#proud warrior race
I don't get why Proud Warrior Races are depicted as shunning science, when science A) allows them to make better stabbing sticks, and B) keeps them alive long enough to experience the thrill of battle again. Logically, they'd be all for it.
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So I was talking to @mewpirate on Discord last night, and we kind of came to the conclusion that the CC wiki has a glaring issue, that being:
What is WITH the female characters having no depth whatsoever? Like Sariah exists to be Milo's girlfriend and then die. She doesn't even have a personality beyond 'sweet and naive'. Lillian's marginally better but she still gets shunted into the 'dead anime mom' role.
Like??? Ok I'm not going to call the people who made the wiki sexist bc that's kind of a bad faith interpretation, but STILL. It's kind of annoying.
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tanadrin · 1 year
thinking about why I like “Abyss,” “Paradise Lost” and “Changeling” so much, and i think i’m just a sucker for, like, extended stylistically weird scenes. like “Paradise Lost” is a totally normal episode except it has this extended sequence where there’s no dialogue and o’neil is steadily going insane on this empty planet with maybourne, and it’s great
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apexulansis · 2 years
Yeskiv is fully aware that it's like a solid 80% likely that if she dies, she dies because one of her twins murders her but she thinks That's Fine.
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swan2swan · 1 year
<The man’s death is unfortunate, Perhaps it was even avoidable. But there is nothing we can do to change the fact of it.> Ax. Of course.
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homunculus-argument · 7 months
Another worldbuilding application of the "two layer rule": To create a culture while avoiding The Planet Of Hats (the thing where a people only have one thing going for them, like "everyone wears a silly hat"): You only need two hats.
Try picking two random flat culture ideas and combine them, see how they interact. Let's say taking the Proud Warrior Race - people who are all about glory in battle and feats of strength, whose songs and ballads are about heroes in battle and whose education consists of combat and military tactics. Throw in another element: Living in diaspora. Suddenly you've got a whole more interesting dynamic going on - how did a people like this end up cast out of their old native land? How do they feel about it? How do they make a living now - as guards, mercenaries? How do their non-combatants live? Were they always warrior people, or did they become fighters out of necessity to fend for themselves in the lands of strangers? How do the peoples of these lands regard them?
Like I'm not shitting, it's literally that easy. You can avoid writing an one-dimensional culture just by adding another equally flat element, and the third dimension appears on its own just like that. And while one of the features can be location/climate, you can also combine two of those with each other.
Let's take a pretty standard Fantasy Race Biome: The forest people. Their job is the forest. They live there, hunt there, forage there, they have an obnoxious amount of sayings that somehow refer to trees, woods, or forests. Very high chance of being elves. And then a second common stock Fantasy Biome People: The Grim Cold North. Everything is bleak and grim up there. People are hardy and harsh, "frostbite because the climate hates you" and "stabbed because your neighbour hates you" are the most common causes of death. People are either completely humourless or have a horrifyingly dark, morbid sense of humour. They might find it funny that you genuinely can't tell which one.
Now combine them: Grim Cold Bleak Forest People. The summer lasts about 15 minutes and these people know every single type of berry, mushroom and herb that's edible in any fathomable way. You're not sure if they're joking about occasionally resorting to eating tree bark to survive the long dark winter. Not a warrior people, but very skilled in disappearing into the forest and picking off would-be invaders one by one. Once they fuck off into the woods you won't find them unless they want to be found.
You know, Finland.
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wheeloffortune-design · 10 months
after reading tons of hobbit fanfiction, i have opinions about dwarven cities underground.
first- wheelchairs should exist. are you telling me a race of warriors engineers never thought to put wheels on a chair for their wounded veterans.
second - everything should be wheelchair accessible. if your proud wounded warriors can't get to a place in the mountain, someone should get kicked out of the architect guild.
also see: dwarves would be experts in prosthetic limbs, they would make works of art covered in jewels.
sometimes, adding diversity in fiction is less "we should add representation" and more "it would make bloody sense".
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tyrantisterror · 7 months
So, there was this TV Tropes article I liked called "The Five Races" that broke down the archetypal races that people put in fantasy and scifi settings that have more civilized creatures than just humans. You can probably guess what the archetypal examples are - humans, elves, hobbit expies, dwarves, etc. But it didn't call them by those names, but rather by describing their role in the narrative, and how they work as reflections of/contrasts to human beings.
Like, yes, elves are popular, but Asari from Mass Effect and Vulcans from Star Trek also fill the same basic role in their setting. The Gorons from Zelda fill the same basic niche as dwarves, the moogles from Final Fantasy are often hobbit analogues, etc. It even had a counterpart for "evil" races - because when you get down to it, Orcs, Krogans, and Klingons are the same basic proud, often antagonistic warrior race with bad blood with the "good" guys.
But they deleted both those articles in favor of one that just lists elves and dwarves alone, because I guess it was too conceptual to see all those connections. I'm salty about it.
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lilibethwrites · 2 years
Hello! you would write to aemond x reader. Where she goes to Storm's End, trading instead of her brother, and instead of asking for Lucerys' eye, Aemond claims her as his wife.
To Have and to Hold
Aemond Targaryen x F!Velaryon (Strong)!Reader
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Warnings: violence, NSFW, incest
Word count: 3583
A.N: Reader is the middle sister of Lucerys and Jacaerys. This is a good old enemies-to-lovers story with a happy ending.
The family was gathered around the painted table. Plans were made and changed and remade altogether in mere seconds, the lords loyal to your mother scrambling to do everything all at once to secure her rightful claim to the throne.
“Send us, mother. Dragons are faster than ravens,” Jacaerys insisted when the matter of reaffirming old oaths came up.
On your mother’s command, he was to fly south and Lucerys was to fly north, to Storm’s End. Luke agreed to the task, yet you could tell his hesitance from the way he tried to conceal his fidgeting. The rattled nerves made him seem smaller than he was as he hunched over, nodding to the duty given to him.
So you stepped up, though only after the meeting was adjourned. Lucerys was too proud to allow what you have intended otherwise, but you were too fond of your baby brother to let him fly through the treacherous weather of the North alone.
“Mother. A word, please?”
Rhaenyra intended Lucerys to familiarize himself with diplomatic duties which were sure to come in waves following her own coronation. Your proposal was compelling nevertheless. Storm’s End was a flight too difficult for your younger brother to make alone, and you as his companion might soothe his nerves and might even compel Lord Borros Baratheon to be kinder to the message you were to deliver.
“Very well, then,” Rhaenyra reluctantly agreed to your proposal but only on the condition that you would go in peace: as envoys and not as warriors.
The flight to Storm’s End was uneventful. With jokes and friendly teasing, it almost felt like your regular flights above the Dragonstone on beautiful mornings and starry nights. Except there was strong wind and downpour all at once, and Lucerys became quieter as you approached your destination.
“Come on, Luke. I will race you to the courtyard!”
Your dragon was older, not big enough on her own to be considered mature yet, but bigger in comparison to Arrax, which made Arrax faster in contrast.
So Luke landed first, and you were mere minutes behind him.
“Well done, brother. You beat me. You shall have my slice of the pie this supper.”
But Lucerys didn’t seem excited about what would make him jump up and down if it were any other time. He didn’t even smile. He was facing his sister with a hand gripping the saddle on Arrax and the other clutching the hilt of his sword, but his young face was contorted in concern as he looked through her. If you hadn’t known him better, you’d almost misread it for fear.
“What is it?” You asked, but Luke only remained motionless, looking beyond to the walls of the keep.
It was then that you saw it in the flash of lightning that lit up the sky for a moment. Vhagar. She was big enough to make the outer walls of the keep seem like miniatures. You gulped, though remained stoic on the outside for the sake of your younger brother. You accompanied him to support him, not to plummet him down into the endless pit of fear. Vhagar meant, however, the Prince you’d rather see the least had beaten you to Lord Borros. You only hoped he was given a chamber of his own, and you’d deliver your message and slip out without ever facing him.
“Come on, Luke. Let us haste. Mother’s expecting us back for supper.”
The dark and empty hall was as hostile as its Lord. And in the corner stood Aemond Targaryen with one of Lord Borros’ daughters. She seemed tense. You could tell, because so were you.
“Come on, Luke.” You nudged your brother, and he held the sealed message out for the guards.
As the Maester to Lord Borros slowly dragged his feet to his master’s seat and relayed the message to him in hushed whispers, your eyes were trained on Aemond’s. He stood tall and proud, looking at you and your brother with disdain in his eyes and disgust in the way his lips curled up.
Luke clutched his sword once again, and you squeezed his shoulder. “Let go of it, brother. Remember your oath to mother.”
With Luke unable to marry, Lord Borros without a son to offer you, and most importantly, with sweet promises laced with poison seeping into his ear all the way from King’s Landing, Borros Baratheon broke his oath. On any other day, you’d remain and quarrel, threaten the Baratheon forces to bend the knee to the true Queen and not to the Usurper King, but on that day, you wished nothing more than to escort your brother out to safety.
“We thank you for your consideration, Lord Borros,” you spoke without reverence. A turncloak deserved only the traitor’s death. But you’d return for it another day.
Meanwhile, Aemond’s gaze burned into the back of your head as you put a hand on Luke’s back to signal him it was way past your time for departure.
“Wait, my Lord and Lady Strong!” Aemond’s humiliating tone echoed off the walls.
Fiery as ever, Luke shrugged your hand off and turned on his heels to face Aemond.
“Mind your tongue! Apologize to my dear sister right now!”
“Hm. How about you apologize to me for trying to steal my brother’s crown, traitor?”
“I will do no such thing!”
“Then you are a coward as well as a traitor and I will have your eye, bastard.”
Aemond ripped the dagger from its sheath and threw it flying towards Y/N and her older brother.
With each lightning that struck, the sapphire eye in place of the one Luke once slashed out glimmered. It seemed as if it had a mind of its own, no doubt just as vile and dangerous as its owner.
“As payment for mine.”
“No,” Lucerys stood his ground.
Aemond all but jumped forward then, spurred on by the courage of a boy he saw inferior to him in all regards. Lucerys to stand against him, tall and proud, was a massive hit to his pride.
As Aemond picked up his dagger and moved for Lucerys, you stepped in between your brother and uncle.
“NO! No!”
Your intervention caught Aemond by surprise. He was intrigued, amused, even. What a fine, fiery woman his nephew has turned out to be. Shame she was a bastard all the same.
“Please— Aemond. My Prince. Please—”
“What? Do you plead to pitch in?” he stared into Y/N’s eyes then. He was unyielding, unflinching.
“Luke, go. I command you. As your sister, I command you to leave!” You pleaded with Lucerys, but he stood unmoving behind you.
“No…” Aemond was amused. “No, your eyes are of no value to me. I want his eye!”
Luke would have escaped had it not been for his older sister. He would have turned around and made it to his dragon as you demanded. Yet, only a few acts were more loathsome than leaving kin to the wolves. Besides, Rhaenyra would’ve shredded him to bits and fed him to Arrax for all to see.
So Luke kneeled to take the dagger. Aemond’s request was fair after all.
“Perhaps not my eyes,” You spoke hastily with your hand wrapped around Luke’s wrist in an effort to stop him.
“But demand what you deem worthy of me and you shall have it. I beg of you, Aemond. Let my baby brother return to our mother. He came only as an envoy. He means no harm to you.”
“Hm.” He seemed to consider the offer genuinely that time. “As if you could harm me if you tried. Well, it seems the girl has bigger balls than you, bastard. You’re strong only in name, Lord Strong.”
Then he turned his attention back to you with a cruel smirk that pressed his lips into a thin line.
“You would trade your life, no matter how worthless, for your bastard brother?”
“If it is my life you demand, you shall have it. But allow my brother safe passage first.”
It was Lucerys’ turn to protest then, but you took a step forward, hoping that Aemond would be merciful enough to at least spare your brother the grim sight of the execution of his sister.
“I won’t kill you, dear Nephew. Oh, no. That would be entertainment for what? an hour? No, I will marry you,” His eye widened and he grinned as if a child got a platter of cakes and pies all to himself.
“Go on, then, pup,” He nodded to Lucerys pulling at the sleeves of your damp travelling coat, begging you to stop.
“Go with your worthless life and carry the heavy news to your false Queen—that her daughter is to be defiled by Prince Aemond. Perhaps she will be overjoyed to see what true Targaryen offspring looks like.”
You were trembling then. From standing in a stone hall, dripping head to toe from the downpour you have just escaped from, or from the cruel design Aemond has traded you for your brother’s eye, you didn’t know.
Your brother was looking at you incredulously, clutching Aemond’s dagger with his shaking hand.
“Go—go, Lucerys,” you mumbled between shaky breaths that threatened to explode into a sobbing fit. “You’ve heard Prince Aemond. Relay the news to the Queen.”
“Sister—I won’t leave you—”
“How sad,” Aemond spoke joylessly, mocking Luke with his lips downturned in an exaggerated fashion. “Will you cry, pup?”
“Sister, I shall return. I promise—”
“You will do no such thing, Lucerys,” your back was turned to him, your tears concealed from his vision. “Now go.”
“Oh, and I will have this back,” Aemond reached behind Lucerys, tearing the dagger from his hand and sheating it back to its place on his belt.
Aemond took his leave after Lucerys’, all but dragging you to Vhagar. You grappled to reach for your own dragon but to no avail. Aemond’s vice grip would sooner rip your arm from your shoulder before he let you loose.
“Did you think I would let you fly on your own? What do you take me for, a fool?”
“No. You are no fool. But you are a cruel monster.”
It seemed to please him, and he snorted.
 “A monster who is nought but a bully had it not been for his dragon!”
That, however, seemed to have gotten to him. He stopped in his track under the downpour abruptly and struck you across the face. It was your time to grin. For all his quiet mystery, his underbelly was clear as day.
“My Prince forgets who was there on the night he usurped Vhagar from her rightful successors. You were but a scared child who stole what you did not deserve.”
His fingers wrapped around your neck, squeezing so tight that your vision soon turned blurry and you gasped desperately, clawing at his on your throat. There was nothing but fury in his eye, wide with surprise that a woman would speak so plainly to him, and red with rage and the rain.
“Speak but another word and I shall send your skull to your whore of a mother!”
He let go and you collapsed to your knees, coughing and gasping for air. Then came waves of hiccups and sobs, not out of fear or misery but out of utter wrath.
“Save your tears. If it is sympathy you hope for, you shall get none from me. You are a foul bastard just like the rest of your brood and you shall be treated as one.”
Deep down, however, the deal he had just struck excited Aemond. His mouth watered at the thought of his reluctant but fiery bride in their marital bed, as they consummated the marriage and repeated the act over and over again until her belly was swollen and ran around the Red Keep children of Aemond’s own.
She was still a filthy bastard in his eye, yet if he had to choose one of his nieces to tolerate, he’d gladly choose Y/N over the others. Back when they all grew up on King’s Landing, he did have a crush on her, after all. Though it was silly, and he ripped the roots of it long ago. At least he thought so.
Something about her dark hair, livelier complexion, and eyes… her eyes. The defiance and pride in them. And she was brave; braver than most, braver than even his drunk, sorry excuse of a brother and father.
Back at King’s Landing, Alicent was rightfully outraged by the turn of events. Of course, you didn’t expect a warm welcome from your mother-in-law, and you didn’t get one.
Most of your days leading up to the wedding were spent in a chamber of your own with your door locked and latched on you and with a Kingsguard standing watch at all times. It was lonely, except for when Aemond came to visit, which he did almost every night.
He sat by the fireplace and you sat on the bed. Though at first not a lot of words were spoken, soon you realized just how much his conversation entertained you, and that you looked forward to his visits.
It was one of those nights that he stopped by with a heavy book under his arm.
“I had the Maester copy this for you,” he spoke dryly, but he had a hint of a self-satisfied smile on his lips.
He set the book down on the table and flipped through the pages.
“If you put your nose to it, you can still smell the ink.”
Aemond didn’t expect you to indulge him the way you did. You walked up to him, and with your cheek to his, joined him in inhaling the scent of ink on parchment pages.
“What is it about? The book?” You asked with genuine interest, flipping through the pages as Aemond pulled away to look at you incredulously. You weren’t resisting him, dismissing him, or threatening him with a slit throat in his sleep as you usually did.
“It’s—it’s on the history of Valyria. This is the first volume of many.”
“Oh, I remember this book.”
“You do?”
“Yes!” You pulled away with a proud smile of your own. For a moment, you looked like two ordinary lovers conversing by the fire, not enemies who supposed to hate each other and about to be united only as torture for one another.
“Remember Aunt Leana’s funeral?”
Of course he did. That was when you mocked Aemond for not being a dragon rider still, and told him the Gods were cruel not to give him the handsome face Aegon was blessed with. How silly were you back then. But how could you know that Aemond would grow up to be the Prince you’d fall for day after day?
“Yes?” he responded warily.
“Well, you were reading this then. I tore a page out, and you were so cross you told on me to my mother,” you giggled, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder before seating yourself by the fireplace.
Aemond smiled as well, approaching his usual seat cautiously as if not to spook a skittish prey. When you nursed your cup of wine without a flinch, he sat by you. Though his face was turned to the fire, he stole quick glances at your face, your neckline revealed by your evening robe, and your delicate, ringed fingers wrapped around the cup.
“Regretfully, you were fluent in High Valyrian back then and I knew very little, and nothing much has changed ever since.”
“Oh,” Aemond caught your eyes, searching for the dark, burning dislike you had for him that he came to expect. Instead your face was relaxed, and your eyes were almost that of a lover’s. Then, you reached for his hand. It must be the wine, Aemond thought. What else?
“You shall have to teach me.”
“I shall arrange the Maester—”
“I asked you, Aemond, not the Maester.”
From then on, Aemond visited you every night without fail. He came earlier and left later into the night. Though he always brought books, parchment and ink, very little High Valyrian was actually studied. His days were eventful and you loved to listen, and he loved the way you reminisced their days of youth.
So, on a night like that, with your hand on his over the table, you spoke the words that almost stopped his heart.
“I wish you would stay the night, Aemond. It gets awfully lonely some nights.”
He blinked a few times, unsure if his ears heard what you spoke, or what he so desperately wished you would.
“It—it would be improper before the wedding.”
“You took me hostage, Aemond. Traditions are obeyed very little in our marriage.”
That night was the first time you called what was slowly blossoming between him and you a marriage. The words you spoke took him by surprise, just as the way you said them—playfully, with no hatred or resentment.
“You offered yourself up. I was content enough having your brother’s eye.” That was Aemond’s attempt at humour in response, a macabre and perhaps a twisted one that would have gotten raise out of any other woman. Yet you only looked at him for a second, then laughed.
“Yet you did not have to lock me up. I would not have run.”
“No, but my brother would have stolen you from me.”
“Oh, surely. Aegon did promise to demonstrate to me… what was it? Real manhood in case you ever failed to do so.”
“He did?” Aemond frowned. Was that what jealousy felt like?
“Mmhm. I told him I was confident you would make a good husband.”
Though the ceremony was mere days away, Aemond was still not used to being called your husband, especially by you, and he barely got used to wearing a band of gold around his ring finger.
“This would be a good time to say that I would make a good wife, as well,” you joked, hoping to pull Aemond out of his moment of silence.
Instead, Aemond stared at you. He was unblinking and impossible to read. Indeed because his face was impossible to read, it came to you as a surprise when he closed the distance between you and himself and locked his lips with yours.
It was gentle, way gentler than you assumed Aemond was capable of. When he pulled back just enough to study your face, you only whispered “Do it again.”
The caution and restraint went out the window then. His tongue danced across yours and you gripped each other desperately, pulling at your clothes and moaning your names.
Aemond ended up not only staying the night as you asked but consummating your marriage even before the ceremony itself.
It was gentle and cautious at first, but only briefly, before baser and more primal urges overtook you both. You woke up in Aemond’s arms with a dull but sweet ache between your legs and marks in the shape of his mouth and fingers all over your body. Likewise, Aemond woke up with raw lines of skin where your nails had dug into his flesh.
You took your bath together, and Aemond postponed his sword practice for a private noon at the library with you. Though it came as a surprise to neither of you that there was more kissing and touching than reading.
Then, things changed rapidly. Your door was no longer locked, though that might very well be because you all but moved into Aemond’s quarters. You became inseparable. You were there with a book or your embroidery when Aemond trained, you flew together, broke fast and had supper together in his bedchamber.
The only time you regretfully parted was when Alicent—who also surprisingly became like a mother to you, and you a daughter to her— insisted that your fitting for the wedding gown must be kept private and away from the prying eye of the groom. It was bad luck, she insisted, if Aemond saw you in your gown before the ceremony.
“And have you asked mother and the Septa if it is good luck or bad if I have you in your gown?” Aemond teased you, making you blush whenever his words came back to you as the tailors worked ceaselessly to finish the dress before the ceremony.
Neither of you could say if it was indeed bad luck or not, but you found out that it was delightful when Aemond lifted your heavy skirt up and snuck between your legs on your wedding night. He had you in it, just as he promised. Though it was a shame that he grew too impatient to undo the ribbons and laces, so he instead tore and ripped the dress apart, leaving it as a cut of tattered, expensive silk on the floor as the night went on.
You saw the sorry state of the dress in the morning. Well, as much of it as you could see from Aemond’s arms around you, keeping you flush on his body.
“Aemond! You shall never see me wear a lovely dress as this once was for you again!” 
“My sweet wife, you should not wear anything for me,” Aemond whispered groggily, still in the sweet clutches of slumber, and he pulled you for a kiss that promised you would not be leaving his bedchamber for the day.
Aemond Tag (let me know if you'd like to be added to it):
@cherishedauthor @schniiipsel @verycollectivecreator @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @aemcndtargaryen @m1ndbrand @iorveth-scoiatael @let-love-bleeds-red @imakeangelscry @midnightindiewolf @queereddie @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @nighttwingg @mllemarianne @lomllino @tinykryptonitewerewolf @mirandastuckinthe80s @loverandqueenofdragons @fultimefangirl @lenasvoid
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AITA for asking my partner not to talk about how happy he is that Ghandi was assassinated?
I hope this doesn't get too long! 🍀
I (26, F) am Irish Australian, my partner (33, M) is Sikh. He's shared many beautiful things about his culture with me, and has a thoughtful way of describing the relationship between Sikh history and current culture.
However I get a bit uncomfortable when he talks about how Gandhi was assassinated by a Sikh person. I know enough about Gandhi to be aware that while he might've had some good impact, he had plenty of underreported bad too. But I don't pretend to understand the extent of it all.
I also understand what a complex thing that sort of cultural history is, my family joke about being proud of the assassination of Mountbatten by the IRA. But we keep that talk behind closed doors, it requires more understanding of the Troubles than the average person has. Also, joking about death is a bit nasty unless you know everyone is comfortable
My issue with my partner is that when he talks about Gandhi's death he's not speaking with a historical context. He gets very serious and sits up all tall and says proudly that Sikhs are a warrior race and they fucking delivered. He has done this in company and in private and it's always very intense and a mood killer, he is not joking at all. I think that level of confident pride in the death of another is kinda messed up
So, I asked him to not talk about it in such a full on way. He refused to apologise because he is proud of it and he said that he's glad they did it (I appreciate his honestly there). I asked if he would be pleased to see a similar event play out today, a Sikh assassinating a major political influencer. He said he would be happy and asked the same of me regarding Mountbatten (this had come up in the conversation, obviously I'm paraphrasing, the whole thing was pretty upsetting tbh) and I said no cos it's not an active war. Also, that I don't actually stand behind that I'm just comfortable with the complexity of it to joke with my family and still know people understand where I stand. Like, the IRA killed his kids too. The whole time was fucked.
He said he's not joking. He, gently, said I was being a bit of a hypocrite. He didn't promise to not talk about Gandhi, but hasn't brought it up since. I feel like he's pretty unhappy about it
I dunno, I asked him without really thinking about it all and I think he makes a good point about the Mountbatten parallel. I'm not sure if the difference in my feelings is my own ethics or just me being a bit racist. And it's not his job to make me not be racist if I've got some stuff to work through. But still, I think if it was any culture I'd be uncomfortable with that much aggressive pride in murder. Like, I've grown up in a country without a death penalty, death is not something people can dole out imo, and his approval of it is so absolute and genuine, there's no pulling the punch. Unlike my way of talking about Mountbatten.
So, AITA for asking my partner to stop talking about his pride in a Sikh person assassinating Gandhi?
What are these acronyms?
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Zora problems: The water is contaminated and Sidon is forced to watch his loved ones sicken and die after the death of his sister, but cannot directly confront it without risking his kingdoms safety
Rito problems: A massive blizzard has grounded them. They are starving, freezing, and alone. The only one capable of helping is still a child and cannot go alone
Gerudo problems: The proud warrior race has been forced underground, unable to fight back. Their child queen has yet to master her powers and fears failing her people
Goron problems: meth
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luvvyouforever · 9 months
hc: acotar boys + s/o with illyrian wings
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↳ including rhysand, cassian, azriel, lucien, and tamlin.
↳ some mentions of nsfw content but majority sfw, does not go into detail.
a/n: i have not read the entirety of the series nor have i wrote for acotar before. but this was stuck in my mind and i just had to see it through. enjoy, dears ❀
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-adores taking leisurely flights with you across the night court lands, velaris, you name it and you're going. on days where you both need to get away and find some peace, you would fly away to some peak of a mountain or to a wide open field of flowers. smiles at you the whole time you glide easily next to him.
-definitely compares wing spans all the time. "no, i swear mine are bigger! look!" as he's straining and stretching the tips of them out to elongate his wingspan. you laugh and play along because you know that yours are without a doubt bigger but you'll let him win this time.
-his already large bed expands when you sleep in it together, ensuring that your wings rest on the sheets comfortably. he knows how annoying it is to tuck them in tightly or let them droop off the ends.
-if you've had a bad day, he'll ask for your permission before massaging the spots of skin surrounding your wings before gently running his hands along them, sending shivers down your spine. sometimes this will lead to more as his apt hands cause you to whimper but if it has been a particularly rough day, he is content to give you physical comfort and nothing more.
-feels incredibly proud to have you. while he hates entering the court of nightmares and putting on his persona, he secretly loves walking in to the city with you as his partner, wings fiercely on display.
-and just for some small self-indulgence, i think rhys loves wing play. when the two of you are close in bed, passionate and sweaty, he loves running his hands along your wings and he flares his out so you can do the same to him. he just can't help groaning at your reaction. enough said (i am so perfectly normal about this)
-races with you in the air. some days he is just bounding with energy and adrenaline and nothing helps him more than leaping off of the balcony of your townhouse and soaring high in the air, dodging one another, doing tricks, etc. while rhys loves peaceful flights with you, cassian is the exact opposite.
-if you ever feel insecure about your wings, he'll encourage you to be confident about them and let them out. he may notice that a party, you get insecure about taking up so much space and you try to tuck your wings in as close as possible, placing yourself in corners. he'll come to your side, spread his wings out and tap your back to tell you to do the same. "don't feel bad about them, sweets. you look glorious."
-your sleep habits are definitely...interesting. two people in one bed with enormous wings sprouting from the backs? yeah, it's a little hard to maneuver. but you manage and usually, in the morning, you end up sprawled on the bed, limbs tangled, hair in faces, pillows off the bed, but rested and comfortable nonetheless.
-cassian loves being a tease and throughout the day, anytime he sees you, he'll sneak on you and run a finger down the most sensitive part of your wings, causing reactions that make those around you just slightly uncomfortable. he laughs and giggles and you don't stay mad at him for long.
-he would find it really attractive if your wings were bigger than his or if you could take him down in a fight. he's spent his life being a fearsome warrior, stronger than everyone, and if his partner can spread their wings and tackle him to the ground, he'll be so excited.
-you know that scene in good omens where aziraphale covers crowley's head with his wing? yeah, cassian does that. if you're walking anywhere and it starts raining, snowing, etc. he will gladly place his wing over top of your head to keep you from getting wet. you appreciate it more than anything.
-i like to headcanon azriel as being a little fancy and bougie. he definitely has piles of oils, lotions, and skin care products for his wings that he will share with you. he likes keeping them shiny, moisturized, and clean. more often than not, he'll have you sit down in the bathroom while he does a mini skincare routine for your wings alone. you love it and look forward to it every night.
-azriel's wings are canonically the largest of the bat boys and i think he feels a secret sense of pride about this. no matter how good of a warrior cassian is or how good of a leader rhysand is, he holds that over them and this reflects in your relationship. he doesn't feel threatened by them, both because he trusts them and because he knows your affinity for his wings.
-oh my god...his shadows dance all over your wings when you're together. they tickle and give you goosebumps along every part of your body. azriel pretends to rein them in but he loves seeing you giggle at the feeling and sometimes sends his shadows out to run along your wings when you need to cheer up.
-if anyone ever hurt your wings or damaged them in any way, he'd see red and nothing else. he knows how much wings matter to an illyrian and if you come home from a battle with your wings bleeding, ripped, or scarred, he'd immediately find them and make them wish they didn't do such a thing to you.
-when crowds and people and senses become too much for either of you, you'll slip off to some secluded place, usually your home, and wrap each other in your wings, enveloping you in darkness and quiet. it's a great remedy for headaches or overstimulation. in general, i think azriel hugs with his wings. his arms will be wrapped tight around your body and his wings will encase you as much as they can.
-some more self indulgence here...i think azriel isn't as fond of his wings being used in the bedroom but as for yours...shew. you know how his shadows like to play with your wings? he revels in your sounds, gasps, and surprise at the feeling of your most sensitive spot being touched so delicately.
-lucien has always been fascinated with illyrian wings. i think he'd ask you so many questions about them, about how they feel, how it feels to fly, etc. he'd very politely ask for your permission before grazing them with his hands, taking in the beauty of them.
-he always wanted to fly like the illyrian warriors he was familiar with but he never asked you out of embarrassment. the first time he flew with you was out of pure need as you escaped from some kind of danger together. he couldn't get away fast enough so without thinking, you picked him up and soared into the sky with him. after that moment, he looks for any chance to fly with you.
-lucien is a fast learner when it comes to learning how to care for your wings. he picks up on the spots that ache the most and pays special attention to those after long days. he speaks to cassian and azriel about caring for them, and he takes their advice to heart, buying whatever he needs.
-sometimes, he feels insecure and wonders if you'd prefer to be with someone who can match your skill set and keep up with you better. you shut down those thoughts as soon as they come up and make some joke that illyrians are a cocky breed and that you'd much prefer to be with him. you even offer to train him in some illyrian fighting techniques which he quickly takes you up on.
-if someone stares at your wings while you're at some kind of spring court high society function, he'd shoot them an evil glare which is particularly intimidating. he reassures you that there is no need to hide the beauty of your wings and that he'd deal with anyone who says something bad about them.
-lucien can't help but blush when you casually use your wings to help him throughout the day. if he shivers at a draft blowing through open windows, your wing will find a spot behind him to block the cool air. you will block the bright sun when you're walking together, barely caring about the intense warmth. if you're fighting together, your wing blocks hits and acts as a barrier between him and an enemy. when he questions himself, he thinks about those small moments that show your love and smiles.
-i think that tam can feel a little threatened sometimes by your wings and skills as a warrior. he places a lot of importance in his position as a protector and it takes him some time to get used to having a partner that can defend themselves. once he does, though, you two are practically an unstoppable force.
-he tries to act very nonchalant about your wings out of fear of offending you by staring at them or touching them. the first time you catch him looking at them in the sunlight, you smile and tell him that you'd never be offended by him admiring them. after that, he's constantly raking his eyes along your wingspan, creating poetic lines in his head about how the stars reflect on the silky black skin.
-tam is possessive by nature and if he sees someone complimenting them or, gods forbid, touch them, he couldn't hold back the claws emerging. he knows very well that you will stand your ground but nobody touches his partner like that and he will let them know very quickly.
-he will never really admit it but he loves seeing you in the light, pastel colors of the spring court, especially when they contrast so heavily with the dark wings on your back. he thinks one of his favorite views is you laid out in the rose garden, soaking in the sunshine with your wings laid out entirely on the ground. his love for you swells and he wishes he had a camera to keep the view preserved forever.
-he loves to spoil you with the best wing care you've ever seen. i'm talking expensive oil infused with gold that creates the most beautiful sparkle along the wings. i'm talking handmade soap sourced from velaris that smells divine which he uses while you take a bath together. he thrives when he gets to spoil you like this.
-his first calanmai after you became partners is an entire story in itself. even while ferociously charged with power, he asks for your permission to touch your wings while in the heat of things. his delicate hands are so different from the rest of the way he's taking you and he draws sounds from you that bounce off the cave walls and echo for likely miles.
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i hope you enjoy this! i really like writing headcanons so if you have any requests, please let me know! <3
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Being Rhaenyra Targaryen's husband would include:
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Okay this is my 3rd time uploading this, because tumblr was being a whiny bitch. This turned out much longer than I expected and I'm already planning on writing more in this au. I combined book and show canon, although I kept the Velaryons as black. I also renamed some of Rhaenyra's children and gave her 1 more.
This is not team green friendly or kind to Alicent. At all. Reader is a petty bitch who adores his wife and whose love language is murdering their enemies in various secret ways.
Warnings include murder, forced infertility (Viserys), Rhaenyra and Reader scheming for the throne.
You're the oldest son of Rhaenys Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon. Greatness is in your blood.
You're proud - how can you not be? You're the oldest son of the Sea Snake and The Queen Who Never Was, the heir to High Tide and the next Lord of Driftmark. You're the second rider of Silverwing, after Queen Alysanne. You are cunning and clever - everything your parents could wish for in a son. You have a lot to be proud of.
After fighting in the Stepstones and being knighted, you emerge as one of the chief candidates for Rhaenyra's hand.
The brothel incident still happens in this au and Rhaenyra still sleeps with Criston.
When your betrothal is announced, you both agree to do your duty. And although you aren't Daemon or Criston, you are still handsome and a warrior. Doing her duty will not be difficult for Rhaenyra.
You quickly fall in love, much to both your surprise. Rhaenyra falls first, your loyalty and ferocity in defending her sneaks past her defences.
You fall harder, her wit and hidden darkness, the type that matches yours, pulls you in. Her soul speaks to yours and feels familiar on some level.
By the time Jacaerys is born, you're incredibly happy and in love with each other.
Your darling boy is quickly followed by Lucerys, Baelon, Aegon, Gaemon and eventually (after a few years) your twin daughters Visenya and Aemma.
Your royal apartments are rarely quiet because of your children. They adore their mother's hugs, love to hang off your shoulders and follow you both around the Red Keep like little ducklings.
Being the best dressed couple in Westeros. Rhaenyra likes it when you match and often coordinates your outfits to do so. Sometimes it's matching her dress to your doublet, other times it's more subtle like you wearing ruby beads in your locs to match the precious stones in her bodice. It makes her feel like you're on a team and she knows you feel the same way, judging from the little smirk and raised eyebrow you give her when you see her and the maids going through your wardrobes.
You and Rhaenyra love to gossip together. It mainly happens in bed after you make love. She tells you the latest rumours her ladies in waiting told her and you reveal the scandals you heard from your manservant and squires.
You encourage her to be more visible to the common folk. You know that if she has their love, then any attempts to usurp her will fail. Your little family becomes regular fixtures in King's Landing as you explore the city and restart Queen Alysanne's charitable ventures. Rhaenyra starts heading sessions for women to raise any issues.
You know it's working when you hear people talking about the Realm's Delight and the Sea Dragon and praising your efforts in improving their lives.
The sight of you both racing your dragons high in the sky is a frequent occurrence. It started as a way to unwind after the small council meetings. As your family grew, your children joined in, strapped into yours or Rhaenyra's saddles. When they grew old enough and their dragons were big enough, they followed you on theirs.
Dividing your time between Dragonstone and the Red Keep, although visits to Driftmark are also regular events.
Laenor frequently pops in to visit and spoil your children.
Corlys and Viserys both compete to be the favourite grandparent, but you and Rhaenyra know that Rhaenys is the real favourite. For the sake of peace, you won't reveal it.
Despite Daemon and Laena staying in Pentos, you keep up a regular correspondence with them. You even arrange to meet in Driftmark with your children a few years into your marriage. Your children bond quickly, while the adults watch on and tell stories.
Being married to the heir to the Iron Throne isn't easy and there are many people who would see that Rhaenyra never becomes Queen.
As her consort, you consider it your duty to make the path easier for her.
Your first victim is Criston Cole. After murdering Joffrey Lonmouth, you expect him to get punished. The news of Queen Alicent accepting him as her sworn sword leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, particularly when you have to break the news to Laenor.
Along with your pride, one of your greatest attributes is how protective you are of your loved ones. Joffrey was Laenor's lover as well as one of your good friends.
It takes a little while to plan, but one day gossip erupts about Criston being found drunk in a brothel that's particularly debauched, even by the standards of King's Landing.
You seize your chance and tell your goodfather that perception is important, that such a knight like that cannot be allowed to guard the royal family, especially the Queen. Viserys ignores Alicent's protests and Criston is gelded and sent to the Wall.
Speaking of Viserys, you know that any sons he has will be pitted against your wife.
You also know that his health isn't very good.
You decide to help him by giving him a tonic that your mother swears by, along with some lotions and creams. "Two drops of this with your morning meal every day and you'll soon feel better, Your Grace," you persuade him. "And wouldn't it be wonderful if you could meet your future grandchildren?"
Your father told you once you could sell water to a fish, such was the power of your silver tongue.
Viserys' health does improve after taking the tonic and the lotions that are massaged into his skin fix most of his pains.
However you failed to mention that the tonic and lotion both have herbs which cause infertility if used over long periods of time. Your mother only uses the tonic, and does so sparingly.
Viserys and Alicent only have Aegon and Helaena as a result of your actions.
You and Rhaenyra work hard to charm lords and ladies to support your cause.
You go on progress across the realm, flattering and courting all the noble families you meet.
It quickly becomes known that to be one of Princess Rhaenyra's ladies in waiting is a boon for attaining a fortunate marriage. In turn, you surround yourself with ambitious lords and their sons who want to advance their own interests.
It's a delicate dance, but you were taught how to make alliances by your parents, plus your charisma and ability to speak to anyone makes you one of the most popular members of the royal family.
Any attempts Alicent makes to gain allies for her son are countered by you and she can't stand you.
She tried to make Rhaenyra bring Lucerys to her when he was born, but you shut that down. "I wasn't aware that the Queen was in such poor health that she couldn't come herself to meet the newest member of our family," you say with a mocking smile. "The King is already coming to meet his grandson and I'm sure he would wish for Her Grace to join him." The sour look on the Queen's face when she finally arrives, only to find Viserys holding your baby boy, is a sight you'll remember for weeks to come.
You're Rhaenyra's greatest weapon and she despises how popular you are. You weren't supposed to be this politically adept, your children weren't supposed to be that lovely and polite and Rhaenyra was not supposed to be the heir when Viserys already has a son.
She says so to Larys Strong, who decides to do something about it without telling her.
You survive the pathetic assassination attempt because of a loyal servant.
Rhaenyra finds out what happened and she is furious. When she finds out Larys did it? He's a dead man walking.
His body is found in a secluded corridor at the bottom of the stairs. It's fairly obvious that he slipped and fell in a tragic accident - the servants had only finished cleaning and polishing those stairs the day before.
You thank your wife for avenging you with a sapphire necklace and several rounds of insatiable sex that eventually results in your son Aegon being conceived.
Unfortunately Lyonel Strong takes this as his chance to resign as Hand and return to Harrenhall, something you and your wife are unhappy about. You will miss him and his unwavering loyalty and fairness.
You miss him even more when you find out Otto Hightower is returning to King's Landing to be Viserys' Hand again.
The return of her father emboldens the Queen, although you and Rhaenyra are more than a match for them, both during the Small Council meetings (which you are Master of Ships) and outside them.
Eventually though, you decide to take care of the problem, although your wife cautions you to be careful.
A year after becoming Hand again, Otto Hightower is dead. His health had been declining for some time, even before he returned to King's Landing, but the poison you'd had your spies slip into his furniture and clothing certainly made his end quicker.
You knew he had a food taster, so you had to be careful to make it appear natural. A quiet conversation with Daemon had pointed you in the right direction.
Although it appeared to be natural, you knew that Otto's last days were a living hell. A fitting end for such a man.
With his death, you recommended Viserys make Lyonel Strong Hand again or even name Rhaenyra to be the Hand, as preparation for her future role.
His decision to name Rhaenyra as Hand is one of the only good decisions he's made.
It gives her more experience in governing the realm, particularly when he starts to become more frail.
After several years of this, she is confident in her role. She will be a magnificent Queen and you're truly honoured to be her consort.
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syrupfog · 5 months
Zoro hates it here. 
“Tough shit,” says Nami. “You have to suffer through the evening to meet your fucking FIANCÉ.” 
Zoro scowls. He’s never met the man. They’ve been engaged since he was young enough to still fight with bamboo swords. “It’s not like I’m going to marry him.” 
“I keep saying a political marriage would really help your image,” Nami lectures, “but regardless, this is PROTOCOL. Your parents would be ashamed of you trying to skip out on this.” 
“My parents died when I was six, and you never met them.” 
“Yet I know better. Now come on.”
It’s a lavish ballroom that Zoro never uses, and he’s in clothes he never wears. He’s itchy. Standing next to his throne, as is PROTOCOL, thanks Nami, he watches the procession as they enter. 
Their king is tall and clearly pompous. His outfit gaudy. His children come behind him.
Zoro’s people, his most trusted, are fanned throughout the room, but the king and his children stand a head above everyone. Zoro counts one daughter and three sons, each of them standing equally proud and in equally flashy clothes. 
No, wait. 
Is that a fourth son or a servant?
He’s shorter than the others, thinner, almost sickly in comparison. But he’s wearing the royal finery. His head is bowed, in contrast to theirs. A cousin maybe? Why is he here? 
The king marches directly up to Zoro and does not bow, which he SHOULD do on Shimotsuki soil.
He stands straight, and says, “Crown Prince Roronoa, I present to you my children; Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Sanji.” 
The— the sickly pale one? HE’s the one Zoro’s been promised to? 
Sanji keeps his head down, but unlike his siblings he does a slight bow upon introduction.
Zoro scowls until Nami kicks him. Then he bows back, EVER so slightly, and gestures to the room at large. “Please enjoy the evening,” he says. “You’ve come a long way.” He can feel Nami breathing down his neck. “Let me personally escort Prince Sanji, so we have time to… talk.”
He holds out his arm and Sanji, obligingly, slips his hand into the crook of Zoro’s elbow. He hears snickering behind him as he leads Sanji away.” 
The crowd parts around them, and Zoro grinds his teeth. He’d really prefer not to break up with someone he’s never even met.
Still, such things must be done. Leading Sanji out onto the balcony, in the cool night air, Zoro lets his arm fall and then turns to him. “So,” he hedges. “Our parents betrothed us.” 
Sanji inclines his head. “Yes, sire,” he says, staring resolutely at the floor.”
“Well I don’t know about you, but I’m my own person now, and I don’t particularly feel like getting married to someone I’ve never met.” 
At that, Sanji’s eyes shoot up, wide and searching. 
“So I release you from this bond,” Zoro says. “Or whatever it was Nami says I should say.”
“You—“ Sanji stutters. “N-no, wait.” 
Zoro crosses his arms. “I don’t know you and you don’t know me,” he says. “I have no interest in marrying someone I’ve never met.” 
“Y-you’re meeting me NOW,” Sanji cries. “You can get to know me! Give me a chance.”
He looks like he would collapse in a strong wind, already standing with one arm braced against the railing. Zoro is a warrior, he needs someone who can challenge him, not… whatever this is. “I’ve made up my mind,” he says. “Sorry you had to come all the way here.”
Sanji starts tugging on his hair. “No,” he says again. “You can’t do this! You— I’ll—“ 
“What?” Zoro asks. “You’ll tell daddy on me?” 
Breathing heavily, Sanji looks at him with wild eyes. “Please,” he says. “I’ll— do anything. You won’t know I’m here. Just don’t—“
Then, in what seems like a snap decision, he turns around and takes off running. 
Zoro follows, languidly, watching him race back through the ballroom. He figures he’ll run to his father and start telling him what a monster Zoro is, but instead Sanji takes the first door out.
Shit. Zoro speeds up. That’s the door to the rest of the castle, not the way out or the way to his family. What the hell? 
He keeps his pace slow enough to not alert TOO many in the ballroom (though he sees the thunderous look Nami throws his way), but as soon as he’s through the door Sanji left through, he also takes off at a run, seeing Sanji at the end of the hallway. 
The castle is enough of a maze for Zoro on a good day, he’s certain that if he slows down for even a second he’ll lose the prince somewhere in his own halls.
The one point in his favor is that Sanji does seem to truly be sickly, even at a run he’s not particularly fast. It takes three turns and a set of stairs before Zoro catches him running into an open door that he KNOWS doesn’t have an exit.
He follows Sanji in and slams the door behind him. It’s a bedroom, and Zoro knows immediately which one, namely because it’s in use. 
“Hey Luffy,” Zoro says. Nami had banned Luffy from attending, to prevent “incidents”. 
Luffy waves. He’s reclining on his bed with a turkey stick.
“You see a prince come in here?” Zoro asks. “Scrawny, pale, can’t take no for an answer?” 
Luffy laughs through his teeth. “I don’t know about any of that,” he says. “But there’s a guy in a fancy outfit in my wardrobe.” 
Zoro rounds on the wardrobe.
One hand on each knob, he pulls it open with a flourish. 
Sanji is there, curled with his knees to his chest, staring up at Zoro with watery eyes. 
“Asylum!” He yelps. “I claim asylum!” 
Zoro blinks. “You that ashamed of getting dumped?” He asks. 
Sanji grits his teeth.
“Grant me asylum,” he says, voice firmer. “Or you’re going to be at war with Germa by sunset for killing their prince.” 
“I’m not fucking killing you, I’m just—“ 
“I will throw myself out that window before I have to go back there.” 
Luffy whistles. “I like him,” he says.
“You’re being dramatic,” Zoro growls. 
“I’m a dead man if I go back there,” Sanji says. “If you’re going to take away the only chance of freedom I’ve ever had, the least you can do is grant asylum. I’ll live a beggar on your streets before I chance returning.”
He’s shaking, but Zoro sees determination in his eyes that he respects. “What’s so bad about it?” He asks. “Why do you think here would be better?” 
Sanji’s hands flex around a fallen coat. “I like to think you won’t keep me in a windowless dungeon for a decade,” he says.
“I’d imagine you may even allow me more than one meal a day.” 
Zoro stares at him, feeling uncomprehending. That can’t be right. 
“Sounds like you should marry him,” Luffy says from the bed. “That’s not a great life.” 
“What’s wrong with you?” Zoro asks. He’s looming over Sanji. “As in, what did you do to deserve that?” 
Sanji blinks, then looks down, curling in on himself. “I was born of my mother’s blood,” he says. “He sees her in my eyes and he hates me for it.” 
There’s a strength in him. To have lived this long. Zoro sees that and something in him gives way. He doesn’t want it to, he doesn’t want this veritable stranger to have his respect, but— 
“Luffy,” he says. “Escort the Vinsmokes out of here.” 
Luffy gives a crooked salute that in no way resembles the way he should refer to the crown prince. “On it, boss.”
Sanji’s grip tightens around the clothes. “Please,” he chokes out, desperation rising. “Please, you won’t even— you don’t have to even officially accept my plea for asylum, if you just turn the other way so I can—“ 
“Shut up,” Zoro says, taking a step back and rubbing his face.
“Fucking hell of course I wasn’t referring to you.” Luffy’s already out the door or he’d make Luffy clarify. “He’s kicking all of THEM out, you’re obviously staying here.” 
“Oh…” Sanji trails off. “Th-thank you. I— I’ll take whatever position you deem acceptable. I’m an excellent chef, I can work in your kitchens! You’ll never know—“ 
Zoro, tired of this, reaches down and pulls Sanji out of the wardrobe. Suddenly upright, Sanji stumbles into his arms with a yelp. 
“Slow down,” Zoro grouses. “You wore me down. I’ll fucking marry you.”
“You’ll— what?” Sanji, whose hands are on Zoro’s shoulders and whose face is so very close to Zoro’s own, blinks. “WHY?” 
“Because your family seems like a fucking nightmare so I need to keep an eye on you,” Zoro says. He doesn’t say, and you’re strong. You survive.
He doesn’t say, your will to escape and to live makes me want to do everything to protect you. 
He doesn’t say that because that would make him sound idiotic and like Sanji needs saving. He’s clearly doing that on his own. 
Zoro’s just going to help him along.
He takes a step back and steadies Sanji. There’s the faint sound of shouting in the distance. Zoro grabs Sanji’s hand. “Luffy should be done soon,” he says. 
“Uh,” says Sanji. “Is he going to be okay…?” 
“Oh yeah, he’ll be fine.” 
Zoro grabs Sanji’s hand. He squeezes it.
He says, “You seem like the type to care about wedding planning.” 
Sanji seems dazed. “Uh,” he says, wavering. “I have plans.” 
“Good. I don’t give a fuck. You can talk to Nami about them. Just tell me where to go and what to wear.” 
Sanji fishmouths at him. 
The door opens.
Luffy steps in. His shirt is a little torn and there’s leaves in his hair. “Vine Smackers are gone,” he says, giving his crooked salute to Zoro. Then he looks at Sanji. “You need me to beat up your family too?” 
“Luffy you dumbass,” Zoro says. “That WAS his family.”
“I don’t have a family,” Sanji corrects, voice small but gaining confidence. “I-if you’re willing to marry someone without a family, that is.” 
Zoro shrugs. “Suits me perfectly, actually. I didn’t want to be connected to that shitty country anyway.” 
Sanji laughs. “Me neither.”
“You’re both weird,” Luffy says. “I’m going to raid what’s left of the dinner that I assume isn’t going to happen now.” 
Then he’s gone again. 
Zoro’s still holding Sanji’s hand. 
Nami’s going to murder him. 
He raises up the hand and kisses Sanji’s knuckles. That sounds like a protocol thing, right? No one can make fun of him. 
“Come on,” he says. “I’ll introduce you to… everyone.” 
He pulls Sanji out of the room, gets lost in the hallways, then finds the ballroom again. 
Time to introduce his fiancé. 
He’s strong. Zoro will help him be strong.
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
Few things scared Time after all these years, but when Wild casually mentioned that Twilight, Warriors, and Sky had been whisked away by some Gerudo warriors for "adult time"? Terror lent such speed to his steps that he could have beat the postman in a race.
He couldn't imagine the Gerudo attempting anything flirtatious with Warriors without things ending in fire and blood. Sky? His love and adoration for his Zelda was so well known that disrupting it seemed like blasphemy. Considering who his Zelda was? It might BE blasphemy. Twilight was so trapped in his strange, private grief that he would probably hate himself in the morning, and Time already shuddered at the idea of dragging him out of that spiral.
It was a little makeshift bar by the oasis. Outside was a sign with a man's face and a clear warning that "Bozai" was forbidden. Time would wonder about that later. A Gerudo guard stood outside but seemed to recognize Time as one of Wild's companions, as she only nodded and let him pass. Time nodded back in thanks and hurried on.
The small bar was tucked away in a large tent. Wild told him that it was relatively new and they never let him inside, saying he was too young. That didn't help Time's worry at all. The entire setup relied on old crates and barrels to make up the chairs and tables, showing exactly how new the bar was, but it worked well enough.
Warriors and Twilight were dancing on one of those tables.
Time froze by the entrance of the bar. He only moved when a Gerudo smacked his ass. Then he scurried to a safer vantage point with his bruised butt, torn between the scene in front of him and the excited, proud exclamations of the brave, brave Gerudo who had actually touched a voe's ass.
Sky was sitting on a barrel close to the table, flushed and bright-eyed and playing what sounded like an upbeat love song on his harp, his too loud, cheerful voice hinting at how many drinks he had so far. Two other Gerudo were playing instruments with him, while two others comforted another one behind them. Her laments that she would never find a voe who would sing that way about HER mixed oddly with the song.
While Warriors and Twilight danced on the makeshift table, uncaring how it wobbled under them, a Gerudo Time recognized from earlier whistled and tossed rupees at their feet. Her despairing wife's voice rose clearly above the din as she begged the other vai to stop, they weren't even dancing that well, definitely do not throw red rupees please!
All three of his boys were dressed in vai clothes. That baffled Time. When had they found them? How had they found a shade of blue which matched Warriors's scarf so perfectly?
Twilight dipped Warriors, who cackled like a fiend and did nothing to stop it. The Gerudo cheered. More rupees joined the collection. Sky sang about Sun's eyes. The Gerudo behind him sobbed even louder.
All right. His boys were fine. They would probably need a potion and plenty of water later, but for right now, they were fine.
Time, however, wasn't. A headache building behind his eyes, he walked to the bar and slammed down a handful of rupees. "Anything, please."
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spectrum-color · 1 year
Robert Jordan making a character who should be a perfect self insert power fantasy for young men (chosen one, powerful sorcerer, king, chief of the Proud Warrior Race Guys, master swordsman, had three hot girlfriends,) and just giving him severe mental illness and the worlds most miserable heroes journey was such a power move
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