extratrrestrial · 2 months
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Sing about me - I'm dying of thirst
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lenore and the yellow wallpaper (a ramble)
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so this is all one entire big and large ramble session from me, so ignore if you want because this has no actual point, and i also haven't touched the yellow wallpaper since i handed it in with my coursework so i'm bound to get things wrong. this is no high-brow analysis, this is just be rambling. i've finally gotten the courage as well to go on the big scary tumblr and speak so be nice please :)
anyways, now we have that out of the way– i bring you my observation.
so i've been rereading nevermore (because i am deep in the trenches of my hyperfixation on it right now and have firmly planted myself there) and i noticed something in episode 21 that i remember noticing the first time.
just for a recap, episode 21 is when they're facing the dementophobia trial, and lenore has gotten herself sucked into a hallucination. through this, we (presumably along with her) are shown parts of her past, and the fallout of her brother dying. in a long scene, we basically see the attic which lenore is forced to 'rest' in.
sorry if this is like an obvious tell, but my little rat brain was vibrating out of my seat to say this.
well, first off, let me just give you a little summary of the yellow wallpaper. we have this nameless woman (who's married) who's also our narrator, her husband: john who's a doctor and we also have john's sister: jennie. jennie isn't too important in the summary but she exists and stuff and there's loads of journals out there probably that could tell you super interesting things about her role in the story.
anyways, i digress. the narrator has been diagnosed with slight nervous tendencies and is given the rest cure therapy as treatment. she ends up slowly going insane in the attic (?) which doubles as a nursery, and there's this fugly yellow wallpaper, which the narrator comments to be basically like a crime to art and to colour in general. anyways, the more she stares at this wallpaper and the longer she stays in the attic, she starts to see a woman behind the wallpaper– and the short story ends with her ripping the wallpaper off and freeing the woman but then also, the story ends essentially with her throwing herself out of the window of the attic and yeah, suicide. there's like allusions to the woman behind the wallpaper and her being one at the end, but WE AREN'T FOCUSSING ON THAT, i've rambled enough.
anyways, how does this all link to nevermore?
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idk, the act of ripping off the wallpaper just distinctly reminded me of the yellow wallpaper, and i have no idea if the creators drew inspo from the yellow wallpaper for this or if it was one of poe's works (i'm not heavily versed in all of his works, but i have a collection of his stuff i should probably sift through and read). but yeah, thought it was cute.
i know thematically they probably vary, but there is something to be said that both of them are in a situation where society wants so badly to silence them and punishes their defiance with the diagnosis 'madness'.
i dunno, just a nice little thought. there's also the whole rest cure therapy too, and the fact that they're both in the attics of their homes– and i presume lenore is in a secluded countryside place here like the narrator of the yellow wallpaper is. so, you know– other connections!
also, as a side note–
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this bad boy right here? ether? well some ether smells sweet, so i thought maybe (as a very dumb end to this ramble) that maybe, lenore associates the sweet smelling scent of what she used to be knocked out with to the sweet scent of flowers– i have no idea if that's why she hates flowers but i thought that was a fun little mention. food for thought, you know?
anyways, if you disagree that is totally ok, i truly don't know what i'm talking about half the time, but this has been bouncing on my tiny brain for the past few days and i decided i needed to let it out before i start plaguing the people i know in real life with my obsession. and also, friends, feel free to correct me if i'm disgustingly wrong on anything– i love to learn <3
and... yeah, that's all folks. gonna go rot now :)
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uglypigmilkers · 3 months
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Physique Goals
Anime Bois
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urfavssins · 3 months
Patrick Bateman from American Psycho :p
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You don't get the "INNOCENT" option on this one. Have fun!
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mamacarlyle · 7 months
I'm gonna complain about the presentation is trans women in horror movies. The bride in black (insidious) IS NOT A WOMAN. Angela Baker (Sleep Away Camp) IS NOT A GIRL. Norman Bates (Pycho) IS NOT A WOMAN. There's probably more, but these characters do not identify as female, they were abused and (in the case of BIB and Angela) forced to present as female. There's a whole ass scene in Insidious 2 where Little BIB gets in trouble with his mom for using the 'Name his father gave him'. If you wanna talk about trans serial killers, let's talk about Buffalo Bill... I'm sure there are others but it's almost 1 am here and I will most likely edit/reblog with changes later.
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sunmoon-star · 2 years
me simping over anime men from animes I haven't even watched yet
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vinc3nnt · 2 years
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hey guys what'd i miss
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clementimetodie · 6 months
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cannibalrotmeat · 5 months
Thinking about how I can never properly combine my special interests because it’s fucking American Psycho, Homestuck, Batman, and Ranfren. Can’t do it without going apeshit bonkers.
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a-clowns-words · 2 years
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oohhh he needs SO much therapy
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thebladeblaster · 1 year
This kills me😅. We all know he has Shido’s voice, but it’s also their voices too.
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Now I can’t I unhear Flynn as Nazeem and you can’t either. I can definitely hear him in Nurarihyon and Speedwagon. Also he’s Mikoto Suoh and Hawkmoth.
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fictional-birthdays · 2 months
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Happy Birthday! (April 14th)
Jenna & Zaneri (Seven Deadly Sins)
Hikaru Tokugawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Wataru Onaga (Haikyuu!!)
Yuko Kumagai (World Trigger)
Kaede Nagamine (22/7)
Kairi Sisigou (Fate/Apocrypha)
Rin (Show By Rock!!)
Mio Kuniyashi (DRAMAtical Murder)
Kuranosuke Shiraishi (Prince of Tennis)
Rocket (Animal Crossing)
Sayuri (Pop’n Music)
Ryota Watari (Your Lie in April)
Sajin "Snatch" Higawara (My Hero Academia)
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asitrita · 26 days
Over half of my Doffy & Rosi playlist (actually, over 75%) is the exact same as my aph Spain & aph Portugal playlist.
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waitineedaname · 10 months
I have more fma/mob psycho thoughts I forgot to add to the masterpost, this time about psychic specialties
I think ed is probably like teru in that he tends to pick up new techniques pretty quickly and knows how to do a lot of different things with his powers, but he mostly sticks to telekinesis because that's what he knows best
al was the same way, but as a spirit he's got some other abilities. he mostly does poltergeist kinda stuff
once ling starts getting a better handle on his powers, I feel like he'd specialize in something like tsuchiya's hardening qigong. greed definitely helps with this
mei is one of the few espers with healing abilities, and she also is proficient in telekinesis. we don't know much about takeuchi's super qigong, but based on what little we've seen, that seems most comparable to her ranged alkahestry, so she likely can do that too! she also seems like she'd be good with spirits
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sonicspeeddemon · 1 month
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Shows I’m gonna watch this summer
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arekayic · 1 year
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bah humbug!
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