#puppy uglies
nakkipalkka · 2 years
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Love how she’s maturing, looking balanced and well rounded. Gorgeous.
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inkskinned · 8 days
today i love the red metal crane in her long neck arching her body over the boston skyline, which means i am okay for a moment. when i am unwell, everything is a little ugly. i always tell myself look for the beauty but when it is bad, i will look at birds and sunsets and little ducklings and feel absolutely nothing.
when my brother got his puppy, i was in a deep depression. what kind of monster isn't affected by a puppy. i was gentle and kind to her - i just didn't have an emotional reaction. she's five now and i feel like i spend all of our interactions apologizing to her - i don't know why. i just didn't feel anything. how embarrassing. i feel like if i admit that, i'll seem cruel and jaded. it comes in waves. like, two months ago when i went out into the world - it was like that. life behind a pane of stormglass. a firework could go off over your head - nothing. like dead skin, no reaction. not to ice cream or rainbows or baby chickens. life foggy and uninteresting.
i love goslings again. i love their little webbed feet splayed over grass. i love good food and live music and long walks. i like puppies. i feel like some kind of my soul has been starved - i keep staring at everything with wide eyes, trying to burrow the sensation into my stomach. it's real. beauty is real. when it's bad again, remember this. i stop and smell the flowers, feeling cliche in the moment. i like the white-to-red ombre of my neighbor's roses. i like colorcoding and yoga and cold drinks. i try to pass my hands over every moment, feeling like i'm squeezing joy out of every instant. remember this. for the love of god, it's real - just remember this.
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slimescout · 4 months
Omega and Batcher
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nagunkgunk · 24 days
ALSO MY 1000th EW S RANK TOO, a day later lol
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victor!!!!!!! puppy dog!!
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distantsonata · 5 months
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paintingformike · 2 years
thinking about how the movie theater scene in season 3 is one of the few pivotal byler moments where there’s actually a large group of people around them (they’re almost always alone or the people with them aren’t included in the shot...the only other crowded scene i can recall is the rink o mania fight tbh) but they still managed to frame it with so much intimacy and tension, mike and will’s faces being close to each other, everything around them blurring and mike’s voice being so gentle and soft and caring as he asks will if he’s okay...
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so there really is no excuse for why there’s such a lack of intimacy in nearly every mleven scene and why they choose to make them have moments with either the ugliest backgrounds, with way too much clutter or people around them that makes it painful to watch, or with the scene ending up being played as comedy 😭 (maybe not all of their scenes but its like 80% of their important scenes that its kind of hard to ignore especially throughout s4...like what the hell is this)
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its such a stark contrast to the way byler scenes are shot...mind you they were in a literal junkyard in the scene below and jonathan and argyle were right in their vicinity but they still managed to frame it as if they were the only two people in the world and the cinematography is visually pleasing
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like this is barely a competition at all...how are we still debating which relationship is meant to be endgame 🤦‍♀️
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uglyhomie · 2 months
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just a man and his fishing pole..
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kaiserouo · 1 month
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i like that side look eye too much i need to spread this to the world
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sojutrait · 1 year
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new members of the family
elisa has been missing her chickens back in sulani so she begged gus and natia for a dog and they said yes! turns out when the adoption agent came she couldn't decide so now they have two lil puppies named delilah and ducky
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unknownhomosapien · 10 months
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Finally got my laptop back, yippieeee
dagoth descendant sketch from reverse au....poor man doesnt know his name is basically an anagram of the most strongest queen bitch ever lived in 1st era
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abirddogmoment · 7 months
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ugly boy glow up
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theborzoiarebackintown · 11 months
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The borzoi babes did a couple things at the UKC shows yesterday! This counts as Kram’s first competition win anywhere!
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mumblelard · 1 year
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biscuits and cheese planes and crow calls and cummings
the swallows at the lake are still going ham on something too small to see in numbers too large to believe
the first neighbor i met after moving into this place, he left for an inpatient rehab yesterday. he started crying when he told me what was happening. i knew i should hug him but i didn't want to get burned by the cigarette in his shaking hands. i wish i had hugged him anyway
boba learned how to open one of the treat jars that i keep handy by the couch and i think she gave herself a stomach ache. she has only done it once and maybe i didn't put the lid on right, but trying to do it again has been keeping her busy the last few days
the twins across the courtyard are away shooting a movie and their mom is with them. from the window in front of my desk, i can see their dad and two sisters go a little bit more feral every day
i am in a drone-metal-in-the-woods phase that is as close to a satisfying drug experience as i have come in years
the family that threw the four day wake that i thought was a birthday party are getting evicted, not because of the noise, but because their drunken attempt to release several crates of doves in the middle of a playground resulted in significant property damage. apparently, at one point the minister they hired to speak at the wake called the police on them himself
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horse-heaven · 4 months
Omg I was looking through old pictures and I found a bunch of Riley’s puppy pictures 🥹 should I post some pictures of larval Riley?
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tcfactory · 8 days
In the daemon AU fic I have a scene technically planned out for the YQY sword reveal, but on second thought SQQ only has the emotional capacity to work on one relationship at a time, so I might just change it so they have already reconciled some time ago. It would help explain why SQQ is going a little easier on LBH too, because he already made up with his big brother and has just a little fewer neuroses going on.
Like, this is a daemon AU where the daemons can easily act independently of their humans. YQY and SQQ might be dumb about communicating, but YQY's daemon would need just the tiniest push (maybe from a very helpful Airplane-SQH) to babble all about the caves and the sword specifically because YQY is too paralyzed by guilt to speak.
I don't think having reconciled would make SQQ more pleasant or likeable to anyone outside of his personal circle, so I don't actually have to change the parts I have already written.
So the focus can be fully on SQQ/SY, with maybe a little bit of side serving of YQY/LQG. And I can move up a scene in the timeline where SQQ kicks YQY out of the bamboo house ("If all you are going to do is cry about your stupid crush then go be pathetic somewhere else! I have better things to do.") because he has an arranged meeting with SY (that he's kinda maybe looking forward to SHUT UP QI-GE HE'S NOT MAKING FRIENDS).
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pawsitivevibe · 1 year
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Who are you and where is my tiny baby puppy?
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