#pst. i worked on this for SIX HOURS and still did not get my nose right .
giomagnetism · 2 years
8, 11, 19, 21 and 26 :]
artist ask meme
8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.
auuhuhhuh fine. here’s some stuff from mid-late 2019 made on sai, juust after i’d gotten comfortable in digital art. i didn’t draw anyone but marlo at this point, you can tell there’s a lot of things about their design that stayed pretty much the exact same. in retrospect i don’t know why i drew their tentas like this, it wasn’t flattering lol
this first pic’s still one of my fav pieces i’ve ever done of marlo tho, it just captures something of them i haven’t managed to replicate since
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11. warm or cool colors?
WARM! i have a really hard time with blues...ironically enough, especially with that pale mint color ^ i drew marlo with back then. warms are a lot easier to harmonize and i like the colder colors better as accents or shading
19. do you like drawing short hair or longer hair more?
longer hair because it’s much easier to get funky with :] i also find it much harder to design short hair, with human hair i have a hard time figuring out much variation and with tentas it makes my internal logic wig out. it is literally the reason leit still doesn’t have a design after like, two years? i just don’t know how to make his short hair look good ;__;
21. draw one of your original characters.
i love that you asked that one specifically as if i’ve ever drawn a canon in my life, you’re asking me to do exactly what i’ve done since i learnt to draw. here’s a redraw for your trouble
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26. draw yourself! (it doesn’t have to be detailed)
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“Not so good News” - Gabriel x pregnant!reader (3/3)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (you’re here)
Summary: Part 3 of “Not so good News”! Read the first part HERE. After you had received the news of your pregnancy you feel rather conflicted. On one hand you want this child to live but on the other hand this also means you will die giving birth. Your only option is to enjoy the time you have left with the people you love, forcing your dark thoughts to the back of your head. (F/N) means friend’s name.
Warning: dark thoughts/themes, suggestive themes, heavy angst, swear words, death, child birth (not a warning but maybe someone is squeamish)
Category: angst and fluff, even more angst
Words: about 9.000
Note 1: So, the mini-series is finished. I hope you will enjoy/enjoyed the last part. This series was a pain in the ass to write... so much research and asking relatives if it’s accurate. Though, it probably isn’t because it is fanfiction after all. Note 2: I have another Gabriel story linked in my masterlist, that one is more fluffy (And another short series in the works but pst). And I will definitely write more about/with him because I love him, all right?! I love hand hate him at the same time.
"Not so good News" - Gabriel x pregnant!reader
Pregnancy week 20: The pregnancy was now at its halfway point which also meant that you probably had only twenty more weeks to live. What it also meant was twenty more weeks of pregnancy symptoms and to be honest you were sick of it. Sometimes even literally. You had been so dizzy lately you even blacked out during research. Sam and Dean weren't happy, thinking that you had over worked yourself and Gabriel immediately teleported you to your room after you had woken up again. So now you were on bed rest, or rather jail time. You laid on your back with your arms crossed before you and a pouty look on your face. "This sucks." You wanted to do more than laying around all day however there wasn't really much to do in the bunker especially on your own. You stood up from your bed and walked towards a shelve on the right side. Somewhere underneath all the stuff you had there had to be the thing you were looking for. "Aha!" you grabbed it and left the room, searching for the boys. You found them still sitting in the library, looking for their next hunt but the moment you stepped in all eyes were on you. "(Y/N), what are you doing up?" Gabriel asked with one eyebrow raised in question. You let the box you were holding fall onto the table. "No longer wasting my time" you declared and sat down, opening the box and arranging its content. "I want to spend time with you all and by that I'm not thinking about researching with you." You looked up at the four guys who slowly turned to you and the game you were setting up.
"So, we are playing monopoly now!"
"Only if I get to be the car" Dean said and immediately snatched it for himself. Sam rolled his eyes at him and took the dog. "How do you play?" Castiel asked confused, grabbing the shoe because it was closest to him. You threw him a small smile. "I'll show you." You then turned to Gabriel, offering him to choose his playing piece but he shook his head. "I always play with my own token" he said and snapped his fingers. In front of him appeared a small figurine of himself. You glanced at him with your lips pressed into a thin line to hold back a giggle. "Really?" you questioned as a short breath of laughter escaped your mouth. The archangel shrugged his shoulders. "Want one, too?" he asked, his fingers ready. You shook your head. "No, it's alright. I'll just take the cat." After you had set everything up and explained the rules to Castiel the game began. However, unsurprisingly Cas was still the first person to go bankrupt. Sam soon followed, selling his last green street to Dean. He mumbled something under his breath before throwing the dog back into the box. So now it was only you, Dean and Gabe. "You owe me 600, Dean" you said, pointing on the last light blue street where Dean had his car parked in front of the hotel you had recently built there. "What? How?! You only have shit streets" he complained and gave you the money reluctantly. You chuckled. "Yes, but I got a lot of shit streets." Dean only huffed which made you laugh. You had to throw dice next and landed on the police man. With a theatrical sigh you put your cat in jail, throwing the dice to Gabe. He grinned at you before rolling them. He landed on the middle orange street. Now you were the one grinning at him: "That makes 550." "You have one good street, only one hotel and maybe two to three houses on a street. How are you making so much money?" Gabriel asked after giving you the game money. You shrugged your shoulders. "I have three complete streets: brown and light blue at the beginning on which always someone ends up on. And in the beginning it doesn't feel like much money but it stacks up. And the orange one is often overlooked because the red one has higher prices but people always end up somewhere in that corner, too. Dean rolled his eyes, taking the dice. "Also, you two only have one complete street which lowers the change of getting much money because I bought one dark blue and one yellow one to stop you" you added and leaned back against your chair. "How about a little trade then" Gabriel suggested. "I want the dark blue street you stole from me and I can give you 350 and a get out of jail free-card." "Why would I want that?" you questioned with one raised eyebrow. "I still get money in jail but I don't lose anything for three turns. It's a win-win for me, I'm staying here." The archangel huffed. "Alright, 400 bucks and a train station. Last offer." You shook your head, staying stoic. Turning towards Dean you nodded at him, signaling that you were finished and that he could roll the dice. He got a nine, landing on the same orange street like Gabe did before him. You grinned evilly at him. "550, Dean." "I don't have enough money in cash I need to sell houses first" he explained, giving you six of his green houses from his pink street (you were playing as the bank too). You exchanged them for 300 which you kept and waited for the remaining 250. "Dean, I noticed you are short with money" you said after you had rolled the dice, still stuck in jail. "How about a little trait?" Gabriel shock his head at Dean, whispering "She's too powerful already, don't" which only made you grin. "I want the yellow street you have" you pointed at the card before offering your hand to Dean. "And in exchange I will give you your 550 bucks back." Gabriel continued to shake his head but Dean grabbed your hand, agreeing to the deal. You then turned to the archangel. "Gabe, you want your blue street, right? And I want the last yellow one you have" you said, your eyes sparkling mischievously. "I will give you the blue one if I get the yellow one and 350 bucks." He reluctantly agreed. And so the game went on. Cas and Sam stayed, watching it all go down quietly as Dean lost his last street to you after having to sell his pink one to Gabe completely as well as his train stations. It was a pretty equal distribution of streets, however after about a half hour later you ended up winning. Grinning you put the cards back into their box. "Your strategy really just is to buy all the shit streets at the very beginning and slowly watching as we lose all our money to them?" Dean questioned. You nodded. "Yep, and a few other moves helped me win, too but I won't tell you more than that." All things considered you had a lot of fun and the others did too. "Now you will finally get rid of me again" you said while standing up, smiling at them playfully. "I'll go back to bed. I'm exhausted and my legs are killing me." With that you turned around and walked back to your room in silence. Or at least you had planned to do that, however you heard footsteps following you. Looking over your shoulder you saw Gabriel running after you. You stopped with a grin, waiting for him. When he caught up he didn't say anything so you continued your way back with him by your side. "Thanks for letting me win" you said and shoved his side. "I did not do such a thing" he declared swollen, grinning down at you which made you laugh. "I know but you could have tricked us all anyway for you to win but you didn't do it." "I retired from my trickster days, sugar" the archangel reminded you. "Yes, but we both know that you would never stop messing with us" you said. Throwing him a side glance you smiled at him. "I'm amazed that you didn't play a prank at Dean for a while now." Gabriel chuckled and wrapped one arm around you. "Don't let yourself be fooled, (Y/N)." You grinned and then wrapped your arm around him too, pressing your head against his shoulder. "Thank you" you whispered so faintly you worried he wouldn't catch it. "For what?" he asked with a chuckle. You only shrugged. "I don’t know. I guess for everything." ____________________ Pregnancy week 22: In the last two weeks nothing much changed or happened. Your belly continued to grow and pregnancy symptoms were still haunting you. Your legs cramped so much now you didn't really want to move out of bed. So, you didn't. You stayed in bed all day. "At first you desperately wanted to do something you even overworked yourself into blacking out and now you are lying in bed all day" Gabriel chuckled beside you, nuzzling his nose against your neck. You huffed and turned your head so you could look at him. "Firstly, you're not pregnant so shut up" you sassed back at him but stayed silent after that, turning on your side again so your back faced the archangel. You felt Gabriel squirm behind you. "Secondly?" "Nothing, that is all there was" you said which earned you a hearty laugh from him. "You're adorable" he said and wrapped his arms around you. Now you were the one to squirm, trying to get out of his grip. "Am not!" you proclaimed. "I'm an angry pregnant lady, fear me." You succeeded in freeing yourself and were now sitting on your knees before Gabriel. "I'm trembling underneath your gaze, spear me" he managed to get out between his laughter. With a pouty look you threw a pillow in his face. "You're making fun of me!" you pointed out accusingly. "I would never" he declared with one hand pressed against his chest in shock as he sat up as well. "I don't believe you" you said and crossed your arms before your chest while desperately trying to suppressed your grin. "Oh, furious pregnant lady, how can I prove myself?" Gabriel asked and slowly crawled closer to you. You had to let yourself fall back against the cushions with the archangel now leaning over you. "Hmm" you hummed and pretended to think about it while Gabriel's face slowly got closer to your neck. You shuddered, feeling his breath dance over the sensitive skin. "Helping me with my crampy legs would be a start" you whispered. Without hesitation the archangel set up and shifted his focus to your cramped legs and feet. He slowly massaged from your feet upwards. By now your eyes were already closed and soft hums left your lips now and then. You just enjoyed the feeling of the pain slowly washing away. Or at least you did until Gabe's hands wandered up to the inner side of your thighs. One of your eyes snapped open, glaring at the archangel. "What are you doing?" you questioned with a low voice. "Shh" he breathed and crawled back over you. Instinctively you wrapped your arms around his neck but continued to eye him suspiciously. "Let me spoil you." "You don't need to" you said while Gabriel had already started to pepper your face with kisses. "Oh, but I want to" he kissed the top of your nose which made you giggle. He continued to place kisses on your face before slowly wandering down towards your neck. Occasionally a hum or sigh left your lips as you let yourself relax under his caresses. "What do you want to do?" he suddenly asked. You opened your eyes that had been closed until now and saw him hovering over you again. "What?" you questioned. "What's on your bucket list?" Now you understood. You let your arms fall from his shoulders as you thought about it, letting your eyes wander around the ceiling. "I-" you looked at the archangel. "I don't know." "Really? There is nothing you can think of" Gabriel asked with one raised eyebrow. You shook your head. "I just never thought about it before... And I guess you had finished yours long before you even met me" you said, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. But to your surprise the archangel shook his head. "I achieved my last one only a few years ago." "And what would that have been?" you asked. Gabe's gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips before moving back up. A small smile adorned his face as he spoke up again: "Falling in love." Immediately you felt your face heat up. "You're just saying that to make me feel better" you said, trying to cover your face with your hands but Gabriel pushed them down and shrugged his shoulders. "What about when you were a kid?" he continued to ask. "What did you wish for then?" "Expect a real pink unicorn and ice-cream for every meal?" you laughed before losing yourself in your thoughts again. "I guess ... getting married someday." You felt Gabriel stiffen up above you, making you tense up, too. Shaking your hands in front of your chest as far as possible you backtracked immediately. "Not that we have to. It's just a silly kids thing, you know. Back then we had plenty of games about our future or talked about family and marriage. It was just normal, expected. Ahh! Not that I expect it from you. I don't want you to propose or anything. I-" you noticed that you were rambling so you forced yourself to stop and took a deep breath." I shouldn't have said that." Now you really did cover your face with your hands, wishing to disappear. Though you never talked with Gabe about marriage or anything like that you always knew it would be a tricky subject. With him being practically immortal and marriage always or often associated with religion. You just guessed he didn't want to since he had always tried to distance himself from God and heaven and all that. And since he was an angel, an archangel ... you could promise him to spend your remaining life with him. He couldn't. And now was definitely not the time to marry since you would die in less than twenty weeks anyway. "I'm sorry" you said without really knowing why. Maybe you just wanted to break the silence that seemed to lay heavily in the air. "Don't be" the archangel said, caressing your check with one hand. "But I knew it would be a tricky subject to you." "How so?" "Well" you dragged on and slowly uncovered your face. "I just guessed and by your reaction..." You didn't continue speaking as Gabriel sat up on his knees. Lifting yourself up on your elbows you eyed him confused. Was the subject so repulsing to him? "You mean because I stiffened up?" You nodded. Gabriel let out one breathy laugh. "I was just surprised and shocked because I-" he snapped his fingers and opened his hand revealing a ring. "-actually wanted to give you this." You straightened up completely shocked. Your eyes darting from his face to his outstretched palm. "Wha-" "They aren't wedding rings. More like a promise ring, really" he explained as you slowly reached out to take the ring from him. He was right, it didn't look like the typical engagement or wedding ring. It was a silver ring, shaped into a feather that would curl around your finger. "For what?" you asked and looked up, the ring still uselessly lying in your palm. Gabriel raised his right hand, revealing a silver ring on his finger that hadn’t been there before. This one had the typical form of a ring, however the feather was engraved into it. "To promise that I will always love you." You felt tears in your eyes as you jumped forward, tackling the archangel in a hug. "You always make me cry" you complained but honestly it probably was because of the hormones. You stifled your sobs in his shirt as you pressed yourself flat against him, so you even felt his laughter vibrate through his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, too. "Can I?" he asked after a while and pushed you from him. He took the ring back from you and offered his other hand for yours to put inside. You didn't hesitate to do so but felt your face heat up again as he looked at you with love filled eyes. He slipped the ring onto your finger, gave you one last, long look before letting go of your hand. You looked at the delicate feather wrapped around your ring finger. "Thank you" you said with tears still clinging to your face but a big smile on your lips. You wrapped your arms around him again, burying your face into his chest ____________________ Pregnancy week 23: You had thought hard about what to put on your bucket list ever since Gabriel brought it up. However, it was pretty hard to find things you were able to do because of your condition (pregnant) and your situation (kind of trapped in the bunker). One thing you couldn't get out of your mind though was to see the northern lights far away from any other light source, no cities or other people. You couldn't shake it off even if it meant leaving the bunker. Your second idea was maybe rather cliché and not so impossible: having a family dinner without anything to worry about and no arguments to destroy the mood. "Hey, Gabe?" you asked while entering the library. The archangel immediately looked up from whatever he was doing, beaming at you. "What's the matter?" You sat down on the chair opposite to him. "I was thinking about what you said" you started. "What exactly? I talk a lot" he questioned, resting his head on one palm. You snorted in agreement. "About what I wanted to do, about my bucket list" you reminded him. "And I came up with two things." "Only two? If I knew you were so easy to please I-" you cut him off by throwing a crumpled up piece of paper at his face. "I wanted to ask if you had any ideas or further inspirations for things to achieve in the bunker" you paused. "Okay, I have only one thing for my list because for the first one I would have to leave." "What would that be?" Gabriel asked, putting his head in his other palm while closing the book he was looking at. "I always wanted to see the northern lights far away from civilization" you confessed and looked to the side, pushing one stray strand of hair back. "And my second point was having a family dinner." "With your parents?" Gabriel asked which made you flinch. Maybe you should have expected that since you had never talked with him about your life before becoming a hunter. Still, hearing the word stung a lot. "I never told you why I became a hunter, right?" Gabriel nodded confused and you took a deep breath. "My parents died when I was maybe 14" you explained, not meeting his eyes. "They were killed by a werewolf and I only survived because a hunter rushed in. He shot the werewolf and took me in. He taught me everything he knew but I was still traumatized, refused to leave the house after sunset. Still ... he was like a father to me. And then when I just turned 19 he was possessed by a demon after his tattoo was burned from his skin. The demon inside him stabbed him in the heart before I was able to exorcize him" you finished and wiped away the tears that had found their way over your cheeks. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, making you flinch again. Looking up you saw Gabriel standing beside you. You hadn't noticed that he had stood up. "I'm fine" you said, not believing even yourself. The archangel didn't say anything, just let his hand rest on your shoulder, sending you comfort through his touch. "Anyway, why did I tell you that again?" you shook your head, trying to rid yourself from the sad memories. "Ah, right. So, when I say family who I mean by that are Dean, Sam, Cas and you, Gabe." You looked up at him with the tiniest smiles on your lips as the archangel wiped away the last tear from your check. "The only problem with a family dinner is that I think it will escalate like always. Especially since I know that Dean is still looking for another way, a way to safe me in secret. Even though I forbid it" you only mumbled the last part. Gabriel grinned and bopped your nose. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, sugar" Gabriel said. "It's late, you should go to bed." You stood up, nodding and wrapping your arms around the archangel still craving his touch. He returned the hug. "I will be with you shortly I need to finish this first." You nodded once more, hugged him for a few moments more before letting go. "Good night" you said and stretched yourself on your tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the lips before vanishing into your room. You had fallen asleep immediately. "(Y/N)!" you squirmed under your blanket, not ready to wake up just yet. You felt something, or someone next to you and a hand on your shoulder slowly shaking you awake but still you didn't really budge. "Let me sleep" you complained and covered your head with the warm blanket. "Next time, sugar. Now you need to wake up." You opened your eyes, pulling the blanket down and let them wander from Gabe's in shadow casted form to your clock standing on your bedside table. "It's not even three in the morning, what the hell" you grumbled. "A pregnant lady needs her sleep." Suddenly you were pulled out of the comfort of your bed and instead stood on wobbly legs in your room. "What are you doing?" you questioned, holding onto Gabriel's hands. "You wanted to see something, sugar." Confused you freed one of your hands and rubbed your eyes. "My brain's too tired to function, Gabe. Can't it wait till, I don't know, when the sun is shining?" you begged and suppressed a yawn. You could vaguely see the archangel shake his head in the darkness of your room. "Believe me, it will be worth it" he promised. You closed your eyes and rubbed the bridge of your nose. "I really hope you're right." And suddenly when you opened your eyes again you weren't in your room anymore. Confused you looked around. You were standing in the middle of a snowy landscape. Immediately you thought you would be cold but when you looked down at you, you saw that you were wearing a big coat, dark ski pants and a fluffy hat instead of your pajama. "What the hell" you whispered and turned around to look at Gabriel who -even though he didn't really needed it- matched his outfit to yours. He stood behind you with a huge grin. "Look up, sugar" he said and so you did. You hold your breath as you looked at the clear night sky with thousands of twinkling stars. But they weren't catching your attention, no. What had captured your imagination were the northern lights shining above your head. Magnificent colors danced above you, fading from green to blue to purplish pink. And even though your neck already started to hurt from constantly looking up you didn't care, too fascinated by the alluring dance. It looked like you had dipped your head into another world, another universe full of beautiful, vivid colors that were swaying and changing, illuminating the world around you. "It's amazing" you breathed when you felt the archangel take a step closer to you and turned around to meet Gabe's gaze again. "Thank you." Out of instinct you twirled the ring he had gave you before you looked up at the sky again, losing yourself in the endless colors swirling through the carpet of stars on this cold September night in who knows which country you were right now. "Dean and Sam will kill you if they figure out you let me leave the bunker" you stated with your eyes still glued to the aurora lights. "Not if you don't tell them" Gabriel noted. You turned around, wanted to say something but when you opened your mouth to speak only a shallow breath escaped out of it as you wrapped your arms around your stomach. Twisting your face into a frown you leaned forward. "(Y/N)?!" Gabriel asked panicked and walked in front of you. He put his hands on your shoulders to straighten you up again. "Are you alright? Are you in pain? What's going on?" For a few more seconds you didn't answer, stared at the ground with your arms still tightly wrapped around yourself. You felt it again and it was then you realized what this was. You let out a pained laugh. "Yes, everything's fine" you reassured the worried archangel with a small smile. Grabbing one of his hands which were still resting on your shoulder you directed it to your still growing bump. You had to wait a few moments with your hand on top of his before you felt it again. Gabriel flinched and you still saw worry in his eyes but when he looked up from your stomach and searched for your gaze, he slowly relaxed when he saw the softness in your eyes. "Are these...?" "Her first kicks? Yes." In the next couple of seconds you saw every emotion washing over his face. Happiness, relief, love, peace, joy but also worry, fear and panic. But it wasn't the type of panic that shook to your core, making your tense up and freeze. No, it was that type of panic a soon to be Dad had when realizing he would have to care for a small helpless baby soon. It was the first time you saw this fatherly panic on his face ever since the beginning, ever since the big news of you being pregnant. "She's quite strong. Knocked the air right out of me" you huffed while intervening your free hand with his other hand. "Archangel genes" Gabriel laughed. "Yes" you breathed, leaning into his touch with a smile. You two stayed like that for many moments more, enjoying each other's presence underneath the fantastical sky. You twirled the ring on your finger again. You felt the happiest ever since all this had started. This was probably the happiest day you had in a long time. ____________________ Pregnancy week 30: You felt like you had eaten a bowling ball or something like that. Your belly was extremely round and weighted a total of proud 25 pounds more of which the baby accounted for about 3 pounds. It was late October so you had about 2 and a half more months to life. You calculated with the help of your friend (F/N) that the baby would be due around the second week of January. Having these thoughts were scary. Normally the dated day of birth was something the parents craved, finally being able to hold their baby in their hands. But you, you were resenting it, you feared it. You thought you had left these thoughts behind but they haunted you even more now that the day got closer and closer. The last few months were hard, being pregnant in summer were hard but luckily the bunker could be regulated so you never really felt to hot. But now you were freezing even though the heater operates at full stretch so you just wrapped yourself into blankets all the time just like now. You were sitting on the sofa in the library again, the cup of tea you had been drinking was already empty. You sighed, feeling lonely. The guys had left a few days ago for a hunt which had required all of them so you were left behind for possible research again. You wanted nothing more than to cuddle with your favorite archangel right now and it seemed like he had heard your silent wish. You heard the unmistakably flutter of wings behind you and turned your head to look at him. "Gabe? What are you doing here? Is the hunt already finished?" you asked, looking around in search for the others but nobody was there. "No, it's just me" he declared. "And what are you doing here then?" "I just wanted to spend some time with my two beautiful girls" Gabriel said and sat down beside you. You snorted because of his cheesy comment but put your head on his shoulder anyway, nuzzling into his side still wrapped in your blanket as he laid one hand on your stomach waiting for a kick. Your little, heavy light bulb grew very active ever since you saw the northern lights but she seemed to like to kick around at night and sleep during the day. "I don't want to ruin the mood" you said after a long time of silence in which your thoughts continued to suffocated you. "...but I'm afraid, Gabe." You didn't move or look up just pressed yourself flat against him. "I just... wish I could hold her before I.." you didn't finish but you knew Gabriel understood what you meant. "I'm sorry, sugar" he said nuzzling his face in your hair and kissing the very top of your head. "You don't have to be, Gabriel, it's not your fault. And I wanted to have the baby so I just have to come to terms with the consequences of that decision" you explained. "Give me some of the credit, too, sweetcheeks" he cupped your face with one hand, directing your gaze at him as his face hovered inches above yours. "I worked very hard on that baby." You tried to bite back the laugh bubbling in your throat as you pushed his face away from you. "Gabe!" you screeched embarrassed even though he was the only one in the bunker. Giggling you shook your head. "Nice to see you didn't change since the pregnancy started." "I'll never change, you know that, sugar." You shook your head in disapproval. "That's not true, you did change" you noted. "You stopped your playboy days and stayed by my side." "Ah, well. You're just so interesting. How could I not stay a little longer to figure all the ways out to make you come undone" he said and wiggled his eyebrows as you slapped his shoulder with a gloomy look in your eyes. "I take that back, still one hundred percent the same archangel that I met years ago." Crossing your arms before your chest you held your head high as you ignored his laughter. "Oh, come on, honeybun" Gabriel laughed. "Don't ignore me." You huffed, giving him the cold shoulder while desperately trying to suppress your own laughter. "Stop ignoring me, (Y/N) or I will have to take drastic measures" he playfully growled and if you had turned around to look at him you probably would have seen the desire bubbling in his eyes. "You now I can't resist when you play hard to get." Finally, you turned around to meet his fiery gaze. "Oh, really?" you asked innocently. "I never noticed." Your faces were now only inches away from each other, his breath hot on your lips as he tried to hold back. It was nice seeing you still had this effect on him. You loved to watch him try to suppress it, to not give in and still losing to it every time: his desire for you. "You know, we are alone right now" you said with a grin as your eyes darted between Gabe's and his lips. "Oh, I know" Gabriel growled as his gaze fixated on your mouth. "And I intend to relish every second of it." ____________________ Pregnancy week 34: Only about six more weeks to live. It felt like a countdown. You tried to enjoy and appreciate every day and every second you had left, spent a lot of time with Gabriel, Dean, Sam or Cas. However, you couldn't prevent or deny that you were getting more distant. You didn't do it intentionally, or at least you thought so. Okay, maybe you tried to make everything easier for you and the guys. You would leave them, there was no going around that even though you knew Dean hadn't abandoned the plan of finding another solution, a way of saving you. It was just written in his genes apparently. But he hadn't brought anything up and you knew it was hopeless. The only thing you could think of was making a deal with a demon. Your life for someone else's but you wouldn't allow anyone to sacrifice themselves for you. And you weren't even sure if a demon could grant this wish, if they had more power than a half angel child. The last few weeks you had mayor back pains because your stomach had grown so much. Every sleeping position was uncomfortable, sitting was unbearable. Your bump was so big now you couldn't even put on shoes on your own. You felt more useless and moody, too but you weren't sure if it was because of the hormones or because you knew it would happen soon, it would end soon. You put one hand on your stomach, feeling the little light bulb (it became an agreed nickname for the baby between you and Gabe) move around. You noticed that she liked to lie on the right side more than on the left, leaving a little elevation there. Smiling you caressed your unborn baby. You just wished you had more time. ____________________ Pregnancy week 38: It was the fore last week but on a brighter spirit it was also Christmas. You haven't really celebrated Christmas ever since you were a child, ever since your parents were still alive. Of course, when you teamed up with Sam and Dean you exchanged gifts you had bought the day before but it was never a huge deal. You never really cared about the presents anyway. So, you expected that wouldn't change even if it was your last ever Christmas. You had stayed in bed all day, trying to find some rest after your baby girl had kept you awake almost all night. Was that why every mom awaited the birth so desperately? To finally sleep again and be free from all those pregnancy symptoms? A heavy sigh left your lips as you opened your eyes to look at the clock. It was about four pm and if you didn't stand up soon you wouldn't find sleep this night, too. With a groan you rolled out of bed and rubbed your eyes. Maybe hanging out with the guys would lift your spirit. Thinking about them ... you haven't seen them all day. Furrowing your eyebrows, you wondered what they were possibly doing. Had they found another hunt? Were they researching something? Stretching your back you slowly began your way to the library in search for anyone. "Guys?" you asked as you turned around the corner, still rubbing your sleepy eyes. "What were you doing all da-" you froze as you laid eyes on the library. The room was fully decorated with Christmas lights and even a small Christmas tree was standing in one corner, decked out with balls and lights. "What the hell" you mumbled and stepped into the room, your eyes glued to Sam and Dean who were putting the last decorations on the tables. "Oh, fuck" Dean said after noticing you. "Ehm, surprise?" You chuckled. "Well, yeah. I am surprised. Why are you decorating the library." "We thought we should celebrate Christmas this time" Sam explained, leaving out the obvious reason why. You nodded. "I appreciate it but I hope you didn't get me any presents because I was unable to buy anything for you." The two brothers shook their heads. "Nope, no gifts. Only decorations and something festive to eat" Dean declared. "It's gonna be burgers, right?" you questioned and crossed your arms before your chest. The slight blush on Dean's cheeks told you enough. "Good, because I'm starving and would kill for a burger right now." "Did I hear someone say burger?" You looked at the big entrance, seeing Gabe with bags in his hands. "Because I just so happen to have some." Laughing you sat down on one of the chairs, awaiting the festive meal. The three guys sat down too and Cas joined you soon after even though he didn't eat anything. At first you just looked around the room, eyes filled with childish wonder. You had missed the warm lights, the smell of Christmas that came just because of the atmosphere around you. You quickly lost yourself in conversation. Chatting about anything and everything. After a long time, you didn't worry, didn't fear the next day, the next week. You lived and just enjoyed the moment. The warmth that surrounded you, the smiles on their faces and the sound of laughter. This is what you always wanted. And you realized that your bucket list was finished, your last wish: having a peaceful family dinner. ____________________ Pregnancy week 39: Only about one week left. However, you weren't thinking about that just yet because today was New Year's Eve. Sam and Dean had bought some fireworks they wanted to set of which was why you were sitting outside of the bunker, wrapped in a blanket in Gabriel's arms. The Winchesters had oh so nicely agreed to let you come outside too. "How much time do we have left?" Dean asked, already hurrying with setting up all the fireworks in bottles on the street. You freed one arm from Gabriel's hug and looked at your phone. "Two minutes." "Shit, gotta hurry" Dean cursed. You laughed at him as he tried to work faster, ordering Cas to help him. "One thirty... One fifteen... One minute" you continued to count down. "Shut up." Giggling you put your phone away again after seeing Sam grabbing his to start the thirty second countdown in a few. Nuzzling back into Gabriel's side you glanced up at him only to see that his gaze had already been on you. "Hey" you mumbled with a smile. "Hey to you, too" he quietly laughed as he pushed back a strand of hair from your face. Immediately you lost yourself in his warm eyes, the cold night air long forgotten. His face was already so close to yours that you felt his breath on your lips. "Thirty" you heard Sam said. You had to wait thirty seconds until you could finally kiss him? You huffed a breath in annoyance as your hands found their place on Gabe's chest. "Impatient?" Gabriel grinned. You glared at him. "As if you weren't." "Twenty." "Oh, I can live without a kiss" the archangel stated with a smirk. You raised one eyebrow at him before grinning evilly. "Oh, is that so?" You put your hands away from his chest and turned your head forward again, looking at Dean who was armed with one windproof lighter in each hand. You couldn't suppress your laughter when you saw his silly stance. He seemed ready to tackle the fireworks to the ground. You hadn't seen him act this childish in a long time. You felt Gabriel squirm beside you which only made you grin even more. "Ten." "(Y/N)" the archangel growled lowly. "Nine." You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. "Eight." "I thought you said-" you turned around to meet his eyes completely. "Seven." "-you could live without a kiss from me?" you challenged him. "Six." He huffed. "Five." Stretching up you were the one to tease him with your hot breath on his mouth. "Four." "Well" Gabriel started and placed his arms to either of your sides, caging you in. "Three." You felt his body heat springing over to you as his eyes darted to your lips still stretched into a smile. "Two." "Not now" he finally said. "One!" He grabbed your face in his hands and closed the gap between you two just as Sam shouted "Zero!". Melting into the kiss you pressed your hands against his chest again and closed your eyes. However, the grin on your lips stayed as you responded the kiss. Silently moaning as Gabriel's hand wandered down your sides, leaving a tingling sensation behind, you stretched upward, pressing into him. This kiss was the sweetest you had ever shared with the archangel. Soft, gentle, slow. There was no intention behind it, no raw desire but love. So, you let yourself relax in his arms as the fireworks took of behind you, buzzing through the night sky. "Who was impatient now?" you asked after breaking the kiss, your lips still only barely apart. "Not my fault, I just can't resist you." "You're so cheesy when you want" you laughed and closed the gap between you again in another soft kiss that quickly grew more passionate and daring. You wrapped your arms around his neck, stroking through his hair and slightly tugging at their ends. He groaned against your lips and let his hands wander too. They quickly found their place only barely above your bum as he pressed you against him as far as possible with your baby bump. You felt warm and safe, like being encased in fluffy clouds and soft blankets, like if he had wrapped his wings around that you were unable to see. You parted with a gasp, sucking in breaths of air with a laugh as you looked up the archangel. "I love when you laugh and your eyes crinkle up" Gabriel whispered which only made laugh again and then smiling like a fool. "Are you growing soft on me" you teased. "I am always soft for you" he said without missing a beat. You felt your face heat up but forced yourself to not break the eye contact. "I love you" you mumbled with half lidded eyes. Gabriel chuckled, hugging you close. "I love you, too, sugar." You stayed outside for a while longer, talking with each other while looking up at the stars. But at about 1 am it was too cold to stay outside any longer so everyone slowly packed their drinks and the empty bottles for the fireworks and began their way back into the bunker. You let out a sigh as you heaved yourself up with Gabriel's help, smiling appreciatingly up at him and tried to find your balance. Just as you were standing safely on your legs and took one step forward you felt it. Bending forward you pressed one hand against your stomach and blindly searched for Gabriel to steady yourself with the other one. "(Y/N), is everything alright?" he asked, grabbing your outstretched arm. You growled in response, biting your lip, almost drawing blood. "Ju-just a contraction. Probably just Braxton Hicks contractions" you muttered under your breath and straightened up again after you were sure it was done. "Are you sure?" You nodded, letting go of Gabriel and taking one step forward only for your knees to give in. You yelped in shock but luckily Gabriel caught you before you could hit the ground. Another groan of pain left your lips as you let yourself be kept upright by the archangel just as another wave of pain hit you. Your lips parted, sharply sucking in the cold winter air, as you tried to get the words out. "Or ma-maybe they're real contractions" you stammered. You slumped back down, only kept up by Gabriel's arms while your vision got fuzzy and pain shot through you up from your stomach. You heard him yell for Sam, Dean and Cas who had already gone inside but you didn't really register it. It was absurd. Everything seemed so unreal to you and in the same time frighteningly real, too. Was this ... it? "Gabe" you said not even really knowing why as a nauseous feeling washed over you. Clinging onto him you blinked a few times, trying to make out his face. "I-I need your help." He heaved you into his arms without another word, hurrying inside as fast as possible. "What's the matter?" Sam asked, looking up from his seat in the library. You only cried out in pain, curling into Gabe's chest. "She's having contractions" Gabriel said and walked past the three men in the direction of your room. They hastily stood up and ran after him, frantically shouting all the time. "Real ones? The real deal?" Dean asked worried. "Yes!" you yelled with tears in your eyes as a wave of heat crashed over your body. Gabriel kicked your door open and then laid you down on your bed. Panicking you looked up at the ceiling. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, it was too early and your friend wasn't even in town yet. They had promised to come by to help with the birth giving process. You had no clue what to do and the guys had non either. They were panicking too, asking and shouting about what was supposed to happen. "Gabe... Gabriel" you forced over your lips, looking to your side, searching for his eyes. He immediately had his attention on you with his eyebrows furrowed and teary eyes. "Call (F/N)." He nodded, not hesitating and grabbed your phone. "(Y/N)? What's up?" their voice rang through the speaker only seconds later but you were unable to answer as another painful contraction hit you. This was happening way to fast. Was this the angel side of your baby? Wasn’t there supposed to be a pause between the contractions? How were you supposed to breath through all this pain? "Here's Gabriel" the archangel managed to get out. "(Y/N) just got into labor." "What?! (Y/N)!" your friend yelled as a wave of shock also washed over them. "Hey" Gabriel said to get their attention. "We... she needs your help now. You have to tell us what to do." If you hadn't been in labor you would have been amazed by Gabe's calm voice. But one look at his face told you that it was only a facade, that he was more panicked than any of the other guys inside the room. "Okay, okay. At first ... tell me how far apart the contractions are" your friend requested after a few deep breaths to calm themselves down. Gabriel looked back at you and when your eyes met you felt the next one hit you. "There is no time between them or at least … there’s always pain. They are coming very fast. I-" you were able to groan when the pain washed away for a few seconds. "I think it's because of the angel genes. They're very strong and painful." "Alright, no time to lose then" your friend mumbled probably more to themselves. "You have to lay on your back, put a pillow behind your neck so it's more comfortable for you and you have to get rid of the pants." You looked at Gabe again, signaling him that you needed help with that. He nodded, putting the phone on your bedside table and helped you out of your pants. It was weird being exposed like that but to be fair you didn't really have much time to think about that as another wave of pain crushed over you, pressing your lungs down. "Someone has to check on the status of the baby" (F/N) said and maybe not very surprisingly Cas volunteered to do so. He seemed to have calmed down a bit while Sam and Dean were still pacing around. "Hoist your legs up so you can build up more strength and when the next contraction hits you have to press. And don’t forget to breathe!" You followed their instructions without question. "(Y/N)?" they asked after a few seconds. You answered with a half yelp that somewhat resembled a "Yes?". "I wish I was here to help you, I'm sorry." "No, don't be. I wanted you to enjoy New Year's Eve, too. Life is just unpredictable" you managed to say but after that everything became fuzzy again. This wasn't normal right? No, it wasn't. You were dying. This was the end. The realization hit you suddenly and almost knocked the air out of your lungs. You would die today. You whimpered, unable to form any words as you once again blindly reached out for Gabriel. A hand found yours and you immediately felt that it was his palm squeezing yours reassuringly. Your vision cleared only slightly and when you made out the archangel's face you saw the tears he had forced back all those weeks, the tears he had never let himself cry. "Can you see something already?" Was that Dean speaking? You couldn’t really tell but you knew that the one to answer should be Cas. "Yes, I can see some of the head." "Is she still breathing." "Yes! Now stop worrying her even more!" That had to be Gabe as his hand began to squeeze you harder. "You're doing great" the words echoed in your mind again and again and again. Was that Gabriel? You felt the tears wet your cheeks. You loved him so much. You didn't want this. You wanted more time. Why weren't you given more time? Why did this happen to you? Were you doomed from the very beginning? You couldn’t breath, the pain was too much, your whole body just stiffened up. "(Y/N)." Was this some sort of punishment? The contractions seemed to get even more frequent and even though you were supposed to press you felt your strength leave your body quickly. But this baby had to live, you wanted your baby girl to live. Squeezing the hand in yours tightly you focused every last drip of strength into pushing your baby out. "Out." "She's out." Your baby was out. You were still breathing. Was that screaming? "Gabe" you gasped as the room began to spin. You were so exhausted. All your energy seemed to have been sucked out of you. And that was when you noticed your vision getting out of focus once more but this time it seemed different ... final. A wave of panic crashed over you. No, no, no, no! You didn't want to go. You wanted to reach out to Gabe, opened your mouth. Say something! Another wave of pain tore through you, left you breathless. What was happening? Tears were streaming out of your eyes but you were able to detect one face looking down at you. Worried, honey colored eyes. Gabe! No, you- just say something! Say you love him! Your thoughts screamed at you to say anything... but you were unable to. You had no energy left. Everything turned to darkness.
"(Y/N)!" you squirmed under your blanket, not ready to wake up just yet. You felt something, or someone next to you and a hand on your shoulder slowly shaking you away but still you didn't really budge.
"Let me sleep" you complained and covered your head with the warm blanket. "Next time, sugar. Now you need to wake up."
You opened your eyes, pulling the blanket down and let them wander to Gabe's in shadow casted Form. Frowning you slowly sat up. This felt strangely familiar, like you were just experiencing a déjà-vu.
You sighed and followed Gabriel's instructions as he hoisted you up.
"Believe me, it will be worth it" he promised. You closed your eyes and rubbed the bridge of your nose. "I really hope you're right."
The next time you opened your eyes you stood in a snow covered landscape. "What-"
"Look up, sugar" he said and so you did. The sight left you breathless. Vivid colors were moving above you in a strange, hypnotic dance. Greens and blues and bright pinks. You were speechless. These were the northern lights.
"It's amazing" you whispered and pushed done strand of hair back. "Thank you."
This was all so familiar. Did you live through this before? You frowned, about to ask Gabriel when you felt a dull pain rush through your stomach. Gasping you leaned forward, wrapping your arms around yourself. This was strange.
"(Y/N)?!" Gabriel asked panicked and walked in front of you. He put his hands on your shoulders to straighten you up again. "Are you alright? Are you in pain? What's going on?" Yes, indeed. What was going on? What was this pain? The thoughts of a possible déjà-vu vanished in an instance as your mind just accepted everything.
For a few more seconds you didn't answer him and instead stared at the ground with your arms still tightly wrapped around yourself. You felt it again and it was then you realized what this was. You let out a pained laugh.
"Yes, everything's fine" you reassured the worried archangel with a small smile. Grabbing one of his hands which were still resting on your shoulder you directed it to your still growing bump. You had to wait a few moments with your hand on top of his before you felt it again. Gabriel flinched and you still saw worry in his eyes but when he looked up from your stomach and searched for your gaze, he slowly relaxed when he saw the softness in your eyes.
"Are these...?"
"Her first kicks? Yes."
In the next couple of seconds you saw every emotion washing over his face. Happiness, relief, love, peace, joy but also worry, fear and panic. But it wasn't the type of panic that shook to your core, making your tense up and freeze. No, it was that type of panic a soon to be Dad had when realizing he would have to care for a small helpless baby soon. It was the first time you saw this fatherly panic on his face every since the beginning, ever since the big news of you being pregnant.
"She's quite strong. Knocked the air right out of me" you huffed while intervening your free hand with his other hand.
"Archangel genes" Gabriel laughed.
"Yes" you breathed, leaning into his touch with a smile. You two stayed like that for many moments more, enjoying each other's presence underneath the fantastical sky.
It indeed was your happiest day.
            The End. ____________________
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, ROSEY! You’ve been accepted for the role of FLORIZEL with an approved FC change to Kenta Sakurai. Admin Minnie: This application was like a special treat made especially for me, with everything I love in one place. You captured what makes Felipe both human and god, man and monster, poison and antidote. My absolute favorite part of this application was the way you likened Felipe to a human drug, I just about dropped everything and started screaming at that line — because that’s exactly what he is, and it captures his spirit so well. And that interview? Wow, you captured every layer and every complexity to his character with just a few questions. I’ve read this application six times now, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to stop; Felipe is a drug, indeed and so are you! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Rosey !
Age | 22
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | Please describe how active you think you’ll be in a few sentences.
Timezone | PST
How did you find the rp?  |  Uh...I made it.
Current/Past RP Accounts | Here you go!
Character | Felipe Antonio Castro / Florizel
• An FC change to Kenta Sakurai would be greatly appreciated -- I changed his last name to reflect his change of ethnicity as well!
What drew you to this character? | There’s something about the volatility of Felipe that I think I fell in love with. There’s a heavy theme of drugs that is interwoven into his biography, and I think it is very fitting to say that the worst drug is Felipe himself. He makes you fall in love with him, gives you that taste of playfulness and fun, the little trip that you need to get hooked, but then slowly and surely something rotten begins to set into you. When you slip your hand into his, there’s a thrill of trepidation that follows the action. At the edge of his smile, you begin to notice a dark curl to his lips that whispers of something a little more foul. You catch him watching you in the odd glances here and there, as though he’s waiting for something to unfold -- and it’s then and only then that you realize you’re obsessed with him. That you can’t let go of him. The problem is though, that you’re chasing after a ghost. And there is nothing -- nothing -- that will drive you more insane than chasing after someone you can never truly capture. Felipe is always slipping through your fingers, dancing at the edge of your grasp, intangible and driving you half-crazed with the inability to have him.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
1. REVELATION -- He has hidden in the shadows for so long he has forgotten what it feels like to have his face shine in the sun. Sitting still has never settled well within him, especially with a soul so restless and the first step to shedding the shackles of his many sins. I think, true to character, the revelation of his life will be an impulsive, spur of the moment revelation. However, there are a couple of things he would make sure he has up his sleeve before announcing his resurrection: a passport, enough money to live comfortably (he has his eyes on some place like Greece), and a quick means of escape secured. He does not quite like the thought of Valentina upstaging him and stealing his thunder, but wouldn’t it be fitting, after such a melodramatic death he’d have a resurrection that would rival Jesus’ himself?
2. REDEMPTION -- Falling in love is no small thing to scoff at and for Felipe it was pivotal. It awakened something that was eclipsed for the majority of his life, this inkling of kindness and nobility that was forsaken in his quest for obsessive adoration. It’s hanging there at the very end of his biography, an opportunity for him to redefine himself  as a man that is more than a collection of his worst decisions. I see a path that is laid out before him that will be tedious, heart-wrenching, and hard but the end is ever-looming and always in his sights. He will need to do the unthinkable and earn the place that he had long-occupied in her heart, become worthy of it so that the memory of the dead man she had loved is  not something she thinks about only in shades of blue. The way I see this happening is for him first to cement a connection with one of the mob’s high-ups (likely Genevieve since he would want to be close to Paola).  He would have to reconcile for his many, many sins and this would be a long term plot that would involve Felipe having to unlearn many of his natural inclinations but...it would be worth it.
3. RECOMPENSE -- I took a lot of inspiration from the character Frenchie for this -- but since he has habitually consumed a lot of drugs, I think he has learned a lot about them. It would be an interesting study if the Montagues tried to test their drugs on him, to see what they could do to prolong the effects of the ambrosia and make it more potent while figuring out ways to curb the come down, but also maybe give him an opportunity to study the drugs that undo him, to learn about them and maybe with the proper tutelage come up with something new for the Montagues. He is a sharp, wickedly cunning man - he has to be in order to slip through the once-thought iron-clad grip of the mobs, so who is to say that he wouldn’t use his talents in such a self-serving manner that could prove profitable to the Montagues? Or the Capulets if things happen to pan out in another fashion. He has to atone for his sins somehow, doesn’t he?
4. RECKONING -- In the case of NEITHER of the mobs accepting him, it’s clear that he has become a rather formidable force himself. He knows how to work around the mobs, knows their ins and outs, their secrets, their weaknesses, their weak links. Should neither of them serve his needs the way that he wants them to, Felipe has in mind to make himself the go-to person if people need information, a smuggler, or a hitman. He’s a jack-of-all-trades and master of -- well, all of them, if he does say so himself. Though killing people makes his hands tremble and bile rise in his throat, he does what must be done. He rather enjoys the thrill of smuggling things in and out of the city, though, and cannot help but feel like a cat with a canary caught in its mouth whenever he learns new, invaluable information. Perhaps this is an eventuality or maybe it’s a lofty dream. Regardless, he knows he has the capacity to stir the city into a frenzy if he so wishes. It would require a great amount of effort, though...so here’s to hoping, he won’t.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Just try and stop me! >:(
His leg is slung over the arm of the chair, cigarette in hand as he waits for the girl to set herself up. His eyes flickered over her face subtly -- if he looked at her too openly she might think that he was interested in her, which would only make her feel as though she were worth his time and energy. And he didn’t want her to think that, not quite yet. She was cute, with a little button nose and wide eyes that gave one the impression that she was a bit younger than she actually was. It was the way that she handled herself, though, that gave her age away. The woman’s posture was impeccable, she carried an over-the-shoulder bag rather than a backpack and pens, a recorder, and a journal rather than a notebook. Details, details, details. His gaze caught for a half-second on her hand as she set her items onto the table. There was a band around her finger, a strip of skin that was paler than the rest.
Either she was recently divorced or didn’t care for people to know she was married.
Felipe -- no, what name was he using right now? Marco.
Okay, well, Felipe thought that Paola was much more preferable company -- and frankly, Marco had eyes, so his opinion was the same -- but she was working right now and he needed a way to pass the time while her shift was ending. Students tended to frequent the place and this Graduate Student had asked him to help her with a journalism exercise -- nothing more than a profile on no one. He had been assured that this project would mean nothing and she’d probably get an A regardless, but still. Having his name penned into a book with black ink was a type of permanency that he didn’t care to have haunting his thoughts.
He took another drag and tilted his head back as he expelled the smoke from his lungs. The waning sun shined in his face and he basked in the warmth.
“What’s your favorite place in Verona?”
Sighing, he combed a finger through his hair, contemplating on what kind of answer Marco would give. If it were Felipe who were answering, he would say that he had rather enjoyed the Roman Baths -- getting high there while listening to music was an experience that brought him nearly as much peace as waking up to Paola in the morning. Marco, however, was a little bit more basic than Felipe was. Marco enjoyed historical sites, books, things that would make girls like the one sitting across from him swoon.
She probably fantasized about one of her professors. Maybe he could give her a taste of that fantasy -- as a gift, from him to her.
“Think I would have to say the Roman arena,” he answered with an apologetic grin, as though it were embarrassing to admit such a thing. “A bit nerdy, but it’s a historical site that I don’t think gets enough recognition. At night it can be haunting, when the mist settles low and the moonlight shines overhead. You could even imagine that the mist takes shapes and the souls of the gladiators are there, waving their gladius’ and throwing their spears.” There it was, that bit of testosterone that she was probably craving, to reassure her that he was a man of books, but he knew how to handle her in bed.
Her lashes fluttered, as though she were a little taken aback by that -- although, from the flush of her cheeks, it was in a manner that leaned weighed in Felipe’s -- Marco’s -- favor. A slow, lazy smile dragged along his lips at that, but she was too busy taking notes to notice. He shifted, foot propped up on the seat, elbow resting on his knee.
“Uh huh, and what does your day typically look like?”
“Well, I used to wake up to my wife, but then circumstances changed,” -- he was careful not to look at her, head bowed as Marco suddenly becomes interested in a well-worn groove on the wooden table -- “and now I wake up, go for a run, brew some coffee, shower, and go to work. Then I  go to a bar across from the Castelvecchio, read and people watch for a bit, then call it a night and head home. Nothing too wild or interesting -- those days are far behind me.” Marco had answered the question genuinely, but Felipe was interested to see if she’d take note of the trail of breadcrumbs he had left her. It was evident that Marco was a man of routine, maintained healthy habits, and liked the quieter aspects of life, but dealt well with change. Also, he was quite comfortable in the bustle of a bar, but preferred to watch from a distance rather than openly engage.
When he looked at her, she was leaning forward, pen still against the notebook. There was a curl to her lips that hinted at a smile, as though she were charmed, but sympathetic to the new routine that he had to learn. He wondered if he should mention that Marco had adopted a dog recently, but maybe he would pull that one from his sleeve later.
“That sounds lovely,” she chirped, suddenly realizing that maybe she had been staring for a little too long. He didn’t mind at all, but Marco did. So he smiled bashfully, looking down and fiddling with the ring on his thumb as though he needed to distract himself.
“It’s a slower pace for things, but it was needed. A little peace and tranquility is underappreciated, I think. And when I want a change of pace, I like to take trips here, to Rome. Different, more interesting people are out here. Like you.”
Ah, she seemed to like that a lot. A shining, bright laughter flew from her lips and he let his own mingle with hers.
“Sorry,” he demurred, grinning. “Couldn’t help it, couldn’t help it. Continue on.”
That was a little too assertive. But maybe it would work, he thought. She should know that Marco isn’t one to shy away from someone he’s interested in. After putting up with her significant other for so long, she might need someone to chase after her for a bit and maybe this could hint that he was more than willing to do the work necessary to hold her attention. He had to play this carefully, though, he didn’t want to seem overeager. Most women didn’t find that attractive.
“Right -- cosi, this is a more intrusive one, apologies --  what has been your biggest mistake thus far?”
“You don’t think you can be kinder to me?”
“Unfortunately not.”
“Damn,” he murmured ruefully, shaking his head. He quieted, as though contemplating the question.  Felipe didn’t like to think that he made mistakes. Sometimes the decisions he made had unfortunate consequences, but was anything really ever a mistake if it was predetermined? Not that he believed there was a holy order to anything -- it was simply more convenient to think that when things didn’t quite go the way that he had planned. But sometimes, when he woke up with a thick tongue and a storm raging in his head, muscles aching and cramping, his skin sticky, and coated  with a light film of sweat as Paola stared at him anxiously...sometimes, he did think that his lifestyle, as a whole, as a mistake.
Marco’s answer was easier, though, and far more romantic.
“Letting my heart get carried away,” he said softly, melancholy twisting his tone. Marco/Felipe rubbed at the back of his neck, eyes downcast. “Not letting my head reason with it more.” There was more truth in it than he cared to admit. His heart was what had guided him for so long, ravenous and relentless. Demanding, demanding, demanding. If he had let his head wrestle with it more, perhaps, then he wouldn’t have the cravings that he did, have the inexplicable penchant for a life of brutality and crime. Sighing, he shrugged, making it clear that his thoughts began and ended here.
Gently, she continued on with her questions, ducking her head a bit to meet his gaze. She wanted to engage him in eye contact so that he could know that she was listening, that she cared.
God, Paola’s shift couldn’t be over soon enough.
“So, then, what has been the most difficult task asked of you?”
“Learning to recognize what was best for me and act on it.” Long-winded lies were easier to swallow when they were peppered with the truth, and the sincerity of his tone surprised even him. He wasn’t going to elaborate on it, but he would let the woman draw whatever conclusions she wanted. “You’d think that once you realized that someone -- or something -- was bad for you, you’d immediately try to quit it, but…” Felipe/Marco let it end there. His gaze drifted away from his interrogator’s watching the people that walked here to and fro, living their quiet, mundane lives. Content with living in a tepid existence. Never knowing a taste of revelry, worship, and glory. Truthfully, though, he should have recognized after his first kill that maybe this life wasn’t always meant for him. The thought had been buried six feet under, because it meant that he would be able to live the life he wanted -- adored and whispered about as though he were a legend in the making.
Then he had met Paola.
And fallen in love with her.
Ah, fuck, maybe that was his mistake.
“...Sorry! Sorry, apologies, got caught in my own head.”
“I just wanted to know, since you’re from Verona, what are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?”
“I don’t think you should ever ask someone from Verona that.”
“Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize it was a sensitive --”
“No, it’s alright, I might actually be one of the few people that you could ask this question. The war is a waste. The people of the city are terrified and tired of fighting for a cause they can’t even remember. There needs to be some sort of definitive change because, eventually, there’s not going to be any blood left to spill.” Huh. Odd. He didn’t have to lie as much as he thought he would have with this question. The city was tired, as were the people, as was the cadence of the war. They needed someone to go in and shake things up a bit, maybe spice things up with a little intrigue and mystery. He’d see if he was bored enough to do it -- but for now, he was more than happy to bask in this little paradise he had found for himself in the arms of a delicate woman he would easily go on a bended knee for. Not now though, he wanted to wait a bit. But eventually.
The woman handed him her number as the interview began to draw to a close, idle conversation clearly something that she thought Marco would enjoy. Felipe didn’t much care for it, but he continued with the niceties until she began to look at her watch. The moment she turned away, he crumpled up the paper and tossed it into a planter, covering his mouth with a lazy fist as he yawned, standing up and stretching himself out as he made his way over to the bookshop.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he frowned.
Only Paola had his number, except for one other person in Verona --
“Fucking hell.”
1. For years he has perfected the following accents: British (posh), Australian, Spanish, French, German, and American (Southern). For years he regularly went with the Spanish accent to make himself seem more enticing to people and when he met Paola he said he was born in Italy but raised in Spain. He was rather proud of himself for that one and would have kept the accept for the rest of his life if it meant that she would take his name.
2. When fighting, he tries to knock people out rather than kill them. Though it makes things slightly more difficult, he loathes robbing anyone of their life. One would think it would get easier each time, but he has found that it gets more difficult every time he does it. There is a routine that typically follows the act: his hands begin to shake uncontrollably and the next day he finds himself incapable of leaving his bed. After the 24 hour period he buys a rose and throws it into the Adige. So far he has bought 6 red roses and 1 white rose.
3. Felipe is a natural at chemistry. He enjoys it and probably would have gotten a career as a chemist if he had continued his education instead of teaching himself, but he finds the structure of academia boring and tedious. Learning topics at his own rate is far more preferable and allows him to consume things at his own rate -- although he does find himself writing what he learns in journals. In these same journals he practices different styles of penmanship so that, should anyone read the books, they’d think it was passed between multiple people.
4. His bambinaia was from Germany and sometimes he would slip up and accidentally call her mama. He keeps a picture of her in his wallet. A stupid, sentimental thing to do that will probably get him in toruble, but Felipe can’t seem to bear the idea of parting with it. The only person he had shown her picture to was Paola, and even then he couldn’t bring himself to elaborate on their relationship. He acts like she’s dead. It’s easier that way.
5. He prefers reading poems over books. They give much more insight to a person than a five hundred page book ever could.
1. Jet -- Avatar the Last Airbender
2. Frenchie -- The Boys
3. Flynn Rider -- Tangled
4. Luke Castellan -- The Percy Jackson Series
5. Theon Greyjoy -- Game of Thrones
6 notes · View notes
bxcketbarnes · 7 years
We’re Getting Married
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien x Reader
Author: @cxddlyash  
Words: 7923
Author’s Note: So, I love wedding stuff and I planned one out for a Dylan fic and I basically wrote this in one day! Eh? Hopefully you guys will like it. It’s super cute and smutty! Thanks to @mf-despair-queen for proofreading this for me. Pst, she’s amazing.
You can find all the wedding stuff here
12:00 a.m.
I sat at the island in Dylan’s apartment with a glass of water, looking at the engagement ring on my finger, a small smile on my lips. I still can’t believe he asked me to marry him. Dylan and I have been together for over six years and now we’re going to start the next chapter of our lives and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve been rummaging through many different wedding venues, trying to figure out where we want our wedding. Dyl said that it doesn’t matter where we have it, as long as I’m there along with our friends and family. I’ve always wanted to get married on the beach, because I absolutely love the ocean. I’ve found a couple of places on the beach that hold weddings and managed to pick one, after thinking it over for hours on end. We had decided for the wedding colors to be aqua and white.
I glanced back at my ring, thinking about that day again, never being able to forget it. It was the best day of my life and Dylan made it feel so romantic.
I walked into the apartment after I got done work, seeing Dylan sitting at the island, scrolling through his phone. I closed the door, grabbing his attention and he smiled, walking over to me, greeting me with a chaste kiss to the lips.
“Hey baby,” Dylan muttered against my lips, giving me a few more kisses before we head into the kitchen, sitting at the island. He takes my hand in his as I tell him about my day and how shitty it had been at work. He stood up, walking behind me as he pressed his thumbs into my shoulder, making me groan out in pleasure, feeling his lips against my bare shoulder. He’s literally the sweetest boyfriend I’ve ever had. “I have a surprise for you tonight,” He whispered into my ear and I lean my head back against his chest, looking up at him upside down.
“Oh really?” I asked, feeling a little excited as he nodded his head, placing a kiss to my forehead. I stand up, resting my hands against his chest as he wraps his arms around my waist. “Can I have a hint?” I questioned, biting my lip as he shook his head, chuckling.
“Nope, now go get ready,” He told me and I walked past him, his hand coming down on my ass playfully. I turned around, my lips parted as he has an adorable smirk on his lips.
“That’ll cost you, O’Brien.” I nibbled on my bottom lip, seeing him step closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my lower back, his large hand squeezing my ass cheek.
“You love it and you know it,” He whispered, growling slightly as my heartbeat picks up. He pulled me into a rough kiss, biting my bottom lip as I let out a moan, gripping his shirt in my hands. He pulled away and both of us were panting, getting a little hot as he leaned his forehead against mine. “We should really get going.” I nodded my head, my eyes closed as I try to calm my heartbeat.
I walked into the bedroom, looking through the closet for a cute but casual outfit, since Dylan’s wearing a flannel with a white t-shirt underneath it, paired with black jeans and his favorite adidas shoes. I pull out a sundress, the same sundress I wore on our first date and a large grin was on my lips. He always told me that he loved me in this dress.
I walked into the living room and Dylan glances up at me before looking back down at his phone, until his eyes moved back onto my figure. I stood there in a strapless sundress, the chest area being a beige color while the skirt is light blue and flowy. I had placed on my gladiator sandals and put on very light makeup.
“W-Wow. You look just as beautiful as you did on our first date. Maybe even more beautiful.” He smiled, walking over to me, his eyes roaming my body. I silently thanked him as I blushed, looking at the ground as his hand lightly intertwined our fingers. “Ready?” He asked and I nodded my head, smiling at him as we walked out of the apartment, hand in hand as we walked downtown, which was five minutes from where we live. We walked into our favorite restaurant, walking up to the host at the podium. “Take out for O’Brien?” The hostess nodded, going into the back as my eyebrows furrowed together, confused why he got take out. I was about to question him when she came back with the food, handing it to Dylan. He thanked her, taking my hand in his again before walking out, leading me towards the memorial park. I saw a picnic blanket placed on the ground, candles lit around it as my heart swells.
“Oh my god, Dylan. This is absolutely adorable. I love this.” I placed a kiss to his cheek as I sat on my knees. He sets some of the food on plates, handing me one of them as we ate in a comfortable silence, looking up at the stars every once in awhile. After we had finished eating, he pulled me off the ground, walking along the pathway that’s near a river, enjoying the sounds of the water. We stopped near the water, my arms wrapped around his waist as I rested my head against his shoulder, standing in silence.
“You know I love you, right?” Dylan asked and I looked up at him, nodding my head. He smiled at me, looking past me, his lips parting slightly. “Woah, look at that,” He said and I turned around, trying to find the thing he was looking at. I turned around, ready to ask him what he was looking at when I noticed that he was on one knee. I let out a soft gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. “Y/N, you’ve always meant so much to me and I honestly don’t know what I would do without you in my life. The more I got to know you throughout the years, I fell more in love with you, even when I thought that it wasn’t possible.” He paused, clearing his throat as I can see tears welling up, the same happening to me as I try to blink the blurriness away. “I was so happy when you agreed to go on our first date that I couldn’t contain my excitement, and that happens before every date we go on. I love you so, so much that I want to start the next chapter of our life together. So, would you do the honor and becoming my wife, Mrs. O’Brien?” He finished and a few tears slid down my cheeks, nodding my head repeatedly.
“Yes, Dylan. Of course,” I cried, laughing a bit as he stood up, sliding the beautiful engagement ring onto my ring finger before bringing me into a kiss. Both his hands rested on my face as he put all the passion into this one kiss. I pulled away, looking at the ring on my finger, a wide smile on my lips as I can feel Dylan’s eyes on me.
“I was really nervous to ask you,” He muttered and I looked up at him, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Why? Baby, we’ve been together for six years. I’ve fallen in love with you so hard. But, I’m glad you didn’t chicken out because I’ve been thinking about you asking me for about a year.” I smiled at him and he pressed a small kiss to my lips.
“I love you.”
I smiled at the memory, getting little glimpses of it every time I look at the ring. A hand laid against my waist making me jump, turning around to see a very tired Dylan. He rubbed his eye, pressing a tired kiss to my head. “How long have you been up, baby?” He mumbled lowly.
“I couldn’t sleep. I get too excited thinking about the wedding, even though it’s months away.” I smiled, his head resting against my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist. He looked at the wedding dress catalogue that was placed in front of me, his lips pressed to my shoulder.
“You should try to get a little sleep. You do have a dress appointment tomorrow and our friends don’t need you being grumpy while trying to find a dress,” He chuckled and I closed the book, turning around, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“You’re right.” I smiled and he wrapped one of his arms around my waist, the other placed behind my knees, picking me up bridal style as he walked us to our room, dropping me onto the bed before crawling on top of me. He trailed kisses from the top of my breast up towards my neck. I bite my lip, moving my head to the side, giving him more access as he bit and sucked on the skin under my earlobe. His lips moved up my jawline, pressing a few kisses to my lips.
“You know, if you’re not tired, I could help you get to sleep.” He smirked and I bit my lip, feeling my panties dripping with arousal. I nodded my head and he pressed his lips to mine again before he moved down my body, lying in between my legs. Dylan pressed his thumb against my clit, making my hips buck up, letting out a tiny moan as he looked up at me, continuing to draw figure eights through my panties. I leaned on my elbows, watching him as he pushed my panties to the side, dipping his head down before licking up my pussy, circling his tongue around my clit.
“O-Oh, Dylan,” I moaned out, leaning my head back as my eyes fluttered shut. He licked up my folds a few more times before diving in, poking his tongue through my folds, finding my entrance. His hands gripped my hips as I writhed underneath him, one hand roaming, gripping onto the comforter as my other hand grips onto his hair. His nose nudged my clit as his tongue explored and every once in awhile, he’ll trail back towards my clit, making shapes with his tongue. Moans escaped my lips as he bit down softly, my back arching and I swear at one point he had spelled out his name. Two of his fingers pressed against my entrance as his attention with his tongue stayed on my clit. He slipped his fingers in easily as my arousal has coated my walls and he began pumping his fingers in and out of me. I let out breathy moans as his fingertips brushed against my sweet spot, making me scream out. My walls clenched on his fingers as my orgasm was closing in. Dylan hummed against my clit, pumping his fingers faster as I moved my hips uncontrollably, thrusting my hips all around and he looked up at me, licking his lips.
“Come on, baby. Cum for me. Cum all over my fingers.” He smirked, adding another finger before picking up the pace, his mouth landing on my clit once more as I screamed out, arching my back as both hands gripped the sheets. My toes curled as I began to cum all over his fingers, moaning loudly. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of me slowly, prolonging my orgasm. After my high had died down, I watched Dylan lick his fingers clean before crawling back up towards me, pressing his lips against mine, faintly tasting my juices on his lips. I was panting underneath him, becoming tired as he pressed a kiss to my cheek before sliding off of me, laying in the space next to me.
“You certainly know what you’re doing,” I mumbled, laying on my side, facing him. He chuckled, scooting closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, grazing his fingers against my lower back. I nuzzled my head into his neck, closing my eyes as I rest my hands against his chest.
“I know you really well, baby girl. I know everything that gets you off. Now, get some rest, alright?” He whispered and I nodded my head, sleep overcoming as I barely heard Dylan. “I love you so much, Mrs. O’Brien.”
I woke up to the feeling of lips against my shoulder blade and I let out a groan, turning over. I’m almost asleep again when fingers brushed the hair out of my face, and I open my eyes slowly, squinting at the sunlight shining throughout the room. Dylan’s face comes into view, a grin on his lips as he’s fully dress, leaning onto the bed. “Hi, baby,” I mumbled and he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“Morning, baby girl. How’d you sleep?” He asked, tucking some hair behind my ear. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I looked towards the clock. 11:21 a.m.
“Like a baby. It seemed that your theory proved to work,” I giggled, running a hand through my hair as I get up, heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I finished brushing my teeth, I walked back into the bedroom, finding Dylan sitting on the edge of the bed, talking to someone on the phone. I looked at him confused, wondering who it is and he had mouthed “wedding planner” to me. I nodded my head, smiling, excited to see what she’s got for us and I walked over to him, straddling his lap as he glances up me, his eyes widening.
“Ye-Yeah. Y/N’s going shopping for her dress today and she’ll be letting me know when’s she done if you want to meet up after.” He mentioned and I could hear her talking his ear off. I dipped my head into his neck, grazing my lips softly over the skin as his free hand squeezes my hip. He let out “mhm’s” every once in a while as I continued to nip at his skin, grinding my hips a bit to tease him. He’s been on the phone for about fifteen minutes as I watched him, giving him a small smile as I ran my fingers through his hair. When he finally gets off the phone, he kisses my lips, letting out a small moan as his hands roam my waist and hips. My phone rings and I pull away from him, pulling it off of the night stand, seeing Steff calling me.
“Hello?” I answered, Dylan’s lips moving to my neck as the roles had reversed.
“Hey, we’re leaving in about five minutes. We’ll be there in probably ten to fifteen minutes, alright?” She asked and I nodded my head, loving the feeling of his lips against my sweet spot, almost making my moan out. “Y/N?” She asks, making sure I was still there.
“Y-Yeah, I’m here. I mean, yeah, I’ll be ready.” I let out a breathy moan as he bites my skin.
“Alright,” She chuckles, knowing exactly what’s happening, “I’ll let you go be with your man now, but don’t forget, fifteen minutes.” I let out a “yeah” and she hung up. Dylan pulls the phone out of my hand, pressing his lips to mine once more as I ran my hands against his shoulder, trailing them into his hair. His hands move to my ass, squeezing lightly, moving my hips against his semi-hard on.
“F-Fuck, baby,” I muttered, my lips hovering over his as I can feel his breath hit my face. “I-I really need to get ready.” I whispered as he continued to grind against me, his breathing becoming heavier.
“God, I wish we had more time,” He groaned, letting me go and I press a loving kiss to his lips before I get off his lap. I pulled out a pair of leggings and one of his flannels, getting dressed quickly. As I passed him, I noticed he had adjusted himself, watching me.
“If I didn’t have to leave in five minutes,” I leaned in towards his ear, whispering, “I’d totally suck that wonderful cock of yours.” I heard him groan and I smile, kissing his cheek before going back into the bathroom to put some deodorant and perfume on. I quickly put some shoes on, hearing honking outside and I grab my purse off of my dresser, heading towards the door, Dylan trailing behind me. I opened the door, seeing the girls in the car, waving at me and I smile, turning towards Dylan, pressing a loving kiss to his lips. “Goodbye, baby. I’ll see you after the appointment, okay?” I asked and he nodded his head, kissing my lips again.
“Of course. I love you,” He whispered and I smiled, giving him one more kiss.
“I love you too, Dylan.” I give him a tight hug, hearing the girls wolf whistling from behind me and I roll my eyes, laughing. I waved him goodbye, getting into the backseat of Steff’s car, greeting my best friends. We drove to David’s Bridal, everyone clearly excited to find me the perfect dress for our wedding, getting overly excited myself.
After we parked the car, the six of us had walked into David’s Bridal, getting one of the consultant’s attention. She walked up to us, greeting us as I give her a small wave.
“Who’s the bride?” She asked and I raised my hand, smiling widely. She smiled as well, shaking my hand and introducing herself as Amber to us. “And who are these lovely ladies?” Amber asked and I looked back at them.
“We have the maid of honor, Lau and my bridesmaid’s, Steff, Malissa, Bekah, and Cait.” I smiled and she brought us to a couch that has a pedestal in front of it. We all sat down as my attention was brought to her.
“So, what kind of dress are you looking for?” She asked.
“I was thinking a ball gown with a sweetheart neckline, but I don’t want it really poofy or extravagant. Simple, but elegant is perfectly fine with me.” I smiled and she brought me along with her, leaving the girls to mingle to themselves.
After trying on about ten dresses, I finally found the one that I truly feel like a bride in. The bodice of the dress has a beautiful pattern with a long skirt that’s not too poofy. It’s absolutely beautiful. Dylan’s going to love this.
“You look absolutely beautiful, Y/N,” Lau mentioned and all the girls hollered, agreeing with her as tears began to pool, looking at myself in the mirror. Amber had put a veil on me, and the tears slid down my cheeks as I let out a small sob, covering my mouth with my hand. All of them had gotten up, bringing me into a group hug as I chuckled. They had taken my measurements and told me that to come back in about a month. The wedding is in two months. It’s creeping around the corner and I can’t wait for the say I can become Mrs. O’Brien.
The girls dropped me off at the house, hollering a goodbye as Steff drove off. I turned around to walk into my apartment, seeing Dylan standing at the doorstep, keys in his hands. He smiled, stalking towards me, wrapping his arms around me, twirling us around. I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Did you seriously miss me already?” I asked as he put me down, mushing his soft lips against my cheek.
“I did.” He chuckled, placing his lips near my ear, “I seriously wish you would’ve had more time, I came so, so much earlier.” He smirked and I bit my lip, running my hand down his chest.
“You’re such a tease.” I looked up at him. He leaned down, pressing his lips against mine before intertwining our fingers, leading me to the car.
“Yeah, well you did the same thing to me earlier, so it’s payback.” He smiled and I shook my head, getting into the passenger seat, grabbing his hand. He drove towards the cafe that we’re meeting her, both of us singing together on the way. “Are you excited?” He asked and I looked over at him, smiling widely.
“Of course, baby. You should’ve seen me at the dress appointment. I cried, happy tears of course.” He glanced over at me, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.
“You cried?” He repeated and I nodded my head. He bit his lip, a look of concentration on his face before glancing back at me. “D-Did you get a dress?” He questioned and I nodded my head again.
“I did. It’s absolutely beautiful, Dylan,” I told him as he parked the car on the street, both of us getting out of the car, heading into the building. Our wedding planner calls us over, sitting in the booth across from her as his arm is wrapped around my shoulder and I intertwined our fingers
“Hi guys!” She said, excitingly. “Did you find a dress, Y/N?” She asked and I nodded my head, taking out my phone, I pull up a picture, making sure Dylan didn’t see it as I gave her my phone. The smile on her face widened as she closed out of the app, handing it back to me. “It’s absolutely beautiful and it matches the beach perfectly.”
“Oh good.” I smiled, leaning against Dylan as she pulled out her ipad.
“So, I had a designer set up what you wanted for the wedding ceremony and I have a digital view of it if you want to see.” She mentioned, handing us the ipad and I looked at it, falling in love with how it looks. In the drawing there was a bamboo looking archway, aqua curtains tied to the side, leaving triangles of blue in each corner with star fish and sea shells hanging off of it, chairs covered in a white cover with a aqua ribbon on the back of them, a white fabric leading to the altar, rose petals placed along it with star fishes on each side of it, sitting on some seaweed. They also placed handmade palm trees that have star fishes on them throughout the space.
Dylan looked down at me as I kept staring at the venue in front of me, my heart swelling as I picture Dylan and I standing at the end, hand in hand. “I absolutely love it. I can totally see us standing at the end of this, can’t you?” I asked Dylan, looking up at him and he nods his head, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.
“Great! I’ll tell the designer that you want this. Next to discuss is the cake,” She mentioned and grabbed a picture out of the bag, showing it to us. “I told the bakery exactly what you wanted and they came up with this.” The picture showed a three tiered beige cake, patterns at the top of each tier. It’s covered in white and blue seashells, which goes with the theme of the wedding, a seahorse on the top tier, along with flowers and starfish decorated throughout the entire cake.
“It’s perfect,” Dylan mentions and I nod my head in agreement. She smiled widely, taking the picture from us, placing it back in her bag.
“You guys are probably the best couple I’ve planned a wedding for, because you guys know exactly what you want. I think this is all I’m needed for. I heard that your family is going to cook for the wedding?” I nodded my head, giving her a smile.
“Yeah, we’re not having a whole lot of people so my mom had volunteered, along with his mom.” She nodded her head, packing up her stuff.
“Well, that’s it for me. It was an absolute pleasure working with both of you. I wish you a happy marriage.” She smiled before heading out of the cafe.
“Soon to be Mrs. O’Brien,” Dylan muttered, kissing my lips softly.
The wedding was in less than twenty four hours and I haven’t seen Dylan since this morning, since it’s tradition for the bride and groom be away from each other the day and night before the wedding. I looked at our closet, seeing my wedding dress hanging up, a large grin on my lips, playing with the ring on my finger. A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts, looking towards it seeing the girls standing there. I smiled as the came in, sitting on the bed with me.
“So, how are you feeling? Nervous?” Mal asked me and I nodded my head, biting my lip as I play with my fingers.
“Yeah. I’m just hoping that he doesn’t get cold feet, ya know?” I questioned and they nodded their head.
“Absolutely,” Lau started, patting my hand. “I felt the exact same way when Posey and I were getting married, but you and Dyl are stupidly in love with each other. Everything’s going to be fine.” She smiled and I nodded my head, missing him dearly.
“So, you guys know what order you’re walking down the aisle right?” I asked and everyone nodded their head.
“Y/N, don’t worry about anything but yourself, okay?” Bekah asked and I nodded my head again, giving a small smile. “Good, now get some sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.” The girls bid my goodnight, leaving the room, closing the door behind them and I got under the covers, looking at my phone screen, seeing a picture of Dyl and I from a couple years ago. I smiled at the picture of us standing on the beach, his lips pressed to my cheek as I looked like a chipmunk. I unlocked my phone, dialing Dylan’s number, needing to talk to him.
“Baby?” Dylan asked, worry laced in his voice and I smiled, great to hear his voice. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I-I just miss you,” I muttered, laying against my pillow as I close my eyes, picturing him here with me.
“I miss you too, baby. But, in less than twelve hours, I get to get married to my best friend and lover and I can’t wait,” He mentioned and I smiled widely, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
“I can’t wait either,” I muttered, my eyes drooping shut as tiredness has washed over me, falling asleep with Dylan still on the phone.
“Baby?” Dylan asked, receiving nothing on my end and he smiled, knowing that I must’ve fallen asleep. It’s something I did when he was away on filming. “I love you, so much. Never forget that.” He mumbled before hanging up the phone, falling asleep himself.
I woke up to the girls barging into my room, yelling and a few of them jumping on my bed, startling me. I placed a hand over my heart, letting out a breath as I chuckle. “You guys really know how to give someone a wake up call.”
“IT’S YOUR WEDDING DAY!” Mal yelled throughout the house, running into my room. “Y/N, you’re getting married today. Like, oh my god.” She gave me a hug and I return it, smiling widely.
“Alright, we’ve got about three hours until your wedding so we need to get started on your hair.” Cait mentioned and I got up, putting on a robe, sitting in the chair in front of the vanity. Lau left the room to go get ready, along with the other girls as Caitlin stayed behind to work on my hair. Music was blaring throughout the apartment, Cait curling my hair before putting it in a french braid. It had taken about an hour and a half to get my hair to cooperate and the girls helped Cait put the starfish and silver beads in my hair along with a white flower.
“We should just finish getting ready at the venue. There’s a room that I can use in case I almost ran out of time. We’ve got about an hour and a half left and I don’t want to be late,” I mentioned to the girls and they nodded their heads, going to get their stuff as I kept the robe on, zipping the bag of the dress up, carefully bringing it out to the car. All the girls were dressed in their light blue dresses, piling into the car as Mal drove us to the venue. When we arrived, we saw Tyler, Posey, Ryan, and Daniel walking towards the building as they noticed us. They walked over to us, Posey giving Lau a quick kiss to the lips as the others press kisses to their date’s cheeks, leaving Cait out of the loop. I linked our arms together, walking towards the building as my mom had carried my dress in. “Don’t worry Cait, you’ll find someone at the reception, I’m sure of it!” I smiled at her and she returned it.
I had just finished putting the dress on, fitting perfectly as my mom puts on the veil. I look at myself in the long mirror, tears pooling. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening.” I muttered, smiling widely as I wipe the tears from my eyes, being careful not to ruin my makeup.
Dylan had finished getting ready, placing the blue flower on his suit, checking himself out in the mirror as his best man and the groomsmen had came into the room. “How are the nerves, Dyl?” Daniel asked, shoving his hands in his pocket as Dylan rubs his hands together.
“It’s there, but a little died down.” He smiled, wondering what I had looked like. Posey patted him on the back, as they all had a bro hug. Dylan’s mom comes into the room, requesting Dylan’s assistance since the wedding was to start in five minutes. Dylan walked out onto the beach, standing on his side of the altar, his hands becoming sweaty slightly.
“Ready?” The minister asked and Dyl smiled, nodding his head.
Bekah had handed me my bouquet, which is absolutely beautiful. It had blue and white flowers throughout it with sea shells and beads. I grabbed it into my hand as a knock on the door ranged through the room. My dad walked in, giving me a small smile.
“Ready?” He asked and I nodded my head as the girls had gone with their dates, getting ready to walk down the aisle. Lau and Posey went first, Cait and Cody went second, Bekah and Daniel went third, then Mal and Ryan, and Steff and Tyler went last. I stood with my dad, our arms linked together as the wedding music had started, signaling us to start walking. We walked slowly down the aisle, feeling everyone’s eyes on me as my eyes stayed on Dylan. His eyes widened as he saw me walking down the aisle, a large grin on his lips as my dad had let go of my arm, letting me step up to where Dylan is, giving my bouquet to Lau.
“You may be seated.” The minister mentioned to our guests, before looking between Dylan and I. “We’re gathered here today to welcome these two into matrimony.” My eyes stayed on Dylan as I drank him in, thinking he looked absolutely handsome in his tuxedo.
“You look beautiful.” He mouthed to me and I blushed, biting my lip.
“Dylan, please repeat after me.” The minister started, before continuing. “I, Dylan, take you, Y/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Dylan had repeated it, his eyes looking into mine the entire time as he held my hands in his. The minister turned to me. “Y/N, please repeat after me.” He repeated. “I, Y/N, take you, Dylan, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” I repeated his words, continuing to look into Dylan’s eyes, smiling widely.
“Do you, Dylan, take Y/N to be your wife?” The minister asked.
“I do.” My heart skipped a beat at his words.
“Do you, Y/N, take Dylan to be your husband?”
“I do.” I whispered, my heart pounding against my chest as we put our wedding rings onto each other’s ring fingers.
“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” He stepped away as Dylan pulled me in, pressing his lips to mine as if he hasn’t seen me in years. Everyone clapped and cheered as I wrapped my arms around his neck, moving my lips against his as his arms wrapped around my waist.
I grabbed my bouquet from Lau as Dylan and I walk down the aisle, everyone else behind me as we walk into the banquet hall for the reception. We had a big entrance as everyone clapped, welcoming the newlyweds and we sat down at the wedding table with the girls on one side and the guys on the other. Someone had clanked their glass and I saw my dad stand up, wanting to say something.
“I just want to say that Dylan, at first I was a little weary of you, but then I noticed how happy you made my daughter and since then, you’ve been like a second son to me and I’m glad to honor you into the family. Make sure you take care of her, alright.” We clapped as he sat back down, Dylan pressing his lips to the side of my head as Posey takes a turn.
“I’ve known Dylan since the first season of Teen Wolf and we are literally brothers from another mother.” I chuckled as he continued, “It was during the second season when he had brought Y/N on set for the first time, telling everyone that she was his girlfriend, and I couldn’t be any happier because I saw how happy she had made him. During the first half of the last season, he mentioned to me that he was going to ask her to marry him and I was shocked, honestly. But, overall, I couldn’t be happier for my brother to find the love of his life. Long live a happy marriage.” Everyone cheered and clapped as Posey sat down. Mal stood up from my group of friends, taking the microphone.
“We’ve known Y/N before she even had met Dylan and when she first mentioned him to us, she was so shy about it. She would blush a lot when she talked about him, about how sweet he was and how good of a kisser he is.” I blushed at the last part, feeling Dylan’s eyes on me and I looked up at him, seeing him smirk down at me. “We all knew that he was good for her, because he made her happier than any other guy she had been with. So, Dylan, you better make her happy or you’ll have five unhappy girls comin’ after your ass.” Mal gave him a stern looked and he looked a little scared before she smiled at him, lighting up the situation. Dylan chuckled, tightening his grip on me.
Everyone had just finished dinner and cake when the music came on, making everyone get out of their chairs, heading towards the dance floor. Dylan held out his hand towards me and I take it, intertwining our fingers as he led me to the dance floor.
“Now if we can join the bride and groom for their first dance,” The DJ mentioned and the song Make You Feel My Love by Adele began playing, Dylan wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck, leaning our foreheads together.
“I’m so glad I can finally call you Mrs. O’Brien,” Dylan mentioned and I smiled, loving the sound of it coming from his mouth as I looked up at him, pressing our lips together in a quick kiss. I rest my head on his chest, seeing everyone watch us dance in the middle of the room. When the song ended, we continued slow dancing as another slow song came on, watching everyone in the room dance with a significant other. I watched as my friends slow danced with their dates, seeing Caitlin near a corner of the room, talking to two guys, the three of them close together and I shook my head. I saw Lau kiss her husband, Posey, on the lips as they slow danced.
A few hours later of dancing, Dylan told me that we were leaving to go to our honeymoon tonight and I was super excited to see what he has planned. As I grabbed more cake, cause it’s absolutely delicious, I noticed Steff and Tyler sitting by themselves at a table, their lips locked together. I giggled, happy that all my friends are basically getting some. I already saw Mal and Ryan making out near the back door earlier, Daniel had made a move on Bekah when they were dancing, and Cait came to me, telling me she was leaving and I saw her walk out with two guys.
We made our way around, telling everyone goodbye as we were on a schedule. I gathered everyone together as I was going to throw the bouquet. I stood with my back facing the crowd, throwing the bouquet behind me, hearing a bunch of cheers as I turned around, seeing that Steff had caught it. I gave all my girlfriends a hug before giving my parents one. Dylan picked me up bridal style, carrying me out to the car that’s going to drive us to our destination.
The driver told us we were here after sitting in the car for a few hours and both of us got out, seeing a log cabin in front of us, noticing that we’re now in the middle of the woods. I look towards Dylan, seeing him smile at me as we head inside, noticing how gorgeous this log cabin is. I see a hot tub on the patio adjacent of the back door and I walk out of it, seeing the view we had. My lips parted in surprise, looking at the beautiful view of the lake in front of us.
“Dylan, baby, this is absolutely amazing and I want to get into this hot tub right away.” I smiled, as he just undressed outside, down to his boxers before getting in. I bit my lip, admiring his body as I held my finger up, walking inside, into the bedroom, finding silk robes on the bed and I got the dress off, taking off my bra and panties before placing the robe on my body, tieing it.
I walked back outside, Dylan resting his arms against the edge of the hot tub, looking me up and down. I slowly untied the robe, letting it fall off my shoulders, exposing my naked body. His eyes widened, swallowing visibly as I walked into the hot tub, sitting down across from him. I gave him a smirk as his hands disappeared under the water, shimmying as he threw his boxers out of the tub, giving me a wink.
I put my hair up into a bun, standing up before straddling his hips. “Well, Mr. O’Brien, what would you like to do?” I sultry whispered, running my hands up his chest, my lips brushing his as his hands rest against my ass.
“Well, Mrs. O’Brien, there might be one thing that’d be fun,” He muttered, pressing his lips to mine, running my fingers through his hair as I move my lips against his. I ground my hips on his, feeling his cock rub against my exposed pussy. I let out a breathy moan, Dylan spreading my ass as his lips move down my jawline, kissing the spot under my earlobe. He continued pressing his lips down my body, leaving wet kisses between my breasts before moving his mouth to one of my nipples.
“Oh, Dylan,” I moaned, his tongue connecting to my bud, making me shudder as he pulled on it with his teeth, toying with it. He moved to my other nipple, giving it the same amount of attention as I continued to grind my hips, feeling him get harder beneath me. “I wanna suck your cock, baby.” I panted, moving off of him as he sat up on the edge of the hot tub and I got onto my knees in the spot he was sitting, stroking his length slowly. I looked up at him through my lashes before licking up the underside of his cock, trailing my tongue around his tip.
“Oh christ, princess,” He moaned, putting his hand on my bun, gripping it in his hand, watching me. I take him into my mouth, bobbing my head up and down on him as his tip nearly hit the back of my throat. He groaned, tightening his grip on my hair as he thrust his hips up slightly. I hollowed my cheeks on his cock, taking him deeper into my mouth as I took his balls into my hand, massaging them softly. “God, I’ve always loved your pretty mouth on my cock,” He growled, beginning to move my head for me as I gag slightly, not slowing him down. I placed my hands on his thighs as he fucked my mouth, looking up at him, seeing his head leaned back, his mouth parted as small groans escaped his lips. I pulled him out of my mouth, spitting on his tip, stroking it in as I stood up, straddling his hips once again.
“I can’t wait anymore. I need you so badly,” I whimpered, stroking his length through my folds before sinking down on him. I let out a loud moan, Dylan’s cock filling me as his tip hits my cervix. “Jesus, you’ve always been so big,” I breathed out, Dylan’s hand coming down onto my ass, a slapping noise rang through the quiet outdoors.
“Ride my cock, baby,” Dylan moaned, bouncing my hips a little as I began to bounce on his length. I rested my hands on his shoulder as both of us let out little moans, beginning to pump him in and out of me faster, feeling him hit my sweet spot.
“Oh yes, Dylan,” I moaned, leaning my head back as he thrust his hips up as I bounced on him, his cock going deeper into me. His lips attach to my nipple as I tugged on his hair. He drove his hips harder into me, making me scream out as I leaned my head back, releasing my hair from my bun, running my fingers through it as his hands rested on my waist, bouncing me onto him. “I’m gonna cum soon,” I breathlessly moaned and his thrusts became faster and more powerful, one of his hands moving to my clit, intensifying the pleasure.
“Cum for me, princess. Cum all over my big cock,” He growled, increasing his pace as my hands gripped his hair, pressure starting to build in my lower abdomen, my toes curling as my legs begin to twitch, continuing to bounce on him. I arch my back as I hit my peak, cumming all over Dylan’s length, electricity sizzling through my veins and my legs spasm uncontrollably, letting out a scream. My fingers grip his hair tightly, resting my forehead against his shoulder as his deep thrusts become more erratic and faster in pace. I could feel his length swelling inside of me and his mouth attached to my nipple once more before he spilled his cum inside you. He bucked his hip, cumming deep inside me as my pussy milks his cock, riding out both of our highs. Both of us breath heavily as he kept his cock deep inside your pussy. “I love you so much, Y/N.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder as I continued panting. I slide off of him, sitting on his lap as I feel our cum drip from my folds.
“I love you too, Dylan.” I smiled, pressing a loving kiss to his lips. He wrapped his arms around my thighs, carrying me out of the hot tub and up to our room, laying me on the bed before heading back out to grab our stuff we left out there. I crawled underneath the covers, my eyes growing tired as I heard Dylan come back into the room, slipping under the covers next to me. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, falling asleep in his arms.
I moved my hips, feeling something nuzzling my clit, making me moan. My eyes flutter open, looking around the room, not seeing Dylan anywhere in sight, my eyebrows furrowing together. You felt a hot breath on your core, pulling the comforter up, seeing Dylan laying between my legs, and you twitched when his tongue made contact with your clit. I let out a moan, leaning on my elbows as I throw the blanket off.
“Morning, baby girl,” He muttered before dipping his head back into my folds, his tongue tracing my now wet entrance, my head falling back as he ruthlessly continued his licking. He licked up to your clit, biting down softly on it as I let out a loud moan, laying my back against the mattress, arching it as I reach for something to grab onto.
“O-Oh god. H-How long have you been down there?” I breathlessly asked, looking back down at him as he smirked, pulling his lips off of me.
“Maybe 20 minutes. I can feel you’re close to cumming, aren’t you?” He winked and I bit my lip, nodding my head shyly. His thumb rubbing against your clit as his tongue curled inside of me, making me scream out. It drove me crazy the way he moved and worked his tongue.
“Fuck, baby. I’m cumming!” I moaned loudly, bucking my hips up as he held them down, continuing his attack, his tongue sliding deeper into me before licking up my slit. He bit down gently on my clit as my juices rush out, making me squirt. I let out a gasp, never in my life had I done that and I look down at Dylan, seeing a smug look on his face.
“Well, that’s definitely a first, isn’t it?” He grinned, pressing his thumb to my clit, my hips bucking. He crawled up my body, greeting me with a kiss to the lips. “How’s that for a wake-up call?” He smiled, seeing my juices on his lips and I let out a breathy laugh.
“It was certainly unexpected, that’s for sure. I’ll definitely keep that in mind for a special occasion.” He raised an eyebrow, getting a little excited thinking I’d wake him up with a blow job. I bit my lip, getting out of my bed as I head towards the shower. “You comin’?” I smirked, winking as I walked in, Dylan following close behind, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Mrs. O’Brien, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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panticwritten · 5 years
Breaking Furnace - Death Sentence Chapter 2
Chapter Two: The Feeling That Everything’s Been Moved Slightly to the Left but No One Else Mentions it so You Pretend it isn’t Happening
Table of contents! All of my writing!
I am having a Sickness where my body makes me feel like I’ve been punched in the diaphragm for no goddamn reason and it’s awful. I hope everyone’s surviving the sick season and generally doing okay. I think that chapter makes sense but I also wrote it while being ill so I might have to come back and clean it up a little.
Or a lot.
(I’ve had to change quite a bit of formatting to post this on tumblr. If you want to read this chapter with its original formatting, you can do so HERE.)
Remember that this is a daydream taking place in the Escape From Furnace universe, so keep that in mind if you haven’t read EFF.
Word count: 1349
Content warnings for this chapter:
Extreme-ish dehydration
Memory loss
Actual brainwashing
Feel free to message me if I’m missing any.
Chapter three comes up on February 2nd at 7pm PST.
If you like what I do here, maybe consider buying me a Ko-fi! I love being able to put so much out for free, but this would be a great way to show support and also see cool new content!
I come to in a dark room, still strapped to the chair with a splitting headache. The fact I can open my eyes—that they were closed in the first place—is the first sign something’s gone wrong. My struggle to force rubber muscles to lift my head is the next, and I fail anyway. The films have been shut off, the screening room silent save for the sound of breathing.
I’m not alone.
“Ah, shit, they’re waking up,” a voice hisses behind me. “You said—”  
“Eighteen to thirty-six ain’t a small range.” The second voice moves until the quality of darkness in front of me changes. “Hey, you know where you are?”
I groan something that’s too many consonants, and the shadow shifts. The two voices confer while I gather myself. The darkness isn’t receding no matter how much I try to blink it away. I settle with just closing my eyes against it instead.
Okay, answer the question.
The dark room has to be a screening room. Unless there’s a plan to have me killed—which I can’t really rule out—that’s the only option. So, a screening room with the films shut off. Cross must have sent the soldiers to come drag me out instead of doing it himself.
Makes sense. Perfect sense.
But this is wrong. They should have brought me back to my quarters, out of this room long before my sense had a chance to return. I should feel better, more secure. If anything, I feel worse.
“Give it time.”
And that’s still here.
I finally manage to lift my head and the conversation behind me cuts off. I blink my eyes open just in time for the lights to come on and nearly blind me. I hiss a wince and the spike in my skull drives in deeper.
I don’t notice my arms have been freed until a metal cup gets pressed into my hand. I squint at it, then at the identical soldiers looming shoulder to shoulder in front of me.
“Explain,” I mutter before taking a tentative sip. It awakens a visceral thirst in my throat, and the last drops of water trickle out without quenching it.
“Got orders to pull you out ahead of schedule,” one says. “Nothing really to explain.”
“Orders.”  I straighten up and finally turn my eyes on the two of them. They nod as one. One of them glances at the door. “To release me from the screening rooms early.”
They nod again, and I absolutely don’t believe them.
“How early?” I ask innocently.
Neither of them answer.
No matter how much I pester them over the next hour or so of them herding me back to the lab, they don’t tell me how long I was in there. Even asking about the escapees’ conversion produces nothing. I’m not supposed to be thinking about the new specimens. That evidently includes my access to their progress.
Threatening to rat them out to Cross about the whole thing only earns me twin halfmoon grins. I still don’t think Cross sanctioned this, but I can’t say I would rather still be in the screening room. Besides, would I even be able to articulate what’s wrong here if I did go to Cross?
The look they both wear when they turn to leave is the same as the soldier who let me out. Who ignored Cross’s orders to let me chase the inmates. From the outside, it looks like…
Well, this isn’t a coup, so it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
Once I’m alone I make a beeline for the closest sink, stick my head under a faucet, and guzzle a little more water than is probably wise. Three days is much longer than our standard screening time. I wouldn’t be surprised if the last water I had was what Cross gave me in his office.
I would be even less surprised if he was hoping I would die in there.
Don’t tempt me, he had said when I baited him. He couldn’t have made his disdain more obvious.
I stare out into the lab.
There has to be something I can do.
I wander to one of the doors off the side of the lab, hip checking a few counters on the way there. My depth perception is all off. It takes a few tries to get the door open and stumble into my quarters.
I think it was a storage space before I came back, barely enough room for a cot, the IV stand next to it, and a desk. It’s the desk I’m after, the computer on it, so I gratefully drop into the padded chair and flip it open.
I also take a drink from a cup I must have left here earlier. Room temperature water doesn’t normally do it for me, but it’s a struggle not to drink the whole thing in one go. It makes sense when the computer comes on and tells me it’s been about sixty hours since I last reviewed my files.
Not as long as it could have been, but that still puts me at about two days locked in a room without water after accounting for everything I did that day. The nectar’s probably the only reason I can walk without seeing spots at this point.
I shake my head and scroll through my files. Proposed ideas, idle plans, all of it ends up in this folder. Anything I thought about but haven’t had time to explore. My strength will return with time, I need to focus on how I can fix this.
I pause at one and ponder it. A long shot for sure, but possible.
I open the file and get to work. I don’t know how long I’ll have before Cross decides I’m not worth the trouble.
“You’re lucky I like you.”
I turn my head lazily toward the echo of a voice. The owner shimmers for a moment, amorphous and foggy, then comes into focus. She—no, mental recoil from that says they—sit in the ether what could be a few inches or a few yards away and emits a glow that turns the blue air green.
They’re familiar, eyeing our surroundings with a distasteful grimace, and that’s about as much as I can get before my eyes slip shut again.
“Hey, no, you don’t get to ignore me, it took me too long to find you.” They snap their fingers in front of my nose. I grumble, but open my eyes again. “Good.”
“What do you want?” I ask, though I’m not sure if those are the actual sounds my mouth makes. It’s what I hear, at least, and they seem to understand.
“You sent me.” They roll their eyes while I struggle to keep from falling back asleep. “Well, the part that remembers things, at least.”
“I wish you’d told me it was such a mess over here. This stuff’ll take forever to get rid of.” They swipe at the thick air, and it moves like it’s more than it is. Like water, or fog, but it doesn’t…
Ugh, I’m too tired for this.
“Anyway, the message.” They clear their throat and straighten up like there’s actually any concept of direction here. “‘They aren’t alone. Leave them behind. You can’t save them.’ in those exact words.”
I try to process that. I try to make sense of it as best I can, but it doesn’t fit anywhere. It doesn’t fit.
“Don’t worry too much about it now,” they continue gently. “You’ll remember when you wake up.”
“I don’t want to wake up,” I groan.
“No one does.” They stretch and unfold themself until they’re standing on an invisible surface. “This mess doesn’t help, but you’ll have to wake up eventually.”
They smile start to fade away. “You’d miss one hell of a show if you stayed here the whole time.”
Once their light fades, I try to process that. It only takes me a few seconds to discard the thought. I’m too tired. The air is still again.
This is where I belong.
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