#protective big sister abby
happy74827 · 11 months
Unspoken Gestures
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[Mike Schmidt x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: After seeing how overly stressed your closest friend was, you decided to take matters into your own hands to ease his load.
WC: 3,210
Category: Fluff
I’m sorry but he was so fine in the movie. Anyways-
Mike was… he was something. Some would say he was grumpy, and others say he was just downright cold, but you liked to think of him as a reserved kind of person. Sure, he was a bit awkward and unassertive, but he was also one of the nicest guys you knew.
It wasn't even because of his good looks. Well, maybe a little bit, but that wasn't what attracted you to him. It was his kindness. His love for his family, his baby sister. The way he'd dropped everything for her when it became just them. You loved how passionate he was when it came to protecting those he cared about. It's what drew you to him in the first place, really.
That and his face. That dumb smile, that little bit of stubble, those alluring hazel eyes. Those cheeks, that adorable laugh…
God, that laugh. You loved hearing it. It wasn't all that often that he would laugh, but when he did, it made your heart flutter. It made you want to hear it again and again, to make him laugh so much that his stomach hurt and his cheeks flushed with happiness.
He was so sweet, but sometimes he was closed off. He didn't always have the best days or the best attitude. Being a parent to your sister for the past year would’ve worn anyone out, of course, but he never really talked about it. You wanted to be there for him, you wanted to support him, you wanted him to be happy, but you couldn't if he wouldn't talk about it.
It wasn't until a few weeks ago that you even realized you liked him, like actually liked him. You knew the feelings had been there for a long time, but they were always there in the back of your mind. Now that they were there and present, it was like a light had been turned on.
You wanted to be there for him. You wanted to be the one he came to when he needed to relax. You wanted to be the shoulder he leaned on when he was down. You wanted to be the other person he turned to when he needed someone. You wanted to be able to take some of the burden off his shoulders.
You wanted to support him the same way he had supported Abby when she needed him to. You wanted to help him, even if he never needed it, even if he was a bit cold sometimes. Even if he was a bit awkward and maybe just a little bit shy.
That was why you decided to help him take the stress off his shoulders on your day off. He didn't have much of a sleep schedule, with his night shift job and being a parent to his little sister, and you knew he wouldn't turn down help, so that morning, you decided to clean up his house while Abby was at school and he was out running emergency errands. You started small, picking up trash and setting it by the door to throw out. You folded his clothes that had been lying around and piled them on his bed. You picked up the dishes and wiped down the counters. You scrubbed down the kitchen sink. You swept the living room floor. You vacuumed the carpet. You washed the windows.
And you did it all with a smile on your face.
When you were done, you wrote up a quick note telling him where everything was before you left, leaving it in the kitchen. The house looked nice, really nice, and it smelled like lemons. You knew he'd appreciate that. He loved that smell and said it reminded him of when his dad used to make his lemonade when he was a kid.
With that taken care of, you decided to head back to your apartment and change out of your cleaning clothes. When you got back to your place, you took a quick shower and changed into some sweats. You were going to make some lunch for yourself, but you were so tired after all that cleaning. So, you made yourself a big bowl of ice cream and curled up on the couch.
You were halfway through the movie you were watching when the door to your apartment opened. For a moment, you thought it was a robber breaking into your house, but when you saw Mike's presence near the entryway of the kitchen, you remembered that you had given Mike a key months ago when he was over one night to help fix the sink in the guest bathroom.
He was wearing his usual green jacket, but the sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, and the collar was undone. His hair was ruffled and a bit sweaty, and he looked tired, really tired. It must have been a long day for him.
"Uh, hey," He muttered, his voice a bit raspy. His hands were in the pockets of his hoodie, and you could tell he was a bit stiff. He seemed a bit awkward.
"Hi, Mike." You greeted warmly, trying not to sound like you were excited that he was there. Truthfully, him showing up at your place was the last thing you expected, but you didn't let that show on your face.
"You look exhausted. How was your day?" You asked, setting your half-finished bowl of ice cream on the coffee table in front of you.
He didn't answer right away, instead wandering further into your apartment, taking his hands out of his hoodie pocket to rub at his eyes. You watched as he turned and dropped his jacket and keys on the armchair of your living room couch, moving around as though he was on autopilot, his mind elsewhere. "It’s fine," he responded after a few moments of silence. "Same as always."
He stretched his arms above his head and cracked his neck, his voice low and his eyes heavy. He looked like he was about to fall over any minute. It was a little bit cute, but you had to do something to get him to relax a little bit.
"You should be home in bed," You chided lightly, sitting up straighter and pointing to the couch. "Mike, not to be blunt, but you look terrible. You need to get some sleep."
"I had to come here first," Mike mumbled, sounding like he was almost asleep already as he flopped down onto the couch and kicked his legs up over the side. "The house was a mess when I left, now it's...I mean...I..." He stammered, his voice growing quieter.
"Hey," you interrupted, a small smile tugging at your lips as you rested a hand on his shoulder. He was warm, and you could feel the tension in his shoulders, the stress he'd built up over the course of the week. "It's fine, I promise."
He was still, almost as though he didn't hear you at first. Then, after a moment, he tilted his head toward you. He seemed almost dazed, as though he wasn't entirely with you, but he gave you a small, tired smile. It was enough to make your heart flutter.
Mike leaned back into the couch cushions and let his eyes slide shut as he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. You were worried that maybe he'd nodded off, but when he spoke, you realized he was just resting his eyes.
"Why? Why do you keep helping me? You don't...you shouldn't have to do this for me." He asked softly, his eyes still shut, as though he wasn't entirely there. He was vulnerable, you could tell, but he was trusting you with his thoughts, sharing them with you.
You brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face before answering him, leaning back into the couch, closer to him. "I'm helping you because I want to. I want to be there for you."
Mike's eyes opened, but he didn't look at you. Instead, he kept his gaze on the ceiling, studying the cracks in the paint and the stain that was on the plaster. He let out another slow breath, leaning further back into the couch and relaxing a bit like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"Thank you," he said softly, his eyes sliding shut again as if he was trying to rest. You knew he wouldn't sleep there on the couch, not comfortably anyway, so you leaned forward and took his hand, trying to get his attention.
Finally, when his eyes opened for the second time, his gaze fell on you, and you felt like he was looking right into your soul. The two of you stayed like that for a moment, looking at each other, neither of you speaking. You figured it was because of his exhaustion, but the way he looked at you was different from before. He didn't look tired or tired of you. He didn't look angry or irritated, not even annoyed.
Instead, his gaze was softer, more inviting. He wasn't looking through you anymore. Instead, he was looking at you. Really looking at you. He was studying your face, trying to see who you were and how you worked, what made you tick. He was looking at you the way you had always wanted him to look at you.
He leaned forward, slowly as if he were worried you would push him away, but you didn't move. He moved closer and closer until you felt his breath on your lips, and his eyes were fluttering closed. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the warmth of his skin and the closeness of his body. You could smell his sweat, his shampoo, and the deodorant he used, and it was a mix of things that sent your head spinning.
"I don't...I don't get you." He muttered, his voice so low you almost didn't hear him. "I don't understand why you like me. I don't get it, I don't..."
He stopped, his breath still on your lips, and you opened your eyes to look at him. He was staring at you, looking you in the eyes, and you could see that he was hurting. He had always been so reserved, so closed off, and it was something you hated. You didn't like how much he hurt himself over the little things that people didn't even care about.
But, right now, you weren't going to focus on how closed off he was. You were going to focus on him. You were going to focus on Mike and the way his eyes shone in the light, how he was so close to you that you could feel his skin, how his mouth was just a hairsbreadth away from yours.
You were going to focus on the fact that he had trusted you. He had let you into his mind and his heart, and he had let you see him in his most vulnerable state. He was telling you how he felt without saying a word, and you could tell that he was trying to work up the courage to speak. You were going to focus on how beautiful his eyes were.
It was dark in your apartment, and the light from the paused television screen illuminated his face. It made his eyes glow a bit, and it made him look almost magical, almost otherworldly, like an angel or a god. Like something so good that it couldn't be real. He looked like something you were too afraid to touch, something you were too scared to break. He looked like something you wanted to protect, and he was so close to you, so warm and comforting, that you didn't know what to do.
"It's because..." Your voice was low, quiet, almost like a whisper. The two of you were so close that your lips were practically brushing against each other, and you were suddenly aware of how hard your heart was pounding. "Because you're such a sweetheart, Mike. You always have been. I like you because I know that you care. I know that you'd do anything for the people you care about."
He looked at you for a moment, and it seemed like he wasn't really there, like he was in another world. Then, he seemed to come back to you, his eyes refocusing on you as if he'd forgotten that you were there, and his jaw fell open just a little. His breathing was deep but quick as if he'd been running a marathon. He swallowed hard, his mouth clicking as his gaze darted between your eyes.
"I'm...I'm not that sweet," He muttered, his gaze finally falling back to yours. "I can get pretty rough. Especially with... certain things."
That made you snap out of your own reverie, your face flushing with heat as you processed what he'd said. He constantly said things that didn't mean the way you had. Of course, you knew that. But this time, with that look in his eyes, he didn't sound like he meant it as stress.
"I don't think Abby would appreciate that type of talk, Michael." you teased, leaning just a little bit closer to him.
"Good thing she's not here then, huh?" He asked, his tone playful. He had that smile on his face again. It was a different smile than the one before. The first smile had been sweet. This one was mischievous and playful, and it made your heart do a flip.
But you didn't get to finish your thought before he slowly lifted his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you toward him, gently, so gently, like you were made of glass. His lips were warm, and you could feel his soft stubble brush against your cheeks. He didn't move at all, he didn't rush, he didn't even press into you. Instead, he let you take the lead. He let you kiss him.
His hand slowly moved to the side of your face, his thumb gently stroking your skin as you leaned further into him. You closed your eyes and felt your body relax, releasing all the tension you had been holding in your body. It was as if everything was melting away, and the two of you were left in this little moment together.
His lips were soft against yours, and he kissed you so slowly, so sweetly, as though he had all the time in the world. You had never felt a kiss like that. Sure, you'd had some passionate kisses, some sloppy makeout sessions, but this...this was different.
This was the first kiss that you actually wanted, that you had wanted for years, and it was so sweet and so soft. His hand slowly slid down your body until it rested on your hip, pulling you closer to him, but he still didn't rush. He didn't want to take what he wanted. He wasn't being selfish. No, he was giving you a choice, he was letting you take the lead and take the power.
You felt his fingers curl into the hem of your shirt, but you pulled away, opening your eyes to look at him. You could feel your face heating up, your skin burning from the blush that had formed on your cheeks, and he let his hand slide under your shirt, his fingers slowly tracing circles over your hip.
His lips were still parted as though he was ready to speak, but no words came out. His eyes were half-closed and his hair was still a mess from when he'd been running his hands through it, and you had the urge to do the same thing to him. You had the urge to run your fingers through his hair and tell him how much you cared.
"Mike," you whispered softly, reaching up to touch his cheek. His hand slid over your hip and down to your thigh, and you bit your lip at the sensation of his skin on yours. His gaze was heated, and he was so close, so close that you could feel the heat of his body and the softness of his breath. You wanted to kiss him again, you wanted to keep going, but you knew his schedule, practically by memory at this point.
"It's noon." You whispered, looking up at him from where you had laid your head against his shoulder, his fingers tracing shapes on your thigh. "If you don't get home soon, you'll be late for Abby."
'Yeah, I know," he muttered, his eyes finally averted from yours. He stared off to the side, but you could still see the longing in his expression, the way his lips had parted slightly, as though he were thinking about kissing you again. "I gotta take a shower too." He added.
"And nap." You pointed out.
Mike huffed softly, closing his eyes for a moment before getting up and stretching his arms above his head. He let out another yawn, the kind of big, wide yawn that made his shoulders hunch up. He still looked like he wanted to kiss you, but the exhaustion was weighing him down, and he was fading fast.
"Right," he muttered, taking his hands out of his pockets to rub at his eyes, which were looking just a bit more droopy by the minute. He didn't move, though. He just stood there, looking like he wanted to stay, but he also wanted to go.
"Be careful on the way home." You teased, rising to your feet. "Don't fall asleep behind the wheel."
"I'm not that tired," Mike responded quickly, letting his arms drop to pick up keys off the armchair where his jacket was. He shoved them in his pocket as you headed toward the door, opening it for him. "And if I was, I wouldn't crash my car," He muttered.
You paused at the door, your hand still on the handle as he stopped just in front of you. His gaze fell on yours again, and he looked like he wanted to say something. His eyes were sparkling, and his lips were parted just a little. You felt like you could see his thoughts just from looking at him, and they were just as sweet as the kiss he'd given you.
But he didn't speak, and you knew he wasn't going to. He just stared at you for a long moment before nodding and walking out, pausing only to shut the door behind him. You stood there for a moment, not moving, not speaking. You were still reeling from the kiss, trying to piece together what had happened in the span of five minutes.
But, despite your confusion and the way you were reeling, you had a smile on your face. A genuine, wide smile, the kind that made you feel like you could float away if you tried hard enough. The kind of smile that came with your lips feeling like they were about to split in two and your cheeks hurt from the stretch. It was the kind of smile that you didn't have very often, and it was a nice feeling.
And, most importantly, it was a smile that Mike had put there.
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bunniehrtz · 5 months
mommy reader dealing with her first period since having our beloved babygirl, and Abby, as always, looking out for reader
ooohhh my baby girls
clutching onto the hot water bottle on your lower abdomen, you turn over to your left, feeling oh so sorry for yourself. the third romantic comedy on your tv, your fourth cup of tea on the side, now cold. you go to sit up, stopping in your tracks as abby enters the room, tutting to herself. “nope. down. don’t make me tell you again,” she warns, you put your hands up in surrender, laying back down.
abby had put you on bed rest for the past week and the following week, the week after that too, probably.
“yeah, mama! sleepin’!” ivy waddles in, climbing onto the couch where you’re laying. she messily clambers on top of you as you quickly swipe the hot water bottle from your stomach, placing it on the floor next to you.
“come, lay down, baby,” you gesture over, ivy laying on your stomach, her head on your chest. you place a kiss her curly, messy hair.
abby walks over, picking up the half drunk tea and taking it into the kitchen, putting the kettle on to make you another. you sigh into ivy’s curls, your eyes closing gently. you hear abby walk back in, placing the mug back where she found it, this time piping hot. “careful, baby,” she warns you again, so protective. she taps your shoulder, lifting you up gently to slot herself behind you. your head on her chest, ivy’s head on yours.
“mama?” ivy rubs her eye roughly, abby’s hand pulling it away.
“yeah, baby?” abby says, her cheek rested on your head.
“baby in mama’s tummy?” she asks, poking your stomach. you immediately shake your head, laughing softly.
“no, baby. you want a brother or sister?” you ask, leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead. she nods feverishly, a big grin on her face.
“we can make that happen, baby,” you can hear the smirk on abby’s face. you roll your eyes, laying ivy back down on your chest.
taglist @queenofmistresses @bambishaven @abigails-gf @drunkelliewilliams @abbysprettygiiirl @toasthatervee @lesbian-useless
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aweina · 11 months
ᥫ᭡. school boy crush , mike schmidt ( fluff )
wow, she’s really pretty …
tags fem reader. mutual pining. strangers to crushes. awkward older brother mike. abby has a new bestie.
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the doorbell buzzes. three times exactly, few second pauses in between each of them — ultimately forcing him to wake up with a blank mind.
shuffling towards the door, mike tiredly opens it and finds a woman, seemingly around his age, and some younger girl patiently waiting on his doorstep. he’s confused at first, just woken up from a heavy snooze — the curls on his head are frizzy and his mouth dry from crashing into bed without some water.
his brain doesn’t register anything other than the woman on his doorstep, you, was the prettiest person he’s ever seen. he scans your face carefully — making sure to rub off the blurry haze that his slumber brushed over his vision while keeping his gaze subtle. tracing over your eyes and mouth. a pink hue stains his freckled cheeks when you finally caught him staring, a soft laugh escaping your lips as he profusely apologizes in an incoherent manner.
you formally introduce yourself, pointing towards the young girl who happened to be your younger sister — a new friend of abby’s. mike is relieved, his sister finally making friends that are actual living beings and not some ghost lingering in her head. but he’s also conflicted, seeing how pretty you are and how hard he could contain himself around you.
suddenly, mike’s smitten trance is shattered when he’s pushed away from the door, where abby happily greets your younger sister and yourself. her voice upbeat and her small arms wrapped warmly around both your bodies. the young brunette turns around towards her brother, a sour look on her face.
“don’t creep out my new friend.” abby warns, sticking her tongue out to mike while she protectively holds your sister’s hand.
“yeah, he was staring at my sister weirdly.” your sister shyly mumbles, intended for only abby to hear but both you and mike heard her clearly.
he’s embarrassed, being called out by a child of all people. even worse, it was in front of you to hear — now biting back a pleased laugh while ruffling the messy locks of your sister out of the act to comfort her.
“now don’t be rude. he seems like good company.” you assured your sister with a smile so radiate, mike swore he saw a reflection flash in his eyes.
you gazed up at him, eyes so soft and holding no malice — not one’s he usually sees. he nervously gulps at your lingering eyes, dragging towards his pursed lips and tired eyes, the same thing he did just moments ago. wait, are you checking him out too?
mike couldn’t help but gaze away shyly, a big grin on his face. your staring was too intense, but at least he knew the attraction wasn’t one sided. then you do the same, noticing your own fleeting gaze and the knowing smile on his face, your polite smile quivering and nervously coughing.
both the young girls quietly observe your nonverbal flirting, confusion knitted into their small brows.
“umm actually, i think both of them are weird.” your sister faintly yells as she gently nudges abby, who nods in agreement.
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add. note : mike is just being lovesick is so precious. he also needs to make a new ‘friend’ just like abby aka YOU ( ¯▿¯ ) !!
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imagine--if · 11 months
hey! i hope your doing well, i would love to see anything fluffy for mike (headcanons, blurbs, whatever you feel like suits it most!) - he deserves the whole world and sm more to me 😭
A/N: I get youuuu, hope you enjoy 😁 started off with the relationship hcs but let me know if you wanna see anything more specific!!
Warnings: FNAF movie spoilers, mentions of violence
⋆✮ Dating Mike Schmidt Includes: ✮⋆
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➳ Mike's been through a hell of a lot ever since his little brother got kidnapped, so I'm seeing major protectiveness and sometimes even clinginess involved from him when you end up dating because 😭 guy's been through stuff and he's not letting anyone else he's close to get hurt
➳ To be honest, at first he's pretty closed-off with people, vulnerable with a tough exterior, so if you meet him in some scenario where you're tied up with the Freddy's murders and job, he'll try to be distant and professional and all... ending up failing 🙃
➳ Eventually you start. talking more about personal things, hobbies your lives, and he'll mention his sister Abby and having to take the job because he needs the money and is in the middle of the custody situation with his sister. He's got a lot going on and the trauma of what happened all those years ago still wringing at his guilt, so being able to talk with someone who doesn't judge in a relaxed place is a nice change for him having to be on guard all the time.
➳ When Mike befriends you, which is what happens first, he's got your back. If you need someone to vent to or hang out with or whatever, he'll do whatever he can to help, and when it comes to you being in a sticky situation or someone trying to hurt you or play you, he always seems to realise and is in no way afraid of confrontation to get them to back off.
➳ Like if William tries sizing you up a bit... and Mike gets annoyed with that cool, defensive glare as he asks if he needs anything (I've got to make an imagine of this nowwww). I think Mike would only realise that he's actually jealous if you teased about it, or if he really loses his temper with someone that's not leaving you alone or something. Then it really nags at him and makes him think about actually liking you as more than a friend, and then that initial reluctance because everyone he gets close to seems to have something bad happen to them, like it's a curse. At the end of the day, he just wants you to be safe.
➳ It would take something big for Mike to confess to you, unless you take the first step (aka Abby begging you to tell him you like him too because she's getting bored of him not concentrating on what she's talking to him about or the conversation somehow curving to you and the stuff you're into). Maybe you're attacked at Freddy's and you're all in on the crisis together when Mike stands firmly in front of you when William reveals himself, or he shoves you out the way so you won't get hurt, ultimately jumping in front of the threat without a worry of him getting hit instead. It's then that he realises how much he needs you in his life, how he needs you alive because you add some joy to it that he hasn't felt in all these years, a change from the darkness that his head's stuck in.
➳ It all comes out of him in a rush as he looks you up and down with wild eyes and a firm grip, asking if you're alright and saying in a rush that "you're one of the most important people in the world to me, and I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt... I- I couldn't live with myself, okay?!"
➳ Okayyy Mike, just kiss them 😏
➳ After you fight Afton together and get Vanessa looked after, you can finally breathe and properly start dating, which includes that familiar protectiveness and slight clinginess... and also being best friends with his little sister, which you 100% would be. You'd spend time drawing or chatting or playing random games while Mike was out working, eliminating the need for a babysitter because you're the perfect fit and get along with her great. And when he is home, you do a lot of stuff together, like a mini family, and there's finally that security and stability in that life she needed.
➳ I feel like Abby would find it hilarious to tell you all the sappy things Mike says about you on the rare occasions where you're not around, ending in Mike's cheeks flushing beet red and him picking her up and whirling her around playfully until she's in fits of laughter. "I heard Mike say that he found another reason to keep going when he realised he was in love wi- hey!!"
➳ Mike would be a bit clingy, again because of what happened with Garret; Mike being distracted for one moment and then blaming himself for the rest of his life because it was that moment where his brother was taken and killed. So if you are out, on a date or just around, this guy will not leave your side. He's the kind of person to text you again and again if you don't respond to the first message, and it's kind of cute how much he worries, but then he doesn't need to, and every now and then he'll need your reassurance that you guys are safe and that you won't leave him, which stills ends with him burying his face in your neck for a long tight hug for a while.
➳ Whether you're watching a movie with him and Abby, or you're out on a date or sleeping or whatever, Mike will always have some contact with you if you've told him you're okay with it: fingers linked under the table, pressed into his side while you're watching TV (with an affectionate forehead kiss every five minutes 🥺) or being half crushed to death while you're trying to sleep when he rolls onto you and traps you under his leg... good luck if you need to go to the bathroom. Chances are he'll end up trailing after you with mumbled protests.
➳ That protectiveness always kicks in when someone looks at you for too long, or in a way that he doesn't like the look of, or if you're obviously uncomfortable with. If you're quick, you can just convince him to walk away and you two go somewhere else, because Mike will end up getting annoyed and giving the guy a line to get him to make them go away. If he's not careful, he might end up getting in a fight again, but he'll really try not to when you tell him off for it and promise him that things are okay and you're not going anywhere.
➳ You and Abby are basically Mike's world, after all that's happened, there are only really two people left that he truly cares for and would do anything for. Once you're in a relationship with him, he'll do everything he can to make sure you're safe and won't have to go through anything he had to. If ever you're upset, he'll listen for hours with no judgement and major support, whatever mood you're in somehow rubbing off on him. Mike will admit his feelings in a rush, and when he does, he's not afraid to tell you that he loves you whenever you need to hear it, or whenever he wants to say it and wants you to be reminded. It's something that you can never doubt.
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frogspond200 · 10 months
Could you do some Yandere Mike Schimit hc?
𝚈𝚊𝚗!𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚝 𝙷𝙲𝚜
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𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚗
𝙰𝚜𝚔: 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚝 𝙷𝙲𝚜
𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, a bit of sfw
Mike is extraordinarily possessive of you, convinced that you belong to him and only him. He’s fiercely protective, often going to extreme lengths to keep you safe, even if it means eliminating anyone he perceives as a threat, or beating the ever-living shit out of a man in public for eyeing you…Any sign of closeness between you and another person triggers intense jealousy in him. He becomes volatile and irrationally angry, often resulting in him isolating you from the outside world.
Mike uses his affections as a tool for manipulation, employing sweet words and gestures to keep you under his control. He’ll guilt-trip or emotionally manipulate you into staying close, or even use Abby as to why you need to stay. Abby needs you of course, you are like a big sister to her. Why would you want to leave her?
He collects personal items belonging to you, considering them as prized possessions. These could range from something as simple as a hairpin to more intimate belongings…
His idea of protection extends to controlling your actions and choices, dictating what you can or cannot do to ensure your safety, regardless of your wishes.
If Mike perceives someone as a threat to you or your relationship, he won’t hesitate to take drastic measures to kill them from the picture, showing a dull and ominous side.
His behavior oscillates between intense affection and possessiveness to erratic outbreaks of bitterness or aggression, making you feel constantly on edge around him.
If you one day you were scared shitless of him Mike would likely become even more vigilant and overprotective, constantly assuring you of your safety in his presence. He might restrict your movements further, believing it’s for your own good. He may apologize for frightening you but in a possessive manner, reassuring you that he’ll never let anyone or anything hurt you, perhaps showering you with excessive attention and gifts to prove his devotion.
His treatment could be a rollercoaster of extremes—swinging between overwhelming displays of love, affection, and promises of protection to moments of intense possessiveness and controlling behavior…but In rare vulnerable moments, he might show glimpses of remorse for scaring you, promising to change or control his temper, but his possessiveness often overshadows any true change.
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prettiestdolliestgirl · 7 months
Overwhelming ecstasy
pairing: mike schmidt x afab!reader
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tags: 18+, soft dom!mike schmidt, sub!reader, loss of virginity, slight age gap (reader is 24 and mike is 27), masturbation, grinding, size difference, piv, creampie, kind of wholesome(?), aftercare
synopsis: you’ve been dating Mike for a couple of weeks now after being friends for years, you haven’t had sex yet but tonight Abby is sleeping over at a friend’s house and you and Mike are finally going to have some time alone.
-> inspired by the song jupiter by flower face
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the three of you are standing on the porch of Mike and Abby’s house, hugging the little girl as her friend’s mother is waiting for her to get in the car.
“you can call if you need anything okay? shelly’s mom has my number, you can ask to call me anytime and i’ll come pick you up whenever you want” Mike tells his little sister, kneeling in front of her to hug her.
“i know! can i go now?” Abby says as she tries to pull away from her older brother’s hug, eager to leave and have fun with her new friends.
“yeah of course…” Mike answers.
as Abby lets go of her brother’s embrace, she turns to you and hugs you tightly. you hug her back and can’t help but feel grateful to have both her and Mike in your life. you met Mike as a little girl, both your parents and his were really good friends, and both of your families used to have weekly dinners and go on trips together. of course, that was before the incident with Garret. you’ve always been extremely close to him, helping him as much as you could throughout all of his hardships. you always knew there was something more, even when you were just a little girl, you knew Mike was the one for you. for years, you were pining in secret, desperately hoping one day he would notice that your feelings were more than platonic. miraculously that day happened, two weeks ago, you promised Abby to sleep over and watch movies with her. you told Mike to get some rest while he could as you took care of Abby the whole night. you both had a lot of fun and even though Mike was in his room trying to sleep, he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your giggles echoing throughout the house. when he woke up the next day, he knew he wanted to be with you, he never felt that way about anyone before.
in the morning the day after you and Abby’s girl’s night, Mike made the first move. you both bantered as usual but you felt a strong tension that was not there before, that’s when he kissed you for the first time as you were making Abby’s breakfast. you were extremely surprised, after years of desperate devotion to Mike, you had started to lose hope that things could escalate further between the two of you. but they miraculously did and even though you were itching to ask what might have made him suddenly express his attraction to you, you preferred to stay quiet so as not to ruin the moment.
tonight would be the first night you ever spent alone in the house together. as Abby is approaching her friend’s mom’s car you both wave, “have fun Abbs! and don’t forget you can call whenever!” Mike yells out as she is now already in the car. the mother inside the car waves as she leaves their driveway. mike is pretty anxious to let Abby sleep over at someone else’s house. he is extremely protective over his little sister which is linked to his little brother’s disappearance but Mike talked to Shelly’s mom enough times to feel like Abby will be safe and well taken care of there.
mike lets out a big sigh as the car is now out of sight and looks back at you. “just us” he says with a slight smirk.
“just us” you repeat with a soft smile.
the both of you go back inside of the house and you decide to get yourself a glass of water. you can’t help but apprehend tonight, you knew things would probably escalate and get intimate between you and Mike but the thing is you’ve never been intimate with anyone before. despite being 23, you never really felt that kind of attraction for anyone, well anyone other than Mike. men often try to get their way with you when you go out to bars or clubs with friends but you never felt an attraction strong enough to actually go through with it. you’ve kissed a guy in high school but that’s about it, you never really understood how to touch yourself properly either so you never had an orgasm before. you often talk about it to your friends and honestly feel like you’re missing out. despite your inexperience, you still want to try your best and make Mike feel good, he works so hard, he is under so much stress, you want nothing more but to help him relax. Mike had that energy, he had something that made you feel protected as if he was in control of everything happening around you, and sometimes you imagine what it would be like for him to control you.
you’re sitting on the couch watching a TV show, not really paying attention to it, instead, you’re thinking about what might finally happen tonight.
you stayed up late at night ever since you hit puberty, thinking about Mike and his calloused hands, his beautiful brown eyes, and his husky voice keeping you up at ungodly hours, just fantasizing about finally getting close to him.
as your college is close to Abby and Mike’s, you have been spending a lot of time with them lately and your dreams about him have become more and more frequent. just thinking about it was making your cheeks all shades of pink. you turn your head to see Mike watching the TV, slouching on the couch, his hands resting on his stomach. you’ve always been attracted to him, but something about him tonight was driving you insane, maybe it was the way his black sweatshirt hugged his broad shoulders or the simple look of his relaxed body but whatever it was, it was making you feel helpless.
you look at Mike sitting next to you and speak up “I think i’m going to take a shower, is that okay with you?” you ask him. “yeah yeah no problem” he says looking back at you, not noticing your flustered expression and the slight red tint on your cheeks.
you got up and got your night dress from your bag and the underwear you had meticulously prepared two days ahead. for your first night together, you opted for a white ruffle nightgown with lace details and a small baby pink bow sitting on its low-cut neckline. your set of underwear also matched your nightgown and it made you feel pretty and comfortable.
you kiss him on the top of his head and proceed to head to the bathroom to take a shower in a desperate attempt to cool yourself off. you undress slowly and get in the shower, the warm water hitting your skin. you get soap everywhere on your body and begin to clean yourself up but can’t help feeling aroused at the thought of your hands being Mike’s, cleaning every part of your body. slowly and hesitantly, your hands travel down to your lips. As you slowly caress the slit, you move your fingers closer and closer to your clit. you begin to feel nice but as always, you’re blocked, you can’t seem to know your body well enough and can’t seem to ever get to your climax. after a while, you get quite frustrated so you turn off the water and decide to get changed. you slip in your underwear and then in your short nightgown, your breasts slightly spilling out of it.
you head back into the living room and find Mike in the same slouched position as you left him. he turns his head to you and you see his gaze slightly change. ever since you moved near his house for college and you’ve been spending more time around at the house that time spent together helped Mike slowly realize that he had feelings for you that went further than a simple platonic bond.
whenever you laughed or played with Abby, he could feel his heart melt. but as he grew up with you, he never really saw you in a sexual light, he knew he was extremely attracted to you but he never really thought of you that way, except since you had started dating. mike felt a bit awkward about it and you two never really talked about it before so when you hugged him a bit tighter than usual and he felt your breasts pressed against his chest, Mike couldn’t help but excuse himself to release the pressure it had caused in the bathroom.
you and Mike never really talked about having sex or sex as a whole, but both of you somehow knew it was going to happen tonight.
you feel your cheeks getting really warm as you feel his intense glare on your body. you sit back on the couch, right next to him and an awkward silence fills the room for what feels like 5 whole minutes. suddenly, you suggest “we could watch a horror movie?” locking eyes with him.
“yeah that would be really fun” he says, followed by an attempt to clear his voice.
you chose the Blair Witch Project as neither of you had seen it before. Mike gets two beers from the fridge and you get blankets to snuggle on the couch. you switch off all the lights and sit next to each other as the movie starts. you love horror movies, you always did but that didn’t exempt you from getting scared when watching them. the lack of light in the room and the loud volume of the television made it impossible not to jump at every single jump-scare. Mike sensed that you were getting quite scared so he placed his hand on your thigh, showing you that he was there and that everything was okay. a jump scare had you by surprise and made you, almost instinctively move closer to Mike’s side. Mike then offers to move even closer “come over here” he says in a soft voice as he helps your body to his lap. you sit on his lap, your head sitting on his shoulder, his chest facing your back.
Mike is holding your body as you are both watching the film, as you get scared you bury your head in his neck until whatever’s scaring you on the screen is gone. another jump-scare makes your whole body twitch but as you do so, you proceed to get higher on Mike’s lap, now sitting directly on his crotch. as your nightgown is pretty short, his jeans are in direct contact with your underwear but you are so caught up with the movie that you fail to notice it. Mike on the other hand couldn’t think about anything else. slowly he felt a bulge growing in his jeans. he didn’t know what to do and the fact that you kept moving around wasn’t helping his case. the movie was close to its end, but Mike don’t think he could wait until then.
slowly and with care, Mike tries to move his hips in a desperate try to hide his bulge from you. it doesn’t, actually it does the exact contrary as his sudden movement snaps you out of the movie’s tension to another tension, the one growing inside of Mike’s jeans. you feel extremely flustered as all of a sudden you catch Mike’s move as one to make you notice his bulge instead of him trying to hide it from you so you decide to be brave. you sat up on his lap, pretending to be particularly intrigued about the end of the movie, and began to gently grind on his lap. you feel his bulge getting bigger under the weight of your body. Mike calls out your name softly, and you look back at him. he gestures to you to move your body to face him and so you do.
you’re now facing him and you smile looking at his face which is only softly illuminated by the television. the movie is now ending and the credits are starting to roll but neither of you move. mike pulls you in for a kiss and you reciprocate, as you do, you can feel Mike melting into the kiss.
his bulge is twitching as you slowly go back to grinding against it. you can’t help but comment at the size of it “what the hell” you murmur almost talking to yourself. mike slowly chuckles at your comment and asks you “do you want to see it?” with a slight smirk. you nod shyly while looking away from him, feeling quite embarrassed. you had no idea of what you were supposed to do or say as you’ve never been intimate with anyone before. you get off his lap and Mike gets up, turns on a small light, and turns off the TV. your eyes follow his every move while you are still sitting on the couch. he sits back next to you and asks you “do you really want to do this?”. you nod again but mike objects “speak up.”
“i… i want to see it mike.” you say shyly followed by a loud gulp. “good girl” answers mike.
mike gets up again, and stands in front of you. he takes a long time to unbuckle his belt, your eyes are glued to his big calloused hands as they’re removing his jeans’ button. as you see him go for the zipper you quickly stop him by grabbing his wrists. you look up at him through your eyelashes and bring your face closer to his bulge, you then start to take the zipper in your mouth and meticulously bring it down. mike slightly chuckles as he finds you trying to take the lead quite endearing.
mike lets his jeans down leaving him in nothing but his boxers. you’re now face to face with his erect member, you have never seen one in real life before and you can’t help but feel impressed.
you look at it, motionless for a couple of seconds before finally caving in, bringing your fingers to mike’s bulge. you touch it hesitantly, tracing its length with a soft touch. mike winces “f-fuck”, you can feel him twitch under your fingers. you don’t know how to interpret his grimace, “did i do something bad? i’m sorry i just really wanted to feel it, i should’ve asked…” you say looking up at him, quickly removing your hands from his body. Mike catches your wrist and pulls your hand back on his crotch “please, don’t stop”.
you obey and draw circular motions on his tip. you look up to see Mike’s eyes rolling from pleasure, this motivates you to be bold. you bring your face closer to his still-clothed bulge and timidly start to kiss and suckle the fabric of his boxers.
Mike needs more but he wants to treasure every single second he has. as he looks down at you, he can’t help but let out a groan of pleasure at the sight. his eyes wandered lower from your face to your breasts. he can’t help but think about the amount of times he grew semi-hard just at the thought of them. your nightgown’s low-cut neckline left little to the imagination, your breasts spilling out of it. he gently cupped your face with his hands and kneeled to be face to face with you, you looked at him with a confused look for a second but he quickly pulled you in for a kiss. the kiss was sloppy and needy, he pulled away and traveled down to your neck, suckling and biting your skin. he stopped to take in the scenery before burying his face between your breasts, kissing and cupping both of them with his hands as he performed circular motions on your nipples with his thumbs through your nightgown. you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, bucking your hips for any friction.
mike sees how desperate you’re getting and decides to help you out. he steadily removes your nightgown from your body, reviling your matching underwear set “you had it all planned didn’t you?” he says with a slight smirk forming on his face. you can’t even say anything back as all you can manage to word is incoherent babbling mixed with moans. mike then proceeds to sit next to you and tugs your body on top his his. as you’re sitting on his lap, you hurriedly move your hips up and down, grinding sloppily on his clothed member, trying hard to feel him through your panties. “mike… mike this feels… feels so good” you sound like a mess, moaning and panting while trying to form half a sentence. mike puts his hands on your hips, guiding you as you grind on his throbbing member. « fuck baby if you keep going like this I might come in my boxers » Mike remarks as he groans loudly.
“Mike, I am ready, I want to feel you” as soon as the words left your mouth, Mike freed his cock from his boxers, ready to do just what you asked him to. you let out a small gasp at the view of his girthy member, this turned Mike on even more which he didn’t believe could be possible. Mike helps you remove your panties and you can’t help but feel embarrassed as you are soaking wet. Mike loves it, as you were trying to hide your face with your hands. he gently pulled your hands away « be good for me, let me see your pretty face as I make you cum ».
Mike glides on his hands and guided it to your cunt, the sound you make as his fingers find your clit are almost pornographic. when Mike pulled his hand away you cried out from frustration, he guided his fingers to your mouth “now lick it.” he ordered. you obeyed and tasted yourself while he watched with an intense glare. as you were done scrupulously licking every drop of your liquid on his fingers Mike asked you “are ready for me baby?”. you nod vigorously. he teased you by brushing his tip against your clit which made your body jolt in pleasure. « tell me if it hurts alright? » he says as he knows it is your very first time, you look up at him and kiss him as a way to tell him to keep going. he finally gave his first thrust, his cock stretching you for the very first time. it felt really weird at first but after a few thrusts, you started to get acquainted with the feeling and getting more and more into it. « baby… you’re so tight, feels so fucking good » Mike vocalizes his pleasure as you’re loudly moaning, getting closer and closer to your climax « Mike I’m going to… I need to… ». he suddenly speeds up his pace, until you both came in unison.
you pull away from him and sit next to him, still panting « I’ve never felt anything like this before ».
« neither did i » he echos as he turns to face you, looking at you lovingly. he gets up and gets you one of his t-shirts to put on and gets you a glass of water. « you did so well baby » he murmurs as he kisses your forehead and places the glass of water on the coffee table in front of the couch.
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A/N: aaah okay this was my very first fanfic and I was extremely nervous to post this but I have been obsessed with Josh Hutcherson for months now, more particularly with Mike Schmidt he honestly awakened something in me! I have been using tumblr again for a few months now and I’ve been loving it, it feels like such a safe and cool place to hang out! i really missed it! i didn’t really proofread and english is not my mother’s tongue so I am sorry if there is any grammatical errors in this! also I love flower face so much and this song has been on repeat for months it’s sooo good!
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matchamilkislover · 9 months
White Horse, 2. (a.a.)
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pairing: knight!abby x princess!reader
cw: fantasy!au, fem!reader, a tiny bit of blood mentioned, eventual displays of fighting and violence bc it’s fantasy, kind of slow burn?, tension, reader has an attitude, tall af!abby bc size difference, royalty!au, mentions of arranged marriages, some mentions of au politics, abby in armor is a warning in itself
synopsis: you are the youngest princess of the royal family that rules over your kingdom, Aphrynia. now a young adult, you’ve come of age in a tense time, and your personal protection is of utmost importance — which is why the resignation of your previous personal knight means a rushed reassignment ceremony with little to no preface. That being said, why does the name of your new knight sound so familiar?
word count: 3.67k
a/n: this is a kinda slow and really dialogue-heavy chapter but i’m still giggling and kicking my feet, i am so excited for the rest of the story omllll (it’s my own story i have to write it myself but i’m also delulu)
you can read part 1 here!
⊹ ⋆。˚ ————————— 𓆩♡𓆪 —————————⊹ ⋆。˚
Clapping resounded in the large room, but you paid the sound no attention. Yours and Abby’s gazes were still locked on each other, like you were caught in a dance to see who would break away first. Finally, she gently kissed the top of your hand and released it, standing to tower over you with her tall, built form. The simple kiss on your hand made your heart speed up unexplainably, and you swallowed and quickly pulled it down to your side, burying your hands in the skirts of your gown. Abby’s gaze, however, was still locked on you, and you looked down and then around the room to avoid her gaze. What in the world was going on?
Realizing that everyone else in the room had moved on from the ceremony and started milling about, you too decided that it was time to go, clearing your throat before stepping out of place to find Nina. Abby opened her mouth and looked like she was about to reach out and say something to you, but was interrupted by members of the court starting to swarm and try to steal her attention. Thank god, you thought to yourself, dashing away before court members could swarm you, too.
A hand suddenly fell on your shoulder as your eyes searched the room for your lady’s maid, and you cursed in your head, turning to see which Lord or Lady (or worse, daughter or son) had gotten their claws into you. You would’ve breathed a sigh of relief when you saw that it was one of your own siblings if it wasn’t George.
“If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you’d just seen a ghost, little sister,” he teased, that shit-eating grin of his spreading across his face. You just rolled your eyes and turned to face him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, George,” you lied, brushing his hand off your shoulder and crossing your arms. He laughed.
“Oh sure. She’s the one you always attended lessons with, right? Yeah, she was fun,” he replied casually.
“If by fun you mean insufferable, then sure,” you retorted. “Please, you only liked her because she supported your shenanigans.”
He lifted his hands humorously. “Hey, you got me there. It’s nice to feel appreciated once in a while.” You sighed and started visually searching the room again, hangover still leaving you in a mood not quite fit for George’s lovely personality.
“I’m sure it is. But you’re a big boy, so if you could entertain yourself so I can get away from this lovely conversation, that would be great,” you finally huffed and quickly strode away, back on the hunt for Nina. Finding her meant finding breakfast and a nice rant session. And, you thought as your head throbbed again, a lot of water.
“There you are!” A familiar voice squealed as you moved about the cavernous room. You instantly smiled.
“Oh, Nora, thank goodness,” you squealed back as your eyes landed on your friend approaching just from your left. The two of you met with joining hands, squeezing comfortably.
“Are you alright? You looked entirely shocked to see Knight Anderson up there,” Nora inquired, her brows furrowing in concern. You sighed for what felt like the millionth time on this already exhausting day.
“I’m fine, I just didn’t really expect to see her, that’s all,” you replied, trying your best to brush off the way your heart pounded in your chest. You really wished it would stop that. Nora suppressed a knowing smile.
“She’s certainly changed a lot, hasn’t she,” Nora noted with waggling eyebrows.
“Nora,” you gasped, fighting the urge to smile with her. “You know good and well my opinion of her, so you can stop that now!” Though it felt genuine to you, your retort was unconvincing, and Nora simply rolled her eyes.
“Are you seriously still hung up on that? It’s been what, 8 years?”
“9,” you interrupted. “It’s been 9.” Nora rolled her eyes again.
“Close enough. If you want to hold a grudge, that’s fine by me, but I am going to enjoy this while I can,” she teased, sauntering away as you gasped again and feigned reaching out to hit her playfully as she walked away.
Finally, you spotted Nina waiting patiently for you near the edge of the room and let out a breath of relief. You approached her quickly, and her face lit up as you neared, feeling much less awkward when she was with you rather than being alone as a lady’s maid without her princess. You easily hooked your elbow with hers as you took a spot next to her, desperate to seem too occupied to socialize with anyone else.
“Can we please get out of here?” You begged through the clenched teeth of your plastered smile, nodding gracefully to people who passed you like nothing was wrong. Nina almost giggled.
“Yes of course, princess,” she replied, the two of you stepping forward and turning to the door.
“Why does everyone keep giggling at me?” You questioned, again through clenched teeth.
“Excuse me for my bluntness, but your reaction to Knight Anderson was quite entertaining,” she replied, still suppressing giggles.
“My reaction? What reaction?! I was under the impression my face was quite neutral, thank you!” You replied in a way that was almost offended.
“You just seemed quite surprised to see her, is all,” Nina explained gently. “I highly doubt someone who doesn’t know you well would have noticed, princess,” she reassured as the pair of you finally approached the large doors that would lead you out of this blasted throne room.
“It’s not my fault no one told me she of all people would be my new knight! You would be caught off-guard too if you were me!” You retorted, trying to keep your voice to a whisper despite your urge to raise it.
“All I’m saying, princess, is that-” Nina’s reply was cut off by a voice ringing out over the chatter of the crowd to you.
In terms of the aftermath of the ceremony for Abby, it was certainly a wave of attention — attention she didn’t want even one bit, especially when the only person she really wanted to talk to was you. Judging by your reaction, you certainly hadn’t been expecting to see her. Hell, she hadn’t been expecting to see you either until maybe 10 days ago. But it seemed like no one had bothered to inform you that she would be your new knight.
“Knight Anderson?” a voice asked, bringing Abby out of her thoughts and back to the many people surrounding her in the throne room.
“Hmm?” She replied, clearly having zoned out and not heard whatever the woman had said. She was quite a sight to take in, with gaudy clothing and a tight, pointed face. The woman smiled, but it looked more like a sneer.
“Oh, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Lady Ulfrid, I’m new here as well. I was just wondering, Queen Arabella spoke quite highly of your accomplishments, and it must be so for you to be a personal knight for her youngest daughter. What might these so-called accomplishments be, I might ask?” Lady Ulfried sneer-smiled again, and this time, Abby couldn’t help but feel like Abby saw the expressions just as they were. She was questioning her.
Raising an eyebrow, Abby let a smirk dance on the corners of her mouth and adjusted her stance. “Well, I was top of my class in training, but that’s not the answer you’re looking for, is it? So what would you like to hear about? The battles I led in our recent land conflicts with Chryiont? Or the ones I led 2 years ago in Dungard? Or was it my successful takedown of the great Pirate Duke? You’ll need to be more specific, my lady,” Abby replied with a knowing smile, satisfied by the woman’s widening eyes.
“Oh, well, I- I just meant, um-, well,” Lady Ulfrid floundered, and it satisfied something a little sadistic within Abby. She was tired of being questioned because of her age, much less her gender, and it felt nice to make people who questioned her then question themselves instead.
“Don’t worry,” she replied, cutting off the woman and leaning down to her height. “I think I know exactly what you mean.” She smirked, and stood back to full height as Lady Ulfrid’s face reddened and she sped away from the knight, muttering something incoherent under her breath.
Turning to scan the rest of the room with her hands clasped behind her back, Abby suddenly realized that talking to Lady Ulfrid had made her lose sight of you. Last she saw, you were talking with one of your court friends — Nora, was it? — and now you had completely disappeared. Something about this felt oddly familiar. Right as she thought she caught a flash of your dress — god, that dress made you look something unearthly — another person tapped on her arm, and she nearly groaned before turning and seeing who it was.
“Long time no see, huh Anderson?” George asked with a sheepish grin, pulling her in for a one-handed hug. Abby grinned back and returned the hug gladly.
“Too long,” she replied easily. “But you know, I don’t think I can condone your shenanigans now,” she continued teasingly. George laughed with a wide, open mouth, patting Abby on the arm.
“Yeah, well, I’ll just have to figure out a way around you,” he replied jokingly.
Abby chuckled and shook her head. Suddenly remembering that she had been looking for you, she snapped to attention, scanning the room quickly. Finally, she spotted you nearing the exit with your lady’s maid, and she patted George on the arm as a farewell before starting after you.
“Princess!” She called, nearly jogging across the room and swiping between different huddles of people. “Princess!”
Your smile dropped when you heard Abby calling after you. Shit. While you stood there trying to accept that Abby Anderson would be constantly on your heel from now on, Abby caught up, slowing to stop and face you. You looked at her, expecting her to say something, but she just stared back.
And you both kept staring.
Looking at her felt like seeing a dear old friend and someone entirely foreign to you all at the same time. Like two winds hitting you from opposite directions, pushing the breath out of your lungs and filling them back up all in one motion. She was so different but so familiar, it made you want to both run away and never leave her presence all at once. You didn’t even realize you were staring, studying her like art in a museum, until Nina loudly cleared her throat beside you.
You came to a start and also cleared your throat awkwardly, nodding to Abby as a delayed greeting as you shared an uncomfortable look with Nina. “Well, uh…I, we…it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” You remarked awkwardly. This was already going terribly.
“It has,” Abby confirmed with a nod. You pursed your lips.
“Well, uh, I suppose we should get going, shouldn’t we, princess?” Nina asked timidly, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh, yes, of course,” you replied quickly, nodding and turning with Nina to return on course to your chambers.
You grimaced uncomfortably in Nina’s direction, and she returned the look apologetically. Abby looked like she had wanted to say something else, but instead bit her tongue and followed the two of you silently. The walk through the corridors was painfully quiet, you unconsciously straining to listen to the sound of Abby’s footsteps behind your own, hyper aware of her proximity to you. For someone who called her despicable the last time you had seen each other, you were certainly strangely invested in even the smallest movements of Abby Anderson.
Once you and Nina were safely inside your chambers, with Abby standing in place just outside your door, you flopped into a chair, rubbing your forehead. “This day has got to be some twisted sort of dream,” you moaned, slipping off your shoes one at a time. Nina simply suppressed a giggle and shushed you.
“These walls are not as thick as you wish them to be,” she reminded you in a hushed voice, perching in a chair adjacent to yours while she awaited your breakfast request. You pouted and sighed.
“I truly don’t understand why nobody told me she would be my new knight! I mean, she disappeared the day after we had our millionth argument 9 years ago, and now, out of the blue, she’s going to be right behind me 24/7? Guarding me? Protecting me like someone’s out for my blood? It’s just…fucking insane!” You whisper-yell, frustration bubbling over now that it was just you and Nina. Well, and Abby, waiting just outside the door.
Nina sighed, knowing that she should try to make you feel better, even though she couldn’t help but agree with how you felt. “The queen does what she does for a reason, I’m sure. With you being young and the whispers I hear from the other servants, I’m not surprised she wants a trusted eye on you,” she replies in a quiet voice. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, nodding.
“I know, I know. It’s just frustrating that not a single soul ever bothers to tell me anything. I mean, I would have really liked a warning that the girl I basically grew up with was not only returning to the palace as a knight, but my personal knight, and, to make matters worse, she looks like—” you gesture wildly to the door, “—that! How am I supposed to deal with that!?” you exclaim, your whisper lifting a little. Nina starts giggling uncontrollably, and after a minute you join her, if only because of the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.
“I think,” Nina says, taking a deep breath once her giggles finally subside, “that some breakfast and a lot of water might help make you feel better, hmm? Maybe a tonic from Dr. Anderson?” Nina offers kindly.
“Yes, please, you’re a saint, Nina,” you reply, rubbing your forehead again as the throbbing pushes forward. “But, no tonic, actually, please—I can’t handle being embarrassed by asking Abby’s father for a hangover cure the first day she returns, I think I might keel over from sheer embarrassment,” you finish with a groan. Nina chuckles and nods, standing from her perch.
“Whatever you say, princess,” she says with a pat on your shoulder. “I’ll be back soon.” With that, she pushes the door open and exits the room, mumbling an awkward greeting to Abby that makes you cringe from sheer discomfort.
Sighing, you look around at the chaos that is your room after this morning’s rushed preparation activities, and decide that the least you can do even with this raging hangover is make your bed. You stand determinedly and approach the bed, pulling back layer after layer neatly to then arrange each one on top of the last. It’s a bit awkward with the shuffling of your dramatic skirt around the edge of the opulent bed frame, but you manage to make it work.
You’re tucking in the last corner of your many blankets when an unfamiliar knock on the door catches you off guard, and you get stuck pulling your hand out from beneath the mattress. You pull harder and harder, gritting your teeth and kicking yourself mentally for the ridiculousness of it all. Stupid fucking mattress, you groan mentally as you pull, why is this thing so goddamn heavy!? With one exceptionally strong pull, your hand rips free from its feather-filled prison, only for the momentum to send you falling backwards into a heavy sofa behind you, the collision making a crashing sound that mixes oh so wonderfully with the surprised shriek that leaves your mouth. You catch yourself just barely on an arm of the sofa, but have no time to process what just happened when Abby comes barging into the room, eyes wide as she searches for you.
Just perfect.
You both stare at each other like deer in headlights when your eyes meet, unsure of what to do. It’s Abby who breaks the silence first.
“Are you alright, princess?” She asks in a concerned tone, walking over to you gingerly. Her large form seems almost unnatural in your space, and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the proportions.
“Um, yes, I’m fine, I just…fell,” you explain awkwardly, cheeks going pink. You stand straight and pull your hand off the sofa arm, hissing quietly when the friction stings on your pointer finger. Looking down to inspect it, you notice a long splinter shoved inside of the skin and grimace.
“You just fell?” Abby asks quizzically, raising an eyebrow as she eyes the splinter.
“Well, I, um— I got my hand stuck, and when I pulled it out, I guess I pulled too hard and just…fell…” Your voice trails off as you look from her to the bed and back to your hand, touching the splinter gingerly and hissing again.
Abby nods, humming in understanding. “I see…do you need help, um, with that?” She asked, gesturing to the splinter.
“Oh no, I’ve—I’ve got it,” you reply casually, trying to hide the clenching of your jaw when you gently pull on the slice of wood. Abby opens her mouth to ask if she can help again, but you're already setting your jaw and pulling the splinter firmly, gasping at the more intense stinging when it slips out of your skin. A large bead of blood immediately forms on the spot, hinting to a stream, and your face pales at the sight as you bite your lip and look away, eyes searching for a handkerchief.
Your breath quickens in panic as you search, just the thought of the blood now seeping out of your finger making your breath quicken and your heartbeat skyrocket. A warm hand on yours and the feeling of a handkerchief being dabbed on your finger pulls you out of your growing panic, and you look to see Abby ever so gently holding your hand in one of your own while the other dabs the blood from your finger with a handkerchief.
“I remember one time when we were 9, you fell and scraped your knee on the stone while we were running in the garden, and you were very nearly screaming,” Abby said suddenly as she looked at your finger. “I guess I was right to assume that fear hadn’t changed much,” she continued, chuckling. A breathy chuckle left your mouth in return, gaze still focused on her hands touching your own.
“I never did have the stomach for it, did I?” You responded quietly, a gentle smile dancing on your lips. “I guess some things never change.”
“Yes,” Abby agreed, “some things never really change, do they?” She spoke in nearly a whisper, eyes finally glancing up to meet yours. Your breath caught in your throat, heartbeat slowing as you gazed into the stormy blue of her eyes.
“I guess not,” you whispered.
The sudden rapt knocking of Nina’s small fist and her pushing the door into your room ripped both of you out of the trance you had been in, you grabbing the handkerchief and holding it to your finger while Abby’s hands dropped yours and she stood at attention. Her mouth opened like she was about to announce her arrival before she spotted the two of you standing unusually close, and her movement stopped, brows immediately furrowing in confusion.
“I— We—“ you started.
“She fell!” Abby nearly shouted, her expression unsure. “She fell and I heard the commotion, so I came in, and she, um, got a splinter,” she finished, gesturing toward your hand. You raised your handkerchief covered finger as proof, and Nina nodded slowly. You weren’t quite sure why you felt like you had been caught doing something wrong, but it certainly did, and you certainly weren’t sure how to feel about it.
Abby cleared her throat, and nodded to the still open door. “Well, um, I should…yeah,” she stuttered, nodding a goodbye to both of you before returning to her post outside of the door that she closed behind herself.
As soon as the latch clicked, Nina’s eyes were on you like a hawk, and you were retreating back to where you had been sitting with your face in your hands. “Did I seriously just see that?” She asked incredulously, bringing a tray of food over with her and setting it on a small table. You nodded, face still in your hands, but you were quickly coaxed out by the smell of the food.
“I was just trying to make my stupid bed, and my stupid hand got stuck under the stupid mattress, and I fell pulling it out and got a splinter on my finger, and then it started bleeding when I pulled it out, and…yeah. That’s about it,” you poured the words out quickly, immediately feasting and downing large gulps of water when you finished. Nina simply nodded knowingly and watched, nibbling on a piece of toast as you ate.
“Y’know, that didn’t seem very despicable to me,” she remarked after a few minutes of comfortable silence, a mischievous grin growing on her face.
“Ughhhhh,” you groaned, turning an annoyed glance at her. “Are you going to keep being like this? It was just an awkward situation,” you complained, shoving another piece of fruit in your mouth. Nina laughed and nodded.
“I’m sorry, princess, but it’s been just too easy,” she retorted, still laughing. You rolled your eyes, but inside, your heart still skipped a beat every once in a while, thinking about her calloused, warm hands encapsulating yours, and her deep eyes gazing into yours like nothing else existed in the world.
You seriously needed to distract yourself if you were going to survive this.
⊹ ⋆。˚ ————————— 𓆩♡𓆪 —————————⊹ ⋆。˚
taglist: @paqerings @katniiss @dummysimp011 @chocbaleine
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myrkkymato · 1 year
Yara's ghost
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Yara definitely approves Abby as Lev's new big sister. Maybe she walks by their side as a ghost and tries to protect them both?
This started as a rough sketch centering Lev. I used photomode references that can be found below as links to the original posts:)
Yara: @saltlake-crew
Abby: @abbysthighs
Lev: @707selizabeth
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redskull199987 · 11 months
Maybe Mike with a reader who works at the daycare Abby goes to and he has a crush on her, when Abby, shows him who her favorite teacher (?) / daycare worker she likes fem reader pls
Heat Above
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request: Word Count: 1.2k Warnings:all fluffy basically. there is literally nothing to say here Summary:You never thought about becoming a daycare attendant, but here you were. Drawing together with a small girl, who told you all day long about her brother. Until you finally got to meet him… Masterlist
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You never thought, you’d end up where you were right now. It hadn’t been your dream, nor had it been the thing you thought about when you were younger. It was just never on your page.
But here you were. A daycare attendant in a small dozy city, no one had ever heard of. It had never been your desire, but over the years, you had learned to adore the children who came in while their family couldn’t watch them. You had learned to appreciate the small things. For example when a child told you that they enjoyed playing with you, or that you were their favorite attendant. It always put a smile on your face, to see so many kids being delighted by the simplest things.
And those things often included drawing and sketching with the children. But one kid in particular always asked you to draw with her. The young girl you had come to known as Abby Schmidt always came running into your arms, the second she stepped foot into the daycare. And you always knew you were going to spend the rest of your day drawing with her and other children. Abby often told you about her friends and you loved to ask her questions about them, letting her come up with the most imaginative stories you had ever heard from a child.
“You know, you should meet my brother sometime.”, Abby mentioned one afternoon, while you sat with her on a small table by the window. She had been doodling for a while, but not wanting to show you what it was.
“Yeah?”, You asked with a small smile,”What’s he like?”
Abby looked up from her drawing for a second, figuring out what to say:”He sleeps most of the time. But he’s a good guy. He always protects me and is there for me.”
“You’re right.”, you agreed with her,”He does sound like a good guy. An awesome brother on top.”
“Sometimes he’s annoying.”, Abby said nonchalantly, without looking up from her drawing,”But I think he would like you.”
“You think so?”, you asked with furrowed brows, trying to remember what her brother looked like. You were pretty sure, you had seen him bring her in once or twice.
“Yeah.”, Abby nodded,”I like you, so he’ll like you too.”
You could only chuckle at her answer and lovingly ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it all out of place. Abby gave you a short look of annoyance, before her face broke and a fit of giggles escaped her.
“Now, You finally wanna show me what you drew there?”, You asked, a smile still present on your face.
She nodded strongly and pushed her pens away from the drawing before handing it to you. Your heart bloomed with joy as you realized that it was a drawing of her and you on the small table you were currently sitting at. Both of you were drawing on the picture, a big smile on your faces.
“This is beautiful, Abby.”, You smiled. Abby beamed up at you, before getting up from her chair and walking over to give you a hug. You quickly embraced the small girl, but nearly got a heart attack when she screamed into your ear.
“Mike!! You’re here already!”, Abby shouted happily. She quickly entangled herself from you and you watched how she ran over to a young man, probably your age. When You saw his face, You knew that you had seen him before.
So this was the ominous brother. 
You just looked at the two of them for a second, while Abby hugged her big brother, telling him of her day. You watched her rambling on with a smile on your face. But then you realized that Mike wasn’t looking at his sister. He was looking at you. His low gaze lingered on your face for a second longer, before he realized that he had been caught. 
You swiftly looked away too, an unknown heat rising to your cheeks. What had just happened?
Your thoughts were interrupted, when you heard Abby, calling you over to her and Mike.
You quickly got up and walked over to them. Your gaze was on Abby first as she gave you a wide grin, before you finally looked up at Mike, only to realize that his big chocolate brown eyes were already looking at you.
“Hy.”, You said shily, holding your hand out to him. Mike looked at you a bit perplexed for a second, before he seemed to break out of his trance, grabbing your hand and giving it a firm shake.
“Hey.”, he smiled,”I’m Mike, Abby’s brother.”
“Yeah, I've heard quite a bit about you already”, You chuckled bashfully.
Mike gave you a timid look:“Only good things I hope”
“Well, basically just that you sleep a lot.”, You mumbled, looking to the ground.
“You two are insufferable.”
Both You and Mike looked at each other for a second, before turning your heads to look at Abby with furrowed brows. The small girl looked back and forth between the two of you, before an annoyed groan left her lips:”And? Will you go out with each other?!
You immediately felt the heat rising back to your cheeks and you looked away from the two of them for a second. You could see that Mike wasn’t doing any better. His cheeks were clearly reddened and he nervously brushed a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry. S-She doesn’t know what she's talking about…Miss…?”, Mike tried to explain his little sister.
“L/N. But Y/N is fine.”, You explained with a small smile. You didn’t know what came to you, but in a boost of confidence, you turned around to Abby:”Why don’t you go grab your jacket, Abby? While the grown-ups talk a bit.”
Abby gave you a knowing grin before she nodded and took off to get her stuff.
“Once again, I’m sorry about her. She really doesn’t know when to shut up.”, Mike mumbled. 
“It’s alright”, You smiled,”And besides, she isn’t wrong.”
Mike looked at you perplexed, but you only grabbed his sleeve, pulling him to one of the tables. He didn’t protest and you took that as a good sign. You grabbed a small piece of paper and swiftly scribbled down your phone number, before handing it to Mike:”You know, in case you need a babysitter…or someone to meet up with.”
Mike gave you a soft smile, while he put the paper into his pocket:”Do you have time this weekend?”
“I’m off at five.”, You answered, as the two of you walked towards the exit, where Abby was already waiting.
“I’ll call you.”, Mike uttered. You could only nod at him, as you reached Abby. The small girl grabbed Mike’s hand and with a few small goodbyes, the two of them were out of the door. 
You looked after them for a second and while Abby was already rambling on again, Mike turned around once more, giving you a gentle smile and a wave. You quickly waved back at him, before they reached his car.
With a rapidly beating heart, you finally close the door of the daycare. You couldn’t believe it. You had a date on Friday.
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mymelodymia · 11 months
having a nightmare Mike Schmidt x sister!reader
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Summary: you have a nightmare but your big brother is there to help you <333
Warnings: nightmare, crying, death mentioned,
You screamed as you sat up quickly in your twin sized bed. Your breath was out of control and you could hear your heartbeat pounding in your ear.
Mike, your big brother, somehow heard your scream through his earphones. He ran into your room as fast as he could, thinking something was wrong. (Protective big brother mode activated)
Jogging over to you he quickly got a hold of your shaking figure, "what happened, whats wrong are you okay? Hey...." he said as you started sobbing. He held you close, rubbing your back as he listened to the pained sobs coming from you.
he had trouble not crying himself, he had never seen you have a nightmare this bad before. He assumed it was something about Freddy's. You had developed some trauma from the near death experience.
"They...me, and-and abby w-we were both..." you attempted to say in between sobs. "You were both what, what happened" Mike asked you in a soft tone, growing inpatient.
"Dead! Dead mike, we were both dead...." you yelled. Mike took a moment to think about this, before returning his mind back to calming you down.
He pulled away from you for a moment to lock eyes with you. He cupped one of your tear-stained cheeks, rubbing it with his thumb. "Dont worry, i wont let that happen...ever." he reassured you.
He continued comforting you until you stopped crying. He leaned back holding you in his arms. Pulling your blanket over the two of you, he hummed you to sleep while playing with your curly locks.
He fell asleep there too soon enough. The next morning he woke up before you, he walked back to his room and did a small morning workout.
He made you your favorite breakfast in order to cheer you up. You woke up to the smell of pancakes, and bacon. You hopped out of bed, heading to the kitchen to greet your big brother.
He looked up at you after you came into his vision. You smiled at him, though you hardly remembered the night before, you still remembered the nightmare and how he held you after it.
He flashed you a warm smile, extending one of his arms to hug you. You wrapped your arms around his waist as he held you close one again.
"Do you even remember what happened last night?" He asked, taking his attention off of the pancake sizzling on the pan.
"Not really. But, i remember the nightmare vividly, and how you stayed with me after it." He squeezed you a bit tighter after that, flipping the pancake.
After breakfast he dropped you off at school, but before you had even opened the door, he pulled you into a soft embrace. Hugging you, he kissed the top of your head.
When you got home, you saw Mike preparing your favorite meal. You walked up to him as he turned around to wash his hands (he cracked an egg, hehe) you threw your arms around him tightly.
"Thank you, for everything you did today mike. I love you" you said, holding back tears. "I love you too y/n."
"Mike, why dont you make this more often?" Abby asked, stuffing her face. You all giggled at her, you gave Mike another smile.
A few hugs and kisses before bed too.
A/N: this is my first time writing for fnaf so please don't come at me.
*please ask to be tagged in these*
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stop-talking · 7 months
No Abby, we're not getting ice cream.
Silly little fic about Mike and Abby going shopping. (Mike's POV)
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Word count: 1.2k
Tags: Mike & Abby, bonding, sibling love, fluff, Mike's POV, pre-movie.
This is just a cute little one-off about Mike being the single mother he is. I love him.
Mike watched as Abby swung a leg over the side of the shopping cart and climbed in. She was getting a little too big for this, taking up nearly the entire cart. Oh well. Not like he could afford to buy much anyways.
"Okay Abbs, remind me what we're here for?" He asked, giving the cart a solid push to get it rolling.
"And that means?"
"No asking for junk." Abby droned the words off in a monotone voice, and gave him a flat look. She didn't like to go shopping unless there was something in it for her, Mike knew, but he didn't exactly have anyone home to watch her.
"Here, you wanna hold the list for me?" He offered her a little yellow notepad and a pen from his pocket in an attempt to cheer her up. She eyed him for a moment, then snatched it up and started to doodle on the shopping list.
Mike sighed as he looked down at his little sister. Yeah, she was definitely a little too old to be in the buggy. She stopped fitting in the little seat up front years ago, so now she sat in the main area, legs scrunched to make room for groceries.
He probably should let her walk, but she had a tendency to... wander. And give Mike heart attacks. He always spent too long deciding what to get, or so Abby had told him. Sometimes he'd get lost in thought while calculating the best deal on a can of soup or the like, and realize too late that Abby was no longer by his side.
This usually resulted in him running through the isles and yelling her name, much to Abby's embarrassment. Hell, it embarrassed him too, but he'd rather be embarrassed than end up losing her.
"Hellooo, Mike? Earth to Mike?"
He snapped back into focus as Abby impatiently tapped the metal shopping cart with her pen.
"You passed, like, three things we need. Turn around."
Mike huffed and turned the cart around as dramatically as possible, slinging his sister back with the sudden change in direction. He got weird looks from a couple other shoppers, but it earned him a laugh from Abby, so he didn't care.
"What did I miss? Onions?" He tried to lean over and peek at the grocery list as he wheeled the cart back towards the produce section.
"Hey! You said I could hold the list." Abby held the yellow notepad to her chest protectively, determined not to let him see it.
"Fine. But no funny business. We're only getting what I wrote on there, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just take us that way." Abby waved a dismissive hand in the general direction she wanted him to go, and Mike listened.
"Potatoes, onions, and... co... ca... con...?" She squinted at the list, struggling to read one of the words.
"Carrots." Mike corrected her, already putting a bag of potatoes into the cart.
"Your handwriting is terrible. Aren't grown-ups supposed to write better than toddlers?"
"Maybe you could read it better if you hadn't drawn all over the list already."
Abby stuck her tongue out at him, and the corners of Mike's mouth twinged up into a slight smile.
"Where to next, little lady?"
"The... can isle?"
"You don't sound very sure."
"Just push the cart, mule."
Mike stopped smiling at that. Brat.
"You want corn or peas tonight?" Mike held out two cans to Abby, who pointed to the corn. He dropped it into the cart.
"Can we get soup too?" She reached out to grab a can, but Mike was already wheeling her into the next isle.
"We have some at home."
"Yeah, cream of mushroom. Who even eats that?"
"You do. Every time I make casserole."
Mike chucked to himself as they rounded the corner into the freezer section.
"What did we need from here again?"
Abby quickly scanned the list, they were most of the way through it now.
"Fish sticks... and ice cream."
Mike paused. One of those things was definetly not on the list.
"Abby. We're not getting ice cream."
"But it's on the list!" She held up the grocery list, which she'd apparently made many edits to. It has little doodles all over it, some items have been crossed off, and she'd added a couple things of her own.
Before he could argue back, a young girl, probably around five years or so, pointed and shouted something at Abby.
"Look, Mommy! Isn't she too old for the buggy?"
The girl's mother, who looked truly mortified, tugged the girl along by her arm and hissed something about it being rude to point.
Abby stuck her tongue out at the little girl, but Mike turned to her mother. She looked tired. He could understand that. He could also understand raising a little hellspawn.
He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but he must not have done a very good job. The woman just turned and sped off, dragging her child around the corner and out of sight. Damnit.
"Chocolate or strawberry?" While he wasn't looking, Abby had leaned over the side of the cart and poked through the freezer.
"Chocolate." He finally relented, sighing as his little sister happily placed a carton of ice cream in the cart. Oh well. They hadn't bought any in a month or so.
"Thanks Mike! You're the best!" Abby blinked up at him with a false innocence. He saw through her little act.
"Yeah, yeah. We're not getting any other unnecessary crap." He grumbled, but still found it hard to fight back a smile. Why did she have to be so cute, even when she got on his nerves?
They bought other unnecessary crap.
Two boxes of cereal, a bag of chips, and a half-gallon of chocolate milk later, Mike blinked down at the total. Nearly fifteen dollars over budget. Damnit.
He handed the lady at the register a few bills with a tired smile. Oh well. He'd just skip lunch at work for the next couple days to make up for it. Mall food was over-priced anyways.
"Do the thing!" Abby pleaded with him, making a truly pitiful pout as he pushed the cart out of store, with her still in it.
"What thing?"
"You know. The thing."
Mike rolled his eyes, but complied. He put one foot on the underside of the cart, and used the other to push off, sending it flying through the parking lot. Abby squealed in delight, which made him smile.
The damn thing would probably tip over if she wasn't sitting on the opposite end to balance things out. As it rattled through the uneven pavement, It teetered, as if threatening to do just that.
"Don't get used to this." Mike started, scraping his shoe along the pavement to slow them as they approached his beat-up Honda Accord.
"We're not getting all this junk next time."
Abby pretended his scolding got through to her, hanging her head as she helped him load groceries into the car.
Mike pretended to believe his words too, but he knew as well as she did that their next shopping trip would go much the same way.
Author's note: Thanks for all the love on my last fanfic?? Part one got 100 notes?? I'll post the first chapter of a Derek Danforth fic soon, so stick around. I just had this in my drafts for the past few days. I love Mike & Abby's relationship so much <3
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thornsinmycrown · 8 months
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warnings: [ MDNI +18 ] kidnapping, yandere, obsessive, isolating, stalking behavior, mention of sexual themes. word count: 731
summary: he just wants his little sister's babysitter to be safe.
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He totally has a "crush" on you, something innocent at first. It's undeniable to this point, Abby draws you with them and her friends, there's a big wall wrapped in her drawings like wallpaper, her big brother and yourself holding hands with cute little red hearts all around you.
He talks about you at dinner time, asking Abby how did you treat her and if you were nice for the day, he promised her that you will always stay with them, that he would find a way to make you stay forever.
You know he hasn't had an easy life, talking to you in confidence about Garrett and how he couldn't save him, the way he feels about failing his own family and you admire his compromise over Abby.
Sometimes he takes it to extremes, overprotecting her and doing what you and the little girl consider dismissing fun time.
At first it seemed to be something normal to you, she was the only of his family left, the constant reminder of how lonely and how lucky he was to still have a bond with his parents at the same time, but with time you grew tired of wiping Abby's tears that were actually cried over nothing.
The first time you two had the talk and spoke about it, he was in denial. Mike assured he wasn't controlling Abby's life, he was keeping her safe from the dangers of the world.
You try to remind him what is obvious, that she is a kid and kids need to play and make friends, have fun and enjoy childhood.
He immediately felt bad watching you yell at him to make him take in count the child's feelings, and that's when he realized how important you were — how much of his tiny family needed a mediator like you.
He resents —and admires— your humanity. He is aggressive, cunning, rough to any edge, and deep down he knows you are too, except you don't let that take away your compassion.
Mike yearns for every piece of you now, any kind of affection is well received, whether it is a simple greeting or a friendly waving hand, he even prepares himself to gently smile no matter how awkward it feels, your small confused nodding gesture gets him every time.
You don't judge his incapacity to retain any job and he feels maybe you're the only person in the world who actually understands his struggles — his failures.
When he starts working at Fazbear's he fears he could be loading you too much responsibility, working the night shift wasn't his ideal and, though you'd never let him down, he felt worried you two were going to be alone for so many hours.
The first three nights everything was alright, until the fourth happened.
Animatronics chasing down his little sister was the last straw, it made him snap inevitably, you and Abby weren't safe at all, any time you could be murdered by any of them and there wouldn't be a way to save you.
He fears losing you, what would he do without you?
You help him get rid of them for the little girl's sake, temporarily disabling the animatronics like Vanesa instructed, but you get hurt in the process.
The yellow bunny twists the knife inside you, you let him in order to protect Abby, and it doesn't cost you as much as it costs Mike.
The idea of your loss only fuels Mike's grief, it's like losing his family all over again, but this time will be different — this time he has the chance to change the ending.
You wake up in a hospital bed, your ribcage hurts and you have an injured leg, the first thing your eyes see are his, red puffy eyes full of pain.
A week passes so you can leave the hospital, and he has a room for you in the house.
You try to explain to him you have a place to live since you rent a shared room with another person, but he insists you're not safe there.
"What if he comes back and tries to hurt you again?" "What if this time he—?" He cannot even end the sentence, he can only imagine the worst.
You agree to stay for a couple of days while your injuries heal, yet the unsettling part is just about to begin for you.
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Author's note: I had in mind this headcanons since the first time I saw the movie and once I left the theater I started working on them but just release them now because I couldn't finish them in a way I like until today. I'll do a second part to this just because I think it has more potential to add to his character.
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magicbystarlight · 7 months
Venomous - Part Eleven
Masterlist, Part One
Summary: A wife. A mother. A witch with someone else's name. That’s the life you didn’t want. So Tom offered you more.
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: 18+, a bit of an angsty one, arranged marriage, age gap relationship, ptsd, war. Minors DNI.
A/N: Our poor reader can't catch a break.
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The last days at the Manor passed mechanically. Wedding appointments set for Easter Break—dress, cake, invitations, dinner. A book left unread despite the pages turned. Smiles that didn’t reach your eyes. Laughs that were hollow. Unanswered letters. No word from your brother. Nothing in the papers about the Muggle war.
Abraxas was at your side, arm slung too casually around your shoulder as you walked through Platform 9 ¾. Your trunk somewhere behind being dragged along by the Malfoys’ oldest house-elf Honey. Or was it Bunny? An unsubtle reminder to the growing crowd that you were a Malfoy, even if not in name yet.
At least your mother hadn’t come.
His goodbye was drawn out. You smiled and dutifully let him kiss you again and again until he couldn't keep you any longer. You hoped your own face didn't betray your joy as you stepped onto the train. The compartments were full as you dragged your trunk. It took longer to find Larissa and Abigail than usual thanks to the added weight.
Their concern felt wasted on you when you stepped into the compartment. Too much of your friendship had been spent on your petty problems when their families lived in constant danger that you knew nothing about.
You insisted you were fine, that it had only been a bit of stress, and everything was okay now. You brushed off concerns about Abraxas’ behavior, rewriting his jealousy as protection. You were fine, everything was fine.
The conversation veered to them and you listened intently. A funny story about Larissa’s mother getting on the wrong train in the underground. Talk of Abigail’s father’s wonderful cooking. Love letters they found under her little sister’s pillow. It made your heart ache.
“We should set up a dinner or something for the Easter holiday,” you said as the laughter was starting to subside. “So I can meet your families.”
Your friends shared a look that didn’t look pleased with the idea. “Won’t you be too busy? With all the planning? We don’t want to add to your stress.”
“Too busy for you? Never.”
“It’s just,” Larissa said slowly, trying to find the words to say, “well, we know how your family feels about half-bloods. You might not mind, but they’re not gonna be happy with it.”
“They know we’re friends, it’s not that big of a deal anymore. Maybe they’ll be upset if they find out one of Abby’s parents is Muggle, but we can go somewhere Muggle and they’ll never even know. Make a day of it, a real day, show me more of the Muggle world. I’ve never even seen London past the windows in the Leaky Cauldron.”
Larissa went to say something else, another argument against it from the frown in her face, but Abigail cut her off, face lacking its normal color. “We’ll see. I’ll need to owl my parents and ask if they can make the time for it. Easter’s pretty busy for them.”
Your face fell before you could catch it and school it into something false.
“We can do Cambridge instead!” Larissa offered quickly, too eager compared to her hesitation a moment before. “I’m sure Mum would love to have you both over. And it gets so pretty in the spring there—” 
She continued, naming reason after reason Cambridge was the place to be for Easter. You worked your smile back, though it was as hollow as it’d had been at the Manor. A tentative date set for the Tuesday after the holiday—you had no appointments set and Abigail would be too busy helping out around home before then. Color still hadn’t returned to her face.
When enough time had passed, you excused yourself to use the restroom. They didn’t offer to join you.
Scalding water splashed from the tap, causing your hands to retract with a hiss. You waited for the temperature to correct itself and tried not to scratch at the pain.
Abigail didn’t want you meeting her family. Larissa could spend a week with them and you couldn’t even have dinner. You always knew they were a little closer. How could they not be when you barely put any effort into the friendship? They may have been your best friends, but today you realized you weren’t theirs.
That was okay, you told yourself. You would do better.
You looked up into the mirror as you scrubbed your hands. A crack cutting diagonally down it you hadn’t noticed before. How poorly were these restrooms maintained?
The door swung open.
“—almost punched Ralph McLaggen in the middle of Diagon Alley! Over her? Can you—“
The Slytherin girl from Potions cut off abruptly as her gaze met yours in the mirror. The one who loved to tell people about your torrid affair with Slughorn. You’d have to remember her name eventually. 
Her grin was sickly sweet. “You looked great at the Minister’s ball.”
“Thanks, but,” you said, matching the acidic tone. “I don’t remember seeing you there?” Then you laughed, shaking your hands dry and turning to see her now scowling face. “Oh right, you must have seen me in the paper! I’d almost forgotten.” 
You walked to the door, eyebrow raised expanctly at her friend who still stood in its way. She squeaked out an apology before moving aside. “Well lovely to see you, Judith. Hope your holiday went well.” Maybe you didn’t have to learn her name.
Dumbledore wasn’t at the welcoming feast. It wasn’t unusual. Since First Year he’d been in and out of class aiding in the fight against Grindelwald. But you felt the absence more now. You’d wanted to talk to him about Warrick. 
There were eyes on you. More than usual it seemed. You kept your back to the Slytherin’s table. 
Abigail had recovered, at least. 
Her smiles were warm again as conversation swirled at the table around the next Quidditch match. Ravenclaw had only had one match the previous semester and it left them at an advantage, same as Slytherin and it was expected the match would be tense. You listened attentively as some of the team’s players explained how many points they’d need to rack up to gain the lead. It surprised you how attentively they listened when Larissa started dissecting Slyhterin’s weaknesses and strengths. Her insight was, well, insightful. 
“We’ve got the pitch on Thursday, you’ll be there?” Erin Lockhart, this year’s captain, asked her as you all made your way back to the tower. 
Larissa’s face was bright. “Haven’t missed one yet, have I?”
It was past midnight when the three of you finally clambered up the stairs to your dormitory. Normal. A truly normal night. Not a mention of engagements or wars or stalkers. Filled instead with Quidditch and school worries and silly little jokes. So many new things noticed about people you’d known for years. Funny how that can happen when you’re not existing solely in your own head.
Larissa was giggling about how good Henry Higginbottom’s hair looked when she stopped abruptly after opening the door. You thought maybe the ladies at Twilfitt and Tattings had outdone themselves and delivered early, but a melodic chirping drowned it out.
On your bed, in a rather large and intricate gilded cage, was Ravenclaw’s emblem. A Golden Eagle.
Their eyes were such a familiar shade of brown. 
“When did you get an eagle?”
“I didn’t.” You felt cold. “I’ll take my chances with whatever gilded cage awaits me rather than whatever crate you’re offering.” Could Tom never stop with his fucking metaphors?
Abigail was the one to investigate. She plucked an envelope from the bed, turning it over. Your name was on the front in familiar handwriting and an even more familiar teal seal.
Of course Azar was still doing Tom’s bidding.
Anger seized as you took the letter she handed over. Blood splatters marred the parchment.  
Found her in Astrid’s owlery. 
A likely story.
Apparently she’d been there a while and now she seems a bit confused about what she is. Thought getting her out of there was for the best,
You scoffed. Of course he would decide what he thinks best.
but the dungeons aren’t a good place for her. She needs to spread her wings. 
One thing he wasn’t wrong about. 
I know Selene said no to getting you an owl, but she never said no to an eagle.
He remembered that? It’d been years since you’d asked. 
Dippet was happy enough to approve her as a pet for you. Unsurprisingly, you’re one of his favorites.
It was a surprise to you.
She prefers hunting for herself, so she won’t be a bother. She’ll even take the post for you. You’ll have to give her a name though. Our aunt only ever called her örnen.
That sounded like Aunt Astrid.
Sinc Love,
Uggy Az
P.S. There’s no excuse. I’m sorry.
P.P.S. She was perfectly tame until I put her in the cage. You’ll get along well, I think. 
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The anger had dissipated by the end. Not gone entirely, but less. You still weren’t convinced it wasn’t some new trap laid, but for now you’d let it be what it seemed. A sincere apology. Those were so rare.
“Uggy Az?” Larissa questioned, reading the letter over your shoulder.
“It’s what I called Azar when I was really little. It was supposed to be Uncle Az.” You reached for the latch, pulling the door open. “Mum hated it cause it sounded like I was calling him an ugly ass.” Cautiously the bird stepped out, stretching her wings and legs. She was beautiful.
You knelt at the end of the bed and she met you there. This close you could see the gold speckled throughout her eyes. When you reached your hand forward, she bent her head and let out a chirp at the contact.
“What should we name her?” you asked, stroking her.
“Princess?” Larissa offered before her face immediately went sour and shook her head. “She needs something more classical. Aethon?” 
That made you shudder. Would that make you Prometheus? 
Abigail’s fingers joined yours to stroke the brown feathers. “How about Drein?”
The eagle let out another chirp.
“You like that?” you asked. “Drein?”
She chirped again and seemed to nuzzle against your hand. 
“Well,” Larissa laughed, joining you and Abigail in your affections to the bird, “Drein it is.”
Sweat covered you as you shot up from bed. A nightmare. You couldn’t remember much beyond explosions, screams, and a hand around your throat.
The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past five. Too early to start the day and too late to try to sleep. Not that you’d be able to sleep anyways.
Drein stirred from her perch atop your wardrobe when you moved. It was odd how comforting it was when her eyes followed you to your desk. Being watched by a predator was normally so unsettling, but for once you didn’t feel like prey.
You took a piece of parchment and your quill and began to write. It wasn’t right. You scratched it out and started again. Still wrong. Dashed through the new sentences and tried again. No. 
Curiosity got the best of Drein, her wings fluttering softly as she landed on the edge of the desk. Her head cocked as you ripped off the bottom, bare part of the parchment.
Why? You wrote. Your quill hovered for a moment more. I miss you. A few tears landed on the parchment before you wiped away the rest. Drein crept forward, pushing her head against your hand.
“Can you do me a favor?” you ask her. She blinks. “Take this to my brother.”
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Drein had returned by that night. There was no reply. A week passed. Days that weren’t quite bad, but exhausting. 
Transfiguration was the easiest. An essay to write from the substitute instead of hands-on practice. Astronomy. History of Magic. Ancient Ruins. Herbology. Arithmancy. Potions. Care of Magical Creatures. None of them required a wand often. 
But Charms and DADA?
Abigail thought you were sick. First you fainted and now you were struggling in class? You’d gone and gotten checked just to ease her concern. You weren’t sure how no one noticed the crack in your wand, but you powered through. It did seem to work a little better as the days passed. Less resistant. A few more days, maybe a week or two, and it would be fine. Like nothing happened.
Whispers followed as they always did. Some with pity, but more with glee. You’d walked into a room more than once to be greeted with hurriedly hushed voices. Thankfully your housemates were more akin to pity.
Saturday afternoon you sat alone in the common room, where you’d been since after breakfast. It was a dreary day outside, but you couldn’t pull your attention away from the window. There wasn’t anything else to do. Abigail had left for some Divination project she had to work on with a Gryffindor and Larissa was serving a detention she’d gotten the last day of last semester. Abraxas had planned to visit, but something had come up and he postponed for Sunday. Homework was done and you didn’t feel like tracking anyone down to occupy time. 
Why hadn’t Warrick written you back?
A very nasally, high pitched noise came from beside you, breaking your concentration. Myrtle Warren stood there, nose high in the air. She held out a folded piece of parchment. “Avery asked me to give this to you?”
Your eyebrow shot up. Myrtle was muggleborn. Azar didn’t like interacting with that sort, let alone entrusting them with anything.
She cleared her throat again impatiently and wriggled the note.
With a muttered thanks, you took it. She still stood there. It simply read: Library?
“He told me to wait for a yes or no. Wants me to walk with you there for some reason if you say yes. Very odd, I think, but he’s paid me ten galleons just to bring this, and it’ll be another twenty once I get back to him with an answer.”
Ten galleons just to get you a note. Thirty in all to get an answer. And an escort. 
“Was there anyone with him?”
She shook her head. “No, he was all alone. Just like you. And me.” She shrugged. “Probably why he asked me.”
Azar must be hoping to apologize in person. There hadn’t been any chance to catch you alone throughout the week. You’d ensured that. While Myrtle wasn’t your first option of a companion, she was better than nothing. And talking it out with Azar was better than staring out a window. You needed to thank him for Drein, too.
Myrtle was surprisingly patient. You’d had to put your things away up in your dorm and she waited without a single complaint. It was unlike her. She hadn’t gained the nickname Moaning Myrtle for nothing. 
It was probably the promise of galleons that kept her so quiet  as you walked down the staircases.
“Do you mind if we stop by the restroom?” she asked as you landed on the second floor.
Had she not been so patient before, you’d have said no. But she had been. So you relented, eyeing the staircase wistfully and hoping she’d be quick. You wanted to see Azar. Know if it had been real.
Her favors weren’t over. “Could you check if there’s anyone in here? I don’t like an audience.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes and did as requested. It was empty, thankfully. “All clear,” you called from the end of the stalls. 
“Well that is very,” Myrtle’s voice changed, the nasally high whine turning deep, honeyed, and unmistakable, “convenient.” 
You twisted, wand in hand, to witness as Myrtle’s face bubbled. Her robes stretched to accommodate the added height and width, its blue yellowing to green, Ravenclaw’s emblem contorted into Slytherin’s. You’d meant to Stupify him, but nothing came. A red jet of light shot from his. With horror, your grasp on your wand loosened involuntarily and it shot from your hand. He caught it effortlessly.
“I’m not here to fight,” Tom said evenly. He eyed your wand, surveying the damage. “Not that it seems you’d be able to put up much of one.” 
“Fuck you,” you hissed, despite the pounding in your ears. 
He smiled. “I have missed your quick wit.” When you said nothing, he sighed. “I wanted to apologize.”
You repeated, “Fuck you.” 
“That’s fair.” Your wand clattered on the floor as he threw it back. “I deserve worse.”
You don’t move. You consider it for half a second, hand tensing to reach for your wand, but you don’t. It’s useless.
“I didn’t understand how horrific what I did was. But I do now. And I’m sorry.”
Lies. Lies lies lies lies lies.
“I don’t want your apologies. They don’t mean anything. You regret nothing. You understand nothing!” Your voice rose, angry panic outpacing your ability to quell it. 
“Forgiveness will take time, I know. I’ll be patient.”
Tears seared your cheeks. “Forgiveness?” you questioned. “Forgiveness for what, Tom? For—for trying to kill me? For stalking me? For ruining my life?” Yanking the Malfoy heirloom from your finger, you held it up. “I only have this,” you threw it, aiming for his frozen face that didn’t even flinch and missing by a yard, “because of you. If you’d have left me alone, none of it would have happened. You took everything. And for what? What has it gotten you in the end?” Your arms were shaking as you gestured to the lavatory he’d trapped you in. “Downing polyjuice to corner me here and listen to me tell you that I hate you.”
Quaking shoulders. Terrified and angry and devastated. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“I don’t know.”
It came out so soft, yet the words thundered in your head. He’d been so confident months ago. Spewing nonsense about power and freedom and breaking traditions. Now he stood there and said he doesn’t know why he continues to torment you?
“You don’t know?”
Cracking sounds reverberated against the walls.
“You don’t fucking know?”
Glass shards fell to the floor as the mirrors over the sinks shattered. 
You crumbled.
Next Part
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thisisnotkitty · 11 months
hello securitywaiter nation have you thought about ness being abby’s teacher bc I HAVE
below the cut because i can't shut up ever :D
-abby does well enough in school academically but is still needs some work in the socioemotional dept
-when she starts a new school year mike is a bit worried but then she comes back home absolutely ecstatic and mike is like “okay this is good”
-she talks all about how mr. ness lets her color while he teaches and how mr. ness gave them all name tags w silly drawings (hers is a bear) etc etc
-mike is actually really happy bc most teachers have a hard time understanding abby (heck, he has a hard time understanding her) so he’s looking forward to meeting this mr. ness during back to school night
-it goes on like this for awhile, with abby raving about mr. ness and mike is just happy that his little sister seems to be doing better in school. the first time she comes home talking about these kids she hung out with at recess he practically cries
-back to school night is here and the first time mike sees this mr. ness he’s like abby u traitor you didnt tell me this man was exactly my type (he doesn’t actually tell her bc he never brings up his lovelife around her - not that he’s had much of one - but still isn’t this the type of things siblings know intrinsically)
-anyways they’re having the kids show their guardians around the classroom and their seats and everything and then mr. ness is explaining the way his class works and mike is totally paying attention. yup. he’s not distracted by those chocolate brown eyes at ALL
-so they’re waiting to do the one-on-ones with the teacher and mike crouches down next to abby and tries to be all chill “hey, abs. has mr. ness ever mentioned a partner or anything?” acting all nonchalant
-but abby sees right through him and is immediately like “he’s single! do u want me to put in good word for you?” and mikes like “NO i have no idea what ur talking about haha i just wanted to know bc it’s important to know that about ur teachers okay wait why are you smiling like that”
-(abby’s a little menace and already ships it)
-when it’s finally their turn mike is just chanting to himself “be normal. be normal. be normal” lmao
-but now that he’s sitting face to face with the teacher he notices that he has freckles and every chance he had at playing it cool goes out the window
-ness is telling him all about how well abby is doing in class and if there was anything he could do to make it easier for her in the classroom and abby’s just sitting there looking at mike internally screaming with a smile
-so she turns to her teacher and is like “you should get mike’s number just in case something comes up. he’ll probably think of some things later since he’s been taking care of me alone for awhile” (bc u know when kids do that things where they kinda trauma dump at the most random moments lmao)
-and ness at first refuses and is like “im sure email works just fine!” and abby’s like WHYY is he not just taking the bait and then she has like a lightbulb moment
-bc ness probably assumes like everyone else that mike is a single father and abby’s his daughter and abby’s like oh no how do i make this work
-so she goes full anya mode (for my spy x family watchers) and is like “im sure mike would appreciate having your number on hand! he’s a very protective older brother you see. taking care of his little sister must be hard. i’m sure being a big brother like him is hard so it’d be for his peace of mind. did i mention he’s my older brother”
-and ness also has a little bit of a crush already forming so he doesn’t catch the obvious set up and is instead distracted by the fact that the handsome guy in front of him is in fact NOT a single father so maybe he does have a chance wowow
-yup so they exchange numbers andddddd ill come back to this later i really need coffee
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Den Mother McGee – Timothy McGee
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McGee's POV
The last thing I expected when I brought my Scouts to NCIS was finding out that one of them was a missing kid. I tried calling Y/B/N's older sister, but her phone went to voicemail. I left her a message explaining that I needed her to come talk to me. I sent the rest of the kids home and kept Y/B/N with us.
"Tim," he said softly. "Am I in trouble?"
"Of course not, bud."
"But AFIS says I'm a missing kid."
"I know," I sighed. "I called your sister. When she gets here, we will figure it out. But I promise, you're not in trouble."
I watched as he figured it out. "Am I going to be taken away from Y/N?"
"Taken away?" I repeated.
"Yeah," he shrugged. "If I'm really a missing kid, aren't they going to take me away from her?"
"Hey," I whispered, "I will do everything I can to make sure they don't take you away from Y/N. I promise."
Y/B/N's parents were killed in a car accident three years ago. Since then, his sister Y/N has raised him. According to Y/B/N, his sister had a big book publishing job in New York when their parents died. She walked away from it all so she could raise Y/B/N. Now she owns and runs a small bookstore downtown.
After getting Y/B/N a snack, I went to my desk to look into the missing child case on him. I looked up when the elevator dinged. As soon as the doors opened, Y/N came running out.
"Y/N," I started.
"Where's Y/B/N? Is he okay? He must be terrified. What's going on, Tim? Where's my brother?"
"He's fine," I tried to soothe her when she took a breath.
"But you called me and said you needed to keep him here," she said. "Why would you have to keep him here, at NCIS? Did something happen? Did he do something wrong? Tim, please tell me what's. . ."
"Y/N," I stopped her as I gently grabbed her shoulders. "Y/B/N is fine. He's with my friend, Abby. The reason I called is because something came up."
"What are you talking about?"
"And who is this?" Tony smirked as he walked over. For some reason, I felt weirdly protective of Y/N when Tony looked at her.
"Y/N, this is Agent DiNozzo," I said, trying to ignore that weird feeling. "Tony, this is Y/B/N's older sister, Y/N."
"It is so nice to meet you," he attempted to flirt. Y/N scanned him before immediately turning back to me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Tony.
"What's going on, Tim?" She asked. "Where's my brother?"
"He's talking to Abby and my boss, Gibbs," I explained.
"He's okay?" She double-checked.
"He is," I reassured.
"Then what's going on?"
"Let's talk," I sighed. I led her to the conference room, not entirely sure how to approach this topic. "Y/N, your brother's fingerprints connected us to a missing child case," I explained. "Any knowledge of this?"
She instantly shifted in her seat. "It's a little more complicated than that," she said softly.
"What do you mean?" I gently pushed.
"Y/B/N isn't my biological brother," she confessed. "He's technically my cousin. His parents weren't capable of taking care of him. His mother slept her way through Virginia and his father was too focused on his drug business. With his father constantly out of town and his mother wanting to keep herself busy, she dropped him off at our house all the time. He was a baby and she'd basically leave him on the doorstep, Tim. She wasn't fit to be a mother. But my parents? We were a better family for him. We raised him. We took care of him. We protected him. We loved him."
I reached over and grabbed her hand when her voice broke. "From what I've seen, you and your parents have taken wonderful care of him. He loves you. His biggest concern all day was that he'd be taken away from you."
Y/N let out a shaky breath as she intertwined our fingers and continued. "He was with us on and off for two years since he was three months old. When he was two, his mom left him with us for six months. After a long conversation, his parents agreed to let us raise him. They got a legal document stating that my parents were Y/B/N's guardians. They went as far as adopting him. My parents even added me as a guardian in case something happened to them. . ."
Y/N's voice dropped again. I was about to tell her she didn't have to keep talking but she continued anyway, "I don't know why his biological parents filed a missing child report. We had an agreement."
"Any chance you still have a copy of that agreement? Or the adoption papers?"
"I do!" Y/N perked up. "I have a copy of both at home. Would that clear all of this up?"
"Yes," I smiled. "It would. If we can prove that they filed the report after they signed the agreement and the papers with your parents, the report will become void. We could even arrest them for filing a fake police report."
"But why?" Y/N asked, her voice soft. "Why would they do this? They have known Y/B/N's entire life that they gave us custody. When did they file it?"
"About four years ago," I told her.
"Four? Why four? How would they benefit from filing this?"
"My guess," I sighed, "his parents wanted him back."
"And by claiming he's been missing his entire life, the courts would just give him back?" Y/N scoffed.
"Not with the signed document you and your parents have," I instantly said. "Odds are, they knew they didn't have any legal precedent to take Y/B/N back. And they couldn't hire lawyers so. . ."
"They tried to turn my parents into kidnappers."
"But it won't work," I said, the look on her face worrying me. "The document that your parents got signed stops Y/B/N's biological parents in their tracks. They can't fight it."
Y/N nodded as she stood up, instantly wiping her hands on her pants. She was about to leave the room but froze with her hand on the door handle.
"I can't lose my baby brother, Tim," she said, her voice breaking.
"You won't," I said softly as I walked up behind her. "You show me the document giving you and your parents full custody and this all goes away."
"And Y/B/N comes home with me?" She asked as she turned toward me. It was then that I saw the tears in her eyes.
"He goes home with you and stays with you."
My heart jumped into my throat when Y/N wrapped her arms around me.
"Thank you," she whispered. She pulled out of the hug and I instantly saw the blush on her face. "I just mean. . . Thank you for taking care of my brother. You should know, he really looks up to you."
"He does?"
"Of course," she shrugged. "Whenever he gets home from Scouts, he's always buzzing about what you taught them. And he has the biggest smile on his face. He adores you, Tim."
"He's a great kid," I chuckled. I smiled softly as I added, "You've done a great job of raising him."
Y/N paused, her smile slightly falling. "Can I see him before I go get the document?"
"Of course," I said. I grabbed my phone and called Abby. "Hey, Abs. Can you bring Y/B/N up to the squad room? His sister wants to see him."
"Thank you," Y/N mouthed. I hung up the phone and put my hand on her back. I led her out of the conference room without a word. When we got to the squad room, Y/B/N was already there.
I smiled as Y/B/N ran toward her and jumped into her arms. Y/N instantly grabbed onto him tightly.
"Are you okay?" She asked him gently. She let him go, knelt down, and looked him over.
"I'm fine," he laughed. He lowered his voice when he added, "Y/N? What's going on?"
Y/N looked over her shoulder at me and sighed. "It's complicated, honey."
"Am I a missing kid?"
"No," Y/N said instantly. "You're not, bud, but it is a little complicated. I promise to explain it to you. I just need to go home real fast and get something for Tim. Are you okay to stay here with Tim's friends?"
"Of course," he said, his voice soft. She leaned down and kissed his forehead before following me to the elevator.
"You okay?" I asked her when the doors closed.
"How am I going to explain this to him?" She asked, her voice barely audible.
"Just tell him the truth," I said honestly.
"But what if he. . . What if he hates me?"
I reached over and flipped off the elevator. I gently grabbed her arms and turned her toward me.
"Y/B/N is not going to hate you," I tried to reassure her. "It doesn't change much, Y/N. You are still his sister."
"No, I'm not," she whispered. "I'm his cousin."
"You're his adoptive sister. It still counts," I said firmer this time. "You've been his sister his whole life. You've raised him. You've taken care of him. You've protected him. You've loved him. That's all that matters."
"So he won't hate me?"
"I don't think Y/B/N could ever hate you," I said as I let out a small chuckle. "Besides, don't you think it's time he knew the truth?"
"I know," she stuttered. "I'm just. . . scared."
I thought about it before offering, "If you think it'll help, I could be in the room when you tell him."
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"Of course," I shrugged. "I wouldn't say anything but I'd just be. . ."
"Moral support?" She teased. I let out a sigh of relief when Y/N smiled.
"Exactly," I laughed.
I flipped the elevator back on and we rode the elevator in silence. I drove Y/N to her house and brought her back to NCIS once she found the documents.
"Hi, Y/N!" Y/B/N yelled as soon as we walked back into the squad room. "Hi, Tim! You guys are back! I have an idea! Let's go get pizza! Maybe we could bring it back here and watch a movie on that HUGE screen."
"What is wrong with you?" Y/N laughed as Y/B/N bounced up and down on his toes. "Did someone give you sugar?"
"Nope!" He yelled. "Something called cafrine."
"You mean caffeine?" Y/N asked as she gave me a look.
"Sorry," I sighed. "Abby must have given him a Caf-Pow."
"This is gonna be a long day," Y/N laughed. She lowered her voice and said, "Maybe I should wait to have that talk with him."
"That's probably a good idea," I whispered back.
"What are you two whispering about?!" Y/B/N yelled. "Is Tim finally asking you out?"
"Wait, what?" Y/N stuttered. She looked at me like she was studying me. "What does he mean finally?"
"I'm not sure," I lied.
"You know what I mean," Y/B/N laughed. "I see the way you look at her whenever she drops me off or picks me up. It's the same way she looks at you."
"It is?" I asked him but kept eye contact with Y/N.
"I think so," Y/N said under her breath. "But it kind of depends on if you look at me that way."
Y/N and I had kind of an awkward staring contest before Y/B/N came running over and nearly tackled me to the ground.
"Careful!" Y/N gasped. "I should get him home before he crashes."
"I can walk you two out," I chuckled. "I'll help carry him if we don't get him to your car in time."
"I appreciate that," Y/N smiled.
We got into the elevator and Y/B/N instantly leaned against Y/N. She and I shared a look. "That didn't last long," I whispered.
"Turns out I'm going to need your help carrying him to the car after all," she chuckled. She looked at me and her smile softened. "You still up for being my moral support?"
"Absolutely," I said instantly. I had a random burst of courage as I said, "About what Y/B/N said on his Caf-Pow burst about me finally asking you out, I guess I should get it out. Would you like to grab dinner sometime?"
"I'd love to," she smiled. She looked down and laughed at her brother who was barely awake against her side. "Maybe after we get Y/B/N to rehab for his caffeine addiction."
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empathiie · 8 months
plotting/starter call for the hwminievent6! under the cut are my characters, their dates, and their vibes for the night. 💗 capping the starters at four per character for now!
abby anderson -- blind date with josie saltzman. (1/4) urumi akamaki.
abby will be on a blind date with josie. abby is still getting used to a world that's normal and not post-apocalyptic, so they may be a bit uncomfortable at first only to open up later in the night.
alicia clark -- blind date with adam torres. (1/4) ramona flowers.
alicia will be on a blind date with adam. she is more outgoing and willing to enjoy herself at an event like this, so she'll probably have a fun time; making the most of the night.
bella swan -- blind date with brinna javik. (1/4) alice cullen.
bella will be on a blind date with brinna. even though she's a generally awkward person, she's eager to spend the evening with someone new and go outside of her comfort zone.
beth washington -- open to a date. (2/4) emily davis, max lightwood.
beth is actually excited for this event. i'd love to see her go with someone or find someone to spend the majority of the event with! she will be enjoying the party and wishing that she at least had her brother or sister there with her.
bigby wolf -- attending with snow white. (1/4) danika fendyr.
bigby is attending with snow. he won't exactly be in Big Bad Wolf Mode, but he'll be protective of her, of course, and will be on the lookout for any trouble or chaos that might happen during the event.
dora tonks -- blind date with bb-8. (2/4) eloise bridgerton, hagrid.
dora will be on a blind date with bb-8. she's actually looking forward to this blind date and getting to meet new people, even if the vibe of the event is ~romantic~. she'll also want to be seeing her friends and family and may even introduce them to her date.
draco malfoy -- going solo. (4/4) rabastan lestrange, hermione granger, harry potter, scorpius malfoy.
draco is going solo. but he has big feelings for lee jordan, and will probably spend most of the night bickering with him about complete and utter nonsense. also, he'll probably be drinking. a lot.
garrett -- attending with kate. (1/4) irina.
garrett is attending with kate. he loves a good party and will be making the most of it, socializing and getting to know other vampires. he won't be paying as much attention to the humans, given his current circumstances.
jyn erso -- attending with cassian andor. (3/4) ellie williams, ansel of briarcliff, sha hualing.
jyn is attending with cassian. she's still a bit wary of washington itself, having heard of the craziness that occasionally takes place here. cassian is her safe place, so she'll want to stay by his side.
louis weasley -- attending with wednesday addams. (2/4) fleur delacour, bill weasley.
louis is attending with wednesday. and in all honesty, he probably dragged her to the event kicking and screaming. he's looking forward to spending the evening with her, and showing her off to all of his friends and family. he knows how to have a good time, and will make sure that he does, as long as he has wednesday by his side.
luna lovegood -- attending with neville longbottom. (2/4) cho chang, lee hongjo.
luna is attending with neville. she's incredibly excited to go, having a deep love for most holidays. she will be all dolled up and is excited to see everyone!
maggie greene rhee -- going solo. (1/4) rosita espinosa.
maggie is going solo. however, she'll probably stay close to glenn, since he IS her husband, after all. she'll also want to make sure that no trouble arises. she does love valentine's day and will be enjoying herself at the same time, though she won't get crazy with it. she just wants to have fun on her mom's night out!
mike schmidt -- open to a date. (2/4) charlotte dilaurentis, jester lavorre.
mike isn't super eager to be attending the valentine's day event, honestly. he hasn't had a lot of romance in his life, which is part of why he plans on going alone. i'd love to have a date for him, though, to enjoy the night with! he's a big softy on the inside, and would be sweet to spend time with once he gets past his shyness.
rey palpatine -- attending with fred weasley ii. (3/4) samara palpatine, leia organa, han solo.
rey is attending with fred. she is super excited to get to know them better and to spend more time with them, especially at an event like this. she'll also be checking in with her friends and family to make sure that they're having a good time, too.
rhaenyra targaryen -- attending with harwin strong. (2/4) lidia cervos, penelope garcia.
rhaenyra is attending with harwin. they're ready for a night out away from the kids, though they love their children, a date night with their husband is very much needed.
theon greyjoy -- attending with sansa stark. (2/4) ridoc, filippa kosta.
theon is attending with sansa. and will be spending the majority of the event by her side. he's a little bit on the reserved side and will want to stay within his comfort zone, which is with sansa or other people that he knows.
will graham -- going solo. (1/4) yennefer.
will is going solo. despite this, he may gravitate towards someone that he feels a connection with. however, he will likely spend most of the night alone, or at least ~trying~ to socialize.
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