#proves i don’t think about it so much
devilsskettle · 2 years
actually the most puzzling thing to me about cobra kai is that robby is still mad at miguel somehow even though he’s the one who put him in a literal coma. if i accidentally hurt someone that severely, i would simply not give a shit if they started dating my ex because really leaving them the fuck alone is the least he could do to make amends. his victim complex is too strong though
#i mean he does have a shitty life but he doesn’t have to resent miguel for having a slightly less shitty life lol#i go back and forth on my opinion about robby as a character because this grudge drama annoys me#and i feel like the writers fucked up what i liked about his character in the first place#but ultimately i like him and think his main character arc is interesting#i just don’t like sam or sam related drama i think. very much on tory’s side except for the excessive violence lol#i liked sam at first but i think she very much is the rich popular girl convinced her worldview is 100% infallible#and she keeps trying to prove that she’s not and she’s Tough and Cool but i don’t buy it she’s trying way too hard lol#i like her and miguel together though actually! they seem really compatible and like they actually like each other lol#i never bought her and robby together they had no chemistry. felt like robby just thought that was what he should want?#i think that boy is gay i really do#i think robby and tory are both gay and neither have figured it out yet and they have experienced so little compassion from others#in their lives that they don’t recognize the difference between platonic and romantic love#also ​aisha is gay hawk is bi demetri is bi moon is (canonically!) bi#miguel is bi sam is straight though sorry#anyway#second most puzzling thing is hawk’s whole look lol#i inexplicably like the kid so i’ve accepted it but i am not mourning the death of the mohawk (even under shitty circumstances)#okay that’s enough cobra kai posting for one day lol#cobra kai
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jostenneil · 4 years
fma just suffers so much from the fact that its two political mouthpieces are a war criminal with a god complex and a white liberal pacifist like if you look at it as a series made up by its emotional beats and character development alone it’s phenomenal but the politics of it are just so bad and it frustrates me that ed is painted as this person who cares too much about the suffering others undergo but somehow finds it difficult to sympathize with a man whose people were ruthlessly murdered nearly to extinction. it’s not just a disservice to his character arc but to readers of color who relate to scar’s plight and suffering and have to see their struggle so decentralized bc the militant perpetrators are ultimately more important and portrayed as more sympathetic characters
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formashimataichi · 2 years
I agree with what you say about Taichi and that’s why i am trying to communicate with you, it would not be a switch up, 14 year old Chihaya “loved” Arata but 17 year old Chihaya loves Taichi. It is a mark of growing up. Chihaya said that she loves Arata but gave a boy her number, does her “love” for Arata seem serious? Ask yourself that
When has Chihaya’s love ever paralleled her age, though? Many readers fall under the impression that Chihaya is immature and naive to her own “real” feelings and has to “grow” into them, but she knows herself very well and expresses her desires candidly at near all times. It’s why her responses to both confessions from Arata and Taichi are so different—one leaves her flustered, because here is a confession from Arata, who she’s looked up to and aspired to for years now and who she dreams of reaching the lofty peak of Mount Fuji with; the other leaves her devastated, because despite the closeness of her friendship with Taichi, she never realized the nature of his feelings for her or how her own inability to recognize them inadvertently caused him pain. Chihaya has never been confused about who she has romantic feelings for. It’s very clear from the outset that Arata is who she’s reaching for, as he’s reaching for her, and the folk tale about the magpie bridge drawn between the ox herder and the weaving lady further drives home the romantic nature of their developing relationship. Her relationship with Taichi is incredibly important, too, but there’s a clear focus on them learning how not to lose their friendship with each other despite the fact that they view each other differently. Taichi has an entire conversation with Chihaya’s sister about whether loving her is worth it if no reciprocation is entailed; storytelling wise I don’t think that would be such an important conversation to have if she was going to reciprocate all of a sudden anyway. He has to come to terms with the fact that she’ll never love him like that and that it’s okay for them to still be friends in spite of that. That is what he’s come to terms with by this point, more or less. At the Qualifiers, he mentioned to Arata that his goal with winning wasn’t just to send Suou back to Nagasaki but also to see Chihaya become Queen on Oumi Jingu’s stage. There was internal narration from Harada-sensei that three would become two and one—but the latest chapters and Taichi’s decision to stay and watch and support Arata and Chihaya up close rather than from afar is in direct defiance of those notions. He doesn’t have to worry about meeting some standards to see Chihaya (or Arata) reach her dreams. He doesn’t have to be “worthy” of remaining in her presence. He loves her and he cares about her (whether as a romantic interest or now as a more comfortable friend), and if he wants to, he can watch her become Queen. The selflessness of those actions is very important, because he’s taking them with the knowledge that Chihaya won’t reciprocate his feelings or fill the void in his heart, and he’s finally okay with that.
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strohller27 · 2 years
Trying to talk to one of my Russian friends right now is him just being like
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#but then he turns right around and says it’s america’s fault that Putin ‘sent troops’#??????#and then he keeps going on about ‘oh Zelensky’s an american puppet’ ?????????#i am fed up. he keeps sending me things that are supposed to ‘prove his point’#he thinks this is all because America wanted Ukraine to join NATO and he thinks that it’s Biden’s job to stop the fighting#but then he turns around and says ‘but they’re not shooting at citizens. that’s complete and total propaganda spread by america’#‘we’re just fighting off the neonazis’ ‘we’re pRoTeCtInG tHeM’#and then it’s back to ‘can’t you see that NATO is a threat??’ ‘America benefits so much from this! Biden needs to dissolve NATO’#(like Biden can just. up and DISSOLVE A PEACE ALLIANCE BETWEEN 30 FUCKING COUNTRIES)#like sir have you forgotten that a) I’m jewish and b) I have friends in Ukraine who are all telling me the same thing about what’s happening#i have SEEN the videos of explosions and burning corpses I KNOW that they’re shooting at civilians#this war is not about fighting nazis. the Great Patriotic War (WWII) was about fighting nazis#this war is about nothing but Putin’s fear and he’s brainwashing his people into thinking they’re fighing the good fight against fascism#when in reality he just fucked his country’s economy in the ass so hard it’s going to take DECADES to fix but it’s ~*~*OKAY*~*~ because now#he can just go back to blaming this shit on his enemies JUST LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES#like OPEN YOUR EYES YOUR SO-CALLED PRESIDENT DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART#HE GAMBLED AND HE’S MAKING HIS ENTIRE COUNTRY PAY THE PRICE FOR IT#godFUCKINGdamnit#he fucken sent you all to lake laogai#i don’t want to hear it anymore
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everyoneseesaghost · 3 years
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g o a l s
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elviraaxen · 3 years
My most chronically online experience still has to be that time i got accused of drawing teeth fetish art 😭😭😭😭
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demigodofhoolemere · 2 years
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asakamasanobu · 2 years
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happy birthday ricchan i like you a normal amount and thank you so so much for changing my life <3
#wrote most of this like super fucking emo last night and it Shows#90% of the time i’m like hehe my stupid little boy you spark so much serotonin but other times i can cry just thinking about him#i’ll always be grateful that i got to meet him ok sappy shit over !!!! NO MORE#last night i was looking through my ricchan album and it’s like . i’m able to dig so deep into his personality over so many things#fr just looking at the frame where he was like i wanna sleep for 30 more min .... no 10 is enough and it’s like#i just see so much depth and personality from that sometimes i think i’m insane but it’s okay bc i love him SO MUCH SO SO MUCH#the other most important thing i didn’t mention in the above but is implied is that he gives me so much internal validation#i feel like im always seeking external validation in everything i do but when it comes to him i realise i don’t need to prove anything#i’m able to just support him in my own way and also be supported by him to keep living and it really shows me that one day#one day i can do that for everything else in my life too <3 ily ricchan now pls get that happiness you need#really really so proud of your progress this past year and i can’t wait for your confession soon u__u#o i ended really nicely here in the tag with well wishes but i have something i want to add#i think life is inherently devoid of meaning but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing#the beautiful thing about living is that you’re able to create meaning in all aspects of life and carve it out in your own way#that’s what i enjoy so much about ritsu bc i’ve been able to see so much meaning in him and then derive so much meaning in my own life#that’s really why i’m able to find so many little details about him that i adore to death and he taught me all this by simply existing#i love him soooo much oh my god ritsu the world
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personasintro · 3 years
I wish I could tell Yoongi there’s no need to run harder, they’ve been working so hard. They work at least twenty times harder than most artists in the music industry.
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theartinmyheart · 2 years
Part 3
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jokingmaiden · 2 years
y’know if some of y’all would direct the energy you use to debunk matpat’s theories towards critical thinking abt world events we’d be a much more educated society overall
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stilesssolo · 2 years
If you think that this fandom hates women and you admitted that you hate men before then that makes you being unfair to jon on purpose so you are asking why but I think you really know that you are unfair to jon character don't you think?🤷
This gave me a headache just reading it 😭 anon take your conspiracy theories out of my askbox ok I don’t have time to deal with this
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stargir1z · 2 years
i will not have my child merely survive
#fantasising about the things I will provide to my kid that my parents failed to even show me existed#the bland repetitive binding and sterile feel of my childhood still haunts me like.#How can you make 18 years that are so rich in opportunity travel etc feel so terribly empty and bad?#that’s a real immigrant parent skill right there#teach a kid to think of tasks and experiences as a thing to do Correctly (from their perspective) and you conceal the richness#of human existence forever unless they manage to find spaces and people who don’t replicate that capitalist expectation#how lucky I am to have found them#it irks me so much where I would be today if my parents were interested in creative processes of identity formation#imagine talking to authority figures about your blossoming interests and not having them just say ‘ohhh that’s such a serious thing..#why are you reading that? isn’t it boring? are you doing your homework still?’#actually imagine talking to authority figures and not constantly posturing and twisting your words so that you can have a chance at their#approval so you can continue doing the thing without being scolded#I think I am so good at bullshitting because of a lifetime of having to quickly come up W defended for how I spend my time#everything from the temperature of my aircon to the books i buy at the store. I have always had to prove my choice is correct#in my parents eyes there is an ideal version of me that I don’t know about and everything I do is either a step toward or away from her#but the older I get the more I realize she’s not even very cool at all…#*
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tiredsadpeach · 3 years
Tw pills mention in tags and possibly other stuff idk yet
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funky-sea-cryptid · 3 years
i have too many thoughts about this play but may i present… macduff 🤝 malcolm —> being autistic
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"Revolution" or "Back in The U.S.S.R" by the Beatles!
(Or "How Do You Sleep?", by John Lennon)
A careful person who wants to help and alert others and encourage everyone to help no matter the cause, in addition to having a strong opinion!
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