#put them in a jar and shake it violently
claireverlasting · 11 months
Look, I like sweet fluffy healthy relationships as much as anyone else, but the fun thing about Patrochilles and Enjoltaire is that they’re so fucked up, that’s literally the point
Will I still reblog pretty fanart and read the modern/reincarnation au where everyone is happy? Sure, it’s good for the soul, but they are so much fun when they’re doing the whole Symbolism Thing, it’s fucking great please continue
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f1-birb · 1 month
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and they were roommates...
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titanus-jormungandr · 4 months
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my little giantess autistic princess :[ angrboda became one of my top 3 faves in gow norse era i just love her sm shes so relatable eughoroghro,,,,
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Locking Turbo and Bill Cipher in a room together and seeing what happens
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z3r0b1tch35 · 2 months
Kamaboka squad is autistic because I am and I say so.
Zenitsu gets overstimulated by just about every sound in the universe so you bet your sweet behind he is blaring music 25/8
Tanjiro cannot be near a store that has any type of scent to save his life everywhere he goes he’s mindful to stay away from soap stores
Inosuke canonly doesn’t wear shirts properly because they feel uncomfortable so all of his fabrics are a soft texture so he doesn’t start breaking everything in his room
Genya will not eat anything new unless he has had an amazing day and he’s heard good things about said food because the texture and taste of things would make him start punching things
Imagine all these dorks in one school class
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whisperingn1ghts · 6 months
What a bloody mess
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organs are hilarious
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alternative title: yo who took his lid off…
other things
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also this fucking thing I drew for a friend, context uneeded
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he cannot reach the pedals
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anotherferalrat · 6 months
One of my favorite flavors of bsd fics is (secretly?) established sskk with tragic, pining losers skk. Like sskk will be like damn, so young. Remember when we were like that?
And someone (probably chuuya) will be like stfu i know every single embarrassing thing you've ever done. You dumbasses were still severing limbs and stabbing each other at the point in your relationship where dazai and i were already at the teasing banter stage.
Dazai very conveniently appears to remind everyone that his coat is out of commission due to an angry chibi with a knife and a poorly timed joke at lunch<3
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vind3miat0r · 10 months
look guys theyre matching :( /pos
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lesbostomping · 1 year
some of y'all are taking the gay pirate comedy way too seriously, like those characters are not meant to be scrutinized and put into a box of 'good' or 'bad' based on your own moral sensibilities or whatever. they are ridiculous and irrational and arrogant and disturbingly violent because the whole show is messy and campy and that's what makes it funny. do y'all also watch mamma mia and start a discourse over donna's questionable life choices or the weird affair between tanya and that 20-something guy? live a little ffs
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kebriones · 7 months
Alcibiades actually told Socrates to shut up in the Symposium.
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dovelydraws · 1 year
Tell me abt your ocs 👁👁👁👁
oh GOD I have so many asldjfljk um!!!
I'll start with my dnd/pathfinder character Revun, since I've been posting about them a lot recently!! I'm no longer concerned about sharing spoilers because I got all my party members to block campaign spoilers hehe 💕
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^ Made this little icon of them for discord recently (he/they/she)
The backstory doc i originally handed to my GM was over 5k words long, (plus there's also been several nights of me rambling in their dms expanding on all the stuff I'd Already Written) so I'm gonna try my best to. condense this lmao
Revun's bio parents were both human; their mom made a deal with a daemon while she was pregnant to save her father's life from a severe illness that would have killed him, and as a consequence of that her child was born a tiefling.
The social stigma of having a tiefling child (everyone just immediately knows she made some kind of deal with a fiendish entity) became too much for them to handle, so their mom and grandfather chose to abandon them four years after they were born, and start a new life elsewhere where no one knew them. Revun spent the next seven years in an orphanage, until they ran away to go try and join a mercenary group that passed through town at one point.
Throughout Revun's life, they've been haunted by a spirit in the shape of a black wolf with gold eyes that match their own. It only appears when they are in the middle of having a near death experience- so far, that's been twice. The first was when they were 11, and they nearly froze/starved to death out in the woods after running away. The second was after a disagreement with their boss/somewhat father figure lead to him nearly killing them at 25.
While Revun never learned all the details of their mom's deal, they at least are somewhat aware that whatever she did saved their grandfather's life. They are convinced at this point that whatever happened must have created some sort of imbalance in the afterlife or something, and this wolf was expecting a new soul that day that never came. And now, it's stalking Revun waiting for them to drop dead, to take them as a replacement like some sort of debt collector. I'm unsure if this is actually the case since I decided to leave the details up to my GM, but this is what Revun believes and they are absolutely terrified of it.
Speaking of that mercenary group, they did take them in and save them that night, but it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Revun ended up spending the rest of their childhood in a pretty toxically masculine environment, and with an expectation placed on their shoulders to always follow orders and never try to argue, even if they may be uncomfortable or feel something was a bad idea.
A portion of the mercenary company was hired to act as bodyguards at a prestigious vineyard, of which had recently made some enemies with their business competition. Revun spent about a year and a half there, becoming very close friends with the winemaker's daughter, until the deal fell through and the company was offered more money to destroy the vineyard and kill the family/any workers on the property to make sure there were no witnesses. Revun nearly died getting their best friend to safety and trying to help any workers they could find, fighting against the only family they'd really had the chance to know.
They somehow managed to escape, and were found laying on the side of the road a couple miles away from the vineyard by some passing travelers, who were able to patch them up and drop them off at the next town. They'd been separated from everyone- their entire social safety net was gone, their worldview completely changed overnight. That was a Lot for them to handle, so they kind of just... Didn't.
They've decided to just try to move on, forget everything that happened and everyone that was ever important to them. Start a new life somewhere else. Don't think about it. Pretend it never happened.
All of this has ended up creating a guy with a lot of self loathing, abandonment issues, anxiety and paranoia, and a Very Stubborn "don't worry about it! :)" attitude.
I love them so much. They make me feel like this:
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distant-screaming · 2 years
Okay okay more Eclipse thoughts because they live in my head rent free!
So Ayan is a bad liar - not bad as in 'bad at lying' (that honor goes to Akk) but more that he never outright lies. Half truths, yes, or lies by omission - but I can't think of any moment in where Aye outright lies, especially to Akk.
On the other hand, Akk... lies a fair amount. Even something like going through Aye's bag and then pretending otherwise - it shows the contrast between their characters and environments and I love it so so much.
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Aye hasn't ever really had to lie - the consequences of his actions has never been huge + his family is supportive enough that he's able to freely admit his own thoughts and opinions. Plus, his personality also adds to that. Conversely, Akk has to lie all the time - the consequences of being honest at the wrong time are at a different level entirely. (For example, Akk's scholarship being put at risk after their fight, vs Aye... getting a disappointed look?) For Akk, being honest the way Aye is is a price he can't pay.
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Plus, there's another factor here in which Ayan is honest, yes - but he's secretive. He doesn't tell anyone about Uncle Dika, he keeps his cards close to his chest. And Akk is dishonest, but he wears everything on his sleeve - his thoughts are clear as day on his face all the time. (Plus, I don't think he necessarily goes out of his way to hide his involvement with the curse, either?) They're just so silly I love them (torments them endlessly) <3
Also there's a really fascinating thing in how Akk and Ayan interact with each other and how, by the end of the show, they're both so honest and open with each other but I don't have the time to write out the whole thing sjfoskfkf
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saturncoyote · 1 year
You sure do torment your guys huh
What type of creator would i be if i didn't ?
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Send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep. Send 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate. Send 👏 and what your muse will do to fluster mine. Tarhos -> Haru
Relationship Building | Accepting
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Send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep.
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Tarhos didn't usually talk in his sleep, his arms wrapped around the smaller mans waist pulling him closer to him, "Stay."
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Send 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate.
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Tarhos is always so amused every time Haru is affectionate to him. He's really so touch starved in both modern and main verse, it's hard for him to really even put it into words, because he just hasn't had that sort of connection with anyone since he was a child working the fields with his dad. And while he does get less and less surprised by how outwardly affectionate Haru is, he just grows to like it more.
That's his whatever they are. Someone who cares about him and wants to see him happy. Even if especially in modern Tarhos does have episodes where he just wants to be left alone and not be touched by anything, he'll always trust him.
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Send 👏 and what your muse will do to fluster mine.
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Tarhos will do a number of things to at least try to, whisper dirty things to him in languages he knows he can't understand. (Except in the bedroom, sometimes he just whispers their grocery list) Or he'll wrap his hands around his waist and tell him how beautiful he is, he'll call him maiden-like sometimes- OR he'll just touch his ass and thighs. He doesn't care.
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
abyss monarch has the nb slay, is basically an eldtrich terror, and is all around rad. 10/10
the dichotomy between their reagent era look and what they got going on now really makes it for me too... born to die world is a fuck
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