#psyche Ophiuchus
yoannlossel · 7 months
Here are some images extracted from Alcest's latest music video, L'Envol", an 8-minute music video that I directed alongside Psyché Ophiuchus and Cedric Lenfant.
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It was inspired by the aesthetics of the golden age of illustration that I cherish so much, especially Ivan Bilibine, Heinrich Lefler & Joseph Urban. It is obviously tinged with Art Nouveau and symbolism, my first artistic loves. And it also pays tribute to Japanese animation and illustration, a source of inspiration for both Neige and us.
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We tried to treat each scene like an animated painting, a composition one can pause on, with the absolutely insane constraint of animation which involves creating dozens of drawings for every second.
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"L'Envol" comprises 8000 photos taken on the night of June 21, 2023, with Psyché, from 9:00 pm to 8:00 am, at a rate of one photo every 5 seconds. 8000 photos reworked and assembled to create the magical time-lapse of that solstice night. It features a bird puppet, costumes, and a choreography interpreted and rehearsed for hours by Psyché. And it includes 6690 colorized drawings made over 5 months by Cedric Lenfant and myself.
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We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it! Thanks to Neige for entrusting us with the creation of this film!
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psycheophiuchus · 2 years
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"Unity - 2022. Priestess of Nowhere and One"
Photographer : Psyche Ophiuchus Fine Art Prints available : here.
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faecorelifestyle · 1 year
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Art of Psyche Ophiuchus and Yoann Lossel
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gingermintpepper · 7 days
In light of my recent Asclepius and Apollo musings, I feel like it's the perfect time to post this, actually.
How do you build a human being? 
Bold question. Foolish question. But a question it is all the same. 
The memory of his father’s consternated expression is still bright behind his eyes, that unusually furrowed brow, the tension in his gentle jaw. He didn’t falter in his setting of Asclepius’ broken shin, hands perpetually steady and sure, but he hesitated for a conspicuously long moment as though reluctant to give an answer. In this body, he resembled Orpheus something fierce. The same flaxen curls of his hair, the same delicate eyelashes that stand stark against the dark brown of his skin. Often Asclepius wondered if his elder brother was nothing but a body built to suit their father’s preferences. The subtle wrinkle of skin around their eyes when they smiled was the same, and the steadiness of their hands, the soothing power of their presence. 
And Orpheus did not bleed like Asclepius did. The blood in Asclepius’ veins were as red as any human’s, any mortal’s, but Orpheus seemed not to bleed at all. Even when he’d suffered the same fall down the crumbling cliff as Asclepius had. Even when his skirts had ripped and jagged stone sliced into his shanks. 
Even so, Orpheus was unmistakably alive. His eyes were rich with grief fresher than any blood spilt from the worst of Asclepius’ wounds, his counsel too, was tempered with the wisdom of a life well lived. So even at the apex of his most perfect, inhuman beauty, Asclepius never once doubted that his brother was a human being. Just that he was more divine construct than flesh and blood. Just that their father had built for himself a son that would not break as easily as all the others. 
His father stayed silent for so long that Asclepius assumed it would be one of the million questions that would go unanswered. Then, just when the last of his bandages had been wrapped - 
“A human body is easy to build,” he’d had that faraway look on his face as he spoke, like he was speaking to the horizon. Or a version of Asclepius that was not quite here. Such things happened from time to time. “Any flesh would do. From men, or animals, or even monsters. Any flesh would do.” Their gazes had locked then, and Asclepius would never forget the flecks of gold which swirled in his father’s blue eyes, the weight of divine words rattling at the boundaries of their mortal apparatus, “But the breath of life, a living soul? That is beyond your means as a mortal man. You ought never seek it.” 
(Asclepius would remember these words when he revives a man for the first time at the age of nineteen. He’s surprised to find that his father is wrong for once. Souls are easy to source when they’re already eager to return to their mound of flesh.) 
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Have some Kwami swaps (and guess who I had these for!)
Ladybug- Vermillion, Harlequin Black Cat- Obscurité, Cat's Eye Butterfly- Ombre, Painted Lady, Psyche, Fleur de Lune, Amethyst Peacock- Plume, Aurora, Sapphire Bee- Yellow Jacket, Honey, Honeymoon, Honeysuckle Fox- Foxtrot Turtle- Peridot, Malachite, Clover Rat- Mulot, Mouseketeer Ox- Ox Cord, Oxford Tiger- Stripes Rabbit- Velours, March Hare, Flopsy Dragon- Komono, Garnet Snake- Fer-de-Lance, Black Mamba, Ophiuchus, Rattlesnake, Snake Eyes, Snakeskin Horse- Liberté, Mare Dare, Sleipnir Goat- Alpine, Everest, Ram (computer pun!), Opal Monkey (I didn't find any particularly interesting) Rooster- Cockatrice Dog- Sirius, Cerberus, Anubis, Retriever Pig- Rose Quartz
Honestly I love all of these.
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ophelia-network · 4 years
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Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence – whether much that is glorious – whether all that is profound – does not spring from disease of thought – from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect. ―Edgar Allan Poe
photo by Psyché Ophiuchus
  🌸       🖤      🌸      🖤       🌸       🖤       🌸       🖤       🌸       🖤    
It is Ophelia Net’s 5th birthday today! I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to our 5 lovely members for helping create this comforting ‘light in darkness’ themed space that many people enjoy. I’m so proud of what we’ve created. You are all awesome and inspiring: @entropydemons @apocryphal-syzygy @corpsewraith @mytaxidermia @twenty1-grams 
And to celebrate 5 years I am working on an Ophelia Net magazine including:
• Original Art • Portrait Photography • Poetry • Quotes • Writings
all under the theme of feelings, emotions, life, madness, philosophy, psychology, inner self work, darkness
Would love to hear any followers thoughts on this?! Please send a message telling us: Would you subscribe to a magazine? How can we make it really good and something you would want to look at & read?
 Message us here 🖤
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lemaldusiecle · 5 years
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innervoiceartblog · 4 years
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Do you happen to have any headcanons for DC/Gov (dont know if you separate them 😂)
DC/Gov Headcanons
I have DC and Gov as separate people. 
Gov’s Team Spirit is two blue chains that are cuffed to his wrists. When he’s focusing hard on doing something, the ends of the chains attach themselves to whatever the subject of his focus is. [#48129D]
I’m counting Gov’s population as federal employees nation-wide, which consists of about 2.88 million as of 2022.
Even though Gov’s population is quite big, he’s restrained himself for so long that it’s become normal. He doesn’t remember the last time he used his full strength.
DC's Team Spirit is a red chain that circles around his neck. It tightens when he feels stressed. [#D10634]
DC’s population is federal employees employed in DC, which consists of about 240.6 thousand people as of 2022. DC’s population is a part of Gov’s, and Gov is much, much, stronger than DC.
Gov was an anomaly by personification standards at the time as he appeared from so few people that were held together as a group only by necessity, hence his blank personality when Continental Congress was introduced. 
I suppose in this alternate history timeline, Baby Gov’s existence convinced the colony representatives to agree to work together more quickly and seriously.
DC appeared in 1814 after the Burning of Washington, where the damage to Gov’s body and psyche were so great that the DC portion of his community broke off from his mind into their own body before finally falling unconscious. 
DC didn’t have such good first years of existence though as he was essentially trying to handle reconstruction through instinct alone, with his best potential mentor figure being stuck in a coma. The colonies helped here and there, but governing was never their jobs.
During his first years of existence, DC showed physical symptoms reminiscent of MS and he had to walk with a cane. These symptoms faded away as the capital was reconstructed.
This has lead to DC constantly overworking himself, especially seen in the modern day, as he unintentionally learned from a very young age that no matter how awful his body felt, he still had to work his hardest for the good of everyone else.
Gov is much worse at dressing down than DC, though that still isn’t saying much as the most casual shirt DC will willingly wear is a polo.
“Old DC” is not the actual personification of the Office of the Former President. In fact, the new office has no personification at all. The former president just nabbed DC to act as it in order to make the new office seem more official. 
The only reason why a personification would ever drastically change what they represent (without just having a new personification) is if it’s a name change, and this certainly isn’t just a name change.
Gov is scared of thunder, though his fear is not nearly as bad nowadays. He still jumps at it, however, and Florida will tease him for it. Although, Florida doesn’t know that Gov’s fear isn’t purely irrational.
DC is kind of treated as an afterthought to Gov since the latter encompasses a much larger group and is therefore seen as more important by many of the human staff. As such, DC doesn’t get much respect (though it’s not like Gov is respected that much anyway).
Gov’s true (and probably canon) birthdate is September 4, 1774. This makes him 248 years old as of 2022, which would also make him a Virgo (or Leo if Ophiuchus is included). He is basically the only one in the Statehouse that can celebrate his true birthday, as everyone else doesn’t quite remember their own anymore.
The first Continental Congress happened in September 5, 1774, and Baby Gov had mentioned that he was quite literally born yesterday but expressed how he thought wanting to remain loyal to the crown without paying taxes was still a dumb idea.
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maxortecho · 3 years
Some thinky thoughts about Jones, Max, Noah, and Isobel.
I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not I think Jones did a complete psychic swap with Max, or if Jones is pulling more of a Noah and we’ll see Max&Jones alternatively taking control of Max’s body. But I’m leaning to the latter now.
So S3 has sprinkled in Noah references until really ramping it up in 3x05. We have Michael mentioning Noah to Isobel in 3x02, Jones finding the photo of Noah and smiling at it in 3x04, and then in 3x05 Jones admitting Noah was an acquaintance and repeatedly mentioning him to get a rise out of Isobel. EDIT: Alex also references Noah in the funeral visions. 
Is the show circling this point to build up to Max&Jones both using Max’s body?
Because Jones and Noah being acquaintances definitely opens up the potential for them to have previously worked together, to have shared knowledge, and therefore to have similar abilities/understanding in being able to access and control a mind if they can find a “crack in the psyche”. 
I’ve already talked about how I think Jones was hitching a ride with Max’s handprint connections to Liz and Kyle to control the energy and “infect” (x). This falls in line with Heath&Liz talking about Liz’s body reacting as if she has a parasite in her system. Interestingly, Noah is also called a “parasite” over Isobel’s body in 1x12.  
So in that prior post, I had thought that Liz’s 3x04 dream likely involved Jones, particularly at the end. If we add this Noah concept in, I think this could make more sense, because Liz experiences this dream while Max is unconscious for the day within the cage. And we know Noah gained control over Isobel if she dissociated/became unconscious. So perhaps Jones was working similarly?
Jones has also talked a lot about him and Max being “two halves of a whole”. I feel like there’s a parallel here to Noah and the way he talked about needing to “borrow” Isobel’s body--because he wasn’t strong enough to exist outside of the pod within his own body. She was his other half, in a way. But Noah then became strong enough to exist outside of the pod after killing Rosa and drawing on that life force to heal his own body.
There’s also that new post today by @angsty-nerd about Isobel’s clothing and its references to Ophiuchus (x). Perhaps with Isobel as the main person who interacted with Jones, there’s been good opportunity here to draw parallels between Isobel&Noah and Jones&Max. To circle back to Noah’s comments about the snake and the man and them becoming one.
So now we have Jones’s body in the pod; Jones having done something physically with his “healing” on Max but perhaps also strengthening that connection and control over him (even more than Noah’s connection with Isobel from within his pod); and Max’s body free. So where is Max’s psychic mind? I’m thinking that didn’t get swapped, and it’s still in his own body--just being suppressed by Jones. But that Max is going to surface sometimes.
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lambourngb · 3 years
day 1 who do you think you are - character recs
Creator’s Week 2021 for @roswellnewmexicocreate - Day 1 : Character Recs
This is my favorite fandom event, and my third year doing it. The last year was really difficult, and fanfic more than ever was my escape from it.  Shout out to all the writers, commenters, and lurkers who kept fandom going during it.
Rosa Ortecho:
heal it or break it all apart by @adiwriting​ : (7,600) All Rosa’s ever done is break things. Her entire life she’s destroyed everything she’s ever touched. So it’s really no surprise when she comes back that her powers do the same. Alternatively- 4 times somebody tries to get Rosa to seek help with her powers and one time she decides to help herself.  GEN
why i like it: I pretty much love whatever Britt writes, but in the light of how season 3 is going, I found myself returning to this fic more than a few times. She really captures the fierce but vulnerable Rosa in this beautifully.
Kyle Valenti:
at every occasion i’ll be ready for a funeral by @bydayornight  (1,330) Kyle goes on a vacation after the events of 3x04 and meets an unlikely beach companion. GEN
why i like it: Christine has become one of my new favorite writers, and has been a season 3 coda writing machine. Here is where we all would like Kyle to be - lounging on a beach without a care in the world (with that RNM twist! lol)  She also does a brilliant job with the Kyle and Michael vibes here.
Maria Deluca:
Butter(bar)flies by @andrea-lyn​ (4,447) When all of Maria’s people fly away for new opportunities, she needs to find new ones. The lost decade and what should have been. MILUCA
why i like it: Manda has written some of my favorite stories, and even has dragged me into Ted Lasso, but this little lost decade AU is one of my favorites. She captures the flirty vibe of season 1 Michael/Maria, and inserts it into a time when it really makes sense to me for that a friends-with-benefits-relationship should have begun, to give weight to a choice for Michael. Maria is wonderfully characterized here, and it really makes it clear how a real love triangle should have been structured.
Liz Ortecho:
heart of lightning (a roswellian tale) by @bitch-ass-aliens​ (20,095) When Ser Elizabeth Ortecho of the Roswellian Court is sent by Queen Isobel to retrieve the heart of the missing King Maxwell from a fearsome lightning dragon guarding it, she knows success could bring her one step closer to completing a quest of her own. Ten years ago, a mage named Ophiuchus curse her sister with eternal slumber, and Liz has been searching for him ever since. Saving the king could be the key to learning Ophiuchus's true identity and saving Rosa. But the dragon is not what it appears to be. Soon Liz finds herself needing to guard her heart from feelings forgotten long ago as she and her friends journey back to Roswell, King Max by their side, with more than just the fate of Rosa hanging in the balance. For Ophiuchus's plans are bigger and more dangerous than any of them realize. ECHO
why i like it: This was part of the RNM Big Bang last year and as a fellow participant, I did my best to read and feedback the other submissions, which meant reading something that wasn’t Malex 😂🤯 - suz made it easy, writing a beautifully detailed medieval AU that retold the story of Rosa, Noah, and Max’s S1 sacrifice, through the amazing POV of Ser Liz. This story had everything I love about Liz- her devotion to her family, her bravery in doing hard things, and her love for Max.
Max Evans:
highway to the sun by @angsty-nerd​  (22,236) Noah’s heart is failing, and Max is on the verge of death. His final wish is to see Liz one last time, so he and Michael road trip to Los Angeles so that Max can say his goodbyes. ECHO
why i like it: Another part of the 2020 RNM Big Bang - Instead of a focus on Liz in this Echo story, we’re deep in the psyche of Max Evans, who is trying to tie up loose ends before he dies. I love the atmosphere of the road trip, the sadness of the clock that Max is trying to run out, and the whole Michael/Max brotherly bond in this story. It’s got all the sweet elements of some of my favorite romantic dramas - like “Beaches” or “Dying Young”, but mixed with the sci fi of RNM. Even though it was written pre-season 3, I really love how it ties up season 2 here.
Alex Manes:
i’m just like my mother, we both love to run @meneatyoghurt​ (5,211) After what his dad does, he runs and runs and runs. A look at Alex's relationship with running, from track and field to leaving Roswell. MALEX IMPLIED
why i like it: Alex is one of my favorite characters on RNM, mostly because of how hard he tries in spite of his flaws. I love a good story that focuses on why it’s a struggle for Alex to be present, and doesn’t shy away from the fallout of his actions. This is a gorgeous look into Alex and his tendency to run to feel safe, and how that affects his relationships, and why he wants to stop. I just have a lot of feelings about Alex, especially after reading this.
Michael Guerin : 
looking for yourself out there by @haloud (6,670)  It’s early; it’s a weeknight. Michael can only be here to get blasted or for Marco himself, and both of them know it.It’s been a while since this was a game, for Michael. The flirting he did with Maria was something else, a class all her own. Sex, and the lead up to sex, for the longest time was either life-or-death or it was a helpless, hopeless lashing out for any human contact. (It was either Alex, or it was Maria, or it wasn’t.)So this is nice. MICHAEL/OTHER
why i like it: I privately think hal understands Michael Guerin like no other, and their fic is just a delight for anyone who wants to look under that macho cowboy exterior to see him. One of the things we both agree on as Michael Guerin fans, is that Alex is not the male exception for Michael. And while the show will probably never deliver a Michael/OMC storyline like they have with Max/Jenna, Isobel/Blair, Liz/Heath, Alex/Forrest - that’s what fanfic is for and this story is so satisfiying. If you don’t come away from this story loving Marco and wishing he was real... I don’t know what to tell you. I was so inspired by it, I wrote my own Michael/OMC story.
Isobel Evans:
future starts slow by @foramomentonly​ (4,799) The bartop is sticky, but Maria's skin is clean and soft.This is how it starts. Brushes of fingers as Maria passes over a glass of wine; her cool, dry hand cupping Isobel's wrist as she reads her palm; Isobel's fingertips pressed to Maria's temples, wisps of curls caught around her knuckles as they practice combining their powers. MARIBEL
why i like it: It’s just facts that Maria and Isobel have incredible chemistry, their banter is off the charts, and I love this sexy story of Isobel approaching Maria for more after they’ve been circling each other for a while. It’s a gorgeous look at two strong women who very rarely let down their guards, but for each other, they do. The sex is really hot, but I think what lingers most with me is how this story rewards the swan dive of hope, Isobel after a lifetime of “being who she should be” becomes who she wants to be, a woman who loves fiercely but not destructively. Of course, Maria is no wilting flower here, which makes it all the sweeter.
If you like any of these recs, please leave a comment on the story- a ‘this was awesome’ is enough to propell an author into the stratosphere with happiness, so don’t worry about coming up with a unique, never before shared insight- sometimes a keyboard smash and emogi makes all the difference! 
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yoannlossel · 7 months
Meet @psycheophiuchus 🤍
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psycheophiuchus · 10 months
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"Geisha Headress" for Aurum in Arca - 2023. Photographer Psyché Ophiuchus.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
@yonkyu13 asked 11, 21, 22, and 26 for the show asks I cheated on pretty much all of these by giving multiple answers…
11- Character that inspires you?
To make content and over analyze has got to be Max Evans, he has such an interestingly built psyche, and if you haven’t caught on I really like just attacking him where it hurts. Also, I fell in love with the way they were writing his character in 1x02 and could never go back. Just the way he stands steadfast in his convictions, even the dumb ones…
But generally? A toss up between Rosa and Dallas. Rosa for all the obvious reasons, she was raised in a difficult environment with so many challenges and has come so far. And Dallas because he’s a religious man who doesn’t shy away from that, while managing to be one of the most open and caring people.
21- Most influential character?
I’m assuming within universe, so Mr. Jones. He apparently had a planet under his thumb. And knew how to play the entire pod squad. He knew the right tone of voice and wording to get the outcomes he wanted.
22- Most manipulative character?
So Mr. Jones for all the reasons above. But, if I picked a protagonist it’s got to be Liz. Like I love her to death but whenever she’s impassioned it’s a guilt trip (for example: in 1x09 when she tells Max she believes he is still good, in 2x13 where she goes at him for breaking her heart, and -dare I say it- in 3x13 when she tells him he quiets all the noise)
26- Character with the best aesthetics?
Isobel for having meaning and depth behind them. With all the ophiuchus symbolism.
Visually, Maria DeLuca, her outfits are top tier and always match an aesthetic. Where areas everyone else has like two aesthetic’s being juggled about
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mermaidenmystic · 4 years
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Aesthetic Harmony ~ French goldleaf and graphic artists Yoann Lossel and Psyché Ophiuchus – 5 ~ https://enchantedlivingmagazine.com/aesthetic-harmony-the-art-of-yoann-lossel-and-psyche-ophiuchus/aesthetic-harmony-the-art-of-yoann-lossel-and-psyche-ophiuchus-5/
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Yandere Ixión (OC)
Capricorn Ixión Apus (Y/N) looked horrified at the sight of the Capricorn saint who arrived wounded at the sanctuary, almost dying. Ixion had successfully completed his mission, that was all that mattered to Athena (or at least this reincarnation, Sofia), but it was evident that it had cost him. It was well known that Capricorn saints were loyal to their goddess... but the saint doubted, doubted his goddess and as the days went by, this feeling grew more.
Specters, Marines, Satellites, Amazons, Anunnakis, Berserkers, Dryades, Blue Warriors, Crown Saints, Gigas, God Warriors, Martians, Jaguars, Jewels, Taoinias, Pallasites and Druideanna.
Those were the armies that the Saints had knowledge of around the world, but this mission had witnessed some techniques that he had not seen in the passages and not even the New Round Table had knowledge of these warriors.
The only one he recognized among the three warriors he fought was Ovid, the former saint of Virgo... his old friend before his expulsion from the Sanctuary. Ixion was only in Tregaron because the New table had detected a cosmos from an unidentified golden saint, the young man only expected to meet a retired saint or deserter... but great was his surprise to see Ovid along with two other warriors, Zarif and Sionna from what he could hear. At first he could only sense Ovid's cosmos, but when Zarif detected him and they went on the defensive, the cosmoses of the other two became present.
How could they hide their cosmoses? Which god did they belong to?
Were it not for Ovid, perhaps out of appreciation or pity, Ixion's soul would be inside the armor watching them replace him. His goddess was cruel, or maybe it was Sofia who was cruel, and looked at her saints more as pawns than as people loyal to her.
When he arrived at the Sanctuary, the first thing he did was to report to the great patriarch. Chiron looked at her with regret, telling her to go and get well first, but Sophia was stern and wanted the report immediately.
When he mentioned Ovid and the warriors, the Capricorn saint could have sworn that Athena (not Sofia, but Athena herself) lit up with hope, only for seconds later Sofia's disgust and anger to kick in.
(Y/N) helped him bandage his wounds, the most serious being the one on his left arm. The brown-haired waiter watched as the saint bandaged him with affection, with concern. When he was with her, Ixion felt appreciated... something very difficult to achieve in the Sanctuary. For a time it was forbidden to show any sign of affection other than to the goddess, just as the saints, female saints and santias were quite divided. Santias could only interact with the golden saints, female saints, the great patriarch (great Pope*) and Athena, while saints and santas could only marry outsiders or give up armor to be replaced.
--- Isn't Athena supposed to care about her army? --- the Apus saint's question shattered the memories flashing through the Capricorn saint's mind. Amethyst eyes rested upon her, full of adoration and love for her --- Those damned Virgo Ovid and Ophiuchus Ajatar, by those traitors we....
--- Sofia and Ovid were a couple before it was revealed that she was Athena --- Ixion blurted out, that comment shocked (Y/N) who looked at him with surprise and curiosity --- they loved each other like Eros loves Psyche, by that time Ovid was already a golden saint and Chiron was not yet the patriarch, but when it was revealed that Sofia was Athena, whom the sanctuary had long sought, he had to give her up --- Ixion grabbed a ribbon and tied up his long hair while (Y/N) leaned closer to him to listen --- you know? It's funny that everyone talks about Odysseus and Athena as if the latter was their favorite, but nothing could be further from the truth, since Diomedes was Athena's favorite warrior --- Ixion kept silent for a few seconds, should he consult this with Vulpecula Danann? After all, the saints of Vulpecula know all the secrets of the Sanctuary. But for now, he wanted to spend the moment with his beloved (Y/N) --- Ovid was Athena's Diomedes, possibly still is, but Sofia was shattered. His position, his role, had taken away someone she loved... being so close, yet so far away ---The brown-skinned young man grabbed his beloved's hand, pulling her closer to his heart --- We humans tend to overestimate and underestimate love, sometimes denying how powerful it is and sometimes hoping in its power. Sofia hoped that somehow Ovid could be with her and Athena was confident that her new reincarnation would do the same as the others: abandon her past, her origin, and start behaving as she was.
--- And so that's where Ajatar comes in, is it? --- the young woman asked, looking at him with those beautiful eyes to which he had sworn a devotion greater than the one he has for his goddess --- Ajatar fell in love with Ovid and he with her, Sofia didn't like it and... it happened, what happened --- the Mexican only nodded, letting her (Y/N) process the information.
---Every day more, I doubt about my loyalty to this Athena--- the young man's words made a shiver run down his beloved's back ---Forced to give everything for her, returning us miserable crumbs at best, forced to love her ---Ixion pulled (Y/N) into his lap, giving her a hug from behind and resting his head on top of hers --- When love is an order, hate can become a pleasure --- the young man said as he felt (Y/N) settle --- My love for her every day transforms into that guilty pleasure, my love.... has gone to you --- Ixion confessed as (Y/N) turned to look at him --- I would die and kill for you, even if you didn't reciprocate, I want you to be happy... as you make me happy. Be mine, and I will be completely yours.
* In Latam dub, Grant Pope was change to Grant Patriarch
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