cajunfoxnight · 3 months
Does Gambit try to be a lap dog?
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Haha oohhh yeah! Especially when he was still a Growlithe. Sure he had a whole bed he could be laying on, but making himself inconvenient was so much more comfortable. Gus learned to just work around him.
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However once he evolved, he understood that he could easily hurt Gus, even if he was just being playful, so no more mindless flopping. Instead he found he didnt mind being the pillow instead.
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myuminji · 5 months
takes a huge breath in
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second-stixs · 1 month
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Get drawn‼️
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blackboxpodcast · 7 months
Absolutely thrilled that we've reached TEN THOUSAND PLAYS holy heck Thank you all so much!!!
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george228732 · 10 days
May be a bit late in the day for me to send this now but STILL-
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So yeah, happy birthday to one of my biggest inspirations on this site, I feel lucky to be able to consider you my friend!
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nicollekidman · 8 months
i hope this reads as sincere and respectful because it is intended that way: truly no one on earth deserves to wear a "dump him" t-shirt more than you
and what if i told you this was in my top three compliments i’ve ever received
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theladyofshalott1989 · 2 months
Which character should I choose to ask you about for the character game?.. Hmm, I don’t even know… Let me think… SEBASTIAN please! :D
DIANA!!! MY GLORIOUS MOOT (may I call you Diana???), THANK YOU. AHHHHHHHHHHH. (...I'm just a little bit excited. Can you tell? XD)
1. How I feel about this character
Hmmm, well... so, it's complicated. I obviously adore Sebastian, that's a given, but I will say that it took me a while to get past his attitude during my first playthrough because I felt like I was watching teenage me self-combust. In retrospect, that's probably why I wrote my series (and from his POV) because the ending of his storyline felt like a punch to the gut, and I needed to freaking FIX IT.
Besides that whole can of worms, when I can separate the character from teenage me, I think he's the most fleshed out character in the game. He's so well-written and his backstory is so tragic. And the SNARK (especially with Ominis)! I just go absolutely feral over it.
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character
Besides shipping him with my OC, Damien, I ship him with @heyitszev's Charlie (from his series To be Loved is to be Changed). <- READ IT FOLKS. GOOD SOUP!!! I actually ship him with most M!MCs to be honest with you. LMAO. But I do have a hard time reading really dark Sebastian. I like him with a bit of spice, so to speak (not too hot, not too cold vibes), I suppose.
3. My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ominis. I don't know why, but I can't get into Sebinis. I WANT TO LIKE IT SO BAD. (I actually see the dynamic between my husband and me as Ominis/Sebastian, so you'd think I'd like it, but alas.) They are just best buds in my brain. Their personalities are very different, but sometimes that just works, you know? They complement each other in a platonic way. Most importantly, Ominis gets exasperated with Sebastian's antics a lot, but he will always forgive him in due time.
4. My unpopular opinion about this character
I'm actually not sure if this is unpopular, per se, but I'm not into Dark Sebastian, unless he's in "protecc"-mode. It seems unrealistic to me. If MC doesn't send him to Azkaban and MC, Ominis, and Anne are there for him and eventually forgive him (which is what happens in my head canon), I don't think he's physically capable of becoming a Dark Wizard. The events of Hogwarts: Legacy happen when he is 15/16, after all. He is still so young. Teenagers make mistakes. (AND YES, I do realize he made a more egregious mistake than most teenagers... but the point still stands, at least IMO.)
5. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Two things. I wish we could have given Sebastian some semblance of happiness at the end of the game. A hug would have been a good start. LMAO. But SECONDLY! I wish he didn't freaking ignore us after everything! I'M SO BITTER ABOUT THIS. Avalanche, please change this in the summer update. Pretty please????
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not-poignant · 2 months
I don't normally use Tumblr but I stumbled upon your fae tales series completely randomly and have been unable to read anything else these past months. I just finished book 3 of The Ice Plague and have the worst book hangover because of my god the story is so beautiful. Some scenes gave me chills, some made me cry (in a good way). I will now read everything else you've written and then cry some more because this story changed my soul in a way I can't even grasp yet.
Thank you and I hope you keep writing for a long long time <3
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Ahhhh <3333
I'm so glad you enjoyed the series! And yeah the hangover is real - make sure you read the Gwyn + Augus follow-up at the very end (it's linked at the end of TIP 3) for their final-final happy ending :D
Make sure you take care of yourself during a book hangover! Those things can be heavyyyyy, eat some comfort food, get some rest, rehydrate! (And I hope you have a marvellous weekend, anon)
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nimpnawakproduction · 4 months
Hey, I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for your scars map and outfit reference sheets for Vash! They have been an absolute blessing as a fic writer and I cannot thank you enough for the monumental effort you put in pretzeling your own brain to make it make sense so the rest of us wouldn't have to 😂 I so appreciate your work!!
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NIHkjsodhoqcc thank you so much for your message ;___; DIRECT SEROTONIN INTO MY VEIN~ This reference sheets were a blast to do even if I cried a little doing them. I mostly made them for my personal use at first but if it helped me drawing this nightmarish Kingdom hearts II leather trap that Vash wears on a daily basis, why not share them?
Also you are plenty thanking me in the tags and you have no idea how happy every kind words mean to me! You are all so cute, I love you all ToT People use the reference sheets for art, fics and also cosplay (something that I did not even realize and why did I not thought about that?? Of course you need clear references to cosplay) and I AM SO HAPPY to help people make stuff with them ;o;
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thebrandywine · 10 months
For the ask meme.... #14 Alt POV (I'll jot down a couple and you pick what seems interesting to you?) - Sidestep (Chris POV) - beginning to end: act ii (Doctor Jameson POV) - broken machine (Hunnigan POV) - Look Behind You (Hunnigan POV, 2nd ending)
E v i l s m i l e
Sidestep (Chris POV):
"Chris?" Leon asks, lowering his gun. "Chris Redfield?"
Chris is staring, can't help it. Neo-Umbrella must have shot him up with their fountain of youth bullshit that they've been experimenting with, rendering him back a decade and a half. Jesus, but he'd forgotten how *young* Leon had been back then. No, he hadn't forgotten-- he just hadn't known. As much as it feels like he's always been this worn down, Chris was young once, too. They both were. Facing the proof of it just makes him feel that much more tired.
beginning to end: act ii (Doc Jameson POV):
He's not a good person. He knows that. People with stronger morals faced with this situation wouldn't cave like he has, wouldn't then try to convince themselves that they were doing it to *help* Leon, wouldn't argue that at least they wouldn't make him hurt unnecessarily. Horseshit, all of it. If Nile ever finds out that he put her life above an innocent person's, she'll do a lot more than kill him.
What makes it even worse is that Leon isn't even mad, has seemed almost relieved to see him. And now, with Freddie taking up an ornamental role and perfunctorily holding Leon's head still, all the other man has done is try to get his help with his after-death plans. Get his body to Chris Redfield. Have Hunnigan give him the ring. God.
That, he thinks, is what does it, what finally shakes him out of this panic-induced fugue state that he's been existing in for the last little while. He loves Nile, loves her past death, but he isn't the man she fell in love with right now. He can be that man again, though, can be the person that she believes in.
He's trying not to cry when the decision clicks into place in his mind, just says tightly, "Yeah, man. I can do that."
broken machine (Hunnigan POV):
When Leon goes, he takes a part of her with him. She's spent so long with her hand in his, hiding their linked fingers from sight and trying her best to keep him together, to bring him back to himself. Half the time, he doesn't remember anything important about who he used to be, though, and he's clearly disregarded some of her attempts. Fine and functional have been the most commonly used words in his lexicon.
She wants him to be better than 'fine,' though. She wants him happy, angry, anything so long as he's safe and still alive. He has a sun for a heart, she knows, and it's burning inside him without anywhere to go. She's heard things about the BSAA, though. Hopefully they'll have better luck than she did. Hopefully someone there will love him more than she was able to.
She wants to say 'Thank you.' She wants to say 'I'll miss you.' She wants to say a million things that she's never put into words because she thought that if nothing else they had time. There was always supposed to be more time.
"Dismissed, Kennedy," is what she ends up saying, and only because Agent Brand is standing at her shoulder.
"Ma'am," Leon says. "Sir."
Then he turns on his heel and walks into the airport, headed for a commercial flight to another country and an organization full of strangers. Brand checks his watch and gets into the backseat of the car. Ingrid watches Leon go, wishing desperately that he would turn around, would *see* her waiting for him one last time, but he doesn't. She gets into the backseat with Brand and slams the door shut, wondering if she'll ever see Leon Scott Kennedy again.
Look Behind You (Hunnigan POV):
Leon has never been afraid of her. He's been intimidated, maybe, when he knows that he's been an idiot and that she's walking toward him to slap him upside the head to temper the urge to throttle him, but he's never been really, truly afraid. He kicks out at her approach and goes scrambling backwards over the hospital bed; despite his reaction she still lunges forward to catch him, but--
Chris gets there first. He collects Leon into a bundle of limbs and holds him close, rocking him, murmuring to him lowly as Leon's wild eyes flash around the room. The skim past Ingrid's face but don't stop, not even to be afraid, calming under Chris's hands, drooping into the heat of the embrace. Watching it makes her feel completely and utterly useless, like she serves no purpose at all if she can't even calm down the man she's closest to in all the world.
She knows why he reacted the way he did. She does. It doesn't make it any easier.
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ofthecaravel · 11 days
You give off Canadian vibes
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turmoilcity · 3 months
HELLO!!! 😍 do you have like "theme songs" for your paras? i have way too many lmao so i'm curious
Sleep is for the weak.
Finally, a reason to ramble bout my paras!
Plays out like a montage for Lillian and Oscar when they're out at the park or walking around the mall.
Lillian is the sweet, bubbly cheerleader, Oscar's on the football team. They met at practice one evening and make googly eyes at each other across the field. This song plays when they start talking, hanging out like going to the movies, or to a park, or to an arcadia and crap buuuuuuuuuut this version plays-
At the end of the montage because it cuts to Lillian smiling all dazed at one of those old music stores that used to be in every mall?
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One of those types!
So the daydream cuts to "The La's- There she goes" by the end of the song and it sounds kind of warped and the camera is pulling out of Lillian’s face as she's grinning with headphones on and that's the sound coming from the headphones before she takes them off because it turns out to be bothered by her friends because LIKE EVERY ROM COM MUSIC TRANSITION EVER we were just getting a pov of her happy place.
I love those two horny angels
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Okay, next isssssss
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Often, I imagine her as a drummer. This song is one of those songs I imagine her SCREAMING with her awesome, awesome girl band.
This is currently for Dylan, and I will not elaborate.
Lillian on the subject of love basically.
The daydreams usually bright and colorful and fast paced. She has so many iconic looks during this song its criminal.
Everytime before it starts, I imagine GAME (the agency she works for) goes to her telling her they need her for a "special mission". The issue is, for some reason, Jenna hasn't been using her powers for a while. Usually because she's in Townsville for another mission and has to disguise her special abilities.
The song starts with her being kind of rough with her skill. She's struggling to get up early. Her grades aren't the prettiest. She's dropping weights. She gets the pokey pokey during fencing, and karate lands her on her butt.
Usually, by the first pre chorus she decides to pull out the textbooks, and start from there. She's focusing on her study and then by the chorus she gets a paper back in class with an A+
BY THE SECOND VERSE, she's in the gym. She's doing those rope things
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Awe yeah. Now she's getting into it. She's punching the punching bag, deadlifting the squats, perfecting her sword swing
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By the second pre- chorus her fencing has gotten so good, the opponent who first tagged her, gets tagged
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And when her opponent takes off their mask, first she looks all out of breath, sweaty and taken aback, but then she gives an equally out of breath, sweaty, Jenna a smile of sportsman ship.
Now Jenna is stepping her game up.
The study is more extreme, but she can handle it as a hyper focused superhuman. The workouts are more extreme as well. She's lifting impossible weights, her fighting is more fluid and agile. She's become the epitome of hard work. Until the last chorus
"So you say I'm complicated...."
She's outside, in a sports bra and shorts. You can see the puff of her breath as she stretches. It's an easy cool, gray morning.
"But you had me underrated..."
She's hooking something up to the front of train rails.
The daydream cuts to a kid playing outside by themselves. He's boredly sucking on a lolipop. The ground is suddenly shaking, startling the kid. When the child looks over their shoulder-
She's tied some sort of indestructible ROPE from her thighs to the trains front and is walking the train up.
The kid has a moment like the one little boy from incredibles
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Cause she's dedicated to quality
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Duh. Don't let her simple looks fool you. She is 💯 THAT BITCH.
Anyways, she acknowledges the kid, gives an awkward wave before turning the train around and racing it down the hill, pulling it backwards.
It's just another training day for Jenna. Jenna probably thinks, "Well, does the kid want heroes or not?"
The rest of the song is just her doing more insane stuff and yeah. I desperately need sleep c:
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 11 months
WIP Motivation Game
Tagged by @sillywoman01 thank you <3
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It's fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count and add a "show results" for the other vote option).
Tag anyone you think may also want to play (no pressure of course).
Whichever WIP gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of a chapter, move to the WIP with the second-highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to the poll or in a reblog!
Tagging ( if you want to participate): @sothischickshe ; @michelleelizabethtanner ; @bourbon-ontherocks ; @littleengine74 ; @riosnecktattoo
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khaleesiofalicante · 13 days
Was it Only Fools Rush In?
God bless you AND your dog.
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ryder-the-writer · 5 months
when you get this ask you could perhaps maybe bless us with 5 of your fav songs (currently or of all time), and then send this ask to 5 of your moots who you think have good taste! <3
here’s a few of my current faves <3
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what's your favorite word?
Ooh!! Detrimental. There was a hilarious LOTR fanfic I read a while ago, and the word is now burned into my brain. There are others I really like, but detrimental is special to me
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