#protective ushijima
hmperil · 1 year
! how haikyuu protect you in public !
includes : sakusa , ushijima , bokuto
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sakusa : first no idea how his (s/o) gets him out in public willingly so most of the time it probably be for things like school or volleyball , quite protective of them because he's scared people will infect them with germs , if in the metro, or something like that , he would pull his (s/o) closer to him to avoid other people touching them and glare at whoever comes close. trust me no ones going to be coming near his (s/o) anytime soon with him next to them .
ushijima : would be clueless most of the time but still if he was walking his (s/o) home back late or something he would wrap his arm around their waist and pull them closer to his body. would walk his (s/o) all the way to their door to make sure their ok ( love a responsible king ). don't think anybody would try and hit on his (s/o) while he was there, one look and they would run.
bokuto : super protective, literally the perfect man . oh your cold ,here's his jacket. your scared, he'll hold your hand and comfort you. your sad, here's a hug (can you tell that im like no.1 bokuto simp yet). anyone comes within a 5 meters radius of his (s/o) will get a whole interrogation of why they're so near to them. at the same time he won't to it to the point its toxic or anything, he does it cause he cares for his (s/o).
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nikki-152006 · 26 days
Sawamura Daichi is Vanilla.
Tendou: Your captain is kinda... vanilla. Suga: You mean classy, sweet, creamy, brilliantly scented as fuck, heart-healthy, calming and intoxicating? Yes. Yes he is.
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angst-king · 8 months
Play together fight together
(its been a good while since I've written for Haikyuu, sorry its so scatterbrained.) (CW story contains Abuse, and emotional incest (nothing explicit) and violence,as well as hinting towards age regression))
Ushijima Wakatoshi is the most intimidating boy on Shirotorizawa’s team. In school, he was terrifying to most people due to his bluntness and resting bitch face. He could be sweet but he didn’t have the best social skill. The team didn’t mind thankfully, they seemed to think he was funny and a good team captain. He didn’t even like the sport at first, he didn’t hate it but his father brewed an awful association into him. Wakatoshi didn’t have a good relationship with his father, he didn’t have the best one with his mother but it was better than his father’s. His father was an abusive jerk who had been hurting his mother since they were married. She got pregnant with him to fix their marriage but that didn’t work so now he dealt with his father’s constant disdain for his existence. He was always told that he should join the volleyball team to repay him for this life interruption. Wakatoshi never had an interest in it when he was younger but took up martial arts not only because he liked it but it was to defend his mother in case his father got belligerent again.
He did martial arts from 5th grade up to 9th grade, but his father forced him out of it and made him join the volleyball team. Thankfully he still kept in touch with his old martial arts teacher, she was like the mother he wanted. She didn’t ask much of him, just for his best efforts, she encouraged him in school and motivated him to keep going.
Now he was in 11th grade playing volleyball and sure he didn’t like it at the start. But he had good teammates who sure could be rude at times, he could tell they were good people and had strong play styles. He didn’t know much more about them than that though since he never took the time to get to know them much. There wasn’t much getting-to-know-you time between walks to class or from home. There was one exception, Tendou Satori. Tendou would walk with him to and from school every day and he would talk his ear off the entire way and Ushijima would listen. It was better than having to remember what would happen some mornings.
Being with Tendou made him feel safe, made him happy. Sometimes it made him want to tell Satori what the hell was happening at home or ask to spend the night at his place. He still refrained from it even on his darkest of days when he’d go to school with a limp or bruises he’d try to hide. Some days the stress of being a team captain and his home life would make him sick to his stomach, or make him feel small or both. Ushijima never understood what happened but sometimes he would feel like a toddler who would just want to hide and eat snacks and not worry about things. He only let himself indulge in this feeling when he was going to bed. He would curl up under his blankets and quietly babble to himself and watch cartoons on his phone until he fell asleep.
This week was the team sleepover, something Tendou and the others thought would be a fun idea. Since they didn’t know each other as well in casual settings they figured it would be helpful! To say Ushijima was scared about it was an understatement, he was sick with fear! His dad wasn’t getting any lighter on his beating on his mother since their anniversary was coming up that weekend too and he was taking it out on her. His mother would always call up Ushijima for him to come to rescue her, or sometimes she’d crawl into his bed at night like a child wanting comfort from their parent.
Since the beating on his mother wasn’t getting any easier, he was getting in between them frequently and taking it for her! Throughout the week he had to come up with more and more excuses for the bruises, the busted lip, or the limping. He knew his team wasn’t stupid and some even offered for him to take him to the nurse. He refused each time telling them he would be fine and that it was nothing to worry about.
The day of the sleepover his mother slinked into his room behind him while he packed. She wrapped her arms around his waist as she asked what he was doing. He froze a little but sighed and continued packing as he spoke.
“Getting ready for a sleepover with the team, remember mom?” “hmm oh that's right, that thing. Forgot you were still on the volleyball team” She leaned her weight into his back as she whined a little about his absence.
“Oh man Toshi, I’m gonna miss you tonight, you’re always such good company.” He gave a nervous chuckle at this wondering where she was going with this. He felt her arms snake around his body and she hummed out a sigh.
“Hmmm your father and I are going out tonight ya know, think you could help me?” “help you with what?” “Get ready silly, I can’t go out looking like this.” Wakatoshi didn’t even have to turn around when he noticed the woman plop down onto the bed like a school girl looking up at him innocently. Her back-length brown hair was tangled and tousled from being grabbed and tossed by her husband. Her left cheek was bruised to being shoved into a wall, her wrists were both bruised from his harsh grips. Wakatoshi didn’t know why his mother still believed her husband had changed for the good when she was getting beaten almost every day! Wakatoshi didn’t question her to avoid the begging and crying she would do if he said no.
He put his things aside and focused on brushing her hair, listening to her talk about the good old days when Takashi still loved her. He covered up the bruises with makeup as she reminisced about the dates they used to go on and how she wished they’d do it more often. Sometimes it made Wakatoshi sad to hear her talk about it but other times it at least gave him some sort of hope that his father would change even if those chances were 0 to none.
By the time he finished up he could see the joy shining in his mother’s eyes, she squealed excitedly like a teenager going on her first date! Maybe things would go well tonight?
When Wakatoshi finished packing he flopped onto his bed and relaxed. He ignored the pain in his side from yesterday’s ‘session’ combined with the soreness of practice and just breathed. He lay there for as long as he could, he honestly contemplated calling out of it but he knew he needed to get out of the house even if it was just for a night.
“You really gonna leave me alone with that bitch of a woman!” Wakatoshi’s eyes shot open just in time for him to see a fist coming at him. He reflexively kicked his foot out for distance and sat up to see his father sneering and huffing.
“You little shit! You think that because you’re some big shot you can do whatever you want ey!?” Wakatoshi moved out of the way this time from his father’s target line then did his best to dodge the barrage of swinging fists. Wakatoshi tried using his foot to lightly kick at the man to keep him away but that only made the man angrier. He went over to Wakatoshi’s award cabinets for both volleyball and martial arts and grabbed one of the smaller trophies from the shelf. Wakatoshi was confused as to what he was doing, then he was rushed at, and the next thing he knew he was taking the trophy’s sharp edges to the face. He didn’t bother fighting back this time knowing it would only make it longer and harder on him. He just raised his arms to try and protect his head as much as he could.
“Hey get the hell off him!” A familiar voice yelled out. Only a second later the man was grabbed and tossed off Wakatoshi.
“The hell are you to order me around punk!?” “None of your damn business you asshole, who are you to be beating on your son!?” Wakatoshi looked up from his spot on the floor to see Satori hovering over the man a fist ready to strike. Wakatoshi had to get him out of there! He knew Tendou was actually going to hit him, he’s seen Tendou own up to his hit and never pulled any punches. Hurting up to his uneasy feet, he told Tendou to stop. Tendou paused and turned to him in surprise, Wakatoshi told him he’d explain outside.
“Let's just go, please.” He pleaded, Tendou huffed and lowered his fist, grabbed Wakatoshi’s bag for him, and headed out the door with the taller boy in tow. Wakatoshi’s mother wished them a good time before they left the house. A couple of steps down the sidewalk were filled with awkward silence before Wakatoshi spoke up.
“Sorry, you had to see that, Tendou.” Tendou raised a brow at him and stopped walking. Ushijima noticed this and looked at him confused.
“What?” “Why are you apologizing?” Wakatoshi got quiet and Satori continued.
“Why are you apologizing for me walking in on seeing your father beating you? That isn’t your fault, your father hurting you isn’t your fault, none of it was! Hell, I wanted to kill him when I saw him hitting you with that trophy!” “I-…You still shouldn’t have had to see that, Tendou….I could have defended myself…I should have defended myself better.” Tendou placed a hand on his shoulder with a serious look on his face.
“You shouldn’t have to defend yourself, you shouldn’t be put in that sort of situation to begin with.” Wakatoshi couldn’t look Tendou in the eyes anymore, how could he? When his only friend walked in on him getting abused by his father. Tendou then took Ushijima by the hand and started walking leading him down the road.
“Come on, we’re going to my house anyways for the sleepover. I’m gonna fix you up” Wakatoshi wordlessly followed him after pulling the hoodie over his head. Even though Tendou was with him the silence left him alone with his thoughts that were running 100 miles per hour. Was he mad at him? Would they still be friends?! Were even friends to begin with? Why does Tendou care so much it's not like that's the worst beating Wakatoshi’s been through. He’s a big guy why does he worry?
The longer he was lost to his thoughts the more the child-like feeling took over. He wanted to hide, he didn’t like the pain, and the thoughts in his head were being mean. He felt like crying so he stuck the tip of his thumb in his mouth to keep him quiet. When they got to Tendou’s place he let him inside the house and was told to sit on the couch. He plopped himself down after switching to his house shoes, setting his bag onto the floor he nervously waited for Tendou. When the redhead came back with a basket of first aid supplies started fidgeting.
“I-I can do it myself” Tendou shook his head sat beside him and turned Wakatoshi to face him. He lightly removed the boy’s hood and frowned.
“Oh, Ushijima…” His voice trailed off sadly and he gently moved Wakatoshi’s face around so he could assess the damage. He could see Wakatoshi trying to shrink away from him and asked if he was okay.
“Te-Tendou mad?” Tendou furrowed his brows at this and shook his head.
“No I’m just worried is all, it makes me sad to see you hurt.” Tendou noticed his voice change into a somewhat toddler-like speech. He didn’t comment on it and just cleaned up the boy’s face as he reassured him.
“I don’t like seeing people I care about get hurt, I wanna help you any way I can.” Wakatoshi nodded quietly and watched as Tendou bandaged him up. When he finished Tendou gently patted him on the head and asked if he wanted anything to eat. Wakatoshi shyly nodded, he hadn’t eaten anything that morning so he needed something. He went into the kitchen and came back with a PB&J sandwich and juice.
“Here ya go, you can’t munch on your thumb buddy” Wakatoshi quickly turned a shade of red in the face while taking his thumb out of his mouth. He thanks him for the sandwich and quietly eats it like he hasn’t eaten in days. Tendou had to remind him to slow down so he wouldn’t choke on it. Tendou put on some cartoons while they waited for everyone else to arrive.
When others did arrive things got hyped up fast, it was almost like a party full of teen boys. Games and movies all night long melting away the worries of their usual lives. Even Wakatoshi was laughing when Goshiki fell over during twister. Although he couldn’t completely forget the event that happened this morning, he could at least feel safe enough to enjoy himself. He stuck close to Satori who didn’t mind and encouraged him to interact with the rest of his team making sure he felt safe.
Late into the night, the boys slowly started going to sleep in their spots in the living room, four boys on the couch, some curled up against the wall and others in a blanket nest on the floor! It was almost completely silent aside from some snoring, then there was a beep from Wakatoshi’s phone. Wakatoshi hadn’t fallen asleep yet so he didn’t take long to check his phone. When he saw the text he almost threw up in his mouth.
It was a picture of his mother covered in bruises and cuts with a text from his father saying
“You better bring your ass home now and deal with her or I deal with her myself.” Wakatoshi quickly stumbled to his feet and started grabbing his things doing his best not to wake anyone up. Trying to make it past the sleeping boys on the floor wasn’t easy but just when he thought he was safe he heard someone call his name.
“Ushijima?” He stopped in his tracks and turned to see Tendou sitting on the couch they slept on. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he asked where he was going.
“I-I have to go home Tendou” That woke him up fast Tendou looked at him worriedly asking why. Just as Wakatoshi was about to come up with an excuse his phone rang which woke up more of the boys. Wakatoshi knew he’d be in more trouble if he didn’t answer and tried to go into another room to answer. Even with him in another room, his father was loud and some of the boys who were woken up could partially make out the conversation. It was nothing but yelling derogatory things and threats while Wakatoshi remained silent.
Tendou looked at the group and quietly told them to get their shoes on as he leaned over to listen in on the phone call. There was quiet shuffling and muttering as the rest of the team woke up and got their stuff.
“AND IF THAT FUCKING RED-HEADED PUNK SHOWS UP I”M GONNA BEAT HIM BLACK AND BLUE!” The man on the phone hung up after his loudly heated threat. Wakatoshi huffed and leaned against the wall, sinking to the floor he wished for it to swallow him up. But right in front of him was a hand Tendou extended towards him
“Hey, come on, let's go.” “huh?” “Your old man expects you home right?” “yeah?” “well lets go before he decides to drive on up here” Wakatoshi reluctantly took the hand and got to his feet and walked out to the living room though was surprised to see the team looked ready to go.
“Sorry did I wake you guys? Why do you guys have your shoes on?” “Because I told them to get their shoes on, we could all hear that shit stain over the phone. So we’re going with you.” His eyes shot wide open at this and he shook his head.
“No no no, you guys, seriously don’t have to. I’ll be fine on my own, I don’t need you guys getting caught up in my shit” “Too bad dude, we’re in it now. No way in hell are we letting our team captain deal with that guy alone. Especially if we can help it” Smiled Ohira, Wakatoshi knew there was no talking them out of it so he led the way to his house in the dark.
When they got to Wakatoshi’s house it was eerily quiet, he didn’t hear anything from the outside like he usually would by now. When he opened the door to let himself in he barely had any time to react to a ceramic plate being thrown at him. He dodged it just in to see his father holding his mother by the hair. He threw her down to the floor and stomped on the back of her head as he yelled out.
“Oh wow, you actually showed up!” Wakatoshi threw the door open and told him to get off of her.
“And why the hell should I get off this useless slut, you coward. What are you gonna do hit me?” He antagonized, Wakatoshi huffed and walked up to him, grabbed him by the shirt, and threw him into the wall before kneeling down to his mother.
“You fucking brat!” Takashi growled out as he staggered to his feet, Tendou and Ohira hurried in behind Ushijima to keep Takashi from going after him.
“Back off old man!” Tendou started, Takashi snorted and challenged them
“I told him not to bring your punkass, didn’t I? What are you gonna do kid?” Tendou and Ohira grouped together to block him, matching his steps and keeping him cornered. Wakatoshi picked up his mother and ran out of the house. Leaving Tendou and Ohira to settle it with Takashi.
“Oi you bring Hana back right now you-” “SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH!” Tendou shouted and landed a punch right to his mouth, he kept punching and punching. Blow after blow rage consumed him
“You ever lay a hand on Ushijima or his mother again and I will end you where you stand, you hear me!?” Tendou threatened, no one had ever seen Satori like that. Sure he could be intimidating on the court but this was different. He had a feral yet angry look in his eyes, he looked ready to snap this man’s neck if Semi didn’t yell for him to drop him and leave. Wakatoshi dropped Hana off at a friend's house a few doors down and came back apologizing for the entire mess.
“Don’t apologize, dude, just wish we could have helped out sooner. Your mom gonna be okay?” “yeah she’ll be fine, she’ll hate me for a bit but, she’ll be fine.” “All alright let's go back, m’tired” “Yeah me too”
The walk back to Tendou’s house was filled with laughter, jokes, and running competitions to see who could get there faster. So of course it didn’t take long for them to fall asleep once they got back inside. Wakatoshi was still awake though, mind wandering into his toddler-like headspace, and was too nervous to sleep. He nustled at against Tendou hoping the other wouldn’t notice but blushed hard when he felt the smaller boy wrap his arms around him and softly rub his back. Wakatoshi let out a small whine and yawned figuring there’d be no harm in falling asleep like this. At least he was with someone who made him feel safe.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
Happy father's day to all haikyuu captains.
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samubytheocean · 3 months
instead of feral, desperate boys..
not everyone is up for pda- and if that’s want you want, that’s what your man will get for you
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boys who’s hands hesitate every time they touch you in public. he’s so in love with you, and he respects you. you, your space, your comfort. to the point where sometimes it’s downright funny, but you know the self control it takes. his hands hover for a second every time, every touch, even the slightest graze of the shoulder to catch your attention, is full of anticipation and adoration.
the silent wall between the thighs whenever you sit next to each other in a tight car at a night out with friends. his legs are tense, determined to save your space, no matter how cramped it is. it’s just how he shows his love. the space between you two at the hallway of the party. gossiping away, a little tipsy, his arms are protectively around your waist, to ensure no one bothers this fun and sweet moment between you two. but with a closed fist. no groping, no caressing. big strong hands closed and firmly held, but at the same time soft for you to laugh and gesture all you want. he doesn’t want your pretty eyebrows to knit, looking around to see if anyone is looking. his pretty angel should have everything she wants, may it even be space.
and the sweetest part? after the doors close, the sweat gently washed off and your lotioned body tucked in, the invisible wall melts. your man, your boy, your baby falls into you, in your sacred place, his sacred place. he only feels comfort when you are truly comfortable. his hot, firm body, so present, wraps you now with no hesitation. it’s only you two in the world. soft breaths against your neck without a worry. he reminds you now, more than ever, that he is there. that he is present. all of the waiting all throughout the day, you can feel it in his heartbeats melting with yours now. he loves you so.
he loves you so.
fucking SAKUSA (i’m going to pass out), KAGEYAMA, USHIJIMA, IWAIZUMI, ARAN (gladly does if u ask), KITAAA (woof woof baby one chance plz), DAICHI (more territorial than the rest i imagine)
MEGUMI (i love him), NANAMI
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
❥ timeskip! haikyuu captains matching with you on tinder | wakatoshi ushijima and shinsuke kita
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warnings: timeskip! ushijima and kita, fem! reader size kink, protected sex, hayloft sex, unprotected sex, biting, marking, virgin! ushijima, soft dom! kita, spanking, rough sex, tendou mentioned, kind of dom reader for ushijima
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 2k
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Wakatoshi Ushijima | Loosing his virginity
Ushijima wasn’t a stranger to people talking about their sex lives around him. His face was so stoic and statuesque that no one could tell if he was uncomfortable listening to the subject. The topics spoken in his vicinity ranged from how big a woman’s breasts were to how someone lost their virginity. He had to admit, he was a bit more awkward around those conversations because he couldn’t relate. He was a 26-year-old virgin, while his teammates and rivals had no doubt lost their virginity years prior. Some people even lost their virginity in high school. How scandalous!
He had contacted Tendou, his closest friend from Shirtatorizawa, to hopefully give him advice on the subject. Tendou was shocked at first (and found this entire situation to be completely hilarious) but offered his advice anyway. He told Ushijima that losing your virginity doesn’t have to be a big deal, that it doesn’t have to be romantic or special. It’s just something that happens, and everyone is different. Tendou also recommended downloading Tinder, which is a very useful resource. “If you want sex with no strings attached, look no further.” his words rang in Ushijima’s ears, his thumb hovering directly over your profile. You seemed like a good match for him, but he didn’t really know what he wanted yet. 
Shrugging his shoulders, he slid right on your profile and was surprised when you matched with him. He had very clearly stated that he was a virgin in his biography (Why would he not? It was accurate), so that kind of deterred people from matching with him. You messaged him instantly, suggesting he visit your apartment sometime this week. Of course, he accepted; that was the whole reason why he was on that app. He had one concern, however. Ushijima was massive, bigger than any other man by a wide margin. Could you handle him?
“Shh,” gentle sounds left your lips as you covered your dripping core above Ushijima’s length, observing how it was practically twitching with want for you. “We don’t have to rush things, okay? I know it’s your first time, baby,” you kissed the side of his cheek tenderly, your nails dragging themselves up and down his muscular chest. “Just let me make you feel good.”
He could only nod as your lips touched his once more, biting on his swelling bottom lip playfully. His hands rested on your hips, kneading the flesh between his calloused fingers. His usual stoic face was flushed, lipstick marks adorning his chapped lips and thick neck. He impatiently squeezed your hips, not daring to open his mouth just yet. 
“Oh? Are you ready now, ‘Toshi?” you purred, breaking the kiss to lower yourself down even further. “You have to tell me if you want this, baby. Or else I won’t do it.”
“P-please,” Ushijima mumbled, his eyes staring intensely into yours. He couldn’t take it anymore; he needed to feel you. He needed to know if the stories his teammates told him were true and if it felt like euphoria once he was inside you. Without giving you any warning, he thrust his hips upwards, pushing his pulsating shaft inside your sobbing core. “Sorry, couldn’t wait any longer. Fuck.”
“Shit!” you cried out, balancing yourself on his broad shoulders. “Y-you’re really fucking big. G-gimme a second, okay?” your breath was quick and shallow, your walls wrapping so perfectly around his huge cock. Was he really a virgin? There was no way in hell someone with that big of a dick was a virgin. After regaining your composure, your hips began to move up and down on his length, a wanton mewl escaping your lips as the tip of his cock brushed against your most sensitive place. 
“Go faster,” Ushijima demanded, gripping harder onto your hips. He wanted to take charge but had no experience in this department. What if he messed up? What if he hurt you? His left hand was the size of your entire ass, you were so fragile compared to him. “Wanna feel more of you.” He cracked his palm against your ass softly, massaging the stinging flesh soon afterward. 
You nodded, burying your blushing face in his neck. Your bruised lips peppered soft kisses on his skin as you continued to bounce up and down on his gigantic cock, his head brushing against your cervix so deliciously. All that could be heard in your apartment was the sensual sound of R&B music, your wanton cries of pleasure, and Ushijima’s occasional grunt or deep moan. He wasn’t very vocal, but he was close; he could feel his cock twitching inside of you, relishing in the sensation of your gummy walls, attempting to milk him for all he was worth. “I’m, fuck, I’m gonna cum soon. Feels fucking incredible.”
“D-d’ya wanna cum inside o-or on my tits?” you whimpered, feeling your own climax quickly approaching. He was just so fucking big, and his voice was so deep. Each word he spoke made your clit throb even harder. “P-please ‘Toshi!”
“Inside,” he demanded, bolding, leaning up to kiss you once more. The kiss was molten, full of fire and passion that he had so long oppressed. He groaned in your mouth as he felt you let go of your cock, feeling your body convulse around him. The sounds of your pathetic and fucked out mewls drove him over the edge, his cum painting the walls of your womb white. 
You broke the kiss and smiled at him, pulling yourself off of his cock with a pop! Ushijima groaned at the sight of his seed trickling down your thighs so beautifully, looking like a Renaissance painting. Was this the sensation his teammates were talking about earlier, was it this kind of beauty? 
“Was that a good first time?” you asked, snapping him out of his wandering thoughts. He nodded and got off the bed, dressing himself quickly. “Yes, I liked it. Thanks.” The faintest tinge of pink dusted his cheeks, his eyes not daring to meet yours. He knew that if he looked into your pretty eyes again, he would be included to stay, and he couldn’t risk getting distracted from volleyball. 
“You have my number if you ever want to, y’know, fuck again. You were really good for a virgin.” Was that a compliment or an insult? Ushijima couldn’t tell. Maybe it was both, he didn’t take it personally. He turned towards you, still not making eye contact. Fuck, you were so damn pretty. Was missing his practice tomorrow really worth it? Did he want to have you in his arms that badly? 
“Maybe I’ll give you a call some other time.”
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Shinsuke Kita | The florist
Kita loved the local farmers market. It was where he could sell his rice without worrying about the middleman. It was peaceful, seeing the mothers bring their children and pets. Seeing couples holding hands as they checked out the local food and drink vendors. This weekend, Kita wasn’t at his usual booth. He chose to browse instead, having turned an acceptable profit this month. There were stands that he had seen a million times before and one that was brand new. Fresh, the paint is not yet chipped off by children carelessly running into it. And it smelled beautiful, but that was no surprise. After all, it was a florist's booth.
He saw no one running the stand currently, maybe they were on break. Kita shrugged and took out his phone, opening Tinder to mindlessly swipe through it. It wasn’t an ideal pastime, but it beat standing around waiting for the floral stall owner to show up. 
You greeted him with a rushed hello, an embarrassed blush tinting your cheeks as you apologized for being away from the stand for so long. Before Kita could respond, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Opening the notification, you saw none other but the profile of the man standing before you, looking incredibly attractive. 
“You matched with me,” you blushed, holding your phone for Kita to see. He smiled softly, thinking it was adorable how you could barely make eye contact with him. 
“It appears I have.”
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“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so well, princess,” Kita purred against your lips, thrusting into you so gently Like you would break like you were made of glass. “Think you can take more of me, darling? I’m barely halfway inside that pretty pussy.”
Fuck, his voice made you squeeze around him even harder. Here you were, laying under him in a hayloft with your hands clawing desperately at his muscular back whilst he thrust inside of you so slowly, painfully slow. Was he trying to be a tease? Was making you squirm his kink? “J-just fuck me already! Don’t tease. It’s mean!” you whimpered in frustration, attempting to angle your hips in such a way that you could feel Kita deeper inside of your core. 
“I’m not trying to be mean, sweetness,” he chuckled against your lips, pecking them softly. They tasted like vanilla and roses, a pure scent that did not fit you being defiled in a hayloft. “Just don’t wanna be too rough with you, that’s all.” he squeezed your wrists, pinning them above your hand with just one of his hands. “But if a pretty girl like you wants me to go rough, I guess I have no choice.”
The atmosphere changed instantly as Kita slammed himself into you at full force, his length pistoning in and out of your sobbing core. Your pathetic and adorable sobs of pleasure filled the hayloft, the occasional beg and plead thrown in as Kita destroyed your insides with his cock. He was holding back, not wanting to break any barriers you had set up. But when you beg him in that angelic voice to fuck you, who is he to refuse a darling such as yourself?
“Is this any better, sweetheart?” Kita groaned against your neck, trailing kisses down the already bruised flesh until he reached that sweet spot just above your collarbone. His teeth just grazed the skin as he continued to practically slam into you, shaking the sensitive wood of the hayloft with each powerful thrust inside your drenched core. “Do you like it when I fuck you like this instead, hm?”
“Yes! Fuck, Kita! M’close, holy fuck! I’m so fucking close, please!” you sobbed into his shoulder, your nails leaving angry crescent imprints on his back in accompaniment with the array of feral red scratches. “Please, please, please! Lemme cum!”
Kita moaned at your desperate words, the cadence of your voice making his dick twitch deep inside of you. He was close to his climax as well, your mewls of pleasure making the sensations he was feeling all the more delicious. “Yeah, you wanna cum pretty girl? It’s okay, cum on my fucking cock. Fucking make a mess all over me.” he bit down harshly onto your collarbone, punctuating every other sentence fragment with a powerful thrust into your weeping cunt. He felt your gummy walls attempting to pull him impossibly deeper, your orgasm approaching incredibly fast.
Finally, your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave of complete euphoria. You sobbed as your release coated his cock, almost sending Kita over the edge in tandem. Quickly, Kita pulled out of your throbbing core and frantically fisted his cock, quietly roaring as his hot and sticky ropes of white painted your stomach so beautifully. He stood above you for a moment, admiring how beautiful you were from his point of view. Shaking from your orgasm, covered in his mess. You looked so fucking perfect.
“That was incredible,” Kita smiled at you, sitting beside you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, kissing the teeth marks he had left earlier. “Do you feel good, sweetheart?” His tone was soft, gentle, and kind. He wanted to ensure you knew you would be cared for, even though you both accomplished what you wanted. 
“I feel amazing, thank you.” you smiled, resting your face on his exposed shoulder. Your eyes landed on the scratches and marks you left on his back, fingers tracing over them tenderly. “Uh, sorry about all of this. I’m not usually this rough.”
Kita kissed the top of your head and pulled you closer to his form, caging you in his muscular arms whilst he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. 
“You have nothing to worry about, pretty girl.”
okay this ask was literally so sweet i love u nonnie
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educatedsimps · 4 months
— how hq men react to "i like you"
they like you back but this is just how i imagine them reacting right after you admit you like them
≪ back to fics masterlist
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the NORMAL ones who’d just blush and admit that they like you too (with varying thought processes tho)
↳ suga and yaku on a good day, yamaguchi after a minor panic attack (tbh he doesn't know if it’s a panic attack or if his heart is beating so fast because of you), ennoshita, kenma, aone, kita, ginjima, komori
the ones who would panic immediately. like their brains would short-circuit trying to process what you had just said. like what do you mean, you like them? YOU like THEM??? the first thing out of his mouth is “N-NOW?!” like no shit, sherlock 😐
↳ asahi, tanaka, noya, hinata, lev, kogane, bokuto, tendō but he’s calm first then he’ll be like ‘eh? … EH??’, goshiki
the ones who CANNOT comprehend 1. what you’d just said, and 2. why anyone would like them romantically (the poor boy’s a lil insecure sometimes, okay?) so the first thing he says is “why??” with the most incredulous look on his face (except ushijima)
↳ kageyama (he’s dumbstruck tbh), unhinged kenma, kunimi, ushijima, sakusa
the ones who would ask “are you sick?” WITH ZERO HESITATION like, he’s in denial okay ✋ of course you’d get his protective and caring side out, and he doesn’t even understand what you said. i mean he does…? but again, he doesn’t believe it. yet. and yeah, he’s genuinely worried that you’d said that because you were high or something LOL
↳ daichi, tsukishima but he’s like judging you kinda, akaashi The Overthinker ™️, iwaizumi 100%, matsukawa but he'd probably say it in a joking way while he tries to process the thought of you actually liking him, kindaichi, semi, yamagata, kita
the ones who would freeze and believe it for a second before convincing himself that you’re joking. also follows up with "who paid you to say that?" with all the skepticism in the world. it's not that he doesn’t trust you, he’s just in denial 🤧
↳ suga and yaku on an unhinged day, shirabu, suna (he thinks atsumu’s pulling a cruel prank on him), osamu (also thinks it’s atsumu), aran, hanamaki and iwaizumi (they both think it’s oikawa)
the mfs who go "well, i can't fault you for having exquisite taste" or some egotistical shit like that, ALSO with zero hesitation. like sir puh-lease ✋ knock ur ego down a notch, you’re not all’at (he is, tho)
↳ kuroo, oikawa, futakuchi, MIYA FUCKING ATSUMU
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a/n: idk why but in my mind i just group suga and yaku together because they just give me rlly similar vibes (except suga is a lil more cray cray) and yes the two of them def have hinged and unhinged days but anyway i churned this out at 1am so excuse the half assedness of this one, i hope it was somewhat entertaining! i tried to be funny okay 🤧
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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pin-k-ink · 5 months
kinda common request but ushijima with a size kink 👀
lusus // ushijima wakatoshi
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tw ⇢ size difference, size kink, belly bulge, cumflation, mentions of pregnancy and marriage, a couple of clit slaps, teasing, pet names, “just the tip”, creampie, nipple play, unprotected sex, breeding kink
wc ⇢ 6.5k
a/n: i got a bit carried away… :(
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It started as an idle observation - one Ushijima couldn't quite pinpoint the origins of amidst the endless cycle of practices, drills, and critical preparations filling his laser-focused mind. But gradually, possibility after innocent possibility arose where he found his sharp eyes catching on the sheer... daintiness of the team's new manager.
The first instance blazed into sudden, startling existence one afternoon as you attempted to ascend the rickety ladder for hanging the championship banners. Engrossed in charting out a fresh tactical overhaul with the coaches, Ushijima only registered your presence in his periphery as a flicker of movement.
Then came the tell-tale wobble of unsteady footfalls on the rungs, followed by a muffled yelp that managed to penetrate even his intense concentration. Before conscious thought could engage strategy, Ushijima was already in motion.
In what seemed like a single, supernaturally fluid heartbeat, his powerful strides had covered the short distance just as the ladder began tipping treacherously from beneath your feet. Another eyelash-blink later, and Ushijima's forearm banded like an iron bar around your trim waist - halting your stomach-dropping plummet with shocking ease.
But just as swiftly as your unconscious peril arose, it was snuffed out again by Ushijima's unhesitating intervention. That smooth-as-oiled-silk response was merely the product of endless repetitions and drilled conditioning honed to surgical sharpness.
What stole the breath from Ushijima's very lungs like a physical force was the sudden, bewildering intimacy of having your curves pressed flush against his chest in that follow-through motion. The way your back arched subtly against his solid wall of support as he cradled your astonishingly delicate frame against the immovable force of his body with negligible effort.
Even through the layered fabrics separating you, Ushijima swore he could feel every pliant inch of your modest silhouette molding against his ongoing inhale. Like liquid sin itself taking hypnotic shape and tempting form against the hardened steel of his physique.
It was such a disconcerting realization in that breathless moment that his brain lagged several precious pulses in catching up with the new data input overload. When Ushijima finally registered the quiet pants of shocked exhales ghosting warmly over the juncture of his throat, the sensory input proved as disarming as a physical blow.
The molten rasp of your breaths so unnervingly close... the plush press of your feminine curves all but swallowed up in the circle of his arms... the dizzying spiral of flowery shampoo and understated perfumes swirling between your two forms in a scent as unmistakably alluring as it was forbidden for the hyper-focused ace to dwell on...
With a ragged exhale, Ushijima abruptly disentangled you both by depositing your feet squarely back onto stable ground and swiftly disengaging contact. Though not before his senses insisted on greedily imprinting every nuance of your shared gravity - from the startled flutter of your lashes against flushed cheekbones, to the pleasing heft and hint of curvature fitting so unexpectedly neatly into his protective embrace.
As soon as the supporting rungs regained their burdened, you'd instinctively straightened with some reflexive murmur about being more careful in the future. But when your luminous gaze finally turned up to meet Ushijima's inscrutable stare, the words seemed to stutter and die on your lips.
For a suspended, molten pause, all the ace could comprehend was the sudden direct line of intimate access now open between you. The way your features were angled up towards him in the wake of that near-debacle, practically commanding his hyper-attuned focus lower...lower...to the utterly disarming swell of your parted lips that Ushijima swore he could nearly taste the breath-warmed fullness of despite no move being made.
It was such an unforgivable lapse of iron focus that in the next instant, Ushijima felt like he'd been doused in the coldest shower imaginable. A violent, full-body rejection of the distracting detour those inappropriate contemplations had nearly started meandering down.
That innocuous moment of dizzying intimacy seemed to awaken something deeply primal within Ushijima's consciousness - an insistent awareness that refused to fade back into ignorant complacency no matter how fervently he attempted to re-immerse in his usual flow of strategies and repetitions.
Everywhere he turned, his heightened attentions now persistently snagged on the same unavoidable observation: just how deceptively tiny and delicate your stature managed to be in direct contrast to his own honed, unyielding physicality.
During grueling practice sessions when the squad formed shoulder-to-shoulder for breaking down gameplay footage, Ushijima couldn't prevent his focus from repeatedly drifting to where you stood off to the side. The way the top of your head barely crested the center of his carved pectorals always delivered a strange molten punch to his gut - awakening unbidden flashes of you tucked securely against that very expanse of muscle mere days prior.
He found his stare lingering overlong on the gentle swell of your throat whenever you leaned in to inspect the tactical court maps unfurled across the staging tables before him. The delicate tendons shifting beneath satiny skin as you swallowed or angled your features in consternation would transfix Ushijima utterly. All he could envision was the scorching brand of his palm spanning that tantalizing column in a possessive caress as he angled your jaw higher to...
The inappropriate trail of thought would initiate a violent sub-routine reboot before it could bloat into something more disturbingly indecent. Ushijima's hands would unconsciously curl into white-knuckled fists at his sides as he forcibly rerouted higher brain function back to the neutral gameplans and optimizations spread before him.
But the struggle to maintain iron discipline only worsened from there as the days marched onwards. Like a riptide pummeling away at his steadfast restraint with each new swell, every innocuous reminder of your distractingly dainty proportions seemed to carve away another chunk of his control.
The mortifying afternoon Ushijima's broad shoulders and over-dense muscle mass saw him catching the spray of an entire water cooler you'd accidentally upended while attempting to carry the ungainly vessel. He hadn't registered more than a vague impression of your strained efforts across the gym before liquid splashed in a wide fan - drenching you from the crown of your head down to the tips of those petite, adorably flexed toes peeking from your sensible flats.
In the span of two lightning inhalations, Ushijima had closed the distance between you in a sinewy viper-strike of potent urgency. His hands - calloused, powerful, and larger than any person's had a right to be - spanned the width of your upper arms in an utterly dwarfing cradle as he instinctively inspected every inch for harm or hurt.
But there was no chance for actual injury of course, only your frozen astonishment and the way every fiber of Ushijima's existence zeroed in on that sudden soaked intimacy with frightening intensity. The cloying scent of your damp locks and the cool moisture beading along the plush pout of your lips in that breathless second redirected every one of his faculties with terrifying singularity.
He was mesmerized by the tiny rivulets of transparency skating across the high, delicate planes of your blushing cheekbones and down the tantalizing silk of your throat. So transfixed by the display of such naked fragility and untapped softness that the world beyond your shared gravities simply ceased to exist for one dizzying eternity...
Until eventually, you emitted the smallest, most temptingly breathy noise of surprise that managed to jar Ushijima from his reverie hard enough to wrench back to reality. Back to harsh fluorescents and squeaking sneakers and ambient shouts of exertion from his teammates resuming undisturbed drills. All the elements of the gym's familiar, safe equilibrium which starkly juxtaposed the darkly decadent awareness now swiftly metastasizing in his conscious thoughts.
Without preamble, Ushijima withdrew from your molten orbit as swiftly as he'd intervened - retracting those dangerously possessive hands before they could map out any more forbidden terrain or shape sin itself around your slender, soaked silhouette. An unforgivable indulgence the calculated, hyper-disciplined ace simply could not permit.
Or at least, so he had desperately resolved to convince himself in that moment of roiling weakness. Even as those traitorous eyes of his drank in one final, searing glimpse at the damp fabric now semi-translucent against the generous swell of your chest, straining invitingly over every tantalizing hint of feminine curvature concealed just beneath that teasing veil...
Encounters like that only seemed to escalate in both frequency and molten potency as the weeks drifted onwards. Until eventually Ushijima realized the gut-punched awareness plaguing his every waking moment was not some freak intermittence to be powered through with sheer determination, but a persistent condition demanding far more creative counterattacks.
Merely avoiding direct proximity to your daintiness proved an exercise in abject failure when the rest of the team apparently relished any opportunity to loudly emphasize the stark contrasts in your respective statures. As if the very sight of Ushijima's broad-shouldered bulk looming effortlessly over your petite figure acted as flashing neon bait to the resident school of minnows always nipping at his heels.
"Hey y/n! Get over here and compare hand sizes with Ushiwaka for the squad contest!" Tendou's vocals pierced the din of one post-practice cooldown with all the subtlety of a backfiring jet engine.
Ushijima felt his spine go ridgidly upright at the grating tones, shoulders unconsciously squaring off as he braced for the juvenile antics sure to fol--
"Yeah, find out if the great Ushiwaka's hands are truly the most gigantic mitts on the team, little lady!"
You obediently trotted over with an exasperated roll of your eyes, already offering up one slender wrist in resigned acceptance of whatever crass "competition" the randier hooligans had concocted during Ushijima's rare mental lapse into the indecent reveries swiftly spiraling out of control.
Before either of your startled regards could register, Tendou eagerly snatched at your proffered appendage and wrenched it upward in a comparative display beside Ushijima's own outstretched palm and fingers. The contrast in size made the breath stutter harsh and molten in the ace spiker's lungs.
Your soft, tapered digits barely spanned from the pointed tip of Ushiwaka's calloused thumb to the first knuckle at the base. Like comparing a child's plaything to the implacable, sinuous strength of a well-oiled machine purposely engineered for delivering controlled devastation. It abruptly felt utterly unconscionable for the two examples to be juxtaposed so overtly.
"Well I'll be damned..." Semi drawled somewhere from the peanut gallery, voice heavy with meaning. "Our little homeroom angelcake has Thumbelina hands after all!"
A few raucous hoots and whistles greeted that filthy observation, no doubt aimed at further fanning the flames of Ushijima's suddenly tenuous restraint. His free hand curled into an unconscious white-knuckled fist at his side as raw, unfettered possession roared to vivid life in his veins like an insidious poison.
The primal urge to snatch your tiny wrist free from Tendou's irreverent grip and reclaim your delicateness into the protective circle of his embrace grew increasingly maddening with every rasping inhale. To erase every set of degenerate eyes currently devouring the soft vulnerability of your feminine composition with their sordid regards from existence entirely. All while drowning in the molten awareness of how utterly and effortlessly your fragility fit beneath his dominion.
Only your smooth, infinitesimal squirm of apparent discomfort broke through the toxic spiral starting to cloud Ushijima's enraged senses in ruby shades of sin. His stare snapped to your features instantly, honing in on the way your cheeks had gone ruddy pink, your generous lips pressed into a flat line of perturbed propriety.
Meeting those wide, reproachful eyes - so innocent yet utterly unguarded in their honest chastisement - acted like a bucket of arctic water over the flames engulfing Ushijima's possessive urges. You didn't deserve to be subjected to the darker facets of awareness cresting inside the Ace's subconscious, he rebuked himself harshly. The quiet dignity and warm support constantly exuded by your graceful presence within their team dynamic far outstripped any sordid justifications brewing within his own repressed psyche.
Heavy footfalls crunched in the stale auditorium hush surrounding the gym as Ushijima turned on his heel to stalk mindfully away from further temptation. He couldn't trust his mental fortitude around you anymore, not with these unaccountable lapses into devouring indecency plaguing his iron restraint.
At least, not until the reckless firestorm of primal hunger silently raging in his core had been expertly doused and redirected once more into something resembling their usual polished professionalism.
Behind him, the continued jeering whoops and whistles dissolved into background static, tuned out utterly in favor of his silent, singular mission to wrestle his runaway restraint back into immovable discipline before it was too late...
The fever pitch of Ushijima's smoldering awareness continued spiraling to dizzying new nadirs with every subsequent team outing. As if some unspoken cosmic force seemed hellbent on testing the superhuman restraint of even the most stoic and unshakeable ace with a relentless barrage of fresh intimacies.
The yearly athletics festival proved to be a particular gauntlet of temptation in that regard. Your petite stature made navigating the rowdy crush of bodies lining the parade route essentially impossible without getting hopelessly turned around or even inadvertently trampled amidst the chaos.
Which was how Ushijima found himself glancing over at one point, only to feel a molten punch of concern twist his gut at the tableau laid out before him. There you stood, straining up onto your tiptoes in a fruitless attempt to glimpse whatever activity currently held the crowd's raucous attentions in thrall from your disadvantaged sightlines.
One broad sweep of his discerning gaze rapidly took in the squirming press of torsos and rippling sea of elevated arms boxing you into a near-suffocating pocket of confusion and mild panic. Your features pinched with that unmistakable look of overwhelmed dismay Ushijima was swiftly coming to recognize as a siren's call demanding his undivided intercession - propriety and personal restraint be damned.
Without preamble, his powerful strides easily ate up the short distance separating you as he shouldered his way through the rowdy crowd with unhesitating force. A few surprised yelps and grunts of displeasure met the wake of his passage. But Ushijima paid them no heed whatsoever, already caught up in the scorching undertow of his singular mission.
No words were exchanged, no by-your-leaves requested or offered as he coasted to an abrupt halt before your petite silhouette. You didn't even have a chance to register his sudden, looming proximity before Ushijima had already stooped into an effortless crouch and banded one heavy arm behind the pliant give of your knees.
The other swept out to catch the surprised bend of your lower back in a fluid, steely arc - essentially scooping your entire diminutive frame up into the air with all the ease and negligible effort most would exert when retrieving a magazine from the coffee table before them.
A soft, startled noise punched its way past your parted lips at the abrupt relocation. But before any reflexive protests could surface, Ushijima had already straightened back up to his towering full height with you easily cradled in the protective circle of his arms.
From this elevated vantage just beneath his squared jawline, you couldn't begin to even see over the tops of his powerful shoulders -- much less rejoin the rest of the team amidst the crowds. Ushijima's broad, marble-carved features stared inscrutably down at you through those perpetually shadowed lenses as a lush wash of heat flooded your cheeks.
In that suspended heartbeat of molten connection sizzling between you, the Ace spiker permitted himself the indecency of simply...savoring the moment stolen away against all propriety or restraint. Of drinking in the ephemeral impression of having your waifish curves and feather-light composition utterly subsumed within his protective embrace with utterly zero effort extended.
He allowed his larger-than-life palms to map out the delicious give of your lower back and hamstrings in one unhurried, possessive caress. Was mesmerized by the tiny, delicate bones of your wrist and the swell of tendons shifting beneath fragile skin as you instinctively curled your fingers over the carved geometry of his clavicle to steady your ascent.
There was simply no denying the rapturous delight thrumming through Ushijima's every tendon at how unimaginably minuscule you felt gathered against the solid wall of his torso like this. How confidently, how naturally your slight form seemed to melt into the cradle of his broad arms and chest as though every inch of whittled musculature had been divinely sculpted with this exact indecent cradling in mind--
With a harsh inhalation lancing through his nostrils like dragonsmoke, Ushijima abruptly resumed his sinewy strides forward once more - jaw clenching on a punishing grind as he ruthlessly smothered that wildfire of wanton fantasies before they could truly ignite. He refused to allow himself to be so thoroughly unmade and derailed by your doe-eyed prettiness again and again...no matter how transcendentally perfect your fragility felt molded against his immovable dominion in reality.
No. He was the consummate discipline in humanoid form, the very avatar of hyper-focused intensity and restraint. He would not be reduced to some dribbling, base cretin rendered incoherent by the fleeting impressions of tenderness and possession currently drug-hazing his senses.
Or at least, that's what Ushijima fervently told himself with every subsequent footfall resonating between you. Even as your quiet, self-conscious giggle of amusement suddenly wafted up on a humid zephyr - close enough that he could taste the sweetness of your breath on his tongue.
And close enough to rip the foundations out from beneath his fragile reasonings once again...
Ushijima really should have known better by now than to allow any scenarios where prolonged proximity to you proved unavoidable. And yet, time after time he seemed to stumble into these charged intimacies through sheer happenstance or unthinking habit.
Like the afternoon you'd both ended up seated side-by-side reviewing fresh game footage, with the rest of the team circled loosely around the solitary monitor on offer. It had seemed innocuous at first - nothing Ushijima hadn't experienced a thousand times before amid the endless cycle of preparations and chalk-talk sessions.
But the moment you shifted slightly closer, brushing your shoulder companionably against his in the tight confines, everything abruptly snapped into hyper-focused clarity once more. Ushijima became excruciatingly aware of even the most infinitesimal details radiating off your modest frame in dizzying waves.
The delicious floral bouquet of your shampoo and subtle perfume swirling between you in one intoxicating melange. The silken friction of your skirt whispering against his thigh with every minute readjustment. Even the warm puffs of your quiet breathing seemed to skate tantalizingly down the side of his throat in a searing caress he couldn't shake.
It was like being unwillingly submerged in an ocean of scintillating distractions and forbidden temptations, all designed to lash against the rickety moorings of Ushijima's restraint. He grit his molars hard enough for his jaw to creak in protest, determined not to allow himself to drown in those swirling indulgences again so easily.
Until the moment you made an abortive move to rise from the enveloping couch cushions - no doubt intending to step out briefly during a lull in the tactical breakdown occurring.
Before any rational thought could properly engage, Ushijima's hand was already lashing out in a reflexive, steely arc to halt your departure. Those same powerful fingers and sinuous tendons he relied upon to bludgeon spiker after spiker across the net wrapped like an immovable vise around your upper thigh with zero difficulty.
The jolt of heated realization that slammed into him was as disorienting as a physical blow. Ushijima froze utterly at the dizzying impression of his palm and splayed fingers spanning nearly the entire circumference of your thigh with space to spare. Of how easily that compact muscle strained and flexed beneath his grasp - as though every individual tendon comprising your modest curves had been purposefully scaled down to entice maximum inspiration from proportionally oversized grips like his own.
You'd startled at the unexpected contact just as thoroughly, pink lips parting to release some muffled noise or breathy exclamation of surprise. But all of Ushijima's strained focus abruptly hemorrhaged elsewhere in the wake of that heated touch.
All he could process was the rapturous give of your soft skin pulsing like molten silk against his calloused fingertips as you instinctively pressed back into the solid cradle of the sofa. The fine vee of your pelvis canting subtly against his knuckles in a sleek, powerful motion somehow throbbingly evocative of wholly indecent undulations and surrender.
An incendiary tidal-wave of wanton fantasy detonated behind Ushijima's eyes without preamble. Of ruthlessly leveraging his disproportionate physicality to seize every inch of your pliant, untapped softness in an iron grip and wringing out plaintive whimpers with each filthy glide of supplication...
Only your startled squirm and the faintly bewildered look now creasing those delicate features managed to pierce the scarlet haze building to criticality in Ushijima's skullfornace. Those too-large fists of his slowly unclenched from their vice with what felt like herculean effort -- leaving a burning imprint of possession seared into his flesh where unforgivable temptation had blossomed in the blink of an eye.
"Ushijima-san?" you queried hesitantly, no doubt picking up on the sharp disquiet simmering beneath his stoicism like corrupted code refracting beneath a still surface.
He didn't dare meet your gaze fully, instead making a Herculean effort to refocus on the tactical video still playing across the monitor before you both with hypnotic regularity. Perhaps if he immersed himself in those safe, sterile patterns once more, the more primal spirals of desire trying to pull him under again could finally be filtered ou—
"I'm just going to get some air," Ushijima growled before you could probe his sudden storm front further. He was on his feet before the words had even finished rasping past his lips, strides already eating up distance from your molten gravities in an urgent retreat.
The confused furrow pinching your brow as you watched his abrupt departure didn't even register to Ushijima. He was already compiling fresh deterrent subroutines in a frantic bid to wrangle back control of the rising inferno intent on consuming him from within over any further innocuous intimacies.
The dam finally burst during one of their routine evenings reviewing overhead camera footage from practice drills in Ushijima's private quarters. What should have been a perfectly sterile, professional exercise in optimizing spike angles and read progressions rapidly snowballed into something far more insidious.
Perhaps it was the dimness of the solitary desk lamp casting intimate shadows across your features as you leaned over the scattered topography of notes and stills spread before you. Or the way you'd automatically settled onto the edge of Ushijima's bed for lack of a second chair, creating a molten tableau of softness amidst his spartan sleeping arrangements that screamed of sin in the flickering half-light.
Whatever the catalyst, all it took was a single absentminded brush of your bare calf skimming up against Ushijima's as you shifted your weight - and every last vestige of restraint he'd been desperately grappling to maintain went nuclear in an eyeblink of culpability.
The live-wire frisson of that ephemeral contact jolted straight down to his very foundations like a lightning strike forking the sky. Before his conscious mind could fully grasp what was happening, Ushijima had already reacted on searing instinct honed across endless hours of emergency reads and scenarios.
In one blurring inhalation, his hand whipped out to lock around the flexing swell of your knee in an inescapable vise. With the other fist riveted into the mattress behind your hip, he effortlessly leveraged that staggering differential in strength to swivel your entire frame flush against his own coiled undulations before you could strangle out more than a whimper of surprise.
The rapturous juxtaposition of having your supple, dainty softness suddenly splayed out so nakedly within the cradle of his indomitable physicality very nearly punched every stray volt of higher reasoning from Ushijima's razored focus in a single shattering detonation. Finally, FINALLY, you were pressed so exquisitely into the scorching brand of him with zero boundaries or illusions of propriety separating you.
His senses veritably whited out beneath the molten lash of that merciless sensory overload as your heady bouquet, your delicate warmth, the whisper-slick friction of your cotton shorts clinging to the flexing sinew of his quads all slammed home in a rapturous deluge. For one endless, shuddering inhale, the primal immensity of having your frail, coveted prize conquered within his dominion rendered Ushijima utterly unmade.
Only one other base compulsion seemed capable of piercing that blinding nova scorching away the last vestiges of lucidity between you. With a harsh growl that seemed to emanate from the very dregs of his subconscious, Ushijima surged forward - simultaneously dragging your pliant form further into the cruel vanquishing of his embrace as he sealed his lips over yours in a branding conflagration of possession.
Any muffled whimpers of surprise or protests were instantly swallowed up and reduced to mere background white-noise in the wake of that indecent detonation. You instinctively melted and writhed, alternating between fitful struggles and the boneless surrender of prey before an apex predator's unhesitating advance as Ushijima's mouth plundered yours with nearly animalistic intensity.
Every hot exhalation stuttering from your gasping lips was instantly consumed and made air by the harsh rake of his next growling inhale. Lush whimpers transmuted to molten keens as his calloused palms mapped out every untapped inch of softness and burgeoning curve with searing brands of marking possession.
The taste of you on his tongue rapidly became the single point of obsession anchoring Ushijima's restraint to reality. Cloying floral and hints of something sweeter--the remnants of candy you'd treated yourself to earlier that day no doubt. The knowledge that he was finally savoring the true essence of your temptation after being starved of it for so long only served to inflame his primal desperation to experience everything all at once.
His iron-wrought frame visibly shuddered and heaved with each fresh glut of restraint rapidly ceding ground before that onslaught of unleashed lust. Everywhere his grasping hands ventured, electric ribbons of molten desire seemed to trail in their wake - intent on bathing you in the scorching, centered totality of pleasures Ushijima so rarely ever permitted himself to indulge at all.
Before that towering obsession could well and truly drown you beneath roiling tidal waves of sin, a final gossamer filament of conscience finally managed to penetrate the eruption enough for Ushijima to tear his lips free with a hoarse, bestial snarl of exquisite torment.
"You...have no idea..." he rasped in a slaughtering graveled baritone drenched in consumed want yet still somehow begging for Purchase. For you to meet him in the raging inferno of abandon he'd prepared to burn for. "What you do to me, little one..."
A desperate noise punched its way free from the back of your throat at those words - as if voicing the very same primal understanding now thrashing at your core as well. You were suddenly everywhere at once, pliant and heated and utterly unraveled, panting hot entreaties against the fury of Ushijima's next merciless inhale.
"W-what do I do, Wakatoshi?"
A harsh groan rattled loose from somewhere deep inside the ace spiker's chest cavity at those words. At the sheer, audacity of them. The brazen invitation they implied.
It was a question he couldn't possibly answer in any rational capacity. A question that demanded total and utter subjugation in the face of its overwhelming implications.
And one which Ushijima could no longer refuse.
With a vicious exhale, his broad, calloused palms slid to cup the generous curve of your rear in a claiming caress. Without pause, Ushijima dragged you upwards against his rippling torso, angling your head and lips back against his with an unhurried, deliberate savagery.
This kiss was different from the others. Gone was the frenetic pace and wild abandon of your initial collision. Now, his mouth moved over yours with a languid, unrepentant thoroughness - mapping out every seam and crease of plush compliance with the implacable, measured focus he normally reserved for the court.
A breathy keen vibrated from the center of your throat, and Ushijima seized the opportunity to delve deeper with a sinuous twist of his tongue, claiming the wet warmth of your mouth for his own once more. His large fingers dug into the pliant swell of your rear, kneading and spreading the supple globes apart until he could feel the wet heat radiating off your pussy soaking through the thin fabric of your shorts against his straining arousal.
A groan tore loose from Ushijima's chest, raw and needy, as he began rocking his hips in slow, deliberate circles, grinding his clothed cock into the slickness gathering between your thighs. The feel of your cunt pulsing against his length was like a match striking a dry forest. He couldn't remember a time in his life when he'd been so hard. So fucking desperate.
But the way your arms locked around his neck and your slim legs hooked around his waist as he continued rolling his hips sent an avalanche of need roaring through him. It wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. He wanted you spread and bared, wanton and desperate beneath him.
"On your back, little one," he growled against the damp swell of your bottom lip.
The way your pupils dilated and your eyes darkened at the order was so damn sexy. The way you scrambled to obey was even sexier.
Without releasing his grip, Ushijima lowered himself atop you, careful not to let the full weight of his bulk rest upon you. He was a big man. Too big to risk crushing your smaller frame beneath his.
He would have to find other ways to keep you pinned beneath him.
With the tip of his index finger, he traced a path down the silky column of your neck, over your collarbone, and across the slope of your chest, watching as your nipples pebbled and hardened under his feather-light touch. He paused for a moment, admiring the view, and then he slid his finger down to the hem of your shirt.
He lifted his eyes to yours. "Arms above your head."
Your eyelids fluttered as you lifted your arms over your head, your breath coming in short bursts, and then you complied.
Ushijima pulled your shirt off, tossing it somewhere behind him. He didn't bother unhooking your bra. Instead, he shoved it up, baring your tits to his hungry gaze.
He dipped his head, capturing a nipple between his lips and sucking it into his mouth, while his hand cupped the soft swell of the other. A low, breathy moan echoed from the back of your throat as you squirmed beneath him, and he couldn't suppress a groan. Your taste was better than he'd imagined.
His teeth scraped over the sensitive peak, and a whimper bubbled from the back of your throat. You arched your back, pushing your breasts further into his mouth and hands, and he released the nipple with a wet pop, lifting his head and giving you a stern look.
"No moving. I'll tie you down if I have to."
The thought of tying you up sent another rush of blood to his already throbbing dick, but now wasn't the time. He could tie you up and torture you later, when he'd had a chance to go to the store and pick out some pretty restraints and maybe a vibrator.
Instead, he returned his attention to the task at hand, his thumb stroking over your hardened nipple while his lips descended upon the other. You gasped, writhing beneath him, and he nipped the delicate flesh with his teeth, eliciting a squeak.
"Be a good girl," he murmured. "Stay still for me."
And then, without waiting for an answer, he returned his mouth to your tits, licking and sucking, biting and pinching until the peaks were red and swollen, and you were a shivering mess beneath him.
By the time he finally lifted his head, the crotch of his shorts was soaked, and he could feel your own slickness soaking through the thin material of your panties.
He slid a hand between your bodies, tracing the outline of your folds through the soaked fabric. You moaned, arching your hips, and he gave a sharp smack to your thigh.
"Don't move," he ordered.
He hooked a finger under the hem, tugging it to the side, and his cock twitched at the sight of your glistening pussy. His mouth watered at the prospect of tasting you, but his own arousal was quickly becoming a problem. His erection was straining painfully against the fly of his shorts, and he was dangerously close to coming just from the friction of the fabric rubbing against him.
He tugged your underwear the rest of the way off, and you shivered as the cool air of the room washed over your heated flesh.
"Cold, baby?" he murmured, and you nodded.
"We'll fix that soon enough," he promised.
He pulled his own shirt off and tossed it aside. He didn't bother to unfasten his shorts, just unzipped them and pushed them and his boxers down enough to release his cock.
His balls tightened as his shaft sprang free, bobbing heavily between his thighs. He wrapped his fist around his shaft, pumping it slowly. He didn't need much stimulation. Just seeing you sprawled out before him, naked and wet, was enough to get him there.
He shuffled a bit closer and rested his heavy cock on the soft skin of your abdomen, hissing as the head of his cock rubbed against the smooth plane of your stomach. He couldn’t believe how tiny you were. How his cock could cover your entire stomach. How the tip of it almost reached your sternum.
He groaned, pumping his cock a few more times before lifting it and sliding the length between the wet lips of your pussy. You gasped as his cock glided over your clit, and he repeated the motion, enjoying the way you moaned and writhed.
"Look at you, taking my cock so well," he breathed, watching as his shaft slipped and slid over your clit.
You whimpered, and he increased his pace, rocking his hips and fucking his length between the swollen lips of your pussy. "S’ too big…" you whimpered, the walls of your cunt contract around nothing.
He grunted, thrusting faster, feeling your slickness coat his cock, making it easier for him to slide between the folds of your pussy. You moaned, arching your hips and trying to rub yourself against him, but he didn't let you. Instead, he pulled his cock away, smacking the underside of his length against your clit.
"Fuck!" you gasped, your hands flying to his shoulders, gripping the solid muscle and squeezing as you tried to find purchase.
"Don't move," he repeated, swatting his cock against your clit a second time, and then a third, before pressing the tip against your entrance.
Your eyes widened, and you stared up at him with an expression that was half-terror and half-excitement. He smiled down at you, his fingers tangling in the hair at the base of your skull, pulling your head back so you were forced to meet his gaze.
"You're going to take my cock like a good girl," he told you, and you shuddered, a whine slipping past your parted lips.
"I- I don't know if I can," you whispered, your voice shaky and uncertain, and he chuckled.
"Oh, you will," he assured you. "I’ll fuck you with just the tip first, okay? We'll start there and work our way up."
Your brow furrowed, and he could tell you were trying to figure out exactly what he meant by that. But then he was pressing his cock into your tight hole, and all thoughts flew from your mind as his girth stretched you open, stretching you wider than you'd ever been stretched before.
He didn't push his length into you right away, just slid his fat tip in and out, working you open. It felt incredible. You were so tight, so wet, and the way your muscles clenched and pulsed around his shaft had his balls drawing up, ready to blow his load.
"Fuck, baby, you're gonna make me come," he grunted, pulling his cock free from your pussy and rubbing the head against your clit, enjoying the way you shivered and writhed, the way your juices dripped from your hole.
"Want to fill you up," he muttered, pushing his cock back into your cunt, watching the way his thick girth stretched you, disappearing inside of you, inch by inch. "Fill you with my cum and make you pregnant."
Your eyes widened, and you stared up at him with an expression that was part shock and part fear. He didn't care. You'd take his cum, and he'd fill you with it over and over until he was sure you were knocked up.
He slid his length the rest of the way inside of you, until his balls were pressed against the curve of your ass. Until he saw the imprint of his cock bulging through your abdomen. Until his entire shaft was buried deep inside your hot cunt, the head bumping against your cervix.
"Gonna fuck you with my whole cock," he told you, and you moaned, the walls of your pussy fluttering around his shaft. "Gonna make you come all over me."
You gasped, your hands moving to grip his biceps, your nails digging into his skin as he began to pump his length in and out of you, fucking you with his entire shaft. He fucked you fast and hard, his hips snapping, the head of his cock hammering against your cervix, and it didn't take long before your muscles were clenching around his girth, milking him as he pounded into you.
You cried out, your eyes screwing shut, your body trembling as your orgasm tore through you, and he knew he couldn't hold back anymore. With a groan, he thrust his cock deep inside your pussy and came, spurting thick ropes of cum inside your cunt, painting your inner walls with his potent seed. He didn’t stop flooding your womb with his virile cum until he saw the skin of your belly distend and your lower abdomen rounding slightly.
He pulled his cock out, his shaft glistening with his spend and your juices, and you winced, squirming beneath him as his cum trickled out of your cunt, leaking down your ass crack. He pressed his palm flat against the bulge in your belly, watching as the cum gushed out of your stuffed cunt.
"Fucked you so full," he said, rubbing the head of his cock against your swollen clit, making you shiver. "Gonna be dripping my cum for days."
You groaned, your eyes falling shut as he continued to tease your clit, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, his tongue darting out to trace the seam.
"I'm not finished with you yet, little one," he murmured, and you moaned. "I'm going to fill you with my seed over and over again until I'm sure you're pregnant. And then we’ll get married, won’t we?"
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struwberrii · 2 months
haikyuu!! boys crushing on you ₊˚⊹♡
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here are some silly headcanons on how i think the shiratorizawa guys would act while they have a crush on you + eventually confess :3
characters: ushijima, tendou, semi, shirabu, goshiki
˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆。☆
its weird because he knows he likes you and everyone else THINKS he MIGHT like you but hes so blunt and deadpan that its hard to tell
he doesnt treat you differently than he treats any other person but hes very kind and generous
gives you random compliments though, like is hes thinking something he just says it to you
'you look very beautiful today' or 'are you wearing a new perfume? it smells nice'
but at the same time he accidentally insults you like hell ask you when the last time you showered was
because of this nobody can really tell exactly how he feels about you until he eventually confesses
he would probably be very deadpan and unromantic about his confession too, he would just straight up ask you to go out with him (˶˃⤙˂˶)
but TRUST once he gets you out hes bringing you flowers, hes buying you your favorite snacks, hes holding doors for you pulling your chairs out for you
u rlly gotta trust the process LMAO i feel like hes just a lil dummy
i feel like he wouldnt confess because hes rlly insecure and doesnt think anyone would ever have romantic feelings for him so you would probably have to confess
he does little things to let you know he cares about you, like hed suggest manga he thinks youd like or some songs or has movie nights with you and brings snacks
jokes around a lot with you and actually shows a vulnerable side when hes alone with you
i can see him inviting you out just randomly and casually, like bringing you to a bakery he likes or going to the park with you late at night to swing on the swing sets and chat
also compliments you very boldly but immediately gets super blushy and flustered and starts stuttering ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
probably teases you a lot though but gets really nervy if hes too flirty about it
i feel like youd DEF have to confess but he'd probably be throwing you hints all night, complimenting you, buying you little keychains or snacks, holding your bags for you all that jazz
once you guys are officially together OH MY GOSH is he a different person, constantly flirting and teasing and now youre the one blushing and left stuttering by his words ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
hes actually very sweet and chill about it
like when he first meets you hed probably just straight up say youre really pretty and ask for your phone number
hed be shocked to learn that you actually have a lot in common with him
overall is just very flirty and romantic while crushing on you, like he makes it NO secret that he has feelings for you (˶ ˘ ³˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶)
jokes about you being his girlfriend but surprisingly take a while to actually ask you out
despite that he still is very protective over you and literally treats you like youre his girlfriend
def writes songs for you and sends voice memos of him playing them on his guitar ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
i feel like he wouldnt really try to hard to impress you or anything, hed just feel comfortable being himself around you and doesnt want you to end up falling for someone who isnt him (as in him not acting like himself)
invites you out on dates often before officially asking you out
he ends up asking you out with a cute stuffed animal and candy at your doorstep
lurks from the shadows
i feel like he would probably push you away and be kind of cold twoards you because he thinks your really pretty but doesnt want to have feelings for you
i feel like hed just watch you and like admire you from a distance
would probably be too scared to have a genuine conversation with you so he sends you annonymous notes
hes your little secret admirer ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
his notes are so sweet though, like he writes you poems and tells you how nice you looked
i feel like hed be ok just being your secret admirer forever but he realizes he wont be your classmate forever so he ends up writing a note to meet him on the roof of the school during lunch
you end up meeting up with him and he asks you on an official date ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
CONSTANTLLY trying to impress you (╥﹏╥)
just a big dork honestly
always invites you to his practices so he can show off his skills to you
if you compliment him hed probably be all blushy and smiley and hit you with the 'yeah it was nothin'
invites you out to play gacha machines and spends a bunch of money on you trying to win the figures you want
also brings you snacks and gives them to you during lunch (˶˃⤙˂˶)
honestly would do anything for your validation
tries to be cool and tough but you see right through that act almost immediately
probably invites you out to a movie and awkwardly tries to hold your hand but only ends up brushing hands with you
would try to ask you out after the movie ends but hed just be stuttering then ends up saying nevermind
you probably have to ask him out lol
even after all that hes STILL trying to act like a tough guy
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prettyboytsum · 9 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ complaining about his size cw: afab! reader, daddy kink, slightly possessive, initial discomfort disclaimer: all characters are aged up! mdni! wc: 302
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“‘s too big, can’t fit!” you whine, bucking your hips as he starts pushing the tip of his large cock into you. tears pricking as you let out a soft moan of discomfort—hands on his chest as you instinctively try to push him away. "too big, daddy!" “i know, baby. i know,” he murmurs reassuringly into your ear. one hand playing with your clit as he tries to dull the pain of accommodating his girth. “but don’t you wanna be a good girl for me, hm? wanna be daddy’s good girl?”
you let out a gasp, now gripping his shoulders as you nod frantically. you bite your lip, a muffled squeal leaving you as he pushes another inch in.
“oh fuck, gotta relax for me, yeah? sucking me in, can’t even move, princess,” he groans, hiding in the crook of your neck as he pushes deeper. you let out another whine, the pain mixing in with pleasure as you start bucking your hips to chase a familiar high. “atta girl, we’ll make it fit.”
“so big—so big,” you blabber mindlessly as he bottoms out, both of you moaning in unison.
“daddy too big for you?” he whispers, planting wet kisses on his neck. his tone is hardly apologetic—if anything, it’s almost mocking. “daddy too big for his pretty pussy?”
you nod dumbly, loud whines escaping your lips as he pulls out before pushing himself back in. his thrusts become more aggressive as his fingers tweak and pull on every inch of skin he can hold onto.
“too bad, princess,” he growls, pinning your wrists above your head as he leans against your legs so that you’re practically folded in half. “because it's the only cock that’s ever gonna fuck you this good.”
toji, suna, geto, eren, sukuna, daichi, reiner, ushijima, iwaizumi, tsukishima
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ⓒ prettyboytsum 2024. all works are posted under this account on tumblr.com and are protected by copyright laws. do not plagiarise these works on any other platform or account.
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hmperil · 1 year
! haikyuu reactions to a guy hitting on you !
includes : sakusa , ushijima , bokuto , kageyama , tsukishima , asumu
(a/n hello everyone ! im trying out these new mini scenarios where I do a lot of characters but less writing , please tell me if you enjoy them and want more , hope yo have a lovely day <;3)
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ushijima : damn I feel bad for whatever man decided it would be a good idea to hit on ushijima 's (s/o) cause that man is scary asf. probably wouldn't engage in violence unless it was for defence and would just stare them down while he pulled you closer to him , protecting you.
bokuto : I feel like he would use violence only if they just kept on going or tried to touch you , if not he would put his arm around you and tell the dude to just piss off . if I was the guy I would be running though cause even though he isn't always serious he could definitely crush him.
sakusa : would go no where near the guy in fear of germs but if the guy touched you in any way he would be ready to throw hands cause aint nobody touching his (s/o) with their dirty hands .
kageyama : I dot know why but I feel like he would be very hesitant to start any violence and would probably grab your hand and run if the dude started to get violent in anyway. but he also seems like the type to get quite reckless especially if the guy got too close to you. it really depends on the situation.
tsukishima : ask him to kindly piss off or fight him verbally cause you just know tsukki could make a fully grow man sob if he wanted to . I don't see him getting violent physically but I mean if it happen it happens because he definitely wouldn't let you get hurt and would protect you to the end of the world .
asumu : no he would so get physical just cause a guy hit on you . that's just the type of guy he is no question . you end up having to drag him out situations so he doesn't get seriously hurt by picking a fight with some super buff 7ft guy .
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malereadermaniac · 8 months
Omega team manager x Random Guys
How Kuroo, Daichi, Bokuto, Atsumu, Ushijima, and Oikawa as alphas would interact with their Omega!manager word count: 3.4k Sfw and Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
I'm fucking FEEDING u lot with this one it's SO LONGGG Also sorry if some of these guys are OOC I haven't watched Haikyuu in 3 years xoxo
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Kuroo sfw
He wasn't opposed to the idea of having an omega as his team manager, in fact Kuroo was quite keen on the idea
He liked the idea of the team leader being an alpha and their manager being an omega
But he didn't let on that he fucking loved it
Kuroo immediately became protective over you, but in a more detached way
He would hang out with you, scenting your stuff over time to reek of his pheromones
After a few months, the rest of the team, as well as every other alpha in the school had backed off from you
The two of you took forever to even start courting
But it wasn't bad that way, you received the same amount of attention from Kuroo that you would if he was to court you
Kuroo would give you his team jacket to wear when the team was running laps outside, his scent enveloping you
The built alpha would tell you to cheer extra loud for him before a game
Eventually, the alpha mustered up the courage to court you, and the two of you have been together for ages now
Dates every weekend, study dates if you have exams the next week
Sleepovers after dates were mandatory
And you two were insufferable at college, Kuroo loved to rub his relationship in everyone's face - you were a very popular and sought after omega, so Kuroo liked to make sure people knew you were claimed
"I fuckin' love it when you wear my volleyball tank, babe - can't have an omega as handsome as you walk around without even a trace of my scent"
Kuroo nsfw
What escalated your relationship from courting to dating was your heat
The two of you were at Kuroo's house, home alone studying for a quiz the following Monday
You knew your heat was due soon, but soon meant in a week, not THAT day
What set you off were Kuroo's pheromones, the strong smell of musk mixed with woody scents sent you over the edge
The alpha noticed your panting and blushed face immediately
He apologised, kept his distance and told you several times not to do something you two would regret
Fast forward to the two of you dating, Kuroo's rut
His carnal desires took over and you were willing to help
His chiseled body, gleaming with sweat stood naked in front of you, your alpha looking down at you with hazy eyes
Your knees buckled from his pheromones
An hour had gone by and Kuroo was still sloppily eating you out, not even putting a finger in you, his rut keeping his focus only on the addictive taste of your slick leaking ass
Once your alpha had finally had his fill, he moved on to fucking you
Kuroo's rut made him ruthless, fucking you with vigor, panting and grunting into your ear, biting your body and covering you in marks possessively
The room was hot and stuffy with the smell of sweat, alpha pheromones, omega pheromones, cum and slick - but Kuroo and you kept going until his rut finally started to let up
"My Omega- HAHH! FUCK! Go-oood Omega-! Love you- so fuckin' - GAHH- SO FUCKIN MUCH"
Daichi sfw
He knew you before you became Kurasuno's manager
Daichi was practically courting you by the time you became the teams manager - so Nishinoya and Tanaka were quickly put off of you once they smelled Daichi's pheromones all over you
Again, being one of the few male Omega's at your college made you highly sought after
Daichi always told you how lucky he was to have your love
He's the softest Alpha you've ever met, gentle touches juxtapose his rough hands
He likes that the two of you are relatively popular, people watch as the two of you walk together and think that you're the perfect couple
Daichi likes to cuddle you, scent you constantly and to always feel his hands on you or vice versa
The alpha has no clue about PDA, he kisses you in corridors - his Alpha then prolonging the kiss to a make-out session that lasts the whole of lunch - it's up to you to drag him away to a more private area
Daichi is completely head over heels for hid omega
"I'm so glad we're together, I'm so lucky to be with you, (y/n). I love you, darling~"
Daichi nsfw
Daichi is the complete opposite of himself when he's in a rut
He isn't violent, but his grip changes from soft to firm on you, he shows his possessive side a lot more - calling you "Mine" and "My Omega" instead of his usual nicknames for you
He fucks you hard and each of his rounds last ages - Daichi being a manager of a volleyball team being incredibly daunting once his stamina gets applied to sex
Once his ruts ends, Daichi has to care for you for at least 2 days, your lower half not working at all
On the other hand, during your heats Daichi becomes a fat tease
The alpha fucking loves when you get desperate for him, it awakens something carnal within him
He makes out with you for a while as you grind into him, calling you pet names and cooing at you mockingly while you try to get off
Then, Daichi will only finger you for a while until you start literally crying for his knot
Finally when he gives in and fucks you, Daichi goes mental - you'd think he was in a rut
He jerks you off while he fucks hard into your prostate, making you cum over and over again, desperate for his knot
Thank god that you're on contraceptives, because by the end of your heat, you get the best of your alpha at least once or twice, his knot locking him inside of you while your walls tighten and milk his dick
"Fuck baby~ So- tight! 'M sorry baby, cumin- CUMMING! Fu... fuck baby, soo good baby"
Bokuto sfw
This man was ALL over you the moment you became the manager
Bokuto would flirt with you on the daily, and you would flirt back - your confidence and charisma made the owl-haired alpha want you even more
He was always friendly towards you, seeing you as more than an object like most other alphas - he more wanted to be your friend than to mate you
Only once he was in a pre-rut and had to spend a few hours with you did Bokuto fall for you - you were such a caring Omega for him, doting on him and providing him with anything he needs
After that Bokuto was still all over you but now in aims to court you
Which you gladly let the strong, muscular, Alpha captain of your college volleyball team do
So once Bokuto marked you, the two of you became THE college couple
People envied you for dating Bokuto and others envied Bokuto for dating you
He always has an arm around your waist or shoulders, Bokuto has to let people know that he's your alpha
He likes that you're witty for an omega, you're not super soft spoken - you match his vibe, he fucking adores that shit
He tries to be the best alpha he can for you, so he always pays for your meals and other things no matter how much you protest - it inflates his ego (his chest literally puffs up)
He loves spending time with you more than anyone else, Bokuto has never felt the way he does with you with anyone else
"You're mine, cutie~ My fuckin' perfect Omega... You're my everything, (y/n)"
Bokuto nsfw
Bokuto's demeanor in bed depends on if your in heat or if he's in a rut or not - in the best ways possible
If you're in heat and Bokuto is helping you through it, he's caring and careful with you - taking care of each of your needs
He's happy to be a dildo for you to use, a scenting and biting machine that you use to feel better
He rubs your tummy while he fucks you hard, his dick makes your belly bulge slightly - the euphoric feeling making the burn in your stomach from your heat disappear
On the other hand, if Bokuto's in a rut he's an animal
Bokuto loves the sounds you make, they ground him while he pounds you to high heaven, pumping cum into your hole while you squirm and moan under him
He loves the scent you make when you're horny, your sweat and your pheromones keeping the ache in his gut at bay while he drills your hole with his swelling, veiny dick
But unlike most Alphas Bokuto can remain mainly conscious during his ruts
Due to that consciousness, Bokuto makes you blow him at some points, which eventually turns into him mouthfucking you
The alpha marks your whole body when in a rut, grunting and groaning your name into your ear with nothing but lust and love dripping off of his tongue
"Jeusus- fuck- (y/n)- CUMMING! FUCK- Fuck yeah! My fuckin' omega- take my- SHIT- Take my fuckin' pups babe~ I fucking love you- I need you!"
Atsumu sfw
He'd heard of you before you became the team manager
Atsuma had never gotten the hype over Omegas - that was until he had met you
The way you doted on every single team member, made sure they each had water or a towel or anything, the way you cheered him on at the side of the court - it made his inner Alpha jump with joy
Atsumu had never wanted someone as badly as he wanted you - and he was gonna get what he wanted
You noticed him talking to you more, Atsumu would purposefully show-off the height difference between you both while releasing his scent to envelop you
It flustered you at first, but as time went on you embraced the Alpha trying to subtly flirt with you
When the two of you finally started dating, Atsumu had never felt lighter, everything just felt right with you
You took care of him, keeping him in check and fully shouting at him when he gets too high and mighty
The alpha would always buy you gifts, take you out in expensive dates but most of all he liked to have sleepovers with you
You would go to his house and Atsumu would cook for you, really charm you with his looks and skills then cuddle you all night while breathing in your pheromones like air
"I'd give you the world if I could, (Y/n)... Anything for the handsome man who loves me the most"
Atsumu nsfw
Atsumu really understood the hype around Omegas when he first helped you through a heat
The alpha got lost in your scent, the lewd sounds you would make, the way you would beg for him like you needed him to live, and oh god the way you tasted and felt around him
Atsumu felt like he physically couldn't stop fucking you, his hips having a mind of their own as he pounded your loose, slicked up hole
Atsumu is also found that he's a really mean Alpha in bed, something about you brings that out of him
And he found out that you fucking live for his degradation and teasing
He loves the idea of teasing you and laughing at you while your heat is eating at you, your body writhing from the feeling in your stomach as your ass craves for his knot
Atsumu is so mean to you it turns you on so much
He teases your dick, going as far as calling it a pussy as he rubs your dick against his palm while he only just fingers at your prostate
You squirt more and more slick out of your ass until Atsumu finally gives in to your pleas and absolutely ravages your ass
Your walls tighten around your Alphas dick while he fucks up into your prostate with every thrust
Moans and grunts echo in the room, Atsumu's veiny hand wraps around your throat and he squeezes gently while your hands dart to his muscular back and scratch him like a scratching post
By the time you've came for a 3rd time, Atsumu has filled your hole up to the brim
Your alpha is 6 loads in and is still willing to push through till the end of your heat ♡
"You're so cute, Omega~ Such a pathetic excuse of a man, such a cute little dick, look at you squirting sterile cum all over yourself"
Ushijima sfw
Omegas avoided Ushijima like the plague, even for an alpha he was huge and scary
So when you showed none of that when interacting with Ushijima, you had caught his eye straight away
He liked how kind you were, caring and doting like any other Omega but in a natural way - not in an overly exaggerated way like he had seen other Omegas behave around his teammates
The rest of the team noticed how much Ushijima was head over heels doe you - and they supported it so so much
He liked the height difference between you two, Ushijima would focus on how small you were compared to him even for an Omega, your small waist which his veiny hands could easily wrap around were on his mind practically 24/7
Once the team started to push Ushijima to court you, it was funny to see how you, as an Omega, were pulling most of the weight - making all the first moves while Ushijima blushes away
You were his first everything- his first crush, his first courting, his first kiss, and first time - He was like a schoolgirl around you
But once he mustered up the courage to ask you to be his, you were ecstatic - and so was the rest of the team
Dating the massive alpha was incredible, he was rich so of course Ushijima spoiled you
He compliments you so, so much in a nonchalant way - saying shit like "You're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid my eyes on" like it isn't the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you!
And you two go on so many romantic and heartfelt dates, many of which happen at your house
Ushijima absolutely loves it when you cook for him, he sits down at the table and watches you cook away while you talk to him about something random
The whole time your words going in one ear and out the other while your muscular Alpha fantasises about you doing this for him everyday of the rest of his life after marrying you - which he most definitely plans on doing
"(Y/n) Ushijima~ I like the sound of that. Would you like to marry me, my omega? I think we'd make beautiful pups, don't you?"
Ushijima nsfw
Again, you were his first everything - so of course you were the Alpha's first time, too
The first time you helped Ushijima through a rut was insane, the poor virgin Alpha could not stop for his life
His scent was extremely powerful from the pure excitement and lust he was feeling, Ushijima was fucking you at an animalistic pace while he grunted and moaned so loud that the entire Ushijima estate could probably hear
He'd already came 4 times, his hips not stopping once, your dick overstimulated as you moaned and cried - Ushijima apologising between moans, drunk and high off of his rut
He'd never felt such pleasure before, a pure and constant rush if dopamine flooding his brain as he fucks his pups into you, his knot now just pushing in and out of you - the pain and pleasure mixing like the smell of pheromones and sweat in the Alpha's room
By the time Ushijima had regained consciousness and control over his body, he was appalled at himself
His eyes glanced over your body, widening in horror at the state your body was in - bite marks on every little patch of skin, bruises all over your hips and neck and wrists, cum still leaking out of your loose hole and your body covered in dried, sticky cum
After being bombarded with apologise, you calmed Ushijima down and promised that you enjoyed yourself
A part of him also felt really guilty that when he saw your puffed out hole, filled with his cum - a part of him hoped you'd carry his pups, so much so that he'd already gotten a semi from the idea
On the other hand, the way that Ushijima helps you through heats is incredibly sweet
The alpha does his best to soothe your pain, fingering at your prostate until you cum on his fingers while breathing in your mates scent, the burn in your stomach already dissipating
The alpha had laid plenty of attention in health class, so his dick is in you almost instantly after your first orgasm, slow thrust directly against your prostate making you slick up even more, cumming once again from the way Ushijima pressed a hand against the bulge in your belly
By the end of your heat, Ushijima's back is torn to shreds along with some beautiful bite marks from you all over his broad shoulders and neck
Your body on the other hand is perfectly clean - apart from.your mating mark, which Ushijima ensured to make fresh once more
"You're so beautiful, Omega. Feel so good around me, such a good boy for me, all slicked and taking my big dick so deep, all the way - you feel good don't you,(y/n)?"
Oikawa sfw
The idea of having THE campus omega as his team manager made Oikawa's chest puff up
He was all over you immediately - which made you more flustered than uncomfortable
The whole team liked you, you were very attentive to their needs and would always be up to help them with whatever - but Oikawa liked you even more than the others
The Alpha could feel his heart rate jump when you would arrive at practice and could feel his mood perk up when he had a class with you
The whole team knew the captain liked you - even you weren't oblivious to that fact, so it didn't come as a surprise when Oikawa tried to court you
You made no complaints, you were used to Alpha's trying to court you but you had always turned them down - you decided to give your handsome team captain a chance
And holy crap did he quickly make you fall for him
The alpha would scent you every chance he would get, Oikawa would greet you with a hug and a gift and then spend the whole time you two were together following you around like a puppy and chatting to you non-stop
His masculine scent and his charisma made it hard not to fall for him
So once Oikawa had successfully courted you, the two of you started to date
Never had the Alpha's ego been as high as it is now that you two are dating
Everyone at college knows about you two, due to Oikawa's loud mouth and inflated ego
He's constantly touching, you're on his arm every hour of every day bur you have no complaints about it
The Alpha constantly compliments you and wants to spend time with you - his playboy ways being long forgotten since he started courting
Every time you two are together is good, even arguments with your alpha end in hugs and tears
"Gosh (n/n)-chan you're so cute! Ya know, you look so good on my arm, bet everyone's soooo jealous of me right now~"
Oikawa nsfw
A selfish lover is the only way to describe Oikawa during his ruts
Like any other alpha Oikawa can only focus on his needs - but trust me only after Oikawa has came at least 3 times to you cum for the first time
The alpha will be fucking into you, milking his dick empty of his fertile seed for hours on end and you only cum around twice per rut
Oikawa feels bad about this once he comes back around but he can't help himself, you just feel too good around him he can't even focus on you
Your heats are totally different though
Oikawa loves to make you feel as good as possible - almost a little too good
The alpha has you cumming on his tongue within minuets - minuets which turn into hours of your heat craving your alphas dick and him not giving it to you
He fucking loves it when you literally cry for him to fuck you, beg for his veiny dick and his thick knot
Once Oikawa gives in and finally fucks you, he's ruthless, fucking you with so much vigor that you're squirting cum all over yourself constantly
You're moans and your scent are enough to make Oikawa fill you with cum, his knot finally making that burn in your belly calm down
Bathing in the afterglow, Oikawa can't help but stay hard from the way you look
You're like an angel sent by God himself, his perfect omega, your face fucked out and tired, your body covered in cum and marks - and oh fuck your hole clenching on his dick, milking your alpha for his pups
"Aww do you need my dick, baby? Does my poor Omega fucking desperate for my knot - do you want my pups, darling?"
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Hope you guys enjoyed - very long for my kind of writing and I think it sucked in some parts but hope u liked xoxoxoxoxo
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tsumuus · 2 months
crushing on you | captains
a/n short headcanons on if the haikyuu captains had a crush on you. not proofread.
characters tetsuro kuroo, daichi sawamura, wakatoshi ushijima, shinsuke kita
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tetsuro kuroo
you two have been friends since the beginning or high school
he noticied his feelings for you after a bout a year
realizing how much he enjoyed your company and how his heart skipped a beat when you were near
he gets more flirty
making playful comments and constantly teasing you
the way you react confirms his suspicions as to whether you like him back
still takes him a while to put two and two together
you often visit him during practice
but only because he practically begs you to come watch and support him
he does it so he has an excuse to spend time together
he'd try to impress you with his skills
often looking to see if you were watching
becomes more protective than he already is
invites you to his games aswell
makes sure you have a good seat so he can see you cheering him on from the stands
keeps his feelings to himself for a few months
unsure of how to proceed with putting your friendship at risk
he asks kenma for advice
he seems disinterested
but kenma knows you too and thinks the two of you couldn;t e anymore perfect for each other
and encourages kuroo to just take a chance
daichi sawamura
you and daichi have been friends since middle school
bonding during group projects
you two always seemed to end up be paired together
he realized his feelings much later
probably around second year of high school
he noticed how much he relied on your support and how his heart always seemed to flutter at your smile
he's protective ash
he becomes moe playful the closer you two get
he loves telling jokes he knows will make you smile
very attentive to all your needs
tired? he'll take notes for you so you could sleep during class
bored? he'll tell you funny stories about tanaka and nishinoya embarrassing themselves until you don't seem as bored
anything like that
keeps his feelings to himslef for a while
he confides in sugawara who teases him for waiting so long to do anything about his feelings
which leaves him a blushing mess
encourages him that theres nothing to worry about and to just go for it
wakatoshi ushijima
you and ushijima became friends at the start of high school
he just loved how determined and hard working you are
took him a long time to realize his feelings
hes a little dense, not stuopid, and thats okay
he just finally seemed to realized why he felt so different whenever you were around and how much he appreciated your company
he might not notice it but he becomes a tiny bit more reserved and quiet after
observing you from a distance and lowk getting a little flustered whenever youre around
so so so protective
like hes afraid to get too close to you but also doesn't want anyone else to get near you either
you guys have a similar schedule, just switch volleyball for wtv club your interested in, so you two walk from place to place together everyday
he'll send you pictures of little things that remind him of you
not realizing how initimate it usually is
i don't think he keeps it to himself for a while
i think after he figures it out himself he would bring it up with tendo and semi rather sooner than later
the two of them quick to offer any help to confess to you
they think youre the sweetest and a perfect fit for their captain
shinsuke kita
you two have been friends since elementary school
growing up in the same rural area and attending all the same schools
he probably didn't realize his feelings for you until like second or third year of high school
since you often came to games and practices to show your support
it took a lot of teasing from his juniors to finally realize
he's always been attentive and protective
but it reaches a whole new level since he realized his feelings
lowkey becomes more playful
matches your playful personality
which lowk confuses you because he's never acted like this before you think theres something off about him
but he's just nervous
sure he's had crushes before
but your his longest friend, theres something different about this situation than all the rest
he's always checking in on you
asking to spend more time than usual
he feels as if he should keep his feelings in
not wanting to ruin what the two of you have
also because graduation is coming up and he still wants to see you after
doesn't want to ruin the whole friendship if you happened to not feel the same
but his team sees how good you two are for each other and encourages him to take a leap of faith before he even has a chance to ask for their advice
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tsxkkis · 3 months
# kageyama tobio - private
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a/n: not proud of this, because i didn't truly know how to end it. also i've been searching for a job lately and it's so damn hard to find one help T-T i still gotta try though because i want money for figurines and mangas :33
summary: your relationship with kageyama was a secret from the public, but it can't be private forever.
warnings: none really
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tobio kageyama never answers his phone while training.
his mind was always set on one thing - volleyball. it's like everything else was secondary to his beloved sport, to his safe space, which he adored and treasured dearly. there was only one thing he loved just as much; but that was kept a secret from the world.
along with being a professional athlete came the fame, and with the fame came lack of privacy, something that kageyama seemed to hate from the very beginning of joining schweiden adlers. he vowed to himself that his private life will never become a topic of public discussion, that he'll control every information that comes out to the media as much as he possibly can.
'they're writing about you.' ushijima's voice echoed through their changing room as he handed the black-haired boy his phone, an internet article opened up on one of the most popular gossip pages. upon seeing the title and content of the article, the look on his face instantly changed - he looked irritated, almost insulted. kageyama's nose scrunched in dissatisfaction as if he's just seen another picture of hinata and oikawa hanging out in brazil.
'ooh, let me see!' hoshiumi snached the phone away, curious eyes following the text on the screen, a small gasp leaving his parted lips every now and then. kageyama was quick to get the phone back with an annoyed huff, suddenly putting his shoes on much quicker than before.
the white-haired man looked like he was about to say something, but he was quickly cut off before he could even let a word out.
'don't even mention it.'
'you have a GIRLFRIEND?!'
the changing room fell silent, the only two men left there besides kageyama standing still, awaiting an answer. but as they noticed the tips of tobio's ears turning into a color similar to a rose and his gaze avoiding their glares, they realized they didn't need one.
they weren't exactly shocked by their discovery - tobio was always a private person, and he didn't really talk about his life much, much preffering conversations about volleyball instead of one's that circled around him.
a notification popped up on his phone, disrupting the silence between the three men.
it was you.
'i'm waiting in front of the changing room like i told you yesterday :33'
'hurry up!'
tobio realized he completely forgot about his promise to you, and as his cheeks flushed pink, he suddenly realized that maybe the whole situation wasn't so bad after all.
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'you want to meet my teammates?'
kageyama's stood in your shared room's doorframe, a curious look on his face. 'why the hell would you want to meet these idiots?'
'i want to get to know the people my boyfriend hangs out with.' you mumbled, putting down the book you were currently reading. 'you know, i understand that you want to protect your peace from the outside world, but i don't think you have to hide your entire life from your work friends. they seem trustworthy, for all i know.'
the black-haired man plopped onto the bed right next to you, choosing your arm as a perfect pillow for himself. the room fell silent for a few minutes, but you didn't pressure tobio to answer you right away - from the look on his face you knew he was thinking, rather intensely at that, so there was no point in disrupting his trail of thoughts.
'how am i supposed to break it to them, though?' he asked, a genuinely confused look on his face. 'hey, i've been in a relationship for the last four years and never told you, sorry.'
a giggle left your mouth, your hand softly brushing through your boyfriend's hair, twirling the short strands around your fingers.
'i can just come to meet you up after practice and introduce myself. it'll be less awkward for you that way.'
kageyama hummed in response, as if he was deciding on whether he should go with your idea or not. he knew that your relationship being uncovered was inevitable - that sooner or later, they would find out anyways. so maybe your idea wasn't so bad.
'tommorow?' he mumbled, head leaning into your soft hands, almost as if he was pleading you to play with his hair just a tad bit longer.
'fine by me.'
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you stood in one place, patiently awaiting your boyfriend as you scrolled through your phone, invested in a particularly hard game of sudoku. as you heard the door crack open, your eyes quickly shot up, hoping to be met with your boyfriend's tall figure. instead, a way shorter, white-haired man showed up right in front of you, bright eyes scanning your figure from head to toe.
'i know you! you used to be karasuno's manage-'
'give her some space, hoshiumi.' a tall man appeared from behind him, one that you recognized to be ushijima almost immediately. you remembered both of the men from your times in high school, and yet you never truly had a chance to meet them properly - not until now, that is.
as you greeted tobio, who emerged from the changing room shortly after, you weren't even surprised that he opted for a hug instead of a kiss - although an adult already, kageyama was still awkward with any public displays of affection. he preferred to keep those special moments to himself.
'have you seen the article?' he hummed quietly, his eyes glued to your face smiling at your confused look.
'what article?'
although a little dumbfounded by your lack of knowledge of it, kageyama quickly pulled out his phone and handed it to you, the article opened up on the screen.
'oh.' your face went blank as you eyed the words in front of you, suddenly connecting the dots. 'so that's why there's so many reporters and paparazzi in front of the building.
reporters? paparazzi?
'shit.' he mumbled under his breath. 'how many of them?'
'around ten, maybe eleven.' kageyama's smile dropped almost immediately upon hearing the number. you carefully scanned his face, hand going up to gently ruffle his hair. 'we can wait for them to leave if you don't want them to see us. i don't mind.'
he thought for a hot minute, rethinking every possible scenario that could happen, every option available. was he truly ready for his private life to become so... public?
kageyama wasn't exactly sure. you've been together for so long that he knew this relationship would last through anything and everything, but at the same time, he didn't want things to change. he hated changes - they never truly meant anything good, and he would always avoid them as much as possible.
but this change was inevitable.
'it's alright.' he said, breaking the moment of silence. 'it would've happened sooner or later. might as well have this behind us, right?'
'are you sure?' you asked quietly, squeezing his hand as you saw kageyama already heading towards the door. his head quickly turned to face you, giving you a small nod before his hand landed on the handle.
'not entirely.' he admitted, eyes darting away from your gaze. 'but i can do it as long as it's with you.'
'hey, don't forget about us!' hoshiumi's stated, your boyfriend shooting him a deathly glare for interrupting the moment between you two. 'maybe we should all grab some dinner, what do you say? i'm sure you're all hungry.'
'come to think of it,' ushijima barged into the conversation, his usual monotone tone. 'i know a restaurant where the paparazzi won't bother us.'
you exchanged looks with tobio, a barely noticeable smile on your face being enough for him to know that you agree.
'let's do it.' the black-haired man said, solidifying the idea once and for all.
'what if they won't leave us alone?' he could see that your anxious side took over, suddenly stressed out about going outside. kageyama gave you a reassuring look, smiling softly.
'then they'll know how amazing my girlfriend is.'
'oooh, how corny-' hoshiumi mumbled, stopping when he saw kageyama's annoyed glare. 'alright, lovebirds, i'll be quiet.'
'you'd better.' you giggled at your boyfriend's words, his hand once again on the handle. he looked your way, softly smiling down at you. 'ready?'
you looked up, eyes meeting his.
'with you by my side? always.'
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taglist: @moonswolfie
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dearest-tobio · 3 months
they say words can't possibly describe the feelings blossoming in your chest upon seeing your child for the first time.
the instant ushijima wakatoshi lays his eyes on you, cradling a gurgling bundle in your arms, he knows that statement rings true.
after all, how could he ever encapsulate the pure joy brimming in his chest, along with the bursting pride, the unbounded wonder, the immeasurable love?
you glance up from your baby to your husband by the doorway, beckoning him to come closer to the bed. he obliges, heavy footfalls echoing throughout the room. the warmth in his eyes as he studies your daughter's features is one you've never seen before—her nose is ushijima's, but her eyes are undoubtedly yours. 
"do you want to hold her?"
the soft smile etched on your husband's face turns into one marred with reservation—ushijima is well-aware of the power lying dormant in his hands. smashes the public likens to the viciousness of a beast, balls hitting the court with the crack of a gunshot, the label of "monster generation" plastered on every headline featuring him and his teammates.
he doesn't say it outright, but you know the cause of the palpable fear rising in the air: ushijima wakatoshi, opposite hitter renowned for his strength, is afraid of hurting your daughter by holding her in his arms.
you sway your legs from underneath the sheets to stand beside your husband, a hand grazing his shoulder in comfort while the other carries your baby securely. "it's okay, toshi," you whisper, passing your daughter into his arms. "you won't hurt her."
ushijima is still wracked with uneasiness when he feels the baby's weight in his grasp, yet all nerves dissipate upon seeing a small hand reaching out from behind the swaddle of fleece blankets. his hand instinctively rise to meet his daughter's, and at his touch, she wraps her fingers around his.
the moment is ethereal, and ushijima doesn't know whether to laugh or cry as he makes the first of many promises to his daughter:
"don't worry, little one. i'll always protect you."
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rishiguro · 1 year
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ft. bokuto; suna; atsumu: kuroo; ushijima
a/n: the fact that i posted this exact prompt on my deleted blog but i don't remember it anymore—
jjk version
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it was no secret that BOKUTO sometimes had problems controlling his emotions. he wasn't necessarily as affected by them as he was in high school, but there were enough moments that made him feel ashamed when he thought about them; just like he did right now. he was sobbing violently, his arms pressing you as close to you as ohysically possible. he wailed apologies, only stopping to take a breath every once in a while. he snapped out of his anger the moment the ring left his hand, but he was afraid that the damage couldn't be undone. he could only beg, proclaiming his love for you over and over, even if he knew that his behaviour just disproved his claims.
arguing with SUNA was tiresome. it was like he never even cared, not being attentive and only brushing you off. he never thought about the impact of his words once he did answer you, trying to get you off his back as soon as possible and with any means necessary. but even he understood when he went too far. he realized it when you took a deep breath, muttering something that he could not understand and turned around, disappearing into the bedroom only to come out a few minutes later with a bag over your shoulder, not even sparing him a glance as you rushed out the door. he clenched his jaw, picking the ring up and clenching his fist, staring out the window with a heavy chest.
ATSUMU was a prideful and confident person, he hated being confronted with his faults. he never really reacted well afterwards, either snickering a comment back or just waving the criticism off. no one was safe from this side of him, not even you. but he wasn't an idiot either. he saw the way your face fell when his ring landed on the floor, how you were shaking as you went and picked it up, only to retreat into the bedroom silently. he stayed still, not even daring to move an inch, only looking at the place you stood just a second ago. how did he let it go this far?
KUROO hated arguing and the yelling that came with it. he hated the irrational things he says during them, how every sense of reason is being thrown into the wind just to get to you because of his pride. and right after he threw his wedding ring across the room and stormed out, slamming the door behind him, he broke down, hugging his knees as he cried. he didn't know what came over him, he didn't know why he would ever think that what he did was okay but how could he face you after what he had done?
it was rare that arguments with USHIJIMA got so heated. you barely ended up shouting at each other, much less underline your words with some kind of big gestures. so it was even a bigger shock when he raised his voice at you, fiddling with the ring on his finger until throwing it away with some accusatory yell. you were too shocked to even say anything, only extending your arms in front of you to protect yourself as you stared at him with big eyes. he wanted to step closer, he wanted to hug you, he wanted to fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness; anything so that you wouldn't look so afraid of him anymore.
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reblogs are appreciated
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