#purulent material
ahmoseinarus · 1 year
Time Limit
Whumptober 2023 Day 13 Cold Compress | Infection | "I don't feel so good." Mind the tags for medical grossness!!!! Time Limit - Ahmose_Inarus - Critical Role (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
Tiny Tim seems more comfortable/in less pain, but his appetite is still lacking
I thought he had a few kibbles last night, but now I think maybe he only sniffed them. I tried to give him wet food and he wouldn't go near it. I put a bit on my finger and let him sniff it, and it made him gag.
Today I busted out the Temptations treats, cuz they're his favorite. He sniffed them, and seemed uninterested - but! He didn't gag. Progress??
The vet said not to panic about him not eating because it's only been one day. If he isn't eating by tomorrow night, then we'll worry. But after class tonight I am planning to (on the vet's suggestion) offer him a little smorgasbord of different foods. We have 4 different flavors of wet food, and maybe I'll steal a bit of Pekoe's urinary health kibble too, so he has more than one dry option. I'll put a little of each thing in different dishes and see if he goes for anything. Worth a shot.
He had his gabapentin dose around noon, and seems to be working on sleeping it off now.
Meanwhile, Leon cannot comprehend what is going on with Tim. This doesn't smell like Tim. Where is Tim? This isn't Tim
And Leon hisses at him and avoids him. He goes in the hallway and yells at the door as if he thinks Tim is actually outside. He even dashed out to the patio when Jon came back from an errand this morning, which is very unlike him.
I hope that as Tiny Tim starts feeling better we'll be able to give him a little bath to remove any remaining vet smell and uh... purulent material, so he'll smell like himself again, and then maybe Leon will come around.
For now I gotta get some studying done because I missed class last night and can't afford to fall any further behind, but Tim is resting only a few feet away and I am keeping an eye on him
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Thanks for reading. Here's a pic from the other day when he wasn't sick yet. Manifesting healthy Tim energy with this
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droctaviolovecraft · 3 days
TW: Violence/gore, animal harming, body horror
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ANM-682: "Laughing Swine"
Danger Level: RHTL (Rural Horror Threat Level) 🌲 | Uncontained ❌️
Insalubrity Level: 40%
Lead Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
Anomaly Type: Rural, predatory, bestial
Containment: ANM-682 is currently uncontrolled and highly dangerous. Due to its rural and remote nature, containment efforts are focused on monitoring rural areas in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, and along the division between Piauí and Ceará. All reports of nocturnal attacks or sightings of giant pigs should be immediately investigated by the Elite Task Force "Foxhound" and the "Sewer Worms" Task Force, specialized in rural anomalies.
Local authorities and the public should be misled with stories of a dangerous escaped animal and should not approach or engage with ANM-682 under any circumstances. A network of Institute secret agents must be positioned in key villages and towns to track ANM-682’s movements and report any anomalies. Due to the difficulty of conventional tracking methods, a joint task force is working on developing a specialized tracking system based on pheromones.
If ANM-682 is found, personnel must maintain a distance of at least 200 meters and avoid all direct visual and auditory contact with the humanoid entity residing in ANM-682-1.
Description: ANM-682 consists of two distinct entities, identified as ANM-682-1 and ANM-682-2.
ANM-682-1 is a large, abnormally large pig, approximately 3 meters long and weighing over 1,200 kg. Its abdomen is crudely stitched with thick, rusted wire, indicating a recent and likely amateur attempt at surgery. ANM-682-1's skin is heavily scarred and discolored, displaying patches of necrotic tissue and purulent wounds, emitting a nauseating stench that can cause nausea and dizziness in those nearby.
The primary anomalous property of ANM-682-1 is its ability to sustain ANM-682-2, which resides within its abdominal cavity. ANM-682-1 appears to be in a constant state of distress, producing low, painful grunts interspersed with sharp squeals whenever ANM-682-2 is active. Despite its apparent suffering, ANM-682-1 is highly aggressive and will attack anyone approaching within a 50-meter radius, using its considerable bulk to trample, bite, or headbutt its targets.
ANM-682-2 is a human with severe physical disabilities, estimated to be in its late 30s, measuring approximately 1.50m. ANM-682-2 suffers from a multitude of chronic illnesses and physical deformities, including polio, genu recurvatum (backward-bent knees), and severe malnutrition. It is covered in scar tissue and old wounds, indicating long-term physical trauma.
ANM-682-2 is characterized by a continuous high-pitched laugh, similar to a pig's squeal, which it emits constantly while inside ANM-682-1. This laughter has a profound psychological effect on those who hear it, inducing severe anxiety, paranoia, and auditory hallucinations in exposed individuals. These symptoms usually escalate to full-blown psychosis if exposure exceeds 10 minutes.
During nighttime hours (between 21:00 and 04:00 local time), ANM-682-2 will exit ANM-682-1 through a large, torn cut in its abdomen. Covered in blood and organic fluids, ANM-682-2 will begin stalking rural communities, searching for human prey. It exhibits extreme agility and speed despite its physical disabilities, moving with an abnormally fluid and rapid gait, often running quadrupedally due to its bent knees.
ANM-682-2 is known to enter the homes of sleeping individuals, where it attacks them in their beds, targeting the limbs and facial features of its victims. ANM-682-2’s jaw is abnormally developed, capable of exerting immense pressure and chewing through bone and resistant organic material. This, combined with its resistance to damage, suggests a form of adaptation to its horrific dietary habits.
After consuming a sufficient amount of human flesh, ANM-682-2 will return to ANM-682-1 and forcibly re-enter its abdominal cavity. ANM-682-1 will then flee the scene, usually disappearing into densely forested or isolated areas.
Addendum 682-1: Incident Log
Incident 682-07-A:
Date: 08/23/2023
Location: Rural community near Montes Claros, Minas Gerais.
Description: Several reports of loud, animalistic laughter were received by local police over three nights. The following morning, the mutilated bodies of three farmers were discovered in their homes. The victims exhibited extensive trauma to the shoulders and face, consistent with ANM-682-2’s attack patterns. Surveillance footage captured ANM-682-2 entering one of the houses, but as usual, the image quality was too poor to provide useful identification. Agents on-site confirmed ANM-682's presence, and containment efforts were initiated.
Incident 682-09-B:
Date: 09/15/2023
Location: Surroundings of Bom Jesus do Piauí.
Description: A family of five was attacked in their sleep by ANM-682-2. The father, who survived the encounter, described ANM-682-2 as “the devil itself, with twisted legs, a mouth full of broken teeth, long hair, and exposed ribs, laughing like a pig.” Despite severe injuries, he managed to fend off ANM-682-2 with a shotgun, causing the entity to quickly retreat into a nearby forest. ANM-682-1 was seen retreating into dense brush shortly after.
Addendum 682-2: Psychological Effects
Extensive testing with Subject P personnel exposed to recordings of ANM-682-2’s laughter revealed a consistent pattern of psychological degradation. Subjects reported auditory hallucinations, including the sound of pigs grunting and human screams, even after the audio was stopped. Prolonged exposure led to violent outbursts, self-harm, and in two cases, suicide.
It is currently theorized that ANM-682-2’s laughter functions as a memetic hazard, potentially linked to the anomalous properties of ANM-682-1. Further research into the nature of this phenomenon is ongoing.
Addendum 682-3: Containment Efforts
Efforts to capture ANM-682-1 and ANM-682-2 have been unsuccessful. ANM-682-1 is believed to be capable of traveling long distances at high speeds, making tracking and capture extremely difficult. Current containment protocols are focused on minimizing civilian casualties and monitoring affected regions for signs of ANM-682’s presence.
Institute personnel are advised to approach all encounters with ANM-682 with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should there be direct contact with ANM-682-2. Any personnel exposed to ANM-682-2’s laughter must undergo immediate psychological evaluation and amnestic treatment as necessary.
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In Baltimore City, MD: URGENT: 6-week-old puppy found at a local gas station with suspected 'puppy strangles' disease - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Rofo- 6 weeks old, unaltered male, 6lbs
Teeny tiny Rofo was brought to BARCS by our partnering Animal Control after being found at a gas station. Poor little guy is in rough shape, but at least in good spirits still. Not to mention- even with his issues- he's still the cutest, squishiest pup.
Upon examination, our vets noted that Rofo was dehydrated, had a painful swollen mouth with purulent material around it, and dermal lesions, leading us to believe he may likely have 'puppy strangles.' He was started on antibiotics, pain meds, given subq fluids, parvo tested (negative), and a fungal culture was started just to be safe. A full medical summary can be provided upon request.
Due to Rofo's young age and the severity of his medical concerns, we are seeking immediate rescue placement for him.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd | Baltimore, MD 21225 US
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So let’s talk about pneumonia, because it’s epic and needs some love.
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus (purulent material). A variety of organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. It is most serious for infants and young children, people older than age 65, and people with health problems or weakened immune systems. That’s already beautiful, but the symptoms just make things better. They include cough with phlegm or blood, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. It’s pretty fricking painful, and it won’t leave without a fight. Most people end up on respirators for up to a week after the disease has actually left due to the strain it puts on your lungs.
I rest my case.
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jumerccadelina · 2 years
Wounds That Won’t Heal
     “Time heals all wounds.”
     We have heard this expression so many times, especially from well-meaning friends during times of pain or grief. In essence, people who utter these words are saying, “Let it be. Give it time. It will eventually heal.”
     On the surface, it appears to have a grain of truth. As children we have had scratches, cuts, abrasions, and all of them did heal with the passage of time. For some, even the scars disappear, a testament to how wonderfully made we were.
     However, doctors will tell you that it is not entirely accurate. Some wounds will not heal on their own, even if you give it time. As a matter of fact, they may get worse without proper intervention. Here are some examples.
     Wounds with embedded foreign bodies. We once managed a young boy who fell from a Bayabas tree two years before consulting at the ER. He had a wound at his cheek that has not healed since the incident. The wound has festered and was draining pus. His teacher convinced the parents to have his wound checked. He was getting ridiculed at class and his grades were getting affected too. X-rays revealed that a wooden branch was embedded in his cheek bone. The wound healed when the said branch was removed. 
     Wounds with dead tissues within. Another patient, this one a young man who suffered a vehicular crash several years ago, also consulted for a non-healing wound on his leg. The wound opened a few weeks after the accident and has been draining ever since. X-rays revealed a piece of bone that was floating at the center of the wound, surrounded by purulent material. It was a chip fracture. The bone, detached from its blood supply died and subsequently got infected. Orthopedic surgeons call this dead bone a “sequestrum”. He underwent a procedure called Debridement, Curettage and Sequestrectomy which removed all the dead and infected tissues inside his leg. only then did his wound heal.
     Wounds with underlying infections. Some wounds actually harbor deep seated infections that prevent them from healing. An abscess or collection of pus under the wound, needs to be drained if healing is to happen. Antibiotics, no matter how strong cannot work unless they reach their target. And because these pockets of pus do not have blood vessels that can deliver the drug to the seat of infection, they persist and may actually get worse if left alone.
     Tumors. Some wounds that do not heal despite all efforts and medications, may require a procedure called a biopsy. This is because some tumors or cancers may present as non healing wounds. The only solution once these wounds are confirmed to be malignant is a radical resection which removes the entire tumor together with a rim of normal tissue.
     In all the above examples, wound healing does not happen despite the body’s capacity for repairing itself. The built in mechanisms of healing are prevented from working. These impediments to healing must be removed in order for repair to proceed as intended. If not, the wounds remain open and may actually worsen.
    Now, if you think that this only happens in the physical realm I beg to differ. Because wounds also happen in the psychological and the spiritual realms. And some may not heal, and get worse unless the obstacles to healing are removed. In the psychological realm, Therapists and Clinical Psychologists, or even friends with empathy can help wounded people remove their resentments or grudges so healing can proceed. Some, may also need  justice and restitution especially if great injustice has been inflicted upon them. 
     In the spiritual realm, these wounds take the form of sins and they wound the soul. Minor cuts and wounds of the soul sometimes called venial sins can heal with the ordinary remedies of the Church. In every mass, we have what is called the Penitential rite. When this part is reached, the people recite the Confiteor which begins as “I confess to Almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned....”  With the grace of the Lord, some of our venial sins are forgiven at this time. In short, some healing of the soul happens during every mass. This is similar to small wounds in the body which may respond to antibiotics and/or antiseptics. In some instances however, the wounds are too large or contain impediments that will prevent healing. In the medical world, the remedies used are wound suturing, debridement or removal of dead and infected tissues, removal of foreign bodies or resection of tumors. The Church has also instituted a remedy for the soul, a spiritual surgery that removes the obstacles to the healing of a gravely wounded soul. The remedy is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A heartfelt and honest Confession of our sins to a priest restores us to spiritual health by removing  the great wounds that torment us and separate us from God. Let us avail of this gift as often as we can. Because some wounds do not heal on their own. And left alone, can get worse and cause further harm.
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thepumpkincorsair · 4 months
TW: Veterinary Care Grossout
Confessions of a Vet Tech: When your Purulent Material clogs a sink… twice.
No names. Thats my rule. Anyway.
Cat comes in with an abscess. I dont get to help clean it, but I end up circling back as the one to clean up the aftermath at the grooming table. Nbd, we’re all busy and fill in where needed. I’ve had plenty of folks have to come back and clean up after me too.
So anyway. Cleaning out the grooming table…. FULL of purulent material. Like…. This was a 4inch+ abscess on a little cat. ….the drain clogs.
Im mildly cussing to myself as I clear out under the sink and prepare to clean the hair trap out. As Im loosening the cap on the hair trap, I get a half moment to realize whats about to happen as the edges of the cap start to ooze purulence. The cap burst off, the water pressure sent the purulent material horizontal… right onto me.
Cue the other techs coming to see what happened and immediately running away either laughing too hard, or ready to lose their cookies, and im on my knees in front of the sink like:
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So I clean myself up, clean the floor and cabinet, clear the trap and prepare to finish cleaning out the grooming table…
And the purulence left in the sink after the first clear out… CLOGGED IT AGAIN I HAD TO DO IT TWICE!!!! At least the second time I was prepared….
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nisargabangalore · 10 months
Nisarga Care is a stroke rehabilitation center in Bangalore with class stroke treatment facilities
Nisarga is the Best for Stroke Treatment in Bangalore , https://nisargacare.com/service/good-rehabilitation-centre-in-bangalore/
Best Doctors for Stroke Treatment in Bangalore Stroke Rehabilitation Care Center & Recovery Program .
Depending on the type, severity and location, strokes can have multiple effects on individuals.
Nisarga care Care we provide food accommodation Nurse , Doctors, Caretakers Housekeeping attendant service Stroke care, Post operative care, Operative care, care for elder, you can avail the service
Nisarga Care is a stroke rehabilitation center in Bangalore with class stroke treatment facilities
Nisarga is the Best for Stroke Treatment in Bangalore
Best Doctors for Stroke Treatment in Bangalore Stroke Rehabilitation Care Center & Recovery Program .
Depending on the type, severity and location, strokes can have multiple effects on individuals.
Nisarga care Care we provide food accommodation Nurse , Doctors, Caretakers Housekeeping attendant service Stroke care, Post operative care, Operative care, care for elder, you can avail the service
Stroke Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore
stroke-rehabilitation-center STROKE REHABILITATION CENTER IN BANGALORE Nisarga Care provides the right mixture of care and supervision for the rehabilitation of patients suffering …
Aspiration Pneumonia After Stroke
Pneumonia causes the highest attributable mortality of all medical complications following stroke. Respiratory failure from stroke leads to intubation
Bangalore Stroke care at Nisarga care
NISARGA CARE Healthcare is India’s leading provider of world class healthcare services.
Pneumonia lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs ( double pneumonia ) or only one ( single pneumonia ). WE have care facility for Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus (purulent material), we call Specilise Doctor
Pneumonia is inflammation and fluid in your lungs caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. It makes it difficult to breathe
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames your lungs’ air sacs (alveoli). The air sacs may fill up with fluid or pus, causing symptoms
Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung primarily affecting the small air sacs known as alveoli.
Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. It causes the air sacs of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus.
You may develop sudden numbness, weakness or paralysis in the face, arm or leg. This often affects just one side of the body. Try to raise both your arms over your head at the same time. If one arm begins to fall, you may be having a stroke.
Understanding Paralytic Stroke
. Paralytic Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced to a large extent, depriving brain tissues of essential oxygen \
Stroke (Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) and Spinal Stroke)
Paralysis is a common outcome of stroke, often on one side of the body (hemiplegia). Paralysis may affect only the face, an arm or a leg, but most often,
The cause of stroke paralysis is a disruption in the transmission of neural impulses between the brain and the muscles.
Paralytic Stroke is a catastrophe. It leads to loss of many bodily abilities. These abilities could include difficulties in speech, movement
Paralytic stroke is a fairly common problem in the elderly population. Its mortality is low but it leaves devastating effects on the …
A Neurosurgeon’s Guide to Stroke Symptoms, Treatment
Common temporary symptoms include difficulty speaking or understanding others, loss or blurring of vision in one eye and loss of strength or numbness in an arm
Common causes of paralysis include strokes, spinal cord injuries and nerve disorders like multiple sclerosis. Bell’s palsy causes temporary .
A stroke is a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death. … Those who experience a stroke are at risk of paralysis
Nisarga Care referred As Good care
Natural recovery During the first three months after a stroke, a patient may experience ph
A phenomenon known as spontaneous recovery – the sudden return of a skill or ability lost to a stroke as the brain finds new ways to perform functions well.
Health conditions and diseases Stroke
Our physical therapist will help to walk with the help of support bars. Stroke Recovery Timeline Restoring as close as possible to or developing remedial strategies to work around functional impairment. An example of a good care coping strategy is learning to hold a toothpaste tube so that a strong hand can twist the cap.
Some patients experience setbacks in the months after a good care stroke, such as pneumonia, heart attack or second stroke. These challenges can have significant physical, psychological and emotional consequences and may delay rehabilitation.
Exploring new treatments While physical, occupational, and speech therapies remain important components of stroke rehabilitation, researchers are always coming up with new methods to augment or supplement these therapies. An innovative technique is non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS), which uses weak electrical currents to stimulate areas of the brain associated with good care for specific tasks such as movement . This stimulation helps to enhance the effects of the treatment. Another new treatment for spasticity and muscle stiffness that does not cause muscle weakness is using an injectable enzyme. In addition, technology-assisted rehabilitation can extend rehabilitation by targeting specific actions or processes in an engaging manner.
After six months, improvements are possible but much slower. Most stroke patients reach a relatively stable state at this stage. For some it means full recovery. good care Others have ongoing impairments, also known as chronic stroke disease. Whether full recovery is possible depends on a variety of factors, including the severity of the stroke, how quickly early treatment is provided, and the type and intensity of rehabilitation.
Even if recovery is slow, it’s still important to continue to follow up with members of your care team, including:
Your primary care physician can help you manage any health concerns outside of stroke recovery, as well as take steps to prevent future strokes. A rehabilitation doctor (physiologist), who helps coordinate aspects of your recovery and can meet with you for as long as you need support, whether it’s for a few years or for the rest of your life. Physical, occupational, and speech therapists can help you recover as much function as possible in daily activities while focusing on your personal goals. A neurologist who understands the mechanisms behind stroke-related brain injury and can prescribe customized treatments to target the affected area of the brain. A rehabilitation psychologist can assist with cognitive, emotional and behavioral good functioning as well as reintegration into the community, which aids recovery. “During checkups, I look to support patients in any way I can,” says physiatrist Raghavan. “If there’s any way I can help them improve communication skills, return to work, improve sleep patterns, build muscle tone, reduce the risk of falls, or address psychological needs with good care, we’ll create a plan.”
1-3 months post-stroke “The first three months after a stroke are the most important for recovery and when patients see the most improvement,” . During this time, most patients enter and complete an inpatient rehabilitation program or progress through their outpatient treatment sessions.
The goal of rehabilitation is pre stroke levels of function
Rehabilitation for stroke , Neurological rehabilitation
Hemorrhagic stroke and facial paralysis: Maggie’s story
Rehabilitation for stroke
No Image Available Neurological Rehabilitation Neurological rehabilitation
Treatments for conditions and diseases, good care tests and treatments Wellness and preventive care
A concerted effort among experts will facilitate progress in the months and years to come. While improvement may take longer for some patients, small improvements are still warranted in good care. “I think it’s important to paint a picture of hope in stroke,” says Raghavan. “Every time you need less help with a task, that’s a milestone for the patient.”
Be quick to spot a stroke A stroke is always an emergency. An easy way to quickly identify stroke symptoms is the acronym FAST:
Face. If a person tries to smile, is it good care to smile on one side or both sides?
weapon. Can both arms be raised evenly or does good care move one downward?
Speech. Does the person have trouble speaking or is he slurring his words?
A stroke is an emergency, and the sooner you get treatment, the better. But what happens in the days, weeks and months after a stroke? “Sometimes, the process is slow and uncertain, and different people can recover in different ways,” explains Preeti Raghavan, M.D., a Johns Hopkins stroke rehabilitation specialist.
Although recovery looks different for everyone, it can be helpful to get a sense of the stroke recovery good care timeline so you know what to expect after you or a loved one experiences a stroke.
Identifying strokes is not always easy. Look for these signs.
Day 1: Initial treatment If you have suffered a stroke, you may initially be admitted to the emergency department to stabilize your condition and determine the type of stroke. If it’s caused by a blood clot (ischemic stroke), clot-busting medicine can help reduce the long-term effects if you treat it in time.
Depending on the severity of the stroke, you may need to spend time in intensive care or intensive care.
“Starting rehabilitation as soon as possible after considering the cause of the stroke is essential in stroke recovery,” says Raghavan. ” Nisarga care, rehabilitation begins about 24 hours after a stroke.”
The rehabilitation team includes physiotherapists, neurologists, physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and nurses. They meet daily to discuss the patient’s condition and some form of treatment is given every hour for the first day or two.
The first few weeks after a stroke The typical hospital stay after a stroke is five to seven days. During this time, the stroke care team evaluates the effects of the stroke, which determines a rehabilitation plan.
The long-term effects of a stroke – which vary from person to person depending on the severity of the stroke and the area of the brain affected – can include:
Good care for cognitive symptoms such as memory problems and speech difficulties Physical symptoms such as weakness, paralysis and difficulty swallowing Emotional symptoms such as depression and impulsiveness Extreme fatigue and trouble sleeping
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healinghandss · 1 year
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Homeopathic Cell Salts
Cell salts, also known as tissue salts or biochemic remedies, are a powerful and accessible tool for healing. With only 12 tissue salts, they are easy to understand and widely available for purchase in many different stores and online. They are safe, affordable, and have been used by many people as an introduction to homeopathy and home-prescribing.
The cell salts are 12 homeopathically prepared minerals and mineral salts that make up the inorganic constituents of the human body. When the body is cremated after death, these 12 inorganic materials make up a significant portion of the ashes. Dr. Schuessler discovered the importance of these minerals in maintaining health by analyzing the ashes of cremated bodies and correlating certain mineral deficiencies with patterns of ill health.
The potency of cell salts is always a 6X or 12X, which is below Avogadro’s number and means that there are trace molecules of the original substance left. This is why it is often thought of as micro-dosing of minerals. The cell salts rebalance the functioning of the body at the level of the cell, promoting health from the very basic level. Get in touch with The Healing hands Homeopathy clinic to get more details around what is a best suited salt for your condition.
Each of the 12 cell salts has its own specific uses and indications. Some common keywords and themes for each cell salt are listed, along with a few popular combinations.
If you are searching for a homeopathic doctor or homeopathy near you, you may want to explore our website or get in touch with us for more details around cell salts.
Calc Fluor supports the surface of bones and tooth enamel, as well as connective tissue, by promoting elasticity of fibers
Calc Phos is important for the solidity of bones, proper growth and nutrition, and nutritional absorption. It is also useful for growing pains and healing fractures
Calc Sulph aids in detoxification and is helpful for conditions such as catarrh, eruptions, purulent exudations, and liver action
Ferrum Phos is indicated for the first stage of inflammation and general inflammation, including symptoms such as pain, heat, swelling, redness, and fever.
Kali Mur is recommended for the second stage of inflammation, swollen glands, and white or grey exudations or coatings or discharges.
Kali Phos has anti-septic properties and is useful for decay, lack of nerve power, and as a nerve tonic during the recovery phase of illness.
Kali Sulph helps with yellowy deposits or discharges or secretions, cellular-level oxygen uptake, and desquamation.
Mag Phos is effective for cramps, pains, and paralysis, and has anti-spasmodic properties. It is better for warmth and pressure.
Nat Mur helps balance watery discharges and is useful for dryness, emaciation/malabsorption.
Nat Phos is recommended for excess of lactic acid, gout, rheumatism, heartburn, dyspepsia from fats, and sour-smelling discharges.
Nat Sulph aids in excess water removal and is helpful for urinary system and intestinal issues. Symptoms are generally worse in damp conditions.
Silicea is important for connective tissues, joints, and the structure of the body. It can help with deficient assimilation, pus-formation, and hastening suppuration.
Visit here- https://thehealinghands.ca/homeopathic-cell-salts/
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Pneumonia Symptoms and Causes
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Pneumonia is a corrupting that empowers the air sacs in one or the two lungs. The air sacs could pile up with liquid or delivery (purulent material), causing hack with natural liquid or delivery, fever, chills, and burden loosening up.
As per Chest Specialist in Jhansi Pneumonia can go in reality from gentle to hazardous. It is for the most part huge for children and little children, people more settled than age 65, and people with ailments or crippled safe structures.
Side effects
The signs and side effects of pneumonia differ from gentle to serious, contingent upon variables, for example, the kind of microorganism causing the contamination, and your age and generally wellbeing. Delicate signs and incidental effects regularly are like those of a cold or flu, but they last longer.
Signs and results of pneumonia could include:
Chest torment when you inhale or hack
Disorder or changes in mental care (in adults age 65 and more settled)
Hack, which might create mucus
Fever, perspiring and shaking chills
Lower than regular inside heat level (in adults more prepared than age 65 and people with weak safe systems)
Sickness, retching or the runs
Infants and infant kids may not give any sign of the illness. Then again as told by rest apnea specialist jhansi they could vomit, have a fever and hack, appear to be unstable or tired and without energy, or experience issues breathing and eating.
When to see a specialist
See your PCP accepting you experience issues breathing, chest torture, tireless fever of 102 F (39 C) or higher, or decided hack, especially if you're hacking up release
Individuals in these high gamble bunches must see a specialist like Pulmonologist in Jhansi:
Grown-ups more seasoned than age 65
Kids more energetic than age 2 with signs and incidental effects
Individuals with a fundamental medical issue or debilitated resistant framework
Individuals getting chemotherapy or taking medicine that smothers the resistant framework
Visit- https://shwaasclinic.com/
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rottendollface · 3 years
hi!!! what are your thoughts on Dottore?
Dottore is chaotic and sometimes illogical in his points of view. It's easy for him to change his opinion in seconds; he also loses interest to his researches fast enough and hates to discipline himself. It's important to him to be free, that's why he has a lot of started projects that will never be finished.
Dottore is eccentric and can make a good impression, if he needs it. He has lots of stories to tell to keep people around interested in his persona. Dottore can act like a puppeteer, but his impatience makes it troublesome: he wants everything to be smooth and fast for him to get. It can be a peace treaty with a certain region, or some material bauble.
Dottore treats himself as the best between living scientists, Tsaritsa does as well. Under her fair treatment Dottore achieved highest results in medicine and chemistry. All his published treatises were highly rated in Sumeru, which made Dottore laugh until stomachache — he is hiding behind impersonal name "Dottore", and all this pompous professors in stupid hats from academy would die out of shame, if they would have a chance to know whos proceedings they call brilliant.
Dottore is first in Snezhnaya who started to think about women's well-being, so Tsaritsa trusted him her precious ladies. Dottore managed to find solutions for difficult childbirthing, prohibited to use forceps to get baby out of womb. Instead of forceps he put into use his own invention, which works on powers of delusion to create vacuum and help baby get out. He synthesized effective painkillers without side effects, improved anatomical and histological atlases from Sumeru, made his own purulent surgery atlas and textbok, described consequences of using chemical warfare agents and how to protect soldiers from them.
The only problem Dottore has — facial burns under his mask. He was a charming young man before persecution started, and someone punched him in his face with a burning torch. Dottore taught himself to live without love, forced himself to think that he doesn't need it, and love itself — just a vulgar thing created by idle nobles.
His wounds is still aching, sometimes the pain he feels is unbearable. It's hard to him to look in the mirror and see pitiful remnants of brows and damaged skin, and compare it to the normal right cheek. Maybe one day he will find someone to love him this way, if not — he will create them himself.
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joontier · 4 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1; report iv 
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: humor, romance
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.5k
g/n: Send me your thoughts?
[taglist] @nottodayjjk @ditttiii​ @zeharilisharaban​ @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn  @aamxxrii @codeinebelle ​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Your phone blares at exactly 6:45AM, and a memetastic image of Chohee lights up your phone screen as you’re brushing your teeth. When you swipe to answer the call, you don’t even manage to get a word in when Chohee chatters you out of your sleep-deprived soul.  
“Just as practiced, I’m punctual, and you’re late.”  
Garbling out a reply about how it’s still five minutes prior to your agreed time, you tap your toothbrush loudly against the sink, likewise spitting out the foam from your mouth. “Fine, just hurry because I’m starving!”  
Being the gold-hearted person that she is (although that fact is not known to the public), your best friend had offered you a ride to the building where you’re scheduled to take the Korean Medical Licensure Examination today.  
The moment you settle yourself on the passenger seat, she greets you with a cheery “Good morning!” - one that was too cheery this early in the morning, and all the more way too cheery for a certain Kim Chohee. The two of you share a look and you lean in for a hug. “Hey, we’ll do just fine, okay? We’ve been studying our asses for this.”  
You don’t let go at once, looking up at her with a kissy face. She pushes your head backwards with a disgusted expression, keeping your face at an arm’s length. With an unattractive snort, you lean back in your seat, laughing your ass off at your poor attempt to lighten the mood.  
“Seriously, _______, I know you’ve been lusting after me for years even when you’re well aware of my ‘strictly beef’ diet,” Chohee states, dusting your imaginary germs off her shoulder. Turning on her Benz’s engine, she checks her reflection on the rear-view mirror before driving off.  
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With both your hands occupied with the sandwiches you’d ordered from Subway, you use your pinky to connect your phone to play some Mozart via bluetooth. You try not to talk much about the test, knowing it will only cause unnecessary anxiety on both your ends.  
As Chohee leans towards you, you tilt her sandwich in her direction, letting her take a bite from her sub. “Hey, what’s an abscess again?”  
“Isn’t that more commonly known as boils? Built up pus within or below the surface of the skin?”  
Kim Chohee chokes on her BLT.  
“Pus?” she repeats, swallowing her bite with great strain. “Seriously? While I’m eating a sandwich? Couldn’t you be more subtle perhaps?”  
Equally just as surprised as she was, you narrow your eyes at her. “We’ve been studying medicine for the last six years! It shouldn’t be a surprise by now...and besides, we’ve heard and see a lot worse too...Would you rather have me say purulent exudate then? And waste my precious saliva on a six-syllable word rather than the common term for a liquid form of inflamm-”  
“Okay!” Chohee throws an arm up in defeat. “Sheesh _______! Don’t I deserve at least some gratitude for driving you to our exams?”  
“Plus we’ve already seen a cadaver too, which was supposedly one of the peaks of our med-student lives! What’s all this hype about some viscous mass on the surface of the skin?”  
Your best friend peeks at you from her peripheral vision, absolutely mortified. You love it.  
“Can you please remind me how we became friends in the first place?” Chohee shakes her head and increases the volume of the player as the droplets of rain start pouring down the windshield. “Anyways – I was meaning to ask the histological meaning of it.”    
“Oh, right,” you nod, recalling your notes, “well, it’s a localized collection of neutrophils and necrotic debris. Basically, it’s a suppurative inflammation which is associated with pyogenic bacteria and characterized by edema fluid admixed with neutrophils and necrotic cells. Staphylococcus aureus usually produces abscesses because it’s coagulase positive and coagulase helps the production of fibrinous material that localizes the infection.”  
As soon as you finish, silence takes over the car, and suddenly, a sniffle comes from Chohee’s side. With a matching frown, you best friend looks at you with shiny eyes. “Oh _______, what would I do without you?”  
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With still half an hour to spare, you decide on relieving your bladder first before all the toilets get occupied later a couple of minutes before the actual exam. You take your time with it, even managing to put some effort in fixing your hair in clipping your fringe back so as not to eliminate all distractions possible during the exam.  
While looking through the large panel windows on your way back from the comfort rooms, you spot a familiar face – the last person you’d want to see on such an important day. Perhaps your prayers weren’t loud enough to actually reach heaven.  
There Jeon Jungkook was at the end of the hall, walking like a newly-canonized saint in all his glory. Most (if not all) of the female onlookers stare at him as he passes by, with Jungkook seemingly unbothered by their unwavering attention. You aren’t one for exaggeration, but these women look like they’re willing to worship the ground he walked on.  
Your nerdy, anti-Jeon Jungkook ass quickly hides beside a nearby locker, not wanting to be ‘graced’ by his presence, just as some girl coined a few moments ago as she headed to the toilets with her friends, collectively gushing over the boy.  
The popular kid turns to his right and you swore you’d never prayed harder and faster than any other time in your life. Your room assignment was just the one by the corner...and if he could just make a few more steps and head straight to the next classroom a-and...nope. It’s official. The universe loved shitting on you.  
Jungkook enters room 132, the very same numbers indicating your room assignment for the licensure exam. You ball up your fists in your spot by the lockers, releasing all your pent-up frustration in the simplest and least violent way possible: a long, tedious exhale.  
Gathering up all your self-control, you re-enter the classroom with an inward grimace, desperate to not have Jungkook’s eyes meet yours. He’s looking for a seat, and with all the back rows already occupied, he’s stuck with picking one from the first two rows.  
He’s already stood near the seat you’ve picked and you bore holes into the back of his head with your fake telepathy, silently ordering him to pick a chair on the other side of the aisle instead.  
Just as you had not wished for, Jungkook plops his huge ass backpack on the chair next to yours. You tread back to your seat as discreetly as possible, avoiding his gaze at all times as he rummages through his military backpack. What the fuck is in that thing in the first place? You won't be surprised if he manages to pull out a whole microwave inside – and yet funnily enough, he can’t seem to own a single damn pencil.  
As you were minding your own businesses (hopefully it stays that way for the rest of eternity), you catch the other students discussing surgical cases last minute.  
“Hey, which artery is the one for transection for an epidural hematoma?”  
“Was this the kid that got hit by a fastball in the head?”  
“What happened?”  
“Poor boy got hit in the temporal area during a baseball tournament. Remained conscious during the rest of the day but during the same evening he gets a severe headache with vomiting and confusion. When they got to Severance he got scheduled for immediate surgery for epidural hematoma.”
“That sounds awful…”  
“I’m not sure which artery it was again though…”
If that were the case...then it’d be the transection of a branch of the middle meningeal artery...but then you wouldn’t want to answer that out of the blue and get mistaken for being too snoopy…
Instead, you reach for the bottle of water by the legs of your chair, likewise hearing the same answer coming out of Jungkook’s mouth in a whisper. Huh. You raise a brow. Well, there was a major chance he knew the case since he came from Yonsei too, just as you had speculated from some of your roommates who seemed like they came from the same school after mentioning Severance Hospital.  
The group continue discussing their answers when this girl, who had an obnoxiously unnatural high-pitched voice, approaches Jungkook.  
Oppa? OPPA?!
You wanted to throw up. This girl looked at least two-three years older than him. At the least. Guess Jeon was really more of a fuckboy than Chohee would ever admit. “We were just discussing something and we’re really unsure of our answers, maybe a smart oppa like you would know?”  
With as much discretion as you could muster, you adjust in your seat, leaning a little bit towards their conversation as you eavesdrop like the nosy person that you are.  
“The surgery was a transection of the meningeal artery,” says Jeon nonchalantly like it’s the most basic thing in the world, still scrolling through his phone. Silence ensues after that. That’s it?! He’s not even going to bother explaining-  
Jungkook exhales as he puts his phone down. “Epidural hemorrhages result from a rupture of one of the meningeal arteries, as these arteries supply the dura and run between the dura and the skull. Plus you said temporal area right?” he asks, facing one of the guys.  
“The artery involved is usually the middle meningeal artery - a branch of the maxillary artery, as the skull fracture is usually in the temporal area. Since the bleeding is of arterial origin, symptoms are rapid in onset even though he seemed normal for a few hours. If they didn’t bring him to the hospital that same evening, he could’ve had tentorial herniation and would have eventually died.”  
As much as you hate to admit it - you’re beyond impressed. Chohee always stays true to her word, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still a jerk for clearly cutting the line at the subway.  
The girls coo over him, praising him over how cool he looked by explaining his answer. Jungkook settles back on his seat like he hadn’t just perfectly given an on-point pathological explanation for a neuro case.  
The group continues their review, until they’ve come to another question they’re unsure of. “Jungkook-ssi, would you know where the rupture of a berry aneurysm of the Circle of Willis would likely produce hemorrhage?”  
With only ten minutes left, you’d usually be preparing yourself mentally but this group and Jungkook’s intervention has you all ears once more. Nothing wrong with some last minute review, right?  
“It’s the subdural space.”  
Wow. Okay, quick and close but wrong. Impressive wit though.  
You open your mouth to say something but you hesitate as it dawns on you that you really aren’t part of this group and you’re not the one being asked. Jungkook not missing a beat gets a collective ‘ooh’ from the group, who’s clearly impressed at how quickly he’s answered the question.  
Meanwhile, your conscience is making you contemplate on your earlier hesitation with the voice of the angel on your right shoulder telling you it isn’t right to let the wrong answer pass just like that, especially on a day like this. The devil on your left, however, tells you otherwise. You go with the former.  
Amongst their murmurs of mutual praise for Jungkook (you bet this man is rejoicing inside with all the attention he’s getting, despite looking nonchalant), you take a deep breath and say the correct answer, voice coming out louder than expected.  
“Excuse me?” another ‘spectator’ says, jutting her chin towards you.  
“I said,” you look up at her, “it’s actually the subarachnoid space.”  
“Are you sure?” she retorts.  
Seriously? Just because you’re not some fuckboy jock who smolders at all boobed humans means you can’t be sure with your answer?  
“Hey! I know you!” Someone exclaims from the side, causing everyone to turn their heads toward him, “You’re the foreigner valedictorian at SNU!” Similar to their earlier praises directed towards Jungkook, the same dudes marvel at your most recent accomplishment. You give a shy smile in return, quietly thanking the stranger for the sudden confidence boost.  
“Jungkook-oppa is also the valedictorian at Yonsei.”  
Well, that didn’t last for long...somebody has always got to rain on your parade. You won’t allow this girl though, not today.  
You purse your lips, collecting your thoughts first before explaining it to them. “Subarachnoid hemorrhages, although they are much less common than hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhages, but the former are...more often than not...resultant of a rupture of a berry aneurysm.” You pause momentarily when someone drags his seat closer to yours, “Go on please.”  
“Right, um...berry aneurysms are most commonly found at the Circle of Willis, usually by the junction of the communicating artery and the cerebral artery. Chances of rupture increase with age and cause marked bleeding into the subarachnoid space and produces severe headaches.” The same dude earlier blinks at you, urging you to explain further, “uh...additional symptoms may include vomiting, pain, stiffness of the neck, and papilledema. Death may follow rapidly as well.”  
A few from the people gathered around your seat clap their hands, along with compliments and offers along the lines of marriage and organ swaps.  
Someone mentions seeing the proctor approach the room and the group immediately disperses, everyone rushing back to their seats as quickly as possible. A middle-aged man enters, tells everyone to bring out their pencils and place their stuff by the platform, then momentarily leaves for the restroom.  
Jungkook fishes through his bag, turning each pocket inside and out over and over again. There’s no way this kid actually-- “Shit, where did that pencil go?” he murmurs, going through his bag once more. Looking away, you bite your lip to stop yourself from snickering. Jeon Jungkook is definitely on a different level.  
As expected, your entertaining seatmate calls you and asks for a pencil. With a deceivingly enthusiastic nod, you retrieve a pencil from your case just beside your chair. Your life after meeting Jungkook at the subway had finally led to this moment. He clears his throat and you figure it’s signaling the coming of another obnoxious comment.  
“Oh, I’m sorry, this wasn’t meant for you,” you look at him with the most apologetic look you can muster. Then you look at him, down then up, just as he had done back in the library, you smile widely before winking at him, making him hand your extra pencil over to the guy sat next to him, “Thanks, babe.”  
Jungkook scowls hard and you rejoice inside your head, making sure that your face doesn’t register the slightest bit of jest. His  scowl however, does not last for long. “Hmm, you’re the girl from the library, right? Smart and feisty...maybe you are my type after all,” he murmurs, tongue poking his cheek. You scoff loudly, scrunching your face in disgust. “No thank you.”  
“Oppa,” the girl’s shrill voice calls him one more time and you face forward to freely roll your eyes. If you aren’t mistaken, there’s even a hint of mild annoyance on Jungkook’s features. “Don’t mind her, oppa. You can have my extra pencil instead.” She tsks. “Some people just don’t know when to quit.”  
At least she got something right this morning: you don’t know when to quit. 
© joontier 2021
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
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“Mindfeast Vampire” © Wizards of the Coast, by Igor Kieryluk. Accessed at the artist’s ArtStation page here
[This is a piece of art I’ve been hanging onto for literally years, looking for the right monster to use it for. The bingil is an evil spirit for the Gaddang and Kalinga people of the Philippines, and is traditionally appeased with blood sacrifices, chasing it in effigy and headhunting. The book Headhunting and the Social Imagination in Southeast Asia has information on bingil ceremonies, but the relevant material is cut in half on Google Books. Another title to look up once quarantine is over.]
Div, Bingil CR 10 NE Outsider (extraplanar) This man-shaped horror has corpse-grey skin covered in open sores and purulent boils. Shaggy hair hangs from its head, and its eyes are luminous. It has no lower jaw—tusks curve up and down from its maw, and a long tongue dangles from the opening.
Bingils are divs that represent cursed land and the decline of settlements. They may follow a tribe or a family for generations, recurring as outbreaks of disease, strange supernatural events, and deaths of prominent and influential people, especially the kind and charitable. Over time, they may even become worshipped as gods to be appeased with sacrifices in order to chase away their depredations. Settlements with a bingil cult become as warped and cruel as the bingil itself, and they often leave disguised pairakas in these places in order to properly cultivate their corruption.
In combat, bingils often weave between foes, seeking to infect as many of them as possible with their rotting disease. Their tongue is infused with negative energy, and its touch can kill weaker opponents outright. All curses, diseases and poisons are more dangerous in their vicinity, and a bingil may ally itself with other monsters with one or more of these abilities in order to maximize their impact. Despite their love of disease, they consider leukodaemons rivals instead of allies—a bingil would rather leave its victims alive to savor their torment rather than finish them quickly or destroy their soul.
Like all divs, bingils possess a psychological quirk. In this case, they love the taste of blood. A bingil in combat with a creature suffering from a bleed effect will take move actions to lap up spilled blood rather than making more tactically sound choices; they can also be lured towards or away from locations with a large blood offering.
Bingil      CR 10 XP 9,600 NE Medium outsider (div, evil, extraplanar) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, Perception +16, see in darkness Aura miasma (60 ft.), stench (30 ft., Fort DC 19) Defense AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural) hp 138 (12d10+72) Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +11 DR 10/good; Immune curses, disease, fire, poison; Resist acid 10, electricity 10; SR 21 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +18 (1d6+6 plus disease), gore +18 (1d12+6), tongue +16 touch (3d8+10 negative energy) Spell-like Abilities CL 10th, concentration +13 Constant—detect good At will—contagion (DC 17), dimension door (self plus 50 lbs. objects only), stinking cloud (DC 16) 3/day—bestow curse (DC 17), hold monster (DC 18), unholy blight (DC 18), empowered vampiric touch 1/day— curse terrain, epidemic (DC 19), summon (level 6, 1 pairaka, 60%) Statistics Str 22, Dex 19, Con 23, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16 Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 33 Feats Dodge, Empower SLA (vampiric touch), Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Bluff +15, Climb +18, Heal +15, Knowledge (nature, planes) +13, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +17, Swim +18 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal, telepathy 100 ft. Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abaddon) Organization solitary or cult (1 plus 2-5 pairakas) Treasure standard Special Abilities Disease (Ex) Septic slough; claw—injury; save Fort DC 22; onset 1 round; frequency 1/day; effect 1d4 Str damage and 1d4 Con damage, a second save must be made immediately or 1 point of each is drain instead; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. Miasma (Su) All creatures within 60 feet of a bingil suffer a -2 penalty on all saving throws against curse, disease and poison effects. There is no save against this ability, but creatures protected by a protection from evil or similar magic are immune to this ability. Tongue (Ex/Su) A bingil’s tongue is a secondary natural attack that makes touch attacks. A creature struck by a bingil’s tongue takes 3d8+10 negative energy damage (Will save DC 19 halves). This cannot heal undead creatures, only damage the living. The save DC is Charisma based.
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4468
Jalsa, Mumbai               May-June 31/1,  2020            Sun/Mon 6:31 AM
Birthday - EF - Barun  .. Manish Ef .. Monday, June 1 .. greetings for happiness and joy and all the wishes for the birthday .. be safe and in precaution ..
Clarity .. it rules .. it gives strength for opinion and deed .. guides you towards a thinking that may have been stored somewhere in the depths , but never given reason or opportunity to step out and express itself .. 
It has its beginning in the smallest of features in the living .. an uncluttered desk where work is conducted .. that shelf filled with ages of collected material, now of realisation that most of it was never needed .. or if needed to be put away in some order .. disposal is a trauma .. what to keep what to let go .. 
Not just in that book shelf .. but in life too .. what needs to be let go, what needs to be disposed .. living breathing abstract planted decorated reserved unreserved .. all .. clear it .. make room for the better .. give the space that was unheard, unread, undeclared .. feel and see the difference .. allow difference to percolate those manufactured barriers .. we manufactured them, we shall dissolve them, we shall create the space that was warranted , needed .. 
Unknown to us .. but when done .. the realise .. gosh ! .. this is what was being missed out .. and so much time and life has been allowed permitted to pass ..
Do not close the doors barricaded by the elms of ulterior motive .. or limited motive .. or deliberate intent .. or unconcerned gesture .. your culture , your aesthetics have been depressed and weighed down by limited capacity or lack of knowledge of the ‘other’ permanent ..
Know then that nothing nowhere anywhere is permanent .. it shall pass, this too .. the light of the brightest sun shall never be witnessed until that ‘third eye’ be given the opening .. yes it is the opening of catastrophe .. of plunder and destruction .. of ‘pralay’ ( प्रलय ) .. the end .. the end of a world .. seemingly .. the opening a symbolic philosophy .. but one that shall bring in the adventure of change and the presence of ...
A troubled disposition gets limited vision .. better then to succumb to its whims than to fight to see beyond when you cannot .. allow it rest .. give it the required time to discover the ailment .. and it shall repair .. bring in the fine fettle ...  back in normalcy or the normalcy that is desired ..
Discover then the burden of despair that had weighed upon you .. how limited the sight for the ahead had been blurred ..
Impressions are impressions .. the word is formed by the ‘impress’ of ‘ions’ .. ions shall impress yes .. but you built them to perform .. so they stayed .. languished .. festered .. became purulent , a septic discharge , poisonous and destructive .. 
The need for the ‘biotic’ the biotique, the biōtikos .. a result from the living organisms .. to be fed with the ‘anti’ .. to rid the disease, the spread of the dread , the harvesting of the cultivated impurity ..
.. the AntiBiotic ..
Complete the course .. it generally is for the days of the hand extensions .. the elements that us survive on in its functioning - the fingers 5 .. 5 be the number of prescribed days for its completion .. 
.. 5 days in the lifetime !!!??
too long a period ..???!!!
you are not God .. you did not ‘build the World in a day’ .. 
.. so what is 5  ..
I was in forced slumber .. the thunder of awakening and lightening .. awakened me .. and I wrote ..
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... open the gates .. bring in the light ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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mcatmemoranda · 3 years
The Word catheter is a balloon that is placed in the Bartholin gland after I&D to allow continued drainage and re-epithelialization of a tract for future drainage.
The Bartholin glands are located bilaterally in the vulvar vestibule at approximately the four and eight o'clock positions with respect to the vaginal orifice (figure 1). Cysts and abscesses are the most common disorders of the Bartholin glands; benign tumors and carcinoma of the Bartholin gland are rare. (See 'Introduction' above.)
●Bartholin cysts are usually asymptomatic or mildly bothersome, whereas abscesses typically present with severe pain and swelling, and patients find it difficult or impossible to walk, sit, or have sexual intercourse. (See 'Clinical presentation' above.)
●The diagnosis of a Bartholin cyst or abscess is based on physical examination. Cysts are a nontender, soft mass in the posterior aspect of the vaginal introitus at the site of the Bartholin duct and gland. An abscess is a tender, warm, soft, or fluctuant mass; occasionally, erythema, edema, and pointing (opening with abscess at a point in the skin, often with purulent discharge) are present. (See 'Physical examination' above and 'Diagnosis' above.)
●Management of a Bartholin cyst or abscess is determined by size and the presence or absence of symptoms.
•Large masses (≥3 cm in diameter). Large cysts and abscesses are treated with incision and drainage (I&D) (algorithm 1). If purulent material is obtained, cultures should be obtained. (See 'Large mass (≥3 cm)' above.)
I&D is usually combined with an additional intervention (eg, Word catheter, marsupialization procedure) to allow continued drainage of abscess or cyst contents and re-epithelialization of the tract, which decreases the risk of recurrence. (See 'Word catheter or marsupialization' above.)
-We suggest Word catheter placement for patients with a first or second occurrence (Grade 2C). Latex allergy is a contraindication to Word catheter placement.
-We suggest marsupialization, rather than repeat Word catheter placement, for patients with a third occurrence (Grade 2C). While the efficacy is similar for Word catheter and marsupialization, marsupialization is a more invasive procedure that typically requires an operative setting.
•Small masses (<3 cm). Small abscesses and small symptomatic cysts are also treated with I&D. If the mass is too small for Word catheter placement, the patient should take sitz baths or apply warm compresses. Marsupialization is difficult to perform for small masses. (See 'Small mass (<3 cm)' above.)
•Small asymptomatic cysts (<3 cm) may be managed expectantly. Other options include sitz baths or warm compresses with the goal of eliciting drainage of the cyst contents and resolution of the mass. (See 'Cyst' above.)
●For most patients, we suggest an I&D alone rather than I&D with antibiotics (Grade 2B). However, for patients with a recurrent (≥2nd occurrence) Bartholin abscess, risk factors for a complicated infection (eg, pregnancy, immunocompromise, increased risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, extensive surrounding cellulitis), or signs of systemic infection, addition of antibiotics may be beneficial (table 3). (See 'Role of antibiotics' above and 'Antibiotic regimens' above.)
●Biopsy of a Bartholin mass is required if the following characteristics are present: solid component; cyst or abscess wall is fixed to surrounding tissue; mass is unresponsive or worsening, despite treatment; or patient is postmenopausal. Biopsy can be performed at the time of I&D, marsupialization, or gland excision (or biopsy is performed alone if other procedures are not planned). (See 'Biopsy' above.)
●Excision of the Bartholin gland is definitive therapy of cysts and abscesses, but it is associated with a high risk of hemorrhage and postoperative morbidity. Excision is typically performed if there is a recurrence after multiple attempts with a Word catheter or marsupialization or if there is a suspicion of Bartholin gland carcinoma.
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ioag · 4 years
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map of corruption
(material from purulent sinusitis in a horse; post-mortem examination; Gram staining)
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