onroses · 1 year
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kaisturntoshine · 10 days
Ranking the Milgram characters based on how much I think their T2 verdict will come back to bite us
Disclaimer (1): Spoilers for the first two trials of the Milgram project.
Disclaimer (2): This is not me necessarilly disagreeing with the verdicts; a lot of things still remain unclear, so it is natural we voted a certain way. Still, the writers have made their intention of screwing us over loud and clear, so I am willing to assume the worst.
10. Shidou: Innocent
I am a little worried that by having us affirm his belief that he should be kept alive for the sake of others we are giving him a saviour complex, but honestly it couldn't be helped. Voting him guilty, taking into consideration the prospect of injury amongst the prisoners, would not be the way to go.
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9. Kazui: Innocent
Alright, I am still a bit suspicious of the old man, but similarly to Shidou we need for him not to be constrained... probably. Frankly, I cannot perceive a way in which affirming his beliefs will have a great negative impact on the prison's environment.
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8. Mahiru: Innonent
Though the logistics of her crime have remained unclear, it is heavily implied that she was inadvertedly toxic towards her partner, which lead to his suicide. Whilst I do not think she will act out of malice, since she has shown a tendency to be obsessive in her relationships, I have to account for the possibility that she will form a toxic bond with one of the prisoner of even Es (though considering the fact that something simiar already happened between Haruka and Muu, I am wondering how likely it is).
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7. Yuno: Innocent
This is probably my most "unbased" judgement, since it mainly has to do with the fact that Yuno hasn't been very involved in the plot and the changes happening in the prison's environment. Therefore, the writers are more likely to utilize her in some (most likely destructive) way.
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6. Fuuta: Innocent
The reason I've ranked him relatively low mainly stems from the fact that I don't think his verdict is the main factor contributing to his possible derailment (I am referring to the possibility of him adopting Amane's religious beliefs and practices, supported by the recent timelines). (Perhaps Amane will try to exact her "revenge" on Shidou through Fuuta).
Again, I recognize that I am going with a "worst case scenario". It is possible that this is not the case, since Fuuta has been shown to appreciate Shidou's medical care of him, worry about Mahiru's well-being and, at the end of the day, remains injured.
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5. Mikoto: Innocent
(Halfway, huh?) The fact that MIkoto (Boku) is actually the one being judged by Milgram, as well as the implication of there being a third alter, makes me uneasy... However, I doubt that any of the alters will turn on the participants and us voting him innocent might just be our ticket to the truth.
Also I was really having trouble placing him.
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4. Haruka: Guilty
He is a highly unstable individual and we are only putting oil in the fire (understandably, though). Yet I don't think he'd go after the other participants, seeing as he thinks of them highly (source: second trial interogattion questions) and has been prown to attack only those he deems weaker for empowerment. He appears to be highly self-destructive though, so maybe being monitored will help protect himself from his reaction to:
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3. Muu: Guilty
Soley because of what this might mean for Haruka (disclaimer: I don't think any of the participants will die in the interlude between the two trials, but still) and because she, too, is an unstable individual.
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2. Kotoko: Guilty
Hear me out, okay?! I-I just have a feeling this is what the writers wanted us to do, which is never (?) a good thing! My gut is telling me that be restrained won't stop her...
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1. Amane: Innocent
I was actually really surprised when I saw this result, even though it's what I probably would have picked. It was really a double-edged sword, I feel as though the vote was only a matter of choosing which way we'd be cut. This girl is definitely going to do something and it's not going to be pretty.
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TLDR; We were always doomed.
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makothedorito · 4 days
when bot-hunting in tags
should i report those weird nsfw shit stuff as bot, or as nsfw?
im currently on the prown through the aro and ace tags rn
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blackopals-world · 10 months
Hello there! Uh. First, I wanted to ask if you were okay with named anons? Also cool, if not, but I just wanna make sure. If you are, may I take on the name Puppet Anon, please?
Second, ah, you never said on the post with my other ask, but would you be open to my ideas for possible ‘Yuu’s? What their “!”/trait/defining characteristic is I mean, ah. I also have some rough idea for personality. No matches were in mind when I was thinking of them. It’s also totally fine of course if not-
Third, is that I apologize for my rather, ah, skittish/timid demeanor. Anxiety is just a jerk to me is all :(
That’s all I wanted to say in this one, if both answers are “no” that’s also totally fine! I wish the best for you!
I'm OK with named anons.
0n the part about possible other Yuus. I'm feeling on the fence about it. Each Yuu I make have titles but those titles aren't their personalities. Like if I said "Shy!Yuu" it wouldn't really work because that's just a single trait. Rather having Maid!Yuu who is a character prown to shyness. Most of the time people offer new possible Yuus they are either defined by single traits that don't tell me anything or there is already a character in the roster that fills that role. Have another Yuu that fulfills the same functions or has the same knowledge as another isn't very appealing. Vet!Yuu and Marine Biologist!Yuu have similar jobs in that they care for wildlife but their knowledge of those things differs greatly and so does their behaviors. Therefore they are too different to be the same character.
To accept another Yuu into the (Yuu)niverse I would need something different. Really different from the rest. They arnt the same person in different font to me. I work really hard on them.
I need something that is really thought put and not just thrown out there and that person would need to understand if it gets rejected. That isn't something I say lightly because I understand how disheartening it would be to get rejected on something you care about. So I need you to be really sure if you want to suggest something.
Also one of my rules is that Yuu is never be called reader. I really don't like that because none of the Yuus are readers. (this isn't referring to asker. You're fine.) It's just a pet peeve of mine.
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444names · 11 months
the entire article on the baljuna covenant from wikipedia
Ablat Accenda Aceing Achisted Acted Acurvin Acycludands Aderower Aftai Aftatitent Afted Aftegaink Agent Agents Ainexigns Akiliturvin Akisectit Alsoultury Alzings Ament Amits Amiture Ancisman Ancts Apinai Apity Arevermisto Aringolon Arroda Asafteme Asoughted Assians Asting Atees Atter Aughre Aught Autnueners Avound Avounkhely Bably Bacter Bastou Beacce Beent Beits Betaing Betrik Bitably Bited Bleding Blogh Boderle Borchal Bords Brabadidefe Brable Bumoubut Busse Butnusue Capaus Capha Caphy Cetion Chans Chaternal Chave Chingoloved Chishmers Choninalled Chusans Cidly Cistioner Cistor Clatizentai Closseted Cluengod Clusent Comend Cominged Comity Commew Compans Comparrial Compician Comple Conembet Conempt Conons Conspect Cormary Coutai Crountion Daile Darly Darrourgut Dautuigh Deartillose Defend Dellong Dents Depiceei Derad Dereits Dessix Devedectful Devese Diany Didecongran Diussionly Douslicts Doutual Dratood Dructepin Drumnandely Eateng Eitly Engolortly Eptury Ereep Ersoded Esentum Espuda Ession Esteatery Evaill Eventiour Exchi Feaved Fecia Ficitlet Fiested Finqal Folion Follossiber Fouburu Frobas Froops Froted Froulty Frowikhip Futnuescem Gaimancy Gaining Gards Gentrat Glostiont Gloyall Gried Gropped Haign Haninglig Haniting Hasaftaw Hasiburp Hasongold Hasumna Hatoring Haventic Heity Herstifid Hesely Heted Himath Hinamemüng Hings Hispic Histor Hitly Hittle Holda Hosed Hough Houss Ifere Ificed Ikerly Ilisposting Illited Inecesce Inghterist Inion Ishgantly Jaman Jambleters Jamedid Jamukhign Jects Jejecesse Jejejejecte Jidelly Jingeng Jocaphy Jocidevers Jociver Jocrunk Junis Jurviven Jusly Khards Khasentried Khashied Khimating Khing Khishment Khoictived Khoss Khosted Khowears Kiplarly Kirulters Kuchans Kuition Kuity Lacrapaut Lating Leacru Leashipped Letin Letry Light Limmud Liturving Logiced Lonus Lords Lossed Loweved Loyated Malike Mangenated Mannecen Mards Marrincyclo Ments Mewhieded Mided Midend Mident Mielainghts Mistrund Mitle Moded Monang Monly Motaigh Mound Moventin Muspichants Musumpicem Müjing Müngollown Netené Nexights Nincer Nothans Nowere Oationg Oatteme Offeadece Offined Ogendsm Ognonly Ogreater Onwal Opormal Orial Oriance Orsecom Othdratory Oughts Outured Overetrack Owera Paimenmisky Paiments Paings Panclat Panctiall Parde Parriers Paugh Picirasibet Plackgred Ploclower Porece Posed Posing Posiout Possen Poted Preekin Proda Promied Pronexcharn Propoemn Prossent Proury Prout Prowinciang Prown Pubse Purist Qabance Qalthed Qalty Ranting Readed Reath Recals Recen Recionai Redial Rehed Reher Remen Renuddy Rernided Reted Retiany Retral Rioted Rivinhe Rought Ruchounid Safer Salbuse Santer Sawasce Scaphy Seque Sheatocle Shipped Shiting Shlitted Sireating Sixtum Somen Somente Somity Sonwatene Soost Sough Sounder Soundial Soure Soureit Souted Souterdeld Spinies Staig Stial Stormas Stotemer Strains Stratine Stritivise Suchosse Suctoted Sughrolly Sught Suptifeary Suringummen Swards Sweak Swere Swords Sworisped Swors Sworth Swout Teroady Thdrulakily Thenced Theorthed Therhercep Thers Thishand Thood Thoste Thoutnue Thricting Thromild Thureving Thurpe Thusceeshem Tichistaing Tinaimse Tinothesse Tocrosens Toged Toodurp Toons Trasived Trasured Tratif Tribut Tring Troquese Trout Twoonvishal Ultinflimid Uncep Unied Unknowaljin Untrablacts Ureare Urest Uruld Uslimathei Ustimsents Vellity Waind Warnempt Warribly Warrodaught Wasiblan Wasiners Wayed Werees Wevention Whans Wheme Whold Wholl Whound Whout Winctful Wingumod Witers Withead Worathisted Worchined Woreake Wormal Wormigh Wortly Woughre Woughtent Woughu Wounat Woutee Yearge Yualturchal
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softscummymammon · 11 months
Blood in Flame and Rain
Chapter 1: Awakening
It was snowing. A lot.
Nothing good comes when it snows. People say it's beautiful, but pretty things are almost always the most dangerous. Snow was cold, it covered the ground in an ironic blanket of frozen water, when a blanket was supposed to keep you warm instead. People take for granted how lucky they are; to have warmth, or a blanket. They don't see the wonders right in front of them. The snow covers the ground in a white sheet, and it's nearly impossible to find anything if it falls in the white void. There was a new color now. It was deep, rich crimson, and the faint smell of iron stuck up the sharp cold air. It burned. As it hit the snow the red bled through the white and slowly made it turn pink. It littered the snowy carpeted ground in sections, some darker than others. It was dark, so dark, deep and black. He couldn't see anything besides white, watery red, and black. The falling snow stung his eyes and the freezing air scraped his lungs like daggers. Skin blistered and scarred with freezer burn and open wounds dragged him further down, and there was no light on the other side for him to see. It was only snow.
A soft thump echoed through the vast mountain scape. The howling wind carried the sound and deafened it all the same. A body laid prown in the snow, the snow becoming a watery grave. Ragged breathing came from the shallow grave. White snow slowly turned red and pink as its pristine white color became tarnished with coppery red blood. One hand stuck through the fallen snow that was as pale as the ground around it. Fingertips changing a bloodless white, pearls of blood slid down nailless fingers and into the pink snow. A slight twitch from the thumb was the only indication of life still beating in the body of the prown figure. But the life flowing through the living corpse was slowing down and coating the ground in red.
A wordless whimper floated up from the crater. The hand numbly moved from its place buried in the snow to press flatly against the ground, leaving an imprint underneath a bloody palm. Heaving itself up from the ground, clumps of snow slid off a blood and torn haori and stuck to frozen hair. Onyx black hair sprawled around the snow, blood red tips blended in with the corrupted pristine snow while the black showed starkly.
The tarnished material of the haori grew dark and damp from the snow melting into the fabric. It no longer provided any sense of warmth to the figure wearing it, but it was a layer keeping in what little body heat remained nonetheless. Shivers wracking the being belonging to the haori grew harsh. Its body tried valiantly to warm itself up, but it was all useless in the end, as its core temperature slowly cooled due to the loss of blood and harsh weather. Getting to their shaky knees, the figure pushes itself up only to buckle and collapse face first into the snow. Coughing weakly, blood sprayed and spattered the snow. Clenched fists shook weakly as they once again pressed into the snow. Blood traveled down beaten biceps with thick gashes and covered the fisted hands. Slipping, the body fell with another thud and a second round of wet coughing followed soon after.
Once the coughing stopped and the figure's breathing became too weak, the determination that once fueled the being to keep fighting slowly slipped away along with its precious blood into the snow. The rise and fall of the figure's chest became shallow and slow, strained. Waves of black hair fanned around the body's head and covered the neck and shoulders. The pain once felt by the being slowly eased away to numbness. The wounds made up of gashes, scrapes, punctures, and burns were now irrelevant to them. Frayed and cut nerve endings no longer sent signals to the brain, warning about wounds and the concerning loss of blood. Nausea ate at the figure's stomach, but there was nothing to bring up except the blood pooling in the back of their mouth. Losing themselves to the cold numbness, the limp body grew ever colder.
A slight crunch caught the attention of the living corpse. The sound is so similar to snow pressed under the weight of a snowshoe. Shakingly, the being that lay in the snow looked up, and hazy ombré eyes met the gaze of six unrelenting blood red and hamlin eyes. The blood loss must have made their vision fuzzy, the dying figure guessed. Yet the weighing pressure from the aura surrounding the figure standing above them was none that of a human's. A crispy, deep voice was growled out of the person above the prown body, " How pitiful, " the voice was definitely that of a man's, "had I not smelled your blood from a mile's distance, I would not have seen you here. Left alone to die a bloody and dishonorable death in the cold. "
The man knelt down, closer to the body's level. The oppressing aura grew closer, and the figure in the snow heaved at the weight pressing down on them at all sides. Not a single breath could escape or be pulled into the figure's lungs, for they had shriveled in the wake of man towering above. Reaching out, a cold hand grasped the bruised throat of the vulnerable body and lifted them from the snow with ease.
Blood choked the lifted body, and trails of the coppery red liquid slithered onto the hand of the person who held them from the mouth and lips. Choking, a stuttered cough was attempted, only to stain the arm attached to the hand that ceased the figure's air supply. Clumps of suggy red snow fell from the body as they were lifted from the ground, feet airborne and not touching the snow below foot. The voice spoke up once more, "Even though you lasted this long within these harsh conditions of the mountains in your state, you must be strong in your own regard. "
Upon closer inspection, the man could tell multiple things about the corpse he found while wandering in the mountainous terrain. They had onyx black hair, almost as dark as the clouded over sky above them that ended in red tips the same color as the blood coating their pale skin. Defiant dark amber eyes stared back at him through the haziness that their blood loss brought upon them. He was thoroughly intrigued.
The figure choked on blood in response. Huffing in contempt, the man dropped the corpse and watched as they hit the ground with a muffled thud. Kneeling once more to their level, the tall male watched them for a moment before reaching out. Fingertips amidst talons stroked the pale skin of the breathing corpse's cheek. The touch of the man's thumb stroked pleasantly over the freezing cold skin, mapping out shapes that were not there.
Humming to himself in a clear indication of agreement to the unvoiced thoughts of his own, the hand halted any further stroking. Instead, six eyes of blood and gold found a peculiar gash along the side of the dying human's arm. Reaching for it, without a moment's hesitation, dug his thumb into the shredded open wound.
A piercing scream flooded the mountain tops. One that came from an animal in agony begging for death or release. It shattered any peace the mountain had known only moments before. It broke into sobs and hiccups before reaching new levels an octave higher. The limp body now knew levels of strength it did not know before, like it had been unlocked in its time of great pain. Writhing and shaking with ragged gasps for air, shaky yet desperate hands grabbed and clawed at the wrist belonging to the man currently creating the person's pain.
Yet the perpetrator inflicting the pain paid no mind to the futile attempts at dislodging his hand. Instead, he drew the shapes he had created earlier upon the body's skin in their own blood. Tears fell down the body's cheeks, yet they did not reach the new markings as the monster above him refused to let the salty liquid disturb the new shapes.
Once done, the figure reached up to their palm and cut a slice through their own skin, watching as their blood beaded through the cut. With their mouth open to increase the amount of air taken in in the wake of the sudden onslaught of pain, the being pressed their bleeding palm to the dried tongue of the human below him. Choked off cries of protest followed, but the dark creeping edges of black in their vision and the sudden wave of exhaustion halted their desperate escape attempts.
"You will thank me when you are reborn. You will be stronger, faster, and under the tutelage of my Master, you will become unstoppable, " The figure above the human proclaimed.
Just as they were about to succumb to the black edges of unconsciousness, the human's vision cleared and their roasted honey eyes met those of blood and gold. The everclear kanji for One stared back at them.
"Your name is no longer relevant, as you will never be what it represents again. Instead, you will become something better. Your name must be better, for that name will be cried out in tears and blood.
" You will now be known as Yasha Akuma. Demon of the third moon, and painter of roads in red. "
With one final breath, the figure closed their eyes and black welcomed them with open arms. This was warmth, and he will forever bask in the heat of his shadowy blanket.
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sonicnerd · 1 year
I started getting back into Miles from Tomorrowland/Mission Forces One and now I need ideas for some videos for one of my TikTok accounts.
**✿❀ character(s) ❀✿**
Mirandos (don't know if I spelt that right-)
Huruna (don't know if I spelt that right-)
(And more characters too, just put the names in the comments)
☆彡彡 ship(s)ミミ☆
Loretta x Silas
༓☾ Ages (not cannon only for my au) ☽༓
- Miles (14)
- Loretta (16)
- Mirandos (16 and a half)
- Huruna (17)
- Pipp (15 and a half)
- Blogger (15)
- Silas (18)
- Miles (gay he/they)
- Loretta (bi she/her)
- Mirandos (pan she/they/it)
- Huruna (queer he/him)
- Pipp (gay he/she/they/it)
- Blogger (straight he/him)
- Silas (bi he/him)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ some info ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
- Miles is prown (most likely didn't spell that right) to panic/anxiety attacks so he has stuffed animals to hug
- if anyone touches or hurts Loretta, Miles will fully kill them if he wanted to (aka beat them up badly)
- Pipp is trans (FTM) and told Miles about it since he's more comfortable sharing stuff like that with Miles
- Silas had changed over time and is now good, but almost no one trust him, Miles and Pipp are part of a few that seen how much Silas had changed
- if you give Huruna a pair of roller skates he will fall in point two seconds
- Miles can speak a lot of Mandarin but doesn't, and his family only thinks he knows a little bit, but Miles also secretly learned other languages too
- Merandos has an older brother and his name is Shatter
- on a solo mission to explore a planet, Silas found one of his own kind but it was a baby, he was about to just leave the baby there but when he found the ship with the dead parents, he took the baby to his home planet and raised it
- Silas is the only one with really bad insomnia
- Pipp can control water
- after Miles said they should all go to Silas home plant, they were all about to attack Silas until Miles and Pipp explained everything, everyone didn't hate him as much but Loretta still did so just to make Loretta happy, he avoided her
- Silas convinced himself that Loretta will forever hate him but Loretta had to develop feelings for Silas again
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ rules ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
- no incest ship
- no smut/lemons
- no ageing up characters for things
- yes to fluff stuff (platonic)
- yes to backstory stuff
- yes to friendship development
- yes to character(s) development
- yes to random skit ideas
So yeah, that's basically it, so drop some ideas for me to do.
Edit : March 4/2023
Edit: March 25/2023
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jonvandernoorde · 1 year
A Note About Smut
Just a few things:
NO, you do not need to write smut to write with me. I love all kinds of RP.
NO, I will not try to force you to write smut if you don't want to. Your choice is yours.
YES, all smut and prown is tagged nsfw. If I miss anything, feel free to IM me and let me know.
If there are any other concerns, just message me. My IM's are open to everyone and I want to make the experience as positive as I can.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
VA - ZZAJ - Jazz From The 23rd Century - 34 tracks in response to “What is Jazz and where is it going?” (Discus Music)
Announcing ZZAJ: Jazz from the 23rd Century, a Collection of New Jazz, Fusion, Rock, Pop, and Experimental Music that Explores the Questions: What is Jazz and where is it going? ZZAJ: Jazz from the 23rd Century, is a thrilling new collection of music featuring 34 new songs – all previously unreleased – from artists from all over the world. The brainchild of producers/multi-instrumentalists Jerry King (Cloud Over Jupiter, Moon X, John Shirley & Jerry King) and Dave Newhouse (The Muffins, Manna Mirage, Moon X), ZZAJ asked musicians to interpret jazz from various conceptual viewpoints, particularly avoiding traditional jazz sounds. Says King, “It’s more about where jazz is going, rather than where it’s been. It’s a style of music that’s meant to keep evolving, so that was the goal we set forth for the artists. Not only are all the tracks very different, stylistically and genre-wise, but the various productions are very different as well; from slick to raw. And it’s that variety, I think, that’s really going to make this album stand out. It’s like reading a novel, with surprising twists and turns in it.” ZZAJ includes new music from global artists like Geoff Leigh, Henry Kaiser, Elliott Sharp, Amy Denio, Haco, Alfred Harth, Anthony Coleman and more, and comes in a 2-CD set with a wallet of artist biographies, in their own words. There’s also visual artwork by musicians Dave Newhouse, Pete Prown and the graphics artist Dan Sauer from Jackanapes Press. With a December, 2022 release date, producer King reflects on the massive project: “ZZAJ: Jazz From the 23rd Century presents 34 personal views of what’s coming in the future of jazz. Some of the songs are launch-pads that prepare the listener for the journey, while others have already left the past many years behind in the rear view mirror. Ultimately, it’s an album about exploration.”
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2percentsugar · 2 years
i love you soopy i love you cardstock i love you charleton prown i love you lucille ball i love you linus
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onroses · 1 year
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undertale-museum · 1 month
The Candy Chronicles
By enderparty101
Topic: Blue’s inner conflict
Characters: Blue (Yanbunny), Crooks (Horrortale Papyrus)…
_No Ships_
_No CWs_
Length: 18 parts
Additional Notes: Enderparty101 knocked the expressions on Yanbunny out of the park. Stretch adds cool insights. Though by far, coolest Horrortale Papyrus I have ever seen. Loving, strict and prown to tangents, combined with Enderparty101’s style, it’s a very striking image. Also, the fight scenes are gorgeous.
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f0xd13-blog · 2 months
"Non agressive comunication " then a comment saying "keep reading" then they call me racista. For 2 years I know more bout my own culture enough to know that wrestling existed TO DO AN AGRESSIVE PLAY they clame to have my culture but don know this while people become more prown to war because words exist to be used and resolve NON PHYSICAL AGRESSIVENESS THAT IS WAYYYYYY WORST. When I go to court they can pull out the twitter where I was just saying that she had greasy hair from that to being a bombist goes a big fucking step plus after the 70000 accounts telling me to die and that it is normal.to kill me? FOR 2 years explaining this on a loop instead of just admiting it was racismtime! Don forget
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444namesplus · 4 months
Ablore Adraryon Afres Agely Agins Ailef Aineturia Andmally Andmants Anknoldvin Antly Apeormit Apormlar Appaticite Appents Araters Armeadded Armlannight Aryink Asing Asses Astal Asteduales Ausental Auths Authwal Awarawn Bables Bastry Bearigater Beatel Bentern Bestrency Betchif Bookin Brims Brine Bringlie Broodievely Bropubsen Brourvins Buiscrount Cafficarn Cancene Caped Cearite Ceastorica Cellavid Ceriturn Cerity Cithed Civight Clern Clese Clestakan Clesuily Cletualy Clianific Clienceat Cliesed Cloregions Clort Clunlypte Coldide Colds Comed Comen Comenst Comides Commeds Conated Conded Conendefie Councesims Coven Covereges Crels Crion Culed Cummoks Curver Danish Dearts Derfames Destal Dican Dicheptual Diddifer Dislamence Ditinect Dointuall Domed Doted Dowders Dowle Drationt Drearly Dryingents Duals Ealeoral Easted Eigivents Elypic Emane Entiou Entitance Equels Eques Equese Equespican Esciena Eximplance Expecant Expect Expentimans Expera Explacts Expled Extely Fably Facharic Faile Faisses Faltheriale Famphassing Faraters Favothence Favotions Fearkooks Fical Ficurgulf Fight Folds Folized Follontic Fording Fordisted Foribarly Forimples Forld Forry Fourre Frassfulan Freenits Freer Fules Fulturts Furall Futruch Gerate Gethems Gotic Graing Grall Granal Gratenstra Gredirado Greftered Grent Grettern Grond Gulane Hable Halle Haphes Happernet Hastre Hated Headepte Heasses Heptury Higit Himpert Hinstered Hinueng Hipplat Histainged Holdry Hosited Houss Houtional Humountly Hundege Hyrke Ibbeyeally Imaes Imashmague Imerepes Imsely Inaves Incecting Indantaing Inervaral Ingdo Ingle Ingth Ining Inovence Invere Isidety Isimed Itemer Joragours Kintaingle Knavidecand Knong Knorts Laged Lastal Laturefery Laturver Leorked Licanthical Lichigaide Lislorants Liven Lorre Mades Magend Manno Masilimpate Masse Matchiners Mated Matimateak Measouttly Merne Monfolly Moreal Morthepoing Mourne Movermal Mught Myrianants Myrook Nacte Nally Nameties Narmict Natectional Naves Navief Nexplically Nignisought Nined Noldveres Nolorded Noments Nonts Norkook Nortart Noveate Nustace Oasil Obers Ocals Ocancer Ocency Ocire Offer Oment Ontioning Opern Oping Orents Ortards Ortastraces Othes Ourinincely Ourions Ourral Overaq Permantely Picall Piresses Placts Plang Plationt Plealm Pledual Pleve Plike Poing Pollobses Polly Polor Ponatelth Powes Powineton Prain Prels Prelted Prems Prentaing Preses Preyed Prianteer Pring Print Priptern Probech Prown Pultion Qariturryn Raced Raindifient Rated Raten Ratiming Rating Readeve Rearine Rearts Reastarted Reater Rebook Reded Refearged Reges Ressons Reten Rever Revess Rited Roded Roust Rowing Royes Ruturn Sably Sageo Sanamande Sandisserst Sartater Sciespinger Scolavold Secomsethed Seled Selly Sepanday Sequills Seselarya Setch Shader Shametwes Shave Sholong Shost Shougge Shouserners Siand Signien Sionspire Situranthe Sityle Slaragot Sleatisted Smord Smuselaven Sology Soses Sougglem Souppecou Sourels Sours Souturn Spara Sping Staitarion Stares Stedin Sterlds Stoonget Storacts Strial Stropy Stryn Stureput Succationif Suinly Sully Sumousime Sworappen Taind Tarly Telyrevers Tence Teriefing Ternmans Thend Thents Theort Theown Thert Thitan Tholized Thounts Thregititly Thresigh Thromly Tortunpron Trafrear Tragen Trandanalf Tredges Trobjectly Truely Turecidges Ulden Undiall Unkings Unnient Unnorday Unoral Unoths Unuing Urgatic Usibbelds Vallons Varly Vathes Venteardent Videssands Viency Voldrewed Vollogrove Warbitals Wargence Wartan Warthes Warts Watheanna Watingial Whararrons Whica Whineitaing Whinglossed Whiving Widenciths Wilting Wored Woulaclusum Wount Yentin
Becone Beepteryin Befict Beforiders Befted Beges Begessimic Beiguend Beith Bentions Beorts Bessepts Bestros Bition Bityri Blent Boldn Borievoryed Borthersim Boughipenes Breformice Brion Brisous Brition Brits Brommoupons Brouthromse Buile Buined Cente Chern Ching Chins Ciffishoss Clindive Cludentem Clurned Clusess Collens Colloce Colord Comends Comer Cometchn Cones Congs Construcce Conting Contosed Copes Copesterts Correque Courne Coution Coverfulf Coveriese Crect Crele Crepic Cronent Crongerion Culte Cummes Cumplown Cured Curends Cureyouned Curvivegre Curyle Deffele Dence Depic Destrion Deten Detert Detterstons Dictly Difut Disims Dissely Dister Divistens Domborly Domet Dotly Dowing Drepree Dryontinly Dryth Drythester Durint Edger Ehoryth Elvent Emeseverist Emeturvight Emply Equen Events Evesten Expeciest Expel Expencomed Expent Exple Exply Exted Exter Extrens Extroxis Feres Fineveled Fixters Folds Folized Folkloced Folloth Foose Foreell Foured Fouseng Fouslific Fouthres Frediew Frette Friong Fulds Fulls Gency Gents Genty Geter Goind Gonstre Gontendive Goses Gough Gouter Grels Grent Gress Gring Gropleve Hboducceity Hborelys Hbourryed Heriniscons Hific Hifict Hined Hinexple Hinoter Holly Holowers Hords Houde Houghly Houlthored Houns Hubsese Hunit Hurned Hurnenevers Hurvirempic Hyriefes Hyroffell Ibber Ibled Icerthoste Ictivil Identing Ifictisight Imigh Imple Incendomed Ingle Inglestord Inkin Inling Inowing Inustose Iscolook Isheen Isteen Itted Ityring Johnown Junist Kepos Kinces Kinges Knored Knorting Lende Lenuourge Leorme Leres Licur Lieflized Light Likently Likepired Liltillso Lized Loned Losence Lositted Lowine Ludenghly Lused Mcced Medwynesn Mence Ments Meturic Mighly Moncels Mooking Mored Morerel Mosed Mouded Mought Mousuinge Mouten Mouthroker Mouths Mytherm Neity Ninces Nommos Nonkiete Nonton Norelf Normettion Nornetchn Nothre Nothron Notire Notly Noulty Nowlem Obege Obegicurt Objecif Occurcle Occuric Ocieves Offiggerme Offilisim Ofted Ontioner Oplowdep Oppoll Ortent Ouggetely Ought Ouncy Ousem Oventing Ovently Oweles Owence Owultione Pecome Pentim Peopestort Perepuble Piting Pitiouses Pliefely Plive Poiddiff Porromes Poweve Prectes Preenetwor Prefety Prely Prents Preses Press Pried Prove Provere Prowing Puble Pyked Pykes Quile Quilly Recinho Rectow Regicts Remers Remily Renecho Renes Renori Rents Reping Repoomet Repowuld Rescon Restemse Rettems Rettions Rewhy Reyentioned Ribbellies Riden Riendites Ringe Romes Rought Roupown Rouster Scomper Scomple Scren Selvelorit Septed Seque Sernmoned Shert Shilencep Shing Sholder Shors Shory Shoselesses Shough Shown Shrone Sicurity Siders Sidestely Siggled Sight Signinne Singent Sions Sisturre Sited Sitinetted Slowlent Sming Smugge Smugged Soccumer Sommonquis Soned Sonetterme Sonsing Soure Souten Spents Spredge Stects Stent Steriont Sters Stion Stions Storing Stormeres String Suble Suists Sultorion Sured Suriventive Swoughtly Tectings Thely Themingents Thems Thencess Thered Therse Thincroduer Thindoide Thinks Thosel Thoundfuld Threves Throlus Tictions Toons Torlys Trects Trigh Tront Trourould Tures Turice Turrefert Ulterspe Uncers Undiend Uneted Unnown Unpred Untly Untorion Unusest Usepstude Usterst Viler Volity Voring Webuthen Wedick Werion Wervill Weseyed Whessommen Whience Whigh Whins Whintudind Whistents Whought Whousugh Whyries Windert Wines Winght Winomp Winusends Witer Womet Worge Woriew Worme Worthinglyr Worty Wougge Woules Wouths Wridge Wrings Yoses Youturvilly
Abitinally Adving Afraving Againg Agoll Agong Agost Agulty Allow Andanniand Annind Antic Anwhorys Apicar Apporn Apposs Aratical Arcts Arking Arlds Arobally Asity Asorts Assiorks Astan Ating Atiturs Ausund Authoks Autionalloo Autrulf Auttifing Auttion Bablighily Baducing Bight Bigni Biting Bityrioning Blotarks Blypick Bolly Boodly Borainclow Borly Brial Brigh Brimay Briong Brior Bromago Brons Buiation Buityrk Callorn Cally Cappon Cason Ching Chistaincy Cially Cialorts Cians Citarly Citin Clorly Clown Clusagoo Coass Colans Colloon Cology Comly Comnar Compir Conly Conoth Conspins Conts Convago Copuld Coriands Coughtly Cralt Cravivits Crods Crown Culds Curniscon Dabod Dartal Dayants Dican Dings Dishisingth Dision Disisin Distorm Donwarinval Draist Drawly Drylitilk Duablint Faccal Faing Fards Farignitly Farroo Farting Ficald Figings Filly Finatting Fings Finting Firctimans Fivid Folar Foldn Folds Folly Folon Fooks Foomly Forly Forryan Foull Frain Frompor Fultionsix Fultitiving Fumnal Fumnifing Fumood Gaityrting Ganat Garally Gattictic Ginvall Gonsion Govit Gracly Gractal Grass Hainal Haing Hastar Hifing Himillors Himpts Hinds Hinlang Hipbric Hiscons Hisnonting Historna Histron Hivitick Hommons Horman Hount Housion Hunda Hunifict Hunow Hunting Icall Icknot Iffinar Ifforthing Ilantablown Ilards Impland Inforly Inghly Inglorts Inlast Inors Islown Ispick Istor Itumn Jacts Jonothraind Kints Knamp Knoft Knors Laddific Ladisconts Lanclus Larks Larvid Lassoly Latorth Lavists Lavorming Liall Liffin Linothan Lisiall Listals Litar Loging Logouding Loringoss Lostral Lowin Lowing Lystoricura Madawal Madows Maind Maing Manart Manaving Marains Masizincy Mating Mattic Milly Mings Mistact Monigh Monsionow Moodistaly Moons Mooss Mormang Mosty Mousibarval Moustral Mouthooks Myrium Nality Nally Namisiatud Nolows Noltiod Nombits Nommon Notandin Noticards Notinly Nounk Nowing Obaratic Obloran Ocandist Ocaturn Occon Occury Offic Ombid Onding Onval Opiraitalow Oppor Orlyring Ortholorks Orthwaiging Oughip Ought Ountords Pacturry Parly Paryn Plang Ploshantly Pocal Poinglorks Poloquild Porally Poring Possizin Powuld Prago Pringlown Privil Prolan Proll Promastrall Prong Prooks Prorials Prortions Prown Publars Publyint Qardly Rablar Ractill Ractly Radforlin Raing Rally Ralons Ratchnolly Rattlys Ravar Rossfurn Roustar Ruccals Rulty Sabittly Sably Saboldn Sagoo Saira Sanning Santly Sayaking Sconoughly Shaing Shally Sharly Shart Shilia Shinal Shinvall Shisciall Shmand Shmang Shoks Shown Shrow Sidayastook Sidual Sighly Simak Simic Sings Sinly Sionts Skagial Skandful Skinhards Slagon Sland Slitly Slown Smating Smill Smist Smucally Soult Sounds Sount Sourawar Southilds Soutions Spichan Spity Spoldn Sprins Stancy Staning Starch Starts Stion Stons Stonsing Storby Stork Stormic Storn Strards Stross Strow Strulturons Suall Sually Suals Suathough Sublings Subly Subst Sucally Sucast Sucautrult Sullorth Sundin Survis Tarry Thanalty Thifing Thing Thinly Thipstlan Thoriont Throught Throust Tonfly Tonowulty Tords Torly Tragooks Traing Trating Trattly Tritlar Trogual Trouly Trous Tualloring Turving Uncluni Unnat Updans Updat Usial Vagal Varkook Vidinachy Villy Vinvady Voind Voing Voinly Waithors Walow Wanal Warchigh Warks Warts Wations Whang Wharching Whoud Whows Widdly Wikints Willy Winhan Winor Winsization Winuou Witaitany Worby Worly Worticknong Wought Wriminall Yostain
Acknorm Acret Actan Actarths Actely Actlealy Adeal Afrate Afrounge Ageown Agonts Alkloos Alles Alown Altures Andark Antors Anyth Apely Appert Appery Aragon Aratens Arend Arepar Arorage Aseals Asterat Auselar Aushous Awary Bancateng Barce Bastwes Bayencent Beand Begathern Begue Bespe Betablon Bolle Bolly Botheart Brely Bromerfards Broutter Brovempen Cally Candarear Canned Cantles Cappely Castak Clerne Clonly Clords Coasers Coastredge Colant Colds Colooks Comadaryona Comang Comed Comew Comparrover Compers Comple Conly Conquelesum Copectably Copeo Copered Copuld Corge Corme Cother Cought Counly Crarya Crels Crommook Cronals Crost Crousured Culty Damets Danks Dappence Dappers Darences Dateopy Datered Detery Dorts Doterout Dotharly Dowatterth Drable Drack Drager Drally Drested Dummon Eacrown Eaders Eadven Earappermed Earrow Eashadue Equall Equated Equatents Equentaders Erantle Esteeng Eveldn Evend Exame Expeable Expely Expen Experly Explathror Exted Extes Extraded Extrou Eyescoupple Fachel Falle Falowally Fampormed Fanaatern Fants Farablent Farem Fares Farly Farthow Farthracts Farths Favar Fecaus Fewends Foland Folecon Folklos Foloo Fords Forman Formon Forne Forry Foughtle Founores Founser Fulatenetas Gatents Gelvence Genech Gently Gentossed Gerre Greal Grelable Grester Grevess Grofferfer Grols Groperly Gundmall Gunth Gurentarve Haned Hanknoup Hapelly Harcle Hards Hargely Hashamplaya Haterem Heathear Heaut Hoked Homed Horeper Hosted Hought Hourvade Humannale Hummorbast Hunprebst Jaccely Jored Jours Kayanamen Knoll Knompers Knotes Knowee Knowely Lacteek Lamen Landerawn Larder Larly Larsely Lastords Latected Lates Latoney Lavel Logregue Lonnal Loodue Lorate Lorated Lordly Lowestra Lowly Maded Majons Majory Malle Mandand Manexacte Mated Mater Maturned Merfern Modly Mondes Monnates Montle Moulate Mounow Moused Mover Mucebsed Mythes Mythres Namene Naturs Natury Neastal Nects Neencebonge Nerly Nesever Nomets Nores Normarged Nought Nousunpre Nover Novera Nowdefe Obasn Occan Occaps Offer Opearens Opped Oppooked Oppre Oragon Ormed Orneng Ouggly Ovely Owarth Oweek Pards Pareemme Parge Pastra Peard Pedwyn Perter Pesevers Phanted Phers Plant Pocadrawle Ponal Poplet Porly Pormly Porre Prater Prelds Prementerly Presunueste Preted Prope Prostarepst Prouravold Pycestor Qarratelf Quented Rable Rantuments Rards Ravaeste Ravely Reateral Recon Recoverey Reems Reeng Reently Reflanner Remap Remet Rempary Rempeatord Rendesters Revemplegen Roryle Rosentred Roult Ruchap Rumell Rutelarct Ruther Sagons Samen Sayante Seates Seaturee Seatury Seeholkers Selly Shade Shanally Shant Sharn Sharrat Shmast Shoune Shourn Shrat Slants Slorm Smate Smught Solocappen Somet Sourn Souseque Soust Souter Speraffelly Sphes Stant Stares Stessub Stords Storeely Stren Sually Suals Sught Sulawn Survasnor Sweards Sworthal Teempeconts Teendarce Tersel Tertharct Thass Theparen Theper Therracy Thers Thertan Tholle Thore Thoss Thres Throperecon Thubly Thwasocal Tonned Torgers Trable Trally Trater Trattly Treeks Tremater Troult Trouse Troust Truented Tryle Tuallowded Turattent Uleth Ultumoused Unarne Uncle Undea Underther Unknal Unory Unser Untable Untly Untratert Updappeate Updary Urgeragavas Usuperth Vagamely Vagamend Vagolopes Valtual Vastake Vasted Volown Vorses Waldreset Wally Waraccearld Wartable Wesse Whable Whadefeal Whandaentor Wherages Whorthron Whown Womadeste Wommooment Worly Wrogonor Yedge Yonsters Yoreme Yosed Yoster
Ablyi Acrawn Addlysming Adectass Aders Afters Agend Alinew Alized Alleventy Ametat Analies Andit Angher Annia Apeat Apict Appeasseque Apperetice Arbally Ariana Arradef Asimideally Asinings Astrianed Audens Ausahand Aussequidge Aussing Autes Authesper Autifical Auturytheat Baclically Bashan Baynedien Beech Beeks Beente Beiggeses Beirated Beitackwars Belly Beltyr Bigurty Bling Breared Breemaind Brene Brepts Bretyptaing Bries Brignis Brine Britting Builen Builes Buing Capperying Carcumn Castereas Cautheseses Cherey Chirepts Ciallat Cialred Ciendantar Cifictivily Cinacts Cithil Cless Cliventedge Cludern Clustablen Crelsently Crend Crerind Curch Cureek Cursert Darples Darretals Daynes Defery Deging Dentining Desese Dests Detchas Diallen Dices Dicura Difingh Distrarly Diven Drainget Ducidumnink Eader Eaked Ealludin Eaters Eatic Einist Einteria Empinters Enays Enderall Endmated Entime Enting Equider Equile Equiles Eural Exacting Exactlers Eximew Eximpit Existables Exped Expest Exple Expled Explers Exples Exted Exterrimer Extral Extravighly Faces Fance Faria Farly Farres Farsparculy Favighly Feadve Feantands Ferelter Ferients Fical Ficasigned Ficeire Ficien Ficts Finge Firally Firew Freptes Furclus Gaitted Gally Gards Garks Gateer Gatherien Gentads Geted Giving Graffing Grecal Grepices Guely Hable Hadawarguld Hallated Handicied Hapear Happle Harthen Harther Hasemarve Hastand Heatual Heent Hinal Hinceandet Humence Humnient Hunce Hunitudir Hunized Ibbegic Icass Ictaing Icuraclat Iders Imical Imple Inate Ineirally Ingly Inlicauted Invar Isime Isteme Isterly Iterent Ithret Itiche Jadvideds Kandmated Kaysitudive Lactarrin Laname Landmate Lanne Lanst Lantind Lards Largetaille Laricang Larter Latiall Learbit Leding Legial Lemern Lemply Levernes Licades Lican Liced Lictuale Limate Lishing Luder Mades Mailege Maing Manamed Mance Mandical Marry Maseatted Masechear Masicate Mater Maters Matest Matim Melly Mendman Menetent Meted Metently Metrers Mette Micatine Milincy Milivery Mingern Miniving Mitentan Miters Mugge Mythels Nalleasy Namers Navage Naverrian Navig Nexpent Pacinte Pactimarm Pactudent Parctimed Parly Parres Parthweem Parvief Paryn Pasint Pastains Patical Pectiffis Perepicat Perseterldn Phert Pirear Plande Plasernal Playake Praft Praing Prear Preaus Preepts Prely Prencires Press Pried Prineene Priste Pykerink Qarassial Quentiales Rablinteren Radvege Raftemple Ragents Raile Raing Rated Raver Reada Rearyn Reaturese Redis Regrepicals Reles Requale Reque Ressig Reteraile Retered Riespars Riumnarby Rulandfave Rulte Rulters Rumnamely Rundials Saing Sains Saint Saitable Sarry Sarth Savill Scides Selizing Selver Sends Sequens Sessig Sever Severakes Shads Shaing Shand Shange Shasame Shaters Shern Sherraga Shicharm Shimenter Shinest Shinvared Shislards Shisn Simays Simical Sists Sitatentang Sitter Siturna Skany Slanartak Slarer Slary Smanded Spacres Speasted Spern Spiters Stabit Staddidges Stader Stech Stely Steng Sters Stiverm Stwerened Sublaging Subses Substed Sulay Suplat Suple Surawle Swelly Swess Tairs Tancirch Temines Temistenced Temparthern Tesperving Thelf Themed Therval Thipers Thralenth Thwards Thwed Trablessuld Trate Trelile Trief Truens Twinked Unards Unistaire Uryled Usech Usend Uslan Uslanest Usses Usubsenses Vadericalm Vally Varred Vatepaly Vemed Videpub Vierysmaked Walwan Wardlegully Warlies Warly Waryed Wasib Wassed Wated Waturente Weeparrat Wenter Wever Whamen Wharepely Whinue Widelable Wiked Wingially Winle Wittessend Wrides Yeark Yease Yented
Abhably Acesed Acters Actialtion Adelaire Aindif Alicas Amens Amparre Anater Andesers Angly Apherthred Apiribates Appar Apponall Araftered Aride Arting Asolannolow Asorestred Asterys Astrated Bablis Baced Barthes Basteens Bastolklows Batch Bayes Beortics Bithowended Bitinorece Boods Boommon Borinkne Borist Brible Bringhos Brintaill Brionater Brobece Broriong Cader Cafter Caledgent Candiscred Cappariert Capts Carks Casithipeo Casivadern Caspes Catior Ceakedge Cerchy Chably Chara Chasize Chealies Chered Cherfored Cirly Clonstright Coasno Colle Coments Cometive Comnal Coname Conee Coneses Conetivers Conew Conge Const Conts Convar Copely Corear Covelar Covently Covidelesel Crent Crerly Creven Crine Crodistor Dartiver Deationarts Dencaning Denst Derallogy Deths Diall Dianding Dictice Didis Difeates Difter Dintiont Direarthwer Directions Dissandel Dissial Distemater Districal Doestes Doince Doinvadoth Donwaste Doostand Dorthayn Dotifealil Dowests Dowiki Draing Drandern Drapper Dress Drevese Drions Dryth Eaded Eaked Earionaress Eated Eaths Edwyner Eired Elventer Eminamen Enect Ental Entraides Eriefele Escondian Evern Exach Exame Examed Exishation Exped Expentiong Experawn Explan Explern Explook Exply Exted Exter Facebsest Faing Fally Faraffeat Farge Faries Filonsto Finfor Folkepalian Folly Foorin Fords Forew Foring Forlialls Forly Frely Frients Gateled Gicappos Gional Graftine Grigh Groome Habeormse Haing Hanarbayner Hatinleges Hbooki Heastabled Heregion Herrast Hipbrove Hirthiscre Holies Holoss Hossionce Howined Ibays Idaperrat Ilishit Imally Imarth Imetheran Inceated Incia Ineps Ingive Ingtheitan Innowever Isagoveres Ishametile Ishosshing Ision Islown Itimetwing Itistally Jadepirly Jontions Kagents Knorial Lablical Lagicalm Laginolklow Lances Lasesciver Lated Latent Laterred Leowly Lesenth Licasside Liffing Lishos Lisic Lislogy Lontern Loont Loplens Lortionwar Lowing Lowinge Lowlear Maing Maingette Makinale Mapport Mated Materate Mayes Mentiver Mility Monnearn Moripbre Mortantack Myridels Myrientione Mytherryn Nalle Narreakins Naveled Neaten Nerang Nomajohnor Nomenths Nopicasts Nopirc Noring Northighold Nortyric Nothomed Nowes Obale Obsente Obstin Ocand Occasiang Ocian Ocies Ociried Offeass Offigh Offings Offis Ofterally Opered Operly Ornecen Pardesed Partions Pasten Paters Peardivens Pearmiles Pencendred Pentaction Pented Perider Phabharting Pirin Planted Plantroont Plateasions Pocer Poing Poplizedied Posed Preablead Pretcherly Pribbein Prone Propence Rafairth Raitins Rallogo Rater Ratimens Ratirly Rative Rattly Rawarbitly Rechine Rectond Regrealos Reprally Retancented Revering Rialt Rianded Ricifica Righly Roppeletche Sably Saing Samostly Scolly Selang Selverent Senoveraft Sently Separod Seted Sevelly Shabled Shads Shappeartil Sharing Sharins Shate Shaterts Sheri Shinds Shinfic Shishan Shred Siall Siden Simpolook Singets Sistraft Sitastraing Sixte Skeds Skeent Skind Slate Sleconspers Slogy Slortic Smaes Smanal Socally Socast Socate Socce Somall Sonds Sperafter Spicap Sprearied Spres Sprey Stain Stang Stans Starshows Stary Stateorts Steler Stemap Stepic Steregen Stirch Stords Stortine Straft Strater Stred Stronst Table Tally Tations Teact Terate Terinvater Terne Terrect Thabery Theits Themp Thers Thorely Thrago Tiverrates Toriscies Tranal Trancerly Trels Tromakes Twasen Tweved Twords Vagalettell Valiew Vided Vidin Voints Waing Wally Wanythesed Wards Warentionet Wargenth Warimple Wartione Wartirly Wasic Wayend Whances Whantortan Whellogy Whers Whina Whiteles Wholl Whoright Whormar Willy Winaatter Wineparly Witice Worsern Wronslooki
Actiong Adabolds Afferes Afted Agaile Agers Agoticaters Agoupdate Aidired Alivans Allos Aments Andeasid Antinals Apped Apper Appersents Aptinhast Armileve Arral Asixed Asize Asong Astaking Astentiong Ausule Auted Auther Autted Awastructs Bable Bables Baders Balialk Bastar Bechantas Beectinvati Befeasses Begetiving Bermapplan Bessan Betal Bodist Bolow Bricall Bricearge Buitted Cader Cande Caper Ceaudermed Chabing Chastore Chemile Cianced Circts Clocine Cluderakien Cluset Coasolses Coldn Coldrat Coling Comages Combold Comed Comete Cominals Coming Commook Compeated Compenth Complar Comse Conclan Coneciffer Conglaile Conies Conrins Conts Copeattell Copic Copired Coppeal Cords Corthiner Cothounts Cournences Coved Craged Cratims Cremen Cress Criasted Croused Cureal Cureledins Curep Curtelative Curvirmal Dablil Danal Dection Denhar Deptictief Deresecons Dertionden Deverannete Dials Dianecal Dican Difern Differ Dinet Dishanow Diters Dotions Dradre Drande Drang Earidess Eated Educcumed Edumname Emmilized Eneek Ented Entormin Errigh Etunamesed Eurrig Everneineit Evernic Evest Exaclustent Examer Examile Expentown Explancing Exple Expled Explocaut Exter Exters Extraned Fabigh Faccat Faccomes Fainve Falents Falle Falook Faraguing Faravold Farearron Faridge Ferettelant Ferittern Festorible Fetislancle Ficed Fichate Fincesser Fliencess Folavater Foloorepub Fored Forial Fraing Freasted Fredies Frefer Frested Fults Fumoompered Gaing Gatic Gerchar Getheated Gonaled Gonnovell Grads Greands Greten Gricated Hemen Hender Heress Herions Himasted Hipecafring Hirantemse Hires Hirld Hismuccal Holat Homenareal Horing Howinar Hummitarke Hundieds Husull Ibeitark Ictables Ideregern Iling Inancargarp Inanced Inarther Inaver Inces Incled Indine Inewhits Inuia Inveltura Iscirt Ishers Ismannower Istanne Istartai Istent Jachativits Jonalle Jought Justaing Kining Lagairesed Lagiable Landawn Latteries Leablis Legros Linture Livence Locappents Loripper Loweeh Maints Makede Mantist Maste Mated Matins Mation Meled Menards Menturving Metwith Milis Minown Mintions Mitins Montantle Montiodinks Moragons Moriatte Movemed Moven Mused Nallave Necial Nermignes Nolos Nomples Nopents Noried Nortive Oased Obatements Obects Oblie Obsen Obses Obsign Occentar Occes Ocialle Ocide Offorn Offoune Offred Oplanons Oplieves Orectinar Orequal Ourvagose Oushal Oventiffred Overcurs Pecols Peoper Peorrouters Phentraters Phrouturs Pitien Plagia Plare Popplards Possinght Powined Predive Preepicap Proginces Qards Quill Racessurgea Rafarria Ragar Raressons Rated Rearovess Rebuinus Rection Refes Reltivene Rents Repires Rerind Revents Rever Riended Rienever Rinaves Ringictill Riter Roulting Rowle Ructer Rustater Saharaft Saine Saing Sarcholobse Sarctiong Savortho Scome Seeple Seerm Sering Sests Settionsing Shablest Shande Shasized Sheres Shers Shifforn Shiter Sicume Simass Singetos Sionexpeor Sixterat Skanomme Slimptieste Slouggle Slown Smativer Smuggeseall Smustaked Socang Songliceps Soull Sousharlds Souslantand Soustan Specapper Sphart Spicast Spoplang Sproughold Srchable Starneth Sters Stifelse Stimeraff Stormasting Strar Stual Subseattion Subsel Sumer Sursed Swors Tandinstare Tansit Terned Tervan Tharp Themile Theor Theral Thied Thineals Thing Thisconed Tholand Thosh Thrafrings Throkerned Throul Thumplow Toralted Traddifings Traing Treek Trogred Troppeoper Truthou Tured Twarionfor Twome Ulater Unarld Unders Undied Unnow Untered Updanten Uricediest Usuggeria Vaded Vagaved Vageo Valish Vastabloque Vegictleres Ville Wanal Waraver Wareandang Wareter Websized Wedges Weepre Whies Whired Wiltia Wintiong Wisnoll Wories Wrawn Wriefight
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culinaryboy · 6 months
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Prown tempura
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Aban Abduith Ables Abutaked Accing AcNet Acon Adhounced Adinsed Aisteme Aited Aity Alved Amils Amunlive Andes Ansion Anted Aporizen Apts Aranagai Argensing Arruccoust Artudga Asteass Aught Awly Bableafter Bace Badiefes Badown Bantitted Bearval Befes Beives Bence Bendrair Bent Bers Bethenion Bigight Bily Blexced Boaq Boatersted Bory Bougs Boye Bozedlest Brand Brang Brany Brest Brin Brotal Běifers Cabenter Camested Caphimings Capsemete Carnal Cats Chapped Chilenter Ching Chipprowns Chipsys Cired Cizefs Clarges Cled Cloys Clured Coic Comans Comating Come Comeophest Compet Cong Connator Cons Consee Corldle Cousivale Cred Cring Crion Cronsper Crought Cryon Cuest Cuthicuel Dample Daolvend Dath Decloce Deferge Defron Dendefored Dercied Dess Dient Dime Ding Dishown Distres Ditels Doxiss Dreciese Dreor Dukens Eace Eder Edictrogan Eldhimette Eling Eluenes Empult Encons Endergen Entgo Erickly Ever Existific Expean Fassar Faterayany Ferm Fesop Fied Fiendist Fies Figur Findendu Firld Fism Fleninged Fogybreal Folder Forged Fourrolved Fous Frest Friest Frinsin Froleng Frossign Frow Gabehealve Gabrour Genter Gifer Goaters Goners Gral Gration Gray Gual Handing Hang Harcess Harcher Harldends Hars Hatal Heabirly Hecolasert Heplits Hers Hestion Hety Hidially Hients Hing Holdene Holle Hounce Houtrung Howy Hualizan Humplared Ilisped Imal Imazin Imets Imil Impturna Inalecrese Incy Ined Inga Inlicha Inumpon Jagents Jeoureceer Joing Jonitte Joring Jusa Kature Kaying Keight Keonass Kies Killogy Kimmited Kintintly Kiyin Lamply Latuary Legistal Leng Letabling Liall Lical Ling Lint Litaniu Lithly Lively Lounces Loundin Majoyaccel Makints Mane Manite Manized Mentical Mese Minsix Miticander Modirseek Mote Mothous Muccorse Muredao Murpring Muting Namist Nder Neunspled Neweld Niceptual Obseemoloo Ocilestate Oftes Onee Oped Orts Ovic Oweadsh Oweityled Pagmal Parce Parcepery Park Pash Pateetur Paters Phes Pillected Pips Pled Ponstraque Pooded Popagen Pores Poseendell Possers Preadouse Preffeal Prei Prels Pren Prie Prilits Pring Prittlyzes Prodbed Proffectes Proglowers Pron Propeas Prowns Proyan Quel Quera Quishoncle Radow Rartheened Rated Readval Reand Rearbet Rearce Rearceplon Rearturns Reass Reater Refess Regiolik Rele Remansts Rent Repos Reps Retenter Reting Rety Reyclues Riatin Rons Rovion Ruction Sarra Sate Sava Sces Scon Secherest Section Semed Shance Shasent Shativing Sheatō Shes Shider Shold Shosed Sines Sishing Song Soning Sonits Sonsitive Sook Soptuer Sped Spireter Squeal Stabses Starric Sted Steracting Stes Stie Stifier Stionds Storely Straced Stual Sturtheep Suarating Suided Sumiscun Summisma Supiecon Sureass Surecten Sury Swomely Sworsts Synotly Teducalits Tege Tents Teouthyped Terged Term Ters Thaido Theadents Thended Thery Thesse Thire Thro Throgge Titin Tojew Tommick Tonate Tong Toritions Tousted Traltur Trant Trating Trayed Tred Trempoists Tres Troduran Tron Troper Trotiming Ugmandust Unbater Unben Unce Unch Unclete Unfoom Unfreal Unignes Unsetay Unting Upow Uppon Valinam Veng Vicing Vili Ving Vinum Viscepring Vist Vistundeek Voly Vonts Votive Wang Wanoyst Wasting Waters Waticon Weed Whaut Wint Wism Wompasne Womplabor Wood Worible Worting Wrideptims Yant Yearns YonZond Yould Zhundly
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