#protective look designed free designer wig
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hereforreadandwrite · 4 months
Madness Part 1
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How did things get so bad?
How did you end up lying on the ground, blood coming out of your lips and throat? You saw a strange person loudly chewing on a piece of your flesh.
How did you get to this point?
Your life had gone wrong overnight. In just a few moments, your house had gone up in smoke, you had seen your parents and your sister burn alive, you had managed to save yourself by leaving through your bedroom window. At eight years old, you had been interned because of post-traumatic stress. For fifteen years, you were tortured by his doctors who had nothing to do with your well-being. They said they were healing you, but they weren't. You hated that hospital: the straitjacket, the sensory deprivation, the experimental drugs, the leeches, the electroshock therapy. You wanted out of here, but you were at the mercy of his doctors eager to learn about the human body. Everything had changed when they appeared in your room. A child accompanied by a butler. At first you thought they were a figment of your imagination, until the man named Sebastian took off your camisole.
"Are you…real?" you asked uncertain.
"As real as you are," the child replied, stepping closer to you. "My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I'm looking for personnel. People with certain characteristics."
"Particularity? Looking for staff? Did you take a good look at me? Are you looking for all your staff in a psychiatric hospital?" you asked as you pulled away from Sebastian.
"As the young master just said, he's only looking for people with certain quirks," Sebastian commented smiling at you. A smile that made you uncomfortable. "I did some research on you. You don't realize it, but you have an invaluable ability that you don't yet realize. We're sorely short of female staff. You'd be perfect as a maid."
"Priceless ability? Maid? I've been locked up here for twelve years! I may be crazy, but you seem even crazier," you say between your teeth.
"No previous experience is required here! We don't discriminate by age, race or history," Sebastian said ignoring what you had just said. "We guarantee payment and days off, and even provide luxury supplies like sugar and tea. The uniform is designed by a first-rate tailor. You could even get a raise depending on your performance. How about it? Not bad right?"
"You didn't listen to me," you growled annoyed.
"Fifteen years locked up and tortured in his hospital, that must be a long time," Ciel said looking down at you. "Doctors and nurses say you're crazy, but aren't we all? I can get you out of this place, you'll finally be free. And I could help you find out who kill your family . Or I can leave you here, in this sordid place. You will die alone, at the hands of his doctors."
You, being a maid? You felt like they were playing a joke on you. A joke in very bad taste. But it was your only chance to leave this Hell. You shook hands with the demon, accepting the walk. They took you out of the psychiatric hospital and you agreed to serve Ciel Phantomhive body and soul. The transition from a very poorly maintained hospital to a perfectly clean mansion had been a shock. Everyone here was perfectly clean. You looked like a disgusted rat. Head shaved, still wearing your straitjacket with your hospital gown dirty like your body. But the employees weren't judging you. Everyone seemed to have a past as checkered as yours. A crazy seamstress had arrived the day after you came to the mansion to make you an entire wardrobe. Ciel gave you a present, he had asked Nina Hopking to make you a top quality wig while your hair grew back. It was a second shock to see you so clean, with clothes as clean as you and hair. With this transformation, you swore to yourself to protect Ciel Phantomhive even if you had to die for it. He had saved your life. You had worked hard to become a good example, as much in your domestic tasks as in protecting the mansion from attackers. A year was gone. A year of hard work. During two years, you had believed that your loyalty to the earl would be unfailing until Jack the Ripper struck. Ciel had decided to take you with him and Sebastian to his townhouse and from that moment your life took another turn.
"So, what is this place?" Lau asked, glaring at Ciel with his everlasting friendly smile.
"Why are you familiar with this kind of place?!" Madame Red shouted at Lau.
Sebastian explained that the business they were standing in front of was an undertaker run by an acquaintance of Ciel. You had never heard of this person. Anyway, you had been there for a year and the count was within his rights not to tell you anything. Sebastian opened the door, letting Ciel enter the building. The place was plunged into darkness, there were coffins on the floor and leaning against the wall. You were looking around uncomfortably when a laugh sounded in the room. You moved closer to Ciel, lifting your skirt slightly to put your hand on your gun.
"I knew that you would come," a man's voice reasoned as he pushed open the lid of the coffin he was hidden in. "Do you want to see how it feels to sleep in my custom-made coffin?"
"I didn't come here to play today…," Ciel began before being cut off by Undertaker who put his finger to his lips.
"You don't need to tell me," Undertaker replied, stepping back when you stood in front of Ciel. "I know why you came. With just one look~ I can tell what's on your mind. Since the earl went out of his wa to visit me. I'll certainly do everything I can to help."
"Do you know something?" Ciel asked, waving you back.
"I didn't know you had a new maid, earl~" Undertaker commented as he approached you. "What's your name, poppet?"
"(Y-Y/N), sir."
"You can call me Undertaker, (Y/N)."
Undertaker was no ordinary man. He was goofy, his payment was laughable, which was kind of weird, but who were you to judge him? With himself working, he didn't have to see funny things every day. He had provided information on the serial killer: Jack the Ripper. After the case, you decided to visit him.
"My, my~ Wouldn't that be Earl Phantomhive's maid. It's nice to see you again, (Y/N)," Undertaker greeted, stepping closer to you. "What is this visit worth to me?"
"I'm sorry to disturb you in your work."
"You don't bother me, Poppet. I knew you would come," he said, running his hand through your hair, watching your eyes intently. "You have beautiful eyes~"
"Did you know? How can you know that kind of thing?" you asked, taking a step back, embarrassed by the compliment.
"It's a secret. I'll make us some tea. Take a seat wherever you want~"
Undertaker went to the back room, leaving you alone in the shop. You were looking around when your gaze fell on a particular coffin. You wanted to open it, but it would be an aberration if you did. You shook your head away from the coffin that aroused your curiosity. Undertaker came back into the room with his beakers full of tea. He gave you one of the beakers by opening a jar filled with bone-shaped biscuit.
"Take seat~ Take seat~ you have some time don't you?"
"It's my day off. The Count isn't expecting me," you say, sitting down uncomfortably on one of the coffins.
"So it's my lucky day~"
You just nodded as you took a sip of your tea, watching Undertaker fill out various forms while munching on his cookies. This man was really strange.
"You wanted to ask me something, (Y/N)?" Undertaker asked, leaving his papers to stare at you.
"Hm? Uh…that's right. You're doing research for the young master, aren't you?"
"Yes and?"
"Is it possible for you to do a search for me?"
"It depends, what do you want me to do for research?"
"My family died in a fire. My family's stupid lawyer says my cat, my Dinah, knocked over an oil lamp. But that's impossible."
"And why this?"
"Because…she had come to bed with me. She couldn't knock over an oil lamp. I was the last person to leave the library and I did extinguish the fireplace."
"So…you think it was arson?" Undertaker asked while eating a cookie.
"I don't know. After all this time, I don't remember if I put out the fire properly. But at night during the fire, I saw a centaur."
"A centaur? Are you sure?"
"Yes! I saw him come out of my sister's room. He ran away when he saw me and then… my house and my family were burnt down."
Your grip tightened on the beaker. Even if all this made no sense, you were sure and certain that it was because of this centaur that your family died. Undertaker closed his jar, left his office and approached you. He cupped your chin between his fingers, lifting your head.
"Alright, I'll do a little research, poppet. But there's a price to pay," Undertaker said.
"You… you want to laugh, right?"
"Not this time," he said, licking his lips. "This time I want something else."
You didn't have time to ask what he wanted until his lips landed on yours. In shock, you had no idea to react. Undertaker took advantage of your surprise to pass his tongue over your lips, which brought you out of your stupor. You tried to push the mortician away, parting your lips to catch your breath, but he took advantage of this moment to stick his tongue in your mouth, starting a wild dance with his twin. Your hands gripped Undertaker's robe as he grabbed your waist, pressing his body against yours. Undertaker broke the kiss, finally letting you breathe. Your cheeks were now flushed with embarrassment and excitement.
"This payment will be enough for now, love~" he said in a low, seductive voice. "Come back to me in three days, Poppet~ I'll have all the information you want to hear~ Give my regards to the Count~"
You nodded in response, your voice stuck in your throat. You felt like your legs were freezing her. You heard Undertaker laughing as you stumbled out of the store. You didn't understand why Undertaker did that.
You went to see him again three days later to get the information you wanted. When you arrived in front of the shop, you had had a lump in your stomach. What if he did it again? But you needed his information. You needed to know what had happened to your family. You walked into Undertaker's shop, your heart pounding. The undertaker was waiting for you, sitting on his desk, two beakers of tea in his hands. You felt your cheeks flush as you saw Undertaker smiling at you with the same enigmatic smile that graced his lips.
"Hi Poppet~ Come and get settled, I have a lot to tell you~"
You approached Undertaker who handed you a beaker. You thanked him with a nod as you took your place on one of the coffins.
"So…? Did you find anything?" you asked uncomfortably.
"Lots of things~ especially one thing that might hurt you," Undertaker said taking out a bone cookie.
"What is it?"
"You remember seeing a centaur that came out of your sister's room. What else do you remember?"
"I heard Lizzie talking in her sleep."
"Had she ever done that before?"
Now that he said it, Lizzie had never spoken in her sleep. She had never locked her bedroom door again, it made her feel like she was locked in a cage.
"The fire couldn't have killed her," Undertaker said before taking a sip of his tea. "His room was furthest from the fire. He didn't asphyxiate her. She could have got out otherwise, through the window for example. Like you did. Someone must have immobilized or killed your sister, locked her in, then started the fire downstairs to cover up his crime. This person wanted to kill you all. Neither you nor your cat set the fire, (Y/N). Centaurs n don't exist, unlike doctors."
"Doctor… im-im-impossible… it can't…"
Fear descends on you, like thousands of daggers that pierce you at the same time. Undertaker was right, centaurs never existed. His devil creatures never existed, unlike doctors, especially this particular doctor. Tears were streaming down your pale cheeks, your breathing became jerky, your fingers began to go numb. You were having a panic attack. Undertaker moved closer to you, he cupped your face in his hands, lifting your head to force you to look at him. You see them take a deep breath and exhale. You imitated him, gradually finding your normal breathing. The undertaker sat down next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders to pull you into a hug.
"You had nothing to do with it, Poppet. What happened last night wasn't your fault. You were just a child."
"I saw it…"
"I saw him, a half-hearted student. I remember him! That key! Lizzie's!" you say between your teeth taking deep breaths. "He used it against me to make me forget what he did to my sister. Lord, my poor Lizzie."
"Now that you have the answers you wanted, what are you going to do?"
You had made Bumby pay for what he had done to your sister, your family and her poor children whom he had broken up to sell as sex slaves. You got Lizzie's key. Finally, you had the answers you had been waiting for for so many years.
"So? What are you going to do now?"
Your gaze fell on Undertaker. After neutralizing Bumby, you went to the cemetery to announce the good news to your family. The undertaker had appeared out of nowhere, but you didn't care too much to pay attention to that detail.
"I don't know. I stayed alive to find out the truth. I promised myself to stay loyal to the Earl. But even though he didn't help me find my family's murderer, he did when even got him out of the hospital."
You were surprised when you felt Undertaker's hand pull your wig off. You clapped your hands on your head. After two years, your hair had grown back into a little boyish haircut, but you didn't like people seeing your real hair.
"Give them back to me!" you cried, trying to get your wig back.
Undertaker put his arm around your waist, hugging you. You were mortified, your body frozen with embarrassment. Was Undertaker having fun humiliating you? The mortician was watching you intently, his left eye visible. He ran his finger over your cheek, tucking a stray strand behind your ear.
"Why are you wearing that wig?" he asked running his fingers through your hair.
"It's…it's a gift from the Count. Give me back my wig, I need it…"
"Ah sorry Poppet~ I didn't mean to upset you," he said as he put your wig back on your head. "Let me fix it~"
Undertaker arranged your wig to make you look presentable. You glared at the man with long gray/silver hair who placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, love. I'm sorry if I made you angry," Undertaker apologized, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips. "But I have a request for you. What I found deserves more than just a kiss~don't you think~"
Your cheeks turned red. You pushed Undertaker away, telling him you weren't a prostitute. This simple sentence made the undertaker who was rolling in the grass roar with laughter. You looked at him surprised as he regained his composure. He stood up saying you were hilarious. Definitely, this man was the strangest.
"I don't want a carnal relationship, my dear. No~ No~ what I want is for you to visit me on your days off~"
"Is that all you want?" you asked uncomfortably.
"Yes~ I am a man of my word~"
You accepted Undertaker's request. You visited him on your days off. Strangely, you were counting the days until your holidays. You enjoyed visiting Undertaker, despite the kissing incident. You caught yourself telling him about what happened to you in the psychiatric hospital, your old life with your family, your life at the mansion and other things. A few days before you embarked on the Campania with the young count, you had gone to Undertaker to tell him that you would be away for a while. Ciel had asked you to accompany him with Snake and Sebastian, of course. He also ordered you to keep quiet about why you were boarding the Campania. Apparently Karnstein Hospital had found a way to bring the dead back to life. It was ridiculous, but with everything you've been through, it wouldn't really surprise you.
"Hey~ the Earl is selfish to keep you all to himself for his three weeks," Undertaker commented as he hugged you and rested his chin on your head. "Wouldn't you like to stay with me for her three weeks?"
"And it is the young master who is selfish?" you replied with a sigh.
"Eheheh~ Sorry~Sorry~ It's okay if you leave. I'm going to be away for a while as well," he said letting go of you to go to his kitchen. "Make yourself at home, Poppet~"
You watched Undertaker disappear into the kitchen, presumably to make some tea. Your gaze rested on one coffin in particular. You didn't know why, but you had a morbid curiosity about this coffin. Why did no one come to claim this coffin? Why wasn't Undertaker going to put him in a mass grave? Who could possibly be in this coffin? You moved closer to the coffin, looking towards the kitchen, making sure the undertaker was still busy. You swallow, grabbing the edge of the lid, forcing it a little to lift it up a bit. You didn't have time to open the coffin enough to see who was inside when a pair of hands suddenly landed on the lid, closing the coffin with a crash. Your body tensed as you felt Undertaker lean against your back, his hair tickling your cheeks and his lips brushing your ear. Your heart was beating incredibly fast in your chest.
"I didn't know you were a curious little mouse, Poppet~"
"I'm… I'm sorry, Undertaker. That's…"
"There's something special about this coffin," he whispered in your ear, stroking the lid. "One thing I seek to fix."
"W-wait Undertaker!" you cried, managing to get out of his grip, placing your hands on his chest to push him back. "I'm sorry for going through your stuff. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."
You looked at the ground ashamed of your behavior. Normally, you would never have done such a thing. Your behavior made the Undertaker chuckle. The mortician took your chin between his fingers, forcing you to raise your head.
"You really are an interesting mortal, (Y/N)," Undertaker commented, bringing his face dangerously close to yours. "With such a beautiful soul~"
Undertaker dropped your chin, running his fingers down your throat, then down your chest. You felt your cheeks warm when the mortician squeezed your left breast in his hand. To your surprise, Undertaker tipped you over the coffin. He clapped his hands on either side of your head and placed his leg between yours. You were trapped.
"Such a sweet soul~" he said placing his head on your chest. "So full of life~ Aaah~ I would so love to kidnap her. Keep her to myself for eternity. Maybe this is the only way to save you, you wouldn't mind me kidnapping you to keep you just for me?"
You didn't know what to answer. You'd be lying if you said that proposal wasn't tempting. To be with Undertaker for eternity? Your irrational side was screaming for you to accept this proposal, but your rational side was screaming at you to run away as far as possible. You were shaking. You didn't know if it was fear or excitement. All this was strange, terrifying and exciting. Undertaker sighed loudly as he tightened his grip before letting go of you to straighten up. For the first time since you had met the undertaker, you saw his eyes. Mesmerizing green/yellow eyes and a long scar lined his face.
"Excuse me, Poppet. I didn't mean to scare you," Underaker apologized, placing a quick kiss on your lips.
Undertaker stood up before helping you to your feet. He readjusted your dress and restyled your hair to make you look presentable. All of this was terribly embarrassing.
"Hm…you…you said you were going to be away too," you say, hoping to break through that unease.
"Right," Undertaker replied, brushing his hair back over his eyes. "I have some business to attend to outside of London."
"I… I see. I have to go. The young count must be waiting for me," you say, pointing your finger at the door. "So…"
Undertaker smiled seeing you so uncomfortable. The undertaker was leaning towards you, kissing your temple.
"We'll see you soon, Poppet~ Pass my regards to the Count."
After this strange visit, you left the shop in perplexity. Undertaker was a strange man, but what just happened was even more strange than usual. You returned to the cart to return to the Phantomhive mansion and prepare for the cruise. Even if it was for an investigation to reassure her majesty, it will be the first time that you will travel aboard a luxury freighter for three long weeks.
Seeing the liner on D-Day made you nervous. It was the first time that Sebastian and the Count allowed you to come on one of their missions, you weren't going to be able to enjoy this sumptuous trip. Elizabeth had wept with joy when she saw that Ciel had "surprised" her. At least you had an excuse. It took another three days to wait for the Aurora company meeting. You had disguised yourself to go unnoticed and avoid a scandal. You had traded your wig (Y/H/C) for long red hair, a fake pair of glasses was placed on your nose and you had traded skilled servants for a crimson red dress. Ciel had put on a blonde wig and traded in his eye patch for bandages. And Sebastian had just put on a wig. The butler quickly explained what you were going to have to do to make it look like you were part of Aurora society. Ciel was mortified and you uncomfortable at the thought of striking such a pose. The young count took a glass of water at an exorbitant price. The smoking room was filled with well-to-do people waiting impatiently for the meeting to begin.
"Are you firts timers?" asked a man who had just noticed your arrival.
"The… the complete flame in our chests…," Ciel began uncomfortably.
"Shall not be extinguished by anyone," the man continued.
"We are…The Phoenix!"
Striking the Phoenix pose was terribly embarrassing. You and Ciel were red as peonies, but at least the man was satisfied. He welcomed you to the company and gave you three Phoenix badges. Giggles came to your ears. You and the young Earl were surprised to see Undertake, laughing.
"Saying "The Phoenix!" with such a serious face hahaha!" Undertaker exclaimed.
"You bastard!" exclaimed Ciel mortifying.
"Now, now young master," Sebastian said.
"Undertaker? What are you doing here?" you asked, trying to forget your embarrassment.
"My job, Poppet. The hospital is a regular customer of mine," Undertaker explained, regaining his composure.
"We're investigating the illegal human experimentation going on here though. Do you know anything about the revival of the dead?" Ciel asked, glaring at his informant.
"Just a sec, if you want information then I want my compensation," Undertaker stopped chuckling. "Let's see~ How about you do that pose once more?"
"Who the hell will…?!!!
"The Phoenix!!!"
Ciel and Sebastian's attention was drawn to none other than the Viscount of Druitt. Undertaker took advantage of his moment of inattention to grab your hand and lead you with him, through the crowd, away from Ciel and Sebastian.
"U-Undertaker? What are you doing?"
"Hush, it's starting," Undertaker said, pointing to men carrying a coffin to the makeshift stage.
A young man, probably in his late twenties, came onto the stage. No doubt a doctor saw the white coat he was wearing.
"Who is that man?" you asked looking at the puzzled Undertaker.
"The Founder: Ryan Stoker. An idiot."
"Nothing, Poppet," the undertaker replied, hugging you, resting his chin on your head.
"The complete flame in our chest shall not be extinguished by anyone," Ryan said before striking the Phoenix pose. "We are the Phoenix!!! Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for coming to today's research presentation of the Aurora society's "complete salvation of making through medicine". What is complete salvation you say? That is… COMPLETE HEALTH!!! A healthy body! Healthy teeth! A healthy spirit housed within a healthy body! And finally, a healthy mood! HEALTHINESS IS TRULY SPLENDID!!!"
"W-what?" you asked lost. "What he is talking about?"
"Shhh~ The best part is coming~"
"However, there's the worst kind of health issue that we can't overcome no matter how hard we try," Rya continued, placing her hand on the coffin. "What is that, you say? Death! And the great power that will save us from this disaster is THE AURORA SOCIETY'S MEDICINE!!!! We will now show you ladies and gentlemen. The fruits of our "complete salvation of manking through medicine "research."
Two men removed the lid of the coffin where a young girl was. A shiver ran up your spine as you leaned against Undertaker's chest. You felt bad.
"Are you all right, Poppet?" Undertaker asked running his fingernail through your hair.
"That girl reminds me of Lizzie," you say looking away from the scene. "I…I don't want to watch this. Besides, it's cruel to make someone believe that you can bring a dead person back to life."
"Ummm~ Do you mean?"
"Yes! How can they mourn properly?"
"Who knows~ But watch carefully what's next Poppet~"
Even though you didn't feel like it, you brought your attention back to the scene. Ryan's men placed electrodes on the deceased's chest and temples. Ryan sent powerful electric shocks into the body before stopping the machine and ordering the deceased to get up, like the Phoenix. To your surprise, and that of the crowd, the body began to move. The resurrected young girl stood up, under the tearful eyes of her parents and the admiration of the crowd. You remained speechless in front of this scene. How could that be possible? No one could defeat death, not even my medicine. You had a very bad feeling. The crowd began to applaud Ryan for this complete salute. But something was strange in the behavior of the young girl, she was perhaps "awakened", but she did not seem more alive than before. The mother hugged her daughter, crying with joy and thanking the doctor, but to everyone's surprise, the girl opened her mouth as wide as she could to bite her mother's shoulder. Blood spurted from the wound, the mother's cry of pain echoed in the quiet room. There was silence for a few seconds before people started screaming and fleeing the scene. You didn't have time to do anything that Undertaker dragged you behind the machine that had just "resuscitated" the young woman.
"What do you-"
Undertaker had just clapped his hand over your mouth. You looked at the undertaker surprised by his behavior. His attention was focused on the undead advancing towards Sebastian and Ciel. You saw the butler throw knives at the monster's vital points, but it had no effect. How could that thing still move after Sebastian's knives had touched its heart?
"We've seen enough. Let's get out of here Poppet."
"W-wait! Undertaker!"
Undertaker took you with him out of the room, taking you away from Ciel and Sebastian. You were trying to pull your wrist out of the undertaker's grip, but he was determined to take you with him. You tried to talk to him, but Undertaker pretended not to hear you. You understood that you had no choice but to follow the undertaker through the corridors of the liner until you arrived in a room where you were pushed unceremoniously. You turned to the undertaker, but he quickly locked the door, trapping you in the room. You rushed to the door, trying in vain to open it.
"Undertaker! What's wrong with you?!" you asked, banging on the door. "Let me out!"
"Sorry Poppet. You better stay in there. I don't want you to get hurt. It's the last thing I want," Undertaker replied, his voice muffled by the door. "You don't fear anything here. Stay quietly there until I return. I won't be long."
You heard Undertaker's footsteps walking away from the room. He really just locked you in that room? What was happening? First this girl coming back to life and devouring people, then Undertaker decides to lock you up without giving you a plausible explanation. What were you supposed to do? You couldn't stay locked in this room, but what could you do? You had to calm down and think of a way out of this room. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard people screaming in terror and running through the hallways. What was happening? There was another strange noise reaching your ears. Rattles. What was happening? You had to get out of here. Your gaze swept the room when you saw an air vent. It was big enough for you to fit in. You pushed the desk to reach your only exit. You manage, with some difficulty, to open the gate and slip into the ducts. Screams of terror, pain and gasps echoed through the vents. You stopped in front of a gate to see what was making people hysterical. The living were chased by other undead. Was that why Undertaker locked you in his room? Did he know what was going to happen? A violent jolt shook the liner. The tremor lasted a good minute until everything became "calm" again. Did he hit something? You crawled back through the vents, looking for a hallway quiet enough to get out of there. You found a deserted corridor, there was not the slightest living and the slightest death. You opened the grille and pulled out the air ducts. This place was way too quiet. You took out your revolver before setting off. You had to find the Count and Sebastian. And quick. You were running through the long dark corridors. The corridors were all alike, this liner was a real labyrinth, it reminded you of the hospital.
"The hospital…," you muttered before shaking your head. "No, (Y/N)! Stay focused!"
You quickly set off through this maze. The liner was leaning dangerously, it was only a matter of a minute before it sank forever in the ocean. You'll run through the long corridors, passing several doors to arrive in a reception room. The huge room was empty, all the furniture had been knocked over and the majority of the doors were blocked, the corpses of half-eating people littered the floor in a pool of blood. How could things have gotten so bad? The huge room was empty, all the furniture had been knocked over and most of the doors were blocked, half-eaten corpses were strewn on the floor in a pool of blood. It reminded you of that night, it looked like it. Deaths, blood, screams, tears. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a door open. You got into a fighting stance when you saw a group of men alive, along with Undertaker, Sebastian, and Ciel. A sigh of relief escaped your lips when you saw that they weren't injured, but your attention quickly fell on the strange machine that Undertaker and three other men were carrying. The undertaker put the machine down, under the watchful eyes of Viscount and Ciel, before approaching you.
"You should have stayed in the bedroom, Poppet," Undertaker commented as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"You know what's going on on that liner, don't you?" you asked, sternly eyeing the undertaker.
"Ah~ that~ that's another story, Poppet~"
"Ah! Bastard!! Why did you take the device?!!!"
Ryan had just walked into the room with two other people you had never seen. You thought he was talking to the Viscount, but when he spoke, the doctor's eyes fell on him. It was not the Viscount he was addressing. You looked at Undertaker who chuckled as he tightened his grip on your waist. The Viscount fantasized about a new era, which he would name "The Aurora Empire". Either the man or woman was activating his chainsaw, saying he/she was going to paint it red, but Druitt was leaning his wine glass dangerously over the machine. The blonde laughed, saying he could beat everyone here with just a glass of wine.
"I'm going to kill him," you say, glaring Druitt sternly.
"Eheheh~ Not yet, Poppet~"
To your surprise, and that of the others, hundreds of undead broke the windows, clumped together and forming a traffic jam, a few managed to enter. There were far too many of his creatures to fight. Ciel asked the Viscount to activate the machine, but the Viscount announced that his title no longer suited him and that he would activate the machine only if the little Count called him Caesar. What was the problem with this guy who compared himself to Emperor Nero? The man/woman with long red hair ordered Druitt to activate the machine, losing what little patience he/she had. Druitt smiled ordering everyone in the room to do the phoenix dance to prove their loyalty. The three men and the man/woman looked at Druitt with the same idea in mind, to kill him.
"Oh no," Undertaker chuckled, rubbing your cheek against your hair. "Are you sure you don't want to know how that device works? You must too, Poppet."
Ciel glared at Undertaker who chuckled as he imagined this most hilarious scene.
"What are you doing? Come on!" Druitt exclaimed.
"The… the complete flame in our chests," Ciel and Sebastian began.
"Shall not be extinguished by anyone," Grell and Ronald continued.
"The nex embodiment of. We are…," Druitt continued.
"The Phoenix!!!"
The word Phoenix echoed around the room as the group struck a Phoenix pose. Druitt congratulated the group, announcing that he would show them how the army of the dead would bow down to him. Druitt turned on the machine, the light bulbs lit up, sparks appeared, then nothing, the machine went out on its own in front of everyone's eyes. Undertaker's laugh echoed around the room, you saw the undertaker roll on the floor and hold his ribs. Why the machine was not working? Wasn't the Viscount who built this thing?
"Bastard! So you fooled me?!" yelled Ryan annoyed.
You looked at Ryan surprised. It wasn't Druitt he was yelling at, it was…
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the sound of the chainsaw motor. You saw Grell leap from the balcony, slicing the undead in half, before rushing at Druitt. You didn't have time to react when Undertaker moved in front of the Viscount, blocking Grell's chainsaw with a sotobari.
"Un-Undertaker?" you asked surprised.
"Hehe… it's been a while since I've laughed so much to lose such an amusing man would be like losing the whole world to me…," Undertaker commented quietly as he removed his top hat. "Don't you agree? Shinigami?"
"The deathscythe's blade can't cut it?!" exclaimed Grell surprised.
Undertaker pushed Grell away, opening his jacket to reveal the sotobaris hiding beneath. Undertaker smiled as he sent sotobari at Grell, who shielded himself with his chainsaw, but one of the sotobari grazed the Shinigami's temple. Grave markers shattered the huge glass. Your legs had turned to jelly, you collapsed on the stairs, staring at Undertaker in shock. What was he doing? What was happening?
"Ahh…how sad…," Undertaker commented, brushing hair from his face, revealing his green/yellow eyes and the scar across his face. "How sad it would be should laughter disappear."
Ciel was as surprised as you to find Undertaker's true face. You shielded your face as the shards of glass crashed to the floor. You didn't want to watch this show. You didn't want to be there. You were praying this was all a nightmare and you were going to wake up. You felt like your head was underwater, it was way too much information to take in all at once. You vaguely heard Sebastian say that he had never noticed the undertaker's true nature and that he had concealed his eyes very well, while Ronald and Grell understood that Undertaker was a Shinigami. Undertaker sneered, saying it hadn't been called that for half a century.
shinigami? What was this thing? What was happening? Why did things get so bad? You lay curled up on the floor, digging your nails into your skull. Your heart was beating insanely fast in your chest, your fingers were numb, your breathing was erratic, you were having a panic attack. What were you supposed to do? To run away? Combat? Do nothing? You vaguely heard Ryan yell at Undertaker, but you felt like your head was under water. The young doctor didn't understand why the Shinigami had lied to him? The whole thing about going to America to spread complete salvation was a lie. All Undertaker replied was that he thought this would all be fun, since Ryan was trying, seriously, to bring the dead back to life and he was the perfect person to achieve his goal. The terrible truth fell on Ryan, he had been manipulated from the start. The young man fell to his knees, horrified by this truth.
"So in the other words, you're the mastermind behind the Aurora society's human ressurection experiments, Undertaker!" Ciel exclaimed, eyeing the undertaker.
"That's a secret," Undertaker replied before sighing with a shrug. "is what I'd like to say, but by doing that Phoenix pose, you've paid me for an awful amount of information. So I'll tell you. Hehe~ It's true that I was the one who made these moving corpses ."
"Ah yes… at first, it was probably just my curiosity toward humans," Undertaker began, tapping the tip of his sotobari on the ground.
Humans were a body of flesh and a soul. If brought together, they could exist among the living and continue to record their memories in the cinematic lantern. And when the body of flesh withers and a Shinigami comes to collect the soul, the film stops and the living becomes dead. The Shinigami then takes the soul from the body from a list and thus ends the kaleidoscope. Day after day, quietly, indifferently, Undertaker lived this Shinigami life for a long time when one day he said to himself: what if the ending had a continuation? What would happen to the body if a sequel was added to its memories that ended when the soul is removed?
"Shinigami only hunt souls after all. The body and the brain that holds the memories are left in this world," Undertaker continued.
"Hehe~ Well then how about you take a look at their records with your own abilities?" Undertaker asked, pointing to one of the undead.
Grell activated her chainsaw to cut off the heads of two walking corpses, revealing their cinematic lantern. At first, everything was normal, then after the lantern ended, the two Shinigami and the demon were surprised to see that Undertaker had added a film of him doing anything. Which had the gift of making Grell hysterical. You ignored everything they were saying, covering your ears with your hands so as not to hear anything anymore. You had to calm down, to come to your senses. You could see Undertaker, the two other Shinigami and Sebastian fighting among themselves. But no sound reached your ears, you could just hear the beating of your heart which was deafening, your breathing was erratic, your heart was beating at a crazy speed and you had the impression that your legs were made of lead. You were having a panic attack. Your attention was quickly diverted from the fight to be brought back to Ciel. The teenager was talking to you, but his voice couldn't reach you. You were just watching his lips move when your attention was drawn to one of the walking corpses rushing at Ciel. You were brought out of your panic attack, grabbing the young Count by the collar of his jacket to throw him over the banister.
Ciel looked at you surprised when he saw you grab him by the collar of his shirt to lift him off the ground and throw him over the banister. During his fall, he saw the corpse throw itself at you, pinning you to the ground and sinking its teeth into your throat before its body hit the ground heavily, cutting off its breath.
The cry of pain that escaped from your mouth, feeling the corpse sink its teeth deep into your flesh and tear it out, resonated in the room. A metallic taste invaded your mouth, you had trouble breathing. You could only see the walking corpse chewing noisily on the piece of your own flesh.
You saw the man/woman with long red hair land next to you and pull out a notebook.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), born in 1864, aged twenty-five, dies of a hemorrhage. Nothing special," Grell said with a chuckle.
You were dying?
So this is how you were going to die?
"Poor thing," Grell chuckled. "A life of misery with an equally miserable end. Be glad to be free of this miserable existence."
As you heard this person speak to you, you saw your vision begin to darken, the noise stopped reaching your ears and then it was black and complete silence.
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ash-the-ketchup · 6 months
Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous Wig Tutorial: How to Create a Beautiful Gem-like Finish!
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(Left photo taken by @/mystes_photo on Instagram)
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When I first saw the characters in Houseki no Kuni, I knew right away that I wanted to cosplay Diamond, but to be honest, I did not like any of the commonly used methods to achieve the iridescent effect at the time (cellophane can easily be damaged, glitter doesn’t have the finish I want, resin is difficult to work with, etc.), so I did some research on ways to achieve a more convincing finish.
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My main inspiration came from nail artists achieving a smooth iridescent finish similar to what I wanted for my wig (Fun fact, I became a SimplyNailogical fan during this whole process XD). Once I discovered that iridescent nail powder was the key material I needed, from there, I did some trial and error experiments to figure out the best method to apply it onto a wig and came up with this method!
This is not a styling tutorial on how to create a Diamond wig specifically, but rather how to create the unique gem-like finish on any wig! This tutorial can apply to any Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous character you’d like! :D
(Disclaimer, this method and the Diamond wig pictured above were created in 2021, but the wig featured in this tutorial was styled in 2024)
Skill level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: At least basic wig styling skills, dependent on character
Materials needed:
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Wig (style varies based on character, but I recommend using a thick base wig if you can! )
Wig head that’s close to the size of your head to ensure that style conforms properly to your head size
Wig stand
Got2b spray and glue
Flexbond primer (amount needed varies, but for reference, I was able to cover my Diamond wig with about ¾ of a 16 oz bottle)
Mod Podge Gloss waterbase sealer (optional if Flexbond is tacky enough on its own)
Iridescent/holographic nail powder (any can work depending on the finish you want, but I used the Aurora pigment powder from the brand What’s Up Nails. One little 1 gram jar was enough to cover two Diamond wigs with quite a bit left over, a little goes a long way!)
Clear gloss varnish
Spray bottle
Wide decoupage brush and/or any wide paintbrush
Silicone face mask brush (optional, but I find it great for smoothing out thick coats of Flexbond)
Mini scissors to trim stray hairs and/or excess Flexbond
Latex or vinyl gloves to rub on nail powder
Safety requirements:
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Wear gloves to protect your hands. The nail powder is safe to touch barehanded, but the rubbing needed to buff the powder onto the wig may cause skin irritation or chafing if done excessively.
The nail powder is very fine, so I suggest wearing a face mask to avoid breathing it in/blowing it away. There are no toxic fumes or substances used in this tutorial, so a basic face mask should suffice.
Keep the floor covered to protect the Flexbond from getting on it and causing a slipping hazard (also great for easy cleanup!) I initially laid out a bunch of old Amazon bags around the wig stand, but I recently picked up a handy device from Assist Wigs in Japan that was originally designed to catch cut wig hair, but it does a pretty good job catching dripping glue and loose nail powder as well!
Step 1:
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Style your wig as you would a normal wig. This is highly dependent on the character you choose, but from experience, I have two tips I would highly recommend:
Make your wig about 10-20% fuller than you want the final wig to be. Like how actual hair flattens when it’s wet, depending on how the wig is styled, the same thing may happen once the Flexbond is added.
Try to keep at least the outer layer of hair on your wig as smooth and free of tangles as possible. When you coat the wig with Flexbond, any knots or irregularities in the wig will be emphasized. To avoid this, thoroughly comb through your wig to get rid of tangles and straighten any kinks or irregularities. Teasing your wig can leave the outside looking messy, so try to stick to the crimping method to add volume to wigs if needed, or at least limit teasing to areas that will be hidden with smoother hair later on.
I was quite fortunate that there’s an official 3D model video with the perfect references for Diamond’s hair that I was able to use as reference for my wig!
Step 2:
If you haven't already, protect the floor underneath your wig with any sort of protective covering to catch the Flexbond that will drip down from your wig.
Step 3:
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Use Got2B spray and spiking glue to hold the style in place to prepare for the next steps. Apply enough to make the wig relatively stiff, but avoid getting the hair saturated up to the point where the hair looks wet and stringy.
You'll know your wig is ready for Flexbond when your wig is quite stiff on the outside, as shown in the video above.
Step 4:
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Take your Flexbond and dilute it with water to make a thin sprayable glue. I recommend about a 1 to 3 ratio of Flexbond to water to create a solution that is thin enough to easily spray yet still strong enough to be an effective glue. I would say the viscosity is similar to milk.
Step 5:
Apply the diluted Flexbond to the wig in a fine mist. If you see any significantly large droplets, use your fingers to carefully smooth them out. Do your best not to press down too hard or oversaturate the wig, as the goal is to create a hard outer shell on your wig rather than to saturate the entire wig in glue.
Repeat Step 5 a few times until your wig feels solid up to the point where the wig hair stays in place even when shaken around (or even turned upside down!) This step is very important because this creates the solid foundation for your wig that will support all the thick Flexbond layers you will be applying later.
Step 6:
Once your wig is solid, coat the outer surface of the wig (you can cover all visible hair if desired, but I like having the hair inside soft against my skin) with a generous coat of Flexbond. You want this first coat to be thick enough to completely cover the outside of the wig’s surface, but not so much that the Flexbond is dripping.
However, if noticeable drips do occur, you can smooth them out with your brush while they’re still wet or trimmed off with scissors if already dried.
Repeat Step 6 for about 2-3 layers or until your wig has a smooth, almost glossy looking appearance, as pictured below.
Below are a few helpful tips to help you with this step!
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Remember how if you did Step 5 correctly, you should be able to turn the wig upside down? You can use this to your advantage to help you coat the bottom half of the wig! Just be sure that the top half is completely dry before you place it on a surface. I would also alternate between coating the top half and the bottom half to keep the coats even.
2. You can use the Flexbond to gradually fill gaps between the fibers for a smoother appearance. Also, the more layers, the less emphasized the hair strands will be on the final product.
Step 7:
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If you have stray hairs or glue strands that you find distracting, you can trim them off using a sharp pair of scissors. In the example above, you can see how I trimmed the frayed-looking ends of the hair to create nice clean points
Make sure to do this step prior to applying any nail powder to avoid wasting powder that be covering an area that will be cut off.
Step 8 (Possible extra step):
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The first time I made my Diamond wig, I was able to rub the nail powder directly onto the Flexbond, which was just tacky enough for the powder to adhere itself to the wig. However, this time around, the Flexbond was not tacky enough and the powder would not adhere properly. I am unsure why this occurred, whether it was the weather/humidity (I created the first wig around Summer 2021 vs. this wig in late winter/early spring 2024) or Rosco tweaking the Flexbond formula sometime in the past few years. Thankfully, I was able to remedy this issue by applying a thin coat of Mod Podge Gloss, which I found stayed temporarily tacky for about 20 minutes after drying.
If you also encounter the same issue, apply a layer of Mod Podge Gloss over your wig. Check it frequently to able to apply the powder as soon as possible once it is dry before the Mod Podge loses its tackiness. Don't be too impatient though, as the Mod Podge will smear if you try to apply the powder before it is dried.
(I’m not sure if using only Mod Podge to create this outer shell would work as opposed to using the Flexbond due to its lower viscosity and lack of flexibility in thicker coats, but I do think it’d be an interesting experiment to try! If it’s successful, it’d be a much more accessible and budget-friendly option!)
*If the Flexbond you applied is tacky enough to apply powder onto directly, you can skip this step and jump ahead to Step 9.
Step 9:
Once your wig is dry, put on your gloves and dip your finger into the nail powder to coat it with a thin layer of powder. Take this powder and buff it onto the surface of your wig, similar to how you would buff nail powder onto your nails. Buff thoroughly until the surface is smooth and looks reflective. It should look almost like metallic/iridescent paint was applied rather than a powdery glitter. Continue this process on the entire wig.
Step 10
If you feel like you need more coverage with the nail powder after applying the first layer, coat the wig with another coat of Flexbond/Mod Podge (depending on what you use to adhere the nail powder), let it dry, then apply another layer of nail powder. You can repeat this process until you satisfied with the coverage. Depending on the powder used, I find that at least 3-4 coats are needed to obtain full coverage and a smooth finish!
Step 11:
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Once you are satisfied with the finish, coat the wig in one last layer of Flexbond to protect the finish and add a bit of depth to the glassy finish as opposed to varnish alone.
Step 12:
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Add a final coat of gloss varnish to give your wig a beautiful glassy finish! You may notice the Flexbond turning white again underneath the varnish. Do not panic, Flexbond is known to do that when it gets wet! Once everything is dry again, it will return to being clear. :)
You Did it!
Now you have your finished Houseki no Kuni wig with a lovely iridescent finish that is not only beautiful, but also indestructible (seriously, I’ve thrown this thing at a wall and it stayed in perfect condition XD) and super easy to put on (very flexible and goes on like Lego hair XD)!
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For my second Diamond wig, I wanted to be experimental and try remaking the wig with a shape more accurate to the show (less visible hair strands and more like solid shapes) and adding subtle stripes of color underneath the Flexbond. I will be honest, I actually ended up liking the first one a tad more ^^; It’s okay though, I still learned a lot, and I feel the mistakes I went through the second time around really helped me perfect the technique for this tutorial :)
Another key thing that I messed up on for the second wig is that due to lack of time, I was unable to apply as many layers of the nail powder as I would've liked. As mentioned in Step 10 above, adding at least 3-4 coats will result in a smooth lovely iridescent finish, as seen here on my first Diamond wig!
As mentioned before, this tutorial can apply to any Houseki no Kuni character! Here’s a little work-in-progress of my Phos wig! :) I actually used body glitter by Nyx Cosmetics instead of nail powder because it gave a similar smooth finish to the nail powder and gave the wig more of a blue-green-gold shift rather than a full iridescent rainbow spectrum.
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Bonus tip: for characters who have multiple distinct layers/sections in their hair, like Phos in this example (undercut and top half), I suggest applying the Flexbond and nail powder in sections as opposed to all at once.
Final words
Thank you so much for taking a look at my tutorial! I can’t wait to see all the lovely wigs that can be made using it~ ^_^
I'm not very active on Tumblr these days, so if you have any questions or need any clarifications for this tutorial, feel free to reach out to me on my Instagram account @/ashtheketchup!
(This tutorial is my entry for @/cosplaytutorialchallenge on IG's Online Cosplay Tutorial Challenge 2024)
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designinnovationart · 9 months
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✔️ TITLE OF PRODUCT:Pink wig Curly wig ombre wig Realistic wig • u part wig • Lace front wigs • Wigs with bangs • lace wigs • cosplay wigs •
✔️ Compelling long form product description of Products:
Are you looking to enhance your look with a stunning hairstyle? Look no further than our Pink wig ! Made with the finest quality materials, this wig offers a natural look and feel that is sure to turn heads wherever you go.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, our Curly wig is designed to blend seamlessly with your own hairline, giving you a flawless and undetectable finish. The wig construction allows for a realistic hairline, ensuring that no one will ever suspect you're wearing a wig.
Our wig ombre is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're attending a special events, going out on the town, or simply want to switch up your look for a day, this wig is incredibly versatile. The Realistic wig For white Women texture adds volume and movement to your hair, creating a glamorous and feminine look.
Not only does our u part wig look amazing, but it also offers exceptional comfort. The wig cap is lightweight and breathable, allowing your scalp to breathe even on hot days. The adjustable straps ensure a secure and comfortable fit, so you can wear it all day without any discomfort.
Maintenance is a breeze with our Lace front wigs . It is heat resistant, allowing you to style it with curling irons or straighteners to achieve your desired look. The wig is also easy to wash and care for, ensuring that it stays in perfect condition for years to come.
In addition to its stunning appearance and comfort, our Afro wig is also a great choice for individuals with alopecia disease. It provides a natural-looking solution to hair loss, boosting confidence and self-esteem.
Invest in our Product today and transform your look in an instant. Whether you're a woman, girl, or even a grandma, this lace wigs is suitable for all ages and will make you feel beautiful and confident.
✔️ A list of additional product information for wig:
✔️ Length: 14 inch ✔️ Color: Pink wig ✔️ Curl: Straight ✔️ Cap Construction: Synthetic ✔️ Material: High-quality synthetic fibers ✔️ Heat resistant: Yes, up to 350°F ✔️ Adjustable straps: Yes ✔️ Wig cap size: One size fits most ✔️ Package includes: 1 wig
Appearance : Our cosplay wigs offers a sleek and polished look that is perfect for any occasion. It adds sophistication and elegance to your overall appearance.
Construction: The construction of our full lace wig ensures a natural-looking hairline. It blends seamlessly with your own hair, giving you a realistic and undetectable finish.
Color: The Human hair color of our synthetic wigs is vibrant and eye-catching. It complements a wide range of skin tones and adds a touch of brightness to your look.
Texture: The Human Hair texture of our natural hair wigs adds volume and movement to your hair. It creates a soft and feminine look that is both glamorous and stylish.
Style: Our body wave wig can be styled in various ways to suit your preferences. Whether you want to wear it down, tie it up, or add accessories, the possibilities are endless.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help and ensure your shopping experience is a pleasant one.
All rights reserved. The content, images, and design of this listing are protected by copyright. Unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.
We offer fast and reliable shipping options to ensure that you receive your straight lace front blond wavy wig in a timely manner. Shipping rates and estimated delivery times can be found in the shipping section of this listing.
While we strive to provide accurate product information, we cannot guarantee that the colors displayed on your monitor will accurately represent the actual product. Due to variations in computer monitors, we recommend referring to the product description and images for the most accurate color representation.
° ♥ DesigninnovationArt ♥ ° •
🌎 Etsy Shop : https://designinnovationart.etsy.com 🌎​ Instagram : @DesigninnovationArt.
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sources-across · 13 days
The Perfect Braided Wigs for Black Women at Express Wig Braids
When it comes to enhancing your beauty with versatility and style, braided wigs have become the ultimate go-to option for Black women. They offer a stunning alternative to spending hours in a salon chair, allowing you to achieve flawless braided hairstyles in minutes. One brand that has risen to the top of the market is Express Wig Braids. With a wide selection of high-quality wigs, including the trending knotless braid wig, Express Wig Braids provides both convenience and elegance to women seeking a hassle-free way to protect and style their hair.
Why Braided Wigs Are the Future of Haircare
The beauty of braided wigs lies in their adaptability. Whether you're looking for something to wear for a special event, daily use, or as a protective style, braided wigs are a fantastic solution. One of the major advantages is the ability to protect your natural hair while still looking your best.
For Black women, finding the right protective styles that keep the hair safe and healthy can sometimes be challenging. However, braid wigs for Black women are designed to meet these needs while giving the wearer a stunning, natural look. Unlike traditional braiding, which can take hours or even days to complete, braided wigs offer the same aesthetic without the time investment.
What Sets Express Wig Braids Apart?
When it comes to purchasing wigs, quality and customer satisfaction are paramount. Express Wig Braids has established itself as a leading brand by offering handmade, high-quality braided wigs that are comfortable, durable, and realistic. One standout feature is their variety of knotless braid wigs, a popular choice due to their lightweight nature and scalp-friendly design. These wigs mimic natural hair so closely that it’s hard to tell they are even wigs at all!
Customers rave about their experiences with Express Wig Braids, as seen in the numerous Express Wig Braids reviews. Women from around the world have praised the brand for its exceptional customer service, fast shipping, and above all, the quality of their wigs. Whether you are new to wigs or a seasoned wearer, these reviews offer invaluable insight into what you can expect from this trusted brand.
Experience the Magic of Knotless Braid Wigs
One of the most requested styles in recent years is the knotless braid wig. This type of wig is a game-changer because it eliminates the bulky knots found in traditional braided wigs, giving the appearance of braids starting naturally from your scalp. Not only does this enhance the aesthetic appeal, but it also makes the wig more comfortable to wear, as it places less tension on the scalp.
Knotless braid wigs from Express Wig Braids come in various lengths, styles, and colors, allowing you to pick the perfect match for your personality and needs. Whether you're going for a long, elegant look or a bold, short style, there’s a wig tailored just for you.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Look Today
If you're in search of stunning braid wigs for Black women that offer both style and protection, look no further than Express Wig Braids. With a wide variety of options, including the popular knotless braid wig, Express Wig Braids has something for everyone. Don't just take our word for it—check out the glowing Express Wig Braids reviews and see why women everywhere trust this brand for their wig needs. Shop today and experience the transformation that a beautiful braided wig can bring to your life.
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uhairwigs · 18 days
How to Put on a Glueless Wig
Wearing a wig can be a game-changer, especially when it's a glueless wig. It’s convenient, beginner-friendly, and gives you the freedom to achieve your desired look without using any adhesive. In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps of putting on a glueless wig and styling it, ensuring a secure and flawless fit.
Glueless wigs, like the ones offered by UHAIR, are designed with an adjustable band, eliminating the need for glue, gel, or adhesives. They provide a natural look with minimal effort, making them perfect for those new to wigs or anyone looking for a quick hair transformation. Our wigs are made from 100% human hair, ensuring a realistic appearance and premium quality. Plus, we offer free shipping!
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Put on a Glueless Wig Prepare Your Natural Hair Before applying the wig, make sure your natural hair is secured. Depending on your hair type, you may choose to braid it or simply tie it back. For those with 4C hair or other curly textures, tightly securing your hair helps ensure a smooth base. If you have 3B hair or 3C hair, you can either twist it into sections or wear a wig cap to keep your curls tucked away.
Adjust the Wig’s Elastic Band One of the key features of a glueless wig is the elastic band that secures the wig in place. Adjust the band to fit your head snugly but comfortably. The band ensures that the wig stays in place without slipping, making it perfect for everyday wear or special occasions like holiday hair events or when you want to try out trendy hair styles, like the wolf hair cut or cute pigtails.
Put On the Wig Starting from the back of your head, carefully pull the wig over your natural hair. Secure the wig’s combs at the back and sides to ensure it stays put. If you have a long hair type, like straight hair or a simple long hairstyle, ensure the combs are well-positioned for extra security.
Style the Wig Once the wig is on, part it as desired. Glueless wigs, especially those with HD lace fronts, give you the freedom to create a variety of looks. Whether you’re going for a sleek, straight style, curly hair hairstyles, or something inspired by 2024 hair trends, the possibilities are endless. For this demonstration, we opted for a center part and straightened the hair for a sleek, chic look. If you’re interested in exploring new trends, try incorporating a taper fade curly hair look or even braiding the hair for a fun twist.
Finishing Touches Now that your wig is styled, it’s time for the finishing touches. If you want to give your look a polished feel, lightly brush the wig and make sure everything is in place. For those wondering how to get hair dye off skin, be sure to clean up any dye residue around your forehead or neck area after coloring.
Benefits of Glueless Wigs Easy to Wear: You don't need any glue or adhesive to secure the wig. Simply use the adjustable band for a secure fit. Versatile Styling: Glueless wigs allow you to style the hair however you want. You can try out 2024 hair trends, experiment with a red-haired shanks look, or keep it classic with sleek straight hair. Protective Styling: Wearing a glueless wig protects your natural hair from everyday damage. It's a great option for those who want to give their hair a break from heat styling or chemical treatments.
Conclusion If you’re looking for a hassle-free, versatile, and protective hairstyle, a glueless wig is the way to go. The best part? It's beginner-friendly, meaning you don't need advanced wig skills to get a fabulous look. Whether you have curly hair, fine hair, or long straight hair, a glueless wig can be styled to suit your needs. Try UHAIR's range of 100% human hair wigs and elevate your look without the fuss!
0 notes
wigsandstyles · 20 days
The Best Methods to Care for Your Vivica Fox Wigs
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Vivica Fox wigs are renowned for their quality, style, and versatility. Whether you’re rocking a chic bob or glamorous long locks, proper care is essential to maintain their appearance and extend their lifespan. Here are the best methods to care for your Vivica Fox wigs to ensure they always look their best.
1. Regular Cleaning
Keeping your Vivica Fox wig clean is crucial for maintaining its look and feel. Depending on how often you wear it, aim to wash your wig every 7-10 wears or as needed. Use a wig-specific shampoo that is gentle and sulfate-free. Fill a basin with cool water, add a small shampoo, and gently swirl the wig to clean it. Avoid rubbing or twisting the fibers, as this can cause tangling or damage. Rinse thoroughly with cool water and gently blot with a towel to remove excess moisture.
2. Conditioning for Softness
To keep your wig soft and manageable:
Use a conditioner designed for wigs.
Apply a small amount of conditioner to the wig, focusing on the mid-lengths and ends.
Avoid applying conditioner to the roots or the lace front, as this can affect the wig's hold and structure.
Leave the conditioner on for a few minutes before rinsing with cool water.
Consider using a leave-in conditioner formulated for synthetic or human hair wigs for extra softness.
3. Drying Techniques
Proper drying is essential to maintain the shape and integrity of your Vivica Fox wigs. Gently pat the wig with a towel to remove excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting the wig, as this can cause damage. Place the wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to air-dry. Avoid using heat sources like blow dryers, as excessive heat can damage synthetic fibers or alter the style of human hair wigs. Allow the wig to dry completely before styling or wearing it again.
4. Storage Solutions
Proper storage is key to preserving your Vivica Fox wig's shape and quality. Store the wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to maintain its form and prevent tangling. Keep the wig in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, which can cause fading or damage. If you need to store the wig for an extended period, place it in a breathable wig bag or box to protect it from dust and environmental factors.
5. Avoid Heat and Chemicals
Synthetic wigs, including many from Vivica Fox, are sensitive to heat and chemicals. Avoid using heat-styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, or blow dryers on synthetic wigs. If your wig is made from human hair, ensure you use a heat protectant before styling. Additionally, steer clear of harsh chemicals or products not specifically designed for wigs, as these can cause damage or alter the wig’s appearance.
Caring for your Vivica Fox wig involves regular cleaning, conditioning, proper drying, and thoughtful storage. Following these methods lets your wig look fresh, stylish, and in excellent condition. Whether your wigs for black women is synthetic or human hair, proper maintenance ensures you enjoy its beauty and versatility for a long time.
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joyner111 · 1 month
The sales and options for brown wig
Sales of brown wig can be quite robust due to their natural and versatile look that suits a wide range of skin tones and personal styles. Here's what we know about the sales and options for brown wig:
Variety of Shades: Brown wig come in a multitude of shades, from light caramel and honey to deep espresso and chocolate hues, offering options for both subtle and bold looks .
Different Textures: They are available in various textures, including silky straight, body wave, curly, water wave, and deep wave, allowing customers to choose a style that best suits their preferences .
Highlight Options: For those looking to add some brightness to their look, balayage highlight wigs are popular. These feature pieces of hair lighter than the primary color, with a brown wig with blonde highlights being a favorite among many .
Skin Tone Considerations: When selecting a brown wig, it's important to consider the wearer's skin tone. Warm skin tones are typically complemented by golden or reddish brown shades, while cool skin tones pair well with ashier or cooler-toned browns .
Quality and Comfort: High-quality brown human hair wigs are designed to be comfortable, durable, and styling-friendly, ensuring that the wearer feels confident .
Care Instructions: Proper care is essential to maximize the lifespan of brown wig. This includes washing every 1-3 weeks, using heat tools at 300 degrees or lower, and using protective sprays and sulphate-free products .
Online Retailers: Online stores like Hermosa Hair and IM Wigs offer a range of brown wig, from light to dark shades, with different textures and styles available for sale .
In summary, brown wig are a popular choice for their natural appearance and the ability to match various skin tones. With proper care, they can last for an extended period, and they are available in a wide range of options to suit individual tastes and needs.
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shireenhair · 2 months
Tips for Wearing Wear and Go Wigs in Summer
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Choose Lightweight Wigs Material: Opt for wigs crafted from light-weight substances including artificial blends or awesome human hair that isn't always too dense. Style: Shorter patterns like pixie cuts or bobs are lighter and permit for higher airflow, retaining you cooler.
Select Breathable Cap Designs Cap Construction: Look for wigs with capless designs, lace fronts, or complete lace caps that sell ventilation. Mesh Caps: Consider wigs with mesh caps that permit air to circulate, decreasing warmth buildup for your scalp.
Use a Wig Liner Moisture-Wicking Liners: Wear a moisture-wicking wig liner or cap under your wig to take in sweat and maintain your scalp dry. Comfort Liners: Choose liners crafted from soft, breathable substances for delivered comfort.
Regular Maintenance Washing: Wash your wig greater regularly withinside the summer time season to dispose of sweat and oils. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner particularly designed for wigs. Drying: Allow your wig to air dry on a wig stand to keep its form and save you harm from warmth.
Limit Heat Styling Avoid Excessive Heat: Minimize using warmth styling equipment including curling irons and straighteners, as they could growth the temperature and purpose soreness. Heat-Free Styling: Opt for warmth-loose styling techniques like braids or rollers to reap your favored look.
Keep Your Scalp Cool Cooling Sprays: Use a cooling spray or mist designed for wigs to maintain your scalp cool and refreshed. Avoid Heavy Products: Refrain from the use of heavy styling merchandise that may lure warmth and make your scalp sense warmer.
Proper Fit Adjustable Straps: Ensure your wig suits nicely via way of means of adjusting the straps. A well-equipped wig will live in region and permit for higher airflow. Secure Fit: Use wig combs or clips to steady the wig with out making it too tight, which could purpose soreness in warm weather.
Protect Your Wig from the Sun UV Protection: If you spend a number of time outdoors, remember sporting a hat or headheadband over your wig to defend it from UV rays that may purpose fading and harm. Shade: Try to live withinside the color as a lot as feasible to save you your wig from overheating.
Hydration Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water to maintain your frame cool and hydrated. This enables save you immoderate sweating and soreness even as sporting your wig.
Alternate Wigs Have Multiple Wigs: If feasible, have some distinctive wear and go wigs to change between, giving every one a risk to air out and live fresh. Day and Night Wigs: Consider having separate wigs for day and night time use to lessen put on and tear and keep comfort.
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passion-beauty · 3 months
Expert tips on styling braided human hair lace wigs for every occasion
Braided human hair lace wigs are a popular choice for people who wish to appear stylish but natural because of their elegance and versatility. Wearing these wigs for daily wear or special events can enhance anyone's appearance. This blog ensures wearers can easily achieve perfect appearances by providing professional styling guidance for braided human hair lace wigs for any occasion.
One of the key selling features of braided human hair lace wigs is their appearance of real hair. These wigs blend in flawlessly with the wearer's hairline because of the fine lace fabric to which the hair strands are glued. This feature enables styling that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
Choosing the right style for the occasion
Take into consideration the type of occasion when choosing a braided wig style. A straightforward braided appearance could work well for both informal and business situations. However, fashions with elaborate curls or updos might be preferred for more formal events. The secret is to pick a look that goes well with the general tone and clothing of the event.
Styling for professional settings
In professional settings, subtlety is key. For a classy yet manageable texture, a deep wave lace frontal wig is perfect for the office. These wigs give off lovely waves and volume that look finished without needing a lot of styling. When styling a deep wave wig for work, it's usually preferable to leave the waves naturally falling into a simple updo or low ponytail to avoid drawing too much attention to the wig from your office attire.
Styling for casual outings
For casual days out, versatility shines. Natural looking wigs for women come in a variety of styles, but braided wigs have a particularly carefree appeal. For a fun yet polished look, wearers can choose for a half-up, half-down design, which is ideal for a casual lunch or shopping trip. As an alternative, wearing the braids down can highlight their entire length and texture and give off a carefree, bohemian vibe.
Styling for special events
Braided wigs are a lovely way to get a more dramatic look that is frequently required for special occasions. Styles for these kinds of events may incorporate extra-elegant decorations like ribbons or hairpins. Choosing wigs with ombré effects or braiding in delicate highlights can also improve the overall look. Consider creating a complex updo out of the braids for an even more elegant look, or add big curls to the ends for a little glitz.
Maintenance and care
Braided human hair lace wigs need to be properly maintained to appear their best. Maintaining the health and natural sheen of hair requires thorough conditioning and regular washing with a sulfate-free shampoo. In addition, wearing a silk cap at night helps protect the braids from frizzing out and extending their life.
Using the right accessories
Accessories can transform the look of a wig from basic to stunning. Tiny clips and pins can be used to change the style of braided wigs without causing any damage to the hair. When drying deep wave lace frontal wigs, employing a diffuser can help keep the waves intact and reduce frizz.
Braided human hair lace wigs give a variety of styling options to suit every occasion, whether it's formal, informal, or festive. These wigs may offer a stylish flair and a natural appearance to any outfit with the correct maintenance, style methods, and accessories. These wigs' elegance and adaptability not only improve the wearer's look but also provide them more confidence in all situations.
Source: https://passionbeauty-hairproducts.blogspot.com/2024/07/the-benefits-of-choosing-triangle.html
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poshhaircompany · 3 months
Top Quality Dark Brown Hair Extensions for a Natural, Seamless Look
Looking to enhance your hairstyle with a natural, seamless look? Dark Brown Hair Extensions from Posh Hair Company are the perfect solution. These extensions are designed to blend flawlessly with your natural hair, offering a luxurious and voluminous appearance. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of Dark Brown Hair Extensions, compare them with popular options like U Part Wig Human Hair and Full Lace Human Hair Wig, and explain why they are an excellent choice for achieving a stunning transformation.
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Why Choose Dark Brown Hair Extensions?
Dark Brown Hair Extensions provide numerous advantages that make them a top choice for those looking to enhance their hair:
Natural Blend These extensions are meticulously crafted to match the texture and shade of your dark brown hair, ensuring a natural and seamless look. The extensions blend perfectly, making it difficult to distinguish them from your natural hair.
Added Volume Dark Brown Hair Extensions instantly add volume and fullness to your hair. Whether you have fine or thin hair, these extensions can significantly enhance your hairstyle by providing natural-looking thickness.
Versatility in Styling You can style Dark Brown Hair Extensions just like your natural hair. Whether you want to curl, straighten, or create intricate hairstyles, these extensions offer the flexibility you need to achieve any look.
High-Quality Materials At Posh Hair Company, we use premium materials to ensure our Dark Brown Hair Extensions are durable and long-lasting. Our extensions maintain their softness, shine, and natural appearance even after multiple uses.
Comparing Dark Brown Hair Extensions to U Part Wig Human Hair and Full Lace Human Hair Wig
While Dark Brown Hair Extensions are excellent for adding length and volume seamlessly, other hairpieces like U Part Wig Human Hair and Full Lace Human Hair Wig offer unique benefits:
U Part Wig Human Hair A U Part Wig Human Hair integrates seamlessly with your natural hair, allowing you to showcase your hairline while adding length and volume. This option is perfect for those who want the flexibility to blend their natural hair with the wig, providing a natural and voluminous look.
Full Lace Human Hair Wig A Full Lace Human Hair Wig offers complete coverage with a natural-looking hairline and parting. It allows for versatile styling options, including updos and ponytails, making it ideal for those who want a comprehensive hair transformation.
Why Choose Posh Hair Company?
Posh Hair Company is committed to delivering top-quality hair extensions that enhance your natural beauty. Our Dark Brown Hair Extensions are designed with precision to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and realism. We understand the importance of confidence in your hairstyle, and our products are crafted to help you achieve flawless looks effortlessly.
Tips for Caring for Your Dark Brown Hair Extensions
Regular Washing Wash your extensions with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to maintain their softness and shine. Avoid using products with harsh chemicals that can damage the hair fibers.
Gentle Detangling Detangle your extensions carefully using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots. This helps prevent breakage and keeps the extensions looking smooth.
Heat Protection Use heat protectant products before using heat styling tools on your extensions. Opt for lower heat settings to preserve the integrity of the hair fibers and maintain the extensions’ natural appearance.
Proper Storage Store your extensions in a cool, dry place when not in use. Use a storage bag or box specifically designed for hair extensions to prevent tangling and maintain their shape.
Dark Brown Hair Extensions from Posh Hair Company offer a top-quality solution for anyone looking to achieve a natural, seamless look with added volume. Whether you choose Dark Brown Hair Extensions, a U Part Wig Human Hair, or a Full Lace Human Hair Wig, Posh Hair Company provides premium options tailored to meet your styling needs. Transform your look and boost your confidence with our high-quality hair extensions. Visit Posh Hair Company today to explore our range of Dark Brown Hair Extensions and discover how you can achieve stunning, voluminous hair effortlessly.
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joker-wigs11 · 3 months
Top Trend in Hair Extension: Tips for Maintaining Natural-looking Hair Extension
In the realm of beauty and fashion, hair extensions have become a go-to accessory for those looking to enhance their natural locks or experiment with different styles. At Joker Wigs, we are always on the lookout for the latest trends in hair extensions to help you achieve your desired look effortlessly. We will delve into the top trends in hair extensions and provide valuable tips on maintaining natural-looking hair extensions to ensure a seamless blend with your own hair.
What are the best types of Hair Extensions?
Human hair extensions:- In terms of quality, human hair extensions are the winner as, if they are looked after well, they can last over a year. As the cheaper alternative, synthetic hair is not very long lasting – around 1-2 months. For the best quality hair extensions, it is best to steer clear of synthetic and opt for real human hair.
Tape-in: Semi-permanent extensions that use double-sided tape to adhere to the hair at the roots. They can last up to two months, and are considered weightless.
Clip-in: Temporary extensions that can be clipped onto natural hair.
sew-in: these are the most popular type of hair extension, especially for thicker hair.
Fusion: Involves fusing individual hair strands to natural hair using heat or glue.
Micro-link: Also known as micro bead or loop extensions, these use small metal or plastic beads to attach individual hair strands to natural hair. The bead is then clamped into place using a special tool.
Tips for Maintaining Natural-Looking Hair Extension
1. Choose Quality Hair Extensions: Invest in high-quality, ethically sourced hair extensions that closely match the texture and color of your natural hair. This will ensure a seamless blend and a more natural look
Proper Installation: Whether you opt for tape-in, clip-in, or sew-in extensions, it is crucial to have them installed by a professional stylist. Proper installation will not only ensure a natural look but also prevent damage to your natural hair.
Regular Maintenance: Just like your natural hair, hair extensions require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. Use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, avoid excessive heat styling, and brush your extensions gently to prevent tangling.
Blend Your Extensions: To achieve a natural look, consider blending your extensions with your natural hair. This can be done by trimming the extensions to match the length of your hair or adding layers for a seamless transition.
Protect Your Extensions: Avoid exposure to chlorine, saltwater, and excessive sunlight, as these can damage your extensions and affect their longevity. Use protective products when swimming or spending time outdoors to keep your extensions looking fresh.
Also Read- https://jokerwigs.in/blogs/7-surprising-benefits-of-joker-wigs-for-hair-loss
Joker Wigs favorite hair extensions Product:
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Discover the ultimate solution for your hair system's secure attachment with our Lace Hold Glue, specially designed in a convenient 100ml container. Our medically graded contact adhesive has undergone rigorous testing, ensuring its suitability for skin use and providing reliable, effective results.
Preparation: Ensure that both the hair patch and head surface are clean and free from grease or oil.
Application: Apply Lace Hold Glue evenly on both surfaces, spreading it smoothly over the intended attachment area.
Drying Time: Allow the glue to dry for a few minutes. The drying duration depends on the applied quantity and area.
Attachment: Once the adhesive is dry to the touch, carefully position the hair patch in place. Press firmly on the glued area to ensure a secure bond.
Post-Attachment: Avoid washing the hair patch for the first 24 hours after attachment. Shampoo and conditioner containing oil can compromise the adhesive's durability
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Introducing our cutting-edge Lace Hold Tape for Hair System, now available in a generous 5-meter length. Elevate your confidence and style with this meticulously crafted tape. It engineered to provide a secure and long-lasting bond for your hair system.
Secure Adhesion: We design our Lace Hold Tape with a high-tack adhesive to ensure that it firmly holds your hair system in place. Whether you're engaging in rigorous activities or seeking day-to-day reliability, this tape delivers unwavering hold, granting you the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. lace hold tape
Gentle on Skin: This tape has been crafted with precision and formulated to be gentle on your skin. Say goodbye to irritation and discomfort, even during extended wear. Enjoy a comfortable experience without compromising on hold. lace hold tape
Invisible Blend: The transparent nature of our Lace Hold Tape seamlessly blends with lace and skin tones, creating a virtually invisible bond. This discreet feature ensures that your hairline looks natural, without any telltale signs of tape lines lace hold tape
User-Friendly Application: The 5-meter length provides ample tape for multiple applications. Its easy-to-cut design allows for customization to fit your specific needs. With straightforward application, you can achieve a professional-looking bond without any hassle. lace hold tape
Versatile Usage: Suitable for lace front wigs, hair systems, and extensions. Our Lace Hold Tape caters to various hair enhancement needs. Its versatility makes it a must-have for those seeking a reliable adhesive solution. lace hold tape
Resilient Performance: Whether it's humid weather, active lifestyles, or daily routines, our Lace Hold Tape maintains its integrity. It offers consistent and dependable performance over time. lace hold tape.
BROWN LINER CLOTH TAPE FOR HAIR PATCH (36pieces pack) are adhesive tapes with a brown-yellow liner , it is specially design to secure the hair wigs or extension.These tapes are non-allergic and dimmest tapes used for a hard and long run.  The combination of the dull finish, adjustable liner with a thin formation which makes this tape comfortable to wear and gives a natural resemblance. Comes in a convenient packaging which is travel-friendly and takes less space.
To reduce time and efforts we are proving ready cut pieces for more convenience.
Hold: 2 to 3 weeks the long-standing tape, it varies from weather temperature and skin type as our skin releases oils.
It is odour-free and antiallergic.
It is easy to work with, which prevents it from damaging the gentle lace systems.
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Silicone hair tapes are a cutting-edge solution for securing hair extensions and wigs, offering a combination of durability, comfort, and ease of use. Their double-sided adhesive, hypoallergenic properties, and versatility make them a preferred choice for both professional stylists and individuals seeking a reliable and discreet hair enhancement method.
Hypoallergenic: These tapes are gentle on the skin, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or irritation on any body type . It is clinically tested and proven .
Double-Sided Adhesive:  These tapes boast adhesive on both sides  which makes the wig and skin stick . This double-sided feature stay for a long period of time
Minimal Residue:  Ensuring a clean removal process without damage or discomfort with  no residue [ like gum]  left on skin.
Versatility: Silicone hair tapes are versatile and can be used with various types of hair extensions, including tape-in extensions and wigs..
Waterproof and Heat Resistant: Silicone tapes are often resistant to water and heat, providing durability and reliability even in challenging conditions
 Follow us- Important update
Embracing the latest trend in hair extensions and mastering the art of maintaining natural-looking locks can elevate your style and boost your confidence. With the right techniques and products, you can achieve a flawless blend that seamlessly integrates with your own hair, creating a stunning and versatile look. Visit Joker Wigs for a wide range of high-quality hair extensions that cater to all your styling needs.
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Jade's Art Reference Library ✩࿐࿔
✮ Here’s a list of some of this blog’s bigger tags. A lot of this is drawing references, but there are writing tips and other maker-oriented helpful things!
 ♡∩_∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ ┏━━∪∪━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ✮✮✮More than likely you want one of these: ✮✮✮ |||References ||| Resources ||| Tutorials ||| Writing ||| ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
✮ CNTRL+F to find a specific tag.
✮ Sometimes there will be two versions of a tag (reference vs references, armour vs armor, etc). This is because I can't remember which one I use, so I use both. They should have almost identical content, at least as far back as I started forgetting which one was the one I started with.
✮ I've had this blog since like 2012? or something? I started it just so I could refer back to posts that I found helpful for my art and writing. It may be a bit disorganized, and some of the tags haven't seen any updates in a while.
✮ Not a comprehensive list of things I reblog here.
✮ Sometimes I'm on my phone without Shinigami eyes. If you see me reblog a terf, it was 100% an accident, and I will gladly delete it and block their ass ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
✮ Same goes for AI art, if you see me reblog it, tell me and I'll delete it! The only AI-related stuff I want to reblog here is how to protect your art from it and how to avoid it in search results (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
  ∧,,,∧ (  ̳• · • ̳) /    づ♡ I hope you find some things here that are helpful for you!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚ ✭    *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚     ✭ .  .   ˚ .             ✦
Accessibility- I need more of these posts, actually. Right now there's some info on writing image descriptions.
Accessories- sunglasses, bags, headdresses, circlets, crowns, etc.
Armour / Armor- so you don't get stabbed
Art- just general art I thought interesting enough to stash for future inspiration
Castles- also includes cathedrals, old mansions, temples, and any old, large, important building, as well as old castle-like details like fancy stone gazebos
Characters- Tips on writing/designing characters, and also posts of interesting characters.
City- skyscrapers, aerial views, streets, alleyways
Clothes- you wear them, I wear them, they're clothes
Comics- generally this is actual comics panels
Colourful / Colorful- images with interesting colors
Creatures- animals, arachnids, insects, and other living creatures both real and imaginary
Culture- information about different cultural stuff that are good to know
Fashion- artsy clothes/accessories that are generally not practical for everyday wear but still interesting to look at
Fiber art / Fiber arts- plush, crochet, etc. Some overlap with the sewing tag. Looks like I use "Fiber artS" more than "fiber art", somehow.
Game dev- need more posts here! Feel free to tag me if you find any good resources.
Glitter- not much here really
Hair- or wigs
History- give some context to your stuff, friends
Language / Languages- unfortunately these two tags are a little different because I very much forgot which one I was using
Lighting- when a scene is lit in an interesting way
Lights- LEDs, lanterns, Christmas lights, candles, etc.
Mist- and fog
Moon- ours, mostly. Includes eclipses.
Photography- A mix of tutorial type posts and actual photography.
Pixel art-
Poses- the way people stand and sit. Sometimes it's actual pose references, and sometimes it's just photos where I think the pose happens to be interesting or useful.
Reference / References- anatomy, tutorials, other useful information and examples
Resource / Resources- links to things like stock image websites, (usually free) software, libraries, or other helpful tools
Rocks- crystals, minerals, gemstones, geodes, fossils, shells 
Sculpture- clay and stuff like that
Sewing- Includes stuff like embroidery, but sometimes I use the fiber arts tag.
Stars- nebula, galaxy, meteorites, astrophotography
Tutorial / Tutorials- Posts that teach you how to do a specific thing, like skin tones and hair textures and whatnot.
Water- lakes, ponds, ocean, waterfalls, fountains, puddles
Weapons- swords, daggers, archery, etc. Not just photos of cool looking weapons, but tutorials on how to draw them, history on them, etc.
Weather- rain, atmospheric phenomena, auroras, rainbows, and lightning, tornadoes
Web design- need more here! Also includes UI design.
Writing- Helpful tips for writing, as well as handy resources like name generators, map creation tips, character creation sheets, worldbuilding help, etc. And sometimes I just throw in snippets of writing I happen to really like.
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divadivine13 · 3 months
Essential Hair Care Tips On Hair Toppers
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Hair toppers are an excellent solution for those experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. They offer a quick and easy way to add volume, length, and thickness to your natural hair. However, proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure your hair topper lasts as long as possible and looks its best. In this blog post, we will share some vital hair care tips for hair toppers to help you keep your hair looking and feeling great.
Brush your hair topper regularly - A regular brush will help keep your hair topper free from tangles and knots and will help distribute the natural oils from your scalp throughout the topper. Use a soft brush or comb, and start from the bottom and work your way up.
Wash your hair topper - Depending on how frequently you wear your hair topper, and you should wash them every 2-4 weeks. Use gentle shampoo and conditioner made especially for synthetic hair, and avoid using heat-styling tools such as curling irons or hair dryers.
Dry your hair topper - After washing it, gently squeeze out the excess water and lay it flat to dry. Avoid using a hair dryer or other heat-styling tools, as they can damage the synthetic fibers of your topper.
Store your hair topper properly - When not in use, store your hair topper on a mannequin head or a wig stand. It will help keep its shape and prevent tangling.
Trim your hair topper - Over time, the ends of your hair topper may become damaged or split. To keep your topper looking its best, trim the ends every 6-8 months to keep them healthy and smooth.
Be gentle with your hair topper - Avoid pulling or tugging on your hair topper, as this can cause damage to the hair fibers. Instead, handle your topper gently and carefully to ensure it lasts as long as possible.
Avoid heat styling - Synthetic hair fibers can be damaged by heat, so avoid using heat styling tools on your hair topper. If you need to style your hair, use a low heat setting and apply a heat protectant spray.
Use a wig cap - Wearing a wig cap under your hair topper can help keep it securely in place and prevent tangling. It can also help absorb excess oils and sweat, prolonging your hair topper's life.
By following these essential hair care tips for hair toppers, you can ensure that your hair topper lasts as long as possible and looks its best. Remember to be gentle with your hair topper and use products specifically designed for synthetic hair to avoid damage. Happy styling!
Tricks For Hair Toppers -
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Use clips to secure your hair topper in place - This can use clips to connect your hair topper to your natural hair, making it easier to apply and remove.
Use a hair topper with a monofilament base - A monofilament base allows you to part your hair in any direction, creating a more natural look.
Match the color of your hair topper to your natural hair - This will make it look more natural and blend in better with your hair.
Use a hair topper with a lace front - This can use a lace front to create a natural-looking hairline, making it look like the hair is growing from your scalp.
Use a hair topper with a base that matches your scalp - This will make it look like the hair is growing from your scalp and create a more natural look.
Use a hair topper with a base that is comfortable to wear - Some hair toppers can be heavy or itchy, so choose one that is comfortable to wear for long periods.
Use a hair topper with a base that is easy to style - Some hair toppers can be challenging, so choose one that is easy to style and maintain.
Use a hair topper with a base that is easy to clean - Some hair toppers can be challenging to clean, so choose one that is easy to clean and maintain.
By following these hair topper tricks, you can ensure that your hair topper looks and feels great. Remember to choose a hair topper that is comfortable, easy to style and maintain, and that matches your natural hair color and texture. Happy styling!
What Are The Best Hair Toppers In India -
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Hair Drama Hair Topper: 
They believe in creating aspirational pieces that exude a personal style statement for each woman who wears them in her distinctive way. Each piece becomes unique, waiting to come alive when worn. This brand offers a wide range of materials and fabrics, such as crystals, metal, chains, leather, lace, velvet, and satin. Thorough product engineering and research have been done to ensure that each product defines perfection in quality and comfort. They look forward to adding a little drama to your life.
Diva Divine Hair Topper: 
They are India's first hair retailers since 2008. They offer premium quality human hair Toppers & extensions across India, promising superior quality in the market. And also provide a wide range of temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent hair extensions and toppers made of 100% Remy human hair. They also offer installation services by hair experts! They get you the best at the best prices. Their physical stores are in New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Mumbai, while we are in pan India online!
Nishhair Hair Topper: 
This brand offers a wide range of hair toppers in different styles, lengths, and colors, making it easy to find the perfect match for your natural hair. Their hair toppers are helpful solutions for Alopecia Hair Loss or General Hair Thinning & Hair Loss. Here at Nishhair, toppers are available in 100% human hair, which provides coverage & adds volume to your scalp and crown area. Rest Assured. Women Weave got you covered.
Alcheleme Hair Topper: 
This brand offers a wide range of hair toppers in different styles, lengths, and colors, making it easy to find the perfect match for your natural hair. If you are looking for hair toppers, To choose on the thickness, length, and whether to select permanent or semi-permanent, you will require some guidance and assistance. Alchemane offers various options in hair extensions, and our staff is more than happy to help you with all your requirements concerning hair toppers in Mumbai & India.
1 Hair Stop Hair Topper: 
This brand offers high-quality hair toppers made from 100% human hair, making them look and feel very natural. They believe that when you have beautiful, lustrous hair, you can genuinely take on the world with elan! 1 Hair Stop aims to help women feel confident and beautiful and make human hair extensions affordable in India. Their most significant advantage over other hair brands is that we have our manufacturing units. They focus on ideating, creating, and, most notably, improving our products every step of the way.
It's important to note that the best hair topper for you may vary depending on your specific hair loss or thinning issues, your natural hair color and texture, and your personal preferences. It's essential to research and finds a hair topper that is the right fit for you.
In conclusion, hair toppers are an excellent solution for those experiencing hair loss and thinning hair. However, proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure your hair topper lasts as long as possible and looks its best. Hair topper tips shared in this blog post, such as regular brushing, washing, and trimming your hair topper, using a mild shampoo and conditioner, and storing your hair topper properly, can ensure that your hair topper looks and feels great. Additionally, it's essential to be gentle with your hair topper and avoid using heat styling tools. You can also use tricks like using clips in hair extension to secure your hair topper, using a hair topper with a monofilament base, and selecting a hair topper that matches the color and texture of your natural hair. Remember to choose a hair topper that is comfortable, easy to style and maintain, and that matches your natural hair color and texture. Here are some brands where you can find good ones within your budget, such as Diva Divine, 1 Hair stop, etc. Happy styling!
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oddel12 · 3 months
Transform Your Look with Curly Lace Closures and Ombre Curly Hair in the UK
The Allure of Curly Lace Closures
Curly lace closures are hairpieces designed to give a seamless and natural finish to wigs and sew-in hairstyles. They are crafted with a lace base, typically made from French or Swiss lace, which blends effortlessly with your scalp. The primary feature of these closures is their beautiful, defined curls that add volume and texture to your hair.
Why Choose Curly Lace Closures?
Natural Appearance: The lace base mimics the natural scalp, allowing for a realistic parting and hairline. This is particularly beneficial for those seeking a natural look without revealing the transition between their natural hair and the hairpiece.
Versatility: Curly lace closures come in various curl patterns, from loose waves to tight coils, making it easy to find one that matches your desired look. They can be dyed, straightened, or styled to suit your personal preference.
Protection: These closures offer a protective style, reducing the need for heat and chemical treatments on your natural hair. This helps in maintaining the health and integrity of your natural hair while still enjoying the freedom to style your hair as you wish.
Easy Maintenance: Maintaining curly lace closures is relatively simple. Regular washing with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, combined with gentle detangling, will keep your curls bouncy and vibrant.
How to Choose the Right Curly Lace Closure
When selecting a curly lace closure in the UK, consider the following factors:
Hair Type: Match the texture and curl pattern to your natural hair for a seamless blend.
Lace Color: Choose a lace color that closely matches your scalp to enhance the natural appearance.
Size and Density: Determine the size of the closure and the density of the hair to ensure it aligns with your desired volume and coverage.
The Magic of Ombre Curly Hair
What is Ombre Curly Hair?
Ombre curly hair is a style that features a gradual transition of color from dark roots to lighter ends. This technique creates a stunning visual effect that adds depth and dimension to curly hair. Ombre coloring is particularly striking on curls, as the varying shades enhance the natural texture and movement of the hair.
Why Ombre Curly Hair is Trending
Low Maintenance: Unlike other hair coloring techniques, ombre requires less frequent touch-ups. The color transition starts at the roots and fades towards the ends, allowing for a more natural grow-out process.
Versatile Appeal: Ombre curly hair works well with various curl types, from loose curls to tight ringlets. It also complements a wide range of skin tones, making it a versatile choice for many.
Stylish and Modern: The ombre effect adds a contemporary twist to curly hair, creating a chic and fashionable look that stands out.
Customizable: You can tailor the ombre effect to suit your personal style. Whether you prefer a subtle gradient or a bold contrast, there’s an ombre look for everyone.
How to Achieve the Perfect Ombre Curly Hair
Consult a Professional: Ombre coloring can be tricky, especially on curly hair. It’s best to consult a professional stylist who can ensure a smooth transition and maintain the integrity of your curls.
Choose Your Colors Wisely: Select colors that complement your natural hair color and skin tone. Popular choices include caramel, honey blonde, and even vibrant shades like red or blue for a more daring look.
Care for Your Curls: Maintaining the health of your curls is crucial. Use color-safe, moisturizing products to keep your curls hydrated and vibrant.
Embrace Styling Flexibility: Ombre curly hair provides a dynamic canvas for various hairstyles. From updos to loose waves, the color gradient adds an extra layer of interest to your look.
Where to Find Curly Lace Closures and Ombre Curly Hair in the UK
The UK boasts a plethora of options for finding high-quality curly lace closures and ombre curly hair. Whether you're shopping online or visiting a local hair boutique, here are some tips for sourcing the best products:
Research Reputable Retailers: Look for retailers with positive reviews and a strong reputation for quality hairpieces and extensions.
Check for Customization Options: Many retailers offer customization services, allowing you to tailor your curly lace closure or ombre hair to your specific preferences.
Compare Prices: While price is important, don’t compromise on quality. Compare different options to find the best value for your budget.
Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, or hair professionals for recommendations on trusted suppliers.
Curly lace closures and ombre curly hair offer exciting ways to enhance your look and express your personal style. Whether you're in the UK or beyond, these trends provide a blend of beauty, versatility, and convenience. Embrace the opportunity to transform your hair and enjoy the confidence that comes with a stunning new look.
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drpriya · 3 months
Dealing with physical changes caused by cancer can be challenging, but there are several strategies and resources that can help manage these changes effectively:
1. Medical Support
Consult Oncologists and Specialists: Regular check-ups and consultations with your medical team can help address and manage symptoms and side effects.
Pain Management: Work with your healthcare provider to find effective pain relief methods, which may include medications, physical therapy, or alternative therapies.
2. Physical Activity
Exercise: Engage in appropriate physical activity to maintain strength and energy levels. Programs like gentle yoga, walking, or swimming can be beneficial.
Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can design an exercise program tailored to your needs and limitations.
3. Nutrition
Balanced Diet: Focus on a nutrient-rich diet to support your body's needs. Consult a dietitian who specializes in oncology for personalized advice.
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial for overall health and can help manage some side effects like dry skin and constipation.
4. Emotional and Psychological Support
Counseling: Therapy or counseling can help you process emotions and develop coping strategies.
Support Groups: Joining support groups for cancer patients can provide a sense of community and shared experience.
5. Coping with Body Image Changes
Professional Guidance: Seek advice from specialists like dermatologists, hair specialists, or reconstructive surgeons to manage visible changes.
Adaptive Aids: Consider wigs, scarves, and prosthetics to help with hair loss or other physical changes.
6. Managing Fatigue
Rest: Ensure adequate rest and take naps if necessary.
Energy Conservation: Prioritize activities and pace yourself to conserve energy for essential tasks.
7. Practical Adjustments
Assistive Devices: Use tools and devices that can help with daily tasks, such as grab bars, shower chairs, or mobility aids.
Home Modifications: Make necessary adjustments at home to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
8. Skin Care
Gentle Products: Use mild, fragrance-free soaps and lotions to care for sensitive skin.
Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the sun with appropriate clothing and sunscreen.
9. Financial and Legal Assistance
Financial Planning: Seek advice on managing medical expenses and explore resources for financial support.
Legal Advice: Look into legal resources to help with issues related to employment, insurance, and disability rights.
10. Complementary Therapies
Mind-Body Practices: Techniques like meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy can help alleviate stress and improve well-being.
Creative Outlets: Engage in activities like art, music, or writing as a form of expression and stress relief.
11. Education and Advocacy
Stay Informed: Educate yourself about your specific type of cancer and treatment options.
Advocate for Yourself: Communicate openly with your healthcare team and advocate for your needs and preferences.
Each person's experience with cancer is unique, so it’s important to find what works best for you and to seek support from healthcare professionals, loved ones, and community resources. Get best treatments for cancer at best hospitals like H N Reliance Hospital Mumbai.
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