lucy-the-cat · 2 years
Percy Jackson Red Queen Crossover
So I posted about this a while ago, but most of it was in a long reblog chain that I don't think many people saw haha. The base concept is as follows:
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The plot would be driven by Hera conducting a rebellion against Zeus and using Maven to gather allies. Maven and Cal would be forced to fight against each other, both one on one and as generals in warfare. Maven joins forces with a league of nymphs headed by nymph!Iris, and in an unexpected turn of events, is also allied with Satyr!Kilorn, Daughter of Hecate!Farley, and Daughter of Hades!Cameron. As for their loyalty . . . we'll see.
Mare is a daughter of Nemesis. She's on her own side.
Evangeline and Ptolemus: children of Ares. Evangeline joins the Hunters of Artemis and quits for Elane. They fight for Zeus and Cal.
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ball-of-butter · 7 months
i love that red queen puts family as the chief unit of love even above true romantic love like that for some reason is SO overrated in ya media. i dont think of the characters within friendship or romantic groups first, i unconsciously catergorise them into their family.
cal loves mare but cal will put maven first always and he loves his dad and his image so much he’s willing to sacrifice his character and relationship with her to fulfil the expectations set by his family and its not until realising what his MOTHER wanted for him that he lets go. and mare loves cal but she will always put her siblings and parents first which is why everything started with gisa and shade’s loss and it ended with her sister and the loss of her brother too. maven loves mare but he loves elara more even if she twisted him and elara loves maven more than the entire kingdom and thats why she twisted him. and elara couldn’t enact her plan to make maven king without getting rid of his love for cal first!! when shade gets killed mare HAS to kill elara because that is the only way she can make sure her pain is even with at least one person.
cameron does everything for her brother’s safety, she was willing to abandon her morals and dehumanise anyone standing in her way if thats what needed to happen. and after morrey was safe she quit— nothing was worth losing herself over except him. farley and shade’s love was so pure that it brought life and family to the farleys who were already broken with the grief of being halved. their love brought a daughter named after the death of the woman that destroyed the family, and it was so healing.
and that is what KILLS me about the samos family!!! that compared to all this unconditional loyalty— the samos family is a continuous act of playing at love and loyalty, when in reality volos and larentia could not care less about their children because they dont know how to. silver society never showcases this love and so then you have so many parents fucking up their kid in so many ways but doing it out of love because thats how they see it— all except volo and larentia.
so the samos family is an exception. i cant think of evangeline without thinking of elane and ptolemus and i cant think of ptolemus without thinking of evangeline and wren. thats their family. and at least evangeline and ptolemus experienced real love with each other, even if they were never taught it (evangeline’s fear over shade’s death was proof that she could imagine a world without him and it was one of the few times she was genuinely scared in the series).
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imjulia-andilikecats · 3 months
Happy Father's Day!!!
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losers-clvb · 11 months
slow burn // one
pairing: lucas samos x nymph!female!reader
summary of chapter: y/n osanos found about her engagement through the red servants' gossip. after months of trying to convince her uncle, lord osanos, to call it off, it's revealed that they have to move the wedding up.
content of chapter: anger, irritation, arguing, the older adults are like the worst people ever, use of y/n, arranged marriage, like one swear word, reader is looked down upon, reader is mean to lucas
word count: 1.9k
Y/N was to marry the Samos boy. There was nothing anyone, including Y/N herself, could do to stop it from happening. She had been trying for months since the news broke to her, news she only found out when she had overheard Red servants while passing by the kitchens late one night. When she had pressed them to find out how they had figured this news out, they were hesitant to tell her, never having seen the young woman so angry before. She wasn’t known for speaking harshly to the help despite most of the other Silver’s doing so. When they finally broke and spilled that it had come straight from the mouth of her uncle, Lord of the House Osanos, she had been speechless. She knew she had to stop it from happening.
“House Samos is full of brutes and maniacs,” she had tried to reason. This only made her parents and uncle angry, all of them becoming even angrier when Volo and his own family had walked in only seconds later, obviously having overheard her comment. He had sneered at her before walking past her, nearly knocking her down in his movements. Ptolemus and Evangeline, his children, seemed not to care too much about her thoughts. The eldest of Volo’s children had only smirked over to her, eyes shining like a cat chasing its prey, while Evangeline looked rather bored. It was Lucas, their cousin and the man she was supposed to marry, who seemed to be the odd one out, looking equally as annoyed as the nymph girl.
Y/N ignored them all and turned to leave the room, knowing whatever they were to speak about she had no say in anyways. It was when she reached for the door, hand resting on the doorknob to pull it open, when she nearly had a heart attack.
“The wedding has to be moved up.” Volo announced to the room. This was unexpected. Everything had been planned to happen within a set number of days. There would be a welcome party for guests two days before, a ladies’ tea and gentlemen’s social hour the day before, then the beautiful wedding. Lucas was to go with the royal family back to Archeon and his wife was to follow. Y/N was supposed to have at least a few more weeks to get used to the idea that she would have to spend the rest of her life tied to someone she didn’t even know.
“What?” She turned to the rest of the room. It didn’t look like Lucas was surprised by this, something that made her scowl. He obviously was given more information and say about his life than she was. He was slightly older than her, and it helped that he was a male in one of the High Houses. Everyone, sometimes including the younger Silvers, looked down on her or at the very least underestimated her. She wasn’t the best in training, having struggled to control her ability until an older age than most. She had excelled in Protocol, but the only person who was proud of that was Lady Blonos herself.
Volo, as usual, ignored Y/N. “It seems the King would prefer to keep the months following Queen’s Trial to be about the Prince and his betrothed. A wedding between two of the High Houses would be… ‘distracting’.” He finished his sentence with a look on his face that said he agreed. He probably did, seeing how everyone believed that his daughter would be the next queen of Norta. Lord Osanos huffed, seeing this change in plans as an inconvenience to his day.
“Fine.” He replied flatly, looking at his brother and sister-in-law. They looked slightly annoyed with the change in plans but knew no one could go above the King. They nodded, looked at each other, and her father spoke.
“Next week.”
It was late. Y/N knew that. It had to be at least 1 AM, and everyone was asleep. Everyone except her and a few Red servants. She should be sleeping herself, but her mind was racing. She couldn’t help but think that this marriage was going to be the worst thing that could ever happen to her. Tossing and turning, somehow never finding a comfortable spot or position to sleep in, she was so frustrated that she could cry. But it was when she thought about running away for the fifth time that night that she decided some warm milk may help her sleep. She threw on her robe, tying it tight in an attempt to help soothe her in case she might run into someone on her way to the kitchens. Mindlessly walking through the halls, she kept her steps light and quiet. She passed guards, some she recognized and some she didn’t. Regardless of that, she nodded and smiled kindly to them all, even when most didn’t even acknowledge her.
Rounding a corner near one of the dining rooms, she looked up from her feet. It was a good thing she had, locking her eyes on a certain blonde guard who she was determined to stay away from until their wedding. Y/N stopped in her tracks, deciding she would take the longer route to the kitchens if it meant not having to walk past him. She turned quickly wanting to get out of that situation as quickly as she could. She would have gotten away too, if it hadn’t been for the table that was directly behind her. She ran right into it, her hip hitting the edge, both making the table move about an inch and what was sure to be a giant bruise right on her side. Her cheeks heated in embarrassment, knowing at least five guards had seen it happen.
“Y/N?” When she heard her name come from his mouth, she cringed. Facing him, she noticed his hand on the hilt of his dagger. She scoffed, narrowing her eyes. She didn't say a word to him yet when she started to walk away from the hall, she heard his footsteps following her. She sighed, walking faster. Of course, he caught up to her, his legs being longer and faster than hers. They fell in step together, no one saying a word for a few moments.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Lucas asked her with a soft voice. She knew he was trying to be kind to her, knew he was trying his best not to piss her off, but the question just made her angrier about their arrangement. She didn’t know why. He hadn’t directly done anything to her. Maybe it was just the circumstances, but the only thing she felt towards him was resentment.
“I can’t.” She answered quickly, voice just as quiet as her steps. Lucas waited for her to elaborate, but when Y/N hadn’t spoken again, he knew she wanted the subject dropped. Unfortunately, he didn’t.
“Why?” This time, Y/N glared at him. She crossed her arms over her stomach, manicured nails catching Lucas’ attention. He smiled slightly at the light peach color.
“You know why.” She bit back, balling her hands into fists. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes from the frustration. The last thing she wanted was for Lucas to see her cry so she angled her head away from him. Lucas’ heart broke at her answer. While he wasn’t necessarily thrilled with the whole situation, it wasn’t the worst thing, was it? Was the idea of marrying him really that horrible? He didn’t understand what he had done to make the sweetest girl had known hate him so much.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized, not just for the marriage, but for his family, for her family, for anything he had done to anger her. Instead of calming her, it did the opposite. Her eyes flared with irritation and she whipped her head to him. The tears had since fallen, any evidence of them having been wiped away by Y/N. Lucas leaned away when he saw the look on her face.
“For what? For having to marry me? For letting your family treat me the way they do? Or is it for the fact that you can’t even hear me crashing into a table without reaching for your weapons?” Y/N burst out, voice louder than before. She saw the doors to the kitchen just ahead, thankful that their time together would soon be over. Just as she went to reach for the door, Lucas’ hand fell onto her shoulder. They locked eyes, Y/N seeing that the softness in his eyes had been replaced by a burning fire of annoyance.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re mad about that?” He was angry, only a bit. He couldn’t believe that the little moment in the hallway would really have stuck with her that much.
“Yeah, I am! You can’t even try to solve a problem without resorting to violence!” Her voice was getting louder and by that point a few Red servants had opened the kitchen doors a crack to see who was making such noise at that hour.
“It’s my job, Y/N. I have to protect the royal family, the kingdom of Norta! The Scarlet Guard is running around and I wasn’t sure if they had broken in.” He seethed back.
“Spare me the bullshit, Lucas.” She scoffed out. “You’re just like the rest of them. You’d rather kill first, ask questions later, if it makes your life easier.” Y/N pulled away from him, ignoring the way her arm felt colder without his touch. Lucas didn’t move. He couldn’t believe what she had said. He was kind, was he not? He still couldn’t figure out why she was acting so cold towards him, why she could be loving towards everyone else but couldn’t even find a way to act civil with him. After a moment of contemplation, he entered the kitchens.
Red servants milled about, preparing vegetables and meats to be cooked in the morning. They ducked their heads when he passed, acknowledging his rank as a Silver guard. He spotted Y/N in the corner, chatting with an older Red as she waited for milk to warm. She was smiling, talking kindly with the woman. After pouring the liquid into a cup, she bid the woman goodnight before exiting out a different set of doors. Lucas followed her, keeping himself a few steps behind in an attempt to keep her calm. It didn’t work.
“Don’t follow me.” She spoke over her shoulder, continuing to walk. As the walked, Lucas looked to the other guards in the halls. They raised their eyebrows to him, eyes full of amusement. They knew the two were betrothed to one another. They also knew that, for whatever reason, Y/N couldn’t stand the Samos male.
“I’m just making sure you make it back to your room safely, as I would for anyone else.” He told her.
“I’m not completely helpless. I can protect myself.”
“You’re not helpless.” Lucas echoed back. Y/N didn’t speak again after that, not knowing what to say to that.  It sounded as if he thought she was more than a little Nymph girl who had once cried when Instructor Arven told her she was weak.
They reached her door together, Lucas having caught up with her somewhere along the way. She stepped inside, eyes flitting to the ground so she didn’t have to look at him. As she closed the door, she heard one last thing from him.
“See you next week."
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
So, I’ve been reading a lot of Wizarding World OC fanfics lately, mostly on Wattpad, and have since fallen back into a rabbit hole of thinking about this amazing universe. Harry Potter was one of the very first fandoms I was in, and despite everything and how much I despise and renounce She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, I still love it and I don’t really think I’ll ever stop.
Anyways, as a result of my falling back into my love for this universe, I wound up creating a whole load of plot bunnies for assorted eras, and I thought I’d share them with you guys! I probably won’t wind up making formal intro posts for all of them or anything, but you guys are definitely free to ask me questions about any of them if you want, and I really hope you like my new babies!!
(Tagging my Wizarding World moots @luucypevensie, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @manyfandomocs, @cecexwrites, and @ginevrastilinski-ocs - really hope you guys like these ideas!!)
Charlotte “Charlie” Fairweather; pureblood, (former) Hufflepuff, poly Newt + Tina ship. Newt’s best friend from Hogwarts who shares his love of creatures and dropped out after he got expelled to follow him in his travels. Seen as the father of all the creatures while Newt’s the mom, and has a special bond with the Mooncalves. Total sassy sweetheart who has a heart of gold but also doesn’t take crap from anyone, and also a distinguished bisexual who’s very proud of herself for landing people as awesome as both Newt and Tina.
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Amelia Jameson; half-blood, (former) Horned Serpent, poly Jacob + Queenie ship. American witch who works in the Wand Registration Department and is Tina’s only friend at work, and winds up getting pulled into the whole crazy adventure because of it. Incredibly intelligent and good at reading people, but never became an Auror because she was too scared to put herself into danger. Has had a work crush on Queenie for years, but never thought anything would come of it until she got to spend more time with her and wound up also developing feelings for Jacob (which causes her a great deal of panic for something that winds up having a happy ending).
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Sylvia “Sylvie” Miller; pureblood, (former) Wampus, Bunty ship. Tina’s Auror protégé once she gets reinstated in the second movie who gets assigned to shadow her in her hunt for Grindelwald. Doesn’t see what Tina sees in Newt at all but then becomes a total hypocrite by falling head over heels for Bunty the moment she sees her. Kind of closed-off and over everything all the time, but also a secret lesbian disaster. Incredible when it comes to defensive magic and shield charms.
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Ptolemus Lovegood; pureblood, Ravenclaw, Tom Riddle ship. Exists in an AU where Tom never becomes Voldemort. Luna’s ancestor who definitely lives up to the Lovegood name, very dreamy and a bit odd, but an incredible artist who creates amazing magical paintings and sculptures. A bit naïve because he mostly lives inside his own head, and gets made fun of a lot by other students. Tom originally gets into a relationship with him because he thinks he can manipulate Ptolemus into helping him in his schemes, but he winds up actually falling in love with him, and Ptolemus slowly helps him overcome his anger and the darkness inside him. Basically this guy is Luna about fifty years in the future, and a bit of a manic pixie dream boy, but we love him anyway.
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Sera Malfoy; pureblood, Slytherin, Orion Black ship. Everything you would expect a Malfoy to be - cold, cruel, and arrogant - but never to be made the heir to anything because she’s a woman, which she loathes. Plenty of people at Hogwarts desire her for her beauty, but she never deems anyone good enough for her. Has an on-and-off affair with Orion while he’s already betrothed to Walburga, which is super toxic and messy since Sera is mainly using him to try and get him to drop Walburga so she can be head of the Black household and Orion just wants to have the victory of sleeping with the girl everyone at Hogwarts wants. They actually wind up developing a sort of twisted connection, but break their affair off once Orion and Walburga officially get engaged. Eventually killed by Walburga after she finds out that Sera and Orion slept together one more time after they were already married and Sirius and Regulus were kids. After he moves back into his childhood home, Sirius finds a letter his father wrote to Sera but never sent, and a wrought-iron rose with a snake wrapped around the stem that she gifted him.
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Orla Byrne; half-blood, Hufflepuff, Mary Macdonald ship. Daughter of a single mother who doesn’t find out her father was a wizard until she gets her Hogwarts letter, so she knows basically nothing about the wizarding world. Bonds with Mary over being Scottish witches trying to figure out this new world together, which eventually leads to them becoming cute girlfriends. Super sassy for a Hufflepuff and prone to using a lot of curse words. Also becomes besties with Mary’s band of other Gryffindor girls, but also becomes pretty tight with the Marauders, which annoys Lily before she starts returning James’s feelings.
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Evelyn “Evie” Prewitt; pureblood, Ravenclaw, Narcissa Black ship. Middle child of that era’s Prewitts - Molly’s older sister and younger than the twins. Almost sorted into Slytherin and definitely showcases it - very ambitious and wants to be a politician. Meets Narcissa after they get paired together for a Charms project and start something of a more-than-friends thing, but they break it off after they graduate and Narcissa marries Lucius even though they genuinely love each other. Evie becomes a high-ranking politician in the Ministry of Magic eventually and never marries anyone else, and they wind up reconnecting and getting back together after Harry defeats Voldemort and Narcissa divorces Lucius when he goes to prison.
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Nina Grey; half-blood, Hufflepuff, poly James + Lily ship. Daughter of a pureblood mother and Muggleborn wizard father, has been in ballet classes since she was really little, wanted to be a prima ballerina before she got her Hogwarts letter. Still regularly uses the Room of Requirement as a dance studio to practice her dancing, which is how she meets James when the Marauders run into the Room trying to get away from Filch after pulling a prank. Meets Lily after she sees James and Nina talking and approaches her to tell her to stay away from him, and they become friends, only for James to realize that he’s falling for Nina as well as Lily. Nina has already developed feelings for James and gains them for Lily as well the longer they’re friends, and Lily winds up realizing that she loves Nina about the same time she starts to return James’s feelings, so it’s kind of a whole mess, but they do all end up together in the end. Nina’s a total sweetheart who loves tea and reading and always wears ballet flats - basically she’s very soft-girl core and I love her.
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Zachary Alonso; Muggleborn, Gryffindor, Remus ship. Son of Mexican-American Muggles/No-Majs who moved to the UK shortly after his tenth birthday, so he gets his Hogwarts letter instead of going to Ilvermorny. A bit of an outcast in his own dorm room for his first few years at Hogwarts since the Marauders are so close, but becomes friends with them in fourth year after he helps them pull off a prank. Becomes a lynx Animagus with the rest of the crew and gains the nickname Sharptooth. Only gets together with Remus towards the end of seventh year, but they’re a very sweet couple. Kind of a stereotypical Gryffindor - never backs down from a challenge, always wants to protect people, and would do very nearly anything for the people he cares about.
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Clarissa Yeng; half-blood, Slytherin, Marlene McKinnon ship. Daughter of a wealthy wizarding family who are just outside of the Scared Twenty-Eight and who have sort of fallen from grace after her father married a Muggleborn witch. Determined to restore her family’s reputation, so she acts like a prime pureblood Slytherin, cold and ruthless and proud. Develops something of a rivalry with Marlene over outdoing each other in the Gryffindor-Slytherin shared classes that eventually turns to secret makeout sessions and, later, genuine romance. Naturally brutally honest and not very expressive, but also really touch-starved and craves genuine love and genuinely tries to be a better person once she and Marlene get together.
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Mariela Gomez; Muggleborn, (former) Thunderbird, poly Sirius + Remus ship. Transplant from America who becomes the new Muggle Studies professor in the Trio’s third year and winds up becoming very close to Remus. Winds up following him to the Shrieking Shack to help free Sirius and is kind of hurt upon seeing them interacting and realizing that they’re still in love because she was sort of developing feelings for Remus, but keeps in touch with him after he leaves Hogwarts and helps Sirius while he’s hiding out in his cave, and realizes she has feelings for both of them. Joins the Order once it gets back together and has a whole proper confession with her two boys right before the Battle of Hogwarts, and they officially get together after (because of course Sirius and Remus live, what do you take me for?). Incredibly caring and would do anything to protect her students, but also has no tolerance for people who are assholes to her or anyone else about being a Muggleborn - she winds up taking a lot of points off of Slytherin and makes an enemy of Snape because of it.
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Lunella “Luna” Warbeck; pureblood, Ravenclaw, Marcus Flint ship. Daughter of the famous witch singer Celestina Warbeck, and is the exact opposite of her mother, very quiet and withdrawn. A very talented singer, however, and writes her own songs which are all really lovely. Meets Flint because she likes to sit in the Quidditch stands to write and winds up accidentally sitting in on a whole Slytherin team practice before anyone notices her. Gets accused of spying for Ravenclaw, which of course she isn’t, but Flint still invites her to the next practice as a way to show off and stick it to Ravenclaw, and then keeps inviting her and interacting with her until they eventually develop feelings. She winds up making him a better person and stopping him from joining the new Death Eaters after Hogwarts, and they actually get to have a happy ending together.
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Hecate Lovegood; pureblood, Gryffindor, Fred ship. Luna’s older sister, but instead of getting bullied, goes mostly ignored by Hogwarts’s population. Autistic and only semi-verbal, so she rarely talks, and has a talent for creating enchanted jewelry. Makes friends with the twins after she lies to help get them out of trouble for a prank and abruptly becomes kind of a popular by osmosis, with a bunch of people wanting to buy her jewelry. Stays at Hogwarts after the twins drop out, but when they open Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes they offer her a whole section to sell her jewelry. She and Fred officially get together after the Battle of Hogwarts (because he lives, of course). Very much like Luna in terms of personality, but also a bit more snarky than her when someone’s being a bellend.
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Zain Ahmad; half-blood, Hufflepuff, Oliver Wood ship. Hufflepuff Quidditch captain who has been Quidditch rivals with Oliver since they both started playing. Possibly the grumpiest and most sarcastic person to ever get into Hufflepuff, but still an amazing captain who’s loved by all of their players. Has the classic rivals-to-lovers thing with Oliver, but retires from Quidditch after they graduate and takes a job at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Kind of an asshole with a heart of gold, doesn’t really show they care but always goes out of their way to do quietly nice things for people and would die for those they care about.
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Nova Brackley; Muggleborn, Slytherin, Draco ship. A total outcast in Slytherin by virtue of being Muggleborn, but doesn’t really give a shit and can very often be seen flipping off their housemates. Incredibly talented at healing magic and sort of becomes Madam Pomfrey’s apprentice starting third year, and first meets Draco when they’re healing up his broken rib from a Quidditch game. The two of them bicker a lot because Draco feels like he has to be mean to them to keep up his reputation and Nova is not willing to take any of his shit, but they actually wind up falling in love eventually. They break up briefly after Nova can’t stop Draco from following his family into the Death Eaters (some of Draco’s angst in the sixth movie also comes from missing them), but they reconnect after the Battle of Hogwarts and eventually get back together, and Nova becomes a Healer at St. Mungo’s. Nova is basically Rosa Diaz incarnate, stone-faced and tough and not giving a shit what people think of them, but they’re also pretty funny and sweet once you actually get to know them, and they’re incredibly loyal.
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Godric Marshe; pureblood, Gryffindor, Cedric ship. Named after Godric Gryffindor, of course, but very definitely doesn’t live up to his name because he basically has Neville’s relationship with magic, except his never gets better. Kind of an outcast and gets bullied a lot, and when Cedric approaches him after he’s been crushing on him for years, Godric definitely thinks it’s either a cruel joke or just the Hogwarts golden boy taking pity on him and trying to do the right thing. Rejects Cedric’s attempts at friendship for the longest time, but eventually they genuinely become friends and boyfriends later. Very quiet and insecure due to his lack of magic, but an amazing writer who slowly comes out of his shell thanks to Cedric and eventually becomes a novelist.
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Allegra Pennyworthy; pureblood, Slytherin, Neville ship. Daughter of the Sacred Twenty-Eight but supports Muggleborns and doesn’t give a shit about doing what her family wants, and is something of an outcast from Slytherin because of it. Offers to help Neville in Potions since it’s her best subject, and falls him love with him through that. Eventually becomes Hogwarts’s new Potions professor when Neville takes over Herbology. A total badass, fierce and protective and cunning and never afraid to speak her mind; Neville both adores her her and fears her a little bit, and he’s basically the only person she lets herself be soft around.
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Penelope Barker; Muggleborn, Gryffindor, Cho ship. A she/they partner for Cho because she deserved better. Technically Muggleborn, but was adopted by a wizard couple when she was a baby so they’ve always been familiar with the wizarding world. Much more focused on playing Quidditch than on academics, but is still best friends with Hermione and generally relies on her tutoring to pass her classes. Falls in love with Cho pretty much the very first time they see her on the Quidditch pitch, and spends years pining over her until they get to talking at the Yule Ball (Cho went by herself instead of with Cedric), and follows her into Dumbledore’s Army the next year until eventually they kiss after a meeting. Becomes a professional Quidditch player after Hogwarts, on the same team Ginny leads. Incredibly sweet but also super awkward and clumsy off of the Quidditch pitch, regularly tripping over her tongue and her own feet. Becomes a godparent to Hermione and Ron’s kids.
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Aaaaand that’s all, folks! Holy shit, this is a lot (😅). As I said, not all of these babies are gonna get official intro posts or anything like that, but you’re always free to ask me whatever you want about any of them!! <3
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dehliadelights · 5 months
shoutout to ptolemus samos for being the ultimate wingman. dude literally foregos any romantic relationship of his own so he can marry his sister's girlfriend so evangeline can marry cal and become future queen. what a guy.
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boykingmaven · 6 months
Powerless ( Lauren Roberts ) PLAGIARIZED Red Queen
LAUREN ROBERTS PLAGARIZED TF OUT OF AVEYARD !!! Detailed explanation and evidence below !
From the world building , to the scenes, to the character traits. She didn’t miss a thing !! I got so angry while reading this book. 80% of this book was written by aveyard, and the other 20% was stolen from Ms Suzanne Collins herself. At this point it isn’t inspiration when you have THIS MANY similarities & straight up plot lines copy & pasted.
I’ll give you a book description, you tell me if it’s red queen or powerless:
Poor girl is a thief for a living, and has a little sister that is a seamstress. Poor girl meets one of the princes by stealing coins from their pockets. (She thought he was a normal guy, but found out later exactly who he was)
After a public event witnessed by many people, Poor girl from the slums is invited to live in the castle. There are two Prince brothers, one is the heir , the other is the spare and they’re both pining for her.
One brother (the one she stole from) asks her to the ball, while the other brother whisks her away in the middle of the night for a private dance lesson to teach her how to dance with his brother.
Girl decides to join a rebel organization while living in the castle. The rebel organization is led by people who don’t have any magical abilities as a way to take down the oppressive monarch who only values citizens with magical abilities. While at the actual ball, a rebel organization BOMBS it.
At the castle, there is also a “mean girl” who is pining for these brothers and treats the FMC like crap.
Towards the end of the book, the main character is stuck in an arena fighting for her life. The rebel organization bombs this as well! Thus giving her the ability to escape the castle and the escape arrest for working with said rebel organization. The main character is also exposed for being a “red/ordinary”.
Finally, the story comes to a close with the brother ( who she went to the ball with) turns on her and orders her to be hunted down.
(Yes, the correct answer is BOTH, because these things happen in the exact same order in BOTH books!!!) 🤡
*I would also like to include that both worlds feature a genetic mutation in SOME humans which ended up giving them magical ability.
>In red queen we have “silvers” who have silver blood and special abilities, the “reds” have red blood and the peasants of society
>In Powerless we have the “plague” which made people sick, some got powers (the elites) , some stayed normal (the peasants of society).
>Mare is a red blood individual who pretends to be a “silver” in order to survive in society and at the end is exposed for being “Red/Normal”
>Paedyn is a ordinary who has to pretend she has powers to survive amongst society and at the end is exposed for being “Ordinary/Normal”.
In red queen, The silvers also do not have babies or intermix with the reds as they want to keep their bloodline pure and powerful, and do not want magic diluted.
In Powerless, the Powerful Elites kill or deport their ordinary people who did not develope powers because they want to keep their bloodlines pure and powerful , and do not want magic diluted.
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fueledpurelybyspite · 2 years
The gorgeous zolita as evangeline samos: a concept
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A lesbian icon playing a lesbian icon
Edit: so a sweet user made me aware of the fact that @vaveyard actually confirmed Evangeline to be East-Asian. I haven't really been active in the redqueen fandom in a while so I had no idea she'd mande a post about it. (You can find the original post in the notes)
I'll keep this as a fun fancast, just be aware that it'not accurate.
If someone comes to mind who would actually embody her better you can share it in the comments!
- have a good day and stay safe♡
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mavenne · 8 months
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Would Ptolemus Samos from the Red Queen series pay child support?
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girllblogging777 · 2 years
evangeline samos we stan
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lucy-the-cat · 1 month
Me and Meghan in the trenches of The Notch defending Tolly from the "he wouldn't pay child support" accusations T-T
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ball-of-butter · 6 months
rating twerkability of red queen characters bcuz im unemployed:
mare: 2/10 she has some ass she just has no idea what she’s doing with it
cal: 6/10 he also has no idea what hes doing but his glutes are so phat that 6 is quite literally the lowest he can score
maven: this one is really difficult bcuz at first thought i thought he’s too skinny and a flop to shake ass but then i thought about it more and how he’s definitely bottomed out and so…. what? i guess a 7/10? maybe controversial but hes got to be better than cal at something and that’s definitely not being king
diana: deadass 1/10
kilorn: 9/10 he says he’s a natural but he actually practised
shade: 10/10 an actual natural
iris: 4/10 she just doesn’t want to learn how or even attempt but 4 points for potential
evangeline: 6/10 she’s good at everything except maybe this
elane: 9/10 twerk master
ptolemus: 8/10 he learned for his wife
cameron: 1/10 somebody help herrrr omg
wren: 7/10 she’s too polite with it someone get this woman a drink
thomas: 9/10 was the village whore walking around like that
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imjulia-andilikecats · 7 months
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losers-clvb · 11 months
slow burn, a series
pairing: lucas samos x nymph!female!reader
content: arranged marriage, slight enemies to lovers (more like she hates him, he tolerates her), Silver attitudes, death and violence (not described more than in the series), allusions to sex eventually, slow burn love, some language but not much, grief
summary: y/n osanos was always going to be betrothed to another from a high house, but she never imagined it would be to lucas samos, a son of one of the most cruel of the silver houses. though she is kind to almost everyone she encounters, she can't feel anything but irritation towards her future husband.
note: this series will slightly follow the book, but some things will be changed obviously. while i have physically read the first book once and listened to the whole series twice, there will be things that slip my mind or have changed to better fit the story. also, scrap out how lucas was described in the books. in this series, i had imagined him as a slightly brighter blonde lucas till for whatever reason. is it because they are both named lucas? possibly. but i don't care because this series isn't canon anyways.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
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❝ There wasn’t a person attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who didn’t know the name of Ptolemus Lovegood. The silver-haired young man was his own particular kind of famous in the halls of the ancient wizarding school, but it wasn’t exactly for a good reason - everyone knew Ptolemus as the strange boy who seemed to live in his own head, sitting in every class with a faraway look in his eyes and making the strangest comments about auras and creatures no one even thought existed when he did speak at all. His only redeeming feature in the eyes of his peers was his skill as a painter and sculptor, the incredible magical artworks he created - other than that, he was nothing more than Ptolemus, the odd boy who said and did strange things and only seemed to be aware of the good things in the world, always seeing the beauty and light and looking past the horror and darkness.
He was the perfect person for Tom Riddle to corrupt.
In Tom’s mind, someone like Ptolemus, a boy of considerable power from a pureblood family of considerable renown, would be the perfect partner for his schemes of rising to power and taking over the wizarding world. If he could just corrupt the Lovegood boy to his ways of thinking, turn him against those not of pureblood ancestry and convince him that this world would be a better place if wizards had mastery over Muggles, then he would no doubt have a strong partner in his bid to become the ruler of the magical world. And so Tom made his way into Ptolemus’s world and his heart, plying him with sweet words and gentle touches and midnight meets as romantic as they could be at a boarding school, all the while thinking that it would only be a matter of time, he just had to get Ptolemus to trust him that little bit more, before he could begin to plant the seeds of his wicked ideas.
Only, he never seems to be able to do it. Because with every gentle smile, sweet kiss, and drawing gifted to Tom by moonlight, the Riddle boy finds that the pure light that is Ptolemus has started to break through the darkness that surrounds him, the Lovegood boy’s unending calmness and compassion beginning to wash away the anger that has been festering in him his entire life. No matter how much he wants to resist it, Ptolemus is making his gentle way into Tom’s heart, chipping away at all the walls he has built around his soul.
For years, the only thing that has kept Tom Riddle going, the only thing that has soothed the roiling black pain he has felt his whole life, has been his dreams of taking over both the wizarding and Muggle worlds, of forcing everyone to bow to him so that he can never be looked down on again. But the longer he spends with Ptolemus, the more he finds his pain fading and the more he finds himself genuinely falling in love… and Ptolemus, without even truly realizing it, has begun to bring the boy who has planned on becoming the Dark Lord into the light. ❞
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