#public company
mymoonwitch · 3 months
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corpbizlegal · 7 months
Public or Private? Understanding the Dynamics of Company Registration
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In the dynamic landscape of business, the choice between a Public Limited Company (PLC) and a Private Limited Company (Ltd) is a pivotal decision that significantly impacts a company’s structure, operations, and long-term goals. Understanding the dynamics involved in Public and Private Limited Company registration, assisting entrepreneurs in making informed choices for their business ventures.
Defining the Basics
In this section, we will delve into the fundamental differences between Public and Private Limited Companies. Exploring their definitions, structures, and key characteristics will set the stage for a deeper understanding of registration dynamics.
Ownership and Shareholding Structure
One of the primary distinctions lies in ownership and shareholding structures. We’ll discuss how Private Limited Companies have restrictions on the transfer of shares, fostering a more controlled ownership environment. In contrast, Public Limited Companies allow shares to be traded publicly, attracting a broader range of investors.
Capital Formation and Fundraising
Examining the dynamics of capital formation is crucial. We’ll explore how both Private and Public Limited Companies raise capital, with Private Limited Companies often relying on a smaller group of investors and Public Limited Companies having the ability to raise funds through public offerings.
Regulatory Compliance and Disclosure Requirements
Understanding the regulatory landscape is paramount for any company. We’ll delve into the compliance and disclosure requirements for both types of companies, shedding light on how Public Limited Companies face more stringent regulations due to their public nature.
Listing on Stock Exchanges
For Public Limited Companies, listing on stock exchanges is a significant step. We’ll explore the advantages and challenges associated with being publicly listed, including increased visibility, access to a larger pool of investors, and the regulatory obligations that come with it.
Decision-Making Processes
Moving into the internal dynamics, we’ll discuss the decision-making processes in Private and Public Limited Companies. Private Limited Companies often have a more streamlined decision-making structure, while Public Limited Companies may experience complexities due to the larger number of stakeholders.
Flexibility and Privacy
Flexibility and privacy considerations play a crucial role in choosing the right company structure. Private Limited Companies offer more flexibility in operations and decision-making, along with a higher level of privacy. We’ll examine how these factors can impact the day-to-day functioning of businesses.
Going Public: Transitioning from Private to Public Limited
For entrepreneurs considering the transition from a Private to a Public Limited Company, this section will provide insights into the process, challenges, and benefits. We’ll discuss the strategic considerations and preparations necessary for a successful shift to a public listing.
Case Studies and Real-Life Examples
To enhance practical understanding, we’ll explore case studies and real-life examples of successful Private and Public Limited Companies. This section aims to showcase how companies of varying sizes and industries have navigated the dynamics of their chosen registration status.
In conclusion, this blog has provided a detailed exploration of the dynamics involved in Private and Public Limited Company registration. Whether prioritizing control and privacy or aiming for broader capital access and visibility, entrepreneurs can now make informed choices that align with their business goals. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for laying the foundation of a resilient and successful company in today’s competitive business environment.
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Farmer Producer Organization (FPO Registration) - Process, Fees, Documents Required
The Indian economy is an agricultural-centric economy. Agriculture in India is the livelihood for a majority of the population as it employs more than 50% of the Indian workforce. But the sad part is producers and farmers are deprived of the agricultural process. They don’t have access to technology, knowledge, and funds. To address this issue, the concept of Producer Company was introduced in 2002, to help improve the lives of farmers and producers.
What is a Producer Company?
Producer company is a corporate body of producers, farmers and agriculturists with the objective of procurement, production, harvesting, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling or export of the members or import of goods and services for themselves. In simple words, this type of company is formed with the aim to improve the lives of people associated with the agriculture industry by providing them access to technology, market, credit, etc.
*Process of:
Step 1. Application for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Step 2. Application for the Name Approval
Step 3. Filing of SPICe Form (INC-32): Details of the company, Details of members and subscribers, Application for Director Identification Number (DIN), Application for PAN and TAN, Declaration by directors and subscribers, Declaration & certification by professional
Step 4. Filing of e-MoA (INC-33) and e-AoA (INC-34)
Step 5. Issuance of PAN, TAN, and Incorporation Certificate
Read more about documents, fees, and benefits of Farmer Producer Organization
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taxesquire · 1 year
public company registration services streamline the complex process, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Register your Public Limited company.
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SoCal Gas spent millions on astroturf ops to fight climate rules
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Today (19 Aug), I'm appearing at the San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books. I'm on a 2:30PM panel called "Return From Retirement," followed by a signing:
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It's a breathtaking fraud: SoCal Gas, the largest gas company in America, spent millions secretly paying people to oppose California environmental regulations, then illegally stuck its customers with the bill. We Californians were forced to pay to lobby against our own survival:
The criminal scheme is spelled out in eye-watering detail in a superb investigative report by Joe Rubin and Ari Plachta for the Sacramento Bee, which names the law firms and individual lawyers involved in the scam.
Here's the situation: SoCal Gas is California's private, regulated gas monopoly. They are allowed to lobby, but are legally required to charge their lobbying activities to their shareholders, and are prohibited from raising customer rates to pay for lobbying.
The company spent years secretly violating this rule, in the sleaziest way possible: working with corporate cartels like the California Restaurant Association and BizFed, the monopoly paid BigLaw white-shoe firms to procure people who posed as concerned citizens in order to oppose climate regulations that are essential to the state's very survival.
The bill topped $36 million – and it was illegally charged to its customers, the Californians whose immediate health and long-term survival these efforts opposed. SoCal Gas refuses to disclose the full extent of the spending, as do its lawyer-procurers, who cite legal confidentiality and a First Amendment right to secretly seek to influence policy in their refusal to disclose their profits from this illegal conduct.
The law firms involved are a who's-who of California's most prominent corporate fixers, including Reichman Jorgensen and Holland & Knight. The partners involved have a long rap sheet for anti-climate dirty tricking, most notably Jennifer Hernandez, notorious in climate justice history for an incident where activists claim she posed as one of them, infiltrating a campaign to force corporate despoilers to clean up their pollution in order to sabotage it, while secretly on a wealthy, prominent landowner's payroll.
Hernandez claims to care about the environment and says that her longstanding, corporate-funded, extensive campaigns and lawsuits against state environmental regulations are motivated by concern over their impact on working people. Her firm, Holland & Knight, denies serving SoCal Gas in opposing gas regulations, but it received $594k in ratepayer dollars, and submitted comments opposing the rules on its own behalf. Those comments were nearly identical to the comments submitted by SoCal Gas.
Hernandez also represents an obscure organization called The Two Hundred for Home Ownership in "a flurry of lawsuits" over California Air Resources Board rules on pollution, seeking to overturn the state's landmark climate change regulations.
Two Hundred for Home Ownership was founded by Robert Apodaca, who told the Bee that Hernandez's work for him is pro bono and not funded by SoCal Gas, but his entry into the fray occurred just as SoCalGas was founding an astroturf group called Californians for Fair and Balanced Energy (C4BES), which pretended to be an independent organization, disguising its relationship with SoCal Gas.
Apodaca is also founder of United Latinos Vote, an organization that had been largely dormant for seven years, not receiving any donations, until 2018, when the California Building Industry Association gave it $99k. The CBIA is a large-dollar recipient of donations from SoCal Gas, and its CEO insists that it was not acting on SoCal Gas's behalf when it made its unpredented donation to Apodaca.
The CBIA donation to United Latinos Vote was forerunner to a flood of corporate donations from the likes of Chevron, Marathon and Phillips 66. Shortly after receiving this cash, United Latinos Vote ran a full page ad in the LA Times, accusing the Sierra Club of pushing for anti-gas appliance rules that would harm working class Latino families.
This ad, in turn, featured prominently in advocacy by the SoCal Gas front group C4BES, funded with $29.1m in ratepayer money, which it then spent seeking to link clean appliance rules with anti-Latino racism. A quarter of California's carbon emissions come from home gas use.
SoCal Gas is regulated by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC), which tolerated this mounting illegal conduct for many years, even as the company circulated internal memos as early as 2015 discussing its plans to oppose electrification in the state on the basis that it constituted "a significant risk to our business."
But last year, CPUC fined SoCal Gas $10m. Now, CPUC's Public Advocate office has filed a damning, extensive report on SoCal Gas's unlawful conduct, seeking $80m in rate cuts to compensate Californians for the funds misappropriated to protect the company's shareholder interests:
Additionally, the Public Advocate is demanding $233m in fines for the company's refusal to allow investigators to audit its books and discover the full extent of the fraud.
SoCal Gas is the nation's largest utility, but (incredibly), it's not the dirtiest. That prize goes to Ohio's FirstEnergy, which handed $60m in ratepayer dollars to state politicians in illegal bribes in exchange for coal and nuclear subsidies and cancellation of state climate rules. That scandal led to GOP speaker of the Ohio House Larry Householder being sentenced to 20 years in prison:
There is something extraordinarily sleazy about using ratepayers' own money to lobby against their interests. SoCal Gas and its Big Law enablers have funneled millions in Californian's money into campaigns to poison us and boil us alive, and they did it while using workers and racialized people as human shields.
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and make a new, good internet to succeed the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Maryland GovPics (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/mdgovpics/6635539089/
Jackie (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/79874304@N00/197532792
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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theslimeologist · 7 months
Its viscerally upsetting that our preferences are apparently respected but we’re all automatically opted in for tumblr’s AI 3rd party “partners” to supposedly scrape our posts and content? L O L
If you’re on mobile *you must first update the tumblr app*
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raionmimi · 28 days
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I feel like Symmetra would be up Venture's alley specifically because she wouldn't break their immersion if she was starring in a historical film
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tanglepelt · 10 months
Dc x dp idea 169
The trio gets sent to dc. Not really sent but they had commandeered the ops center. And mayhaps flew the blimp through a portal. One that didn’t go to the ghost zone but a completely different dimension.
The solution.
Keep the blimp on defense mode while Danny get parts to update the Fenton communicator to travel through dimensions.
The problem.
People in cosplay keep trying to get into the ops center and then others are getting in Danny’s way of scavenging of parts.
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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Princess Ryan's Space Marines, William Lindsay box art for Mark McLaughlin's game of squad combat in the 23rd century, East Wind Rain Co, 1986. This first edition of the game included 48 space marines and 4 vehicles in 1/285 microarmor scale, all cast in lead by SIMTAC.
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ponytailzuko · 9 months
im gonna be so real wishmaker made me try so hard to imagine adriens future career but i cant do it. when i imagine adriens future i cannot imagine his career AT ALL. but also i think he has a source of income outside of marinette just for the feeling of independence. because financial dependence would probably be bad for his mindset after the 15 yrs of gabriel. so i cant imagine him as a stay at home husband either.
so my brain just sees him doing random jobs that he quits whenever he wants bc he lives with marinette in a little apartment over her boutique. like every week he somehow changes jobs and no one understands how. nino goes to the mcdonalds across the street from his house on monday and adrien takes his order. then he facetimes adrien on wednesday and he's in peru because hes got a job as a flight attendant. saturday, alya mentions that she had to report on a play being thrown by a local theater troupe and did you know adriens in it? and sometimes he just quits for awhile and does marinettes bookkeeping and occasionally models for her when he wants to. does some community center classes such as cooking, arts, etc. volunteers at the cat shelter. and is also a superhero i guess. chat noir does door dash.
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detroitlib · 1 month
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View of the Peoples Outfitting Company building. Automobiles in street. Printed on front: "People's Outfitting Company, 150 Michigan Avenue, Detroit 26, Michigan. 'It's easy to pay, the People's way,' is a tradition in 1 out of 5 Detroit homes." Printed on back: "People's invites you to open a family budget account. It's so convenient to shop at People's where all of your family purchases can be charged to one account. There is no extra charge for this service except in the case of a few electrical items. Genuine Curteich-Chicago 'C.T. Art-Colortone' post card (reg. U.S. Pat. Off.)"
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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snatchductor · 3 months
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love this thing. the wintin
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mortal-kombattore-115 · 2 months
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First meeting
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The Disney Brothers
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Happy New Years and welcome to the public domain Mickey Mouse.
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chena-h · 8 months
Reducing the covid isolation period to 1 day - a single day- when an infection can be contagious for up to 21 days is... unbelievably cruel.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Ghostbusters was released in the United States on June 8, 1984.  
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