#protective brother kurt is ruining my life I love him so much
loveexpelrevolt · 1 month
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KURT & ROGUE X-Men ‘97 1.09 | “Tolerance Is Extinction — Part 2”
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mirror-vicit-omnia · 3 years
Ya know what? F*ck it. DMC Heathers!AU where Dante is Jason Dean but never tries to blow up the school or murder anybody and the reader is Veronica.
Dante has an adoptive jackass dad, Big Blood Dean. Sparda is in hell and Eva is dead. Vergil is a missing person's case no one can solve. Big Blood Dean adopted him for the money and drags Dante all across the map with his shady deconstruction company.
The reader is in the same situation as veronica, it goes to canon. They get an in with the Heathers, there's probably a Martha involved.
Fight For Me. Just imagine Dante kicking ass. Those jocks wouldn't stand a chance in a million years.
I like the West End performance for all this.
Dante doesn't quote Baudelaire (if this was Vergil instead of Dante, yes he would have)
Reader: "Okay, don't just drop a snappy one-liner and then walk away! Excuse me? I didn't catch your name?"
Dante, all devil-may-care swagger: "Well, I didn't throw it."
If you think Jason Dean was a good fighter, you should see dante. He's always finding places to train with his sword and picking fights to keep sharp. Yep, he still has demonic powers and demonic heritage and a demonic sword.
He's been dragged to 10 different high schools. Now, Dante is the kind of guy who can just drop everything, pick up and go, if it weren't for the fact that he's adoptive dad sucks. Yeah, he's asking himself these days why he didn't just bail sooner.
He probably tried to run away when he was younger and the cops found him. Even young little Dante knew not to let anyone know about his demon heritage I guess. I don't know.
Anyway, enough logic!
The reader and Dante do not cause the death of Heather chandler. Maybe they think they did, cuz Dante still made the joke of poisoning Heather, and the mugs still got switched up, but later on after the entire world thinks Heather Chandler died a saint, the reader tells Dante that she doesn't think whatever Heather drank was what killed her.
Of course, the body is gone and so is any evidence that could have told them otherwise.
Meanwhile, Heather Duke rises in red and Kurt and Ram insist that they slept with the reader and did drugs.
Dante picks the reader up when they fall apart crying. He does set up the plan of baiting the jocks to the cemetery at dawn. But he's actually planning to knock them out and do some crazy embarrassing stuff with them, the kind of immature terror that only Young men can conceive of and inflict on one another.
Chloroform is involved. Dante packs his gun for safety. He's not a demon Hunter yet, but he knows what's out there, and there's no way he's walking into a cemetery without one weapon at least.
So, the jocks were probably going to wake up naked and tied up on a monument in the Town square or a landmark for everyone to see. It might even make the papers, since this town is so small. Dante would fleece them for their money, and encourage the reader to do the same.
"Hey, how about we divvy it up? One for you, one for me. One for you, and one, two for me- Ow! Fine, whatever, take what you want!"
But what was meant to be a life ruining prank goes horribly wrong. They got Ram, but Kurt's streaking through the graveyard in his skivvies.
Dante sprints after him. "Don't worry, I'll get him back!"
Funny. Kurt should be here. Dante knows how fast a human can run. He checks behind the tombstones, but the jock simply isn't here. Like he just disappeared.
There's a shift in the air. Dante stands still. Even for a cemetery, it's too quiet. Not peaceful. Tents. Restless. Dante's just trotting back when he knows. The reader feels something, too, that pricking in the hind brain that sets the hairs standing. Dante flicks back the red tails of his duster and pulls out his gun.
Reader: "Woah! Are those guns real?!"
Dante flexes his bicep: "'Course they are, babe!"
Reader: "No! I mean th-!"
Bang! A murder of crows take to the air. The only thing more unnerving than the mist and the gunshot is the cold hard gleam in Dante's eye.
And something in the tombstones growls.
Basically, there's probably some small hellgate in the area. Weak demons are leaking through.
The plot turns away from Heather's and fake suicides and mental illness into an '80s horror slasher flick in which Dante and the reader survive and work together to break the hell gate. Dante's dad might end up dead in the process, not by his hands but just because. Alternatively, Dante decides that he's turning 18 in a couple of months and soon the law won't be able to chase after him. He doesn't know what he's going to do with his life, but he sure as hell isn't letting big blood Dean drag him anywhere anymore.
Either way, it's implied that Dante finds his calling through this story.
And becomes a demon hunter.
Demons might have been possessing people or killing people and making it look like suicides so they can drain the humans of their blood when they're brought to the morgue. A bunch of lesser demons serving a relatively stronger demon.
It serves a similar effect as the sensationalization of fake suicides in the musical's plot. Only now the reader forged the suicide notes and set up the fake suicides in order to protect them both. There's no way the law was going to buy the truth.
The reader still has to deal with Heather duke, Heather mcnamara, the horrors of the hierarchy of the high school. They deal with Miss Fleming and the assembly. Is Heather McNamara from actually committing suicide, but then there's still a demon attack that they have to somehow protect both of them from. And this is taking place in the '80s, so there are no cell phones and the landline is cut.
The hellgate was dormant under the boiler room in the high school.
If Dante got possessed, we could still have some Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) and the reader shoots him but it's Dante so he survives!
Whatever was possessing him was nowhere near as good at fighting as a human.
Cherry flavored slushies. Dante drinks cherry flavored slushies, and when he sings I thought emotional part where he accidentally reveals thoughts of suicide, he tries to brush it off with humor, as always.
Still our favorite chaotic half demon.
Cherry flavored slurpees and pizza and teenage detective work that dpuble as dates. Dante doesn't give a s*** and just wants to be pointed in the direction of the fight. The reader is actually doing research and carefully trying to piece together what is going on. Dante provides whatever he knows on demons. And hell.
Dante: "Yeah, my dad is the legendary demon Sparda. My mom and brother died in a demon attack on our house and that's why I'm in foster care."
Reader: "Okay... Sounds fake, but okay..."
Dante gets shot right in the chest. Reader freaks out, but still manages to blow up the hell gate with a bomb and thermals. To collapse the whole gymnasium, which is empty.
They crawl out of the dust. Shaking, a lot to process all at once.
Then there's a whistle. And impressed whistle. The reader looks up. It's Dante, standing strong and straight and waving at dust like he's not squirting blood out of the hole in his chest. "Now, that was some fireworks! Remind me to invite you to my next birthday party."
And that was when the reader believed that he was actually half demon.
Plot twist a faculty member opened the hell gate and it's Miss Fleming the hippie.
I wanted to feel more 80s than it sounds here, and other than that that's all I've got.
Edit 8/20/21
The reader wears the blue Heathers uniform. Short grey skirt and all.
Or if you don't like skirts, then trousers. Tight, flattering trousers. Dante loves to watch how they pull in all the right places.
The two of you are hanging out upstairs in his room, talking about the deaths. The read is worried, fretting over the mystery, flipping through pages in their notebook; Dante sprawls next to them, half hanging off the bed, head in their lap, yawning. The front door opens and bangs shut. Dante springs out of his seat. Suddenly, he wants to get out if the house.
"Hey, do you want some ice cream? Dairy Queen, strawberry sundae, you and me. C'mon!"
Big Blood Dean stomps upstairs. "Dante! Get yer worthless ass in gear! We gotta a job, you gotta go on a supply run-"
Dean barges right on in. Looks at Dante. Looks at the reader. "You got company."
"S'there a problem?" Dante sounds cool. Too cool. He's on his feet and wandering about the room, like he's bored. The reader tenses. Dean is huge, but he somehow looms beyond his size.
Dante does his careless waltz. The reader can't take their eyes off Dean. Like a frightened animal. How can Dante expose his back like that?!
But by getting up, he's put himself between you and his adoptive parent.
"Get rid of them," orders Dean.
Shrugging, Dante pats your knee. "Alright, c'mon, babe." He leads you by the elbow to the window. You still keep an eye on Dean. He's glaring.
Dante throws open the window and bows. "After you!"
"Um, the front door is...?"
He's not serious.
"Go on!"
He's serious.
Hesitant, you stick a leg through and let him push you the rest of the way out. Then he slips out, too
"You come back here, boy-!"
"See ya, old man!" Dante slams the window shut.
"Is he going to lock you out?" You ask as you shimmy down the drain pipe.
"He can't. You broke my window lock."
Dante buys two Sundaes because he doesn't want to share; after he polishes off his, he's snatching bites of yours.
He used the "Nevada account."
(Update 9-20-21)
And this whole story would be even better with JD!Virgil instead.
Virgil didn't have time yet to harden from the demon attack before Big Blood Dean adopted him.
This is all much the same as with JD!Dante, except that Virgil gets darker (not that Veronica!Reader knows how bad it is; they didn't accidentally murder Heather together) carries a gun and everything.
In the big final fight, Virgil runs out of ammo. Demons have cornered him. It's the house, his Mom, Dante, all over again.
One blink later, the demons are all dead, slashed open. Virgil shakes as he yanks on the handle in his grip, and pulls out the blade from a soft belly.
Yamato. How did it get here? These demons are unrecognizable, like dead carrion at a butchers. Did I do this? He thinks, distant and fuzzy, as he watches his hands like watching a film as they flip his sword.
Humans are weak. Humans are wretched.
The reader's smile passes through his mind.
... Perhaps not all humans are... Deserving of death.
They're just weak. Virgil flicks gore off the sword, and heads to his house, looking for Big Blood Dean.
He didn't like the way Dean had scared you with the "Norwegian in the Boiler Room" talk, anyway.
(Spoilers: Dean doesn't live. And Virgil loves you, but this was mostly for him. It's the tipping point, and afterwards he chooses his demonic heritage over humanity. But less "kill them all" and more "purge those who dare cross our path- but don't tell Reader, they get upset easily." What they don't know can't hurt them- and you have Virgil to thank.)
You two definitely run away together at the end. Off to explore knowledge of demons and Hell and whatever else.
You want to seal off the Hellgates that are being all over the world.
Virgil wants to level-grind.
It's couples-time, really.
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Kurt leans on Kevin, tired from the last match, and his Alice costume got dirty so of course his pouty energy resonated off onto Kevin. The male smiled as he slept rubbing his hair back before he was carried away to his room.
“Servais.” Servais stops reading his book then hums when Kevin laid Kurt on him. “Thank you.” Kurt starts to absentmindedly make himself comfortable in Servais’s arms, smiling lightly.
“Hmm…” Kevin takes the Alive outfit and left, leaving the magician and explorer behind. As he knits up the outfit he starts knitting up a dress against the shirt piece, removing the pants and cleaning them before placing some white stockings with black stripes and of course undergarments for Kurt.
The next day Kurt ran downstairs then hugged Kevin tightly. “Thank you!!! Thank you thank you.” He presses small kisses against his older brother’s face.
Kreacher chuckles, “Awhh, is the cowboy crying?” Kevin just sniffles before wiping the tears away, “Nao….Ghhh…he’s so adorable.”
Jose nudged him, “Servais will find em more adorable.” That made Kevin’s eye twitch. Which made Kreacher gently smack Jose’s arm, “You know Kevin is protective of his family.”
“It’s cool, Servais wouldn’t ruin that wholesome dress…”
Kurt and Servais in question were dancing in the middle of the garden. Performing a small square dance then they both press close, legs somewhat apart before they step over each other and Servais dipped Kurt.
The explorer soon twirls into his arms then laughed while Servais spun around with him. “My beautiful Wonderland~ The world was filled with so many dark edges until that glimpse of light appeared in my life…I’m so lucky to have found him.”
Kurt hugs Servais, they press their lips together then lay together in the grass garden. Well, the dress is dirty, much to Kevin’s demise but he didn’t mind: he was just worried about how the matches would go with the dress.
“This is my indoor outfit, no one gets to ruin it.” He held Servais’s hand to his face. “Not to worry, what’s made in here stays in here.” Kurt cuddles up to the magician. “I love you so much, I’m so lucky~.”
“So am I~.”
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lilyvandersteen · 4 years
Out of the Blue: Chapter 5
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Cover art: @redheadgleek​
Beta extraordinaire: @hkvoyage​
Author’s Note:
For Halloween, Kurt dresses up as Loki, and Blaine as Gaston. Are you drooling yet? You're welcome!
Chapter 5: Halloween Party
“In my opinion, the younger son of an earl can know very little of either. Now seriously, what have you ever known of self-denial and dependence? When have you been prevented by want of money from going wherever you chose, or procuring anything you had a fancy for?"
(An excerpt from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)
Not even five minutes after his tirade, Blaine felt like a crushed cockroach.
Without so much as raising his voice, Kurt had torn apart Blaine’s whole reasoning and proved to him that he’d been completely wrong in attacking the brides.
Blaine had ruined the atmosphere and perhaps the entire wedding by throwing a tantrum like a sleep-deprived toddler.
Well, the sleep deprivation fits… Still, I’m old enough to deal with that issue in a more mature way!
Cooper, bless him, did his best to smooth things over, but Kurt wasn’t having it, addressing Blaine again and defending his choice to plan a wedding for his friends.
A silly romantic, is he? Me too. But now he’ll certainly never give me the time of day. Still. I should apologise.
So apologise Blaine did, but Kurt’s eyes flashed in a way that showed he wasn’t forgiven yet. He would need to grovel.
When Cooper put on the charm again and flirted with Kurt, the both of them whispering conspiratorially and winking, Blaine’s heart sank straight into his shoes.
Yeah, Kurt was out of his league. Totally. He didn’t even make a blip on Kurt’s radar.
But he had something to make up for, so he allowed himself only the briefest wallow in self-pity before he went to help Kurt out with clearing the tables and doing the dishes.
Kurt seemed surprised he would stoop to that, and Blaine cursed himself for his outburst. Now Kurt and his friends would think he was a total snob!
There was nothing to do but try to repair the damage, so Blaine washed dishes diligently, humming Frank Sinatra under his breath as he worked and stealing glances at Kurt whenever he dared.
By the time they were done, Kurt had thawed out a little, and offered Blaine another piece of cake as thanks for his help. Well, he was not going to say no to that!
They moved to the sofa with their plate, Blaine praising the cake to the high heavens, and Kurt smiling at him and offering to share the recipe.
Blaine’s cake was soon gone, and he looked towards Kurt to take his plate, too, and bring it to the kitchen.
But Kurt’s cake wasn’t finished. There was still a piece on his fork, and a bigger piece on his plate, which was teetering off his lap, in danger of falling. And Kurt? Kurt was fast asleep, his head lolling to the side and his expression serene.
Blaine smiled at him, and then carefully took away Kurt’s plate and fork.
Kurt snuffled and turned, his arm flinging over Blaine’s belly and his head landing half on Blaine’s arm and half on his chest.
Blaine froze for a moment, and then stretched out his free arm to put the plates and forks on the coffee table. When that was done, he curled his arm protectively around Kurt, to keep him from falling off the sofa if he turned around again, and then just basked in the moment.
With his mouth half open and a thin line of drool making its way down his chin, Kurt was still no less than stunning. And he didn’t only look good, he also smelled divine. His cologne was woodsy, with a slight hint of something sweet. What was it?
Blaine sniffed surreptitiously. Vanilla. Yes. Probably because Kurt had done the baking for the wedding.
Kurt smacked his lips and slid his head a bit further onto Blaine’s pecs, making a soft purring noise that made Blaine melt.
There was no-one in the loft but them at the moment, so Blaine didn’t feel any qualms about letting Kurt sleep all cuddled up to him. What wouldn’t he give to have a man like this for real… To get to sleep with him tucked into his side, or spooning him…
Blaine must have fallen asleep picturing a life with Kurt by his side, because the next thing he knew, his brother was shaking him awake and telling him that it was time to go.
Still half asleep, Blaine griped at Coop, and then remembered he had to be quiet for Kurt, who was asleep next to him.
Too late… He’d already woken him up with his whining. Well, maybe that was a good thing, seeing as Kurt could now move to his bed.
But apparently, Kurt slept on the sofa whenever Santana had Brittany over. Huh? They didn’t have beds for everyone living here? Oh, they were saving up for it?
Blaine frowned, and before he could stop to think, he’d blurted out that it was silly of the newlyweds to ask for an expensive pet pavilion when they didn’t even have basic necessities like a bed.
Kurt seemed suitably chagrined about that, and explained that the idiotic cat stuff had all been Brittany’s idea. He told Coop to cancel the order. “We’ve been feeling awful about that.”
Blaine’s mouth ran away with him again, and he wondered out loud how the newlyweds had been able to afford the wedding.
Kurt looked murder again, and no wonder. Blaine REALLY shouldn’t have said that.
Still, Kurt explained how they had managed. Basically, he’d worked his ass off to give his friends the wedding of their dreams. No wonder he’d fallen asleep just now. He probably hadn’t slept properly in weeks. Blaine envied the brides that they had such a fierce and loyal friend.
Kurt’s eyes flashed when Blaine gave him nothing but a mute nod in reply to his explanation.
Uh-oh, I’ve messed everything up again. Why couldn’t I have held my tongue?
Cooper came to the rescue again, assuring Kurt that the wedding had been wonderful in every way, that they weren’t to worry about the gifts he’d bought, and that he hoped to see Kurt again soon for another party.
That coaxed a smile out of Kurt, and thawed him enough to shake hands with Blaine as well.
Blaine took the opportunity to apologise again for behaving like an idiot. Kurt’s impassive expression made him slink off with his tail between his legs.
On the way home, Coop berated him for his rudeness. “Seriously, squirt, what was up with you? I could tell you were totally into Kurt, and then you go and say all the wrong things. He’s going to think you’re a total tool!”
Blaine hunched up and mumbled, “I am. And now I’ve ruined my chances with him forever.”
Coop clapped him on the shoulder. “Hey now, don’t be like that. There’s always next time. Kurt promised to invite me again, didn’t he? And I’ll take you as my plus one, and you will pour on that Anderson charm, and he won’t be able to resist you.”
Blaine heaved a sigh that seemed to come straight from his toes.
Did he want to go to another party where Kurt fawned over Coop and paid no attention to him? Yes, he did. Clearly, he loved torturing himself.
Two months later, Cooper came bounding into the living room yelling, “Guess what?!”
Blaine, who was working for school, was so startled he dropped a book on his toe. “Ow!”
“Guess what, guess what, guess what?”
Cooper danced around the table like a kid who’d eaten too much candy.
“What? You have a hot date and want me out of the house tonight?”
Coop rolled his eyes. “Nope. Try again.”
“You met another celebrity?”
“Nope. Try again.”
Blaine sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “Coop, I’ve got no time for this. Just tell me outright, please.”
Coop handed Blaine a card. It showed a black cat lying on a large pumpkin, while three witches were stirring in a kettle nearby. The message read:
“Something wicked this way comes!
Halloween Party at the loft on Friday the 31st of October, starting at 8 p.m.
Dress up like a villain and bring your own booze.”
Blaine frowned at the invitation. What on earth…?
“It’s from Kurt!” Coop beamed. “He invited us to his Halloween party. Awesome, right? You get to see Kurt again! So figure out a good costume, and make sure you’re on your best behavior this time, okay?”
Blaine felt nerves slam into his gut. Yes, he’d be happy to see Kurt again, but would he manage not to make a fool of himself or offend Kurt at this party? Chances of that were slim.
“I was thinking of Dorian Gray.”
Blaine quirked an eyebrow at Cooper.
“For my costume, squirt, keep up! I get to wear fancy old duds and look handsome, and all I have to do is put a tiny portrait of myself in my inside pocket, where I’m looking all ugly and aged up, and show it to people asking who I’m supposed to be.”
Blaine tilted his head to the side. “That’s brilliant, actually.”
Cooper bowed and doffed an imaginary hat. “Thank you, thank you. I have my moments.”
“So what are you going to take to the party?” Blaine asked.
“What do you mean?”
“As a gift to the host.”
Coop grabbed the invitation and perused it. “It says to bring your own booze. I’ll bring a nice bottle of whiskey or something.”
Blaine shook his head. “That’s just a waste of money. Students drink to get drunk. Fast. They’re going to down big glasses of your top shelf whiskey in one go without so much as tasting it. You’d better give them something useful. Remember how Santana doesn’t have a bed or even a decent sofa bed?”
“Huh. Right. But wouldn’t they have saved up for it by now?”
Blaine shrugged. “I doubt it. There are always emergencies eating up your savings.”
Cooper gave him a quizzical look. “Yes… That’s true. I know that from my early days in LA. But how would you know that, Mr. Silver Spoon? You’ve never lacked for anything a day in your life.”
Blaine felt his cheeks heat up. “Um… I might have… done some research?”
Now Cooper’s gaze became even more piercing. “You’ve got it bad!”
Blaine looked down. Yes. That was always his curse. He fell for someone instantly. Head over heels. No looking back. That hadn’t ever worked out well. People took advantage of him, and then threw him out like yesterday’s garbage. Telling him he was too intense. Too clingy. Too much.
Not that Kurt would ever give him the time of day, regardless. Last time, he’d been civil to Blaine only for Cooper’s sake.
Still, Blaine wanted to help somehow. He felt so ashamed of what his reactions had been at the wedding. It’s easy to criticize, yes, but it’s far more commendable to stay positive and make the best of the situation you were dealt. Kurt was quite right about that, and Blaine admired him for his pluck. Among other things.
“So what do you suggest? That we have a sofa bed delivered the day of the party, when they’re busy getting everything ready? Or that we bring two delivery men carrying a sofa when we go to the party?”
Blaine laughed at that last suggestion, shook his head and looked up at Cooper beseechingly. “We could bring the sofa bed a few days in advance maybe?”
Coop grinned. “So that you would get to see Kurt twice? I’m on to you, mister!”
Blaine didn’t deny that was his intent.
“Okay, I’ll call and ask if we can go drop it off somewhere this week. All right?”
“All right. Look, this one has a memory foam mattress, and it looks classy.”
Coop got his credit card, sat down next to Blaine and ordered the sofa bed.
Then he called the RSVP number on the Halloween party invitation.
Kurt must have been waiting to hear from Coop, ‘cause he picked up the phone after only three rings, and seemed happy that Coop and Blaine were coming.
When Cooper told Kurt he’d like to give him a decent sofa bed as a host gift, and could he have it dropped off sometime this week, there was silence on Kurt’s end for a while. Then he said, his voice weirdly strangled, “You don’t need to do this. Really. We didn’t ask you to the party because you’re obscenely rich. We asked you because we enjoy your company.”
Coop grinned. “That’s nice to hear. I’m still giving you the sofa bed, seeing as I already bought it. What would be the best day and time for it to be delivered to the loft?”
Kurt took a while to answer. Then he said, slowly, “Seriously, this is not necessary. All our other friends are just bringing some cheap beer or wine. Or even nothing at all, if I know Puck.”
Coop laughed. “I thought of bringing a nice bottle of whiskey, but Blaine said that I had better give you something useful. Always the practical one, my brother.”
Kurt sighed. “The thing is that I don’t want you spending a lot of money on our behalf!”
“Oh, the sofa bed costs far less than the whiskey I wanted to buy,” Cooper reassured Kurt.
From the new prolonged silence, Blaine inferred that Kurt didn’t find this reassuring in the least.
“So, what day would suit you best?” Cooper pressed.
Kurt laughed. It was short, and didn’t sound amused so much as exasperated. “All right, then. If you insist…”
“I do.”
“Then Wednesday would be the best day. In the afternoon. I don’t have class and my shift at the diner doesn’t start until seven.”
“Wednesday at two p.m. it is. See you then!”
“Um… You’ll… You’ll be there, too?”
Coop grinned. “Of course. I need to make sure they bring you the right stuff, and not something substandard because it’s a delivery to somebody else than me. Got cheated once when I bought my mom a brunch basket for Mother’s Day. Half of the things that were supposed to be in the basket were missing. Thank heavens she took a picture and sent it to me. I fixed that soon enough. Nobody pulls the wool over my eyes!”
“Um… All right then. See you on Wednesday. And… Thank you. This is… Thank you.”
“You’re most welcome. Looking forward to the party. Will there be pumpkin pie? That’s my favourite.”
Kurt laughed again, but this time it sounded happier. “There will be now! I’ll make sure of it. Thanks for the heads-up.”
Cooper rang off with a huge smile on his face. “And he makes pumpkin pie! You better marry that guy, or I will!”
That resulted in a brotherly scuffle, with Blaine telling Coop to “get his own”.
“Just telling you, squirt! Don’t let this one get away!”
“Not planning on it.”
Coop, his hair a mess and his clothes wrinkled now, grinned at Blaine. “You have the ring and the house and the dog and the schools for the children picked out already, don’t you?”
Blaine bit his lip. “Maybe.”
Coop threw his head back and laughed.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Blaine said sourly.
Coop clapped him on the back. “Hey, don’t be like that. I’ll be the best wingman there ever was, I promise.”
Blaine sighed. “I’m sure he wishes YOU would date him. And marry him. The way he fawned over you last time was just…”
“I’ll talk you up as much as I can. And I’ll mention that I’m a commitment phobe, shall I?”
Blaine poked Coop in the side. “You are NOT. You’ve just had a couple of bad experiences that have made you wary of commitment, that’s all.”
“Aww, you put that so nicely. Instead of saying that I’m an idiot who can’t tell a gold digger from someone who actually likes me for me. Thanks again for helping me dodge that bullet!”
That Wednesday, Blaine knocked at the door of the loft at precisely two p.m. The truck had arrived five minutes earlier, and two burly men had carried the sofa bed upstairs.
Kurt rolled the door open, dressed to the nines in a black sword print shirt with a white vest on top and very tight black jeans.
Blaine smiled at Kurt. “Delivery for Mr. Hummel.”
“Come on in, sir.”
Blaine’s heart sank into his shoes at the formal reply. Clearly, Kurt hadn’t recognized him.
Kurt turned around and gestured to follow him. The ratty sofa they’d napped on at the wedding was gone, and Kurt had cleared the space all around too.
“He doesn’t even remember you from the wedding,” Coop whispered in Blaine’s ear. “That’s bad!”
Blaine rolled his eyes. “I’m aware.”
The delivery men installed the sofa, and then Blaine showed Kurt how to turn it into a bed.
When Kurt thanked him, still overly formal, Coop came up behind Blaine and threw his arm over Blaine’s shoulder. “My little bro knows his stuff, doesn’t he?”
Kurt smiled. “He does. Do you work in the sofa business?”
Blaine looked at Kurt wide-eyed. “Um… No. I’m a student. NYU. Music composition.”
“Oh, me too. A student, that is. I go to NYADA. I want to be on Broadway.”
Blaine grinned. “Let me guess… As the MC for Cabaret? Evan Hansen? Tony from West Side Story?”
Kurt grimaced. “They’d never give me Tony. In high school, I auditioned for that role and I was laughed away. They said I wasn’t manly enough.”
Blaine tilted his head to the side and gave Kurt a slow once-over. “Are they nuts? You look all man to me.”
Kurt’s cheeks coloured, but a small smile showed that he appreciated Blaine’s comment.
“You do,” Coop chimed in. “Look at your cheekbones. And shoulders. Anytime you want to star in an ad of mine, you just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
Kurt’s smile widened. “Really? Santana’s done lots of commercials, but she’s gorgeous, of course.”
“So are you,” Blaine assured him. “Absolutely stunning.”
Kurt side-eyed him.
Uh-oh. Was that too much? Did I put my foot in it again?
Coop nodded. “You are! Just say the word, and you’re in. I have a jeans campaign coming up you’d be perfect for.”
Kurt went back to beaming, and promised to get in touch with Coop for the campaign.
Coop and Blaine left soon after that, telling Kurt they looked forward to attending the party.
Coop whistled happily as Bill drove them back home, but Blaine didn’t know whether to be sad or elated about his second meeting with Kurt.
Kurt hadn’t recognized him, and had fawned over Cooper again. But on the plus side, he had talked to Blaine. Without any snark or bite. And Blaine would be working on the jeans campaign too, so he’d get to see Kurt again, and hopefully make more of an impression.
Blaine sighed, and resolved to try again on Friday. His costume was all sorted out, and he’d made it as sexy as possible. Operation Charm Kurt Hummel was a-go.
K & B
That Friday night, Coop and Blaine followed the noise again to the loft. The door opened to a colourful chaos. The place was packed with people in all sorts of costumes, and a bass was pounding so loud it gave Blaine an instant headache.
A green witch came to greet them. “Welcome, welcome! As you can see, I’m not Rachel Berry today but Elphaba. *Dramatic sigh* My dream role!”
“I’m sure you’d rock it,” Blaine told her, and she beamed as if he’d just made her day.
“Come! Kurt and Santana are here somewhere, I saw them just now… There! Come with me!”
Rachel tucked Blaine’s and Cooper’s arms under her elbows and tugged them towards her roommates.
“San! Kurt! Look who’s here!”
“I told you, Rach, it’s Malificent today,” Santana drawled, and yes, she wore the horned hat and the cloak with the pointy collar, and very red lipstick. Brittany, on her lap, was dressed as Catwoman, and another pretty girl sitting next to them portrayed Poison Ivy.
“Niiiiice!” said Cooper, giving her a once-over.
Santana rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, now you’re going to ask me what I’m wearing underneath? That’s always the follow-up to ‘Niiice!’ when someone sees my costume.”
Coop threw his head back and laughed. Then he mimed zipping his lips.
Blaine laughed along with his brother, but his chuckle petered out when he took in Kurt. Or should he say Loki? Yep, Kurt was sporting long black locks, a horned helmet and a long Asgardian coat. Its green accents did wonderful things for Kurt’s eyes.
“Who are you supposed to be, anyway?” Santana asked, and Coop got out his Dorian Gray portrait to explain.
She hummed, not very convinced, and then turned to Blaine. “And you are?”
Blaine’s face fell. He’d looked at himself in the mirror before they left and thought his costume was really good and self-explanatory. Wasn’t it?
He looked at Coop uncertainly, and his big brother winked at him and started singing.
“Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
Looking so down in the dumps
Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston
Even when taking your lumps”
Rachel laughed delightedly and clapped her hands, and Kurt cracked a smile too.
Blaine beamed at Coop. Now this, he could work with!
Together, the two brothers hammed it up, and by the time they’d finished, they’d drawn quite the crowd. Someone had turned down the music, and everyone was singing along with the refrain, and applauded enthusiastically at the end.
“I didn’t know we were doing karaoke at this party of yours, Kurt!” Rachel said. “But I’m all in favour! Let me go fetch my pair of microphones, and we can sing. I’m Elphaba tonight, so we MUST sing For Good. We sound so good together in that song!”
And off she was.
Santana rolled her eyes and mumbled something like, “There we go again!”
Then, she turned to Kurt, holding her hand out with the palm up. “Pay up, Hummel. I said less than an hour, and it hasn’t even been half an hour!”
Kurt sighed, fished out his wallet and gave her ten dollars.
Blaine quirked an eyebrow.
“We took bets on how long it would take for Rachel to suggest karaoke,” Kurt explained. “I thought – well, hoped – she’d at least wait an hour. But then you guys started to sing, and, well…”
He gestured towards Rachel, who hurried towards them holding the two bedazzled pink microphones Blaine recognized from the wedding.
“I asked Sam and Elliott to set up the stage!” she beamed, and sure enough, a tall guy dressed like Jafar and another dressed like Jaws from James Bond were putting together a small wooden stage.
Rachel tugged Kurt up from the sofa. “Come on, Kurt!”
Hearing Kurt sing was a revelation. Blaine was sure his jaw was hanging open unattractively, but really, you couldn’t spring something like that on him and expect him to keep his cool.
Kurt was a countertenor! He had a fabulous range, and he and Rachel sounded wonderful together. Blaine clapped until his hands were raw when the duet was finished.
Rachel beamed and curtsied, and was about to sing another song when a friend of hers took the mic from her with the admonishment, “Now, now, Rach, we said no hogging the mic, remember? Give everyone their turn!”
It was the most fun Blaine had ever had at a party. Fun people, stellar food, and karaoke! With people who actually sounded good!
He kept thinking that until a girl called Sugar went on stage to perform. As soon as she opened her mouth, the whole audience cringed. Good heavens, what a hideous singing voice! And she seemed to actually expect praise after her performance!
“Well, that was a very good impression of a velociraptor,” Cooper said loudly. “You’ve got that screech down pat. Maybe stick to the human register next time, though? Give our ears a break?”
Sugar gave him a disdainful sniff and stalked off.
Blaine rolled his eyes at his brother, but couldn’t help grinning.
“What? You know I’m right!”
“You are, too!” Santana concurred. “Ugh, she sounds awful. And she didn’t even dress up as a villain!”
Blaine quirked an eyebrow. “She didn’t? I took her to be Regina from Mean Girls. She’s dressed all in pink, isn’t she?”
Santana shrugged. “Sure, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. And let’s keep her off the stage from now on!”
Everyone concurred with that, and made sure to ply Sugar with drinks and conversation. When it was Blaine’s turn to talk with her, he found that she always said exactly what she thought. Which was that Cooper was so way more handsome than Blaine that she wondered whether Blaine was adopted.
“We’re half-brothers, really. Cooper has another mom,” Blaine explained. The twitting of his looks stung. Yes, Cooper was more striking, everyone said so, but Blaine had been called good-looking by many people too, so there.
“Aah, that makes sense. So when are you gonna make your move? You’ve been panting after Hummel for hours now!”
“Um… I’m sorry, what?”
���Kurt! Why are you here with me and not chatting him up?”
Blaine eyed her uncertainly.
Sugar flapped her hands at him. “Go, go, go! Shoo!!”
So Blaine obediently drew closer to Kurt, and offered him a drink.
They’d just struck up a conversation about the remake of A Star Is Born starring Lady Gaga, of whom Kurt seemed a big fan, when the music was shut off and a nervous throat-clearing made everyone look towards the stage.
“Mercedes, could you come here please?” the guy dressed up as Jaws asked, and when she did, he sank down to one knee and proposed to her.
Blaine snuck a look at Kurt, who was smiling and tearing up. His face was open and soft, and though he was clearly happy for his friends, there were other emotions at play too: envy, wistfulness, and a bare-faced longing that took Blaine’s breath away.
“You know, I don’t think I’d have the confidence to propose to someone dressed like a terrifying villain,” Blaine remarked off-hand. “I’d be too afraid to be turned down flat.”
Kurt laughed. “Yep, he looks a fright with those metal teeth. And Mercedes still said yes. And is kissing him. It must be true love.”
Blaine stuck close to Kurt from then on, determined to cheer him up again. He even managed to dance with him, though not as closely as he would have wanted. Kurt laughed at Blaine’s dorky moves, but Blaine was buzzed enough by now not to care.
When Cooper came and told him they were going home because he had a photoshoot the following day, Blaine pouted.
“Oh, don’t you use those puppy eyes on me! We’ve already stayed a few hours longer than I intended to, because I saw you were enjoying yourself. But I really want to get some sleep or I’ll mess up the shoot. So say goodbye to your crush and come along, squirt.”
“Never!” Blaine declared grandly.
“All right, then.”
Blaine grinned at his brother stupidly, thinking he’d won himself some time, but then cringed when Coop hollered, “Bye, everyone! Thanks so much for the invite! We had a great time!”
Amid a chorus of byes and see yous, Coop took Blaine by the arm and led him out of the loft and down the stairs, where the town car was already waiting for them at the curb.
They got in fast, Blaine sighing and looking behind him one last time before he closed the car door.
“Well, squirt? When’s the wedding going to be?”
Blaine rolled his eyes. “Don’t call me squirt, please. And hold your horses. I’m working on it, okay?”
“Okay. Just don’t wait too long, or you won’t be pretty anymore. Think of the wedding pictures.”
Blaine’s eyes glazed over as he pictured it in his mind. Hmm, Kurt in a grey or black tuxedo, with a sleek silver waistcoat and a white flower corsage, coming towards Blaine or waiting at the altar for him with a glowing smile on his face.
“Hey! Earth to Blaine!”
Coop waved a hand in front of his face.
“What?” Blaine snapped.
“A little less daydreaming and some more action, please. I got you another chance to see Kurt by booking him for that jeans campaign next week, but it’s up to you to grab that opportunity and turn it into a success. Make sure you don’t blow it. Be on your best behavior, and charm the guy’s pants off!”
Blaine saluted Coop cockily. “Aye, aye, sir! Might be hard with those tight jeans he’ll be wearing, but I’ll try!”
Coop rolled his eyes at his tipsy brother. Then his expression softened. “Your man throws good parties, doesn’t he?”
Blaine nodded, grinning. “The best.”
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novelist-nerd-blog · 5 years
Bullets Cause my Pain - Tate Langdon Imagine
Notes- You love your boyfriend Tate so very much. Everything was going great until something in him snapped. You find out what happened and a year later want to tell him what's on your mind.
The year was 1994 and you had officially been with your boyfriend Tate for two years. You laid in his bed cuddling with him. He was talking to you about the world, his mother, his siblings, Kurt Cobain, and everything else. His voice had a calming effect on you and you thought anything he said would have relaxed you. "My mom gave me another speech about not knocking you up," Tate said.
"That seems to be her only concern," you responded.
"She just ticks me off so much. She doesn't take care of any of us, especially my brother."
"Is she really that bad?"
Tate rolled over looking at you perfectly in the eyes, " I promise you she is."
"Baby, you only have a couple more years of dealing with her and then we can leave and go wherever we want together. "
Tate leaned over to you and placed his mouth against yours. He pushed himself over the top of you and pressed his mouth down even harder. You felt yourself going weak and giving in to him. You loved him and everything about him. He was protective, smart, and sensitive. Those were basic things that everyone wants in a person. You left his house that evening and told him you'd see him tomorrow at school.
To your surprise, he wasn't there waiting to walk you in and to your first class like normal. You went on about your day just shrugging it off and thought you'd just call him when you got home. Before you went to your locker, you grabbed something to eat and as soon as you finished the bell rang for first period. If you were going to be late anyway you might as well drag it out for as long as you can. You opened your locked and organized everything in it and then grabbed your things. You stood by your locker and waited for a couple more minutes to make sure you killed time.
Then, you saw something odd. Someone walked down the hallway wearing all black. They had a gun in their hand, which instantly made you fearful. By chance he turned down the other hall and hadn't seen you standing there. As soon as you knew he couldn't hear you, you sprinted down the hall. You ran all the way home and told your mother what you had seen. You sat waiting for something to be on the news about it, hoping that it was they had caught a shooter before anyone was shot. To your dismay, the news was the exact opposite of that and it got even worse. That shooter was your boyfriend Tate.
Your mom gasped and you started crying. You were upset because you knew it was a matter of time before they killed him too. You were angry at him for killing innocent people and you were in shock of being so close to someone who was capable of doing something that awful.       
                                                                    The year after that was pretty rough for you. You had to switch schools because everyone was bothering you and telling you if you really knew Tate you could have stopped him from doing that. You had to go to therapy because knowing that if you had run up to Tate when you saw him  in the hallway, there was a chance you could have stopped him. You were so close to graduating and were planning on going to college on the other side of the country. You needed to see something for yourself before you left.
That's why you were currently sitting outside of Tate's house in your car. No one was at the home from what you could see. You weren't a huge believer in ghosts or demons, but you knew if anyone would prove it true it would be Tate. You walked up to the door banging on it and yelling his name. You heard the familiar sounds of the lock clicking and the door creaking open. There he was in front of you. Your mouth was dry and you felt hot tears running down your cheeks. Tate pulled you into his arms and you cried into his chest. "How could you do that," you asked between sobs.
"My mom killed my brother and it pissed me off. I wanted to do something to piss her off."
"Why couldn't you have just left at killing the guy and not everyone else?"
"I was in the moment and that's what I felt like needed to be done."
You stepped away from him and he stared down at you. You thought about all of the pain he had caused you and so many other families. The anger you had been holding in began to boil to the surface. You swung your hand and slapped Tate hard on the cheek. He looked at you with quivering lips. You could tell he was getting ready to cry, but you just stood there.
"Do you know how much pain you've caused," you asked. He just looked at you and wiped his eyes. "It was a lot Tate. You caused a lot. This is the first time I've even been in this town that I used to love so much. You ruined that for me. I wanted to move away with you and have a life with you. You told me so many times that you loved me and wanted to be with me forever. I gave myself to you completely. If you really did care and you really did want to be with me, you wouldn't have done that.
Tate stared at you and moved to wrap his arms around you. You back away until your back hit the door. "I love you," Tate said to you.
"Part of me loves you Tate and that part of me always will. I don't love this murder you are."
"Please come back here and see me," Tate pleaded.
"If you want me to be with you so much, you should have thought about that before you killed that first person." You stood in silence for a moment. You wanted to hug him and kiss him one last time, but you knew you shouldn't. You teared up one more and grabbed onto the door handle. When you walked out of the house you made sure to slam the door behind you. You looked at the house up-close one more time before letting the last of your tears out and driving away.
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crazedlunatic · 5 years
Duck Tales
“You… What?”
“… Said I would watch this duck?” Zach cringed.
“A rubber duck? Donald Duck? What duck?” Kurt’s eyes widened.
“Uhm… this duck?” Zach pulled a baby duckling out of his hoodie pocket.
“That’s a real duck!” Nick exclaimed, falling out of his seat at the kitchen table because he was laughing so hard. “Oh my God!”
“Oh my God. It’s so cuuuute.” Blaine rushed over. “Can I hold it?”
“Blaine! No! You’re the parent!” Kurt snapped. “You can’t just… bring ducks into this house. I mean, what if it has diseases? What if it ruins the furniture?”
“Yeah.” Zach reached into his hoodie, pulling out another one. “They’re obviously riddled with Duck Fever.”
“His hoodie is like a magician’s hat.” Nick literally fell over into a laying position. “Oh my God. This is the best day of my life. I can’t breathe.”
“I’m so sorry.” Zach handed the first one to Blaine and pulled out a third one.
Nick, who was still on the floor but had sat up, burst into hysterical laughter again.
“There better not be— Don’t you hand that off to your brother. No.” Kurt stared at his son.
“Aw, it’s cute.” Nick said, wiping tears from his laughter off his cheek. “Does it quack yet?”
“There’s… five? I’m so sorry, Daddy.”
“I didn’t know it until this moment, but I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.” Blaine held the duck to his face. “It’s so soft.”
“What? Is it like a magic duck hoodie? Like you’re going to keep pulling them out?”  Nick gasped out, taking hold of another one. “This is the best day of my life.”
“Zach, you can’t just watch five baby ducks.” Kurt said calmly.
“Ducklings, Daddy.” Nick said, kissing one of the baby ducks. “I’m going to explode from the happy. The happiness is going to explode me. Rest in peace, former self. I have found my new calling— duck mother.”
“Do you want to hold one? Look at how cute he is! She is? I’m not sure.” Zach forced a smile, one of each remaining ducks in each hand.
“No! This is worse than the almost dead squirrel when you were eight! Oh my God!” Kurt’s attempt at being calm flew out the window—or, in this case, waddled.
“Rest in peace, He Who Keeps All The Ducks.” Nick said from the floor. He sat both ducklings on his stomach and they huddled together. “I’m going to cry. Does this make me a mother duck?”
“Mother Goose!” Blaine exclaimed, looking at his duck. “Can we say one died and keep it?”
“YES! Or we can say they all died and keep them all!” Nick gasped. “This one’s name is Donald. This one’s name is Plucky Duck… I’m calling him Plucky Ducky!”
“Nicholas! Blaine!”
“There’s a difference between a duck and a goose, Dad!” Zach exclaimed as Kurt glared at his father. “You know, we’ve got Kris’ kiddie pool and, well… they already left for Tennessee so there really isn’t much you can say… So, sorry?”
“Not only do we have a stray child but know we have stray baby ducks.” Blaine shook his head, laughing. “This is so much better than I thought parenting would be.”
“Ducklings?” Nick offered from the floor, sitting his two on the floor.
“If you pull a full grown duck out of your hoodie, I swear to God—” Kurt trailed off when Sophie and Sarah walked in.
“OHMYGODIT’SDUCKLINGSOHMYGOD!” Sarah dropped down by Nick, touching one’s head. “Oh my God. It chirps. You’ll quack soon, Donald.”
“HOWDIDYOUKNOWHISNAMEWASDONALD? Sarah, I know you’re dating Zach but just marry me.” Nick said. “You are perfect.”
“Hey!” Zach glared at him.
“She was my friend first.” Nick shrugged. “Finders keepers.”
“I gave her a monkey pencil hugger in kindergarten.” Zach huffed. “You gave her the flu.”
“Oh my God. They’re perfect for each other. She loves animals as much as he does.” Kurt literally covered his face with his hand. He then let out a muffled, “Why is this my life?”
“They would have died if they were left alone for five days. What do you want me to do?” Zach said, trying very hard to not think about how perfect Sarah was. Because totally not the time. Even if they were perfect for each other.
“You know what? I don’t even know what to do with you. A cat, a squirrel, am opossum, a bat, and now five baby ducks?! Not to mention the lizard egg that was a snake egg. I know that you knew it was a snake egg, Zachary.” Kurt threw his hands in the air. “You won’t even have anyone with you. Blaine and I will be at the fashion show. Nick will be at Ryan’s—which is code for something I probably don’t even want to know. Sophie is going to be at Megan’s.”
“I’ll be here!” Sarah went to Zach. “Can I hold one? Nick won’t share.”
“That’s rude.” Zach gave Nick a look.
“I’m Mother Goose. Don’t judge me.” Nick protectively put his hand over both ducklings. “It’s okay. They won’t steal you away.”
“Twins, Blaine! Twin boys, Blaine!”
“Yeah, yeah. You wanted two girls—one from each of you. Blah de blah.” Nick said.
“You really can’t tell Bob things anymore, Blaine.” Kurt sighed.
“It’s too late. Plus he—”
“Knows all.” Zach, Nick, and Sophie chorused.
“So do they.” Blaine mock gasped.
“Blaine, this isn’t a joke. He’s turning his bedroom into a zoo.”
“Actually, everything would have to be enclosed and displayed to the public. Sarah is the only one that comes in my room.” Zach shrugged. “The requirement of zoo is to be displayed to the public.”
Kurt gave Zach the look.
“Wait.” Sophie interrupted. “You’re telling me that Zach gets to stay alone pretty much until two in the morning with Sarah? You won’t even let Logan into my bedroom without the door being open.”
“Yeah. That’s rude.” Nick scoffed, still laying on the floor with his ducklings.
“You two did not think this through very well.” Sophie singsonged. “They’re going to have seeeex.”
Sarah looked up from her duck quickly and then glanced at Zach.
“This keeps getting better. Zach, you are my best friend and not just because of the twin thing.” Nick said. “Mainly because anything I do wrong this weekend will not be as bad as this. Ducks and stuck alone with your girlfriend where you will get to have sex.”
Kurt and Blaine looked at each other.
It would be fine, though. Zach was the responsible one… and Sarah was very responsible too.
Surely Zach was still a virgin.
“Honestly, you all should be praising me. These baby ducks would die without me. Do you want that on your conscience? Because I don’t. I will gather my baby ducks and go to my duck cave.” Zach stood up, putting the two ducks he was holding into his hoodie pocket and reaching for the two that Nick and Sarah had. He was very smartly choosing to not address the sex comment.
“If you all had told me there would be ducks, I would not have wanted to stay with Megan. This isn’t fair. The boys get all the fun.” Sophie sighed. “Can I stay home?”
“No.” Kurt and Blaine said together.
“Fine, fine. But you all suck.”
Zach went to Blaine. “Give me my duck child.”
“But it likes me.”
Blaine sighed and carefully handed it over.
“Can I pet one?” Sophie went to him, pouting. “I didn’t get the chance.”
“Yes.” Zach held his hand out.
“OhmyGodit’ssocuteandsoft!” Sophie said in one breath.
“Next it will be a giraffe. I swear.  You and Zach, Blaine.”
“The Bronx zoo actually just got a new one—” Zach trailed off seeing Kurt’s facial expression.
“This isn’t funny. You know you shouldn’t have done this.” Kurt sighed.
Zach raised the baby duck to his own face and said, “Doesn’t he even look like me?”
Nick burst into laughter again.
“You are way too happy, Nicky.” Kurt said. “What are you and Ryan going to do this weekend?”
Nick shrugged both shoulders. “Not try to meet up with girls.”
“Which means meet up with girls.” Sophie chirped.
“Mmmkay. Bye guys.” Zach said, leaving the room. He then yelled, “Nick, can you bring Kris’ kiddie pool upstairs?”
“For what?” Nick called since Zach was already halfway up the stairs.
“The ducks. Duh…ck. Get it?” Zach called back.
“Twins.” Kurt sighed. “Bye, Zach! I love you even though I want to kill you!”
“You too!” Zach called down. They then heard him say, “Oh no. Where are you going? Please don’t eat that.”
“If we don’t go now, I’m not leaving.” Kurt said to Blaine as Nick carried the kiddie pool in and up the stairs.
Blaine tried his hardest to maintain a straight face but failed miserably— mainly because of Kurt’s facial expression. Nick was four steps up before he burst into loud laughter.
“I’m glad you’re so amused.” Kurt sighed. “Soph, get your bag and come on. We’re dropping you off on the way.”
Kurt waited for Nick to come downstairs and hugged him. “I usually say to not do anything Zach wouldn’t do but…”
Nick grinned. “No worries there.”
Kurt gave Sarah a hug too and said, “I apologize for whatever you endure tonight… but please don’t get pregnant.”
“I’ll… do my best?”
Nick snorted loudly, pulling away from Blaine.
“Matt’s going to pick Kris up in an hour. Everything is already packed up and he’s sleeping.” Kurt told him.
Nick gave him a thumb’s up.
“Please just… stay until he’s gone since your brother is playing Mother Goose.”
“Mother Duck?” Blaine questioned, also hugging Nick and Sarah.
“Bye.” Kurt sighed, muttering something about duck poop on his way out the door.
“So…” Sarah said once Nick closed the door. “Want to go play with baby ducks?”
“Uhm, yes.”
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klaineownsmysoul · 7 years
What are your headcanons of blaine's family life?
Whoo boy!  You’ll have to excuse my sports metaphor here, because I’ve been watching a lot of Australian Open tennis this week, but this one’s an easy lob for me - for a couple of reasons.  One is that Blaine Devon Anderson is the light of my life, so therefore I have spent many moons thinking about him and what his home life is like and two is that we had 90 episodes (thanks, IMDB) of Blaine and we got almost less than nothing on his family.  One sentence about his dad, one episode with the brother who was never mentioned before and then never mentioned again, and a mother that he had no interaction with at all at his own wedding. To say that’s less than fulfilling is putting it mildly.  And its so disappointing because I LOVE BLAINE and yes, I am using the present tense here and they had so many perfect chances to work in some (any!) backstory on him. I’ve never loved a character like I love him and so to fill in the gaps that RIB couldn’t or wouldn’t do for us, I came up with my own views on him.  These are solely my own opinions and are based on how I see him and how he responds to the world around him.
I honestly believe that his home life is very lonely and isolated.  He probably spent most of his time alone in his room, coming down for meals but that’s about it.  Talking to Burt about how he thinks that his dad was hoping that working on a car and getting his hands dirty would “turn him straight” is so sad. He’s just a kid.  To me, that means that his father is not accepting of his being gay and therefore, doesn’t seem to figure much in his life, in any capacity.  He’s not someone that Blaine would go to with questions or for guidance and he certainly wouldn’t want to discuss anything romantic with him.  So like he said, he had to figure it out himself.  I don’t know whether his father openly rejects him or just ignores his existence most of the time, but either way, its a hole in his life that no one could fill until he met Burt Hummel.  Its why I believe that he spent as much time as humanly possible at the Hummel house because there he found the unconditional love and comfort that he would never get at home.
I have a feeling that his family is fairly wealthy (not sure why, I just do) but they are the kind of parents who would rather throw money at a problem than spend the time and emotions to fix it.  Its why they let him transfer from whatever school he was in initially to Dalton - which he openly said to Kurt was expensive.  Maybe going to Dalton was the best thing for him, maybe its what he wanted, but it just seemed like an easy fix to me for them.  It meant they didn’t really have to deal with the Sadie Hawkins incident; they could just put it behind them and pretend it never happened.  I can’t see Blaine’s father storming into the principal’s office after the dance and threatening to bring hellfire down on the school for failing to protect his son - not like Burt did.   They care for him because they are legally required to do so, but that seems to be where things end.  I get the feeling that Blaine doesn’t really have anyone in his corner.  Someone to love him and support him, someone who wants to spend time with him and will listen to him.  Someone who is happy to have Blaine in his life - like Kurt.  Its obvious from their interactions in “Big Brother” that that person wasn’t Cooper.  Their age gap probably had a lot to do with it (who knows why, most people don’t wait 10 or more years to have a second child so perhaps he wasn’t planned?) because what teenager wants an annoying younger brother following them around?  But still - I get the feeling that Blaine was a kid who had to learn to amuse himself.  Maybe he got into performing because he wanted to be like Cooper and thought that was a way to win his parents’ love?  Cooper was the first born, the golden child, the straight son.  Maybe Blaine thought that if he followed in his footsteps and emulated Cooper, their parents would pay attention to him.  And it just was a happy coincidence that performing came easily to him, it was something he enjoyed and on stage, he could be whoever he wanted to be.  He could pour himself into a song and forget about real life for a few moments.  And the adulation he received - from both the audience and his teammates - was a substitute for the love he doesn’t get at home.  I’m not sure who fawned over Blaine more - the Warblers or me.  They revered him, he could do no wrong in their eyes, and while he seemed “to have it all” on the outside, I don’t know how close he really was with them.  I think perhaps he was afraid to get too close, even with the zero tolerance policy at Dalton.  They knew he was gay and were OK with it, but maybe Blaine didn’t want to push things.  It was easier to be the shiny happy lead singer of the Warblers than who he really is.  And then he turned around at the bottom of a staircase and saw the most beautiful boy he’d ever seen and it blew a hole right through him.
Blaine doesn’t do anything half way.  He is the quintessential “go big or go home” boy.  The way he proposed to Kurt is the best example of that.  When he loves, its with his whole self and its completely.  He loves the way he wants to be loved by his parents.  They weren’t there for the milestone moments in his life that most parents wouldn’t miss.  They weren’t there when he graduated from high school.  They were absent when he proposed to Kurt.  I’m sure they bought him a ticket, put him on a plane to New York and told him godspeed. That emptiness is why he would do anything and everything for Kurt.  He’d known him for half a second and yet he went with him to a strange school to confront the bully who’d been harassing Kurt.  No one had ever needed him before and it must have been quite a heady feeling for Blaine.  Here was someone who needed a friend, just as much as he did, and they turned out to be compatible in every possible way.  He agreed to go to the prom with Kurt because he could see just how much Kurt wanted to go, and Blaine is nothing if not a people pleaser.  And there’s no one on Earth he wants to please more than Kurt.  You could see how uncomfortable he got when Kurt mentioned his past experience at the Sadie Hawkins dance in front of his dad and Finn.  He kind of curled in on himself a little.  But in the end, he loved Kurt more than he was afraid and its what led to that amazing goosebump moment of “excuse me, may I have this dance?”
People seem to think he’s led some kind of charmed magical life and I really don’t think that’s true.  He’s an optimist and a really good person (which on this show was hard to find) and he works SO hard.  He’s so talented and it looks effortless when he performs but we don’t see all the work he puts into everything.  There’s a reason he got into NYADA on his first try.  That wasn’t a fluke.  He gives so much to everyone around him and gets so little back in return.  He genuinely cares about people and just wants to be part of the team. He is not an attention whore and few thing piss me off more than when people referred to him as “the male Rachel.”  He wants to belong since its a feeling he never gets at home.  Its why he was so frustrated with Finn in season 3 when he was being a complete ass to him for his first few months at McKinley.  Its one of the reasons I was so pissed with Glee for leaving him at that hateful school - alone, without Kurt or anyone he had forged any kind of relationship with - for season 4.  He was drowning in self hatred and no one cared.  No one noticed or offered him a lifeline or a shoulder until Sam talked to him in the hallway.  I really liked their friendship at first, but just like with Tina, Glee couldn’t leave well enough alone and felt compelled to ruin a good thing. Where were his friends, his family, when his world fell apart in season 6?  He had no one, no one at all; it was like everyone completely forgot that he existed.  I’m sure he was grateful to his parents for letting him come home, but I’m also sure it was the last place he wanted to be. My poor baby - utterly and completely heartbroken, forced to go back to that cold, empty house that’s devoid of any warmth, and abandoned by everyone in his life at the precise time he needed someone the most. The number of times I wanted to drive from New Jersey to Ohio so I could give him a hug are too numerous and embarrassing to mention here.
I was so excited when I read that they had cast someone to play Blaine’s mom. I really should have known better by that point because well, season 6, and if there’s one thing Glee was consistently good at, it was making nothing from something.  Why did they bother casting Gina Gershon when they gave her 0 things to do?  If I didn’t watch everything with the closed captions on, I’m not even sure I would have caught her one background line of “Are you Carole?  Hi, I’m Blaine’s mom.”  Forgetting the lunacy of the idea of their parents having never met when their children had been involved (more or less) for the past 4 years, that was all we got from her.  She ended up spending more time hanging drunkingly off of Puck than anything else.  A conversation with her son was too much to ask?  Unless she was supposed to be that way and it was Glee’s sneaky way of reinforcing the idea that Blaine’s family sucks?  But sadly, I think I am giving them far too much credit and like everything else in that episode, it turned out to be a colossal disappointment.
So those are my thoughts on Blaine and his family or lack thereof.  He just wants to be loved and its why marriage is something he holds in the highest regard.  The idea of having something permanent that is his - someone to be there when he wakes up in the morning and when he comes home at night and he wants that someone to be Kurt - is comforting to him.  Its safety and security and once again, that feeling of belonging.  
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aramkrikorian-blog · 6 years
waking up. tired. rain. rain on the boots. the boots are torn. shoes. are wet. leather shoes. uncomfortable shoes. comfortable shoes. the daily walk. walking in uncomfortable shoes. ears clogged. not sick. ears jammed up. sticking fingers into ears with toilet paper when in the bathroom. library. salvation army. need to take a piss. need to take a shit. bathrooms. looking for bathrooms. embarassed. look like shit. haven’t showered in a bit. lighters are dead. no flame for cigarettes. the rain. it ruins the cigarette shorts i collect off the ground. talking to myself. not really. lots of people doing real life following. they want me to participate in interactive games with the audience. im not a star. im not taylor swift. she shouldn’t do politics yet. she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. democrats. republicans. green party. lame . parties. people. birthdays. rain. dogs. leashes. masters. slaves. negative conditioning. positive associations. flashbacks. larissa. lory. jessica. ashkhen. hasmig. who and what happened and where am i. did the babies really get aborted. are people messing with my mind. the information. is it true. not true. ears clogged. i can barely hear sarcastic remarks. god is watching over it all. proverbs. Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife. peacock in the desert. seattle. pike street. pike market. prospect park. GAR cemetary. ducks. weird tattoo store. weird tattoo aesthetic. cornish college. security guards. smoking cigarettes. asking for cigarettes. not comfortable. SEATAC. orcas. the oceans. pier 70. pier 66. starbucks. starbucks reserve. st james church. gospel mission. millinair club. tweakers. not that many. many or not. not known. know nobody. alone. thoughts. suicide. Virginia Mason hospital. lutheran church. food. food under the bridge. housing help. library on 4th street. newspapers. news. 90 minutes of internet time. homeless resource guide. backpack stolen. all work gone. no more work to look over. wanted a house on frontenac. didn’t get it. went to ferrari dealership - you say you’re a gangsta but you never popped nothing. you’re a real wanksta. songs. curses. nirvana. cause i’ve found god - rethinking what i said about kurt cobain. he is dangerously not well in Lithium. sounds llike the psychiatrists put pills in him and he blew his brains out or heroine or the pain of his wife... she breaks mirrors. weird flashbacks. lorys brother was administerered lithium wh en i was administered seroquel. psychopharma DEATH TOLL. bodies keep stacking. kurt cobain. lithium. lake washington blvd - curt cobains house. i didn’t know. i did a free navigation of the city. i felt things, bro. now i regret what i said about kurt cobain. lady was wearing a nirvana song list tshirt. bruce lee and brandon lee’s graves. crows. bible... scarecrows. 3-6 mafia lord infamous used to call me scaRECROW what is this... where am i. same motifs. same symbols. used by different people at different times. 1 big symbolic soup. trying to make sense of it. untangle it. which came first the word crow or pigeon. beautiful pigeons. appearance of pigeons in ones timeline over time. typing in the library. ‘the kind of kind guy that won’t take no for an answer’ - wanting to buy a house on frontenanc and give it to brent and tim ... tim gave me an umbrella. brent hooked it up with cigarettes - lighter. they were good guys. lyft people circling around. feel guilt and shame resentment everywhere. saved by the dell poster. PRIVATE PROPERTY everywhere - including the seattle sports stadium ... safeco field? seahawks lose to larams - kendrick lamar. lemurians of mt shasta. greyhound... buses. the animals. a great dane takes a fat piss on 700 7th ave...  the courthouse night, doing a speech. finding weed on ground smoking it. speaking at the school ... getting more weed. fed a larabar. ara. ara gets funding again in march. rosenstein is out? cohen is out? melania is in africa - visits a former slave in ghana. beautiful work. thank you mr and mrs trump. kushner? scooby dooby doo. airbnb ... valuations. memories. pains. people. upgrades and promotions. growth. new ideas. scholarships. college. essays. schools. making sure the kids are going to be safe. at least putting a line on the older ones and going to go back and ensure the road is well paved for the younger ones. newspaper room 6th floor. bathrooms on floor 7 of library also on floor 1... and maybe on 3 and 4.. .but not sure. haven’t been higher than floor 7 as far as i recall. lady in front of library - obese with lighter and cigarette - i ask her for a light she says “why are you chasing me?” - not a question. it is a question. it is something inside of a question. an accusation. a false accusation. a controversial, extremely controversial false accusation. it implies more. profile equivalent of a stalker. im not a stalker. a chaser. but i will become one if she wants me to. if the shoe fits ill wear it. or ill just wear it once and throw it away anyway. copy and paste this text and put it into a text to speech application and just listen to it ... let me know if it sounds good. borrow phrases from it. let it brainwash you. because it’s all real. really really really really real. kim and kanye. blessings. armenians. what the heck. little children in library walking around... happy looking. global warming. will it kill all the little children that look so innocent to my eye. and to my eye the world looks ok. but to the instruments... they’re reading something else. that’s how gas kills doesn’t it... it didn’t smell. it just killed. mount olympia. sculpture garden at the pier has a lot of gardners but a lot more dog shit. its impossible to sit in the grass. there was SO MUCH dog shit there. mcdonalds sued for a million dollars. dont do it. all these ridiculous articles on Medium. i joined medium but i cant even press a button to write. ridiculous. double daniels. daniel lives here. so does erin treg. ill try to not mention too many names i guess. maybe they can comment on posts and take them out. fuck ilya golub. fuck olga. fuck all those people. nikolai and m8s and ara and etc etc. let them live their lives but these are weenie people. someone should keep a permanent weenie hat on their heads. stop stuffing dicks into everyones head aram. stop it. note to self. exercise more discipline in the language that i use. lockwood... he was an author who blew his braINS OUT. but he was typing like an animal in the family garage. he released a book. i wish one day i can get back to literature reading again. i miss pynchon. i miss delillo. did they write any new books. are they still alive? im going to check google right now and trust the answer. dellilo alive. i heard roth died. 5-22-2018. wow . the number 22. number of hebrew characters in the alphabet. the number of arab league countries. 22 is a heptagonal number. which means 7 sided polygon number. who knows what that means. its just important. who knows. philip roth died on 5 - 22 - 2018. wow. i miss his work. american paradise or something or portnoy’s complaint. who was that guy. i remember being in oregon 4 years ago and digging deep into literature. is my brother dead? did shant eat a heroine shot? people on the bus were saying weird things. is my father dead? i don’t even know. i remember jolie writing things on the wall. like prophecy that turned into reality. maybe the whole thing was a joke. the name. keith. she used names. she said things. JR JR JR> what is JR.. it’s on the inside of larissa lip . who knows. maybe real or not. nick. wtf. heroine. fresno. people talking to me. gangs this that. greatful dead family. where are we. what is this. acid. meth. heroine. crack brillo pads. what is all this. what happened. where is everyone. dope shooters. not a lot of people left around - “ Cage The Elephant - Shake Me Down - YouTube “ urban dictionary. JR> some caring guy. larissa’s boyfriend. hope they’re still together. been talking out loud to her. sometimes i feel her. saw a lookalike of Lory. or i actually saw lory. maybe when larissa and i were in santa cruz.. we were being watched and played for fools. she kept saying she saw nicole. the aramark logo. the mark from seattle. the people out there. here. chris while. erin triggie. daniel ex of jessica. who knows what people do. say. where am i. what has happened to me. how am i homeless. what is this. what happened to me. i used to be an OG. lol. what am i now. can i even handle it. unlikely candidate. why do people even half respect me. what is going on. scholarships. colleges. high school kids applying for colleges. stanford early application this year is november 1... and the regular is january 2. i remember 2004 applying for fafsa and all that. scholarships. this that. getting accepted. man. SAT scores are still going. its insane how out of touch you get despite trying hardest to stay in touch. eventually the kids evict you themselves. couple library rats tried to trade me bluetooth headset for some molly in front of library and for some crystal. i said no to both. i saw mad guy tweaking dancing fuckin hard at millionair club today - i looked at him and said “brother i love you so i dont want to see you here, like this, ok?” - where is HOMIE RESCUE TEAM - what are we going to do? should we just laugh at this guy. should we just let him die off. should we kill him? what do you think? i have to read news... china and america. usa. and china. and korea. and russia. and some games and calm down and 110 billion dollar pump into USA. turkey and saudi arabia ... and pushing and shoving and ghana and america visits and angola 500 million president running to london who knows... where are we.. like flies buzzing around on The Blue Marble. what happened to sitting at home and enjoying one another in peace. where is my wife. why do i call her my wife. im forgiving people. im rescuing people. im saying im going to quit cigarettes. people look so shady. they look so protective over their assets. ive lost more than i think or know or can count or i dont know whats going on. 
i wanted a ferrari 812 a portofino i saw was pretty i like the color rosso and i wanted a 488 spider and a home on frontenac and i wanted a powerboat like 70 footer or 77′ and i wanted to go to bahamas or caribbean and have sex with my wife and procreate and have children and relax and sleep and rest and have a home on 18 acres in snoquamish and all that stuff and have a Dodge ram 2500 
just read about Satyrs for the first time. rams and satyrs and greece and dionysus and debauchery and Pan and apollo and challenging gods and losing and winning and secretive & lustful and wanting to fuck and permanent erection (piss boner) - very interesting. 
also very interesting is the PT Barnum effect ... basically .. .have you ever had a boner? have you ever wanted to have sex with many women? have you ever flirted with a woman? h ave you ever challenged someone bigger than your own size (like David?) - who knows. Ram. Aram. Random Access Memory. bighorn ram. it was in a shooting game i played on hunting game on computer a long time ago. 
gods .. shoot downs. being destroyed. FLAYED Alive. the Flaying of Tarsus. hubris. arrogance. humility. cold. hot. 
there is this fucking idiot laughing in the library. this fucking tool idiot. he is in the library and he laughs like a clown. i wish joe pesci were here so he can jam and smash on the guy. but he’s not so if i do it. in front of the cameras. it will pr;obably get me into some sort of toruble. who knows. anyway. 
iris murdoch. philip roth. thomas pynchon. all these people. time passes. pynchon delillo still alive still kicking. 
birth days were the worst days. slowly getting over the doldrums. what is it called. weighing yourself down . idioms. expressions. the power of idioms. lists of idioms. lists of ethnic slurs. lists of sociological terms. lists of profiling terms. lists of lists. endless lists of words and referrents and objects and feelings. 
Jimmy hendrix park seattle. the numbered avenues. Ballard. the draw bridges. the seaplanes. the boeing. the SAM . art museum. the fountains. the trees and parks. the lake washington. the lake union. the puget sound. the alaskan viaduct project. 4 months. all the little pieces of seattle. the 4 seasons. the goldfinch bar. the bars. the loyal inn. mark matthews park. he was a presbyterian minister. here we are. some guy still laughing so i told him to shut up bro that hes fucking annoying. then another guy joins in... he does a little goat laugh. so i fucken do a sheep laugh too. fuck these guys. play whack a mole all day. 
seattle is amazing. minus these idiots in it. can someone genocide them. or get rid of their bodies tonight and feed them to the orcas k25 and k13 ? .. k13 is dead. k25 is getting skinny. 
The latest official count is 77 orcas among the three pods. That reflects the death of K-13, a 45-year old female named Skagit.
the count of orcas is 77 orcas. i wanted a 77 or 70 foot yacht. i wanted to call it Septuagint. there are al ot of 7s in the bible. 
oh Gosh. oh man. david reigned for 7 years 6 months. 76. 67.  6s and 7s. 42s. wow. and 7 male descendants of Saul hung before the lord. 7s. the 7 times 77 forgiveness.. yesterday the sevenfold punishments in leviticus. i like stuff like this alot. 
7 for all mankind - i remember such days. the time is 12:12 Pm on 10/9/2018. 
who knows these things ... the Lord is playing on all tracks concurrently. im less annoyed. i see all these defective personas in one day. i dont know why. but its getting better. people getting chin checked. a lot of people getting tagged. 
the rats are getting smashed on worldwide. Meng. etc etc. interpol. this that. internationally. locally, domestically. the Great Awakenings. when we enter into slumbers and turn into zombies turn into psychic vampires. we need to clean the algae every once in a while or else there’s just bodies and piles of bodies of humans. we dont really care about the dead of the past. we really dont’ give a shit or dedicate any time to remembering or researching the dead of the past. a list of wars by death toll. largest natural disasters by death toll. 
to have faith. to try to pray to God. to say im not here to destroy the catholic church. people say and come up with the worst and weirdest things. if you can only see this writing post you will see i hop around so many places. 
a poison dart frog, a dog, a porcupine, a snake, a cow - i’ve been compared to such animals. after a while all the terms of endearment eventually get to me.. its annoying its not cute. people speak they did the worst things to me and im pretty done for trying to recover. maybe i will maybe i wont maybe someone will kill me or ill magically die.. it wont matter - i see that kurt cobain and bruce and brandon and jimmi hendrix theryre all dead and the stars are all dead the “stars” ... revelation says 
Revelation 6:13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, like unripe figs
and the woman and the dragon and the red dragon ... and ir ead revelation and imagined myself as satan last year but i dont think so. i think the others are satan becasue they twisted my brains in and out.. and i cant wait for the rest of revelation to be carried out so that i can witness the end of the world. im very tired of how twisted and disgusting things have become.. im not just angry or wrathful.. i would like to actually see the end of the world... i would like to see Jesus im going to try and be ok until that happens. .. and its so sad that people are just.. .its so sad. 
aram krikorian
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Protect au (interlude)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
N/A: Ok, let´s do an interlude about some assholes. Raven is still a bad mother but I will give her that her plan does not involves a dying Kurt.
Raven Darkholme is a woman that only alliance is to herself, however, she makes no secret of her questionable alliance with Sabretooth, Victor Creed, the latest plan did catch the attention of the X-men and Sabretooth did promised that one of his men can deal with the situation, yet, their definition of situation is greatly different.
“I´m not sure why you are upset in the first place” Sabretooth replied coolly as the blue lady practically groans at his reply “after all, you throw your own son out of a cliff, what my man did is nothing but complete your story”
“I want your stupid soldier to knock him down, not to almost kill him” Raven exclaimed angrily pointing a gun to his head.
“Relax, Cyclops and Jean Grey show up and saved your dear son, he will live, now, Raven, put the gun down, our mission isn´t over” the woman did that and Victors smiles victorious until Raven did shoot his head, of course, his healing ability kicking in and the wound heals immediate.
“Right, satisfy? Can we return to the mission?” Victor didn´t let Mystique continue to speak as he carries over his shoulder where Magneto is. No time for Mystique to play the poor mother.
Should have not thrown her own son out of a cliff then!
Amanda is a beautiful woman, much prettier than the average, she knows it, the way boys, and even men look at her proves that Amanda is the most gorgeous woman on earth. So, why Kurt Wagner is not eating on her hand? The thought it is enough to make Amanda gritted her teeth.
“My love?” Stefan asked not believing in shame as let all the sheets gone showing his body and Amanda forget about her plan as how handsome Stefan truly is.
“My love, my dear Stefan, there´s nothing I won´t do for you” she said smiling and kissed him, bare to his eyes only “only you to take my mind out of annoyance” she said and Stefan frown at her.
“Still thinking about that nerd? I can kill her for you, my love,” Stefan said already with his dagger ready “I can make seem like it was an accident”
“No, her death won´t help me” then she thinks about “or maybe it will, if there´s a magical way to remove her from his life for good or to change my parent´s mind about the car” Amanda lamented and Stefan just smiles.
“Is just you say the world, my love, my mother” Stefan replied playing with his dagger “my family is from powerful magical family that even Belasco the ruler of hell fears” Stefan smiles as he levitates some of her clothiers gaining her admiration “and do you know, my love, that you are also part of this family? You have powers as well my love”
“I don´t feel magical right now” Amanda complains, why that stupid German boy isn´t fawning over her? Stefan is on top of her kissing her neck.
“You will have more power once you kill Kurt Wagner,” Stefan explained and Amanda smiles at this.
“More power? I can have magic like you?” Amanda said in awe, “we will be the perfect couple, my love”
“No more Kurt Wagner to ruin our lives” the last line makes no sense but Amanda hardly caring.
In the X-men´s mansion, two girls are eating a yogurt; one of them is using telekinesis to lift the spoon to her own mouth while the other is lazily watching the birds in the widow.
“Jean, how did you know you loved Scott?” Kitty Pryde asked with her spoon in her mouth. Jean, for her own merit, didn´t look too surprised, as she still uses her powers.
“Why this all of sudden?”
“I´m curious” Kitty replied. Her relationship with Lance wasn´t ideal, as much he can be a good person, that alone is not enough for a relationship. Jean does not need to read minds to know what Kitty is thinking.
“Well, when Scott arrives here, he was the typical American boy, nothing seems wrong with him, one day, I accidentally read his mind and saw what he been through and how he continues to keeping going, being a good son, brother and person and…maybe that´s what make me like him”
Kitty is at the lost as Jean proceeds.
“Love is not an equation, nothing is sure, and love needs care and patience, I suppose,” Jean said “I love him because at the end of day, after all he been through, he still remains the dork I know” then adds “maybe I´m not the only one who likes dorks boys in this school, right, Kitty?”
She blushes and remains eating her yogurt. The birds then flies away together, does two blue birds flying together means good luck? Well, why not?
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