#psi rambles
psi-spectacular · 9 months
there's an idea for a psychonauts sequel tv show that keeps rattling around my brain but idk how to express it besides "Sometimes a family is a precocious ten year old, six teenagers of various levels of angst, an overworked business lady, a floaty sunset colored mom, and a man who looks stoic but cries if a kitten is just too damn small"
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jkgnggj · 11 months
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ruuinxs · 10 months
i think saiki is so bad at making passwords. he’s probably sitting there at his computer like “123four56#” and the rest of his friend group watches him type it in and they’re shocked. jaw dropped. and he’s like. what’s the point of a password. if someone steals my laptop i will simply kill them.
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coffeehelly · 1 year
its really interesting to me how kaidou says he feels like saiki is protecting/looking out for all of them somehow. like do they all have some kind of innate sense that the Weird Things happening around them are saikis doing? or do you think saiki gives off a strong "if anything happens to my friends im going to become the joker" vibe that he doesnt even notice
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aoki553 · 10 months
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thesillyexpresser · 2 months
Finally finished Saiki K and I just wanna say
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(Uhhh spoilers for the whole thing)
(Oh yeah ramble warning)
(Edit: considering how much traction this is getting, I just want to make it clear that these are my opinions. I’m open to hearing you out on yours as long as it’s not too heated. This wasn’t really meant to be too serious. It is also alright if you disagree with my opinions. These aren’t facts. I am also also well aware that most of their characterization are supposed to be gags and that they’re fictional so I respect them from that point. I just wouldn’t like them if they were actual people.)
I hate these motherfuckers, and I’m surprised there’s almost no shade thrown towards them. Let’s crack it down with these sorry excuses of the parents first.
Now, I’m well aware that this is a comedy anime and characters flaws aren’t exactly a bad thing. Their flaws are supposed to be comedic and I respect that from that stand point.
They practically only view Kusuo’s powers as an excuse to do less work, in both inside and outside the house. They constantly use him as a mop to clean up their own shortcomings without doing anything theirselves. Even until the very end, when Kusuo wanted to give up his powers, his own fucking father only thought about his so precious and convenient transport to work. What is this man. I know no one is a perfect parent and that all people have their quirks but this guy is actually so fucking horrible.
The mom isn’t all that bad, but she isn’t unexcused for the way she and the “dad” just allowed the relationship between Kusuo and Kusuke get so fucking toxic. When Kusuke made Kusuo’s limiters and revealed that if he look of the right one that his powers would get revealed to the world, a thing they would all know Kusuo would absolutely hate, they could’ve easily scolded him for it but NO. They could’ve taught the siblings to actually appreciate each others’ abilities to a healthy degree but NO. They could’ve taught Kusuo the importance of respecting and being humble to others without his abilities but NO. They even just allowed Kusuke’s toxic competitiveness to grow by allowing him to go to London and shit. I know no parent is ready to raise an Elon Musk and an esper but at least try to make your own fucking household a home for your own children. Now, onto the rotting maggot that is Kusuke.
Now, I know anyone would be jealous of their younger sibling having more ability than them and I know that his parents are (as I already established) just the worst but can this guy actually fucking relax??
Like has once in his sorry excuse of a life has he thought that “hey isn’t this just a tiny bit petty??” “Isn’t putting a tracker on my younger brother an invasion of his own privacy??” “Is making a fucking robot clone of my brother, making it do the things my own brother is obviously uncomfortable with, making it fucking attack him on sight, and then brainwashing his friend into hating him so much that it sprouts another psychic ability just a bit more fucked up than I thought??”
I know people hate this line but YOU’RE A FUCKING ADULT. YOU’RE NINETEEN YEARS OLD. GROW UP.
Also can we talk about how he’s all “I want to prove I can control my brother” when he already has his thumb pushed down on Kusuo? What’s that? You have a way to make everyone know about his powers? You can track his moves? You know everything about his powers and the ways and money to stop them? And you did this for fun? Con-fucking-grats you have control over him. He has anxiety now. Thanks for your hard work. I’m pretty sure that if he had any less morals than Kusuo would be his fucking slave.
(And yes, I know that the right limiter gimmick was taken off but it’s the thought that counts and there’s nothing but MALICE behind those thoughts.)
His only defense for putting his brother through inhumane experiments is “oh Kusuo has psychic powers he practically isn’t human”. KUSUO ISNT HUMAN MY ASS. Kusuo has more humanity than you. That robot clone you built of him has more humanity than you. That poor rotting maggot that I unfairly compared itself to you has more humanity than you. This mad scientist shithead has practically ZERO HUMANITY.
And I think we all fucking knew that the stopping-all-of-Kusuo’s-powers limiter was so he can do his world domination shit. Without his brother’s powers, who was there to stop him from doing that robot world domination thing from that one episode all over again? NO ONE. THAT’S WHO.
and I know that I’m getting so worked up over a fictional story but I JUST WANT TO GIVE THEM A SWEET REIGAN ARATAKA TALK.
“Aren’t you his parents? Shouldn’t you act with more responsibility instead of treating your own son like a fucking taxi?? For shame. I’m calling child protection services. He’s still a fucking minor after all. Minors aren’t that mentally mature, you know.”
“Oh? You put your own brother through inhumane experiments because of his ESP? That same ESP that he had no control over being born with? Why are you harassing someone just because they were born with something they didn’t have control being born with? Should I call the cops?”
Heck, I just want to shake their brains out, beat some senses into them, and give Kusuo some therapy because my goodness.
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Yare yare
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saikechism · 21 days
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Why did kaidou say this?
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bat-circus · 8 months
What I love about the saiki k fandom is that I can just slap two characters together that haven’t even made eye Contact say they’re dating and everybody’s gonna be like yeah that makes sense
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angrycloudcrown · 4 months
I really miss all the Kaidou and Saiki friendship moments in the manga they didn't put in the anime, like Kaidou's introduction or the one where they went to a convention together
Also, both chapters were so good, like Kaidous introduction was
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Like ?? ,DUDDEE. man just renames him to junpei and goes along with it for the rest of the chapter
AND AND. It shows us Kaidou without his chuunibyou persona and who he really is
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!!!! Like Jesus christ so different
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THESE PAGES. MEAN. SO. MUCH. TO. ME. !!!!!!!!!!!
It shows Kaidou has faked and created the personality he has now only as a means to get people to like him, but people didn't, and he felt too trapped in his personality he never changed it
Dude doesn't give that much of a shit about the potential psychic he thought he saw, he's just playing up his excitement about it as a means to talk and be friends with saiki
He barely even CARES about his whole heroic persona and story, he just wants friendsss sosbbsssss
Saiki gives him the joy of being able to find the "creature" he was looking for, giving him an excuse to talk to and befriend saiki more, because saiki saw the fact he tried so hard to be his friend
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"Another bothersome person has entered my life." Saiki, Kaidou was gently knocking on the door to your life and you SWUNG the door open willingly, what are you talking about
Kaidou clearly uses his powers as an excuse to have conversation, hell he even PLANS out what he wants to say to saiki beforehand
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Real as hell Kaidou honestly real as hell
Anyway rant over i think kaidous character is a lot more than what meets the eye (but that's so with every saiki k character)
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rip saiki kusuo, you would love "love, me normally" by will wood and the tapeworms
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tobisiksi · 8 months
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is this a saiki family thing? fighting to death over small things??
everyone is so dramatic in this family omg
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psi-spectacular · 9 months
Imagine, if you will:
It's 3 am and you're a janitor. You decide to clean up Sasha Neins office. He's still here, awake, but doesn't notice you entering. Everyone else has gone home. Despite the high security of your job, you just want to know whats so important to be doing this late into the night.
You take a peek at his screen.
He's playing solitaire.
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Mob Psycho x Saiki K Cross Over
Alright classic crossover, we all know the drill BUT the way it starts is different. Or should I say, the PEOPLE who start it are different.
I introduce you to what I fondly call the 'Teruhashi joins Spirits and such' au also called the 'Kokomi Reigen' au
Also, just like everything, I thought far too much about the intricies of this. Please ask me questions. In a rude way, nice way, secret third mental projection way, it doesn't matter, please question me.
I mean, either way even if you don't question me, I'm still gonna talk about this. As much as possible.
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ruuinxs · 10 months
do you ever think saiki gets worried that the world will go on without him? that he spent so long in this endless timeloop that those years and years have been engraved into his brain? and once it’s all over, once he saves the world and humanity, he’s going to get left behind? he has focused himself into this eruption, into the solution, into controlling the world that when he’s done he doesn’t know what to do with himself. will his friends move on? does life really continue after this? he hasn’t felt time stretch, continue, move forward in years.
Do you think he’s going to miss being a second year?
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disastress-i-guess · 5 months
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Re draw of one of my first pieces of saiki k fanart
Got some watercolours so I wanted to test out the new medium *ba dum tss*
Bonus nonsense under cut
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Toris face went through a lot of changes. I actually already posted these but I accidentally deleted the post.
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Some 1 am torisai juice for the soul.
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aoki553 · 1 year
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