#but education is the first and most important step towards creating our own better world
bfpnola · 2 years
Why Imagination is Vital
Copied excerpt from the transcript:
With these systems of systems corrupting our humanity, compounded by the psychological manipulations of the social media era, and with a general consensus that we’re hurtling towards a horrible future, how do we break free? I believe it starts with a recognition of the importance of imagination.
We’re not going to be liberated by techno-hopium, by green consumerism, or by politicians. We can't wait for governments and we can’t do this on our own. We are a social species. The only way we get free is together. But one of the first steps is the cultivation of our imagination. Imagination is an essential skill we must all work to foster. Things can change for the better, and they can change very quickly. Imagination is central to empathy, to creating better lives, to envisioning and then enacting a positive future. We cannot let this most critical tool languish.
First and foremost, because imagination is vital to our health.Particularly our mental health. In our brains, we have a pair of seahorse-looking blobs called the hippocampus, and it is the HQ of our imagination. Among the hormones it receives, the hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for fight or flight and can be very useful, but in high doses, such as in late-stage capitalism, cortisol can damage our hippocampal cells, reducing the hippocampus’s size and volume and setting off a deleterious cycle of events. The more damaged the hippocampus, the more stressfully and pessimistically you experience reality, which results in even more damage to the hippocampus, and on and on. Capitalism is a mental illness generator; the policies and structures it upholds serves to weave stress, trauma, alienation, inequality, inadequacy, and anxiety throughout the social tapestry. The worse things get, the worse things look, and it becomes harder to imagine a way out.
You’ve heard of capitalism killing our imaginations, now get ready for climate change killing our imaginations. Global CO2 concentrations are currently at around 413 parts per million, and they're projected to reach 1,000 ppm by the year 2100. Researchers estimate that such a concentration would reduce human cognitive ability by 21%. Even the 660 ppm by 2100 goal put forward by the Paris Climate Agreement would put us at a 15% decline in cognitive ability.
But the greatest imagination killer alongside climate change and capitalism, embedded in capitalism, emerging from capitalism, whatever, is the contemporary education system. Or rather, “contemporary” “education” system. Little has diverted from the damaging Prussian Model of the 18th and 19th centuries. While imagination seems to come more easily for children, it has been banished to their domain exclusively and, through the school system, suppressed, removed, redirected, or re-educated as they age. Many children these days don’t have an outside to play in, where they could create their own worlds and games and stories, but such freedom to roam is vital for their psychological well-being. When youth liberation advocates argue for the freedom of children from the domination of schools and parents, it is with the understanding that freedom, and especially freedom to play, which children are being robbed of more and more, is as essential for their potential development as learning to speak or walk. Without it, we’re left with stunted and traumatized adults. Free, spontaneous, and unstructured play teaches social skills, cooperation, creativity, resilience, and conflict resolution, and in my view, it should be a robust and well-incorporated element of our organizing. I believe we should play-pretend about the future to explore different possibilities and then bring them to life. But it’s hard for many adults to engage with play. I get it. School has done a number on people to devalue, undermine, manipulate, and drain our imaginations in order to maintain order and conformity. The education system is globally competitive at this point, and in an effort for colonized countries to keep up with the demanding standards of the so-called first world, they must recreate the standard of sickness corroding our societies and our planet. Imagine if we actually committed to the project of learning. Imagine if we discarded its antithesis. Imagine if we availed learning to all, and refused to restrict it to one set time in one set place in one’s life. Imagine if children were actually able to learn and to direct their learning and develop their skills and passions and selves in a dynamic, diverse, and delightful environment. Imagine if we nurtured whole persons, rather than limiting them to the confines of profit and hierarchy.
For this task of revitalizing our imaginations, I believe nature can and should guide us. After all, the environment we evolved in cultivated our imaginations in the first place. When we speak of peas in a pod, when we speak of running like the wind, when we speak of the bravery of a lion, when we ask “How deep is your love?” It’s like the ocean. Because human creativity, human language, human thought, is tied to the natural world. The separation we maintain with it now is artificial and in many cases detrimental to our wellbeing. The war against nature waged by industrial colonial capitalism is a war against ourselves and an affront to our imaginations. Imagination needs diversity to feed it, but monocultures, monopolies, and other monotonies strip us of that diversity. When we can draw from a palette of possibilities, marked in our memories, we’re able to muse from the magnificent muse of the natural world. So if you want to spark your imagination, start by getting your hands dirty. Literally, soil is about as diverse as it gets.
We can further inspire and energize ourselves with the power of art and the stories it can tell. Humans are storytellers and we cannot afford to underestimate the power of stories. Whether we hitch ourselves to God’s plan, Elon Musk’s vision, Solarpunk, or Desert by Anonymous, narratives shape our lives, our identities, our perceptions, and our actions. Stories may be inaccurate, incomplete, immature, or intransigent, but they are potent. Facts are not enough to change hearts and minds. But stories can. The way I see it, we cannot cede the domain of imagination, of narratives, of stories, to dystopia. There may be constraints on the future, but we should not assume that such restraints require the special brand of “pragmatism” put forth by certain capitulators to the status quo. In fact, with limitations come opportunities. Haiku poetry may be limited to 5-7-5 syllables, but so much beauty has come out of it over the centuries. The same can be said for the stories we can generate from present conditions and future possibilities. Stories that can bring the future to life and help people let go of the past. Stories we can distribute and popularize over a wide, wide variety of media. Stories that inspire boldness and brilliance in community action to aim for a world we can thrive in together.
This video has been inspired by and built upon the book “From What Is to What If” by Rob Hopkins. While I have my critiques of some of the constraints that underline the author’s line of thinking, I highly recommend y’all give it a read. It’s chock full of examples, studies, and case studies that can provide inspiration in this journey.One of the concepts that Rob Hopkins has generated that I want us to reflect upon is The Imagination Sundial, which I’d like to borrow from and push a bit further. The model is split into four sections: space, place, practices, and pacts. 
Space involves creating, well, space. Carving out mental and emotional space and time to imagine more, do more and act more. Connecting with others to share burdens and care, whether alloparental care, group meditation, peer support, or reading discussions. The Space Section cannot be divorced from other elements of the Imagination Sundial. Part of creating space must involve organizing to gain power over and minimize the monopoly of work on our time and energy.
Place involves creating and transforming places that can allow us to bring together our imaginations, organize collectively, and implement the worlds we want to see, like food forest permablitzes, street art events, squats and occupations, block meetings, maker spaces, libraries of things, skillshares, and even virtual collaborations. 
Practices involve connecting us with each other and changing our frame of possibilities. International solidarity allows us to come together and share stories and case studies of what’s possible for everyday people committed to change. We can be inspired by and learn from the strategies and tactics of liberatory projects from Brazil to Mexico to India to Kurdistan. “Yes And, What if?” practices allow us to exercise our imagination and engage our hands and minds in the process of making the future. 
Pacts are about making agreements to get things done. Our projects should not suffocate in isolation but should strive to thrive in the company. Worker cooperatives, housing cooperatives, farming cooperatives, unschooling cooperatives, alloparenting networks, student unions, tenant unions, workers unions, abolitionist movements, permaculture movements, mutual aid projects, artist collectives, especifist units, neighbourhood assemblies, and more can and should convene, confederate, and catalyze action. I’ve spoken in the past about permablitzes, but I can see that style of one-day or weekend focused event action being directed elsewhere too. 
These future blitzes can, for example, create what Jason Roberts called “Better Blocks.” Over one weekend, Roberts and a group of others transformed an abandoned block in Dallas into a vibrant block with sidewalk gardens, bike paths, outdoor seating, historic lights, and more. Guerilla bottom-up place-making, as he calls it, helps people execute the changes they want to see in the places they inhabit. Communities are able to come together, imagine collectively, and tell their stories about their environment and their future.
Conclusion: We seem to face insurmountable challenges, but as we rethink the stories we’ve been told and forge new ones, with a renewed sense of resilient imagination, I believe we’ll find many new paths to overcome our obstacles. Imagination is a fundamental component of our humanity; we just need to cultivate it. We can create what-if spaces for why-not action, and we can do it today. 
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betshy · 19 days
From Ignorance to Action: Educating Yourself on Discrimination
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In an ideal world, discrimination would not exist. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that discrimination is still prevalent in today's society. Whether it be based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic, discrimination can have harmful effects on individuals and communities. The first step in combating discrimination is education. By educating ourselves on the various forms of discrimination and understanding the impact it has on those who experience it, we can take action to create a more inclusive and equitable society. One of the most important things we can do is listen to and learn from those who have experienced discrimination firsthand. Their stories and perspectives can help us gain a better understanding of the issues at hand and motivate us to take action. In addition to listening to others, it is essential to educate ourselves through books, articles, documentaries, and other resources. By seeking out diverse voices and perspectives, we can broaden our understanding of discrimination and its root causes, as well as learn about the ways in which we can actively combat it. Furthermore, it is crucial to examine our own beliefs and biases. We all have implicit biases that can influence our thoughts and actions, often without us even realising it. By acknowledging and addressing these biases, we can work towards becoming more inclusive and empathetic individuals. Taking action against discrimination can take many forms, from speaking out against injustice to supporting marginalised communities to advocating for policy change. No matter how small or large the action may seem, every effort counts in the fight against discrimination. Becoming educated on discrimination is an ongoing process, and it is important to continue learning, growing, and challenging ourselves to do better. By taking the time to educate ourselves and actively work towards a more inclusive society, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of those who are impacted by discrimination. Together, we can create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their differences. Read the full article
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lakeviewmentalhealth · 6 months
Nurturing Well-Being: A Comprehensive Overview of Lakeview Mental Health
In the fast-paced and often stressful world we live in, mental health has become an increasingly crucial aspect of overall well-being. Recognizing the importance of mental health, Lakeview Mental Health has emerged as a compassionate ally in the journey towards improved mental well-being. At Lakeviewmentalhealth.com, we understand the significance of prioritizing mental health, and we are dedicated to providing a range of services to support individuals on their path to better mental and emotional health.
Comprehensive Mental Health Services:
Lakeview Mental Health takes a holistic approach to mental health, offering a diverse array of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our team of experienced and licensed professionals is committed to providing support and guidance throughout your mental health journey.
Counseling and Therapy: Our licensed therapists offer individual and group counseling sessions to address a variety of mental health concerns. Whether you're navigating the challenges of anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or other stressors, our therapists work collaboratively with clients to develop personalized strategies for coping and growth.
Psychiatric Services: In conjunction with counseling services, Lakeview Mental Health provides psychiatric evaluations and medication management when appropriate. Our board-certified psychiatrists work closely with clients to explore the most effective and personalized treatment options.
Wellness Workshops and Programs: Recognizing the importance of education and skill-building, Lakeview Mental Health organizes wellness workshops and programs. These sessions cover topics such as stress management, mindfulness, and resilience, equipping individuals with practical tools for maintaining mental well-being in their daily lives.
Telehealth Services: In an effort to make mental health services more accessible, Lakeview Mental Health offers telehealth options. Virtual appointments provide the flexibility to receive support from the comfort of your own home, ensuring that geographical barriers do not hinder access to care.
Community Support and Resources: Lakeview Mental Health fosters a sense of community by connecting individuals with local resources and support networks. We believe in the power of community to enhance well-being, and our team is dedicated to helping clients build a network of support.
Commitment to Accessibility and Inclusivity:
At Lakeview Mental Health, we are committed to making mental health services accessible and inclusive. Our team understands the importance of cultural competence and strives to create an environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and understood.
Lakeview Mental Health is more than just a mental health service provider; we are a partner in your journey toward improved well-being. Through a comprehensive range of services, a commitment to accessibility, and a focus on individualized care, we aim to empower individuals to prioritize and nurture their mental health. Visit Lakeviewmentalhealth.com to take the first step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. Your well-being matters, and we are here to support you every step of the way.
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sankarsvoice · 1 year
Six Amazing Voice Over Tips for Beginners
The world of voice over is a lucrative one, where every day there is a new challenge and something new to look forward to. It is a phenomenon that dates back earlier than we expected and spreads over a much wider spectrum than just movies and TV series. Today, voice over is used in a variety of fields, such as video games, explainer videos, radio voice over, educational videos, etc. Needless to say, that with technological advancement and globalization, voice over has become a much bigger topic than we ever anticipated. It has swiftly turned into a career option that is seeing a steady growth in demand with each passing year.
If we scroll through the list of voice over artists in India, we will be pleasantly surprised to see how many amazing voice over actors have managed to create their own trademark careers and image through the power of their voices.
However, at the same time, it could seem a little daunting to those who are just getting started in this field or contemplating taking a step into the creative world of voice overs, because let's admit it, making a career using your voice sounds somewhat scary, doesn't it?
Well, no worries because in today's post we have got all our beginner buddies covered. In this article, we are going to take you through some amazing and much-needed voice over tips for beginners. These tips, specially curated for the beginners, will surely help you to take the first step and blaze your own trail in the world of voice overs. And who knows, maybe become the next best voice over artist in India or...the world?
So, without any further adieu, let's get started. Here are six amazing voice over tips for beginners.
1. Understand your voice
Voice over is made up of two words and the first word is: voice. It's glaringly obvious that your voice over career without a voice will really be over and, really, no pun intended here. We all have voices, obviously. But the meaning of having a voice for a voice over artist will be more varied than the rest of us. Reason? When voice over artists talk about their voice, they mean the quality, the pitch, how healthy their voice is, how it works for them, etc.
The first and foremost voice over tip for a beginner is to really understand your voice and how you can tune it to meet various industry requirements.
2. Take care of your voice
Judging by the first voice over tip for beginners that we discussed above, it is abundantly clear that there is absolutely no voice over without a voice. Just like a cricketer needs his hands to play, a voice actor needs his or her voice. And this is why it is extremely important to take good care of your voice and make sure that you don't end up straining it right at the very beginning. So, how do you take care of your voice? This is no uphill task. There are some easy ways to achieve this, such as drinking warm water and making the vocal warm-ups practiced by voice over artists a part of your daily routine.
3. Practise your skills
If you are here reading this, it is safe to say you are contemplating becoming a voice over artist or have already somehow taken a step toward it. And if you agree with the above statement, then it is safe to say that you know that you have in you, the necessary skills to become a voice actor. But skills, if left ideal, will get rusty over time. Hence, it's necessary to polish them from time to time to get the most out of them. And what better way to do that than to practice because...practice makes a man perfect, isn't it?
Understanding your voice skills and practicing regularly is undoubtedly a very important voice over tip for our beginners. The more polished your skills are, the greater is your value. There are several voice acting tips available all across the internet that can help you to work on your skills.
4. Make your professional portfolio
A portfolio of your work is extremely important. Even if you are a beginner with little experience, it is still important to build up a portfolio to be shown to prospective clients. No matter how big or small an assignment or project might be, it should absolutely go into your portfolio. It is also important to ensure that your portfolio is crisp and professional.
5. Audition regularly
Just like singing, voice acting also involves going through auditions. And as a beginner voice artist, auditioning is your way to gain experience, fight your stage fear and slowly ease yourself into the process.
6. Work on your marketing skills
Just like any profession, voice over also requires you to market yourself and your skills. Hence, the last but another extremely important voice over tip for beginners is to learn how to market yourself and your voice to prospective clients. Unless you know how to market your voice properly, it will be very difficult to get yourself out there and build the perfect portfolio for yourself and slowly climb up the ladder.
Life as a voice over artist is one that is full of creativity and new challenges every day. It is a profession where you can explore your creative side and find an opportunity to embrace new characters, new roles, and new ways to fulfill your passion every day. So, as a beginner, it is very important for you to understand the concept of voice overs and what exactly it entails, but also your skills and strengths. And hopefully, these six voice over tips for beginners will help you to grow and develop yourself into a successful voice over artist.
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shardulv · 2 years
What does Independence Mean to the Youth?
India, in the mid-18th century started to become a part of the British Empire and gradually became one of the biggest British colonies in the world. This foreign rule and dependence was fought against and we achieved independence after a lot of struggle and movements. After all these years of gaining freedom, we surely need to analyze how far India has come along the way of her progress as we entered in the 21st century. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, in his speech as the first Prime-minister of free India, said: “A moment has come, which but comes very rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance…..we end today a period of ill-fortune and India discovers herself again.” So, post-independence, it was the journey of a long suppressed nation towards freedom, development and enhancement. As we passed six decades since our forefathers achieved a free India, we should really feel the pulse of the nation. As Dick Cheney observed, “It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you.” Thus, we should be careful and contribute our might in building a better nation.
Independence day, as of now, should not be carelessly surpassed as another holiday of our yearly calendar, as many of us, young people, would most likely tend to do as we don’t often feel the sufferings our freedom heroes had to go through to bring us a free motherland, because to have a nation’s own formed government to rule her people is not the complete definition of independence — it is just only a part of it. In these years, India has definitely progressed and evolved as a strong nation in the world’s map, but a country’s development should never become stagnant. We still have much more to do, a great many obstacles to bring down. Being a free nation, we need to liberate ourselves from the caste and religious biases in which we often indulge. Freedom means being free from the shackles of every vice that may hamper our development and cripple our mindset. The youth of this country thus bear tremendous responsibility of acquiring a broad vision. We have to remember that we are fortunate to have born in a free country; we don’t have to fight for our intrinsic rights — — which our predecessors have already accomplished, so our goal lies in enhancing our land’s richness and growth. We, the young Indians are the future and the sentiment and inspiration of patriotism should naturally imbibe from our forefathers and not fizzle out with the years passed. Till now, we have achieved fair progress in industrial and service sector growth of our country. But, India lives in her villages and improvisation of rural India and the agricultural sector of our country will open a new arena of overall progress of the nation of one billion people. We need to understand that education and opportunity should be accessible as much as possible to all segments of the society and work towards that equalization.
Real independence lies not only in self — rule, but in being able to churn the opportunity to create a nation which is not injured by the shackles of casteism, religious intolerance and lack of education. So, as years pass by, the importance of the Independence Day should not wane, rather it should mean more to us — to remember the responsibilities of rediscovering our country, to protect the privilege of living freely which is bestowed on us, to achieve more degrees of freedom by overcoming our weaknesses, because these are the greatest gifts we can give to the generations to come — the roots of responsibility and the wings of true independence.
For more information, visit
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jokingmaiden · 2 years
y’know if some of y’all would direct the energy you use to debunk matpat’s theories towards critical thinking abt world events we’d be a much more educated society overall
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Numerology Life Path 5 - Your Birth Card and its Ruling Planet
Numerology Life Path Numbers and their assigned Tarot Card Meaning Series
This is a post in my new astrology/numerology/tarot series, that only concerns you, if you are a Life Path 5. Posts on consecutive Life Path Numbers will follow. Originally, I wanted to do them all in one post, but my writing turned out to be so long, I decided to split the post and seperate the Life Path Numbers. The introduction part of the post will be the same for all Life Path Numbers, in case you only read a post about your own Life Path Number, and nothing else.
The concept of a Birth Card links Tarot and Numerology together, in order to deepen our understanding of a vibration of a Life Path Number we are born with. The Birth Card, or rather Birth Cards, are Major Arcana Tarot Cards with assigned numbers, which correlate with Life Path Numbers. Understanding the meaning of tarot cards, mixed with the knowledge of Numerology Vibrations, helps create a more unique vision of your life experience.
A person with any given Life Path Number, having several Major Arcana energies present in their lives, usually struggles with one of the energies more than the other. As a result, life will probably force them to focus on mastering one of these energies. In general, however, any Life Path describes both your biggest downfall and ultimate triumph - just like with an Astrology Chart, the highlighted numbers/astrology houses point to your biggest strengths and weaknesses. For a better understanding of this concept, visit my article “Natal Chart - A map of your issues?”
Remember, that everyone, besides their Life Path Number and Birth Card also has a unique astrology chart. Thus, for some people embracing the higher expression of their energy is easier, for others it’s harder and it takes more time to master, and some energies become easier to deal with than others. Most human beings are somewhere in between, working on their path and having some achievements while struggling with difficulties at the same time.
In the spiritual community, there are differences in opinion on linking Astrological Planets and positions to specific numerology numbers energies. My take is a result of my own personal experience, conversations with other people in my field and research, in order to give you the widest possible spectrum of ideas and increase the understanding of every Life Path Number.
If you are a Master Number 11, 22 or 33, there will be a seperate post on how the Birth Cards apply to you as well.
Even If you have only a basic understanding of Astrology, Tarot or Numerology, this post will still be helpful to you, because it describes the unique vibrational mix that comes from the expression of both these spiritual sciences mixed together. To calculate which Tarot Cards and what Life Path correspond to your birthday, click here.
Life Path 5 - The Hierophant and Temperance
Life Path 5 is ruled by the fast-paced, constantly moving energies of Mercury. However, if we look at Vedic Astrology and the elemental flow of Nakshatras, we learn that Mercury ruled Nakshatras are very highly charged. Being placed at the end of the cycle, they carry the heaviest energetic burden, because they have a task of dispersing these energies around the world. Thus, the intellectual focus of this Life Path is meant to be used as a tool of balanced wisdom, despite the energetic overload that can become a problem for this Life Path.
The key word for success for this Life Path is Focus. The danger here is becoming overwhelmed, distracted and misguided despite all the potential one carries inside. Life Path 5 needs to develop a stable, internal code of conduct that they have tested out, and that works for them. This will keep them on course. A Life Path 5 that doesn't have a clear vision and a balanced approach is going nowhere and everywhere at the same time. This can make this Life Path very prone to anxiety and making impulsive choices, that can prove to be damaging in the long run. A distraught Life Path 5 is extremely scattered and misguided, as they spend most of the time trying to simply relieve the intense mental anxiety they experience, when they don't follow their path. This can lead to all sorts of addictions and intellectual escape mechanisms.
A perfect guiding system for a Life Path 5 is represented by the associated Tarot Cards.  
Temperance - Points out the necessity of preserving balance, stability and direction among the chaos of new sensations for a Life Path 5. Temperance is the inner harmony and silence of the mind. It can reflect in having a spiritual, relaxing practice, that serves as an exercise in centering and re-focusing for this Life Path. Clarity and awareness are abilities given by Temperance, and being able to silence and empty a mind as busy as this Life Path is definitely a challenge, yet a necessary step towards success. All the talent and wisdom in the world is not enough without achieving a purity of vision. Temperance knows what to keep, what to discard, when to act on what impulse. Deep down, as a Life Path 5 you have that skill. This Life Path can externalise a lot due to their desire to share what they have inside them. But to share, you have to first organise and center your energy on the inside. Focusing on your own inner balance is more important for you than anyone else.
The Hierophant - Pertains to the strong internal philosophy and the ability of moving forward with wisdom, that a Life Path 5 needs in order to stay on course. The Hierophant is classically associated with rules and traditional values, but his strength lies in experience, and the fact that the experience helped him develop a system built on his inner compass. Being Mercury ruled, this Life Path needs to embrace its position in life. Just like a college education requires more planning and a more advanced organisation system compared to a primary school education, the Hierophant embraces the burden of his knowledge and adjusts his level of maturity, and establishes a more complex scheme, in order to use his skills appropriately. This points out to a necessity for a Life Path 5 to develop a specific skill set, relative to their talents and interests, so that they can capitalise on their natural abilities to the maximum and not scatter them. 
The most important ability for a Life Path 5 is perspective. Perspective allows the mind to stay still, and the heavy energetic flow that this Life Path has access to can express itself smoothly. You already have all the wisdom and vision you need. Simply turn inside to find it, without desperately seeking outside input. Then, as you mature, you will be able to connect with the world from a balanced, internal place.
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kemifatoba · 3 years
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C/O Berlin Magazine | It’s a space for everyone, and everyone can come in — Thoughts for the future
“I cringe when I hear words like ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion.” To quote the civil rights activist, philosopher, and writer Angela Davis, “diversity” and “inclusion” are terms that you, dear reader, might have also stumbled across in recent months, whether you wanted to or not. Inspired by global Black Lives Matter protests, mainstream media, corporations, and other institutions finally realized – in some cases as it seems overnight – that racism is also an intractable problem in Germany. Unfortunately, we need more than just hollow words and empty promises to solve this problem. You might be thinking to yourself: “But didn’t people take to the streets or write opinion pieces in newspapers to protest structural racism? And didn’t major institutions promise to offer diversity and inclusion workshops in discussion after discussion on television?” Perhaps, but don’t be fooled. Instead of critically questioning the role that white decision-makers play in perpetuating systemic racism, “society” was blamed. Over and over again, Black* people were asked to answer if they had really experienced racism through scrutiny of their real-life stories, while predominantly white “experts” were invited onto talk shows to discuss the so-called “racism debate”. Profound, structural changes are still lacking, at least as of the time this text goes to print. 
Presence equals power. This brings us to the current moment where you are reading these words about British photographer Nadine Ijewere’s solo show at C/O Berlin. Nadine Ijewere is the first Black woman to be given a space that has previously been occupied almost exclusively by white men. As such, this exhibition is significant not only for Black photographers, but for everyone more used to being treated as the object than the artist or curator in spaces like this where many people don’t feel welcome or simply don’t exist. As trivial as it may sound, visibility comes from being able to hang pictures on a wall—or write these lines.
Joy as an act of resistance. Nadine Ijewere belongs to a generation of artists and creatives who have realized that there are more options than simply following the traditional path. Knowing that society has long since changed—even if many gatekeepers in fashion, art, and the media still cling to the status quo—this DIY generation is creating its own platforms to elevate their own role models with an army of loyal followers. In their work, representatives of this generation create worlds that rarely center Eurocentric beauty norms. The same goes for this young British artist, whose work shows people in all their beauty and uniqueness. Her photographs regularly appear on the pages of British, American and Italian Vogue, i-D, or Garage, and she has collaborated with brands such as Nina Ricci and Stella McCartney. Ijewere proves that beauty is multifaceted and that fashion is fun and for everyone. 
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More than a seat at the table. When artists like Ijewere make it to the top, it’s not because of nepotism, tokenism, or diversity as a trend, but despite all the obstacles that have been put in their way. And instead of assimilating after being accepted by the old guard, they continue to write their own rules. In Ijewere’s case, this means not only working with diverse models and teams, but also passing her knowledge on as a mentor to keep the proverbial door open. She’s less driven by the desire to stand out from the mainstream than she is to give back by inspiring younger generations, who are able to see themselves in magazines. “Within the time I have, I’ll use every opportunity I get and every space I can get into to expand the horizon of others.”
Representation matters. Celebrating Black people and people of color in a traditionally white space was also the goal of “Visibility is key – #RepresentationMatters,” a watershed moment for the German lifestyle magazine industry when it launched on vogue.de in spring 2019. The goal was to take first steps toward a forward-thinking future where inclusion and diversity would no longer be mere buzzwords, but lived practices. Part of that effort meant ensuring representation in front of as well as behind the camera. The results weren’t perfect and they might not have led to social change, but we proved that there isn’t a lack of creative talent among Black and Brown people in Germany. If anything, we proved that these talents are often denied the space to develop their full potential. 
Ideas for the future. As you see, dear reader, it takes teamwork to bring about long-term change, and for the first time the doors are open a bit. Nadine Ijewere's exhibition shows this, as does being able to write these very words in the C/O Berlin Newspaper. In the statements below, we asked German and international artists and creatives to envision a future where representation and inclusion are lived practices instead of rare exceptions. The results are ideas for a future that is reachable—as long as we all keep working towards it every day. Together.
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Nadine Ijewere, artist Art is about art. It’s not about you personally. That’s why artists need to be seen as artists. We all get stereotyped and put into the same box—but we have our own identity. We are put into the same space just because we are Black, but we are all very different people.
Edward Enninful, OBE, Editor-in-Chief of British Vogue Nadine is one of the leading fashion photographers of her generation. She’s not only inherently British in her work, she’s also Black British. She really understands the complex mix of culture, fashion, beauty, and the inner working of a woman, so when you see her images, it’s never just a photograph. There’s also a story and a narrative behind it.
Benjamin Alexander Huseby & Serhat Işık, designers for the label GmbH Our work has always been about wanting to show our community and culture to tell our stories as authentically as we can. It was never about “diversity”, but about being seen. We want to create a world where not only exceptional Black and Brown talents no longer have to be truly exceptional to get recognition for their work, a world where we no longer are the only non-white person in the room because we built the motherfucking house ourselves.
Mohamed Amjahid, freelance journalist and author, whose book Der weiße Fleck will be published by Piper Verlag on March 1, 2021. It's time that Black women become bosses. Gay Arabs should get to call the shots. Refugees belong on the executive boards of big corporations. Children of so-called “guest workers” should move into management positions too. People with disabilities should not just have a say, they should make the decisions. Vulnerable groups deserve to put their talents and ideas to work in the service of the whole society. Not every person of color is automatically a good leader by virtue of their background, but all-white, cis-male executive boards are certainly incapable of making decisions that are right for everyone. That’s why we need more representation at the very top, where the decisions are made.
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Melisa Karakuş, founder of renk., the first German-Turkish magazine For a better future, I demand that we educate our children to be anti-racist and to resist when others or when they themselves are subjected to racism. I demand that discrimination is understood through the lens of intersectionality and solidarity! I demand that even those who are not affected by racism stand up against it! This fight is not one that we as Black people and people of color fight alone—for a better future, we all have to work together. 
Tarik Tesfu, host of shows including the NDR talk show deep und deutlich When I look in the mirror, I see someone who grew up in the Ruhr region and loves currywurst with French fries as much as Whitney Houston. I see a person who has his pros and cons and who is so much more than his skin color. I see a subject. But the German media and cultural system seem to see it differently because far too often, Black people are degraded and made into objects for the reproduction of racist bullshit. I'm tired of explaining racism to Annette and Thomas because I really have better things to do (for example, my job). So get out of my light and let me shine.
Ronan Mckenzie, photographer The future of our industry needs to be one with more consideration for those that are within it. One that isn’t shrouded in burnout and the stresses of late payments, and one that doesn’t make anyone question whether they have been booked for the quality of their work or to be tokenized for the color of their skin. The future of our industry needs to go beyond the performative Instagram posts and mean-nothing awards, to truly sharing resources and lifting up one another. Our industry needs to put its money where its mouth is when words like “support”, “community” or “diversity” slip out, instead of using buzzwords that create an illusion of championing us. How there can be so much money in this industry yet so many struggle to keep up with their rent, feed themselves, or just rest without worrying about money is truly a travesty. If this industry is to survive then we who make it what it is need to be able to thrive.
Ferda Ataman, journalist and chair of Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen A recent survey of the country's most important editors-in-chief revealed that many of them think diversity is good, but they don't want to do anything about it. This is based on the assumption that everyone good will succeed. Unfortunately, that’s not true. It’s not just a person’s qualifications that are decisive, but other criteria as well, such as similarity and habit (“XY fits in with us”). It's high time that all of us—everywhere—demand a serious commitment to openness and diversity. Something is seriously wrong in pure white spaces that can’t be explained by people’s professional qualifications alone. Or to put it differently: a good diversity strategy always has an anti-racist effect.
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Nana Addison, founder of CURL CON and CURL Agency Being sustainable and inclusive means thinking about all skin tones, all hair textures, and all body shapes—in the beauty industry, in marketing communications, as well as in the media landscape. These three industries work hand in hand in shaping people’s perceptions of themselves and others. It’s important to take responsibility and be proactive and progressive to ensure inclusivity.
Dogukan Nesanir, stylist  The current system is not designed to help minorities. By giving advantages to certain people and groups, it automatically deprives others of the chance to attain certain positions in the first place. That's why I don't even ask myself the question "What if?" anymore. My work is not about advancing a fake worldview, but about highlighting all the real in the good and the bad. I strongly believe that if some powerful gatekeepers gave in, if representation and diversity happened behind the scenes and we had the chance to show what the world REALLY looks like, we wouldn't be having these discussions at all. I don't just want an invitation to the table, I want to own the table and change things.
Arpana Aischa Berndt & Raquel Dukpa, editors of the catalog I See You – Thoughts on the Film “Futur drei” In the German film and television industry, production teams and casting directors are increasingly looking for a “diverse” cast. Casting calls are almost exclusively formulated by white people who profit from telling stories of people of color and Black people by using them, but without changing their own structures in the process. Application requirements and selection processes in film schools even shut out marginalized people by denying them the opportunities that come with being in these institutions. People of color and migrants as well as Black, indigenous, Jewish, queer, and disabled people can all tell stories, too. Production companies need to understand that expertise doesn’t necessarily come with a film degree.
Vanessa Vu & Minh Thu Tran, hosts of the podcast Rice and Shine  It may be convenient to ignore entire groups, but we are and have been so much more for a very long time. We contribute to culture by making films or plays and bring new perspectives to science, politics, and journalism. We’re Olympic athletes, curators, artists, singers, dancers, and inventors. We dazzle and shine despite not always being seen. Because we have each other and we’ve created opportunities to do the things we love. We’ve created platforms for each other and built communities. Slowly but surely we are finally getting applause and recognition for the fact that we exist. That's nice. But what we really need is not just the opportunity to exist, but the opportunity to continue to grow and to stop basing our work primarily on self-exploitation. We need security, reliability, and money. That's the hard currency of recognition. That would mean being truly seen.
*Black is a political self-designation and is capitalized to indicate that being Black is about connectedness due to shared experiences of racism.
Written by: Alexandra Bondi de Antoni & Kemi Fatoba C/O Berlin Magazine April 2021
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snapeaddict · 4 years
YMMV but Lily was a stand in for Rowling. It's why the relationship with James is uncomfortable to read.
(I hope I guessed the meaning of stand in well because I am not totally sure)
In reference to this post about Gryffindor's (and JKR's) belief in their moral superiority.
Ah, yes op. I do think JKR wrote Lily as this, in her eyes, symbol of perfection for Harry, this symbol of goodness and kindness. I'm sure she saw her behaviour toward Severus as completely okay and positive, I'm sure she never questioned her writing of this apparently flawless character even during The Prince's Tale. But the fact she wrote Lily as flawless (more of a symbol than a character, honestly) doesn't mean she is actually flawless and we now know how problematic JKR's work can be.
I think, and this is a personal opinion, that JKR wrote Lily according to her standards of what a good person is like. Standards she also applies to herself, because she, as an author, and Lily, as her stand in character, have many similarities in the way they view the world and behave toward others. I am of course not comparing a real person and fictional character, but trying to show how one can influence the writing of a character - and what this person thinks of this character, which can be reflected through the narrative and main character's POV. Then, by extension, all of this strongly influences our own views on the character as readers, especially when reading the books for the first time. Some things that are disturbing to us and not understood by Rowling:
Strong belief in your own moral integrity: JKR seems to use her books as a weapon against those who point out her narrow-mindness, constantly reminding us she wrote them as a message of love and acceptance, "including" diversity in her world. She never questions her own behavior. She wrote Lily as morally flawless also because she is a Gryffindor and muggle-born: Lily, if you follow her narrative, is in her right to condemn and be critical of Severus' friends and choices, and to highlight her Gryffindor classmates moral superiority (ie they don't use dark magic) to justify the fact she grants herself the right to judge her friend and condemn his friends without addressing bullying. Because she knows better, and is moraly superior. Just as the narrative never really adressed the fact bullying by Gryffondors on a Slytherin isn't justified because they are "on the good side". JKR considers herself to be part of the Good People™, for many reasons, thus doesn't see any problem is writing blog posts explaining to some people why they are a threat to her own feminist fight or how they should behave. Of course I make NO comparison between her transphobia and a fictional character's behaviour; I'm just trying to show there is a similar pattern of behaviour which is, if I have to sum it up: I have moral integrity because [...] ➡️ So this moral superiority cannot be questioned ➡️ So this gives me the right to judge you/tell you how to behave without sweeping my own backyard.
Quick to condemn, unable to understand: This moral superiority (let's face it, Gryffindor are always portrayed as moraly superior in the books which nearly always justifies for discrimination against Slytherin) JKR thinks she has for reasons said above has for consequence the fact she gives herself the right to point out people's supposed flaws and "dangerous" behaviour without ever giving them time to explain, or listening to them. She sees what she wants to see, and so does Lily as she wrote her: the narrative makes of the fact she never gives Snape the opportunity to explain himself a normal thing, because we already know he is in the wrong; she already knows it and decided it, so why would she even ask?
Belief in your own right to judge and change people: for all the reasons I wrote above. You can question behaviours, you can point out flaws and issues: but you, as a person, cannot grand yourself the right to say "I know better than you do because this, this and this, so please change for me or I'll stop being kind to you." To JKR, this is perfectly acceptable behaviour (for example, "she knows and love trans people" but to the condition they remain silent and do not threaten her fragile views on feminism. If they do, she'll consider them a threat.) She writes Lily with a similar kind of behaviour regarding Slytherins: "without trying to understand who you are and why you are the person I see standing in front of me, without educating myself on your motives or asking for you pov, I ask you to change to match my own standards, no matter what it costs you."
Use of minorities, etc to serve personal aims and display your moral integrity: We have a whole history of JKR using sexual orientations or racial minorities to promote her work's open-mindness without ever giving them a voice or listening to them, trying to understand them. She writes Lily as a character who has such a good heart she is friends with Slytherin, dark arts affiliated Severus Snape and who knows it: "My friends (moraly superior Gryffindors) don't even know why I still hang out with you". ie "you should be grateful and their opinions have more values than yours to me." She points out her own benevolence at still accepting Severus as a friend, but never tries to understand Severus' own bravery and struggle at still being friend with her while having to survive in Slytherin house as a half blood (which was obviously more difficult). While reading this particular extract from the text, I cannot unsee the fact she (or JK) seems to think she does Severus a favor for being his friend (in context it's perhaps understandable), but it's very telling JKR would write this - we get the message as readers. The conclusion being, Lily had to be this moraly perfect girl as she had a Slytherin friend. I cannot say it's not implied by the narrative or it's not what JKR thought (she has lesbian and trans friends, so what she says cannot be discriminating/are justified by her supposed openness). Another disturbing and wrong way of thinking.
Belief that your belonging to one oppressed minority prevents you from oppressing others: JKR uses her identity as a woman in a patriarcal society, her statues as a woman who suffered from this patriarchy, to justify her transphobia and point out the fact she, as part of a group which is oppressed, do not oppress others (her blog post on "Why I'm not transphobic" is very telling). My feelings when I read Lily's character (but this may be interpretations from my part) is that her statues as muggle-born also automatically grants her moral integrity or at least a moral compass (narrative-wise) to be judgemental over Severus' relations and to decide whether or not the Marauder's actions toward him were serious: there is a kind of disturbing hierarchy that is created with Slytherin using dark arts and having prejudices against muggle borns (according to her) vs the Marauders and their pranks (not serious at all especially in comparison for her, and anyways they are Gryffindors). As if the fact she is the victim of oppressors means she doesn't have responsibilities or all she does is somehow justified or cannot mean ill (for example, turning her back on Severus while he is being sexually assaulted after he insulted her. She had a duty to perform as a prefect, which she wasn't even doing well before he said anything). The problem isn't her, she has reasons to act the way she does and flaws like all human beings. The problem is that the narrative (thus JKR) sides with her and never have us readers question her behaviour as well. It matches her inner belief that some people's moral integrity cannot be questioned for certain reasons. We are never offered another pov, we are never shown another perspective (of course Lily as a character isn't the one supposed to be this meta): for example, we could have been shown how easy it is to fall into radicalisation especially when you're an abused and neglected child from a poor social background and a minority. (Again I'm not saying it was up to Lily as a character to understand this. She had no obligation toward Severus and isn't all mighty and a Saint. The "problem" is that the narrative is trying to portray her as such because the author truly believes this is how a good person behaves and should be looked at.)
All of this of course being unconsciously accepted, but never put in question. Lily's behavior being of course viewed more positively because no matter how flawed it was, it served honorable aims: fighting against the disgusting blood purity ideology. Her values are honorable. So to me, of course JKR was convinced of Lily's human perfection and inherent goodness because I think she wrote her according to her own views and beliefs on the matter. Which is why, if we grant importance to the narrative, her marrying someone as crual as James Potter is disturbing according of what is said of her:
"Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others even, and perhaps most especially, when that person couldn't see it in themselves."
But, when you take a step back, you realise that her marriage with James is a consequence of JKR's internalised sexism, as she heavenly implied macho and possessive behaviour such as displayed by James were attractive to girls in the end, and, if you take another step back, you realize JK never understood the seriousness of the bullying she wrote so it didn't look so appealing to her that Lily would date James as it is to us.
Then, if we really think of the characters themselves and not JKR's intentions, I think James and Lily were a good match for various reasons, not all negative.
I'm afraid this is a little clumsy and I just really want to say, I'm not blaming Lily for her behavior even if we must acknowledge the fact she wasn't a very good friend and was very far from being perfect; I'm not making a comparison between real life issues and fictional ones, or between author and fictional character: I'm trying to show why Lily appeared as such a model of goodness into JKR's eyes, which shines through the way she tells the story, because she was written according to the writer's standards - some standards and positions we cry about every day when we open twitter. It's not really about her transphobia or use of minorities, but the reasons why she thinks she has a right to give judgemental opinions and ask people to change, her own system of thinking. Her - phobia are a consequence of this but I have to talk about them to show how it seems to me JKR thinks of herself and of others.
This is not anti Lily Potter, she still was a good person and lived in a particular context which also explains certain aspects of her behavior; this has nothing to do with making Snape look better or finding him excuses.
It has everything to do with the way the author viewed her characters and certainly failed to understand the seriousness and complexity of all subjects she chose to address. With the way she sees things and how her characters behave sometimes accordingly.
(Like, for example, not making any comparison, I'm sure she really thought it was positive when she created the house elves, slaves that are happy to be slaves and making fun of those who are disturbed by their conditions and having the only free elf die; I'm sure she thought the message was good when it clearly reeks of colonialist fantasy, thus her own opinions and views as a white British in the 90s [not generalising this to anyone else!], certainly internalised.)
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hi! Omg i love your blog and I feel like you might have soom good insight on this: Do you know how I can become more enlightened? I've bought so man decks, gotten so many readings, I watch so many Youtube videos on spirituality the craft, and astrology and placed a shipment for almost every crystal known to man but don't feel any closer to the divine. Am I doing something wrong? How do I make the best out of all these tools?
Hmmmm... my love, I hate to say this but it sounds like you may be suffering from what is termed as “Spiritual Materialism.”
What is Spiritual Materialism?
It’s the phenomenon that happens when we use spiritual concepts, doctrines, practices, and tools to reinforce the false sense of self, the ego. 
But being free of the ego is the very definition of spiritual enlightenment. I won’t lie, I think we’ve all suffered from it at one point or another. I know I have. so here are some tips to identify whether or not you may be a victim of this mindset.
 1. Being a constant shopper in “spiritual marketplaces”
.... this includes chasing or being thirsty for endless workshops, methods, tools, talismans, and techniques which all promise to make you a wiser, more intuitive, more at peace or blissful, person. These shopping sprees can get out of control very fast. Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting to educate yourself, or simply being curious [I was a double major in history and international studies, I get it, lol] but we have to remember that the acquisition of these things in an attempt to become more awakened can become more of an addiction than anything else. It’ll also hurt your pockets.
2. “Grass is Greener Syndrome” or “Future Obsessive Compulsion”
Or believing “if I just do this” or “if only I was in *insert Nirvana-esque location here*” that one can get to an ‘elevated state’ in the future. “I’ll be better than who I am now. I’ll be my best.” This causes one to forget the present. To neglect the good already in them. Dwelling on dreams and forgetting to live. It may seem ambitious but it is fundamentally egocentric.
3. Being a “Spiritual Influencer”
Also known as “InstaSpirituality”. These are the types to focus on aesthetically pleasing spiritual practices, things that are Tik-Tok-able or Snapchat/Insta worthy. Spirituality that is used strictly for social capital/gain when there is no sincere desire to really delve into the deeper, messier, Tower-like moments that often walk hand in hand with spiritual awakenings. These moments are typically not ones you want to catch on camera.
4. Spiritual cultural appropriation
Using words, practices, ways of life of cultures other than your own for profit/self-image or self-gain only and not because you truly respect them honor them or even attempted to understand them. We must remember that every culture on earth has a deep and rich history and it is disrespectful to use what others find sacred as a boomerang on your social media feed.
5. Focusing solely on the “positive”
I know this sounds like it should be a good thing but what we have to understand is that humans and the universe as a whole are only balanced with light and dark. Yin and Yang. You cannot have one without the other. Focusing only on “high vibes” or “love and light” creates illusion. It creates a false world so that the ego avoids the reality of its own shadow. In fact, your shadow exists to protect you. That urge you get to defend yourself when you’re attacked by an insult or a sudden ‘left-hook’. That boil in your belly when you see someone getting buck with you and you wish to retaliate. The black and blue balls you give the asshole harassing you in the club after kneeing him in them is your shadow self protecting your conscious/physical-self. This is your basic instinct, as they call it. The basic self will act primarily to preserve the body. It will resist anything that will harm or hurt the body or that will cause destruction to itself  You have to embrace it. You have to work with both and not let one run rough-shod over the other.
6. Spiritual Elitism
Or using spiritual achievements, lineage, gifts, etc to feel superior or disconnect from others. The types who cultivate spiritual resumes [a list of all the important people they’ve met, certifications they have or abilities they claim to own] to impress themselves and others. I also call this spiritual narcissism. This is actually what ends up being the result of spiritual materialism. The ego becomes elephantine. So big and so impervious that it not only consciously believes it is more “awakened” but it will do anything to reinforce this [typically false] narrative. Included but not limited to harming others through arrogance, narcissism, and at it’s worst physical harm. These individuals typically suffer from insecurities themselves. Often you find these individuals within organized religious sectors, yes [Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc] but they can also be found in the Divining, Astro, Witch & Reiki community as well. These are the modern-day equivalents of Slytherins and their “pure-blood” nonsense. Believing everyone else to be of dirty-blood or less than. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage, gifts, or things you simply worked hard for. Especially in a world that makes you believe being proud of yourself or your culture [especially if you’re not white] is a sin and self-deprecation and humility are admirable [they’re not.] But are you really enlightened if you do not allow others the same grace to work towards what you believe you’ve achieved? The point is to not be judgmental, but instead to be aware and compassionate with ourselves and others.
7. Self-Improvement addiction
Hopping around from teacher to teacher, guru to guru in your attempt to become more healed, more awakened, more in touch with the supernatural. Practicing meditation with the agenda to avoid any feeling and/or suffering by being detached on a 24-hour basis. The reality is, these practices are more harmful than helpful. You need your emotions. They’re what make you human. And the inconvenient truth is that they are always fluctuating [water signs, I know you hear me on this]. In your attempt to improve yourself constantly, you’re reinforcing the negative mindset that you are somehow “broken” and need to be “fixed” and as a result, you are never happy.
In essence
Spiritual materialism is what occurs when spirituality feeds the ego and the ego greedily sucks it all in. When we take something Divine and try to possess it as our own. When we are fuelled with ego-centric or self-serving motives. Again, we all have this tendency, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I myself have suffered from No. 2 and No. 7 the most. Now that you all know some of the symptoms, can you be honest with yourself? How many of these can you relate to? What steps will you take to be more aware and adjust some of these habits? It may be hard to admit but as they say in AA, the first step is acceptance, of yourself and your flaws. 
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sankarsvoice · 2 years
Six Amazing Voice Over Tips for Beginners
The world of voice over is a lucrative one, where every day there is a new challenge and something new to look forward to. It is a phenomenon that dates back earlier than we expected and spreads over a much wider spectrum than just movies and TV series. Today, voice over is used in a variety of fields, such as video games, explainer videos, radio voice over, educational videos, etc. Needless to say, that with technological advancement and globalization, voice over has become a much bigger topic than we ever anticipated. It has swiftly turned into a career option that is seeing a steady growth in demand with each passing year.
If we scroll through the list of voice over artists in India, we will be pleasantly surprised to see how many amazing voice over actors have managed to create their own trademark careers and image through the power of their voices.
However, at the same time, it could seem a little daunting to those who are just getting started in this field or contemplating taking a step into the creative world of voice overs, because let's admit it, making a career using your voice sounds somewhat scary, doesn't it?
Well, no worries because in today's post we have got all our beginner buddies covered. In this article, we are going to take you through some amazing and much-needed voice over tips for beginners. These tips, specially curated for the beginners, will surely help you to take the first step and blaze your own trail in the world of voice overs. And who knows, maybe become the next best voice over artist in India or...the world?
So, without any further adieu, let's get started. Here are six amazing voice over tips for beginners.
1. Understand your voice
Voice over is made up of two words and the first word is: voice. It's glaringly obvious that your voice over career without a voice will really be over and, really, no pun intended here. We all have voices, obviously. But the meaning of having a voice for a voice over artist will be more varied than the rest of us. Reason? When voice over artists talk about their voice, they mean the quality, the pitch, how healthy their voice is, how it works for them, etc.
The first and foremost voice over tip for a beginner is to really understand your voice and how you can tune it to meet various industry requirements.
2. Take care of your voice
Judging by the first voice over tip for beginners that we discussed above, it is abundantly clear that there is absolutely no voice over without a voice. Just like a cricketer needs his hands to play, a voice actor needs his or her voice. And this is why it is extremely important to take good care of your voice and make sure that you don't end up straining it right at the very beginning. So, how do you take care of your voice? This is no uphill task. There are some easy ways to achieve this, such as drinking warm water and making the vocal warm-ups practiced by voice over artists a part of your daily routine.
3. Practise your skills
If you are here reading this, it is safe to say you are contemplating becoming a voice over artist or have already somehow taken a step toward it. And if you agree with the above statement, then it is safe to say that you know that you have in you, the necessary skills to become a voice actor. But skills, if left ideal, will get rusty over time. Hence, it's necessary to polish them from time to time to get the most out of them. And what better way to do that than to practice because...practice makes a man perfect, isn't it?
Understanding your voice skills and practicing regularly is undoubtedly a very important voice over tip for our beginners. The more polished your skills are, the greater is your value. There are several voice acting tips available all across the internet that can help you to work on your skills.
4. Make your professional portfolio
A portfolio of your work is extremely important. Even if you are a beginner with little experience, it is still important to build up a portfolio to be shown to prospective clients. No matter how big or small an assignment or project might be, it should absolutely go into your portfolio. It is also important to ensure that your portfolio is crisp and professional.
5. Audition regularly
Just like singing, voice acting also involves going through auditions. And as a beginner voice artist, auditioning is your way to gain experience, fight your stage fear and slowly ease yourself into the process.
6. Work on your marketing skills
Just like any profession, voice over also requires you to market yourself and your skills. Hence, the last but another extremely important voice over tip for beginners is to learn how to market yourself and your voice to prospective clients. Unless you know how to market your voice properly, it will be very difficult to get yourself out there and build the perfect portfolio for yourself and slowly climb up the ladder.
Life as a voice over artist is one that is full of creativity and new challenges every day. It is a profession where you can explore your creative side and find an opportunity to embrace new characters, new roles, and new ways to fulfill your passion every day. So, as a beginner, it is very important for you to understand the concept of voice overs and what exactly it entails, but also your skills and strengths. And hopefully, these six voice over tips for beginners will help you to grow and develop yourself into a successful voice over artist.
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adrianodiprato · 3 years
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+ “Whose voice is missing and how is that impacting our understanding of the world?” ~ Pernille Ripp, Series Two | Game Changers guest
Game Changers | Series Six Reflection
For Series Six, we turned our attention to A New Story: human-centred, technology enriched, people and place conscious and intentionally purposeful as we attempted to unpack the provocation So, what’s hope got to do with it?
In Series Six of the Game Changers Podcast, we once again had ten remarkable educators and entrepreneurs – a Learning Director, an Australian Educator of the Year, a global thought leader, a highly accomplished Equity Expert, the Executive Director of Catholic Education (Parramatta Diocese), the Head of Education (ABC), a Film Producer, a Teen neurodiversity champion, a global Research Officer and a Top 10 Finalist in 2020 Global Teacher Prize. Each challenged our binary thinking and inspired us with this new hope – all Game Changers who continue to light the torch for us and show us the way to build schools (and even society) differently.
Each Series Six Game Changers guest reminded us that all revolutionary ideas begin with a far-fetched dream, grown from the hope for a better world someday, somewhere. And that we were remined that the fierce urgency of now relates to the imperative that we connect our purpose to the needs of our COVID Children and all those that follow. That we now need a new story, a new social contract, a new hope - one that reimagines schooling and all of society - one that is deeply human-centred and highly inclusive, technology enriched, people, place, and planet conscious, and intentionally purposeful. And one that is daringly hope-filled.
Today, we should make this type of learning ecosystem our difference. Our audacious hope-filled aspiration. Our own great adventure. The great adventure of truly becoming – for self, place and the other.
Episode One | Tim Barrett
We started Series Six with Australian educator and leader Tim Barrett.  
Key learnings – Tim’s educational philosophy and leadership as a Director of Learning highlighted the need to foster character dispositions of adaptive expertise, emotional competency, and self-efficacy via a dynamic experiential learning framework in today’s schooling, with each helping us to pay attention to the needs of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, in serving our people and place through enacting our purpose in our intentional practice. Our chat also emphasised the value of social justice learning and immersion opportunities in our learning communities, positioning the aspiration of an active responsible citizen. All in the wheelhouse of remaining forever hope-filled, that society sees and values all, through the lens of humanity first.
Episode Two | Eleni Kyritsis
Key learnings – Our conversation with the dynamic award-winning Australian educator Eleni, brought into sharp focus the value of learner agency and self-determination in school communities. She provided us with practical expressions of creative and critical thinking, via how design thinking protocols can lead to greater student autonomy and independence, better preparing them for the reality of a world in constant flux. That good design can be a source of empowerment, a way of delivering value to everyone. And how excellent STEM programs are fundamentally about adopting a futures thinking paradigm, creating a generation of hope-filled solution architects and continuous learners and unlearners.
Episode Three | David Price
Key learnings – David reminded us about the urgency of now and why it is imperative that we seize this moment to re-imagine education and schooling for today and tomorrow. Our conversation with David amplified the Otto Scharmer quote I shared in the Series Six | Prologue, “Our society must move from ego-system to eco-system economics. This requires that we shift from ego-system silos to eco-system awareness that considers others and includes the whole.” David invited us into this ecosystem space and intentional tuning-in journey. Representing our capacity to imagine the world with fresh eyes and to suspend the legacy of old habits of thought and practice. It is deeply hope-filled, as it requires us to begin to act with care and empathy, not just for ourselves, but our planet and every living “other”. Calling all school leaders into the space of future builders.
Episode Four | Aiko Bethea
Key learnings – This conversation was an insightful example of why we should always be asking Pernille Ripp’s powerful question “Whose voice is missing…?” When we started to explore the notion of belonging Aiko challenged our thinking. The best way I can explain this is via a line in the book “You Are Your Best Thing” edited by Tarana Burke and Dr. Brené Brown, where Aiko is a contributing author, she says, “You walk into every room at a deficit. Unacceptable. Unaccepted.” Profoundly powerful insight. And she also said this in our episode and in the chapter from the book I just quoted, Aiko invited us into the profound space of creating new prevailing narratives, that amplify self through the notion of “I’m speaking” and why we need to accept all before us, on their own terms stating, “Even if this white supremist society never agrees to see us on our own terms, we’re creating our own spaces. Pulling up a chair to a table setting of white supremacy? No thanks.” I remain hope-filled because of good people like Aiko. 
Episode Five | Gregory Whitby AM
Key learnings – Greg is an important figure in education. Not just because he leads an entire system of schools across the Parramatta Diocese, NSW, but because he is a cathedral thinker. Inspired by authenticity and faith, Greg has the reflectiveness, sensitivity, and strength to manage complexity by honouring the legacy of yesterday, attending to the needs of today, and looking forward to what tomorrow will require of us. School leaders prepared to incorporate a cathedral thinking mindset can spark new life in education, provoking a shift from a focus on the status quo of what’s comfortable and familiar, to a long-term shared creative value proposition that truly realises education systems that promotes excellence and equity of opportunity for all – including for those not yet born. It’s all part of taking the big step forward and up into the new social contract of education that connects our purpose with our practice through a greater understanding of our people and our place.
Episode Six | Annabel Astbury
Key learnings – I kept asking myself this question during our conversation with Annabel, Head of Education at the ABC, When will the Australian education system realise the importance of digital literacy in today’s schooling? Digital literacy is the doorway to other literacies, that we must wrap our heads around, to ensure that technology serves all our best interests. As we step through that door, we can develop deeper understanding of Algorithmic literacy, Data literacy, Political and economic literacy, and, as Annabel rightfully points out, Media literacy. Annabel highlighted to us that literacy, in its traditional definition, isn’t just the ability to read or write – it’s about the capacity to reflect, analyse and create. It’s about taking a book, a newspaper or magazine article, a fictional story or a media article and reflecting on what’s behind it, who wrote it, what their assumptions were, what world they were a part of and what other information there might be on a similar subject.
Episode Seven | Ted Dintersmith
Key learnings – Ted Dintersmith is a highly successful venture capitalist and father of two who is devoting most of his time, energy, and millions of his personal fortune to education-related initiatives that call for a radical remaking of what and how students learn in today’s schooling and education systems. So much of Ted’s work has remined us that most teachers are motivated by a passion to transform the lives of the children and young people in their care. And how do we allow students and teachers the permission, space, and trust to define their own approach to learning. A narrative consistent with the work of a School for tomorrow and the mission of Game Changers.
Episode Eight | Shadia Hancock
Key learnings – In this episode Phil referenced the famous E. E. Cummings quote, “The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.” Our chat with Shadia amplified the notion to be nobody but yourself in a world, is all that truly matters. And that we, in schools, should imagine a school developing from the inside out, that was the aggregate of the many lived experiences and personalised journeys of each individual, rather than the imposition of an ill-fitting average of everybody else, that often comes with the standardised education, that far too many have become accustomed. Shadia showed us the feeling of empowerment through the running toward, not away, from our uniqueness, our different minds and our inherent worth. And that all of us are part of a neuro diverse community, with each bringing something different to the table. Truly Inspiring.
Special Series | Santiago Rincon-Gallardo & Hà Ánh Phượng
Key learnings – Both Santiago and Ha Anh reminded me of Proverbs 11:25 “A generous person will proposer; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Santiago and Ha Anh shared with us the importance of being authentically seen by creating safe spaces for all learners to enter – to learn, to lead, to live and to work, from a fully flourishing personalised context. Two remarkable globally recognised educators, both deeply passionate and generous about young people, who continue to find opportunities to help others, particularly their students, to understand the place within and outside of themselves, to shine in this new world environment.
From each of our Series Six Game Changers guests, we learnt the significance of learning communities that deeply tune in to the importance of psychological safety. Each of our guests reminded me to encourage teachers and school leaders to consider Timothy R. Clark’s four stages of Psychological Safety in which you feel:
Inclusion safety - a deep sense of belonging,
Learner safety - safe to learn and take risks,
Contributor safety - safe to use learner agency, voice & contribute, and
Challenger safety - safe to challenge norms & conventions — all without the fear of being embarrassed, marginalised, or even punished in some way.
This authentic and intentional connectedness of people to place and planet, linking our purpose to our practice, where all are seen and valued, was most pronounced with our Series Six guests, each left be feeling deeply hope-filled. 
Thank you to Tim, Eleni, David, Aiko, Gregory, Annabel, Ted, Shadia, Santiago and Ha Anh for sharing your story and passion. And thank for reminding us all that each person in our learning communities is home to a life. It is as simple and complex as that. Born from the construct of love – of self, for place and the other.
Listen to our Series Six: Epilogue via streaming platforms - SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Play.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “First Impressions (Pilot)” REVAMPED [ 1.01 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
When we first wrote the pilot, we were just throwing it out there, seeing what would happen. It was a first draft. Our own new start. It’s been a long time since then.
And oh, how much has happened. So many awesome things.
This, I hope, is closer to the pilot AAA always deserved. Thanks for reading, and for whatever awesome things come next.
50 Minutes (10K words) || No warnings apply. || [ S1 Synopsis ] || [ AO3 ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Regal. That’s the impression this institution gives off at first glance, a Smithsonian-esque exterior standing out amidst the grey concrete jungle of Manhattan. A wide shot provides a picturesque view of the structure from above, when slowly a title card appears on the screen:
Adams Academy of the Arts.
In a fluid motion, the words dissolve and condense together, leaving only a logo of three As in red, gold, and white.
By now, it’s pretty clear we’re watching an advert of some kind. Especially when we transition…
… to the principal’s office. JACKSON “JACK” HUNTER (40s), a sharply dressed and calmly confident man, is seated at the mahogany desk with his hands clasped together in front of him. He offers the camera a pleasant smile, addressing us directly.
Jack: Hi. I’m Jack Hunter, the principal of Adams Academy of the Arts. If you’re watching this video, then it’s likely you’re considering applying to our elite program for high school students. Well, either that, or you’re very lost.
Administrator humor. Jack chuckles, pauses, and continues in his professional tone.
Jack: If it’s the former, then I’m happy to be of assistance. Adams is at the forefront of performing arts education, and many of our alumni have gone on to do amazing things -- some of whom you might even recognize. While we strongly emphasize the important balance of academics with your professional goals, there is nothing more paramount than providing you, an artist on the rise, with the space to explore your potential, build your skills, and put you on the path towards success.
As Jack continues to discuss, quick panning shots of the interior of the school set the scene. It’s very clearly a promotional video, the tone upbeat and inspiring. Jack describes the facilities they have (two whole auditoriums, state of the art technical equipment, numerous practice rooms and studios), as well as the different core focuses a student can pursue -- music, performance, dance. He emphasizes their technical education program, one of the leading curriculums in the state that provides their budding technicians with hands-on experience right from the get-go.
When we cut back to Jack, still pleasantly seated behind the desk, he begins to get into what the day-to-day process of a student is like, and how this crop of students is chosen.
Jack: Every year, just about 50 students -- split into two cohorts, allowing for even more individualized instruction -- enter the halls of AAA as the freshman class. These incoming artists have talent, dedication, discipline, and above all? Ambition. These students, like you, seek out the opportunities to achieve whatever their driving passion might be -- whatever it takes. While here, they’ll hone their craft, explore the other realms of their field, learn from one another as well as highly skilled educators, and form bonds that they will carry with them for life.
All sounds swell. Jack smiles wider.
Jack: As for what this experience is like, well -- how about I let them show you?
This launches a quick-cut, exciting montage of what the world of Adams seems to be like. It’s full of photos, clips, and candids of the students hard at work. Performers learning choreography, soloists in the midst of a final performance, stage lights bright. Technicians piecing together sets, stage managers with headsets around their neck and thoughtful expressions, coaches and teachers lecturing to an engaged group in the black box theater.
Above all, there is a clear sense of community. All of the students are thrilled to be there, working hard, laughing and smiling with one another. While the slideshow is mainly filled with upperclassmen, there are a few faces here and there that will soon become quite familiar to us.
Sure seems like a dream high school experience, particularly for someone interested in the arts. Especially for someone who feels like an outsider, a creative, looking for a place to belong.
Jack, voiceover: The competition is fierce, and the process isn’t easy. It’s work, hard work, but any passion worth pursuing takes a little faith and a whole lot of elbow grease. The best of the best make their way to Adams, and without a doubt, the best emerge from it ready to take on the world.
The video is wrapping up, Jack looking as confident as ever. He’s just shown us a pretty gleaming example of a school, and he looks pretty stalwart and shining himself.
Jack: The question is, where do the best of the best come from? Who has what it takes to join our elite and excellent rank of future artists? [ a beat ] Do you?
As the upbeat tones of David Bowie fade in...
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Changes” as performed by David Bowie and Butterfly Boucher || Performed by Riley Matthews & Jack Hunter
An alarm goes off, a hand reaching out and hitting it off immediately. RILEY MATTHEWS (15) lays in bed, already awake and staring at the ceiling. From how anxious she looks, it seems like she hasn’t slept much at all. But then, she smiles, forcing herself to focus on the excitement.
This is going to be the day everything changes for the better. She launches out of bed, hitting play on her phone. Underneath the track, playing “Changes,” we see a reminder on her homescreen. It’s bright over a photo of her and her younger brother, neither parent featured.
First day of new school!!
As Riley gets ready for school, she sings along to the first verse. She braids her hair, puts on her nicest, most distinct outfit, before running out the door.
She says goodbye to her mother TOPANGA LAWRENCE (late 30s), kisses her younger brother AUGGIE MATTHEWS (8) on the top of the head. When she reaches her father waiting at the door, CORY MATTHEWS (late 30s), the two of them exchange excited grins before heading out the door together.
The two of them emerge from the nearest subway stop, and Riley gets her first good look at Adams Academy for the Arts. It’s a beautiful and daunting marble building nestled in the middle of the Upper East Side. Visualize the MET, but with the flourish and slight humble nature of a high school (although humble is not a word one would use to describe this school). It’s even more impressive in person, looming over her, than as shown in the opening video.
Cory is already on his way up the steps, but Riley hangs back, staring up at the building in awe. Somewhat overwhelmed. Students pass her by on their way inside, many far better dressed. This is a school where much of the student population is probably worth more than the school itself.
This is it. Her opportunity. Does she have what it takes?
Gearing herself up, Riley jogs her way up the steps after her father. Panning towards the school, through the atrium and across the main offices…
Meanwhile, Jack Hunter is in his office preparing for her arrival. He’s still well-groomed, clearly an instrument of discipline and order, but he seems more harried than he did on camera. Reality versus the polished quality of promotional material.
Jack wanders his way over to the window, looking out at the students making their way into school. He carries the second verse, lamenting how things never change and students are… not so willing to listen to reason (“They’re immune to your consultations / They’re quite aware what they’re going through…”)
As Jack heads out of his office to walk the halls before the school day truly kicks off, Riley is making her way through them as well. This is our first glimpse into the hallowed halls of Adams, as well as the cast of large personalities we’re about to spend a series with…
Riley has to duck around ZAY BABINEAUX (15), a lithe and groovy dance student with a clear sense of self and an even clearer sense of style. He’s rehearsing with other dancers in the middle of the hallway. Nearby, CHARLIE GARDNER (15) is holding court with a lot of the girls in the class, seemingly the preferred cute male of choice at AAA. He’s the full package -- fluffy hair, pressed polo shirt, charming grin.
As Riley passes him, he eyes her and gives her a smile. Friendly, or flirtatious? Who’s to say…
For Jack, it’s evident as he walks the halls just how incongruous he is with the scenery. He’s passionate about AAA, sure, but his straight-laced and stern approach contrasts sharply with the energy, colorfulness, and folly of the students themselves. His presence is enough to pry two kissing classmates away from one another, and he earns more than a few derisive glares from students as he goes.
MAYA HART (16) is parading the halls with her clones DARBY WINTERS (15) and SARAH CARLSON (15), rambling on about some performance-related complaint. Maya is a girl with a brand -- she is the most glamorous girl Riley has ever seen, from the glossy blonde hair to the perfectly put together outfit that looks entirely made of brand-name items. They don’t even notice Riley, practically bulldozing past her without an apology.
A gangly student is arguing animatedly with ANGELA MOORE (30s), the performing arts teacher for the sophomores, outside the black box theater classroom. Angela was featured in the promotional video, but she seems way less confident now trying to tangle with this overzealous student. This is FARKLE MINKUS (15), Jewish American diva. He’s immediately identifiable as over-the-top, both with the way he’s arguing with a teacher and his swoopy hair and blazer. Like, this kid is wearing a blazer to school.
We can tell right away that Mister Farkle Minkus is going to be a PIECE. OF. WORK. Riley can too, raising her eyebrows as she passes by their disagreement.
Jack passes by Zay and his crop of dancing students, disbanding them as dancing is not allowed in the halls. Come on, they know this! The group of them don’t look very pleased, Zay tossing a scowl over his shoulder as they retreat to their respective homerooms.
As we get to “Strange fascination fascinating me…” Riley passes by the atrium stairwell, where the sophomore techies always congregate each morning. They’re all in dark clothes (because that’s how techies dress, but so do GOTHS???), and seem like a chaotic bunch. DAVE WILLIAMS (15) and ASHER GARCIA (14) are lobbing food at DYLAN ORLANDO (15) to see what he can catch in his mouth. NATE MARTINEZ (15) and JEFF MONROE (15) are arguing heatedly about something, but it’s impossible to tell if they’re actually upset or not. JADE BEAMON (15) is sketching in a notebook, occasionally looking up to roll her eyes at the argument.
Holding first position at the bottom of the stairs are LUCAS JAMES FRIAR (16) and ISADORA DE LA CRUZ (15), deep in conversation. Well, conversation meaning Isadora is ranting, and Lucas isn’t saying much of anything. They’re both the most intimidating of the bunch even from a glance -- Isadora due to her intense wardrobe and general aura of authority, Lucas due to his seemingly permanent disdainful expression… and maybe the fact that he is openly playing with a switchblade.
Of course, they both look up to find Riles staring at them. She makes eye contact with Lucas before quickly turning away. I mean, they’ve got a switchblade. Scary! She YEETS outta there.
Just in time to make it back to the front office, where she steps inside just as Jack steps out of his office. He offers her a smile.
Jack: Hi, Miss Matthews. Welcome to Adams Academy of the Arts.
Taking a deep breath, she returns his smile. Welcome to Adams, indeed. And, for the first time…
AMBITION. Cue title sequence.
Jack walks Riley through everything she might need to know, explaining her daily schedule and handing over welcome materials. As they’re conversing, ERIC MATTHEWS (40s) steps in as acting counselor to also give a welcome to Riley -- but it’s clear that they already know each other. She’s his niece!
As they exchange friendly banter, Jack doesn’t seem at all surprised. He makes a comment about how the Matthews family really does have a foothold in Adams, given that Riley’s father is also one of their core academic teachers. Eric doesn’t take well to Jack’s tone, cheerfully firing back a remark.
Eric: Well, I suppose Triple A has always been about family. That’s why you hired Shawn, right? Top of the line, highly skilled educators…
It’s clear that there’s some tension behind their words, at least that it seems like Jack and Eric are rarely on the same page. Riley picks up on this right quick, awkwardly looking down at her welcome materials. Jack changes the subject, suggesting that Riley head off to performance lab before they get any further derailed. After all, Eric does just love to meander time away...
Eric smiles, but it’s sharp. Rather than returning a backhanded jab, he offers to show Riley to her first class. As they’re heading out, Jack assures Riley that he’s certain she’ll find what she’s looking for at Adams.
She certainly hopes so, Jack. And away they go...
Riley enters the auditorium, where a majority of the classes will be held. Many of the students in the sophomore A class cohort are already assembled in the first few rows of the audience, eagerly conversing with one another and catching up from the end of summer. The techies are situated further back, with their feet up on the backs of chairs and hardly paying attention.
Already, Riley is feeling the struggle of finding a place to fit. She plops herself alone in a row somewhere between the chatty performers and brooding techies, isolated from day one. Hooray.
From behind her, Dave turns around to whisper something to Dylan and Asher about her sitting alone. Lucas is also watching her, somewhat amused at how uncertain she seems about the whole situation.
Angela saunters to the front of the stage, snapping them to attention and welcoming them back for another year. She gives a rousing speech about how this year is going to be more intense than the first, but also full of self-discovery, pushing our comfort zones, and more than anything, becoming better artists. Maya, Zay, and Farkle all listen with rapt interest. Isadora rolls her eyes.
Just as she’s reaching the climactic conclusion of her monologue, she’s interrupted by SHAWN HUNTER (30s), stumbling in ten minutes late to his own class. He’s unshaven, clearly a bit of a mess, and dressed far less impressively than Angela or a majority of their students. Riley raises her eyebrows, obviously confused by his presence.
Angela: [ with biting sarcasm ] And there he is. My wonderful co-instructor, right on time.
At this, Riley’s eyebrows shoot up. Co-instructor? That guy? The rest of the performers seem equally unimpressed, a few rolling their eyes or exchanging grimaces. The techies are amused, grinning as their lead technician fumbles to the stage.
Angela: Anything you care to share with the class before we kick off our second year, Mister Hunter? Any sudden stroke of wisdom? Or basic decency?
Shawn jogs up, coming to an out of breath stand-still next to her. Side by side, the contrast between them is even more pronounced. He shrugs, half-smirking.
Shawn: Sing some stuff?
In mocking solidarity, the techies erupt into cheers. Dave and Dylan give him a standing ovation. The performers look annoyed. Farkle turns around to glare at them.
Riley is taking all of this with marked confusion. Shawn takes a sarcastic bow.
Angela, sharply: Classy as always.
For their first performing assignment of the year, Angela encourages all of them to come up and sing whatever they’ve been working on this past summer. Innocent enough. When she asks who wants to go first, however, the front of the auditorium erupts as Zay, Maya, and Farkle all leap to their feet and scrap to get to the stage first. Riley is like… what on Earth.
Farkle succeeds, yanking Zay out of the way and scrambling onto the front of the stage (they didn’t even take the fucking stairs). The clear victor, Farkle jumps back to his full height triumphantly as Maya and Zay begrudgingly return to their seats.
Farkle begins a little monologue as he adjusts his blazer, establishing his personality loud and clear. As far as he’s concerned, this year is going to be about change, and the change is going to be him taking his rightful place as the undisputed Star of the Sophomores. Maya and Zay clearly don’t agree with this assessment, so there’s already guaranteed to be drama. Lovely…
Thusly, Farkle launches into his first performance of the year (and the series).
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Man About Town” as performed by Young Frankenstein Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Farkle Minkus
Farkle kicks us off with a bold and frenzied rendition of the Broadway tune. As with many of the performances in this pilot, the solos serve to establish a baseline for each of the characters and their inherent capabilities, style, and tone. Farkle is a power tenor without a doubt, able to reach pretty high in his register and even higher in energetic delivery.
The electricity in his performance is less intrinsic and more frantic, though, indicative of a craving for the spotlight and a scrappy determined nature to maintain it at whatever cost. It demonstrates his undeniable vocal skill, for sure, but also his capacity to be obnoxious. The song seems to speak to what Farkle is hoping will be his truth -- that everyone will take notice of him, pay attention to him, that he’ll rise to the stars like he feels he’s been destined.
Riley is stunned by the amount of talent already on display. If she wants to prove that she’s here by her own merit and talent rather than just because her father works here, then she is going to have to bring it.
Maya and her clones hang out in the girls dressing room, getting ready for the rest of performance lab. Sarah points out that Farkle has gotten better over the summer; Darby mentions he’s gotten cuter, too.
Sarah, in disgust: Minkus? You’re joking.
Darby: Come on. He’s sort of cute!
Maya: Sure. Like a hedgehog with a deadly case of rabies.
Darby: He got taller. He looks sharper now, more mature.
Sarah: He looks like Mike Teavee in Willy Wonka after he got put through the taffy puller.
Darby: No he doesn’t!
Sarah: God, you fall for anything with testosterone and half a working vocal chord…
Quickly losing interest in discussing boys -- especially Farkle Minkus -- Maya waves off their concern about his talent. She claims she’s going to blow him out of the water, and this year is far from belonging to him.
The rivalry is loud and clear.
Riley comes by to visit Eric, who eagerly greets her and situates her in the chair opposite his desk. It’s a cozy, comfortable office, far less clinical, but also less organized, than Jack’s. It’s evident why many students feel comfortable stopping in when they have a free moment. Eric jokingly points out this is their first official visit as counselor and student, before he asks her how the morning went and how she’s feeling about the school.
Riley avoids her own discomfort and feelings of disillusionment by asking Eric to tell her more about the other students instead. How is she supposed to catch up to the scenery and feel like she’s in the loop if everyone feels like a mystery? Eric agrees, trying to figure out the best way to go about explaining it to her.
Eric: Kind of feels like having to explain the history of the universe. There’s a lot of personality in the A class, you’ll find.
Riley: Oh, I got that sense pretty quickly.
An idea strikes Eric, expression brightening. He grabs his yearbook from the previous school year off the shelf behind him. As he plops it down onto the desk, he instructs Riley to pay close attention, because there is a lot to unpack.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “High School Never Ends” as performed by Bowling for Soup || Instrumental
As Eric talks Riley through each of the main players, we watch a typical sophomore class unfold in the auditorium. It’s pure chaos, a whirlwind of production and performers getting in the way of techies and people butting heads.
We cut between this simulated auditorium sequence and Riley and Eric talking in the office, falling into a rhythm with the classic bopping rock tune. As Eric jumps to each key student, we freeze on them in the midst of whatever they’re doing at the time.
Starting, notably, with Zay Babineaux, the dancer from the halls. The screen freeze frames on him in the midst of trying to teach choreography to a frazzled NICK YOGI (15) and CLARISSA CRUZ (15).
Eric: Zay Babineaux isn’t a bad person to keep tabs on as far as getting your sea legs around here. He was voted “Most Popular” in the yearbook last year, but the only thing he cares about more than his public approval rating is dance. I mean, the kid is religious about it. It’s part of the reason he’s so good, but that and his drive to make it are what bump him up to Diva status.
Riley: Diva status.
Eric: It’s a whole league of its own here. Everyone is driven to a certain degree -- you have to be at Triple A -- but the Divas are the ones you really need to watch out for. Zay is far from the worst of the bunch, but his dedication really puts a sharp edge on his otherwise personable presence.
The scene resumes, panning from Yogi and Clarissa struggling to learn to Charlie leading the same choreography with a gaggle of female classmates. This includes HALEY FISHER (15), who seems especially taken with him.
Charlie demonstrates much better patience than Zay in teaching others, but the girls aren’t really listening to what he’s saying. They’re more distracted by… other things he has to offer.
Eric: If you’re stuck on choreography and actually want help, then your best bet is to turn to Charlie Gardner instead. He’s incredibly well-mannered, genuinely nice kid, but I’m sure your dad would want me to warn you he does have a reputation with the ladies.
Riley: Does he date a lot of them?
Eric: To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him date anyone. But every girl wishes he would, so that’s kind of a heartbreaker move all its own, isn’t it? Still, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. If you’re looking for what to avoid…
Isadora marches across the stage, headset around her neck and show binder in her arms. She’s shouting orders, almost comically deafening Dave following behind her.
Eric: Don’t get in the way of Isadora Smackle while she’s in stage manager mode. That girl is five feet of pure unadulterated power, and she is not afraid to burn you and your ego to the ground.
Riley: Not much to burn for me.
Eric: Don’t get me wrong, she is incredibly talented. She’s got a vision like no one else, and it’s hard not to admire how passionate she is about seeing that vision come to fruition. She’s just… not fond of things that slow that process down. Like not following directions, or creating issues that don’t exist. And the queen of doing that…
Maya storms out of the dressing room hall and storms onto the stage, holding up a costume choice and obviously having much to say about it. She’s in the midst of diva transformation, makeup more glamorous than before and glossy blonde hair up out of her face.
Eric: Is Maya Hart. Now, Maya is probably the most talented triple threat we have in the sophomore class. She can dance, she can act, and by God, can she sing. But she also has an unbridled sense of what’s best for a production, and will happily fight every single person necessary until her voice is heard. She’s in hot pursuit of her dream, for better or worse, and she is ruthless.
Maya marches past the techies, Asher and Jade scrambling to get out of her way and avoid her fury. She nearly knocks Nate and Dylan into the wall while they’re carrying a two-by-four beam, which almost hits Lucas in the head. He ducks just in time. As he’s getting back up, we freeze on him mid-eye roll and looking just about ready to kill.
Eric: And whatever you do, do not mess with Lucas James Friar. If your dad were here, he’d tell you not to speak to him. Don’t even look at him unless absolutely necessary.
Riley: Why?
Eric: Lucas is… not exactly Adams’ favorite student. And that makes complete sense, because the feeling is 100% mutual.
Riley: So why is he here then?
Eric: Fair question. But I think you’ll come to find everyone came here for different reasons, Riley. I mean, look at you. Adams wasn’t your first choice for a school a year ago.
True enough. Riley still seems curious, but Eric continues on without harping on it any longer.
Eric: There’s plenty Lucas dislikes about the school -- and believe me, I’ve heard enough about it in our mandated meetings over the past year -- but nothing more so than the “diva attitudes,” namely…
Lucas has to duck again to avoid the bony arms of Farkle, who is just launching into a loud, bold, aggressive solo. He swings his arms out wide, tilting his head back and delivering a note with Rachel Berry levels of fervor. Freeze on his dramatic, impassioned belting face.
Eric: Farkle Minkus. Trust fund baby, unparalleled genius, and vocal champion -- in both singing and complaining. He’s certainly our Rachel Berry, if nothing else.
As Eric finishes up his CliffNotes edition of the sophomore A class, the warning bell beckons Riley back to class. Eric assures her that she has always been a people person, and he is certain that she’ll be fine. Riley nods along, choosing to believe him.
When he asks if she’s decided what her first performance is going to be, she books it out of the office. Sorry, Uncle Eric! Gotta get to class, ha ha...
Back in the auditorium, class continues. As Riley makes her way back to the center section, she overhears snippets of the closely congregated crew of techie students. They’re discussing Maya, and Dylan Orlando’s grin is wide and mischievous.
Dylan: I think I should go next. What if I did? Just to throw her off.
Asher: [ elbowing him ] No. Don’t --
Jeff: It’s your funeral.
Dylan: I think I should. I think --
Nate, laughing: As if you can even sing.
Dylan: You don’t know, you don’t know. I could be great. You don’t know...
But no, it’s Maya's turn to sing her piece. She takes the stage just as Riley is settling back into her seat, giving a speech very similar to Farkle’s. In fact, it’s essentially a fuck-you right back to him by twisting his words. Then she launches into her own show-stopping return from the summer, expressing its one of her favorite Broadway tunes -- and a natural fit in her repertoire.
Farkle is miffed by her song choice, seemingly a selection chosen solely to offend him.
Farkle: This bitch knows I claimed rights to all numbers in the Elphaba song canon. Unbelievable.
Dave, leaning over to Yogi: Okay, what is a song cannon, and how do I get one?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Wizard and I” as performed by Wicked Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Maya Hart
From her first introduction to performing, Maya presents an interesting array of stage presence. She can carry a Broadway tune with ease, but her voice seems equally built for pop excellence. Her command of the stage is effortless -- whether you love or hate her, she’s impossible to look away from when she’s delivering a performance. The glamour of her overall appearance elevates it, but what shines is her obvious raw talent and determination.
If anyone defines what it means to have ambition, it would be Maya Hart.
Her vocals are truly stellar, and her performance is daunting. While the techies remain unimpressed -- they’ve seen this all before, too many times, after all -- Riley is totally freaked by how intense the competition is turning out to be. While the rest of the class applauds (in varied states of reluctance), she seems like she’s trying not to throw up.
The lunch bell rings. Riley has hidden herself away in the restroom, tucked in the corner stall and pacing. She attempts to talk herself down from a spiral, fully intimidated after Maya’s performance. Another deep breath...
She steps out and looks in the mirror, repeating the mantra to herself again and again. She has what it takes. She belongs here. She belongs here. She belongs here!
Riley is not going to let this year be like the others. She’s not repeating her freshman year. This year is about change, for the better, and she’s going to make it so. But to do that, she’s going to need some friends.
Time to put herself out there and start breaking down these barriers.
Angela arrives at Jack’s office, knocking curtly on the door. Although the two of them have a good working relationship and typically friendly rapport, it’s evident at that moment that she is not there with good tidings. Jack tries to side step whatever the complaint is, asking if she thinks their new student is adjusting well.
Jack: Seems nice, doesn’t she? Good kid. Should be a good influence, hopefully --
Angela: I’m not here to talk about Matthews. I’m here to talk about the ridiculous excuse for a co-instructor you call half-brother.
Yikes. Well, might as well go on, then. Jack sighs and listens plaintively as Angela informs him that Shawn showed up late this morning, and was no help during the performance lab sessions. Obviously she doesn’t know how his homeroom check-in with the techies went, but she can assume shabbily with little doubt in her mind.
Jack: I haven’t gotten a complaint from the student technicians.
Angela: I’m sure you haven’t. They don’t know any better. And even if they did, I doubt any of them would take the time to formally complain. Half of them don’t appear capable of speech, and the other half are avoiding your office anyway. Likely no doubt due to subconscious contagious influence from their instructor.
Jack: Oh, come on now.
Angela: They won’t complain, but lucky for them, I will.
Jack holds up a hand, halting her tirade. He assures her that he hears her, and he’s aware that Shawn isn’t yet performing to his best ability. He has only been in the position for a year, after all. He just needs some time to get in the swing of things, that’s all.
Angela: When I spent a season in the Guys And Dolls touring troupe, we got our sea legs fast. You know what happened if you fucked up on tour? You got cut. We didn’t get a week to blunder our way through it, let alone a year.
Pointedly, Angela states that it just seems odd. Coming from Jack Hunter, the pillar of authority at this school, such negligence is damn surprising. Given how Eric is always complaining that Jack is too straight and narrow for an arts school, it’s ironic that he’s willing to let one of their faculty members be so off the wagon and not fire him tout de suite.
Fair as that criticism may be, Jack claims he’s made his choices and she needs to trust his role as an administrator. She is of course welcome to continue leveling complaints as she sees necessary, and he’ll touch base with Shawn, but he also points out that she might be operating with some bias of her own in reporting on her co-instructor.
At this, Angela gets huffy. She shrugs off the accusation and storms off, claiming she has students to actually educate. Once she’s gone, Jack releases another heavy sigh, slouching back in his chair. Evidently, the put together and effortless appearance of Adams in the promotional video is not all that truthful… one has to wonder how much of it is expectation versus reality...
The cafeteria, the classic worst place to be a new student on your first day. Even more intimidating at AAA, where the cafeteria is more claustrophobic than most with only a hundred students to accommodate at a time. Not only that, but everyone seems to already have their lunchtime crew.
Riley weaves her way through the crowd, eyeing places to potentially start her new endeavor. The techie table is at least relatively quiet, tucked away in the corner, but no way is she heading over there. Half of them are in eager and fast-paced conversation with one another, and their chaotic energy still radiates.
Not to mention, Lucas is amongst them and remains an intimidating question mark. Eric warned her, after all. He’s looking particularly nonplussed that afternoon, no lunch in front of him as he listens to the others converse. Once again he catches her looking, meeting her eyes and offering no sign of friendliness.
Yeah, not an option. Riley turns away, keeping her distance.
Charlie is holding court with a bunch of the sophomores, mainly girls. He still seems friendly enough, but Riley isn’t sure she wants to risk that potential flirtation. She needs friends, not awkward rejections. Still, she gives him a smile anyway.
Zay watches her from his table, seated with a couple other performers, YINDRA AMINO (15) and NIGEL CHEY (15). They all murmur to one another, somewhat amused, but Zay waves them off. He throws Riley a life preserver after a moment, beckoning her over to join them.
Riley is shocked that they’re talking to her -- they seem like the coolest crop of her classmates, and she in no way mirrors their general energy -- but she’s not foolish enough to refuse the invitation. If they turn out to be playing her, well, she’ll cross that bridge when she gets to it.
She slides into the seat across from Zay, who introduces himself and nods to his friends to do the same. Nigel shakes Riley’s hand from the seat next to her. She thanks them for offering her shelter, which Zay shrugs off as no big deal. Yindra asks if being the new student sucks as much as it seems like it does, and Riley is like hello, yes, it’s terrible.
Once she’s gotten comfortable with her new company, Riley asks Zay about his passion for dance and what his future dreams are after AAA. As they get to chatting, Zay expresses that he is Broadway bound with no detours and questions about it. When he gets into talking about how much he loves dance, his passion is clear on his face. He laments the attitude of Farkle and Maya, claiming he’s not like that. A bold claim, only time will tell if it’s true...
Riley asks him about his performance for class, to which he grins. Why tell her about it when he could show her?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dancin’ On the Sidewalk” as performed by FAME! Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Zay Babineaux (feat. AAA Sophomores)
Zay launches into this upbeat and fun dance tune, expressing his love for dance while pulling the rest of the cafeteria into it. Riley is amazed as everyone just kind of jumps up and jams with him, starting with Yindra and Nigel but slowly spreading throughout the congregation. Eventually, Zay manages to get her to her feet and pull her into it as well.
There is a sizable dance break within the song (naturally), and we get to see Riley show off some of her own skills when she’s not too intimidated. Charlie is also particularly featured in the dancing of the number, showing off his strong capability aside from being cute and charming.
However, not everyone is thrilled by this dancing development. Maya keeps Darby from joining in by yanking her back into her seat, not about to humor her rival. Farkle is the same, watching from his table in the opposite part of the cafeteria and rolling his eyes.
But no one is less thrilled than the techies. They’re exhausted, having to listen to the performers do this shit all the time. Yet another lunch, eclipsed by an impromptu performance. Lucas has had enough, getting to his feet. Isadora argues with him, but he doesn't listen. He’s already on the move. Isadora exchanges a look with Jade and Asher.
During the dance break, Lucas weaves inconspicuously through the crowd. By the end of it, he sneaks out the back door of the cafeteria.
As Zay is finishing up the last verse, Lucas makes his way down the hall, surveying the ceiling until he finds what he’s looking for.
Then, he starts scaling the lockers.
Intercut with the dancing, Lucas hefts himself up on top of the lockers, rolling onto his back in the thin space between the top and the ceiling. He digs in his pockets, pulling out a lighter. Ever so carefully, he sparks it and holds it out towards the sprinkler system a foot or so away. Stretching as far as he can reach… getting that flame closer and closer…
As Zay and Riley bring the number to an end with a flourish, suddenly the fire alarm blares through the cafeteria. In the next second, there’s a click, and the sprinkler system erupts and douses them all in mucky water.
The cafeteria bursts into chaos, students screaming and trying to run from the building. Maya shrieks, trying to shield her hair as she and her plastics flee the scene. She isn’t afraid to push people out of the way. Farkle, meanwhile, isn’t even trying to run, frozen in rage and getting soaked. He snarls, swinging his wet hair out of his face.
The techies erupt into laughter, high-fiving and jostling each other around as they exit the building. Dylan looks particularly gleeful, playfully shaking Asher by the shoulders, who looks notably less pleased and more than a little grossed out as he blinks the water out of his eyes.
Zay sighs, shaking his head and giving Riley a half-hearted shrug and well-meaning smile.
Zay: Welcome to Adams.
As if this kind of shit is totally normal. Riley wipes her eyes, dripping wet and totally shocked by this turn of events. What a rollercoaster of a day this is turning out to be. Certainly nothing about this in the school’s advertising...
All of the sophomore girls are together in the dressing room, switching into fresh clothes and drying their hair (of course, performing arts girls have hair care products with them). Riley is the only who doesn’t seem to understand exactly what happened.
Riley: I didn’t see any fire.
Yindra, offhandedly: It wasn’t a fire. It was Friar.
Sarah: [ off of Riley’s continued confusion ] Lucas James Friar? He’s the worst.
Riley: My uncle may have… mentioned him...
Chai: He’s constantly pulling stunts like this and making a scene even though he acts like he’s above it all.
Clarissa: He never does the assignments.
Sarah: Not to mention he’s basically the definition of white trash.
Haley: He’s the worst the techies have to offer. No one even knows why he’s at this school.
This is all news for Riley, much more blatant than what Eric said. Then Isadora steps in, offering a counterpoint.
Isadora: Well, maybe if you didn’t sing and dance every lunch and stop us from enjoying our break from you singing and dancing every class, he wouldn’t need to do this stuff. But I know, you’re all incapable of doing anything but whatever it is you want.
Solid counterpoint, Isa. Riley takes that in as well.
Speaking of Lucas, the girls aren’t the only people who are certain he was the one who caused the fire evacuation. He sits opposite Jack at his desk, and it’s clear just from their posture that they’ve been in this exact position many times before. Yes, Lucas is no stranger to the principal’s office, and no friend to Jack Hunter.
Jack speaks with the exasperation of an exhausted parent who has told his child numerous times not to steal cookies from the cookie jar, but they keep doing it anyway.
Jack: Come on, Mister Friar. This is the fourth time. The fire department is considering adding us to a list. [ off his lightly amused smirk ] Are you really going to start another year this way?
Lucas, calmly: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Jack: We know you did it.
Lucas: You have no proof.
Jack: People saw you leave the cafeteria.
Lucas: I went to the bathroom. People do that, sometimes, you know. It’s actually quite a common bodily function --
Jack: Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.
Lucas: All due respect, Principal Hunter, all you have is circumstantial evidence and confirmation bias. So unless you have anything else to add, I really should get back to class so I can listen to Farkle Minkus squawk for yet another jolly day in this wonderful, wonderful institution to higher learning.
Jack doesn’t have any other proof, so there’s not much he can do. But it’s clear -- Lucas is one of his most frustrating students, and he’s run out of ways to make headway with him. It really is a wonder he’s even still at the school…
As Lucas makes his way back into the halls and to class, Jack follows him out. He paces a bit to clear his head, get some fresh air rather than sit in his office… and happens to run right into a conversation happening in the adjoining hall. He hangs back around the corner, eavesdropping as Eric stands with a couple of the other teachers.
The group of them are obviously not happy with the sprinkler situation. Understandably so, but Eric is trigger happy to pin the blame on Jack. He sympathizes with the complaints of the fellow faculty, before insisting that it all comes down to leadership at the end of the day. Jack is a good disciplinarian, sure, and he’s been here for years… but then how come this keeps happening? In his opinion, Jack just isn’t built for an environment like this. The arts are about creativity, inspiration, hopeful encouragement and emotional exploration… not rules, strict academics, and going by the book.
Jack is pissed, but he’s not going to make a scene. It’s nothing he’s never heard before anyway, least of all from his best counselor but least favorite co-worker. He turns the other way, marching back to his office.
That night, Riley has dinner with her family. It is clear through this scene that things between Cory and Topanga are not as rosy as America’s sweethearts would have you believe. They’re snippy with one another, and it seems like problems are brewing on the horizon.
Riley mentions her struggle to pick her audition song, and the strong personalities already at play at school. Topanga instructs her with the realist approach, which is that she’ll then need to bring her best as well. What power ballads does Riley have in her repertoire? She can’t let those other students walk all over her -- they don’t want a repeat of last year.
No kidding, Topie. Although it’s well-intentioned advice, it doesn’t seem like what Riley wants to hear. She nods along, focusing back on her food.
In a parallel setting, Jack is having a small casual dinner with his half-brother, Shawn. Although his first impression at school wasn’t much, it’s clear that Shawn isn’t the worst guy in the world. He and Jack definitely seem to have a good relationship, this family dinner a weekly tradition for them.
And Shawn can tell when Jack is burying emotions. He prompts him to spill about whatever pissed him off that day -- aside from the obvious. Is there other beef going on in the school? Anything interesting? Jack avoids it at first, but when Shawn won’t let it go, he cracks.
Jack: Actually, people had some choice things to say about you. Showing up late, again? On the first day?
Shawn’s upbeat demeanor crumbles fast, defaulting to defensive. He quickly susses out that it must have been Angela who complained, claiming that of course she’s going to rag on him. She’s biased, Jack, you know that. She’s been out to get him ever since… well, things fell apart. Of course she wouldn’t want to see him trying to pick himself back up -- imperfectly, sure, but…
Jack shakes his head, getting up from his seat and taking his plate to the sink. Shawn keeps trying to defend himself, saying it’s all Angela’s fault, that everyone is just overreacting, who cares what they think --
Jack: I do, Shawn! I have to care what they think. It’s my job!
Oh. Well… that’s another story. This gets Jack to the actual root of what he’s frustrated with -- Eric’s criticism of him, and the way no one is ever happy with him at AAA. They all think the job is so simple, so easy. File some paperwork, discipline a kid when necessary, keep things in order. But that’s harder than it sounds. Of course Eric thinks he has it all figured out -- he’s the good guy. He gets to be the faculty favorite, telling the kids exactly what they want to hear, while Jack has to be the realist. He has to deliver the hard truths, the punishments and probabilities, to step in to keep things in order even when it feels like everything is constantly in chaos.
And honestly, Shawn is not helping with that. It’s way easier for people to question Jack’s leadership, his strong stances, his ability to keep things in line, when his “nepotism hire” can’t even show up for work on time. Shawn still tries to defend himself, but his arguments are becoming more sheepish as they go. It’s hard to argue against something that’s objectively true.
Jack: I’m not asking you to do my job. It’s my shit, and I’ll deal with it. I always do. But I’m bending over backwards for you, and you have to meet me in the middle.
Shawn: I know… I know, I’m --
Jack: I gave you this job as a fresh start, Shawn. Because I believed you could pull things back together, that you didn’t have to keep going down the road you were on. I still do believe that. But you have to prove me right, you have to show up.
Shawn: Okay. You’re right, I’m sorry.
Jack: Not even just for me. You have to show up for them. You think Friar would be going around doing this shit if he had even a little more discipline within the school day? The sense that someone else is looking out for him? You know that’s absent from every other part of his life. And all of them have their own shit. You know what that’s like -- we went through it ourselves.
Shawn: … that’s true. I --
Jack, exasperated: They’re what matters, Shawn. Forget the politics, forget the petty drama. With Angela, with Eric. Whatever. What matters are the students. We show up for them. Even if everything else is in chaos.
If anything, the exchange at least highlights why Jack is at AAA. All the criticism that gets hurled at him, all the hard choices he has to make, at the end of the day he’s doing his best. He’s there to help the students, to give them an education and foundation for the rest of their lives. One, seemingly, he wishes he had for himself.
Shawn is certainly reprimanded enough. He agrees with Jack, apologizing again and thanking him for giving him the opportunity. He knows what Jack had to risk to do it. He’s going to try not to squander it -- not to mess everything up again.
Like everything else, all Jack can do is hope for the best. He nods, taking Shawn’s dish and focusing on washing them in the sink instead of facing more of the conversation. As impassioned as the outburst was, it’s clear emotion is not Jack’s strong suit.
Cory comes in to say goodnight to Riley and congratulate her on her first day. She is more open with how she actually feels about it with him than Topanga and Auggie, expressing that she doesn’t know what to do about the song. Cory gives her advice from his heart, which is that she should kick things off singing whatever makes her feel most comfortable. Something that feels like her. She shouldn’t have to change herself just to make an impression.
During this conversation, we also learn the real truth as to why Riley is attending this school now -- yes, because of her own passions, but more so because she was bullied at her former school. This is her fresh start.
She gives Cory a hug and then he kisses her forehead, bidding her goodnight. As Riley crawls into bed, she’s back to staring at the ceiling. Thinking, contemplating… as the piano opening of “Your Song” floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Your Song” as performed by Ellie Goulding || Performed by Riley Matthews
Riley keeps it simple with a soft, sweet rendition. No grand fanfare, no brassy vocals, just her sitting on a stool and singing the song. Her vocals are beautiful, but certainly not as loud as Farkle or Maya.
Angela smiles pleasantly as Riley performs. Zay watches with a smile, giving her a little thumbs up when she looks to him. Charlie obviously enjoys the performance, intrigued. Maya and Farkle look unimpressed, almost amused. At least she’s not a threat.
Most of the techies don’t pay attention or look bored. Lucas looks particularly neutral… and yet, he’s not letting his attention drift anywhere else…
A smattering of applause follow her performance. As the class is dismissed, Charlie takes the initiative to approach her and tell her that he really liked the performance. Riley, a bit flustered by the attention, is like thanks okay sure. It’s still unclear whether Charlie is flirting, or if he genuinely did just like the song…
As Riley hustles to pack up, most everybody gone, suddenly it’s just her and Lucas left in the auditorium. She glances to him, uncertain whether she should say something -- she’s supposed to be making friends, after all. But she can’t bring herself to do it. He does it instead, however, muttering an offhand comment as he heads up the back steps towards the technician’s booth.
Lucas: So exciting to see we’ve got another unassuming chorus member.
Riley doesn’t get the chance to respond, but the statement makes its impact. He’s not impressed, and she gets the feeling no one else really was either.
A little funny, coming from him considering he didn’t even perform, but if she wants to make her mark here she’s going to have to bring her A game. Maybe her mother was right -- she’s going to have to be a little bolder if she wants to hold her own.
Farkle is outside the dressing rooms, writing down notes in a journal as Maya emerges from the girls room. She says something snarky to Farkle, prompting banter between the two of them.
Farkle: Oh, yes, I was just compiling a list of all the things I’m going to rightfully accomplish this year. Winter showcase closing number, Haverford conference representative, oh, and that coveted summer spot at the Kossal camp for the rising junior class --
Maya: Oh, is daddy going to buy it for you? Think he could buy you some friends first…
The two of them stare each other down, both of them clearly meaning business and full of diva ire. It’s clear that this year is going to be a bloody battle between the two of them for top spot.
And may the best bitch win.
Riley is back to feeling uncertain, her “authentic” performance not having accomplished much. Then, she supposes, it’s not clear how authentic it really was… it was certainly the safe option, at least. But everyone else around her is so loud, so bold, so ready to scrap to the death… and she doesn’t know if that’s her. Maybe she doesn’t have what it takes.
The promotional video certainly is a testament to expectations versus reality. Highly skilled faculty… the polished and put together exterior… camaraderie and a bond with classmates for life… right now, they seemed destined to kill one another.
Thoughtful, Riley pulls up her tablet and searches for the promotional video again. She skims through it, searching for parts of Jack’s speech near the end.
Jack, voiceover: The competition is fierce, and the process isn’t easy.
Eric is in the main office, chatting with the secretaries and easily charming them. Jack emerges from his office with more paperwork, catching his eye as he goes. The two of them hold each other’s gaze for a moment, that animosity still between them.
Jack: It’s work, hard work, but any passion worth pursuing takes a little faith and a whole lot of elbow grease.
Jack keeps his chin held high -- it is his office, after all. He gives Eric a cordial nod, heading back into his office. Back to do the work that matters, to the best of his ability.
The A class is assembled throughout the stage, all in their rehearsal clothes. Simple leotards, sweats, no one more glamorous than the other. There for the work, there for the challenge and the practice and the opportunities.
Jack: The best of the best make their way to Adams, and without a doubt, the best emerge from it ready to take on the world.
Maya, Farkle, and Zay all rise from stretching at the same time, eyeing each other. Maya takes a pointed sip of her water bottle, turning away with a hair flip.
Riley is enthralled with the video, deep in thought. Jack’s words are resonating with her, leaving their impact.
Jack: The question is, where do the best of the best come from? Who has what it takes to join our elite and excellent rank of future artists? Do you?
That is the question, indeed. Riley glances up, determination in her glare as she looks towards the camera. Guess we’re going to find out!
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “One (Reprise) / Finale” as performed by A Chorus Line Original Broadway Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomores
This classic intense theater kid song takes us through the end of the episode, following each of our main characters through their morning routine at the start of the next day during the first half of the number. This gives us a little bit of insight into what might be going on in their lives beyond what we’ve seen displayed thus far…
Maya is in her small, falling apart apartment, kissing her stressed mom on the cheek as she goes out despite how well dressed she is. Talk about expectation versus reality -- she is obviously on the poverty line. Her outward appearance is in complete contrast to the world she’s actually living in every evening.
Zay is gathering all his dance things together, getting pats and kisses from his parents as he dashes out the door. He almost drops his ballet shoe, but his mother catches it and gives it to him, clearly showing he’s a little more scattered than he puts off.
Charlie is getting ready for the day, dancing around a house full of sisters. He’s fighting for the bathroom just as a younger sister dashes inside, forcing him to run downstairs and get ready to go anyway. His mother licks her thumb and wipes a smudge from his cheek, as his father gives him a proud nod and sees him on his way.
The crucifix adorning the wall by the front door gives us the hint that this family is devout, to some degree. How much so, and whether that matters, only time will tell...
Isadora is eating breakfast in a crowded kitchen, trying to avoid bumping into a gaggle of siblings of all races and ages. She is a foster child, crammed in a fancy house with about twelve other children. Nice accommodations, and yet still not quite a home.
It’s obviously not the most ideal environment for her. She heads out the door as fast as she can.
Lucas is already at school early in the morning, in the technician’s booth where Riley left him last. He finishes pulling a black long sleeve shirt over his head, collapsing into the rolling chair and propping his feet up on the lightning board table. He starts flossing his teeth, treating the space like his own rather than school property.
One has to wonder… did he even go home? Is there a home to go to? What’s going on here…
Farkle, lavish and spoiled in a clearly wealthy home, is practicing his stage smile in the mirror. Totally straight-faced, then BAM! Full bright, stage presence grin. Over and over again. Obsessively adjusting his hair. Every polished piece in place. A constant performance…
As the trumpets swell before the final chorus, Riley arrives outside AAA again. She’s ready for her second go. Having what it takes.
She steadies her shoulders, then jogs up the steps towards the school.
Bam! As we enter into the final minute of the performance, Riley spins and the spotlight hits her. The full sophomore A class performers are up on stage, running through the show-stopping number. She’s keeping up -- barely, but she is. And that’s a start.
From the booth, Shawn, Isadora, and Lucas run the lights and sound levels. Watching the performance critically from a world away…
In the back row of the center section, Jack sits and watches the performance. Taking a moment out of his hectic schedule to settle in and appreciate what they’re doing there, watching the future artists take the foundation and flourish. He smiles, in spite of it all, reminding himself what really matters.
The kids give it their all, ending the number with a flourish. The lights are bright, Riley is alive with the energy of a good performance.
Welcome to Adams, indeed. This is it!
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ry-cynthiasu · 3 years
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Put Sustenance on Our Own Choices
  My life has changed significantly since 2019. In 2019, I experienced the struggle of university freshman. My confined soul from 2 years of high school made me want to explore more in my life, yet it also led me to find out how much I lacked to fulfill a “perfect” figure that I though was the sustenance of my motivation in school. Through the lockdown period in 2020, I had also closely experienced the desparate conflict between me and my family. I sought my way out through giving sustenance upon learning new skills. Yet, I really started to look into my mindset and emotion management in th eyear of 2021. This is the year with the most dramatic change. I started a relationship, yet ended because I lack the ability to control my mindset towards negativity in life. I have been trapped in the past agony. 
  I sincerely value the journey in this 3 years, God had made me encounter so many great people to make me grow, and provided me with this great family that work so hard to provide for my education. I wish to record this journey, and for everyone who is also in the process of pursuing their dream, I wish you feel supported with my story as well.
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Starting university, getting to know more people? Learning how to drink, how to party? So many excited things I hoped to achieve.
I’m no longer the “smartest” student in the house.
When I started high school in Canada, the place where no one knows me, I show myself as a perfect person—no emotions, no weakness, good at sport, good at school.
It’s not that I don’t want to be perfect anymore in university, it’s because I can’t.
I was still scared to admit that I couldn’t do everything by myself. The arrogance turns me away from meeting more friends, turned me away from the opportunity to get to know more about the things outside of my small, confined world.  
I needed someone to lead me out of my world. I mean, it’s not wrong. When I needed help, and you are willing to help, then I’ll take whatever you gave me.
I met a friend who gave me a lot of support in the hard university life.
He is wild, dedicated, casual—something that I don’t have. Yet he is confused with his future, just like I did.
At that time, all I wanted was to study hard, and let people see that I am hard-working. My friend gave me a different mindset about studying--don’t be perfectionist, study for your own improvement, and apply them.
Since I got out of high school with no real friend made at all, I took this friendship as a sustenance for my simple life.
The fun thing was that our friendship broke because he confessed to me. That was the first time I felt like I have hurt someone.
That was the time I first realize, what I wish upon other people may not be real. I wished he was just a friend, but he wished more than that.
Yet, I must admit that it was genuinely a happy time, because I broke through many things that I haven’t tried, and really started to know the importance of keeping safe boundaries with people that you want to keep as friends.
I think someone’s mindset can be clearly illustrated by their expression. In 2019, although I had no goal, failed friendship, bad school scores, I didn’t need to worry anything outside of school.
My old friend took this picture, I was happy to have the support from him.
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After this friendship failed, I looked back and found out that I was straight away trying to learn things from my friend, yet not caring too much about what he may feel. 
Although I could sense that he has some affection towards me, I was too selfish to let this sustenance of my joy in life go.
A very important thing I learned was that, whenever we lie to ourselves, the reality won’t lie. We are what we are, the real world would prove that. If we are not perfect, then we don’t pretend to be perfect.
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COVID hit so rapidly across the world.
School closed on March. That was the first time I’ve spent so much time with my mom, in such an empty house. Neither of us knew what to expect in the next step. Negativity creeps all over the house.
I started to find something that can help me keep track of my life, to help me not getting swallowed by the silence and emptiness in the house.
I started journaling, tried so many ways, realizing that I’m not an aesthetic journal keeper. I only keep the things I needed to do, needed to finish to get good grades. Things were simple, if I can still do well in school, the time is all mine.
I look at my achievements of doing different things for the sustenance in my life.
It was genuinely a nourishing experience for me. I got to learn ukulele, practicing calligraphy, making videos, and just creating my own brand on the social media.
I would still be gracious about what I have tried in that time because some of it has led to what I decided to be my career in the next year.
However, the conflict between me and my family was elevated at that time. My impatience and ungratefulness made me refuse to listen and communicate with them. I have been through many breakdowns, yet the problem hasn’t been solved--I didn’t know how to change my mindset.
I was very arrogent at the time, I though I would find a way to get out of the stressful household in a blink. I kept filling my time with school, internet, photography, and random info from everywhere. 
When my sister and her fiance invited me to travel with them, I was uninterested, because I didn’t share interests with my sister and mother. 
Being an unhappy teenager, I tried to refuse experiencing this journey. I ignore the feelings of my family and threw temper tentrums. 
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I do think that what I learned during the lockdown period--photography, video editing, and just trying to build my own social media account, helped me found out about my passion in media career. 
Yet, it was a shame that I couldn’t figure out how to change my mindset of getting along with family members who have different opinions and values in their life. 
I wasn’t grateful for my family, and I wasn’t respectful.
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I came back to my home country for 5 months, and back to Vancouver at the start of 2021
Don’t konw if God was especially kind to me, I met a person who introduced me to a whole new mindset of living my life.
He was mature, yet he also had very similar struggle as I was----eager to get financial freedom.
But for sure, he was more realistic and more of an action-taker than me. I watched him grew and made progress, I admired him. 
Yet, I couldn’t start on myself, until he gave up on giving speech to me about how he made himself through the hardships--everyone has a limited patience of pulling someone through their problems, and when they grow faster and faster, they’ll leave you behind.
I wasn’t mature, I was dreaming that someone could take all my pains, my problems, and automatically turn my life to fast-forward mode.
And I was wrong, no one’s life can be automatic. When you think someone’s, success is automatic, you don’t see the days and nights they have tried to put things together to lead to where they are right now.
That was a biggest mistake I made, and even now I’m still affected by the mistake--the mistake of not taking action, and putting sustenance on someone else to drag me through the journey.
In the end, it is my choice to be better and keep learning. No one can be me, and no one can be there forever to drag me.
My past experience might not be an encouraging story, because I am still in the journey of building up my career. Yet, I truly believe that when someone wakes up, they become a whole new person.
The sun rise and set, and we are always on the track of our own choice. Changes are not made one day, it’s the combined effort of days and nights.
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sonderrow-moved · 3 years
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IC          CANON          VOICE          BODY          TRIALS           PLOTTING
◭ I.D
FULL NAME: Roy Kaworu Spiegel BIRTH: March 14th, 27 y.o. SEX & GENDER: Male SPECIE: Human ETHNICITY: Asian American LANGUAGE: English, German, Japanese OCCUPATION: Intern in environmental research, masseur RELIGION: Shinto SEXUALITY: ??? ◭ ANATOMY
HAIR: Bright auburn red EYES: Light grey FACE: TBA COMPLEXION: Milky honeyed skintone HEIGHT: 184 cm BUILD: TBA VOICE: Melodious and serious
LIKES: Reading, anthropology, people older than him DISLIKES: Injustice, vices, ignorance MBTI: TBA ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good POLITICAL STANCE: Middle ground EDUCATION LEVEL: PhD DRUGS: Do vitamin supplements count..? PHOBIAS: Acrophobia DISORDER: None diagnosed
This man has lived too long. A classic concept written, imagined by artists. To comfort them about their mortality, explore the ins and outs of an alien narrative full of ifs. How would this even work ? Even the people with the best memories, to a genius level even, eventually forgets, for the brain can only retain so much. This feeling people gets as they grow older, the biased nostalgia of glorified items they saw through their pure, untainted, still developing eyes and the resentment towards new trends as they cannot see anything without any scum anymore. The yearning not for those movements, but for this soft sensation, of looking, admiring something and think, for a moment, that it’s idealistic form was real.
This sweet, unadulterated notion became only a distant, forgotten memory as time hardened the one known today as Roy. For years. Decades. Centuries. Millenniums.
A man who was born during another civilization, another time, long forgotten with only myths remaining of it. Not even a relic to be talked about, as everything had disintegrated, returned to earth for another life cycle.
Roy was born under another name, one he still remembers, but has long buried away, as it is not his name anymore. No one remembers it. It is not him anymore, as much as he might like to. It is only an appellation to let go of. As humankind developed its technology to a peak, so did their power, as they yielded control over nature people nowadays couldn’t imagine. It wasn’t as clear as one making a motion to have the waves, wind and earth respond to it. It was a much more fundamental, rawer sense to it. Where the energy of the world could be used to build even new life.
Always the diligent person who only lived to serve, executing tasks exactly as he was asked to, Roy had been appointed to be the Right Hand of the High Priestess. A young female who had only recently bloomed into womanhood. So perfect in existence, like a bright, pale, white being given to their kind in exchange of their discovery over worldly power. She had embraced her role as a symbol since birth, and he was to accompany her every step of the way as she rose to an official position. To inspire and love. Untouched by anything, for her importance was too great as people shook the world order in their insatiable human curiosity. Nowadays, Roy could have been defined as a bodyguard, yet, in this time, there was no fear of another person’s mishap. Only was he to protect her from accidental injuries, get more menial tasks off her shoulder and, most of all, as they understood this aspect deeply, have her emotional and social needs satisfied.
The way she was so beautiful, the way she would only crack a laugh at his shenanigans, the way he knew how to soothe her and she, in her infinite kindness, learned to soothe him back when a crack of worry grew between his impeccable … how could he not fall in love ?
He loved the way she would recite poetry while he slowly got used to her wanting him to caress her head, and she loved the way he would sing her verses in his smooth, sultry voice. The way she would eye him while someone else was talking on stage with a soft smile while he was guarding the entrance and he’d let a smile crack.
It wasn’t a consummated love like you would see in the current, modern days. There were, of course, pairings who held deep affection towards one another and brought in the next generation, but she had a role where she would never have the chance to do so, for her symbolism was not to replicate, only to be a happenstance, a gift which mustn’t be tainted by an attempt to be artificially redone. She accepted her role with no issue, and so did Roy. And the two of them were perfectly happy with this.
This was a time before the continents even started to noticeably separate on Earth, or even before the initial ground became more and more flooded by the waters. A time where Roy’s kind felt so unified, at peace… until this built up, free of conflict power shattered in on itself.
Raw abominations started roaming, not in the form of creatures, not exactly. So ephemeral, yet spreading chaos and distortion at every corner, fueled by the abuse and infighting of those who had gathered too much and only yearned for more. Years and generations of peace had made civilization take harmony for granted, and the couple was powerless as they saw it unfold. As the world balance collapsed, Roy was approached by a group of pacifists, trusted people for outside the conflicts, everyone knew anyone, respect one another, grew with one another. And as sickly dear ones, growing tainted by the plague pleaded with him, for his position had him perfect for what needed to be done for the greater good: kill the priestess, so the good in her would spread across the land, calm the spirits through their weeps, and save them.
Someone like Roy, of unfathomable loyalty, had a decision to make. And despite the tugs at his heart, it was an easy one. For he believed that, if the Priestess was present, the choice would be simple. That she would understand, because, in her infinite goodness, she could forgive them, forgive him, in the end. And as his trust towards her was strong, it is during a bright morning, away from the war, in the beautiful temple they inhabited, up in the mountains, away from civilization, that he entrusted her with what the people wished of them… and like the great woman she always had been, she kept a serene, albeit slightly sorrowful expression as she accepted. If there was a chance the power built inside her since birth could save more than one person, she would die.
But when his blade pierced her heart, tainting her white, ceremonial clothing in the middle of the garden, she only clanged onto him, eyes wide with desperate sorrow, an expression she, and he, never ever witnessed in anyone before. Fear and betrayal spread across her dark eyes as they grew more and more obscure.
I don’t want to die. My love, I don’t want to die…
―were her last words before, as she wept and choked, the High Priestess expired in her guardian’s blood soaked arms, him wearing too stunned an expression for her to ever hear an answer for him.
Just like beliefs and idolization are made-up by man for comfort and, ultimately, are fake, so was the glorification that one death, from someone incredibly beautiful from the inside out, would be a solution to mankind creating their own demise.
And so, it was at his feet that Roy saw the last of humans slowly die out, first from their endless conflict, so harsh they forgot where it even started, and then to the unforgiving nature, taking back the life they had abused off her.
Only, as he himself felt like he was expiring, with all lifeforce living him in the deserted, now ruined temple he had taken cared of with his beloved.
And with the end of this first Humankind was the land so dry of its lifeforce that the cycle of resurrection immortality and resurrection ended. It was quite simple at the time, and helped with the utopia free of grief and unnecessary sadness for their knowledge-seeking kind. If happenstance had you gone, your aether would go back to the earth, only to rise again in the next year, century, no one knew, but they would rise again, the same people, to meet the ones they knew in another life again, with hazy memories, but just enough to recognize your loved ones, and find them again. The more time passed, the less did people come back from this dormant phase, millions and millions now sleeping under the crust of the Earth, never to awaken again. Only the one who had gathered more power could come back more quickly, not the servants, no matter how strong they were, like Roy, who was only, despite all his strengths, a support to a higher one.
Only, as their kind ended, in her last breath, was he given the last link to the cycle, to be connected to his brethren, when he wasn’t supposed to be the one to live again to better the world.
She gave it to him, as her last gift. As the forgiveness she could never give him while she clung to dear life so desperately.
For the greatest gift to give to someone where inevitable death surround them is to still live……… isn’t it ?
I have seen too little, did too little to be of any solace in chaos. You, my love, have seen, experienced. I cannot think of a finer person to carry out our legacy, for I trust that only the best will come out of you.
Life went back to its natural course. Ancient structure became ruins as vegetation took over, and, strong as it ever was, mankind rose again from the ashes. At the dawn of a new civilization, an orphan would be found at a nearby river, taken in by farmers and eventually would be a child raised by the whole humble village… a child who hadn’t forgotten a thing, and worked towards the dawn of a new age where he could protect what was dear to him.
And so, the one these days called Roy, grew up like he did before, to train and refine his ways. Only, this time, he didn’t only focus on his personal growth, but on others’ too. Estranged from other children like he had always been, with adulthood reaching his mind too quickly, only devoted to his craft. Despite snarl from the youth, his reputation grew amongst the adults and elders, and the communities beyond. As soon as his body was barely out of its formative years, did the boy set home in the mountains. Out of the leftover ruins his past life would let him have. A strong foundation to not lose sight of his objective.
Discipline. Commitment. Responsibility. Peace of mind. Realism. Alongside harsh but fair mental and physical training, all from what he had been taught and remembered, Roy kept exploring martial disciplines he even hadn’t touched in the past, wanting to reestablish what had been lost, and, before he knew it, he was known nearly as a Sage Deity across the land. A man coming from another world, who set up his temple atop the mountains made of smooth boulders eroded with time, near a clear water source, in the middle of a blossoming garden full of colors and hybrid one never knew how such an abundance of different species naturally grew alongside one another in this location, like it was enchanted.
Often, the village elders sought Roy’s advice, which he hoped have given sparingly, in neutrality, since he couldn’t guide mankind every step of the way, only show them a flourishing path. Travelers would come from afar to seek both his teaching and words, with glorified stories growing slightly intimidating to the young man. Despite this, he did his best to carry on his duty, taking care of the new temple grounds he assembled himself, wearing flowing clothes he sew himself; all loyal to the form and aesthetic of the woman he cherished, adorning the same attire she did and flowing, long hair. He wasn’t hoping for them to meet again, only honor her memory. He had grieved and grieved, wept and wept before she gave him the gift of eternity. His salvation was throwing himself into his training, contemplating his sorrow, and so on and on again until he only felt peace.
Roy’s stories of a lady in white with the darkest of eyes became legends, tales of kindness, bravery and adventure. And, amongst his own legacy growing, did Roy decide, after much deliberation, to take in disciples. One, then two. People under his tutelage, who would, in return, vow to spread and defend what the temple fought for, alongside taking equal parts in temple duties. And as the young people he accepted under his wing grew, Roy would soon be surrounded by four bright students he deeply loved. Unable to truly have a father’s touch, he, at least, believed he was a good guardian, hoping that, with time, his students would become masters, and that humanity could flourish.
It was then that, surrounded by his disciples, minus one, actually, that Roy had just finished drinking light tea and eating some sweets. He sighed as a cloud formed in front of his thin lips, the cold air announcing the winter to come. Even as his eldest disciple spoke, Roy didn’t reply. He stayed still, unmoving, silent, for there was nothing to say about what he felt was to come.
He didn’t even groan when he felt the ornate blades of his disciples pass through him, all three at the same time, for they were bound to be guilty together. While the screeching pain enveloped his senses, he wondered if this was what she felt, when he betrayed her.
That night, the Sage’s remains were cut to pieces, scattered far and wide, while his head was burned in the courtyard bonfire, all in an attempt to stop the link he had with his brethren, to cease the “gift” he had been given and for the cycle carried by the billions sleeping to come to an end.
But, unlike what men thought, Roy’s cycle was only part of nature, and he was to rise once more.
It was always the same. Again and again. He would be reborn, train, work, bond, and die at the hands of the very ones he had linked himself. The only reliable companion Roy ever had was nature outside of mankind, harsh but fair, just like him. With a behavior he could coexist with peacefully. It started eating him from the inside out. This time around, Roy had come back from the dead a few decades after his murder, found stark naked in a rice field even farther East, still in a young adult form, regenerated. Mankind hadn’t been doomed yet, and so, he vowed to save it by himself.
Roy would travel far and wide as mankind spread its territory and the continents started separating, being the only one of his kind which could still read the flow of life, its remaining corruption, and how to neutralize them. He would never stay in one spot for too long, only focusing on what he had to do. Because if he didn’t do it, who would ? If he didn’t do anything, he would only be left seeing the same amount of suffering and death, all by himself.
He couldn’t sit down. He couldn’t lose hope.
But Roy’s respect for life took the better of him. As he helped others with his abilities, presenting himself as somewhat of a medium as others also showed special traits, he hadn’t seen how darker human’s hearts had become. So much more quickly than the society he had known in the past. People turned envious of his abilities, and, soon enough, he needed to fight and run for his own life, at the risk of being torn apart yet again.
This fight and flight narrative happened again. And again. Until Roy’s duty had no time to be done; if he wasn’t around, there was no way anything could be done. He had to survive. And as the world grew around him, his mind and memories became muddied, and the depravity surrounding his person slowly creeped into his mind, as any remainder of his initial purpose was muddled with a constant years of bloodshed. An age of decades where he was to be burned and tortured, captured again and again before he’d lay waste to entire villages for his own safety. So no witness was to remain, and less people were to go after him. His training was used in a way he had never done before. For a cause he couldn’t decide to stop. He learned how to kill as efficiently as possible, how to decimate communities, destroy morale through underhanded means. Jumping from one allegiance to another as he either killed or fled before they’d go after him. For the first time, Roy could see how much his raw abilities could be of use in carnage, with no ceremony, no cause behind them. Only death. The very somber death he swore to stop.
He didn’t even stop to wonder at the technology men came up with, using the growing devices as meant for an end, anger and rage creeping into his very soul, indulging in vices he was being offered by humans which morals he always despised. There was no relief in this life, no moment of quiet, only screams and chaos, and only sins could provide a moment of respite. Roy, actually, never remembered how he died, but he did, at some point, in some time, after all sane people had left the territory, and only savagery had roamed the land he had loved so dearly.
During this time, he had forgotten her name, even her face.
At some point, Roy had no recognition if he had been in the same world, the same plane of existence amongst the cycles when he awoke once again. This time in a white, desperately empty desert. With no one at his side. He was still, somehow, a fully grown person, with the fresh memories of violence he had laid, and the scent of blood into all his pores, and the grotesque weapons he had used with no ceremony.
Yet, in this newly regenerated body, in this empty space by himself, his mind centered itself. His discipline kicked in between the silence and hunt for sustenance. He had spent so long a time by himself, alone, in the most chaotic of scenarios. With no one who remembered him, no one who remembered his loved ones, no one who remembered who everyone he even knew were.
After spending time and time, he couldn’t count how long, to rebalance his person, reshape his senses and skills yet again, Roy readied himself to reach civilization once more… yet when he started his journey again, he stopped, the sudden weight of his contact with humankind anchoring him to the ground, unable now to stand. His body was trembling, and everything he had packed fell to the ground. He knew what would happen if he gave up. What he would need to go through and experience. Again and again. He tried. He tried so hard. But no matter how good he could be, it seemed so… hopeless. However, even if it was an impossible endeavor, he couldn’t stop, or else he would have nothing.
He wouldn’t be able to, maybe, one day, see everyone again. How many times had it been ? His memory couldn’t bear so much, what important things could he not recall ? He could start counting, but there was no way to say if entire lifetimes were not thrown into the abyss, and if forgotten crucial knowledge would end up with yet another failure…
This is when, hunched onto himself in this deserted, white horizon, Roy held his head in his hand. He groaned of pain as his mind was strained to its limits, drooling as he agonized, and images faded far, far away as he life flow was being torn apart from him by his own hands. He could hear the screams of his brethren, their legacy being desecrated. Useless. Useless. He didn’t need to remember their names. He didn’t need to remember their faces. Everything deemed useless to the core of his mission was shred out of his very soul, making the pain, the worries fade away, for he only needed to focus on what needed to be done.
Discipline. Commitment. Responsibility. Peace of mind. Realism. For those virtues to lead mankind to a greater part. And maybe, just maybe, recover part of everything he had lost.
For it was the one thing she had not accounted for, for she saw this man as someone so perfect through her affection for him.
That, ultimately, he did all of this so he could see them, see her again if he ever succeeded, and mankind could doom itself if it wasn’t the only way he knew to move onwards. That he did what was needed of him, without taking it so much to heart, that, in the deep of his heart, laid a hidden, selfish reason for all of this. Yet, it may not be this one anymore, he couldn’t tell.
And as Roy literally lost his mind, all by himself, with not a soul around to witness his sorrow, he laid there, vegetable from the trauma, feeling but unable to move, in a haze of horror and pain, before, finally, dehydration took him, and he was back in the cycle again.
Only, this time, there would be no memories. Only physical ones. No loneliness, only fake memories pieced by the world to balance his existence. Only a man, his training, his virtues, and an impossible task that is his only defense against despair and insanity.
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adminjolene · 3 years
Trial Claim Form
I won’t pretend like I haven’t been eagerly awaiting these documents Miss Fabray and Miss Berry. I can’t think of a better way to start off the new term than by approving a trial claim between the two of you. It’s clear that you two have a deep connection and love for one another and I can’t wait to see what the two of you will do together.  The trial claim has been approved, and the papers will be officially turned in on Friday.
Name and Age of Dominant: Jo Fabray,  24
Name and Age of Submissive: Dalia-Joy Angela Berry, 24
Education Completed: Jo has completed one year at another institute, half a semester at Devereux Academy, and has a degree in hospitality management. DJ has completed one year at another institute, half a semester at Devereux Academy, and has a degree in business.
Length of Relationship: A year and a half.
Why would you like to enter into a trial claim?
I would like to enter a trial claim because it’s the natural evolution of our relationship.  From the moment that I met DJ, when she helped me through one of the most awful nights of my life, I’ve known that this is where we were headed.  Maybe not consciously, not at first, but the certainty has always been there deep down.  She is the perfect submissive for me, the perfect girlfriend, and I can’t imagine my life without her.  I have no loftier goal in my life than to see her wear my collar, and the very thought of it fills me with such joy that I can’t adequately describe it.  I would like to enter this trial claim to begin the next phase of our lives together and to provide DJ with the stability and constant attention and care that a claim can bring.  I would like it so that I can make myself a better Dominant by having her as my own, and to be sure that she is always provided with the very utmost of my love and care.
The biggest reason that I want to enter into a trial claim is because one of the things that I have been moving towards and aiming for over the past year and a while is the goal of being Jo’s submissive.  I love her more than I think I could explain and building a life and a family with her is what I want. For us to have a future together, the future that we have discussed and have been looking towards, this is the next logical step; a step that I think makes sense and one that I’m really excited about. I feel as though Miss Jo and I make a really great pair in a romantic sense and in a dominant/submissive partnership. While there are times that I do submit to other people, there is no one other than Jo that I would want to submit to for the rest of my life. We have worked together very hard to become people inside and outside of our D/s relationship that work very well together.
Do you feel you know your partner well enough on a personal level?
I absolutely do feel that I know Dalia on a personal level.  I’ve never at any point in our relationship intended to simply be her Dominant.  I have from the beginning endeavoured to be her friend, her girlfriend, and someday I would like to be her wife.  I can’t be any of those things, particularly the latter, without doing my utmost to learn everything that there is to know about her.  From long conversations over mediocre take out to evenings curled up in bed and talking, or the trip we recently took to New York to see some of the spots that made my girl who she is, I have learned as much as humanly possible about her.  Not everything, because I believe that it’s impossible to know everything about a person, but I firmly believe that I know more about her than most anyone barring her family.  The good, the bad, and the ugly, I believe I have learned as much as I possibly could.
I do believe that I know Miss Jo well enough on a personal level to enter into a trial claim with her. I know her favorite breakfast, her favorite body wash and shampoo, her favorite color. And while those may seem like superficial things, in my opinion, you can never know too much about the person that you love. And those little things that I learned early on paved the way for the deeper and more personal pieces of information. I know things that she’s scared of, I know some of the best memories that she has and I know the very worst. All of the little things and all of the big things that have made her who she is today, I have been honored to learn as she became comfortable and open enough to share them with me. I know what her goals for her career are, I know why they’re her goals. I know that she loves with her whole heart and carries so much on her shoulders and I just want to be there, every day, to help lighten that load.
Do you feel as though you have learned enough about you and your partners limits and expectations of the relationship as a whole?
I do.  One of the biggest failures of my time as DJ’s Domme was in regards to not being clear about our expectations of our relationship.  It caused one of the roughest patches of our time together, and was a stark lesson for me in what it meant to be a good Dominant and what it also meant to be a good girlfriend…and a bad one.  I took that lesson very completely to heart, and it’s informed everything that I do ever since.  In terms of limits we had a similar incident with a punishment in Ohio that hit much, much harder than it was meant to and in the process we discovered one of DJ’s most important limits: isolation.  And since we discovered it, I’ve treated it with the utmost respect, as I do all with all of her limits.  I believe that between all of the scenes we’ve shared and the discussions of limits and expectations that I’m on top of both.  Should her limits change, by addition or subtraction, her new limits will be my first priority to learn and respect.
I do believe that I know enough about Miss Jo’s limits. There are things that are very personal to her that have occurred in her life that have influenced certain areas that she’s uncomfortable. Some of those limits have to do with our relationship like a lack of communication being a limit, bathroom play being a limit, and dishonesty being a limit. But other limits have to do with experiences in her life that we are both working together on. As for her expectations of the relationship, I also feel as though I have learned enough. Not only have I learned about her expectations through scenes, discussions, and experiencing life together; I’ve also learned what she expects through the list of rules that have been created, the rules that have been tested, and also classes that she and I have taken that we have expressed an interest or disinterest in. All of these things together have worked to paint a picture of what she wants our relationship to be and it fits very well with what I want too.
Do you feel you both are well versed in what a claim will be outside of the trial period?
I assumed that this question is asking whether we’re aware of what a real world claim looks like beyond the trial period.  And the answer is a definitive yes.  We both grew up in homes with parents who believed in the system, with claims that stood the test of time, and speaking for myself I left home with a deep understanding both of the system and what it meant to be claimed.  I have seen the worst that a claim can be, the way it can be used against a person, and I’ve seen the best it can be.  I’m very aware of what a claim looks like outside of the trial setting, and I’m confident that not only will our claim be strong, it will thrive beyond the claim period and for the rest of our lives.
I would say yes, I am well versed in what a claim can be outside of the trial period. As Miss Jo mentioned, we were both raised with parents that followed the system, albeit in completely different manners, and I saw the beauty and love that can be shown through a claim that’s based on honesty and respect. Beyond that, Miss Jo and I have had many discussions about what we want our claim to look like and have even tested out rules that would work for the both of us and would help us to grow apart and together. We also understand that a claim outside of the trial period is an extreme commitment and one that we’re willing to make. It is not a choice that we take lightly, resulting in many conversations over the course of the time that we have known one another.
Do you believe you are comfortable enough with each other and the fundamental levels of BDSM as a whole?
I believe so.  I’ve been educated in the fundamentals of BDSM from multiple sources including my own family, my first finishing school, and Devereux.  I believe that between those three I am well versed in the foundations of BDSM and how it applies to a trial claim.  In terms of comfort with each other, there’s no one in the world that I could be more comfortable with.  We eat together, we sleep (when possible) together, we own a cat together.  She is the girl I think about when I lie down, and she’s the first thing that I want to see every morning.  DJ has seen me at my absolute dirt-worst lowest point, and I’m comfortable that should I hit another low I would still want her around.  She’s my person.  And I’m never going to be uncomfortable with her.
I do feel comfortable with Miss Jo as a whole and with the aspects of BDSM as well. Recently, Miss Jo and I decided to touch upon a soft limit of my own and it went extremely well thanks to the communication and trust that we have built with one another. There is no one else that I would feel comfortable enough to touch on something like that with and it is thanks to the relationship that we have created and worked towards throughout our relationship that has made that possible. We have come to really recognize what kinks we both enjoy together, which kinks perhaps we do more to please the other person, and also which kinks we would both prefer to avoid. The understanding of where the kinks fall on the scale have come through conversations and have changed across time and I imagine that will keep happening!
Lastly please provide the list of rules under which your claim will operate, including examples of punishments and rewards that may be used to reinforce them.
1. DJ will be expected to use a title with her Dominant at all times, unless granted permission otherwise.
2. DJ’s collar will be worn at all times unless explicit permission is granted to remove it by Jo or another Dominant.  That permission must be granted in advance.
3. Once a week, DJ will sit down with Jo to discuss her schedule.  Any changes or alterations must be approved in advance, and Jo expects to know where she is at any given time.
4. A schedule of chores and tasks will be agreed upon by both DJ and Jo, and Jo will expect adherence unless permission is granted to alter it.
5. DJ’s health and safety are of paramount importance.  Should she feel overwhelmed or unable to perform her duties at any point, she is expected to raise the issue with Jo at the earliest opportunity.
6. Any issues that may arise within the claim are to be addressed privately and respectfully between DJ and Jo, not with others.
7. At all times, and in all matters, DJ’s honesty with her Dominant is a fundamental rule of the claim.  Dishonesty will not be tolerated.
8. DJ will respect both her fellow students and the school’s faculty and administration.  She will be expected to use titles with Dominants and Switches at all times unless permission is granted otherwise.
1. Any violation of rules that have been made explicitly clear to DJ will result in a commensurate punishment.  These punishments are not open to negotiation but are subject to a safeword as necessary (see below).  Deferral around club or school responsibilities will be permitted as appropriate.
2. Should the Deans find it necessary to punish DJ, that punishment will be reinforced with an additional punishment from Jo.
1. DJ’s safeword is sacrosanct.  Should it not be respected by any Dominant or Switch, Jo included, that fact should be reported immediately to Jo to be dealt with as necessary.  Abuse of the safeword to get out of punishments or duties, however, will not be tolerated.
1. DJ’s orgasms are at Jo’s permission.  Should she be scening with another partner, that permission is temporarily transferred to them unless explicitly stated otherwise before the scene begins.
DJ is responsible for creating grocery lists each week.
DJ will be expected to cook dinner at least three times a week.
DJ is expected to do the laundry weekly.
DJ is responsible for any and all needs of Onyx.
DJ is expected to help maintain the cleanliness of the suite, including a bi weekly deep clean of the suite.
DJ is expected to ensure that dishes are cleaned each night, unless given permission otherwise
-new clothes
-a trip off campus to do something DJ would want to do
-watching her favorite movie together
-orgasm denial
-washing clothes by hand
-sleeping at the foot of the bed
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