#pursuit of truth and beauty || ask memes
sparklepocalypse · 11 days
🥑☁️🐝🎨 please.💜
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I'd get in touch with @cha-melodius for her anatomical knowledge (y'know, maybe I can resuscitate whoever it is?) and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for his legal expertise, in the likely event that the resuscitation doesn't work.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
You know, I've had this username since about 2010, and I honestly can't remember the backstory. I'm fairly sure it has something to do with some sort of arts and crafts project and then-untreated ADHD, though...
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
This might get long, so I'll come back to this one and toss it under a jump. 🤣😅
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
You know, prior to the latest RWRB zine being published, I wouldn't have been able to narrow it down to just one, but this JC Leyendecker-inspired piece by @artofobsession is possibly my favorite piece of fanart that's ever been created. It's just -- even nearly a month after it was first posted, it causes beauty aggression in me and I just want to bite it because it's so pretty and glowy and ethereal and lovely and they're just so blushy and so into one another. It's the first fanart print I've ordered in years, and it's going to go on my wall of ephemeral pretty things with my Lindsay van Ekelenburg art and my various tarot card prints from Kickstarter decks.
[Send me emoji from the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game and I'll answer the corresponding questions!]
Aight, back to 🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I mean, obviously I'm tagging you first, @ad-astra13, because you're the Most Excellent of Doc Gremlins and your flailing in my Google Docs has been so, so motivating. Your fiber work is really cool and creative! I'm always intrigued to see which project you'll take on next.
And then there's @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, who even with a bunch of stuff going on IRL still takes the time to DM me a screenshot when someone has recced one of my fics, which -- warm fuzzies just everywhere. Val is one of the sweetest, most deeply passionate RWRB fans I have ever met, and her encyclopedic knowledge of all things book and movie have come in handy on like, dozens of occasions in the few months since I've gotten to know her.
@kiwiana-writes and I basically have the same brain in different bodies on different continents, the vibe is so consistent. Half the time I read his work it feels like it could've emerged from my brain instead of his, and now it turns out he's a pretty gifted songwriter too? Incredible, awe-inspiring, iconic, etc.
@artofobsession and I have a Spider-Man meme thing going on where I yell at Hann about their art, and they yell at me about my writing, and it's just a never-ending cycle of yelling. Pretty amazing to consider that I was Too Scared To Say Hi ™️ for awhile there, because I'm a big ol' introvert. Regardless of what Hann's got going on, I've never read an unkind word that's emerged from their keyboard, and they're super well-spoken and yeah, really glad I started making unhinged bulleted lists of art reviews as a way to break the ice, because they're good people.
Speaking of Spider-Man memes, @seanchaidh7 and I have also been Spider-Manning back and forth these last few months. She's created some really, really incredible art for my Big Giant AU, and just genuinely seems like a cool person. I'm happy we stumbled across each other in this fandom!
@duchessdepolignaca03 is one of the best unhinged idea riffers I've met. She deserves at least partial credit for the idea for my RBB fic, because a simple "fic where [x]" message can lead to a thread of dozens (or hundreds) of messages back and forth just flinging ideas out there to further the prompt. Half the time the riff is all that happens, but occasionally, the riff spawns something way bigger.
And there are folks who either I haven't found on Tumblr, or who left Tumblr behind in like 2013 and haven't looked back -- super grateful for everyone who's enabling my weird little brain to do the thing!
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thcbeautywithin · 5 years
Tag dump
all rose and honey || aesthetic beauty of all literature || quotes she’s beauty and brilliance and bravery || portraits if only I could wish your kiss was not a falling star || beast music is the literature of the heart || melodies behind the beauty || headcanons honey and wildfire are both colour gold || about beautiful things have dents and scratches too || inspiration heart of gold and stardust soul || headcanons beauty is truth, truth beauty that’s all you need to know || answers  pursuit of truth and beauty || ask memes
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
So I made meme moodboards for my Fallen London OCs. Perfect way to formally introduce them, I guess. As a little challenge, I completed these entirely with pictures I already had saved to my computer. Note: spoilers for all ambitions and SMEN.
Edit: Feel free to send calling cards, if you’d like, to Orsinio or Samuel. Miles has gone north.
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First, we have Samuel Weatherbee, the Laconic Captain, or the Modest Bartender. He was an urchin when London fell and spent over a decade exploring the Unterzee, though he never quite found what he was looking for. In 1884, he decided to retire by playing a certain card game. Now, with all the time in the world, he settled down and was content to open and tend to a tavern. After seeing so many horrors of the cavern and coming too close for comfort to disaster, he adopted the strict practice of never asking questions. That is, until he adopted some young adults-- I mean, made some friends who reignited his sense of adventure. One night, on impulse, he decided to hunt a legendary monster and got far more than he bargained for. Despite asking himself repeatedly why he ever set foot in the Medusa’s Head, he doesn’t regret it. He’s seen enough of this world of horror to feel like he’s powerless to change anything, but now that he finally has a sense of family in his life, he’s inspired to try. No matter what happens or where London goes, he will be there keeping the home fires burning, his doors open to everyone from the heights of society, to the lowest criminals, to the rubbery men and any other creature that needs a cup and a warm chair. The only rule of his bar: no abstractions.
Born in: 1850
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Monster Hunter
Main attributes: Dangerous, Zeefaring, Monstrous Anatomy, Dreaded, Respectable
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Next up we have Orsinio Elderwood, the Preoccupied Professor, or the Incisive Author. He grew up in Ireland and lost his parents to illness as a teenager, but he always had his older brother, Horatio, and Horatio’s friends, who encouraged him to be revolutionary despite worrying about his safety. He never knew about his brother’s involvement in the Great Game or ties to the Neath, though the work was what supported their little found family. All was well until a dark spring night when Horatio was murdered and his world fell apart. He descended to the Neath with a pseudonym to protect himself--names have great power here-- though if you glanced at an infernal contract unwisely made, it would reveal his true surname. In his pursuit of vengeance, he lost more than he found, nearly losing himself in the process. But what’s done cannot be undone, and a painful truth is better than any beautiful lie. He’s doing his best now to move on and live the fulfilling life his brother would have wanted for him, though he can’t seem to stop getting himself into trouble investigating eldritch horrors. He can typically be found performing dubious experiments in his lab or publishing seditious essays against the Crown and the Bazaar. He also learned about his brother’s work and carries on the “family business” by managing a fine spy network. Just hope you don’t find him in the Royal Bethlehem. Again.
Born in: 1871
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Profession: Correspondent
Main attributes: Watchful, Shadowy, Kataleptic Toxicology, Bizarre, Scandal
Picrew Link
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Finally, we have Miles Lovelace, the Officious Heir, or the Avid Occultist. The second youngest child in an old money family, they frequently acted out to get attention. Their father finally had enough and cut them off until they could clean up their act. Instead, they came to the Neath in pursuit of whatever power they could find to prove they didn’t need their family, though they keep a soft spot for their younger sister. This pursuit of the power they felt they were owed by their high birth quickly led to interest in a certain card game. However, the longer they spent in the Neath, the more they noticed a certain voice in their dreams, promising them more power than even the Masters could give. Unable to resist the temptation, they’ve descended a dark path and are planning to Knock (Hate) very soon. In the meantime, they’re trying to share the Name with as many people as they can. Sometimes though, when they think of their few real friends, they have doubts. They look at what they’ve become and wonder if they really have carried on the family legacy, not of wealth, but of the abominable deeds necessary to get what they want. It still isn’t too late to turn back, but given the choice between a redemption arc and the promise of power, they will always choose the latter.
Born in: 1876
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Profession: Silverer
Main attributes: Persuasive, Mithridacy, A Player of Chess, Nightmares, Unaccountably Peckish
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grelleswife · 2 years
Have you done Grell for the meme yet?
If you’re referring to this ask meme, I haven’t…but I certainly can! 🥰
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You’ll notice there’s considerable overlap between this one and the Mey Rin bingo board because I’m a simp. 😅 She’s gorgeous, and I love her design! She is the one wife to rule all wives! She’s my ultimate blorbette! ❤️❤️❤️
However, I added the “wasted potential” square because I feel like Yana could do so much more with her. Of course, sensei’s portrayal of Miss Sutcliff has unquestionably improved throughout the manga (see this post by @chibimyumi for a detailed examination of how our girl’s characterization evolved over time), but the unfortunate fact remains that Grelle’s introductory arc is rooted in transmisogyny, playing into the harmful stereotype that paints trans ladies as violent and inherently dangerous to cis women. Not exactly an ideal way to bring your canonically trans character into your work. 😬 Grelle’s past was likely fraught with hardship and discrimination, but she unabashedly lives her truth as the dauntless, empowered, confident, beautiful woman she knows herself to be. That’s a story that could take up an entire manga series, yet we’ve barely scratched the surface. Assuming Grelle’s brazen persona is at least partially a front for her hidden pain and anxieties, what’s her interior world like? We’ve barely caught a glimpse of her private thoughts, let alone had a chance to explore her psyche. Then again, considering that Yana is Yana, perhaps this state of affairs is a blessing in disguise, and we always have fanon to fill in those gaps.
The “she got done dirty by the fans” is more in reference to the fandom’s early days. I only arrived on the scene a few years ago, but based on what I’ve heard from Kuro veterans and the horrors I’ve beheld on Wattpad and AO3, there seems to have been an encouraging shift in the fanbase’s overall perception of Grelle. Where once the “tee hee 🤪 flamboyant horny funny gay man for my hot 🔥 yaoiz 🔥” approach to her character was in vogue, there’s been an encouraging shift towards respecting and defending Grelle’s identity as a trans woman in more recent years. There are still some nasty little bigots running around, but they don’t seem to be quite as prominent.
I was debating whether or not to circle the “horrible person” box, but you know what? Yes, Grelle is a serial killer. Yes, she has committed unconscionable acts. But she is nowhere near the greatest evil in this series. Not compared to pedophiles and human traffickers like Viscount Druitt…or an abusive mother willing to permanently maim her daughter’s feet, make her live an elaborate lie for her entire childhood, and exploit her scientific knowledge to create chemical weapons (*glares at Sieglinde’s mom*)…or a deranged mortician willing to desecrate corpses and endanger dozens of innocent lives in the selfish, obsessive pursuit of his (potentially futile) goals. Grelle’s a villain, but in a mangaverse rife with dubious ethics and pure diabolical evil, she’s certainly not the final boss.
And regardless of her wicked deeds, she is my forever fave and I love her! Thus, I hereby decree that she’s never done anything wrong. 😤❤️
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Chapter Two: The Kithain" in Changeling: The Dreaming (20th anniversary edition) Part One of Two
"Humans define themselves by more than just species. They identify with certain races and cultures, separate themselves by generation or ideology, and express individuality while simultaneously looking for ways to connect with others like them. How they look, who they love, where they live, what they believe — these are all building blocks of identity."
"This desperate aversion to moving on does have its own consequences."
"Though the wisdom to temper the idea is sometimes there, the sheer excitement can sweep anyone off their feet quickly enough to disregard it."
"While these impulses aren’t usually much of a problem, it’s easy to forget that not every dream is a sweet one — nightmares can come to life, too."
"Every teddy bear protector is there to fight something,
after all."
"These things can be distracting at any age, especially for someone working in a dreary office or in a highly repetitive job."
"With little care for consequences or thinking through the details, they don’t consider the harm that will come to others, intentionally or unintentionally, in their pursuits."
"While they don’t have an inherently negative outlook, they are more likely to put their personal interests over those of others."
"Becoming jaded and unwilling to take risks is the death of childhood."
"Something may captivate them for a time, but once all the mystery is gone from it, they’ll just as easily drop one pursuit for another that still has questions to answer."
"Wonder lies in the discovery of a new species or an unexplored biome, and beauty in chemical bonds or lines of code."
"Repetition can quickly become a rut, and make even the most wondrous work commonplace and mundane."
"Whether they fight to preserve or subvert the ruling class as it stands, they all long to make their mark in one way or another."
"Even when caught, they are unlikely apologize for their actions, and instead have a dozen ways to justify them."
"Some enjoy collecting art and creating galleries to inspire others, or amass vast libraries of literature or music to the same purpose."
"They have an innate knack of deciphering relationships and picking up “overheard” tidbits of information."
"They explore the world with wonder in their eyes and will talk to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen and put up with the incessant questions."
"Their reputation for being consummate craftspeople is well learned."
"This does not apply to a sworn enemy."
"Rowdy fools, the lot of them."
"Rowdy fools, the lot of them. Still, they can be quite entertaining. . .so long as you keep them from breaking the china."
"They make wonderful guests and tell the most delightful tales, but they never stay for long."
"Pay heed to their stories and you may learn something."
"Their obsessions tend to make them boring conversationalists."
"Never leave them alone in a room if you want to be able to find anything afterward."
"They are quite entertaining at parties, but never stick around to help clean up."
"Foul mouthed and rude beasties, they are."
"Be careful how much wine you offer them. They can become quite. . . err. . .enthusiastic."
"No place on land, no friendship, and not even love can hold them."
"A selkie’s heart belongs to the sea and to the sea they will always return."
"They still understand the old ways but they do not always understand our ways."
"Things have changed and they are going to need to learn to adapt."
"It seems that they value little other than honor and duty."
"They are strong, yes, but they are more than simple brutes."
"They don’t lie outright, but they do love to tell a tall tale, often embellishing the story for the sake of humor or to build excitement."
"A good donnybrook clears the air, breaks the tension, and reveals hidden passions and personality traits."
"Nothing wrong with cutting loose a bit now and then!"
"Don’t leave them alone with your prize possessions; you’ll never know what’ll come up missing."
"They don’t understand limits — their own or anyone else’s."
"What a bunch of bullies!"
"Don’t underestimate them."
"Graceful, beautiful, mysterious, and always just beyond reach."
"They stayed by us and fought. That’s worth something."
"What we do today will live long after us, carried in the stories told by our children and our children’s children."
"Nothing new to learn here."
"Anger and foul language doesn’t make for a very good tale."
"There’s joy to be found in their revels, but take care!"
"They think themselves the kings and queens of this world, but they’ve never walked its many paths."
"How can they rule what they don’t understand and have never really valued?"
" I’ve heard it said that the real hero is the one who stays."
"I know I know. . .I’ve worked on the damned thing all week and it’s still not right."
"Maybe if you stop breathing down my neck, or better yet, just leave me the fuck alone and I’ll get it done."
"When they are forced to have social contact they are eminently sarcastic with everyone around them, and blazingly critical of anyone in charge."
"Artists, builders, crafters, and even writers all know the torment of “knowing” that their work is not good enough, that it will never be understood."
"People are mercurial, have feelings that can be easily hurt, and once broken they cannot be repaired in the same way as a tool or device."
"They are willing to take chances in order to come up with the newest and most fantastic design, often resulting in catastrophic (and sometimes humorous) failures."
"Rather than seeking the newest and most innovative designs, they have a deep desire for perfection — which, much to their chagrin, they can never attain."
"Sometimes all it takes is a kick and a few harsh words to scare a machine into working again."
"They’re fast, so they’re either cheap or good, too. You don’t get all three."
"Drunks and power tools don’t mix."
"Sorry, was that insensitive? Bite me."
"They just don’t know when to shut up."
"Sometimes they have something important to say, but you have to sift through the meandering drivel to find anything useful."
"Unruly and reckless children."
"Useless furballs!"
"Dangerous folk, but sometimes useful, especially if you want to dispose of some unwanted evid. . .err. . .garbage."
"Hedonistic freaks, the lot of ‘em."
"Don’t fall in love with one."
"Damn dusty in here."
"They think they’re hot stuff, but they don’t understand this world and its workings as we do."
"They want to rule, and who are we to say no."
"They pay well and I’ll happily take their commissions."
"Buncha creepy a-holes, if you ask me."
"Skulking around, up to no good, I’m sure of it."
"They are the strongest and toughest of us all, but their hearts can be surprisingly tender."
"I don’t know how it found its way into my pocket. Of course you can have it back. . .unless you don’t need it right now. I’d be happy to hang onto it for you until you do."
"I can’t imagine being tied down like that."
"We’ll wander many paths together, but in the end, they are who they are, and we never really are anything quite that specific."
"What is truth, but something we all agree upon? So, if we all agree upon a lie, isn’t it then truth?"
"Anything they say is likely to be peppered with lies, half-truths, and misinformation."
"Humans have always dreamed of a better, more carefree life."
"Lazy and reckless. And they keep all of the cake to themselves!"
"Drunken reprobates, every last one of them."
"Not exactly the most even tempered folks. Playing pranks on them can be a lot of fun though."
"It must be wonderful to always be at the center of every political intrigue."
"They start the shit that we have to finish."
"Just don’t get them started on how they’re royalty or some crap."
"You want to pound back a drink or wild out on the town, they’re the place to be."
"Mmm, seafood."
"You’d think such pretty folks would be easy to intimidate, but make that mistake and you’ll bite off more than even you can chew."
"Those nearby may experience a brief frisson of pure lust."
"How can such a simple life be a truly satisfying one?"
"A fight’s only as good as the kissing and making up after."
"So sweet and innocent. Cover their eyes before they see something naughty."
"Their passions are too dark and frightening."
"Someone so beautiful should never want for passion."
"I will return. . .one day. . .I promise."
"The sea gives and the sea takes away."
"A person’s secrets should be their own."
"Sharks that walk on two legs. Trust them at your own peril."
"They too are gifted with great beauty, but they wield their allure like a weapon."
"You think nobility a privilege, and you envy and resent us for it, but you cannot see that it is also a burden few would truly wish to bear."
"They must learn that respect must first be given in order to be received."
"Tremendously useful and occasionally even trustworthy, but beware what you allow them to slip into their pockets. You may never see it again."
"Who are these strange creatures?"
"What they know is invaluable, but can you really be certain they are sharing their knowledge with you alone?"
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sixtyfourk · 3 years
For the character ask meme, if you want to, Miles Edgeworth annnnnd Anton Herzen? ☺️
For sure, thank you! ^^
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
He’s not so much my type? But he’s definitely not ugly.
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
The way he’s quiet and reserved and somewhat stuffy is really similar to the way I act in real life, haha... his pursuit of the truth in every situation is also pretty inspiring to me.
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
I feel like we’d get along great! As long as I was into Steel Samurai too, that is ^^
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
He’s just the prettiest, honestly...
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
If my girlfriend just left me without a real goodbye or explanation, I’d probably obsessively wonder what I did wrong for fifty years too...
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
We’d be friends if he’d give me the chance, but I don’t know if he’d even let me near his castle without trying to scare me away like the rest of the Folsense villagers.
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fanatiquee · 3 years
I was tagged by: @count-v-dracula (thank you! You always tag me in the best memes.) I tag: @sacredvein , @immortalmolloy , @rhoshamandes , @auburnandamberangel , @hxllion and whoever else would like to try their hand!
Big God - Florence & The Machine  Quite apart from being an incredibly beautiful, moving song about ones experience with religion, the marrying of religion, love, worship, and suffering just smacks of Louis to me.
You need a big god Big enough to hold your love You need a big God Big enough to fill you upSometimes I think it's getting better And then it gets much worse Is it just part of the process? Jesus Christ, it hurts Though I know I should know better Well, I can make this work Is it just part of the process? Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, it hurts
Down On Your Knees - Flora Cash This one is as much about the musical ambiance as the lyrics, some of these definitely speak more to an external view of Louis rather than an internal logic, this is one of those.
Last I saw you were down on your knees Praying for some release Check my bed, but you ain't next to me And I'm wondering where you ease
Garden - Ghostly Kisses  With this one its as much about melody as the disjoined, yet haunting lyrics. I think they speak to some of Louis’ internal monologue. It really revolves on a theme of truth and the sense of lost time, which I think speaks to most of Louis’ relationships.
Hiding I know I can't do I just wanted more time with you How so? I laid my roots for once I just wanted more time with you Bound to one another Can't disclaim But we act alone Bound to one another Can't disclaim 
Amen - Amber Run (Featuring London Contemporary Voices.) This version of the song particularly strikes me, again, religious and choral/hymnal influences, but also that final notion of feeling left behind by a dead loved one, which I think touches on Louis’ early experience of vampirism, which is very much informed by his loss of Paul. 
There's a pale imitation burnt in my eyes I don't wanna be here, I don't know what to do Sometimes I'd rather be dead At least then I'm with You
Adore - Savages This song has a real southern gothic but for the ears resonance? Also, every single line of it seems to speak to some part of Louis’ vivid vampire experience, his pursuit of the human in his vampirism, and his ‘adoration’ of all that is ephemeral and mortal. As well as the themes around deprivation and starvation which are cornerstone to his ethos of self-discipline and self-punishment. 
If only I didn't want the world I wouldn't make you feel so sad I'm sure my shame would be gone Is it human to adore life?If only I'd hidden my lust And starved a little bit more If only I didn't ask for more Is it human to adore life? I adore life If only I had been more shy And hid every tear I cried If only I didn't wish to die Is it human to adore life?
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nekojitachan · 4 years
For the ask meme thing, circus au, with marriage proposals or braiding/brushing hair. (Although I am parshal to a non angsty "it's not you, it my enemies, because, well its *Neil*)
Last one!
Ha, this turned out more like an actual story?
Hmm… well, the last one had braiding hair in it so….
Very brief references to violence and a tiny bit of gore (not explicit), fair warning.
Andrew is content as is possible for him (or so he thinks), traveling with the Foxes’ Court circus; he has his brother and cousin with him, the others know to leave him and his alone, it’s a different city every week or so, and it’s the safest he’s been in his life.
He helps set up and tear down the tents as well as handle any customers who get out of hand, while Aaron assists Abby, the crew’s healer, and Nicky helps draw in the crowds. They each have a job they do well, have found a place in Wymack’s ragtag crew of Foxes.
And then the bleeding heart bastard had to go and hire a new animal tamer.
Neil Josten arrived with a bag strapped to his back, two large felines (a black panther and a mountain lion) and such a strong aura of danger that set Andrew’s nerves on edge at mere sight of the young man.
Nicky said it was just his hormones reacting to a major hottie and nearly got stabbed.
The majority of the Foxes were their usual idiot selves and fawned over their newest recruit, desperate to get Neil to reveal something about himself, but not Andrew. He noticed how Neil was careful to never let any real details about his past slip, how his black hair had an odd sheen to it at times, how the dark strands normally fell onto his (too attractive) face to hide his (too pretty) pale blue eyes, and how he never went without his costume’s mask when the circus was open to paying customers.
How well he treated his overgrown pets (Sir and King, what ridiculous names) and put up with a prattling, attention-starved Nicky.
There was a lot of downtime when the circus wasn’t putting on a show, so Andrew took to hanging out around Neil (normally found with his cats when not dragged off by Matt or Allison). At first Neil ignored him, but when the mountain lion (Sir) showed an interest in Andrew (surprisingly not to eat him), Neil enlisted Andrew’s help with the oversized furballs.
While he pitched in to clean their enclosures, feed them and (safely) play with them, Andrew and Neil exchanged a few simple truths – Andrew being fostered out while an infant, Neil traveling around with his mother, who taught him how to raise and train the cats, various likes and dislikes. He pondered how to get to the real truths (who the hell are you?) when there started to be little ‘accidents’ around the circus.
Accidents like rigging coming loose, one of Dan’s horses escaping its stall, Robin realizing that the safety net for the trapeze act wasn’t set up properly….
Odd how it all started after Neil joined.
Odd how Neil grew withdrawn and took to walking around at night with his cats.
Andrew ‘allowed’ his coworker his space at first; after they set up in Binghamton, he snuck out one night to follow Neil and the cats at a distance, only to watch them run between the tents where Bee read cards and Abby sold her potions. There was an odd sound similar to a choked-off cry, which made Andrew curse and burst into a run himself, visions of Neil being harmed in his head as he rounded the corner to find….
To find King mauling some stranger while Sir batted around… something that had once been attached to said stranger. Andrew gulped then scowled at Neil, who was poking around in a leather bag, and felt a return of that ‘danger’ sense when the bastard smiled at him.
He ended up helping to bury a mauled body that night.
Still, unwanted exertion aside, it helped to break the rest of the ice with Neil, who apologized while shoveling and told Andrew that it wasn’t him making Neil so standoffish, but his enemies. It seemed that he and his mother had really been on the run all those years from his powerful and abusive father, and she’d trained the cats to protect Neil.
She’d managed to kill his father a couple years ago (and died in the process), but some of his people were still after Neil – not many, but some. So he continued to run and hide, and picked them off one by one when they came after him. He’d seen the advert for the circus and, tired of running, thought why not try something new?
After that, things changed between Andrew and Neil (funny what burying a body together could do to a relationship). Andrew told Neil more about his childhood (about the abusive foster homes – not everything, but Neil was smart and figured things out after a while, especially after the ‘please’ truth), spent more time together until Sir allowed Andrew to groom him and feed him by hand.
Until Andrew dared to ask Neil ‘yes or no’ and be told ‘yes’, and discover that Neil could be as careful with him, as mindful of boundaries with him as he was with the damn cats.
The Foxes Court traveled around the country and put on show after show, and every couple months Andrew had to help bury a body (he didn’t understand why Neil didn’t let the damn furballs eat everything, and was told it wasn’t good for them – well, being up half the night burying a pile of shredded human wasn’t good for him… at least Neil made up for it during the rest of the night).
It was during their show outside of Belmonte when the Malcolms struck – the last two loyal followers of Neil’s father. Neil had gone to check on the cats one more time before bed, when Andrew heard a faint knock on the door.
It turned out to be Renee, who’d noticed something ‘odd’ while on her way back from returning something to Dan, and so she’d come to Andrew. Suspecting what that ‘odd’ was, Andrew slipped free a knife and went in search of his wayward boyfriend. Renee, who hadn’t always been the darling of the trapeze (more like the terror of the slums back when she’d been Natalie Shields), quickly followed.
The Malcolms had Neil trapped between them, right outside of the cats’ enclosure; he had managed to fend them off until then, not exactly defenseless without his cats to back him up.
Andrew and Renee were more than adequate substitutes for the furballs.
Renee, the bitch, left without helping to bury the bodies.
Neil was in a bit of a daze for the next few days as it sunk in that with the Malcolms dead, he should finally be free of pursuit from his father’s people. Andrew waited on tenterhooks to see if he’d leave the circus and settle down somewhere, and when a week passed finally worked up the nerve to do something.
He marched into the cats’ enclosure where Neil was grooming King and stood in front of his boyfriend. At first he tried to ignore Sir, who leaned against him and demanded that his ears be rubbed, but it was difficult to do that with such a large cat so he obliged while glaring at Neil and asking the gorgeous idiot to move in with him.
To share the same caravan.
Neil might have only been with the circus for about a year, but he knew what it meant when a couple officially shared the same caravan; he gaped at Andrew for several seconds before he stuttered out if Andrew was sure, if it was a joke or not – and got yanked forward.
Andrew said he was not joking, and asked ‘yes or no’. After a slight pause, Neil smiled, a truly beautiful sight to behold, and said ‘yes’ before he leaned in for a kiss, one which Andrew savored right up until they both went down beneath the weight of two overgrown, purring furballs.
Ah, I had fun with these.
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jadbalja · 3 years
pity the poor fool who pens a polemic for his dating profile. whatever could he be thinking?
well, i am thinking about the death of love (and the love of death, as Bataille would connect it) but let's get to that in a minute, shall we? for a second, it's useful to examine this construct of the dating website profile, the self-summary, the whole project of rendering one's identity fit for strangers.
how hopelessly we fetishize the idea that there is an essential self to project, one that can be communicated and is contained in some sequence of words! it seems seductive, doesn't it, that we could hope to find a partner in this jungle by rendering to words our singular mating cry; that we could find that some stated interests, some potted history can trace the arc of our life. but such belief should come as no surprise. our culture glories in brevity, the precis is an art form, and you can say more by not saying it at all.
if you ask me, there is no one I know less than myself, lacking so obvious a tool as objective self-examination. in fact this is why i admire those women here who have never bothered to fill out their profile with words, who have continued, though perhaps only for a period, with just a self-image. images, i.e., photographs of the person, are also lies, but they are so in an honest way. especially when you can see where the filter was applied, where the cropping was done, and how an airbrush was aesthetically used. in their nakedness, these subterfuges are endearing, and almost selfless in their earnestness to beguile.
in responding to such profiles without words, we show our most honest side. are we not told in civic lessons to speak truth to power? this is where we speak the truth to the power of a beautiful object (your picture), and the truth is the statement of our lust.
in the end all profiles get written, though not to the same archetype. some are terse, while others are bravura examples of wit or unwanted, unwarranted theorizing (like this). however long or truncated, all profiles have several levels of meaning. the primary level of meaning is mechanical - the narrative you've concocted, the facts as you've stated them. thereafter, a profile has symbolic value, and the value is that of a brand.
a commercial brand at its most banal intends to convey certain memetic perceptions: security, comfort, pride, hunger. the 'profile brand' deals with similar needs that we subconsciously exchange with one another in the Hegelian sense of mutual recognition, but also in hope that we spark affinity, comfort, tribal bonding, and acceptance. we write profiles to sell. we write our life histories (I am a recent transplant in DC by way of Gomorrah) with the use of approachable, digestible ideas, because we would expect to read and consume the same. the more profiles you read, the more the dominant profile brands are entrenched. as such, reduced to symbolic content-the native, the nerd, the traveler, the sensualist, the three words that 'best capture your unique sense'-we package ourselves to be consumed and remembered. the brand that sells here gets to have sex, and in its most basic Darwinian sense, the fittest memes replicate.
Love is Dead
sounding the death knell of romantic love is certainly fashionable, and doing so in the context of online dating seems a form of common, reactionary triumphalism. luddite tom-toming of the attenuation of the Romantic Ideal in the era of the Internet seems just the copy-paste of prior paranoias. after all the classical imagining of romance in prior eras was considered under threat too, variously by girlie magazines, speakeasies, 'female liberation', suburbia, or any other of a dozen modish threats.
what is dead more irrevocably now in this cycle is the pursuit of love - I think we can finally say we've killed off the practical pursuit of romantic happiness. there is an interest in something, or else we wouldn't be here, but let me argue that it isn't what we think as love. our profiles are here to sell, but what we are buying isn't you as the One, but something more modular, replaceable, consumable, and eventually, recyclable.
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talkingsong · 5 years
It really do be like that sometimes.
I watched a memes video before this reading I’m sorry
They say astrology is the map of your life- everything that occurs within it can be explained by the stars. Today, July 25th, 2019, I’ve channeled messages for each zodiac sign. To read yours, simply scroll down, find your sun, moon, or rising sign, and read. Even if it isn’t July 25th when you read this, whatever message you see is the message designed especially for you, however the timing ends up working out.
Don’t feel guilty for having the things that you have. Gratitude is a debt repaid for the gifts that you’ve received- if you didn’t deserve them, then you wouldn’t have gotten them. I feel like you guys have finally manifested what you want (or part of what you want) and that it has to do with physical items and material things, mostly. Get over your feeling that you getting what you want is unfair to others. Your ego is getting in the way. You’ve been communicating with the universe and it has been communicating with you- there is a current equal give and exchange between you and the universe. Cherish it in a self-less way. Find beauty in the connection rather than the fact that it’s YOU connecting with IT, if that makes sense. 
Let go of your dependency on yourself. You will get much further if you allow other people into your plan and partner up to get things done. Rest when you’re alone- but understand that work is when you're with others. Achieve this balance and your bright future is already manifested. 
Also, don’t oversmother your projects. Your progress is like taking care of a plant- water it once, leave it in direct sunlight for two hours twice a week. Sunlight is your attention. Water is the emotion and thought and intention that you put into your projects. Don’t drown the plant in either. 
C’mon Geminis, you big, lumpy blobs of confusion and inner conflict. Your guides are pushing you to actually communicate with someone. Open up! Tell them what’s wrong! Even if you don’t want them to know or even if it’s hard, you need to in order to move forwards in your life. If someone asks you how you’re feeling, don’t just answer “fine.” If someone asks you what’s wrong, don’t just say “I’m tired.” Your partner or your friends or family have noticed that you aren’t as present as you usually are and you need to give them a reason, please and thank you.
Your guides are also pushing you to do something that they’re saying they’ve been telling you to do for a while now and you’re not doing it. They’re sending a gentle but firm reminder to get your ass in gear and start doing what you’re meant to. Gët gôīńg.
This is about romance for some of you. Your guides are saying choose from the heart! Your logic marks the stepping stones for you to take your dreams into reality. So know that things are about to start moving really really fast and the things that you’ve been wanting are coming up quickly, don’t be stuck in that beginners energy. Pick the path you wanna go down, know that you can change it if you want down the line, but pick decisively and head down it! For those of you wondering: Yes, this man is the one that you’re meant to start a relationship with at this time. Have fun you two! Ahh.... use protection, I guess!
Add more humor into your life, dude. I understand that there’s a shit ton of energy going on here and you're thinking about a lot, but make room for some joking around, yeah? You’re in the process of finding what it is that you truly believe. And you’re starting to find what you want to protect and defend in your life going forward. I see you becoming an activist for something important to you, something that you’ve experienced at some point in your life that effected you strongly. It’s your time to follow a higher path and understand what that whole experience really was about. There’s a quote here that I’ll hope helps you, because I don’t really have much else to say considering this is more of a journey for the individual-
 “Basically, we are all responsible for the preservation of our personal joy; but happiness is different. Joy is not circumstantial, happiness is. You can be depressed and still have joy. You can be suicidal and still have joy. We all stop thinking and we all stop talking and we all stop sharing and we all stop creating, because by doing any of these things we quickly find out just how unhappy we are. But that's okay. That's normal. Don't let the fear of unhappiness cripple your pursuit of finding what it is you believe. Since joy is found in belief, we all have to push through unhappiness to find joy. Basically.” ― Tyler Joseph
Hope this helps.
Ayyyyy, Virgos! Y’all are my people. I mean, I’m not a virgo, but like.... We get each other, y’know? Anyways-
I feel like you’re starting to call in more of your tribe. You’re attracting more friends and people into your life that actually love and care about you and build you up, and vice versa. I feel like you’re getting more genuine connection with your own intuition and emotion and spirituality as well. Continue on your path trusting yourself and those around you completely, and success is basically guaranteed. 
Don’t overanalyze the options, you have a better choice. You need to confront whatever problem or issue that you’ve been avoiding, because you ignoring it is blocking you and your progress. To turn this around, make sure to stop procrastinating and just make a decision already. 77 might be an important number to you, or angel number 877.
In the past you’ve been through a lot, especially with friend groups and drama, and because of it you’ve transformed into a more beautiful person. You now have the experience needed to plan your future accordingly because of what happened in the past and what you’ve learned from it. Trust yourself and stay devoted to the future you! Go ahead and get involved in any creative endevours that you’ve been thinking about taking and listen to your advice from your inspiration and your heart. You go, girl. 
I feel like you’ve just completed some cycle or battle of sorts, and are currently in the limbo waiting period for something else to happen. I want you to know that all of the fear and the worry that you feel about the future is not something that you should be focused on. It’s distracting you from the magical opportunities coming your way and you need to redirect your attention to something more positive with the mindset of, “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.” Let your intuition and faith guide you along your journey to the next stage in your life. I can assure you that more opportunities and more amazing things than you realize are waiting for you on the other side. Keep you head held high, my friend. 
There’s unfairness in some aspect of your life, and you’re being called to balance out what you feel isn’t right. Let go of things that aren’t serving you- moreover, let go of things where you aren’t serving anyone else, including yourself. You need to start taking new things and new changes into consideration with little regard of a comfort zone. You’ve been recently stuck in your judgements and your old ways of thinking, and it’s time that you break free. No rush, though- your guides are only asking you to gently bring your attention to the unfairness in your life currently, and to take action as you see fit.
You’re getting your universal rewards, babyyyyy. As far as internally, you’ve manifested your own happiness in the form of hope, optimism, faith, empowerment, relief, growth, healing, yada yada. Externally you’re recieving job offers and new cars and travel and basically just all that good shit that you’ve been working on manifesting, my friend. This is your reward for being so dedicated and hardworking, especially through sticking with things even when times get tough. Out of all the groups, you guys have an extremely good week, month, year ahead of you. Take care!
Okay, so I’m going to start this off by saying that I feel for most if not all of you, this message has something to do with your identity. Specifically for some, gender identity, especially if you’re transitioning to being female. I feel like you’ve had powerful epiphanies about who you are and what you’re to do from having terrible, ten-of-swords type experiences in the past. With the growth that you’re having, you're starting to understand the truth of your situation and changing your perspective on everything that you went through in the past, and I feel like you’re finally starting to feel liberated and powerful enough to take action. There’s such a powerful energy here for you, Pisces, and everything around you is changing. Everything you touch turns to gold. You’re growing wings. I can’t communicate how powerful this growth energy is. I feel that it all sprouted from alone time- taking a night to sit and think of things that you haven’t thought about in a while and address and finally confront the things that you feel threatened by- or, by confronting hidden subconscious feelings that you didn’t even know you had. You’re embracing your femininity, your water side, your intuition and the deeper depths of your body, mind and soul. I’m just hearing, “you know where to go now.” 
It’s like you’re in control now of the waves that used to drag you down, and you’re re-crowning yourself as the master of the sea, a title you rightfully deserve. 
My point is, you’ve learned so many lessons from this and you’ve been undergoing so many growth-spurts- you get to choose what to do with the power you possess. Choose wisely, Pisces. You can’t make a wrong choice. 
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lady-duskveil · 4 years
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Asked someone to marry you? — "T’is often the man on the other end of so binding a question, is it not? I have married once and had my fill of it. I would hardly think to thrust such a burden upon another.”
Kissed one of your friends? — “Entirely, awfully, deliciously guilty.”
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — “Innocent. This is not to say I have not danced when properly motivated, of course...”
Ever told a lie? —  Aleyria parts with a soft smile that is near motherly in its tenderness. The delicate curve of her lips hinges on some unspoken point between sympathy and the obligation of spilling an unpleasant secret to innocent ears. “Oh, my darling...”
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? — “I have never known those peculiar pains - I among all others have ever been reminded how rare a luxury it is to have enjoyed the company of those who have enjoyed me in similar measure. It is rarer still to be a woman whose love has been reciprocated.”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? — “How could one not? Women are endlessly graceful, captivating creatures. Carefully teasing away the dull ties of reservation that bind a colorful soul - and keep a corset tightly cinched - are among my greatest pleasures.”
Kissed a picture? — “Innocent.”
Slept until 5pm? — “Guilty. I once contented myself with the simplicity of a courtier’s life in my youth and abhorred the tedium of an unceasing schedule. I have found that I rather prefer the comforts of night to the garish light of day. The night - and by extension, the dark - holds no obligation to any but to provide the shadow in which all fascinating things come alive.”
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant — “...No.”
Stolen something? —  “All great acts of scholarly pursuit are an act of thievery, are they not? The traveling pedagogue or collector of antiquities often sins most egregiously in selfish pursuit of the acquisition of knowledge, and I am no different than any other. Guilty, guilty, guilty.”
Been fired from a job? —  She scoffs. “Certainly not.”
Done something you regret? —  “Guilty.” Tight-lipped, the scholar does not spare a second for ruminating upon conspiracies and dismisses the inquiry with a sharp look.
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — “Innocent...though I hazard it would be an amusing sight.”
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? — “Guilty. There is a small cabin in the northern mountains in Winterspring that appears nigh untouched by time. With the wane of the sunlit years of my life, there are little joys in sheltering by the hearth while the winters rage. The world is so deceptively peaceful when blanketed by snow.”
Sat on a roof top? — “Oh, yes.” A laugh gathers in her chest. “Young elven ladies shackled by the expectations of their position are wildly irresponsible. My dearly departed father once installed a guard outside of my door to listen for the sound of the window unlatching.. What a handsome young man he was. He rather admired the sight of the city at night, as well...”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — “Guilty.”
Sang in the shower? — “I have a lovely voice, but I would not say it is often used for singing when partaking in a long, hot bath...”
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — “...To be fair, that is about the only thing that could have motivated me to leap from the falls...”
Shaved your head? — “Never in my entire life.”
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — “Guilty.”
Shot a gun? — “One of those wretched Dwarven hand cannons? Terribly unpredictable, dreadfully unsafe and horrendously loud. Few can match the acuity and accuracy of a Farstrider in wait, and I much prefer the familiar pull of a bowstring to the...explosive shot of an rifle.”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? — “Guilty.”
Have / had a tattoo? — “Innocent. I am well-versed in the art of runework, but such is scarring and not ink. I rather like the look of tattooed skin.”
Liked someone, but will never tell who? — “So curious about the internal affairs of my heart...” An elegant brow lofts inquisitively, but Aleyria minds the question with the thoughtfulness it is due. “All that I have ever loved have known that I adore them. Should I ever stumble upon the sands of time, I would turn them back over a hundred times for the chance to tell my children I love them a thousand times more.” 
Been too honest? — “Innocent. I hardly believe anyone in this world is nearly as honest as they ought to be. Our time together is limited - see deceit dispensed with in favor of the full and unbridled truth. Those who cannot return the same courtesies can and should find companionship elsewhere.”
Ruined a surprise? — “Oh, never. I love surprises.”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — “Oh, my, yes... I need not tell you to take a proper look at me to motivate you to do the same, do I, my darling?”
Stalked someone? — “Innocent.”
Thoughts about murder? — “Innocent.”
How about mass murder? — “Innocent.”
Cheated on someone? —  “Innocent... Really, these questions make rather fantastic leaps from the dramatic to the utterly droll, do they not?”
Gotten so angry that you cried? — “We were all children once.”
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — “Guilty.”
Thoughts about suicide? — Slender fingers slow in favoring long silvered strands, their twist coming to a halt. She has no reply.
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? — “My paramour has been long lost to the ravages of the Second War, and it feels an eternity since I removed the band he slipped around my finger in our betrothal. I have since enjoyed pleasurable acquaintances and rare partnerships that have left us mutually fulfilled. That is enough, for me.”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday?  — “...Not my finest moment...”
Tagged By: @monster-of-master​; @salt-water-siren Thank you!
Tagging: I’m not 100% who hasn’t done this yet. If you haven’t, do the meme and tag me in it so I can see!
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@liminalchaos sent in questions for me about saori and rori dearing.
What specifically drew Saori to the Envoys? Was there a particular event that made her side with/wholeheartedly support the Uprising? She's met Quell and the other, so which of the Envoys does she like best/what sort of people generally does she enjoy interacting with?
               send character development questions and / or memes for my latest altered carbon based original character’s RORI or SAORI (if you send things not on anon i will happily send things back in return)! because i need more characters like i need a rabid chinchilla.
            Well, as it actually happens, I headcanon that Quell (or more specifically, another of the Envoys, initially) approached Saori in an attempt to recruit her about five or six years before the events of the Battle of Stronghold.  Saori was young, but in a position of influence as the daughter of the Lt. Gov. of Harlan’s World and she has an easily expressed intelligence and passion for doing what she can to help the people around her through charities, fundraisers, hands on work in the cities that aren’t as kept up and in general was very open and warm and trusting, and in turn, tends to be seen as trustworthy:  all in all she checks off a lot of the boxes of the kind of informants and assets that someone in Quell’s position would need access to.  It probably would have taken a few months of handling before Quell would have finally approached her (or whomever in her stead) to sit down and actually work through the spiel – I think that it is very likely that Quell handled as many of these meetings / one on one sessions as possible, since she was very hands on, very charismatic and knew how to read people, how to assess them, better than pretty much anyone else there so, that’s my default but; for anyone that writes Quell that wants to interact and is not comfortable with that, it’s totally fine, I can run with it being another Envoy no problem if needed.
            Saori would be incredibly attracted to the idea of being able to help people, to help with a movement that is spearheaded by such a powerful, intelligent woman, with the intent of making sure that the inequality that already exists in the world is kept from getting any worse, and maybe even, in the end, making it less than where it started.  She is painfully aware of class divides and the haves and the have nots; she knows she’s lucky to have never fallen into the latter category and she has seen just how hard it can be to get out of the former, especially when no one seems willing to actually help.  
             And … as she moves through the tiers of her father’s office, as she becomes more involved with the behind the scenes of the political schemes and gets read in more and more on the Protectorate’s dealings …. and then hears the stories / sees the evidence of what the Protectorate and CTAC officers do to their enemies (which let me tell you, things like the Geneva convention and basic human morality does not apply – the kind of tactics that they mention in the show and the kind of torture that Takeshi endures at the hands of Dimi are miniscule to what happens with the Protectorate armies and interrogations and breaking rebel leaders / cracking informants and spies okay there are no limitations to what they’ll do, in virtual or in the real to secure their targets and succeed in their goals) – when she realizes that these are the people that are supposed to be protecting the known worlds, when she realizes that the U.N. is slipping more and more into puppet mode and less into actually trying …. it’s just very overwhelming and alarming to her.   She doesn’t see that she has any choice but to help, in any way that she can.  And the sad part is, even if you assume that Quell made a habit of enticing people with what they needed to hear to get them as allies, everything that was said / that influenced Saori’s decision was utter truth, just ones she hadn’t seen before.
          Well, I think, hands down, without a doubt, Quellcrist is her favorite.  In one verse, I have a ship with Saori and Quell, but even taking an actualized romantic or physical relationship out of it, Saori is 100% there for everything that Quell needs from her or wants her to do because Quell is just such a powerful and empowering force.  Quell is intelligent beyond even the kind of intellectuals that Saori is accustomed to, and she is an incredibly smart woman who was raised around powerful military and political figures and was taught from day one that muscles were fine and all but your brain (stack) was literally the only thing you could ever be guaranteed to have with you so you best know how to use it.  Academic pursuits were highly encouraged and rewarded, so – she absolutely finds that a necessity in a leader and an admirable trait in anyone.  
         Quell is brave (maybe foolhardy sometimes) and very good at reading people, very good at analyzing assets and determining the best solution for the most people, or the best way to accomplish something with the least effort, or damage, or whatever the end goal is, and the way she thinks is flexible and mutable and she adapts so quickly to her situation and surroundings.  She is just everything that Saori could ever imagine wanting to be, and so much more than Saori would ever imagine herself capable of, and that’s not just talking physical feats, strength, combat, etc.  The way that Quell teaches other to expand their senses and their control of self and the world around them, how to become so much more in tune with themselves and the world around them, how to manipulate virtual and take every advantage – it’s sharp and it’s brutal but it’s what has to be done, and Quell is willing to make those sacrifices, do what needs to be done to help the world around her, to make things better, to keep things from declining more than they already have –
            And yes.  Some of this is colored by admiration / hero worship / love, even if it’s never spoken of or acted on – and yes, idealism definitely plays a lot into the extremes to which Quell’s positive traits are amplified but… Saori would probably literally do anything that was asked of her by Quell, she believes in Quell and Quell’s purpose that strongly.  Now.  This is based on the perception that while interactions w/ Quell happen, and semi regularly, in her canon, they are kept in the general line of - Quell and her asset; Quell continuing to control the situation and circumstance.  If / when I get the chance to write Saori with Quell’s on an individual basis, some of this may change.  
           It’s easy to thing something is shiny and beautiful from afar, it’s also easy to not see the flaws in something when it’s lit up brightly; when Saori has the opportunity to get to know Quell on a more personal level, some of the shine and lustre will probably fade – still present but less Shining Goddess and something at least closer to human and Real.  I doubt that in any verse / storyline Saori would ever not follow Quell – I think she would always be loyal and in awe to varying degrees, but I think there is definitely the possibility for some tension or drama, depending on the verse or the intensity / level of the relationship, as some of the inner workings of Quell’s mind come to light, as truths about the past and plans for the future are uncovered.  Relating the Heroine to the Reality can be painful, but I think that in the end, regardless of the nature of the relationship, Saori would only come out the other side of facing the reality versus the imagined aspects of Quell with all the more loyalty and fierceness.
          Honestly, Saori is just genuinely impressed and cares for, at least in some degree, everyone at Stronghold.  How brave they are, the risks they take, the lives they live.  She’s slightly envious of them at times, especially the Envoys, but she knows she’s better used where she is w/ her position in her father’s offices.  She has an incredible fondness and weakness for the children - she always brings candies, toys, blankets, clothes, puzzles, books, literally anything she can get her hands on to bring out to them. (Fortunately she also does charity work with an orphanages / care centers so she can usually just buy in bulk and tuck part of whatever she’s got away to bring to Stronghold when she can.)  She takes some of them out to hunt with her, from time to time, teaches them how to use a bow and arrow, how to set traps, how to skin and dress the catch, things like that.  There are probably a number of the adults that she considers herself good friends with and does her best to catch up and bring small luxuries for when she can, news and information from home worlds or favorite sports teams, or music or whatever else they might not have access to at Stronghold.
         She really just tries to bridge the gap as much as she can.  As far as what kind of people she generally likes to hang out with or befriend honestly, before the Battle of Stronghold, she is so open and warm and inviting?  She tries her best not to pre-judge.  She tries to be friendly and give everyone a second chance for a first impression.  She wants to see the best in people.  She does tend to make longer lasting friendships, on a deeper level, with people that are intelligent, that have a sense of humor – compassion and inner strength are definitely bonuses, but she is honestly just as likely to befriend the curmudgeons and the irritable smartass just as equally.
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jczala · 5 years
Shh, AI, Blue, Villain, and Character for the Vrains meme?
Yay! Thanks for asking! Now let’s begin. ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Shh- Unpopular opinion you have
Ryoken is the reincarnation of Stardust Dragon //gets shotXD
So far, I have this gut feeling that Lightning actually cares for Jin. Well, since Jin is his Origin, he puts Jin in higher regard than any other human. Yes, yes, I know there’s the whole ‘putting humans under control’ thing going on, but there’s obviously a deeper reason behind Lightning’s motives for keeping Jin. Whether if it’s for personal gain or not, I won’t besurprised if part of Lightning’s reason for his vendetta was because of Jin’s welfare.
But, hey, that’s just an opinion. (─‿‿─)
AI- Favorite Ignis
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Gotta say that it’s Ai. He’s such a little adorable shit that you just gotta love him. Interesting how he’s based on the super-serious and cool Yusaku and yet he’s so carefree and fun-loving. Though he comes off as childish, he cares a lot about his friends and he’s clever enough to dodge enemies for how many years before he landed in Yusaku’s care. I also like the idea of him being the first to develop instincts, because he served as the catalyst for the other Ignis to develop their own personalities and traits (and I know that his instincts had something to do with Ryoken encouraging Yusaku during the incident haha XD) Plus, I have a soft spot for Dark Attribute beings, and Ai does always keep me entertained whenever he’s onscreen.
Lightning comes in close second, which I’ll explain below.XD
Blue- Favorite Persona of Aoi Zaizen
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If I have to be honest, her IRL persona got me more interested in her rather than her VR forms. The reason why I relate to Aoi and Yusaku to a certain level is because they’re both introverts, detached, quiet,and reserved like me. Aoi reminds me of how I used to be as a teenager (minus the brother-complex). I didn’t know how to make friends and I often told myself before that I didn’t need any of that.
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If had to choose a VR persona, well, I have to go with Blue Girl. I’m aware that it’s like acopy-paste of Ghost Girl’s Design (And I LOVE GG’s design very much actually), but its overall aesthetic just appealed to me. The short hair, the cool look, the practicality of it all—made me wanna cosplay her actually. I wasn’t really fond of Idol-looks so Blue Angel’s design was just okay for me, and Blue Maiden’s design and it’s sudden insert-here into the series was kinda meh for me.
Villain- Favorite Antagonist
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When I think of my favourite characters, the one who I enjoy watching, identifying with and just find the most interesting, there are few who hold a candle to Ryoken/Revolver. Well, you see, if it isn’t obvious enough, Ryoken is a brilliant young man with a strategic mind, gifted aptitude for dueling and hacking, and impeccable leadership qualities. He leads the Knights of Hanoi to bring down the Ignis, and he can be ruthless when it comes to the pursuit of his goals. He didn’t become an antagonist out of selfishness or evil, but out of justified feelings for his father who believes they have to save humanity from the Ignis. In his VR form, he makes an imposing presence, but in reality he’s just a troubled kid plagued by guilt and regret. A huge whopping case of guilt. His life is full of constant ups and downs, because of the choices he made.
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And I love how he transitioned from villain to more of an Anti-hero now. (I could go on and on, but gotta stop right there)
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Now, as for the current season, I have to mention Lightning too. He’s my second favourite Ignis and currently my favourite antagonist. Presently, he’s working on grand plans against humanity. He’s a quintessential sort of monologuing villain, wanting to explain why his actions are right. He wants a fight, invites a fight, but his actions court chaos—so that he can justify his actions as self-defence. And it’s because of his megalomania complex in addition to his intelligence that he views humanity like insects. At the sametime, he’s not blind towards his own ambitions. He’s rather focused and his animosity is channelled towards accomplishing his goals. Combined with his highly-developed processing skills, he is a force that is difficult to oppose.
Character- Favorite Character Design
White hair naturally soft with streaks of lilac; framing eyes blue like crystals. His features sharp and chiselled as if from marble, handsome in its coldness. The epitome of tall, dark and gorgeous.
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Easily Ryoken Kogami.
Truth be known, I’ve had this insane crush on Yusei Fudo for a long time to the point I ran a deck that centered around Stardust Dragon for years. It’s no surprise that Stardust Dragon is my favourite Synchro Monster and probably my most favourite card in all of Duel Monsters. So, when I first saw Ryoken’s face-reveal, I went crazy. I was like ‘Oh gawd, he’s HOT! But wait…Why the hell does he look like Stardust Dragon???!!!’ And it seems like I wasn’t the only one who thought so. I’ve always found Stardust Dragon to be aesthetically pleasing, and same can be said about Ryoken. It doesn’t help that Ryoken is sinfully beautiful too.
His eyes were as green as the spring grass, and sparkling like dew in the morning sun. A quiet, cold beauty with hair in shades of blue and pink, blooming like a rare wisteria in a garden of thistles.
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Another favourite design of mine is none other than Yusaku Fujiki, the protagonist himself. One main reason? Serena (Arc V). My first impression of Yusaku was literally, ‘So, he’s like Link’s Dimension’s Bracelet Girl?’ because he looks like Serena so much. I almost thought she and Yuri got it on and had a child that got lost XD. Jokes aside, I really love Yusaku’s appearance that matches with his personality. It also serves as a deep contrast to his VRform.
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thestudyfeels · 6 years
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Just finished reading a Paulo Coelho book. In three words, it was beautiful, poetic and life-changing. For the next few minutes, here’s what happened: I leaned back on my bed frame, eyes closed, my lips instantly parting into a content smile. Bliss. Then, I scrambled to my desk and grabbed a pen and paper, inspiration coursing through my veins. I had a mission to conquer.
… And here we are now. It’s rare to find books that give you ten times the energy you initially put into reading the book. The Alchemist, it turns out, is one of those prizes. It’s about everything I preach on this blog *adjusts halo on head* - pursuing your destiny, having faith, never backing out, bouncing back up from failure (read here), leaving a legacy behind - and look up to in my life.
Ahem, hence, this post is a big deal. Yes, a bigger deal than food. Pat, put that taco down, I see you. Listen, huh? (Clears throat.)
That said (no Pat, don’t you dare sneak in a bite), let’s talk about The Alchemist and its lessons. Get your comfort drink and a blanket, for this is a long one, bud. Stay till the end for free tacos! (But to think of it, Pat would’ve finished them by then, so… stay anyway? Thanks.)
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Unless you’re a believer, miracles won’t happen for you. And trust me, miracles are one thing you will want on your side when you start your journey. Having faith, y’know, believing, is one of the common traits of the highly successful go-getters. Not trusting your capabilities, worrying you aren’t worth the life you are aiming for will become your inevitable failure. Why? ‘Cause, where your attention is, your energy flows.
Omens play a big role in deepening your faith. They are signs that you’re on the way to living your best life, an assurance that you’re on the right path. Omens can be anything - a vision you had that you could never quite forget (same), food that reminded you of something or someone (I’ve made you hungry now, oops) - ANYTHING. I know, this sounds all woo-woo to you right now but listen, when you start believing, magic happens, and the more omens you discover because the universe is now all hyped up for you. So firstly, believe. Then, you’ll see the impossible happening. Don’t do it the other way around.
  Omens? They’re like checking off items from a to-do list with the last one saying ‘live my dream life and kick ass every day.’ Who don’t like a checked off to-do now?
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Here’s going deep. Ultimately, you know what will count? The number of people you impacted, the courage you showed in living your dream life, and the legacy you left behind. That’s all that counts.
My man, Shakespeare, is dead. Which… sounds rude when I say it. (Don’t haunt me Mr. Shakespeare, let’s not turn this into a real-life Hamlet.) Why do people still read his awesome (though I don’t get them) work? Leonardo da Vinci, my bro, is ‘dead’ too. Why do people still flock to see the Mona Lisa? (If not, they just search up Mona Lisa memes and I feel them.) To come to my point, the greats are great because they have the courage to do something different. You’ll notice that each of these wizards created something new and authentic. They were true to themselves. Imagine what would’ve happened if Shakespeare thought his work sucked and pushing Newton aside, started juggling apples up and down. I think it’ll be safe to say that Literature and Physics would both be effed up.
You are here on an important mission too. To find your passion and pursue it. Don’t waste those precious hours on shit that doesn’t fill you with happiness and satisfaction. Be like Shakespeare. He didn’t care that hundreds of years later, high school kids would hate him for his bewildering poems. He’s the real boss. After all, we are still reading his poems lmao.
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Or in millennial speak, your homie. From whom you steal food because you know they wouldn’t mind (or maybe they would, but you don’t give an eff). Yup, that friend.
The best lesson that shone from this book (it’s a shiny book) was this - your heart? It is terrified to pursue its dreams because it fears losing everything along the way. It’s afraid of failure, of being betrayed, and, well, of heartbreak. Your heart believes this because all around, in our society, it witnesses people living meaningless lives and dying with regrets. It has gotten around to believing that this is the way to live. And so, this happens - “Helen don’t you even DARE think about opening your dream nail salon. How ridiculous can you be?! You’re perfect as a real estate agent, selling property and writing contracts for European clients whose names you can’t pronounce. I mean, hey, struggling to rent out ancient mansions isn’t that frustrating.”
Your heart will come up with all sorts of creative excuses UNLESS you manage to convince it otherwise, and make it realize “the worry about suffering is indeed worse than the suffering itself.” Once you do that, you’ll no longer need to ask for validation from others or seek happiness advice from your terminally sad friend - your heart WILL give you all of the answers.  
So teach your heart to be fearless and your heart will teach you how to remain so. Forever. *Mic drop*
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Here’s a quote from the book: “‘I am, between my flock [he was a shepherd] and my treasure,’ the boy thought. He had to choose between something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have.”
Nobody ever accomplished something mind-blowing without encountering risk. Most people, however, are so afraid of stepping out of their comfort zones that instead they accept mediocre lives and die whining about how ‘everything is so unfair.’ Or complain they got no money while being jealous of everyone else’s success. Or “why can’t I have a hot boyfriend like Cayla’s man.” Jesus.
Because the thing is - we live like we’re scared of living. Here, I’ll wait till that sinks in… drowning in the quicksand of truth yet? Kay. I was in the shower making my stinky self clean the day this thought struck me. (#showerthoughts, ha.) I think I smiled. Or LOL-ed in my mind. It just sounded so stupid!
What if you had a SINGLE chance to become someone worth becoming? A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came up. Would you really, really, continue to live your boring-ass life and lose the opportunity? That’s what life is about. It’s full of opportunities to turn the tables and have a new, exciting start. To leave a dull, boring life behind and never look back!
    But because they usually come at a price (like quitting your lame job and having the courage to start the business you’ve always wanted to), most are scared of leaving the shores to explore the dangers of the unknown. DON’T do that. Life’s not tryna kill you here. This ain’t no Jumanji. Be brave, my friend, trust that life has your back (it does), and take those risks that have the potential to change your life phenomenally.
Go out today and live an amazing, adventurous life because it’s short and you’ll never be this young. And, inch by inch, day by day, step out, pal. Step outta your comfort zone. THAT’S where the real danger is.
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This was one of my favourite parts in the book. Here (spoiler alert), the boy was asked to find ‘life,’ an omen the Alchemist wanted to discover before guiding the boy to his destiny. The boy, as it always happens in stories, had no idea what the old man meant. So, my dude did this. He let loose the reins on his horse. The horse, drunk on freedom, ran and only came to a stop in front of a small hole in the desert ground. When the alchemist put his hand inside that hole, he found a tiny black snake (yes the snake bit him, but apparently he’s Superman). The boy had thus found life and could now begin his journey.
The hidden meaning behind this (authors sure love to do this to us, huh) was that life finds life. Similars attract. The horse had a feeling that there would be a living creature inside that hole, simply because they were both alive. Real deep shit. You feel me? Otherwise known as the Law of Attraction, this suggests that you attract the things you value or think about the most. To put simply, like = like.
For instance, if you’re a grouchy human and complain about the insignificants, I know two things about you (yes, I’m magic): A) you are not shiny at all, my pal, your life story is a pile of dust (the dust ain’t shiny either) and B) you probably have the same kind of lame friends too.
You attract what you give your attention to, whether subconsciously or not. Let’s say you value loyalty and think cheating is a big no-no. If you continue to value it for a while, you yourself will become a loyal hoe and not do the dirty deeds. Like = Like. Similarly, if you value hard work and relentlessness, eventually (it’ll speed up the process if you consciously work harder, BTW), you’ll find yourself having those traits.
Moral of the story? To make your life shiner, change your beliefs, attitude, values and personality to the affirmative. Life will be a blast for you.
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And finally, the last one! Let’s end by saying life is going to throw many obstacles and adversities at you. It ALWAYS does. The pursuit to your destiny begins with beginner’s luck (in complex tongue, the principle of favorability) and ends with the victor being severely tested. Sadly, THAT’S the point where most give up. Just when they are inches away from their treasure, they give up. It gets too hard for them, they lose faith, stop trusting their instincts - and BAM, they’re back to square one.
  Don’t let that happen to you. Just know that all the obstacles you face, they aren’t failures. The only true failure in life is quitting. Everything else is just gathering information. And one last thing, before I leave and try to pry away that one taco I see in Pat’s hand, remember this quote, “the darkest hour of the night comes just before dawn,” and when life throws a fit, hang on, knowing your dream life awaits you just around the corner. You are going to conquer life. I’m so proud of you.
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Want to read more? Here are some related posts:
Read my last post: Interview 3 - Living a life true to you)
Mentioned in this post: Bouncing back from failure
5 reasons why you’re unhappy right now
A list of all the books I have read so far in 2018
+ Want to request a blog post? Leave your request in my ask box!
Well, that’s a wrap! I post new articles every week (the schedule’s here) so you can follow me if you are into killing the game & conquering life. I’ll do my best to help you in the tough yet amazing journey called life. ✧
If you want to go through my blog, I suggest picking your choice of post from my masterpost list! Or, if you want to read something insightful on your cozy afternoon while chilling under blankets, I recommend reading one of my interviews. Feeling spoilt for choices? Here’s another! If you want to implement the ideas I share in my masterposts by taking action, take on one of my challenges!
I hope you are well; stay strong and conquer life, you conqueror.
- Nandini (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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foolgobi65 · 6 years
Arjuna and Chitrangada for the 5 headcanons meme?
ah thank you!! i loved this prompt so much, please send me more this was so fun to write! i changed the first meeting to make arjuna a little less of an asshole, and generally worked off of tagore’s whole “you cant love someone you don’t know/seems too perfect to be approachable” 
1. Years in exile do not improve Arjuna’s skill at first impressions – he comes across a young woman while hunting game and responds to her proposal without giving his words much thought. 
“I have taken vows of celibacy,” he says easily as if he has not already fathered a son by Ulupi. His elbow is pulled towards his ear, fingers ready to release. Not once does he turn to see her face. 
2. It is only sheer luck then, that when Arjuna next encounters a woman his meal has already been caught. 
“Hello,” he says, gazing at the embodiment every aspect of what their society might deem lovely. Her lips part in a smile and Arjuna feels his heart skip a beat. She must be a goddess, for no human woman could walk with such grace. “What brings such beauty to parts like these?” 
“I have come,” she says, voice gentle and melodious, eyes clearly shimmering with a sudden humor even as they are trained at the ground, “in search of my heart’s desire.” 
Arjuna smiles in response, cannot help but take a step in her direction. If this is love magic, he cannot bring himself to care – the woman smells of eternal jasmine, and it has been a few years since Ulupi, and Arjuna left before his year with Panchali. The goddess’ own smile widens just slightly at his approach. “A worthy pursuit. How may I be of assistance?” 
Her eyes dim then, but they are still so bright Arjuna hardly notices. He steps even closer, to the point that he can feel the heat radiating from her skin, knows that if he shifted he could brush against the petal softness of her skin. 
“It is you,” she says softly as his fingers tilt her chin towards his, eyes wide and beautiful as they finally meet his gaze. Arjuna has never been one for romance, but for once, he knows exactly what to say. 
“And so I am found.” 
Suddenly anger flashes, and the forest beauty steps back. Only Arjuna’s years of discipline keep him from reaching out. 
“A warrior like yourself should not fall for such illusion,” she snaps,  disappearing into the forests from which she emerged. 
3. Arjuna has Chitra in his bed five months before he realizes how little he truly knows – she is beautiful, for sure, the most gorgeous being he has ever encountered, but beyond this, there is little he can ascertain. She finds him ever sunset, and Arjuna finds that at the beginning he has little inclination to question the good fortune that gives him solitude during the day and companionship at night. 
She is perfect, he thinks, and far too much so for his liking. 
“Who are you,” he asks when he next hears the tinkle of her anklets approaching him from behind. “Where do you spend your days?” 
“I am no one,” he hears in response, an arm grasping his shoulder, turning him into a kiss. She still smells of jasmine, her breath sweet with the wine she has brought, her skin soft and warm when his arms reach up of their own accord to crush her against his chest. One kiss quickly turns into another. 
Everyone is someone, he thinks to respond, but when Arjuna breaks for air it is dawn, and Chitra is long gone. 
4. “If you stayed,” Arjuna tries again, “would anyone miss you?” 
“I wouldn’t,” Chitra laughs, the sound small, perfect, coy just as the holy texts would have a woman express amusement. Sometimes, Arjuna wishes he could shake her into a belly laugh, deep and uncouth and genuine. “But even if I did they would not. This body is as transient as a drop of dew.” 
“I don’t believe you,” Arjuna says, equal parts frustration and hurt at the idea of Chitra alone, Chitra born perfect and lovely and so far away. “Everyone has a mother.” 
“Dead,” Chitra says, waving off Arjuna’s apologies, attempting to lean towards his lips. She sighs when he leans back. “Is there anything wrong with my conduct? Do you seek an explanation for my transgressions.”
“No,” Arjuna says, brought almost to laughter at the thought. “The opposite, actually.” 
Chitra smiles, and Arjuna thinks he can see something of vanity if Chitra ever deigned to express such a human quality. “Good,” she says, “Then why do you care?”
Because, he wishes he could say, I have known a great many beauties, and there is more to people than the ways they can share a bed. I cannot love someone I don’t know. You are all things lovely and good, but I cannot love you without knowing more. 
“It is important,” is all he can bring himself to say, finally giving himself to her lips. 
5. “Do you know her,” Arjuna asks almost a year into their relationship having  heard tale after tale of the Manipuri princess, “the lady Chitraangada?” 
Chitra is silent for long enough that Arjuna thinks he has his answer. Chitra must be from the kingdom, then, and of high enough status to mix with kings. 
“Why,” she asks, as she always does when Arjuna attempts to discover her past. Suddenly, her lips purse. “You would never notice her, not even if she stood gleaming with gold in front of your eyes.” 
Arjuna blinks. “Are you jealous?” He did not think she had it in her – he almost likes her more for finally expressing something of humanity. 
“No,” Chitra responds, crossing her arms, and there it is again. “Chitrangada is too ugly to be considered competition.” 
Arjuna laughs, taken aback by the vehemence of Chitra’s response. She, who has seemed above such mundane qualities suddenly seems a woman of the earth after all. “What does that matter,” he asks “when Chitrangada is venerated by her people as the greatest martial talent Manipur has ever seen?” 
Chitra tilts her head, her gentle voice suddenly sharp, eyes piercing. “Is that what you seek in a woman, then? Proficiency only in the arenas of men?” She stands. “Chitrangada would never suit someone like you – she cannot sing, nor dance, would not keep her eyes trained to the floor, would not stand behind you in times of distress. You are a man, son of Pritha, and you will only take a woman to your bed.” 
Arjuna rises in tandem, cut to the quick. 
“You know nothing about me,” he retorts, “just as I know nothing about you.” He shakes his head. “At least she is real, with enough courage to be what her people require. That is an accusation I could never throw at your feet.” 
+1. Later, when Manipur is safe and Chitra has revealed herself as their princess, Arjuna asks for directions to her private chambers. 
“I am her husband,” he insists over and over, “we have been wed by Gandharva rite for a year!” 
Finally, he is led to the room where Chitrangada stands, shoulders stiff and eyes steady. Her clothes reveal the wiry strength of her arms, the scars that mirror Arjuna’s own. Her shoulders are broad, her stance proud, her jaw clenched. 
He steps, closer and closer until he can reach out and take her hand, tangling their fingers together. He brings his left hand up until he can cup her jaw.
“We have been married a year,” he says quietly, “and I just now learned your true name.” 
Chitrangada’s gaze does not falter, even when her cheeks flush. “You did not even notice me, that first day.” And this too is a surprise, that apparently Arjuna had encountered Chitrangada in the flesh but spurned her advances– once again proving that there is no enemy of Arjuna’s quite like himself. 
“I was shooting,” he says with considerable embarrassment and no small amount of grief. How horrible, he thinks, for Chitrangada to be convinced that she was not perfect the way she is, that he would prefer the empty beauty of Chitra over the calluses they share. “If you had come the next day, I would have fallen in love.” 
“You lie so prettily,” Chitrangada smiles, rolling her eyes at the thought. Arjuna thinks he would take this moment over the thousands he has shared with the most beautiful woman in the world.
“I never loved Chitra half so much as when I knew her to be Chitrangada,” he whispers, watching as the truth of his words washes over her, amusement transforming into heartfelt delight. 
“You know me,” she whispers, her own hand rising to rest against Arjuna’s cheek. 
“I know you,” Arjuna says, “and I have loved you only more every moment since.” 
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ritebeforeyoureyes · 6 years
Yay, more procrastination from me! (cries internally)
Masterlist – Plot: Tom’s post of Zendaya on Instagram.
Queen (One-Shot)
Tom loved supporting those he loved – it was why he was up at 1am, British time, awaiting his girlfriend to walk the MET Gala red carpet.
“I think our live streams a bit off.” Harrison commented as he scrolled through his Twitter feed. People were already tweeting memes about outfits they had only seen seconds prior.
“We haven’t missed her, have we?” Tom asked his best friend, his eyes immediately falling to the phone in his hands. Haz and Tess were sat beside him, both of them sleepy eyed and yet simulatenously intrigued by the opulence of the event.
“I don’t think so.“ Just to be sure, Haz decided to creep onto the Zendaya hashtag on Twitter. He scrolled past a few tweets before his eyes bulged open and the phone fell to his lap with a distinguishably audible sound. “What the-“
“Did we miss her?” Tom yelped a little too loudly and Tessa let out one of her own. “Let me see-“
“Nah, bro-“ Haz snatched his phone away from Tom’s reach before he could see exactly what he had been looking at.
The truth was, Zendaya hadn’t walked the red carpet yet. But, the thing that had Haz so shaken up was a rather mean – no, repulsive – set of tweets that had been directed at Zendaya. Despite being the fun loving and caring woman that she was, it had only taken a few mere words for people to undermine her character based on some superficial beliefs. There were unimaginably sinful comments about her race, the way she looked, her and Tom’s relationship. There were death threats … Harrison didn’t understand how somebody had the audacity to tell her to go and slit her throat from behind a computer screen. It was hurtful and uncalled for and after knowing Tom his whole life, Haz knew Tom wasn’t going to react well to seeing such levels of hate directed at the woman he loved.
“What is up with you, man?” Tom forcefully grabbed at Haz’s phone. His eyes scanned over the tweets before a sudden anger fizzled within him. His hands grew clammy and unknowingly, his fists began to clench and unclench. “What the fuck is this?” Tom picked up on some tweets in particular, his and Zendaya’s relationship critiqued and belittled based on their height difference, their colour of skin, their talent.
Tom was always someone who saw the best in people. He liked putting smiles on people’s face; making the world better, one person at a time. But, this, not even he could overlook. Some of the comments made to his Zendaya were utterly disgusting; words he wouldn’t even dare to think about, let alone make known so publicly. It hurt even more knowing that Zendaya was receiving some of this hate because of him.
“People are just messed up.” Haz took the phone back off him; preventing him from further scrolling through Zendaya’s mentions. “You just gotta ignore it-“
“Somebody told her to go kill herself! I can’t just ignore that.” MET Gala forgotten, Tom ran a frustrated hand through his tousled hair. “You know how obsessive she is about interacting with her fans, she’s probably seen that-“
Zendaya loved being able to speak to her fans and Twitter was the easiest way to make that possible. Whenever she had the time, she never hesitated to like and retweet the hilarious tweets mocking her Rocky Blue past or praising her courageous present. She loved seeing women of all shapes and sizes rocking her clothes and embracing their personalities. It made her proud of what she was doing. Her fans were her drive. But with all that good, came the bad. Zendaya was only human. And sometimes, the bad, really got to her. A remark about her weight or her height had Zendaya doubting herself. She’d think twice before stepping out in a baggy pair of sweats or question Law when he wanted to put her in six-inch heels.
Tom sighed heavily, his eyes closing momentarily. He hated that he and Zendaya had to do this whole long-distance shit. He knew their careers came first, but at times like these, he really wished he could just hug her; tell her how beautiful she is, tell her that she has a kind heart, a gracious smile … a banging body. Zendaya was a woman who thrived on verbal reassurance and Tom loved showering her in affection whenever he could, but especially at times when he knew she was probably feeling a little self-conscious.
“You can call her once she’s off the carpet, okay?” Haz tried to reassure his best mate. “But you getting angry isn’t going to help anything.”
Tom nodded reluctantly and tried to let Tessa’s playful cuddliness distract him from the horror he had seen on Twitter. And, strangely enough, it worked. Haz would make a comment about an atrocious outfit whilst Tessa would lick the side of his arm and for a moment, Tom forgot. He chewed at flavourless popcorn and sipped from his beer; his excitement about seeing Zendaya slay the red carpet returning.
“And, here we have …” Giuliana Rancic’s voice dragged as the screen panned from the studio back to the red carpet. “Zendaya.” Tom’s head snapped upwards and the grin that coasted across his features was inevitable. Tessa was howling in the background, but all Tom could focus on was her.
“Wow.” The E! Entertainment commentators were voicing Tom’s opinions about how beautiful Zendaya looked. She was a fashion vision - sexy and daring. Her hair was a soft tinge of red, a homage to both Joan of Arc and Mary Jane Watson. But the outfit … the outfit made her look like the person she was – a fighter. The armour was accurate because Zendaya was a warrior; a woman of colour who not only fought sexism and racism but colourism too.
“Damn son.” Haz clapped Tom on his shoulder in that typical laddish way, Tom smirking in response because she was his. He got to call that long-legged, kind, honest, stunning human his. All Twitter hate aside, Tom felt pride swarm through every fibre of his being and he couldn’t help himself … “Tommy, what are you doing?”
As shots moved to the next A-list celebrity walking the carpet, Tom was readily on his phone and scanning the HD pictures that were being released of Zendaya’s whole look. The smile on his face was imprinted and goofily big as he saved every one of them, mentally picking his favourites. He knew his next move was going to be bold and questionable to many of the antis out there, but Tom couldn’t care any less. He was proud and awestruck of his girlfriend and he was going to let the world know.
“Shutting these haters up.” Harrison just watched Tom curiously as he flicked through all the different angles of Zendaya on the red carpet before posting his favourite to Instagram with the caption – all hail the queen, killing it mate.
“She’s going to kill you, you know.” This time, it was Harrison’s turn to smirk … because there was nothing like the wrath of the all mighty Zendaya Maree Coleman.
“Hey!” Tom raised his arms up in surrender. “I added the mate in there for caution.”
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