Or Blaine is not represented by one of the two little sugary grooms Kurt designed on top of the cake.
“Cooper Anderson.”
“Gabriel Garcia.”
Kurt opens wide eyes, because now that he thinks about it, the names are more than familiar, how did he not recognize Hollywood’s new power couple is beyond him.
Blame the stress of keeping the schedule.
And the sleepless night because Kurt was moping because he thought the man of his dreams was just passing him by on his way to domestic bliss.
“So … who is Blaine?” He asks slowly, raking his fingers through his hair.
“My little brother,” Cooper replies, frowning once again at Kurt and considering him thoughtfully.
Then, he points at him as he exclaims, “You’re his Kurt!”
Gabriel definitely and not-so subtly elbows his fiancé, but Kurt can’t help the smile that takes over his face.
He’ll gladly be Blaine’s anything.
“Coop, Gabe, if you’re not standing in that desacralized chapel in five minutes, I will steal all the champagne and--,” Blaine’s voice echoes against the stone as he enters the courtyard, but he freezes when he sees the three of them standing there. “Oh, hi, Kurt,” he says, voice going soft around the edges.
Like it has done without failing every time they’ve met, and Kurt didn’t see it.
Didn’t see the way Blaine looks at him.
“Hello, Blaine.”
Cooper claps his hands and starts pointing at Kurt and Blaine in rapid succession. “So you thought he was getting married, and you thought he wasn’t interested,” he says excitedly. “Oh we have to make it a movie, but it will be your wedding movie, Gabe what do youmph?”
Gabriel covers Cooper’s mouth with his hand and drags him towards the chapel. “We’re going,” he says, his voice firm but his smile undeniable. “You’ll have plenty of time to sort this,” he adds, gesturing between Kurt and Blaine, “once the party is in full swing, don’t you agree?”
Blaine smiles, his eyes never leaving Kurt’s. “I knew you were the voice of reason in this relationship,” he tells his very soon to be brother in law as they walk away.
Kurt cannot take his eyes off Blaine either--maybe it’s the amazingly tailored suit, maybe it’s the fact that all of their interactions are now colored differently, but Blaine has never looked more beautiful than he does now.
Blaine sounds concerned, but as he gets closer, Kurt takes a step back. “You’re not getting married,” he says softly.
Blaine’s hand closes around his elbow, supporting him and warming him. “I’m not,” he replies, voice gentle as a bird’s fluttering wings. “What made you think I was?”
Kurt looks back at him with all the glare he can gather. “The wedding preparations? What was I supposed to think?”
Blaine frowns at him and lets go of his arm. “I kept on making openings,” he replies before his face softens. “Though now your rebuttals make sense, I guess.”
Kurt can feel a smile stretching his lips. “I didn’t want to be the homebreaker.”
Blaine smiles back at him. “And here I was, thinking that it was all one-sided.”
“Cocky much?”
Blaine lets out a small laugh that he smothers in his hands when some of the guests passing them by send strange looks his way. “Sorry, you’re right.”
“Nah, you are,” Kurt says, stepping closer to Blaine. “And it’s not.”
Blaine’s mirth vanishes, and his eyes darken slightly. “It’s not?”
Kurt shakes his head, stepping even closer to Blaine until their fingers can brush. “Not even a little bit.”
Blaine returns the gesture, linking two of their fingers together. “I propose we take this discussion for after the wedding,” he says, voice dropping to a murmur, “unless you’d rather have my brother crucifying me.”
“Let’s avoid that--my cake deserves to be eaten here, not in jail.”
“That it does.”
The whole ceremony is a blur, and Blaine is lucky that they rehearsed it enough times that he can step close to Cooper and pass the rings without thinking about it. Otherwise, he might have ruined the day for Cooper and Gabriel.
Try as he may, though, he can’t help but glance every two seconds towards the back of the room where Kurt is sitting.
What a mess.
Then again, he thinks privately, it will be a good story to tell their children and grandchildren oh my God Blaine chill you didn’t even go on a date with the guy!
But it makes sense, it’s not even a stretch of the imagination to picture them growing old together, and that’s simultaneously frightening and elating.
The romantic in Blaine wants that, wants to have the story of their meeting, wants for the whole aforementioned mess to be their “origin story”.
The pragmatic, pessimist in him? That side is scared shitless at the prospect of putting his heart on the line, of risking his friendship with Kurt, of taking everything that makes their relationship as it is now and twist it into something ugly, far beyond repair and recognition.
He wants to believe they can do this, that the two of them may be enough to get over all the uglies that come with a relationship.
Blaine really wants to.
And Kurt’s smile over the crowd might be enough to make it worthwhile.
“You may now kiss the groom.”
Blaine returns his attention to the couple in front of him, sharing a smile with Gabriel’s sister, as the two newly pronounced husbands share a big Hollywood kiss--including Gabe swooping Cooper off his feet to dip him and kiss him like they’re the two heroes of the romcom of the year.
Which they are, Blaine supposes, in Cooperland.
The guests wolf whistle and applaud and, in spite of himself, Blaine searches for Kurt over the crowd. He finds him easily, amongst the dark haired guests on Gabriel’s side, standing and applauding and beaming at him.
Yes, it may be worth it.
Cooper and Gabe rush out of the chapel, followed by their friends and parents, but Blaine takes his time--he’s allowed, he organized the whole thing after all--, strolling down the aisle until he reaches Kurt’s seat.
“You looked very dashing up there,” Kurt comments, hands folded in his lap. “Almost pulled focus.”
“No,” Blaine replies, leaning against the row of chair before Kurt’s. “That would be you.”
Kurt’s cheeks are tinted pink, but he looks very pleased with himself and with Blaine’s compliment.
Before he can reply, Blaine holds his hand to him. “May I have this dance?”
Kurt looks up at him and takes his hand. “Oh yes, yes you may.”
Cooper and Gabriel are slow dancing in the middle of the dancefloor, drunk out of their minds as they sway, but Kurt doesn’t bother looking at their antics.
Because Blaine is sitting in front of him, holding his hand while chasing the crumbs of what’s left of Kurt’s cake in his plate with his free hand, and it’s probably the most adorable thing Kurt has ever seen.
That, and Blaine’s hand fits in his like they were made for each other, and that’s enough to make Kurt lightheaded.
Most of the guests are gone by now, except the band, and even they seem a little bit on the wrong side of tipsy.
Kurt hasn’t drunk more than the one glass of champagne for the toast, and neither has Blaine, and yet, they are both flushed and giggly like they took a dive into a pool of wine.
Blaine looks away from their joined hands and smiles at Kurt. “So.”
They smile at each other, and really, they’re just being stupid. “So,” Kurt repeats, his voice stronger and higher, “what do we do now?”
Blaine tilts his head to the side. “We … go on a second date?”
Blaine smiles crookedly and gestures at the now almost empty room. “This was our first date, wasn’t it?”
Kurt laughs, throwing his head back. “Oh no, mister,” he replies, turning their hands so his is on top. “You are not going to get your way out of one date by counting this evening, as lovely as it has been, as one.”
“Nope. It’s not a date if I don’t stress over my outfit and about whether to kiss the guy at the end of it.”
Blaine lets go of his hand and scoots his chair closer, resting his chin in his palm once he’s close enough.
Enough that their knees brush and that Kurt can tell the different colors in his irises.
“Aren’t you?”
Kurt got lost in those eyes, so sue him.
Blaine leans forwards, and that Cologne is melting Kurt’s brain quite nicely, holy shit.
“Aren’t you wondering whether we’re going to kiss or not at the end of the night?” Blaine asks softly, voice barely above a whisper in Kurt’s ear before leaning back, nose brushing Kurt’s cheek. “‘Cause I am.”
Kurt gulps audibly, his hand blindly searching for Blaine’s on the tabletop as he moves forward. “You shouldn’t,” he whispers as Blaine moves back and just like that, they are kissing.
Like they could have been for the past months, what a waste of time.
And what a kiss.
It’s soft yet passionate, so gentle and unfocused and perfect--Kurt never wants it to stop.
He reaches to cup Blaine’s cheek, turning his head just a little bit to the right and, oh, this is delicious, more intoxicating than all the wines served tonight.
Blaine’s tongue teases the bow of Kurt’s lips, and Kurt gasps into the kiss.
Blaine lets out a small, whining sound that is like music to Kurt’s ears, and they both pull back, out of breath.
“I guess we don’t need to stress anymore,” Blaine says, raking his fingers through his hair, a dazed look on his face.
“Maybe we should keep going,” Kurt blurts out, “just in case nerves comes up aga-hmph!”
“You’re ready, Squirt?”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“I know,” Cooper says, brushing invisible lint from Blaine’s suit and fixing the flower in his boutonnier yet again. “But if I don’t annoy you on your wedding day, when am I ever going to do so?”
“You mean, besides any other day of the year?”
They exchange a look in the mirror, and Cooper hooks his chin over Blaine’s shoulder. “You’re going to miss this once you’re lost in your perfect house with your perfect husband.”
“Cooper, we’ve been together for three years now.”
“Your point being?”
“That I didn’t abandon you because of my relationship with Kurt,” Blaine says, lightly elbowing Cooper away. “Unlike a certain someone who doesn’t know how to split his time between his husband and his brother, I have enough love to share.”
“Love you Coop.”
“Aww, Squirt.”
“Never mind.”
Blaine tries to arrange the flower to his liking, but Cooper already pulls him away from the mirror. “Come on, let’s get you married to your man.”
Blaine can’t help but grin at that. “Let’s get me married to my man.”
As they walk down the stairs, Cooper starts snickering, pretty much out of nowhere.
“What is wrong with you?”
“I was just thinking,” Cooper says, one arm around Blaine’s shoulders, “once you marry Kurt, you’ll be married to …,” he pauses, leaning to whisper in Blaine’s ear, “the Muffin man.”
Blaine pauses on the stairs, laughing at his brother’s joke.
Cooper doesn’t even know how right he is--Kurt has the loveliest muffins in the whole city.
“The Muffin man?” He repeats for good measure.
“The Muffin Man.”
They are at the bottom of the stairs, and a quick look around tells them that all the guests are inside the room. Under their breath, they finish the nursery rhyme together before hugging each other.
“I hope this laughter will accompany you through your whole marriage,” Cooper says, more serious than ever.
“Thank you Coop,” Blaine replies, squeezing his brother’s shoulder. “For everything.”
Cooper smiles at him, a twinkle in his eyes. “I did play Cupid here, didn’t I.”
“My proudest achievement.”
“I’ll make sure to let my niece know that.”
“Psht, Paula is not an achievement,” Cooper says, batting his hand. “She’s my pride and joy.”
Blaine straightens his jacket, facing the door. “I can’t wait for my own.”
Cooper stands next to him as the music starts. “One thing at a time, Blainey,” he says as the doors open, showing Kurt waiting for him at the altar. “You need to follow the recipe to make a great cake.”
Blaine focuses on Kurt’s smile, on how handsome he looks next to his father, on how he seems to glow in the sunlight.
On how they both work so hard for this relationship, even when tension rises, even when doubts appear.
On how much Kurt has brought into his life since they met, and on how much he wants to give Kurt back for the rest of his life.
“I think I have found just the person to do it right.”
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somethingfishyfan · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed Summary:
‘They have met, and have represented opposite views at these conferences every year for the past 5 years. This year, due to double booking of rooms, they will have to share a room for 3 nights.’ Rivals to Lovers, Sharing a room/bed. Based on this prompt found on prompt-a-klainefic
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kiwiwritesstuff · 5 years
Tumblr media
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry
Kurt needs help to stay awake though Rachel’s new off-Broadway musical, so his husband, Blaine, lends him a hand ;)
[Written for this prompt submitted to the @prompt-a-klainefic tumblr: I just want a fic of Blaine getting Kurt off in a public place without anyone noticing. They’re in a movie theatre or a restaurant/diner or anywhere really, and Blaine rubs Kurt off through his pants until he comes.]
Rating: Explicit (NC17)
Words: 1,171
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Married!Klaine, Semi-Public Sex
Original Post Date: July 2019
48 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed Summary:
‘They have met, and have represented opposite views at these conferences every year for the past 5 years. This year, due to double booking of rooms, they will have to share a room for 3 nights.’ Rivals to Lovers, Sharing a room/bed. Based on this prompt found on prompt-a-klainefic
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klaineindex · 5 years
I’m not looking for a fic, but a tumblr page. You can send in prompts
Hey Nonnie,
I know of two blogs where you can send in prompts: @prompt-a-klainefic and @gleepotluckbigbang.
Looking forward to your prompts already!
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