#property investment revolves
Do you think it's weird that I was fine with Roxas finding out he was Sora's Nobody in Kingdom Hearts, but Adrien not being what we thought he was triggered my ick factor a lot? Do you think it's because we learned that about Roxas before we had a lot of time to get attached to him?
I was initially going to say that I can't answer this because I've only played Kingdom Hearts 1, so my knowledge of the later games is pretty limited. Then I remembered that my little brother is both obsessed with those games and the Mycroft to my Sherlock*, so I gave him a call and got the expert opinion (and a reminder that I need to play the Kingdom Hearts games so that my brother can talk about them with someone who understands story telling because those games apparently make a lot of... interesting choices.)
Here is the sum of my brother's analysis:
The two properties handled the concept of personhood and artificial beings in such wildly different ways that it would never even occur to him to compare them (though it was an interesting question once posed). A good portion of the later Kingdom Hearts games revolve around asking what a person even is. Should they try to make the Nobodies into people? Do the Nobodies even need to change to be people or are they people already? What makes Roxas different from other Nobodies? These questions start being asked very early on and, for all the story's flaws, you can tell that the writers are aware that they're dealing with a serious topic and that they're trying to do it justice.
Meanwhile, Miraculous introduces artificial beings who don't have true free will and then... completely ignores all of the ethical implications of that plot point. Emilie and Gabriel are good parents. The fact that the heroes have been killing off sentimonsters isn't concerning. Gabriel's commands are just a minor inconvenience to Adrienette and not anything that needs to be explored in a deeper way. He's still totally redeemable and it's fine that Adrien never learned the truth while his father was alive so that he could decide what that meant for their relationship on his own terms.
Given all of that, it's really not shocking that Kingdom Hearts makes you feel invested while Miraculous repulses you because the Miraculous introduced human sentimonsters for cheap shock value to the point where I firmly believe that it was a retcon. Meanwhile Kingdom Hearts planned major elements of the plot around the concept and set it up right from the start of the second game. If Miraculous had done the same kind of thing, then I doubt that most salters would be deeply upset by the concept. They still might dislike it, but it would be seen more as a matter of taste than as a true flaw.
*For those who don't know, Mycroft Holmes is Sherlock Holmes' older brother. Sherlock openly admits that Mycroft is the smarter and more observant of the two siblings. The same can be said of my sibling when it comes to story telling. Everything I can do, he can do just as well or even better. He's never seen miraculous, but knows the major plot beats from a mix of cultural osmosis and reading the occasional fanfic when an author he likes crosses fandoms. He is highly amused that no one he follows does anything save for fix-it type stuff and says it tells him everything he needs to know about canon's writing quality, an assessment I fully agree with.
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spaghettioverdose · 5 months
Am I stupid or something because I agree with all of your post but I don't know what's wrong with small businesses. Am I a capitalist because I'm disabled and can only make money selling stickers or am I missing a bigger picture
Because this is tumblr and people in the notes will immediately read three lines of this and accuse me of pissing on the poor, I will begin with a disclaimer that I am neither comparing you to a Elon Musk nor calling you evil.
So, you sell stickers. I would assume that in this context you are selling your own stickers with your own designs, rather than working as a cashier selling someone else's stickers, since you're disabled and you mentioned you can't work a job. You are therefore selling a product you own (whether you produce the stickers entirely yourself or use a 3rd party company) for a profit at a (presumably) online store instead of selling your labour power for a wage. This, by definition would make you petit bourgeois.
When communists talk about class positions, it is not a question of an individual's morality, motivation or amount of income.
Being a small business owner (or petit bourgeois), means that your class interests and the class interests of the workers (the proletariat) come into conflict. As a clear example, let's say in this scenario that you are selling a sticker design on a 3rd party website that specialises in this service, and they source the actual physical stickers from factories around the world. Here, you are essentially selling your intellectual property to the company in exchange for some of the profits from its further sale. Perhaps many of those factories are in the global south, in countires with very low wages and few worker protections (due to intervention from imperial core bourgeoisie powers). One day, the political struggle for worker rights and higher wages is won in some of these countries, driving up the cost of production for the stickers. Perhaps there is also a victory for a union of delivery service workers at home in the imperial core, driving up wages and protections for them as well, further cutting into profits.
The function of the 3rd party sticker company is to strive for ever-increasing profits the capitalists who own it and its investors. The cut in profit will have to be made up elsewhere. This will be done by investing in political groups that are willing to repress worker movements within these countries, shifting production to countries that have yet to achieve these worker victories, cutting corners on their imperial core workers, increasing their price of service by taking a larger cut of your profits, or a mixture of some or all of these.
In that scenario, the proletarian class interests (higher wages, more protections and regulations) are in direct conflicts with the interests of the bourgeois 3rd party sticker company (higher profits, meaning lower wages and less protections and regulations) and by extension, yours, as your class interests also revolve around profit. When workers gain more power, it cuts into your profits. As a petit bourgeois, you are incetivised to support and pursue bourgeois and petty bourgeois politics such as IP laws.
As an individual, you can be whatever kind of person with whatever politics and views you have. As a petit bourgeois small business owner, you have a certain class position that comes with a certain set of class interests. You can always choose to forego your own class interests and instead support the class interests of the proletariat by being a communist even while continuing to be petit bourgeois or even as full on bourgeois. Very notable example being Engles who, although he was a factory owner, he was also one of the two founders of marxism, with the other one being Marx.
The point I was trying to make in the post that probably got you to send this anon, is that there isn't anything inherently communist or "leftist" about supporting small businesses. It is both an incredibly common liberal policy and talking point to support small business, and it does not serve the interests of a proletarian political movement to protect the petit bourgeoisie or ally with them, except in certain instances and involving certain sections of the petit bourgeois, rather than a blanket statement of saying that the small business owner is a nobler form of capitalist.
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The Restoration of the Roman Republic ... in the Middle Ages? The Forgotten Commune of Rome
Today it seems men often have Rome on their minds with Tik Toks and polls indicating that men often think about Rome on a daily basis. I'm assuming that most of these thoughts revolve around the Roman Empire, lesser so the Roman republic, some the Eastern Roman (Byzantine Empire), and few think about the Roman monarchy. However I guarantee that almost no one thinks about the medieval Roman Republic known as the Commune of Rome.
In the 12th century central Italy was directly ruled by the Pope through the Papal States. One of the hot topic political issues of the day was the "investiture controversy", which was debate over who had the power to install bishops and other important clergy; the Pope or secular authorities. This evolved into a debate on who would have ultimate governing authority, the Pope, or the secular government, most notably the Holy Roman Empire. At the time, many cities in Italy were growing disgruntled with the rule of the Pope and the rule of nobles who supported the Pope. This resulted in popular uprisings in which cities overthrew the Papal government and declared themselves independent, thus forming various city states and communes in Italy.
In 1143 a wealthy Italian banker named Geordano Pierlione led a revolt against Papal authority, kicking the Pope out of Rome and declaring an independent Commune of Rome. The next year a monk and priest named Arnold of Brescia arrived in the city, becoming the intellectual leader of the movement and establishing the new Roman Republic. Arnold was a controversial reformer who railed against abuses of Church and Papal authority, decried Church corruption, and advocated a thorough reformation of the Church. Among his ideas he believed that clergy needed to return to apostolic poverty, renouncing all wealth and ownership of property, and also renouncing secular political power. Here's a statue of him in Brescia, Italy today.
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With Arnold at it's head a new Roman government was formed and modeled after the ancient Roman Republic, with 56 senators who were not of noble class, 4 from each of Rome's medieval districts, and executive authority invested in a "patrician". The new republic refused to use the title "consul" as it had become an inherited noble title after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Nobles and aristocrats above the rank of knight were not allowed and thus most noble titles were abolished.
Of course the Pope, then Lucius II, was not going to tolerate such a rebellion and attempted to take back the city. In 1145 he formed an army and laid siege to the city. Amazingly the Romans drove away the invaders, with Pope Lucius II being killed in the battle after being bonked in the head with a rock.
The new republic flourished; drafting news laws, reforming medieval Roman society, making alliances with other Italian city states and war with others, setting up courts, and minting coins.
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The Roman army was reformed, and a new capital building was constructed on the Capitoline Hill known as the Palazzo Senatorio (the Senate Palace), which still stands today but is much different after being heavily renovated by Michelangelo in the 1530's.
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Originally the new Roman Republic swore fealty to the Holy Roman Emperor. However Rome and the Empire had a falling out. In 1149 the Roman Senate invited the German king Conrad III to the city to be coronated Roman Emperor. Rome's enemies were growing, so the Roman Senate offered Conrad this title in return for protection. Conrad had already been elected as Holy Roman Emperor and was due to be coronated, but the Roman Senate was proposing that he be THE Roman Emperor, as in like, a real Roman Emperor whose authority is defined by the Roman Senate, and not a Holy Roman Emperor whose authority was defined by the Pope and a loose confederation of high ranking German, Italian, Austrian, and Czech nobles. In the Holy Roman Empire the emperor is elected by the highest ranking nobles of the land. The Roman Senate was claiming that it had the authority to choose Roman emperors as the senate did during the ancient Roman Empire. Well, lets just say that Conrad probably didn't take too kindly to the Roman Senate attempting to usurp the governing structure of the Holy Roman Empire. In the middle ages a group of lower class burghers and knights cosplaying as Roman senators was not a good basis for a Europe spanning universal imperial monarchy. When Conrad died he was already cutting a deal with the Pope to snuff out the republic.
Conrad died in 1152 but his successor, Frederick Barbarossa continued the deal with the Pope to end the Roman Republic. It was one of the few times Frederick and the Pope agreed on anything. In 1155 a combined Papal/Imperial army invaded Rome. The city quickly fell and Arnold of Brescia was captured and burned at the stake. His ashes were scattered into the Tiber River.
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Amazingly the Roman Republic lived on. Frederick Barbarossa was coronated by Pope Adrian IV as Holy Roman Emperor, an act which led to a new revolt among the Romans. Frederick put down this revolt, killing 1,000 Romans in the process, but afterwards he simply left the city and never returned after becoming bogged down in the complex politics of Italy. The Pope also left Rome, having to deal with a papal schism, resulting in no one being left in charge of the city and thus another restoration of the Roman Republic.
In 1167 Rome made war on the neighboring city of Tusculum, a long time rival of Rome who had supported the Pope and became a papal capital after the foundation of the republic. The Count of Tusculum appealed for help to the Holy Roman Empire, and Frederick I sent a small army of 1600 men. The Romans had an army of 10,000 made up of peasant militia who were poorly armed and poorly trained. While heavily outnumbered the Imperial army consisted of well armed and trained knights and professional soldiers. The Imperial army easily defeated the Romans at the Battle of Monte Porizio on May 29th, 1167, a battle which would later be called, "the Cannae of the Middle Ages". The Imperial army would continue to march on Rome, but by a stroke of luck for the Romans would be struck with the plague and forced to turn back. The Romans got their revenge against Tusculum in 1183 when they conquered and burned the city to the ground Carthage style.
The beginning of the end of the republic came in 1188 when Pope Clement III made a power sharing deal with the senate in which the people would elect senators but the Pope would have to approve the senators. The senate agreed to this in order to secure the protection of the Pope as the Holy Roman Empire was still a threat. Over the coming decades popes would reduce the number of senators until by the early 13th century, there was just one. Soon that single senate post was directly chosen by the Pope, and eventually it became a hereditary position. Before you knew it, French and Spanish nobles were becoming Roman senators and Roman senators ruled as autocrats at the behest of the Pope. By the end of the 13th century, the Roman Republic was dead.
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monratarot · 3 months
Tarot tips and tricks - Buying a new home indicators
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
Discovering a sense of belonging is essential for personal well-being and fulfillment. It involves finding a space or community where you can authentically be yourself, feel accepted, and embraced for who you are.
By seeking out spaces where you feel truly at home, you create opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate and celebrate your uniqueness.
Remember that finding your place in the world may require patience, self-discovery, and exploration. It's about trusting yourself, being open to new experiences, and allowing yourself to grow and evolve along the journey. Trust in the process, and you will eventually find your own special place where you belong.
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🏡Four of Wands is a very positive card when it comes to questions about buying a new home. It signifies celebration, stability, and finding your perfect place. The imagery of figures standing outside the home in a celebratory manner indicates that this new home is indeed the ideal choice for you. It's a strong affirmation that purchasing this home would bring about joy and fulfillment in your life.
🏡Ace of Pentacles is indeed a wonderful card to encounter when the question revolves around buying a new home. It signifies new opportunities, prosperity, and potential for financial growth. In the context of purchasing a home, it can represent making a successful offer, securing a loan, or receiving positive news regarding your housing situation. Additionally, the Ace of Pentacles suggests that the home you are considering is a solid investment and a promising asset for your future.
🏡Six of Cups is a heart warming card, especially when it comes to finding and buying a secure home for your family. It signifies nostalgia, innocence, and harmonious relationships, making it a great omen for selecting a home that will be conducive to your family's well-being. This card may suggest properties close to excellent schools or in family-friendly neighbourhoods. Moreover, the Six of Cups also represents happy offers, which bodes well whether you are buying or selling a home, indicating positive outcomes and a sense of contentment throughout the process.
🏡Eight of Wands is a card that signifies swift progress, communication, and forward movement. In the context of buying a property, this card brings excellent news, indicating that things are moving quickly and smoothly in the process. It suggests that your plans are progressing rapidly, and a successful purchase is on the horizon. Overall, the Eight of Wands heralds positive developments and a sense of momentum, making it an auspicious card to draw when inquiring about purchasing a property.
🏡Drawing The World card is a powerful indicator of accomplishment, fulfillment, and reaching a significant milestone. When it comes to buying a home or pursuing any goal, this card signifies successful completion and a sense of wholeness. In the context of real estate, The World card shows a positive outcome, suggesting that your aspirations of acquiring a new home will be met with success and satisfaction. It assures that you are on the right path towards achieving your desired outcome and entering a new phase of stability and contentment.
🏡The Justice card represents fairness, balance, and making decisions based on logic and reason. In the context of purchasing property, this card could indicate that legal matters, contracts, or negotiations are coming into play. Drawing Justice suggests that you are likely to encounter legal processes, such as signing a contract or finalizing important paperwork related to buying a property. It reminds you to approach these transactions with integrity, honesty, and a focus on what is just and equitable for all parties involved.
🏡Ten of Cups card symbolizes harmony, happiness, and emotional fulfillment in relationships and family life. When appearing in a reading about purchasing a home, this card brings a positive and heart warming message. It signifies that buying a home will bring you and your loved ones a sense of contentment, security, and joy. The card's image of a happy family enjoying life together in a beautiful setting reflects the idea that your new home will be a place of shared happiness and emotional well-being for you and your family. It's a reassuring sign that your decision to buy a home will lead to a fulfilling and harmonious living environment for all involved.
🏡Ten of Pentacles is a powerful card associated with long-term stability, wealth, and legacy. In the context of buying a home, this card suggests that the property you are considering is not just a place to live but a solid investment that will provide financial security and a sense of permanence for you and your family. It signifies a well-established, prosperous household and a harmonious family life within the walls of your new home. Seeing this card in a reading about purchasing a home can be seen as a promising sign that the property you are investing in has the potential to become a lasting and cherished family residence, a place where you can build lasting memories and create a strong foundation for the future.
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vaporgutz · 14 days
The Holy Light Mage
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Solare is for a Mage the Ascension TTRPG played with friends. I just started, first session, and I'm already so invested!! His stats WILL change as the campaign progresses, so these stats aren't set in stone.
I'm going to describe Solare like people have knowlage on World Of darkness, specially Mage. So anyone who doesn't know, enjoy the art and any lore to pick up.
Solare is a light mage who has the merit of True Faith. Currently, he has one dot of True Faith, and will build in RP. His powers revolve around light, and seeing the holy light within all things of God's creation, pulling from that.
Forces (affinity): 3
Matter: 2
Prime: 3
Arete: 4
Willpower: 10
Legistics and in the bounds: With Forces 3, Matter 2, and Prime 3, Solare can conjure and manipulate light with damaging properties. He can make the light into something physically usable using Matter 2, conjure and manipulate light for actual damage use with Forces 3, and can inflict the damage with it using Prime 3.
Main attributes (all 4/5 dots): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Appearance
Weakest/avarage attributes: Manipulation, Charisma, Stamina, Perception, Wits
Talents (highest): Alertness, Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Intimidation
Knowlages (mid): Academics, Cosmotology, Enigma, Esoterica (Christianity), Occult
Skills (lowest): Firearms, Meditation, Melee, Stealth
☀️ More info on him in later posts ☀️
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
i think it’s easy to get into ouat fairly casually if you write regina off as a villain and don’t pay too much attention to her, and you probably won’t stick around past season two when they start ignoring all the supporting characters from season one in favor of their revolving door of marketable new disney properties. but if you start noticing lana parrilla’s acting choices and getting invested in regina’s redemption arc… god help you
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libraryofxaviersring · 3 months
⋆˙⊹ “𝑹𝒖𝒆. 𝑰𝒕’𝒔 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖.”⊹˙⋆
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Release Day and Book Review✨
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When I said I just knew that I'm gonna like this new novel of hers after reading her vampire and werewolf paranormal romance, I was right 🤚🏽
I would go as to say that this romance novel captivated me from the start, the middle, and the end. I truly am invested with the drama and the tea revolving Kline and Harkness (which I really can't help but read Harkoness— I really don't know why 😆)
Anyway, the writing in this novel was much better, compelling, and flawlessly in terms of storytelling. To be brief about it, I would go as far as to say it was excellent.
The characters, on the other hand, really shine their own way. They were more developed and well written characters that I remember them from the start until the end. Tisha, I really love Tisha. She's so real. Minami, she deserves better, I hate how Florence did her dirty.
The pairing: Rue and Eli REALLY HAD CHEMISTRY. THEIR TENSION EVERYONE 🤚🏽 Eli was really pinning the most of it, and that didn't stray him off his plot most of the time. This man is really driven. Rue, another excellent woman, is equally driven and passionate. These 2 really took their time, not really complaining. Their interaction was really fun, as well as their banter. I also liked how they opened up with each other, trusting to the point of sharing tragic or traumas of the past.
The spice or the smut 🌶🌶🌶 again, they really took their time. It was HOT. I enjoyed most of it.
The drama, tea, or the conflict, IT WAS A LOT. I wish there were more of the showing of this part in the novel, as someone who's a STEM student before, I enjoyed how the STEM content here was laid, it was really interesting and intriguing, although I wish there were more if it the same wit the conflict.
Other than that, I think the most important part here is the content or conflict of power hungry org, or just anyone with power stealing intellectual property, especially of young and aspiring academic people, as well as of taking advantage of their endeavour to profit from them, worse, take their rights off of their well hard earned achievement.
I think my only issue from this book is the sudden switch from 3rd to 1st pov. That part was a little bit off for me, I didn't notice it until I took a little break and started again.
Furthermore, the conclusion as well, I wasn't fun of it, I really wish Florence did pay more for her sins. She did many people dirty, and I would go as far as to say people like her who never get punished for it would do it again if the chance aroused.
Thank you, PRH International and Berkley, for the free book ♡
Finished Date: June 9, 2024
Final Ratings: 4.5⭐️
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wingsfreedom · 1 year
The Gladiator 300th Chapter Celebration Event
I went off the model in order to write a post that can better express my feelings. (So sorry in advance to @kigozula)
What make you stick to the story so far? I'll start with shorter lines then longer ones.
It's based on the original but it doesn't try imitate it: instead the work has it's own identity. And yet it remains one of, if not the most faithful, attentive and respectful adaption of canon I've seen. Two birds with one stone.
It's so satisfyingly coherent, consistent and connected.
It follows reason and isn't too much over the top.
It's very creative with the concepts and has unexpected plot twists that keep me invested.
The events that spread through the story make for an engaging world-buliding and make the universe feels alive.
The author doesn't hate-write the characters they dislike in canon which was a pleasant surprise to see these characters being handled with care.
Since this deserves it's own point again: for once, Zuko is a likable character.
The love between the romantic couples is real and not something left for interpretation.
I never expected to find great battle scenes so that was another pleasant surprise and left me overwhelmed with excitement.
Sokka/Azula, how their bond affects them and how they affect the world around them is the heart that leads the story. In other words, the world doesn't revolve around them, instead they lead the world.
I don't know how to explain it and I may not have payed enough attention to everything but I like the story's take on morality. Bad deeds aren't overlooked, there are consequences, someone can be human is 100% a terrible person, a good person can be human and yet have darkness in their souls. I like the complexity.
I'm not an expert on this topic to say the story's take on slavery was handled with the care necessary but I can see it's being handled seriously and I really appreciated it wasn't swapped under the rug as an edgy setup for romance.
The story takes friendships seriously! It doesn't look down on friendship or consider it a bond not worth developing which is really wholesome.
I like Azula's side of the story in Part 3, maybe I have word it better in the review but I like how it's about not giving up against the extremely difficult odds and finding light and warmth in the darkest times -- I was naturally driven towards the source of that light and warmth which was in Azula's room and Sokka's small group.
It treats women's issues pretty well imo; love, pregnancy, marriage, domestic problems, controlling fathers who care about their image more than their own daughters -- they're not downplayed and the abusers face consequences.
The character writing make me emotionally invested in the characters even in the ones I'm not actively interested in but I still enjoy reading about them all the same (even in small scenes like that of Longshot, the way he spoke give him personality, and Ursa's parents were funny too).
I appreciate how the dark topics were handled tastefully (unlike GoT or Overlord) -- while some scenes make me feel greatly disturbed, the narrative doesn't spend great lengths to make you feel sick and this precisely what make them more effective or impactful (the public executions, the pregnancy and abortion discussions, the examination and the one night stand...ect, I felt disturbed even while listing these).
ATLA has my favorite power system in all of fiction because of the realistic martial arts combined with the chakras/wheels system of yoga... and so I enjoyed the expansion here by the introduction of the gold fire, fire resonance, special fire forging metal give it special properties, adding mysterious lightbending and the corruption system (or casting a shadow over the elements)
And, of course, I can't neglect the reason I started this story for: Azula. This is my favorite take on her character so far that I won't even bother with anything else at this point (and because I'm pretty much done with this franchise/fandom as well)
Original characters
Rei: I like how her character is about creating a meaningful life out seemingly meaningless existence or rather start
Shaofeng: I just appreciate the fact that this is the first time I read about a villain who managed to be more irredeemable than Ozai himself yet an effective element in the story. We haven't seen what is his true deal yet but I'm looking forward to uncover his mystery.
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Seezu: I like the gloomy aesthetics and the power set (it's very unique, though morbid). It was also funny how his cleaning skills were better than his assassination skills (in FLS arc at least). And he's surprisingly, weirdly endearing in a sense too, not gonna lie. I hope that doesn't change.
The Quiz:
• Name of the first Gladiator Sokka fought against? Spawn of Volcano (I still remember the funny exchange: Chan "oh no my Spawn's in trouble" Azula "why do you call him your spawn? Is he your child or something" still makes me laugh
• How many years are Azula and Sokka a couple now? 5 or 6 years (since Azula picked Sokka as her gladiator)
• Which character found out about Azula and Sokka’s secret relationship first? Toph (edit: and Rui Shi!! But since he didn't have a name yet back then it was so easy for him to slip lol)
• Which character felt something might be going on/will be going on between Sokka and Azula from the beginning? Piandao and Lo & Li
• What’s the name of Ozai’s first love? Ozai's first, Ursa's second
• What was the first Gladiator event Azula and Sokka took part in? The Fire Fountain City event when Sokka knocked Ozai's statue over.
• How often did the Blue Wolf fight in the Slate? Two times. Against the second-ranked gladiator and against Yang's wife.
• Who would have almost been the potential future prince? 🤔 there have been 4 princes already plus Zhao currently which make them 5. So do you mean a person unrelated to the fire royals? Any potential suitor for Azula. Kuan the Obnoxious (affectionate), Hahn the Obnoxious (derogatory), Aonu sponsor of the second-ranked gladiator and Chan.
• How old was Aang when he was forced to freeze himself and Appa? This is a good question. I think it must have been stated somewhere in the South Pole chapters which I wasn't as interested in them as I was in Sokkla's side of the story but after some pondering my guess would be 18 years old.
Anyway, there isn't always much I can say about a fanfiction but I think Seyary is a great story teller and I wish a future with more accomplishments for her.
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b4n3n4 · 8 months
The consequences of capitalism 
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1. What the hell is capitalism 
Our friend capitalism was born in the 15th century after the fall of feudalism succeeding the maritime expansion in Europe (for those who do not know or aren't sure what the word means, it is the ruling of society by nobility in which the peasants did all the labor in exchange for not even minimal conditions in the said lords land), baptized by philosophers in the 18th century as commercial or pre capitalism, it is commonly described as the emergence of currency as an exchange value as well as the start of a new social class: the bourgeoisie with a special interest in precious metals and enrichment. 
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1.1 Modern capitalism 
Modern-day capitalism or self-proclaimed financial capitalism started in the 20th century, with the same basis as commercial capitalism but with a twist, the investment in stocks, bonds, and other descendants or slight derivations as well as of course private stuff like property and private control of production (or what is more known as insane prices for no fucking reason), this is what we will dive into today as I was bored to death in college and had to write about something. I'm sorry 
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1.2 So...what goes on 
Even tho we don't realize it consumerism is the foundation of all (or at least most) of our routine activities, think about it, we wake up in a bed we bought, we eat breakfast we bought, we go somewhere like work or college to gain financial wealth, etc, this happens because we live in a consumerist society, everything revolves around money or exchange in some way, it's our way to communicate with our peers, boss, kids, loved ones. The generation of wealth and obtention of goods has brought us a lot of pros and cons, here I can resume some of the pros: oooo sparkly gloss  
Now onto the cons 
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1.3 Hell on Earth 
Not to be biased, because it's well known if you have been following my page that I have beliefs rooted in existentialism, but the cons of consumerism have been devastating, to say the least, let's look at some:  
With the scary-ass worker wages, the poor get even poorer, and the rich even richer, by letting the big companies decide freely how much each product is without regulation, the meager prices like Shein has means mass production (underpaid overworked 3rd world country workers), this also has its results, as consumers indulge in mass buying because of the low prices and get shitty products that go straight to the trash or do not get put to their use, then we have the other side of the coin, extremely high prices, on mostly necessary good like food, hygiene and such, this ends up making the situation for regular or minimum wage workers a living hell.  
So let us simplify: you are overworked, and underpaid by your rich boss, and basic needs prices are extremely high, barely living.  
This is a vicious cycle of working to be able to buy necessities or in some cases completely unnecessary shit that's marketed and bought because it's cheap, being in a situation where you need more money to live, so you go work.  
Even tho it's centuries apart, have we changed? Has slavery stopped? Has anything become more evolved besides how we produce shit, are we just what we buy and sell and nothing more? 
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Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he won’t consider pardons for low-level marijuana offenders after President Joe Biden called on governors across the country to consider pardons.
“Texas is not in the habit of taking criminal justice advice from the leader of the defund police party and someone who has overseen a criminal justice system run amuck with cashless bail and a revolving door for violent criminals,” Abbott spokesperson Renae Eze said in a statement Thursday.
The statement came after Biden announced a pardon of all prior federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. He also called for a review of marijuana’s current status as a Schedule 1 drug and asked governors to consider pardons of low-level weed offenders.
“Just as no one should be in a federal prison solely for possessing marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either,” Biden tweeted.
Abbott spokesperson Eze explained the process of issuing pardons in Texas in her statement, saying Abbot would not consider pardons.
“The Governor of Texas can only pardon individuals who have been through the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles system with a recommendation for pardon,” she said.
Meanwhile, Democratic candidate for Texas governor Beto O’ Rourke has promised to legalize weed in the state should he be elected.
“When I’m Governor, we will legalize marijuana and expunge the records of those arrested for marijuana possession — and we’ll use the nearly $1 billion in new state revenue and reduced criminal justice costs to invest in public schools and reduce property taxes,” O’Rourke’s campaign website says.
After President Joe Biden announced pardons Thursday for Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana, Beto O’Rourke reiterated his pledge to legalize the drug if elected Texas Governor.
The Democrat, who is challenging Gov. Greg Abbott this November, also said in a tweet that he would expunge the records of those arrested for marijuana possession.
O’Rourke has long pushed for the legalization of marijuana and even wrote a book about it. He says he doesn’t support the legalization of all drugs, and claims that he does have been proved false.
The former El Paso congressman has said legalizing marijuana would not only provide revenue for the state and economic opportunities for Texans, but also bring about criminal justice reform because Black and Hispanic residents are disproportionately jailed for and convicted of marijuana crimes.
“Right now we spend half a billion dollars a year locking people up for a substance that is legal in most of the rest of the country, most of the rest of the developed world,” O’Rourke said at a news conference in South Oak Cliff in April. “We also lose out on, conservatively speaking, half a billion dollars in tax revenue.”
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In May, Abbott said his position has not changed beyond what he’s proposed in the past — reducing the criminal penalty for marijuana possession to a Class C misdemeanor, but not legalizing the drug.
“Texas is not in the habit of taking criminal justice advice from the leader of the defund police party and someone who has overseen a criminal justice system run amuck [sic] with cashless bail and a revolving door for violent criminals,” Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze said in a prepared statement. “The Governor of Texas can only pardon individuals who have been through the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles system with a recommendation for pardon.”
At an event in May, O’Rourke pointed out that Texans of all stripes use marijuana.
“Not only do Texans of every race, ethnicity and gender, use marijuana at the same rate,” he said, “but your big secret that I want to make sure we all hear out loud — Republicans use it just as much as Democrats.”
Since 2012, 19 states, Washington, D.C., and Guam have legalized marijuana for recreational use — something more than half of Texans have said they either support or strongly support, according to previous Dallas Morning News-University of Texas at Tyler polls.
And the numbers are even higher for medical use: 67% of those surveyed last month said they would either support or strongly support the legalization of marijuana in Texas to help treat illnesses. The Texas Legislature expanded the state’s medical marijuana program last year to include all forms of post-traumatic stress disorder and cancer.
But some legislators and governors, especially in red states, remain hesitant to legalize the drug.
Rhode Island became the 19th state to fully legalize marijuana in May, and more states, including Missouri and South Dakota, will vote on whether to legalize recreational use this November. Oklahoma’s referendum was delayed until at least 2023.
On Thursday, Biden also called on Governors to issue similar pardons for those convicted of state marijuana offenses, which reflect the vast majority of marijuana possession cases.
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rachelkaser · 1 year
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Long-Legged Models
A young woman finds herself the target of a racketeer who killed her gambler father over an IOU -- which he now claims the daughter must pay. Shortly afterwards, the racketeer is murdered and the daughter is charged . . . but first Perry Mason must decipher which of three identical guns is the murder weapon.
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Who’s Who
Perry Mason’s client: Stephanie Falkner, the daughter of a gambler who suddenly finds herself being threatened to pay his debts
The victim: George Castle, a racketeer whose attempts to make a big profit on a land deal lead him to be both murderer and murder victim
Suspects: Michael Garvin Sr.,  Michael Garvin Jr., Evie Elliott,  Margo Winters Garvin, Glenn Falkner, 
The Setup
It’s late at night at a casino in Las Vegas, and a beautiful redhead wonders around the tables with chips. She goes to the craps table where a man named Falkner is on a losing streak and bets against him. After a few tosses, he fails and loses the last of his money, leaving the casino. A hard-looking man with a cigarette watches him leave. Later, Falkner is writing to his daughter, Stephanie. He apologizes for breaking his promises and losing money at gambling again. There’s a knock on the door -- it’s the hard-looking man. His name is Castle, and he’s come to collect on $8,000 that Falkner owes him, complete with promissory note, payable on demand.
Falkner says he knows Castle saw him losing a big pot earlier, and he knows Castle doesn’t really want him to pay up. Falkner says Castle wants a plot of land that Falkner owns, upon which the “Marty Davis crowd” intends to build a new casino. He also knows Castle promised this crowd he could deliver the land by April 12. Castle admits he put up $50,000 as a guarantee, but Falkner won’t budge on selling, as he’s keeping the land for his daughter. Castle says the daughter will likely be easier to handle, draws a gun, and shoots Falkner dead.
Sometime later, in Los Angeles, Castle presents the same promissory note to Stephanie Falkner. She initially says she’d rather not sell the property, but agrees to give him an answer after discussing it with someone. After he goes, Stephanie makes a phone call. Later, a young man pulls up to the Lodestar Apartments, where Castle is staying and rings his apartment’s bell. It’s Michael Garvin Jr, whom Castle recognizes. He notes that Junior just got married to a long-legged model named Margo Winters recently, and seems amused when Junior tries to defend Stephanie. Junior was once engaged to Stephanie but no longer is. His father, Garvin Sr, is fond of Stephanie. Junior tries to throw a bunch but takes a hit and gets thrown out for his trouble.
Castle next goes to office of Garvin Investments and greets the secretary, Eva, whom he knows. He got her the job and isn’t happy that she apparently ratted out his location and intentions to Junior, the son of her boss. He reminds her that he’s got blackmail material on her for check forging in Kansas. The phone rings -- it’s Stephanie, who asks to speak to Garvin. Eva initially lies, saying he’s out of town. As soon as Castle leaves, she calls Stephanie back and says Garvin is coming back from Vegas and has arranged a meeting with Perry Mason the next morning. Castle overhears and threatens her again.
Enter Perry Mason, Attorney at Law
Stephanie explains the situation to Perry Mason, as Garvin hovers over her shoulder. She says the price Castle’s offering for her land is half of what it’s worth. Garvin also drops the bomb that he suspects Castle of murdering Glenn Falkner, Stephanie’s father. He was tracing Falkner’s movements in Vegas and said Castle was shadowing him the night he died. Perry says that proves nothing, and Garvin pulls out a revolver and says he intends to get proof straight from Castle.
Perry asks if Garvin is licensed, and Garvin says he is -- he’s a deputy. Garvin says he owns three revolvers -- one for his son, one locked in his office safe, and one on his person for emergencies. Perry reprimands Garvin for not just taking his theories to the authorities. Stephanie starts to cry, saying she’s still grieving her father. Garvin comforts her as she sobs and ushers her out of the office. Perry asks Della for her thoughts, and Della accurately pegs that Garvin is in love with Stephanie.
That night, Perry arrives at the Lodestar Apartments and meets Castle. The presence of a lawyer has the racketeer behaving in a much more conciliatory fashion, claiming the lowball was just an initial offer. Perry counters with an offer of $225,000, or $1,500 a front foot. He also gets Castle to admit the going rate is $1,000, which he begrudgingly offers. Perry bargains him up to $1,400, but says Stephanie still may not accept. He guesses that Castle, who is sweating, put something of his own on the line for this deal and mentions Glenn Falkner.
The phone rings and Castle says something about meeting in 10 mins and finally agrees to pay $1,500. Perry leaves, telling Castle to be in his office in the morning. Downstairs, he stops at a phone booth and calls Paul.
Under construction, please refresh . . .
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mutteringmallard · 2 years
Why we fail prison leavers;
Probation and those just leaving the prisons having served their custodial time failed by a failure to understand critical societal issues.
So what do I mean by this?
When we deep dive into facts on crime rates and areas which has the highest % per capita of crime, we tend to see some common issues whether it is in the North or South. I have a keen interest in issues revolving around the rehabilitation of offenders and the impact of societal problems on people, the so-called Nurture of crime.
With regards to many I have met who have left the confinement of prison, either serving a complete sentence incarcerated or going on a probationary period, a common denominator is the areas to which they are either placed or the only places they can get into. These places are commonly the places that see the highest crime rate.
We must understand that the environment in which a person is placed significantly impacts their ability to rehabilitate.
So, in experience, I’ve noticed recently released only getting properties in the roughest of areas, so to speak, the regions ridden with drug issues, antisocial behaviour issues and so forth. This is not setting people up for a positive impact; it is setting people up for failure.
If we can as a society improve these areas, local investment in regions with crime can enhance the area. Using the examples of the techniques in James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling’s Broken window theory, we can eliminate a large propitiation of ASB issues and other petty crimes. By doing so, housing those leaving prison in areas with reduced crime rates would impact their rehabilitation and a reduction in potential reoffending.
Likewise, by investing in these areas, we can reduce the Nurture of criminalisation, reducing first-time offending. The issue is we as a society focus too much on the reaction to criminalisation rather than the prevention of criminalisation
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teslaproperties · 3 days
A Sneak Peek Into Upcoming Residential Projects In Dubai
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Dubai has long been at the forefront of global real estate, with its innovative architecture, luxurious lifestyle, and a thriving market that attracts buyers from all over the world. A new wave of residential developments in Dubai is expected to transform the skyline and provide unmatched living experiences as the city continues to develop. Whether you’re a potential homeowner or an investor looking to tap into Dubai’s dynamic real estate market, there’s never been a better time to buy property in Dubai.
In this blog, we take a sneak peek into some of the most exciting upcoming residential projects in Dubai and explore why these projects are creating so much buzz in the market.
1. Emaar Beachfront: Coastal Luxury Redefined
Emaar Beachfront is one of Dubai’s most anticipated developments, offering a blend of coastal serenity and urban sophistication. Located between Palm Jumeirah and Dubai Marina, this exclusive project features luxury apartments with breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf and Dubai Marina skyline.
Why It Stands Out:
Prime Location: Emaar Beachfront is perfectly situated with direct access to a private beach, yet minutes away from the city’s bustling hubs.
Luxury Living: The apartments boast state-of-the-art amenities, modern designs, and easy access to world-class dining, retail, and entertainment.
Investment Potential: The demand for beachfront properties in Dubai is consistently high, making this development an ideal investment opportunity.
If you're looking for a beachfront Dubai property for sale, this development should be at the top of your list.
2. Dubai Hills Estate: The Ideal Family Neighbourhood
Known as the "city within a city," Dubai Hills Estate offers a refined blend of eco-friendly living, functionality, and elegance. With a focus on family-friendly amenities and a championship golf course, this master-planned community is ideal for those looking to buy a home in a serene yet upscale environment.
Key Features:
Green Spaces: Dubai Hills Estate is known for its sprawling parks, cycling tracks, and nature trails, offering residents a peaceful escape from city life.
World-Class Amenities: Residents have access to top-tier schools, medical facilities, and the popular Dubai Hills Mall, making it a self-sustaining community.
Variety of Properties: This development offers a variety of properties in Dubai to accommodate all budgets and tastes, from villas to apartments.
If you’re considering buying property in Dubai, this is a development that promises long-term value and a premium lifestyle.
3. Port de La Mer: Waterfront Charm with Mediterranean Flair
Port de La Mer by Meraas offers a distinctive fusion of Mediterranean-inspired design with Dubai's renowned elegance for those looking for a quaint coastal lifestyle. Located in Jumeirah, this development features an exclusive collection of apartments and townhouses surrounded by stunning sea views and a marina.
Why It’s Making Waves:
Mediterranean Ambiance: With its relaxed coastal vibe and cobbled streets, Port de La Mer brings a European-style community to the heart of Dubai.
World-Class Marina: Residents can enjoy access to a state-of-the-art marina and yacht club, making it ideal for sailing enthusiasts.
Premium Amenities: From beachfront dining to boutique shopping, this development has everything you need for a luxurious waterfront lifestyle.
Port de La Mer offers Dubai properties for sale that combine coastal charm with modern luxury, making it a highly sought-after development.
4. DAMAC Lagoons: A Water-Inspired Masterpiece
DAMAC Lagoons is another highly anticipated development, offering a unique concept that revolves around water-inspired living. Set across eight different themed clusters, each designed around a tropical lagoon, this community is designed to provide a resort-style experience within the comfort of your home.
What Sets it Apart:
Themed Clusters: Each cluster in DAMAC Lagoons has its own identity, inspired by Mediterranean destinations such as Santorini, Venice, and Marbella.
Water Activities: From kayaking and paddleboarding to lazy rivers and wave pools, this community offers a range of water-based activities for the whole family.
Luxury Homes: Featuring townhouses and villas, DAMAC Lagoons offers spacious, beautifully designed Dubai houses for sale that cater to both families and individuals.
For buyers who want to invest in unique and experiential living, DAMAC Lagoons is one of the most exciting upcoming residential projects in Dubai.
5. Tilal Al Ghaf: A Sustainable Oasis
Buyers who care about the environment are drawn to Majid Al Futtaim's sustainable mixed-use village, Tilal Al Ghaf. With a focus on sustainability, this development is designed around the philosophy of providing a balanced lifestyle, where nature meets luxury.
Sustainability Focus: Tilal Al Ghaf is being built with sustainability at its core, featuring solar-powered homes, green energy, and water conservation systems.
Recreational Lagoon: The community is centered around a crystal lagoon, offering residents opportunities for swimming, kayaking, and other water activities.
Diverse Property Options: From villas to townhouses, the development offers a variety of properties designed with modern architecture and eco-friendly features.
If sustainability is high on your list of priorities, Tilal Al Ghaf is one of the best residential developments to consider for those looking to find property in Dubai that offers both luxury and environmental responsibility.
Why Buy Property in Dubai Now?
Dubai's world-class infrastructure, advantageous location, and investor-friendly rules all contribute to the city's thriving real estate industry. Whether you're purchasing your first home, looking to upgrade, or investing in high-end Dubai real estate, the city offers a wealth of opportunities.
Benefits of Buying in Dubai:
Tax-Free Environment: Dubai offers a tax-free income and no capital gains tax, making it an attractive destination for property investors.
High ROI: With growing demand and a diverse range of developments, Dubai provides excellent rental yields and long-term capital appreciation.
World-Class Lifestyle: From luxury shopping and fine dining to endless recreational activities, Dubai offers an unmatched lifestyle for its residents.
Why Choose Tesla Properties?
When it comes to finding the perfect property in Dubai, you need guidance from experts who know the market inside and out. Tesla Properties, recognized as one of the best real estate agencies in Dubai, offers personalized services to help you find the perfect property. Whether you're interested in Dubai properties for sale or looking for a real estate agency in Dubai to manage your investments, Tesla Properties offers unparalleled expertise and support.
Dubai’s upcoming residential projects are poised to redefine luxury living, offering cutting-edge designs, eco-friendly features, and world-class amenities. Whether you're seeking a family-friendly community like Dubai Hills Estate or a waterfront paradise like Port de La Mer, these developments provide excellent opportunities for both homebuyers and investors. Ready to explore Dubai property for sale? Contact Tesla Properties, your trusted real estate agency in Dubai, to find your dream home in one of the upcoming residential projects in Dubai.
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whitelandsgurgaon · 4 days
Central Park Properties - Luxury Real Estate in Gurgaon and Sohna
Central Park is a renowned real estate developer in India, recognized for creating luxurious, world-class properties in key locations like Gurgaon and Sohna. Over the years, Central Park has gained a stellar reputation for delivering not only high-quality residences but also lifestyle experiences that appeal to modern homebuyers. Their projects in Central Park Gurgaon and Central Park Flower Valley Sohna offer a blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience, making them some of the most sought-after real estate investments in the region.
Central Park: A Vision of Luxury
Central Park’s philosophy revolves around offering residents more than just a place to live. They focus on crafting communities that elevate the living experience through stunning landscapes, state-of-the-art amenities, and thoughtfully designed spaces. Every property developed by Central Park embodies a unique sense of luxury, emphasizing wellness, leisure, and harmony with nature. The commitment to these ideals has made them a leading choice for homebuyers looking for a blend of modern living with a natural touch.
Central Park Properties in Gurgaon
Gurgaon, often referred to as the Millennium City, is one of India's fastest-growing real estate markets. Central Park’s projects in Gurgaon cater to discerning buyers looking for luxury homes in prime locations. The properties here are characterized by their proximity to business hubs, premium shopping destinations, and world-class infrastructure. Central Park Gurgaon is designed to meet the needs of professionals, families, and individuals seeking to experience modern urban living in one of the most dynamic cities in India.
The luxurious amenities at Central Park Gurgaon properties range from sprawling clubhouses, swimming pools, and fitness centers to landscaped gardens and open green spaces. These homes are designed with a focus on creating an environment where residents can enjoy both comfort and convenience. The well-planned layouts, cutting-edge architecture, and attention to detail in these properties make them a preferred choice for those looking for high-end residences in Gurgaon.
Central Park Flower Valley, Sohna
Located in the serene environment of Sohna, Central Park Flower Valley is another landmark project by Central Park. Spread across a vast expanse, this township is designed to offer a holistic lifestyle that combines the tranquility of nature with the luxuries of urban living. Central Park Flower Valley, Sohna, offers a range of residential options, including independent villas, apartments, and plots, catering to diverse homebuyers.
What makes Flower Valley unique is its emphasis on greenery and sustainability. The township is adorned with themed gardens, flower parks, and lush landscapes, creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere for residents. Central Park Flower Valley is also equipped with world-class amenities like health clubs, yoga pavilions, wellness centers, and sports facilities, providing a balanced lifestyle focused on physical and mental well-being.
Furthermore, Central Park Flower Valley is strategically located in Sohna, just a short drive from Gurgaon, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer living amidst nature while staying connected to major urban centers. The well-developed infrastructure and seamless connectivity to key areas of Delhi NCR make it a highly desirable destination for homebuyers.
Why Invest in Central Park Properties?
Central Park’s projects in Gurgaon and Sohna are not just about offering luxurious residences but also about creating vibrant communities. Each property is carefully designed to enhance the living experience by focusing on comfort, convenience, and well-being. Additionally, the developer’s attention to detail and commitment to delivering quality ensures that residents enjoy a superior lifestyle in all their projects.
For investors, Central Park properties in Gurgaon and Sohna present lucrative opportunities. With the rapid growth of these regions as prime real estate destinations, Central Park’s developments are expected to yield substantial returns in the long term. The combination of strategic locations, modern amenities, and beautifully designed spaces make Central Park a trusted name in luxury real estate.
Central Park has redefined luxury living with its iconic properties in Gurgaon and Sohna. Whether you are looking for a home in the bustling city of Gurgaon or a peaceful retreat in Flower Valley, Sohna, Central Park offers something for everyone. With its focus on creating exceptional residential communities, Central Park continues to set new benchmarks in the real estate industry, making it a preferred choice for those who aspire to live in luxury, comfort, and harmony with nature.
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amaraluuna · 6 days
Discover Your Dream Home: Lake Martin Homes for Sale
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In this blog, we’ll explore why Lake Martin is the perfect place to discover your dream home, what types of properties are available, and what makes living on Lake Martin such a unique experience.
A Peaceful Retreat
One of the most compelling reasons to consider buying a home on Lake Martin is the peace and tranquility that come with lakeside living. Far from the hustle and bustle of city life, Lake Martin provides an escape where the sounds of nature, like the lapping of waves and birds chirping, become a part of your daily soundtrack.
Year-Round Recreation
If you love outdoor activities, Lake Martin is paradise. From boating, kayaking, and fishing in the summer to hiking and biking around the lake’s scenic trails in the cooler months, there’s always something to do. The lake is also home to popular spots like Chimney Rock and Goat Island, adding to its recreational appeal.
Types of Homes for Sale on Lake Martin
The real estate market around Lake Martin is diverse, catering to a variety of tastes, budgets, and lifestyles. From luxurious estates to cozy cabins, there’s something for everyone. Let’s take a look at some of the types of homes you can expect to find:
Lakefront Luxury Estates
For those who seek the ultimate in luxury, Lake Martin offers a range of stunning lakefront estates. These homes often come with high-end finishes, expansive layouts, and private docks. Imagine waking up to panoramic views of the water, enjoying a private pool, or sipping your morning coffee from a spacious deck overlooking the lake. Many of these properties also offer modern amenities like gourmet kitchens, spa-like bathrooms, and state-of-the-art home theaters. If you’re looking for a home that blends elegance with nature, a luxury lakefront estate might be the perfect option.
Charming Cabins and Cottages
If you’re looking for something a bit cozier, Lake Martin has plenty of charming cabins and cottages that offer the perfect blend of rustic charm and modern convenience. These homes are often nestled among trees, providing privacy and a true connection to nature. While they may be smaller than the luxury estates, many cabins feature open floor plans, large windows, and decks that maximize the stunning lake views. Perfect for a weekend getaway or a more intimate living experience, these homes bring you closer to the natural beauty of Lake Martin.
Affordable Lakefront Homes
Lake Martin isn’t just for the luxury buyer. There are plenty of affordable homes available, offering you the chance to enjoy lakefront living without breaking the bank. Whether it’s a quaint cottage or a mid-sized family home, you can find properties that offer access to all the lake’s amenities at a more budget-friendly price point. Many of these homes still feature fantastic views and easy access to the water, making them ideal for first-time buyers or those looking for a peaceful retreat.
Vacation Rentals and Investment Properties
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What Makes Living on Lake Martin Unique?
Beyond the picturesque setting and diverse real estate offerings, living on Lake Martin comes with its own unique set of benefits.
Waterfront Activities at Your Doorstep
One of the greatest perks of living on Lake Martin is that you have access to the water whenever you want. Whether it’s jumping on your boat for a sunset cruise or casting a fishing line from your dock, life on Lake Martin revolves around the water. Many homes come equipped with private docks, making it easy to enjoy the lake without leaving your property.
Stunning Sunrises and Sunsets
Lake Martin’s position in central Alabama means that homeowners are treated to some of the most stunning sunrises and sunsets in the region. Imagine watching the sky shift from pinks and purples to fiery oranges and reds, all reflected on the still waters of the lake. Whether you’re sipping coffee in the morning or enjoying an evening cocktail, these views never get old.
Proximity to Amenities
While Lake Martin offers a peaceful escape, you’re never too far from modern conveniences. Towns like Alexander City and Dadeville provide access to grocery stores, restaurants, and healthcare facilities, ensuring that you have everything you need within reach. Plus, major cities like Birmingham and Montgomery are only a short drive away, offering access to even more dining, shopping, and entertainment options.
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With a wide variety of homes for sale, finding your dream property on Lake Martin is easier than ever. Start your journey today and discover the peace, tranquility, and joy that come with living on one of Alabama’s most beautiful lakes.
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reitmonero · 14 days
How Home Equity Loans Can Impact Your Long-Term Financial Goals
Introduction Home equity loans can be a powerful financial tool, but understanding their long-term implications is crucial. This guide will help you navigate the impact of home equity loans on your financial future.
1. Understanding Home Equity Loans
What Is a Home Equity Loan? A home equity loan allows you to borrow against the value of your home. You get a lump sum of money, which you repay with fixed monthly payments over a set term.
How Does It Work? Your home’s equity is the difference between its market value and the remaining balance on your mortgage. The loan amount is based on this equity.
2. Immediate Financial Benefits
Access to Large Sums of Money Home equity loans can provide substantial funds for major expenses like home improvements, debt consolidation, or education. This can free up cash for other investments or needs.
Fixed Interest Rates Many home equity loans offer fixed interest rates, making your payments predictable and manageable.
3. Impact on Your Monthly Budget
Increased Monthly Payments Adding a home equity loan to your budget means higher monthly payments. This could strain your finances if not planned carefully.
Debt-to-Income Ratio Taking out a home equity loan increases your total debt. This can affect your debt-to-income ratio, which may influence your ability to qualify for future loans or credit.
4. Long-Term Financial Goals
Impact on Home Equity Each loan repayment decreases your home’s equity, which could affect your financial flexibility and options if you need to sell or refinance your home.
Potential for Over-Borrowing Relying too heavily on home equity can lead to financial instability, especially if property values decline or your financial situation changes unexpectedly.
5. Tax Implications
Interest Deductibility In some cases, the interest on home equity loans may be tax-deductible. However, tax laws change, so it’s important to consult with a tax advisor to understand current regulations and how they apply to you.
6. Risk of Foreclosure
Secured Loan Since home equity loans are secured by your property, failure to make payments could lead to foreclosure. This is a serious risk that could jeopardize your home and financial stability.
7. Strategies for Managing Home Equity Loans
Budgeting and Planning Create a detailed budget to accommodate the new loan payments. Plan for potential changes in your financial situation.
Emergency Fund Maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and protect your financial health.
8. Alternatives to Consider
Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) HELOCs offer a flexible borrowing option with a revolving credit line, which might better suit your needs depending on your financial goals.
Personal Loans Depending on your circumstances, personal loans might be a viable alternative to a home equity loan.
Conclusion Home equity loans can be advantageous, but they come with risks that can affect your long-term financial goals. By understanding how they work and planning carefully, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial objectives.
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